Namport and Port of Sines Forge Partnership to Boost Green Energy and Trade
In a move towards strengthening global trade and energy cooperation, the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Administração dos Portos de Sines e doAlgarve (APS), the authorityoverseeingthePortofSinesinPortugal.
According to a media releaseonWednesday this week, the agreement, which will remainineffectforfive
years, aims to enhance collaboration in the developmentofsustainable, green, and digital logisticscorridors. This partnership comes as part of a broader effort to align with the European Commission's
Continues on page 2
Three Cases of Human Remains Discovered in Erongo
TheErongoPoliceareinvestigatingthreeseparatecasesinvolvingthediscovery of human remains in different parts of the region. While two of the deceased individuals have been identified, authorities are appealing to the public for assistanceinidentifyingthethird.
OnSaturday,25January,afarmownersearching for his cattle at Dawe Tsaub Farm, on the outskirts of Otjimbingwe, discovered skeletal remains in a riverbed and immediately alerted the police. Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba confirmed that officers attended the scene and identifiedtheremainsashuman,consistingofaskull, backbone, and ribs. Preliminary investigations suggesttheremainsmaybelongtoKatrinaPaulina Boois, who was reported missing on 10 August2024.Afamilymemberhasidentifiedthe remains,butforensictestingwillbeconductedto officiallyconfirmtheidentity Thecauseofdeath remains undetermined, pending forensic examination.Thenextofkinhavebeeninformed,and investigationsareongoing. Inaseparatecase,on
Tuesdaythisweek,policereceivedareportfroma resident of Okatjio Farm in the Okombahe area regardingthediscoveryofadecomposedbodyina field.ThedeceasedwaslateridentifiedasAndries Oaeb, a 34-year-old man who had been reported missingon25December2024.Theremainswere transported to the Okombahe State Clinic mortuaryfordeathcertificationandstorage.Whileno foul play is suspected at this stage, a postmortem examination will be conducted to determine the cause of death. The next of kin have been informed, and investigations continue. In a third incident, on Saturday, 18 January, a herder at Farm TubusisPos2discoveredthedecomposedbodyof an unidentified man in a field. The deceased is described
Continues on page 2
Ten Thousand Reward Offered for Information on Killing of Cape Cormorants
Rudi Bowe
The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, along with the Namibia Coast Conservation and Management ProjectareofferingaN$10000reward for any information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the person or persons responsible for killing a flock ofCapeCormorantsinDorobNational Park.
Officials from the fisheries and marine resources discovered the birds on Friday, 17 JanuaryatCanopynear Henties Bay, where a 4x4 vehicle ran over theendangeredbirdsas they roosted on the beach, killing a few with many more injured.
NHE –Huise vir Wind en
Cape Cormorants are well known for their slowtake-off,meaning the birds likely could not move out of the vehicle's path in time. TheCapecormorantor Cape shag (Phalacrocorax capensis) is a bird endemic to Namibia and South Africa, has lost 57% of its Continues on page 2
Three Cases Namport and Port of Sines
Continued from page 1
Global Gateway initiative, which seeks to mobilise €300 billion (N$57 billion) in investment towards cleaner, smarter, and more secure infrastructure in energy, transport, and digital connectivity
The Port of Sines, a crucial logistics hub in Europeduetoitsgeo-strategiclocation,willwork alongside Namport to bolster Namibia's ambitions of becoming a global leader in green hydrogen production. With its vast renewable energy resources and access to critical raw materials, Namibia is positioning itself as a key player in the global transition to sustainable energy TheportsofWalvisBayandLüderitzare
Ten Thousand Reward
populationinthelast30years.Conservationists warn that without urgent protection, the species couldfacefurtherdecline.
Gabes Shekutamba, a Chief Inspector at the ministryoffisheriessaidtheywerepatrollingthe beachwhentheypassedtwolargeflocksofbirds.
“At a third flock, they noticed some birds strugglingtofly “Hecaughtoneandrealisedits legwasbrokenandsawthatitwascrushed,and another bird's wing was broken,” he said. AccordingtoShekutamba,itappearsthevehicle acceleratedjustbeforeploughingintotheflock. “Itlookslikethevehiclethenstoppedandpeople got out barefoot, possibly to remove birds that were stuck to the vehicle's front grille. From there, the tracks lead directly to the road,” he added. The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, along with the Namibia Coast Conservation and Management Project, has stronglycondemnedtheact.Theyareurgingthe public to help identify those responsible Anyonewithinformationisaskedtocontactthe MFMRChiefInspector'stiplineat+26481281 8106.
expected to play a critical role in this initiative, supporting the export of green hydrogen and synthetic fuels while also strengthening regional trade networks The collaboration between NamportandAPSwillfacilitatethedevelopmentof an Atlantic Hub, creating a strategic corridor for handling and transporting green energy products, criticalminerals,andotherkeytradecommodities.
“This MoU marks a pivotal step in advancing Namibia's role in sustainable global trade and energyproduction,”Namportstated. “Byworking closely with the Port of Sines, we aim to enhance logistics, drive investment, and expand Namibia's footprintintheinternationalgreenenergymarket.”
Continued from page 1
Cape Cormorants in Dorob National Park
Met duisende Namibiese burgers wie nie die gerief van ordentlikebehuisinghetnie,isdieverlateNationalHousing Enterprise (NHE) huise in Swakopmund 'n bitterpil om te sluk.
Die huise wat ongeveer tien jaar gelede opgerig is onder die
Massabehuisingskema staan tot vandag sonder eienaars, onderworpe aan die elemente en vandale Inwoners van die spesifieke gedeelte van Matutura (waar die huise geleë is) het aan Namib Times genoem dathierdieverlatehuise
broeigrond vir misdaad, dwelmmisbruik en immorele dade is. Van die inwonershetvoortsaangedui dat hulle ook onveilig voel, aangesien misdadigers hulself in
die huise kan tuismaak en van daar niksvermoedende slagoffers teiken.
Op navraag in die verband het Meneer Mutonga Mutali, NHE se korporatiewe kommunikasie en bemarking bestuurderverledeweek terugvoering beloof Teen saktyd was daar egter nog geen kommunikasievanhombeskikbaarnie.
Continued from page 1
scribed as a male, dark in complexion, approximately 1.65m tall, and believed to be in his late 40s. Basedonthestateofdecomposition, authorities estimate he may have diedaboutamonthago. Atthetime ofdiscovery,hewaswearingagreen short trouser but no shirt or shoes.
Thebodyhasbeentransportedtothe Walvis Bay Police mortuary for identification and a postmortem
examinationtodeterminethecauseof death.Policeeffortstotracehisfamily have so far been unsuccessful, and authoritiesareappealingtothepublic foranyinformationthatcouldassistin identifyinghim.Anyonewithrelevant information regarding any of these cases is urged to contact the nearest police station. Investigations into all threeincidentsareongoing.
New Executive Head Appointed at Walvis Bay Gymnasium
Walvis Bay Gymnasium has kicked off the 2025 academic year with theappointmentof a new Executive Head, Rickert Jacobs, bringing a wealth of experience and fresh vision to the school.
Jacobs, who previously servedastheHeadofHigh School at Curro Kathu in South Africa's Northern Cape, steps in-to his new role with more than 20 years of experience in education. He joins the Walvis Bay Gymnasium team under the leadership of Curro Holdings, the JSE-listed independent school group, which expressed confidence in his ability to build on the school'sstrongfoundation.
Speaking about his appointment, Jacobs shared his educational philosophy “Myaimistoinfluencethoseinmysphereso that the gamechangers in our society can multiply I'm excited by this new opportunity to grow as a professional and person, and to get to grips with a new schooling system. I look forward to meeting
new people and seeing how they develop and grow, both staff and learners. If this is the focus, the results and performances will speak for themselves ” Jacobs holds a B.Com in Financial Management from RAU (now the University of Johannesburg), where he also completed his Honours degree, followed by a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE)fromUNISA.His teaching background includes accounting, business studies, and economic and management studies(EMS).
Inadditiontohisacademic credentials, Jacobs has an impressive track record in sports, having coached rugby at the provincial level in South Africa and holding a World Rugby Level 2 coaching qualification.
Curro Holdings believes Jacobs is well-positioned tostrengthentherelationships between learners, staff, and parents, while also enhancing the school's sports programs. “We are excited to see Rickert'sskillsinactionat Walvis Bay Gymnasium,” said Colette Rieckert, Managing Director for Curro Education in Namibia.“Wehavebuilta beautiful school that provides high-quality education, focusing on academics, physical health, and emotional well-being to empower our learners to become futureleaders.
With Rickert's background as both an experiencededucatorand coach, we are confident he will take our sports program to new heights and further solidify our reputation for excellence inNamibia.”
NAMCOR Provides Key Updates on Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration
Namibia's oil and gas industry is rapidly advancing, with multiple high-impact exploration and appraisal activities currently underway in the Orange Basin—one of the world'smostpromisinghydrocarbonregions.
The National PetroleumCorporationof Namibia (NAMCOR) has released significant updates on ongoing projects across several petroleum exploration licences (PELs), marking substantialprogressinthe country's energy sector Venus Development Moves Forward (PEL 56 – Block 2913B)
TotalEnergies and its joint venture partners QatarEnergy, Impact Oil and Gas Namibia, and NAMCOR are fast-tracking development studies for the Venus oilfield, one of Namibia's most exciting ultra-deepwater discoveries.Whiledetailed post-well studies on core samples and fluid data continue, drilling operations for the Tamboti1X exploration well, which began in October 2024, are still ongoing.Theconsortium is also conducting technical evaluations to map out further exploration opportunities.
Mop and Complex Shows Strong Potential (PEL 83 – Block 2813A)
Operator Galp, alongside NAMCOR and Custos Energy Ltd, hasconfirmedanother significant light oil and gas-condensate discovery in the Mopane-1A appraisal well. The well, spudded on 23 October 2024, was successfully completed by 28
November 2024, reinforcing previous finds from Mopane-1X and Mopane-2Xwells. Meanwhile,theMopane2A well, which began drilling on 2 December 2024, encountered additionalhydrocarbondeposits in two promising geologicalstructures.
Drilling has now commenced on the Mopane3X exploration well (Well#5)aspartofanextensive appraisal campaign, while a highdensity 3D seismic surveyisunderwaytorefine developmentplans.
Kapana-1X Well DrilledbutNoCom-mercial Discovery (PEL 90 –Block2813B)
Despite not finding commercial hydrocarbons, the Kapana-1X exploration well, drilled by ChevronNamibiaExploration Ltd, NAMCOR, and TRAGO, has provided valuable geological data for future explorationinthisfrontierarea oftheOrangeBasin.The jointventureremainsoptimisticandwillintegrate findings to guide future drillingcampaigns.
Sagittarius-1X Well Underway (PEL 85 –Block2914A)
Drilling operations for Sagittarius-1X, the first well in a multi-well exploration program by Rhino Resources, Azule Energy, NAMCOR, and Korres, began on 18 December2024usingthe NobleVenturerDrillship. Thewellisexpectedtobe completedwithin45days aspartofalargerstrategy to assess the block's hydrocarbonpotential.
Kudu Gas-to-Power Project Progresses (PL003–Block2814)
The Kudu Gas Project, led by BW Kudu Ltd and NAMCOR, is movingclosertofinalizing its Field Development Plan, which will be submitted to the MinistryofMinesandEnergy by Q2 2025. This strategic national project aims to harness Namibia's gas reserves to meet domestic energy needs and support regional power supply Preparations for an appraisal drilling campaign are also underway
Extensive Studies
Continue on PEL 39 (Blocks 2913A & 2914B)
Shell Namibia, in partnership with QatarEnergyandNAMCOR, is conducting comprehensive post-well studies on core samples from the Jonker, Enigma, and Graff wells. These studies aim to enhance the geological understanding of the reservoirs and identify further development opportunities. NAMCOR continues to conduct Geological, Geophysical,andEngineering studies to refine the understanding ofNamibia'soilandgas potential.Thecompany is also hosting data rooms for international investors interested in upstream oil and gas opportunities, supporting farm-ins and new licence applications throughtheMinistryof MinesandEnergy
Youth Climate Fund Boosts Green Innovation in Walvis Bay
Anewwaveofyouth-ledclimateactionistakingshapeinWalvisBay,withyoung environmentalistsbeingrecognisedfortheireffortsinsustainableagriculture.
TheHananGreenAcresYouthProject,fundedbytheWalvisBayYouthClimateAction Fund,celebrateditswinnersthisweek,withtheAlphaLeo'sofWalvisBaysecuringfirst placeandaprizeofN$5000fortheiroutstandingcontributions.
Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes congratulated the participants, commending themfortheircommitmenttotrainingschools in agriculture and crop cultivation, emphasising the importance of food security MayorForbesalsoannouncedthattheproject hassecuredasecondroundoffunding,withan additional N$1.8 million from Bloomberg Philanthropies to further support youth climate initiatives. “We encourage the youth to think innovatively, think outside the box, and come up with sustainable ideas for the secondroundoffunding,”MayorForbessaid. “Those who were part of the first round can applyagain,astheynowhaveatrackrecordof success.”
The competition, an initiative by the Walvis Bay Municipality and facilitated by Mrs M. Vermaak,sawfive-memberteamscompeteto develop the best sustainable gardening projects.
Winners: AlphaLeo'sofWalvisBay–N$5000
KuisebmundSecondarySchool–N$3000 DesertView–N$2000
The winning team members, Leo's Sakaria, Michelle, Adelicia, Candice, and Stefany, were praised for their innovative approach. The project was officially launched on 31 August 2024, with workshops and plot allocations Learners attended training sessionsledbyexperiencedfacilitatorsbefore beginning their planting on 21 September 2024. Project Manager Obedine Tsuses highlighted the project's goal of promoting environmentalsustainabilitywhileequipping young people with practical agricultural skills.
The Walvis BayYouth ClimateAction Fund, managed by the Office of the Mayor with support from Bloomberg Philanthropies, continues to empower the youth in the fight against climate change. With the new funding, even more young innovators will have the opportunity to develop impactful, sustainable projects that contribute to a greenerfuture.
Matutura Secondary School
A Story of Transformation and Hope
Eileen van der Schyff
MatuturaSecondarySchool,onceaplaceofstruggleandfrustration,isnowashiningexampleof transformation, discipline, and hope. Just a year ago, the school faced challenges with student discipline,lackofmotivation,andanenvironmentthatdidlittletoinspirelearning. However,since Mrs Leonie Reid took over as principal in February last year, the school has undergone a remarkableturnaround,provingthatwithstrongleadership,determination,andsupport,eventhe mostchallengingsituationscanbetransformed.
Before Mrs Reid's appointment, the school faced daily fights, lack of discipline, and a disengagedstudentbody Today,theatmospherehas completelychanged. Du-
ringavisittotheschoolon Monday, Namib Times witnessed firsthand the discipline and respect among students. After theirbreak,learnersquicklyformedneatlinesand
made their way to their classrooms without a fuss, sightthatwouldhavebeen unimaginable a year ago. Mrs Reid has not only instilled discipline but has also fostered a sense of belongingandhopeamong thestudents,manyof
whom come from disadvantaged backgrounds With improved academic structure and mentorship, theselearnersnowseetheir educationasapathwaytoa betterfutureratherthanan obligation. Builtjustthree yearsagotoaccommodate
CONSENT: Self-Catering Accommodation FacilityONERFNO:104TOWNSHIP/AREA: DolphinBeachSTREETNAME&NO:Damara TernStreet,104.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self-Catering accommodation Facility
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 14 February 2025.
KennedyMotonane,POBox2037,WalvisBay email:rmotonane@gmail.com
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipality of Walvis Bay, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing:
1. Erf 35 Dolphin Beach (Cormorant Street): Rezoning from Single Residential with a density of 1:500m² to Single Residential with a density of 1:300m²,andsubsequentsubdivisionintoPortion1 (±350m²)andtheRemainderErf35(±350m²); 2.Erf2142Meersig(unregisteredportionofErf113 Meersig) situated on the corner of Fourth Road North and Second Road West: Subdivision into Portion 1 (±305m²) and the Remainder Erf 2142 (±677m²).
The aforementioned applications are submitted in termsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme(asamended), and the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5of2018).
(a) the background information documents lies open for inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101,TownPlanningSectionofMunicipalityofWalvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam NujomaAvenue,WalvisBay Anelectroniccopycan be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@sp.com.na
(b) any person having comments or objections to the applications,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofWalvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the lastpublicationofthisnotice;
(c) the deadline to submit written comments, representations,inputand/orobjectionswillbeonorbefore 17:00Friday,28February2025.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na 0642013339
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipality ofSwakopmund,and/orMinistryofUrbanandRural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:
Erf 69 Tamariskia (1 Franziska Van Neel Street): Subdivisionintotwoportions(PortionAandRemainder).Thesitemeasures±800m²inextentandiszoned SingleResidentialwithadensityof1:300intermsof the of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. The site is currently occupied by two dwelling units and therefore,itistheintentionoftheownertocreatetwofree standing dwelling units (houses) with the proposed subdivision.
TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), SwakopmundZoningScheme,asamended,and/orthe Environmental ManagementAct, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007).
thepre-applicationbiddocumentliesopenforinspectionattheTownPlanningDepartmentoftheSwakopmund Municipality, on the corner of Rakotoka and DanielKamhoStreetSwakopmund,orcanberequestedfrommario@sp.com.na.
any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheSwakopmundMunicipalityandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.
Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Thursday,27February2025.
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773
the increasing number of students struggling to secure enrolment in other schools, Matutura Secondaryhasquicklybecomea crucial institution in Swakopmund. Despite early setbacks,theschoolisnow a place where learners are thriving. Theyareeagerto bepartofprojectsthatwill improve their lives and contribute to their community The school has recentlytakenamajorstep into the digital age, thanks to a generous donation fromSwakopUranium. A brand-new computer lab, valued at N$607 228, was officially handed over, providingstudentswith20 new internet-connected computers. This initiative ensures that learners have access to technology, equippingthemwith
essential skills for the future. Duringthehandover, Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope praised Mrs Reid's leadership, describing her as a passionate and dedicated educator He encouraged learners to embrace the opportunities before them, reminding them that their current circumstances do not define their future. His personal story of starting school without shoes resonated deeply with the students,inspiringthemto persevere despite challenges The transformation of Matutura Secondary School has been possible not just through leadershipbutalsothrough strong community support Companies and individuals have stepped uptohelp.SwakopUra-
nium has not only funded the computer lab but also startedtheconstructionof the school's boundary wall, ensuring a safer learning environment Rössing Foundation contributed tables and chairs for the computer lab Hybrid Lynx (Germany), owned by Sultan Ghaznawi and Zalikha Ghafar, donated stationery packs, inspiredbytheirdaughter April's wish to support students. Each pack contained two pens, a pencil, aneraser,andasharpener A Namibian-led relief initiative provided hygiene packs to two students, including sanitary pads, soap, toothpaste, roll-on deodorant, and a sweet treat. Additional sponsors have supported the “Business in a Box” project, an initiative that encourages entrepreneurship among students, giving them practical skills for the future Despitethehardshipsthat many students face at home,somewalkinglong distancestoschool,others looking after younger siblings alone, Matutura Secondary School is now a place where they find hope and stability The commitment of the staff, the generosity of donors, and the determination of the learners have turned this school into a success story Matutura Secondary Schoolisnolongeraplace ofstrugglebutaschoolof hope, opportunity, and excellence.
Photos: Eileen van der Schyff
Walvis Bay Basin Oil Block Attracts Major Interest, Extending Farm-Out Deadline
Global Petroleum, an AIM-listed oil and gas exploration companywithafocusonAfricaandtheMediterranean,has extended its timeline for securing a farm-in partner for its petroleum exploration license (PEL) 94 in Block 2011A, locatedintheWalvisBasinoffthecoastofNamibia.
GlobalPetroleumhasconfirmedthatseveralwellknown players in the oil and gas industry have expressed renewed and new interest in PEL 94, further cementing Namibia's position as an emergingexplorationhotspot. Whilethecompany had initially set a deadline to finalise a farm-out agreementby31December2024,ithasnowopted for a more flexible approach. “Our priority is to evaluate all available options thoroughly, without beingconstrainedbyastricttimeline. Bydoingso, we aim to achieve the most advantageous terms and conditions for the company and its shareholders,” Global Petroleum stated Discussions with a potential partner were first announcedinAugust2024,andwhileprogresshas been steady, the company's management believes that the additional interest from industry heavyweightspresentsanopportunitytosecurethe bestpossibledeal.Thelicensearea,covering5798 squarekilometresinwaterdepthsbetween450and 1 550 meters, is estimated to hold 2.7 billion barrels of oil in unrisked net best estimate (P50) prospectiveresources.
Namibia's state-owned oil company, NAMCOR, holdsa17%carriedinterestinPEL94,withprivate firm Aloe Investments Two Hundred and Two holding a 5% carried interest. The search for a strategicpartnerisseenascrucialtounlockingthe full potential of the license and advancing exploration activities in the region. Global Petroleum CEO Omar Ahmad emphasised the significance of the recent interest. “We are committed to exploring all opportunities and securing the best possible deal for our shareholders.The renewed and new interest from well-known companies is a testament to the potentialofPEL94.Thisstrategicdecisionallows us to achieve the most beneficial outcome for the
RecentdrillingeffortsintheOrangeBasinbyoil majors Shell and Chevron have yielded mixed outcomes, with Chevron’s subsidiary, Harmattan Energy,failingtodiscovercommercialquantities ofhydrocarbons.
CONSENT: Self-Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 433 (2) TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand, STREETNAME&NO:KuisebAvenue433(2)
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringUnit.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 24 February 2025.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LilanieLiversage POBox16UgabStreet,Langstrand, emailaddress:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com
Floating Dock Set to Anchor Namibia's Oil Boom
Namibia's oil and gas sector is on the cusp of a transformative breakthrough as TotalEnergies moves closer to securing a floating production, storage, and offloading (FPSO)vesselforitsultra-deepwaterVenusdevelopment. TheFPSOcontract,nowinits final bidding stages, will play a crucial role in unlocking the massive 2 billion barrels of recoverableoillyingbeneath3000metresofwaterintheOrangeBasin.
An FPSO is a floating oil production facility designed to process hydrocarbons at sea, store crude oil, and offload it onto tankers for transport. This technology is a game-changer for remote offshore fields like Venus, where building traditional seabed pipelines to shore wouldbeeconomicallyunfeasible.
By deploying an FPSO, TotalEnergies can bypass the costly and time-consuming infrastructure that onshore processing would require. Venus is not only one of the deepest discoveries in Namibia's waters but also one of themostcomplex. Apartfromoil,thefieldholds anestimated8.7trillioncubicfeetofassociated gas, presenting both a challenge and an opportunity
The FPSO selected for Venus will need to managesignificantvolumesofbothoilandgas, makingitoneofthemostsophisticatedoffshore unitstooperateinAfricanwaters. SouthKorea's
Hanwha Ocean is emerging as the frontrunner for the contract, ahead of competitors such as Dutch offshore specialist SBM Offshore Hanwha's advantage lies in its pre-approved FPSO design, which has already received approval from classification bodies like the American Bureau of Shipping and Bureau Veritas.Ifawardedthecontract,Hanwha'sFPSO willbecapableofprocessing160000barrelsof oil and 500 million cubic feet of gas per day Namibia's emergence as a potential energy powerhouse is driven by a series of discoveries intheOrangeBasin,withShellandGalpEnergia also making major finds. Galp's shallower MopaneprojectisracingagainstVenustobethe country's first producing oilfield, with plans for itsownFPSOdeployment.
The appeal of FPSOs extends beyond Venus. Thesevesselsofferaflexibleandcost-effective solution for offshore oil and gas extraction, particularly for new markets like Namibia, where infrastructure is still developing. Unlike traditional rigs, FPSOs can be redeployed to other locations once a field is depleted, making them a sustainable option for frontier energy developments.
TotalEnergies is expected to finalise its FPSO selection by early this year, with first oil productiontargetedfor2029.
First Harvest at Daures Green Hydrogen Village
TheDauresGreenHydrogenVillageAfrica'sfirst100%NetZero green community, located in the heart of the Erongo region, successfullyharvesteditsfirstcropofcucumbersfromitsclimatecontrolledgreenhouse.
This milestone underscores the resident's commitment showing how green hydrogen projects in the country can play a role in enhancing food security andeconomicdevelopment.
The harvesting of the cucumbers marks a significant achievementfortheinnovative project, which aims to leverage green hydro-
gentechnologytodrive sustainable developmentintheregion.
Thegreenhouseisfully climate and irrigation operates with a Priva climate automated system, optimising conditions for year-round production, increased growth rates, and higheryields,meaningthe community can optimiseonwaterusage.
By using hydroponic
In accordance with the Environmental Management Act 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007), notice is hereby given to all possible Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner for environmental clearance as follows:
Project: Construction and Operation of a Solar PV Plant including Battery Energy Storage and Overhead Transmission Lines to support Green Hydrogen And Ammonia Production.
Proponent: Zhero Molecules Walvis Bay (Pty) Ltd
Location: Farm Bloemhof 109 Erongo Region.
th Public meeting 1. Date: 13 February 2025 Place: Swakopmund, Venue: Tamariskia Hall, Time, 10H00 –12H00
th Public meeting 2. Date: 14 February 2025, Place:Arandis, Venue:Arandis Community Hall, Time, 11H00 – 13H00
st Deadline for Comments: 31 April 2025
Register as I&Aps @: Email: , info@tec.com.na
PostalAddress: P.O. Box 35473, Cell phone: +264811220114 or +264811477889
agriculture (soilless) where we plant vegetables in a cocopeat substrate and irrigate with drip irrigation.
Underneaththecocopeat growing medium, we have water collection sumps to catchandrecycleany excesswater
This way they can anticipate and reduce water usage by up to 70% compared to soil-based methods while recycling runoffwatertominimise waste and support sustainablepractices. Fertilisers are added to the irrigation water, which is computer controlled. We thus have very low waterconsumptionin our greenhouse compared to other soilbased irrigation methods.
National Planning CommissionDirector General and Green Hydrogen Council Chairperson, Obeth Kandjoze recently visited the Daures Green Hydrogen Villagetodiscussthe future of sustainable energy and local agriculture while exploring innovative ideastoadvancetheir green hydrogen initiatives.
In the Estate of the late Silke Irene Snyman who died on 26 December 2023 and was residing at Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund, Erongo Namibia.
Notice hereby given that the First and Final L i q u i d a t i o n a n d Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at the officesoftheMasterofthe High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for all interestedparties.
If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executor will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.
Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street
POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:MAT19747-PH/am)
To assist the HSSE department inAdministration of Policies, Standards and Regulations relating to Fire, Health and Occupational Safety Programs and the application and enforcement of various Safety and Environmental Programs.
· Implementation of Health, Safety and Environmental Operational Procedures.
· HSEAwarenessTraining.
· Conducting of HSE meetings/toolbox.
· Conducting of accident and incident investigations.
· Conducting of environmental, health and safety inspections.
· Employee and contractor Inductions/Permit to works
· Participates in internal audits
· Spillage prevention
· Operational control over enforcement of port environmental regulations
· Environmental monitoring and measurement
· Dangerous containers segregation
· Diploma in Public/Occupational health and safety/certificate in environmental control/
SAMTRAC certificate/;
· 2 years' experience in safety and 1 year experience in Occupational Health or Environment.
· BE Driver's license.
To develop, implement and maintain the Integrated Management Systems (IMS) in compliance with relevant standards, such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001.
· Develop, implement, and maintain the IMS framework in alignment with ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and other relevant standards.
· Coordinate periodic reviews, updates, and approvals of IMS policies, procedures, and records.
· Monitor and report on IMS performance metrics, including non-conformities, corrective actions, and opportunities for improvement.
·Track changes in legal and regulatory requirements to ensure the IMS remains compliant.
· Plan and schedule internal IMS audits, ensuring they are conducted efficiently and in compliance with ISO standards.
· Follow up on audit findings, ensuring corrective and preventive actions are effectively implemented.
· Organize and deliver IMS-related training and awareness programs to employees and contractors.
· Promote a culture of continuous improvement by engaging with all levels of the organization on IMS objectives.
· Diploma/Degree or equivalent [NQF Level 6] in Health and Safety, Environmental Science, Quality Management, or a related field.
· Five (5) years' relevant experience, of which three (3) should have been in a supervisory capacity
· LeadAuditor Certification in ISO IMS (ISO 9001,14001, 45001).
· NEBOSH, SAMTRAC and ISO 9001/14001/45001 LeadAuditor Certifications
· Excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
· Strong organizational and analytical abilities.
To supporting the development, implementation, and maintenance of Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality (HSEQ) systems and initiatives within the organization and to ensure compliance.
· Develop and maintain HSEQ Policies and RiskAssessments, ensuring alignment with relevant regulations and standards.
· Conduct workplace inspections, audits, and risk assessments to identify hazards and implement control measures.
· Coordinate incident investigations, perform root cause analysis, and recommend corrective actions.
· Support the implementation of security protocols to protect personnel, assets, and information.
· Collaborate with stakeholders to enhance the security of operational areas, including access controls and surveillance systems.
· Support in the development and implementation of IMS in line with ISO 9001, ISO14001 and ISO45001 standards.
· Develop and maintain emergency response plans, ensuring they are tested and understood by all relevant personnel.
· Coordinate drills and exercises to enhance organizational readiness for potential emergencies.
· Diploma/Degree or equivalent [NQF Level 6] in Health and Safety, Environmental Sciences/Management, or a related field.
· Five (5) years' relevant experience, of which three (3) should have been in a supervisory capacity
·AddedAdvantage: NEBOSH, SAMTRAC and ISO 9001/14001/45001 LeadAuditor Certifications.
· Excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
· Strong organizational and analytical abilities.
·Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
Ensure optimal reliability and performance of terminal equipment by analysing failures, implementing preventive strategies, and improving maintenance processes.
· Monitor and improve equipment reliability through data analysis.
· Develop and implement preventive and predictive maintenance strategies.
· Conduct root cause failure analysis (RCFA) and recommend corrective actions.
· Support maintenance teams in optimizing asset performance and uptime.
· Utilize CMMS software for tracking and reporting maintenance data.
· Ensure compliance with HSSEQ standards and company policies.
· Provide technical support and training for reliability improvements.
· Diploma/Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Industrial, or related field).
· 3 years experience in a related field of which 2 years should be as reliability or maintenance engineer
· Knowledge of CMMS, RCM, FMEA, and RCFApreferred.
· Strong analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills.
· Namibian citizenship and valid Code BE driver's license required.
· Excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
· Strong organizational and analytical abilities.
To oversee the development, implementation, and management of security protocols, ensuring the safety of employees, assets, and operations.
· Develop and implement security policies and protocols to ensure a secure operational environment.
· Conduct regular security audits to identify vulnerabilities and recommend corrective actions.
· Monitor and manage access control systems, CCTV surveillance, and other security technologies.
· Oversee crime prevention initiatives, including the monitoring of high-risk areas and the implementation of deterrent measures.
· Collaborate with law enforcement agencies, local authorities, and other stakeholders to address security concerns and incidents.
· Manage on-site traffic flow to ensure safe and efficient movement of vehicles and pedestrians.
· Promote a culture of safety and security by educating staff on protocols and best practices.
· Ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements related to security operations.
· Diploma/Degree or equivalent [NQF Level 6] in Security Management, Law Enforcement, or a related field.
· Five (5) years' relevant experience, of which three (3) should have been in a supervisory capacity
· Proficiency in managing CCTV systems, access control systems, and security technologies.
· Strong incident investigation and reporting capabilities.
· Excellent communication, interpersonal and presentation skills.
· Strong organizational and analytical abilities.
·Ability to work collaboratively in a fast-paced environment.
To oversee the daily operations of receiving, dispatching, storing, and distributing spare parts and supplies within the terminal warehouse.
· Manage the receiving, shipping, handling, distribution, and storage of all products, and supplies.
· Maintain strict control over inventory levels to meet internal demands and minimize downtime.
· Supervise and plan regular rolling stock checks to ensure accuracy
· Link inventory parts with the CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management System) module to support technical and planning teams.
· Ensure all warehouse transactions are recorded in the CMMS system promptly and update part information in the ERPsystem as required.
· Supervise, train, and appraise warehouse staff to meet company expectations, ensuring required follow-up actions are taken.
· Follow and enforce the company's Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental policies and procedures, as well as relevant safety legislation.
· Monitor and ensure warehouse equipment certifications are valid and schedule safety checks to maintain 24/7 readiness.
·Assist in preparing the annual forecast and planning budgets for inventory and warehouse needs.
· Diploma/Degree or equivalent [NQF Level 6] in Business,Accounting, or a related field.
· Five (5) years' relevant experience, of which three (3) should have been in a warehouse supervisory capacity preferably in the shipping or transportation industry
· Proven experience in managing inventory and overseeing staff in a warehouse environment.
· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills.
· Strong organizational and problem-solving abilities.
·Ability to work collaboratively in a high-pressure environment.
foreign qualifications must include Namibia QualificationsAuthority evaluation proof. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Donation of 340 erven to residents in Extension 27,29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper).
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 30 (1)(z)(ii) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund st intends to donate 340 single residential erven to 1 time homeowners residing in Ext 27, 29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper) as per Council resolution of 28 November 2024, under item 11.147.
Narraville Secondary School Benefits From Act of Kindness
Rudi Bowe
Wizy Man Investment teamed up with Hamika Traiding Group and PowerPipeWaste Solutions and donated N$10 000tothenewlybuiltNarravilleSecondarySchoolinWalvis Bay
The Chief Executive Officer at Wizy Man Investment, Friedrich Shigwedha said that the donation forms partoftheirCorporate Social Responsibility initiative focused on education and livelihood, which aims to help learners from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Receiving the donation, Acting Principal at the school, Ester Nevonga expressed gratitude, highlighting the impact such support has on learners' education and well-being. Nevonga urged other businessestofollowsuit andassisttheschool.
Donation of 340 erven to residents in Extension 27,29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper).
Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 30 (1)(z)(ii) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund st intends to donate 340 single residential erven to 1 time homeowners residing in Ext 27, 29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper) as per Council resolution of 28 November 2024, under item 11.147.
st The purchasers must be 1 time homeowners therefore anyone who has proof that a purchaser owns or has owned land in Namibia is encouraged to submit such proof to the official below
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday,18 February 2025
Please take note that NO objections via e-mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number
Only enquiries will be considered at the email address below
Mr C Awaseb: cawaswb@swkmun.com.na Tel: 064-410 4231
Notice No: 06/2025
Tutaleni High School Learners Enjoy New Outdoor Seating Thanks to Rotary Club Walvis Bay
Learners at Tutaleni High School in Walvis Bay started the new school year withsmilesastheyreturnedtoabrandnewoutdoorseatingarea,madepossible by the Rotary Club Walvis Bay and generousdonors.
The initiative started in 2024 when the school's Learners' Representative Council (LRC), with the support of their guardian teacher, approached the RotaryClubwitharequesttohelpturntheirvision intoreality Theirgoalwastocreateanoutdoorseatingspacewherestudentscouldrelaxandsocialise duringtheirbreaktimes.Withthenecessaryresources secured, work on the project commenced towardstheendoflastyearandwassuccessfullycompleted just before Christmas. Student were delightedtofindthenewfacilityreadyforuse.
The Rotary Club Walvis Bay extended their best wishes to the school community, expressing their hope that the seating area will serve students well formanyyearstocome.Theyalsotooktheopportunitytoacknowledgeandthankthedonorswhose contributionsplayedabigroleinmakingtheproject asuccess.
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityof Swakopmund, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing: Erf 931 Vineta Extension 4 (adjacent to Penguin, MowenandStrandlopertjieStreet):Rezoningfrom General Residential 2 with a density of 1:250m² to GeneralResidential1withadensityof1:250m². Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsof theSwakopmundZoningScheme(asamended),andthe Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018). The need for rezoning relates to increasing the permitted building height from 8 meters under the GeneralResidential2landuseprovisionsto13meters undertheGeneralResidential1landuseprovisions.
(a)thebackgroundinformationdocumentliesopenfor inspection at the Town Planning Department of the MunicipalityofSwakopmund,cornerofRakotokaand Daniel Kambo Street, Swakopmund. An electronic copy can be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@sp.com.na;
(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice;
(c) Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Friday,28February2025.
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773
StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay, and/or the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:
1. Erven 567 and 568 Langstrand Extension 2 (2-4 Foreshore Street): Consolidation into Portion X and subsequent Rezoning from Single Residential with a densityof1:500toGeneralResidential1withadensity of1:250.
2. Erf 1130 Walvis Bay (267 Nangolo Mbumba Avenue):RezoningfromSingleResidentialwithadensity of 1:300 to General Business with a bulk factor of 2.0andthesubsequentapplicationforanEnvironmental ClearanceCertificate.
3. Erf 231 Walvis Bay (36 Sam Nujoma Avenue): Rezoning from Single Residential with a density of 1:500toSingleResidentialwithadensityof1:300and thesubsequentsubdivisionintotwoequalportions(PortionAandRemainder).
TheapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018),Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme, as amended, and/or the EnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007). Takenotethat:
(a) the pre-application drafts (bid documents) lie open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay situatedatCivicCentre,WalvisBayorcanberequested frommario@sp.com.na;
(b)Potentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvitedto register with Stewart Planning, and any person having commentsorobjectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsandcomments,togetherwith thegroundsthereof,withtheChiefExecutiveOfficerof theMunicipalityofWalvisBayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice. Writtenobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00 Thursday,27February2025.
Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na 0642013339
LHU Boosts Digital Learning by Donating Computers
Sharlien Tjambari
TheMondesaCommunityLibraryattheGerminaShitaleni Multi-Purpose Centre has received a major boost with the addition of a fully equipped Computer Lab, thanks to a generousdonationfromLangerHeinrichUranium.
Recently, the company donated 20 computers and two printers, valued at N$300 357, to enhance the library'sdigitalresources.
Swakopmund'sMayor, Cllr Blasius Goraseb, emphasised the library's significant role in fostering literacy, lifelonglearning,andproviding access to both the internet and vital information for people of all ages. He highlighted the library as a crucial hub for the community, offering notonlyawell-stocked collectionofbooksbut also Wi-Fi access, which ensures that young people are equippedwiththetools to succeed in today's digitalworld.
However, the library had faced a major challenge: 80% of its computers were outdated, malfunctioning, and unable to meet modern technological standards. This limi-
tationhinderedaccessto essential resources like online research, job searches, and educationaltools.Thelibrary's management had appealed to the council for support, recognising the need for upgraded equipment to better servethecommunity In response to this call for help, Langer Heinrich Uranium generously donated 20 new computers worth N$275 057, along with two printers valued at N$25 300.
Johan Roux, Managing DirectorofLangerHeinrichUranium,expressed the company's commitment to community development, stating that the library's tagline, “Oasis of Knowledge,” reflects their ongoing support for local initiatives, “We believe that booksandcomputersare powerful vehicles of knowledge. They educate, empower, and facilitate the exchange ofideas,”saidRouxand
furtherstated,“Wehope this donation will unlock the untapped potentialofthecommunity and assist the dedicated library staff in theirimportantwork. Goingforward,community involvement remains one of Langer Heinrich's core values, and we reaffirm our commitment to the Erongoregion.”
The Director of Education, Arts, and Culture, Erenfriede Stephanus, voiced her ministry's support in a speechdeliveredbyMrs
Asino Stephanus acknowledged the pivotal role technology plays in education and highlighted the importance of providing students with tools to stay competitive in the global market. “In this rapidly evolving digital era, we must ensure our schools, libraries, and communities are equipped with the resources they need to succeed in the 21st century,” she said.
Pereira Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd. with its operations based in Walvis Bay, Namibia specialises in harvesting the best quality fish species using latest technological standards, onboard processes, and deep freeze of quality harvested fish species.
For expansion of our business, we seek to appoint a vibrant, focused, innovative and skilled candidate to be part of our dynamic and energetic team in the following position:
Reporting to: Export Manager Location: Walvis Bay
The main purpose of the Logistics Administrator is to but not limited to support the Company's logistics and supply chain process, from receiving, storage, coordinating and delivery of its products to organizing, managing documents pertaining to storage, issuing, and shipping of goods as well as liaising with shipping agents, clients, and customers etc.
· Assist and part take in the logistical planning of cold storage, warehouses, transportation, and suppliers.
· Handle supply chains or distribution in a company and makes sure of on time products delivery
· Liaise and communicate with cold store staff for product movements and arrangements.
· Prepare and review shipping documents e.g. invoices, purchase orders and bills of lading etc.
· Liaise and communicate with shipping agents regarding products exporting.
· Capture, log and trace all required logistics and administration data onto the Navision software system.
· Execute any other logistics and supply chain administrative duties as per management request.
· Grade 12 with a bachelor's degree in logistics and or supply chain an added advantage.
· A minimum of at least 5 years logistics / supply chain working experience, with fishing industry and or shipping agent working experience an added advantage.
· Previous and or current Navision software experience will be a preference and an added advantage.
Basic accounting knowledge including tax and excellent computer literacy knowledge in MS Excel and MS Word.
Ability to work with a complex and diversity workforce and in a team, Attention to detail and accuracy, Flexibility (Ability to work longer hours) and under pressure, Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, Excellent written and communications “speaking” skills, Excellent record keeping skills, Excellent influencing & negotiation skills.
· A Police Code of Conduct Certificate with no endorsements obtain during the last 6 months or application receipt.
· Only successful applicants shall be contacted, and shortlisted candidates can be subjected to screening and vetting process.
· No CV's or supporting documents shall be returned.
Pereria Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd.'s prides itself in offering competitive market related salary and is committed to employing previously disadvantaged Namibian candidates who are hereby encouraged to apply Applications with cover letter, resume / curriculum vitae (CVs) and supporting documents meeting the vacancy requirements must be forwarded and or delivered to: Dawid Nuuyoma | Human Resources Executive | Pereira Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd | BenAmathila Street | Walvis Bay | Namibia | P O Box 3751, Walvis Bay, Namibia | Telephone: (+264) 83 3343179 | E-mail: dawid@bluesea.com.na
CLOSING DATE: Thursday, 6 February 2025
Kongsberg Maritime is an international company with job opportunities worldwide. The company is a market leader in Marine Systems,Automation, Propulsion Control, Tank Gauging, Dynamic Positioning, Navigation,DeckMachinery,PropulsionSystems, SensorsandRobotics.
KongsbergMaritimeNamibia(Pty)LtdisrepresentingKongsbergMaritime’sbusinessunitsandproduct linesinAfrica.WeareactivelylookingforamotivatedandambitiousServiceAdministrator
Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia
•Beapartofthesupportoperationandensurethatallcommunicationandcustomerrequestsaregiventhe rightattention/priorityandresponse
Ifyouwouldliketoapplyfortheabove-mentionedposition,sendyourapplicationdirectlytoour companywebpage:https://kongsberg.easycruit.com/vacancy/application/send/3451091/30536
Mr AndreStrauss, -ManagingDirector,KMNamibia,or andre.strauss@km.kongsberg.com
Ms.JanicevanRooyen, –ServiceOperationsManager janice.vanrooyen@km.kongsberg.com
Alternativelycontact KarolinaNamawe,HumanResources
For further information regarding Kongsberg Maritime please visit: www.kongsberg.com
At Kongsberg, we believe in tackling challenging problems and delivering extreme performance for extreme conditions. We do that through excellent products and services developed for delivering the greatest benefits to our customers.
WORLD CLASS – through people, technology, and dedication
CONSENT: Home-Based Office: Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 4324
TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 30 James BrownStreet.
In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Home-Based Office: Cash Loan.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan21February2025.
CharlotteMRaulie,POBox1766,Kuisebmond,WalvisBay email:charlyraul001@gmail.com
C l a s s i f i e d s
Walters Electrical is seeking for a Construction Manager
- Motor Vehicle Lisence
- 5Years of experience in maintenance and construction
- People skills, Need to be able to work well and efficiently with others
- Willing to work after hours and away
- Work well under pressure
Cv’s can be delivered or email to info@walterselectrical. com
for domestic work work, cleaning, guesthouses. I have 13 years experience. Lagoon, Dolphin, Meersig &Fairways. Contact:0813393210
JOBWANTED:Iama38 year old woman looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. I have a grade 12 certificate. I am willing to start anytime Contact: 081 684 3341/081 339 3210
JOBWANTED:Iama41 year old woman looking for ironing, washing and cleaning work Contact: 0812289515
JOBWANTED:Iama32 year old lady looking for any kind of work opportunity I have 5 years experience in domestic work, 3 years in administrative officer, 2 years experience as sales personnel.WalvisBay,even2 daysaweek.Contact:081 4162744
JOBWANTED:Iama23 year old lady looking for anykindofworkinWalvis BayorSwakop.Iamready to start immediately, can work under pressure I have grade 12. Contact: 0817951761
JOBWANTED:Iama49 year old woman looking
JOBWANTED:A40year old woman is looking for domestic work. Mondays toFridayor3timesaweek. Ready to start anytime, Walvis Bay Contact: 081 2817888
JOB WANTED: Magreth is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay and Langstrand.Forfivedays. Contact:0813572105
JOB WANTED: I am currently looking for any kindofwork,C1license.I can drive any car I am hardworkingandwillingto doextraworkthatwillgain more experience. Speaks AfrikaansandEnglish. Contact:0813824459
JOBWANTED:Iama39 year old woman look-ing
for domestic or babysitting work in Walvis Bay I am very hardworking. Contact: 081 7543169
WERKGESOEK:Ekis ‘n 49 jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk vir3 daeper w e e k , M a a n d a e , Woensdae en Vrydae, ek kan ook Saterdae werk. Ekkanenigedagbegin. Kontak:0858090258
JOB WANTED: I am a 31yearoldladyislooking for domestic work. I am fluent in Afrikaans and English. I am willing to start anytime Contact: 0813785332
JOBWANTED:Iama27 year old lady looking for domesticworkinSwakopmund for Monday to Fridayor3daysinaweek, I have 7 years experience and ready to start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 3296041
JOBWANTED:Iama31 year old looking for a drivingjobinSwakopmund,I have a Code C1 driving licenseandGP,Iamhardworking and ready to start as soon as possible. I can drivelongdistances,Ihave 3yearsexperience. Contact:0812373393
JOB WANTED: I am a post graduate in the
NaturalResourceManagement field, currently looking for work in this field or waitress, in Swakop-mund, I am willingtolearnandexplore newjobopportunities. Contact:0812595823
JOBWANTED:Iama41 year old lady looking for cleaning work or domestic work, or security work. I amwillingtostartanytime in Swakopmund or Long Beach.Contact: 081 298 7253
WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘nbetroubarevrou,opsoek na huiswerk, was en stryk vir 2 tot 3 dae per week in Swakopmund, Röss-
mund, Nonidas, LangstrandenWalvisbaai. Kontak:0816575018
J O B WA N T E D : I am a 25 year old lady lookingforhousekeeping, taking care of children, garden work or any kind ofworkinSwakopmund,I am a Namibian citizen withexperienceandready tostartassoonaspossible. Contact:0813883480
JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old lady looking for any domestic work in Swakopmund, I am hardworking and I speak English and Afrikaans, I am ready to start immediately Contact:081560 5230
Our heartfelt condolences goes to the family and friends of Mr KelvinAlcock during this sorrowful time.
Wishing you peace to bring you comfort, courage to face the days ahead and loving memories to forever hold in your hearts.
Dear Honorable, Derek Klazen Minister ofFisheries and Marine Resources of Namibia
On behalf of Walu Fishing Investments (Pty) Ltd, we extend our heartfelt condolences to you and your family on the passing of your beloved mother on 28 January 2025. During this difficult time, we hope you find comfort in the love and support of those around you. May her memory bring you strength, and may you be surrounded by peace in the days ahead
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Please accept our deepest sympathies With sincere condolences,
MTC Senior Men's Regional Rugby Competition Set to Kick Off
Mobile Telecommunications (MTC), in partnership with the Namibia Rugby Union(NRU),willhosttheSeniorMen'sRegionalRugbyCompetitionthatwill featurefourregionalteamscompetingfortophonours.
The highly anticipated MTC Senior Men's Regional 15's Competition is scheduled to kickoffonSaturday,22 February in Windhoek withthesecondlegon1 March in Rehoboth whilst the final leg will be in Windhoek on 8 March The regional teamwillconsistoftwo teamsfromtheKhomas region, one team from thecoastalregionwhile thetwoRehobothclubs will join forces with Grootfontein for the fourth team The Coastal team will consist of players from Kudus, Dolphin and Sparta whilst the one team from the Khomas region will consist of playersfromWanderers and Western Suburbs, with players from United and Unam forming the second team and players from RehoFalcon,Rehoboth
Rugby Club and Grootfontein Rugby Club will form the fourth regional team. Some of the under 20
players will also get an opportunitytoplay The MTC Senior Men's Regional 15 tournament represents a significant opportunity toenhancethedevelopment of rugby in Namibia by leveraging regional competition and fostering talent at senior level and to identify talent and provide additional game time for local players and will forms part of preparations for Namibia's Rugby World Cup qualifying campaign The NRU aims to create a sustainablepathwayfor players to excel nationally and internationally The event is thus designed to provide regional players with a platform to demonstrate their skills and secure opportunities to progress within the national rugby structure The regional tournament is a crucial step in Namibia's journey towards global rugby
success,inadditiontoa number of fixtures to prepare the national squad Namibian Director of Rugby, JacquesBurgersaidata press conference held on 28 January in Windhoek, the MTC Senior Men's Regional 15s Tournament is designedtoenhancethe performance and visibility of Namibian rugby talent at a regional level. Burger said, “the objective of the tournament is to foster pride, strengthen regional rugby structures, identify and develop talent for national teams, promote rugby as a unifying sport across Namibia and to provide players withcompetitivematch experience in a highperformance setting ” He added that the key focus of the NRU will be the national team's preparations for the Africa Cup in July and qualification for the 2027RugbyWorldCup in Australia Burger
highlightedthatahighperformance coaching team would develop a comprehensiveformula for drafting and selecting players to ensure well-balanced and competitive teams. This process will prioritise fairness. “We will make sure everybodyisrepresentedand all clubs have an appropriate number of players in each team depending on where they finished in the 2024 season,” Burger said. The Head Coach of the Kudus Rugby Club Roger Thompson said that this year will probably won't get the fullbenefitofexposure in all regions as anticipated with the three weekend fixtures only limited to the centralised regions According to Thompson, “the initial presentation to potential sponsors to market this campaignwasthatfour regions will be hosting alegeach,howeveritis nowonlylimitedtotwo
Key Responsibilities:
• Install, maintain, and repair marine switchgear systems.
• Perform troubleshooting and fault-finding on electrical systems.
• Conduct testing and quality assurance of marine electrical equipment.
• Ensure compliance with safety standards and industry regulations.
• Provide technical support and guidance to clients when required.
Minimum Requirements:
• 3 - 5 years experience in the marine industry
•Arelevant electrical engineering qualification.
• Proven experience with marine switchgear systems (preferred).
• Strong diagnostic and problem-solving skills.
•Avalid driver's license.
•Ability to work independently and as part of a team.
• Willingness to travel and work flexible hours, if needed.
What We Offer:
• Competitive salary based on experience.
• Opportunities for professional development and growth.
•Adynamic and supportive work environment.
Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia Closing Date: 03 February 2025
How toApply: Submit your CV to cv@dmssnamibia.com.
Please ensure all relevant certifications are included.
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
Join our team and help shape the future of the marine industry with DMSS!
venues-Windhoekand Rehoboth, with no commercial benefit for the coastal region.” He said that it will be a major challenge for the Coastal team to remain competitive by traveling three consecutiveweekendsinarow and then kick off their league campaign a week later He stated, coastal players will havetotravelforseven weekends from the possible fourteen weekends of rugby lined up under the new proposed format, something the coastal clubs are not prepared for with players' work commitmentsandshifts being a major challenge. “It does not do
any justice to "taking rugby to the people" insteadit'sstillacaseof the people having to travel to rugby” Thompson said. Hauta Viie, Dolphins Rugby ClubCoachsaidthathe think it's a very good idea. “I hope it's just a start. We can make it bigger in the future. Maybe latter get under 15 and 19 players in. Viie said, “it's a great opportunity for players togainselectionintothe national team and it's a good incentive for players to stay fit through the off season asthistournamentstarts earlier than the club season.” He added that the benefits are endless and the potential for
improvement and expansion of the tournament is huge. “I hope it becomes an annual tournament.” Namibia will take on Boland on 22 February in Windhoek, and two game againstthevisitingBlue Bulls from South Africa, on 17 June at a coastal venue yet to be announced and on 21 June in Windhoek Additional fixtures againstaBarbarianside madeupoflocalplayers are yet to be finalised and will be announced induecourse.
namib times
Coastal Gymnasts Awarded
Coastal Gymnasts were awarded for their achievements at the Namibian Gymnastics Federation (NGF) awards ceremony held recentlyattheWindhoekRhythmicHallinOlympiainWindhoek.
Rhythmic gymnast from OVR – Swakopmund Angelina Namases with her coach Leonie Botes. nastics.
This was the first awards ceremony since 2017thatwashostedby the NGF where they celebrated the achievements of its star gymnasts over the past year inrhythmicgymnastics, trampoline and tumbling, and artistic gym-
The coastal Gymnasts that were awarded were; Nina Fortuin WAG, Paityn Jacobs WAG, Eleanor Dukhie T&T, La-Rochelle Laynes WAG and T&T, Antone Du Preez WAG andT&T,ElanzaSteyl–
T&T, Zay-Lee Appolis WAG, Beata Nakambale WAG and T&T, Carane' van Zyl T&T, Noa Lofty-Eaton T&T, Jessica Blaauw T&T, Gerda Koop T&T, Clarisse Carneiro T&T, Matthias Nel T&T, ChaltonIpinge–MAG,
Darius Botha – MAG, Mieke Sylja Steinmetz – WAG, Ava Louise Koff,JoyLanaKabooy, Christina Theron, Gabriella Johannes, Daniela Chikwara, Meivy Mateus and AngelinaNamases. After a successful electiveAGA,theNGF isproudtoannounceits n
Executive for the next twoyears.
Executive President:
Secretary General: MarietteVanZyl
Treasurer: Hanjo Schlabitz
Media & Public Relations officer: Chantelle Janse Van Rensburg
Chairperson WAG: ClaudiaJaeger
Chairperson T&T: CharlizeVanZyl
Chairperson RG: BrittSAdonis-Byl
Chairperson MAG: MoriheiAnderson
Athletes Representative:CaranèVanZyl
Technical Director: Vesko Kostin & Petra Thorburn
T&T, La-Rochelle Laynes WAG and T&T, Antone Du
second line: Elanza Steyl – T&T, Zay-Lee Appolis WAG, Beata
and T&T, Carane' van Zyl T&T, At the back: Coach Roumiana Kostin, Coach Vesselin Kostin, Noa Lofty-Eaton T&T and Jessica Blaauw T&T
JDK Gives Convincing Performance at Mount Royal 7s
TheJamesDeKoker(JDK)7steamnamedafterthelateJamesde Koker, a former board member of FNB Kudus Rugby Club recently before they went gave a convincing performance crashing out at theWesbank Mount Royal 7s as they went down 14-10toHillcrestinapulsatingplatefinal.
The JDK 7s players fromWalvisBaydrew 26-26 against Wolseley and went down 19-12 Young Hamiltonsinthegroupstage ofthetournament.The coastal boys then defeated Coronations 38-5 in the plate quarter final and beat Paarl Rangers 38-5 in the plate semi-final to progress to the plate final. JDK 7s team was part of 24 teams that were divided into eight pools of three each competed for the total prize pot of R70 000. TheHeadCoach of the JDK 7s team, Roger Thompson said that the Wesbank 7s
tournament rates among the best 7s rugby has to offer in South Africa, and to finish sixth overall is a good achievement for theplayersasitwasthe first time the team progressed this far Thompson stated, “the level of competition is quite high but the players really stood their ground against sometopclubteamsin SouthAfrica. “Itwasa great opportunity for our players to measure themselves against seasonedplayersatthis tournament,”headded. According to Thompson,thereisastrong7s rugby culture espe-
ciallyintheBolandand Western Cape with someofthebestplayers in the country hailing from these provinces.
“It'sde-finitelypossible to achieve much bigger success at this tournament in the near futureifourplayersare exposed to regular 7s competition locally before traveling abroad” the coach said. “We need continue to build our sevens team with the aim to win the tournament in the foreseeable future,” Thompson said The Kudus Rugby Club management the JDK 7s team players and management thanked
their main sponsor GoodStuff Investments as well as Eco Global, DS9, Erongo Commodity Traders, Omahooli Solutions and Zedo Financial Services for their contributions The JamesDeKoker(JDK)
sevens team of 15 players consisted of Franco Vries, Ja-Tamson Van Der Berg, Gregory Namaseb, Delano Vries, Quirone Majiedt, Darren Beukes, Rayshawn Shoombe, AJ Zaahl, Denver Beukes, Aston
Mukwilongo, Suramie Kambombo, AJ Kearns, Michael Koopman, Irongwa Atshivudhi, Lucio Isaacs with Roger ThompsonastheHead CoachandJoeBlomas theTeamManager