16 aug namib times e-edition

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Erongo on Course to Tourism Recovery


Increase in tourism arrivals

According to Ms Annet Kotting, a member of the Erongo RegionalTourismForum,theoveralloutlookfortourismin theErongoRegionisoptimistic.

This was her observationatapressconferenceattheGovernor's office in Swakopmund on Wednesday,wheremembers of the Erongo media were updated on the tourism performance in the Re-

gion Ms Kotting notedthatafterthedevastatingimpactofthe COVID-19 pandemic on global tourism, the Namibian Governmenthasputtogethera roadmap which is the NamibiaTourismSector Recovery Plan

(2022–2024)toaidthe recoveryprocessofthe sector Thefactthatthe tourism sector in the Erongo Region has recordedanincreaseof 60%inthefirstquarter of the year in terms of rooms occupancy rate,

Continues on page 2

Neonatal ICU Nears Completion

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) constructed at a costofN$26millionattheSwakopmundDistrictHospitalis expectedtobecompletedbeforetheendofthisyear.

The Ministry of Health and Social Services,afterrecognisingtheneed for Neonatal ICU to serve not only Swakopmund, but also nearby towns in the Erongo region, awarded the million-dollar tender to ShattyConstructionin2020. However, the tender had to be cancelled,asShattyConstructiondelay the construction and thus failed to completethemuch-neededtheNeonatal ICU at the coastal town. The tender for the construction of the ICU,whichwillhavea28-bedcapacity divided into 12 standard care beds, six high-care beds, six intensive care unit (ICU) beds and four

Continues on page 2

Walvis Bay airport shows 62% recovery rate

TheErongoRegionhasbecomehometothesecondlargestInternationalAirport in the country, second to Hosea Kutako InternationalAirportinWindhoek.

According to statistics, the Walvis Bay International Airport saw a total of 79 763 passengers either departing from or arriving in the Erongo region via the Airport for 2023. This represents a notable increaseintouristtraffic, with a rise from 2.2% to 8.9% in passenger statistics, compared to pre-COVID levels, indicating a recovery rate of 62% in passengernumbers.

During a press conference this week in Swakopmund, Ms Annet Kotting from the Erongo Regional Tourism Forum emphasised the significant milestone in the Wal-

vis Bay Airport's history, when it successfullyaccommodatedan Airbus A340 during May this year “This event, featuring the visit of the King of Belgium, demonstrated the airport's capability to handle larger aircraft, showcasing its advanced infrastructure,” she remarked Ms Kotting further informed the media present that the airport has acquired a state-of-the-art Rosenbauer aircraft firefighting vehicle at a costofN$16millionto further bolster safety measures and support the handling of larger aircraft. She explained that this upgrade is

NAMPOL Chief Responds to Complaints Regarding

crucialformaintaining high safety standards as the airport's operationsexpand. She also noted that Airlink has responded togrowingdemandby adding an extra flight to Cape Town, bringing the total to two flightsperday Additionally, Airlink continues to offer one daily flight to Johannesburg, enhancing connectivity to the region and improving travel options for passengers. However, despite all the achievements and positive trends, the tourism sector recorded various challenges, as per Ms Kotting. One of

Continues on page 2

Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Rudi Bowe

Nie meer vir lank gaan daar na Usakos as “die slapende dorp” verwys word nie. Dit is die woorde van die dorp se nuwehoofuitvoerendebeampte,mnrStanleyGoreseb.

Goreseb het op Dinsdag 6 Augustus amptelik die leisels as hoof van die UsakosDorpsraadseadministratiewe afdeling oorgeneem. Tydens 'n persoonlike onderhoud met meneer Goreseb was dit duidelik dat hy vasbeslote is om 'n positiewe indruk op diedorpeninwonerstemaak.Die48jarige Goreseb was vir byna tien jaar indiensvandieKaribibDorpsraadas hoofuitvoerendebeampte,waarnahy die warm stoel in Usakos oorgevat het.Hyhetaangeduidathyongeveer 23 jaar ondervinding in die Plaaslike Owerheidssektor, insluitende op Nasionale vlak, het. Hy is inWalvisbaai gebore en het in Arandis grootgeword. 'n Gebore en getoë Erongo inwoner Werkskeppingishoogopsy agenda en hy noem dat die ontwikkeling van informele woongebiede definitiewe aandag gaan kry Goreseb was ook baie uitgesproke rakende die onbenutte en vervalle. Transnamibperseleindiedorp,asook op Twinkle se grond wat aan Transnamib behoort. Volgens hom besit Transnamib meer as vyftig present vanaldieontwikkeldegrondinUsakos.“Diescenariometalhierdieverlate geboue en onontwikkelde grond vanTransnamibwordalvirjareslegs bespreek, maar niks daadwerkliks word daaraan gedoen nie,” het meneerGoresebverduidelik.Hyhetook sykommerrakendediefeitdatsobaie privaatbesighedeindiedorpsedeure met verloop van tyd toegemaak het uitgespreek, en aangedui dat daar agterdiekapvandiebylgekommoet word,rakendepresieswatdieoorsaak daarvan is. Privaat beleggers en ontwikkelaarssalgenadermoetwordom asem in die dorp te kom blaas en sodoende werksgeleenthede vir inwoners te skep, wat tot die ekonomiese opheffingvanUsakosgaanlei,ismeneerGoresebsemening. Sy benadering tot sy nuwe posisie is dat hy homself gaan vereenselwig

met al die relevante aspekte wat die Raadslede, dorpsraadwerknemers, die gemeenskap, asook plaaslike besighedeaanbetref,teneinde'npositieweverhoudingvanwedersydserespek op te bou. Hy is ook 'n sterk voorstaander van deursigtigheid en kommunikasieendiewoorde,“green kommentaar” bestaan glo nie in sy woordeskat nie Meneer Goreseb noem dat hy onmiddellik skouer aan diewielgesithetenistansbesigmet 'nintrospektiewestatusverslagwathy na 100 dae aan die Dorpsraad gaan voorlê.

Die hoofuitvoerende beampte se boodskap aan die Usakos gemeenskapisdatalmalhandemoetvat,saam werk en 'n positiewe ingesteldheid jeens die dorp moet ontwikkel, ten einde Usakos in 'n spogdorp waarop hulle trots kan wees te omskep. Hy hoopookdieUsakosgemeenskapom homnieashul“verlosser”of“redder” aantesiennie,maareerderimplimenteerder, aangesien hy in sy posisie is omtoetesiendatresolusieswatdeur dieDorpsraadgeneemwordgeïmplimenteerword.

'n Baie opgewonde burgemeesteres van Usakos, Irene Simeon-Kurz, het gesêdatditmetgrootplesierenoptimisme is dat meneer Goreseb in die Usakos Dorpsraad geledere verwelkom word, aangesien dit nie net 'n nuwe hoofstuk is nie, maar ook 'n dapper sprong vorentoe in hul soeke na'nbetertoekomsvirdiedorp,gevul metonbeperktepotensiaal. "Onsisnederigomdienuwehoofstuk onder leiding van die uitsonderlike leierskapvanmeneerGoresebteomhelsenvolvertrouedatsyvisieentoewyding die raad tot hoër hoogtes en suksesse sal dryf," het die burgemeesteresvoortsaangedui.Syhetafgesluit deur te noem dat hulle hul volle samewerking en ondersteuning aan die nuwe hoofuitvoerende beamptebeloof.

Marshallino Beukes & Rudi Bowe

Grootbek op Vrydag…

·Verkiesingsjaar in “die land van beloftes”

Die grootmense se spreekwoord wat lui, “belofte maak skuld” is 'n duidelike waarskuwing dat mens nie beloftes moet maakwatdalknie moontlik gaan weesomnatekom nie.

Wel, Namibiërs is weer oppad na die stembusse,waardaar op 27 November kruisies getrek gaan word vir 'n nuwe President, asook lede van die Nasionale Vergadering.Volgens die land se verkiesingsbeheerliggaam het die rekords gespat, met altesaam 1 467 604 stemgeregtigde kiesers wie geregistreer het om hul demokratiese reg uit te oefen. Dit verteenwoordig 91% van stemgeregtiges, aldus die verkiesings-waghond. Alles goed en wel, maar op grondvlak begin wilde beloftes van werkskeppingsgeleenthede, maandelikse toelaes aan al wat Namibiër is (1859 jaar), verhoging van die pensioenarisse se maandelikse toelaes en wat nog alles rond te vlieg. Die vyf-jaarlikse blikkies rooivis en kookolie speletjie is ook weer in volle swang. Nog steeds goed en wel, maar is hierdie beloftes doenbaar, of is dit slegs om daardie ekstra kruisies te kry, net om dan weer vir die volgende vyf jaar in 'n staat van hiberneringteverkeer?

Politici sal moet besefdatdiedaeverby is wat landsburgers soos verdwaalde skape agter

enige belofte aangehardloop het. Tye het verander, mense se denkwyses ook. Hulle gaanookmoetbesefdat die beloftes wat hulle nou maak talle Namibiërs hoop vir 'n beter toekoms gee, en dit is

baiegevaarlikomvalse hoop te skep in 'n landwaardiemeerderheid van inwoners smag na beter lewensomstandighede.

“Belofte maak skuld…”

OMAKE: Erongo Governor of the Erongo Region, Hon NevilleAndré Itope was honoured for scooping the award as AfricanGovernoroftheYearbytheGeorgiaLegislativeBlack Caucus, Inc.The honorary credential was handed over to him by the chairperson of the Erongo Regional Management committee, Hon Benitha Imbamba at yesterday's State of the RegionAdressinSwakopmund.

NAMPOL Chief Responds to Complaints Regarding Unfair Treatment of Seven-seater Operators

NamibianPoliceChief,InspectorGeneralJosephShikongo, this week personally responded to complaints of alleged unfair treatment that seven-seater vehicle drivers apparentlyreceivefromtrafficlawenforcementofficers.

In his statement, Shikonko makes it clearthatnoinstructionorauthorisation was forwarded to target, and/or discriinateagainst,seven-seatervehicle drivers. He explained that seven-seater

Any person, or road transportation operator who feels mistreated is encouraged to approach any police station commander, regional commander, or the Chief of Police's office to address their concerns.

vehicles with public permits are permittedtooperateaccordingtotheirpermits and that vehicles operating without public transportation permits are treatedinthesamemannerasanyother operatorwithoutsuchpermit. AccordingtotheChiefofPolice,traffic law enforcement officers carry out theirdutiesprofessionallyandwithout favouritism or discrimination. The Inspector General also reassures the public that Nampol will always strive to protect the lives and properties of citizensandmaintainlawandorder He emphasisedthefactthat,shouldavehicleoperatorbefoundtransportingpassengersforarewardwithoutalegaland necessarypermit,heorshewillfacethe law in accordance with the Road TrafficandTransportationAct.

(fltr): Hon Imbamba, the man of the moment and his wife, Mrs IyalooAndre
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes

Nie meer vir lank gaan daar na Usakos as “die slapende dorp” verwys word nie. Dit is die woorde van die dorp se nuwehoofuitvoerendebeampte,mnrStanleyGoreseb.

Goreseb het op Dinsdag 6 Augustus amptelik die leisels as hoof van die UsakosDorpsraadseadministratiewe afdeling oorgeneem. Tydens 'n persoonlike onderhoud met meneer Goreseb was dit duidelik dat hy vasbeslote is om 'n positiewe indruk op diedorpeninwonerstemaak.Die48jarige Goreseb was vir byna tien jaar indiensvandieKaribibDorpsraadas hoofuitvoerendebeampte,waarnahy die warm stoel in Usakos oorgevat het.Hyhetaangeduidathyongeveer 23 jaar ondervinding in die Plaaslike Owerheidssektor, insluitende op Nasionale vlak, het. Hy is inWalvisbaai gebore en het in Arandis grootgeword. 'n Gebore en getoë Erongo inwoner Werkskeppingishoogopsy agenda en hy noem dat die ontwikkeling van informele woongebiede definitiewe aandag gaan kry Goreseb was ook baie uitgesproke rakende die onbenutte en vervalle. Transnamibperseleindiedorp,asook op Twinkle se grond wat aan Transnamib behoort. Volgens hom besit Transnamib meer as vyftig present vanaldieontwikkeldegrondinUsakos.“Diescenariometalhierdieverlate geboue en onontwikkelde grond vanTransnamibwordalvirjareslegs bespreek, maar niks daadwerkliks word daaraan gedoen nie,” het meneerGoresebverduidelik.Hyhetook sykommerrakendediefeitdatsobaie privaatbesighedeindiedorpsedeure met verloop van tyd toegemaak het uitgespreek, en aangedui dat daar agterdiekapvandiebylgekommoet word,rakendepresieswatdieoorsaak daarvan is. Privaat beleggers en ontwikkelaarssalgenadermoetwordom asem in die dorp te kom blaas en sodoende werksgeleenthede vir inwoners te skep, wat tot die ekonomiese opheffingvanUsakosgaanlei,ismeneerGoresebsemening. Sy benadering tot sy nuwe posisie is dat hy homself gaan vereenselwig

met al die relevante aspekte wat die Raadslede, dorpsraadwerknemers, die gemeenskap, asook plaaslike besighedeaanbetref,teneinde'npositieweverhoudingvanwedersydserespek op te bou. Hy is ook 'n sterk voorstaander van deursigtigheid en kommunikasieendiewoorde,“green kommentaar” bestaan glo nie in sy woordeskat nie Meneer Goreseb noem dat hy onmiddellik skouer aan diewielgesithetenistansbesigmet 'nintrospektiewestatusverslagwathy na 100 dae aan die Dorpsraad gaan voorlê.

Die hoofuitvoerende beampte se boodskap aan die Usakos gemeenskapisdatalmalhandemoetvat,saam werk en 'n positiewe ingesteldheid jeens die dorp moet ontwikkel, ten einde Usakos in 'n spogdorp waarop hulle trots kan wees te omskep. Hy hoopookdieUsakosgemeenskapom homnieashul“verlosser”of“redder” aantesiennie,maareerderimplimenteerder, aangesien hy in sy posisie is omtoetesiendatresolusieswatdeur dieDorpsraadgeneemwordgeïmplimenteerword.

'n Baie opgewonde burgemeesteres van Usakos, Irene Simeon-Kurz, het gesêdatditmetgrootplesierenoptimisme is dat meneer Goreseb in die Usakos Dorpsraad geledere verwelkom word, aangesien dit nie net 'n nuwe hoofstuk is nie, maar ook 'n dapper sprong vorentoe in hul soeke na'nbetertoekomsvirdiedorp,gevul metonbeperktepotensiaal. "Onsisnederigomdienuwehoofstuk onder leiding van die uitsonderlike leierskapvanmeneerGoresebteomhelsenvolvertrouedatsyvisieentoewyding die raad tot hoër hoogtes en suksesse sal dryf," het die burgemeesteresvoortsaangedui.Syhetafgesluit deur te noem dat hulle hul volle samewerking en ondersteuning aan die nuwe hoofuitvoerende beamptebeloof.

Marshallino Beukes & Rudi Bowe

Indigenous Peoples Advocate for Better Education and Lifelong Learning Opportunities

The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, celebrated recently in Swakopmund under the theme “Protecting the Rights of Indigenous Peoples inVoluntary Isolation and Initial Contact,”highlighted the ongoing challengesandaspirationsofIndigenouscommunities.

The UN General Assembly (UNGA) established 9 August as the annualobservanceofthis day through resolution 49/214 Representing Indigenous peoples, Zelda Khaibas emphasised the need for significant improvements in educationalopportunitiesfor both the young and the old within Indigenous communities. “We believe that with the right resources and programs, we can greatly enhance learning and development here in Erongo,” she said. Khaibas also called for access to quality education for childrentoempowerthemto reach their full potential and for lifelong learning and skills development for elders who possess valuable knowledge and experience. “We need a dedicated support office for marginalized communities to address our specific challenges and work towards providing equitable solutions,” she added. Indigenous communitiesarealsorequesting that the government and relevant organisations consider establishingservicesandinitiatives tailored to their needs, including better healthcare facilities, social services, and economicopportunities. These measures are aimed at uplifting the communityandreducing disparities In his remarks, the Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope stated, “today we are remindedoftheinvaluable role that Indigenous peoples play in preserving the diversity of our global heritage and the importance of safeguarding their rights,

traditions,andlands.Itisa day to reflect on the progress made in promoting the well-being of Indigenouscommunitiesandto recognise the challenges thatstilllieahead.”

According to Itope, Namibia's Indigenous communities contribute significantly to the country's cultural diversity and have uniquewaysoflifethatare deeply connected to the land and natural environment. The preservation of Indigenouscommunitiesis supported in Namibia through this observance and other related activities across the country Itope urged town councils to collaborate with communities to strengthen and protect cultural heritage through initiatives such as cultural events, museums, cultural tourism, and the establishment and safeguarding of cultural heritage sites. He stressed the importance of this to Namibian cultures as it fosters national pride and unity, provides a sense of individual and community identity, preserves the country's rich history, strengthens social cohesion,andcreatesadynamic culturalscenethatrespects the past while embracing thefuture.Inaspeechread on his behalf, Deputy Minister for Marginalised Communities, Royal J Kxao ǀUiǀoǀoo, highlighted howtheday'sthemedraws unique parallels between Indigenous cultures and their direct impact on sustainable ecosystems and the preservation of important biodiversity Kxao ǀUiǀoǀoo further emphasised that protecting the voluntaryisolationofIndigenous communities is crucialforNamibia.

Indigenous minorities and marginalised communities in Namibia are among the


CONSENT:Self-CateringAccommodationON ERFNO:3119TOWNSHIP/AREA:Narraville STREETNAME&NO:MeeuStreetNo.23.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringAccommodation. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan6September 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: UilikaNaidjala,POBox3174,WalvisBay email:uilkashoop@gmail.com

most affected by the country's pre-independence history, including systemic land loss due to invasion and imperial land dispossession.AccordingtoKxao ǀUiǀoǀoo, the four pillars of Advocacy, Education Support, Livelihood Support, Land Redistribution, and Post-Resettlement Support are systematic efforts to empowerIndigenousminorities, strengthen their agency, and support their fightforrecognition,socioeconomic empowerment,


Kxao ǀUiǀoǀoo also underscored the importance of inclusive processes such as Consultation,Participation, and Representation, which ensure that Indigenous minorities and marginalisedcommunitiesareequal

partners in decisionmaking and development initiatives. “I am calling upon Namibians, SMEs, government ministries and agencies, and all relevant stakeholders to adopt Indigenous-responsive policies and institutional strategies to fast-track the integration of Indigenous minorities and marginalised communities into various sectors of Namibia's socioeconomy,” he concluded. The Day also saw 9 groups of Indigenous people competing for the prize of

N$30000whichwassponsored by Palms for Life towards the Indigenous Peoples Day competition for the three categories of BestCulturalPerformance, Best Dressed,and Best Exhibitionist.

Sharlien Tjambari

Cruise liners industry booming

65 Cruise liners expected

WalvisBayhasbecomethehubofCruiseShipTourism.Theportof Walvis Bay has demonstrated a significant growth over the years witharemarkableincreaseinthearrivalsofcruiselinersbetween October 2023 and June 2024, with a total number of 29 Cruise liners,excludingLOGOSHOPE,hasdockedattheportofWalvis Bay.SomestraightfromSouthAfricaandsomeviaLüderitz.

This exciting news was sharedwiththemediaat a press conference, initiated by the Erongo Regional Tourism Forum (ERTF) and the Office of the Erongo Governorthisweek.As perMsAnnetKotting,a member of the ERTF, about 28 938 tourist passengers arrived through the port of Walvis Bay, this also exclude the LOGOS HOPE Furthermore, the port of Walvis Bay

isexpectedtoreceivean extra 65 cruise liners during the period of 7 November to January 2027 that have prebooked, and more are stillcomingtoNamibia, Kotting noted She explained that this will serve as a competitive advantage to benefit the entire Erongo region

More good news is the fact that the Ministry of Home Affairs Immigration, Safety and Securityhaveintroduceda

visa upon arrival system on 18 April at the Walvis Bay Harbour, to improve the experience for tourists, particularly those arriving on cruise ships.Thisdoesnotexclude other travellers that arrive with different types of vessels. So far, a total number of 36 visas upon arrival were issued The Erongo Regional Tourism Forummadeuseofthe opportunity to express their gratitude towards Namport, Cruise liners Agent, Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism as well as the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security for the continuedengagementand support, making the cruise liners industry a success for Erongo region. Locals are also not left out, with tour operators, local taxi services, cultural groups, street vendors, as well as local shopping centres experiencing healthy bank balances on arrival of cruise ships.Worthy to mentionisthatagroup of tourists from the United Kingdom (UK) have donated N$5 000 into the pharmacy accountformedication ofanOrphanagehouse in Mondesa, Swakopmund. This group is planning continued support by donating extramoneyintoafood supply account with the purpose of feeding the Mondesa Orphanage house daily, Ms Kottingadded.Various local suppliers benefitted remarkably, after one of the local cruiselineragentspaidatotal of N$29 million for their services and products.




an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR in WALVIS BAY


1. Must be a Namibian Citizen

2. Must have a Minimum of 5 years experience in Office Administrator Duties on a Senior Managerial Level – Excellent administrative skills

3. Must be able to work in a detailed and structured manner

4. Must adhere to principles and values (High Integrity) and confidentiality

5. Must have Excellent Computer skills (Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Outlook)

6. Must have experience in the SAGE/VIP Programme

7. Must have Excellent business writing skills

8. Must have excellent verbal, numeric and logical reasoning ability

9. Must be fluent in English and Afrikaans

10. Must be able to work under pressure

11. Must be Highly Trustworthy, discrete, ethical and self-efficient

12. Highly motivated, efficient and well organized


1. General administrative duties

2. Follow instruction according to the rules and regulations of the Company

3. Must perform any lawfully instructed task that is operationally required.

4. Monitoring changes in relevant legislation and the regulatory environment

5. Compiles and review Company related letters, Memorandums, Notices, Policies and Regulations and ensure that distribution of the same has been done.

6. Submitting of all Company Documentation, Registrations and Renewals

7. Organizing and preparing agendas for minutes

8. Dealing with correspondence and collating information


PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures for the Syncrolift Platform Dredging and Disposal of Dredged

4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport webs te at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.

5. A Non-compulsory Pre-Bid/Site Visit meeting is scheduled for 23 August 2024 AT 10H00 AM Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at the Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site.

6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

All enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details: Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Position: TVET-Trainer (24 Months Contract, Renewable based) Location: COSDEC, Swakopmund, Namibia Duration: Full-Time

Key Responsibilities:

· Develop and deliver engaging and interactive training sessions for Level 1 and 2 students.

· Prepare lesson plans, instructional materials, and practical exercises.

· Assess students' progress through assignments, exams, and practical evaluations.

· Provide mentorship and support to students to enhance their learning experience.

· Stay updated with industry trends and advancements in solar installation and maintenance.

· Ensure adherence to COSDEC Swakopmund's academic and administrative policies, as well as those of NAKOPAProject.

· Maintain accurate records of students' performance and attendance

· Engaged in other solar related projects as required by the partnership.

Qualifications and Experience:

· National Diploma or higher qualification in Renewable Energy, Electrical Engineering, or a related field.

· Certified trainer or assessor in TVET with a focus on solar installation and maintenance.

· Minimum of 3 years of practical experience in solar installation and maintenance.

· Proven experience in teaching or training, preferably within a TVET setting.

· Strong knowledge of solar energy systems, including installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.


· Passion for renewable energy and sustainable practices.

· Innovative teaching methods and a commitment to continuous professional development.

· Experience with competency-based education and training (CBET).

· Strong organizational and time-management skills.

· Ability to inspire and motivate students.


· Competitive salary and benefits package.

· Travelling opportunities to Germany

· Opportunities for professional development and career advancement.

· Supportive and collaborative working environment.

Interested candidates should submit their application letter, resume, and certified copies of relevant qualifications to the Centre Manager, COSDEC Swakopmund at cm@swakop.cosdec.org.na and trainingco@swakop.cosdec.org.na or hand deliver it at the main campus behind Mondesa taxi rank. Please include "TVETTrainer - Solar Installation" in the subject line of your email.

For more information, contact Mr Wilfred Kauripeke (064 403046) Mr Robeam Ujaha (064 4104512) Closing date: 30 August 2024



We are looking for an individual with the following minimum criteria to join our dynamic team:



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Closing date for applications will be the 23 August2024



TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregisteredowners,to theMunicipalCouncilofWalvisBay,theUrbanandRegional Planning Board, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing:


TheErfmeasures567m²andisproposedforrezoningfrom “SingleResidential”withadensityof1:300m²to“General Residential2”withadensityof1:200m²toallowtheoperationofaHotelPensionwithconsentforapublicrestaurant andbar

Erf 3129 Walvis Bay (Sam Nujoma Avenue): The Erf measures1226m²andisproposedforrezoningfrom“Single Residential” with a density of 1:300m² to “General Business” with a bulk of 2 with consent to proceed as a Home BasesBusinesswhiletheapplicationisinprogress. Remainder Erf 578 Walvis Bay (Sam NujomaAvenue): TheErfmeasures±690m²andisproposedforrezoningfrom “SingleResidential”withadensityof1:300m²to“General Business”withabulkof2withconsenttoproceedasaHome BasesBusinesswhiletheapplicationisinprogress.

The aforementioned applications are submitted in terms of theWalvisBayZoningScheme(asamended),andtheUrban andRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018). The rezoningoflandzoned“residential”to“business”isalisted activity,andanapplicationforanEnvironmentalClearance Certificate will be made in terms of the Environmental ManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).


(a)theplanningapplicationliesopenforinspection,during normalofficehours,atRoom101,TownPlanningSectionof Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam NujomaAvenue, Walvis Bay An electronic copy can be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@sp.com.na (b) interested and/or affected parties can register with Stewart Planning and submit their written comments, representations, input and/or objections to the planning applicationtogetherwithgroundsthereof.

(c) the deadline to submit written comments, representations, input and/or objections will be on or before 17:00 Friday,6September2024.

Applicant StewartPlanningTown&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na (+264)64280773




Takenotethat(theowner)ofRemainderErf1797andErf3209 Mondesapurchasedan adjacentportionoftheRemainderErf 1794whichiszonedasastreet.Theintentionistosubdividethe Remainder Erf 1794 (zoned as street) into PortionsA, B and Remainder It is the further intention to consolidate both PortionsAandBwithRemainderErf1797andErf3209Mondesa, respectively The intended sale/alienation was recommended forapproval,subjecttoconditions,bytheMunicipalCouncilof Swakopmundattheirmeetingheldon25March2021(under item11.1.19).

TheownerhasappointedStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Plannerstosubmitthefollowingpermanentclosureandplanningapplications:


In terms of the LocalAuthoritiesAct of 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992)asamended:

[1]PermanentclosureofPortionsAandBofIsmaelAbraham Omundeleand/orMoshitilaasa“Street”.


IntermsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningActof2018(Act No. 5 of 2018) and the Swakopmund Zoning Amendment SchemeNo.12:

[1] Subdivision of Remainder Erf 1794 Mondesa (zoned “Street”)intoPortionsA,BandtheRemainder

[2]ConsolidationofPortionAandBwithRemainderErf1797 andErf3209Mondesa,respectively

[3] Rezoning of Remainder Erf 1797 and Erf 3209 Mondesa from “Single Residential” (1:200m²) to “General Business” withabulkfactorof2.

Takefurthernotethat–a) the complete applications can be requested from Stewart Planning(mario@sp.com.na).

b)anyinterestedand/oraffectedpartyhavingcomments,representations, and/or objections to the closure, and/or planning application,oranypartthereof,mayinwritinglodgesuchcomments, representations, and/or objections, together with the grounds thereof, with Stewart Planning and the Local Authority

c) Written comments, representations and/or objections must besubmittedbeforeoron17:00Monday,9September2024 totheaddressesprovidedbelow:

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay 13013 Tel:+26464280770 mario@sp.com.na

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalCouncilof Swakopmund POBox53Swakopmund 13001 Tel:+264644104403 jheita@swkmun.com.na


Namibia is the sixth country to welcome DPWorld's Beyond Boundaries Initiative as they delivers new opportunities for aspiring Namibian CricketersinWalvisBay.

Smart logistics provider delivered 2,500 cricket kits and 10 repurposed shipping containers to grassroots organisations across the world to empower communities through im-

proved access to cricket, following up on a pledge made during the 2023 ICC Men's Cricket World Cup. As part of its ongoing support for grassroots cricket around the world DP World took its Beyond BoundariesInitiativeto Namibia yesterday, delivering kits for young cricketers and a unique repurposed shipping container to act as their pavilion. This takes the total number of kits delivered to the game's grassroots

to 2,500, fulfilling the pledge made during the 2023 ICC Men's CricketWorldCup.The con-tainer arrived at its new home at the Kuisebmond Stadium ComplexinWalvisBay havingbeentransported nearly 2,000 km from Johannesburg in South Africa through DP World's end-to-end smart logistics capabilities. It will act as a pavilion and kit store, but also a source of inspiration, decorated by local artist, Jero, with nods to Swakopmund Lighthouse, Etosha National Park and the street cricket matches where the dreams of many of Namibia's star players began The kits and containerwillbenefit

Cricket Namibia and mark the initiative's continued support for the grassroots game in the wider sub-Saharan Africa region. Despite being a desert nation of only2.6millionpeople, cricket is on the ascendency in Namibia with the men's team making its second consecutiveappearance atthisyear'sICCMen's T20 World Cup. With the delivery of the 2,500-th kit of the initiative,DPWorldhas fulfilled the initial kitsfor-runspledgemadeat the 2023 ICC Men's CricketWorldCup--10 kits for every 100 runs scored in each match. Ten containers have now been launched across nine strategic locations – including India,South

Africa, Barbados, the United States, the UAE and now Namibia -- to improve access and strengthen local communities'tiestocricket. DP World has pledged toprovide50containers to grassroots cricket before the end of 2028. Johan Muller, CEO, Cricket Namibia said “At the elite level, Namibia's cricketing progress in the Men's andWomen'sgame,has been really pleasing over recent years However, the sustained success of any nation is built upon the foundations of its grassroots programmes.Thesupportof DP World through its Beyond Boundaries Initiative is vital in establishing t

required and providing quality equipment for talented youngsters to thrive.DPWorld'scommitmenttogrowing the game of cricket worldwide is evident, and Cricket Namibia is extremelyfortunateand gratefultobepartofthe unveiling of the initiative's tenth container ” Mohammed Akoojee, CEO & MD forSub-SaharanAfrica, DPWorld said “We are proud to unveil the latest Beyond Boundaries container – the second in sub-Saharan Africa -- to support the promising growth of grassroots cricket in Namibia This continues our commitment toleavealastingimpact inthe

communities in which weoperatebyusingour unrivalled supply chain capabilities to benefit our region and the world ” Walvis Bay born Namibian bowler Ben Shikongo was at the unveiling event in Walvis Bay “Growing up, equipment and facilities were limited. A passion for cricket, and the support of friends, family and Cricket Namibia, made it possible for me to continuetodevelopasa cricketer and reach the ICC Men's T20 World Cup this year I am so happy to see DPWorld bringadditionalsupport and opportunity for the next generation, and I hope this ensures Namibiafeaturesat

manymoreWorldCups in the future,” he said. Walvis Bay born Namibia women's player Wilka Mwatile also spoke of her hopes that theinitiativewillhavea positive effect on further developing the women's game. “It is fantastic to see a global businessuseitsscaleto help comm-unities around the world. I am excited to see more young girls receive the opportunity to play this game and chase their dreams through access to the kits DP World haveprovided.”


The Namib Diesel Social Squash league kicked off on Wednesday eveningwith8teamspsycheduptogotobattleonthecourtsforoneof the most sought-after trophies of the year at the Buccaneer's Squash courtsinWalvisBay

TheeightteamswiththeirplayersareBaader:1GerhardLottering,2Lendldu Plessis, 3 Luan Wijgergangs, 4 Dirk Bosman, 5. Chantel van Rooyen & 6 Clyde Moller Bitstream: 1AngeloTitus, 2 JC Platt, 3 Bykes Muashekele, 4 JakkieNel,5AnnaMariaVenter&6KyleRouth.

namib times Sport


CreationSportsAcademyandSwakopmundbasedSimonisStormDolphinSports ClubwillhosttheFirstGlobal7'sClubRugbyTournamentbetweenNamibia,Fiji andSouthAfricaatthecoastaltown.

This exciting tournament will offer a golden opportunity for amateur rugby players from the three countries to showcase their talents and skills on an international stage Simonis Storm DolphinSportClubchairman,RowhanBessersaid that the Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) gave its approval for the tournament that will be contested over three legs in 2024 with the winners of each event pocketing medals and trophies Bedser said, “the tournament is for amateur club players and seeks to provide them with the chance to develop to represent their country Eligible players must not play professional club rugby,SuperRugbyorbe active in the United Rugby Championship ” AccordingtoBesser,each participatingcountrywill beliabletocoverplayers'

travel expenses to the host country whilst the hosts country is responsible for providing accommodation for the 80 touring members for seven days. “They must also ensure transportation, provide meals, the tournament venue and training facilities.” Besser stated that preparations are on track.

“We are having weekly meetings facilitated by the organisers of the Global 7's club tournament. It will cost us an estimated N$1.2 million to host this event. The hosting country will have eight women's and eight men's club teams participating whilst the visiting countries will consist of two men's teamsof14playerseach and six staff members,” Besser added. He said, “SimonisStormDolphin SportClubandNRU

will host the Namibian leg scheduled for 30 November 2024 at Vineta Sports Field in Swakopmund. Port Elizabeth and Uitenhage will host the South African leg 23 and 24 November at the Nelson MandelaBayStadiumin the Eastern Cape. Lautoka and Yasawa Rugby Unions will host the Fiji legon26and27October at Churchill Park Stadium in Lautoka City.”

Besser said that it is a hugehonourforSimonis Storm Dolphin Sport Club to host this internationalcompetitionasit will propel our rugby forward. “Rugby sevens tend to be played at a faster pace than the 15's game and thus, sevens playersareoftenbacksor looseforwardsinfifteens rugby” According to Besser,clubswillbeable torecruitplayersand

broadentheirdepth.“The opportunity allows players to gain experience, compete in other countries and they could possibly secure contracts with international teams.” Simonis Storm Dolphin Sport Club extend an invitation to companies who would like to partner with them in making history and ensure the success of the event and support the next generation of rugby stars and gain unparalleled exposure across three continents. “Let's come together to celebrate and grow the sport welove,“Besserconcluded.Ifyouwanttobepart of this historical groundbreaking world class tournament, contact Rowhan Besser at +264 81 6261155formoreinfoor if you would like to support.



The 3 ball alliance was a greatsuccess,butalasitis not a format that will be use too often as the game just takes that little bit longer The format was one score to count on par 3'sand4'swithtwoscore to count on the par 5's. Just to ensure that everyonecompletedtheirround correctly and there were no gives, there were two bonus holes, which were drawn after the round. Hannes Crafford and Tienie andWilma deWet were the winners on 55 points with the bonus holesaddinganextrafive points = 60 with Wishes Nyoni, Charles Sha-

yamanoandRichardMajangara second also on 55 points but only four points onthebonusholes=59and Nathaniel Mudzingwa, Vennon Gapara and Pohambathirdon51points plus six bonus points totalling 57 points. The two holes were drawn as numbers 9 and 10 and closest to the pin was won byHannes.Twoclubswere registered by Tersius Myberg, Johnny Borges, Willie Venter jnr x 2 and Koot Potgieter Diana Viljoen representing INDONGO TOYOTAsaid at the price giving the INDONGOTOYOTAwillbe returning next year The

members at WBGC thankedDewaldElsandDiana Viljoenfor theircontinued support. The SPCA holds their fund raiser today Friday, 16 August at the Walvis Bay Golf Course with the popular GPG BRANDING and WP vs BLUE BULLS golf day tomorrow 17 August. The Thursday Seniors drew a small field of six players with Rory Wolhuter the winner on the day with 33 points and Chris Bothma second on a count out on 32, with Peter Davidson third. The 'brood' kindly sponsored by ARTISAN BAKERY was won by Chris. A few or our guys

travelled to Tsumeb for their leg of the National Sages.Fromallreportsthe course was difficult and our guys were not in the big prizes on offer from TsumebGolfClub.Thanks to our guys for representing the club The traditional better ball challenge against Tsumeb will be on 24August. The last event held two years ago was in Tsumeb with WBGC beat them in their own back yard. They are obviously planning a revenge. The date for the WBGC AGM has been fixed for at 18:30 on Wednesday,21August.

Dolphin Sport Club chairman, Rowhan Besser
Rudi Bowe
The winners of the INDONGO TOYOTA 3 Ball Alliance at Walvis Bay Golf Club Hannes Crafford. Tienie and Wilma de Wet with INDONGO TOYOTA representative Diana Viljoen in the red jacket.

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