Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net
Namport tugboat sank in fishing harbour
Drive against Malaria
Bernabé Blaauw The sinking of the Namport tugboat "Omanda" next to the Merlus jetty in the fishing harbour, shortly after 23:00 on Tuesday evening, is still under investigation. Salvage operations can only commence once the reason for the incident and the extent of the damage was determined.
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Costs of Tampering with Legal System
See full report on page 6
Photo by Bernabé Blaauw
Pro-Ed Academy not Ready?
Pride and Joy: Adverteerder loop glo kopers in "Mighty" Erongo remains First Marshallino Beukes
Page 4
Mondesa, DRC dumping sites
Page 5
Rossing Marathon
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Leandrea Louw While the bonfires are burning high after the release yesterday, of the 2014 results of Grade 12 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) Ordinary Level for Full-time and Part-time, the top five schools in this proud region have been identified. They are Karibib Private School, Duneside High School, Namib High School, Walvis Bay Private High School and Westside High School. The top 10 learners for the Erongo Region are Joram Uutoni, Ndinelao Nelulu, Frieda Amadhila, Edwin Tsowaseb, Besley Namiseb, Fillemon Muunda, Lucia Tobias, Charlothe Hoases, Gedisha Neibas and Maria Nehale. The Erongo Region retained its position as number one, for the second consecutive year. For 2014, 19 392 fulltime and 25 540 part-time candidates sat for the examination at 176 and 125 full-time and part-time centres respectively. The majority of the part-time
candidates, 22 886 were registered with Namibia College of Open Learning; while a total of 2 654 were registered with other Private Institutions recognised and approved by the Ministry of Education. About 1 150 candidates obtained 20-24 points and students with less than 20 points are strongly advised to upgrade their symbols with part-time institutions which are registered with the Ministry of Education and or join COSDECs for other critical skills. Based on the performance of the 2014 Grade 12 can-
didates it is almost certain that 8 300, this is excluding part-time candidates, will qualify for admission to tertiary institutions, compared to the 7 300 in 2013. However, if an E symbol in English is taken into account by institutions of higher learning 10 924 candidates, excluding part-time candidates, will qualify for university admission. In a press briefing on Wednesday, Dr David Namwandi, Minister of Education encouraged those learners who did not make it, by saying, “I
Continues on page 2
‘n Advertensie in die namib times, wat aandui dat ‘n persoon drie voertuie te koop aanbied mag dalk by die polisiestasie en selfs die hof gaan draai, nadat die adverteerder blykbaar nie sy woord teenoor voornemende kopers gehou het nie. Een van die voor- spotgoedkoop pryse der het hom daarna nemende kopers in geadverteer was. gevra om N$2 000 Swakopmund het die Die spesifieke koper vir brandstofkoste te koerant vroeër in die het belanggetel in ‘n stuur, aangesien hy (die week telefonies gekon- Toyota 2.5 Quantum- verkoper) onderneem tak en genoem dat hy bussie (2010-model) het om die voertuig na ‘n bedrag van N$2 000 vir die prys van N$ Swakopmund te bring. as vervoerkoste na ‘n 120 000. Volgens hom ‘n Koopkontrak is deur bankrekeningnommer het die verkoper aan die verkoper opgestel wat deur die verkoper hom genoem dat hy en onderteken en na verskaf is, ge-ewallet tans op die plaas is, die voornemende kohet, maar daarna met en dat die voertuig in per gefaks. Teen Dinsdie een verskoning na Oranjemund is. ‘n dag was dit duidelik die ander aan die neus Naam en nommer van dat die voertuig nie in gelei is. Hy het blyk- ‘n persoon in Reho- Swakopmund gaan arbaar die advertensie in both, wat blykbaar die riveer nie en die koper verlede week Vrydag voertuig gediens het, het lont geruik. Talle se uitgawe van die koe- is ook verskaf en op probeerslae om die rant gesien, en besluit navraag het die per- verkoper telefonies te dat hy nie so ‘n “ge- soon die voornemende kontak het blykbaar luk” deur sy vingers koper verseker dat die misluk, maar hy is mag laat glip nie, aan- voertuig in puik kon- uiteindelik vanaf ‘n angesien die voertuie vir disie is. Die adverteer- der nommer bereik. Vervolg op bladsy 2
16 JANUARY 2015
Driven by Passion - Drive Against Malaria now in Namibia Maria Davel-Wallis
SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry When David Robertson and Julia Samuel walked into the namib times office in Swakopmund this week, I immediately noticed that David had only one arm and one leg – and of Information Technology the friendliest, liveliest, bright-blue eyes. They were dressed impeccably – you never would have guessed that, since 1999, they have been living in the most remote corners of Africa, under the most challenging circumstances, where clean water is often an unknown phenomenon, as is food as we know it, and have even on occasion being held hostage and Communication st David Robertson has crisscrossed six continents over Tel +264 64 205 854 the past more than two decades, and on these expeFax +264 64 204 813 ditions it suddenly struck wvb@namibtimes.net him that malaria and deforestation were recurring problems in many regions of Advertising the world. sales@namibtimes.net So, in 1998 he went on the desiree@namibtimes.net “World’s Longest Journey” – his expedition called Marketing/Sales Drive Against Malaria Mikkie Kriel (DAM). David Robertson Cell +264 81 286 9519 was the first person to hand mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na out mosquito nets in Africa, in his quest to make a differCoenita de Bairos ence to the grave suffering Cell +264 81 128 0311 of millions, due to Malaria, sales@namibtimes.net he had encoutered on his one-man expeditions since Classifieds 1988.
News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 piquet@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport sport@namibtimes.net Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824
Swakopmund Office Advertising shene@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net
PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@nambtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@nambtimes.net
With this campaign – on which he himself has already contracted malaria 7 times - he has moved mountains, and saved the lives of at least 4 million children under 5 years of age. Thanks to him, 25 April is commemorated as World Malaria Day by all member states of the World Health Organisation. According to his website, the African leg of his campaign was launched by Dr. David Nabarro of The World Health Origination’s Roll Back Malaria. The launch was at the MIM conference Durban before 800 scientists, Ministers of Health to 24 African Coun-
Pride and Joy Continued from page 1 always say, in any battle there will always be those who are injured, for those who fell victim to this exercise, I urge you to take courage and face the future head-on, don’t get
discouraged, as the darkest hour is always before dawn. Increase your diligence and commitment to make your studies a success this year.”
Adverteerder loop glo kopers in Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
Beloftes dat hy die geld gaan terugbetaal, aangesien die voertuig “ongelukkig klaar verkoop” was, is blykbaar toe gemaak. Hy het blykbaar ook aangevoer dat hy besig was om ‘n tjek by FNB in Swakopmund te wissel. Tot gisternamiddag het terugbetaling nie geskied nie en die koper het die koerant ingelig dat hy ‘n klag van bedrog aanhangig gaan maak. Nog ‘n slagoffer in Walvisbaai het gisteroggend die koerant in kennis gestel dat hy verlede Saterdag al die pad uit die hawedorp na Rehoboth gereis het om die Quantum bussie te gaan koop. Die adverteerder het hom blykbaar telefonies ingelig dat die voertuig in Rehoboth was en dat hy sommer die kontant kon saambring. In Windhoek was dit volgens hom ‘n deurmekaarspul, met die verkoper wat allerhande
draaitjies met hom wou loop en hy het later met publieke vervoer na Rehoboth gegaan, waar daar geen spoor van die koper of die bussie was nie. Hy noem dat hy baie gelukkig was, aangesien hy verkies het om persoonlik te gaan en nie enige geld in te betaal nie. Hy het egter ongeveer ‘n N$1 000 aan vervoerkoste na die binneland bestee. *Naam van adverteerder is bekend, maar aangesien geen kriminele klag nog aanhangig gemaak is nie, word dit weerhou.
tries and the South African media. David Robertson then started driving though the southern African countries visiting hospitals, schools, health centres and holding press conference in each country. The journey was both challenging and dangerous due to dreadful driving conditions, bandits, armed military, desert crossings and minefields, but this did not deter Robertson’s mission with DAM. In fact, it made him more determined than ever to fight malaria for the children of Africa. In November 1999, David Robertson met Julia Samuel in Ghana while giving away nets to hospitals. She was there to film “the mad man with the one leg and one arm in a 4x4 driving through Africa alone” on assignment for Top Gear in the Netherlands. Julia, a seasoned, international award-winning tv presenter and producer, previously from RTI Hilversum,and medical doctor, has now been David’s teammate and companion for the last 16 years. She says she was so inspired by the man and his cause when she met him in 1999, that she decided to follow him on his campaign for a year - she never returned to her high-profile life – she stayed and is now a pillar of strength for David Robertson. Unlike many others who have come to Africa and left a trail of destruction and death – they leave one of hope and inspiration. Since the inception of DAM, they have followed their ‘Zero Overhead Philosophy’. That means that DAM uses every cent received from donors towards their goal, without dishing out salaries, bonuses and expensive offices – and the team is adamant that it will stay like that – “because every cent spent otherwise means fewer mosquito nets to distribute.” They say, one of the most dangerous perceptions in Africa, that malaria is ‘under control’, is often strengthened by the very governments of the day in countries where up to 67 percent of their people are infected by the human parasite, Plasmodium. While countries and governments mobilise millions of dollar against terrorists, it seems that they are less perturbed and much less mobilised against ma-
laria, the silent killer of one child under 5, every minute of each day. in Sub-Sahara Africa. “Each year there are up to 500 million clinical cases of malaria and 3 000 deaths per day of children under five years of age, yet malaria is preventable and curable. Drive Against Malaria’s policy is to give away long lasting mosquito nets to children under five and pregnant woman in the poorest communities of Africa.” Plasmodium parasites are
transmitted from person to person via the bites of infected female anopheles mosquitos. These blood-sucking female mosquitoes feed on humans during the night. Yes, it’s definitely a she! And no, she doesn’t make a sound – she attacks in deadly silence – and when she strikes, she attacks aggressively, driven by an excruciating lust for blood.
Getty images
Walvis Bay Office
by rebels. The message David and Julia come to share, is clear and shocking: In the 21 century, Malaria is still the biggest killer on earth.
She drives herself into her prey, injects an anaesthetic into her prey (preferably children under five and pregnant women – but else, anyone will do) – and then, for 90 seconds, she sits and sucks the lifeblood from her oblivious victim… if she’s been infected, she leaves behind the Plasmodium parasites, who aim for the victim’s liver immediately, “then infect red blood cells, causing the cells to burst out. Malaria can quickly become life threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs, particularly the brain.” David says his dream is to stop malaria in Africa by giving away free treatment with long-lasting impregnated mosquito nets. Acoording to his website, Drive Against Malar-
David Robertson and Julia Samuel – a force of hope in the fight against Malaria
ia-World’s longest Journey (www.driveagainstmalaria. org), David Roberston lost his right leg and arm in 1977. Hit by a drunk driver, and left on the side of the road, somehow David survived. His courage and determination have provided the will to not only live, but to live life to the fullest. The two - who spent a few days here at the coast, waiting for their Land Rover to be shipped to Walvis Bayare heading for the North of
Namibia now, where they will start their Namibian project, of testing, treating, protecting, and empowering those in need in the fight against Malaria. They will focus on regions like Kaokoland, Ohangwena, Omusati and others, as well as Cunene in Angola. Julia has indicated that she will keep us updated from the North – with weekly letters on what they find regarding malaria infestation. She says the DAM team heading North consists of two people – David and Julia - and their Land Rover at this stage, but they expect the convoy to grow as the drive in Namibia gets a life of its own. In some countries DAM grew to up to 27 vehicles, under which two container carriers, as international and national organisations, the government and benefactors offer their help and humanitarian support. You can also follow their drive on www.driveagainstmalaria.nl
David with a mosquito net and Julia testing a child
16 JANUARY 2015
The cost of tampering with the legal system
-Nampol docket thief behind barsMadelaine Laubscher After the Nampol clerk, Ms Christaline Von Broen (30) was sentenced to two and a half years behind bars at the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court on Monday, for stealing and selling police dockets, the newspaper looked into the effect it has on the legal system as a whole. Von Broen was sentenced by Magistrate Vicky Nicolaidis to 12 and 18 months in prison in the hope that she would rehabilitate herself. The namib times spoke to Deputy Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu about the negative effect it has on the community as well as the legal system. “What Von Broen did leaves a very bad vibe in the community. A person who tampers with justice causes people to have doubt in the legal system. The solution to this prob-
lem could be to make accused persons realise they must rather face what they have done and accept the penalties instead of trying to protect themselves from it. They must understand that if the situation was turned around, someone might as well have wronged them and they would have wanted justice to prevail. They must live by the rule that you cannot do to another what you do not want done to you. It is just not right,” he said.
Court 14 January 2015
Alberto Bohitile (32) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and a charge of obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 24 February 2015 for the suspect to gain legal representation. The accused remains in custody. Leena Mwelihangela (29) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 20 May 2015 for plea and trial. The accused is out on bail. Alweendo Timoteus (28) and Amakali Neto (34) appeared on a charge of robbery respectively. The matter was postponed to 23 February 2015 for further investigations. The suspects are out on bail. David Kashupi (32) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 4 February 2015 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. A 14 year old minor appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 18 February 2015 for juvenile pre-trial community service. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Vendelinus Shivolo (23) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 17 February 2015 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Antonius Williams (26) appeared on a charge of common assault. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 30 days in prison. Vaino Shilongo (19) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in prison. Ngoimue Venerurur (20) and Nawaseb Shane (20) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft respectively. Venerurur remains in custody while Shane is out on bail. Victoria Mwetula (32) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 March 2015 for plea and trial. The accused is out on bail. Clinton Fisch (20) appeared on charges of attempted murder and driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 23 March 2015 for further investigations. The accused is out on bail. Immanuel Shipangana (31) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 18 March 2015 for trial.
According to the court record the accused appeared on six charges involving docket theft and obstruction of justice and offered to pay a fine of N$7 000 instead in a plea to not be jailed. Nicolaidis said that an offender who commits theft shows a deliberate disregard for the law and property of others. “Case dockets were stolen that had little financial significance. The accused had access to the property. As a Nampol employee, she is held to a higher standard than those
who steal televisions or mobile phones. Dockets have considerably more value than these material goods.” Von Broen was arrested on 15 June 2013 and appeared on three counts of obstructing the law but was released on bail. A trap was set and she was caught again stealing a case docket which she intended to sell for N$1 500. She was subsequently asked what happened to the very first docket she stole and what she wanted
Walvis Bay Court Report The accused is out on warning. Anti Gawases (27) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 18 March 2015 for trial. The accused is out on warning. Evane Van Wyk (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 22 January 2015 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Maasdorp Gevin John Ricardo (28) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 2 March 2015 for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Kenneth Kapitako (30) appeared on a charge of reckless driving. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in prison. Mogagabe William (32) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to 12 months in prison. Naruseb Erwin (37) appeared on a charge of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 4 March 2015 for trial. The accused remains in custody. Hailonga Sakaria (39) appeared on a charge of theft. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison. Nikanola Indongo (36) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 17 March 2015 for plea and trial. The accused is out on bail. Doeseb Romanus (45) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 25 February 2015 for suspect to gain legal aid. The accused is out on bail. Thomas Nanga (26) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 March 2015 for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Alest Henry Farmer (39) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 March 2015 for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Fabiola Toromba (33) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison.
Swakopmund Magistrate's Court Report Norman Plaaitjie (25) appeared on a charge of common assault. The matter was postponed to 5 March because the magistrate was not available. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. A sixteen year old appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 11 February for legal aid. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Nikanor Shilongo (38) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 9 February for other reasons. The accused remains in custody. Ambrosius Johannes (37) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 3 March because the trial was partly heard and the magistrate was not available. The accused is on bail of N$500. Neighton Cloete (20) appeared on charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 25 March for further inves-
tigation. The accused remains in custody. Andreas Abnor (18) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 30 March for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Gerson Katataiza (35) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 16 February for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. A fifteen year old appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 4 March for legal aid. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Richthi Uirab (21) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to16 February for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Janjies Maxwell (20) and Elton Manga (20) appeared on a charge possession of suspected property. The matter was postponed to 9 March for further investigation. Both accused remains in custody.
to do with it. “I sold it to the accused. I had given him the docket but he did not pay me although he was supposed to. I wanted to get money for myself because I had a lot of debts. I was working as an administrative clerk. I handled the dockets that came from court. I took this specific docket and handed it to the accused person, as I knew him.” She was found guilty of theft, obstruction of justice and defeating the course of justice.
Christaline Von Broen
Tracing of witnesses
The Namibian police in Erongo is asking for the public’s help in the tracing of witnesses in cases of rape and human trafficking (Mondesa CR 14/10/2012). They are Dorothy Sweatnam (Namibian) and Dr Badi Watumda (Zambian) The witnesses themselves or anyone with information regarding their whereabouts can contact Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupul-
wa at 064-219000 / 081 250 6821, or Detective Warrant Officer Julia Nujoma at 064-219 000 / 081 170 0812
Lost and found properties to be collected at Nampol The Namibian police (Erongo Region) hereby wish to inform all persons whose names appear as per annex A, to collect their documents at Community Affairs Office room number 30 Regional Headquarters of Walvis Bay. For more information contact warrant officer Mutumbulua on 081 262 1485 or Constable Hoeb on 081 593 6434 or at the office 064-219 011. Olivia Ndalilashiwa Kandyambanga,
Lorell Marchi-lee Hubree Beukes, Mahnaem Petekelo Dumeni, Aina Dalyowina Junias, Saara N Nangolo and Cornelia Vapiyaana Haimbodi.
Fines Issued over Festive Season Leandrea Louw
During the festive Season, over the period of 1 December to 31 December, a total of 72 fines were issues by the Surveillance Sub-Section at Road Block and Coastal Patrol. For harvesting and retaining undersized fish, there were 26 cases, harvesting Marine Living Resources without permits- nine cases, in possession of annelid worms, 16 cases, transportation of fish not in whole state - two cases, rock lobsters with eggs in berry - one case, excess white mussels - 12 cases, limpets - three cases and periwinkeles - 3 cases. Fines paid thus far during the festive season involves three cases of periwinkles
which amounts to N$7 752, three cases of limpets N$4 460, 12 cases of white mussels - N$41 080, two cases of annelid worms - N$600, five cases of being in possession of under sized fish which amounted to N$64 692, so far outstanding fines amounts to N$15 000. Mr Peter Shivute, Chief Control Fisheries Inspector: MCS, appeals to the public to work hand in hand to educate our visitors and Namibians on
conserving our marine resources. “This is not only an appeal to the general public, but the press, electronic media and each and every citizen of Namibia. These resources are for all of us, we should not over-harvest, harvest in a sustainable way. These resources are for the future generations, we should not be greedy. This goes to everyone, especially visitors, and those living along the coast.”
16 JANUARY 2015
Mondesa, DRC turning into a garbage dumping site Marshallino Beukes
Swakopmund is described by many as the cleanest town in the country, but contrary to this, the town's Mondesa and DRC suburbs are starting to transform into garbage dump sites. The Erongo Region's Governor, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, launched a clean-up campaign in DRC on 10 December last year, encouraging the local authorities to follow suit, but this clearly is not the case. More than a month has passed since the cleanup campaign and the state of affairs, regarding filthiness in these two suburbs, are shocking to say the least. Who is to blame? The town's municipality or the residents? The newspaper visited several of these sites and it
was clear that both parties are to blame. Skips for the dumping of household garbage are placed at strategic locations in the suburbs, but residents seem to ignore these clearly visible, big orange skips and are dumping their trash next to the containers. However, in some instances these skips are not emptied on a regular basis by the municipality, thus encouraging residents to dump trash all over the said areas. Municipal workers, emptying these skips also seem to
turn a blind eye on the rubbish piles surrounding these skips. “We pay with our hardearned money for municipal services, but year after year we are subjected to this kind of treatment and circumstances. If we don't pay our municipality bills on time, our services are terminated. We want the town’s administrators and people responsible for refuse removal to clean up their act and do what they are being paid big bucks for,” some of the residents fumed. Household refuse,
building rubble, garden rubbish, old electrical appliances and even timeworn matrasses make out the garbage, dumped next to the containers. The newspaper witnessed children playing in and with this trash, which surely is unhygienic and even
dangerous. “Is the reason for this neglecting of services rendered to us in Mondesa and DRC because we are poor and mostly black people? Our money is the same colour as those of other suburb's residents,” the namib times was asked. One concerned resident
of Mondesa noted that the authorities should consider educating the people on these issues and also try to personally visit these areas in order to familiarise themselves with the agonising surroundings people are living in. The town's mayor, Mr Juuso
Kambueshe commented that the Council will issue a statement on the scenario as soon as they have given a report, regarding the issue, to Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua. The Governor was not available for comment, yesterday afternoon.
16 JANUARY 2015
Obtaining Fishing
Goodbye - till we meet again The passengers of the MSC Opera passenger liner wave goodbye to the people on shore as they depart under the booming reverberations of the ship’s horn on Wednesday
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
Photo by Bernabé Blaauw
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish Om
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Riv er
Mile 72
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33
Speculation that the Schottel Rudder Propulsion (SRP) was damaged could also not be confirmed. However, the same source confirmed that the extensive mechanical refurbishment that had been done last year had nothing to do with the sinking of the boat as the engines were in perfect working condition as they enabled the vessel to reach the jetty in time to dock. An eyewitness on the scene that night has said that he saw the tug entering the fishing harbour just after 19:00 and that she was heavily listing towards the starboard side. She then steered towards the Merlus jetty where she was tied up. He said that it was clear that she was taking in water at an alarming
rate. Marine companies Subtech Diving and Marine, Extreme Projects Namibia and Skeleton Coast Marine reacted immediately to control environmental damage under the supervision of Salvage Master Johan Kilian. Around 23:00 it appeared as though the bow of the “Omanda” was resting on the bottom of the harbour while an air pocket in the stern apparently still kept the stern of the vessel afloat. However, she sank even lower and fully came to rest on the bottom just after 23:00 in spite of all efforts and the assistance of the tugboat “Flamingo”. On Wednesday Namport stated in a press release that, “ At approximately
19h40 on 13 January 2015, whilst busy with tugboat operations, the Namport tugboat “Omanda” informed Port Control that they have an emergency on board and that they are taking on water in the engine room. The location of the boat was in the Port of Walvis Bay fishing harbour close to the Merlus fishing factory. The tugboat master was then instructed to steam to the closest available berth in the fishing harbour before she loses engine power, which was the Merlus fishing factory jetty. Other Namport tugboats were then dispatched to the scene to provide immediate assistance. Emergency procedures were implemented and all relevant personnel were
called to the scene at the Merlus jetty where the boat was tied up alongside the jetty. The crew of the boat then disembarked. The boat was still taking on water and severely listing to the starboard side. Pollution combating equipment such as oil containment booms were deployed around the vessel to prevent any fuel spill from escaping the immediate area around the vessel. All possible efforts were made to prevent the boat from sinking but to no avail. The boat sank next to the Merlus jetty at approximately 23h00 on 13 January 2015, which is where she remains. In confirmation as to the uncertainty on the scene for the reasons for the tugboat’s demise, the press
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Contrary to reports that salvage operations of the Namport tugboat “Omanda” have commenced, a reliable source has stated that salvage can only start, once the insurance assessors have determined the exact cause for the incident and the extent of the damage. The vessel sank next to the Merlus jetty in the fishing harbour shortly after 23:00 on Tuesday evening. The case is still under investigation.
Swakopmund Tides
Walvis Bay Office
Rumours flying on reasons for Namport tugboat’s demise in fishing harbour Bernabé Blaauw
Walvis Bay Tides
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Port Log
release further stated that “ the cause of the incident is still unknown and is currently being investigated. No other vessels were involved in the incident. No person was injured during this operation, neither was there any damage to 3rd party property.” Rumours were also abound that the sinking of the “Omanda” left the harbour authority in a crisis because they had only one operational tugboat left. It was subsequently confirmed that the “Flamingo” and “Onkoshi” are still fully operational and the statement continued, “Namport maintains a fleet of several tugboats and all port users are assured that the loss of this one tugboat will not adversely affect port operations.”
16 16JANUARY JANUARY2015 2015
Hadeda ibises breed at Namushasha River Lodge this African bird in a category of species which are thought to breed in Namibia. Official records were not yet available, however. Until now, that is:
the first pictures finally corroborate the hypothesis. One of the guides at Namushasha River Lodge, Lennox Matengu, discovered the
Photo by Kristin Schreiber
The Hadeda (Bostrychia hagedash) is part of the ibis family. A recent analysis - led by Dr Chris Brown - of breeding habits among birds in Namibia put
A Hadeda with a week-old chick on 6 December 2014 at Namushasha River Lodge
Hadeda nest on 23 November 2014 in a large tree. It was built some 4 m above the ground on lateral branches overhanging the river and contained a clutch of two eggs. By 6 December one of the chicks had already hatched. The ibis family deserted the nest in early January. The manager of Namushasha River Lodge, Otto von Kaschke, first noticed a Hadeda nest in November 2013, about 1.5 km downstream of the lodge. Since the bird in the nest seemed agitated it is likely that it was incubating. This is only the fifth time that Hadeda ibises were seen breeding in Namibia. Two nests with chicks were discovered in November 2012 and 2013
Gondwana Collection
The Godwana collection Namibia has announced via a press release that the Namushasha River Lodge had very special guests during the past months: Hadeda ibises nested on the banks of the Kwando River and had a clutch of two eggs. According to lodge manager Otto von Kaschke they left the nest in January.
Nesting Hadeda at Namushasha River Lodge on the Kwandu River in the vicinity of Mazambala Lodge and another one about six years ago at Susuwe Camp. During the early 1980s the Hadeda was considered a rare species in Namibia. It was only observed
in the eastern Zambezi Region and was even included in the first draft of the national red list of endangered bird species. Since then, however, this type of ibis has spread west, further into Namibia. Now it also occurs
along the length of the Kavango River and during the rainy season in Khaudum National Park. In the far south Hadeda ibises can be found in the lower reaches of the Orange River.
Die Dag wat was - 15 Januarie 2015
Suid-Afrikaanse soldate het Swakopmund gister, 100 jaar gelede binnegeval. Bronne verskil effens, want ‘n inskrywing op Google toon dat dit op 14 Januarie was, terwyl Klaus Dierks skryf dat dit 15 Januarie 1915 was. ‘n Besoek gisteroggend aan die museum langs die strand op die dorp het niks opgelewer nie en ek is na die Sam Cohen-biblioteek verwys. Dit is waar jy die Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, Swakopmund kry. Daar het Trudie Stols geduldig geluister, boeke nageslaan, foto’s uitgehaal en uiteindelik bevind dat dit in die nag van 14/15 Januarie, 100 jaar gelede begin het. Wat ‘n leersame twee ure… As part of an attempt to display its loyalty to the British empire and, perhaps more importantly, enlarge its own sphere of influence on the African continent, South Africa sends troops to occupy Swakopmund, a seaside town in German-occupied Southwest Africa (modern-day Namibia). When war broke out in 1914, South African Prime Minister Louis Botha immediately pledged full support for Britain, antago-
nizing a portion of South Africa's ruling Afrikaner (or Boer) population, who were still resentful of their defeat, at the hands of the British, in the Boer War of 1899-1902. That conflict had pitted the Boers, descendants of South Africa's Dutch settlers who controlled two republics—the goldrich Transvaal and the Orange Free State— against the colonial armies of Great Britain. A stiff Boer resistance, including an extensive
campaign of guerrilla warfare, had ultimately been repressed by brutal methods—including concentration camps—introduced by the British commander in chief, Lord Horatio Herbert Kitchener (who later became Britain's minister of war). Under the terms of the Treaty of Vereeniging, which ended the Boer War in 1902, the Boer republics were granted eventual self-government as colonies of the British Empire.
Captured Germans outside Luderitz to go aboard the “Erna Woermann”
Am 24.9.1914 bombardiert die “Kinfauns Castle” die Swakopmunder Landungsbrucke und beschadigt den 20-Tonnen Krtan, vernichtet das Zoligebaude und umliegende Schuppen
They received their own constitutions in 1907 and in 1910 the British Parliament's South Africa Act established the Union of South Africa as a united self-governing do-
minion of the British Empire. Botha, the leader of the South African Party, became its first head of government. Frikkie Wallis
Swakopmund : Beschiessung der Landungsbrucke
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16 JANUARY 2015 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
newsdesk @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times
reader’s comments
Padkos vir oordenking Vra, en vir julle sal gegee word; soek, en julle sal kry; klop, en vir julle sal oopgemaak word.
Stryd om plek in skole Nuwe Graad eentjies is deesdae nie meer so emosioneel wanneer hulle vir die eerste keer ‘groot’ skool toe gaan nie, maar vir baie ouers is dit nogal ‘n tawwe dag. Nóg tawwer is die feit dat graad 1-innames dié jaar sal sukkel vir skole, spesifiek in die Erongo-streek. Christo Swart: Die regering moet meer vir geleerdheid en gesondheids dienste doen, en minder mors met ......! Carol-Ann Sowden Möller: What school in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund would you recom-
mend for our daughter who needs to start Grade 1 next in 2016? Her first language is English, then Afrikaans with a basic German. Thanks Zee Zuleiga GZ Abader: International School of Walvis Bay!
Matteus 7:7 Gedagte: So baie keer in ons lewens gaan sit ons in sak en as wanneer die lewensstorms rondom ons woed. Selfbejammering en om die oorsaak vir donkerte in ons lewens voor die deur van andere te plaas, gaan ons nêrens bring nie. Dit is tyd om op te staan en met die Vader se hulp en in die geloof die uitdagings te pak.
Grootbek op Vrydag
Youth credit scheme empowering Moet nie young people andere op Thirty-five year old talented painter, Linus Shoombe, has received over N$15 000 from the Namibian youth credit scheme in Kuisebmond’s Makriel Street. Elizabeth Tórsdóttir Hentze: Way to go, Linus! Delljozze Fuentezz Linyondi: Let me get my
pencil n start...it has been long. Ndapandula Pohamba: I think I need to also check it out.
Vermis Paula Gases: Liewe Jesus wees met die liewe engeltjie, die duiwel loop met voete op hierdie aarde beskerm haar teen al die evils en laat sy veilig by haar ouers uitkom. Elsa Clark: Hoe kan daar so agterlosig op getree word met so klein kind. Paul Fisher: Dankie aan al die positiefgesinde en sensitiewe deelnemers. Ek kry nou eers kans om te reageer. Let us stop blaming teachers and change the tables to parents who are to be blamed. You can have the fullest trust in our
Marshallino Beukes
Hoe baie van ons is nie geneig om andere op hul kleredrag, woning, amp, of persoonlike doen en late te judge nie? Wat my die meeste grief is dat sommige van hierdie “regters”, persone is wat elke Sondag die voorste rye in kerke beman met hul sedige gesigte en Bybels onder die blad.
Salihah Beukes was laas gesien by Narraville Primêr Skool, Walvisbaai - onderwyser het kleintjie by deur laat uitloop. Die ouers het geen idee watter kant toe sy was nie. Die dogtertjie is omtrent ‘n uur daarna gevind. Nevilline Robinson Forbes: Hoekom Moet sulke dinge di eerste dag gebeur. Onderwysers Moet sorg dat die kinders by hul klasse kom haal word van ouer of voor saam wag dis dan haar eerste dag by di skool. Nee tog. Laat weet asb as hul haar vind. Mag God haar oppas en huistoe lei en haar beskerm. Hoe vind 'n mens nou vertroue in skole. Natasha Izaacs: Liewe Here wees saam hierdie dogterkie wees saam ha ouers beskerm haar van alle bose af. Ek hoop sy is al veilig tuis, amen.
baadjie takseer nie…
school. Stop dabbling with unfounded fact. Ouers was agtelosig. Tyd was aan hulle gegee om die kinders te kom haal. Ek wil my nie verder uitlaat oor die voorval.
Ek wil u vandag voorstel aan ‘n persoon, wat volgens my mening die frase, ‘sout van die aarde’, se verpersoonliking is. Nederigheid, medemenslikheid, respek, lojaliteit en integriteit is sy wagwoorde…ontmoet vir oom Boets... Oom Boets is ‘n gebore Swakopmunder en leef in ‘n nederige plekkie in Mondesa, waar hy op eie houtjie sy pot aan die kook hou. Hy is een van die hardwerkendste mense wat ek nog ontmoet het, want oom Boets het te midde moeilike dae, nog nooit sonder werk gelê nie, “want hy het mos nie ronde hande nie!” Nadat hy sy skoolloopbaan voltooi het, moes hy die destydse Suidwes Afrikaanse Weermag join. Dié het oom Boets kafgedraf en hom daarna tot hande-arbeid gewend. Vandag is hy een van die beste in sy ambag en kan duisende dollar daarmee verdien, maar oom Boets noem dat hy nie ryk wil wees nie; nee, hy wil net gemaklik leef. “Wakiet [sleng vir ‘my vriend’] solank my dak (blyplek) betaal is, my potte nie stil is nie, my rookgoedjies daar is en so nou en dan ‘n biekie lawaaiwater, is alles reg,” vertel oom Boets. “Weet jy, ek het soms slapelose nagte, as die einde van die maand nader kom, en my ‘dak’ se sente is nie vol nie. Dai is die eerste ding
wat ‘n man moet na kyk, jou dak,” gaan hy voort. Kort voor lank slaan die geselskap ‘n heeltemaal ander rigting in, want oom Boets begin gee sy menings oor wêreldsake. En kyk, hier moet u nie ‘n fout maak nie, want hy het meer algemene kennis as die meeste mense wat ek al teëgekom het. Elke koerant word tot op die laaste letter deurgelees (met oë wat soms nie so lekker wil fokus nie) en oom Boets is sommer omgekrap as hy sy nuus oor die radio gemis het. Van die jongste verwikkelinge rondom die ebola virus, Airasia se vlug QZ8501, die Charlie Hebdo insident, Boko Haram en noem maar op, daarvan sal jy vir oom Boets niks kan vertel nie! Klassieke jazz musiek begin oor oom Boets se radio weerklink en ons gesprek is heeltemaal vergete, want sien, jazz is sy musiek. Kunstenaars soos Frankie Beverly, Maze, Bob James, Grover Washington en Brass Construction, wat vir baie van ons Griekse name is, is oom Boets se lyn en glo my, hy ken sy classical jazz. Dus, wanneer u weer ‘n ambagsman, boemelaar, prostituut, of wat ook al raakloop, kyk bietjie verder as sy/haar klere, werk, of doen en late… net dalkies skuil daar ‘n oom Boets agter die uiterlike…
Ek wil om verskoning vra vir my stilte, maar ek kon net nie uit die “festive feeling” uitkom nie. Met my instap by die kantoor het die brokkies entoesiasties by my mond uitgeborrel. Liefie het oor die feestyd die gruwelikste dinge raakgeloop, van kaal mans op die strand oujaarsaand, tot besope jong dames wat skaars voor hulle kon sien. Ja, I kid you not, ‘n kaal man het homself verspot gehou op die strand en vir die wat belangstel ‘n show gegee, al het hy kort-kort oor sy voete geval en sand geëet. Hy het later sy groen, sanderige onderbroek aangetrek en verdwyn. Gelukkig was dit anders as met Aspoestertjie se skoentjie, want ek glo nie iemand sou regtig daai groen onderbroek na sy
baas wou help soek nie. En dan kom ons by die “baai se kinners” wat nag na nag vir hulle met dronkenskap opgehou het. Siesa man girls, om ‘n drankie of 3 te geniet is niks, maar julle hoef regtig nie te mik na bewusteloosheid nie. Drank sal nooit uit die mode uitgaan nie, so julle kan maar stadig. ‘n Mooi meisie, dronk en sleeptong, met haar onderklere wat uitsteek is lankal al uit die mode uit. Liefie gaan sit ‘n tydtjie terug by ‘n “fast food” plekkie in die dorp, en in die hitte van daai dag kon hulle my nie eens ‘n
koue drankie aanbied nie – tot my skok redeneer hulle liewer oor hoekom hulle nie ys, roomys of milkshakes het nie. Maar mense, hoe maak julle nog besigheid, want alles bly net “out of stock”? En dit is nie die ergste nie: nie net kry hulle my order verkeerd nie, maar ook staan en grawe die dame in die kombuis in haar neus. Ek is baie bewus daarvan dat neuskrap ‘n nasionale sport in Namibië is – maar asseblief, moet nie oefen vir Namibiese kleure daarvoor terwyl jy met kos werk nie!
‘n Ander ding, ouers, hou ‘n ogie oor julle kinders soos hulle regmaak vir skool, want kinders try enigiets deesdae. Nes die laerskoolmeisie op die eerste dag van skool: toe hulle by die skool aankom sien haar moeder eers hoe bedek is haar gesig met grimering. Sy gryp toe onmiddelik ‘n tissue en begin dit afvee, terwyl sy haar dogter kliphard vra: “Gaan jy skool toe of gaan jy werk toe? Haal af daai goeters!”. So, spaar julle die verleentheid. Verder, don’t talk to strangers, hou moed vir Januariemaand.
16 JANUARY JANUARY 2015 2015 16
Security Academy makes it to the coast Mavourlene Gaes
Ultimate Risk and Security Management Services (URSMS) made their way over to Walvis Bay and hosted their first registration process in the harbour town this week. URSMS is a private sector role player which contributes through its participation in complimenting, fostering, supporting and enhancing national legislative requirements in Risk, Safety and Security in order to make organisations, institutions and business entities compliant to such legal requirements. According to the Rector of URSMS Charles Eiseb, the institute was established by Namibians and has submitted an application a year ago for accreditation with Namibia Qualification Authority (NQA). The academy is set to start with their training next month and are currently registering interested students. The academy had a successful registration day in Walvis Bay. The institution focuses on three levels for three years (one for each year), level four which is a Certificate in safety and security. After the completion of level five
the students will receive a higher Certificate in safety and security management. At the last level (level six) students will receive a Diploma in safety and security management. Eiseb says URSMS is the only institution who offers distance qualification in safety and security, with lecturers who are on standby to assist students and prepare them for examination. “Although safety and security is one of the biggest industries in the country it is also neglected and it is out of this need that the in-
stitute was established” he says. URSMS offer six subjects for each qualification; three subjects will be completed in the first semester and three in the second semester. Interested candidates will have to pay N$100 for application fees and hand in the required documents for processing. “I am not saying that graduating from the academy will be a guarantee that you will automatically be accepted in the police force but, it can serve as a plus point” says Eiseb.
‘Multi-billion dollar industry’ with power to transform developing countries
The software powering YouTube and Instagram could help shape a more prosperous future for an African country as part of a project run by a British University. The free programming language Python is hugely popular around the world and is an important player in the multi-billion open source software dollar industry. As well as Internet sites, it is very widely used in science, medicine, data analysis and infrastructure applications including air traffic control. Now, the software’s international users are being brought together in Namibia to share ideas as part of a project run by Cardiff University in Wales, together with the University of Namibia. Python Namibia 2015, Namibia’s first international Python software development conference, takes place in Windhoek, Namibia from 2-5 February hosted by the University of
Namibia, for four days of talks, workshops, collaborative coding and community development. This event aims to lay the groundwork for future open-source software development and community activity in Namibia, including an event in Windhoek in 2016 organised by the Namibian Python community. Organisers hope Namibia’s Python users, plus around 40 students from the University of Namibia which is hosting the event, will develop the software for their own and their country’s needs. Many people believe that open-source software which is free to use, adapt and distribute - is one key to the future well-being and prosperity of devel-
oping nations and their people. A modern, easyto-learn language such as Python with a huge global community and a vast range of applications is ideally suited to being part of this. Software developer and Python Namibia organiser, Daniele Procida used to work at Cardiff University’s School of Medicine and still lives in Cardiff, despite now working for the Swiss web agency Divio AG [http://divio.ch/] - which is also supporting the project. He believes the type of freedom he enjoys to work in a different country from his employer can eventually make a real difference to Namibia. “If, for example, a Namibian trains as a nurse and
wants to bring in more money, they will have done their training in Namibia but may end up taking a job in the West,” he said. “The country will have invested in the nurse’s training, but may lose out on the benefits. “The work of software developers on the other hand can take place anywhere - unlike nurses, programmers don’t need to live and work at the point of delivery. “If we are successful in encouraging the creation of a cohort of programmers with in-demand skills, we could see Western companies employing African programmers who live and work in Africa, earning and spending in their own economies. “It is a multi-billion dollar industry and there is a global
shortage of Python programmers. “Meanwhile, a nation’s investment in open source skills and technology is one with enduring benefits for its own IT needs.” Mr Procida added Python had many possible applications in Namibia, such as being used to improve the communications infrastructure, which could bring major benefits for healthcare for example. Python Namibia is part of The Phoenix Project, a major initiative between Cardiff University and the University of Namibia, and is the result of a collaboration between the two universities and people and organisations in the international Python community. Professor Judith Hall, who is leading The Phoe-
nix Project, said: “Cardiff University is working with the University of Namibia to help develop expertise in this field. “It offers Namibia the opportunity to enter an international community of free software writing that avoids the need to buy in expensive consultants. “It allows Namibia to develop its own talent and participate on an equal footing with international partners.” Cardiff University is recognised in independent government assessments as one of Britain’s leading teaching and research universities and is a member of the Russell Group of the UK’s most research intensive universities. Among its academic staff are two Nobel Laureates, including the winner of the
2007 Nobel Prize for Medicine, University Chancellor Professor Sir Martin Evans. Founded by Royal Charter in 1883, today the University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic approach to teaching and research. The University’s breadth of expertise encompasses: the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; the College of Biomedical and Life Sciences; and the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, along with a longstanding commitment to lifelong learning. Cardiff ’s four flagship Research Institutes are offering radical new approaches to cancer stem cells, catalysis, neurosciences and mental health and sustainable places.
16 JANUARY 2015
Walvisbaai se skoolgetalle vir 2015 in fokus
Liesl Losper Liesl Losper Met die namib times se besoeke aan die plaaslike skole was dit 'n hartseertoneel om toe te kyk hoe ouers aandring op plek vir hul kinders, terwyl die skool se personeel met die hande in die hare staan weens gebrek aan plek. Skoolhoofde van verskillende skole beskryf dit as 'n nagmerrie maar op die 2de skooldag het alles reeds in plek begin val en is hul hard besig om leerlinge te akommodeer. Namiddagklasse is weereens ingestel as 'n oplossing vir oorvol skole. Duneside High School Die skool het vanjaar 420 leerlinge. Hul Graad 1 inskrywings is 28. Mev A Einbeck is die skoolhoof en hul atletiekbedrywighede begin volgende week. De Duine Sekondêre Skool Die skool het vanjaar
980 leerlinge. Mnr J A Van Wyk is die skoolhoof. Hulle begin ook volgende week met atletiekoefening. Twee nuwe onderwysers is aangestel: A Links (Engels) en C Mubiana (Ontwerp en Tegnologie). Flamingo Primary School Die skool het 846 leerlinge, wat pre-primêre inskrywings insluit. Daar is 3 klasse vir Graad 1 waarvan elke klas 38 leerlinge het. Weens die toestroming van Graad 1 innames het die skool ook namiddagklasse van 12:00 – 17:00.
Dit sluit 4 klasse in wat 38 kinders in elkeen akkommodeer. Dit is ook hul eerste jaar dat hul Graad 8 ook akkommodeer en die skoolhoof, Mev Damens het aan die namib times gesê hulle is baie opgewonde en sien uit na die uitdaging. Hul atletiekgereedsheidsprogram begin volgende week. Walvisbaai Primêre skool Die skool het altesaam 527 leerlinge vir die jaar, waarvan 70 Graad 1 leerlinge geakkommodeer is. Die skoolhoof is Carina Ferreira. Hul eerste atletiekbyeenkoms gaan plaasvind op 24 Januarie. Die skool het ook 6 nuwe onderwysers aan boord vir 2015. Walvisbaai Hoërskool Die skool kon 679 leerlinge akkommodeer vir die jaar.
Mev Eigelaar is die skoolhoof, hul atletiekoefening begin volgende week en hul gaan hul atletiekbyeenkoms in Februarie hou. JP Brand Primêre Skool Die skool het 241 leerlinge en is nog steeds besig om leerlinge te probeer akkommodeer vir 2015. Hul Graad 1 klas het 35 leerlinge. Mnr Imanuel Keib is die hoof. Atletiekoefeninge begin ook volgende week. Tutaleni Primêre Skool Dié skool het vir die jaar ongeveer 1400 leerlinge ingeneem – die getal was nog nie finaal nie. Mnr JW Damaseb is die hoof. !Nara Primêre Skool Nara Primêre Skool het hierdie jaar 1264 geakkommodeer, onder wie daar kinders is wat nog nie opgedaag het nie. Hul Graad 1 innames staan tans op 311. Hulle het in totaal 38
onderwysers van wie 7 nuwe onderwysers is. Hul atletiekbyeenkoms gaan in Februarie gehou word. Narraville Primêre Skool In totaal het die skool 1 463 leerlinge vanjaar. In Graad 1 is daar 210 leerlinge ingeskryf, maar die skoolhoof, mnr P Fischer, sê die plasingsproses is nog nie afgehandel nie, en getalle vir dié klasse sal verander. Die skool het een nuwe onderwyser aan boord, en die atletiekoefeninge begin Maandag. Kolin Foundation Sekondêre skool, Arandis Hulle het teen druktyd nog nie die totale beskikbaar gehad nie, maar hul akkommodeer die leerlinge en ondervind nie enige toestroming nie. Mnr Geiseb is die skoolhoof en hul atletiek-
oefenprogram begin Maandag. Urbanus B Dax Primary School, Arandis Die skool het 310 leerlinge vir hul 2015skooljaar en hul akkommodeer net graad 5 en 7. Me Kazombiaze, hoof van die onderwysdepartement, het die namib times meegedeel dat hul geensins probleme ondervind by hul skool, met leerlinge wat hul moet wegwys nie. Mnr Gabriel Kharuchab is die hoof. Kamwandi Skool, Hentiesbaai Dié gekombineerde skool van Graad 0 tot tien, het vanjaar 1 016 ingeskrewe leerlinge. In Graad 1 is daar 138 leerlinge in drie klasse geplaas, maar hulle werk daaraan om dit na vier klasse te verander. Die skoolhoof, me H Speelman, sê hulle moes ongelukkig een Graad 9 leerling wegwys, wat
saam met verskeie ander leerlinge, van ander plekke af gekom het om in dié skool plek te soek, omdat die twee Graad 9 klasse elk reeds oorvol was met meer as 40 leerlinge elk. Sy sê 2 nuwe onderwysers het die jaar daar begin, en hulle atletiekbyeenkoms sal op 30 Januarie plaasvind. Swakopmund Primary School Die 2015 totaal vir die skool is 956. Daar is 120 leerlinge in Graad 1 en daar is 40 leerlinge in elke klas. Die skool het ook vanjaar drie nuwe onderwysers. Hulle atletiek-byeenkoms sal op 11 Februarie plaasvind. Swakopmund se ander skole se syfers was teen druktyd nog nie beskikbaar nie - teen volgende week sal hulle finale syfers beskikbaar hê.
Vrede Rede Primêre Skool
Graad 0 leerlinge by Vrede Rede Primêre Skool in Swakopmund
Leerlinge by Hanganeni Primêre Skool op Woensdag
Hanganeni Primêre skool
16 JANUARY 2015
The Dolphin Schools
Grade 1's: The Grade 1's of Dolphin Schools are all smiles and busy for their first day of school. The school only has two Grade 1 classes, the Afrikaans class and English class. Dolphin Schools opened their doors for a new academic year yesterday.
Choose wisely who you invest in for your child's education Sharlien Tjambari
It is that time of the year when the Grade 12 results are out. Parents are desperate to keep their children from the streets. But, beware, there are many colleges and institutions that are not accredited with the Namibian Qualifications Authority (NQA). The namib times contacted NQA in Windhoek to find out if it was safe for parents to send their children to certain institutions. It was advised that students and parents should do research on their own or call NQA to find out which institutions and colleges are accredited before they enrol into any institution of their choice. Ms Catherine Shipushu of the NQA says there are certain colleges/institutions which have many programs that are not accredited. Many parents end up losing money after
years of investing in a college or institution that is not accredited and the children end up on the streets again, because they eventually do not have a worthy document or diploma from an accredited institution. College of the Arts, International University of Management (IUM), Monitronic Success College, Institute of Open Learning and many other institutions are part of those accredited at NQA level. The parents are advised to visit www. namqa.org to find out which institutions are accredited and which programs at the
institution are accredited as well. According to Ms Shipushu the accreditation certificates expire within three years and after these three years the institutions are required to re-apply for a accreditation. Ms Shipushu also says she cannot comment on how many institutions are not accredited as there are many institutions which are not even registered as training or educational institutions. So, parents and students, beware – make sure you enrol in an NQA-accredited institution!
Website: www.namibtimes.net
First-Day Mania Piquet Jacobs reminiscing
There's no escaping the fact that the first day of school can be crazy. New kids wander around in circles, and can't find their classes.
The school bullies are on the hunt for eligible candidates to pick on for the year. Some of the school fashionistas are trying to pass through with crazy make-up, and the seniors are already preying on the junior beauties. It's much worse for
the Grade 1's, scared and nervous, they don't know what to expect. I was six years old when I was first admitted to school. My elder sister was in Grade 5 by then, it was decided that I would attend the same school. I was a bit nervous at first.
It was a new and unknown world to me. I feared that I would be among strangers. I did not know how the kids would receive me. I was also scared of the teachers. But my parents and sister encouraged me, they said that at school I would get playmates of my age. The teachers were actually affectionate. At last I got over my fear and nervousness to some extent and I made it through the day. The years that followed were a breeze – I worked my way through. The first day of high school however was a different story. It was the first day and the first thing I was worried about was whether all my friends would be there and what the plan of action was to survive the first week. We were the “newcomers”, “guppies” as they called us, and a
range of inappropriate and humiliating tasks awaited us for the first week. My first day was, to sum it all up, a day of crazy events; I had egg on my face, had to ask seniors on dates and was robbed of my lunch money. I had it easy though, a few of my friends were on the verge of tears. We survived though, and I went through my 5 years of high school. I can't say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn't say that they weren't fun because they were. Back to the point, hopefully the little ones could combat the first-day chaos, most of them perhaps – like me, then - by just shadowing through it all. Once you've gotten through the first day, you're safe, and the world is your oyster.
16 JANUARY 2015
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * Karate: Beginners classes will start on 3 February 2015 at 17:30 till 18:15. Every Tuesday and Thursday. Contact Goju Ryu Karate Walvis Bay Admin for more info: 081 277 9268 or email: bmwalcon@iway.na * 12 Feb: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 11 March: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 8 April: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade.
SWAKOPMUND * Every Saturday: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Ama dhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river.
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.
To Namib Times readers These pictures I personally took of the sunset at the lagoon last week and I would like to share them with the world. Many of the people tend to overlook the beauty of mother nature or don’t get the chance to see this kind of beauty. Regards
Mekondjo Johannes
16 JANUARY 2015
WARNING Don’t allow any Newspaper vendors into your house or business. A number of them had been caught stealing cell phones and wallets when entering premises in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Buy your Newspaper only from vendors on the street
WAARSKUWING Die publiek word versoek om geen koerantverkopers in hul sakeondernemings of in hul huise toe te laat nie. Verskeie verkopers is al gevang wat hulle skuldig maak aan diefstal van selfone en beursies. Koop net by hulle op straat
16 JANUARY 2015
2014 Market Review and 2015 Outlook 2014 saw heightened volatility due to widespread geopolitical tensions, a Chinese South Africa has also slowdown, Europe's instability and oil price depression. Stock markets corrected in the had a rough year. Some third quarter with resource share prices taking a turn for the worst. of the obstacles faced by Financial shares topped the JSE for the majority of the year. Considering tax and inflation, cash barely managed to create
Source: MoneyMate Safety consists of SA cash and bonds as indicated by the light green steady line in the graph, returning less than 8% for 2014. The dark blue volatile line depicts Growth. This portfolio consists of a combination of SA property, shares and global shares denominated in SA Rand. Growth returned around 14% for the year and shows the impact of the stock market correction. Considering this, our own investment portfolios focussing on capital safety returned between 7% and 10% for 2014. Our portfolios based on capital growth returned between 11% and 12%. These are slightly below the long-term average outcomes one can expect for these portfolios. We thus repeat our warning of previous years – investors should lower their expectations and income requirements as we cannot continue to receive the excess returns we enjoyed since 2009. United States of Ame-
positive returns with a 5.5% outcome for 2014. Bonds experienced instability in the face of rising interest rate expectations.
rica (US) The Federal Reserve Bank of the US (Fed) has carefully removed quantitative easing from the bond market, proving the economy is finally back on its feet after the 2008/9 Financial Crisis. US bond yields have been slow to normalise. This coupled with low inflationary pressures have given the Fed scope to keep short-term interests lower for longer. Job creation has improved, the US Dollar (USD) is strengthening and the economy has recovered. The real economy is expected to grow by between 2.5% and 3%, as forecasted by Blackrock and Pimco analysts. However, the Fed has a challenging task of normalising monetary policy through raising interest rates in 2015. Raising rates too soon or too fast could add a burst of volatility into the stock and bond markets. The USD is expected to continue to strengthen into 2015 as other economies struggle with their own challenges.
All in all it was a tough year: bonds gave less than 10% and shares made around 12%. Listed property share prices surprised every-
provide economic stimulus throughout 2014 as it struggles to recover from the Global Financial Crisis. Tensions between Russia and the West over Ukraine have wearied sentiment towards Europe. Pimco expect the Eurozone to grow by about 1% in 2015, continuing a painfully slow climb out of a double-dip recession. The European Central Bank (ECB) is adding more quantitative easing in the hopes of spurring g r o w t h . H o w e v e r, excessive liquidity caused by this accommodating stimulus is dampening inflation. The EU could, therefore, fall back into a deflationary recession. It is expected that lower interest rates in Europe (and in Japan) will increase the demand for long-term US bonds.
Asia Chinese economic growth experienced a slowdown in 2014, further fuelled by prodemocracy protests in Hong Kong. B l a c k ro c k a n a l y s t s European Union (EU) predict a continuation of The EU has continued to this slower real GDP
body by rising by almost 20%. Graph 1 below depicts the annual returns for 2014 of two portfolios, Safety versus Growth.
growth of about 6.5% for the year ahead. Japan is burdened by a heavy debt ratio and a falling Yen, leaving the country on the brink of a recession. Serious risks of deflation prevail as the Central Bank follows the ECB's example of increasing quantitative easing. Japan's real GDP is expected to grow by between 1% and 1.5% in 2015. Asian equities are undervalued and attractive for investors who are willing to accept the country risk. Emerging Markets (EM's) A strengthening USD and falling commodity and resource prices (especially Brent Crude oil to below US$60 per barrel) is weighing heavily on most EM's. Oil exporters, such as Saudi Arabia, Nigeria and Angola have been suffering, whilst importers have felt some relief from lower prices on inflation pressures. Ebola has hampered the transport and tourism industries on a global scale. In addition, Russia has entered into recession with the Ruble taking a massive beating.
the country include the fall of African Bank Limited in mid-2014 and it being placed under curatorship, which led the decisions of rating agencies to downgrade the out-look of SA financial institutions. The slowing China lowered the demand for resources, thereby adding volatility to share prices. The double deficit of the government also remains a serious cause for concern. Eskom's load shedding and strikes in the mining and platinum sectors dampened economic growth. Initially the retirement of former SA Reserve Bank governor Markus might have raised some concerns, but was fortunately well executed and the position covered by the capable Kganyago. EM's are expected to have continued inflation relief from low oil prices, but will be
challenged by the Fed's policy tightening introducing heightened volatility and more downward pressures on EM currencies. Low commodity prices will continue to limit exporters in the coming year. In Conclusion Investor sentiment starts the year off on a weak footing. Volatility will probably remain high going into 2015. Te c h n o l o g i c a l a n d financial stocks are expected to stay at the top of the list, whilst energy sector shares are expected to suffer. Gold is likely to come under further pressure from poor supply-and-demand dynamics, a strong USD, rising interest rates and a benign inflation outlook. Talk of the US interest rate hikes in 2015 has already sparked instability in the bond market but may open opportunities elsewhere. SA interest rates are expected to be stable for
2015 and cash remains unattractive. Evidence of budget discipline and more economic growth will be necessary to boost the bond market though the stable interest rates should help. Equities are overall on the expensive side but pockets of value exist. Large industrial stocks are considered expensive, but resource shares are cheap and financials are fairly valued, according to Cannon Asset Managers. Bloomberg and others expect global economic acceleration in 2015, led by accommodating Government policies, a low inflation environment and the expanding US. We wish our clients and readers a Happy New Year and a Prosperous 2015! Uncertain and volatile conditions create many opportunities for the patient long-term investor. If you are unsure if your financial plan is on track, please give our team a call!
16 JANUARY 2015
Narraville PrimĂŞre Skool
Laerskool Walvisbaai
Kuisebmond Primary School
16 JANUARY 2015
Tutaleni Primary School
A group of Grade 1 learners
!Nara Primary School
Grade 1 learners standing in line. Excited to get started, with their parents looking on
Immanuel Ruiters Primary School
Duneside Primary School
16 JANUARY 2015
Flamingo Primêre Skool
Celeste en Violet Djulu met haar eerste dag in Pre-primêr by Flamingo
Juffrou Muriel Van Dam van Flamingo Pre-primêre skool met haar nuwe Graad 1 (a) leerlinge, besig om af te skop met hul eerste skooldag.
Vanessa met haar pa, Nillo David gereed om Gr 1 in te stap by die hekke van Flamingo Primêre Skool
Walvis Bay International School
Gielie gaan skool toe! Mamma Sonja en Amanda moet groet en sterk wees
16 JANUARY 2015
16 JANUARY 2015
Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services in Walvis Bay has vacancies for CRANE OPERATORS 60T, 80T; 100T; 140T; 200T; 250T; 500T and 1200Ton 1x TRUCK OPERATOR The successful incumbent should conform to the following minimum requirements: · Code C OR CE driver's license with valid GP · Valid Crane Operator Certificate (CULMEN) · Fitness /Medical Certificate including eye-test · Minimum 5 years' experience · Namibian Citizen · Be willing to travel out of town at times and work extended hours if required · Consistent and dependable · Sober habits · Literate in English and Afrikaans Main Responsibilities: · Safe & Efficient handling of client cargo commodities and company equipment as instructed by management · Daily & Weekly Maintenance Checks · Completion of Job Cards The Company offers: · A competitive salary commensurate to experience level · A team focused and rewarding working environment · Career development and training opportunities Written applications, including a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and any contact references should be addressed to: The Office Administrator, P O Box 1149, Walvis Bay E-mail: Christiaan@planthire.com.na or fax: 064 205442 Closing date for submission of applications: 30 January 2015 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and no documents will be returned.
Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:
Stock Control Officer – Swakopmund Purpose of the position: • Complete control over the receiving, storage and distribution functions of stock Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years experience in stock control The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Knowledge of applicable computer programmes Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English, Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate Key performance areas: • Customer contact and care • Administrative completion of transactions Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: The Operations Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd E-mail: opsman@nictus.com.na Closing date: 28 January 2015 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.
20 NAMIB TIMES Apartment to Rent - Swakopmund Central long term = N$ 9300pm excl Electricity immediately available
* secure complex with electric motor gate * open plan with balcony; 2 bedroom, bathroom & lock-up Garage * Fully furnished & equipped - you only need your groceries & clothes * Fully serviced with daily cleaning, washing & ironing * Completely reliable & trustworthy servant * dual vision DSTV full Bouquet with TV in living room & TV in main bedroom * opposite Woermann & Brock Swakop Town Supermarket * 50 meters from Kuecki's Pub & 300 meters from Tug & Jetty Call or sms 081 8474100
16 JANUARY 2015
GARAGE SALE * DSTV PVR I Decoder with Dual Vision sensor, remotes & cables = N$ 1500 * 2 x 55 W speakers = N$ 300 * Smart Alarm home protector system with all Accessories = N$ 1000 * Vehicle Cooler Box – hot or cold device, portable = N$ 200 * Phillips DVD / CD Player – DVD 626 K = N$ 500 * Coolbox, standard size with Refrigeration top (Travel type) = N$ 400 * new Power Style Cree Flashlight Zoom – 300 Lumes (US made) = N$ 800 * new Eurolux Fluorescent Unit fitting with diffuser & lamps = N$ 300 * Mexican Sombrero, original hand made in Mexico = collector's item value N$ 2200 WhatsApp for photos: 081 8474100
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Self Catering ON ERF: 1638 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Moses Garoëb 62. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Self Catering on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 30 January 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS: Dawid Coetzee, P. O. Box 507, Mariental
16 JANUARY 2015
16 JANUARY 2015
Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office
Trading Hours Monday – Thursday 08:00 – 12h45 14h00 – 15h30 Friday 08h00 – 12h45 Monday Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants)
Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Thursday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45) Applications for permits (08h00 – 12h45) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45)
16 JANUARY 2015
16 JANUARY 2015
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET WALVIS BAY (W&L EXCL.) Older 2 bedr. flat above Remax building N$ 2750.00 Town House. Centrally in Town, Walking distance from all amenities : features 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Open plan lounge kitchen & bicSingle garage. Price N$ 6 800.00 Big and modern double story house to let in Fairways N$ 11 500.00. Avail. immediately! Open plan lounge - kitchen with built in stove & cupboards. Separate scullery. Indoor braai/ bbq. 4 bedr, 3 bathr. (2 en suite). Tandem garage. Yard is pet friendly. OFFICE SPACE: Situated centrally N$ 5900.00 VAT incl. Call 081 808 1548/ 064-209 444 for an appointment to view.
TO LET Narraville - flat: 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen and sitting room. The flat is situated in Romanstreet 36. Directions: turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and rive in Romanstreet. The flat is behind the house at Romanstreet 36.
FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Mondesa: Mondi Haven: 2 bedroom flat, two bathrooms, BIC & Build in Stove, single garage, a bargain at N$570,000.00 Excluding costs, Contact: 081 149 9191 / 0812847563.
TO RENT Tamariskia: 2 Bedroom flat and six bedroom house to rent. Flat with water and electricity included for N$5500.00 Contact: 081 279 0598 081 435 1012
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
NARRAVILLE 1 Bedroom flat, kitchen and bathr. N$3 190.00, W&L incl 1 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen – N$2 950.00 2 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen – N$3 625.00 2 Bedroom flats, lounge to fitted kitchen for N$3 500.00 NEWLY BUILD FLATS IN NARRAVILLE 2 Bedroom flats, lounge to fitted kitchen and bathroom with garage for N$4 000.00, without garage N$3 800.00 Please call Lana at 081 350 1827 Moira at 081 147 6475 Roelien at 081 473 7325 for appointment to view or our offices : 064-280600
TO RENT: Narraville room to rent, Lark Street 2817 Contact: 081 249 8989 TE HUUR: Plaas te huur in Erongo Area. Sms naam, van en selfoon nommer na: 081 894 8712 Ons sal u terug skakel.
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
OFFICES IN TOWN Office with Alarm and Water incl for N$2 750.00 Office with W&L incl for N$2 750.000 NEWLY BUILD OFFICE SPACE AND SHOPS IN KUISEBMOND Prices from N$2 750.00 upwards, NO Selling of Food and Liquor – Available from March HEAVY INDUSTRIAL – VARIOUS SPACES FOR OFFICES OR SHOWROOM/SHOPS No workshops allowed – Call us for prices and sqm LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Warehouse + offices – 365m² for only N$22 770.00 Vat Incl Warehouse space 600sqm for N$28 350.00 (Tax incl) Warehouse with offices 840 m² N$39 690.00 (Tax incl)
Call : Lana -081 3501827 Roelien – 081 473 7325 Moira – 081 147 6475
TO RENT Swakop - New Extension X 2 bedrooms, big lounge. Kitchen with BIC. Toilet. Prepaid electricity for only N$2500 per room. Available immediately. Contact Nestor: 081 234 0425 081 163 5817 TO RENT Vineta - Swakop: Bachelors flat, bathroom, Kitchen (stove) BIC. Garage and alarm. W/E Incl. No pets. For 1 person only. N$4500pm + deposit required. TO RENT Usakos - rent: 1 Bedroom flat. Prepaid electricity. W/ Excl. 1 Person only. N$1500pm + Deposit required. Contact: 081 302 5566 MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET MAHETAGO 2bedrooms, 2Bathroom, Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge N$4950.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity OLWETWENI 1bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2730.00 W/L Incl TULINAWA 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity HAGE HEIGHT Flat:2bedrooms, Bathroom, Open-plan kitchen Parking Area N$4950.00 W/L Incl Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:
N$2400.00 per month and water included, prepaid electruxuty,. Deposit required. Contact: 081 360 7641 TO RENT Tulinawa - Swakop: Bachelor flat with BIC. Mini kitchen, geyser. In secure area. N$2300.00 W/E Incl. Deposit required. Available 1 Feb. 2015 Contact: 081 427 9470 TE HUUR: Volgemeubileerde kamer met yskas, stoof, mikrogolfoond, skottelgoed. In Narraville, Neptune Str N$ 3 500.00 p/m 1x Ongemeubileerde kamer N$ 3 000.00 p/m Met alles. W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 215 2459 WAREHOUSE TO LET Swakopmund Central: 450m² warehouse / Storage space to let. Reception office, Kitchenette, WC Facilities. Electricity excluded. N$30.00m² excluding VAT Contact: 081 401 1149 2 x 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES WITH GARAGE NEWLY BUILD AVAILABLE FOR RENT in Hermes close to all amenities Water and Electricity not included N$ 6500-00 p/m Deposit: N$ 6500-00 Available as from 01 February 2015 Contact: Anelien at ACTA Estates 081 128 6008 Tel: 064 205373 Swakopmund CBD Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Contact: 081 247 3026 TO RENT: Two bedroom flat or one bedroom with sitting room and kitchen. Town, Narraville and Kuisebmond. N$ 2 000.00 N$ 3 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 256 8537 081 240 6047
HOUSE FOR RENT: A 2 bedroom house is available in Kabeljou street. As from 01 February 2015. Deposit required. If interested please contact: 081 278 0918 SHOP TO LET 38 Bismarck Street Swakopmund: Fully equipped with shelves etc. N$3500.00 per month, Water and Lights Excl. Nicole: 081 271 6780 TO LET: Single Bed Flat to rent Swakopmund, Block 6 near Mile 4. Indoor Braai and Single garage. N$ 5000.00 p/m Incl. W&L Available January 2015 Contact 081 306 4276 House to rent in Ocean view: A 3-bedrooms house with a big living and dinning area, kitchen, guest toilet and a double garage. Each bedroom has own bathroom. Yard is spacious. Pre-paid electricity available. Pets are allowed. Rent: N$12000/month Call: 081 423 2985 YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE Safe like a palace Centre of Walvis Bay, three minute walk to Spar Newly built two bedroom house, semi furnished, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen, BIC Indoor braai. Fully alarmed. Burglar bars. Car port No pets allowed. N$ 5 300.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid meter for electricity. One month deposit. Call: 064 204 986 081 697 8588 Email: manzur@iafrica.com TE HUUR: Woonstelle in Lagoon Area, Walvisbaai. 2x vol gemeubileerde klein enkel woonstelle te huur. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Veilig en privaat. Gedeeltelike DSTV, Water en krag ingsl. Buitebraai. Jammer geen kinders of troeteldiere. 1) N$ 3 500.00 vir een persoon en N$ 3 800.00 vir 2 persone. Toesluit parkeering. 2) N$ 3200.00 vir 1 persoon en N$ 3500.00 vir 2 persone. Geen parkeering. Deposito onderhandelbaar. Kontak: 081 247 1687
HOUSE FOR RENT Tamariskia: 2 bedroom house, single garage. Very secure area. G4S alarm installed. Burglar bars. Prepaid electricity. Available from 1 February 2015. N$5000.00 (Water excl) Contact: 081 127 0406 081 233 7721 House for rent in Mondesa, Two bedroom house for rent in Mondesa, prepaid electricity, water excluded, N$ 3200.00 p/m, deposit required, available immediately Contact: 0816700599 TO RENT: Backyard flat in Walvis Bay, Town near Duneside School. Very big bedroom with fitted kitchen and bathroom. Single person: N$ 2 500.0 Couple: N$ 2 800.00 W/E incl. Call James: 081 423 1710 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES To Let Kuisebmond - 1 bedroom flat with toilet and shower. W/E incl. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Swakopmund Vineta 2 bedroom apartment, toilet, shower, open plan lounge, kitchen, courtyard, garage Pre paid electricity Water incl. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Contact Emma: 081 122 8067
PROPERTIES FOR SALE 846m2 Erf for sale in Meersig Walvis Bay N$ 750 000,00. Contact Dawie 081 308 9730 / Reino 081 122 9155 House for sale Swakopmund / Tamariskia, situated in quiet area close to shops, schools and hospital. 3x spacious bedrooms with b/c 2x toilets 1x guest toilet Lounge Kitchen with b/c Single garage 1x bedroom flat N$1 100 000 neg, Phone:081 287 55345
Walvis Bay Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Ndana 081 278 1731 WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Ndana 0812781731 Weigbridge Warehouses for sale 165 412m² Selling from N$ 1 492 500-00 each Selling out fast! FINE & COUNTRY Arandis Plot for sale 450m² N$ 150 000.00 Luderitz Spokies Dorp 3 bedroom house Kitchen, lounge, bathroom N$ 550 000.00 Swakopmund Vineta 3 bedroom house, lounge, dining, kitchen Garage Bachelor flat N$ 1 785 000.00 I am looking for properties for sale in Kuisebmond, Swakopmund, Narraville & Henties Bay. Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143 081 462 3618 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE: 2x bedroom 1x full bathroom 1x en suite In & out door braai 1x garage Perfect for 1st time buyers or investors N$ 830 000.00 Please contact: 081 269 7509 081 296 0351 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
HERMIS Lovely 4 bedr house situated in a quiet area with 3 bathr, lounge,
TO RENT: A two bedroom house to rent in Swakopmund, Mondesa nearby Woermann. Sitting room, kitchen with BIC and an alarm sensor at all windows and doors. Pre paid electricity Water incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m plus deposit. Available as from the 26 January 2015. For viewing & more info contact: 081 581 0234 081 336 1161
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
dining, kitchen, laundry
scullery, BBQ, single garage, lovely garden. N$ 1 750 000 MEERSIG SOLE MANDATE: Exclusive 3 bedr home with 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, dining, laundry
family room with indoor braai, outdoor braai, double garage. N$1 980 000
Joey 081 129 3293
FOR SALE: NEW YEAR ! BEST BUY ! Two bedroomed flat, fully furnished with quality furniture, two bathrooms, inside “braai”, garage, balcony, High security,200 m from beach, town central,300 m from school. N$ 1.45 mil
MILE 4 !! FOR SALE !!! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!!!! Converted Jewel!!!
Luxury 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, guest toilet, beautiful kitchen, open plan, two garages, court yard, alarm, balcony (Conversion of one garage into garage,study,eextra bedroom, work room, or play room) PRICE : N$ 1.95 m FOR SALE!!!! VINETA EX 23!! Brand new home! 3 bedrooms,2 bath room” huge mod kitchen, inside “braai” laundry/scullery,tv connection, double garage, walking distance from new PRO-ED SCHOOL PRICE : N$ 1.65M
HENTIES BAY VACANT SEAFRONT PLOTS 453m² TO 733m² N$ 950 000-00 to N$ 1 350 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW SEAVIEW Awesome 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 garage, modern, PLUS 2 bed flat with garage. Furniture included. N$ 4 380 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 OTAVI DRASTIC PRICE CUT! 6 Bed, 4 bath, store room, Lots of parking, plus 1 bed flat. Perfect For B & B! GOGGA 0818709950
FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.5 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924
16 JANUARY 2015
Registration Open 19 January 2015 Time: 17:30
Swakopmund Town Hall Mondays & Wednesdays Children +6 years & Adults VALDEMAR SWART
081 124 2938
Ocean Adventures Swakopmund Baie dankie vir die bootrit wat ons gewen het... Wat ‘n heerlike ondervinding! Nico en Este Kleynhans
LOST / FOUND / REWARD OFFERED LOST KEY: Jeep motor... Key has a blue remote with a letter W. Anyone who has it or found it. Please contact Wayne: 081 221 8013
Situated at 6th Road next to Venus, House nr 11. Registration is in progress for 2015. Register now secure a place for your little one from 6 month to 5 years and after school, grade 1 and 2.
For more information. Please contact Charity: charityhabani@gmail. com 081 221 4736 064 220 890
DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541
I need guitar lessons: Where can I go for guitar lessons? In Swakopmund only. Please contact: 081 881 7623
SERVICES ELC HANDY Cell: 081 037 3431 081 233 1812 Email: elchandy3@gmail.com Experience handy woman.. Anything big or small around your house. Renovating / painting / plumbing / electrical and wood work. TOYA DRIVING SCHOOL In Swakopmund and Walvis bay N$85 p/h If you book for 10 hours, you get 1 hour extra. For bookings contact: 081 576 7274 TSAUTAGO CAR HIRE New Year specials Come hire with us and get best prices in Town. Contact: 081 231 8572 081 722 1354 JOSH TRANSPORT A truck for every need Truck hire You’ll be so glad that you found us Pish box Bricks Plastics Cement Building material transport Building rubble removal Cattle transport etc. Josh Transport Contact Josh: 081 284 5265 ELITE DRIVING SCHOOL We offer: *Driving Lessons *Roadworthy and Vehicle clearance Certificates *Application for Conduct Certificates (PDP) 2weeks *Scholar Patrols for Schools For more Info contact: Simon Cell: 0813726222 *ROAD SAFETY IS OUR CONCERN* REMOVALS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai - Swakopmund - Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320 Tuin vullis dromme te huur vir alle tuin - af val. Dromme word een maal per week skoon gemaak, in Walvisbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320
PAMGOLDING PROPERTIES DEBBIE - 0816660140 debbie.dutoit@pamgoldi ng.com.na WANAPA INVESTMENT CC 201412135 We do the following: Cleaning, painting, tiles and much more. Contact: 081 627 3353 DESIGING of WEDDING DRESSES; MATRIC DRESSES: Designing of your dream dress at affordable prices. Also: - Bridesmaids - Mother of the bride - Evening - Day wear - Curtains - Alterations - Invisible mending - Matric dresses Call Salomie Lifestyle creations at 081 728 4865 Situated in Swakopmund
Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.
OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
PROPERTY TO RENT SWAKOPMUND N$18 000.00 MODERN APARTMENT 3 bedroom, 2bathrooms Very spacious lounge/dining room and indoor braai area Big balcony overlooking the main beach Fully furnished 2 Garages To Rent Ocean View N$ 6600.00 MODREN AND SPACIOUS Apartment 2 Bedrooms with 1 bathroom 1 Garages, outdoor braai
PROPERTIES TO RENT SWAKOPMUND PRIME PROPERTIES TO LET Vogelstrand – 3 bed house and 2 bed flat – very neat and close to the beach. N$16 000pm. Ocean View – Stunning small 3 bed house with double garage. Furnished. N$10 000pm. Mile 4 – Neat 3 bedroomed flat, 1 garage – close to the sea. N$7000pm Central – 2 bedroomed flat with one garage. Walk to shops. N$7000pm PHONE BARBARA 081 656 2619 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
HOUSES IN TOWN 3 Bedroom house, lounge, kitchen, study, 2 bathrooms, single garage for N$7 700.00 3 Bedr house, lounge to fitted kitchen, tv room and indoor BBQ for N$8 800.00 in Fairways (2 available) DOLFYN PARK 2 Bedr flat, lounge to fitted kitchen, huge balcony with BBQ and garage N$6050.00 Please call :
Lana at 081 350 1827 Moira at 081 147 6475 Roelien at 081 476 7325 for appointment to view or our offices: Tel: 064-280600
To Let: Warehouse: N$ 12 700 VAT incl. - 235 m² N$ 8 300 VAT incl. - 135 m² N$ 12 100 VAT incl. - 191 m² N$ 15 000 VAT excl. - 272m² N$ 16 000 VAT excl. - 600m² N$ 42 205 VAT incl. - 950 m² Residential: 1 Bedroom flat with a single garage - N$ 3 345 2 Bedroom Flat with Garage - N$ 5 500 Office Space: 3 offices situated centrally N$ 8 168 Office space with a 1 bedr, flat and a single garage N$ 11 500 For assistance call: Alda: 081 255 5481 Office: 064 272 580 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
Classic 25kg Adult N$435.00: Puppy N$470.00 Karoo 20kg Adult N$520.00: Puppy N$585.00 Contact telephone: 081 292 5420 Email: maureen@iway.na
NOW AVAILABLE IN WALVIS BAY! Montego is a balanced diet with the right nutritional elements to keep your dog fit & healthy.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
FLATS IN TOWN Bachelor flat with W&L incl for N$2 000.00 1 Bedroom flat with W&L incl for N$2 950.00 2 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen, bathr, garage for N$4 400.00 in town 2 Bedr. fully furnished flat, lounge, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and balcony with BBQ, Water and DSTV incl N$8 800.00 NEWLY BUILD 1 AND 2 BEDROOM FLATS AVAILABLE IN MEERSIG – ELCHAMAR COURT 2 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen and bathroom with garage for N$4950.00 NEWLY BUILD 2 BEDR. FLATS IN HERMIS – EDELWEIS FLATS 2 Bedroom, lounge to fitted kitchen and bathroom with carport or garage for N$4950.00, W&L excl. Please call Lana at 081 350 1827 Moira at 081 147 6475 Roelien at 081 473 7325 for appointment to view or our offices : 064-280600
TO RENT: Bachelor flat available in Narraville end of January for 1 or 2 people. N$ 2 900.00 p/m Payable in advance W/E incl. Contact: 081 325 5230 TO RENT: Walvis Bay 2 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen. Shower. No garage. N$ 4 000.00 p/m W/L incl. Available 1 Feb 2015. Contact Esnolie: 081 454 5061 BACHELOR FLAT: To rent in Namport house nr 4845 Oshivelo Drive Kuisebmond. Water incl. Pre paid electricity. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 858 3875
16 JANUARY 2015
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TO LET WALVIS BAY (W&L EXCL.) Older 2 bedr. flat above Remax building N$ 2750.00 Town House. Centrally in Town, Walking distance from all amenities : features 3 Bedr, 2 Bathr, Open plan lounge kitchen & bicSingle garage. Price N$ 6 800.00 Big and modern double story house to let in Fairways N$ 11 500.00. Avail. immediately! Open plan lounge - kitchen with built in stove & cupboards. Separate scullery. Indoor braai/ bbq. 4 bedr, 3 bathr. (2 en suite). Tandem garage. Yard is pet friendly. OFFICE SPACE: Situated centrally N$ 5900.00 VAT incl. Call 081 808 1548/ 064-209 444 for an appointment to view.
TO LET Narraville - flat: 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen and sitting room. The flat is situated in Romanstreet 36. Directions: turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and rive in Romanstreet. The flat is behind the house at Romanstreet 36.
FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Mondesa: Mondi Haven: 2 bedroom flat, two bathrooms, BIC & Build in Stove, single garage, a bargain at N$570,000.00 Excluding costs, Contact: 081 149 9191 / 0812847563.
TO RENT Tamariskia: 2 Bedroom flat and six bedroom house to rent. Flat with water and electricity included for N$5500.00 Contact: 081 279 0598 081 435 1012
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
NARRAVILLE 1 Bedroom flat, kitchen and bathr. N$3 190.00, W&L incl 1 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen – N$2 950.00 2 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen – N$3 625.00 2 Bedroom flats, lounge to fitted kitchen for N$3 500.00 NEWLY BUILD FLATS IN NARRAVILLE 2 Bedroom flats, lounge to fitted kitchen and bathroom with garage for N$4 000.00, without garage N$3 800.00 Please call Lana at 081 350 1827 Moira at 081 147 6475 Roelien at 081 473 7325 for appointment to view or our offices : 064-280600
TO RENT: Narraville room to rent, Lark Street 2817 Contact: 081 249 8989 TE HUUR: Plaas te huur in Erongo Area. Sms naam, van en selfoon nommer na: 081 894 8712 Ons sal u terug skakel.
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
OFFICES IN TOWN Office with Alarm and Water incl for N$2 750.00 Office with W&L incl for N$2 750.000 NEWLY BUILD OFFICE SPACE AND SHOPS IN KUISEBMOND Prices from N$2 750.00 upwards, NO Selling of Food and Liquor – Available from March HEAVY INDUSTRIAL – VARIOUS SPACES FOR OFFICES OR SHOWROOM/SHOPS No workshops allowed – Call us for prices and sqm LIGHT INDUSTRIAL Warehouse + offices – 365m² for only N$22 770.00 Vat Incl Warehouse space 600sqm for N$28 350.00 (Tax incl) Warehouse with offices 840 m² N$39 690.00 (Tax incl)
Call : Lana -081 3501827 Roelien – 081 473 7325 Moira – 081 147 6475
TO RENT Swakop - New Extension X 2 bedrooms, big lounge. Kitchen with BIC. Toilet. Prepaid electricity for only N$2500 per room. Available immediately. Contact Nestor: 081 234 0425 081 163 5817 TO RENT Vineta - Swakop: Bachelors flat, bathroom, Kitchen (stove) BIC. Garage and alarm. W/E Incl. No pets. For 1 person only. N$4500pm + deposit required. TO RENT Usakos - rent: 1 Bedroom flat. Prepaid electricity. W/ Excl. 1 Person only. N$1500pm + Deposit required. Contact: 081 302 5566 MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET MAHETAGO 2bedrooms, 2Bathroom, Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge N$4950.00 W/Incl Prepaid Electricity OLWETWENI 1bedroom, bathroom Kitchen N$2730.00 W/L Incl TULINAWA 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity HAGE HEIGHT Flat:2bedrooms, Bathroom, Open-plan kitchen Parking Area N$4950.00 W/L Incl Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:
N$2400.00 per month and water included, prepaid electruxuty,. Deposit required. Contact: 081 360 7641 TO RENT Tulinawa - Swakop: Bachelor flat with BIC. Mini kitchen, geyser. In secure area. N$2300.00 W/E Incl. Deposit required. Available 1 Feb. 2015 Contact: 081 427 9470 TE HUUR: Volgemeubileerde kamer met yskas, stoof, mikrogolfoond, skottelgoed. In Narraville, Neptune Str N$ 3 500.00 p/m 1x Ongemeubileerde kamer N$ 3 000.00 p/m Met alles. W/L ingsl. Kontak: 081 215 2459 WAREHOUSE TO LET Swakopmund Central: 450m² warehouse / Storage space to let. Reception office, Kitchenette, WC Facilities. Electricity excluded. N$30.00m² excluding VAT Contact: 081 401 1149 2 x 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES WITH GARAGE NEWLY BUILD AVAILABLE FOR RENT in Hermes close to all amenities Water and Electricity not included N$ 6500-00 p/m Deposit: N$ 6500-00 Available as from 01 February 2015 Contact: Anelien at ACTA Estates 081 128 6008 Tel: 064 205373 Swakopmund CBD Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Contact: 081 247 3026 TO RENT: Two bedroom flat or one bedroom with sitting room and kitchen. Town, Narraville and Kuisebmond. N$ 2 000.00 N$ 3 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 256 8537 081 240 6047
HOUSE FOR RENT: A 2 bedroom house is available in Kabeljou street. As from 01 February 2015. Deposit required. If interested please contact: 081 278 0918 SHOP TO LET 38 Bismarck Street Swakopmund: Fully equipped with shelves etc. N$3500.00 per month, Water and Lights Excl. Nicole: 081 271 6780 TO LET: Single Bed Flat to rent Swakopmund, Block 6 near Mile 4. Indoor Braai and Single garage. N$ 5000.00 p/m Incl. W&L Available January 2015 Contact 081 306 4276 House to rent in Ocean view: A 3-bedrooms house with a big living and dinning area, kitchen, guest toilet and a double garage. Each bedroom has own bathroom. Yard is spacious. Pre-paid electricity available. Pets are allowed. Rent: N$12000/month Call: 081 423 2985 YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE Safe like a palace Centre of Walvis Bay, three minute walk to Spar Newly built two bedroom house, semi furnished, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen, BIC Indoor braai. Fully alarmed. Burglar bars. Car port No pets allowed. N$ 5 300.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid meter for electricity. One month deposit. Call: 064 204 986 081 697 8588 Email: manzur@iafrica.com TE HUUR: Woonstelle in Lagoon Area, Walvisbaai. 2x vol gemeubileerde klein enkel woonstelle te huur. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Veilig en privaat. Gedeeltelike DSTV, Water en krag ingsl. Buitebraai. Jammer geen kinders of troeteldiere. 1) N$ 3 500.00 vir een persoon en N$ 3 800.00 vir 2 persone. Toesluit parkeering. 2) N$ 3200.00 vir 1 persoon en N$ 3500.00 vir 2 persone. Geen parkeering. Deposito onderhandelbaar. Kontak: 081 247 1687
HOUSE FOR RENT Tamariskia: 2 bedroom house, single garage. Very secure area. G4S alarm installed. Burglar bars. Prepaid electricity. Available from 1 February 2015. N$5000.00 (Water excl) Contact: 081 127 0406 081 233 7721 House for rent in Mondesa, Two bedroom house for rent in Mondesa, prepaid electricity, water excluded, N$ 3200.00 p/m, deposit required, available immediately Contact: 0816700599 TO RENT: Backyard flat in Walvis Bay, Town near Duneside School. Very big bedroom with fitted kitchen and bathroom. Single person: N$ 2 500.0 Couple: N$ 2 800.00 W/E incl. Call James: 081 423 1710 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES To Let Kuisebmond - 1 bedroom flat with toilet and shower. W/E incl. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Swakopmund Vineta 2 bedroom apartment, toilet, shower, open plan lounge, kitchen, courtyard, garage Pre paid electricity Water incl. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Contact Emma: 081 122 8067
PROPERTIES FOR SALE 846m2 Erf for sale in Meersig Walvis Bay N$ 750 000,00. Contact Dawie 081 308 9730 / Reino 081 122 9155 House for sale Swakopmund / Tamariskia, situated in quiet area close to shops, schools and hospital. 3x spacious bedrooms with b/c 2x toilets 1x guest toilet Lounge Kitchen with b/c Single garage 1x bedroom flat N$1 100 000 neg, Phone:081 287 55345
Walvis Bay Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Ndana 081 278 1731 WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Ndana 0812781731 Weigbridge Warehouses for sale 165 412m² Selling from N$ 1 492 500-00 each Selling out fast! FINE & COUNTRY Arandis Plot for sale 450m² N$ 150 000.00 Luderitz Spokies Dorp 3 bedroom house Kitchen, lounge, bathroom N$ 550 000.00 Swakopmund Vineta 3 bedroom house, lounge, dining, kitchen Garage Bachelor flat N$ 1 785 000.00 I am looking for properties for sale in Kuisebmond, Swakopmund, Narraville & Henties Bay. Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143 081 462 3618 TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE: 2x bedroom 1x full bathroom 1x en suite In & out door braai 1x garage Perfect for 1st time buyers or investors N$ 830 000.00 Please contact: 081 269 7509 081 296 0351 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
HERMIS Lovely 4 bedr house situated in a quiet area with 3 bathr, lounge,
TO RENT: A two bedroom house to rent in Swakopmund, Mondesa nearby Woermann. Sitting room, kitchen with BIC and an alarm sensor at all windows and doors. Pre paid electricity Water incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m plus deposit. Available as from the 26 January 2015. For viewing & more info contact: 081 581 0234 081 336 1161
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
dining, kitchen, laundry
scullery, BBQ, single garage, lovely garden. N$ 1 750 000 MEERSIG SOLE MANDATE: Exclusive 3 bedr home with 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, dining, laundry
family room with indoor braai, outdoor braai, double garage. N$1 980 000
Joey 081 129 3293
FOR SALE: NEW YEAR ! BEST BUY ! Two bedroomed flat, fully furnished with quality furniture, two bathrooms, inside “braai”, garage, balcony, High security,200 m from beach, town central,300 m from school. N$ 1.45 mil
MILE 4 !! FOR SALE !!! FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE!!!! Converted Jewel!!!
Luxury 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, guest toilet, beautiful kitchen, open plan, two garages, court yard, alarm, balcony (Conversion of one garage into garage,study,eextra bedroom, work room, or play room) PRICE : N$ 1.95 m FOR SALE!!!! VINETA EX 23!! Brand new home! 3 bedrooms,2 bath room” huge mod kitchen, inside “braai” laundry/scullery,tv connection, double garage, walking distance from new PRO-ED SCHOOL PRICE : N$ 1.65M
HENTIES BAY VACANT SEAFRONT PLOTS 453m² TO 733m² N$ 950 000-00 to N$ 1 350 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND BRAND NEW SEAVIEW Awesome 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 garage, modern, PLUS 2 bed flat with garage. Furniture included. N$ 4 380 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 OTAVI DRASTIC PRICE CUT! 6 Bed, 4 bath, store room, Lots of parking, plus 1 bed flat. Perfect For B & B! GOGGA 0818709950
FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.5 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924
16 JANUARY 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
VACANCIES VACANCIES: The Wreck Restaurant is urgently looking for a suitable candidate to join our team and fill the important position of Restaurant Manager The successful applicant will report directly to the General Manager and will be employed on a fixed term contract basis which will be explained during the interview.
Glory Real Estate: Walvis Bay: Central: 3 Bedr. house 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen single garage, bachelor flat with open plan kitchen and toilet. Price: N$ 1.450mil. Kuisebmond: 5 Bedr. house, 2 x flats (rental income N$ 5 000.) high boundary wall, NO GARAGE rental income for the whole property: N$ +- 13 000.00 Selling price: N$ 850 000.00 Blocks of Flats: Kuisebmond Nice Investment Rental income N$ +- N$15 000.00 Selling Price: N$ 1.140mil Kuisebmond Investment 6 x blocks of flats Rental Income +- N$ 13 400-00 Price: N$ 830 000-00 Henties Bay: Plot in town new ext Size: 3470m2 Price: N$ 960 000.00 Outjo: Residential plot Size 877m² N$ 170 000-00 Okahandja: Business plot; Size:6002m2 Price: N$ 6.450mil Looking for properties to sell all over Namibia call: 081 45 70 543 email: toinischoltz@gmail.com
SAAMRY GELEENTHEID GESOEK: 2 Persone is opsoek na saamry geleentheid vanaf HENTIES BAY na SWAKOPMUND en weer terug, op ‘n maandelikse basis. Werk saam in Swakopmund en is bereid om by te dra tot brandstof. Begin 08h00 tot 17h00. Indien u kan help skakel: Annalene: 081 657 0683 Gideon: 081 484 7953 WANTED: Looking for a building contractor that takes on small projects like extending houses. Contact: 081 201 0116 Are you out of CASH CASH CASH???? Then look no further, bring your Gold or Silver to us and we will give you instant cash on the spot. We buy Gold & Silver Jewelry, Gold & Silver Coins and Diamonds. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and Arandis. Contact me on 081 344 3794 081 315 9178
VACANCIES Swakopmund Office Administrator Suitable candidate must have accounting and office admin qualifications. Preferably in Pastel and Sage, age between 30 35 To start ASAP Please send CV to marvestmarble@iway. na
Applicants must comply with the following criteria:. ·Namibian Citizen/Permanent Residence ·Must be absolutely passionate about people ·Age Group 21+ ·Valid Code B (08) Driver's Licence ·Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) ·Experience in a similar field in a restaurant or hotel environment is a pre-requisite ·Good people & communication skills and a team player ·Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc ·Be computer literate (Word, Excel, Outlook, Restaurateur/InnKeeper ) ·Must have solid traceable references Applicants must personally hand in CV's at Beach Lodge, 1 Stint street, Vogelstrand, Swakopmund during office hours or email CV's to hr@thewreck.com No telephonic enquiries or faxed CV's will be accepted! Short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview!
VACANCIES: Looking for an accounts clerk. At least 2-3 years experience. Experience with Patel Accounting would be an advantage. Forward CV to: karen@tnknamibia.com Beamar Shipping Logistics cc is an equal opportunity employer with offices based in Walvis Bay and Windhoek. The company is currently looking for a result orientated operations manager and customs clearance agent for the branch operation based in Walvis Bay. Interested applicants should forward their CV's with certified documents to marketing@beamarsl.c om no later then 26/01/2015.
VACANCIES ACCOMMODATION A well establish Corrosion Protection Company is looking for a Qualified Safety Officer in Tsumeb. · Must be a Namibian Citizen. · Fluent in English and Afrikaans · Minimum of 3 years' Experience Applications closed on Friday 21 January 2015 at 9 o'clock. Fax detailed CV to 064 407 143 JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: Instructor needed: Are you a Namibian? You do not drink or smoke? Do you have a valid drivers licence? Than post your CV to: 367 Swakopmund. Job Opportunity: Looking for a qualified Driving school Instructor in Swakopmund. Starting from 1 February 2015 Contact: 081 2559 7964 WANTED: Salon is looking for a young lady who can be train as a nail technician. Looking for 2 hairdressers with own clients for salon in centre of town. call 0816404707. VACANCY: Cashiers Dynamic, self motivated and trustworthy. Must be able to work independently, speak & write English. Willing and able to work under pressure and work shifts. Neat in appearance and friendly. Interested applicants are invited to apply in writing to: The Owner P.O Box 1324 Walvis Bay, Namibia Or email: jobs@trustmarket.com.n a
Panel to Panel C/o Circumferential Rd & Rooibank Str Following available positions: - Storeman (needs driver license) - Aluminium Cutter / Window maker - Refrigerations Mechanic Prior experience essential
Bring CV's per hand to premise
ACCOMMODATION IN WALVIS BAY TO RENT. 2 bedroom flat in a complex. BIC. Located in the centre of town. N$6000.00 negotiable. Water included, electricity excluded. Contact 081 373 4911 / 081 226 2521
CARS UNCLE G’s INVESTMENT cc: Import cars from Japan. Polo 1.4. Full house 2006 Model. N$65 000.00(eg) Contact: 081 256 7930 for more info or if interested. Car already registered. FOR SALE: Hyundai Santa Fe 4x4 Full house, sunroof. Leather interior. N$65 00.00 (neg) Contact: 081 560 2493 FOR SALE: 1998 BMW M3 German Spec. 147 000 km N$ 110 000.00 BMW 325i Box shape IS engine and plenty extras. N$ 55 000.00 Contact: 081 271 6857 FOR SALE: 2009 Volvo S40 Powerstuff Nissan Hardbody 2.4 16 Valve 4x4 Off road Vehicles in mint condition Please contact: 081 236 8241 081 312 5582 For Sale: 2009 Toyota Hilux D4D (D/C) 3.0 4x4 Leather seats Snorkel Onca Bumper EFS Suspension New tyres 99 300Km LED Light bar LED Fog Lights Built in tyre pump 2nd battery (Dual Battery) Tube running boards Connections for offroad fridge on loading area Rubberized loading area Price NAD285K Neg. Contact 081 275 4815
2013 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER D/C FOR SALE V6 4L, 34 000km Only serious buyers N$ 439 000-00, non-neg. Contact: 081 274 5712
19 JANUARY 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Has the following vacancy available for a ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT Experience: Pastel (will be an advantage) Petty Cash Debtors Filling Bank recon Daily tasks in bookkeeping CLOSING DATE: 23 JANUARY 2015 Successful candidates will be contacted. E-MAIL CV'S TO: christel@safewearnamibia.com
CASE 821- 3.8 cub meter bucket @ N$620.00 per hour “Dry Rate” Cell: 0813944026
2009 Mazda BT - 50 2.6i Petrol 4x4. Just been resprayed. Car in very good condition. 189 000km on clock. N$125 000.00(neg) Contact: 081 261 8487 FOR SALE: 2012 Ford Ranger X5 D/Cab 2.2 Manual Diesel T/Bar, bull bar, running boards Canopy, rhino lining Mint condition N$ 305 000.00 Negotiable Contact: 081 140 6623 FOR SALE NEUER, noch nicht registrierter Landcruiser 79, V8, Doppelkabiner Cell: 081 233 8849 NEW, not yet reg. Landcruiser 79, V8, double cab Cell: 081 233 8849
Description: Assets Into For Sale 2013 Jeep CASH! Compass Limited 064220387 Edition for Sale, only 25,000km, 0811475333 comes with service, We Buy or maintenance plan and warranty Sell Furniture, Extras: Navigation, UCars, Connect System, reverse camera, tow bar anything of value and more features For only N$ 289,000 you save THIS ‘N THAT N$110,000. Contact: 081 223 0909
ANIMALS Baba hondjies soek goeie huise. Jackrussel en Jackrussel-pug kruisings. Soek iemand wat hul nie net sal lief hé nie maar ook goed versorg. Ses weke oud. Op henties bay. Skakel Mev. Grobler: 081 149 0204
We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances We offer good money on quality Sam Nujoma Town Square La Paloma Building Walvis Bay Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285
TREASURE CHEST SWAKOPMUND Next to Woermann Brock Hardware Tel: 064 405 602 Cell: 081 210 0800 WE BUY AND SELL Quality furniture, Hardware, Tools, Beds and Matrasses, Appliances, Electrical goods, Camping equipment, Jewellery, etc. Come negotiate a deal that suits your pocket!!!
CLORINE: Netjiese dame is opsoek na werk vir 5 dae. Kan kos maak en agter kinders kyk. Soek ook werk as n Chef of Laundry werk. Kontak: 081 677 3488
JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 373 7619 081 042 1621
P. Gertze: Opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 tot 4 dae ‘n week. Het verwysings van vorige werk. Het 1 jaar ondervinding. In Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 686 6300
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
SITUATION WANTED Ivonne (28): I am looking for work as a Receptionist, Cashier or any kind of work. I can start any day. Contact: 081 201 2593 WERK GESOEK: Ek is n 39 jaar oud opsoek na 3 dae huiswerk in Swakopmund. Ek drink of rook nie. Kan in die dorp, Kramersdorp of Vineta ook werk. Kan ook in n Gaste huis werk en kantoor skoonmaak. Kontak: 081 737 2659 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 29 jaar oud opsoek na werk vir 5 dae, Mandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 335 9756 081 675 9692 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for domestic work. Baby sitting or any kind of job in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 036 4802 SYLVIA: I am looking for domestic work. I am trustworthy and can concentrate. I have references and experience. I have sober habits. 5 Das a week Mondays to Fridays. Can start immediately. In Swakopmund or Longbeach. Contact: 081 597 6838 POPPIE (43): Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of kinders oppas werk. Ek is baie goed in huiswerk doen. Kontak: 081 208 0775
MERLINE: Dringend opsoek na werk vir Woensdae en Saterdae in Swakopmund. Ek is baie hardwerkend en betroubaar. Kontak: 081 433 5434
JOLANDA: Op soek na Maandae en Woensdae stryk werk. Vanaf 3 uur, permanent stryk werk asseblief. Geen skoonmaak werk nie. Kontak: 081 879 5580
WERK GESOEK: ‘n 43 jarige Betroubare man is opsoek na tuinwerk, Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 353 0293
JOB WANTED: A 24-year-old lady is looking for domestic work. Has experience in ironing, cleaning and washing. Walvis Bay only, Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 318 0392
WERK GESOEK: Betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk, kinders oppas, kantore skoonmaak in Lagoon, Meersig, Dorp, Langstrand en Dolfynstrand. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 748 7902
JOB WANTED: A 23-yer-old lady in Walvis Bay is looking for any kind of work, domestic or office cleaning work. Has experience in ironing and washing. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 042 1401
UARIPO: Looking for domestic work at Lagoon, Town and Meersig except Narraville. I am 37-yearsold and is willing to start immediately. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Contact: 081 035 6942
ENGENESIA: Ek is ‘n betroubare dame op soek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Dinsdae en Donderdae. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 676 1068
MARIKIE: Op soek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Kontak: 081 576 9405 WERK GESOEK: Baie betroubare dame is opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Meersig, Lagoon of Langstrand. Bereid om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 726 3143 JOB WANTED: A 24-year-old lady is looking for office admin or secretarial work. Has certificates in office admin and secretarial.... Typing, filing, printing, memorandums, letters, business cards, excel, micro-soft word, incoming calls, outgoing calls, sending faxes and mails. Contact: 081 739 3577 081 869 0980 JOB WANTED: A vambo lady is looking for work in Walvis Bay, as a domestic worker. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 400 2711 JOB WANTED: A 25-year old is looking for domestic work or babysitting. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 583 6857 QUEEN: Looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, cleaning, washing and ironing. Mondays to Fridays in town or Narraville. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 320 2910
JOB WANTED: Lady with extensive knowledge and experience of office administration, personal assistant, receptionist and secretarial work. In Walvis Bay, willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 213 0284 ERNA & EVALINE: Two ladies urgently looking for any kind of job. We are very hardworking ladies and is ready to take challenges in any kind of job. Contact: 081 271 8007 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 34-jarige is op soek na elke dag se huiswerk of inslaap werk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Kontak: 081 579 0388 JOB WANTED: A 29-year-old looking for any kind of job. Have experience in accounting, stock control, bookkeeping, payrolls. Must be in Whk or Walvis Bay. Grade 12 certificate with computer - typing. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 394 6260 081 342 8025 WERK GESOEK: Dringend opsoek na enige tipe werk. Baie betroubaar en is bereid om onmiddelik te begin. Kontak: 081 583 6228 JOB WANTED: I am looking for any driving job, have a C1 License with a GP Contact: 081 843 2941
‘n 40 jarige man is opsoek na werk. Het ‘n driver’s licence - code 8. Kan aflewerings doen. Kan ook huiswerk doen soos tuinwerk of kan ook op ‘n plaas gaan werk. Was ‘n “Security” en het ondervinding. Kontak: 081 484 1044 AN A EXPERIENCE LADY URGENTLY LOOKING FOR A JOB AROUND ERONGO REGION AS A RECEPTIONIST, PERSONAL ASSISTANT, CASHIER, RECEIVING CLERK AND OFFICE ADMINISTRATION. I GOT QUALIFICATIONS, CONTACT : 081 813 9023 JOB WANTED: A 35-year-old lady is looking for domestic work, 3 days a week, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays. Only in Walvis Bay, Longbeach. Can also iron, look after children and clean offices. Do not drink or smoke. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 295 4077 JOB WANTED: A 23-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Lagoon, Narraville or Meersig. Contact: 081 873 4996 JOB WANTED: A 29-year-old lady is looking for domestic work. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 424 3695
“DWERGIELAND” Rooms Katolieke Kleuterskool Narraville
Word 50jaar - 2015 Kan alle oud leerlinge wat vanaf 1965 tot hede daar skool gegaan het asb kontak en asook fotos instuur na kleuterskool of kontak maak met
Michelle Rieth 081 621 7960 064 200 064
Price per hour N$850.00 Selling price N$300,000.00 Cell: 0813944026
CAR FOR SALE: 2005 Ford Ranger 2.5 diesel 4x2 difflock, Radio. Car in very good condition. 200000km on clock, but has brand new engine with 50000km on, have papers to prove. N$85 000.00(neg)
FOR SALE: 2) P&H CRANE 15 ton 4 Sale or Hire
NON-RUNNER FOR SALE: 2005 Nissan Hardbody D/C 3.0 16 Vtd 4x4. Very good interior and body. No rust, 2nd 140L fuel tank, all wiring done for 2nd battery, very good tyres, aluminium canopy, custom heavy duty bull bar, ideal touring vehicle. NEEDS ENGINE REPLACEMENT. Make an offer. Contact Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320 Jlkoch316@yahoo.com
Namib Times
OR deliver at Safe Wear Namibia
* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
16 JANUARY 2015
16 JANUARY 2015 Haltet mich nicht auf, Denn der Herr hat seine Gnade zu meiner Reise gegeben. Lasst mich, Dass ich zu meinem Herren ziehe. Moses 24:56
Geboren: 12. Februar 1966 in Kiel Gestorben: 13. Dezember 2014 in Walvis Bay
In Liebe und Dankbarkeit nehmen wir Abschied von unserem geliebten Sohn und Bruder. Holger Jensen Stephan Magnus Jensen Jan-Henrik Jensen Die Trauerfeier findet am Samstag, den 17. Januar 2015 in der katholischen Kirche Stella Maris in Walvis Bay um 16:00 Uhr statt. Die Beisetzung im Familiengrab erfolgt zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt in Deutschland.
Sebiena Louisa van Schalkwyk “Aunty Baba’’
* 15.01.1928 - + 23.03.2014 Mamma, gister was u 1ste verjaarsdag by Jesus. Steeds mis en verlang ons baie na u, maar weet dat u veilig is in Jesus arms.
Marlize Carmen Beukes D.O.B 05/08/1992
D.O.D 03/01/2015
It will be the little things that you will remember The quiet moments The smiles, The laughter And although it may seem hard right now It will be the memories of the little things That help to push away the pain and bring the smiles back again. Whoever you hold in the heart of you Is forever and always a part of you
Van kinders & kleinkinders
Michael Edward ( Mickey) Beukes * 12.02.1952
+ 07.01.2015
Vrydag 16 Januarie 2015 19:00 By Huis van Brood Kerk, Narraville
Saterdag 17 Januarie 2015 09:00 151 Sam Nujoma Avenue (Poulton woning) 10:00 Vanuit Huis van Brood, Narraville
RIP Marlize Carmen Beukes From the: Bok, Kavari, Kisting,Vries familie
Kontak: Emily – 206223 /081 853 1670 /Carmen – 081 261 7414
Marlise Carmen Beukes D.O.B 05/08/1992
Baie geluk Mamma..... Rus sag.... ons is baie lief vir u.
D.O.D 03/01/2015
Memorial Service: Friday, 16.01.2015 19:00, 974 Sinden Avenue Tamariskia, Swakopmund Funeral: Saturday, 17.01.2015 08:30, 974 Sinden Avenue Tamiriskia, 09:00 VGK Church Tamariskia. Contact: Owen: 081 238 8423 Nico: 081 947 5890
Beloved daughter, sister and friend may you rest in peace.
Marlise Carmen Beukes D.O.B 05/08/1992
D.O.D 03/01/2015
Our daughter, our sister, our friend our hearts are broken forever, people tell us that in time the pieces will eventually come back together, if this is true, though hard to believe now, there will always be a space, the piece which has your name on its place. We miss your voice, your infectious laugh.. The world has lost a wonderful girl, a true and amazing friend. Marlise you are always around us, engulfing us with your love, giving us strength, keeping us close and watching over us from above. You will be missed deeply, thank God for giving u to us. We all Love you R.I.P. ~Papie, Mami, Randall, Owezie, J.C, Leoni, Harriette, Jamal, Nazli~
16 JANUARY 2015
Kenya well prepared ahead of Cricket League Division 2 Tournament Kenya's national coach Stephen Tikolo says his team is well prepared ahead of the Pepsi – ICC World Cricket League Division 2 tournament. “Our preparations went very well. The players are confident”, the 43-year old explained after the squad touched down in Namibia on Tuesday afternoon. The East Africans started their preparations with a training camp in Namibia in November. This gave the team a first-hand look at the local facilities as well as the climate. The tour to Namibia was followed with a training camp in Pakistan before the players got their final edge in Kenya's world-renowned tourism hotspot Mombasa. Kenya will kick off their campaign this Saturday, against Namibia at the Wanderers Sports Club in Windhoek. Tikolo, who took over the as head coach last year January, further stated that the current weather conditions favour his side. “We finished off our preparations in Mombasa since the climate there is similar to Namibia's current weather of heat and humidity,” he said. However, this doesn't make his team a tournament favourite. “I don't see any clear favourite. In a tournament like this, anything can happen. We will take it one game at a time. We respect all teams and take them serious. If everything works out, we hope to make a place among the top two,” Tikolo, who represented his country for over 20 years, stated. The top two teams will, among other benefits, be promoted to World Cricket League Division 1. Fixtures: Saturday, 17 January 2015: Namibia vs Kenya – Wanderers Sports Club Netherlands vs Canada – Affies Park Uganda vs Nepal – United Sports Club Sunday, 18 January 2015: Namibia vs Uganda – Wanderers Sports Club Nepal vs Netherlands – Affies Park Kenya vs Canada – United Sports Club Monday 19 January - Rest/ Reserve day Tuesday, 20 January 2015: Nepal vs Canada – Wanderers Sports Club Kenya vs Uganda – Affies Park Namibia vs Netherlands – United Sports Club Wednesday, 21 January 2015: Kenya vs Netherlands – Wanderers Sports Club Namibia vs Nepal – Affies Park Canada vs Uganda – United Sports Club Thursday, 22 January - Rest/ Reserve day Friday, 23 January 2015: Netherlands vs Uganda – Wanderers Sports Club Nepal vs Kenya – Affies Park Namibia vs Canada – United Sports Club Saturday, 24 January 2015 Finals- Wanderers Sports Club 3rd & 4th Playoff – Affies Park 5th & 6th Playoff – United Sports Club. All games start at 09:30.
Namibian National Cricket team
Nuwe poolklub vir Tamariskia
Tamariskia in Swakopmund gaan binnekort met 'n nuwe potbal (pool) klub spog, nadat 'n paar manne besluit het om die woord by die daad te voeg om hul talent op die proef te stel. Die manne gaan Sondag om 15:00 by Thirty Something (langs Super Save) in Tamariskia byeenkom om besprekings te hou. Belangstellendes word uitgenooi om die vergadering by te woon.
Team Rhide Sa @ Dakar Rally Pretoria's Hannes Saaijman excel at Dakar Rally!
According to reports yesterday after Stage 10's 371km Team Rhide SA's Hannes Saaijman jumped into the Top 10 and moved up two positions to the 10th place in the quad category after he finished the stage in 9th place. He is also still leading the First Timers Class comfortably. With only three stages remaining, Hannes (32) is on his way to finish his first ever Dakar Rally. Just to give a slight overview, the two Quad Riders taking part in the Dakar Rally all the way from South Africa is Brian Baragwanath and Hannes Saaijman. However Team Rhide SA's debut Dakar Rally did not start too well for Saaijman and his teammate, Brian Baragwanath, with Baragwanath, who won his entry into the 2015 event by winning the 2014 Dakar Challenge event in Botswana, experiencing engine problems during the very first day. This meant that Saaijman had to tow him for 620 kilometres – 100 kilometres in the special racing stage and more than 500 kilometres on the road to the overnight bivouac where the service crew changed the engine on Baragwanath's Yamaha Raptor. Both riders lost a lot of
Hannes Saaijman @ Stage 9.
time and dropped down the starting order of a field of about 200 motor-cycle and quad compe-titors. They pushed hard to make up for lost time and Baragwanath was posting times on par with those of the top three fastest quad competitors at the first few waypoints. Both riders were slowed down by flat rear tyres. Baragwanath did his best racing with two flat rear tyres at one stage, but he was eventually forced to call it a day after he could not get over the dunes. Saaijman was carrying a spare tyre and had to make use it after he also had four flat wheels. He completed the day's tough 685 kilometres. Team Rhide SA is a Proudly South African Offroad Team consisting of 2 Quad riders who will be competing in the 2015 DAKAR RALLY in South America. The team is competing in the National Off-road Quad Championship in the Q1 and Q2 classes and in other local
Team Rhide SA.
events. The team's goal is to win the 2015 Dakar Rally in the quad category, as well as win the Quad Championship in the South African National Off-road Championship and promote world awareness to SAVE THE RHINO. In addition, assisting on the technical team we have two from our very own, all the way from Walvis Bay, Phillipie Baard and Frank Stein. Despite all the issues, Hannes Saaijman finished the stage 9 in 10th place to keep his current 12th place in the quad standings. He is still lading the First Timers Class as well after acquiring that position from Stage 4. After racing for almost a week and completing just over 4 400 kilometres, Saaijman , has reached the Rest Day of the 2015 Dakar Rally at Iquique in Chile in South America on Monday. The 37th Dakar Rally started on 4 January at Buenos Aires (Argentina) and will finish there on 17 January after motorcycle and quad competitors have completed a total of just over 9 500 kilometres through the toughest terrains in the world. Saaijman, who competed in 34 races during 2014 including two weeklong rally-raid events (the Namaqua African Rally and the Amageza Rally where he did this event on a motorcycle) as well as the Roof of Africa which he completed on his motorcycle, decided to change his strategy. “The terrain is extremely rough and the dust is very, very bad,” he said from the Iquique bivouac in Chile. “The Dakar is not like
racing anything we know back in South Africa and you have to approach it differently. That is what I decided to do,” the tough 32-year old Pretoria businessman said. Stage 10 is where the entire Dakar circus relocate to Argentina via a 385 km liaison. The competitive section of the stage is 358 km in length, and starts once the crews have crossed the border back into Argentina. The route will take competitors over sand, soil and a short tarmac section, and ascend from 3 600 m in altitude to more that 4 500 m before dropping back down to 3 400 m. This is the last of the completely barren desert stages, before the Dakar returns to the lusher landscapes of Argentina. The Dakar is a crosscountry race where vehicles race between GPS waypoints as opposed to existing roads. In a rally (a la WRC) the cars race along closed roads. In an off-road race the competitors follow routes not suitable for cars, but they still have a set route to follow. For the purpose of The Dakar, the event is called a rally (The Dakar Rally), though it doesn't conform to the definition of a traditional rally. It has timed race (stages) and liaison (open road) sections where they do not race against the clock, but still have to depart at certain predetermined times and clock in before a given deadline to avoid time penalties. In a rally, competitors race in similar fashion, but use multiple short stages (up to
25-35km each; around 5 or 6 special stages per day; 23 days per event). In offroad racing an event consists of one long stage on a single day only, and an
event is usually run over 2 days. The Dakar lasts 14 days and covers 4 752 race kilometres and 9 295 km in total (combination of sta-
ges and liaisons). The event is split by a rest day at the halfway mark. It is officially the longest motorsport event in the world (distance and time).
Goju-Kai Karate Do Namibia Place: ATLANTIS SPORT CLUB Registration for beginners is on 19 JANUARY 2015 TRAINING: MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS: Juniors: 17:30 - 18:15 Cadets: 18:15 - 19:00 Seniors: 19:00 - 20:00
TUESDAY & THURSDAY Juniors and Beginners 17:30 - 18:30
“Though we train to be warriors, we are not a school of fighters, but rather Individuals developing confidence and skill to resolve problems without Physical conflict.’’
For further information please contact: LEONARD MARTIN 5th DAN SHIHAN Cel: 081 129 7015/ Tel: 064 - 204993
16 JANUARY 2015
Rössing Marathon set for Valentine’s Day! The 24th Rössing Marathon National Championship will take place at Swakopmund’s athletic stadium on Saturday, 14 February. The 42 km annual running event, sponsored by Rössing Uranium and hosted by Swakop Striders Athletics Club, crowns Namibia’s national marathon champions. The theme for this year’s Rössing Marathon is “Walk or run, and live a healthy life”.
Nuwe afrigter het groot planne vir Dolphins Marshallino Beukes
Dolphin-rugbyklub van Swakopmund spog met ‘n nuwe afrigter, meneer Elic De Wee, ‘n ou bekende in rugbykringe. De Wee het tydens ‘n eksklusiewe onderhoud met namib times sport genoem dat hy beplan om die klub, asook kus-rugby oor die algemeen, se vergange glorie terug te wen. Meneer De Wee was ook vir twee jaar verbonde aan afrigting by Kudusrugbyklub in Walvisbaai en ook by senior vlak Namibiese rugby en Falconrugbyklub in Rehoboth. Hy noem dat hy as gevolg van sy werk na die kus moes verhuis. Sy korttermyn planne vir die Swakopmund rugbyspan is om die manne gemotiveerd te kry, spangees te bou en ook hard te werk aan algemene fiksheid.
De Wee se mikpunt is om Dolphin-rugbyklub hierdie jaar, ten minste na die laaste agt spanne in die Liga - finale te lei. Hy is positief dat hierdie doelwit wel bereik kan word en dat Dolphins weer een van die top rugbyspanne in Namibiese rugby gaan word. Die afrigter lê ook klem op die feit dat, met die professionaliteit en deursettingsvermoë wat die klub se bestuur aan die dag lê, hulle ‘n gedugte
span gaan opbou. Oud-spelers en borge se betrokkenheid by die span is van integrale belang, noem De Wee. Rugby teen die kus gaan beslis ‘n nuwe dimensie betree, aangesien De Wee ook van plan is om terug te ploeg in skolerugby en ook om kus-rugbyspelers te brei vir die Namibiese span. Dolphins het Dinsdagaand met oefensessies begin en gaan voortaan elke Dinsdag en Don-
derdag om 18:30 op die Vineta Noord sportveld oefen. Nuwe bloed is nog ‘n faktor wat ‘n rol in die span se sukses gaan speel, en De Wee nooi nuwelinge om nie te huiwer om aan te sluit nie. Hulle het gisteraand ‘n sessie met die welbekende Namibiese karate kampioen, sensei Leonard Martin gehad. Martin is genader om die klub by te staan met ‘n fiksheid-program, asook tegnieke om teenstanders grond toe te
Elic De Wee
bring. Saterdag gaan die manne ‘n spanbou-dag hê en met dit alles in ag genome is dit duidelik dat Dolphin-rugbyklub hierdie jaar ‘n krag om mee rekening te hou gaan wees.
Kudus in volle gang vanaf Maandag Alhoewel die spelers al begin litte losmaak het vir die komende seisoen begin die seisoen Maandag in alle erns met die algemene jaarvergadering wat om 18:30 gaan plaasvind. Alle bestuurslede is terug van vakansie en na ‘n paar weke se stilte gaan dinge vanaf Maandag in plek gesit word om die span reg te kry vir die seisoen. Nie alle bestuurslede en lede van die afrigtingspan
is weer beskikbaar vir poste nie en enige persoon wat op die bestuur of afrigtingspan betrokke wil raak kan met die huidige bestuur in verbinding tree. Alle spelers asook nuwe
spelers en lede van al die publiek is welkom om Maandag se alegemene vergadering by te woon. Die volgende spelers van laas jaar word versoek om Maandag daar te wees: Calaca, Markie, Lot, Len,
Richard, Wesley, Deriou, Craig, Waylon, Grant, Enzio, Charlton, Pieter Moller, Griffin, Ashley Platt, Ashley Freygang, Ernesto Bampton, Vicky Bampton, Kubas, Immo, Percy, JR, Ivo, Challo,
Shalako, AJ, Marshall, Marvin Miller, Marvin Bruwer, Cassio, Floyd, Calla, Damants, Raudja, Elmo, Chippie, Dolfie, Ashwin, Kyle, Rayton, Aurelio, Ashton, asook alle nuwe spelers.
The winners of the open categories will receive prizes totaling N$60 000, which includes N$10 000 cash each and an additional N$20 000 development bonus for the men’s and ladies’ marathon winners. The development bonus is to help the winners further their careers throughout the year of their reign. Extra N$1 000 cash bonuses are up for grabs should the marathon records be broken in the open categories. The Rössing Marathon record of two hours, eleven minutes and twenty-three seconds (2:11:23) by Luketz Swartbooi was set in 1992. Mynhardt Kauanivi of the Namibian Police won the men’s open category last year in a time of two hours, twenty-five minutes and fourteen seconds (2:25:14). The ladies’ open champion was Alina Armas of the Namibian Defence Force, who won for the second year in a row. Entry fees for the marathon are N$60 for Namibians and SADC runners and N$100 for international runners. The popular 10 km run, for athletes that prefer a shorter route, also forms part of this year’s activities. Entry fees for this event are N$40 for Namibians and SADC runners, and N$60 for international runners. There will also be a 10 km team relay event for mining companies in the Erongo Region – a social event aimed at promoting camaraderie and healthy lifestyles among mineworkers. In addition, February is the cancer awareness month, so the fun-filled 5 km fun walk for charity, in aid of the Cancer Association of Namibia (CAN), will also be presented along the scenic,
northern beach walk of Swakopmund. The fun walk includes an exciting competition for best costume, most original hat, tallest walker, youngest and oldest walkers and largest group that participates. The coastal community is invited to show their support of cancer sufferers in Namibia by coming up with creative themes for the fun walk competition. Entry fee for the team relay is N$80 per team and for the fun walk N$10 per walker. All proceeds from these two events are donated to the CAN. All the running events start at 7 o’clock from the Swakopmund athletics stadium in Welwitschia Street, Vineta. The cut-off time for the marathon is 12 o’clock. The fun walk for charity starts at 9:00 from the same venue, with the prize-giving ceremony at 10:00. Registration for the Rössing Marathon National championship takes place at the Swakopmund athletics stadium on Friday, 13 February, from 6 to 9 o’clock in the evening. On Saturday, 14 February, registration will take place from 5 to 6 o’clock in the morning. Athletes participating in the marathon and 10 km run events will receive race numbers and T-shirts (on a first-come-firstserved basis) during registration. Entry forms and more information about the event are available on the Rössing website at www.rossing.com or contact Frank Slabbert of Swakop Striders at tel. +264 (0)64 405788 (h) / cell +264 (0)81 240 3383 or fatslab@iafrica. com.na. Botha Ellis of Rössing at tel. +264 (0)64 520 2426 (w) / cell +264 (0)81 286 0456 or yourcontact@rossing.com.na