Wind Turbine Shipment En Route to Lüderitz
A Milestone for Green Energy Development
Excitement is building in Lüderitz as the town prepares for the arrival of a significant shipment of wind turbine components, a crucial step in the town's transition toward becoming a leaderingreenenergy.
According to Lüderitz Mayor, Hon Cllr Phillippus Balhao, the shipment, which departed fromLusiPort,China,on9January2025,iscurrentlyenrouteandexpectedtoarrivearound16 February, although this date remains tentative duetoanecessaryrefuelingstopinSingapore.In a telephoning interview with the Namib Times, theLüderitzmayorsaid,“thecurrentstatushasn't changed,butwiththeplannedstopoverinSingapore, the exact arrival date is still to be confirmed ” The shipment includes key turbine
Continues on page 2

TransNamib Mum on Damaged Container's Content
FollowinganincidentwhichoccurredonSunday,19January at approximately 22:00, involving a train transporting modified containers from Walvis Bay, the national rail servicesoperator(TransNamib)remainssilentonwhatthe contentsofthecontainerwhichwasdamagedintheincident are.
The incident took place near a railway bridge in Swakopmundwherethecross bracing caused damage to the modified containers as well as accompanying tankers, as per TransNamib Questions
regarding the content of the damaged container and reports of military presenceattheSwakopmund railway station (wherethecontainerand other tankers currently are) went unanswered.
In response, TransNamib's Corporate
Communications manager, Abigail Raubenheimer only noted that updates will be provided as the investigation progresses “We are relieved to report that there were no injuries, derailments,orspillages
Continues on page 2
Attempted Robbery
Victim “Living in Fear”
A Swakopmund woman, who had the scare of her life last Saturday morning, after almost being robbed in Swakopmund's Tamariskia suburb, opened up to Namib Times as last resort, after she is now allegedly being harassed and threa-tenedbysomeofthearrestedculprits(whoarealready outonthestreetsagain).
In a recap of her chilling ordeal, Morencia Rukero told Namib Times that she left home to take a taxi to work in Ocks Laan, Tamariskia and while waiting on a cab a group of youngmenallegedlyapproachedher “One of them threw stones at a man onabicycle,andthen,inanactofintimidation, one of them took the bi-
cycleandbeganridingit.Theycame over to me and asked for the time. I was frightened and responded that I didn'tknow,”shestated.Thesituation allegedly escalated when one of the men, described as wearing a black outfit,threatenedher,saying,"Idon't wanttohurtyou,justgivemeeverything."
Continues on page 2

Wind Turbine Shipment
components such as blades, hubs, rotors, and nacelles, which will allow construction to progresstotheturbineassemblyphase. Minorroadworks are currently underway in Lüderitz to accommodate the large-scale transportation of the wind turbine blades, ensuring they can be safely transported through and out of town. “Transporting goods of this size always comes with challenges, but the local authorities and logisticsfirmareworkinghand-in-handtoensure thingsgoaccordingtoplan,“MayorBalhaosaid. Thewindfarmprojectisexpectedtobecommissioned during the fourth quarter of 2025, with construction currently ongoing. Mayor Balhao stated,“Lüderitzhasaprovenrecordofbeingone of the best locations worldwide for green wind
energy generation, and this project cements that status.” In addition to bolstering Lüderitz's renewable energy ambitions, the project has already sparkedpositiveeconomicdevelopments.Acement batching plant has recently opened in Lüderitz, whichBalhaodescribedas“comingatanopportune time” to support upcoming construction projects. The new plant is expected to make construction in the area more affordable and efficient. Balhao emphasised that the wind farm project aligns with thebroaderambitionsofsouthernNamibiaandLüderitz in particular to become a leader in the green energy transition. “Industry needs a stable and secure energy supply, and these developments are catalystsforgrowthanddevelopment,thankstothe securityofenergysupply,”hesaid.

A Cry for Change
· The Struggles of Matutura Secondary School
Swakopmund,knownforitsserenebeautyandvibrantcommunity,isnotimmune tothestormbrewingwithinthewallsofMatuturaSecondarySchool.Openedin 2023,theschoolwasmeanttobeabeaconofopportunityfortheyouthofthearea. Butformanyparents,ithasbecomeasourceoffrustration,worry,and,mostofall, disappointment.
Among the sprawling neighbourhoods of Swakopmund, whispers circulate among concerned parents. They speak of poor teaching, a lack of progressintheirchildren'sacademiclives,andan environment that seems to foster bullying rather thanlearning.Parentswhooncefelthopefulabout their children's future now stand at a crossroads, torn between removing their children from a school they feel is failing them or fighting for change. The complaints, however, aren't just aboutacademics.Amoreinsidiousissueisbeginningtosurface,bullying.Studentswhooncearrivedatschooleagertolearnnowbecomereluctant tostepthroughthegates.Storiesofverbaltaunts, physical confrontations, and intimidation spread quickly, with many students too afraid to speak out or return to school this year For the parents, thisisthetippingpoint. “Wecan'tletthisgoon,” saysMaria,amotheroftwostudentsatMatutura. “Wesendourchildrentoschooltolearn,togrow Butalltheycomehomewitharestoriesofbeing pushed around or ridiculed. It's heartbreaking.” But the anger and frustration don't end there. Many parents are also upset about the way their childrenareplacedatMatuturainthefirstplace. Those whose children attended Swakopmund Primary School are given no choice but to send theirkidstoMatutura.“Weweretolditwasautomatic,”saysJohan,afatherofa13-year-old.“No
option, no discussion. We were simply told that's where our kids would go. How is that fair? Why aren'twegivenachoice?”
InresponsetoqueriessenttoherfromNamibTimes, the Director of Education,Arts and Culture, Erenfriede Stephanus, addressed the concerns. “Parents are free to apply for their children at any school of their choice, as stipulated in the Basic Education Act, Act 3 of 2020, Section 19. Stephanus added, “Equally,theActmakesprovisionforproceduresfor admission in Section 20, Subsection 6, stating that parents of children aggrieved by admission procedures have the right to appeal. Unfortunately, our officehasneverreceivedanyformalcomplaintfrom a parent whose child is placed at Matutura SecondarySchool.”Shecontinued,clarifyingthatthelearners who were moved to Matutura Secondary had applied for the school and were temporarily hosted atotherschoolsbecauseofdelaysinthecompletion of the school. “Upon the completion of the school, they were moved to Matutura Secondary,” Stephanus explained. “Any educational institution has itschallengesatitsinception.Hence,theDirectorate of Education,Arts and Culture planned to navigate anychallengesandaddressthempromptly.” Stephanus was also keen to address the concerns about the school's reputation. “It is uncalled for to labelaneducationalinstitutionwithabadimage.It istheresponsibilityofallstakeholdersineducation

that could have affected the surrounding environment. Safety remains our highest priority; a full investigation has been launched to determine the cause of the incident and to prevent similar occurrences in the future,” a media
statement issued by TransNamibreads.
Raubenheimer further explainedthatstructural engineers are currently on-site conducting assessments, and that the initial assessment indicates minor damage to the railway infrastructure The media statement concludes withTransNamibreaffirming their commitmenttoadheringtothe highest safety and operationalstandardsanda promise to implement necessary corrective measures based on the findings of the investigation.
Attempted Robbery
Continued from page 1
“Inapanic,Ibackedaway,butIsaw anothermandrivingbyandmanaged to call out to him for help. The man, recognising the group, told them to leave me alone, which made the groupflee,”shefurthernoted. When she eventually got a taxi, she went straight to the Mondesa police stationtoopenacaseagainsttheculprits(CR96.01.2025),whereafterthe suspects were apprehended, the lady recalls. However, according to her, thenextmorningthesuspects'parents allegedlycameknockingonherdoor, begging of her to withdraw the case, andclaimingthattheirchildrenwere “onlybeingnaughty.”Sheapparently refused to do so, as they are grown young men, and expressed her concern on how the parents managed to get hold of her name and physical address.OnMondaymorning,toher surprise, she allegedly saw the suspects roaming the streets again and went straight to the investigating of-
to oversee and create a conducive teachingandlearningenvironmentfor both learners and teachers,” she said. She denied allegations of teacher absenteeismandpointedoutthatvolunteers assisted the school whenever necessary Regarding discipline, she acknowledged the challenges but expressed confidence that these would be addressed. “There were disciplinary issues, just like at any other institution, but the parents were involved to address such cases. We have put mechanisms in place to support the schoolthisyearinthisregard.Withthe establishment of the new school board, we believe the issue of discipline will be a thing of the past.”
Stephanus affirmed the Directorate's
ficer,requestinganexplanation.She wasallegedlytoldthattherewasnot sufficient evidence to charge them, whichleftherdumbfounded. According to Morencia she is now feeling unsafe and living in fear, aftersomeofthesuspectsallegedly madethreatsagainstherandareharassing her She also informed Namib Times that the investigating officerapparentlyrequestedthatshe removesherpostregardingtheincident from her personal Facebook page, but she did not comply In conclusion, she expressed the hope thatherFacebookpostwillserveas a reminder of the importance of safety and the need for improved protection for individuals like herself.
ThematterwastakenupwithNampol Erongo spokesperson, Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, who promisedthattheallegationswillbe investigated.
commitmenttoimprovingtheschool. “We are determined that Matutura Secondary School will become the school of choice and a beacon of academic excellence. Education is a shared responsibility that requires perseverance,patience,andmostimportantly,collectiveeffort. Matutura will rise in the near future, and our energy is focused on that commitment.” For now, the parents of Matutura Secondary School wait, hopeful that their voices will finally be heard. But more than that, they hopethatoneday,theywillnolonger havetoworryaboutthesafety,happiness,andeducationoftheirchildren, thingseveryparentshouldbeableto takeforgranted.

Geen Waterkrisis in Omaruru –

Inwoners van Omaruru in die Erongo streek het na Namib Times uitgereik aangesien hul situasie rakende konstante watervoorsiening deur die dorp se munisipaliteitglobesigisomteeskuleer.
Die inwoners dui aan dat hulle al vir maande onderworpe aan weinig tot geen waterdruk is en blameer die Omaruru munisipaliteit daarvoor Hulle vra dat streeksowerhede en die regering dringend moet ingryp om hierdie “krisis” op te los. Aldus een van die inwoners spruit hierdie probleemalvanafOktoberverledejaarvoortmet sommigeareaswatvirdaeaaneengeenwaterhet nie. Die inwoners dui aan dat die dorp huidiglik vannegepermanenteboorgatesewaterafhanklik is. Hierdie boorgate word deur die munisipaliteit bestuur Daarisvoortsaangeduidat'nbykomende vier boorgate laas jaar geboor is, maar dat water uit hierdie boorgate blykbaar hoë floried vlakke getoonhetendieheledorpsewateraangetashet. Gevolglik moes die dorp se watersisteem in geheel toe gespoel word, sê die ontstoke inwoners. “Die water scenario het 'n nadelige invloed op plaaslike besighede en ook inwoners, enonswonderof “DayZero”niedalknaderisas watdiemunisipaliteitprobeervoorgeenie,”isdie bekommerdeinwonerssemening.Asredesvirdie waterskaarste dui die inwoners aan dat hulle nie goeie reëns gehad het nie en ook die feit dat die dorpviningbesigisomuittebreispeel'nrol.Hul grootstebekommernisisegterdiefeitdatdiedorp semunisipaliteitskynbaarniemetenigeoplossing virdieprobleemvorendagkankomnienieenook niemetinwonerskommunikeernie.“Ietsdrasties salgedoenmoetword,anderswordonsmooidorp een van die goeie dae 'n plakkerskamp waar niemand vir dienste wil betaal nie, want daar is nie,” meen die Omaruru inwoners. Hulle het voorts aangedui dat watervoorsiening nie die enigste uitdaging vir die gemeenskap is nie.
Blykbaar val hul klagtes by die munisipaliteit op dowe ore, met telefone wat nie beantwoord word nie en wanneer verantwoordelike munisipaliteitsamptenare op kantoor gaan soek word, is dit glo telkensvoordooiemansdeurwaaraangeklopword. Die hoofuitvoerende beampte van die dorp, Mnr Valentinus Sindongo het tydens 'n telefoniese onderhoud met Namib Times die beweringe gedeeltelikgestaaf.Hyhetterverskoningaangedui dat die munisipaliteit tegniese probleme met die installasievanwaterpompeondervindhet,vandaar die wateronderbrekings. Sindongo het dit ook pertinent gestel dat daar nie 'n water tekort is nie. Volgenshomisditnetinwonerswieinhoërliggende areaswoonagtigiswatgeaffekteerword.Sindongo het voorts aangedui dat hulle vandag (Vrydag) die waterpomp kwessie gaan uitsorteer en dat die wateronderbreking-scenario dan tot 'n einde sal kom. Volgens die Omaruru munisipaliteit se hoofuitvoerende beampte was hy vandeesweek persoonlikopgrondvlakomtoetesiendatallesglad verloop.MeneerSindongohetookgenoemdatdie feitdatdiedorpsereservoiraanvanklikopgerigwas omnetaandiedorpsareaen'nkleingedeeltevandie “lokasie”waterteverskafook'nrolspeel.Metertyd hetdiedorpsepopulasiegegroeienaanpassingsis dusnoodsaaklik,sêSindongo. HyvraOmaruruinwonersomgeduldtebeoefenen hetookaangeduidathulle(munisipaliteit)bewusis van inwoners se bekommernisse en kennis neem daarvan.“Diewaterproblemeisnieopsetliknieen onsgloinwonerskanwaarneemdatonshardaandie werkisviroplossings,wantdievooruitgangvandie dorpisbo-aanonsagenda,”hetdiehoofuitvoerende beampteafgesluit.
The Junior Council Committee (JCC) of Walvis Bay has demonstrateditscommitmenttoenvironmentalpreservationbyplanting 100 elephant's food plants, commonly known as spekboom, at JC HarrisParkincentralWalvisBay.
The initiative, which tookplaceonFridaylast week, was spearheaded by the JCC and funded bytheWalvisBayYouth Climate Action Fund. This project aims to contribute to the town's green efforts and promote climate action among young people. The Walvis Bay Youth Climate Action Fund is managed by the Office of the Mayor and is
supported by Bloomberg Philanthropies
The fund serves as a platformtoempowerthe youth and encourage their involvement in combating climate change and preserving theenvironment.
Spekboom (Portulacaria afra), also known as elephant'sfoodisaresilient and water-wise plant known for its ability to absorb large
amountsofcarbondioxide The succulent plant is native to South Africa. The spekboom can absorb substantial amountsofcarbondioxide, making it a valuable ally in combating climatechange. Additionally, its drought-resistant nature allows it to thrive in arid conditions, contributing to soil conservation and preventingerosion.

Three Shacks Burn to Ashes
Three Swakopmund families lost everything during a fire incidentonMonday,20January
The incident occurred around 16:40 in Ondjamba Street, in Swakopmund's DRC informalsettlement.
The Swakopmund Fire Brigade was quickly on the scene and the blaze was successfully controlledandextinguished.
However, the fire victims lost all their nationalidentitydocuments, clothes and furniture.
According to the officialincidentreport, the cause of the fire was an illegal electricity connection. No injuries or fatalities were reported. The utmostimportanceof Community Fire Prevention Awareness Programs to educate community membersonFirePrevention and Safety Measures was once againemphasised.

Rössing's Donation Enhances Healthcare Services
Mentalhealthisvitalforoverallwell-being,affectinghowwethink,feel,andact.Partof therecentdonationofN$1.25millionbyRössingUraniumtotheMinistryofHealthand SocialServicesintheErongoregionwillfundtherenovationofthepsychiatricwardat theWalvisBayDistrictHospital,significantlyimprovingthequalityofcareandfostering asenseofdignityandrecoveryforpatients.
Rössing Uranium this week donated N$1.25 million to the Ministry of Health and Social Services in the Erongo region for infrastructure upgrades and procurement of equipment at Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, and Usakos district hospitals.InSwakopmund,thefundswillbeused to construct a boundary wall around the Swakopmund District Hospital, aimed at improving the safety of the hospital's property,

which has been compromised over the years. The Usakos District Hospital will finally receive an industrial laundry machine. The hospital has been facing desperate times, with laundry outsourced to private service providers in and out of town. The WalvisBayDistrictHospitalwillundergostandard renovations on its psychiatric ward, which is currently in a state of disrepair These renovations arenecessarytocreateasecureenvironmentforthe
patients housed there. The Managing Director of Rössing Uranium Johan Coetzee highlighted that Rössing Uraniummadethedonationwiththebelief that improving healthcare infrastructure and supporting healthcare professionals are fundamental to the growth and prosperity of our country
“The health of our people is the foundation upon which all other progressisbuilt,anditisessentialthat we work together to ensure that every individual has access to the care they deserve,” said Coetzee. While the donation was made public this week, constructionworkattheSwakopmund hospitalhadalreadycommencedandis expected to be completed in the coming weeks. Meanwhile, the laundry equipment for the Usakos hospital is alsoexpectedtoarriveandbeinstalled beforetheendofFebruary Rössinghas partnered with the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) to assist in enhancing the delivery of health services to the residents of the two coastal towns and the Namibian community at large. The Erongo Re-
gionalDirector of Health,DrAnna Jonas,applaudedRössingUranium for the kind gesture towards the ministry that provides services to 240206 inhabitants of the region. She highlighted that this support contributes to the ministry's promise of providing comprehensive care, including physical, psychological,andmentalwell-being. Commenting on the psychiatric hospitalrenovations,DrJonassaid, “thismeansalottoourcommunity, ourpatients,andourdedicatedstaff members.”According to Dr Jonas, this is a space where patients receive care during their recovery journey Improving their environmentwillfosterhealing,dignity, hope, safety, and security for both staff members and patients. Dr Jonas further stated, “investing in the renovation of the mental health ward signifies Rössing's commitment to mental health care and champions the importance of compassionatecare.”
Indian Warship INS Tushil (F70) Makes Port Call at Walvis Bay

The Indian Navy's latest multi-role stealth guided missile frigate,INSTushilmadeaportcallatthePortofWalvisBay from 21 to 23 January as part of her maiden operational deployment.
The vessel received a warm reception from the Namibian Navy, Namibian Ports Authority (NAMPORT), and officials from the High Commission of India(HCI). HavingsailedfromLagos,Nigeria,inaneight-dayjourney,INS TushildockedattheNamibianportwithanagendafocusedonstrengthening maritime cooperation and fostering bilateral relations. During the visit, the ship'sCommandingOfficerhostedaNamibianNavaldelegationandthePort Captain, offering them an exclusive tour of the frigate. The tour provided insights into the vessel's cutting-edge capabilities, showcasing its advanced technology and state-of-the-art features. Further strengthening diplomatic ties, the Commanding Officer paid a courtesy visit to RearAdmiral Junior Grade Erastus Lazarus, Commander of Naval Operations, and Walvis Bay Deputy Mayor, Councillor Saara Ndapewoshali Mutondoka. Discussions centred around maritime security and avenues for enhanced cooperation between the two nations. The second day of the visit featured cultural and recreationalexchanges,beginningwitharejuvenatingyogasessionaimedat promoting unity and well-being. This was followed by a friendly sports event, fostering camaraderie and strengthening the spirit of cooperation betweentheIndianandNamibianteams.
Mannedbyacrewof250personnelcommandedbyCaptainPeterVerghese, thewarship'smaidenoperationaldeploymentstartedon17December2024, whenshesetsailforIndiafromKaliningrad. ShetravelledthroughtheBaltic Sea,theNorthSea,theAtlanticOcean,andultimatelytheIndianOcean,after shewascommissionedintotheIndianNavyRajnathSingh,theNavyChief Dinesh Kumar Tripathi and other top defence officials, where the ship is conducting port calls at several Friendly Foreign Countries and take part in joint patrolling and Maritime Partnership Exercises (MPX) with multiple navies on her way On her way to her homeport Karwar, the ship made her first port call in London on 22 December 2024 as part of her maiden operational deployment. She reached Casablanca, Morocco on a two-day visiton27December2024. ThewarshipisexpectedtoreachIndiainmidFebruary and will conduct anti-piracy patrols in the Gulf of Guinea off the westcoastofAfricaalongwiththeEuropeanUnionnavies. Shereachedthe PortofDakar,Senegalon3JanuarywheresheconductedaPassageExercise (PASSEX)withtheSenegaleseNavyduringhertwo-daystay Tushilreached Lagos,Nigeriaon12Januaryfromwhereshesetsailforhernextdestination, thePortofWalvisBay TushildepartedthePortofWalvisBayonThursday thisweektocontinueherjourneytoherhomeport.

Sam Nujoma Campus
A Coastal Hub of Excellence With UNAM

Nestled on a picturesque 100-hectare site north of Henties Bay, overlooking the oceanandtheOmaruruRiverbed,theSamNujomaCampusoftheUniversityof Namibia(UNAM)offersanunparalleledenvironmentforeducationandresearch.
Locatedjust70kilometresnorthofSwakopmund, in the coastaltownofHenties Bay – a popular holidaydestination–the campus provides local students, exchange students and international researcherswithatranquiland inspiring atmosphere to pursue their studies or work. The famous Cape Cross seal colony, a major tourist attraction,isalsonearby, adding to the campus'suniquecharm.
This thriving residentialcampusishometo the Sam Nujoma Marine and Coastal Resources Research Centre (SANUMARC) and the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (DFAS) SANUMARC, a fully-fledged research centre, is at the forefront of ad-

vancing marine scienceandcoastalresource studies in Namibia, making the campus a hub for groundbreaking research and innovation The campus also serves as an ideal setting for students interested in exploring Namibia's rich coastal biodiversity and
ded to address global marine and environmental challenges
Also, the campus supports all UNAM online programs, ensuring access to a wide range of academic options for students in the Erongo Regionandbeyond.
The Sam Nujoma
13th place among 129 universities from 22 countries As well, UNAM is co-ranked 16th among Africa's top 100 universities, reflecting its commitment to academic excellence. Studentsbenefitfroma dynamic and inclusive learning experience,

marineecosystems. The campus offers specialised programmes, including a Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, a Master of Science in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, and a PhD in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, equipping students with the expertise nee-
Campus is part of UNAM's expansive 12-campus network, which collectively welcomes students from over 30 nations. UNAM stands out as the only Namibian university in the 2024 Times Higher Education Sub-Saharan Africa University Rankings, securing with affordable education and access to cutting-edge facilities.Withover69000 alumni worldwide and robust international collaborations, the Sam Nujoma Campus opens doors to global opportunities while remaining deeply rooted in Namibia's coastal beauty

We are a Faith-based organisation dealing with substance abuse issues. Our main objective is to take people living in addiction and restore them to a point where they can become functioning members of society again and live a life of sobriety and recovery Contact us for more information

Aqualine Plumbing Solutions CC herewith intendstoapplytotheSwakopmundMunicipal Councilforthe"ResidentOccupationSpecial Consent", to operate an "administrative office" on the premises of Erf 1153, Swakopmund Kramersdorf (12Waterbank Str) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the SwakopmundZoningScheme.Detailsofwhich are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against suchapplication should lodge such objection/s inwriting and within 14 days of the last publicationto the applicant and the Swakopmund Municipality during normal businesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 10 February 2025.
Contact Persons: Mrs B. Ludwig, barbaral@ iway.na or Mr J.Heita (Manager: Town Planning), Tel:+264(64)4104403

ESTATE NO.E 1899/2022
In the estate of the late Albertus Johannes Ludevicus Van Biljon, Identity No. 490201 0024 6 of Erf 447, Strand Street South, Swakopmund, Namibia who died on 8 May 2022 (Master's Reference E 1899/2022), and who was married out of community of property
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
Agent of the Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Incorporated Haus Altona Tel. (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Reference: CDK/TH EST300/0001-80)
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:HomeBaseSalon. Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan7February2025.
JakobinaNAukongo,POBox7266,Kuisebmond email:jacobinaii08@gmail.com

Key Responsibilities:
• Install, maintain, and repair marine switchgear systems.
• Perform troubleshooting and fault-finding on electrical systems.
• Conduct testing and quality assurance of marine electrical equipment.
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Minimum Requirements:
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Location: Walvis Bay, Namibia
Closing Date: 03 February 2025
How toApply:
Submit your CV to cv@dmssnamibia.com.
Please ensure all relevant certifications are included.
Note: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
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CONSENT: Self-Catering Accommodation
FacilityONERFNO:104TOWNSHIP/AREA: DolphinBeachSTREETNAME&NO:Damara TernStreet,104.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self-Catering accommodation Facility
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 14 February 2025.
KennedyMotonane,POBox2037,WalvisBay email:rmotonane@gmail.com


Friday, 24 January at 19h00 Dawie & Ina home, GarnetAvenue 254,Tamariskia
Saturday, 25 January at 07h30at the house 09h00 at the VGK Church, Swakopmund Romiene 31 Vers 38-39 (OV)
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On behalf of our client, we would like to invite suitably qualified candidates to apply for the following vacancies that exist in various departments on vessels.
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Closing date: 8 February 2025
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Noticeisherebygiventhat an application in terms of the LiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below,willbemadetothe Magistrate of the District of
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Shane Joubert, P O Box 2379,WalvisBay
2 Name of licensed business to which applicationrelates:Limbandu.
3 Address/location of licensedpremisestowhich application relates: Erf 921,Shop7,MicaStreet,
A23 year old lady honest and hardworking is lookingfordomesticwork or any other work besides working in a bar I can speak English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo I am readytostartimmediately
Ek is opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Ek kan goed stryk asook nakindersomsien. Maandae tot Saterdae of namiddag werk Langstrand, Dolfyn strand of Walvisbaai ek het verwysings.
Kontak:0818077758 0812117968
I am a lady inWalvis Bay looking for domestic work, I am hardworking andreadytostartanytime. Mondays to Fridays I have12yearsexperience. Contact:0815933921
JOBWANTED: I am looking for driving work, trucks or busses. I have code CE license DGP
JOBWANTED: A23 year old lady, honest and hardworking is looking for any kind of workinWalvisBay Ihave grade 12 certificate. Can speak English and availabletostartanytime. Contact:0817951761
A trustworthy and hardworking lady looking for a cleaning job around Langstrand and Walvis Bay for 2 days a week! (Friday and Sunday) to startassoonaspossible. Contact:0813203227
JOBWANTED: I am a 36 year old hardworking, reliable, honest lady looking for any kind of work, domestic work for 3 - 5 days a week, Walvis Bay, Swakop, Langstrand. I have references.
Contact:0814349557 0852337447
Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay
4. Nature and details of application: REMOVAL FROM: Erf 921, Shop 7 Mica Street Kuisebmond TO: New Premises: Erf no 1352k, David Ambunda Street, Kuisebmond.
5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay MagistrateOffice,Clerk ofCourt
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 29 January2025.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, toreachtheMagistratenot later than 7 days after the date on which the applicationislodged.
TheRossmundGolfClubkickedofftheir2025seasonlastSaturdayandSunday withsomerealgolfinperfectweatherconditions.
The annual Novanam Monthly Medal played on Saturday,saw37golfersonthefieldwithsomeold andnewfacesinthemix,thatincludethelikesof Graham Louw and Des Frankfort who have been missing from the golfing scene for a while. The January Overall Medal was won by one of our up and coming Juniors Benjamin Van Wyk with a 66nett whilst MS Buys also from our younger generation of golfers won theADivision with the mosteligiblebachelorStevenJohnsthewinnerof the B Division with a 70nett; and the older stalwartsMarkJacobssnatchedtheCDivisionon 72nett. Rina Knight was victorious in the Ladies Division on a 79nett whilst the Junior on the day was Rudi Auseb 75nett. Rossmund Golf Club thanked Pescanova/Novanam for their continued support of this annual challenge. Sunday saw a field of 25 golfers that include one visitor Texas
NehoyaandonebrandnewSageHelmutNdjendja outonthecoursefortheclub'sSages. Theoverall winner of the Sages was the new kid on the block Helmut Ndjendja on 35 points with John Horne second on 33 points, winning the count out over Clive Lawrence who ended third. Fourth was Ivan PerryafterhewonthecountoutoverRinaKnight, Tony Boesch and Dean Kock on 32 points. One 2 clubwereregisteredonbothdays,comingfromour RossmundClubCaptainGeorgeMurasikiandfrom TonyBoeschonSaturdayandSundayrespectively BoeschalsosecuredbothNearesttothePinprizes on Sunday Statistics are beginning to show that golfersprefertherealgame.Thiscomingweekend RossmundGolfClubwillplayhosttotheNALGU 2025HollardLadiesCoastalGolfOpenforthe19th yearinsuccession.
Third Long Course Gala Returns
Namibia Aquatic Sports Federation (NASFED)willhostthethirdBankWindhoek Long Course Gala simultaneously in three different towns on Friday, 24 January and Saturday,25January

The swim gala will see over 200 athletes
competing in 41 swimming events at The Water Cube Swimming Pool in Swakopmund, as well as at the Olympia Swimming Pool in Windhoek and Sand SharksSwimmingPool in Oranjemund The athletes will aim to set newpersonalbesttimes to qualify for the Namibian National Long Course Champion-
ships, which will be held at the end of February2025.Following the National Championships, athleteswillgearupfor tours to SouthAfrica in March and April in the Levels 2 and 3 Swimming competitions, including the South Africa Junior Swimming ChampionshipsandSouthAfricanSeniorSwimming Championships To compete interna-
tionally,twoteamswill be selected to represent NamibiainEgyptatthe Africa Aquatics Junior Swimming and Open Water Championships attheendofApril2025.
of Stakeholder Engagement,Corporate Social Responsibility and Sponsorships, Bronwyn Moody, said Bank Windhoek is excited to partner with NASFED for another year, witnessing and supporting outstanding swimming events with the potential to showcase Namibian skills and athletes internationally “Empowering our local communities through sport is essential. We look forward to seeing the athletes excel and showcase their brilliant swimmingskillslocally and to an international audience We look forwardtoanactiveand productive year where wecheeronandsupport Namibianathletes,”she remarked. NASFED

MTC Maris Cup Action Set for the Weekend
Public Relations
Officer Carol-Ann Esterhuizen explained that while this is the start of a new year, the Federation is well into the Summer Aquatic season,whichstartedin October last year
“We've completed two L o n g C o u r s e Swimming Galas and OpenWaterSwimming eventslastyearandalso hosted the Africa Aquatics Zone IV Swimming and Open Water Championships successfully in December last year Our athletes are preparing for the NASFED National Long Course Swimming CompetitioninFebruaryand the upcoming tours thereafter,”Esterhuizen said She added that Bank Windhoek's support enables the Federation to host swimming competitions and create the ideal conditions for athletes to prepare for upcoming competitions.
Theroundof16ofthe much-anticipatedfirst edition of the MTC Maris Cup will take place this weekend weekend at the Dr Hage Geingob Rugby StadiuminWindhoek.
The MTC Maris Cup will be contested by only the 1 6 D e b m a r i n e Premiership clubs, with the prize money set at a staggering N$1.5 million w i n n e r- t a k e s - a l l extravaganza. Each of the 16 teams also receive an allowanceofN$30000in preparation fees for each match that they will play, to help them prepare and to travel, while the finalists will each receive N$40 000. The player of the tournament, the top goal scorer and the top goalkeeper of the tournament will each receive N$20 000. Blue Waters FC from Walvis Bay will be in action tomorrowat18:00against Okahandja United whilst Swakopmund based Blue Boys FC will be in action on Sunday at 18:30 against Debmarine Premier League reigning champions African Stars.TherestoftheMTC Maris Cup Round of 16 fixtures for this weekend will see Debmarine Premierleaguerunners-up FC Ongos will take on Cuca Tops while log
leaders Khomas Nampol willtakeonKKPalaceand Unam will face Eeshoke Chula Chula Mighty Gunners will take on Tigers,YoungAfricanwill faceYoungBrazilians,and CivicswilltakeonJulinho Sporting. The round of 8 will take place on 1 and 2 February at the Oshakati Independence Stadium, whilstthesemifinalwillbe played on 15 and 16 February at the Mariental SportStadium–beforethe cup returns to Windhoek for the final on 1 March,

Ayam Cenam Mining cc proposes to undertake exploration activities for Base and Rare Metals on 75720, 75719, 75718, 75718, 75722, Mining Claims ( 75717, 75716, 75715, 75714 and 75713) in Kunene region.
Ayam Cenam Mining cc through the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) have undertaken extensive baseline review of the MCs based on historical geological mapping.
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE: Before undertaking these activities, there is a need for compliance to requirements under the Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007) and its EIA Regulations (GN. 4878 of 06 February 2012). For this reason, Consultants were appointed to support application for the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). PUBLIC NOTICE: This Public Notice is published in terms of Regulation 21(a) in the EIA Regulations that written notices should be advertised in at least 2 local newspapers once a week for two consecutive weeks.
INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE: Interested & Affected Parties (IAPs) are notified to register in order to receive information about this proposed project. In order to receive information about this project, kindly register as IAPs by contacting:
Mr Daniel Hafeni
Envirodu Consulting & Training Solutions cc P O. Box 4120, Swakopmund Mobile: +264 818235226 Email: daniel.ulipalehafeni@gmail.com

namib times Sport

Rough Riders Triumph in Thrilling Second Coastal Ryder Cup
The second edition of the Coastal Ryder Cup delivered another unforgettable showdown as the Rough Riders and Bogey Busters faced offduringthefestiveseasonatthepicturesqueRössmundandWalvisBay GolfCourses.

The tournament capturedthespiritofsportsmanship, community, and camaraderie in the
newly introduced
Greensomes and Scramble Drive format onthefirstday,keeping players on their toes with the need for team-
work and strategy The Rough Riders and Bogey Busters kept it close, with both teams showing exceptional skillanddetermination.
Day two saw the intensity ramp up with Foursomes and Individual Match-Play
formats, where the stakes grew higher as the competition reached its climax. In a thrilling finale, the Rough Riders edged out a narrow victory overtheBogeyBusters, finishing with an 8 and 7 scoreline. The Bogey
Busters staged a fierce comeback as the tournamentwasnearing the end, but it deemed not to be enough as Captain Wynand Breytenbach and his team proudly hoisted the Coastal Ryder Cup trophy, celebrating the Rough Riders first ever triumph Beyond the greens, the Coastal Ryder Cup stayed true to its mission of giving back to the community A donation of N$5,000 was handed to His House Frail Care in Walvis Bay, supporting their critical work in caringforthoseinneed. Theorganiserssaidthat this heartwarming initiative was made possible through the generous sponsorship of Sentrum Pharmacy, Jewellery Boutique, Oehl Trust, RN BramwellandAssociatesCC, and Pieter Maasz “Theirunwaveringsupport not only ensured the success of the tournament but also
Coastal Football Giants in Relegation Zone
With rounds 8 and 9 of the Debmarine Premier League completed, coastal football teams Blue WatersFCfromWalvisBayandSwakopmundbasedBlueBoysFCfindthemselvesatthebottom ofthelogstandings.
The coastal teams pocketed seven points in nine games respectively, after both managed to win only one of their games thus far Furthermore, bothteamslostanddrewfourgames,respectively duringtheirfirstnineencounters.TheWalvisBay th based team is currently 14 on the log standing, with a better goal difference than the Swakopmundbasedteam,whichisoccupyingthe th15 positiononthelog.
Over the past weekend Blue Waters lost 2-0 against Tigers FC and 1-0 against Ongos FC, whilst Blue Boys FC lost 1-0 against Ongos FC anddraw2-2againstTigersFC. Otherresultsofthepastweekend
strengthened its impact beyond the fairways,” the organisers stated
According to the spokesperson for the eventtheCoastalRyder Cup has always been about more than just golf “This year, we were proud to make a difference in our community, and we're already looking ahead to how we can do even more in the next edition,” he added. As the second Coastal Ryder Cup drew to a close, the players, sponsors,andspectators reflected on another successful event filled with memorable moments both on and off the course The spokesperson further noted that with plans to expand its charitable outreach in future, the Coastal Ryder Cup is already generating excitement for its next chapter, proving that greatgolfcangohandin handwithgivingback.
