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Please note that NAMLAND TOWN AND REGIONALPLANNING &ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, on behalf of theownerofErf862,Arandis,intendstoapplytothe ArandisTownCouncilfor:


· Rezoning of Erf 862 , Arandis from single residentialdensity 1:300toGeneralbusiness with a'withbulkof 1

· Consent to commence development while the rezoningisbeingfinalized.

Erf862hassizeof632m²andcurrentlyzoned Single Residential, located Arandis Proper The area in whichtheerfislocatedispredominantlyresidentialas illustrated in the locality plans. The erf is 632 square meter in extent and zoned 'single residential with a densityof1:300.

The proposed new zoning will allow the owners to construct a total of accommodation units on the property.Access to the erf will be obtained from the existing entrance. Parking will be provided in accordancewiththerequirementsoftheArandisTown PlanningScheme.

Notethatthelocalityplanoftheerfliesforinspection on the Town Planning Notice Board at the Arandis TownCouncil

Further take note that any person objecting to the proposed use of land set out above may lodge such objection, together with the grounds therefore, with the Arandis Town Council and with the applicant in writingwithin14daysaftertheappearanceofthelast notice (final date for objections is Date 28 April 2023).


NamLand Town and Regional Planning & EnvironmentalManagementConsultants






Estate Notice

In the Estate of the late Hendrik Muisoor who died on 24 December2022and was residing at No 14 Omeg Street, Vineta, Swakopmund, Republic of Namibia.

Creditors and debtors of the above Estate are requested tolodgetheirclaims against the Estate or paytheirdebtstothe Estate at the undermentioned address with-in a period of 30 (Thirty) days as from date of publication of this advertisement.

Pieter Hamman

Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15Libertina AmathilaStreet POBox2148 Swakopmund

(Ref:PFH/ml/taMAT19249) ownschool,hostel,andworkshops forpeoplewithautismwhoarenot abletoworkinthestreamline.We haveabigerfinHageHeightsand want to build not only a school according to the requirements of an autistic school but also workshopsandahostel.Afewchildren manageto join traditionalschools aftertheyhavebeenattendingour school under professional help, however many do not manage the school. For those, we need to createworkshops,etc. The school can be visited with priorarrangements.”

On Tuesday and Wednesday this weektheschoolpromotedAutism Awareness in various media outlets and social media. On 12 April,SteppingStonewillhavea closeeventwithparentsandfrom 17to21Apriltheywillbehaving anAutismAwareness Exhibition at the Swakopmund Museum which is also open to the public. The public is also invited to support the school's Autism Awareness Stall at Super Spar Swakopmundon15and29April.

Forfurtherinformationonthe eventsoranyotherinformation regarding the school please contact Stepping Stone School Swakopmundat0811433896.

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