6 dec namib times e-edition

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Clogged Sewers in Walvis Bay a Collective Responsibility

Walvis Bay's ongoing sewer system problems are taking a toll on the community, with the finger often pointed at the municipality for the frequent blockages and overflows that have plagued various areas in town. However, the solution to these issues lies not solely with the municipalitybutwithallresidentsandbusinesseswithinthetown.

On Wednesday this week, municipal workers were seen digging out large amounts of solidified fat and debris from a drain in the Waterfrontarea,following several complaints from residents regarding blocked sewers and sewer overflows. The clogged drains are causing unpleasant odours and creating potentialhealthhazards. While the municipality is tasked with maintaining the sewer infrastructure, the responsibility does not rest entirely on their shoulders. A key issue con-

tributing to these blockages is the improper disposal of waste,bothbyresidents and businesses, particularly restaurants. In an interview with the Public Relations Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Ms Anita Kaihiva, Kaihiva said, “the sewer overflows are mainly caused by a backup in the main network due to blockages caused by misuse of the system by the public.” The photos of thedebristhatwastaken out of the system this week clearly proves the statement of Kaihiva to

be true Although efforts by the municipality to upgrade the sewerlinesareongoing, even with an upgraded sewer system the problem will always remain until the public stops the misuse of the sewersystem.

“Although completion of the project is expectedtoeasesewerage flow, sewage system abuse continues to be a concern. Some residents continue to dispose of materials that are not suitable for the sewer system, leading to these unpleasant


Unreserved Apology

Following an article published on the front page of our previous edition(Friday,29November2024) under the headline, “Namib Times Investigates Walvis Bay's Ongoing Service Challenges” we would hereby like to apologise for any possible damaging remarks and/or harmthisarticlemighthavecaused to the Municipality of Walvis Bay employees mentioned, and the Municipality of Walvis Bay as an entity

The fact of the matter is that the Municipality ofWalvis Bay and its Public Relations Officer/Section have always advocated for open communication and cooperated withtheNamibTimes.Regrettably, this was not portrayed in the said article.

Namib Times would also herewith like to reassure our readers, advertisersandthepublicingeneral ofourcommitmenttobalancedand fairreporting.

Clogged Sewers

overflows. We urge all residents to use the sewage infrastructure responsibly and avoid improper disposalpractices,”Kaihivasaid. WhatGoesintheSewerSystemand WhatDoesn't?

The sewer system is designed to carry wastewater from homes and businesses to treatment plants However, it is not meant to handle every type of waste. Items that should never be flushed or poured intothesewersysteminclude:


These substances can solidify and create massive blockages in the pipes. Restaurants and food-related businessesmustensurethatgreaseis disposed of properly in designated containers,notpoureddowndrains.

Food waste: Scraps from meals should be disposed of through compostingorproperwastemanagement systems, not flushed down the sink.

Wipes and sanitary products: Even those labelled “flushable” can causeblockages. Theseproductsdo notdissolveliketoiletpaperandcan clogpipesovertime.

Chemicals and hazardous substances: Itemslikepaints,oils,and cleaning products can damage the sewersystemandcontaminatewater sources For residential areas, ensuring that only human waste and toilet paper make their way into the systemiscrucial. Thetemptationto flush non-biodegradable items like cotton pads, paper towels, and even cigarette butts must be avoided.

Walvis Bay's sewer system is aging andfacesincreasedpressure.The


While the municipality plays a significant role in maintaining infrastructure, real change can only happen when residents and businessestakeactivesteps.Educationis thefirststep. Localrestaurants,bars, andotherbusinessesmustensurethat their staff understands the importance of proper waste disposal

Wastewater treatment begins at the source, this includes kitchens and food processing areas where grease trapsshouldberegularlyemptiedand disposedofcorrectly For residents, it's about being conscious of what enters the sewer system. Regular reminders about the importance of properlydisposingofwastecanhelp ensure that the system works efficiently Change cannot and will not happen without the collective effort of the entire community

This starts with proper education, responsible waste disposal, and a shared commitment to protecting theenvironmentandpublichealth.

Only when all parties work togethercanweensurethatWalvis Bay's sewer system functions smoothly and can support the town'sgrowingneeds.

Pointers for Proper Waste Disposal:

1.Greaseandfat:Alwaysdispose of in sealed containers, not down drains.

2.Foodscraps:Usecompostingor appropriatewastemanagement.

3. Wipes and sanitary products: Never flush anything other than toiletpaper

4.Chemicals:Safelydisposeofat designated collection points. For more information on proper waste disposal, contact your local municipality or visit their website foreducationalresources.

Namibia's 2024 Elections




Namibia's 2024 General Elections have plunged the nation into a state of political and legal uncertainty, drawing international attention and raising concerns over the integrity of the democratic process. Allegations of electoral mismanagement, procedural irregularities, and selective voting extensions have fuelled widespread controversy, leaving many Namibians disillusioned and prompting opposition parties to challenge the process through legal channels. Inahistoricoutcome,NetumboNandi-Ndaitwah, 72,hasbeenelectedNamibia'sfirstfemalepresident,winning with 57 percent of the votes, according to results announced bytheElectoralCommissionofNamibia(ECN).

Her victory cements the Southwest Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) party's 34year hold on power since Namibia's independence in 1990 “TheNamibiannation has voted for peace andstability,”shesaid after being declared president-elect. Despite her decisive victory, opposition parties have rejected the results, citing alleged irregularities and procedural flaws during the voting process. Inoneofthe most contentious developments, the ECN extended voting in select constituencies from 29 November to 30 November due to technical difficulties, ballot shortages, and humanerror

However, the extension excluded key regions such as Erongo,leavingmany voters and political representatives frustrated. The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC), represented by Conradie Incorporated, has formally challenged the ECN's decision, claiming it violates constitutional principles of equality and fairness. Inaletterto ECN Chairperson Dr Elsie Nghikembua, IPC's legal representative, Dirk H Conradiedemandedtransparency regarding the decision-making process,asking:



∙ What research or criteria informed this decision?

∙ Why are diaspora voters excluded from the extension?

Conradie argued that theseactionscontravene Article 10 of Namibia's Constitution, which guarantees equality beforethelaw,andArticle 18,whichmandatesfair and reasonable administrative decisions. The letter hints at escalatingthemattertothe Supreme Court, with IPC considering legal steps to have the entire election declared invalid “This decision feels arbitrary and dismissive of our democratic rights,” remarked aresidentofWalvisBay, echoing the sentiments of many in the Erongo region The ECN's handlingoftheelections has also come under scrutiny from public policy analysts. SpeakingonSABCNews,Dr Marius Kudumo, a Namibian Public Policy Analyst, criticised the commission for its lack of preparedness and inadequate communication, describing the situation as unprecedented in Namibia's electoral history “The chaotic situation in termsofwhathappened, we have never seen it before in Namibian election processes,” said Dr Kudumo. He questioned the rationale behind limiting the extension to specific

regions, noting that many voters elsewhere also faced disenfranchisement. DrKudumo highlighted operational failures, including insufficient ballot papers, malfunctioning equipment, and long queues that left many unable to cast their votes. “The extension is actually creatingmoreconfusion because it was not adequately explained in the first place how we found ourselves in this situation,”hesaid. While concerns over vote tampering have beenraised,DrKudumo attributed the crisis more to mismanagement than deliberate distortion. He emphasised that the lack of clarity and logistical planning has eroded publicconfidenceinthe ECN. Inresponsetothe chaos, Namibia's opposition leaders have rallied together, denouncing the elections asflawedandvowingto seeklegalredress.

Panduleni Itula, the IPC's candidate who secured 25.5 percent of the vote, delivered a powerful address aired onSABCNews,calling for unity and calm among citizens. “We are determined, as an entire team of political parties,toseekaremedy from our honourable courts,” Itula stated, framingtheopposition's efforts as a fight to preserve Namibia's democracy He urged Namibians,particularlythe

youth, to remain peaceful despite their frustrations “We know you are all angry, especially our youth, the adrenaline is pumping, but remain calm,” Itula said. “We want to carryyouthroughthis milestone of imperfection and, hopefully, come out on the other end jubilant thatwestoodtogether firmly and preserved our democracy.” The opposition's unified stance and calls for legal intervention have amplified tensions in the aftermath of the elections, with all parties declaring they will not recognisetheresults. Namibia's electoral turmoil has gained international attention, with global media outlets highlighting the country's political instability Nandi-Ndaitwah's presidency marks a historic moment for Namibia, yet her win comes amid significant controversy Theopposition'slegal battle, coupled with public frustration and international scrutiny, has placed significant pressure on the ECN and the Presidency to address grievances andrestoretrustinthe electoralprocess.

President Elect Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah
Photo: Namibian Presidency FB page

Inkosi Fire Truck Unveiled Inkosi Fire Truck Unveiled

TheMunicipalityofWalvisBayrecentlyunveiledthestate-of-the-artfiretruck,theInkosiFire TankerPumper,toprovidefirefightersintheharbourtownwiththelatesttoolsandequipment todotheirjobs.

This Fire Truck called Inkosi, meaning King is named after the former Community & Economic DevelopmentGeneralManager, Agostinho Victor who served the town's community and municipality for more than twentyyears.TheKing Victor fire truck which boasts cutting-edge

capabilities, valued at about N$6 million was acquired with the aim to enhance emergency services for a rapidly growing Walvis Bay

The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes said at the unveiling of King Victor that the acquisitionispartofthe council's commitment thattheresidentsofthe

harbour town are safe during emergency situations. He said, “the Inkosi Victor is the latesteditiontothefleet of the Walvis Bay Fire Departmentasmostthe fire trucks are older than 30 years The council went the extra mile and purchased the municipality's first fire truck ” The mayor

Mayor of Walvis Bay Highlights Community Milestones and Commitment to Progress

At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 3 December at the Kuisebmond Council Chambers, Walvis Bay Mayor, Cllr Trevino Forbes reflected on recent achievements and challenges in the community

The mayor emphasised unity, progress, and dedication to addressing key social and environmentalissues.The mayor began by commemorating World AIDSDay,observedon 1 December He reminded residents of the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS, urging the community to support those living with the condition,honourthose who have lost their lives,andworktowards education and prevention. “This day is a powerful reminder of thehealthcrisisthathas profoundly impacted individuals, families, and communities around the world,” MayorForbessaid. He reaffirmed the town's commitment to ending stigma and discrimination, ensuring access to essential healthcare, and promoting compassion and awareness.

MayorForbesalsocelebratedtheofficialopening of the Brakwater Depot in Walvis Bay, describing it as a major milestone for the community The facility aims to enhance access to quality meat for residents while providing a crucial hub for local farmers and businesses

toconnectdirectlywith consumers. “This initiative not only promotes the local economy but also prioritises the health and nutrition of our residents,” Forbes stated.

Thedepotisexpectedto support local livelihoods, strengthen supply chains, and provide fresh and affordable meattothecommunity

The mayor proudly announced the second round of the Youth Climate Action Fund, which totals N$2 million This fund will support at least 17 projectsfocusedonsustainability and climate action, with the goal of empoweringyoungleaders to take charge of environmental issues

“We expect these projects to be in full swing by October 2025,” Mayor Forbes said. “This initiative reflects our commitment to youth engagement and environmental responsibility while contributing to global efforts against climate change.” With a heavy heart, the mayor announcedtheresignation ofMrJohnEsterhuizen, GeneralManagerofthe Water Waste & Environmental Manage-

ment Department. Mr Esterhuizen, who served in the role since 2017,waslaudedforhis knowledge, expertise, and dedication. “John hassignificantlyshaped the department, and his departure is a loss for our institution,” Mayor Forbessaid. Hewished MrEsterhuizensuccess and fulfilment in his futureendeavours.

MayorForbescalledon the community to embracethespiritofcollaboration and dedication.Heemphasisedthe importance of building athriving,resilient,and inclusive community thataddressestheneeds ofallresidents.

“Together, we can continue to build a community we are proud of,” Forbes said, wishing everyone a joyful holidayseason. Mayor Forbes concluded his address with gratitude for the community's commitment and passion. He expressed optimism for the opportunities that lie ahead and called on residents to work together to overcome challengesandseizethe potential of the coming year

added that the new fire truckwillgoalongway assisting the fire men and women to serve the Walvis Bay's community Mayor Forbes said, “we as the council care deeply about the people that work for us, work for the town and want to make sure that firefighters have the tools they need to do

their job the best way possible.” Mayor Forbespraisedthemenand women of the Walvis Bay Fire Department for going the extramile and putting their lives on the line for the community of the harbour town. “As the municipality continues to invest in infrastructureandresources, King Victor marks a pivotal milestone in ensuring the safety and well-being of the residents of Walvis Bay,” Mayor Forbes said. Acting Chief of Protection Services at the Walvis Bay Fire Department, Ephraim Kathindi said that King Victor is a gamechanger as it is a robust fire truck mounted on a commercial chassis up to 8x8 wheel drive configuration, single or doublecab,specifically designed for the conditions in Walvis Bay Kathindi said, "this fire truck has a Wetend sandblasted and treated mild steel water tank with a capacity of 15 000litres,morethanall our current fire trucks

combined, and a 600 litres stainless steel foam tank with around the pump foam proportioning system ” He explained that the topmount monitor allows firefighters to efficiently combat fires in informal settlements andhigh-risestructures, delivering up to 3 800

largerpumpingcapacity but that it's otherwise largely equipped with most if not everything you would have on an engine,” Kathindi explained. The fire truck was officially handed over to the Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Mrs Victoria Ka-

litres of water per minute over a distance of 30 meters and the Midship or rear mountedfirepumpupto8000 lpm. InkosiFireTanker Pumper (also called King Victor in Walvis Bay) are a combination of a Tanker/Tender and an Engine completely, not just in that it has a

penda, by

Thenew fire truck will be stationed at the still to be constructed Tutaleni fire station in the Kuisebmond residentialarea,whichisoneof twostationsplannedfor construction alongside oneatFarm37.

Pupkewitz Hino Dealer Principal, WilfriedSell.

SOLAR Lighting Solutions

Welwitschia Hospital Successfully Conducts Annual Fire Drill

WelwitschiaHospitalconducteditsannualfiredrillexerciseonTuesday this week, as part of its Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP).Thedrill,heldincollaborationwithkeystakeholders,aimedto ensurethehospital'sreadinesstorespondeffectivelytofireemergencies.

The scenario simulated a fire outbreak in Medical Wardroom 10, prompting the evacuationofpatientsfromGeneralWard 1 and the Maternity Ward. Within an impressive eight minutes, all patients weresafelyevacuated.

The Walvis Bay Fire Brigade demonstrated exceptional efficiency, arriving on-sitewithinfiveminutesofthedistress call. Theirswiftresponseplayedacritical roleinthesimulatedemergency Equally commendable were the Traffic and Ambulance Services, whose coordination ensured a smooth and effective exercise. Following the drill, a debriefing session was held on-site with

all participants, where strengths and weaknesses in the response were thoroughly analysed Over the subsequent two days, identified shortcomings were addressed, ensuring the hospital is now better prepared for potentialfireemergencies.“Weareproud to report that this exercise has reinforced our readiness to handle fire-related incidents.

The collaboration with stakeholders was seamless, and the improvements implemented post-drill have enhanced our safety protocols,” QualityAssurance ManagerofWelwitschiahospital,Eleanor Jansensaid.

New Wheels for Omaruru Hospital

The Omaruru District Hospital, which has been operating without an ambulance forpatient transportation, received a brand-new ambulance from Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine on Wednesday this week. The ambulancewillservethetownsofOmaruru,Omatjete,OkongweandUis.

TheOmaruruDistrictHospital has evolved from a small community clinic into a key healthcare provider in the region. Omaruru, with an approximate population of 22 994, is supported by one district hospital and five local clinics. These include the Okongwe Clinic (116 km away),OmatjeteClinic(65 km), Uis Clinic (118 km), OkombaheClinic(75km), and the Omaruru Clinic, whichislocatedwithinthe district hospital. Acting Senior Medical Officer at OmaruruDistrictHospital, BeataAshipala,statedthat whilethehospital'svehicle fleet consists of 17 vehicles, not all are in working condition. She emphasi d the need for reliable se transport to provide quality,effective,andefficient servicestothecommunity “Inordertoserveourcommunitywell,weneedsufficient and dependable vehicles,” Ashipala said. A major challenge for the hospitalisthatmanyofthe clinics are located in remote areas with poor road conditions, which significantlyimpactsthelifespan ofthevehicles. Earlierthis year, Dr Ashipala and

Councillor Ernest Wetha approachedtheGovernor's officetorequestassistance in securing an ambulance. Governor Neville André Itopepledgedtodeliveran ambulance before the end of the year At the handover ceremony, Governor Itope described the ambulance as more than just a vehicle; hecalleditalifelinethatcarrieshope,care, andcompassiontothosein critical need. “This ambulancesymboli es theunity s ofpurposebetweenLanger Heinrich Uranium Mine and the government, ensuring that healthcare is accessible to all, even in the most remote areas,” Itope said. Itope also noted that the ambulance will help address social challenges and the deprivation faced by many in the region.HethankedLanger Heinrich Uranium Mine for demonstrating the importance of public-private sector partnerships. He urged hospital staff to use the ambulance effectivelyandmaintainitasan enduring asset for the community "Letitserveas a beacon of our shared determination to improve healthcare delivery and

save lives," he said Governor Itope also called on all stakeholders, government,privateentities, and community members to continue working together for the region's good. "This ambulance is a government asset, not anyone's private property “We must take care of it, guard it against any defects, and drive it responsibly,” he stressed. Itope further emphasi ed the value of s the ambulance, noting that it was a significant investment from Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine. He warned that this investment could quickly be destroyed through negligence. Johan Roux, Managing Director of Langer Heinrich UraniumMine,expressedhis honor in being able to donate the ambulance "We hope this new ambulance will support the excellent service already being provided by the hospital and help extend that care to those in need," Roux said "May it go a long way in assisting those who requireitthemost."

Sharlien Tjambari

Basiese Inkomste Toelae Skep Verwarring

Marshallino Beukes

Sommige inwoners van Erongo dui aan dat hulle glad nie verstaan presieshoedieRegeringseBasieseInkomsteToelae(BIG)kriterianou eintlikwerknie.

Die doring in hul vlees is dat werklosepersonewieineenhuisby 'n pensioenaris woon nie vir die N$600permaandtoelaekwalifiseer nie.Ditisvolgenshullenieregverdig nie aangesien baie jongmense wie sukkelomwerktekry,steedsbyhul ouersblywatdalkpensioenarisseis. Hoe kan hulle 'n plek van hul eie bekostig terwyl hulle werkloos is?

Verder kwalifiseer jeugdiges wat by hulouersofvoogdewoon-watnog nie pensioenarisse is nie - alhoewel hul ouers of voogde voltyds vir salarisse werk Hoe balanseer


Dit is die vrae wat aan Namib Times gevraisenhierdievraeisviaemailaan Me. Benedikta Kamunoko by die Ministerie van Geslagsgelykheid, Kinderwelsyn en Armoede-uitwissing se Erongo kantoor gestuur Sy het ten Antwoord laat weet dat alle vrae aan die Ministerie se publieke verhoudinge afdeling in Windhoek aangestuurmoetword. Die Ministerie se woordvoerder, Mr Lukas Haufiku was nie telefonies bereikbaar nie en het ook nie teen saktyddieeposbeantwoordnie.

Straatverkopers het Narraville Inwoners


Klagtes dat straatverkopers in Narraville hulle geensins steur aan enige munisipale reëls en regulasies rakende higiëne by hul verkoopspuntenie,hetdieNamibTimesbereik.

Volgens Narraville inwoners is daar geen voorsiening vir ablusiegeriewe (toiletgeriewe)virdiestraatverkopers beskikbaar nie en doen hulle ding sommer in die ope wanneer Moeder Natuurroep. Die aroma van hierdie ontlasting is glogladniesnaaksnieenskepooknie 'n goeie beeld van die area nie. Die area wat in die spervuur is, is in Kruisstraat (Woerman Brock omgewing). Blykbaar is die area voor die Katolieke Kerk ook deel van die

“natuurlike ablusiegeriewe.” Voorts is inwoners ook ongelukkig met die netheid van die area, aangesien die verkopersglohulrommelsommerop straat weggooi. Vullisdromme wat blykbaar ook nie gereeld of op tyd skoongemaakwordnie,draookbytot die probleem, aangesien rondloperhonde die rommel op straat laat beland.

DieWalvisbaaimunisipaliteitisindie verband gekontak en terugvoering is belowe. Fotosverskaf

Marshallino Beukes

NFCPT Supports “Operation Sida Di /Goan”

The Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT) recently donated 300 mattressestotheOfficeoftheKuneneRegionalGovernor's“OperationSidaDi/Goan”at itsHeadOfficeinWalvisBay

sibilityofcaringforthe well-being and education of the youth in theregion.

furniture, the project seekstoprovideamore conducive environment for education, without the high costs of replacing damaged itemsthatplacesheavy burdens on the education budget. Sheya explained that the practical benefits of repairing such furniture rather than replacing it entirely, will help the education sector to focus its resourcestootherareas as the expenditure cost for school furniture will be cut by more than50%.

The mattresses valued atN$103454.29,ispart oftheTrust'sCorporate Social Investment initiatives (CSI) aimed at supporting education efforts in the Kunene region and contributing to the government's efforts towards economic and social upliftment and poverty reduction programmes inlinewiththeNational Development Agenda. Thedonationwasmade insupportofanongoing initiative by the Office of the Kunene Governor that was first launched in 2019 with the aim of fixing all broken school furniture attheschoolsacrossthe region in a bid to help improve the quality of education. “Operation SidaDi/Goan”derived fromtheDamaraNama vernacular,translatesto “Our Children,” symbolising the respon-

The“OperationSidaDi /Goan” project which places emphasis on addressing the significant challenge of inadequate school infrastructure in Kunene region, through repairing broken furniture and sourcing for school hostelfacilities hasplayedasignificant role in uplifting the spirit of the Namibian Child in the region and contributing to skills development amongst theyouthasrepairsare done by the region's youthtogainnecessary skills and experience required in the labour market. The Kunene Regional Governor, Marius Sheya said at the hand over ceremony; by supporting the repair of existing

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Healsoannouncedthat his office had already arranged for beds to complement the donated mattresses and that theywillbedistributed to schools through the Kunene Regional Directorate of Education whenschoolsreopenin January 2025. "We already have some bedsready,andsinceit isanormthatwhenyou provide beds, one also needs to provide mattresses to accompany the beds to serve the purpose. We are going to ensure that thesemattressesareput to use immediately to support learners in January already upon theirreturn," Sheya said. NFCPT's Finance Manager, KorneliusIiyambosaid that this donation aligns with its Corporate Social Investment (CSI) policy, which aims to foster education by supporting initiatives that uplift learning and skills development in Namibia. He added that NFCPT is committed to ensuring that the Namibian Child have the necessary resources to continue their education, thus encouraging school attendance by providing essential items likemattressesfortheir comfort.

Brakwater Abattoir Opens Doors in Walvis Bay

It is with much excitement that BrakwaterAbattoir and Farming officially opened its newRetailshopandDepotinWalvisBayrecently

What marks a significant milestone in the company's journey as they celebrate not justtwodecadesofhardwork and commitment but also the anticipation of a brightfuturefornot only the residents of Walvis Bay but alsothecommunity and the greater Erongoregion The RetailandDepotis situated at the premiseswherethe old Tinkas Butchery, opposite Natis Valley in the industrial area in the harbour town where they represent more than just a facility, it signifies progress, sustainability,andresilience

nurtured a family of skilled individuals who are committed to providing customerswiththebest Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes

For the past 20 years, Brakwater Abattoir and Farming withtheirslogan'Qualityour Priority' has been at the forefront of quality meat supply, adhering to the higheststandardsofexcellencein itsoperations

With a dedicated workforce of over 80 employees, they have not only created job opportunitiesbuthavealso

said at the opening that the owner of BrakwaterAbattoir and Farming Depot, reaffirmed its commitment to providing high-quality, costeffectivemeatproductstothe harbour town’s and region’s communities The mayor stated the Retail Shop and Depot embodies vision the forthefuturewhereeveryone in the Erongo region has access to fresh, nutritious, and affordable meat The Manager of the Walvis Bay BrakwaterAbattoirand

Farming Retail and Depot, Eugene Hartung stated that their commitment will help strengthen local supply chains and support the community, thereby contributing to the economic growth of Walvis Bay and the surrounding areas Hartung said, “ e un- w derstand that quality meat is not just a product; it is an integral part of our local culture, our health, and our economy

By maintaining stringent qualitycontrolsandinvesting in cutting-edge technology, we will ensure that our customers receive only the finest cuts, enhancing their dining experiences and supporting their well-being The business was built with the aim of supplying our customers with top quality carcasses and meat cuts across the whole of Namibia ”Hartungsaid. ,

Some of the friendly staff members ready to serve you
A variety of meat products to choose from.

Expression of Interest (EOI)Announcement:

Namibia Drydock and Ship Repair (Pty) Ltd invites well-established and experienced companies to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the provision of the following services:

A:HydraulicService Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/072


i. Listofavailablehydraulicequipmentandmachinery

ii. Numberandqualificationsofskilledhydraulictechnicians.

B:ScaffoldingService _ Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/073


i. Listandspecificationsofscaffoldingmaterialsandequipmentavailableforservice.

ii. Informationaboutequipmentmaintenanceschedulesandrecords.

iii. Numberandqualificationsofscaffolders(includinganyrequiredcertificationsandtraining).

C:EquipmentRental Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/074


i. Listofequipmentavailableforrent,includingspecifications,models,andconditionreports.

ii. MaintenanceandServiceHistory

D:LegalComplianceAudit_ Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/075

i. RelevantExperience:

ii. Pastlegalcomplianceauditsconductedforsimilarcompanies/industries.

E:ISO14001GapAnalysist_ Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/076

i. QualifiedISO14001auditor(submitcertification)

ii. List of organizations that you successfully undergone ISO 14001 Gap Analysis through the company

iii. SubjectofsubmissionmustrefertotheapplicableReferenceno Subjectofsubmissionmustrefertotheapplicablereferencenumber(e.g.,EOINMD/2024/...).


· CompanyProfile

· Companyregistrationcertificate

· ValidCompanyTaxCertificateinGoodStanding

· ValidSocialSecurityCertificateinGoodStanding

· ValidAffirmativeActionCertificateorexemptionletter

Submission Deadline: All EOIs must be submitted no



Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 7.2 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following relaxation of buildinglinesdetailsofwhichareobtainablefromtheGeneral Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.

The owners of Erf 4124, Swakopmund Extension 12 herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for the RelaxationofDevelopmentStandardsforBuildinglinesaswellas therelaxationofSetbackforthefirstfloor

The owners of Erf 2424, Swakopmund Extension 12 are hereby requestedtoprovidetheirconsent,commentsandobjectionsifany againstthisapplication.Suchconsent,commentsandorobjections should be lodged in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.


Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis24 December2024.

Contactperson:Mr.PolitoHendricks,Cell:0812589738 Email:khd@clarchitects.net


Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning)




CONSENT: Self Catering Units ON ERFNO: 560 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Meersig STREET


In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:SelfCateringUnits

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan27December 2024.


Gehas-Gert Shatika, PO Box 1094, Walvis Bay, email:geas20hat@yahoo.co.uk


CONSENT: Early Childhood Development

C e n t r e O N E R F N O : 1 9 9

TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon Walvis Bay

STREET NAME & NO: 44Theo Ben Gurirab Street,WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Early Childhood Development Centre.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan27December 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: MelizaSitole,POBox4481,WalvisBay,email: lillylight2017@gmail.com

Rezoning Notice:

Please note that Hennie Fourie, Town Planner on behalf of the ownersoferven2280and2281,Extension8Swakopmund,intends toapplytotheMunicipalCouncilofSwakopmundandtheMinistryof UrbanandRuralDevelopmentfor:

∙Rezoningoferven2280and2281Extension8Swakopmund,both fromSingleResidentialwithadensityof1:900m toGeneral 2 2 Residential1withadensityof1dwellingunitper100m

∙Consolidationoferven2280and2281Extension8Swakopmund intooneconsolidatederf,withazoningofGeneralResidential1and adensityof1dwellingunitper100m2

ApplyforspecialconsenttotheMunicipalCouncilofSwakopmundto utilizethisconsolidatederfforthepurposesofaPension.

Erf 2280 Swakopmund, measuring 999 sqm, is zoned Single Residential and is situated at 84 Tourmalin Street, Oceanview Swakopmund. It currently accommodates 1 main building and 1 outside building. Erf 2281 Swakopmund, measuring 1000 sqm, is zoned Single Residential and is situated at 86 Tourmalin Street, Oceanview Swakopmund. This is currently an open erf and the ownerwantstoconsolidateerf2281withadjacenterf2280. Itisthe intentionoftheownertoutilizethisconsolidatederfasaPensionby converting certain rooms in the main buildings and outbuildings, as wellasproposedextensions,intoaccommodationunits.Parkingwill be provided in accordance with the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme.

Further note that the rezoning, consolidation and locality plans of these erven are available for inspection on the Notice Board at the Municipal Building, Rakotoka Street, Swakopmund. An electronic copycanberequestedfromtheapplicant,contactdetailsbelow Any person objecting to the proposed use of land as set out above, may lodge such objection, together with the grounds therefore, with the Municipality of Swakopmund and the applicant in writing within 14 daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice.


Applicant: HennieFourie,TownPlanner; POBox2891,Swakopmund Tel:081-1247452; E-mail:henniefo@afol.com.na



We require the service of a Sales Representative at our Walvis Bay Operation. The incumbent will report to the Sales Manager

POSITION : Sales Representative

GRADING : C- Upper


Primary purpose and responsibilities of the position:

- Ensure customer service levels are maintained

- Prepare to travel out of town

- Assist with stock counts and control stock levels.

- Prepare quotations

- Assist with production planning.

- Manage cash sales.

- Update and maintain customer order schedules.

- Maintain data integrity of sales system.

- Monitor delivery dates and deadlines.

- Control and manage selling prices.

- Establish and maintain sound relationships with co workers and customers.


· Grade 12 with 30 points

· Namibian Citizen

· Bachelor's degree or diploma in Marketing or Sales will be an advantage

· At least 3 years appropriate experience

· Computer literate

· Good planning & prioritising skills

· Aptitude for numbers

· Must be able to work under pressure

· Sound communication skills at all levels

· Good organisational skills

· Code B1 driver's licence

Interested applicants who qualify for the position can forward their CV with certified copies of qualifications and relevant documentation to: The Human rd Resources Department, P. O. Box 399. Walvis Bay. 44, 3 Street East.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted and no documents will be returned. No emails




Notice is hereby given that the three libraries and the Museum will be closed for the public from 23 December 2024 to 04 January 2025, and re-open to the public on 06 January2025



Tel:(064)2013337/ 0811240604



CONSENT: Early Childhood Development Centre ON ERF NO: 199 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Lagoon STREET NAME & NO: 44 Theo-Ben GurirabStreet,WalvisBay

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Early Childhood DevelopmentCentre.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtained atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 27 December2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Meliza Sitole, P O Box 4481,WalvisBay email:lillylight2017@gmail.com

Green Charcoal Namibia is a charcoal processing plant established in Arandis since2022.Wesource,processandexportsustainablewoodcharcoal.

WearecurrentlyseekinganHROfficertotakeovertheHRdepartment.Thisrole isidealforsomeonewithastrongbackgroundinhumanresourcesmanagement andapassionforfosteringapositive,productiveworkenvironment.


·Leadandmanageallhumanresourcesactivities,includingrecruitment, onboarding,talentdevelopment,andperformancemanagement.




·Collaboratewiththeproductiondepartmenttoaddresstemporarystaffing requirements.







·CollaboratewiththeSecurityOfficertodevelop,update,andcommunicate companypoliciesacrosstheorganization.

·EnsureadherencetoGreenCharcoalNamibia'scertificationandstandards, includingBSCIandFSC.






·Excellentcommunicationandinterpersonalskills,withtheabilitytomanage conflicts.





Toapply kindlyemailyourcvwithallrelevantdocumentsto Allisen.Smith@greencharcoalnamibia.com / cedric.schmidt@greencharcoalnamibia.com/ sebastien.cauvez@greencharcoalnamibia.com


Closingdate: 20December2024



Dear Esteemed Customers



Thisnoticeservesto informtheGentleman whosenameIdon’tknow, whoboughttheToyota StallionBakkiefromme monthsago,afterseeing thisnoticepleasecometo 27CircumferentialStreet tocollectyourvehicle within2weeks (that is before 20 December 2024) failedtodoso,the vehiclewillbedisposed atmywill.




We are hosting a lovely Christmas-inspired flea market again, KaufFRAUsch!

On Saturday, 7 December from 9h00 to 14h00 in the Trendhaus, Otto Günther courtyard. Even Santa will come by! Large selection of pre-loved items and clothing, kids toys! We will have great coffee from the Two Beards coffee roastery, fresh vegetables from the Dodo Zero Waste Store, wonderful sparkling wine, waffles, Brötchens etc!

Cell: 081 251 1750





email:nktransportnam @gmail.com


VERFWERK:Huise, gastehuis,lodges,ons verfallegebouein Erongostreek.Gratis kwotasie.

BvonSeydlizt: 0818196117/ Richard:0816923590


-Werepairfridges -Aircondition installation+service -Electricalinstallations+ maintenance Contact:0812091378




ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingback lostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck, verytoughand challengingcourtcases, bindingyourloveandto beyouronly Andtogeta man/womanyouwantof yourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife andyouwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102


DrBandaFullyregistered TraditionalHealerin Namibia

Forquickinstantresults Callhimtoday: ExpertinHealingusing naturalremedies

Highbloodpressure, diabetes,strokes,asthma, epilypsy

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Bodypains,swollen legs/stomach


Manpower,extra strength,morerounds, strongandharderections

Healsoperformspowers on:Lostloverstocome backimmediately

Protectionofpropertyand persons,workmatters

Unfinishedjobsandmany more

Heishereintown,Walvis Bay Callforappointment andconsultation 0817407321

TraditionalDr Herbalist

DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)

FromMalawiisin WalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems& diseasessuchas bringingbacklostlover, togetanewjob,towin courtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebig business,tobeliked withpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcohol anddrugs,divorce,stop yourlovertobestingy withmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbad dreams,amantobe stronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafila Street






Grade 12 Technical Drawings and Mathematics HG.


Applicant will receive Inhouse and Online Training


Properties Wanted


Needing 1 bed flat in Swakopmund to rent under N$ 6000 from Jan 2025

Contact 085 795 4117


It will be an advantage if you can start immediately Mail CV's to mobile@swakoproofing. com


Machine Shop Foreman

•Valid drivers license

•Must be qualified as a fitter and turner machinist

•Must have held a foreman position before

•Must be able to work independently

•Must have at least 10 years experience working in the machine shop

•Must be willing to work weekend and overtime

Interested applicants can mail their CV to wmengineeringservic es@gmail.com

(No hand delivered CV’s will be accepted)


Anequalopportunity employer

Wecurrentlyhavea vacancyfora ManagementAccountant atourmainbranchWalvisBay


•Abachelor’sdegreein accounting/finance

•2-3yearsexperienceas management accountant

•Strongknowledgein PastelXpress, Microsoftexcel,word andoutlook


•Financialstatement& accounts




•Monitoringbudgets, spending&analyse financialperformance

DetailedCVcanbe forwardedtoHROfficer at:hr@emimarcleaning. com


Festive Accommodation


2 bedroom fully furnished flat Balcony with sea view

N$ 1500.00 per day

Availability 23 December 20243 January 2025

4 - 6 people only

Contact: 081 241 4103




Iama42yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay, Swakopmundor Langstrandfor3-5 daysaweek. Contact:0814150035



Iama42yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workoranygeneral workfortheholiday From9Decemberto3

January Contact:0818389435

Iama25yearold femalelookingfor domesticworkin WalvisBayor Swakopmund. Contact:0817768266


A27yearoldladyis lookingfordomestic, tuckshopwork,or takingcareofkids. WalvisBayor Swakopmund. Contact:0813926789


Iamhardworking womanlookingfor workMondaysto Fridays.Icandoany kindofwork.Iwill startassoonas possible.



Iama30yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work.Ihave experienceworkedat BidvestPrestige Cleaning.Iwouldwant toworkbetween WalvisBayand Swakopmund. Contact:0814237282

JOBWANTED: Iama22yearoldlady lookingforwork. Contact:0814215377


Iama19yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay Contact:0812637936


Ekis‘n40jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerk kindersoppaswerkwas enstrykwerk.Drinken rooknie.Ekiseerslik envriendelik,ekhet verwysingsenkan enigetyddiensaanvaar Kontak:0812019833


A29yearoldladyis lookingfordomestic workorinarestaurant. Contact: 0812026252


Iama21yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workIhave1year experienceasacashier, experienceincomputer andisreadytostart immediately Contact:0817366942

Stuttering Start for Coastal Clubs

The new football season got off to a stuttering start for the coastal Football Clubsoverthepastweekend.


It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Buddy, a devoted husband, loving father, and cherished friend, He will forever be missed by his family.

A memorial will be held on Sunday 8 December 2024,

The Debmarine Namibia Premiership 2024/25 Coastal Derby between Blue Waters FC from Kuisebmond and newlypromotedBlue Boys FC from Swakopmund ended in a 0-0 draw at the Kuisebmond StadiuminWalvisBay Swakopmund based NamibDaughtersFC alsodrew3-3against the visiting Windhoek City SC in the FNB Women Super League (FNB WSL) at the Mondesa St-

dium in Swakopmund.

This weekend the coastalfootballteams willagainbeinaction at the Vinita and Mondesa Sports Stadiums. On Saturday Blue Waters will takeonKKPalaceFC from Okahandja at 14:00 and Blue Boys will battle it out against Chula Chula from Oshakati at 16:30. whilst Namib Daughters FC from Swakopmund have a date with Windhoek City Sport Club at

10:30. All the matches will be at the VinetaSportStadium in Swakopmund. On SaturdayBlueWaters will take on Chula Chula at 16:30 and Blue Boys will battle it out against KK Palace FC at 14:00 whilstNamibDaughters FC have a date w i t h K h o m a s NampolLadiesFCat 09:30

All the matches will beattheVinetaSport Stadium in Swakopmund.


An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry, we have an internal vacancy for a


We are seeking a skilled and motivated individual with a passion for effective communication and teamwork abilities to join our team.

Key Responsibilities

• Maintaining a Bill of Materials/Costing database for a food manufacturing business.

• Designing and maintaining data capturing systems for production performance and related KPI’s.

• Monitoring actual performance against standard.

• Analyzing product profitability levels and key reasons for variances.

• Advising management on performance and variances.

• Maintaining and updating projections.

• Ad hoc project analysis and viability studies.

• Assisting with compiling budgets and rolling forecasts.


• Financial Degree/sArticles at an auditing firm would be ideal.At least 3 years in a comparable role.

• Agood understanding of costing methodologies and how they are practically implemented is required.

• Financial and numerical ability is a must; Excel skills will be important.

• Effective communication and teamwork abilities.

• Able to use your own initiative and take quick decisions independently

• Able to analyze and interpret situations promptly and report the same to the Chief Finance Officer

• Willing to work over weekends and public holidays, if required.

• Human resources assistants must have excellent interpersonal skills and must ensure that confidentiality is maintained when managing employee information.


We offer a market-related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage and membership to a retirement fund. Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a well-established company in the fishing sector

Please send your comprehensive application via email to recruitment@catofishing.com by not later than 13 December 2024. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments.

Rudi Bowe



The annual KTS Tennis Ladder hosted by the KallieTennisSchoolbroughttogetherthebest30 men's and 10 women's players fromWalvis Bay and Swakopmund participating and showcasing thegrowingenthusiasmfortennisintheErongo region. This year's thrilling Tennis Ladder competition with a record turnout allowed players to challenge competitors ranking up to five places higher on the ladder, culminating in finals where the top players compete for the championship. Thisyear'seventdeliveredhighquality matches and memorable performances. JP Huish stunned the crowd with his improved fitness and strategic decision to slow down the paceprovedcrucialinovercomingtheyoungand talentedreigningchampion,AntonioAdriano,in two sets, 6-2, 6-4. The ladies' final saw a dominant performance by Caroline Adriano displayed clever and calculated play to defeat DorettePretoriusinstraightsets,6-2,6-0. Sam Barnard,acoachfromWalvisBay,alsodelivered a thrilling performance in the men's third-place playoff, defeating Borja in an epic match that ended7-6,6-7,10-4. KallieHeesetheownerand coachofKallieTennisSchoolsaidthatoneofthe highlightsofthechampionshipswasthesuccess of players from KTS's development program. Heesesaid,“HyljaCampbell,arisingstardespite

personal challenges, secured an impressive thirdplace finish in the women's category whilst Kondgeni, whose rapid improvement and dedication earned him recognition as the tournament's'MostHelpfulPlayer”.”Headdedthat KTSisimmenselyproudoftheseplayersandtheir progress, which underscores the importance of nurturing young talent. Heese, remains steadfast in its mission to develop tennis in Erongo region and Namibia, providing opportunities for youth to grow in the sport and stay active. “Events like the TennisLaddernotonlyfosterhealthycompetition but also help bring the community together and inspire the next generation of athletes,” he stated. AccordingtoHeese,theparticipationfromWalvis Bay players this year added a special touch to the event, making it truly memorable. “KTS invites players from all skill levels to join next year's Tennis Ladder Event. For more information or to register, contact us at 081 286 8031. KTS is committedtogettingplayersoffthestreetsandonto thecourts,andthisyear'srecord-breakingeventisa testament to the growing passion for tennis in the region,” Heese said. Heese on behalf of KTS thankedalltheplayers,sponsors,andvolunteersfor makingthiseventaresoundingsuccess.“Together, we are building a brighter future for tennis in Namibia.”

Carin Slabbert Takes Charge of Hockey

Carin Slabbert has been elected as the new president of theNamibiaHockeyUnion.

Slabbertwhoreplaces the outgoing president Regan Graig, has become the first woman to be in charge of Hockey Union since its inception Slabbert and the new executive committee were elected at an Annual General Meeting held earlier this week. The new

Namibia the newly elected president of the Hockey Union executive will serve the Union for the next threeyears.Theunion made this announcement at a special generalmeetingwhere t h e P r e s i d e n t elaborated on the union's vision, going forward.Themanaged to also ratify a new constitution, which reconstructs a new

executive structure

The newly elected executive committee consist of PresidentCarin Slabbert, Vice President - WomenMarietta Stoffberg, Vice President - Men - Eslon Ngeendepi, Treasurer - Phia Gerber and Additional Member - Rohan Slabbert

Social Doubles Squash League 2024

TheSocialDoublesSquashLeaguehostedby the Buccaneers squash ended with Bro's B4 Ho's crowned as the Men's A section championsinWalvisBay BuccaneersSquashClubmembersthankedJose de Brito and Supatronix for their continued support and sponsorship of this popular event, withtheassurancethatitwilldefinitelybeonthe cardsnextyear

In the Men's A section Bro's B4 Ho's, Trevor/Brandon Grane ended at the top with HerrLing, Joe Herrmann/Michael van Lingen with21pointseachsecondandImaTit,Imanuel Amorongo/AngeloTitusendedthirdjust3points shyofthetopteams.

In the Men's B section: 1 Place: Namib Diesel, st Jaco de Witt/Trevor Heath; 2 Place: nd Teletubbies, Jaco/Raymond Duvenhage; 3rd Place:FishPie,ShardeFisher/PietervanAarde.

In the Mixed Section: 1 Place: F45 Deuces, st Dylan Spencer/Chantel van Rooyen; 2 Place: nd Donut Delivery, Carla Venter/Christopher Hill; 3 Place:Bonnie&Clyde,ZolaNel/Christovan rd Wyk.


1)Bro'sB4Ho's[Trevor/BrandonGrane]21.2) Herrling [Joe Herrmann/Michael van Lingen] 21.3)ImaTit[ImanuelAmorongo/AngeloTitus] 18.4)MiLo[MichaelGruhn/GerhardLottering] 10.5)DeHill[JandeSmit/ChristopherHill]4& 6)BosJag[LeslieBosman/BrandondeJager]1. MensB.

1)NamibDiesel[JacodeWitt/TrevorHeath]46, 2) Teletubbies [Jaco/Raymond Duvenhage] 39, 3)FishPie38,4)Supatronix37,5)SwitchHitters 26, 6) Beavis & Butthead 22, 7) Lightning & Thunder 19, 8) FokKot 15, 9) GroMos 14, 10) Squash&Suds11,&11)SocsOwe8. Mixed.

1) F45 Deuces [Dylan Spencer/Chantel van Rooyen] 31, 2) Donut Delivery [Christopher Hill/CarlaVenter] 26, 3) Bonnie & Clyde [Zola Nel/ChristovanWyk]25,4)BlixZems[Jacode Jager/Lindsay Lottering] 17, 5) Usual Suspects [JC/Eunice Platt] 16, 6) HaaCin [Doyle de Haas/Cindy Kruger] 16, 7) Mr & Mrs. Smith [Tilden/Chahida Smith] 8 & 8) String Theory [MichailPretorius/BiankaBurger]1.

Kallie Heese event organiser, with the champion JP Huish
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Carin Slabbert

namib times Sport


The Under 15 Coastal Cricket team won the U/15 Walvis Bay Salt National Week by beating the U/15 Central Blue Team with 113 Runs in Windhoek.

CoastalU/15CricketplayersRowanvanVuurenand JancoDuvenhagescopetheleadingrunscorerwith89 runs and the leading wicket taker awards with 6 wickets respectively Janco Duvanhage, Jayden Pretorious, Rowan van Vuuren were selected in the Playing XI team that will tour South Africa. The Coastal U/15 Boys team; Jayden Pretorius, Joshua Visagie, Ruhan Boonzaaier, Rowan Van Vuuren, Janco Duvenhage, Liam Koff, Jay-Cee Calaca, Robert-JohnBotha,PetrusIyambo,MjDeVilliersand ReneVermeulen.


The U/13 Girls NationalWeek hosted inWalvis Bay waswonbytheU/13CoastalGirls.

The U/13 Coastal Girls Cricket team defeated the U/13NorthenGirlsby73RunsinthefinaloftheU/13 GirlsNationalWeekonMonday2December CoastalU/13playerQaraVolschenkscoopedtheBest BatterandBestBowlerawardsforanoutstandingallroundperformance;185Runsand14Wicketsinfour matches The Coastal U/13 Girls team; Qara Volschenk, Jani-Mari Van Heerden, Carla Wilckens, KianaDeJager,KathrineOpperman,LuciaMahongo, Lome Langeveldt, Jelloti Hoeses, Rejoice Awaras, VenantiaNaholeandAinaShapaka.


The U/16 Coastal Girls Cricket Team lost by 2 WicketsagainsttheU/16Nothernteaminthefinalof theU/16GirlsNationalWeekheldattheCricketOval in Walvis Bay on Monday 2 December Maria Elia received the awared for the Best Bowler by taking 9 WicketswhilstAlexaVorsterscopedtheawardforthe Best Batter with 106 Runs. The Coastal U/16 Girls team; Elly Kambonde, Eviste Iyambo, Rihanna Unondjara, Laure Raath, Namutenya Thomas, Anda Van Wyk, Unombuiro Kaanjosa, Monique Muller, Zeldine Schreuder, Selma Shikwambi and Julia Hoaes.


Leon Nienaber was unanimously elected as Athletics Namibia (AN) president for the next five years at the federation's ElectiveCongressoverthepastweekend.

Nienaber the former chairman of Swakop Striders Athletics Club in Swakopmund and chairman of the Erongo region's AthleticsBoardreceivedanoverwhelmingsupportfrom26out ofthe32eligibleattendingdelegates.NienabertoldtheNamib Times in a telephonic interview that he and his board would like to build on the good work done during the previous fiveyear term. “We would love for Athletics Namibia to be a household name; for fairness to prosper and for the business community to be involved in our sport, which could make a differenceinthelivesofmanypeople,especiallyouryouth”he added.Thenewlyelectedmembersontheexecutiveboardof Athletics Namibia for the period 2025 to 2029 are AN

President Leon Nienaber, Vice President Mwilla Modestus, Secretary General Madeleine Kotze and Nic Geldenhuys the Finance Secretary Track & Field Secretary is Bethold Karumendu with Moses Teofelus is the Road Running Secretary, while Remigius Iiyambo the Cross-Country Secretary, and Cecilia Nepembe the Officials Secretary The Coaching Secretary is Henk Botha, with Meriam Minin Selection Secretary and the Publicity Secretary is Edward Kapewasha while the Medical andAnti-Doping Secretary is Victoria Katukula The position for the Athletes Representative is not yet filled as this will come from the Athletes Association. The Safeguarding Officer will also be co-optedtotheboardbytheboardmembers.

The U/15 Walvis Bay Salt National Week champions U/15 Coastal Cricket team
Jayden Pretorious, Janco Duvanhage, Rowan van Vuuren with their coach Wynand Viljoen
Coastal U/13 player Qara Volschenk scooped the Best Batter and Best Bowler awards
The newly elected Athletics Namibia
President Leon Nienaber
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

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