Death of Suspected Robber Sparks Community Outrage
FollowingthelatestviolentcrimeinSwakopmundwherea 32-year-old man was shot to death after he and his two compatriots allegedly tried to rob two men at knifepoint, some community members of Mondesa and Single Quartershavecondemnedcriminalscomingfromothertownsto “rob,stealandkill”inSwakopmund.
According to these residents, criminalsaretravelingfromtownssuchas Walvis Bay and Windhoek with the exclusive aim to come execute their criminal activities in Swakopmund.
The 32-year-old deceased, who was identified as Simon Natangwe ShingengewasfromWalvisBay “Wewill nolongertoleratetheseincomerswith criminal intentions in our suburbs. Thisreflectsbadlyonourtownand drive visitors away and we are not safe on our own streets anymore,” oneresidentfromMondesafumed. The furious residents however acknowledged that Swakopmund hasitsowncriminalsbutarguedthat Continues on page 2
Erongo Kicks Off with Festive Road Safety Campaign
The2024-2025FestiveSeasonRoadSafetyCampaign,which emphasises the importance of road safety and operational readiness,officiallykicked-offon15November,andwillrun until 17 January 2025. The campaign's primary goal is to protect lives, safeguard property, and reduce road traffic crashesandviolations.
During the official launch of the campaign this week, Erongo Regional Commander, Commissioner Nikolaus Kapirika Kupembona, emphasised that the festive season is a
time of celebration, unity,andreflection. However, it is also a
Continues on page 2
Upgrading of Swakopmund's Sam Nujoma and Aukas Intersection
Community Beautifies Esplanade with Bench Renovation
Namibia Ports Authority Chief Executive Officer Andrew Kanime and the Namibia Football Association President Robert Shimooshili with
stakeholders at the signing of the historic collaboration between Namport and the NFA.
Marshallino Beukes & Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
Death of Suspected Robber
Continued from page 1
“we don't need more criminals fromothertowns.”
The said incident ensued at approximately 00:20 Saturday morninginMandumeNdemufayo Street, in the Open Market vicinityattheSingleQuarters.
AccordingtoChiefInspectorIleni Shapumba of the Erongo police the incident occurred while two men were walking home from work. They were apparently approached by three unknown males, one of whom allegedly demandedabackpackfromoneof the men. The two men allegedly refused, and the suspects reportedly drew knives, leading to a physical altercation. During the scuffle, one of the men being
attacked reportedly retrieved his licensed9mmFokarelpistol.Twoof the attackers fled, but one persisted, prompting the armed man to shoot him once in the head, through the rightear Hediedwithhisknifestillin hishand.
Meanwhile the preliminary investigations are completed and the man who fired the fatal shot has been releasedfromcustodyforfurtherinvestigations.Uponcompletionofinvestigations,adocketwillbeforwarded totheProsecutorGeneral'sofficefor adecision,saysChiefInspectorShapumba.
The suspect (shooter) and his colleaguehaveopenedcasesofrobbery (CR 39/12/2024) against the three suspects(includingthedeceasedperson).
Upgrading of Swakopmund's
Sam Nujoma and Aukas
The busy Sam Nujoma and Aukas intersection was upgradedtoa4-waystopdaysago.
This development aims to enhance traffic flow and improve safetyforbothdriversandpedestriansinthearea.Capturedby theSwakopmundResidentsAssociation,thesephotosshowthe work being done to transform this key intersection to be more efficientandorganised.
CONSENT: Early Childhood Development Centre ON ERFNO: 199TOWNSHIP/AREA:LagoonWalvisBaySTREETNAME& NO:44TheoBenGurirabStreet,WalvisBay
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby giventhatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Early ChildhoodDevelopmentCentre.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlater than27December2024.
periodwhenroadsafety and operational readinesstakeonheightened significance. At the occasion, Kupembona shared concerning statistics regarding road accidents in the region Between January 2023 and 31 December 2023, a total of 98 crashes, 226 injuries, and 13 fatalitieswerereported. From January 2024 to 10 December, there were 91 crashes, 227 injuries, and 11 fatalities. He expressed concern over these figures, stating, “This already
indicatesthatroadusers are still not complying withroadsafetyregulations ” The Regional Commander stressed that the Namibian Police, in collaboration with other law enforcement agencies and stakeholders, will continue to play a crucial role in promoting road safety awareness. “The message of road safety cannot be overemphasised,asweaimtobuild ontheprogressmadeby traffic law enforcers over the past years,” he stated.
Aspartofthecampaign, Nampol has deployed traffic officers to monitor key national roads, including fixed checkpoints at Swakopmund, while periodic checkpoints are stationed at Yianni Savva, Henties Bay,andKaribib. Additionally, mobile roadblocks will be set up on other identified secondary roads. The road safety campaign will focus on key areas such as vehicle load limits, the execution of arrest warrants, vehicle roadworthiness, heigh-
tened visibility on national roads, compliance by drivers and vehicles, speed enforcement, inspections of passenger vehicles, random breath testing, andtacklingdrunkdriving. The Erongo Police Chief urged all stakeholders to remain vigilant and committed to saving lives during the festive season. He also extended his early wishes for a Merry ChristmasandaHappy New Year to the residents of Erongo, as wellasvisitors.
Documentary “Stolen Youth” Shines Light on Drug Addiction in Walvis Bay
In a powerful effort to combat the growing epidemic of drug addiction among young people, producer Taati Niilenge has unveiled her latest documentary,StolenYouth.
Thefilmaddressesthedevastatingeffectsofsubstance abuse on the youth of Walvis Bay and beyond,whileofferinghope,guidance,andacallto actionforparents,schools,andcommunities. Niilenge,whohasbeenactivelyworkingwiththe youth ofWalvis Bay since 2016, founded Project 29 with the goal of transforming young lives through purpose-driven, faith-based, and academic-focused initiatives. However, by 2019, it becameevidentthatdrugaddictionwasengulfing thetown'syouth,withchildrenasyoungasseven becoming involved in gang activities, theft, and substanceabuse.“Parentsbeganvoicingtheirconcerns about their children's behaviour and poor academic performance,” Niilenge explained. “I witnessedshockingincidentswherechildrenwere caught with knives, stolen money, and drugs at school, leaving parents devastated and clueless abouthowtointervene.”
Despite concerted efforts by the police, communityeducators,counsellors,andchurches,drug addictioncontinuestoensnaremoreyounglives. Earlier this year, Niilenge collaborated with individualswhohadsuccessfullyovercomeaddiction toamplifytheirvoicesthroughaseriesofarticles.
Theoverwhelmingresponsefromparentsinspired her to create a more permanent resource in the formoftheStolenYouthdocumentary Featuring interviews with former addicts, parents, and experts, the documentary provides a raw and honestportrayalofhowaddictionbegins,thesigns
parents should look for, and practical steps for intervention. ItalsoincludesinsightsfromErongo police commander Commissioner Nikolaus Kupembona, who shares critical advice for communitiesbattlingthiscrisis.
Thedocumentaryisparticularlytimelyasthefestiveseasonapproaches.“Parentsareworriedabout theDecemberholidays,whenchildrenoftenhave toomuchfreetime,”Niilengenoted. “Thisisthe perfect opportunity for families to watch the documentary together, learn, and take proactive steps.” The film, produced by Niilenge in collaborationwithIsidorShilongo,isfreeofchargefor community groups, schools, and churches, not only in Erongo but across Namibia. It aims to inspire collective action, urging the public to recognisethataddressingdrugaddictionrequiresa united community effort. Niilenge emphasised, “thisisnotjustaWalvisBayissue; it'sanational problem. Stolen Youth is a tool for awareness, education, and empowerment. Together, we can saveouryouthfromthisdestructivepathandhelp themreclaimtheirfutures.” Torequestascreening of Stolen Youth, contact the production team throughcommunitygroupsorschools.
Photo: Swakopmund Residents association
Eileen van der Schyff
Community Beautifies Esplanade with Bench Renovation
Eileen van der Schyff
Members of the Joint Walvis Bay Residents Association (JWBRA) and community members took a hands-on approachtocommunityimprovementthisweekbyrenovating abenchontheEsplanadenearTheRaftRestaurant.
The initiative began
on Sunday in a community effort to beautify the town and to create awareness the people are standing together to make Walvis Bay shine again. Sharon Roodt, chairlady of JWBRA emphasised the importance of active community participation, stating that the community must start taking hands and stopcomplaining.The restoration process involvedburningoffold layers of paint to prepare the bench for a
fresh coat, a task the team continued Tuesday this week. The goal, according to Roodt, is to enhance the town's aesthetics step by step anticipating this initiative will spark more residentstodothings.
“The neatness and beauty of the town are crucial,especiallywith the influx of tourists during the passenger liner season,” she added. The project was made possible through the generosity of local sponsors including Merrilyn who pro-
vided the primer and paint (Dulux Paint offered a significant discountonthepaint), George Rautenbach supplied the gas burner and scrapers, Sharon Roodt contributedbrushes,rubbish bags, and cleaning products. The communityeffortalsosaw the enthusiastic support of volunteers
Tannie B, Dries, Danette, and Johan, Moiselle Klein and Leon van Zyl, who all lent a hand to ensure theproject'ssuccess.
CONSENT: Self Catering Units ON ERF NO: 560 TOWNSHIP/AREA:MeersigSTREETNAME&NO:8thRoad West.
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeishereby giventhatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self CateringUnits.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 105, Civic Centre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlater than27December2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OFAPPLICANT: Gehas-Gert Shatika, POBox1094,WalvisBay,
submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the provision of the following services:
A:HydraulicService Referenceno:EOINMD/2024/072
i. Listofavailablehydraulicequipmentandmachinery
ii. Numberandqualificationsofskilledhydraulictechnicians.
i. Listandspecificationsofscaffoldingmaterialsandequipmentavailableforservice.
ii. Informationaboutequipmentmaintenanceschedulesandrecords.
iii. Numberandqualificationsofscaffolders(includinganyrequiredcertificationsandtraining).
Submission Deadline: All EOIs must be submitted no later than 7 January 2025 at 17:00
Namibia Drydock and Ship Repair (Pty) Ltd invites well-established and experienced companies to
Car Stolen in Kuisebmond
The Erongo Police are investigating a housebreaking and vehicle theft incident that occurred in Tutaleni, Kuisebmund,betweenthenightof8 December and the early hours of 9 December
According to Senior Inspector Hilma Shomongula,theownerofagreyNissan Note (registration number N4682WB) parked the vehicle outside his home in Extension Eleven, on 8 December at around13:00.At22:00thatnight,heconfirmedthecarwasstilltherebeforeheadingtobed.Thenextmorning,at6:00on 9 December, the owner discovered that hishousehadbeenunlockedandthecar key, which was left in the kitchen, was missing.Additionally,hismissinghouse key, which he had lost three weeks earlier, was found on the kitchen padlock.
The vehicle was stolen during this timeframe. The Erongo Police have urged the public to assist in locating the vehicle or providing information aboutthetheft.Anyonewithdetailsis encouraged to contact Deputy Commissioner Erastus Iikuyu at 081 246 4757, Detective Inspector Mansie Amamub at 081 763 8188, or their nearest police station. The investigation is ongoing, and the police remind residents to remain vigilant about securing their homes and vehicles.
Accused in Rape Case Remains in Custody
WalvisBayresident,CliveKennethvanNiekerkwasrecentlydeniedbailafterappearingintheWalvisBayMagistrate's Court.Hestandsaccusedofrapinganunderagedgirl. Presided over by Magistrate John Liwoyo Sindano, the session lasted just overtenminutesandresultedintheaccusedbeingremandedincustody Van Niekerk,representedbydefenceattorneyMrWakudumo,appearedfromcustody ProsecutorMaggyN.Shiyagayaopposedbail,citingtheseriousnessof the charge and the need for further investigations and the case was subsequentlypostponedbymagistrateSindanountil6February2025forfurther investigations.
The accused's legal representative did however indicate the defence's intentiontosubmitaformalbailapplicationatalaterstage.
Grootbek op Vrydag
Ons kap aan!
Nog 'n jaarse son is besig om onderte gaan, met 'n nuwe jaar propvol blink nuwebelofteswatwink.
Die Feesseisoen is ophande en meeste van onsisbesigomindievakansiegeestekomna 'nlangjaarvanswoegensweet.Ditisinhierdie seisoen dat mens moet stil word, introspeksiedoenenjouseëningetel.Netdiefeit datnog'nnuwejaarvirjoubeskoremagwees isalreeds'nonverdiendeseënomvoordankbaartewees.
Virbaievanonswasdieafgelopejaargladnie so rooskleurig soos vir andere nie, maar ons kapaan!Klakousemoetdaarongelukkigook wees.Ondervindinghetmygeleerdathierdie klakouseindiemeestegevallediegeneiswie basiesalleshetwatviranderenet'ndroomis.
Jyhet'nvastewerk,maarklaoordiefeitdatjy elkeoggendvroeguitdieveremoetwees.Jy hetkosinjouhuis,maarklaoordievleiswat teveelsoutinhet.Jyhet'ndakoorjoukopen 'nwarmbedominteslaap,maarklaoordie windwatdiehuisvolstofwaai.Weeselkedag dankbaar vir wat jy het, daar is so baie daar buitewiesmagomditwaaroorjysoklatekan hê.
Temiddepolitiekestormswatwilbroei,korrupsie,diehoëwerkloosheidssyfer,dieeskulerende misdaadsyfers, onbekostigbare behuisingensovoorts,hetonsasNamibiërstog nogbaieomvoordankbaarteweesinvergelyking met byvoorbeeld oorloggeteisterde lande.Wees dankbaar vir 'n land waar vrede heers.
Vir diegene wie hulself dalk vandag op moedverloor se vlakte bevind wil ek sê: Jy het dit tot hier gemaak, dit alleen is 'n prestasie en onthou, wanneer die nag op sy donkersteis,isdagbreekopsynaaste...2025 magnetdalkjoujaarwees...kapaan!
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 7.2 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following relaxation of building lines details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering & Planning Services.
Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s, in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is 9 January 2025.
Andre Ross Completes Inspirational 100-Mile Run to Combat Gender-Based Violence
Sharlien Tjambari
Inaremarkableshowofenduranceanddetermination,AndreRoss completed an awe-inspiring 100-mile run to raise awareness and fundsinthefightagainstGender-BasedViolence(GBV).Theevent captured the hearts and minds of the public, as it highlighted the urgentneedtoaddressGBVinthecountry.
The run began on Monday, 9 December, at 16:00 from Henties Bay Overthecourseof 22 hours, Ross tirelessly navigated difficult terrain, pushing his physical limits to raise awareness for a cause that deeply affects many Namibian women and children.
This run aligned with President Nangolo Mbumba's 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence,whichisthemed
"TowardsBeijing+30: Unite to End Violence Against Women and Girls."Itwasnotjusta personal achievement forRossbutapowerful call to action for Namibianstobreakthe silence on GBV and take a stand against violence. Ross's journey took him through the scenic yet rugged roads behind the dunes, from Henties Bay to Walvis Bay, and endedinSwakopmund at the Lions Old Age Home on Tuesday, 10
December, at 14:00.A large crowd of supporters, community leaders, and wellwishers gathered to cheer him on as he crossed the finish line.
In a touching ceremony, Lion Tim ParkhousepresentedaN$5 000 cheque to Deputy Mayor Cllr Suamma Kau-tondokwa on behalf of the Mayor's Develop-ment Fund
The funds, raised through com-munity pledges of N$20 per mile, will support
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 7.2 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following relaxation of buildinglinesdetailsofwhichareobtainablefromtheGeneral Manager:EngineeringandPlanningServices.
The owners of Erf 4124, Swakopmund Extension 12 herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for the RelaxationofDevelopmentStandardsforBuildinglinesaswellas therelaxationofSetbackforthefirstfloor
The owners of Erf 2424, Swakopmund Extension 12 are hereby requestedtoprovidetheirconsent,commentsandobjectionsifany againstthisapplication.Suchconsent,commentsandorobjections should be lodged in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, duringnormalbusinesshours.
initiatives aim-ed at combating GBV and providing aid to survivors. After completing the run, Ross expressed his deep gratitude for the supporthereceived.“This runwasn'taboutme.It was about raising awareness for a cause that impacts far too many women and children in Namibia. Silence is complicity, and we can no longer remainsilent. Together, we can end this cycle of violence and provide survivors with the support they deserve,” he said President Mbumba's message during the 16 DaysofActivismcampaign echoed Ross's sentiments “This is our moment to eliminate GBV in our country Letussayyes to seeking help, yes to endingthesilence,and yestosupportingthose in need.” Jonathan Wilsnach, President of the Lions Club Swakopmund, praised the community's involvement in the run. "This event would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the Lions Clubs, community members, and gene-
rous donors. From the send-off in Henties Bay, led by Lion PresidentSarahAdams and her team, to the finish line in Swakopmund, the spirit of unity, action, and compassion was truly inspiring." Wilsnach added, “the public's response has been overwhelming, with pledges and donations continuing to pour in. Community members can still contribute by pledging N$20 per mileviawallettransfer to0812474863. Every contribution helpsinthefighttoend GBV and support survivors through the Lions Humanitarian Pillar.” He concluded by saying, “Andre Ross's 100-mile run stands as a shining example of selflessness, resilience, and hope. His determination has sparked an urgent call to address GBV and amplify the voices of survivors.” Wilsnach urged the community to keep up the momentum and continue working togetherforchange:“As a community, we must saynotosilence,noto violence, and yes to change.”
2024 has been challenging for many of us, filled with unexpected hurdles and difficulties.Together, we have faced obstacles that tested our resilience and our sense of community.
Yet,amidstthesetrials, I have witnessed the remarkable strength and spirit that defines our town. Neighbours supportingoneanother, local businesses finding innovative ways to serve their customers, and countless acts of kindnessthatremindus of the good in humanity Itisthisunwavering spirit that gives me hopeaswelooktoward thenewyear Christmas is a time for joy, togetherness, and renewal. As we celebratethisseason,letus remember the importance of community and the power we hold
when we come together May this holiday bring you peace, love,andthewarmthof family and friends
While you enjoy this special time of year, I urge you to prioritize safety If you're heading to our beautiful beaches, please follow safetyguidelines,swim only in designated areas, and be vigilant, especially with children. Let's also take care of our environment by disposing of waste responsibly and respecting our shared spaces.
On our roads, I appeal to all drivers to obey
traffic rules, avoid reckless behaviour, and be considerate to other road users. Let's ensure that everyone reaches their destinations safely As we enter2025,letuscarry the lessons we have learned and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead Together, wecanbuildabrighter future and turn challengesintotriumphs.I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and a new year filled with hope andpromise.
Warmest wishes, Cllr
Enjoy the Beauty of Walvis Bay Responsibly This Festive Season
Walvis Bay is a treasured holiday destination, offering beautiful beaches, stunning coastal views, and thrilling activitiesinthedunesandontheocean.Thisfestiveseason, thetownonceagaininvitesvisitorstoexperienceitsunique charms. However, to ensure everyone enjoys a safe and pleasantholiday,authoritiesareurgingallvisitorstorespect therulesandregulationsinplace.
Walvis Bay's natural environment is home to unique flora and fauna, and reckless behaviourcanleadto destruction of habitats, injuries, and even loss of life. The Municipality of WalvisBayandtheMinistry of Environment and Tourism have implemented strict regulations to protect the area and promote
safety Here is a summary of key guidelines torememberthisholiday season:
Visitors are prohibited from leaving behind wasteonthebeaches,including bait, fishhooks, and other fishing remnants. Such actions are considered health nuisancesandcarryfinesof up to N$1 000, three months imprisonment, orboth.Toreportvandalism or broken muni-
cipal facilities, use the followingcontacts:
Mobile: 081 122 0888 / 0811220833/081436 7315
Tel: 064-201 3301 / 064-2013302
Camping overnight on the beach is not permitted. If you plan to have a braai or bonfire, useportable,removable containers, and ensure you clean up com-
pletely, do not leave ash orcoalsbehind.
Recreational fishing requires a permit at a cost of N$14 per month or N$168 per year, availablefromtheMinistryof Marine Resources and Fisheries offices in Walvis Bay or Swakopmundaswellasinother towns.Fishingispermitted at designated areas such as Paaltjies and north of Walvis Bay up to the Swakop River mouth. Unwanted fish, suchassharks,shouldbe released back into the sea, and all fishingrelated waste must be disposed of in designatedbins.
Documentation needed for a recreational fishingpermit:
Contact Lüderitz: 063 202905
Contact Windhoek: 0612053991
Off-road Vehicles and QuadBikes
Adventurers planning to explore the dunes must have a permit and identifying sticker, available for free at Ministry offices and authorised adventure centres like Dare Devil Adventures at Langstrand.
∙ Only use demarcated routes in the central dunebeltbetweenSwakopmund and Walvis Bay
∙Novehiclesareallowed in vegetated or
∙ Quad bikes must be licensed, and riders are required to wear helmets.
Traffic Control and Fireworks Authoritieswillenforce strict traffic control measures Please respect speed limits and avoid reckless driving, particularly in crowded orresidentialareas.The useoffireworksinnondesignatedareasisprohibited for public safety
Dolphin Park Regulations
Popular attractions like DolphinParkhavetheir own set of rules to ensure a family-friend-
lyenvironment. Adhere to signage and staff instructions for a safe experience. Keep theFestiveSpiritAlive By following these regulations, visitors can help preserve Walvis Bay's breathtakingenvironmentfor future generations while ensuring a safe and enjoyable holiday foreveryone.Formore information, visit the official Walvis Bay Municipality website at www walvisbaycc org na Let's work together to make this festive season one toremember,forallthe rightreasons.
Tel: +264 (64) 203
Fax: +264 (64) 206 810
Identity Cards (ID) or Passport
Anglersundertheageof 18 are required to produce a birth certificateandpassportphotos
Fishing/angling permits/licenses contact numbers
Contact Swakopmund: 0644101000
Contact Walvis Bay: 0642016111
Contact Henties Bay: 06550201
Eileen van der Schyff
Nampol's Holiday Safety Tips
The festive season is here, and the Erongo region is brimming with visitors enjoying the coastal charm. However, along with the influx of holidaymakers, thereisanunfortunatespikeincriminalactivitiesandroadaccidents. Toensure everyoneenjoysasafeandjoyfulholiday,theNamibianPoliceForce(Nampol)has issuedcrucialsafetyadvice.
Nampol encourages residents and visitors to take precautions to prevent housebreaking andtheft:
Keephousessecurelylockedatalltimes. Avoid keeping large sums of cash at home; instead,utilisebankingfacilities.
Notify the police if your property will be vacant during the holidays so it can be registeredforpatrols.
Build good relationships with your neighbourstowatchoutforeachother Personal Safety Tips In crowded places like mallsandbeaches,ensure: Your handbag and smartphone are always secured.
Children are not left unattended to prevent incidents.
Vehicle Safety Road safety is paramount during the holiday season. Nampol reminds allroadusersto:
Nampol is actively fighting the market for stolen goods, including wildlife and other property By working together, we can eliminate these illegal activities by reporting suspiciousbehaviour
Nampol has provided a critical emergency
number for the Erongo region to ensure assistanceisjustacallaway
Erongo region Police Emergency number: 0816086925
Nampol urges everyone to remain vigilant andreportincidentsimmediately
Dolphin Park Swimming Pool Reopens This Holiday Season
The Dolphin Park Swimming Pool its its gates yesterday Justintimeforthefestiveseason,DolphinParkisreadyto welcomefamiliesforaseasonoffunandrelaxation.
Whetheryouarelookingtocooloff,relaxbythe pool, or enjoy a thrilling slide, Dolphin Park has somethingforeveryone:
Freeforchildrenunder15 N$21perslideforadults
GreenSlide: N$21perrideforchildrenandadult
Please note: The blue slide is no longer operational. The Municipality of Walvis Bay reminds all visitors to adhere to safety regulations while enjoying the park facilities. Your cooperation ensuresasafeandenjoyableexperienceforeveryone.
For enquiries, contact: tel 064-204 343 or 081882-6507
Eileen van der Schyff
Kuisebmond Old Age Home
Showered with Christmas Celebration Kindness
TheKuisebmondOldAgeHomereceivedaheartfeltgesture of holiday kindness from staff from Kraatz Engineering at theoldagehome'srecentannualChristmascelebration.
Theeventfeatureda touching performanceoftheChristmas hymn Silent Night, Holy Night, presented by two staffmembers.
Following the hymn, gifts were handed out to the seniors, each package thoughtfully prepared to include toiletries, handkerchiefs, facecloths, shaving bla-
des for men and a selection of snacks.
The residents also enjoyed boerewors rolls, watermelon, and melon. The staff of Kraatz Engineering shared that this tradition is their way of giving back to the community and ensuring the elderly are not forgotten
Although the initiative was paused last year, they were delighted to resume it
this year and plan to continue annually
“We want to remind the elderly that they arevaluedandappreciated,” they said
The Kuisebmond Old Age Home Program Leader, Ms ElizabethManaleexpressed gratitude for the thoughtful gesture, which not only broughtgiftsbutalso joy and a sense of belongingtotheresidents.
Eileen van der Schyff
We would like to thank all our customers for the support during 2024 and Wish all a Merry Christmas and Prosperous 2025.
Visit any of our stores in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Tsumeb and Osona Village and allow us To light up your home with the festive spirit.
We will be closing on 24 December at 12:00 and will re-open for business on 6 January 2025.
Contact us:
Walvis Bay: 064 20 5891
Swakopmund: 064 41 7000
Tsumeb: 067 22 5000
Osona Village: 081 145 7178
Thank you for being a treasured part of our journey this past year. We are grateful for your support. May this festive season bring you joy, peace and happiness surrounded by your loved ones. Warm Wishes and Happy Holidays!
Find us at Erf 675, Shop 2, Sam Nujoma Ave, Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel: 081 616 7145
Our operating hours are as follows: Monday - Friday: 08:30am - 5pm Saturday: 08:30am - 1pm
From Family Legacy to Fabric Wonderland: The Story of Marina Fabrics
Sharlien Tjambari
MarinaFabrics,avibrant,family-ownedfabric storeinWalvisBay,hasbeenacreativehubsince itsfoundingin2021byClaudiaBaptistaandher family Offering an extensive range of highquality fabrics, yarns, and sewing supplies, the store is a place where creativity flourishes, and customer satisfaction is at the heart of everythingtheydo.
Claudia Baptista, the Managing Member of Marina Fabrics, recalls how their journey began during the uncertain days oftheCovid-19pandemic. At that time, Claudia's family faced the tough decision to close their takeaway business in Katima Mulilo. Her mother,Paula,suggestedthey channel their shared passionforfabricsandsewing into something new What seemedlikeasmallideaat thetimewouldevolveinto athrivingbusinessthathas made a lasting impact on thecommunity "We started by making cloth masks to keep our community safe," Claudia shared. "That simple act sparked something much bigger Today, Marina Fabrics is a well-loved store offering an exciting variety of fabrics, yarns, and sewing supplies. But beyond the products, it's the threads of family, passion, and creativity that truly defineourbusiness."
It's no surprise, then, that Marina Fabrics offers more than just fabric Paula'sloveforcrocheting led the family to stock a beautiful selection of yarns.Andthreeyearsago, Claudia'sfather,Fernando, gifted her an embroidery machine, an addition that sparked a new passion for embroidery "Now, I do part-time embroidery for thestore,andIloveseeing the magic that happens when thread and fabric
The story of Marina FabricsrunsdeepintheBaptista family Claudia' grandmother, who onc owned a fabric store in Angola before the war ignited Claudia's fas cinationwithtextilesfrom an early age. She fondly recalls receiving her first minisewingmachinefrom hergrandmotherwhenshe was just five years old.
"That gift sparked a lifelong love for sewing and design," Claudia said. "I spentmyhighschoolyears honing my skills, with my mom always by my side, helping with projects and encouraging my crea-
Bringing Ruth, their loyal salesladyfromKatima,to Walvis Bay was an easy decision,“she'spartofour family, and we're grateful to have her with us,”
"Our story is one of
ferent tastes, she loves traditional patterns, and I lean toward modern designs, make our selection both diverse and exciting."
One of the standout fabricsatMarinaFabricsis the African Wax print.
Marina Fabrics officially opened its doors on September 29, 2021, in KatimaMulilo,withamodest selection of fabrics. Over time, the family learned what their customers loved, and they expanded their range to meet those needs. In July 2024, the family moved to Walvis Bay,wheretheyfoundnot only a larger market but
from our customers, suppliers, and the local community has been incredible,anditmotivatesusto continue delivering great service," Claudia said "We're proud of the business we've built and the relationships we've fostered."
This vibrant, durable fabric has become a staple for both traditional and ontemporary designs
"We love how this fabric brings energy and joy to every project, and we've seen many entrepreneurs use it to create unique items,"Claudiasaid. What truly excites Claudia and her family is the ability to connect with customerswhosharetheir assion for creativity
"Whether they're picking out fabrics for a special event or starting a new DIYproject,hearingtheir tories and sharing in their excitement makes every day worthwhile," Claudia said "We're proud to be part of their creative journeys and to offer them the materials they need to bring their ideastolife."
At Marina Fabrics, creativity is the cornerstone. They offer an extensive range of fabrics to inspire everykindofproject,from the elegance of Dutch Satin and the timeless charm of cotton to the intricatebeautyoflacefor special occasions and the bold vibrancy of African Wax prints "Our customerslovethequalityand affordability of the Original 3 Cats Shweshwe and our vibrant African Wax prints," Claudia shared "These fabrics aren't just for clothing, they're perfect for accessories, home décor, and uniquehandmadeitems."
The store also stocks imported yarns from Turkey, which have become favorites for knitting and crocheting enthusiasts."Wechooseeach piece with love," Claudia said."MymomandItravel to South Africa to personally select our fabrics, ensuring the best quality forourcustomers.Ourdif-
Marina Fabrics also specialises in handmade creations Claudia and Paula often create unique tote bags, each embroidered with African animals and Namibia's name. These bags have become popular souvenirs for tourists, offering a little piece of Namibiatotakehome.
As Marina Fabrics continues to grow, they have big plans for the future.
"We're working toward offering full-time embroidery services in our store to further support our customers' creative endeavors,"Claudiasaid. At Marina Fabrics, they believe that creativity knows no bounds. Whether you're sewing, knitting, or embroidering, they encourage you to start small, have fun, and embracethelearningprocess. With endless inspiration from online tutorialsandsocialmedia,the possibilities are - "From our family to yours, we inviteyoutovisitMarina Fabricsandbepartofour story We're here to help you create, inspire, and connectthroughthewonderful world of fabric!" Claudiaconcluded.
Baptista and Paula Marina Baptista
Tips For a Safe Holiday Abroad
Eileen van der Schyff
Don't let the anticipation of a well-deservedvacationblindyoutotherisksof leavingyourhomeunprotected.
Goaheadandplanyourbeach,campingorcity shoppingholiday,buttakeprecautionsbefore you leave. A little extra vigilance will help keepyourpropertyandbelongingssaferwhile youaregoneandwillkeepyoufromobsessing about security once you're on the road to fun andadventure.
1. Before leaving home, make a note of the address and phone number of your embassy Iftravellingwithatouroperator,makeanote of their phone number, and the name of your travel representative. Also, make sure that you are aware of the laws of the country you are visiting and as well as what your legal rightsare.
2.Ifyouplanontravellingaroundthecountry youarevisiting,setyouritinerarybeforeyou go. Give a copy of your travel plans to your family,withhotelphonenumbers.
3. Make photocopies of all your documents before you go and carry these with you when you are out. Keep your original passport and documentsinthehotelsafe.
4.Whenoutandaboutmakesuretoonlycarry enoughcashforthedayonyourperson.Leave therestofyourcashinyourroomorsafe. Try totakeoneortwocreditcardsonyourtrip,and alwaysleaveoneoftheminthehotelsafe. Be sureofwhattodoifoneislostorstolen.
5.Always use main roads with good lighting whenwalkingatnighttime. Ifyouuseataxi, try to only use registered ones (they will usually have a plaque on their license plate). Avoidtakingridesfromunmarkedcars. Make sure of your routes when using public transportatnight.
6.Whengoingouttoabarorclub,alwayskeep an eye on your drink. Do not accept drinks fromstrangers. Bottleddrinksarebest,asyou cankeepyourthumboverthetopofthebottle, whichwillhelptomakesurethatnodrugscan beaddedtoit.
7.When going out dress to blend in. Do not dress like a tourist, which would attract attentiontoyou.
8. Never wear expensive jewellery when you are out. Keep them in the hotel safe or leave them at home. If you have an expensive cell phone/considertakingacheaponeawaywith you.
10.Ifusingregularmedication,makesureitis availableinthecountryyouarevisiting.Ifnot, ask your doctor about alternatives before you goandifyoumusttravelwithyourmedication ask your doctor for a note to explain why you need the medication. Know the emergency numberinthecountryyouarevisiting. Finally,alwaysbeawareofyoursurroundings, anduseyourcommonsense.Donotactinways that you would not act when at home. Enjoy yourtrip!
Join the Movement to #KeepNamibiaClean with the N/a’an ku sê Coastal Beach Cleanup Campaign–CleaningForGood2024
On29December2024, theN/a’ankusêFoundationCoastalConservation Project is calling on Namibians to unite for a critical cause: restoring and preserving the beauty ofNamibia’scoastline.
TheCleaningforGood Beach Cleanup Campaign will mobilise communities, influencers, and corporate sponsorsinacollective effort to remove waste andprotectmarineand birdlife.
During the festive season, Namibia’s beaches experience increased activity, often leaving behind trash that threatens the fragile coastal ecosystem Each week, over 300 kilograms of garbage are removed fromLangstrandalone, a testament to the pressing need for action.
TheCleaningforGood Beach Cleanup Campaign aims to amplify these efforts, ensuring a cleaner, healthier environmentforall.
“Namibia’scoastlineis vital for marine and bird species, and it’s our responsibility to protect it from the devastating impact of waste,” said Colette Massier,HeadofFundraisingattheN/a’anku sê Foundation “By coming together for thiscleanupcampaign, we can make a real difference while fostering a culture of envi-
ronmental stewardship.”
•Location: Langstrand
Participants will have the chance to win exciting prizes, including quad bike experiences, dolphin cruises, and restaurant vouchers, courtesy of the campaign’ssponsors.
1 Register Today: Sign up online at www naankuse.comoronthe dayoftheevent.
2. Collect and Win: Gatherasmuchrubbish as possible to increase your chances of winningincredibleprizes.
3. Spread the Word:
Use the hashtag #Keep NamibiaClean and #CleaningForGood 2024 to encourage otherstojointhemovement.
Corporate Partnerships
The success of this campaign relies on the generoussupportofour sponsors We are gratefulto alreadyhave Future Media and Namib Rage Events on board as partners, and invite more sponsors to come on board in any capacity they feel will contribute to the successoftheevent.
“We’re excited to see the community and corporate partners coming together for a
cause that benefits both the environment and future generations,” addedMassier WhyItMatters Namibia’s coastline is not only a natural treasure but also a vital ecosystem for marine life and birds The Coastal Conservation Project has been instrumental in protecting these habitats through weekly cleanups and publiceducation.
The29Decemberevent isachanceforeveryone to take part in this essentialwork,ensuring Namibia’s shores remain pristine and vibrant for years to come.
“At N/a’an ku sê, we believe in the power of the unity and action to create lasting change whenweestablishedthe N/a’an ku sê Coastal Conservation Project at Langstrand, it was with a vision to protect Namibia’s stunning coastline,notjustforits wildlifebutforallfuture generations Cleaning for Good 2024 is a chanceforusalltocome together, as Namibians, to celebrate our shared responsibility and commitment to keeping our country beautiful and pristine. Together, wecaninspireacleaner, greener Namibia and show the world what a united effort can achieve,”saidN/a’anku sê co-founder and Executive Director, MarlicevanVuuren. JoinUs!
Together,wecanmakea difference.Signupnow at and be part of the Cleaning for Good Campaign. Let’s keep Namibia’s coastline cleanandbeautiful! AbouttheN/a’ankusê Foundation
The N/a’an ku sê Foundation is a Namibian charity dedicated to conserving wildlife, protecting landscapes, and uplifting communities Through innovative projects like the Coastal Conservation Project-,theFoundation continues to lead the way in sustainable environmental initiatives.
Formoreinformation, contact donations@ or call +264(0)81-2612709.
Land Rover Owners Namibia will host a 4×4 family fun and adventure trip during the festive season.
12:00 – Lunch break in riverbed under some shade trees–selfcatering1.5–2hrs.
14:00 – Departure to Henties, Omaruru river mouth for Sundowner Photo Opportunity and Social Gathering (self catering) (Possibility of sand drag racing – depending on interestfromthegroup)
29 December– Longest Skeleton Coast Land Rover Line.
09:00 – meet up at beach turn off after Vierkantklip outside
Swakopmund en route to Walvis Bay –scripture,prayerSafetybriefing.
10:00 – Depart to Langstrand Longest LandroverLinealongthecoastline.
11:00-12:00 arrival at Langstrand beach for socialGathering(selfcatering)untilsunset.
16:00 (Close to sunset) Sundowner on the Dune Opposite Langstrand – Permit (no charge)shouldbeacquiredbyallparticipants at Ministry of Environment & Tourism for drivingintheDunes/Desert.
Namibia Dolphin & Seal Catamaran Cruises
Established in April 2017, Namibia Dolphin & Seal Catamaran Cruises offers guests a unique and unforgettable experience. The catamaran cruises invite guests for an experience of a lifetime on theirYacht Manatee, one of the best catamaransinoperationtoday.
Guests can enjoy the luxuriesthatcomewith being on a catamaran while on a marine cruisethatwilltakeyou to the unspoilt Walvis Bay coastline where dolphins, turtles and other sea life flourish. “A cruise is not only about where you are going or how many dolphins you see, but alsoabouttheboatyou are on that really gives you a unique experience,”saidownerand Captain, Carol-Ann Möller Thecatamaran is wheelchair-friendly, andguestsgetpersonal attention with never more than 12 passengers to one crew member Morning and afternoon cruises are on offer as well as sunset cruises and privatecharters.
Do notmissouton anunforgettable experience!
CallCaptain Carol-AnnMöller on+264812098168
Roman Catholic Parishes, Walvis Bay & Swakopmund 15 – 24 December 2024
Unexpected medical conditions (e.g., cramps, heart attacks, or strokes) Even shallow water, suchasabucketoraknee-deepcurrent,canpose a danger Vigilance is key to ensuring safety for yourselfandyourlovedones.
1.SuperviseChildren: Alwayskeepaneyeon children playing in the water Take turns with otheradultstoensureconstantvigilance.
2.AvoidRipCurrents: Stayclearofareaswith strong currents or where the sea deepens suddenly
3. Swim Responsibly: Never swim alone and avoidswimmingafterconsumingalcohol.
4. Stay Aware: Be cautious of waves that can knock you over or areas where your feet lose contactwiththeseabed.
1. Supervision is Crucial: Ensure children are always under adult supervision when near or in thepool.
2.SecurethePoolArea: Coverpoolsafteruse and, if possible, fence them off with a secure gate.
3.SafetyEquipment: Haveflotationdevices and a first-aid kit nearby Drowning Can HappenQuicklyNear-drowningoccurswhena person is underwater long enough to deprive the body of oxygen, leading to potential shutdownofmajorsystems.Inyoungchildren, this can happen in seconds. The good news is that revival is possible even after prolonged submersion quick action and CPR can save lives.
Drowning is not limited to deep water A toddler can drown in a small bucket of water, and an adult can be thrown off balance in an ankle-deep rip current. Awareness of these dangers can help prevent accidents. Make water safety a priority this festive season. WhetheryouarebaskinginthesunattheMole, Langstrand,orDolphinPark,orcoolingoffina pool at home, remember that vigilance, preparation, and responsible behaviour save lives. Stay safe, stay vigilant, and enjoy the coastresponsibly!
Eileen van der Schyff
The Journey of Kelly in the Wild
Eileen van der Schyff
Amid personal struggles, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the loss of her father to cancer, Kelly, founderofKellyintheWild,foundanewpathtohealingandpurpose.Whatbeganasajourneyof self-discoveryevolvedintoacareerdedicatedtosharingthetransformativepowerofhiking.
After a period of feeling lost, Kelly sought help from life coach Jan Grobler, who guided her towardself-loveandself-acceptance.“Healingis difficult to do alone,” she shared. “But once I learned to love myself, my outlook on life changed completely” This new perspective inspired Kelly to take on the challenge of hiking 150 kilometres along the Kunene River from RuacanatoEpupaFalls. Theexperiencewaslifechanging, building her confidence and igniting a passionforhiking.“Everyhikehasshapedmeina uniqueway It'snotalwayseasy,butit'sincredibly rewarding,”shesaid. Drawingfromheryearsin hospitality and her love for nature, Kelly created KellyintheWild. Herhikesoffermorethanjust outdoor adventure. They provide an opportunity for introspection and connection. Her signature activity is a serene 12-kilometer beach hike ending at Pelican Point, complete with a picnic amid stunning natural surroundings. Next year, Kellyplanstolaunchamorechallengingtwo-day
hikeinaremotemountainousarea,twohoursfrom WalvisBay Participantswillstayinaluxurycamp and experience the healing beauty of the desert.
“Thishikewillbeofferedinthewintermonths,as theinlandistoohottohikeinthesummer Guests will be accommodated in a luxury camp, where I willcookforthemandentertainthemandhikewith them.Theysaythegranitebouldersouttherehave healing powers. I don't know if it was all the fresh air,thequiet,thebeautyofitall,ortheboulders,but I came back new,” she noted. Kelly also uses her platform for environmental advocacy, organising beachclean-upsinvolvingschoolsandcompanies.
“Hiking is about finding peace, but it's also about giving back,” she said. “Find your happy place. Youareimportant.Don'tsettleforless.”
To book a hike or learn more, visit www kellyinthewild net or email bookings@,“Onceyoulove yourself,everythingelseinlifefallsintoplace.It'sa journeyworthtaking.”
The holiday season is the perfect time to express our appreciation to our customers.
Thank you for trusting us with your business and being a loyal customer throughout the year. Your support means the world to us and we hope to continue serving you in the coming year
Kelly ntheWildalsojoinedHikinginNamibiafora6kCharityWalkforthe i ARK Rescue and Rehabilitation Centre on Saturday 7 December 2024 in Wlotzkasbaken. The 6K walk for charity was in aid of the incredible work done by TheARK Rescue and Rehabilitation. Not only do they rescue and rehome animals, they also specialise in rehabilitating cases that would typically face euthanasia, such as cancer cases and Parvo virus puppies. Checkouttheirsocialpagestoseetheamazingworktheydo.
The African Penguin, A Species on the Brink
A juvenile African penguin recently rehabilitated and released nearHalifax Island offers a small glimmerof hope foraspeciesontheedgeofextinction.Thisbird,identifiedby Dr Sandra Dantu, had been in rehabilitation last year and was released in August 2023, only to return for care in November.
Whileitwasingoodbodycondition, its feathers were in poor shape, with bald patches caused by a delayed molt. Why Are Penguins Struggling to Survive? Dr Dantu said Delayed molting,likeinthispenguin'scase,is linked to insufficient weight gain. Pen-guins need to survive two to three weeks without hunting while they replace all their feathers, a process that leaves them neither waterproofnorwarmenoughtoswim. As fish stocks dwindle, such challenges are becoming more common, exaceratingthespecies'struggles.
African penguins have now been uplisted to “Critically Endangered” by theInternationalUnionforConservationofNature(IUCN).Withbreeding pairs dropping below 10 000 and populations experiencing a shocking 97% decline, they face extinction within the next decade if immediate actionisnottaken.
The decline of African penguins is largely driven by the loss of their primary food sources, sardines and anchovies,duetooverfishingandclimate change. Competition from commercial fishing fleets and inadequate no-
takezonesnearbreedingcoloniesleavethesebirds struggling to find enough food. Other threats include noise pollution from ships and seismic surveys, which disturb colonies and disrupt hunting.
A Global Call to Action Experts emphasised the urgency of intervention. Natalie Maskell, CEO of SANCCOB,warnsthatthespeciesisjustonestep awayfromextinction:“Wemustremainoptimistic thattheirtrajectorycanbereversed.”Dr Dantuechoedthissentiment,sharingherexperienceofpenguinstravelinghundredsofkilometrestofindfood alongtheNamibiancoast. Shehasseenthedevastating impact of these challenges firsthand, with penguins now arriving in Lüderitz from as far as MoweBay OrganisationslikeNAMCOBinLüderitz are working tirelessly to rehabilitate penguins and release them back into the wild. Their efforts were highlighted with the successful release of
anotherjuvenilepenguininGuanoBayearlierthis year However, the public must also play a role. Supportingconservationeffortsandadvocatingfor expandedno-takefishingzonesarecriticalsteps. Here'showyoucanhelpsavetheAfricanpenguin: SignPetitions:Supportexpandedno-takezonesto ensurepenguinshaveaccesstofood.
Donate: Contribute to organisations like SANCCOBandNAMCOB.
Raise Awareness: Share information about their plighttoinspireaction.Formoreonthisissueand ongoing conservation efforts, visit Save African Penguins.FormoreinformationcontactDrSandra Dantuat0811294901inSwakopmund orKobus BekkerfromOceanConservationNamibia(OCN) at0812694550inWalvisBay
We are a Faith-based organisation dealing with substance abuse issues. Our main objective is to take people living in addiction and restore them to a point where they can become functioning members of society again and live a life of sobriety and recovery
Contact us for more information
Crazy Mama’s Team
Arehabilitated penguin prepares to dive into the waters near Halifax Island after months of care
Eileen van der Schyff
Water Safety Tips by Monarch Lifeguard & Rescue
· Keep Cool
and Safe This Festive Season
The festive season is here, and the coast, it is associated with great weather, braais, and swimming. MonarchLifeguard&RescueareofferinglifeguardservicesinWalvisBayat allthebeachesandswimmingpools,aswellascountrywide.
Monarch Lifeguard & Rescue are excited to announce that their first lifeguard service deploymentforthisfestiveseasonalreadystarted atIndependenceBeachinWalvisBay,aswellas at North Beach Platz A Meer in Swakopmund, near the Mole. Marthin Muyenga, owner of Monarch Lifeguard & Rescue stated, “looking ahead, our next deployments will cover Landstrand Walvis Bay, Dolphin Park, and Lagoon Swim-ming Pool in Walvis Bay
Additionally, we will be implementing a Beach Patrol ser-vice in both Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. This year, we are taking a different approach to our deployment strategy, enhancing the way operations are conducted compared to previous years.” Muyenga, shared water safety tips to prevent drowning incidents duringthefestiveseason.
1. Be aware of your own and your children's swimming abilities. If you or your child are not strong swimmers, consider taking swimming lessons or staying in shallow water or safety zoneswhereyoucantouchthebottom.
2 Keep a close eye on children and inexperiencedswimmerswhentheyareinornear water
3. Avoid consuming alcohol or drugs when planning to swim or engage in water activities. Alcoholcanimpairjudgment,coordination,and reactiontime,increasingtheriskofaccidentsand drowning.
4. No diving headfirst. Jumping or diving headfirst into water can cause serious injuries, including spinal injuries, paralysis, and drowning.It'sbesttoenterthewaterfeetfirst.
5. Be cautious on coastal lines. Driving along coastalareascanbehazardous,especiallyduring hightidesandroughwaves,includingnotdriving infast-movingwaterduringtherainyseason.
6 Knowing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)canbealifesaverinemergencies.Incase of an accident or drowning, prompt CPR can makeasignificantdifferenceintheoutcome.
7. Wear appropriate safety gear visible during wateractivitiessuchasboating,kaya-king,orjet skiing;alwayswearaproperlyfittinglifejacket orpersonalflotationde-vice.
8. Pay attention to warning signs, flags, and lifeguardinstructionsatbeachesandpools.Obey anypostedrulesandregulations.
9. Pools and beaches must have certified
10. Parents must not allow their kids to use empty bottles as flotation devices at the beach; thisgivesafalsesenseofwatersafetytokidsand putstheirlivesatriskifithappenstofalloffin deepwater
11. Open water buckets, toys around water bodies, and balls have been deadly traps for toddlersinthisera.
12. Beachgoers must refrain from littering and breakingbottlesatthebeach.
13. Those with chronic illnesses are advised to swimwithabuddyoralertthelife-guardonduty about your situation if you are intending to swim.
14.Ifyoufindoutthatyourkidismissingatthe pool or beach, report the matter as soon as possible.
15. Use reaching assistance to help someone in water difficulties if you are not trained. For example, you can use anything that can extend yourreachtothevictim.
“By following these tips, you can help reduce the risk of accidents, injury, and drown-ing during your holiday season. Remember, water safety is crucial for everyone's well-being and requirescollectiveresponsibility.Wekindlyask thepublictocolla-boratewithourLifeguardson dutytoensureasafeenvironmentforeveryone. Weappreciateyourunderstandingthatweareall human and not immune to mistakes. However, wearecommittedtohelpingandprotectingour communitiesfromdrown-ingatpublicbeaches. Inthesamespirit,wewelcomeyouradviceand feedbackforcontinuousimprovement.Willnot achieve this big responsibility alone, please we request your collaboration in anyway Never put all your hopes into people at the pool or beachhelpingyouindeepwaterdifficulty;lots of people are not trained in water rescue. Therefore,takeextracarenottobeavictim.Our certified Monarch Lifeguard and Emergency service will be available countrywide for all your private pool, beach, or recreational activitiesevents,”Muyengaexplained.
For any complaints, suggestions, concerns, compliments, or reports of unusual beha-vior, and In case of coastal water rescue please feel freetocontactourManagingDirectordirectlyat +264 81 308 0446 or send an email to
Namib Times Holiday 2024
· WalvisBayWelcomesYou
· Don'tMissOutonthisHistoricalEvent!
All is set for the inaugural Namib Desert International Jazz Festival thatwillfeatureatDune7,oneofthe highestdunesintheworld,on18and 19March2025.
Namib Desert International Jazz Festival, hosted by Namibian shareholder, Frankfort Investments in partnershipwithCamissaSolutionsand MSC Cruises is aimed to celebrate the artofjazzandfostercross-culturalconnections.Thefestivalwillattractglobal audiences and offer a unique and immersive musical experience while promotingtheworld'soldestdesertandUNESCO WorldHeritagesite,theNamibDesert. Similarly,
Jazz is a UNESCO-endorsed musical genre. Two thousandfivehundredpassengersthatwillarrivein WalvisBay,onboardtheMSCCruises,paidforand willattendthefestivalin18and19March2025.
The festival will showcase international acts such asJonathanButler(RSA),PeterWhite(UK),Elan Trotman in Tribute to Marvin Gaye (Barbados), MarionMeadows(US),JimPorto(Brazil),Jimmy Dludlu(SA),RoberthinoBastos(Brazil),tonamea few, which will provide jazz enthusiast with a unique opportunity to experience the rhythms of jazzintheheartoftheNamibDesert.
This festival will bring a beach and desert experience like no other Join this festival to experiencethisworld-classperformance.
Festival Venue 2025
Christmas Message
His Worship Cllr
Blasius Goraseb Mayor of Swakopmund
It brings me great joy and warmth to extend myheartfeltwishestoeachandeveryoneof youduringthismagicalseason.
Christmas is a time of reflection, gratitude and togethernessand herein our enchanting town, we embrace the spirit of the season withopenheartsandopenarms.
Our picturesque streets adorned with twinkling lights and the joyous laughter echoingthroughthetownsquareallserveas atestamenttothespecialplacewecallhome. During this festive season, I call upon all of us, to come together as a community to celebrate the bonds that unite us, the momentsthatmakeussmileandthespiritof generositythatdefinesus.
My ultimate wish is that during this festive season,themagicofChristmaswillfillyour homeswithlove,peace,andhappiness.May you find comfort in the company of loved onesandtakedelightinthesimplepleasures thatsurroundus.Letusnotforgetthoseless fortunateandextendahelpinghandtomake thisseasonbrighterforeveryone.
Moreover, I want us to be reminded of the importanceandsacredpurposeofthistime.I pray that the Lord blesses you all, may He keep you and make his face shine upon you andgiveyou,Hispeace.
Andaswereflectontheyearthathaspassed andlookforwardtotheopportunitiesthatthe new year brings, let us be grateful for the beauty of our town and the warmth of its people. Together, we create a tapestry of memoriesthatmakeourcentreofadventure trulyextraordinary
We encourage our visitors and holiday makerstomakeuseofthevariousfunfilled
His Worship Cllr Blasius Goraseb
activities that the town has to offer We would like to assure you all a peaceful and an enjoyable stay in Swakopmund.
However, we are aware that during the festive season, crimemayincrease.AsCouncil,wehaveputnumerous measures in place to ensure that you are safe. By prioritisingsafetyandsecurity,wecanallcontributetoa festive season that is not only joyful but also secure for everyone.
Please stay alert to your surroundings, especially in crowded areas or when out late at night. Report any suspicious activity to local authorities immediately Remember,ifconsumingalcohol,dosoresponsiblyand neverdrinkanddrive.
As we celebrate, let us also respect the tranquillity that others deserve by not making excessive noise in the
neighborhood or in public places where everyone is present.Iwouldalsoliketourgeallbusinessownersto assurethesafetyandsecurityoftheircustomerswhile they visit their stores, clubs, sheebeens, motels and restaurants.Wemustnotforgettoreciprocatethesame kindnessandassistancetooneanother Let'scelebrateresponsiblyandensurethatthespiritof the holiday's shines brightly throughout our community I wish you all a Merry Christmas filled with joy, laughter and the love of family and friends. May the spiritoftheseasonlingerinourheartsthroughoutthe comingyear Wishingyouasafeandhappyfestiveseason!
For any enquiries regarding your outstanding accounts or settlement arrangements, please contact the Municipal Finance Department at +264 64-410 4316/7/8.
ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62249603300
Namib Times Holiday 2024
For over three decades, Ouhout has been synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled quality in furniture. Founded by Stephan and Piet Smith, this esteemed furniture brand began its journey with a modest factory and has since flourished into a prominentnamewithtwofactoriesand21storesacrossSouthAfrica, andthreeinNamibia.
The Ouhout Windhoek store, located in Grove Mall, proudly opened its doorsinDecember2017,markingan excitingexpansionintoNamibia. Ouhout specialises in creating stunning solid wood and full-grain
challenges, but we are committed to resolving any issues promptly If necessary,wewillreplaceaproductto ensureyourcompletesatisfaction.”
leatherfurniture.Whilewealsooffer fabric furniture, our name is most strongly associated with our luxuriousleatherpieces.Ourreputationfor quality is unmatched—thanks to our own factories, we eliminate the middleman, allowing us to offer unbeatable prices on our leather furniture.
Wayne, the manager of Ouhout, said that their commitment to customer satisfaction goes beyond mere sales.
“We take pride in our ability to custommake furniture to suit your specific needs. Whether you desire contemporary or traditionalstyles,ourteam is dedicated to helping you find or create the perfect piece. Our leather couches, in particular,arerenownedfor theirexceptionalquality andenduringappeal.”
According to Wayne, outstanding service is crucial to their success.
At Ouhout, the store's friendly and attentive team is always ready to assist, ensuring that each customer feels valued and satisfied. Wayne added, “We understandthatnaturalmaterialslikewood and leather can sometimes present
As they move into the last quarter of the year, Wayne mentioned that they are excited to introduce a new range of modern and classic furniture designs. Theirgoalistostayahead of market trends while maintaining the timeless quality that defines Ouhout.“Keepaneyeoutfor ourupcomingcollections, arrivinginSeptemberand October.”
Stay updated on their latestarrivalsandspecials byvisitingtheirFacebook page,"OuhoutNamibia."“We'realso eager to deepen our involvement in the Swakopmund community and continue contributing to local employmentopportunities.”
Wayne advised, “When shopping for furniture,rememberthathigh-quality piecesdon'talwayscomewithahigh price tag. With Ouhout's special offers, you can furnish your home with elegant, durable furniture that will last a lifetime. Explore our collection today and discover why Ouhout is the name you can trust for beautiful,enduringfurniture.”
Visit us in-store at no. 22 Hendrik Witbooi Street, Swakopmund or online to experience the Ouhout for yourself.
Sharlien Tjambari
Namib Times Holiday 2024
Pro Park Pharmacy cc
Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with gratitude and joy Taurus Maintenance Products is renowned for its comprehensive range of cleaning solutions, and the Swakopmund branch is no exception.Fromindustrial-grade cleaning chemicals to specialised equipment, Taurus ensuresthateverycleaningneed is met with top-notch products. This commitment to quality and service has solidified their reputation as a trusted provider intheregion.
Since its establishment at the end of 2016, the Swakopmund branch of Taurus MaintenanceProductshasbeenacornerstoneforcleaningsolutionsatNamibia'scoast. Located at Erf 4805, EliaserTuhadeleni Street in Extension 10, this branch has made it convenientforlocalbusinessesandresidentstoaccesshigh-qualitycleaningchemicalsand equipment.
The Swakopmund branch not only brings Taurus' extensive productlineclosertothecoastal community but also offers personalised customer service. The team at this branch is dedicated to helping customers find the right products for their specific needs, ensuringoptimalresultsandsatisfaction. For those looking to enhance their cleaning routines with reliable and effective products, TaurusMaintenanceProductsinSwakopmundis thego-todestination.Whetheryouareabusiness ownerinneedofindustrialcleaningsolutionsora homeownerlookingforeffectivehousehold
Tolearnmoreabouttheirofferingsortoplacean order,youarewelcometovisittheminpersonor you can contact the Swakopmund branch via emailatcoast@tmpn.comorcall(064)463806. Foradditionalinformation,visittheirwebsiteat
Interior Chemicals
Taurus Swakopmund team
Interior Karcher
Xmas Interior
Join us for the 7th Carnival of Flames, Forward Future, on 29 December 2024 at Swakopmund AdventurePark&PaintballCentre!
Unveiling a new, fascinating universe through high tech LED props and Programmable smart LED Outfits, creating a myriad of glowing forms synchronisedperfectlywiththemovementofthedancersandthemusic.
Swakopmund'sbelovedyellowfoodtruck,ForknNice,isbackinactionjustintimefor the festive season after a temporary closure. Operated by Bill and Maggie, this iconic 1968 Bedford bus has become a staple of the local food scene, offeringAmerican-style mealswithasideofcommunitywarmth.
After being sidelined due to municipal regulations over roadworthiness, the couple worked tirelessly to ensure the bus met requirements. Now,withequipment
upgradescompletedandthegreenlightfrom authorities, Fork n Nice is ready to welcome customers once again. “We're so grateful for theloveandsupportwereceivedduringour
Open: Tuesday - Sunday from 11:00 until sold out
Closed: 23/24/25 December 2024 & 1 January 2025
Notelephonic orders
Bring a blanket & umbrella & have a picnic on the lawn (Only one table available)
Hotel Deutsches Haus
Restaurant and Bar / Sat TV / High Speed Internet
Hotel Deutsches Haus wishe season filled with joy and laughter
We would like to thank all our customer for their loyal support and wish ev prosperity in the coming y
pause,” said Maggie. “Every message and postremindeduswhy we started this journey We'reexcitedto serveeveryoneagain, especially during the holiday season ” Fork n Nice is open from Tuesdays to Sundays,butwilltake a short break on 23, 24,and25December, as well as on 1 January Duetohigh demand,theywon't
be taking telephonic orders, so customers are encouraged to place their orders in person. For those planning to enjoy their meals on the lawn, the couple recommends bringing blankets and umbrellas, as there is only one table allowed and available. Maggie added, “this bushasalwaysbeen about more than food It's been a gathering place, a way to bring people together We are thrilled to continue that tradition this holidayseason.” Make sure to stop by and enjoy a slice of Swakopmund's cherished food culture this festiveseason!
It's that time of the year, when everybody is lookingforwardtoaremarkablefestiveseason atNamibia'scentralcoastalregion.
Unfortunately,holidayactivitiescanhaveadevastatingeffectonourenvironmentifwedon't stay within the rules set to protect our natural beautyandbiodiversity
The coastal areas fall within a series of contiguous protected areas, namely the Skeleton Coast Park, the Dorob National Park, the NamibNaukluftParkandtheSperrgebietNational Park. By following all rules and regulations, you are assisting in the conservation of our coast and its biodiversity thus ensuring sustainability
FamiliariseyourselfwiththeParks'Rulesand Regulations and the regulations related to the harvestingofmarineresources.
ObtainawrittenauthorisationfromMinistryof Environment and Tourism (MET) offices for
In the National Parks, remain on demarcated routesanddonotventureintootherareaswithout aqualifiedguide.
Obey any legal order or instruction given by a Law-enforcementOfficers.
Comply with the instructions on signboards, pamphletsorcommunicatedinanymanner
Enjoy the dunes between Swakopmund and WalvisBaywithyour4x4/quadbike/motorbike inthedesignated'Off-RoadVehicle'(ORV)area (centralandsouthernpartofthedunebelt)where afreepermitfromMETisrequired.
Inside the ORV areas, stay on the dunes and avoid slip faces, gravel plains and vegetated areas.
In the Dorob National Park: Motocross bikes or quadbikesareONLYallowedtobedrivenonthe beachesbetweenSwakopmundandHentiesBay, and on proclaimed roads and clearly marked METtracksandroads.
Obtain your permit for harvesting any Marine Resources from the Ministry of Fisheries and
Vielen Dank an alle Kunden, die uns jedes Jahr unterstützen.
Wir wünschen Ihnen eine gesegnete Weihnachtzeit und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr
Thank you very much for your support throughout the year We wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2025.
Wir sind durchgehend geöffnet, außer an offiziellen Feiertagen.
We are open except on public holidays.
Laundry Services
MarineResources(MFMR).Ensure to respect bag limits for fish, rock lobsterandwhitemussels.
Ensure that tour operators whether in aircraft, boat or car keep a safe distancefromwildlife.
Do not drive off the road except on demarcated ORV areas– adhere to legal requirements. Off-road driving negatively impacts on the desert gravel plains, the lichen fields, and the breeding birds and destroy the aesthetic beauty of the area.
Dunedrivingisdangerousandwere allowed should be undertaken with aprofessional,qualifiedguide. Off-loadingofquadbikeandmotorized bike betweenWalvis Bay and Swakopmund is only prohibited at designated off-loading areas (the Dune Belt between Langstrand and WalvisBay).
Vehicles and people on foot are not allowed in closed or exclusionary areassuchastheDamaraTernbreeding areas, Swakop River, Lichen fields.
No overnight camping is allowed on the beaches or in the dunes
without permission from the Ministry of Environment & Tourism (MET).
Donotleaveyourlitterbehind-use refuse bins and skips provided or take your rubbish home. That also include discarded fishing line, hooks,baitwrapping,emptybottles andtins.
Donotdriveovervegetation–small animals and vegetation are essentials for the desert ecosystem, your tracks will destroy them and leave permanentscarsonmudflats. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach:Eithertakeithomeorreturn ittothesea.Fishandbaitleftonthe beaches attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that predate on otherbiodiversity
Do not feed wildlife – fed wildlife become dependent on “hand-outs” and become aggressive when no foodisgiventothem.
Do not remove, collect, pick, destroy, tamper with or damage any egg, nest or burrow, tree, plant, mineraloranyotherobjectofbotanical, zoo logical, geological, archaeological,historicalimportance.
May the peace and blessings of Christmas be yours; And may the coming year be filled with happiness
The team at Midvaal Turbo & Diesel wish you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2025.
3992 Einstein Str Ext 10Industrial Area, Swakopmund
2. With the festive season upon us: The MunicipalEmergency Law Enforcement Division and other emergency services are preparing for one of the busiest times of theyear Inthecoming weeks the number of vehicles on our roads to the coast will increase significantly as more Namibians will visit our town, Swakopmund and people who travel to be with their families for the Christmasperiod.Our
share plenty, we should not forget the less fortunatebyextendinga hand of friendship by givingtothoseinneed.
4. The best Christmas present you can give is for you and your family to arrive safely at your destination,”.
5. It is against this spiritual background that I therefore, call upon all Namibians road users to exemplify the spirit of love during this festive period As we spend timewithourimmediate and extended families,
priority is to ensure our roads are safe for all travellers this Christmasperiod,”
3 The Festive Season period and Christmas: The loveliest of season is abouttheclosenessof family,thecomfortof home and friends
Peopletravelveryfar dis-tances from all
corners of our Country to celebrate with loved ones, renew bonds of love andshareinthejoyof compassion and generosity As we
let us use this quality time to rededicate ourselves to being more appreciative of and loving towards the special people in our lives.
6.Letusthinkofallroad users on the National Road Network of Namibia, and especially in Swakopmund to ensure that we look out for one another, in a loving way, during this period. Many of us will find ourselves on the road, travelling to our respective destinations. This year, let usTHINK
road safety by taking a united and committed approachtowardsensuring all Namibians and visitors from abroad are safe and happy on our roads. Therefore, let us allactivelyparticipatein lookingoutforallstakeholders as law enforcement agencies, drivers, cyclists, passengers and pedestrians.
7. The Municipal EmergencyLawEnforcement Divisioniscommittedto public safety and will have additional high visibility patrols on our major arterial roads to improve safety on our roads. Traffic Officers will target high risk driver behaviours that are the main causes of serious crashes; excessivespeed,drivingunder the influence of alcohol and those committed traffic moving violations.
8. Christmas/New Year period is a time of celebration and relaxation that was all too often marred by death or serious injury on our roads. Thesearenotnewsafety messages,buttheywork. We all have a responsibilitytodrivewithcare and attention for the benefitofallroadusers”. “Wecanhaveacasualtyfree Christmas holidays if we speak up against speed and against drinkinganddriving.
9.Beingamongstfamily and friends is always a joyful time, a time for laughter, a time to revel and celebrate. However, we should avoid the abuse of alcohol and other intoxicating substances during this time astheseactivitiesposea risk to human life by contributing towards senseless violence, avoidable accidents and unnecessaryinjuriesand deaths. Let us therefore
endeavor to celebrate responsibly and ensure that this Christmas will bememorableforeveryone.
10. During this time of the year the holidays are filledwithhappinessand celebrations, BUT it can also be a time of danger and sorrow for road users. It seems everyone is in a hurry trying to wrap up their shopping and enjoy festive celebrations.Asyou'redashing around town, it is important to keep road safetytopofmindasthe streets are busier and drivers are distracted by theirholidaytodolists.
11 This season calls upon all of us to be alert and circumspect when we use our roads, for road fatalities and injuries are sudden, violent, traumatic with the impactwhichislonglasting andoftenpermanent.
12. All Festive Seasons period is generally characterizedbyhightraffic volumes on the different routes of Namibia especially to the coastal Towns with fatalities over this period remaining unacceptably high. Apart from the national industry shutdown and school holidays, this period is also a characterized by religious pilgrimages and mass events.
the country, to be extra careful on all public roads. Road crashes are amongstthemostcauses of deaths in our country, particularly during the festiveseasons. Therefore,Iwouldliketo urge road users to act responsibleandobeythe rulesoftheroad.Respect traffic regulations, always wear a seatbelt, watchyourspeed,donot drink and drive, take a rest after a long distance ofdriving,andgenerally do everything that we advisetodotostayonthe safe side of the law s of thiscountry
Ourdatarevealsthatitis the young, productive citizens in the 16-35 age groups that are overrepresented in roadtraffic fatalities. Yearly road causalities totaled increase, currently more than 500 which is too high and it's too many which can still increase everyday Goontheroad with the correct attitude so that you as the driver ofavehiclecanmakethe right decisions within a fraction of seconds
Motoristsareurgedtobe more careful on the roads. Here are a few friendly tips to ensure your Festive season is a safeone:
13 The Swakopmund MunicipalEmergency& Law Enforcement Unit togetherwithallourroad entitiesisonhighalertto enhance road safety and serve all road users Alone we might not be strong enough, but we now need to stand together with our stakeholders to declare that road crashers, fatalities and injuries can be stopped.
14. I am appealed and humbly request to the Namibian public, especially drivers and visitors, soon to embarking on holiday trips all over
Dear Namibians and Residents ofArandis "ATown"
Ithasbeenachallengingyearemotionally, socially and economically, but I am delighted that you all have been responsible and committed in honouring your council bills timely As we celebrate the FestiveSeasonthereisalottolookforward to in terms of customer care, local economic development, community engagement, job creation, housing and more investmentattraction.
* Headlamps should be dipped well before an approaching vehicle is within range of the main beam.
*Always wear your seat belts and see that every occupant is wearing theirs.
*Alwaysstaywithinthe speedlime.
* Only overtake when it issafetodoso.
* Avoid distractions on the road such as texting, conversationsoncellular phones.
* Be courteous towards fellow road users- keep temper and resist the temptationtoretaliate.
15. Speeding, drunken driving and overtaking are the most common causesofroadaccidents.
Please do not double parkintheCentralBusiness areas but make use of offside parking areas where it has been paved andwatchbycarguards. Let us also take time to pay tribute to our Law EnforcementAgencies.
16. Stayontherightside
* Obey the traffic rules of the road and carry a valid driver's license withyou.
*Planyourroutetoyour holidaydestination.
*Makesureyourvehicle is in a roadworthy condition before departure.
* Try to avoid driving afterdarkifpossible
*Haveagoodrestbefore you embark on your journey
* Try to recognize potentially dangerous drivers on and pedestriansalongsidetheroad and keep well clear of them
* Be visible drive with
of the white line and if you cannot count those unbrokenlines,itmeans that you are driving too fast.
17 “When you are driving give it 100 per cent of your concentration. Stop and rest if you're feeling tired whendriving. Planhow you are going to get home before you leave. If you are celebrating, plan to share a taxi home, stay the night or choose a Designated Driver
18.Weinviteyoutothe coastal town Swakopmund to come and rest and enjoy your time with your families, but pleaseremembertodoit withintheframeworkof thelaw
19. Our slogan for this Festive Season 2024/25 is“Accidentsdon'thappen;theyarecaused”.
20. Our standby cellphone numbers are as follows: 081 122 4679 or 081 127 4330 if neededinacaseoftrafficrelatedincidents
Fornow,taketimetoenjoy withfamilyandfriends,restwell yourwellbeingisvital.Travelsafeand adheretotrafficlaws.TotheVisitors, welcome to Erongo Region and take time to explore our beautiful Town and enjoy yourselves, here are lots of opportunities, hopefully you will makeArandis your preferred holidaydestinationorfuturehome.
Construction, steel works, painting electrical paving, plumbing, pools, all roof structures, lapas, shade nets, slasto, tiling new buildings, painting electric fences, maintenance on all buildings
Heishereintown,Walvis Bay Callforappointment andconsultation 0817407321
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: PregnancyEducation - Court Cases - Love Af-fairsMarriage Pro-blemsBad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power - SexualityExams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 0812017887
CoastalCricketgiantsBlueWatersCricketClubinWalvisBay,afterreachingout to the Coastal Mobile Windscreen and Glass Fitment Centre (CMW) and Welwitschia Insurance Brokers for assistance, recently received cricket kit donations,muchtotheirdelight.
Thenewplayingandwarm-upkitswasverygenerouslydonatedbyLevanKockfrom Coastal Mobile Windscreen and Glass Fitment Centre (CMW) and Jaco Venter and ChristinaBeukesfromWelwitschiaInsuranceBrokersrespectively
The Chairman of Blue Waters Cricket Club Edgris Baron said that they are very gratefulthatthetwobusinesseswereabletohelpuswiththeplayingkitsforourfirst team. “With the new kit, we will now be able to organi e ourselves again when we s showupformatches.”
on the left is Christina Beukes and Sandro de Gouveia and on the far right is Jaco Venter and Edgris Baron with some of the players show off in the warm-up kit.
BothFoucheandLangenstrassenwononeandlost five of their six games in the men's and women's singles and lost all the games in the mixed pairs discipline, but the experience gained, and the lessons learnt will be of immense value to their
Competitorsfrom21countries, all under the age of 26, have converged on Hong Kong Football Club
Rudi Bowe
The Namib Dunes Bowls Classic tournament hosted by the Swakopmund Bowls Club(SBC)saw12teamscompetingfortophouroverthepastweekend.
Axel Krähenbühl, Colin de Beer and Christo Steenkamp were crowned as the Namib Dunes Bowls Classic champions with Colin Peak, Brian Peak andAmy Peak as the runner ups with Julian Viljoen, Elna Esterhuizen and Bianca Lewisthird. Dave Gibbons, AJ Visser and Kevin Maischatz ended fourth and in fifth place was Ewlad Vermeulen, Lesley Vermeulen and Marinda Bezuidenhoudt whilst Michelle Crawford, Peter Fourie and Brian Nelended sixth. SBC management and member thanked Bits & Piza's, Dave Gibbons and Peter Fourie for the wonderful sponsorship.
to battle it out for the prestigioustitles
The results of the Namibianduewere.
Namibia lost to Scotland 5-10,0-14
Women'sSingles: Namibia defeated USA 76,2-6,5-1
Men'sSingles: Namibia lost to Australia
MixedPairs: Namibia lost to Malta / MacaoChina7-7,3-10
1. Justus Hangula, Renaldo Julie, Levan Kock (Coastal Mobile Windscreen and Glass Fitment Centre), John Eric Thierauch and John Calaca show off their new playing kit at the sponsorship hand over
The Pupkewitz Jetty Mile an annual holiday event that attracts more than 250 swimmers is a nauticalmileorapproximately1850metresanoceanswimmingeventcreatedoutofthelegacyof the late Harold Pupkewitz, an avid swimmer himself, supported the sport over many years culminatinginthepopularannualPupkewitzJettyMiletobeheldon27DecemberatTigerReefin Swakopmund.
TheJettyMilestartsatTigerReefwithswimmers proceeding past the Jetty and towards the main beach at the Mole. forms part of the Pupkewitz Foundation's grant funding focus areas, and the Foundationbelievesthatsportcanbeusedasatool to demonstrate and encourage community involvement, commitment, volunteerism, leadership, fair play, respect, inclusion, and qualities based on equity and equality that will help children and youth grow into community leadersandcommunityvolunteers,thereforeusing sport intentionally to instill character in individualsandbuildstrongcommunities.Oneof the platforms that support this focus area is the Pupkewitz Jetty Mile event, started by the Pupkewitz family in 2007 and continued by the PupkewitzFoundationonayearlybasis. Competitors need to assess for themselves whethertheyarecapableoftakingpartontheday
Competitors also need to be self-sufficient in the water, as sea rescue is limited.Aswimmer cannot take part in both the Jetty Mile and Sprint. The minimumageforthefullevent(JettyMile)is13.A 150mkiddie'sswimisafuneventforchildrenwho can participate along with their parents or any competentswimmer
TheFulleventwillstartatTigerReefBeachBarat 15h30.
Allparticipantswillneedtobenumberedandsign in. Pleasegiveyourselfaminimumof40minutes forsigninandpre-racepreparation.
The race will start at 15h30 at Tiger Reef. ParticipantswillswimpasttheJettytoTheMole. The finish is in front of the event tent. The tent is erectedonMainBeachattheMole
The swim route will be marked with buoys and participants will be informed of swim route prior to the start of the event.
The distance of the Full event is approximately one sea mile (around 1.9km).
A wetsuit is highly recommended due to cold sea temperatures and the danger of hypothermia.
A swimmer may not swim with anything that could be deemed a swimming impediment e.g. weights or weight belt.
The Sprint event will start at the Mole at 16h30.
All participants will needtobenumberedand sign in. Please give yourself a minimum of 40 minutes for sign in andpre-racepreparation. The swim route will be marked with buoys and participants will be informed of swim route prior to the start of the swimevent. Thefinishisonthebeach infrontoftheeventtent. The tent is erected on MainBeachattheMole.
The distance is approximately600mand w e t s u i t s a r e recommended if the sea temperatureiscold.
All children will receive a finisher's medal. There are no prizesforpositions,but children's cap numbers are included in the luckydraw
C h i l d m u s t b e assisted/overseen by a competent swimmer
Thechild'ssafetyisthe responsibility of the parent/swimmer accompanying the child.
Any flotation device may be used to assist thechild.
The swim route will be markedwithbuoysand participants will be informedofswimroute prior to the start of the swimevent.
The tent is erected at TheMole.
The distance is approximately200m.
All children will receive a finisher's medal. There are no prizesforpositions,but children's cap numbers are included in the luckydraw
C h i l d m u s t b e assisted/overseen by a competent swimmer
Thechild'ssafetyisthe responsibility of the parent/swimmer accompanying the child.
Any flotation device may be used to assist thechild.
The swim route will be markedwithbuoysand participants will be informedofswimroute
The Kiddies Fun Swim willstartattheMole. This is a fun event that children can participate in along with their parents or other competentswimmer
prior to the start of the swimevent.
The distance is approximately150m.
Online entry @
Onlineentriesclose23 Decemberat12h00 JETTY MILE entry N$300 (approx. mile open water sea swim from Tiger Reef to the Mole)
SPRINT entry N$290 (approx.600mswimin theMole) Kiddies FUN SWIM entry N$50 (approx. 150m swim in the Mole).
Child must be assisted/overseen by any competent swimmerandmakeuse ofanyflotationdevice. No prizes for position but medal for each finisher
Event shirt for the first 250entries
C o l l e c t i o n o f numbered cap and event T-shirt at OTB SportSwakopmund Friday 27 December from 10h00 to 12h00Start/Finish/Pr izeGiving StartJettyMile:15h30 at Tiger Reef Beach Bar Start Sprint: 16h30 at TheMole Start Kiddies Fun Event: 17h00 at the Mole Finish for all events is attheMole.
Prize Giving will be at approximately17h30
Oceans Rugby Club Year-end Function
TheawardwinnersofOceansRugbyClub. Contributed
Steven Kubersky andAlucia Kharuchas are the men's and women'splayersoftheyearatOceansRugbyClub.
PresidentialAward: IrwinDamants
Chairmans Award: HannelieKinda
Men's: Players player of the year: JaydenHaidula
Women's: Players player of the year: Tiffany Larence & AluciaKharuchas
Men's: Most Improve player: OrvilleWillemse
Women's: Most Improved player:
Men's: Most Dedicated player: VainoGamatham
Women's: Most Dedicated Player: AluciaKharukhas
Men's: Most Versatile player: TimothyColemen
Women's: Most
Versatile Player: LevintineBoois
M e n ' s : B e s t
forward player: Martinus Uaisako
Women's: Best forward player: GatishaUses
M e n ' s : B e s t Backline player: JaydenHaidula
Women's: Best Backline player: TiffanyLawrence
Men's: Up & Coming player: JohndrePlaaitjie
Women's: Up & Coming player: CaitlynKubersky
The lineup includes the challenging Ultra categoryinvolvinga1.9kmswim,followedbya 90kmcycle,andculminatingwitha21.1kmrun. Additionally, participants can engage in the Standardcategorywitha1kmswim,40kmcycle, and 10km run, the Sprint category featuring a 400m swim, 20km cycle, and 3km run, and the Mini distance comprising a 150m swim, 6km cycle,and3kmrun.
YvonneBrinkmannfromOTBSport,saidthatthe FNB Sandman has become an iconic Namibian event. “We have both top triathletes and recreational participants. The team category is very popular with families, friends, and work colleagues.”
“The Mini/Super Sprint has far exceeded expectations, this year there are over 60 kids undertheageof12takingpart. Overthevarious distanceswehaveover400entries. Thesettingat theMole,mainbeachinSwakopmundaddstothe holiday and social feel of the event" Brinkmann explained.
“In the Ultra distance, past winners Konrad Marais and Sebastian Pahl are favorites International athlete, Konny Looser, and winner of the Desert Dash, could easily cause an upset. CharlyTaylor,averystrongcyclist,isexpectedto wintheFemaleUltracategoryshestated.
Brinkmann said. “In the Standard distance the competition is expected to be between Erik
Merino, from Spain and 18-year-old Ethan Brinkmann. TheSprintdistanceisexpectedtobea fast and furious race. Participants include Nathan Chase and Maja Brinkmann, who have performed exceptionallyontheinternationalcircuit.”
Noticeisherebygiventhatthefollowingroadsand areas in Swakopmund will be closed to traffic to accommodatetheFNBSandmanTriathlon:
No vehicles will be permitted to drive through or parkintheaffectedareasduringthistime.Wekindly request all residents and visitors to plan alternative routesandparking.
The organisers appreciate the communities understanding and cooperation as they work to ensurethesafetyandsuccessofthisevent.
Recognisingthepower of sport to unite communities, and in particular the young boy and girl child, Namport has partnered with the NFA to enhance the competitive landscapeoftheNamibian second and third Division Football Leaguesinall14regionsof the country The evidentpositiveimpactof sport, particular football, on the developmentofyoungmenand
women, also played a vital role for Namport (through the Namport SocialInvestmentFund (NSIF)) to sponsor the second and third division football leagues with N$10 5 million over a period of three years.Asaresultofthis sponsorship the NFA regional leagues for men and women will now be renamed to Namport Regional FootballLeagueforthe durationofthesponsor-
This was the eighth time the Swiz clinched this prestigious title, but it didn't come easy at all this time around. Namibia's own Drikus Coetzee,gavehimarun for his money finishing second by a split second. Looser, who in his victory speech indicatedthatthismight have been his last Desert Dash, won the
ship. At the handover ceremony Namport's Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Kanimeremarkedthatthey (Namport) have over theyearsmadematerial investments in education, health, environmental stewardship and entrepreneurial development “Now, through the NSIF, we are expanding our social responsibility by also including grassroot-football develo-
pment in partnership with the NFA,” he added, urging the NFA to utilise the sponsorship of N$3.5 million annually effectively to fund second and third division league activities, subsequently creating positive and meaningful changes in the lives of the youth.
“The partnership aims to nurture talent, elevate the profile of football in Namibia, and enhance competitiveness and skills developmentwithinthe divisions,” Kanime said, and in the same breath expressed his expectancy that the transparent use of this sponsorship will inspire other corporations to follow suit He further stated that the future of any nation depends on its youth, adding that “by investing in our young talent,wenotonlytake youth off the streets, but also contribute to
Namibia's socioeconomic development.” The Namport CEOalsoexpressedhis hopes that the partnership will spark greater interest in football, ensuring that future generations have better opportunitiestoengage inthesport,hintingthat more sponsorship could follow, dependingonhowthemoney is used during the sponsorshipperiod.On acceptanceofthesponsorship, NFApresident Robert Shimooshili noted that the future looks bright for young footballers participating in the regional leagues, as they now stand on the shoulders of two big giants, Namport and the NFA.
“ T h e N a m p o r t sponsorship is not an ordinary marketing investment in football. It is one that encompasses youthful boys and girls, hailing from football grassroot level and youth academies,” Shimooshili said. He further remarked that this commitment from Namport's side in essence touches the heartsandmindsof336 clubs in the Regional Second Division and 504 Third Division teams.
Thisoverallconstitutes to more than 6,120 players country-wide competing for top honoursintheNamPort Football Regional Leagues, in the men and women categories Shimooshili added that the6,120playersdonot include the administrators, match officials and medical staff and securities personnel. “When you do your mathematics, you will realise that the impact of the Namport sponsorship is not only enormous, but it also enriches the narrative of the NFA and Namibian Football in heapsandbounds,”the
NFA president stated. According to Shimooshili the sponsorship will provide an equal opportunity for every club in the second and third divisions (men and women), regardless of their league status “Football development in Namibia is our collective responsibility, as sport benefits us all directly or indirectly by fostering economic growth, reducing poverty and hunger, creating employment and uniting communities,” he said. In conclusion, Shimooshili called upon other Namibian corporates, who are not already on board, to follow the example set by Namport in support offootball.
401-kilometre race (from the capital city, through the Namib DeserttoSwakopmund) in a time of 15:01:29, with Coetzee second in atimeof15:01:30).The third runner-up was Gareth Jooste of South Africa in a time of 15:17:36. Belinda Van Rhyn was triumphant in the women's solo category, winning in a time of 18:46:59, followed by Nicola Fester in second place with a time of 19:11:27. The bronze medal in this category wenttoIreneSteynwho finished the gruelling race in a time of 19:23:16. Speaking to Namib Times after the event, Nedbank's Executive Head of Marketing and Communications, GernotDeKlerklauded
Swakopmund for being a superb host town as always and described the 2024 Dash as “fast and furious ” The Ruach Elohim Foundationwasalsoawinner on the day, after Nedbank handed over a donationofN$30000to the All4TheBabiesteam who participated in the race with the aim to raise funds for the vulnerable children at theFoundation. Morethan1000cyclists participated this year Other results were as follow: Two-person mixed: 1. Alex Miller and Caroline Bohe (14:42:50) 2 Vera Looser and Daniel Abraham(14:48:51) 3. Melissa Hinz and Jacques Hannekom (16:08:25) Two-person men: 1. Alan Gordon and Adriaan Myburgh (15:32:21) 2 Stefan Sander and Tyrone Kotze (16:17:58) 3
Simon Kaita and Maruen Kleopas (16:18:20) Two-person ladies:1.CindyFriebel and Jaulika Pahl (17:38:53) 2 Maike Bochert and Marion Schönecke(20:47:35) 3. Larozelle van der Westhuizen and Este van der Merwe (21:16:31) Fourpersonmen: 1. Christiaan Janse van Rensburg, Kai Pritzen, MarcPritzenandKevin Lowe (14:02:29) 2
Justus Beulker, Brandon Plaatjies, Roger Suren and Brandon Downes (14:11:55) 3 Theuns van der Bank, Du Toit van der Bergh, Waldo Zevenster, and Reece McDonald(14:12:00) Four-personmixed: 1. Marco Thiel, Rosemarie Thiel, Monique du Plessis and Murray Koch (15:56:11) 2 Michael Falk, Charles Koster, Ada Kahl and Michelle Döhman (16:43:41) 3 Hester Prins, Nelius Burger, Marguerite Verwey and Christo Janse van Rensburg (16:51:36)
Four-person ladies: 1. LucyYoung,Genevieve Weber, Monique Taylor and Delsia Janse van Vuuren(17:00:16) 2. Silke Bean, Luanne van der Schyff, Jeanne Heunis and Monika Szczepan-Krüger (18:04:34) 3. Jana von Backstrom, Almari de M i l a n d e r, J a n a Kehrmann, and Jana van Dyk (18:42:14) HalfDashsolomen:1. Fanie Steenkamp (08:33:58) 2 Jaco Lamprecht(08:33:59)
3 Clauss Bekes (08:47:07) Half Dash solo women: 1. Anri Parker(10:06:16) 2 Estelle Lambert (11:19:45) 3 Astrid Helm(12:06:40) Half Dash two-person men:1.NickduPlessis and Christopher du Plessis(08:35:14) 2. Marcel Suren and Eckhard Waldschmidt (09:03:58) 3. Ulande Viljoen and FourieSteyn(09:15:34) Half Dash two-person ladies: 1. Lorinda Viljoen and Estelle van Zyl (09:41:45) 2. Tarien van Zyl and Christine Mouton (10:04:27) 3.RinaEngelbrechtand Wanda Tattersall (10:08:02)
Namport CEO Andrew Kanime receive the FIFA sable of unity and peace from the NFA President Robert Shimooshili.