14 may namib times e-edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6913 FRIDAY 14 MAY 2021 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

“If tourism recovers many other sectors will follow automatically” Namibians must now do more than ever before to ensure Covid-19 pandemic does not regain momentum

Runaway truck causes havoc in Usakos.....again

Namibia has seen a noticeable increase in visitor numbers in recent weeks, both overseas visitors as well as South Africans. The coastal towns of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund is no exception, and a spirit of cautious optimism reins for the tourism and hospitality industry to recover from the economic slump brought about by the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic.

A truck slammed into stationary railway coaches at the Usakos railway station on Wednesday afternoon, following a brake failure as it approached the town from the direction of Swakopmund.

Several reports were received by Namib Times this week of visitor numbers visibly on the increase. Places like Solitaire which were rendered a ghost town as tourism disappeared since the first two Covid-19 cases are picking up. Earlier this week a Walvis Bay resident that travelled between Rosh Pinah and Walvis Bay on the C14 road counted fourteen tourist vehicles refuelling at Solitaire at once, and the restaurant/shop was also buzzing with activities. Both in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund many tourist vehicles are spotted and in restaurants and shops tourists are seen. “This is a matter of cautious optimism. Namibians more than ever now should Namibians redouble their commitment to stick to Covid-19 measures like social

distancing, wearing a mask, testing and isolating should they experience symptoms and most importantly to go and get vaccinated”, said a local tourism operator. “If your country's tourism sector is healthy then many other sectors of the economy are healthy. Tourists bring their money from overseas and spend it locally. That means bringing more money into circulation in the country than existing money in the country Namibians circulate among one another. It is almost like a foreign investment with rapid returns”, he added. He used these remarks to encourage Namibians on the broad spectrum to do more than ever before to keep up the momentum and gains the country had so far achieved against the Covid-19 pandemic”. “My message is general and should actually

be the message of every Namibian by now so it is not necessary that my name have to be connected to the statement”, he further said. Namibia now ranks 106 out of 222 countries globally when it comes to Covid-19 infections.

Continues on page 2

The road makes a steep downhill on the last five kilometres stretch towards the town’s western entrance. In the event of a brake failure, and missing the arresting pit that was constructed to stop runaway trucks, it is a matter of such heavy vehicle entering the town at break neck speed, down the main road over one intersection and then straight over the T-junction at the end of the main stream. The T-junction is right in front of the station, causing runaway heavy vehicles to collide with any object in its way. A vintage steam locomotive was the usual victim before it was moved. On Wednesday it was railway coaches.


Trails and tribulations of the residents of Welwitschia Old Age Home

Page 4

President Geingob congratulates Dr Nujoma on his 92nd birthday

Page 5

Mayor Forbes meets Amupanda

Page 6

“Sardine run” at Vierkantklip Members of the public flocked to Vierkantklip near Swakopmund on Wednesday to collect thousands of pilchards that were swimming inthe shallow water. Oxygen shortages deeper in the ocean usually result in oxygen-starved fish and other marine creatures to look up the shallow water.

Sports News Page 16


“If tourism recovers Continued from page 1 On Wednesday, according to statistics released by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, had 50 515 cumulative confirmed cases, from which 47 698 people recovered. That represents a recovery rate of 94 % A total of 576 people died of Covid-19 and a further 126 people succumbed to Covid-related medical problems. So far approximately 45 000 Namibians received their first doze of the Covid-19 vaccine and 2 700 people already received the second doze.

14 MAY 2021

Taxi hits cyclist

Seventy people left homeless after Tutaleni fire Seventy people were left homeless after a fire destroyed sixteen shacks and damaged another four at Kuisebmond's Tutaleni on Monday of this week. It is alleged the fire was caused by a candle that was left unattended. The fire soon spread to adjacent shacks. No injuries or fatalities were reported. The public living in informal settlements or informal housing are once again cautioned of the danger fires pose. Many residents use gas to cook, and candles and paraffin for light. The winter weather also prompts people to use open flames for warmth. Often these gas stoves, candles, lamps and heaters are left unattended and it could start deadly fires within minutes.

West Coast Safety initiative reported on social media, a cyclist sustained moderate injuries when he was struck by a taxi at Swakopmund on Tuesday. The cyclist was stabilised before being transported to the Swakopmund State Hospital. The taxi driver was apparently arrested for reckless negligent driving. It could however, not be confirmed at the time of going to press.

South African cannot stay Man killed at tug shop out of trouble with the law in curfew hours A 34-year-old man was arrested for murder after he stabbed and killed 25-year-old Vevangapi Kandjai in Swakopmund on Saturday (8 May 2021). A fight between the two men resulted in the murder. The suspect made a first appearance in the Swakopmund magistrates court of Swakopmund on Monday. The murder occurred in Swakopmund's Mondesa suburb at a tuckshop. It was during curfew hours. Kandjai was stabbed in the stomach and head and died in the Swakopmund state hospital due to the serious nature of his injuries. The owner of the tuckshop was arrested on charges of contravening public health regulations, gathering of people during curfew hours, selling alcohol after hours and selling alcohol without a liquor license.

A South African man who is in custody for attempted murder, housebreaking and contravening Namibia’ immigration laws is in renewed trouble and also almost caused the death on Tuesday of an innocent member of the public.

Lenard Pelley was on the run during April after he severely assaulted a Walvis Bay resident, broke into a residence to steal. He and a female companion was arrested after a manhunt of several days at the Oshikango border post. Pelley was brought to Walvis Bay under police guard to answer on the criminal charges against him. During his court appearance in the Walvis Bay magistrate’s court on Tuesday he requested to be taken to a nearby ATM in Sam Nujoma Avenue to withdraw money.

A police officer accompanied him. Pelley was not handcuffed. As they approached the ATM, Pelley started to run. The officer gave chase, drew his service pistol and fired a shot. Pelley was missed and instead a member of the public was wounded in the left upper arm. Pelley now faces an additional charge of escaping from lawful custody and an internal investigation has been launched by the Namibian Police into the conduct and actions by the police officer.

14 MAY 2021



Scammers pretending to own mining businesses Scammers pretending to own mining businesses are trying to scam suppliers of heavy equipment out of hundreds of thousands. The way these scammers work looks like normal business to the unsuspecting client. Suppliers who know how mines operate however, can smell a rat from far away. This was the case recently with a local supplier, when he was contacted through email by a person under the name of Johan pretending to represent Trekkopje Uranium Mine, requesting a quotation of a heavy-duty pump and an underground rock drill. His reason was their previous supplier could not stick to his commit-ment. The unsuspecting supplier finished the quotation and sent it back. Within a few days the supplier was contacted by the scammer, saying the quotation looks good and asked how fast the equipment will take to be delivered. Not long after, the supplier received an order

requesting to have the equipment delivered on 11 May 2021. It was here that the supplier who is up to standard with mining procedures started to feel uneasy. “Usually before an order is sent out, you first have to register as a vendor with a number”, the supplier told the Namib Times. The procurement department of Orano Mining was contacted and it was confirmed there is no tenders out and they know of nothing. After speaking to Orano mine the supplier contacted the scammer and told him to stop with what he is busy with. After this, communication went quiet.

Locusts destroying plants and trees at Langstrand Several residents at Langstrand have reported in recent weeks how swarms of locusts systematically invaded gardens and public open spaces, destroying plants and trees. Several regions in Namibia is currently overwhelmed by locust swarms destroying grazing and crops. The locusts disappeared for a while but has now returned with the east weather, residents report. Pictures herewith shows the damage done to even the palm trees.

An purchase created by a scammer pretending to be the procurement officer of the Trekkopje Uranium Mine. In this case the businessman detected all is not well. He soon discovered had he not noticed a discrepancy on the “purchase order”, he would have suffered great losses


14 MAY 2021

Trails and tribulations of the residents of Welwitschia Old Age Home Eileen van der Schyff

Residents of the Welwitschia Old Age Home in Swakopmund, managed by the Ministry of Health and Social Services, are fed up with living in unhygienic living conditions brought on by the failure of the maintenance of the sewage system on the premises. Ruptured potable water pipes, both the main line and supply lines to the living units as well as frequently blocked sewer lines is an everyday occurrence at this old age home. Sewage water pushing up at units creates unhygienic conditions, is an eyesore for residents and visitors alike and the stench can become unbearable. Sewage pushes up through drains, toilets and showers. It flooded parts of the units before, and residents lives in constant fear it can occur at any moment. Every time a toilet is flushed, a sink or shower is used, a messy cocktail is created of grey water, sewer water and chemicals. With the sewer system not functioning correctly, it overflows on the premises instead of entering the main sewer lines to the municipality's waste water plant. Lower lying areas of the premises receive the worst part of this problem. Pleas of help to solve the problem have been falling on deaf ears. Simultaneously, contractors have their hands full with pumping out sewage at different locations in and around Swakopmund. To make matters worse, several underground waterpipe leaks adds more water to the problem. There is one particular potable water pipe that ruptured so badly it overflows the already

flooded sewer system. “Where in the past, it was only needed to pump out the system once a week, it is now needed on a daily basis. The problem is no one attends to this”, one resident explained to the Namib Times. Adding: “we don't know who to turn to anymore. No one seems to care about this. We are crying out to be heard”, explained another resident. Maintenance in general is also lacking. “We have to attend to the upkeeping of the garden ourselves. Our once beautiful gardens are slowly fading. The place is going backward. We can not keep up with everything on our own”, it was said.

14 MAY 2021



President Geingob congratulates Dr Nujoma on his 92nd birthday Namibia's Founding President and Father of the Namibian Nation, Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, celebrated his 92nd birthday on Wednesday. Namibia's current Head of State, Dr Hage Geingob, sent Dr. Nujoma a congratulatory message. The message read as follows: “The history of tribute to this towering figure who dedicated his Namibia is defined by the fight against colonial life to the cause of freedom and the development oppression, racism, and tyranny. Under the of an independent Namibia. As we celebrate the visionary leadership of Founding President and birthday of this extraordinary Namibian, we are Father of the Namibian Nation, Comrade Sam reminded of the values of hard work, solidarity, Shafiishuna Nujoma, independence was achie- and commitment towards realising prosperity for ved after a bitter struggle and Namibia embar- all in the second phase of our struggle. ked on a path of sustained peace, reconciliation, In retirement, and specifically, during this difficult period of Covid-19, Comrade Nujoma and development. Our independence would not have been has continued to show exemplary commitment to possible without Comrade Nujoma spear- the work of the SWAPO Party-led Government in heading the mobilization of Namibians from all building a better Namibia by always being availwalks of life in a unified cause, fighting against able when we call on him for advice. the injustices of colonial oppression. At inde- On behalf of the people of the Republic of Namipendence, on 21 March 1990, Comrade Nujoma bia and the Namibian Government, I wish Cominvested with utmost devotion his energies rade Sam S Nujoma continued good health and a towards developing a free nation. It is a task happy birthday. Comrade Nujoma performed admirably until Long live the Father of the Namibian Revolution! Long live the icon of our Liberation Struggle! 2005. Today, we celebrate another birthday of our Happy 92nd Birthday Comrade Sam Shafiishuna icon, a true hero and the epitome of the ideals of Nujoma!” (Pictures herewith are from The our struggle and sacrifice. On this day, we pay Namibian and Travelnews Namibia respectively).

Dr Nujoma

Apart from President Geingob’s congratulatory messages, former Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba (right) also issued a congratulatory message


14 MAY 2021

Mayor Forbes meets Amupanda Walvis Bay Mayor His Worship Trevino Forbes recently paid a courtesy call on Windhoek Mayor Dr Job S Amupanda. Dr Amupanda told Cllr Forbes that the City has made a decision to re-join the Association of Local Authorities in Namibia (ALAN) in order to work collectively with other local authorities in the country. He said the City

will pay its membership to the Association this month in order to activate its membership. The City of Windhoek and the Town of Walvis Bay signed an Agreement of Cooperation in 2002 but has expired in 2007. Dr Amupanda has

therefore called on the two parties to commit themselves to renewing this agreement. Dr Amupanda also briefed his counterpart on the recently approved Windhoek Economic Recovery Initiative #WERI which calls for brilliant ideas that will

City of Windhoek Acting CEO George Mayumbelo, Walvis Bay Mayor His Worship Trevino Forbes, Windhoek Mayor Dr Job S Amupanda and Windhoek Deputy Mayor Clemencia Hanases. Photo contributed

stimulate the City's economy and create employment. The City is in the process of drafting the expression of interest for the#WERI. Mayor Forbes said

t h a t Wa l v i s B a y Municipality also has a similar initiative whereby they hold informal Tuesday meetings where residents are called to present their ideas and

the Council choose the best ideas for implementation. Dr Amupandasaid “In His Worship Mayor Trevino Forbes the people of Walvis Bay have a servant leader with a brilliant mind

and one of the leaders our country needs to move forward.” “With him as mayor the future of the Namibian harbour town will be bright” Dr Amupanda concluded.

14 MAY 2021



An opportunity to become an entrepreneur Rudi Bowe

Swakopmund needs a paradigm shift from job seeking to creating jobs instead. That was the opinion of the municipality of Swakopmund's CEO, Mr. Alfeus Benjamin, at the recent launch of the “Be Your Own Boss” Competition. The Competition aims to select ten people to undergo a one-year training program at the Entrepreneurs Factory that was created for this purpose by The Dome Swakopmund. The Dome Swakopmund and the municipality of Swakopmund joined forces to host this competition. The municipality also pledged N$530 000 for this purpose, under the auspices of the local authority' Youth Entrepreneur Empowerment Program. People who are eighteen years and older, are residents of Swakopmund, proficient in English, basic computer literacy and have permanent access to a smart phone are en-

couraged to enter the competition as hopefuls to be selected among the ten to undergo the entrepreneurs training. To enter the competition, you need to download the Buddy app on your cell phone. Entries op on 28 May and closes on 4 June. The ten winners will be announced on 18 June. On 1 June the training program kicks off. The Swakopmund Municipality support of the Be Your Own Boss Competition is testimonial of the local authority's commitment and dedication to improve the livelihoods of young adults of Swakopmund. That is also our small part in the bigger fight for the economic emancipation of Namibia through business development”, Cllr Kativa said at the

launch. Adding the time is now for the private sector to take the lead, diversify, innovate and develop an economy which is less dependent on Government spending”. The mayor further explained business development will recreate current supply chains to empower Namibians to produce what they consume. The Chief Executive Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality Mr. Alfeus Benjamin said training of entrepreneurs is no new concept. Introducing a real-life program in the form of an Entrepreneurs Factory provides tools to create new businesses for Swakopmund. New businesses create new jobs, and creates spending power for the local economy to thrive.

At the launch: the Deputy Mayor, Cllr David Am-!Gabeb, The Chief Executive Officer of The Dome Swakopmund, Mr Fanus Engelbrecht, the Mayor Cllr Louisa Kativ, Cllr Claus Goldbeck and the CEO of the Swakopmund Municipality, Mr Alfeus Benjamin The Chief Executive Officer of The Dome Swakopmund, Mr Fanus Engelbrecht says the program will create “ready to do business entrepreneurs” from this group of ten to be selected. Not only mental and

emotional readiness but hands on training in supply chain management and business management. Adding the program is based on a coaching/ mentoring approach and will the participants to think outside

the box and create value in both their personal- and business lives. The mentor at Entrepreneurs Factory, Mr Ettienne Raymond, believes this project will become the blueprint to expand the

concept countrywide. If the community can test itself as entrepreneurs and distributors countryside, it would lead to an economicand social reinvention of the nation within five years, according to Raymond.


14 MAY 2021

Laundry machines for state hospital Emeritus Fishing last week Friday donated brand new laundry machines valued at N$1,060,074.81 million to the Walvis Bay State Hospital. The machinery that includes three high spin selfheating industrial washing machines, three industrial tumble dryers, two roller flatwork ironers and four ironing tables with professional irons will reduce the turnaround time of all the laundry at the hospital. Minister of Health and Social Services Dr Kalumbi Shangula said at the of the laundry machines, that in the past, laundry was sent to Windhoek as the machines at the hospital were outdated and impossible to repair. Shangula said “These laundry machines could not have come at a better time as the whole world, Walvis Bay included, is battling the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“These machines will be a great help as the majority of the linen no longer has to be sent elsewhere for washing. This does not only alleviate the laundry burden at this facility but also reduces the cost that the government has been spending on private laundries” the minister explained. “I am urging the staff members of the ministry of health particularly those who are going to directly work with these machines to take advantage of these equipment, take good care of it and ensure that we do not shorten its lifespan but to continue using it for the current and the distant future” Shangula said. Minister Shangula expressed his appreciation for the donation and the business community's handling of the pandemic.

Walvis Bay mayor Trevino Forbes, Minister of Health and Social Services Dr Kalumbi Shangula, the Chief Executive Officer of Emeritus Fishing José Bastos and Governor of Erongo Region Honourable Neville André Itope in front of the new laundry machines at the Walvis Bay State Hospital. Photo contributed

NOTICES NOTICES NOTICES ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Ursula Luise Papenheim Id no: 360216 1003 2, of 4 Topaas Street, Vineta, Swakopmund, who died on 8 July 2015 and who was married out of community of property. Master’s Ref: E1960/2020 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST & FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS Agent of the Executor c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AV EST 211/ 0001-50)

14 MAY 2021


Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Slips Trading Enterprises CC, P O Box 1484, Swakopmund. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Slips Trading Enterprises CC. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Shell Dolphin Beach 3 Damara Tern, Dolphin Beach, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor Licence Restaurant & any related business thereto. 5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 18 May 2021. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 14 July 2021. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.





14 MAY 2021

VACANCIES & NOTICES VACANCIES & NOTICES VACANCIES & NOTICES VACANCIES & NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF BUSINESS Take notice that Oliver Perry Doberentz and Barbara Luzia Doberentz t/a Kolibri intends to alienate and dispose of their business Kolibi, carried on at No. 15 Hoogenhout Street, Swakmund to and in favour of Kolibri Hospitality Industry Consulting Services cc, who shall carry on the business for its own account at the aforesaid premises, and this publication shall serve as due notice having been given in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act. No 24 of 1936. Dated at Swakopmund on this 5th day of May 2021. Kingborn Associates Legal Practitioners Haus Altona, 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street, P.O. Box 1455, Swakpmund

NOTICE OF THE CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Pre-School and Day Care Centre ON ERF/ERVEN NO: 3308 TOWNSHIP/ SUBURB: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Ohanda Street. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Pre-School and Day Care Centre. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 4 June 2021. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Ms P K Mwita, P O Box 650, Walvis Bay email: mwitapau@gmail.com

14 MAY 2021



MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Hawks Pub & Grill, PO Box 4663, Swakopmund. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Hawks Pub & Grill 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf no. 3995, Einstein Street, Swakopmund 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor License 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrates Court of Swakopmund 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 19 May 2021 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 14 July 2021 Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.


NOTICE OF THE CONSENT APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Consultancy ON ERF NO: 988 TOWNSHIP/AREA: CBD (Walvis Bay) STREET NAME & NO: Theo Ben Gurirab 42. In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Consultancy. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 4 June 2021. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Jeanine de Jager, P O Box 5192, Walvis Bay email: jeaninedejager6@gmail.com



14 MAY 2021

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PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE 1. Elizenheim The Hills: two bedroom duplex flat, open plan kitchen-diningliving room one bathroom, one parking bay. Asking N$990,000.00. 2.Swakopmund CBD, Stadt Mitte: onebedroom furnished flat overlooking the town with partial sea view Asking N$ 970,000.00. 3.Swakopmund Mile 4, Silver Sands: two-bedroom furnished flat, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen-diningliving-BBQ area with sea view. Two garages. Asking N$1.2mil. 4.LongBeach, Praia Longa: two-bedroom furnished flat, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen-dining-livingBBQ area, and balcony. Views on the ocean & dunes. Single garage. Asking N$890,000.00. 5. LongBeach: new modern sea front home with stunning views offering three bedrooms, three bathrooms, open plan kitchen-dining-BBQ, double garage and much more. Asking N$3.98mil. 6. Kunene Region, Kamanjab District: Farm 4,991ha within a Mopani Area. Utilized for large & small stock and/or game farming. Well developed with beautiful scenery. Waiver intact. Asking N$9.8mil. 7.!Karas Region, Bethani District: Farm 10615ha registered in a Close Corporation. Located within formidable Mountain Area about midway between Aus and Keetmanshoop. Well developed with significant potential towards guest & game farming. Waiver shall be secured by owner. Asking N$13.8mil. Interested Kindly call Koos 081 293 2073 FOR SALE: reduced to go two bedroom house for sale in Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. N$ 450 000.00 Contact: 081 124 4700 Property For Sale: NARRAVILLE Neat 3 Bedroom House Kitchen, Lounge Bathroom, BIC Single Garage Prepaid Electricity Municipal approved plans for flat N$990 000 Contact: 081 221 4774

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: 2 Bedroom Apartment. Walvis Bay (Central) Next to Schools in Simon Luanda Street. Small Pet(s) allowed. N$6,500 p.m. + N$1,500 p.m. W&E and G4S 2 Bathrooms (En Suite), Tandem garage (2 cars), Loft for kids/storage, Small garden area. Indoor braai. 1 Month deposit. Contact Alwyn: 081 292 9311

TO RENT: Newly built bachelor float to rent in Tamariskia N$ 3300.00 p/m + deposit N$ 1500.00 One bedroom, BIC, separate shower and open plan kitchen. Water is Included with prepaid electricity. open space parking Maximum two people available 1 June Contact: 081 141 2447 / 081 425 3416 TO RENT: Tamariskia, OB David Properties Erf 1015 01 June 2021 Main bedroom with en-suite bathroom 3 Bedroom with own bathroom and toilet Single Garage. Water excluded, Prepaid electricity. N$ 6000.00 (Neg) Contact: Martin – 081 847 7448 Tanya – 081 235 9835 Waldo - 081 222 8784 TO RENT: WVB Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma 214 modern 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, dining room Big courtyard at the back Garage. Dishwasher, blinds, G4S and water included. Pre paid electricity. Quiet safe complex N$ 6 100.00 p/m Deposit payable over 2 months. Available 1 Feb 2021 No pets, No agents Contact Frank/Hannah 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Narraville 1x bedroom flat open plan kitchen Toilet Built in cupboards in bedroom. No garage W/E incl. Available immediately Contact: 081450 7439 081 220 5705


14 MAY 2021


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Hermes Inside room & outside room available N$ 2 000.00 p/m each W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419 TO RENT: Kuisebmond 4 bedroom house N$ 7 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 422 6419 TO LET 1.LongBeach, Praia Longa Appartments: two-bedroom furnished flat, balcony, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen-diningliving-BBQ area. Views on the ocean & dunes. Single garage. Asking N$5,500.00 p/m plus water and pre-paid electricity. 2.Swakopmund CBD, Seeblick Apartments: sea view one-bedroom modern flat with open plan kitchen-dining-lounge, scullery, study, full bathroom, and single garage. Asking N$6,000.00 per month plus water and pre-paid electricity. Interested kindly call Koos 081 293 2073.

To Rent: Fairways Immediate Available One bedroom open plan flat with BIC, gas stove & Garage Water included, Electricity excluded N$ 4,500.00 p/m & Deposit N$ 4,500.00 Negotiable Contact 081 556 7638

TO RENT: Centre of Swakopmund Modern upmarket fully furnished/applianced 2 bedroom flat for long term rent. Large open plan kitchen, dining-room, lounge combo. Includes fireplace and underfloor heating. 1 full bathroom + guest toilet. North/west facing Veranda with braai. Long garage with electric gate Building looked after by Haus Lüderitz body corporate- included in rent 10 000/month negotiable 081-124 0375 nick@nicksracing.com TO RENT: Narraville, Wa l v i s b a y c l o s e t o WoermannBrock 1xBedroom double storey flats with open plan kitchen with build-in Cupboards and gas stove & bottle, Pre-paid electricity, water included, available for rent from 01st June 2021 N$ 3700.00 and Deposit N$ 1800.00 once off. For viewing contact Gloria or Rauna @ 081 211 3284/ 081 145 8533/ 081 357 4262, no garage but space vehicle To Rent: Secure 1 bedroom flat, BIC's, Open plan kitchen, outside braai, + Garage N$4200.00 p/month Water Included prepaid electricity excl. Walvis Bay Fairways. Available Immediately. Contact 081 333 5230 TO RENT: 1x Bedroom flat in Narraville, an open plan kitchen, and built-in cupboards in the bedroom. No garage. N$ 2 900.00 p/m Deposit negotiable W&L included. Available immediately. 0814507439 and 0812205705 House for rent in Narraville – Walvis Bay Offering 3 bedrooms (BIC) The main bedroom offers an en-suite Family bathroom Kitchen (BIC + BIS) Lounge/sitting room Interlocked yard Outside braai Double garage Prepaid electricity Water included Installed Alarm system (not activated) Rent: N$8700 Refundable Deposit: N$8700 – payable in 3 instalments Available: 01 June 2021 Contact: Mr. Lucas 0813674338

MTE PROPERTIES To Let Mondesa- Desertflats One room with open plan available. It has a small kitchen, inside toilet and shower. Price: N$ 2100 (Water and electricity included) Contact: 0814554176 To Let Garage Swakopmund A single garage at Toscana complex available for rent. In a secure area in town. Price: N$ 600 per month Contact: 0814554176 TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge, bathroom Prepaid electricity Water excl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit negotiable Contact: 081 439 2663

WANTED BEST CASH PRICES PAID ON THE SPOT FOR ALL KINDS OF YOUR GOLD RINGS BANGLES, CHAINS COINS, ETC EVEN FOR THE BROKEN ONES WE ALSO BUY CUT DIAMONDS Please visit DESERT JEWELER & CURIOS Prior calls are essential Cell: 081 408 1550 We have moved to 85 Hage Geingob str Walvis Bay OPPOSITE International School of Walvis Bay *** If you don’t want to sell your items, YOU CAN PAWN your gold and diamond jewellery or even a car CAR WANTED TO BUY: I am looking for a Toyota Etios hatchback to buy, must be in good condition, 1.5 litre, model from 2014. Price: N$ 70 000.00 less Contact: 081 570 8133

CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

JOB WANTED: I am a 28 year old lady looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 694 5391

JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old lady looking for work. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 483 9049

The SFC Sport Club, Swakopmund got the following vacancy:

Sports Coordinator

VACANCY: Walvis Bay Part time accounting services required. applicant should have practise number. If interested send cv to vanookatamkbo@gmail. com VAKATURE: Carwash personeel met ondervinding gesoek in Swakopmund (Platz Am Meer). Kontak: 081 245 6116 VACANCY: Sales Assistant Honest Computer literate Work under pressure Vibrant Namibian citizen Fluent in English and Afrikaans References required Please forward cvs to: The Manager P.O. Box 4032 Walvis Bay VACANCY: Qualified, full time Biokineticist needed at The Training Shack Peak Performance, Swakopmund. Please call 081 211 9096 or email tts.nam@gmail.com to apply.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE AFRICAN LEATHER CREATIONS: SPECIALS ON VELDSKOENE Come to our factory shop for footwear and see!!! Next to Karakulia, Swakopmund. Tel: 064 402 633


WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 39 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk of enige ander werk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 618 1204


For our Youth Soccer Academy ·Must have Qualifications in Marketing / Media · Be German speaking · Act as Fundraiser in Germany · Act entrepreneurially Applications / CV to be send to secretary@sfc.com.na


JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old lady looking for domestic work for 3 days per week or office cleaning work in Swakopmund or Long Beach, I can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 767 1852 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 45 jarige vrou wat huiswerk soek of kantoor skoonmaak werk in Swakopmund, ek het baie jare se ondervinding en kan enige dag begin. Kontak: 081 865 3395 WERK GESOEK: ‘n 43 jarige vrou is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund, ek het ondervinding van bejaardes of kinders wat spesiale behoeftes het wat aandag benodig, ek het basiese verpleegsorg, bejaardesorg en basiese noodhulp-sertifikaat. Skakel: 081 655 0751 JOB WANTED: Nancy is a kind, friendly and hardworking 22 year old lady, urgently looking for cashiering or babysitting work in Swakopmund. I can work under pressure and can start immediately. Contact: 081 646 3558 / 081 855 8318 WERK GESOEK: Jessica is ‘n 44 jarige vrou wat dringend 2 dae se huiswerk of stryk werk benodig (Woensdae en Donderdae) in Swakopmund of Langstrand, kan enige dag begin. kontak: 081 445 8196 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 29 jarige dame is opsoek na skoonmaak werk, kinders oppas. Ek het 4 jaar ondervinding in huishulp, ek is eerlik en bertroubaar. Ek kan baie mooi afrikaans en engels skryf en lees. Opsoek na werk in Lagooon, Meersig, Fairways of Langstrand. Ek kan baie netjies was en stryk. Enige iemand wat bereid is ek is baie netjies. Kontak: 081 254 6097



JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old lady looking for domestic work. I have experience for many years. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Contact: 081 480 9586 JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old looking for domestic work, cleaning, ironing and all housework. I have 12 years experience. I am Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 662 4053




JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for domestic work. I have 5 years experience. Contact: 081 351 5368 JOB WANTED: A 30 year old lady looking for part time or full time work as an accounts assistant. I have a few years experience and knowledge in Pastel Accounting (Partners & evolution). I am hardworking lady and I have what it takes to succeed. Contact: 081 614 2034 JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 279 2772 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 23 jarige dame opsoek na skoonmaak werk, kinders oppas, bejaardes omsien. Ek is baie hardwerkend, betroubaar en altyd op tyd by werk. Ek soek 2 / 3 dae of 5 dae ‘n week. In Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 699 6538 JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old lady looking for any kind of work, cleaning, shop assistant or day care. I am ready to start anytime. I have a certificate of Community Health Education and also completed civic training at National Youth Services. Walvis Bay, Langstrand, Narraville. Contact: 081 432 3781


HOUSE FOR RENT IN HERMIS, W/BAY Near Dunes Mall AVAILABLE: Bedrooms (3) Double garage - electric Separate kitchen Indoor braai Build in stove 2 bathrooms Guest toilet Pre-payment meter All for N$ 8 500.00 Alarm g4s monitored INTERESTED CONTACT: 0813592615

Walvis Bay: TO RENT: TWO BEDROOM FLAT Quiet and secure in complex. NEAT and sunny two bedroom with both en-suite bathrooms. Lots of cupboards, open plan sitting room & kitchen. Big outside braai. Remote door for single garage. Alarm. Prepaid electricity. Sorry – No pets. N$ 6500.00 p/m plus deposit No municipal water deposit. Available Immediately. Cell: 081 250 4694.



TO RENT: House nr 2298, Viringa street, Seapoint Kuisebmond Two rooms to let N$ 1 600.00 p/m (small room) N$ 1 800.00 p/m (big room) W/E incl. Ceilings and tiles Contact: 081 285 9342

TO LET Swakopmund Old Industrial Area: WORKSHOP: 219m², office, alarm, 3 Phase electricity, deposit payable. N$9 000.00 excl. VAT OFFICE: 110m², 3 offices, kitchenette, bathroom, 2 toilets, prepaid electricity, alarm, deposit payable. N$6 000.00 excl. VAT Tel: 0855 800 700 / 081 277 7454


Namib Times

TO RENT: Narraville 2 bedroom apartment in semi complex, courtyard and braai area with garage. Prepaid electricity. Water included. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 4 500.00 payable 2 - 3 months Contact: 081 396 9360 081 779 8355


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite

TO RENT: Outside room NHE 5311 Kinshasha street, Kuisebmond W/E incl. kitchen and shared toilet N$ 2 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 278 4239 081 449 4917


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


14 MAY 2021


NOTICES NOTICES MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal

address of applicant: Garbade, 18 Berg Street, Swakopmund. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Swakopmund Beach Garden. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: 18 Berg Street, Swakopmund. 4. Nature and details of application: Self Catering / Bed & Breakfast/Pension/ Boutique Hotel / Events/Bar 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged:

Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 19 May 2021 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 14 July 2021 Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

14 MAY 2021



Visions Consulting won squash Business league Rudi Bowe

Visions Consulting are the winners of the squash Business league hosted by the SFC squash Club from the 31February to 7 May in Swakopmund. With only four teams entered for the league it was still a big success. The four businesses that entered teams were Visions Consulting, WB Hardware, Swakopmund Electrical Supplies and Kesla Kitchens. After the first round scores the competition was fierce with only 3 points separating the top teams at the final that was played on Friday,7 May. The SFC management and players of the Squash club are extremely grateful for all the sponsors and teams that made the event possible.

The SFC Squash Club with Visions Consulting as their main sponsor will host the Namibian National Squash Championships from 4 to 6 June at their squash venue in Swakopmund. The SFC Squash Club's Management and players are looking forward to this great event where players will be playing for the National Title. Final positions of the business league are 1. Visions Consulting, 2. Swakopmund Electrical Supplies, 3. WB Hardware, 4. Kesla Kitchens.

FNB Kudu Bokkies môre in aksie Die FNB Kudu Bokkies draf môre vir die eerste keer die jaar op hul tuisveld uit wanneer hulle om 13:00 teen die vroue span van FNB Rehoboth in die NRU se vroue rugby liga testaan kom op die Jan Wilken Stadium in Walvisbaai. Die Bokkies wat hul eerste liga wedstsryd teen die Husheys van Okahandja met 17-10 gewen het sal die wen momentum wil behou. Môre gaan ‘n baie opwindende wedstryd wees wanneer Nessie Jansen die span gaan aanvoer terwyl Anthea Schoombe die leisel voorlangs gaan vashou. Die Bokkies beskik oor ‘n talentvolle agterlyn met heelagter Ruby Cloete die senter paar Nessie Jansen en Shaney Kearns, losskakel Merilees Govender en Robyn Andrews op skrum-skakel mag dalk net te veel wees vir die vrouens van Rehoboth. Lionel Müller die afrigter van die FNB Kudu Bokkies is vol vertroue dat die Bokkies môre die knoop sal deurhak. Die span bestuurder Valerie Stevens is baie te vrede met die spelers se opkoms en die feit dat hulle hul als gee op die oefen veld en is vol vertroue dat die span ‘n groot sukses van vroue rugby gaan maak.

Top of the log clash Rudi Bowe

The MTC Netball Premier League games will continue tomorrow Saturday 15 May as the Namibian Navy Netball team will host Tigers Netball Club from Windhoek at 14:00 at the Kuisebmund Municipality Netball Courts in Walvis Bay. Both teams played two games and won two, both teams will be at their best to pull this one true to be on top of the log. The coach of the Navy Netball team Jacki Katuo said that she and her players are not threatened with the fact that Tigers have most of the National Netball players in their team. We will just play our game do our best to be victorious not to disappoint our fans. Over the past weekend the Erongo Netball league kicked off with games that were played at the Kuisebmond Netball courts. The first games, Swakopmund NC beat Maxulili NS 30-25, Blue Waters beat NDF NC 43-27 and Eleven Arrows won their games against Tunacor 38-18. The next games will be played on 22 May.

The Namibian Navy Netball team

The winners are front from Left to right Lientjie Koekemoer, Nik Botha, Ole Steinstrater and in the back row from Left to Right Heinz Ahrens, Werner Van Riet , Wilko Aschenborn, Rudi Koekemoer


14 MAY 2021

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Its derby time AWEH Rudi Bowe

Tomorrow at 12:00 will be the first coastal derby as the two football giants from Walvis Bay, Eleven Arrows FC and Blue Waters FC will clash in the round of 32 in the MTC NFA Cup AWEH at the Sam Nujoma stadium in Windhoek. It will be the first time that these two coastal football giants will play against each other since the 2017/2018 league season. The last time they met, Eleven Arrows walked away with the bragging rights in the harbour town. The other two coastal teams that are in the round of 32 are the Multi-Racial Western Spurs from Narraville and Swakopmund FC. Both teams made history as they qualified for the first time for the NFA Cup round of 32 by winning their respective divisions. Western Spurs will play against Kangweru Black Tops the runners up from the North East region at 12:00 on Sunday 16 May at the Omulunga Stadium in Grootfontein whilst Swakopmund FC will clash against Ohangwena Nampol FC at 09:00 on Sunday 16 May at the Oscar Norich Stadium in Tsumeb. According to the coaches of the four coastal football teams that Swakopmund FC will be in action at the MTC NFA Cup AWEH, the teams are ready and well prepared and will do their best to go to the next round. Western Spurs and Swakopmund FC will make history on Sunday as they will for the first time in the NFA cup's round of 32. It's also the first time that four teams from the Erongo region will play in the round of 32. The coaches said that they do have respect for their opponents and do not undermine them as a team but they believe in the capacity of their players.

Western Spurs from Narraville

Fistball Indoor tournament CFC defended the indoor cup despite suffering a defeat in the group stage at the Indoor fistball tournament 2021 held last weekend at the SFC in Swakopmund.

Tsovitso Moepa from Eleven Arrows and Blue Waters assistant coach Armando Pedro

Six teams competed against each other in 2 groups. In the first match of Group A SKW surprisingly defeated CFC with 5 points and beat SFC 3 to secure top spot in the group. CFC wrestled SFC 3 down so that the blue-andwhites qualified second for the semi-finals. In Group B SFC 1, Farmer FC and SFC 2 faced each other. The hosts' first team won both games. The farmers narrowly defeated SFC 2 and moved into the semi-finals as second in the group. SKW left nothing to chance against the farmers in the semi-finals and won without any problems. The defending champion, CFC, also won the semi-final encounter clearly against the hopeful fistball players from the coast. The farmers lost the game for 3rd place against SFC 1 with 1:2.

In the final, CFC took the reins straight away and dominated the first set. The one-sided set ended 11:5. In the second set, the Coheners build up play continued to be perfect, thus the second set ended 11:6 in favour of the Coheners. It was only in the 3rd set that the green-whites competed and even had a set ball at the score 10:9. Nevertheless, the experienced CFC team refused SKW the set and ultimately won with 10:12 thus revenged the defeat in the preliminary round. The 3rd league round will take place on 12 June in Swakopmund. Place 1. CFC 2. SKW 3. SFC 1 4. Farmer FC 5. SFC 3 6. SFC 2

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