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Meets With Taxi Drivers

Continued from page 1 harmonious relationship, because you are always involved in transporting people on the road that might be injured or involved in the committingofacrime.So,forusto close that gap in our investigations we want to create a platform where we can engage you and where we canalsoshareinformationwithyou withoutputtingyouinharm'sway.” Taxi drivers raised many concerns around their safety and security, among which; not being allowed to carryweaponsfortheirownsafety; pirate taxies or unregistered taxies masquerading as legally licensed taxies taking their customers and fear of being pegged as accessories to the crimes of their customers, werethemosthighlighted.

Speaking about the confiscation of weapons carried by taxi drivers for their own safety, Inspector Shapumba responded, “from our side wecannotallowyoutocarrydangerousweapons,wehaveinformation and crimes reported of taxi drivers that have assaulted people, which forces us to remove those weapons.


But you also have valid reason to say, 'we are scared', because if you don't have any protective measures, youcanfallpreytothosewhowish torobyou.”ChiefTrafficOfficerof the Walvis Bay Municipality, Eben Platt touched on the issue of 'pirate taxis. Platt stated, “the people with legitimatepermitsaretheonlyones allowed to transport passengers for reward,butwithyourassistancewe can root out these 'pirate taxies.” Platt reiterated that better communication between taxi drivers and law enforcement is the best resolve for these issues and availed all contactinformationasasteptomore effective communication between thetwoparties. In conclusion, Inspector Shapumbu proposed more meetings of this nature between law enforcement and the taxi drivers. This was well receivedbythetaxidriverswhohad attendedthemeeting.

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