16 dec namib times e edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6414 TUESDAY 16 DECEMBER 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net


Matric result dates

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Walvis Bay geared

Page 3

Die senior burgers sit en luister aandagtig na Minister Esau se toespraak

Waardeer Senior Burgers Minister

Marines ready

Marshallino Beukes

Die Minister van Seevisserye en Mariene Hulpbronne, mnr Bernard Esau, het Saterdag besoek afgelê by meer as 200 senior burgers in Mondesa, en hulle toegespreek. Hy het by die geleentheid gesê senior burgers moet waardeer en gerespekteer word, aangesien dit aan hulle te danke is dat die jonger generasie in vrede, vryheid en bestendigheid kan leef. Minister Esau het gepraat tydens ‘n Kersete wat deur die Epango-groep gereël is vir senior burgers van Swakopmund se Mondesa-woonbuurt. Volgens die organiseerders van die geleentheid is dit ‘n jaarlik-

se instelling om hul waardering teenoor die seniors te toon. Verlede jaar het sowat 130 persone baatgevind, en vanjaar het die getal meer as verdubbel, met byna 300 senior burgers wat die pad na die Meduletu Gemeen-

skapsaal gevind het. Esau het veral klem gelê op die feit dat senior burgers nie meer deur jongmense gerespekteer word nie, en terselfdertyd uitgevaar teen sjebeens wat harde musiek dwarsdeur die nag

speel, en sodoende die ouer garde se nagrus verstoor. Hy het die Epango-groep, bestaande uit tien vroue, geprys vir die insette wat hulle lewer, rakende hulp en bystand aan weerlose kinders, asook aan die

senior burgers. Hy het voorts sakelui gemaan om terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap, aangesien hul winste direk vanaf die verskeie gemeenskappe kom. Vanjaar se Kers-ete en geskenkpakkies

Page 6

Cake Waiting

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Musikwoche opens on High Note Staff Reporter

The consultant for the Bank Windhoek Arts Festival, Aldo Behrens, says everything is set for weeks of top class music and theatre as the 6th BW Arts Festival at the Seaside gets underway, with the official opening today, of the 49th Swakopmunder Musikwoche, at the NPS Kulturaula. Music lovers can look forward to several performances under seasoned leaders like Alexander Fokkens, Hans-Jochen Stiefel, Nicola Coleman, Irene Schultz-Neumann, Steven Meier, Denise Sutton, Dr Eric McIntyre

and John Hargreaves. Participants have been practising with enthusiasm, and everybody is looking forward to the end-results. Those interested should look out for the flyers of the Bank Windhoek Arts Festival at their

favourite restaurants at the coast, but for further information, or ticket sales, contact the Swakopmunder Buchhandlung, or Kania Vlok at Cell: 081 239 6378, or Launa Moolman at Cell: 081 239 7514.

Behrens says another must-see is the musical fantasy, ‘Genadendal’ which will be performed on 26, 27, 28 and 29 December 2014, at the NPS Kulturaula in Swakopmund at 20:00. He crafted the story and

Continues on page 2

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Desert Dash

Musicians have been practising for long hours

Bladsy 20


16 DECEMBER 2014


Grade 10 & 12 result dates announced! Leandrea Louw

The Ministry of Education has announced that the Grade 10 JSC and Grade 12 NSSC (Higher level) results are to be released on 18 December. According to the press release the Ministry of Education has made good progress with the marking and processing of the examination data and will be able to officially release the provisional Grade 10 (JSC) and Grade 12 (NSSC) Higher Level results for the full-time and part-time candidates on 18 December.

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Mev Ratonda Murangi, Minister Esau, Ouma Elizabeth Guims (66) en mnr Felix Shipepe

Tel +264 64 205 854

Waardeer Senior Burgers Minister

Fax +264 64 204 813

Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1


is deur die Namibian Fish Consumption Promotion Trust, in samewerking met die Ministerie van Seevisserye en Mariene Hulpbronne, geborg. Die Trust se Finansiële Bestuurder, Mnr Felix Shipepe, het genoem dat dit vir hulle ‘n baie groot eer en voorreg is om terug te kan gee aan die senior burgers van die land. Die Epango-groep het ook sy “Blanket Drive”- insamelingsveldtog bekendgestel, wat behels dat die publiek en/of besighede komberse skenk, wat weer aan minderbevoorregte inwoners gegee word. Mev Ratonda Murangi, van Epango, het tydens die spe-

Walvis Bay Office

Advertising sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 sales@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 madelaine@namibtimes.net Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 piquet@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport sport@namibtimes.net Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824

Swakopmund Office Advertising shene@namibtimes.net

siale geleentheid te kenne gegee dat talle kinders, veral in die DRC informele nedersetting, met slegs een kombersie die koue moet afweer. Minister Esau het dadelik besluit om N$3 000 vir die goeie doel te skenk, met Raadslid Rosalia Andreas-Noabes, Mnr Felix Shipepe en Eerwaarde Gustav Kamatoto, wat ook elk ‘n N$1 000 geskenk het. Minister Esau was hoog in sy noppies met ‘n splinternuwe braai-stel, wat die Epango-groep aan hom as geskenk gegee het. Die publiek en besighede word genooi om die Epango-groep te ondersteun met bydraes en donasies,

van watter aard ookal. Deur dit te doen dra almal by tot die bekamping van armoede en ook die dorp se sosio-ekonomiese opheffing. Die Epango-groep is nou maar drie-en-‘n-half jaar oud, maar het reeds ‘n groot verskil in baie minderbevoorregte huishoudings gemaak. Behalwe die kombers-insameling het hulle ook onder meer sopkombuise, waar veral minderbevoorregte kindertjies baat vind. Individue of instansies wat donasies wil maak, kan Mevrou Annette Tjaveondja by 081 233 7457 kontak.

This year 46 346 candidates comprising of 35 592 full-time and 10 754 part-time candidates were registered for Junior Secondary Certificate (Grade 10) examination at 656 Junior Secondary schools and 159 part-time tuition centers. Markers involved in the marking of the Grade 10 answer scripts were 1527 in 2014. A total of 12 164 of the 57 096 candidates (full-time and parttime combined) entered for one or more NSSC Higher Level subjects. The number of Higher Level candidates increased by 439 (3.7%) compared to 2013. A total number of 225 markers were involved in the marking of the Grade 12 Higher Level results. The results will be available on the website of the Directorate of National Examinations and As-

sessment at www.dnea. gov.na and will also be accessible via an SMS service. The procedure to be followed when using the SMS services is: Send a message with the name of the examination, e.g. JSC followed by the surname and first name of the candidate: Example: JSC Kalomoh Fennie Example (b): NSSCH Kaperu Theo OR Write your full examination number: Example (a): JSC 101E25002 Example (b): NSSCH 10HE250025 Send this information to any of the following numbers: 2929, 99099 or 557755, and in response the candidate’s surname, name and results will be displayed on the screen of the cell phone.

The websites and the SMS service will become active on Thursday, 18 December 2014 at 00:15, 15 minutes after midnight. “All candidates who were registered for the 2014 national examinations are reminded to have their candidate numbers nearby in order to be able to access their results. Regional offices will provide a service during office hours by supplying the results from the broadsheet to candidates and relatives who personally visit the regional offices or phone the numbers given on the list.” The Ministry is also pleased to inform the candidates that the Grade 12 Ordinary Level results will be released not later than 16 January 2015.

Musikwoche opens on High Note Continued from page 1 text, which he based on the lyrics of Prof RK Belcher. Randall Wicomb was commissioned to compose the music for these lyrics and Jo Decaluwe, owner of the Tinnenpot Theatre in Gent, Belgium, was invited to direct the musical. Decaluwe is well-known in Namibia for past performances such as ‘Vincent van Gogh’; ‘Damiaan & Vandaag Geen Hamlet’; and also directed ‘The Defence of Socrates’, with Aldo Behrens as Socrates.

Genadendal, a musical fantasy, starts with Peter, standing at the Pearly Gates in dialogue with the Angel of Death, diarising the latter’s assignments of the day. Their task is constantly side-tracked by a vaguely visible community – on mother earth - singing some heavenly music. Then nature in a far-off desert tampers with - and tempers - voices and melodies, with harmonies, rhythms and incantations

– in such a manner that the mandate of the Angel of Death is slightly affected. Additionally ‘Race’ will also be staged. This play reflects the story of three attorneys, two black and one white, who contemplate whether to defend a white man charged with a crime against a black woman. ‘RACE’ will be performed at the Bank Windhoek NPS Kulturaula in Swakopmund, on 27, 28 and 29 December at 15:00.

Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@nambtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@nambtimes.net


16 / 12 / 1998



Thalia Jarmann Train up a child in the 16! way she should go and when she 16!is older, She will not depart 16! it. Proverbs 22:6 from




Happy birthday Thalia & we are proud of the young you have become. God bless you! 16! 16! lady16! Love: Mom,Dad, your Sister and your family

16 DECEMBER 2014




Hope you didn't miss the Fair Sharlien Tjambari The annual Municipal Christmas Fair in Swakopmund drew bigger crowds and more attention than ever. The Swakopmund community gathered in huge numbers at the Palm Garden, below the Statehouse and Café Anton. The official opening of the 41st consecutive Christmas Fair took place on Friday evening, but the stalls were set up from the early morning hours on Friday. Every year the number seems to triple. “From small beginnings, years ago, when a handful of craft workers came together to show their work, the Swakopmund Christmas Fair has grown and expanded” said the Mayor of Swakopmund, Juuso Kambueshe in his opening speech. The place was bustling and there was hardly any place for movement. People were happy to see all the beautiful products that were showcased and sold, against the background of Christmas carols, with many saying it felt like they were already celebrating the birth of Christ. Parents came with their children and their pets. The Fair

is an event organised by the Municipality to create the Christmas spirit in town. In the same vain it is an opportunity for exhibitors to raise money by selling their homemade and handmade products not only to visitors but all Swakopmunders, added the Mayor. The area was beautifully decorated, and most surprising was the fair weather that made it even more enjoyable and fun for everyone. The African Vocals a Cappella Band performed some of their best numbers and drew a lot of attention to the Amphitheatre. Some said it was a pity that certain performances were missed, because a lot was happening at the same time. According to the Mayor, the fair is a social event for families and friends from here , there and everywhere, to spend quality time together.

The different stalls looked amazing Friday night

Walvis Bay…are you ready? Sharlien Tjambari

The Municipality of Walvis Bay welcomes all visitors to Namibia's logistics gateway to SADC (Southern African Development Community) and beyond. The Walvis Bay Municipality believes their port has a lot to offer to their visitors and that the visitors will use the time to appreciate and enjoy the sensitive natural and urban environment in a responsible way. According to Mr Gert Kruger, the Manager of Economic Development of the Municipality, Walvis Bay is developing fast and visitors can be assured that the Walvis Bay of today will be vastly different than the Walvis Bay over the next five to ten years. “Major developments such as the expansion of the port are already in progress and the planning of other developments that would change the face of Walvis Bay comple-

tely is in advanced stages” says Kruger. The Walvis Bay Municipality also believes they are ready to receive visitors from the inland and provide them with the required services. The Esplanade Park, Dolphin Park and Long Beach are all fully booked from 17 December to 7 January 2015. “All visitors to Long Beach Resort should take note that this will be the last year that the camping site would be

in use as the development of the new camping area at Dolphin Park would commence early in 2015.” Kruger also says some refurbishment and improvements to the chalets have been done at the Dolphin Park and Esplanade Park, to ensure that guests have an enjoyable stay. The Municipality also hopes to have the Kiosk and Jetty Pub at Long Beach opened by 23 December. The Municipality of Walvis Bay together with the

Namibian Navy, has ensured that three people will be deployed as personnel at Dolphin Park, two at Long Beach and four at Kuisebmond Beach respectively, for the safety of guests. The Municipality of Walvis Bay urges the

users of these areas to be very careful and vigilant when swimming in the ocean as the currents can be very unpredictable. The Municipality also urges those with quad bikes and those going

to ride them not to drive west of the Walvis BaySwakop-mund road, unless the bike is licensed and the driver has a license to drive it s a i d M r K r u g e r. Visitors are also reminded that no fireworks

are allowed in residential areas and camping areas such as Long Beach Resort. They are requested to take the safety of animals and other people into consideration.


16 DECEMBER 2014


Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch Preventing Crime

EMERGENCY NUMBER 085 999 It is not just about perfection, it is about effort and dedication. And when you bring all that effort every single day, that is when transformation happens. That is how change occurs. Our special thanks to Mike Nederlof cannot be expressed in a single thank you, nor in a whole page. Our Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch Team thanks him for

all the late night calls, the planning, the dedication , the organising the endless meetings where he represented the entire Neighbourhood Watch. Thanks Mike. For all your hard work. You have done so much for us and our com-

munity and our town, Swakopmund. We wish you and your family a wonderful festive season and a prosperous New Year, your dedication, advice and planning is more than appreciated.

Buurtwag-oproep om Behoedsaamheid dié Feestyd Die Meersig-buurtwag het dié naweek op ‘n funksie by die Atlantis-sportklub by die strandmeer, teruggekyk op ‘n goeie jaar, waar die misdaadsyfer in woongebiede verlaag is na byna zero.

Mike Nederlof

Court REPORT Walvis Bay

11 DECEMBER 2014 Alfons Madisia (57) appeared on a charge of Maintenance - Failure to pay. Matter is postponed to 21 January 2015. Jephrey Katjiku (28) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 18 February 2015. A sentence of 6 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000 was imposed on Silavus Gaeseb (24) on a charge of theft. Martin Heita (37) was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000 on a charge of uttering a forged instrument. Paulus Nepunda Iikondja was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a fine of N$5 000 on a charge of drugs - dealing

in dependence producing substance. Lucky Mervin Abraham (30) appeared on a charge of use of a vehicle without the owner’s consent read with the Road Traffic Act. Matter is postponed to 12 January 2015. Wei Ping Zhou (53) was sentenced to three years imprisonment or a fine of N$20 000 on a charge of harvest marine resources for recreational purpose more than the prescribed number of a certain species read with the Marine Resources Regulations. Kondja Amutenya (33) was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment or a fine of N$6 000 on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor read with the Road

Traffic Act. Tangeni Shipulwo (20) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 3 March 2015. Penehaf Aikondja (27) and Ottilie Nghilenga (36) was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500 respectively on a charge of theft. Jeremia Nashongo (35) and Alfeus Ndalumbuma (3) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 29 January 2015. Rudy Booysen (24) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 3 March 2015. Dea Day Garden (18) and Lee Marc Jonnes (24) appeared on a charge of drugs - dealing in cocaine.

Matter is postponed to 12 February 2015. Mathias Shikongo (43) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. Matter is postponed to 22 January 2015. A 16 year old boy appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 21 January 2015. Titus Naidila (34) appeared on a charge of assault - assault by threat read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. A 16 year old boy and Adam Mbundueva (36) appeared on a charge of theft and property - receiving stolen property respectively. Matter is postponed to 21 January 2015.

Swakopmund 11-12 December 2014

Magistrate Court

Petru Gurirab (54) appeared on a charge of common assault. The case against accused was withdrawn at complainant’s request. Patricia Ndapilashimwe (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 16 December 2014 for plea. The accused remains in custody. Lazarus Johannes (30) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 16 December 2014 for

judgement. The accused remains in custody. Simon Ndayondjene (24) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 27 January 2015 for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Taapopi Amunyela (26) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 16 February 2015. The accused is on bail of N$8 000. Aubrey Kavendjii (19) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 25 May 2015

for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Riaan Wesley Aogab (26) and Patrick Nashandi (22) appeared on charges of theft and assault. The matter was postponed to 18 February 2015 for legal aid. The accused are on bail of N$1 000. Happyson Matyatya (29) appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of entry permit. The matter was postponed to 16 December 2014 for plea. The accused remains in custody. Julien Van Wyk (20) appeared on charges of

housebreaking with intent to commit a crime unknown to the state and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 21 January for fixing of trial date. The accused have been warned. Julia Kahima (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The accused have been sentenced to three months imprisonment. Brial Paulse (53) appeared on a charge of assault by threat. The case against the accused was withdrawn at complainant’s request.

Die leier van die Meersig-buurtwag-reak siespan, Riaan Archer, sê dis danksy goeie samewerking tussen Nampol, reserviste en die buurtwag. Archer sê die reaksiespan bestaan uit 15 lede wat van 24:00 tot 4:30 die omgewing patrolleer. Buurtwagte het ook die lig gesien in die strandmeer-gebied, op Langstrand en in Hermes. Archer sê te midde van al die positiewes is dit onrusbarend dat mense so gou apaties raak sodra die misdaadsyfer daal….hy sê mense wil dan skielik nie meer deel wees van die patrollies nie, en wil hulle

aan die aksie onttrek, totdat hulle weer deur misdaad geraak word. Hy het ook ‘n ernstige oproep gedoen op inwoners om meer behoedsaam en verantwoordelik op te tree. Hy sê, telkemale snags ry hulle by huise verby waar die inwoners hulle garagedeure nie toegemaak het nie, of waar ‘n motor staan met waardevolle artikels soos rekenaars sigbaar binne. Hy sê dit is van die uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar – hy doen ‘n beroep op inwoners om toe te sien dat hulle dit nie maklik maak vir misdadigers nie. “Hou die garagedeure

toe, hou motors leeg binne, en wees oplettend en paraat, sê hy.” Die buurtwag werk op donasies, mense ry patrollie met hulle eie voertuie en radio’s en flitse moet ook in stand gehou word. Al die kostes word uit donasies gedek. Hy sê mense wat nie self patrollie wil ry nie, kan indien hulle betrokke wil raak en deel wil wees van die stryd teen misdaad, ‘n donasie doen. Hy het inwoners aangemoedig om alarm te maak as hulle iets gewaar wat hulle tot kommer stem. Sy nommer is: 081 129 8223.

EMERGENCY NUMBER UPDATE Correct emergency numbers for Walvis Bay AMBULANCE

LIFE LINK 085 9247 ST GABRIEL 085 955 STATE 216 300


216 300 218 911


081 922 219 052 081 922

16 DECEMBER 2014




Access! Namibia – Women Entrepreneurs hone their skills

Namibian Women entrepreneurs recently joined their peers in 21 other African countries as participants of the ACCESS! Export Development Services for Business Women Programme aimed at honing their International Trade and business management skills. Fully funded by the Ministry of Trade and Industry the programme is in line with the "Growth at Home strategy", and is geared for women with active businesses, a manufacturing base and the potential to increase their production capacity. The Namibia Trade Forum (NTF) was chosen as the national focal point for its implementation while working closely with the International Trade Centre (ITC) in Geneva, Switzerland. Lapitomhinda Hashingola, Communications & Liaison Officer at the NTF, says: "ACCESS! is not just another women empowerment initiative. ACCESS! is designed to specifically address everyday challenges faced by our Namibian business women. Here, we have a wonderful, practical programme which offers export development services, technical training, coaching and mentoring to our wo-

men entrepreneurs based on their business needs." Phase one have commenced in September this year during which twenty (20) Namibian trainers with background in International Trade and or Commerce completed an intensive 2-weeks Training of Trainers (ToT) conducted by regional lead trainers Linda Holtes (South Africa) and Dorothy Tuma (Uganda). "Our candidate trainers completed a written test as well as a practical training in the area of International Trade and Commerce. This was the requirement for them to qualify as accredited ACCESS! National Trainers. They performed very well and we are pleased that seven National Trainers have successfully completed this test to implement this programme with our NTF Secretariat,” confirmed Hashingola. He says going forward the objective is to each year help launch a

Namibian-manufactured product in selected export markets. The programme has already trained 40 women in Namibia. About the Namibia Trade Forum: The Namibia Trade Forum is an agency of the Ministry of Trade and Industry. The company was launched on 6 June 2006 as a “Section 21 company”. Its main objective is to institutionalise Public/ Private dialogue and cooperation with emphasis on international and domestic trade as well as investment policies as stipulated by the fourth National Development Plan (NDP4). NTF serves as the highest Public/ Private partnership on international and domestic trade, and investment matters of government. About the Access! Programme: In 2014, the Ministry of Trade and the International Trade Centre (ITC) partnered to launch the “Access!

Namibia - Export Development Services for Business Women” programme to empower women entrepreneurs in the country to tap new markets and increase their exports. ACCESS! in Namibia is a trade-related technical assistance programme jointly implemented by the Namibia Trade Forum (Focal point institution) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) - a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organisation with the support of the Government of Namibia, through the Mini-

Participants of the recently held ACCESS programme are seen exchanging views on International Trade and business management skills. stry of Trade and Industry as funder. ACCESS! aims at improving business support services for wo-

men to increase their capacity to export and succeed on international and regional markets with the ultimate goal of

promoting their economic empowerment and contributing to poverty reduction and improving standards of living.

Stick to camping rules during the festive season Sharlien Tjambari The Namibian Coast Conservation and Management Project (NACOMA) had a media information session regarding its Law Enforcement Awareness Campaign. The meeting was about the rules and regulations of camping within the Dorob National Park. “NACOMA has been an able Partner augmenting government's efforts to protect the coast's natural resources and its environment during the past few years” said Mr Peter Schivute, the Chief Control Fisheries Inspector. The Ministry of Marine Resources will deploy their staff to designated areas to ensure that visitors comply with regulations implemented to safeguard our marine resources and the environment, added Schivute. Anglers are urged to take out recreational fishing permits and they must present it with all relevant documents to fisheries inspectors on request during inspections. Mr Schivute also said the public should refrain from buying any marine resources

from unregistered vendors, as there are syndicates who trade in marine resources illegally. Mr Braby, the Coordinator of NACOMA said they want people to enjoy themselves without necessary compromising the environ-

ment and he also said the visitors should understand the areas where permits are required and where they are not required. All people who enter the park must comply with instructions of signposts, signboards, pamphlets and they must obey any legal order or instruction given by a Law-enforcement officer.

The Ministry of Marine Resources and Fisheries will also assist with the distribution of information brochures indicating designated off road driving (ORD) routes, the public can find the Dorob National Park rules and Regulation brochures at their regional offices in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Henties Bay and also during their routine coastal patrol operations.

(Fltr) Mr Stanley Ndara, Head of Enforcement and Compliance at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources; Mr Peter Shivute, Chief Control Fisheries Inspector; Mr Rod Braby, Coordinator of NACOMA


16 DECEMBER 2014


Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

Seafarers singing and enjoying something to eat and drink to celebrate their Christmas. They will also be having a Christmas dinner on 25 December

Marines ready and able Marshallino Beukes The Namibian Navy conducted their 5th intake of Marine recruits formation, Specialisation course and the Marines Amphibious Special Operations graduation ceremony at Tashiya Wilbard Nakada Barracks, last week at the Rooikop Army Base, near Walvis Bay. This graduating ceremony is historic, due to the fact that it was the first ever Amphibious Commandos Special Operations Training conducted in the country. Training was previously conducted in Brazil. Initially 36 recruits signed up for the Amphibious Commandos Special Operations training, but only 17 marines managed to successfully complete the course. The other 19 could not continue with the training, due to the high demand of intensive physical activities. At the occasion, Navy Commander, Rear Admi-

ral Peter Vilho, noted that the training have been conducted with the assistance of the Brazilian Marines Advisory and Training Team (BRAZMATT), under the leadership of Captain (N) Giovanni Farias de Souza, assisted by 29 officers and other ranks. He remarked that, although the marines still have a long way to go, they have already done commendable work. The Navy Chief said they have successfully laid the foundation for a marine battalion that features a composite capability, comprised of a Rapid Reaction Unit, Amphibious Special Op-

erations Unit, Operational Boat Unit and Operational Diving Teams. The Amphibious Special Operations Unit will be responsible for dealing with asymmetric threats, as well as objectives behind enemy lines. “To those that are graduating today, I would like to agree with you that the training was not easy, nor was it designed to be. Those that have fallen out are probably good soldiers who may succeed in other specialties. But they were not good enough to be marines and we shall not apologise for that,” the Navy Commander said.

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Seafarers Christmas Celebration Liesl Losper

Walvis Bay Office

The Annual Christmas Carol service held in the Mission to Seafarers on Sunday night was memorable and enjoyed by foreign and local seafarers and members of the Walvis Bay community The dining area and bar of the Mission was decorated with candles and the atmosphere was tremendous Crystal played the keyboard and everyone sang along or joined in the singing in their own

Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

language. Tea and cake was served afterwards. The Chairman of the Managing Committee, Captain Bill Wilson, thanked all for their attendance and support.

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Swakopmund Tides

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Om

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Riv er

Mile 72

Walvis Bay Tides

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com


Port Log

Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

16 DECEMBER 2014



16 DECEMBER 2014


The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk @namibtimes.net

Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times


reader’s comments

Green light for Langstrand development It’s all systems go for the construction of their planned fuel retail facility says Nardo Sardinha, the spokesperson for the developers, Tidle Wave Investment Ninety (Pty) Ltd. “Building will hopefully start after final plans have been submitted in January 2015.”

Claudia Regueira: AWESOME! Esme Scheepers Van Wyk: Yeahnes! Henriette Swartz: Great Thank you!

Lazarus Gariseb and the Atlantic Brass Band performing in Swakopmund

Atlantic Brass Band spreads Christmas Cheer The past few weeks the sounds of this brass band have been luring visitors to several spots in Swakopmund.

Christmas market Carlo Gawaseb Das Neves: The town to be ..... !!! Ben Plastilon: Dankie tog, ons bly nie meer in n Swakop soos dit 20 jaar gelede was nie. Die dorp lyk pragtig, gaan vooruit, en bied oneindig

meer aan inwoners en besoekers Jenny’s Pictures Namibia: Was gister daar... is maar net nie dieselfde soos 20 jaar terug nie... alles het agteruit gegaan. June Lund van Schalkwyk:

Is it like old times or made in China? Ingo Irle: Nice interlocking and refreshed garden surroundings. Give that new gardener and others a special Christmas bonus.

Die group of the Lutheren Church, Tamariskia, was the brain child of Lazarus Gariseb senior in the early 1980’s. He led them until three years ago, when his son, Lazarus jr, took over. The members do not all own their instruments. Some have bought their own, some of the instruments are the property of

the Church - donated by the German Evangelical Lutheran Church, and some are gifts from individual owners. The band plays in church, sometimes at funerals or weddings of members of the church and then often, they bless the wider community with their music. Gariseb says he helps

with the teaching and studying of music. The past weekend the Band performed at Woermann Brock Vineta, on invitation. On 20 December the Atlantic Brass Band will perform at the company’s store in Mondesa, and on the 27th they will play again at the branch in Swakopmund.

Aan almal wat my Namibians should eat their ken, ek is jammer own fish – Minister

Ek het mens en God gefaal, maar ek stap as oorwinnaar uit saam met Hom en stel my 100% bereidwillig om God se

The small town of Karibib is slowly but surely making its mark in the economic sector of the country, with the opening of a Fish Processing Factory yesterday, as the latest addition. Kim Yung Ill: Our GRN n minister only now realises that we need 2 eat our onw fish! N believe me fish s awesome! The problems we can’t afford it... Oh! Its normal hoeka we can’t afford anything in

Hiermee wil ek graag verskoning aanbied vir al my vriende en familie wat ek ooit te nagekom of teleurgestel het deur my optrede. Lig te wees. Laat ons eerder soos Efesiers 5:18 dronk word van die Helige Gees... en nie van drank.

Geseënde Feesgety. Liefde in Jesus Okkie Theron

Padkos vir oordenking

Nambabwe! No houses no cars no meat no fish nothing! One good thing though, we can @ least still buy bread (N$10) and maize meal... What a blessing!

As een van julle wysheid kortkom, moet hy dit van God bid, en Hy sal dit aan hom gee, want God gee aan almal sonder voorbehoud en sonder verwyt. Jakobus 1:5

16 DECEMBER 2014


Swakop Electrical Supplies cc


Festive Season business hours 2014/2015 Our Business will be closed -

From 23 December 2014 till 5 January 2015 (Both days inclusive)

Our business hours for the periods -

18 to 22 December 2014 & 6 to 9 January 2015 Mornings: 09h00 - 12h00 Afternoons: 15h00 - 17h00 For emergencies call Peter Dierking on 40-4610

Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a Prosperous New Year!!! P. Dierking & Staff




16 DECEMBER 2014

Namibia’s Top Wine Show comes to Swakopmund

The Wine Extravaganza has long been considered Namibia’s top wine show. From humble beginnings in Windhoek 11 years ago, this prestigious event has grown exponentially - in size and popularity over the past 11 years.

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 14 Dec: The Mission to Seafarers annual “Carol Service” will be celebrated on Sunday at 18:30 in the Chapel of St Nicholas at the Mission to Seafarers. ALL WELCOME. * 18 Dec: Woermann Brock - Blood Clinic. * 28 Dec: A Fire, Dance & Music Extravaganza - Carnival of Flames at Desert Explorers at 19:00

SWAKOPMUND * Every Saturday: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. *Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 19, 20 & 22 Dec: The Award Winning ZIP ZAP CIRCUS at the SWAKOPMUND INDOOR CENTRE. * 20 Dec: Opening of Anita Steyn Art Studio Exhibition of paintings & ceramics at Woermannhaus - Galery at 17:00.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sun-days 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.

The fact that this prestigious event is hosted only in the most upmarket venues internationally, and that it attracts the highest LSM segment of the market, Air Namibia has asked the organisers - Tamasa Trading Fine Wine Merchants and Media Nova Publishing to host these events on all Air Namibia’s routes from 2015 onwards. The 2015 Swakopmund Wine Extravaganza - that is co- sponsored by OM Card, Multichoice Namibia and Air Namibia, is scheduled to be hosted in the Swakopmund Hotel on Thursday 18 December from 17:00 - 21:00, and on Friday and Saturday 19 & 20 December from 11:00 - 21:00. MASSIVE PRIZES AND SPECIAL OFFERS All three the proud co-spon-

sors are bringing very exciting special offers and competitions to the event. Visiting guests will be encouraged to open an OMCard account - which is by far Namibia’s most affordable and secure VISA card. OM Card will offer very attractive prizes and incentives to their new and existing clients during the festive season and beyond. Air Namibia and Multichoice Namibia will similarly offer exceptional prizes and special offers. Air Namibia business class tickets to Frankfurt, Cape Town and Johannesburg can be won at the Swakopmund Wine Extravaganza to the value of N$100 000. ONLY SOUTH AFRICA’S TOP BOUTIQUE EXPORT WINE FARMS As is customary, only South

Africa’s top export boutique wine farms will attend the Wine Extravaganza to offer unlimited wine tasting of more than 100 varieties of wine, port and muskadels. The farms that will attend will include Peter Falke, Babylonstoren, Noble Hill, Hoopenburg, Lynx, Marianne Estates, Wellington Wines, Neil Joubert, Back Elephant Vintners, De Meye and Hillcrest Wine and Olive Estate. All wines will be available for unlimited tasting at the respective wine makers, and all the wines will be on sale in bottles or cases. This is a phenomenal opportunity to purchase South Africa’s finest wines in bottles or cases for Christmas gifts and for the Festive season. LIVE MUSIC, FOOD AND

ENTERTAINMENT The top Namibian band Double Trouble - will be entertaining guests under the big top tent, and the festivities will be complemented by delectable food and delicacy stands, ranging from olives, sushi, oysters, cheeses, and chocolate. This event promises to be a true highlight on the Coastal social calendar - one not to be missed. Entrance will be N$100 per person at the door at the Swakopmund Hotel, which will include a free wine glass, entrance, live music and unlimited tasting of all the wines on offer until late every evening. Save the date, and visit this phenomenal attraction!

Christmas has arrived at the Lions Senior Centre Visitors to and residents of Swakopmund

can do themselves a the centre in the evening, favour and drive past to enjoy the wonderful Christmas lights and scenes greeting the passer-by. Namib times invites readers on the coast to send photos of their most favourite Christmas light

decorations in the streets and suburbs of our coastal towns….there are quite a few prizes to be won…. The winners, chosen by namib times in collaboration with our Facebook friends and our readers

will be announced in the second edition of the namib times in the new year….send photos to newsdesk@namibtimes. net, or post on namib times facebook page. The closing date is 6 January 2015


16 DECEMBER 2014

Christmas Fair Resounding Success The Christmas Fair with its more than 100 stalls attracted hundreds of people on Friday and Saturday - much to eat and drink, wonderful Christmas presents and other niceties to buy - even old books. And against the background of live music, and the sound of Christmas carols, it was an event to remember for years to come, or at least until next year’s Christmas Fair.

Early on Sunday when namib times visited the premises, hardly any evidence remained of the hustle and bustle of the previous nights. Cleaners were at work, and the last products were packed and removed.

One of the cleaners, Jerome Muthinga (right), on his way to do his bit



16 DECEMBER 2014

16 DECEMBER 2014



Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office Trading Hours Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 12h45 14h00 – 15h30

Friday 08h00 – 12h45 Monday Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/

14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/ 14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)

Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses

(14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30)

Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations

(08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 –

12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Thursday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30)

Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests


16 DECEMBER 2014

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell by private transaction, the following single residential erwen to staff members: NAME Abraham KP Haufiku M Jansen DESCRIPTION Erf 6481 Kuisebmond Erf 6477 Kuisebmond Erf 3262 Narraville AREA 318 m² 318m² 367 m² ZONING Single Residential Single Residential Single Residential

P U R C H A S E PRICES N$52,788.00 N$52,788.00 N$66,427.00 Full particulars pertaining to the proposed sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until 23 December 2014 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information, the Properties Clerk can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours. Any person objecting to the proposed sale may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/ motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on 26 December 2014 Jack Manale Manager: Housing and Properties Tel: (064) 201 3338 Email: jmanale@

VACANCIES Website: www.namibtimes.net VACANCY REGISTERED NURSE Cottage Family Practice is seeking an experienced Registered Nurse for a full-time position at our Private Practice.

(Hyundai, Kia, Daihatsu, Tata, Renault, Foton and Chery Namibia)



Our busy practice provides a wide spectrum of high quality in-practice medical services and care to patients of all ages. If you are passionate about quality patient care and want to work in a diverse, dynamic and fulfilling team environment then this job is for you!

REQUIREMENTS: Minimum of 1Year experience in Vehicle Sales Computer Literate in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook Knowledge in Automate would be an advantage Good communication skills in English & Afrikaans, German would be an advantage Grade 12 Namibian Citizen Valid Drivers Licence (Code 08) Ability to perform under pressure Must be resourceful, self-motivated, positive and focused

Minimum Requirements: • Current registration with the Namibian Nursing Council as a registered nurse • Minimum of 5 years' experience in a Hospital / Private Clinic environment with relevant experience in General Nursing. • An understanding and knowledge of Midwifery nursing will be an advantage • Must have the ability to work independently • Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills • Be committed to quality patient care • Be able to function independently and efficiently under pressure • Must be bilingual (English and Afrikaans) Third language will be an advantage • Will be expected to work every 3rd Saturday • Must be a Namibian citizen

REMUNERATION: Basic Salary and Commission Structure Fringe benefits will be discussed during interview

Main Responsibilities will include: General Nursing duties regarding Private Practice.

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES & DUTIES: Be responsible for vehicle sales and deliveries within the Erongo area Advice customers on the most suitable vehicle to meet their needs Provide excellent customer service Maintain exciting customer base Promote sales to enhance business profitability Identify sales opportunities and new prospects Work closely with Head Office in Windhoek

Should you be interested, please forward your CV to us before 19 December 2014. E-mail: swakopmanager@amh.com.na Or by hand: AMH Vehicle Showroom for Attention Silvia Deitenbach c/o Nelson Mandela & Edison Street, New Industrial Area, Swakopmund Only short listed candidates will be contacted. No CV’s and documentation will be returned.

Please submit your CV with Relevant documentation to: Dr. M. Meintjes, P. O. Box 1290, Swakopmund or Email: familypractice@iway.na NO FAXES WILL BE ACCEPTED! Closing Date: Friday 9 January 2015 Please note only short listed candidates will be contacted.


shall serve as due notice having been given in terms of Section 34 of the Take notice that I n s o l v e n c y A c t Sandwich Harbour No.24 of 1936. Tours CC intends to alienate and dispose Dated at Swakopo f i t s b u s i n e s s mund on 11 DecemSandwich Harbour ber 2014. 4x4, carried on at KINGHORN premises situate at ASSOCIATES t h e Wa l v i s B a y LEGAL Waterfront, to and PRACTITIONERS in favour of Fiscon Haus Altona Investments Three 2 - 6 Tobias Hundred and Six Hainyeko Street CC, who shall carry P. O. Box 1455 on the business for its Swakopmund own account at the (HEA/AW aforesaid premises, DRE18/0001-50) and this publication


16 DECEMBER 2014



PROPERTY TIMES HOUSE TO RENT: Namport 2 bedrooms, sitting room, kitchen, toilet with shower. Contact: 081 614 1253 081 244 1265 TO RENT: Narraville, Walvis Bay Bachelor flat For single person only Open plan kitchen, BIC, and lounge. N$ 2 800.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Available from 5 January 2015 Deposit of N$ 2 800.00 required. Contact: 081 250 7614 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES To Let Town - 3 bedrooms, bathroom, toilet, lounge, kitchen, dining area, double garage parking for 3 cars, servant quarters, big yard, suitable to be turned into an office, as it is central N$ 12 000.00 p/m Hermes - 4 bedroom, double garage, lounge, open plan kitchen, tv room, dining, room, study, scullery, in door braai area, no pets, pre paid electricity N$ 11 000.00 p/m Meersig - Spacious open plan 3 bedroom house with office, 2 toilets, wash and laundry area, pantry, large kitchen, build braai, pet friendly with a build in dog house, garage that parks 3 cars. N$ 13 000.00 p/m Swakopmund, Vineta 2 bedroom apartment, bathroom, toilet, open plan kitchen, lounge, courtyard, garage in a secure complex N$ 6 000.00 p/m Available month to month Emma: 081 122 8067 TE HUUR: Narraville 1 slaapkamer woonstel te huur met oop plan kombuis, badkamer, sekuritiets deur, diefwerings. N$ 2 900.00 p/m Deposito onderhandelbaar W/L ingsl. Vir enkel persone of twee. Skakel: 081 327 9800 TO RENT: Newly 2 bedroom NHE house with 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen with build in cupboards and big yard to rent in Swakopmund, Extension 9. N$ 4 300.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 146 6220 081 232 4633 FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Meersig Furnished flat to rent for two with garage. W/E incl. N$ 3 700.00 p/m Deposito N$ 2 000.00 Immediately available.. Contact: 064 202 875


SUNA - 081 210 7823

suna.kritzinger@ pamgolding.com.na VINETA N$1,200 000.00 Lock up and Go Apartment 3 bedroom, 2bathroom and single garage in a security complex KRAMERSDORP N$2,500,00 This apartment offers you near town a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom and double garage with a spacious living area all very up market finishing's.

TO LET - WALVIS BAY HERMES N$ 4700 - 2 bed flat, garage excl. w & e. N$ 5170 - 2 Bed flat, 1 garage excl. w & e. CENTRAL N$ 3200 - 1 bedroom flat, excl. w & e. N$ 9500 - 3 bed townhouse, 1 garage excl. w & e. LAGOON & MEERSIG N$ 3500 - 1 Bed flat with garage excl. w & e. N$ 10 500 -5 bed house, garage excl. w & e. N$ 13 000 - 3 Bed house, garages excl. w & e. NARRAVILLE N$ 3000 - 1 bed flat. incl. w & e. KUISEBMOND N$2000 - Bachelor flat in NHE area excl. w & e. N$ 3200.00 2 bedroom flat with bathroom & garage excl. w & e. N$ 6500 - 3 Bed house, garage & 1 bed flat excl. w & e. INDUSTRIAL N$ 9900 - brand new 150m² workshop with offices. N$ 16 335 - new 297m² warehouse with offices. N$ 18 676 - new 297m² warehouse with offices. N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf. N$75 000 - 2000m² warehouse with offices. N$ 85 000 - 2500 m² warehouse in prime area with offices. Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or

Swakopmund CBD Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Contact: 081 247 3026

Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb @gmail.com LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT



TO LET SWAKOP CBD Shop space 80m² N$ 5 500.00 PM MILE 4 3 Bedr Townhouse D/ Garage Pet Friendly N$ 8 500.00 FREE STANDING 3 Bedr, D/ Garage Entertainment area. Huge Erf Pet Friendly N$ 11 000.00 PM WAREHOUSES FROM N$ 12 000.00 CONTACT US TODAY RYNO: 081 210 5085 (064) 464 033 Www.remax.co.za WALVIS BAY TO RENT: Beautiful spacious two bedroom, two bathrooms with down stairs toilet townhouse. Situated next to park, all major shopping centres, CBD and schools. (ISWB, WBHS, etc) N$ 7 000.00 p/m Pre paid electricity and excluding water IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Shaun: 081 325 3477 BRAND NEW FLAT (EDELWEISS HEIGHTS) close to Dune Side High School Two Bedrooms, kitchenliving area (open plan), toilet, shower. Available immediately. N$ 5500-00 p/m W/E incl. Can be bought from owner for N$ 750 000-00 neg Contact 081 148 2927 / 081 292 4197 or 061-402455 HOUSE FOR RENT: Freestanding house, offering two bedrooms, open plan kitchen to lounge and bathroom for rent in Kuisebmond. Available immediately Water and electricity (excluded) for N$ 4 000.00 p/m And deposit N$ 4 000.00 Please call or sms: 081 140 5880 085 607 7198 TE RUIL VIR ±3 JAAR Ek is opsoek na ñ huis in Swakop te ruil vir ñ rustige plaashuis met klein selfsorg gastebedryf, OPPIKLIPPE, 8km buite Outjo. Kontak: 081 147 2897 (jannie) Email: linde.jg@gmail.com To rent Swakopmund 2 bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms lounge big sitting room and huge kitchen very neat and tidy. Secure complex and a secure garage. 2min walking distance from town. Balcony and braai area. N $10 000 per month Contact 0818103498 available from 1 January 2015

ELEGANCIA INVESTMENT Kuisebmond 5x bedrooms 3 x flats N$ 860 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480 Huis te huur in Swakopmund, Tamariskia: 3 Slaapkamers ingeboude kaste, kombuis met ingeboude kaste en stoof, enkel motorhuis en alarm. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Januarie 2015. Skakel 0812772274 of 0813233171. TE KOOP GESOEK: Walvisbaai Narraville 3 slaapkamer huis, met ingeboude kaste, twee badkamers + garage te koop gesoek. Prysklas: ± N$ 950 000.00 Kontak: 081 304 8973

“HUISIE BY DIE SEE” HENTIES BAY NEW SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE FREESTANDING 2 & 3 bed houses. Choose from 3 different house types. Get yours from only N$ 477 000-00 now! Emily 0812930335 Ndana 0812781731 TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089


W/Bay Central 3 bed, 2 bath unit with garage. Furniture Included. N$ 995 000-00 Barry 0815757474 I am urgently looking for a place to rent. Price range N$1000 - N$1500p/m Water included/prepaid elect. Or W/L Incl. Contact: 081 664 3896 WANTED: Urgently looking for a room to rent anywhere in Walvis Bay, but not Tutaleni. Price N$ 1 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 586 8371

Walvis Bay Weighbridge Sale of CC 18 Sectional Title Warehouses 9 for sale from N$ 1420 000-00 9 to rent @ N$ 55-00 p/m² + VAT Claudia 081 127 7783

PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES SUNA 081 210 7823 Suna.kritzinger@pam golding.com.na FOR SALE Ocean View! N$2 790 000 This stunning home are value for money 3 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms, 4 garages and so much more OCEAN VIEW! ! ! N$3,950,000 Set in a quiet up market area, surrounded with other elegant homes offers you 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, dining-, and lounge with indoor braai and a huge kitchen scullery and pantry. 4 garages, store room and a granny flat. The yard is any child s dream with plenty open space to play. Freestanding plot N$740 000 This vacant land have an amazing view!!! It is walking distance from the sea. This area is developing very fast and the new upcoming schools being built. This will be the place of the future Near Ocean View Spar Centre. SUNA 081 210 7823

WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518 Barry 0815757474

FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924 VAKANSIE AKKOMODASIE: Self catering gesoek in Swakopmund vanaf 22 Des - 28 Des. Prysklas: N$ 1 000.00 N$ 1 200.00 per dag Kontak: 081 324 2017


16 DECEMBER 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net




WOODEN LAMINATED FLOORING 30 years experience open during holidays Our service is your value Cell: 081 042 4259


Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na Contact Remax Properties for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065238342 / 0814175141 Swakopmund 064464033 / 0818709950 Walvis Bay 064212440 / 0816051984 J+J CASH LOANS A blessed Xmas and a wonderful new year. Thank you for your support Please get your Xmas gifts at the office Hannah Carter 081 124 2151 J+J CASH LOANS ‘N geseende Kersfees aan al ons kliënte en in Voorspoedige Nuwejaar Dankie vir jul ondersteuning. KOM HAAL ASB JUL KERSGESKENK. Hannah Carter: 081 124 2151 JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: We sadly announce that we will be closing today, the 16th of December. We love to say that we had a wonderful time with our clients!!! Thank you to all who joined us, we will re-open on the 5th of January 2015. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!! From: Staff & Management

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick

PLEASE NOTE: We will be closing for our annual holiday from 12 December 2014 till 12 January 2015 A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741

BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: bayjoinery@ymail. com

OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for Sole Proprietors & CC's (Dormant and Operational) MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS / CASHFLOWS TRUST & CC REGISTRATIONS MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING GET A QUOTE TODAY! WE ARE THE BEST BY FAR CONTACT: Irene 0811700774 DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Infertility, irregular loss of menstruation/period. Manhood, witchcraft treatment and protection, calling someone back from faraway, bad dreams, remove tokoloshi, relationship, nightmare, loss of memory. Diseases like: Asthma, clonic malaria, teary eyes, poor vision, high blood pressure, swelling of feet/stomach, diabetes etc. Kids below 5 years and a d u l t s o v e r 7 0 f re e treatment. WALVIS BAY Contact: 081 857 0100.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202818 Walvis Bay. Expert service in general tailoring One day alterations, Duvet Covers, C u r t a i n s , We d d i n g Dresses and others.

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT: Are you currently experienceing any problems related to the following? 1. Witch craft: someone bothering you with witch craft. 2. You are in trouble with the law: Court cases etc. 3. Bad luck: Struggling to get a job 4. Divorces or marriage problems 5. Your business is unsuccessful. 6. You can’t satisfy your wife or your husband in the bedroom. 7. Problems at work: for example, you are not promoted at work. 8. You can’t get the man or woman of your life. 9. Any other problems. If the answer is yes, Dr Siloka has the solution to all your problems, he is around Walvis Bay. Now you don’t need to waste your hard earned money to got to Zambia, Malawi, Nigeria or any other country beyond Namibia for help over the border for help. Dr. Siloka is a seasoned, experienced, already tested, well respected traditional doctor with a proven track record in tractional medicine practice, For any appointment and further information, you are more than welcome to contact him on the following: 081 416 1029

WOLF SECURITY BE SECURE Manager - Henk 081 560 0292 Offices - Linda 081 033 7897 Fuchshenk1@gmail.com 24 hours guarding Weekend guarding Holiday guarding

Healing Power A traditional healer who will solve your problems physical and spiritually by using African Traditional medicine and ritually prayer. Solve your problems which you have been experience for such a longtime and free yourself from witchcraft trap. Call Ell Kareem: 081 661 6732


Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960. BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL WALVIS BAY Lessons offered by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings, Please contact: +264 81 207 7651 When it comes to your life, rely on the experts!

TRADITIONAL D O C T O R KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy Education - Court Cases - Love Af-fairs Marriage Pro-blems Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Wa l v i s B a y & Swakop-mund. Cell:081 201 7887.


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

ACCOMMODATION HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION: Looking for a safe and secure place to stay; look no further N0 10, Blue Sands, Lagoon has a two bedroom flat available for occupation immediately. Contact Madam Mwahata: 081 234 3544 HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE: 2 bedroom flat, fully furnished, DSTV W/E incl. Narraville N$ 1 000.00 per day Call: 081 206 6002 081 129 5991



VACANCIES EMPLOYMENT: We’d like to hire a window - glass cutter who has much experience in this field. He has to know how to cut 4mm & 6.38mm glass. Our offer is N$ 2 500.00 p/m for starter. But we’ll raise the salary according to your performance and the profit of the company. Our contact number is: 081 694 4034 Please call me anytime if you would like to work for us!! VACANCY: Turner with ±4 years Precision turning experience for 12 January 2015 Fax: 088 645 717 Email: lottering@iway.na VAKANTE POS: Draaier met ± 4 jaar “Precision Training” ondervinding om pos te vul 12 Januarie 2015 Faks: 088 645 717 Email: lottering@iway.na Erongo Axis Security CC We are looking for young and dynamic personnel as Armed Response Officers and Supervisors. Previous experience would be an advantage. E-Mail: guards@security.comna / easwvb@gmail.com Erongo Axis Security Building, Hage Geingob Street No 59, Behide Spar

TO HIRE Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact: 081 146 4770 064 418 150


Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

WINSKOOP: 1x geld kluis 1x hangemaakte geel hout dubbel bed. 1x sheeper koffie tafel Waarde N$ 26 000.00 My prys: N$ 8 000.00 Kontak: 081 244 1342 FOR SALE: Off road caravan explorer excellent condition. N$ 95 000.00 New price N$ 200 00+ Contact: 081 129 6845 SPECIAL SPECIAL!! For sale: Durador Security doors. Easy installation. 4 Units available for sliding doors. Price: Was: N$9890.00 Now: N$8000.00 Contact: 081 124 5548

16 DECEMBER 2014


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

CARS FOR SALE: 2010 VW Polo 1.6 69 500 km N$ 140 000.00 Contact: 081 279 2321 081 129 3989 FOR SALE: 2010 Dodge Caliber 91 000 km, silver 2.0 L SXT, CVT (Auto) SAT NAV, DVD Spotless. N$ 410 000.00 neg. Lady owner. Contact: 081 378 3509 081 170 0289 FOR SALE: South African Railway steam engine number plate. Valued at N$ 2 000.00 What offer Cunard white star “RMS” Queen Mary framed print. N$ 3 000.00 What offer Contact: 064 203 322 FOR SALE: 1998 BMW M2 Evo 2 Regensberg edition 6 speed, manual 150 000 km. N$ 95 000.00 Negotiable. Contact: 081 376 2436 081 400 9979 after 17:00 FOR SALE: 2010 VW polo 1.6 69 000 km Serious buyers only. Contact: 081 279 2321

2004 Mercedes Atego 818 Engine needs overall (non runner) Price $ 100 000. Or to Swop. Good Condition/ licence still valid Contact: 0816010767


064220387 0811475333 We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value

TREASURE CHEST NEXT TO WBHARDWARE SWAKOP Cell: 081 210 0800 Tel: 064 405 602 WE BUY, SELL, PAWN Quality Furniture, Tools, Household goods, Appliances, etc. At competitive prices. COME HAVE A LOOK!!



TREASURE CHEST NEXT TO WBHARDWARE SWAKOP Cell: 081 210 0800 Tel: 064 405 602 WE BUY, SELL, PAWN Quality furniture, Tools, Household goods, Appliances, etc. At Competitive prices Come have a Look!!! TREASURE CHEST LANGS WB HARDEWARE SWAKOP Sel: 081 210 0800 Tel: 064 405 602 ONS KOOP, VERKOOP, PAND Kwaliteit meubels, Juwele, Gereedskap, Huisware, ens. Teen die beste pryse, Kom kyk self!!! FOR SALE: Second hand furniture. Best quality in Town. Lapaloma building Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay Contact: 081 324 1285 081 255 5809


MALUSH HAIR STUDIO FOR RENT: Kuisebmond, U Save str. 6x6m 5 sitting tables Shampoo basin Hood dryer, wall mounted Furnished Tv set N$ 7 000.00 p/m N$ 5 000.00 deposit Cell: 081 481 1283 One chair taken N$ 1 200.00 p/m

Horseriding lessons, Ponyrides, and Outrides everyday into the Namib Desert at the Swakopriverbed plots. Contact 081 124 6626 Organic young christmas gees fresh from farm to sell. Contact 081 124 6626

CHOCOLATES Chocolate fans Get your selection of the finest belgian chocolates wrapped and packed to your liking from The Begian Choclatique in Walvis Bay Contact us at 081 128 3921


SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A 24-year-iold lady is looking for domestic work. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 431 0058 WERK GESOEK: Ek is dringend opsoek na huiswerk of enige skoonmaak werk in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kan ook na kinders omsien. Ek is betroubaar en hardwerkend. Ek het verwysings. Kontak: 081 443 4386



On a certain day, around end of May 2014, while working for our construction company (Strydo Construction CC) in the DRC area, we saw a great need for helping the malnutritioned animals. We decided to try and make a difference in at least a few of these dogs’ and cats' lives and health. My daughter and I made two pots of maize meal, mixed with pet mince and sauces, and we fed 46 hungry dogs and cats that day. Seeing all the faces of those dogs we could not feed and those pleading eyes, is the reason which made us decide that we want to help all of them. We started looking for food sponsors, and we named our project. We received food donations from a lot of good-hearted people and businesses, sharing our love for animals, even though we are not a registered organisation. With these donations, we could feed an average of 180 – 200 dogs and cats per morning. We started feeding three times a week (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays) to keep the meals constant to give us a better chance of getting these dogs and cats healthy (the food we give is quite nutritious and a lot of dogs and cats have shown big overall health improvement on their skin, in Project” Swakopmund)

16 DECEMBER 2014

We drive through that DRC area in a single cab bakkie with all our equipment and food on the back, searching out the dogs and cats in need. The reason for not having a single or a few feeding points, is because most pups and kittens are too afraid to leave their houses and look for food. Other dogs and cats are tied or locked up and we do not want all free roaming pets together at once. This becomes a problem for us in handling them and could be become a traffic concern. We try to feed all of the dogs and cats at their own homes, while doing this, we start building up relations with the pets and their owners and we educate the owners of all we know about treating their pets good, humanely and to care for their basic needs. We educate them not to tie up their pets too tightly or in harsh conditions, but rather always with a clean water bowl and in shade. We help filling bowls of water up where it is needed as well.Since we started with this, we could really see an improvement in how some owners started taking more interest in their animals, treating them a lot better. We are committed to this cause and challenge the public, every restaurant and each individual to open your hearts to these animals and donate food to “Feed a Paw” Project. Maize meal, dog/cat pellets, canned dog/cat food, pet mince, sauces/soups, breads and absolutely any leftover foods are welcomed. We do even take old blankets (we put them down for random dogs and cats in need thereof by ourselves) or any plastic wear for water bowls (this also gets handed out where needed). We also accept foster homes now and then. And if there are some of you who are interested in helping in some other way: We do take volunteers and if these volunteers could help by driving with us in their own vehicle with more food as well, that would be dearly appreciated. We also have some Vet bills to be paid sometimes and since we are only a small group of people, it becomes hard paying for everything needed in our project ourselves. Two dogs are chosen per week to be sterilised and they receive THEIR FIRST INJECTION. The follow-up injection which is 1 month thereafter has to be paid for by the owners where they also receive a huge discount. For most of these dogs it is a first time visit to the Vet and the Vet even give these dogs a secondhand blanket to take home. We are not in charge of this project, we were only asked to choose the dogs, since we know them well. You can visit our Facebook page 'Feed a Paw Project' where we inform you of the numbers of dogs/cats fed on different days, stories concerning certain dogs/cats, videos, photos, etc. Our cell numbers are 081 437 6704 (Madelaine) and 081 847 4294 (Michelle) or via email cherizestrydom@gmail.com.

We are also helping out with “Have-aHeart project.”

The smiles we get when we arrive for

Strydo Construction CC has sponsored a pick-up and has paid for all the fuel since the end of May 2014 and for this article; Namaqua Meat Market; Food Lover's Market; Erongo Meat and Fish; The Garden Café; Beach Hotel Swakopmund; Margaret Mostert; Piet Reichert; Elaine van den Heever; Lynn Silver; Flordek; Griet Robberts; Desert Gems; C G Pieterse Professional Land Surveyor; Ria Opperman; Theresa & Valdemar Swart; Shell Service Station Ocean View; Woerman & Brock Supermarket Vineta; Adel de Klerk; Spur Swakopmund; Patricia; Careen Moreland; Anton Roets; Renate Wit; Tierschutzverein Swakopmund; Swakopmund veternary clinic and a few anonymous sponsors. If we have forgotten someone, we apologise. This year has been crazy busy for us, please inform me if I have left you out. If by chance we left anybody out, thanks to you too. Thank you all, may you have a blessed Christmas and a happy start to 2015!

16 DECEMBER 2014




Namibian Cricket Team Ready for South Africa

Riaan Swiegelaar, Retail Affluent Executive, Old Mutual Namibia; Tracy Eagles; Marketing, Customer Strategy & Transformation Executive Old Mutual Namibia, with the U19 Namibian Cricket Team. The U19 Namibian Cricket Team has gone on tour to South Africa yesterday and Old Mutual Namibia generously handed over cricket apparel to the value of N$20 000 to them last week Thursday

Namibia’s Z6 men’s football team vies for bronze medal second half from their player got them the goal that they really needed to reach the finals,” he told Nampa after the match. The coach added that he will use the same approach when they meet Malawi. “We have a brilliant strategy, but the only problem is the goal scoring and I will use the same strategy but just replace a couple of players and hope we will get the goals to at least go home

The Namibia U-20 men's football team will play Malawi for a bronze medal at the Zone Six Youth Games on Sunday, currently underway in Bulawayo. Namibia lost their semi-final encounter 0-1 against the host nation Zimbabwe, at the Luveve Stadium on Saturday. Namibia, who controlled play in the first half of the game failed to convert their scoring oppor-

tunities and went into the half-time break 0-0. In the second half, Zimbabwe picked up their game and in the 65th minute of the game Learmore Muyambo scored the only goal of the game with a long range strike outside

the box. With 15 minutes left on the clock, Baloyi Tsandib of Namibia was given his second yellow card of the game for bringing down Ishmael Munsanka and got his marching orders. Te a m N a m i b i a continued attacking

but could not find a goal, the game ended 1-0 in favour of Zimbabwe. Namibia earlier lost its game against Zambia, but defeated Lesotho and drew with South Africa. Namibia will now play for the bronze medal against Malawi, while Zambia and Zimbabwe will play in the finals.

Namibian men's football coach, Upi Turipamwe, said his team lost because of an individual moment of brilliance from the Zimbabwean player. “The game was played on two halves. We had one half and Zimbabwe controlled the other half and one moment of brilliance in the

For all your sport news/articles email to: sport@namibtimes.net/piquet@namibtimes.net

with a bronze medal,” stated Turipamwe. Namibia was also represented in women's football, netball, athletics, tennis, boxing, swimming as well as Paralympian sports. All the other codes finished with their activities on Saturday. Namibia ended second in the 2012 edition of the Zone Six Games held in Lusaka, Zambia. (NAMPA)

Arrows boast successful away matches Mavourlene Gaes The Walvis Bay based Eleven Arrows FC went out of their comfort zone in the weekend and travelled to Otavi and Tsumeb where they went up against Touch and Go and Benfica. Arrows went up against Touch and Go in Otavi on Saturday. According to Eleven Arrows board member Frans Samaria, although it was a tough match they managed to walk out of the Otavi stadium as winners. The match ended 3-2 with two goals scored by Arrows striker Mapenzi in the 1st and 61st minute of the game. th Patrick scored in the 28 minute, Touch and Go however was not going to just lie back and get defeated on their home ground. They scored their first goal in the 50th minute and their second goal in the 78th minute through a penalty. On Sunday the Arrows went up against Benfica FC in Tsumeb and drew 1-1 through Patrick who scored in the 72nd minute. The score by Patrick levelled the score as Benfica were leading through an own goal.


16 DECEMBER 2014

Nuwelinge wen Desert Dash Sport Verslaggewer

Twee Suid Afrikaners, Nichol Jordaan en Lulu Ceronio het die solo-afdeling van die afgelope naweek se Desert Dash-bergfietswedren gewen. Die fietsry-kompetisie word jaarliks aangebied en honderde fietsyers van heinde en verre toets elke jaar hul uithouvermoë teen die natuur elemente. Die wedren skop in Windhoek af en deelnemers moet die strawwe pad via die Khomas Hochland berge en die woestyn tot in Swakop-

mund aanpak. Meer as 500 fietsryers het hierdie jaar die ongeveer 370 kilometer-lange pad na die kus op hul bergfietse gery. Daar was ook voorsiening vir groepe van twee en vier gemaak, met onder meer Langer Heinrich Uraanmyn wat ook ‘n span ingeskryf het. Die wedren

"So I said yes!"

Vir een van die plaalike fietsryers, Flippy de Klerk, was dié Dash 'n baie besonderse een dit was sy eerste solo-rit, maar ook sy laaste, in meer as een opsig. By die wenpaal, het hy nie net die wenner van 'n sertifikaat geword nie, maar ook die wenner van Christine Visser se hart. Hy het van sy ysterperd afgeklim, en soos 'n wafferse ridder op een knie haar gevra om te trou. Haar antwoord, soos wat sy dit op Faceboek gedeel het: "If a man loves you so

much that he cycles for more than 23 hours through the desert to pop the question, then there can be no doubt that he is the one - with Flippy De Klerk. Toe namib times hulle gekontak het, het hulle gesê volgende jaar gaan hulle in een span aan die vierman-afdeling van die Dash deelneem.

het ongeveer 15:00, Vrydagnamiddag, in Windhoek begin. Dit was die eerste keer dat die wenners van die solo afdelings (mans en vroue) aan hierdie strawwe kompetisie deelgeneem het. Eerste Nasional Bank was die hoofborg vir hierdie jaar se kompetisie.

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