17 jan namib times e-edition

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Diedekades-langepraktykbysommige skole om nuwelinge te onderwerp aan fisieke en emosionele afknouery, beter bekend as ontgroening, het skoolouers inSwakopmundwoedend.

Namib Times is die afgelope week oorval met oproepe van ontstoke ouers wie se spruite onderworpeaanhierdiepraktykwas(is).Volgenshulle isditnet'nandervormvanafknoueryendiefeitdat skoolhoofdevandiespesifiekeskoledittoelaatis onaanvaarbaar vir die woedende ouers. Een van die ouers het aangedui dat sy kind hierdie jaar Graad6by'nsekerehoërskoolmoetherhaalendat hulle(ouers)alreedsmoessukkelomdieleerderse moraalweerteligomterugtekeerskooltoe.“My kind se selfbeeld was reeds laag nadat hy verlede jaar gedruip het en nou moet dit nog verder met hierdie praktyk vertrap word,” het die ouer uitgevaar Volgenshomhetsykindblykbaaraanvanklik geweier om deel van die ontgroeningsproses te

TransNamib to Invest N$ 1.7 billion in Locomotive Upgrade

wees,aangesienhyditalreedslaasjaardeurgemaak het. Hy is glo egter “in sy gesig” deur die skool se prinsipale gewaarsku dat sou hy nie deelneem nie, dieskoolhoofhomvandieskoolsalverwyder Met die Namibiese Wet op Basiese Onderwys wat uitdruklik enige vorm van ontgroeningspraktyk wat fisieke of emosionele skade aan studente kan veroorsaak,aangesienditas'nvormvanmishandeling en teen die wet beskou word verbied, oortree diesulkeskoledusdiewet.

Nog'nontstokeouervan'nanderhoërskoolinSwakopmund het geen doekies omgedraai nie. Hy het aangedui dat sou sy kind by die skool ontgroen word,hysonderwoordedireknadieskoolhoofsal gaan en hom goed opdons, waarna hy homself aan diepolisiesalgaanoorgee.Volgenshierdieouerhet sy klagte by die Ministerie van Onderwys se Streekskantoorhomnetverderverwarenwoedend gemaak, nadat daar blykbaar aan hom gesê is dat alleskoleditdoen.“WaarstaanditindieRegeringsGazette dat skole dit mag doen of toelaat?Wat dra die praktyk by tot kinders se opvoeding?” wil hy weet. Hy het aangedui dat as deel van die ontgroeningsproses by diè skool glo insluit dat die

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Tref-en-trap Ongeluk – !Gonteb Familie soek Geregtigheid

“Die gebrek aan vordering in die ondersoek is kommerwekkend..”

Die familie van wyle Kevin Kelly !Gonteb het vandeesweek hul ontevredenheidrakendediefeitdatdiepersoon of persone wie vir sy dood verantwoordelik is tot hede nie gearresteer is nie.

“Ons voel dat daar nie genoeg vordering met hierdie saak gemaak wordnie,veralinaggenome dat die area waar dievoorvalplaasgevind het kringtelevisiekameras het, maar geen verdagtesisnoggeïden-

tifiseer nie. Ons is gefrustreerd dat die polisie nie die uitslag van die nadoodse ondersoekmetonsgedeelhet nie.Ditisontnugterend aangesien die polisie skaars uitreik om ons

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes

Tref-en-trap Ongeluk

Foto (verskaf): Wyle Kevin !Gonteb

op hoogte te hou van die ondersoek; ons moet moeitedoenomoptevolg.Ditvoelasofdiesaak nie geprioritiseer word nie, al behels dit die tragiese verlies van 'n lewe in 'n tref-en-trap. Die skuldige(s)kannieongestrafblynie,”lui'nskrywevandiefamilie.

Die 40-jarige oorledene se liggaam is Sondagoggend,22Desembertussen2:00en3:00indie nuwenywerheidsgebiedinJohnyaOttostraatin Swakopmund deur twee verbygangers in 'n plas bloed ontdek Die polisie se voorlopige ondersoeke het daarop gewys dat die oorledene deur 'n voertuig gestamp was, waarna die bestuurderweggeryhet.Diepolisieondersoeksake van strafbare manslag, roekelose en/of nalatige

bestuur, versuim om beserings en skade na die ongelukvastestel,enverlatingvandieongelukstoneel. Diefamilieduivoortsaandatsyheengaan 'ngrootverliesvirhulleis.Hullebeskryfhomas'n geliefde en gerespekteerde lid van die Swakopmundgemeenskap,metgrootplannevirsylewe,sy kindersendiegesinasgeheel.Hyhet'nbelangrike rolgespeelindieondersteuningenversorgingvan syseskinders,volgensdiefamilie.“Sykindershet nie net sy finansiële ondersteuning verloor nie, maarookdieliefdeenleidingvan'nvaderfiguur.”

Na aanduiding was wyle Kevin 'n dieselwerktuigkundige wie in Caterpillar-masjiene en grondverskuiwingsmasjinerie gespesialiseer het. Hy was hoogs bekwaam en gerespekteerd in sy veld, vertel sy familie. Buiten sy professionele lewebeskryfhullehomas'nvreugdevollepersoon wiealtyd'nglimlagopsygesiggehadhet.“Hywas aktiefbetrokkebysykerk,hetdiejeugkoorgeleien was ook 'n lid van die Mascato Coastal Youth Choir, wat hom op toere dwarsoor die wêreld geneem het. Dit is te lank sedert die ongeluk plaasgevindhet,endiegebrekaanvorderingiskommerwekkend.Onshoopdieowerhedesalhierdiesaak ernstigerbeginopneem,”hetdiefamilieafgesluit. Namib Times het vandeesweek nie-amptelike inligtingontvangdatdiebestuurdervan'nbekende Swakopmundbesigheidindieverbandgearresteer is.SeniorInspekteurJudithShomongulahetegter diebeweringreggestelenaangeduidatdiepersoon slegsvirondervragingingeroepwas,aangesienhy blykbaar een van die eerste persone op die toneel was.Polisieondersoekeduurvoortenenigiemand met inligting kan die polisie by 081 321 4978 of 0812031808,ofdienaastepolisiekantoorkontak.

Action Against Chief Marshall Ranger Demanded

“This is actually ridiculous and yet another feeble attempt to tarnish my name”

– Sean Naude

A letter of complaint against Sheriff Sean Naude of the Namibian Marshall Rangers,addressedtotheSwakopmundMunicipality'sCEO,hasreachedNamib Times.

Thecomplaintstemsfromanallegedincidentduring lastDecember'sJettyMileeventatSwakopmund.

According to the writing a letter was sent out to all vessel owners and boat operators, requesting them to clear the area (Tiger Reef to The Mole) during the timeframe of the event.Apparently, this was done to ensure the swimmers' safety and only authorised safety vessels, including seven kayaks with rescue swimmerswereallowedtooperate.

However,MrSeanNaudesupposedlydidn'tadhereto therequest.“Theunauthorisedmovementofavessel byMrSeanNaudeposedarisktoboththesafetyteam andalsotheswimmersthatwerepresentonthedayof theevent,”theletterreads.Itisfurthermorestatedthat when Mr Naude was apparently asked to vacate the area, “he became extremely aggressive and abusive” towards the safety team members. Naude allegedly became aggressive by speeding down on the safety vesselswithhisboat,swearingandshouting,anddemanding for their registration documents, as well as qualifications. Naude allegedly also demanded of them to vacate the water, claiming that they had no righttobeonsea.TheletterfurtherstatesthatNaude thenattemptedtostoptheeventfromtakingplaceand proceeded “racing up and down along the swimming route.”ItisfurtherallegedthatNaude,whowasapparently alone on his boat, experienced engine troubles whilemovingtowardsoneoftheswimmersandoneof thekayaks.“Hisenginedied,andhewasapproaching the swimmer and kayak in an uncontrolled manner,” thecomplaintreads.

Theauthoroftheletter,whoaskedforanonymityfurtherstatesthat,“Theunsavouryactionsandattitudeof Mr Naudeisnotacceptableatanytimewhenhosting suchalargeaudienceandparticipationfromnotonly thelocalcommunitybutalsointernationalparticipants andspectatorsthatwerepresent.”

TheletterconcludeswithahumblerequestontherelevantauthoritiestoactagainstMr Naude. “FabricatedAllegations”

NamibTimescontactedMrNaudeforresponseonthe letter,andtheSherriffcameoutgunsblazing. According to him these are fabricated allegations, blowncompletelyoutofproportion,labellingitas“a personalattack.”

According to him the letter which was sent out to requestvesseloperatorsandownerstovacatethearea onthedayoftheeventwassharedonWhatsAppaday beforetheevent,andhecouldnotrespondtoitatthat point.As per Naude, he went to the event to observe

fromthesidelines,asthey(NamibianMarshallRangers) are currently the only official Ocean Rescue unit operating along the coast and according to him, Sea Rescueneedtobeinformedofsuchevents.

Hefurtherexplainedthattheswellswereverystrong,and theKayakmemberswerenotabletocrossthereefdueto veryroughseas,alsonotingthatheassistedMrLiebenberg who was using his rubber duck for the event as a back-up volunteer vessel.Apparently, two female occupants of a Jet ski then told him to leave the designated area. The Swakopmund Municipality in fact also instructed him to depart from the area. In his defence, Naude responded that, “this is National waters and not Municipalwaterssotheyhavenojurisdictiontoforbida legally registered vessel with licensed skipper to vacate theocean.,”addingthathewasneverinformedinwriting byanyofficialentitytovacatethearea.

AccordingtoNaude,theracegotstartedandtherewasno kayaks or boat for safety in case anything happened, as Mr Liebenberg's rubber duck was apparently experiencingmechanicalproblemsatthatstage.

One of the swimmers got tired after swimming through thestrongswells,wherebyalifeguardonakayakputup hisoresforassistanceandyettherewasnobodytohelp, saysNaude.AccordingtohimtheJetskioperatorswere too scared to come closer due to a very near roll over earlier and the support rubber duck was still not on its place.“So,Iattended,andtheswimmerwasgivenabuoy, buthoweverdidn'twanttobetakenoutthewater,”Naude recalls.

“TheheadoftheKayakssaidthereisnobodyattheback oftheswimmers,soIsailedtotheJetskiandofferedto takethebackofthepackforsafety Onlyoncemostofthe swimmershadpassedtheJettydidtherubberduckarrive andthenIpulledbackandobserveduntilthelastswimmer was safe and left back to our Sea Rescue Dock at Platz Am Meer The woman on the Jet ski came to me beforeIleftandsaidthatweshouldtalkand,inthefuture, findwaystoworktogether So,formetoreadthisnowis a contradictionto what was said to me as I was actually thankedonthedayforassistance,”Naude'sresponsefurtherstates.

“WeputsafetyalwaysfirstandIdoitatmyowncostand risk.Insteadofthembeinggratefultheyrathertrytarnish mynameanddiscreditmyservices,thisisthetragedyof society,”theSherriffconcluded.

NamibTimes did receive evidence of the letter of complaintbeingreceivedbytheCEO'soffice,howeverbythe timeofgoingtopressnofeedbackonourquestionposed tohimregardingthisissuewascommunicated.

Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

“groentjies”hulbroeke omkeerd moet aantrek tydens skool-ure. “Ek het my kind gesê hy doen dit nie, en indien hy forseer word om dit te doen gaan daardie skoolhoof met my te doenekry Hullekanmy maar in die tronk ook gaan stop,” het die skoolouersgedreig. Nog iets wat van die ouers se gemoedere

hooglaatloopisdiefeit dat hulle nie direk na die skoolhoofde kan gaan om hul griewe te lig nie, want hulle is bevrees dt hul kinders dangevik-timiseermag word.

Op navraag in die verband het die Erongo Streeksdirekteur vir Onderwys, Me. Erenfriede Stephanus bevestig dat die scenario ook onder die streeks-

kantoor se aandag gebring was. Sy het aangedui dat hulle weereens besig is om 'n inligtingsbrief aan skole uit te stuur “Die Basiese Onderwys Artikel 8 is duidelik hieroor Dit verbied fisiese en geestelike geweld en ontgroeningspraktyke teen leerders,” sê Me Stephanus.

More Namibian Students Qualify for NSSCAS in 2025

The results for the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate OrdinaryLevel(NSSCO)andtheNamibiaSeniorSecondary CertificateAdvancedSubsidiaryLevel(NSSCAS)exams,releasedthisweek,showapositiveupwardtrendinthenumber ofcandidatesqualifyingforthenextlevelofeducation.

Atotalof12031candidates,or29.5%ofthose who registered for the 2024 NSSCO exams, havequalifiedtoadvance to the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level in 2025. This marks a 4.3% increase from the 10 261 candidates who qualified in 2024, reflecting steady growth in the number of students progressing to more specialised education. The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Ester Anna Nghipondoka, highlighted that this consistent improvement sincetheintroductionof theASLevelisastrong indication of the nation'spositiveeducational progress "These results demonstrate our continued commitment to prepare learners for higher academic pursuits and better oppor-

tunities in their future careers," said Nghipondoka. In 2025, the Erongo regionhasseen717candidates qualify for the NSSCAS, out of 2 686 registered candidates While this represents a portion of the overall qualifying learners, it underscores the importance of continued educationaleffortsacrossall regions. The Oshikoto region led the nation with 36.9% of its candidates qualifying for the AS Level, followed closely by Kavango West, which had 36.1% of its candidates meeting the necessaryqualifications. This regional performance reflects the ongoing efforts by schools and educators to enhance the academic readiness of students in these areas Nghipondoka said, to qualify

for the Advanced Subs i d i a r y L e v e l (NSSCAS), candidates must achieve at least a Grade C or higher in a minimum of three subjects offered at the AS Level This requirement ensures that only students who have demonstrated strong academic performance are eligible for further study in Grade 12 or other higher education pathways.

Asmorestudentsqualify for AS Level, the education system shows a steady progression in both academic standards and opportunities for learners With Oshikoto and Kavango West leading the way, other regions will likely aim to replicate these successesinfutureyears.

Sharlien Tjambari
Marshallino Beukes

National Examination Results Show Regional Success

TheMinistryofEducation,ArtsandCulturehasannouncedthereleaseofthe2024 Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary (NSSCO) and Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) examination results, revealing notable improvements acrossvarioussubjectsandregions.

Thisyear'sresultshighlightexceptionalregional performances, particularly from the Northern regions, which have emerged as leaders in the examination outcomes According to the Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Ester Anna Nghipondoka, a total of 40 757 full-time candidates registered for the 2024 NSSCO exams, a slight increase from the 40 682 registered in 2023. Nghipondoka, expressed her satisfaction with the improvements in learner performance, particularly in the science and vocational education sectors Oshikoto, Kavango West, and Omusati regions ranked highest in the overall results, with Rukonga VisionSchoolintheKavangoEastregionleading the charge. This school, in particular, has producedtop-performingstudents,suchasJolisa Garises and Tangeniomwene Ingashipua, who have demonstrated outstanding performance in six subjects. Nghipondoka acknowledged the exceptionaleffortsofthesestudentsandschools, emphasising that these results demonstrate the growingstrengthofNamibia'seducationsystem. For the first time in the Ministry's history, top performers at the NSSCO level will receive special awards. An encouraging trend this year wasthenotableimprovementinsciencesubjects. Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Agricultural Science saw an increase in the number of students achieving grades A* to D. Particularly,ComputerSciencesawasignificant reductioninungradedentries,fallingfrom6.1% in2023to3.9%in2024,aclearsignofprogress inthesubject.

Moreover, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) subjects experienced remarkable growth. The percentage of students achieving a Grade A* increased from 2.6% in 2023to4.2%in2024.Theoverallpercentageof students achieving Grade D and above also rose from 58.1% to 63.0%, reflecting the increasing

relevance of vocational education in preparing students for the workforce Nghipondoka emphasized the importance of expanding access to TVETeducationandcalledonregionaldirectorates toequipmoreschoolswithTVETprograms. While manysubjectsshowedimprovement,Nghipondoka stated that there were notable challenges in AfrikaansandEnglishsecondLanguage.According toNghipondoka,bothlanguagessawadeclineintop grades, withAfrikaans second Language dropping from 1.8%A* in 2023 to 0.6% in 2024. Similarly, English 2nd Language also experienced lower results in the top grades. The Minister highlighted the need for targeted efforts to enhance language skills, stressing that interactive and immersive learningstrategies,suchasreadingextensivelyand engaging in debates, are crucial for improving proficiencyintheseessentialsubjects.

Public and private schools alike demonstrated impressive results at both NSSCO and NSSCAS levels.AttheNSSCOlevel,RukongaVisionSchool toppedthelistofpublicschools,followedbyOnawa SSS and Ruacana Vocational SS. In the private school category, Canisianum RCS and Oshigambo HSwereamongthetopperformers. TheNSSCAS resultsalsoshowedpositivetrends,withsignificant improvements in Physics, where 14 7% of candidates achieved a Grade A, up from 7.1% in 2023. Notably, English second Language also saw improvement, with 25% of students achieving a GradeBorbetter,comparedto12.6%in2023.The overallpercentageofgradedentriesincreasedfrom 85.2%to88.1%attheNSSCASlevel.

Inclosing,MinisterNghipondokacongratulatedall the students, teachers, and schools for their hard workanddedication.Forthosewhomettheirgoals, she encouraged them to continue striving for excellence For those who did not meet expectations,sheremindedthemthateducationisa journey, and every challenge is an opportunity for growthandimprovement.

Grootbek op Vrydag

Ontgroening, of Afknouery?

Dit is weer daardie tyd van die jaar dat laerskooleerlinge hul skoolloopbane by hoërskole moet voortsit en virbaieisdieeersteweekof wat 'n nagmerrie ondervinding met ontgroeningspraktyke wat soms hand kanuitruk.

Graadagtleerlingekanbysommige skole opgemerk word met groot plakate waarop neerhalende slagspreukegeskryfisomhulnekkegebind.Vanhullewordookverpligom fopspene in die mond te hou, met borsdoekies soos klein babas aan. Voortsisdaarookopgelethoedatdie prefekte die “verwilderde” Graad agts verskreeu en verkleineer ten aanskoue van die res van die leerders.

Vir baie skole is hierdie 'n tipe van tradisiewatalvirdekadesvoortleef en jaarliks toegepas word, ondanks die feit dat dit teenstrydig met die NamibieseGrondwetis.Waarword die streep egter getrek tussen blatante afknouery en verwelkoming vandie“groentjies”?

Virbaievandie“groentjies”isdit'n avontuur en hulle geniet dit, maar wat van die handjievol wie dalk nie daarvoortevindeisnie?Vanhulleis sensitief vir enige vorm van diktatorskapen/ofafknouerywatinsommige gevalle tuis mag plaasvind.

Hierdie leerders se selfbeeld word verder afgekraak en van hulle mag hierdeur hul skoolloopbane beëindig enlewenslangeemosioneleletselsvan dieafkrakerydra.Indieuiterstegevalle mag hulle dalk na selfdood gedryf word.

Ek kan onthou uit toeka se dae by 'n sekerehoërskoolhostelinWindhoekis 'n “groentjie” vanaf die hangkas in 'n teelepelwaterlaatduik.Hymoeshom voorstel hy duik in 'n swembad. Die seun het sy regterarm gebreek en breinskade opgedoen. Dit was maar rofmetontgroeningindaardietyd. Vandagseontgroening,ofteweloriëntering word glo gebaseer op karakterbouendissipline,wat'ngoeieding mag wees, maar dan moet dit op die regtemanieruitgevoerword. Feitblystaan,ontgroeningbyskoleis ongrondwetlik en sommige skoolhoofdewiedinkhulleisdiekatsesnor sal maar net daarmee verlief moet neem.

Ministry Rejects Employers' Request for Gradual Minimum Wage Rollout

The Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations, and Employment Creation has declined the Namibia Employers' Federation's (NEF) proposal to phase in the National Minimum Wage(NMW)ordelayitsimplementationbeyond1January 2025.

The Ministry argued that employers have had ampletimetoprepareand that the NEF's proposal lacked broader consultation. The NEF is adamant that they are not against an NMW, but are very concerned about unintended consequences,andtherefore had proposed a phased approach, which was however rejected by the MOL.

The NEF expressed disappointment, warning that theimmediaterolloutofthe NMWcouldleadtojoblosses and economic strain, especiallyinsectorsalready struggling. NEF President

Elias Shikongo explained that their proposal aimed to protect jobs and allow businesses to adjust without drastic measures like retrenchments or automation.

“Fair wages are essential, but decisions like this need to balance worker welfare with economic realities,” Shikongo said. He noted that Namibia's high unemployment rate, particularly among youth, could worsenifbusinessescannot absorbtheaddedcosts. The NEF also criticised the

Ministry for not following the Wage Commission's recommendation to allow a 12-month preparation periodbeforeimplementing the NMW Employers had requestedatleast18months to adjust, but the Ministry moved forward without explanation. Adding to the concern is the lack of updated labour market data, withthelaststatisticsdating back to 2018. Shikongo emphasised that this makes it difficult to predict the policy's impact. “We risk

making decisions in the dark, and rushed implementation could harm the veryworkersthepolicyaims toprotect,”hesaid.TheNEF pointed out that the security sector had been granted a phased-in approach, suggesting this precedent could benefit other vulnerable industries like agriculture and domestic work. The NEF's earlier proposal recommended a step-by-step rollout, starting with more resilientsectorsin2025and allowing vulnerable sectors

until2027tocomply Despite the setback, the NEF remains committed toworkingwiththeMinistry and other stakeholders to find a sustainable solution. “Our goal istoensuretheNMWsupports workers and businesses alike,” Shikongo said. The NEF continues to advocate for a gradual rollout to avoid unintended harm, urging the Ministry to reconsider its stanceforthebenefitofall Namibians.

Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff

TransNamib to Invest N$1.7 billion in Locomotive Upgrade

TransNamibisgearingupforatransformationwithaN$1.7billioninvestmenttoacquire 23newlocomotives. Inadditiontothenewfleet,thecompanywillallocateN$311millionto rebuildsevenexistinglocomotives,effectivelyextendingtheirlifespanbyanother20years.

The ambitious plan is funded through a combined N$2.6 billion loan secured in June from the Dvelopment Bank of Namibia (N$500 million) and the Development Bank of



clusively for the com-

pany's rolling stock and workshop upgrades. TransNamib CEO, Desmond van Jaarsveld, emphasised the importance of the investment. “This is what we're going to procure, 23 new locomotivesandtherebuilding of seven existing ones. When I say rebuild,Imeanwetake the whole thing apart,

down to 110 pieces, like Lego. Every component, from the turbo to the engine, is refurbished over three to four months. Once reassembled,itwilllast another 20 years.” In addition to the upgrades, TransNamib is settospendN$29million on improving workshop facilities, including mechanical

equipment, heavyduty tools, and steam boilers. Furthermore, N$249 million will be directed toward the procurement of 300 wagons, with the Central Procurement Board overseeing the process. VanJaarsveld stressed that the funds are strictly for operational improvements “No money will go

Zambian Truck Driver Killed in Arandis Accident Identified

According to Chief Inspector Shapumba, the deceased was identified as 42-year-old Mabuto Mumba. His next of kin havesincebeeninformed. The incident occurred at approximately 11:44, nine kilometres from Usakos in the direction of Arandis. Accordingtoreports,the truck,belongingtoFSIMTrucking inZambia,veeredofftheroadand


The vehicle, registered as BCG 7118withtrailerAGB316T,was transporting bags of zinc material atthetime.

The truck was found overturned and resting on its roof, with the driver trapped inside the cabin.

Tragically, the Zambian national driver, was declared deceased at thescene.

towards bonuses or non-essential expenses. This investment is critical and longoverdue.”

Currently, 80% of TransNamib's locomotives are over 50 years old. To address this, the company has begun refurbishing

two locomotives inhouse,withcontractors working alongside TransNamib personnel. The project alsoincludesretraining staff in locomotive refurbishment.

“We're reviving older locomotives while retraining our staff. This is a collaborative effort, and it's laying the groundwork for a more efficient and c

Namib,” Van Jaarsveldadded.
Photos: TransNamib
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff

Namibia's Oil Potential Remains Strong Despite Shell Write-Down

Namibia'sgrowingoilandgassectorhashitasmallbump,asenergygiantShellannounced itwillwritedown$400milliononitsdiscoveriesinPetroleumExplorationLicense(PEL) 39. Thecompanycitedtechnicalandgeologicalchallenges,sayingtheoilfoundoffshore Namibiaisnotyetcommerciallyviable.

While some view this asasetback,keyplayers in the energy sector, including Namibia's Ministry of MinesandEnergyand the African Energy Chamber (AEC), insist that Namibia's oil journey is far from over Since its initial discovery in 2022 at the Graff-1X well, Shell, alongside its partners Qatar Energy and NAMCOR, has drilledeightadditional wells in PEL39. The licensespansavast12 000 km² in deep offshore waters, approximately 250 km from the coast. Though hydrocarbons were found,challengessuch as reservoir quality and subsurface complexitieshinderimmediate commercial development. Advances in technology and furthergeologicalanalysis are expected to provide deeper insightsintotheregion's potential. Namibia's offshore resources, particularly in the Orange Basin, continue to attract major international oil companies.

TotalEnergies, for instance, is progressing with its projects in PEL 56 and expects to make a Final Investment Decision in 2025, with first oil targeted for 2029. Other companies, such as Galp, Chevron, and Rhino Resources, are also activelyexploringNamibia's potential Chevronisfocusedon discoveries in the Walvis Basin, while Rhino Resources is drilling high-impact wells in PEL 85 Theseeffortshighlight the confidence investors have in Namibia's energy sector Tom Alweendo, Namibia's Minister of Mines and Energy, reassured the public and stakeholders that Shell's write-down is not a setback “We have barely scratched the surfaceofouroffshore resources With ongoing exploration campaigns,weremain confident in uncovering commercial opportunities and delivering first oil pro-

duction in the near future,”hestated.

Meanwhile, Galp's recent success marks the second well in its program of up to four exploratory and appraisalwells,usingthe cutting-edge Santorini drillship owned by

Saipem. TheMopane1A well, located in blocks 2813A and 2814B, confirms the Orange Basin's growing reputation as a global hotspot for oil and gas exploration.

The Mopane-1A well encountered light oil

and gas-condensate within high-quality sands, boasting excellent porosity and permeability

AccordingtoGalp,the reservoir also features low oil viscosity and minimal carbon dioxide concentrations,

making it an attractive prospect for future development.

“This discovery highlights the potential of Namibia's Orange Basin as one of the most exciting oil and gas regions globally,” Galp said in its update on 29 November Local partners, Namibian National Petroleum Corporation (NAM-

COR)andCustoseach holda10%stakeinthe PEL 83 project. The Orange Basin is already home to several headline-making discoveries, including Shell's Graff-1 and TotalEnergies' Venus1, hailed as one of the largest oil finds in decades. Galpplansto continue its exploration efforts with additionalwellsanda high-resolution 3D seismic survey that was scheduled to begin in December 2024. This is expected to provide even moredetailedinsights into the basin's subsurfacepotential.

Source: Offshore Energy

Eileen van der Schyff

Stinking Christmas and New Year for Kuisebmond Residents

Residents of Amitist Street in Walvis Bay's Kuisebmond suburbwereinforasmellyFestiveSeason,asapermanent solution for clogged sewage drains in the area is yet to be instituted.

Namib Times did report on this issue during last year and according to residents, the Municipality of Walvis Bay is trying their best to assist them, but all efforts seem to be in vain as the scenario remains. During the December holidays, the municipality's response team presented residents of the area with all the foreign objects pumped out of the drains, cautioning them to refrain from dumping these solid objectsinthesystem.

However, it seems some community members are not adhering to their call, as sewage overflows as a result of blocked drains are still being experienced, almost daily

What angers the residents most is the fact that even their toilets, kitchens and bathrooms are flooded withsewagewater

The residents are urging

the Municipality to come up with a permanent solution immediately as they find it unbearable to live in these unhygienic conditions.“Thisisreally worrisome it has been going on for three days. I'm vomiting because of this smell. Where should one go and stay now? It's now three consecutive days with a very bad smell, no appetite, even from the kitchen zinc, as it's also blocked,” one of Amitist Street's residents noted Another one remarked, “this is ridiculous, I have a small babyathome,thesmellis disgusting, we can't even wash our dishes as our sinksareblocked.”

Amitist Street's residents areurgingforreplacement of the entire sewage systeminthearea.According to them, this scenario is ongoing for about three decades now, becoming

worse by the day In responseonquestionsby Namib Times during December 2024 regarding this issue, the Municipality of Walvis Baysaid,“theoverflows were caused by blockagesinthesewersystem, which were the result of improper disposal of foreign objects into the network.Itisworthnothingthatmunicipalityis implementing long-term solutions to upgrade infrastructureandenhance maintenance protocols. In2022,wecommenced an 18-million-dollar project in Kuisebmond upgrade/reroutethesewer lines, replacement of old AC sewer pipelines and manholes This project started with phase 1 which involved the rerouting of a sewer lineinthatarea,anditis stillongoing.”

Celebrating a Century: The Remarkable Life of Dr. Maria Fisch

On 24 December 2024, Namibia celebrated a monumental milestone, the 100th birthday of the renowned Dr Maria Fisch.Afigure of extraordinary dedication and achievement, Dr Fisch's life epitomizesalegacyofcompassion,resilience,andintellectualpursuit,leavinganindeliblemarkon thenation.

Bornon24December1924,inMenzel,Germany, Dr Fisch grew up on her family's farm in Westphalia After completing her secondary education,sheembarkedonamedicaljourneythat would change countless lives. Her studies at the UniversityofMünsterculminatedinadoctoratein medicine on 31 January 1952 The young physician then honed her skills in German hospitalsinHammandWürzburgbeforeafateful opportunitytookhertotheheartofAfrica.

In1957,Dr Fischansweredacalltoservicefrom theWürzburgMissionaryMedicalInstitute,which brought her to the Kavango region of what was then South West Africa. Her mission: to manage the Nyangana Missionary Hospital, a lifeline for an expansive, underserved population. Over the next decade, Dr Fisch tirelessly crisscrossed the region, often driving hundreds of kilometers in a basic truck to reach patients in four remote outpatient clinics. Her commitment extended beyond medicine—she learned Mbukushu, the local language, to better communicate with her patientsandimmerseherselfinthecommunity By1967,herworkhadexpandedtoAndara,where sheassumedtheroleofdirectoratthenewlybuilt hospital.Despitethephysicalandemotionaltollof herwork,Dr Fisch'spassionfortheregionandits peopleneverwaned.Inherquesttounderstandand serve her patients better, she began studying ethnology Thisnewfoundpassionsoonbecamea


In 1978, after a brief return to Germany, Dr Fisch returned to Namibia to focus on ethnological research. She accepted a government position to study the history and culture of the Kavango people,settlinginRundu,theregionalcapital.Her time there was a blend of rigorous academic research and hands-on social work. With support fromherGermanfriends,shefacilitatedlivelihood opportunitiesforrefugeesoftheAngolanCivilWar by providing them with essential tools and equipment.

For nine years, Dr Fisch conducted intensive fieldwork, amassing invaluable insights into the traditions, language, and history of the Kavango people.Hercommitmenttopreservingandsharing this knowledge led her to Windhoek, where she utilized scientific libraries to refine her findings. Her prolific output included numerous scholarly articles and several groundbreaking books that enriched the world's understanding of Namibia's culturalandlinguisticheritage.

Even after her official retirement in 1987, Dr Fisch's contributions to Namibia did not cease.

From 1992 to 1993, she served as the chairperson of the Namibia Scientific Society and remained a prominent figure in the academic and cultural spheres.Herleadershipextendedbeyondresearch; she guided expeditions to historically significant sites such as the Tsodilo Hills in Botswana and

Kavango. Dr Fisch's generosity and dedication were not confined to acadmia. Her philanthropic spirit shone brightly in Swakopmund, where shesettledin2004.She meticulously curated her large photo collection and donated invaluable cultural artifactsfromtheKavango to the Swakopmund Museum.Herenduring commitment to Namibiaearnedherhonorarymembershipinthe Scientific Society of Swakopmund.

Over her remarkable life, Dr Fisch has received accolades befitting her achievements.

In 1966, she was awarded the papal BENEMERENTIgold medal for her exceptional service. In 2009, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germanypresentedher with the Federal Cross of Merit First Class, a testament to her profound impact on both Namibia and Germany

Today,DrFischresides attheLionsRetirement Home in Swakopmund, where she continues to inspire those around her with her wisdomandgrace.Her

100thbirthdayisnotjustapersonalmilestone,itis acelebrationofalifededicatedtothebettermentof humanity FromthesandytrailsofKavangotothe libraries of Windhoek, her journey is one of unwavering dedication, intellectual curiosity, and anunrelentingdrivetomakeadifference. DrFisch'sstoryisabeaconofhopeandanenduring reminder of what one individual can achieve through compassion, perseverance, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Namibia is fortunate to count her among its own, and her legacywillundoubtedlyresonateforgenerationsto come.

The President of the Lions Club Swakopmund, Jonathan Wilsnach, said: “As the nation honours Dr Maria Fisch, we celebrate not just a centenarian, but a pioneer, healer, and scholar whose contributions have enriched the soul of Namibia. Happy 100th birthday, Dr Fisch, thank you for a century of extraordinary service and inspiration.”

Henrichsen & Bingham Optometrists:

Welcoming a new Optometrist and bidding Farewell to a founding member.

Welcoming new Farewell to a founding member.

Sandwich Dune Tours and Car Rentals: Adventure and Culture in Harmony

SandwichDuneToursandCarRentalsoffers exceptionaltourismexperiences.

From guided tours of the stunning Sandwich Harbour to self-drive car rentals, the company provides opportunities to explore Namibia's mosticoniclandscapes.

Visitors can also enjoy birdwatching, photographic safaris, and tailoredcultural tours thatdelveintotheregion'srichheritage.

The company's Dune 7 concession, a popular landmark near Walvis Bay, serves as a hub for adventure, relaxation, and cultural events

Thrilling activities such as dune climbing, sandboarding, and quad biking await adventurous souls, while tranquil picnic spots offer a perfect place to unwind amidst Namibia's breathtakingdesertlandscapes.

This year, The Namib Desert Jazz International Festival will be held at Dune7,blendingworldclass jazz performances with Namibia's majestic landscapes. The festival promises a vibrant fusionofmusic,culture, and nature, creating unforgettable memories forallwhoattend.

Committed to sustainabletourismandcultural enrichment, Sandwich Dune Tours invites you toexperiencethebeauty andheritageofNamibia through adventure, music,andnature.

Bookingsat: cell: +264815533192/ website: www. sandwichdunetours.


Alexander Jansen one of the Dj’s that will be performing amongst others at the Desert Jazz Festival

Follow their facebook for more information on DJ’s and artists that will be performing

Don't miss this exciting event

Festival Partner, Sandwich Dune Tours and Car Rentals

FNB Namibia Crowned Top Employer in Namibia and Africa for 2025

FNB Namibia, a trailblazer in the financial services sector, is thrilled to announce that it has been awarded Top Employer in Namibia and Africa for 2025, an esteemed recognition bytheTopEmployersInstitute.

Thisprestigioushonourhighlightsthecompany's com-mitment to employee wellbeing, growth, diversity, exceptional work environment and development, and strong organisational culture prioritising inclusion and innovation FNB Namibia'stransformationalpeoplepracticeslieat


Aqualine Plumbing Solutions CC herewith intendstoapplytotheSwakopmundMunicipal Councilforthe"ResidentOccupationSpecial Consent", to operate an "administrative office" on the premises of Erf 1153, Swakopmund Kramersdorf (12Waterbank Str) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.

Any person having any objection against suchapplication should lodge such objection/s inwriting and within 14 days of the last publicationto the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality during normal businesshours.

Closing date for objections or comments is: 10 February 2025.

Contact Persons: Mrs B. Ludwig, barbaral@ iway.na or Mr J.Heita (Manager: Town Planning), Tel:+264(64)4104403

theheartofitsinnovativepracticesandwerepivotal insecuringthisawardandpositioningthecompany asanindustryleader

“This recognition is a true testament to our incredible team and the collective effort we've put into building a workplace where every individual cangrow,succeed,andmakeameaningfulimpact,” said Conrad Dempsey, Group CEO of FirstRand Namibia. “At FNB Namibia, we believe our employees are our most valuable assets. By investing in their wellbeing, offering continuous development, and encouraging innovation, we've created a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can reach their full potential.”

“Employee wellbeing is a cornerstone of our culture,” says Isdor Angula, Chief Human Capital Officer of FirstRand Namibia. “FNB Namibia's recognition as a Top Employer underscores the effectiveness of our human capital and business strategies, which places our people at the centre of everything we do. Our processes and practices empower employees to be the architects of their careers, creating a lasting impact that extends far beyondtheworkplace.”


Intoday'sdynamicbusinessenvironment,talentisa critical asset. Being recognised as a Top Employer goes beyond competitive compen-sation; it's about creating an environment where employees can thrive,grow,andfindfulfilmentintheirwork.FNB Namibia'semployee-firstapproachisatthecoreof itssuccessinattractingandretainingtoptalent.The company's strong organisational culture is built on mutual respect, inclusivity, and a shared commitmenttothecompany'smission.Attheheart

of FNB Namibia's missionistobuildaglobally competitive Namibia while providing access to opportunities for its employeesandthewider community

As a proud recipient of the 2025 Top Employer award, FNB Namibia reaffirms its commitment to being an employer of choice. It will continue to provide its employees with the best possible environment for growth and success.

We are a Faith-based organisation dealing with substance abuse issues. Our main objective is to take people living in addiction and restore them to a point where they can become functioning members of society again and live a life of sobriety and recovery

Contact us for more information

ECDC Opens at Green Valley

The community in Green Valley (Farm 37) is celebrating the opening of a new Early ChildhoodDevelopmentCentre(ECDC)designedtoimprovethelivesofchildrenofthe community

Green Valley a 33hectare piece of land situated about nine kilometreseastofWalvisBayhasbeendeveloped to provide housing for low-income residents in Walvis Bay The ECDC, constructedfromdiscarded materials was opened by the chairperson of the residents committee of Green Valley, EmmaGaweses.

Gawesesstartedacommunity soup kitchen two years ago, without any formal funding, driven purely by her passiontohelpthosein need With limited

access to basic services likewater,electricity,and proper sanitation she provides meals to nearly 130 children every day while also supporting teenage mothers and pregnantwomen. Gaweses said, “I was always thinking, what can I do to assist the children in my community, to keep them out of this sun, this heat, for themjusttoroamaround the streets and. As I always believed in education, I came up with this idea of opening an Early Childhood Development Centre that will provide education and care for

children from birth to compulsory primary schoolage.Regardlessof the situations that we face,wecannotsitaround and wait for the government to bring education for the children.” Emma said that she is employed as a security officer at a local fishing factory in Walvis Bay, and with the limited salary she is getting,sheshares10%with thevulnerablechildrenof her community “I just don't sit and ask for help for something that I want todo,Ialwaysstartanddo what needs to be done. That'showIcameupwith everything that is here,”

sheadded. Sheaddedand went on by saying that there are children that come to her and ask for shoes, or they don't have toiletries. “I never say no to them. As long as it's a kidthatisgoingtoschool, I never say no for their needs.Iwillalwaysfinda way to provide for that child.” Gaweses said, “I invitetheMinisterofEducation, with her managementteam,tocometomy centre, walk around and assess; I did my part by bringing education to the children of Green Valley They need to step in and assist me for the sake of the children at Green


This vacancy will be filled taking into consideration the Legacy Hotel Employment Equity Policy



· To be responsible for General Complex Operations, concentrating on the Front of House, during the Night and to ensure that the standards as laid down by the company policies and procedures are implemented & adhered to in order to achieve the highest occupancy percentage, at the best possible average room rate. To provide the best possible standard of service to all guests.


· Minimum Std. 10 (Grade 12)

· Front Office, NQ Level 2 or other relevant tertiary qualifications an advantage.

· Minimum of 4 years' experience in a similar position orAssistant Front Office Manager in a 5-star property

· Infor, Fidelio Opera “Front Office and Cashiering functions” an advantage

· Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office, fluent in English and one other official language

· Display a high level of emotional intelligence

· Great disposition, attention to detail, highly developed service ethics

· Well-developed problem-solving skills, presentable, own Transport KEY RESULTAREAS (FREQUENT TASKS)

· To ensure that all guests are checked in and out in a professional, efficient and courteous manner

· To maintain a high standard of personal service with all customers, internal and external as well as public areas, surpass those set out by Legacy Hotels and Resorts International.

· To manage & control daily revenues and to report any deviations, irregularities to revenue and VAT accruals daily

· To oversee the general running of the food & beverages services during the night and to report any irregularities, with regards to its revenue and staffing, to the Rooms Division Manager & the Food & Beverage Manager

· To compile a daily departmental revenue report and distribute to all Head of Departments every morning.

· To conduct room inspections every night and to ensure that the number of rooms sold for the prior night is equal to that of the housekeeper's report on clean rooms.

· To conduct complex inspections on a regular basis and to report any irregularities to the Rooms Division Manager

· Ensuring that Front Office policies and procedures regarding front desk procedures, switchboard duties, handling incoming messages, mail, deliveries, packages, luggage etc. are strictly adhered to, and that the Night staff is trained accordingly

· Dealing with all guest queries regarding bookings, in-house queries, payments and after-departure services.

· To assist the Sales & Marketing department in promoting and selling the hotels & the facilities to prospective guests.

· Ensuring effective communication from the reception department to all operational departments.

· To make reservations in the absence of the Reservations department and after hours.

· To be fully aware of the trends in the industry and make suggestions for the improvement of the running of the Front Desk, especially during the Night Shift

· To assist as far as possible with the induction and training of new staff members and students.

· To attend the daily Management morning meeting, every day

· To carry out duties that the Rooms Division Manager and F&B Manager may require from time to time.

· To assist in managing the Night Shift Department with all its staff-related issues, rosters, staff briefings, handovers and new employment.

· Monitor the standard of work performance of all night staff and assist with counseling sessions with staff where necessary in conjunction with the Rooms Division Manager

· Monitor the training needs of the Night staff on a regular basis and performing training sessions according to the training plans set up.

· Responsible for the staff morale within the department, ensuring enthusiasm in the department


· Represent the night shift department in management meetings when necessary

· Assist with the formulation of the departmental budget.

REPORTING TO· Rooms Division Manager


Should you wish to apply for this position, and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a CV to:



P.O. Box 616, Swakopmund, swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za

Closing date for applications: 27January 2025

If you have not been contacted within 7 days after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

Valley High-quality early childhood education and carelaythefoundationsfor latersuccessinlifeinterms of education, well-being, employability and social integration. It is especially importantforchildrenfrom disadvantaged backgrounds,” Emma concluded. She calls on good samaritans to contribute food, baby clothes, blankets, school stationery, and toys to help sustainherefforts.



This vacancy will be filled taking into consideration the Legacy Hotel Employment Equity Policy



! Two years' experience in anAssistant F&B Manager position

! Banqueting Experience

! Excellent Communication Skills

! Knowledge of Opera, Micros and Materials Control or Infor and Nebula an advantage

! Knowledge of IR

! Ability to work under pressure and prepared to work shifts

! Passionate about the hospitality industry

! Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office

! Fluent in English and one other official language

! Display a high level of emotional intelligence

! Great disposition

! Attention to detail

! Highly developed service ethics

! Well-developed problem-solving skills

! Presentable

! Valid Driver's License & Own Transport


! Minimum Grade 12

! Hotel School Management Diploma

!KeyAreas of Responsibility

! Producing a high level of guest satisfaction in the service of F&B, by achieving service standards that exceed guest's expectation

! To maintain a high standard of personal service with all customers, internal and external as well as public areas, surpass those set out by Legacy Hotels and Resorts International.

! Responsible for the smooth running of the Banqueting Department.

! To manage and control all outlets within the department to achieve or exceed budget profitability, by maintaining a high standard of service, presentation and efficiency

! To handle complaints in a quick, efficient and professional manner for all guests

! Carry out daily management functions during which time you are responsible for all aspects of guest's satisfaction.

! To have a thorough knowledge of all facilities and service offered by the Hotel

! Responsible for controls; bar stock, operating equipment, revenues and expenses

! To ensure that the department is always economically manned in line with occupancies

! Ensure that Food & Beverage cost are in line with company budgets

! Cash-ups, floats, change and to ensure that all SOP's are followed.

! Responsible for staff training and development

! To ensure that all month-end reports are completed and distributed to the correct department in the required time.

! Ensure that all standards relating to the F&B outlets are adhered to and develop new standards or procedures in conjunction with the F&B Manager

! Kitchen Hygiene standards according to the FCS Report to: F&B Manager


Should you wish to apply for this position, and you are confident that you qualify in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please draft a letter of application and send it together with a CV to:



P.O. Box 616 , Swakopmund swakpay@legacyhotels.co.za

Closing date for applications: 27January 2025

If you have not been contacted within 7 days after the closing date, please consider your application unsuccessful.

The Chairperson of the Residents Committee of Green Valley Emma Gaweses photo below
Rudi Bowe

Bernardo Boxing Promotion Supports Education with Annual Stationery Donations

Bernardo Boxing Promotion cc, in partnership with its mainsponsors,CadiluFishingandWalvisTrawl,hasbeen making a significant impact in the Walvis Bay community through its annual back-to-school stationery donation drive.

Forthepastsixyears, the organisation has provided essential school supplies to underprivileged children,helpingeasethe financial burden on families and encouraginglearnerstopursue education with determination. The initiative has reached students from schools such as Tutaleni Primary School, Seaside Primary School, and Immanuel Primary School. Theaimisto inspire children to

focus on their studies, strive for academic success,andgrowinto responsible, productivecitizens.

Educationisthekeyto a brighter future, and wewanttodoourpart to ensure that every childhasthetoolsthey need to succeed,” said Bernardo from Bernardo Boxing Promotioncc. Thesuccessof thisinitiativehasbeen madepossiblethrough the support of sponsors Cadilu Fishing andWalvisTrawl,who have consistently partnered with Bernardo Boxing Promotion to make a difference in the lives of young learners “This donation is about giving hope and showing these children that their education matters,”Bernardoadded. In addition to supporting education, Bernardo Boxing Promotioncontinuestouplift


Kongsberg Maritime is an international company with job opportunities worldwide. The company is a marketleaderinMarineSystems,Automation,Propulsion Control,TankGauging,DynamicPositioning, Navigation,DeckMachinery,PropulsionSystems,SensorsandRobotics.

KongsbergMaritimeNamibia(Pty)LtdisrepresentingKongsbergMaritime'sbusinessunitsandproduct linesinAfrica.WeareactivelylookingforamotivatedandambitiousServiceProjectCoordinator.

Service Project Coordinator

Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia


• SupporttheServiceOperationsManagerinprojectplanningandexecution

• MonitorCRMdashboard

• Coordinateprojectactivitiesandschedules

• Maintainallprojectdocumentationandrecords

• Assistwithresourceallocationandmanagement

• Monitorprojectprogressandreportupdates

• Facilitatecommunicationamongprojectstakeholders

• UpdateWIPprojectsheet/report

• Maintain24-houroncallservicesupport,includingweekends&publicholidays

• Preparesummarysheetsforprojectinvoicing

• Maintain24-houroncallservicesupport,includingweekends&publicholidays

• HandoverprojectfilestoServiceOperationsManager/ManagingDirectorforapprovalpriortoinvoicing


• 3–5yearsexperienceintheMaritime&ShippingIndustry

• Bachelor'sdegree/TechnicalQualificationinEngineering&orProjectManagement,orrelatedfield

• Experienceinprojectcoordinationoradministration

• Technicalandcommercialunderstanding

• Strongorganizationalandtimemanagementskills

• Excellentcommunicationandteamworkabilities

• Proficiencyinprojectmanagementsoftware

• Abilitytocoordinateandorchestrateateamworkingremotelyandindifferenttimezones

• Driver'slicense

Ifyouwouldliketoapplyfortheabove-mentionedposition,sendyourapplicationdirectlytoour companywebpage:https://kongsberg.easycruit.com/vacancy/application/send/3451091/30536



Mr AndreStrauss,

-ManagingDirector,KMNamibia,or andre.strauss@km.kongsberg.com

Ms.JanicevanRooyen, –ServiceOperationsManager janice.vanrooyen@km.kongsberg.com

Alternativelycontact KarolinaNamawe,HumanResources T:0814423206


At Kongsberg, we believe in tackling challenging problems and delivering extreme performance for extreme conditions. We do that through excellent products and services developed for delivering the greatest benefits to our customers.

theWalvisBaycommunity by keeping the youth engaged in boxing, teaching them
discipline, and steering them away from harmfulactivities.
Eileen van der Schyff



Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the


1 Name and postal addressofapplicant:Go Betting and Investments Namibia CC, P O Box 2379, Walvis Bay

2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: L’orange.

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 1043 Shop

1 & 2, 94 Theo Ben GurirabStreet,Walvis Bay,Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application:Transfer FROM: Andre Joubert (Licencee) TO: Go Betting and Investments CC (Transferee).

5 Where application will be lodged: Walvis BayMagistrateOffice, ClerkofCourt.

6 Date on which

application will be lodged: 23 January 2025.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section28 inrelation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistratenotlaterthan 7 days after the date on whichtheapplicationis lodged.



Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the

Districtof 1 Name and postal

addressofapplicant:Go Betting and Investments Namibia CC, P O Box 2379, Walvis Bay.

2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: Mompolo EntertainmentNo.3.

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Unit 6, MondesaArcade,Erf1151, Mondesa, Ext 3 cnr Madume Ndemufayo

and Independence Street,Swakopmund.

4.Natureanddetailsof application: Transfer FROM: Andre Joubert (Licencee) TO: Go Betting and InvestmentsCC(Transferee).

5. Where application will be lodged: Swakopmund Magistrate Office,ClerkofCourt 6 Date on which application will be lodged: 23 January 2025.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.



Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars ofwhichappearbelow, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof

1. Name and postal address of applicant: Go Betting and Investments Namibia CC, P O Box 2379, WalvisBay

2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: Limbandu.

3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 921, Shop 7, Mica Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay.

4.Natureanddetailsof application: Transfer FROM: Shane Joubert (Licencee) TO: Go Betting and Inv e s t m e n t s C C (Transferee).

5. Where application willbelodged:Walvis Bay Magistrate Office,ClerkofCourt

6 Date on which applica-tion will be lodged: 23 January 2025.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict,to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days afterthedateonwhich the application is lodged.




IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:HomeBaseSalon. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7February2025.


JakobinaNAukongo,POBox7266,Kuisebmond email:jacobinaii08@gmail.com


CONSENT: Private School ON ERF NO: 4059 TOWNSHIP/AREA: WalvisBaySTREETNAME&NO:5thRoadNo.51,WalvisBay

In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:PrivateSchool.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31January2025.




CONSENT: Pizza Lounge ON ERF NO: 3049 TOWNSHIP/AREA: NarravilleSTREETNAME&NO:KalahariStreet,Narraville,WalvisBay

In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:PizzaLounge.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31January2025.


MEFreygang,POBox2456,WalvisBay email:michofreygang13@gmail.com

Smooth Sailing at New Matutura Primary School

The newly constructed Matutura Primary School (MPS) in Swakopmund officially openeditsdoorsforlearnersonMonday.

Namib Times paid the school a visit on this historicdayandaccordingtoEducationInspector Eichab everything is going smoothly He noted that enrolment took place last year already, but there might still be spaces open for learners. Mr Springbok,whoisalsoprincipalatSwakopmund PrimarySchool,willbetheguardianprincipalat MPS for the time being, until a permanent principalisappointed.

The Erongo Director for Education, Ms Erenfriede Stephanus recently informed Namib Timesthattheschool'sfirstprincipalwillstarthis duties during next month. For the little ones (Grades0and1)atMatuturaPrimarySchool,the holidays are still in full swing, as they will only commence with classes on 3 February 2025, as perMrEichab.

An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry invites suitable candidates to apply for the position of:


Your responsibilities

· Operate and monitor seawater treatment equipment and processes to ensure the delivery of clean and safe sea water to the production department.

· Perform regular inspections and tests on water samples to monitor the quality of treated water, including pH levels, chlorine levels and other parameters.

· Adjust treatment processes and equipment settings as necessary to maintain compliance with regulatory standards.

· Maintain accurate records of water treatment plant operations, including daily logs, test results, chemical usage, and maintenance activities.

· Perform routine maintenance and repairs on water treatment equipment, such as pumps, valves, filters, and chemical feed systems.

· Analyses data and trends to identify issues or potential improvements in the water treatment process and implement necessary corrective actions.

· Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and guidelines, such as those set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and any local or state agencies.

· Respond to emergencies or equipment malfunctions in a timely manner to minimize disruption to the seawater treatment process and prevent any impact on production output or planning.

· Collaborate with other operators and maintenance staff to coordinate plant operations and maintenance activities.

· Repairs and overhaul of pumps, valves and pump seals.

Seawater Treatment Plant Operator Required Skills

· Strong technical knowledge of water treatment processes, equipment, and systems.

· Excellent problem-solving and troubleshooting skills to identify and resolve issues that may arise during the treatment process.

· Attention to detail to accurately monitor and analyse water samples and equipment readings.

· Effective communication skills to coordinate and collaborate with team members and other stakeholders.

· Physical stamina and agility to perform routine maintenance tasks, climb ladders, and lift heavy equipment.

· Ability to work independently and make quick decisions in emergency situations.

· Ability to perform pipe fitting, installation of waterlines and related equipment on both fresh and seawater

Required Qualifications

· Grade 12- or 5-years experience as fitter

· Good communication skills in English.

· Previous experience working in a water treatment plant or a similar field is preferred.

· Knowledge of water treatment systems and chemicals use in processes.

· Willingness to work on a rotating shift schedule, including nights, weekends, and holidays.

Please send your detailed CV and qualification to by not later recruitment@catofishing.com than - Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be 05 February 2025 returned.

Weskus 4x4 Vasbyt a Resounding Success

TheannualWeskus4x4Vasbythostedby NamibDesert4x4 Club Walvis Bay Motorsport at the end of last year at the Parkwasaresoundingsuccess.

ThelastVasbytfortheyear started where the roads end and the fun begins with 20 participants includingthreefromSouth

Africa, made it an unforgettable off-road driving experience. The high-octane display of motorsport, featuring ten challenging obstacle stages in three different classes with the South Africans dominating with Izak Maritz and Johan Maritz as the only team

that could win the maximum of 500 points, by winning ten out of ten challenges in the E Class. They were followed by Michael Hudson and Doepie Kern in second, with Corrie Hudson and Robbie Schneider third. However, Dolf Bothma and co-driver Nico Maritz intheir'Farmtruck'pushed themselvestothelimitina bid for the over-all title with 440 points and

securing first place in the D-Class with C-Class winners, Floris Steenkamp Snr and Floris Steenkamp Jnr in their 'Bobbejaan' secure an overall second place with 420 points, while Ewan Mans and Chantrice Harper who ended second in their 'Ratel' earning third overall with 410 points.



1. Floris Steenkamp Snr andFlorisSteenkampJnr

2.RicoBothmaandJossie Maritz

3. Morne Oosthuizen and RichardOwen


1. Dolf Bothma and codriverNicoMaritz

2 Ewan Mans and


3 Nico and Herman Theron



2. Michael Hudson and DoepieKern

3 Corrie Hudson and RobbieSchneider


1. Dolf Bothma and codriverNicoMaritz

2. Floris Steenkamp Snr andFlorisSteenkampJnr

3 Ewan Mans and

ChantriceHarper Photocontributed


Nico Tromp Wins

37th Fishing Bonanza

Kuda Chickwara Wins First Competition

Thefirstgolfcompetitionof2025atthe WalvisBayGolfCoursedrewamedium sized field of 29 players, as not all members were back and ready for the newseason.

Kuda Chickwara won the seasons opening competition with 38 points with Sandro de Gouveia one shot behind on 37 and John Sardinha a further shot off the pace for third place. Connor Gibson, Nardo Sardinha and Chris Heunis won 2 club money This weekendwewillbethe WalvisBayGolfClub's Winner ofWinners in a Medalformataswellas the Winner of Losers will be a straight Stablefordcompetition.

The SENIOR Golfers also got back on course and John Redman shot 43 points to secure the first win for the year Harald Engling was

secondon36,winninga count out from Hoffie Viljoen Harald also wonthe'loafoftheday'. The COMMITTEE and the MEMBERS will be inactiononSaturday25 January for the CHAIRMANS CUP In a closely contested eventlastyearitwasthe MEMBERS who scraped home by 14 points to seven, so the COMMITTEE will be out to take revenge, so be afraid. The WALVIS BAY OPEN will take place on Saturday1 February, only a oneday event. It is 36 holes for all divisions with a Stableford competition over18holesalsointhe mix.

Father and Son Dominate 2024 Nedbank Desert Classic

Father and son, Michael Tune Senior (Snr) and Michael Tune Junior (Jnr) dominated the Nedbank Namibia and Hollard sponsored 2024 Nedbank Desert ClassicGolftournament,(alsoknownasNamibia'sMajor),whichtookplaceatthe RössmundGolfCourseoverthefestiveperiodinSwakopmund.

The father-and-son duo scored 46 points in round oneonthefirstdaybefore scoring48pointsinround two on the second day to emergeasoverallwinners with 94 points at the end of the tournament. They beat another father-andson team of Fritz Coetzee JnrandFritzCoetzeeSnr, who came second after registering 45 points and 48 points to finish a close second with an overall total of 93 points counted in. Third place was won by John Emuno and Gabriel Andreas, who scored 50 points and 43 points to finish with 93 pointscountedout.

Speaking on behalf of the winning team, Tune Snr paid tribute to the organisers and sponsors saying it was a wonderful tournament and a great resultforhimandhisson.

“I have played in this tournamentforthepast10 years with different partners. I only joined up with my son in 2023,

when we finished sixth. It wasafantastictournament withastrongfield,andfor us to dethrone the twotime back-to-back fatherand-sonchampionsmakes thisvictoryevensweeter,” hesaid.TuneSnrsaidthey had been four points behind overnight leaders after round one on Saturday,beforemakinga strong comeback on Sunday to clinch victory byonepoint. “Atthe18th hole,Itoldmysonthatwe were probably in the top four, but he seemed confidentthatwehadwon it.Whenwewentinforthe results announcement, I noticed everybody was looking at us, so I started to believe we won,” he concluded. He added that the tournament is not called Namibia's Major for nothing, as all the top


e The coordinator of the 2024 Nedbank Desert Classic

golf tournament, Dan Zwiebel of DZ Golf (who are also the organisers of the highly successful NedbankforGoodSeries), said the tournament was a huge success “Once again, we have witnessed great success with the 2024 Nedbank Desert Classic golf tournament. We are extremely proud and grateful to the players whotooktimeduringtheir festiveseasoncelebrations tobewithus.Thankyouto Nedbank Namibia and Hollard for being part of thisgreatspectacle.Weare looking forward to yet another great 2025 amateur golfing season,” he said Meanwhile, Nedbank Namibia's Executive Head of Marketing and Communications, Gernot de Klerk, reaffirmed the bank's commitmenttocreatingan unforgettable experience byensuringthatNamibia's Major,theNedbankDesert Classic, creates lasting

The 34th Angling Bonanza hosted by Swakopmund-based Penguin Angling Club at the Henties Bay Sports Club in Henties Bay over the festive season was once again a big success.

Thebiggestangling festival in Namibia attracted many anglers at the coast to catch the Bonanzafishworth N$20 000. The heaviest fish of the day was a massive 19, 010kg caught by Nico Tromp The catch earned him N$20 000 in

cash.The winner of the Steenbras category went to Wilfred Tosh with his fish weighing in at 17,190kg The price for the winning Kabeljou wenttoHarryRencs with his fish of 7,155kg The winning Galjoen of

2,030kg was caught by Philip Coetzee, while Grifford Kubas caught the largest Dassie tipping the scale at 1,810kg. Kyle Burger caught the biggest Barber, weighing0,785kg.

Lené Janse van Rensburg was also crowned as Miss

connections within the golfcommunitytoelevate the sport's significance in Namibia “As money experts who do good, NedbankNamibiaaimsto remain golf's greatest partner in this country Congratulations to the winners, the organisers, the sponsors, and everybody who took part,” he said The tournament used the Better Ball Stablefordwithascramble drive format and featured 72teams(144players). TheBetterBallStableford with scramble drive format, where the team choosesthebestdriveand from there onwards, each player plays their ball. Last year, the tournament was won by another father-and-son duo of Jordan and Kevin Wentzel, who were the then-defending champions but, this year, the pairfinishedseventh.

Bonanza whilst Zenicke du Preez was crowned as the winnerofMissTiny Tots Bonanza with Zané Diedericks as her first princess andJohanéHornher second princess whilst Johannes Grundeling was crowned as Meneer Spiere. Photo

The winner of the first golf competition of 2025 at the Walvis Bay Golf Club Kuda Chickwara collecting his prize from Rocco Viljoen.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
- Michael Tune Senior (Jnr); Nedbank Namibia Managing Director, Martha Murorua; Michael Tune Junior (Snr); and Nedbank Namibia Executive Head of Marketing and Communications, Gernot de Klerk. Contributed

namib times Sport

Swakopmundyoungsters,JuwanKokandStefanStrydomsetthreenewinternationalagegrouprecordsduringtheFootworxOpenAthletics ChampionshipshostedbytheAthleticsDevelopmentClub(ADC)inSwakopmund.

More than 600 athletes from Namibia and South Africa competed in the three-day athletics championship

whilst about 150 athletes were accommodated in the two-day training camp that preceded the athletics championships. Juwan Kok (6) who had

previouslyshatteredthe International Senior Group High Jump record for 5-year-old boys did it again this yearbysettinganewInternational Age Group Worldrecordinthehigh jump by improving it from 1.05m to 1.06m and also broke the International Age Group World record for Standing High Jump from 0.78m to 0.79, for boys 6 years old in July last year and in December 2024heagainimproved his own record from 1.06m to 1.07m in the High Jump and for Standing High Jump from 0.78m to 0.80, for boys6yearsold.Stefan Strydom (10) who managed to set a new record in the Inter-

national Age Group World Record for Shotput for boys under 10 in 2023 did it again thisyearforboysunder 11 He broke the International Age Group World record for Shotput with a weight of 5kg from 8,56m to 8.85m in July last year and in December 2024 he broke his own International Age Group

World record for Shotput for boys under 11 with a 5kg weight from 8.85m to 9.85m. The President of Athletics Development Club Namibia Hennie Horn said after the championships that these two athletes showed exceptional talent and they at the club are very proud of them.

Walvis Bay Festive Golf

A record field of 73 players competed in the OLD MUTUAL leg of the Walvis Bay SAGES whichwereplayedinthreedivisionsandingood weather at the Walvis Bay Course over the holidayseason.

Kannemeyer MD of OLD MUTUAL

Group hands the sponsorship to Walvis Bay Golf Club Captain Sages Johnny Borges with

MUTUAL's National Sales Manager Fabio Do Rego and Walvis Bay Golf Club Captain Shane Westerdale.

Des van Heerden won the A division with Kevin Wentzelsecondwhilstthe B division was won by Jakkie de Witt and Kevin de Reuck second. The C divisionwaswonbyHeidi van Niekerk with Estelle Bothma in second place whilstCliveLaurenceand Tienie de Wet won the nearest to the pin on 2/11 and18respectively

Attheprizegiving,Lionel Kannemeyer, presented theWalvisBaySageswith a cheque of N$ 100 000 c o n f i r m i n g O L D MUTUAL's sponsorship of the Clubs leg of the National Sages for the nextthreeyears.

TheWalvisBayFESTIVE CHALLENGE saw 48 playersplayedaScramble Drive and a Better Ball over two days at the Walvis Bay Course. The winners of the event were

DanievanAntwerpenand Herman Smidt on 132 points with Sam Nel and WeitzvanNiekerksecond on 126 points whilst the third place went to brothers Emilio and Emery Maboh winning a countouton117points.

Walvis Bay Golf Club

C a p t a i n , S h a n e Westerdale thanked OLD MUTUAL for their sponsorship, Etosha Fishing, Wayne Hart and Pieter Hamann for their contributions towards the successoftheevent.

Westerdale also thanked Issie Crafford our club manager, Schalk Nel our greenkeeper, the kitchen ladies, the bar ladies and allthosewhoplayedaroll behind the scenes to ensurethesuccessofboth events.


According to Horn, their goal is to reintroduce Pole Vault at the next championships.“Itusedtobe big in Namibia, and if youlookatourcountry and across the African continent, the biggest challenge is equipment”. “Pole vault, it's very expensive, who's going to buy it? The parents? And the thing with the mats: If you look at mats for pole vaulting, quality mats, youwillpayalmosthalf a million” Horn explained He added thattheyareveryhappy with the outcome and the results. “Next year, we want to go bigger Boland indicated that they want to bring in more athletes going forward. We also want

to bring in more paraathletes and others to ensure inclusivity ” Horn described the three-day champion-

ship and training camp as an extra-ordinary event.

Seventh Touchies Title for Gasbottels

The Gasbottels Rugby Team from Walvis Bay maintained their grip with a seventh consecutivewinofthe annual Henties

Touchies Rugby Tournament over the festive season in HentiesBay.

The Henties Touchies Rugby Tournament, hostedbySpartaUnited Recreational Club has become a cornerstone of the local sports calendar, steadily growing in popularity each year, once again delivered loads of action and some thrilling matches. This highlyanticipatedevent attracted seventeen teams, from various

regions, and also from South Africa eager to compete and showcase their skills. Spectators also flocked to the venue, contributing to a vibrant atmosphere filled with camaraderie, sportsmanship and excitingaction. Gasbottels defeatedFifthStreetina hard-fought cup final.

The Raptors claimed first place in the plate division with Mrs. K securingsecondplace. Merica Rabie from Swakopmund was crowned as Miss Touchies.

Juwan Kok International Age Group World record holder for High Jump and for Standing High Jump for boys under 6. Photo contributed.
Stefan Strydom International Age Group World Record holder for Shotput for boys under 11. Photo contributed
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Photo contributed

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