16 June namib times e-edition

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Rössing Uranium spends N$3.4 billion Locally in 2022

Rössing Uranium has been recognised for its substantial economic impact on Namibia. According to the recently released Sustainability and Performance Report, the company spent N$3.4 billion on goods and services within Namibia in 2022, marking a 14%increasefromthepreviousyear.

With a focus on supporting local suppliers and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Rössing allocated 74% of its procurement expendituretolocalbusinesses.

Notably, the company procured N$110 million worth of goods and services from SMEs during thesameyear Beyonditsprocurementactivities, Rössing Uranium serves as a major employer, with over 6 000 individuals benefitting from its job opportunities. The company also contributes significantly to the Namibian government through the payment of taxes and royalties. As one of the country's key economic players, Rössing playsapivotalroleintheErongoregion andthenationasawhole.JohanCoetzee,CEOof Rössing Uranium, expressed pride in the

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company's significant contribution to the Namibian economy

He emphasised their commitment to collaborating with the government and other stakeholders to ensure the nation benefits from their operations.

Rössing Uranium's

Nampol Meets With Taxi Drivers

The Walvis Bay Taxi Drivers attended in large numbers a meeting hosted by the Erongo police at the Mautamenene Fire Station in the town on Wednesday. Pressing matters pertaining to the safety and security in this high-risk transportationindustryoftaxidriverswerediscussed.

Swakopmund Municipal Council Unveils Ambitious Budget for 2023/24

Focus on Infrastructure Development and Service Improvement

At a recent Swakopmund council meeting, CouncillorWilfried Groenewald, Chairperson of the Management Committee, presented the budget highlights for the fiscal year 2023/24. The council's vision aims to transform Swakopmund into a smart city and a hub of opportunities while providing quality services and efficient governance to its residents.


Mounts as Three Suicides

Shake Community Paratus Group Unleashes Unprecedented Connectivity with Activation of Equiano Subsea Cable in Namibia

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Namport CEO Emphasises Collaborative Partnerships during Kenyan Courtesy Call

Themeetingwasfirstsuggestedby a disgruntled taxi driver during the publicengagementwiththeInspector General of the Namibian Police Force, Joseph Shikongo that took placeon16May Attheevent,inhis Continues on page 2

opening remarks, Erongo police's UnitCommanderforCommunityAffairs,.InspectorIleniShapumbasaid, “thereisaneedforpoliceandthetaxi drivers to engage and create a

The budget, totalling N$685 million, reflects the council's commitment to longterm development and sustainability It is the result of months of hard work bythededicatedteam of officials, led by Chief Executive Officer Mr Alfeus Benjamin and his

executive team of GeneralManagers.

Groenewald emphasised the challenge of striking a balance between the needs of vulnerable residents, future planning, and economic pressures faced by ratepayers

The budget aims to address these challenges by making sig-

nificant investments in the city's infrastructure.

Notably, N$158 million is allocated for capital expenditure, with N$79 million earmarked for upgrading and expanding water and sanitation

infrastructure The council intends to Continues on page 2

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COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 7020 FRIDAY 16 JUNE 2023 N$6 inside Page 16 Page 2 Sports News Page 3
Eileen van der Schyff Eliphas Sheepo Eileen van der Schyff

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economicimpactextendsfarbeyond jobcreationandtaxes.Thecompany actively supports local businesses and engages in social responsibility initiatives, particularly in education and community development programs.

TheSwakopmundMunicipalCouncil commended Rössing Uranium for its continuous support and positive contribution to the economy of theentireErongoRegion.Asoneof the region's largest employers, the


company has a profound influence on the local economy The council also expressed gratitude for the partnership with Rössing Uranium and looks forward to working together to strengthen the future of theErongoRegion.

RössingUraniumhasestablisheditself as a responsible corporate citizen, dedicated to bolstering the Namibian economy and fostering sustainable development within the region.


Meets With Taxi Drivers

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harmonious relationship, because you are always involved in transporting people on the road that might be injured or involved in the committingofacrime.So,forusto close that gap in our investigations we want to create a platform where we can engage you and where we canalsoshareinformationwithyou withoutputtingyouinharm'sway.” Taxi drivers raised many concerns around their safety and security, among which; not being allowed to carryweaponsfortheirownsafety; pirate taxies or unregistered taxies masquerading as legally licensed taxies taking their customers and fear of being pegged as accessories to the crimes of their customers, werethemosthighlighted.

Speaking about the confiscation of weapons carried by taxi drivers for their own safety, Inspector Shapumba responded, “from our side wecannotallowyoutocarrydangerousweapons,wehaveinformation and crimes reported of taxi drivers

that have assaulted people, which forces us to remove those weapons.

But you also have valid reason to say, 'we are scared', because if you don't have any protective measures, youcanfallpreytothosewhowish torobyou.”ChiefTrafficOfficerof the Walvis Bay Municipality, Eben Platt touched on the issue of 'pirate taxis. Platt stated, “the people with legitimatepermitsaretheonlyones allowed to transport passengers for reward,butwithyourassistancewe can root out these 'pirate taxies.” Platt reiterated that better communication between taxi drivers and law enforcement is the best resolve for these issues and availed all contactinformationasasteptomore effective communication between thetwoparties. In conclusion, Inspector Shapumbu proposed more meetings of this nature between law enforcement and the taxi drivers. This was well receivedbythetaxidriverswhohad attendedthemeeting.

Concern Mounts as Three Suicides Shake Community

Inatragicturnofevents,theErongoregionhaswitnessedanalarming increaseinsuicides,withthreeincidentsreportedwithinthespanofa singleweek.Thissurgeinself-inflicteddeaths,primarilyamongmales andpredominantlyfromtheMondesaarea,hasraisedconcernsamong the police and the community at large. Urgent action and collective support are being called for to address this social issue and prevent furtherlossoflife.

The first incident, classified as an unnatural death, occurred onTuesday, 6 June 2023,ataresidenceinDRCLocation,Swakopmund.ThelifelessbodyofGabriel Elikson, a 33-year-old Namibian male, was discovered hanging by an electric cordfromtheroofofhisroom.Nosuicidenotewasfound,andtherewerenoprior complaintsorindicationsofdistressfromthedeceased.Theauthoritieshaveruled outfoulplay,andinvestigationsareongoing.

Thesecondincident,recordedasaninquest,tookplaceonFriday,9June2023,ata houseonSamNujomaAvenueinWalvisBay LukasNghediimwe,a26-year-old male employed by the National Youth Service, was found hanging from the ceilingofthehouse.Colleaguesdiscoveredhislifelessbodywhentheyarrivedto relieve him from duty Despite the lights being on, the door was locked, and no suicidenotewasleftbehind.Initialinvestigationssuggestnofoulplay,butfurther inquiriesarebeingconducted.

Thethirdincident,alsorecordedasaninquest,unfoldedonSunday,11June2023, intheMeersigareaofWalvisBay.PetrusShoombeIyambo,a45-year-oldmale taxidriver,wasreportedmissingbyhisfamilyafterfailingtopickuphisgirlfriend forwork.Tragically,asearchteamstumbleduponhislifelessbodyhangingfroma tree in the bushes of 1st street in Meersig.Asuicide note was discovered in his pocket,andthedeceasedhadusedaseatbelttotakehisownlife.Autopsyresults areawaitedtodeterminetheprecisecauseofdeath.

Erongo Police's Unit Commander of Community Affairs, Inspector Ileni Shapumba said while law enforcement authorities continue their investigations into these heart-breaking incidents, they [police] urge the community to be attentivetoindividualsfacingdifficultiesandtoprovidesupport.“Weemphasise theneedforeveryonetoseekalternativesolutionsandtobemindfuloftheirown actions and their potential impact on others,” Inspector Shapumba said. Combating this concerning trend requires collective effort, compassion, and a commitmenttoaddresstheunderlyingsocialcircumstancesthatmaycontributeto suchtragicoutcomes.

The police are working in collaboration with local communities to develop strategies aimed at preventing further suicides and ensuring the well-being of individualswithintheregion.

Swakopmund Municipal Council

ensurethatSwakop-mundremainsaheadofother towns and cities in Namibia in terms of infrastructuredevelopment,preventingdecayandneglect.

Improving water and sanitation services is a priority, and the budget includes allocations for a new sewerage rising main, repairs to pump stations,andextracleaningofdrainstopreventflooding. However, the council acknowledges that moreinvestmentisnecessarytoaddresstheexistingchallengescomprehensively

In addition to infrastructure development, the council is committed to enhancing basic services for all residents. The budget allocates funds for road maintenance, waste management, refuse collection,andcleaningprojects.Thecouncilaims to involve residents in keeping their neighbourhoodscleanandlitter-free.

Furthermore, the budget includes provisions for upgradingtheMunicipalAerodrometoaCategory C airport, accommodating larger aircraft, and increasing the municipality's income through enhancedserviceprovision.Thisupgradewillalign

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theaerodromewithinternationalstandards. Housing is another priority, as Swakopmund experiences rapid expansion. The council has allocatedfundsforhousingprojects,withthegoal of providing affordable and dignified homes for families Land release programs for social housingunitsarealsoplannedinpartnershipwith theprivatesector

The budget highlights the council's commitment tocreatinganenvironmentthatsupportsbusiness and investment. Swakopmund aims to be a distinguished town for investors and a place that offers growth and job opportunities.The council recognises the importance of continuous improvementinthisareaandintendstomakedoing businessinSwakopmundasseamlessaspossible. Inconclusion,theSwakopmundMunicipalCouncil's budget for 2023/24 demonstrates a strong focus on infrastructure development, service improvement, and creating opportunities for its growing population. With these initiatives, the council aims to build hope and a brighter future forSwakopmund.

Paratus Group Unleashes Unprecedented Connectivity with Activation of Equiano Subsea Cable in Namibia

A New Era of Speed, Reliability, and Endless Possibilities Begins for Southern African Businesses

A ground-breaking move that promises to revolutionise the Southern Africa businesscommunity,ParatusGrouphasproudlyannouncedtheactivationofthe NamibianbranchoftheEquianoSubseaCableonMondaythisweek.Thislongawaiteddevelopmentsignifiesamomentousoccasion,heraldinganeraofunparalleled connectivity, enhanced internet speeds, and limitless opportunities for businessesacrosstheregion.

WiththeintegrationoftheEquianoSubseaCable intotheirnetwork,ParatusGrouphaspositioned itselfasatrailblazerintherealmofdigitaltransformation.Theactivationpavesthewayforbusinesses to transcend boundaries and reach new horizons of success. Gone are the days of sluggish internet connections and unreliable networks; today marks the dawning of a new age where innovation thrives, and possibilities abound. ByleveragingthepoweroftheEquiano Subsea Cable, Paratus Group has unlocked a multitude of advantages for the business community Internet speeds will skyrocket, propellingproductivitytounprecedentedlevels. Reliability will no longer be a concern, as businesses can count on seamless connectivity, enablingthemtofocusongrowthandexpansion.

TheEquianoSubseaCableisalifelinetoglobal opportunities. It serves as a conduit through which Southern Africa businesses can extend their reach beyond borders, establishing vital connections with international partners and customers. The digital landscape has never been moreaccessible,andthetimeforgrowthisnow Paratus Group's visionary move to activate the Namibian branch of the Equiano Subsea Cable underscores their commitment to empowering businessesinSouthernAfrica.

As this powerful cable system ushers in a new era, businesses are urged to seize the moment. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, as the Equiano Subsea Cable enables unlocking the true potential of enterprises. The time for expansion, innovation, and connection has arrived.TrustinParatusGrouptobeyourpartnerin this digital revolution, and together, let us redefinethefutureofbusinessinSouthernAfrica.

Furthermore,Paratushasannouncedasignificant upgrade to its products and packages, offering customersmorevalueatthesameprice.Theintroduction of the Equiano subsea cable, for which Paratus built the landing station, has enabled the companytoenhancecapacityandspeedforbusinessesandresidencesacrossthecountry ByleveragingthecapabilitiesoftheEquianocable,Paratus has revamped its packages to provide faster speeds and increased capacity to its customers. The move aims to improve user experiences and offerenhancedvalueformoney Thecompanyhas also simplified its product and package options, making it easier for customers to select the most suitable solution for their needs. Andrew Halls, ManagingDirectorofParatusNamibia,explained the benefits of the upgraded packages, stating, "Weareessentiallyofferingmorecapacityforthe same price. For instance, customers paying for a 10Mbpsconnectionwillnowhavetheopportunity toenjoya20Mbpslineatasimilarcost.Thisupgrade will significantly enhance our customers' ability to utilize our services." The transition to thenewpackageswillinvolvephasingouttheold options,withtheupgradedpackagessettobecome available this month. Paratus' decision to streamlineitsofferingsalignswithitsobjectiveofprovidinggreatervaluetocustomerswhilecapitalising on the improved speeds and expanded capacity deliveredbytheEquianosubseacable. With the activation of the Equiano cable, Namibianscanlookforwardtoanimprovedexperience and enhanced service quality from Paratus. The company's commitment to harnessing advanced technology and rationalising its packages underscores its dedication to meeting customer needs and offering the best telecommunications solutionsinNamibia.

Rössing Uranium
Eileen van der Schyff Eileen van der Schyff

Namport Staff Unites to Combat

Marine Plastic Pollution during Annual Environmental Week

Eileen van der Schyff

TheNamibianPortsAuthority(Namport)showcasedtheirdedicationto environmental preservation and sustainability by organising their annual Environmental Week from 5 to 9 June. The event served as a platform for staff members to join forces in the fight against marine plastic pollution, highlighting the significance of collective action in preservingouroceans.

Aspartoftheircommitmenttocreatingagreenerandhealthierenvironment,thePort of Walvis Bay took a significant step by planting 31 additional palm trees on its premises. Recognising the invaluable role of trees, not only as aesthetic enhancementsbutalsoaskeycontributorstoclimatechangemitigation,improvedair quality,andwildlifehabitats,thisinitiativealignswithNamport'svisionoffostering sustainablepractices.Thesenewadditionswillcontributetothebeautificationofthe portarea,providingasereneandwelcomingatmosphereforportusersandvisitors alike.

The Environmental Week organised by Namport extended its reach beyond tree planting.Clean-upcampaignswereheldatboththeWalvisBayandLüderitzPorts, bringing staff members together to actively address the issue of marine plastic pollution. By organising these campaigns, Namport emphasised the importance of maintaining clean and healthy port environments, ensuring the preservation of marine ecosystems and the protection of marine life. The clean-up campaigns not only removed plastic debris from the port areas but also aimed to raise awareness abouttheadverseeffectsofmarineplasticpollutiononaquaticlifeandtheecosystem. Through their collective efforts, Namport staff members demonstrated their commitment to being responsible stewards of the environment. Namport's EnvironmentalWeeknotonlyfocusedontheimmediateimpactofplasticpollution butalsoaimedtoinspirealong-termshifttowardssustainablepractices.Byuniting staffmembersandencouragingtheiractiveparticipation,Namportisdrivingasense of ownership and responsibility for environmental conservation among its workforce. As Namport continues to foster sustainable initiatives, it sets a commendable example for other organisations within the maritime industry By takingastandagainstmarineplasticpollutionandembracingsustainablepractices, NamportpavesthewayforabrighterandcleanerfutureforNamibia'sportsandthe marineenvironmentatlarge.

Inconclusion,Namport'sannualEnvironmentalWeekservedasapowerfulreminder of the importance of collective action in addressing marine plastic pollution. The plantingofpalmtreesatthePortofWalvisBay,alongwiththeclean-upcampaigns held at both Walvis Bay and Lüderitz Ports, showcased Namport's commitment to environmentalstewardship.Throughtheseinitiatives,Namportstaffmembershave become ambassadors for change, highlighting the significance of sustainable practicesincreatingagreenerandhealthierfutureforall.

Namport CEO Emphasises Collaborative Partnerships during Kenyan Courtesy Call

The Namibian PortsAuthority hosted a Kenyan courtesy call on Friday, 9 June, during which Mr Andrew Kanime, CEO of Namport, highlighted the importance of fostering strong working relationships with stakeholders. The event served as a platform for knowledge sharing, continuous learning, and the exchange of best practices within and beyondthemaritimeindustry.

Led by Member of Parliament for the Republic of Kenya, Hon. Joyce Atieno Osogo, a high-level delegation comprising Kenyan parliament members visited Namport. In her opening remarks, Hon. Osogo applaudedthePortsAuthorityforachievingremarkable results despite the challenging global economic climate. Mr Kanime emphasised the significance of collaborativepartnershipsinthemaritimeindustryand themutualbenefitsthatarisefromsharingexperiences and expertise He acknowledged the role of stakeholders in driving innovation, improving efficiency,andfosteringsustainablepractices.

The visit comprised enlightening presentations that shed light on Namport's remarkable accomplishments andstrategicapproaches.Moreover,thedelegateswere

treatedtoanextensivetourofthecutting-edgefacilities at the Port ofWalvis Bay, providing them with a firsthand experience of Namport's efficiency and capabilities.

ThecourtesycallprovidedanopportunityforNamport andtheKenyandelegationtoengageindiscussionson varioustopics,includingportoperations,infrastructure development, and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies.

Maintainingrobustrelationshipswithstakeholdersand a commitment to learning and advancement remain integral to Namport's core values. By actively embracing opportunities for collaboration and knowledge exchange,Namportcontinuestosolidifyitspositionas aprominentplayerwithintheglobalmaritimearena.

Eileen van der Schyff

Walvis Bay siblings sentenced

Walvis Bay siblings,Azaan Madisia (31) and Steven Mulundu (25) were sentenced to six and four years in prison respectively, in the Windhoek HighCourtonTuesday,13June.

In a judgement, delivered on 16 May this year, Windhoek High Court Judge, Christie Liebenberg found both siblings Madisia and Mulundu guilty of impeding and obstructing the course of justice by attempting to conceal Shanon Wasserfall's death whist Madisia was convicted on two counts of fraud Judge Christie Liebenberg sentenced Madisia to eight

years with two years suspended, resulting in an effective six years of imprisonment on a charge of Defeating and/or Obstructing the Course of Justice, and two counts of insurance fraud, whilst Mulundu who was also found guilty of defeating or obstructing the course ofjustice,wassentencedto sixyears,ofwhichtwoare suspended, resulting in an effective four years of

imprisonment The two yearsofbothMadisia'sand Mulundu's sentences were suspended since they had both already been in custody for more than two years. Judge Liebenberg foundthattheStatedidnot prove beyond a reasonable doubtthatMadisiaandMulunduwereculpableforthe death of Wasserfall. The investigations traced the textmessagebacktoMadisa, who was also the one who reported that Wasserfallwentmissing,andatthe sameallegedlytookpartin some of the searches conducted to find her Madisa was the number one suspect implicated in the disappearance of Wasserfallandherhalf-brother, Mulundu, was arrested in November 2020 after he surrendered himself to the police, confessing that he had helped Madisia to dispose of Shannon's body “Both the accused pleaded notguiltytothemurderand robberychargesandtendered pleas of guilty on the charge of defeating or obstructing the course of justice. Despite making substantiveadmissionsintheir respective plea explanations, the state did not acceptthepleasandelected toleadevidenceinproving theallegationssetoutinthe charge.Withregardstothe fraudchargesagainstaccused, the state accepted her plea of guilty on the main charge of both counts, as tendered,”thejudgesaid.

Judge Liebenberg found thereisareasonablepossibility that Madisia's version about the events that resulted in the death of Wasserfall on 10 April 2020couldbetrue,andthat Madisia was not liable for Wasserfall's death The judge stated in his judgement that state relied entirelyonthefalsestatements by the accused when submitting that their actions are indicative of their unlawful killing of the deceasedwhichmaybeinferredincircumstanceswhere the cause of death is unknown. However, on their own admission, the judge convictedbothonacharge of defeating the course of justice and Madisia alone ontwocountsoffraud.

Judge Liebenberg found that should Madisia's evidence be rejected as false, thentheState's casewould be plunged into falsehood and noted that while her evidence was not truthful and reliable in all respects, itistheonlyversionthatis before Court “Despite shortcomings in the evidence of accused one, her versionofeventsthatledto the death of the deceased stands unrefuted,” Liebenbergstated.

The judge said, “Based on all the evidence adduced, theversionofMadisiaasto what led to the victim's death is reasonably possiblytrueandheractionsare notfoundculpable.”

Steven Mulundu Azaan Madisia Rudi Bowe

NamibiavalidatesCarbon MarketsFramework

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) in collaboration with the United Nations Development (UNDP) through funding from the Japanese Government Namibia held a workshop to reviewandvalidateNamibia'sCarbonMarketFramework.

The workshop that was held form 5 to`9 June at Walvis Bay intends to reduce greenhouse gases to as close to zero as possible This will be done through the implementation of the NationallyDeterminedContributions (NDC's) to support sustainable development for all. The UNDPandMEFTplayed a crucial role in facilitating the preparation and adoption of the nationalframeworkwiththe main objective, to enable Namibia's active participation in the international carbon market and outline the necessary processes for developing andimplementingcarbon market activities within the country The Carbon Markets Framework presents a unique opportunitytoaddressmultiple challenges simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting clean technologies, creating employment opportunities, and building climate

ambitious target of reducing national emissions by 2030. “In this regard,theprojectaimsto establish an environment thatwouldallowNamibia to explore and pursue carbon market-based pricing options. This will placeNamibiaamongthe front-runners in the SADC region to pilot and support the development andimplementationofthe carbon market framework,” he said. Mufeti said, "in terms of institutionalarrangements,the MEFT remains responsible for coordinating the implementation of Namibia'sNDC.Therefore,I hope that we follow the same arrangement for MEFTtohosttheCarbon MarketsSecretariatasthe National Designated Authority for the UNFCCC to ensure alignment with theNDC.”

neurship, and empower the youth to be agents of change. “Ultimately, the success of the carbon markets framework in Namibia will contribute to mitigating climate change and fostering sustainable development,” Bhatiasaid.

Also speaking at the occasion was Hisao Nishimaki, Ambassador ofJapantoNamibia.


By entering carbon markets, Namibia can advance its socioeconomic development while transitioning to a low-carboneconomyina cost-effective way Namibia's Environmental Commissioner Timoteus

Mufeti said at the carbon market validation workshop that the carbon markets framework will enable the country to participate in the internationalcarbonmarket,a move that is expected to foster sustainable developmentinthecountry

Mufeti said, “the formal adoption of the frameworksetsouttherequisite technical procedures for developing carbon marketprojectsinthecountry under the Paris Agreement.” Mufeti emphasisedthattheGovernmentof Namibia recognises the importance of collaboration among key stakeholders in achieving the

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) resident representative in Namibia, Alka Bhatia said the carbonmarketframework isnotonlyaboutpolicies, regulations, and markets but also about empoweringtheyouth.Bhatiasaid, “the engagement and active participation of young people are essential for the success of any sustainable development initiative The energy, enthusiasm, and fresh perspectives that the youth bring to the table are invaluable. By involving young people in decision-making processes, we ensure that their voices are heard, theirideasareconsidered, and their concerns are addressed. By embracing this framework, we are taking concrete steps toward a more sustainable, equitable and prosperous future for all Namibians.” Bhatia addedthatthecarbonmarkets framework will provide an opportunity to create green jobs, promote sustainable entrepre-

"The Japanese Government has decided to provideatotalofUSD42 million to UNDP under the name of the project, 'Japan-UNDPSupportfor Transition Efforts to Decarbonisation' and the fundwasdistributedto23 countries inclusive of Namibia In terms of institutional arrangements,theMEFTremains responsible for coordinating the implementationofNamibia'sNDC. Therefore, I hope that we follow the same arrangementforMEFTtohostthe Carbon Markets Secretariat as the National Designated Authority for the UNFCCC to ensure alignmentwiththeNDC.”

Governor of the Erongo region,NevilleAndresaid in his welcome remarks, Namibia has seven years toachieveherSustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Andre said, “the 2030 Low EmissionsAgendaforthe Paris Agreement on climate change continues to lead our actions towards sustainable and low-carbon development.

For a green recovery and carbon neutrality, it is crucial to take an integratedapproach.Onethat creates synergies and minimises trade-offs between the goals ” According to Andre, it requiresconsentedefforts from all key stakeholders to achieve these goals. The need to move fast to turn pledges into actions cannotbeignored.

Erongo Governor Neville Andre, Hisao Nishimaki, Ambassador of Japan to Namibia and Timoteus Mufeti Namibia's Environmental Commissioner at the workshop to review and validate Namibia's Carbon Market Framework

VibrantDayofPortugalDay Celebrations,CamõesatWalvisBay

The esteemed Secretary of State for Portuguese Communities, Paulo Cafôfo, graced Walvis Bay with his presence on Friday, 9 June to commemorate Portugal's National Day which falls on 10 June, an occasion that holds deep significance for the Portuguese community residing in the town.The visit of Secretary Paulo Cafôfo symbolised the enduringtiesbetweenPortugalanditsdiaspora.

Cafôfo was accompanied by Portugal's Ambassador to Namibia, Luís Gaspar da Silva, Portuguese communities' councillor for Africa, Manuel Coelho and Local businessman JosedeBritoinmeeting with local authority and laying flowers at the Bartolomeu Dias monumentinhonouroftheir Portugueseheritage. Gaspar da Silva spoke passionately about the influential historic figure honoured on that day, the prolific Portuguese Poet, Luís de Camões, who died on theJune10,1580. TheymetwithMayorof Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes and discussed matters around tourism, governance, fisheries, and education. Forbes revealedplanstogetthe municipalboundariesof Walvis Bay extended to its original limits at the bridgeofSwakopmund, and well into the Dorob National Park. Forbes also touched on quota allocationsforfisheries. “When you start taking

ple and have vessels, thenyoucangettheend productcheapertoyour people living in your country,” Forbes said. Cafôfo proposed seeking a twinning agreement between Walvis Bay and a city in Portugal.Thiswasreceived with great interest by themayor Theyspeculated on a city in the region of Madeira, the land of the soccer legend, Cristiano Ronaldo. Madeira is also where the largest portion of the Portuguese community in WalvisBayarefrom.

During a separate

pursuedtheprogressin the return and preservation of a Portuguese cross that has long been in the possession of the German Government “It is very unfortunate about the monument; we are tolditissomewherein Walvis Bay but remainsinthecustodyof the German government because it hasn't been officially handed over,” Itope responded on the matter “We haveapast,butweare building a future That'swhywearehere to talk about how we can strengthen the linksbetweenPortugal and your region ” Cafôfo added in the conclusion of the meeting with the Governor

quotas away from individuals and give them to fishing companiesthatemploypeo-

meeting with the Governor of the


The visit by the Secretary of State was quite eventful but did not lack in festivities, with a reception dinner, which was wellattended by members ofthePortuguesecommunity and celebrated withheartyPortuguese cuisines, and laughterfilled merrymaking that spanned throughoutthenight.

AmbassadorofPortugalinWindhoekLuís Gaspar da Silva, Mayor of Walvis Bay Trevino Forbes, Secretary of State for PortugueseCommunitiesPauloCafôfo. Laying honorary flowers at Bartolomeu DiasinWalvisBay Photo right: Meeting with Governor of Erongo Neville Itope. Photo below: Festivities for Portugal's National Day.

Stock Take

8 NAMIBTIMES 16JUNE2023 NEW PRODUCT IN ALL NAMIBIAN STORES Eco Rubber is an acrylic polymer emulsion coating engineered to provide exceptional adhesive, elastic and protective properties DIYKIT 2.5 m2 - N$ 379 DIYKIT 5 m2 - N$ 689 DIYKIT 20 m2 - N$ 2 549 ASSORTED COLOURS Attherecentre-launchoftheWellnessCentrewithnewManagementat Bay View Resort Hotel at Dolphin Beach Walvis Bay from left to right Lucinda,Antoinette,AnnaandMaritza Give them a call to book your treat, be it a facial, manicure, pedicure or Swedishmassage. SpoilDadforFather’sDayorbookacouple’smassage. Don’tmissoutonthe great specials on offer during the month of June. Extra extra ...enter their competitionandWINaonenightstayfortwoinaseafacingroomattheBay ViewHotel.Callthemtobook@0813221156. oceanescapewellness@gmail.com The Wellness Centre at Bayview Enjoyarelaxingcouple’smassagewithaview oftheocean Walvis Bay and Swakopmund W closed due ill be to stock take on 22 June at 14:00 until 24 June 2023. We will be again open for business on Monday 26 June.

Chamber of Mines Supports Value Addition to Namibia's Minerals

On 7 June, as quoted in the Cabinet decisionsissuedbytheMinisterofInformation, “Cabinet approved the prohibition forthe export of certain critical minerals such as, unprocessed crushed lithium ore, cobalt, manganese, graphite, and rare earth elements; and Cabinet approved those smaller quantities of the above-mentioned minerals may be allowed for export at the discretion of the Minister of Mines and EnergysubjecttoCabinetendorsement.”

The Chamber of Mines of Namibia wholeheartedly supports local value addition to all minerals produced in Namibia to grow the economy and create jobs. The Chamber welcomes the Cabinet decision on the understanding that Cabinet is referring to the ban on the exportofmineralores, meaningoresofallthe minerals mentioned in the Cabinet decision. According to the Chamber of Mines CEO, Veston Malango,“Itisnecessaryfor Governmenttocontrol andregulatetheexport ofunprocessedcritical mineralstosupportjob creation and grow the economy in line with

the African Mining Vision.” The processing and value addition to all minerals, inclusive of critical minerals, is indeed a widely held narrative in Namibia The Chamber of Mines thus recognises that the intention of this directive is to ensure thatNamibiadoesnot lose out on any potential local value addition. The measures taken by Government do not inhibit the valuable work being done by companies in Namibia, that intend to establish mining operations and processing facilities However, the Chamber is concerned that the

requirement for an endorsement by Cabinetonexportsoforein small quantities may unintentionally delay genuine test work being carried out by Chambermembersfor purposes of critical metallurgical test

work required in the design of the muchneeded processing plants in Namibia. In this regard, the Chamber CEO explains that theChamberintendsto proactively engage the Minister of Mines and Energy so that exports

of minerals for such purposesshouldnotbe unreasonablydelayed.

TheChamberofMines President, Mr Zebra Kasete expressed that the cabinet directive will not have any immediate repercussions on the future

plans of Chamber members, as they all haveplanstoaddvalue locally to the critical minerals at least to the concentrate level and retainjobsinNamibia.

“The Chamber will proactively engage Government to collec-

tively identify processing and value addition opportunities for Namibia's critical minerals, and what enablersarenecessary to make Namibia an attractive destination for investment into value addition opportunities,”hestated.

NAMIBTIMES9 16JUNE2023 Autohaus Swakopmund Contact us on Tel: (064) 413 200 E-mail: vwreception@metjeziegler.com

Tamovi Investment gives back

Tamovi Investment (PTY) Ltd as part of our Cooperate Social Responsibilitiesgivesbacktothecommunityoncemore,thistimemoving away from Swakopmund and into other schools in the Erongo region (OmaruruCircuit).

Tamovi Investment (PTY) Ltd, donated printer repairs worth N$5 000 to Hanganeni Primary Schools in Swakopmund, as well as school gates repairs andcleaningmaterialstothevalueofN$5000toTamariskiaPrimarySchools inSwakopmund.

The two other identified schools in the Erongo region are William Borchard Primary School and Otjiperongo Junior Secondary School in the Omaruru Circuit.BothschoolsreceivedN$20000donationseach.

William Borchard Primary School also received a printer, copy paper, laminatorandtonnerswhilstOtjiperongoJuniorSecondarySchoolreceivedan overheadprojector,aspeaker,amathematicsinstrument,andaBiologySlides sit.AllforatotalofN$50000.

Coastal Saleswoman's Generosity Brings Joy to Kids Haven in Walvis Bay

In a heart-warming display of community support, Beverly Joubert, a dedicated saleswoman from Vector Logistics, has made a generous donation to Kids Haven in Walvis Bay. BeverlydecidedtocontributetwoboxesoffrozenFrenchfries tothischaritableinstitution,providingasmallbutmeaningful contribution to their cause. The boxes were handed over to Natasha van Wyk, Representative of Land Rover Owners Coastal Group, who delivered the boxes to Kids Haven on Wednesday,14June.

KidsHavenisahavenforneglected and abandoned children, offering them safe transitional housing alternatives while striving to facilitate the possible reunification of these children with their parents or legal guardians. Beverly's initiative is just one example of Vector Logistics' commitment to givingbacktothecommunity This esteemed organisation has consistently provided donations to facilities in Oshakati and Swakopmund, showcasing their dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of those in need. `During the visit to Kids Haven, van Wyk had the pleasure ofmeetingMs FalicityJoubert,the Head of the house Joubert's dedication and passion for the children at Kids Haven were truly inspiring, leaving van Wyk with a lasting impression. In fact, Joubert graciously offered van Wyk a full tour of the house during her next visit, an invitation that van Wyk eagerly accepted. The Land Rover

OwnersCoastalgroupaims to actively contribute to the communityinvariousways. Inspired by the incredible work being done at Kids Haven, the group is motivated to continue makingadifferencethrough theircollectiveefforts. Beverly'sdonationoffrozen French fries serves as a reminder that even small acts of kindness can have a significant impact on the lives of those in need. The LandRoverOwnersCoastal group, along with Vector Logistics, stands as a testament to the power of community engagement and the importance of supporting local charitable institutions. Through their ongoingdedication,theyare fostering a spirit of compassion and unity within the community, creatingabrighterfuturefor all.

(Fltr) - the Managing Director of Tamovi Investment (PTY) Ltd Frans Hamunyela, Erongo region's Education Director Erenfriede Stephanus, Erongo Governor NevilleAndre and Juanitha Witbeen from Tamovi Investment (PTY) Ltd Eileen van der Schyff

Wishingall DAD’s aHappy Father’s Day


In the High Court of Namibia.



FirstNationalBankof NamibiaLimited Plaintiff and TharineSmuts Defendant

PursuanttoaJudgement granted by the above Honourable Court, the following goods will be sold in execution by the Deputy Sheriff for the district of Swakopmund at the premises of Aucor Namibia, No 25 Hidipo Hamutenya Street,Swakopmund. Auction starts online 3 July2023at10h00and ends 5 July 2023 at 13h00:

Nissan Tida (Black) (Hatchback)


RegistrationNo: SNX008H


EngineNo: HR15244650C

Conditions Of Sale:

Voetstoots – Cash to highestbidder Dated at Swakopmund this5June2023.


LegalPractitionersfor Plaintiff Units35and36 TenbergenVillage

c/oRobertMugabe AvenueandJulius NyerereStreet, Windhoek

Reference:PJB/FIR9/ 0077-60

th 58,6 StreetErf564WalvisBay POBox4131,WalvisBay, VATNO.336619701-5

Tel(+264) 221134 Fax(+264)221135


Miller Refrigeration Suppliers an equal opportunity employer invites qualified, dynamic candidates to apply for the following position


Key PerformanceArea

•Be able to manage orders from customers (must have 5 years experience).

•Ensure uninterrupted operation.

•Perform necessary repairs when breakdowns occur

•Keep record of maintenance/repairs carried out.

•Report to workshop engineering.

•Perform any duties as required by immediate supervisor

Qualifications, skills and competencies:

•Be a Namibian Citizen

•N2 qualification/RefrigerationTechnician

•Eight (8) years experience in the operation of an ammonia refrigeration plant, experience

•Should include maintenance of ice machines, compressors, plate freezers and trio skinning machines

•Sound understanding of Health & Safety

•Excellent English language skills (Portuguese will be an advantage)

•Experience in supervision and leadership

•Ability to work independently, under pressure and work after hours and weekends should it be required

•5 (Five) years experience on screw compressors

•Electrical N5 plus minimum 5 years experience in PLC and electronic devices.

NB: Willing to show experience in advance before start working.

Interested persons should submit a comprehensive CV with relevant documents to:

The Human Resources Department Miller Refrigeration Supplies P.O. Box 4131, Walvis Bay Walvis Bay

Or Email: admin@millersuppliers.com

Closing Date: Friday 28th October 2022

NB: Only short listed candidates will be contacted


PleasetakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintendstoapply, onbehalfofregisteredowner,totheMunicipalCouncilofWalvisBay,theUrbanand RegionalPlanningBoardandtheEnvironmentalCommis-sionerforpermissionfor thefollowing:

Rezoning of Erf 3662 Kuisebmond (C/o Khomashochland and Gold Street) from “General Residential 2” (1:150m²) to “General Business” to permit the redevelopmentoftheerfintoagroceryshopwithaliquorstore. Applicationforan EnvironmentalClearanceCertificatefortheaboverezoning.

The aforementioned application are submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5 of 2018) and the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme. The rezoning of land from residential to commercial use is a listed activity, and an applicationforanEnvironmentalClearanceCertificatewillbemadeintermsofthe EnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).


(a)therezoningapplicationliesopenforinspectionatRoom101oftheRoadsand Building Control Department of the Municipality of Walvis Bay situated at Civic Centre,WalvisBayorcanbedownloadedfromwww.sp.com.na/projects;

(b) Potential interested and affected parties are invited to register with Stewart Planning,andanypersonhavingcommentsorobjectionstotheapplication,mayin writinglodgesuchobjectionsandcomments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,with the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay and with Stewart Planningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice;

©Registrationandwrittencommentsorobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron 17:00Thursday,6July2023.

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na 064280773

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na 0642013339

64)221135 Email:Admin@Millersuppliers.com


MONDESA FISH SHOP (Or the Proponent) intends to construct and operate a fish shop at Erf. 2604 (Mondesa Ext. 4) within the Swakopmund Municipal boundaries (Erongo Region, Namibia). Erf. 2604 has been rezoned for this activity; however the activity may not be undertaken without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC).

PUBLIC NOTICE: This public notice is in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations of 2012 that application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) will be launched with the Environmental Commissioner/Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism.

APPOINTED CONSULTANT: The appointed Consultant (ENVIRODU CONSULTING & TRAINING CC) shall facilitate public consultations and prepare Reports required to support an application for the ECC.

INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (I & APs) are notified to register in order to participate in the public participation process.

In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as I & APs by contacting: Ms. Naemi Nelumbu Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P. O. Box 4120, Swakopmund

Email: Mobile: +264 816343170 nelumbu7@gmail.com



Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town PlanningSchemeRegulationsthattheMunicipalCouncilcon-sidersthe following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering and PlanningServices.

Paradise2EntertainmenttradingasBigBossGamblingherewithintendsto applytotheMunici-palityofSwakopmundforspecialconsenttooperatea PlaceofAmusement-Bar&Gamblingonthepremisesoferf3739,(No58. WaterbergStreet)MondesaExt.8.

Any person having any objections against such application should lodge suchobjection/sinwritingandwithin14daysofthelastpublicationtothe Swakopmund Municipality and the appli-cant, during normal business hours.




Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403.


C l a s s i f i e d s




would like to inform the public that we will be filming sporadically at Walvis Bay

Lagoon and Waterfront

17 – 20 June







Express Services is offering a reward of N$20 000.00 for any positive leads that could cause the arrest of burglars involved in the stealing of a tent, stainless steel barbecue unit and a vehicle roof top tent from our warehouse.

Contact: 0811241837


*Construction *Painting

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Anywhere along the coast



M-S Electrical Services

We specialize on the following repairs:

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üRepairing of WAP machines



üSecurity alarm system

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üAny electrical equipment we can fix.

Taking all your electrical needs seriously

All repairs have 3 months


Contact: 081 299 9960



Smashandgrab windowtinting





FactoryPark10th StreetWalvisBay

ContactAlex; 0815829224 0817029900

ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtoget aman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.

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Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywherebut notachievingyourrealgoals, hereisyourdoctortoprove everythingforyou.Hehelps withdifferenttypesof problemssuchascourtcases, loveaffairs,marriage problems,weakerections whichisunabletosatisfy yourwoman,vaginatightness formantofeelalways attractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoploverfrom cheatingyou[manorwoman] Businessimprovements,all typesofgoodluck. pregnancyproblems,have protectedlife,nevergiveup yourlife,yourdoctorishere tocleanseandliftyouup.

Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreetMondesa Swakopmundorcall: DrMoyo0813395913



Hecanhelpyouthrough: Pregnancy - EducationCourt Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Bus-

DRRINGAZIPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringingbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orwomanofyourchoice, stopyourpartnerfrom cheatingandhimorher toloveyouonly,get attractedtoarichmanor woman,allpregnancy problems,financial problems,magicringfor money,chitakawallet, cleardebts,manhood enlargementmtoxl,hips andbreastenlargement, badlucksandmany more.CallDrRingazi: 0812049299

DrAtwabi; payafter success,samedayresults

Bringbackyourlost loverthesameday,geta loverofyourchoice,get marriedquicklytoaman orawomanofyour choice,stopyourpartner fromcheatingandmake himorhertoloveyou only,getattractedtoa richmanorwoman,all pregnancyproblems,hips andbreastenlargement, financialproblems, magicwallet,chitaka wallet,cleardebts,man hoodenlargementSto XLandmuchmore....

CallDrAtwabi 081233 7274







Unwantedpregnancy& miscarriage

Sexualsatisfactionboth menandwomen









Bringbackstolen property Attract customers.Stop smoking/alcohol Courtcases.Findinga job

Doyouhavepiglice problems.Passexams




Skinproblems,long periods.HIVsymptoms









Finishunfinishedjobsby otherdoctors



DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)

FromMalawiisinWalvis Baywith30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet

TraditionalDrHerbalist DrLovemoreBenBanda

(Theoldman)From MalawiisinWalvisBay with30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklostlover, togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topass driving,toprotectyour bodyfromwithcraft,to boostsmallbusinesstobe bigbusiness,tobeliked withpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,amanto bestronginbedduringsex, awomantohavefeelings foraman,headaches, swellingofyourbody, madness,epilepsy,joints pain,pregnancyproblems, ifyouneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet

JTC Private School in Walvis Bay would like to inform the public that our enrolment for Pre-Primary & Grade 1 for 2024 academic year will take place on Saturday, 01 July 2023

Time: 09H30

Venue:At school

For details, please contact 064-209097 or 0812800648



Wellexperiencedtraditional Doctorwhodestroysall typesofwitchcraftpower thatishappeninginpeople's lifeandhebringsbackall yourluckwhichistaken throughwitchinghe genuinelyhelpswiththe followingproblems:

1.Removingbadluck completely


3.Destroystokoloshiinyour life4.Restoringbirthrights lucky


6.Breakingthechainsof familyproblemsanddiseases

7.Providepowerful protectionagainstyour enemies

8.Blockingyourpartnernot tocheatonyou9. Cureallwitchcraftdiseases

10.Bringsbackfinancial happiness


12.Customerattractionboost yourbusiness






18.Treatingcancer,TB, diabetes,Epilepsy,stroke, Bp,wombpain,jointpain, gout.19.Hipandmanhood enlargement20.Removing blackspotsonyourskin

21.Stimulatesexualdesire andlonglastinginbed.Don't hesitatetocontacthimnow towitnesstheendofyour problems.




Landscaping&plant doctor.Originalpalm& treetrimming.Planting grassandflowers

Painting:house,palm treesandthatchroofs


Trainingcompaniesof originalpalmtree trimming,paintingand cutting.







Modern3bedroom, 2bathrooms,bigkitchen, lounge,2garages,big privatecourtyard. Blinds,G4SandN$200 freewater.Dishwasher/ stove.Noanimals. Strictselection

Quietsafecomplex Availablefrom immediately




FLATTORENT: Available1July singleorcouple singleperson


CoupleN$3800.00 Deposit50%ofrent W/Eincl. Garageavailable. NearShoprite Callorwhatsapp081 2406293

TORENT:Narraville 1bedroomflatforsingle personorcouple

Buildincupboardsin bedroom,bathroomfully tiled-shower,washbasin &toilet,electricgeyser, warmwater

Openplankitchenlounge.Buildinstove withextractorfan fullytiledfloors aluminiumwindows

DSTVDish Outsidebraaiinterlockedyard Alarmsystem-G4S

W/E incl.

N$4000.00p/m Nodeposit Rentpayableupfront nogarage+nopets




Newlybuiltbachelorflat withbuiltincupboards. N$2900.00p/m N$1500.00deposit Waterincluded Sharedpre-paid electricity NewhousesbehindNaras Primaryschool Availableon01July2023 Forviewing, call0813456508

Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com NOTICE
whatsapp+264 81254
inesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. WalvisBay &Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
bedroom flatforN$
p/m water
and prepaidelectricity Availableon30June 2023.Contact:081289 8668/0814351012 16JUNE2023 NAMIBTIMES 13 BIGGESTAUCTION HOUSE AT THE COAST Presents weekly AUCTIONS We need stock urgently for our buyers WE TURNYOURASSETS INTO CASH FAST SENDADDRESS TO: SWAKOPMUND 0811226771 WALVISBAAI 081 147 5333 WE WILL PICK IT UP FOR FREE

C l a s s i f i e d s



WalvisBay:ToRent: TWOBedroomflat.


Nr3–55,SamNujomaSpacioustwobedroom withshower andbath.Queenbedplus 2xsingle.BIC,kitchenmicrowave, stoveandfridge.Sitting roomwithfixedcorner coach,dining tableand4chairs.

Curtains/blinds.Indoor braai.Alarm.Single garagewithremotedoor

Prepaidelectricity.Sorry –Nopetsorsmall children.

Nomunicipalconnection fees.Immediately available.N$5500.00/ N$6000.00p/mplus deposit.




Onebedroomflatwith insidetoiletandshower builtincupboardsin kitchenandbedrooms.




Plusdepositpayablein2 months






2bathrooms. KitchenwithBIC&BIS, Livingroom. Singlegarage. Boundarywall. Alarm(G4S)

ForN$1,415.00 includingtransfercost.

Interested contact 0812962199/081141






Openplankitchen Garage.Tenantinplace

SellingN$550000 0815544888or 0812957837




Walvis Bay, Lagoon

3bedrooms,1bathroom, kitchen,lounge,single garageandbachelorflat.



3bedrooms,2bathrooms, kitchenandlounge


Swakopmund, Matutura

1bedroom,bathroom, openplankitchen




CONTAINERSTO BUY/RENT andstorageyardin Swakopmundwith 24/7access. Officeorablution alterations.


064418150or 0811464770




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Call:0811291100 onleaveamessage



Soundgarden/ Swk Backpackers: Female Surf

Instructor wanted: An experienced surfer who has mastered all of the key maneuvers is fit and regularly surfs (on a daily/ weekly basis).They must display excellent water person skills. Confident, sociable and not afraid of speaking in front of groups. Previous coaching experiences is essential. If this sounds like you, please email your CV as well as all qualifications and references to: Swkbackpackers1ad ventures@gmail.com



JOBWANTED: A32yearoldwomanis lookingforworkasa cleanerorcareworker.I haveexperienceintaking careofdisabledpeople, sickpeople.Caregiver nursecertificate.Ihave goodreferences.


JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic work,cleaning,ironing, washing.Iamreadyto startimmediately Walvis Bay,DolphinBeach, Langstrand.



I’ma22yearoldlady lookingfordomestic/ babysittingorofficework, IcanstartASAP

Pleasecontact: 0813333203/ 0817676868

JOBWANTED: IamA39yearoldwoman lookingfordomesticwork inSwakopmund.Monday toFriday.Ihave experienceinironing, cleaningandwashing,I canstartanytime.


JOBWANTED: Iamayoungmanlooking foranykindofwork exceptsecuritywork.I canstartanytime.


JOBWANTED: Iama27yearoldyoung ladylookingforanykind ofworkaroundWalvis Bay.Hardworkingand honestcanworkunder pressure.Mondaysto Fridays.

Contact:0818955231 0816439279

JOBWANTED: Iamlookingforworkas acleaneroroffice administrator.Iam30 yearsoldladywithgrade 12andhavecertificatesin bookkeepingandoffice administration.Iwill appreciateifyoucallfor interview



Iama28yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund,I have11yearsexperience andIamhardworkingand honest,readytostartas soonaspossible.



Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinSwakopmund,I have10yearsexperience andcanstartimmediately Iamhardworkingand trustworthy


JOBWANTED: Elliisdringendopsoekna huiswerkvir2of3dae perweekin Swakopmund.Ekis hardwerkendenhet verwysings,ekkanenige dagbegin.


JOBWANTED:Iama 41yearoldwoman lookingfordomestic workforthewholeweek or3daysaweek.Can startimmediately

Contact:0814152281/ 0816194381

JOBWANTED: Iamaladylookingfor domesticworkinWalvis Bay,readytostart immediately



We miss you

One long year has passed & our hearts still ache with sadness, and many tears still flow What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know

*16.06.2022 Kapingana, Tjiharo and Ilonga Family

In liebevoller Erinnerung nehmen wir Abschied von: *31. Mai 1942 †12. Juni 2023 Otto Jobst Du wirst uns fehlen.
We hold you close within our hearts, and there you will remain. To walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again. & Russ Nash Petra, Grant, Dennis & Emma Holland


The Jan Wilken Stadium in Walvis Bay was the scene for the second of foursocialclinicsorganisedby theRealMadridFoundation. Morethan 240 young boys and girls from primary and secondary schools in the harbourtownparticipatedinthefootballclinichostedbytheRealMadrid Foundation a non-profit organisation linked to Real Madrid Football ClubinSpain.


Foundation Football Clinics is a comprehensive program that aims to motivate and develop the skills of young football players through a unique training and education methodology supervised by a professional team of Real Madrid Foundation coaches and staff hailing from the famed Real Madrid City in Spain This programme, which is run in partnership with the country's Ministry ofSportandMinistryof Education with the backing of the Spanish

Embassy in Namibia as well as the Ministry of International Relations is supported by Cadilu Fishing, will benefit more than 1 000 children. The programme wasmadepossibleafter a delegation from the Real Madrid Foundation,undertheleadership of the Director of Campus and Clinics,

Andrés Muntaner, with delegates from the Namibian Ministry of Sport and Ministry of Education reached the agreement in Windhoek. Director of Campus and Clinics,Andrés Muntaner said that this clinic is part a few clinics in Africa of which the Namibian clinics is 10% of total


Rudi Bowe

Earlier this month young boxers of the Bernardo Boxing Promotion AcademyinWalvisBayvisitedtheKuisebmondOldAgeHome.

The boxers, between the agesof7and15, gavethe senior citizens soup and fruits and cleaned the windows of the old age home The owner and former boxer of the academy Bernhard Tjaveruasaiditwasalwayshis dreamtohelpelders. Therefore, they decided to do it because they are our eldersandsometimesneed help Tjaverua said, “I grewupinthehandsofold people, I am concerned about them. This is how bestIcouldhelpthem.We plantodothisthreetimesa year” Tjaverua encouraged young people to take careoftheirelderly


About15playersfromtheWalvis Bay Golf Club traveled to Gobabis for the National Sages that saw a field of 25 players playing in a bogey plus competition at the club competition.

OnagoodplussixitwasPieterFox, withEckhardtDreyercominginon plus four with another old stalwart Danie van Antwerpen on plus one.

Closesttothepinon2/11wasKyle Johnson and Pieter Fox was closest on18. Thereweresix2clubs,Chris Heunis,EmileVilbert,KevinWentzel,SandroDeGouveia,andPieterx 2. Having won so many times this year,Pieterdonatedhisprizebackto theclub.

Attached the updated Order of Merit. Good to see Kyle Johnson and Kevin Wentzel in the top 10, welldoneguys Last weekend Monthly Sages at WalvisBayGolfClubwerewonby Dean Kock on 40 points with Des Benson second on 37 and Helga Englingthirdon36points.

Itwaswithsadnessthatwelearntof the passing of oom Pikkies wife,

Africanbeneficiariesof our foundation in the current season. Muntaner said, “the Real Madrid Foundation is developing almost 57 projects in 26 African countries for about 11 700 boys and girls, but thenumbersarenotthat important, every kid is important for us. Just think that every person you teach have a future andeachofthemcanbe the one who change or improve the world Every boy and every girl can be the instrumenttoimprovea

community,” Muntaner said Muntaner said, “this alliance is intended to educate and develop Namibian children through sport and values based on motivation, equality, camaraderie,respect,healthy habits, autonomy, and teamwork, in line with the methodology of the Foundation for a Real Education: Values and Sport “Wethinkweare sharing positive values in a country that is well known for its respectfully society, coexistenceexampleforevery

society,” Muntaner added.

The Managing Director of Cadilu Fishing Jose

Luis Reyero Fernandez said that the idea was to teach children soccer skills and, in the process, empower them to learn and grow both physicallyandmentally “We want to equip and teach them how to play fairly and ensure that they acquire some necessary life skills through sports and in their personal lives”

Sports Officer at the ministry of sport

Timothy Tjongarero, said the main aim is to bringtheloveforsports back to school children while instilling a culture of participation andcompetition.

“Khomas region is hosted the first leg of the football clinics, with the second leg her in Walvis Bay whilst thethirdandfourthlegs of the clinics will be rolled out during SeptemberandOctober 2023 in Otjiwarongo and Rundu, respectively,”Tjongarero said.


Thesecondlegofthe2023MedixxOccupational Health Services (MOHS) in the format of a Betterball Stableford Golf day was held at the the Rossmund Golf Course on Saturday 10 June.

Despitethelargecontingentofcoastalplayerswho travelled to compete in the Gobabis Sages – 30 + golferstee'doffontheirquestforthewinnerscircle in excellent weather conditions for golf competitionwastough.

The Overall Winners on 46 points were Johannes Antohnissen/Christo van Rensburg winning a count out over Mariena Ludwig/Tiekie De Wet, thirdwasFredBosse/AchmetAbrahams45points count out over Fritz & David Coetzee and fifth place went to Hans Naobeb/Thomas Shitaleni 44 points.

Thedayproduced32-clubsfromMarienaLudwig; AtholMcLean;ChrisMagson.

The winners of the Medixx Occupational Health Betterball Stableford fltr, Thomas Shitaleni, Hans Naobeb, Mariena Ludwig, Achmet Abrahams, Tiekie De Wet, Fritz CoetzeeandDavidCoetzee

WesaythankstoDrsStraussandSaundersonfor theirongoingsupportofthecommunityandGolf atRossmund.

RossmundGolfClubappealtoalltheurgolfersto respectthecourse,toalwayscarrysandandrepair


The3rdBankWindhoekFistballLeaguematch day will be played on Saturday 17 June in WindhoekattheCohenFistballClub.

With 18 registered teams,thisleagueround is the biggest in this millennium.Thecapital club SKW registered a stunning12teamswhile SFCsends3andCFC2 teamstohuntforpoints.

matches against each other

tannie Marina. Baie sterkte aan al diefamilie.RIPtannieMarina. This Friday is the HIS HOUSE fundraiser

On Saturday it is going to be a big GolfdayatWalvisBayGolfClub, with the MULTISAVE MEDAL, WINDHOEK LAGER PAIRS and WYS JOU MUIS challenges. The WYSJOUMUISiswheretheteam that travelled to Gobabis will take on those that stay home team. The stayhometeamdoesnotneedtobe Sages,everyoneiswelcome. Thecalendarforthenextfewweeksis as follow: 16 June - His House, 17 June - Multi Save Medal/Wip, 24


In the National League League A, CFC 1 is currentlyatthetopwith 18 points after 2 league rounds. After the unexpected defeat in the indoor championship final against SFC 1, the blue and white will do everything to extend their lead in the field league. Second place in thetableisSKW1with 13 points, followed by the reserve from CFC and SFC 1, who share third place with the same number of points. It remains to be seen whether the young SFC team can also pull off the next coup playing away on the field. In a best out of 5 sets, the 4 teams play their

In the National League B, 4 SKW teams play against the guests from Swakopmund, who are represented by 2 teams. SFC 2, which after 6 wins from 6 games at the last match day fought their way to second place in the table, are the first pursuersontheexperienced SKW4team,whichare atthetopwithaleadof7 points This league round could already be ground-breaking for the playoff qualification because only the top 3 teams can still play for the championship. The other teams then play for a single semi-final ticket.

In the U/18 league, 3 teams from the Greens andWhitesmeetateam from the guests SFC.

SKW A leads the table with 9 points, closely followed by the dark

The standing row is from left Andreas Minz (coach), Christian Knobloch (manager), Wilko Hoffmann, Rico Kühnle-Kreitz, Karl-Heinz Traut and Torben Winterbach (staff). In front are Olaf Beiter, Helmo Minz, Dieter Kebbel, ThiloWilckensandandTristanMinz.Ontheinsets are Florian Mosich on the left and Gian Rudolph on the right. Photo Fistball AssociationofNamibia(Facebook)

blue,SFCA,whichare2 points behind in 2nd place.

With 4 teams from SKW,theU/14category plays a tournament for the crown SKW C celebrated at the first tournamentinMarch.

In the meantime, the Fistball Association of Namibia national men's teamofthatwillparticipate in the International Fistball Association's 2023 World ChampionshipfromJuly23to 29 in Mannheim, Ger-

many has been announced.

The team national Fistball team is; Andreas Minz(coach),Christian Knobloch (manager), Wilko Hoffmann, Rico Kühnle-Kreitz, KarlHeinzTrautandTorben Winterbach (staff). In front are Olaf Beiter, Helmo Minz, Dieter Kebbel,ThiloWilckensand and Tristan Minz. On the insets are Florian Mosich on the left and Gian Rudolph on theright.

NAMIBTIMES15 16JUNE2023 School News
he Real Madrid
PromiseLand, 8July-Club
Pieter Fox and Nardo Sardinha Photo Fistball Association of Namibia (Facebook)

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Blue Waters Sports Club awarded its sports achievers for the 2022/2023 sport season at an awards ceremony in Walvis BayonSaturday,10June.

The awards ceremony, which brought former and current players as well as supporters together, saw the sports stars of the habour town’s sports club award its sportsmen and women that keep the clubs namehighinfootball,netballandcricket

The Chairperson of Blue Waters Sports Club,RobertShimooshilisaidattheaward ceremony that the ceremony offers an opportunity to reflect and re-adjust their objectives based on the realities on the ground.

Shimooshili said, “the past season was a tough one for the club, but dedication and commitment by all members led them to theirsuccess.”

Heexplainedthatthemanagementteamhas achieved a set goal and we are proud to announcethatwehaverevisedourdormant sportscodes,RugbyaswellasVolleyball.

He said that Blue Waters Sports Club now consist of five sports codes, Football, Netball,Cricket,RugbyandVolleyball.

Shimooshilifurthersaidthatasaclub,they arehappytohavethreefootballerscalledup in the current national team as well as five cricket players who are also plying their tradeatnationallevel.

Shimoshili took time to pay tribute to the 2022/23NamibiaPremierFootballLeague

Champions,African Stars for the wonderful season.

Shimoshili said

“It's worth mentioning that duringthepastfew years, we have revived the glorious culture of ourteamandwe have fought our waybackasone ofthebestteams inthecountry.”

“I can assure youthatthebest is yet to come. Wewillhaveto waitanother seasonto

findoutwhethertheywillbecrownedasthe bestteaminthecountry”Shimoshilisaid.

Shimoshilicalledonclubmemberstoremain united and work for a common goal saying divisionwillleadtothedeathoftheclub.

“Wehaveseenhowseveralclubsthathouseholdnamesinnamesweredisintegrateddue to disunity amongst members, this is something we must jealously guard against.

“I am therefore pleased to note that former players,clubveterans,youthandmanyother stakeholders are availing their time to supporttheclub.”

He paid tribute to the club's leadership, saying as an institution, they believe in a collectiveapproach,collectivedecisionmaking and adopting valuable inputandadvice from internal and external stakeholders to betterourclub. He congratulated the FIFA Normalisation Committee leadership for the splendid work it didinstabilising and growing football in Namibia.



FNBKudusPremierandReserveleague teams extended their lead at the top of the log after beating Premier and ReserveleagueteamsofFNBUnam24-8 and 31-3 respectively in the Namibian RugbyUnion'sDomesticLeagues.

Kudus 1 scored four tries through Chad Plato, Jayden Bussell, Lloyd Jacobs and Joshua Jacobs, while Geraldo Beukes addedtwoconversionswhilstKudus2also scored four tries through Zane Williams, AlexanderJansen,TiaanStraussandScott Winborn with Winborn successful with fourconversionsandapenalty

Kudus1and2havebothopenedupafourpoint lead at the top of the Premier and ReservelogstandingswithKudus1on29 points from seven games and Kudus 2 on 30pointsalsofromsevengames.

Kudus1manofthematchwasLezardoVos with Scott Winborn the man of the match for Kudus 2. Both players secured a full bodymassagefromKuduslegentAnthony Jevu.

It was a dark day for the Kudu Bokkie in

Windhoek as Unam Bokkies absolutely demolished the harbor town Bokkies 69-0 attheUnamStadium.

FNB Kudus 1, 2 and Bokkies will rest this weekend whilst Kudu 3 will be up against Sparta 1 in the NRU First Division tomorrow at 15:20 at the Jan Wilken Stadium.

Other Premier League results of the past weekend:



Premier standing after last weekends games:1Kudus29,2FNBWanderers25,3 Trustco United 24, 4 FNB Rehoboth 17, 5 FNB Western Suburbs 15, 6 FNB Grootfontein 10, 7 FNB Unam 9, 8 FNB RehoFalcons9. Kudus and Rehoboth have played seven

winnerswereasfollows:Footballawards; NaftalBanjiDausab-most improved young player, Johannes Jonny Nambuli-most disciplined player, PandeniKandjambangaplayer of the season, Steven Junior Damaseb-golden boot/top goal scorer, Junior Megameno Petrus-football player of the season.


Iwan van Staden, most improved player; Ado Ita, best fielder; Herman Karsten, top wicket-taker;GerrySnyman,toprunscorer; SimonShikongo,bestall-rounderandplayer oftheseasonaward.


Jastmine Aweses, most disciplined player; Lucia Johns, best midcourt; Ndeshihafela Nauyoma, best defender and player of the seasonandAshiyaOtta,bestshooter.

games and the rest of the teams only six games.

The Reserve standing after last weekend's games: 1Kudus30,2FNBWanderers26,3

FNBRehoboth18,4FNBRehoFalcons16, 5 FNB Grootfontein 16, 6 Trustco United15, 7 FNB Western Suburbs 7, 8 FNBUnam4.

Rudi Bowe Rudi Bowe Deputy Minister of Labour Hon. Hafeni Ndemula, Blue waters FC Player of the Season Junior Petrus, Erongo Fuel Lubricant representative Carl Peasat and Club Chairman Robert Shimooshili Blue Waters Vetran player Mr Ivo De Gouveia, Blue waters FC Top Goal-scorer of the Season Steven Damaseb Jnr, Steven Damaseb Senior and Erongo Regional Governor NevilleAndre

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