14 feb namib times e-edition

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Remembering Dr Sam Nujoma

Stigterspresident se Heengaan

“Bring Land tot Stilstand”

Namibiëisinrougedompelnadieheengaanvanstigterspresident,DrSamuelShafiishunaDaniel Nujoma (95) op Saterdag, 8 Februarie 2025 in 'n hospitaal in die hoofstad en 'n (huidiglik) onbepaalderoutydperkisgevolglikdeurdielandsregeringaangekondig.

· A Legacy Etched in Namibia's History

Dr Sam Nujoma's contributions to Namibia are deeply etched in the nation's history. Hisvisionandleadershipsecured independenceandlaidthefoundationfora unified and prosperous country The residentsofWalvisBayholdaspecialplace in remembering a leader who recognised the town's potential and worked tirelessly foritsreintegrationanddevelopment.

On Saturday, 8 February 2025, Namibia mourned the loss of its Founding Father and first president, Dr Samuel (Sam) Shafiishuna Daniel Nujoma, who passed awayattheageof95. Hislife'sjourneyisa testament to resilience, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to his nation's freedom.

At 4:40 on Sunday morning, President Nangolo MbumbaannouncedDrNujoma'spassing,sharingthat he had been hospitalised for the past three weeks. “Unfortunately, the most gallant son of our land could not recover from illness,” said Mbumba. His passing comesatasignificantmomentinNamibia'shistory,as the country marks 30 years since the reintegration of WalvisBayandtheoffshoreislands[PelicanPoint,Bird Island, Seal Island, Ichaboe Island] on 28 February 1994.

Born on 12 May 1929, in the village of Etunda in Namibia's north-western Omusati Region, young Sam was the eldest of 11 children. Like many boys of his time, he tended to his family's cattle and assisted with farming chores. His formal education began at the OkahaoFinnishMissionSchool,wherehestudiedfrom 1937 to 1945. In the late 1950s, Nujoma became a prominent figure in anti-colonial politics, co-founding theOvambolandPeople'sOrganisation(OPO)in1959.

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Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Photo contributed

Remembering Dr Sam Nujoma

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This organisation laid the groundwork for the Southwest Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO),establishedin1960,withNujomaatits helm. Underhisleadership,SWAPOspearheaded the fight against SouthAfrican rule, culminating in Namibia's hard-won independence on 21 March1990.

For the coastal community of Walvis Bay, Dr Nujoma'slegacyholdsspecialsignificance. Recognising the strategic importance of the WalvisBayPort,hewasinstrumentalinitsreintegration into Namibia in 1994. After Namibia's independence in 1990, Walvis Bay remained underSouthAfricancontrol,administeredaspart ofitsWesternCapeProvince.Thisseparationleft Namibia's decolonisation incomplete, as a vital part of its territory was still under foreign administration. Recognising the strategic and economic importance ofWalvis Bay, Dr Nujoma prioritiseditsreintegration.HeengagedindiplomaticnegotiationswithSouthAfricanauthorities, highlighting the enclave's significance to Namibia'ssovereigntyandterritorialintegrity In1992, these efforts led to the establishment of a Joint Administrative Authority, where Namibia and SouthAfricasharedequalrepresentationtomanageWalvisBaycollaboratively Thisarrangement was a stepping stone towards full reintegration. Persistent diplomacy bore fruit on 28 February 1994,whentheTreatyonWalvisBaywassigned by the justice ministers of both nations. The following day, 1 March 1994,Walvis Bay was officiallyreintegratedintoNamibia.DrNujomaofficiatedthereintegrationceremony Reflectingon thisachievement,DrNujomastated, “Negotiationsanddiplomacyhavebroughtabout the desired outcome; these achievements have

hopefully provided useful lessons for resolving otherproblemsinoursub-region.”

ShortlyafterWalvisBay'sreintegration,theWalvis BayPortplayedhosttoahistoricnavalvisit. On2 March1994,theBrazilianFrigate“Niteroi”became thefirstmilitaryshiptoenterNamibianwaterspostreintegration. This visit marked the official establishment of the Brazil-Namibia naval mission, aimed at supporting the creation and strengthening ofNamibia'snavalforces. DuringitsstayinWalvis Bay,PresidentNujomapersonallyvisitedthe“Niteroi”. The frigate even served as the venue for the signing ceremony of the naval agreement between thetwonations.Akeyprojectthatemergedfromthis partnership was the hydrographic survey of Namibia's coastline, conducted in 1997 by the Brazilian hydrographicvessel“Sirius”. Thiseffortledtothe publication of the first nautical chart of the Walvis Bay Harbour, a crucial development for Namibia's maritimeinfrastructure.Underthisongoingcooperation,Brazilplayedapivotalroleintrainingnearly 90%ofNamibia'snavypersonnel. Thisensuredthe development of a fully-fledged Namibian Navy by 2004.

Hislegacyliveson,inNamibia'sterritorialunity,in thestrengthofitsnavalforces,andinthefreedom, hefoughtfor



“Namibia's 'founding father' Sam Nujoma dies aged 95” –


“Namibian Navy celebrates cooperation with Brazilian counterpart”–WindhoekObserver “Neighboursacrosstheocean”–TheNamibian

NBC Namibia – Namibia Commemorates 30 Years of Walvis BayReintegration Wikipedia–TreatyonWalvisBay

Reuters – Namibia's 'founding father' Sam Nujoma dies aged 95

Compendium of late President Nujoma's Honours and


Founding President of the Republic of Namibia and Father of the Namibian Nation, Dr Samuel Shafiishuna Nujoma has received numerous prestigious international honours and awards in recognition of his leadership and enduring legacysince-andbeforeindependence.

In2005,attheageof76years,afterhandingover the presidency to President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Namibia's first president and the ChancelloroftheUniversityofNamibia(Unam) the late Dr Nujoma registered for a Master of Science Degree (MSc) in Geology at the University of Namibia where he graduated in 1993. In 1973, Nujoma was awarded the Lenin PeacePrizebytheUSSR,recognisinghisefforts in promoting peace and socialism The following year, he received the Frederic Joliot Curie Gold Medal, further acknowledging his commitment to global harmony The Vatican City honoured him twice with the Medaglia Pontificia, first in 1984 and again in 1991, this was in recognition of his moral leadership and dedication to humanitarian causes. In 1988, Brazil bestowed upon him the Grand Master Order of Merit, The Grand Cross, its highest order, in recognition of his leadership and contributions to freedom and in that same year, Vietnam honoured him with the Ho Chi Minh Peace Award, celebrating his efforts in

promotingpeaceandsolidarity India recognised Nujoma's outstanding leadership byawardinghimtheIndiraGandhiPeacePrizefor Disarmament and Development in 1990, acknowledging his role in leading Namibia to independence. Throughout his career, Nujoma received numerous other international honours, including the Order of José Martí from Cuba in 1991, the Order of Liberty from Portugal in 1995, and the Order of the Companions of O. R. Tambo from South Africa in 2018, each reflecting his global influence and the respect he garnered worldwide.

In 1973, Ahmadu Bello University in Nigeria awarded him an Honorary Doctorate of Law He later received honorary degrees from institutions suchasLincolnUniversityintheUSAin1990,the National University of Lesotho in the same year, and the University of Namibia in 1993 among others. In 2015, the University of Zambia conferred upon him a Doctor of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies, acknowledging his effortsinpromotingpeaceandresolvingconflicts. These accolades accentuate his pivotal role in


DieregeringhetMaandag'npubliekekennisgewinguitgestuurwataanduidat allesportbyeenkomsteenanderpubliekebyeenkomstetydelikopgeskortword vir die duur van die amptelike routydperk, tot verdere kennisgewing. Die routydperk het op 9 Februarie afgeskop. Die regering het voorts van landsburgers versoek om hulle gedurende die routydperk te weerhou van openbarebyeenkomsteenfeesvieringewatas“oneerbiedig”beskoukanword omvoorsieningtemaakvirdievoortsettingvandienslewering.Binnenshuise byeenkomstekanegterplaasvind,isaangedui. Hierdieversoekevandieregeringismetgemengdegevoelensdeurdiepubliek ontvang,metvanhullewataangeduihetdatdieganselandnou“totstillstand gebring word.” Almal is dit eens dat die wyle stigterspresident alle eer en respekverdien,maardatditnienodigisomaktiwiteitesoossportbyeenkomste tekniehalternie.VolgenssommigeledevandiepubliekmetwieNamibTimes in die verband gesels het, was skole waar hul kinders opvoeding ontvang verplig om ter elfder ure atletiekbyeenkomste te kanseleer “Ons het klaar nuwesport-uitrustingsengepaardgaandebenodighedevironskindersgekoop, nousitonsdaarmeeopgeskeeptotwieweetwanneer Daigeldjieskononsdan liefsgebruikhetvirdaagliksebehoeftessoosskoolbrood,wantdieFebruariemaand trek dan nou erger as Januarie-maand,” is een uitgesproke moeder se mening.

Sosialemediawasookinrepenroernadieaankondiging,metbaieNamibiërs watvoelelkeenhetsyeiemaniervanrouendatdieregeringnieregulasiesin hierdieverbandoplandsburgersmoet“afdwing”nie.“Plaasliefs'ndemperop lawaaierigeshebeensennagklubsenlosonssportsuit,”luieensosialemedia kommentaar, met nog een wat aandui dat onskuldige kindertjies wie so uitgesienhetnahulatletiekbyeenkomstenou“gestraf”moetword.Nieteminis diealgemenegevoeldatdieontslapestigterspresidentaldieeerenrespekwat homtoekomverdien.

In 'n amptelike skrywe vanaf die Uitvoerende Direkteur van Onderwys, Me. Sanet Steenkamp aan senior ampsdraers in die onderwys departement word aangedui dat atletiekbyeenkomste by skole uitgestel moet word, maar dat “roetine atletiekbyeenkomste” mag voortgaan. Die kennisgewing bevat ook aanbevelings vir moontlike ouderdomsgeskikte, kreatiewe aktiwiteite vir leerders om hulde aan wyle Dr Nujoma te bring. Ietwat teenstrydig met die Onderwysministerieseskrywerakendeskoleseatletiekbyeenkomste,hetdie adjunkministervanInligtingenKommunikasietegnologie,ModestusAmutse Dinsdagaangekondigdatgeskeduleerdeskole-atletiekbyeenkomstewelmag voortgaan.Skolewordegtergenoopomditmetdienodigeeerbiedingevolge dienasionaleroutydperk-protokolvanstapeltestuur 'nDemperisegteropalle staatsfunksies van feestelike aard geplaas - in hierdie geval word alle byeenkomsteopgeskort.Ookdievorigeaankondigingwatbehelsdatpublieke funksieswatas“oneerbiedig”beskoumagwordopgeskortword,isaangepas nadatAmutseaangeduihetdatprivaatfunksiesnieverbiedwordnie,veralin gevallewaarditvooruitbeplandis,maardiepubliekwordgevraominlynmet dieroutydperkregulasiestewerketegaaneneieinisiatiefaandiedagtelêmet die huidige omstandighede in ag genome. Sportbyeenkomste mag ook voortgaan, maar verkieslik sonder enige toeskouers. Sportkodes wat na die buiteland moet reis word nie deur die riglyne geraak nie, hetAmutse voorts aangedui. Die tydsduur van die routydperk is nog nie aangekondig nie en regulasieshieraanverbondeisnieonderhewigaanwetgewingnie.Daarword egterstaatgemaakopNamibiërsomtydensdieroutydperkopgepastemanier eeraandielandseontslapestigterspresidenttebetoon.

Namibia's liberation, his contributions to globalpeace,andhisunwaveringdedicationto nation-building. DrNujoma'scontributionsto educationandleadershiphavebeenrecognised by several academic institutions. His warm, broadsmileandeasy-goingmannermadehim likeableandaccessible.Thegiantwhoshaped Namibia's national identity leaves a void few canhopetofill.Whetherdonningatracksuitto joinafun-runalongWindhoek'sIndependence Avenue,orinsistinghisdriverhangbackfrom officialmotorcades,heaimedtobeamanofthe people.

Four decades after leading Namibia through a bitterguerrillawaragainstSouthAfrica'sthen apartheidgovernmentandontoindependence, Nujoma passed away on 08 February 2025 at theageof95.

Installation and Inauguration of 1st Chancellor (Dr Sam Nujoma) and 1st Graduation Ceremony at the University of Namibia in 1993. Photocontributed
Rudi Bowe

Cable Theft Thorn in Erongo Red's Flesh

Almost 2 000 Houses to be electrified…

CablethefthascostErongoReddamageofmorethanN$5million between 2018 and 2024 and according to the electricity distributor'schiefexecutiveofficer,MrImmanuel!Hanabebmorethan 100coppertheftrelatedcaseswererecordedintheErongoregion duringthesameperiod.

ThisworrisomescenariowasalsoaccentuatedbytheSwakopmundMayor,Blasius Goraseb in his welcoming remarks during the electricity provider's annual CEO briefingatSwakopmundonWednesday

The briefing session was preceded with Erongo Red paying homage to the late FoundingPresident,DrSamNujoma.

Onapositivenote,!HanabebnotedthatErongoRedaimstoelectrifyatotalof1800 housesintheregionduringthenextfourmonths.Thisprojectisinhonourofthelate Nujoma,andthetownsofSwakopmund,HentiesBay,Usakos,KaribibandWalvis Baywillbenefitfromit.Hewittilyremarkedthatshouldthetargetnotbemetbyend of June, Erongo Red employees' salaries (including his) will be delayed for three weeks.!Hanabebemphasisedthefactthatthemoneyisavailableforthisandother projects, and thus, no excuses can be made for not implementing these projects. “Whenprojectsarenotexecuted,youarenotfailingthecompanyortheCEO,you are failing the nation at large,” the chief executive officer stated to Erongo red employeesinattendance.

Moregoodnews,conveyedbytheCEOisthatErongoRedwillfromnowontake responsibility for new electricity connections fees at residences. Residents will howeverberesponsibletopaybackthemoneyinaffordableinstalmentsafterwards, he explained. The current tariff for electricity connections is N$2 500, which customershadtopayupfrontinthepast.

Regarding subsidized tariffs, Erongo Red has spent N$20.2 million on subsidized tariffsduringthe2023/24financialyear Thisincludespensionerswithconventional meters(N$17430053.54),pensionerswithpre-paidmeters(N$1569035.70)and low-incomecustomerswithpre-paidmeters,20amperes(N$1211012).

InhisbriefingtheCEOalsonotedthatthetripartiteagreementbetweenErongoRed, the Road Fund Administration (RFA) and the Roads Authority (RA), which was signed on 18 September 2024, concerning the supply and installation of 24 streetlights along the Swakopmund Bridge is in full swing. This project's total estimatedcostisaroundN$4376361.14million,co-fundedbythethreeentities.

Sharing more exciting news, !Hanabeb informed employees and the media that a Erongo Red Mobivan is also on its way This vehicle will be utilised for brand promotion initiatives such as exhibitions, consumer education, pensioner registration,activation,publicmeetingsandspecialevents,theCEOnoted.“Itwill also allow the company to promote brand equity In addition, the van will also be customisedtoserveasmobileCustomerCareandPayPointduringtheroadshows,” hefurtherremarked.Atotalof11newvehiclestothetuneofN$9millionwerealso recentlyacquired,andaccordingto!Hanabebthevehiclesshouldbereleasedtothe driverswithinaweekortwo,astheyarecurrentlybeingbranded.

ErongoRed'scapitalexpenditurebudgetfor2024/25isN$231.5million,including N$66.8 million for urban and peri-urban electrification projects. The ministry of minesandenergywillprovideN$12million.


Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open International Bidding (OIB) procedures for the Supply and Delivery of New Buoys for the Port of Walvis Bay

Education Director Demands Accountability and Reform After Poor 2024 Examination Results

Last week's stakeholders meeting for the Erongo Regional Engagement for Academic Improvement took a sobering turn as the Education Director of Erongo, Erenfriede Stephanus,expresseddeepdisappointmentovertheregion's2024examinationresults.

With a call to action that resonated throughout the room, Stephanus challenged educators and administrators alike to reflect, take responsibility, and make significant changes to improve learning outcomes. In heraddress,Stephanuslaidtheblameontheshoulders ofbothregionalandschool-levelleadership.“Weneed tochange.Wemustaccountfortheresultsandimprove ourlearningoutcomes.Introspectionmusthappen,and itstartswithleadership,”shesaid.

Pointingtoglaringissueswithintheregion,sheemphasized that the regional office must begin holding staff accountable, especially when it comes to providing essential resources for students. “There are still learnerssittingonthefloorbecausesomeonefailedtotake theinitiativetorentatrucktodeliverchairstoschool,” Stephanus stated. She also touched on the ongoing issueofteachershortages,revealingthatmanyschools areleftwithouteducatorsduetodelayedappointments. Stephanusdidn'tshyawayfromaddressingthelackof work ethic she believes is contributing to the region's decline in performance. “People are arriving late and leavingearly,butIhavesupervisors.IfErongoregion wasnumberone,Idon'twantitbeingnumber11under my leadership,” she declared, stressing the need for immediatereformandstrongeraccountability

The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Anna Nghipondoka, who was also present at the meeting, emphasizedtheimportanceoffortifyingeachstageof learningwithqualityteachingandadequateresources. She called on educators and the ministry to work togethertoensuresustainedimprovementsinstudent outcomes.

Nghipondokasharedthethemeofthisyear'smeeting, “Foundation First, Excellence Always, Get it Right, FirstTimeAround,”whichsheexplainedunderscored the need to establish a solid educational foundation fromPre-PrimarytoSecondarylevels.“Excellenceis not accidental,” she said. “It is the product of early investment,diligenteffort,anddeliberateaction.”

In her address to educators, the Minister stressed the vital role of strong school leadership in achieving effective teaching and learning. She also highlighted the importance of continuous professional development for teachers and the integration of information communication technology (ICT) into classrooms to furtherenhancestudentoutcomes.

Nghipondokaconcludedwithacallforallteachersto takeresponsibilityforguidinglearnerstowardsinformedcareerchoices,ensuringthatstudents'educational pathsalignwithboththeiraspirationsandtheneedsof thejobmarket.


1. Bids are invited through the Open International Bidding (OIB) procedure and the invitation is open to all eligible bidders. All Bidders must comply with the requirements outlined in the bidding document.

2. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the link: https://www.namport.com.na/procurement/banking-details/558/

3. A Non-compulsory Virtual Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for 26 February 2025 AT 10H00AM Bidders should take note that the meeting link is available on the website.

4. Bids must be delivered to: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road, Walvis Bay

ALL enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Procurement Manager

Melani de Klerk

Tel: +264 208 2319

Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Tender and ContractsAdministrator

OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Sharlien Tjambari
Marshallino Beukes

DRC Residents Demand Speed Bumps for “Notorious” Road

Residents of the DRC informal settlement (“Seaside” location)inSwakopmund,aredemandingspeedbumps for Regenstein Street, which has apparently become notorious for motor vehicle accidents involving pedestrians.

Namib Times was on the accident scene after a woman was bumped by a taxi last Friday night. On arrival, a furious crowd were chanting, “We want speed bumps! We want speed bumps!” The traffic department was the first responders visible on the accident scene, with the victim laying injured on her back in the road According to the on-scene traffic officer, as well as eye witnesses the state ambulance was contacted, however almost an hour later they were a no-show and a local, private ambulance arrived, and the injured lady was trans-

portedtohospital. Accordingtoaclosefriend ofthevictim,whowasalso an eyewitness of the accident, Melissa Cloete, lotsofpeople(pedestrians) have been involved in accidentsonthisparticular road (dubbed by residents as“MatuturaB1road”)the past years. Cloete noted that some of the prior accidents were fatal, with others leaving the victims either paralyzed or seriously injured. Another “Seaside” resident remarkedthatvehicledrivers are driving like Kayalami racers on the road, not taking pedestrians into consideration.

Walvis Bay Gears Up for a Busy Cruise Season

Walvis Bay is set to welcome a wave of international passenger liners in the coming weeks, with a lineup of luxury cruise ships scheduled to dock at the port throughout February and March. As the peak season for cruise tourism continues, visitors can expect a vibrant influx of tourists exploring Namibia's coastal attractions.

at 6:00, followed by

Azamara Quest on 24 February at 7:00 and Le Dumont D'Urville later that evening at 20:00. Thefollowingmorning,on25Februaryat8:00, WalvisBaywillwelcomeSilverSpirit,marking anotherhighlightintheport'sbustlingschedule. March promises an even busier lineup, starting with Renaissance on 4 March at 8:00, followed bythereturnofAzamaraQueston7March.

The month will also see the arrival of Island Princesson12Marchat8:00,andaparticularly packeddayon14March,whenNorwegianDawn (8:00), MSC Musica (9:00), and Silver Dawn (11:00)willalldockinsuccession.

The cruise traffic continues with another stop from MSC Musica on 18 March at 16:00, alongsideEuropaarrivingat12:00.

The final stretch of March will see Costa Smeraldaon21Marchat8:00,followedbyMein Schiff4on22Marchat10:00andSHDianaon 23 March at 16:00. Costa Deliziosa and MSC Musicawillbotharriveon24Marchat8:00and 16:00, respectively, whileArcadia will make an early morning stop on 26 March at 5:30. The monthwillclosewiththearrivalofZuiderdamon 28Marchat7:00.

Following the passingofH.E.DrSam Shafiishuna Nujoma on 8 February 2025, the Namibian Government has issued a directive, requesting that during the mourning period, the National Flag and all other flags are to be hoisted at half-mastacrossthe country and at Namibian Embassies aroundtheglobe.

Government institutionsinthetownof Swakopmund, includingthetown'smunicipality, Regional Council and State hospitalalsoadhered to the call in honour of the country's late Founding President.

The Namibian Nationarealsourgedto refrain from large PUBLIC GATHERING and celebrations that could be “deemed as disrespectful” during the mourning period, however, indoor gatheringsareallowed.

The official mourning period started on Sunday 9 February 2025 and will continue until further notice.

The season kicks off on 13 February with the arrival of MS Insignia
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes

Tafel Gedek vir Jaarlikse Kus-Handelskou en Konferensie

DietafelisgedekvirdiejaarlikseKus-handelskouenKonferensie 2025, wat vir 29 Mei tot 1 Junie in Swakopmund beplanword,metdieorganiseerderswieaanduidathierdie jaarsehandelskouietsbesondersgaanwees.

Hierdiejaarsaldiegeleentheid se tweede bestaansjaar wees en gaan by die welbekende MTC Dome aangebiedword,aldus hul bedryfs- en logistieke bestuurder, mnr ZiggyMkhize. Volgens Mkhize sal hulle vir sowat 150 stalletjies (binne en buite) voorsiening maakinhulstreweom vir almal voorsiening te maak. Hierdie vierdaagsegeleentheidsal uniek wees aangesien hoofsaaklik plaaslike vermaak en besienswaardighede in stoor is,sêMkhize,envoeg

by dat elke enkele stalletjie'nandertipebesigheid sal verteenwoordig.

Plaaslike kunstenaars sal almal vermaak, met helikopterritte, lugballonritte, kameelritte en meerookindiepyplyn.

Altesaam 20 gratis stalletjies sal aan kwalifiserende Swakopmundgemeenskapskleinhand elaars (veral kuns en kunsvlyt) toegeken word, aangesien die organiseerders almal wil akkommodeer en almal 'n kans wil gee om uit hierdie onderneming muntteslaan. DieHandelskonferensie

se hooffokus sal op innovasie wees, volgensmeMaryShikongo (geleentheidsadministr ateur).Syhetookaangeduidatplaaslike,sowel as internasionale sprekers, op die podium verwag kan word.

MTC Dome se hoofuitvoerende beampte, mnr Fanus Engelbrecht,endieDomese sport- en geleentheidbestuurder, mnr ShaheedAbrahams,hetalbei die Dome se opgewondenheid uitgespreek om deel van hierdie geleentheid te wees.

The Walvis Bay Issue and Nujoma's Leadership

In the early days of 1990, as Namibia braced for independence, one of the most pivotalandtensemomentsinvolvedthefateofWalvisBay. Asthecountryprepared foritsliberation,DrSamShafiishunaNujoma,astheleaderoftheSouthwestAfrica People's Organisation (SWAPO), found himself navigating an increasingly complexdiplomaticlandscape.

On2February1990,PresidentP.W BothaofSouth Africa addressed the South African Parliament, in which he reaffirmed the position of the South AfricangovernmentthatWalvisBaywouldremain under South African control, despite the independenceofNamibiabeingonthehorizon.Thisdeclaration came as a blow to the aspirations of many Namibians, who were eager for the complete reunificationoftheircountry,includingWalvisBay In the immediate aftermath, Mr Christo de Jager, Walvis Bay's member of the South African Parliament at that time, reiterated that the South Africangovernmenthadnointentionofchangingits stance. His message to business owners and other stakeholders in Walvis Bay was clear: no change was expected anytime soon. “There is no policy change,WalvisBayremainsapartofSouthAfrica,” de Jager stated in a fax received by the Namib Times. He also indicated that the South African ForeignAffairsDepartmenthadsetupacommittee to address matters related to Namibia's independenceandthefutureofWalvisBay Despitethesetback,deJagerexpressedasenseofoptimism,commentingonthepositiveatmosphereamonghiscolleaguesintheSouthAfricanParliament.Hiswords were marked by a cautious optimism, acknowledging the ongoing negotiations but emphasising that the process of finding a resolution would take time.

Ontheothersideofthepoliticalspectrum,SWAPO, ledbyDrNujoma,adjusteditsstrategyinthefaceof SouthAfrica's intransigence. At a public meeting held at Kuisebmond Stadium in Walvis Bay on 11 February1990,SWAPOpresenteditsstanceonthe future of the city The meeting, attended by thou-

sandsofSWAPOsupporters,markedasignificant shiftintone. Historically,SWAPOhaddemanded thefullintegrationofWalvisBayintoNamibia,but atthisevent,theorganisationmovedfromastance ofdemandtoamorediplomaticapproach,framing theissueasapoliterequestforthetowntobecome partofanindependentNamibia.DrNujomaemphasisedtheimportanceofunityandtheneedforthe entire country, including Walvis Bay, to stand as oneonceNamibiaachieveditsindependence. ThismomentwassymbolicofSWAPO'sgrowing politicalmaturityanditsrecognitionthattheresolution of Walvis Bay's status required careful diplomacy Amid these political shifts, Dr Nujoma's diplomatic efforts continued, engaging in delicate negotiations with the South African government over the issue. By early 1994, these efforts bore fruit when Walvis Bay was reintegratedintoNamibiaon28February DrNujoma, whohadlongrecognisedthestrategicimportance ofthetown,hailedthisasavictoryforNamibiaand the entire Southern African region. The events surroundingWalvis Bay's return to Namibia were monumental,notjustpolitically,butsymbolically It represented the final piece in Namibia's long struggleforindependence,astruggleinwhichDr Nujoma's leadership had been paramount. His legacyisfirmlyetchedinthehistoryofourcountry, and his contributions to both Namibia and WalvisBaywillneverbeforgotten.

Sources: NamibTimesArchives,February13,1990 SWAPO and Namibian Government Statements from1990

Foto: Marshallino Beukes

Condolences for Namibia following passing of former President Nujoma

President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his condolences to the people and government of Namibia following the passing of former President Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma who passed away on Saturday8Februaryattheageof95.

The President further expressedsympathiesto the former Namibian President'sfamily

“As neighbours and compatriots, South Africa is united in grief with Namibians who have lost the leader of the Namibian revolution, who is inseparable fromourownhistoryof struggleandliberation,” said President Ramaphosa.

Nujoma was an antiApartheid activist and was elected Namibia's foundingpresidentafter the country gained independencefromApartheidSouthAfrica.

“Dr Sam Nujoma was an extraordinary freedom fighter who divided his revolutionary programme between Namibia's own struggle against South African colonialism and the liberation of South Africafromapartheid.

“In exile and on home soil,heledtheOvambo People's Organisation, the South West Africa People's Organisation andthePeople'sLiberation Army of Namibia against the seemingly unshakeable might of colonial and apartheid authoritiesandforces.

“Sam Nujoma inspired theNamibianpeopleto pride and resistance that belied the size of thepopulation. Namibia's attainment of independence from South Africa in 1990 ignited in us the inevitability of our own liberation,” President Ramaphosasaid.

Furthermore, the former President's actions as leader of South Africa's neighbour paved the way for relations between the two countries.

“President Nujoma's leadershipofafreeNamibia laid the foundation for the solidarity andpartnershipourtwo countries share today –a partnership we will continue to deepen as neighboursandfriends.

“Wearegratefulforthe extended lifetime with which Dr Sam Nujoma wasblessedandweare grateful for the manner in which he dedicated themanydecadesofhis life to serving his nation.“Mayhissoulrest in peace and may our neighboursfindhealing in his legacy,” President Ramaphosa concluded.


Message of Condolence: Founding President Sam Nujoma

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) extends its profoundestcondolencestothefamily, the Namibian people, and the government of Namibia on the passingofourFoundingPresident, Dr SamShafiishunaNujoma.

SamNujomaplayedacrucialleadership role in Namibia's protracted liberation struggle and laid a solid basis for a strongly independent and democratic nation His life-long dedication to the country's sovereigntyandtheupliftmentofitspeople will be remembered as a defining chapter in our history At the IPPR, webelievethatarobustcivilsociety, a free press, and open and informed debatearevitalforNamibia'seconomicandsocialprogressanddevelopment as a successful nation. We are

deeply thankful for the foundational steps taken during President Nujoma's time in office to espouse an inclusive Namibian identity, in order to heal deeply entrenched societal divisions, establish Namibia's strong democratic institutions, and uphold constitutionality

His invaluable contributions to nation-buildingandourcountry'sadvancement will continue to be appreciated, studied and debated as part of our evolving journey During this time of mourning, we stand in solidarity with all Namibians as we reflectonhislegacyandtheenduring impact of his sound leadership. May herestinpeace.


Statement of Condolence from the Parliament of Namibia

The Parliament of Namibia expresses its deepest sorrow at the passing of Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma,FoundingPresidentofthe Republic of Namibia, on 8 February2025.

HislossisdeeplyfeltbytheNamibian people, the legislative body, and the world.

Dr Nujoma'sextraordinarylegacyas a revolutionary leader, anti-apartheid activist, and pivotal figure in the establishment of Namibia's constitutional democracy cannot be overstated.AsamemberoftheNamibian Constituent Assembly (1989-1990) and the first President of Namibia (1990-2005), he played a key role in leading our country to independence and establishing the democratic framework we continue to uphold today

Hissteadfastguidancewasintegralin shapingtheConstitutionofNamibia, ensuring justice, equality, and

democracy were embedded in the law His advocacy for the rights and dignity of all Namibians and his role in the formation of our democratic institutions remain central to our nationalidentity

Dr Nujoma's contributions were foundationalincreatingafree,united, and prosperous Namibia. His vision for a sovereign, independent nation free from colonial and apartheid oppressioncontinuestoguideusall.

On behalf of the Parliament of Namibia, we extend our deepest condolences to his family, the SWAPO Party, and to the people of Namibia. We honour his memory and reaffirm our commitment to the ideals of peace,democracy,andnationalunity forwhichhesotirelesslyfought.

May Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma rest in eternal peace. His legacy will continuetoinspiretheParliamentand thepeopleofNamibiaasweadvance his vision for a free and democratic nation.

His Majesty the King of England

Following the death of Dr Sam Nujoma, Founding President of Namibia

MywifeandIwereprofoundlysaddenedtolearnofthe deathofformerPresidentSamNujomatoday.

President Nujoma's contribution to history was immense, through his leadership of the long struggle for independence, and his subsequent service of fifteenyearsasthe Founding PresidentoftheRepublic of Namibia. I recall with particular gratitude how much Her late Majesty the Queen enjoyed Her State Visit to Namibia in 1991, hostedsogra-

ciously by PresidentNujoma. His lifelong commitment to freedom and democracy, overcoming so much adversity on that journey, was truly inspirational It is a testament to the legacy of Dr Nujoma that the RepublicofNamibia, as a valued member of the Commonwealthof Nations, still maintains and embodies the values ofpeaceandde-

Passing of Founding President of the Republic of Namibia and Father of the Namibian Nation, Dr Samuel Shafiishuna Daniel Nujoma

It is with the utmost sadness that the Editors' Forum of Namibia (EFN) has received the sad tiding of the passing of Dr Samuel Shafiishuna Daniel Nujoma, our nation's Founding President andfondlyhonouredastheFatheroftheNamibian Nation.

It is a year ago that our nation had to face the sudden passing of President Dr Hage Geingob, whom we of theEFNrememberedandhonouredasachampionof theFreePress.Atthispointitneedstoberemembered that it was President Sam Nujoma, who was the presidentatthetime,whenthe“WindhoekDeclaration for a Free, Independent and Pluralistic Press” was adoptedinWindhoekin1991.

Withouttheblessingofthethenpresident,theinitiative and seminar by African journalists, who were supportedbyUNESCO,underthetitleof“Promoting an Independent and PluralisticAfrican Press”, would not have been possible. He placed emphasis on NamibiatoremaintheleaderofafreepressinAfrica, aimingtoinfactleadtheworldbyexample!

The Founding Father should amongst many other attributesberememberedforproclaimingthepolicyof "national reconciliation", which led to harmonised relationsamongstNamibians.Henotonlybelievedin building a unified nation, while respecting the diversity of the Namibian nation, but he also ensured thatNamibiabecameanationthathonoursdemocracy andobservestheruleoflaw

TheEFNwouldliketoexpressitscondolencestothe formerFirstLadyKovamboNujomaandtheNujomafamilyandparticularlytheNamibiannation.

Yoursfaithfully, FrankSteffen


mocracy which its Founding President so keenly promoted and protected.

Our deepest sympathy and prayers are with the former First Lady, Kovambo Nujoma, theirfamilyandthe people of the Republic of Namibia at this

Rus in Vrede

Namib Times het hierdie gedenk-rangskikking ter herinnering en eer aan die ontslapestigterspresident,DrSamNujomainSwakopmundsemiddedorp(Tobias Hainyeko-enMandumeYaNdemufayoT-aansluiting,skuinsoorkantSuperspar) waargeneem.'nStilletekenvanSwakopmundersserou.Ditisnogniebekendwie verantwoordelikvirdieopsteldaarvanisnie.

Namport Extends Condolences to Nujoma Family

The Board of Directors, CEO, and Staff of the Namibian Ports Authority (NAMPORT) extends heartfelt condolences to Madam Kovambo Nujoma, Former First Lady, the Nujoma and Kondombolo families during this profoundlysorrowfultime.

The passing of His Excellency Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, the Founding Father andFirstPresidentof the Republic of Namibia,isasignificant loss not only for his familybutalsoforthe

entirenationandindeed theworld.

Dr Nujoma's contributionstoNamibia'sindependence and developmentareimmeasurable.

As a leader who dedicatedhislifetofighting forfreedomandjustice,

heplayedapivotalrole in shaping Namibia's identity as a sovereign nation.Hisvisionfora united and prosperous Namibia will continue to inspire future generations.

NAMCOR Honours Legacy of Dr Sam Nujoma

Itiswithgreatsorrowthatweacknowledgethepassingof His Excellency Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, Founding PresidentandFatheroftheNamibianNation.

His unwavering dedication, resilience, and visionary leadership laid the foundation for the independent and prosperous Namibia we know today NAMCOR honours his lifelong commitment to the sovereignty and economicadvancementofournation.Hislegacywillcontinuetoinspiregenerationstocome.Mayhissoulrestineternalpeace.

A Beacon Of Hope And Justice

The Economic and Social Justice Trustconveysamessageofcondolence on the passing of the Founding President and Father of Namibia, Dr Sam ShafiishunaNujoma.

As we mourn the passingofNamibia'sFounding President and a trueleader,whosededication to freedom, equality, and social justice transformed our nation the Economic and Social Justice Trust,extendourheartfelt condolences on the passing of His Excellency Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma, the FoundingPresidentand Father of the Namibian Nation.DrNujomawas more than a leader; he was a pillar of strength and hope for the Namibian people. His deep commitment to freedom and progress was not just political it was personal.Hecarriedthe dreamsandstrugglesof his people in his heart, always pushing forward with wisdom, courage, and an unshakablebeliefinabetter future. Through his unwavering fight for justice, equality, and unity, he helped shape an independent Nami-

bia, giving its people the opportunity to walk with pride and dignity Even in thedarkesttimes,henever lost faith, and because of his sacrifices, Namibia standstodayasatestament toresilience,hope,andthe poweroftrueleadership. Beyond politics, Dr Nujomawasafatherfigureto many,amanwhobelieved in the power of education, economic empowerment, and social justice He understood that true freedom extends beyond political independence, it encompasses economic self-reliance, dignity, and equal opportunities for all. He was a leader who walked among his people, listened to their struggles, and dedicated his life to uplifting the marginalised and disenfranchised. His words carried wisdom, his actions carried purpose, and his legacy carries hope.As we reflect on his life, we remember his warm smile, his belief in the strength of the Namibianpeople,andhisability

to unite even in the most challenging times His legacy is imprinted in the heartsofallwhostrivefor a fair and just society He taught us that true leadership is rooted in service, sacrifice, and an unwavering commitment to the well-being of the people. Today, as we grieve his passing,wealsotakeamoment to honour and celebrate a life dedicated to justice, fairness, and the betterment of his people.

DrNujoma'sspiritliveson ineverystepNamibiatakes toward progress, in every effort made to uplift the vulnerable, and in the

unwavering fight for economic and social justice. His impact is not just history, it is a living legacy that continues to inspire.

Our hearts go out to his family, the people of Namibia, and everyone who was touched by his leadership and kindness.

May he rest in eternal peace, and may we carry forward his vision by buildingafuturerootedin dignity, unity, and justice forall.

OMITC Invests In Walvis Bay Youth

Operatec Marine and Industrial Training Centre (OMITC) have joined forces with the Municipality of Walvis Bay to equipfifteenyoungmenandwomenwith essential offshore safety and industrial skills.

The training, that carries a monetary value of N$180000,issettocommence on Monday, 17 February and will be running for two weeks. Uponsuccessfulcompletion, participants will receive certificates, markingthefirststepintheir

journeytowardapromising career in the offshoreandindustrialsectors. OMITC Namibia provides specialised and internationally certified training for local marine personnel in the oil and gas industry made the commitment to train underprivileged youth from the Walvis Bay community in various courses during theWalvisBayMayoral Dinners of 2023 and 2024. In collaboration with the Office of the Mayor, the young men and women that were identified to benefit from this opportunity were selected are Hendricks Ekandjo from Tutaleni Secondary School, Julia Nangombe from Kuisebmond Secondary School, Danayson Cloete, Ethan Snyders, Nathan Snyders and Zander Willemse from De Duine Secondary School, Chingy Numbala and Bongani Mvula from Flamingo Secondary School, Josephat Iipinge and Genevieve Amering from Duneside High School, Rosy Khaxas,Heinrich Kasper and Zhendiago Dausab from the Topnaar Youth and Lydia LopezfromtheTutaleni Youth The selection and nominations of the 15 candidates were donebythevarioushigh schools in the town through consultations from the Walvis Bay Mayors office. Walvis Bay Mayor, Trevino Forbes, expressed his gratitude for the initiative, highlighting the importance of such partnerships in fostering social responsibility “These collaborations are what make me proud to be the mayor of Walvis Bay,” he remarked. OMITC's Director, Absalom 'Apies' Fillipus, who met with the selected young men and women and Mayor Forbes to provide an overview of the training program that will start on Monday, 17 February and will be running for two weeks. Fillipus stated thattheparticipantswill complete eight specialised courses, which include Basic Rigging, Advanced Rigging, Confined Space Entry Awareness, Firewatch and Gas Tester and Basic H2S Awareness. Fillipus encouraged the students to seize this opportunity, stating, “Enhancing your skills improves your employment prospects and opens doors for further professional development.”

OMITC's Director Absalom 'Apies' Fillipus, Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes and Daniel Mouton from the Municipality of Walvis Bay with the young men and women that were selected to attend the two-week offshore safety and industrial skills training
Rudi Bowe

Message of Condolence: Founding President Sam Nujoma

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) extends its profoundest condolences to the family, the Namibian people, and the government of Namibia onthepassingofourFoundingPresident, Dr.SamShafiishunaNujoma.

SamNujomaplayedacrucialleadershiprole in Namibia's protracted liberation struggle and laid a solid basis for a strongly independent and democratic nation. His lifelong dedication to the country's sovereignty and the upliftment of its people will be remembered as a defining chapter in our history AttheIPPR,webelievethatarobust civil society, a free press, and open and informed debate are vital for Namibia's economic and social progress and development as a successful nation. We are deeply thankful for the foundational steps taken during President Nujoma's time in office to espouse an inclusive Namibian identity, in order to heal deeply entrenched societaldivisions,establishNamibia'sstrong democratic institutions, and uphold constitutionality His invaluable contributions to nation-building and our country's advancement will continue to be appreciated,studiedanddebatedaspartofour evolving journey. During this time of mourning, we stand in solidarity with all Namibiansaswereflectonhislegacyandthe enduringimpactofhissoundleadership.May he rest in peace Monica Koep IPPR Chairperson Issued on behalf of the IPPR Board.

In Loving Memory

Our hearts are deeply saddened by the loss of our Founding Father Dr Sam Nujoma

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

May God comfort everyone affected by his death.

Haskell Family

T&M Machine Tools & Staff

In Loving Memory

Dr Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma


On behalf of Pereira Fishing, Pereira Seafood, Blue Sea Fishing, Hatutungu Fishing, Itungwehe Fishing, Kumwe Fishing, Southern Hake Namibia and Tuna Pole Namibia’s Directors, Management and Employees, it is with great sorrow that we extend our deepest condolences to the family, associates and to the Namibian nation including those touched by the life and legacy of His Excellency Dr Sam Nujoma, the founding President of the Republic of Namibia and the Founding Father of the Nation. Throughout his life, Dr Nujoma has been an example of resilience, unity and patriotism. A visionary and a unifying teacher in his own right. May his gallant soul rest in eternal peace

Erongo Governor Offers Condolences to Late Founding Father’s Family

Governor Neville Andre Itope of the Erongo region has offered his condolencesonbehalfoftheresidents and the leadership of the Erongo region on the passing of Namibia's Founding President, Dr Sam ShafiishunaNujoma.

Andre said that the passing of Dr Sam Nujoma, a central figure in the nation's liberation struggle

against apartheid South Africa, is a great loss for Africa and the world. “His legacy lives on, and hischerishedmemory will continue to unite Namibians. His love for his country will shine forever Agreat hero never dies! The

remarkable legacy of this true hero is reflected in these words that will never fade in the hearts of those who love Namibia,andIquote: "ONE NAMIBIA, ONE NATION. A peopleunitedstriving to achieve a common

good for all the member its society will always image victorious ” Andre said, “as we mourn the death of our Founding President let us remember his i m m e n s e contribution to the country, Africa and

the world. With the passing of our Founding Father, we have lost a highly esteemed and deeply respectedleaderwho achievedgreatthings for Namibia, its people, and the world. May the soul ofthisgreatherorest in eternal peace. He was truly a blessing to the Namibian nation, and he has fulfilled his mission. We are all grateful for his contribution and may Peace be with the bereaved family and the entire Namibian nation during this difficult time I want to convey our deepest condolences to the Founding First Lady M e m e k u l u Kovambo Nujoma, the Honorable Uutoni Nujoma and his siblings, the entire family and the Namibia nation. Let us remain united during this difficult time.”

Governor of the Erongo region, NevilleAndre Itope



CONSENT: ON ERF NO TOWN- Accommodation Establishment : 572 SHIP/AREA: , STREETNAME&NO: WalvisBay Geingob.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment(Hotel),(B&B).

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsifapplicableofthisapplicationmaybe obtainedatTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28February2025.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: DesertCoastCC95/369,PO Box191,HentiesBay email:daleenspar2@gmail.com


CONSENT: Pre-School & Kindergarten ON ERF NO: 4585 TOWNSHIP/AREA:KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:OmugulubasheCircle.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Pre-School&Kindergarden.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay andtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28February2025.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: ChristineSPSheehama, POBox5954,WalvisBay,email:nekotokopofipreschool@gmailcom




The position reports to the Financial Manager and will have a finance team reportingtohim/her

ThisSeniorAccountantpositionwillberesponsibleforthefinancialreporting & governance of companies operating within the fishing industry of Walvis Bay


∙Atleast3to5years'experienceasanAccountantorequivalentarticles experience.



∙Goodcommunicationskills–writtenandoral(English&Afrikaanswillbean addedbenefit)


∙Abilitytoprioritizetheirownandtheirteamsworkwithexcellentattentionto detail.

∙Abletodrivethemselvesandtheirteamtoreportonstrictdeadlinesand keepatteamaccountabletowardstheirdeadlines.



Forjobspecificationoftheadvertpleasevisit: www.facebook.com//77consultorhttp://venmar.com.na/contact-us.html

Applicants meeting the requirements are invited to send their CV and supportingdocumentsasonePDFattachmenttothefollowingemailwiththe relevantreference:



Contactperson:KarolinaNamaweorChristophinaIikwa Contactdetails:0814423206




ERF NO: 419 TOWN-SHIP/AREA: Meersig, Walvis Bay STREET NAME & NO: 4th Road Meersig, No.7WalvisBay

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Home School/HomeworkClasses.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this applicationmaybeobtainedatTownPlanning,First Floor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalof thisapplication,mustlodgesuchobjection,together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing,notlaterthan7March2025.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: NadjaOosthuizen,POBox3804,WalvisBay email:oosthuizennadja@gmail.com



Notice is hereby given that an application in termsoftheLiquorAct, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the Districtof

1 Name of postal address of applicant:


2. Name of licneced businesstowhichapplication ratles: Piet & CharmsDelicc.

3. Address/location of licensed premise to which application relates: 202, Sam NujomaAvenue.

4. Nature and details of application: Liquor License

5 Where application will be lodged: Swakopmund Magi-


6 Date on which application will be lodged: 14 February 2025

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relationmustbesentor delivered to the MagistrateoftheDistrict,to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days afterthedateonwhich theapplicantislodged.


CONSENT: ON ERF NO TOWNS- Self-Catering Accommodation : 175 A HIP/AREA: , STREETNAME&NO: Langstrand UniabClose.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Airbnb.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge suchobjection,togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneralManager:Roads andBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28February2025.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: TuhafeniMuhonga email:mtuhafeni@yahoo.com,Cell:0818774468

An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry invites suitable candidates to apply for the position of:


Your responsibilities

You will play a vital role in ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, facilitating board governance, advising on corporate governance matters, and supporting corporate decision-making processes.

We invite qualified individuals with solid legal knowledge and a commitment to corporate ethics to apply for this role. In addition to a competitive salary, we offer a supportive work environment, opportunities for professional development and comprehensive employee benefits.

Objectives of the role

· Serving as the primary point of contact for the board of directors, shareholders and regulatory authorities on corporate governance matters.

· Coordinating and facilitating board meetings, including preparing agendas, board packs and minutes.

· Ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements, including filing annual returns and Beneficial Ownership forms, disclosures and resolutions.

· Drafting and filing statutory documents, such as annual returns, board resolutions and meeting minutes.

· Maintaining corporate records, registers and statutory books as per the applicable laws and regulations.

· Advising management and board members on corporate governance best practices, legal requirements and compliance issues.

· Managing shareholder communications, including organising annual general meetings and handling shareholder inquiries.

Your tasks

· Prepare and distribute notices, agendas and supporting materials for board and committee meetings.

· Attend board meetings, record minutes and maintain accurate records of board proceedings.

· Assist in the preparation and filing of statutory documents with regulatory authorities.

· Monitor changes in company law and ensure compliance with corporate governance guidelines, listing rules and other regulatory requirements.

· Provide guidance and support to directors and senior management on corporate governance matters.

· Liaising with regulatory authorities, such as BIPA(Business and Intellectual PropertyAuthority

· Communicate with external advisors, legal counsel and auditors on corporate governance and compliance issues.

· Stay updated on changes to corporate law, regulations and governance practices.

· Schedule meetings and manage calendars.

· Answer phone calls and emails and take messages.

· Take accurate and comprehensive notes at meetings.

· Help with daily time management.

· Run errands as requested.

· Plan travel, including flights, accommodation and ground transportation.

· Coordinate events and speaking engagements.

· Draft correspondence such as emails and letters.

Required skills and qualifications

· 5+ years of experience as a company secretary or a similar role in corporate governance and compliance.

· Strong knowledge of corporate law, regulations and governance principles.

· Familiarity with corporate governance codes and guidelines, such as the CompaniesAct (Namibia).

· Experience with corporate secretarial software (Greatsoft) and tools for document management and compliance tracking.

· Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to interact effectively with senior executives and board members.

· Ability to work independently and handle confidential information with discretion.

· Attention to detail and the ability to work effectively under pressure in a fast-paced environment.

Please send your detailed CV and qualification to by not later than 27 recruitment@catofishing.com February 2025. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned.

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We have a full-time vacancy for a cleaner with the following requirements:


Das Schönste, was ein Mensch hinterlassen kann, ist ein Lächein im Gesicht derjenigen, die an ihn denken. Für uns alle unfassbar, verließ uns plötzlich und unerwartet, unser lieber Bruder, Onkel, Schwager



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* Minimum 3 years cleaning experience with previous references

* Highly proficient in English

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 21 February 2025

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.

Vacancy at ISWB

Administrative Assistant

We have a vacancy for an administrative assistant with the following requirements:


* Minimum 5 years experience in Bookkeeping

* Highly proficient in English

* Knowledge of Pastel

Minimum Qualifications:

*Certificate or Diploma in Accounting and Finance

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 21 February 2025

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.

Teaching position at ISWB

Junior Secondary Teacher History and Sociology

We have a full-time vacancy for a qualified teacher with the following academic qualifications and experience:


* Minimum 3 years teaching experience

* Highly proficient in English

Minimum Qualifications:

* Bachelor's degree in Education

* Relevant teaching qualification

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 21 February 2025

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.

Teaching position at ISWB

Secondary Math & Science Teacher

We have a full-time vacancy for a qualified teacher with the following academic qualifications and experience:


* Minimum 3 years teaching experience

* Highly proficient in English

Minimum Qualifications:

*Bachelor's degree in Education

*Relevant teaching qualification

Should you meet the above requirements, please send a resume and cover letter, including all copies of relevant qualifications to: admin@iswb.na

Closing date: 21 February 2025

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.

Friedrich von Brandt

27.06.1950 - 03.02.25

In StillerTrauer

Georg Wilhelm von Brandt

Ita Gräfin von Schlik

Siegfried von Brandt

Katja Tonja

Alexandra von Brandt

Friedhelm von Brandt

Wir nehmenAbschied von unseren lieben Cousin

Friedrich von Brandt

27.06.1950 - 03.02.2025

Wenn die Sonne des Lebens untergeht, leuchten die Sterne der Erinnerung.

In stiller Erinnerung

Gigi und Gerhard Hoffmann Monika Riedel

Betty undAndyAlfheim

Jimmy und Heidi Zimmer


Blue Waters FC Still in Relegation Zone

Rudi Bowe

WalvisBayfootballgiantsBlueWatersFCstillfindthemselvesin“deep waters”ontheDebmarinePremierLeaguelogstandingsafterboththeir leaguegames,playedlastweekend,endedinties.

The “Blue Birds” drew against UNAM FC (0-0) and Bucks Buccaneers FC (1-1),

respectively and remains in fourteenth

position on the log

After a total of eleven games played, they could only manage to pocket seven points with one win, six losses

Sparta Led Coastal Cricket 30 Overs

Rudi Bowe

SpartaCricketClubbeatPro-EdOldBoysCricketClubby4wicketstostrengthentheirpositionon topofthe2024/20251stDivisionCoastalCricket30Overs.

and four draws. In other premier league action at the coast last weekend, Swakopmund based Blue Boys FC defeated Bucks Buccaneers FC 1-0 and drew 0-0 against UNAM FC, moving themuptoeleventhpositionontheDebmarine Premiership log standing The Swakopmunders collected a totalofninepointsafter eleven games played, with two wins, five lossesandfourdraws.



Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease by private transaction, a PortionofFarm37We CareYouth.





Lease Amount excl 15%VAT(N$) N$15312.80

Full particulars pertaining to the lease willlieforinspectionby interested persons until *Tuesday, 4 March 2025 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.

For more information

Mrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during office hours.

Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the gounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties at the above address to Private Bag 5017, WalvisBaybeforeoron *Friday,7March2025 at12:00.


Manager: Housing and Properties


Email: jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na

Spartawonfourofthe5gamesanddrawontotop the standing with 18 points, followed by SwakopmundCC1andBlueWaters1on12point, with both clubs played 4, won 3 and lost 1. The Swakopmund Club has a better net run rate.

TawandaNgwenyaforSpartaCC1leadthefielding standing on 6 points followed by his team mat

DennisJohanneson5pointswithHeingoMaxfrom BlueWaterCC1thirdonthestandingon4points.

Immanuel Kayambuka from Blue Water 2 is leadinginthebowlingdepartmentwith12wickets followed by Mc Human from Swakopmund CC with 11 wickets and Nado Pasquallie from Sparta CC 1 with 9 wickets. Chivi Samson from Blue Water1areontopofthebattingdepartmentwit230

runsfollowedbyShalakoGroenewaldfromSparta CC1with200runsandJuanne-LouisGroblerfrom JCCA 1 (Knights) third on 179 runs. Shalako Groenewald from Sparta CC 1 is on top of the player ranking wih 598 points with Martinus Stefanus Erasmus from Swakopmund CC second on487pointsandChiviSamsonfromBlueWater1 third on 454 points Results of the past weekend.


JCCA 1 (Knights) beat Blue Water CC 2 by 75 Runs



Walvis Bay Primary School Interhouse Athletics


Walvis Bay Primary School's Interhouse Athletics championships sponsored by Daron Namibia was an electrifying showcase of talent and sportsmanship by the school's young athletes.

At the end of the two-day athletics championships the “Krappe” scooped the winningtrophywithatotalof1491points, with the “Krewe” in a close second position with 1456 points. The “Krewe” alsosecuredtheSpiritCup,withanarrow 72-71 win over the “Krappe”. After an outstanding display of athleticism and a memorable event the Junior Victor Ludorum and the Junior Victrix Ludorum awardswenttoLuanBinnemanandEmilia Andima respectively, whilst Leroy Makhosi and Zayaan Lovell claimed the Senior Victor and Victrix Ludorum honours.BerthaNghiituikua(BestFemale Track Athlete), Nina Louw (Best Female FieldAthlete),LucianoSwartz(BestMale TrackAthlete),andIsraelChristians(Best MaleFieldAthlete)werealsorewardedfor their outstanding achievements over the twodays.

Piet van Niekerk triumphs in Roco Mama's event

TheWBGolfClubextendstheirdeepestsympathiestothefamilyoftheFounding father of the nation, former President Sam Nujoma, on his passing. May his soul restinpeace.

Atotal of 34 players turned out for Nett Medal on the first nine and straight Stableford on the back nine at the Walvis Bay Golf Club over the past weekend. The stableford being deducted from the medal score with the lowest score winning. It was Piet van Niekerk who played himself into a new withafinalscoreofninepointsandinsecondplace and also a new handicap was Charles Shayamano on 11 points with Tienie de Wet third winning a countouton15pointsfromPedroFernandes.The fifth prize went to Jivino Polster who beat his Father Mario on a count out. There were no two clubs register, while Danie van Antwerpen and ChrisFouriewonnearesttothepinson2/11and18 respectively KyleJohnsonfinishedacredibletied 21standalsoshotthelowestroundofthedayonthe final day of the African Amateur Open in South Africa. The Seniors last week was won by John Redman on 33 points, second on 32 points was RoryWolhuterwithTieniedeWetthirdalsoon32 pointsbutlosingacountout.The“brood”waswon byAntonWelgemoed.

The monthly Sages was also played last weekend andoldstalwart

MorneRouxshotamarvellous77and38pointsto winthemonthlySageswith JohnnyBorgessecond

on 38 points and HoffieViljoen won a count out on37pointfromJohnGomesforthethirdprize. ThenextSageswillbeon2ndMarch.

The winner of the ROCO MAMA's Golf play Piet van Niekerk with Mathew Stander the local branch manager of ROCO MAMA's.

Photo contributed
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

namib times Sport

A Light for Namibia –In Honour of Dr Sam Nujoma

Phillip Seidler, Namibian open water swimmer and owner/coach at Teamflippy Sports & Events ManagementOrganisation,whichiscommittedtomakingour communityhealthierandgrowing Namibiansports,mournsthepassingofH.E.Dr SamNujoma,theFoundingFatherofournation.

Seidler wrote a poem to honour the Founding Father of Namibia, H.E. Dr Sam Nujoma.

A Light for Namibia – In Honour of Dr. Sam Nujoma

A flame once lit, now softly glows, A guiding star where freedom flows. Through storms and trials, strong you stood, With love and hope, you shaped the good. Your voice, a song of mountain high, Your dream, the wings on which we fly.

Namibia's father, bold and wise, Your spirit shines in endless skies. Though time may call, and footsteps fade, Your light remains, it will not shade. In every heart, in land and sea, Your soul still walks, forever free. Rest in peace, our guiding light.

“We extend our deepest condolences to his family and the entire Namibian nation during this time of loss. May his legacy live on.”

Omwandi Engineering Donates Scrum Machine to Boost Rugby at the Coast

OmwandiEngineering,amulti-disciplinaryEngineeringcompanyinWalvisBay,recently handedoverascrummachinetothevalueofN$21000toOceansRugbyClub.

The scrum machine, aptly named “Al Agt” was custom designed by the Omwandi team to avoid injury by broadening the base plates and other modifications and was fabricated which will aid withtheexercisesfortherugbyplayersoftheclub. Rugby is one of the fastest growing sports in Namibiaandisbynomeansasmallfeatwithmany Namibianplayershailingfromlocalclubssuchas OceansRugbyClub,aclubsituatedinWalvisBay AccordingtotheChairmanofOceansRugbyClub Absalom'Apies'Fillipushisplayers'objectiveisto make it to the higher divisions of the Namibia RugbyUnion.Fillipusaddedthattheyarefortunate to have people eager to help them with such projects. “From Oceans Rugby Club we thank OmwandiEngenderingforthisscrummachinethat isnotjustascrummachine,itisaworkofartwhich willtakeustonewheights.Thissponsorshipmeans a lot to the club, and we are grateful and happy to receive'AlAgt'asourscrummingpartner,”Fillipus stated. “Your support will significantly enhance our training sessions and strengthen our players, ensuringwecancompeteatthehighestlevels”said Fillipus.OwnerofOmwandiEngineering,Richard

Punzul said speaking on behalf of the company, that t Omwandi he whole team supported this initiative.“Itwasnotonlyafunchallengebutalso afeel-goodoneasitisaprojectthatgivesbackto the community.” stated, “Being able to Punzul deliver this quality scrum machine is not just a feather in our cap, but a testimony to the quality fabrication commitstoinourpromiseto Omwandi ourclients. “Itspeakstoourpurposeof“Creating afuture,enhancinglife”andhowthelittlewedid here can go a long way for the club and the players.” expressed gratitude for the Punzul partnership on this project and extended the company'ssupporttotherugbyplayers.“Rugbyis a fast-growing sport in Namibia, which invokes unity, passion, and nostalgia. Hopefully, this new addition to the club will grow the team to reach newvictories,”Punzuladded.

Founding Father Inspired Countless Individuals

Fredericks said, “His vision, dedication, and unwavering leadership have shaped our nation and inspired countless individuals, including myself as Namibia's first Olympic medalist. His legacy will forever resonate in our hearts and minds, reminding us of the strength and resilience that define our beautifulcountry Duringthisdifficulttime,mythoughtsandprayersarewith hisfamilyandallNamibiansaswehonorandcelebratehisremarkablelifeand contributions. Letuscometogethertorememberthevaluesheinstilledinus: unity,perseverance,andhopeforabrighterfuture.”

Namport Erongo Second Division League Kicks Off

The Namport Erongo Second Division League kicked off the past weekendwithall12teamsinactionattheJanWilkenStadiumsinWalvis Bay FC; Blue Jets FC 2 - 2

KaribibFCleadthelog standingwithsixpoints after beating Northern Stars 3-1 and Walvis Bay Barcelona FC 4-1, followed by Blue Jets with 4 points and Sorentobucksthirdalso on4points. Saturday's results: Swakopmond FC 0 – 3

Zula United FC; Sorento Bucks FC 2 -1 Navy FC; Henties Bay FC 2 - 2 Young Eleven

Walvis Bay Barcelona FC. Sunday's results: Northern Star FC 1-4

Blue Jets FC; Walvis Bay Barcelona FC 1-4 Karibib FC; Navy FC

3-3 Henties Bay FC; Young Eleven FC 1 - 1

Sorento Bucks FC; Pernicious SC (Gendev FC) 1-0 Swakopmund FC.

Frank Fredericks, Namibia's First Olympic Medalist said he is deeply saddenedtohearofthepassingofNamibia’sbelovedFoundingFatherDr SamShafiishunaNujoma.
Chairman of Oceans Rugby Club Absalom 'Apies' Fillipus handed an appreciation certificate to Owner of Omwandi Engineering, Richard Punzul
Chairman of Oceans Rugby Club Absalom 'Apies' Fillipus at the scrum machine, aptly named “Al Agt”
Rudi Bowe
Chairman of Oceans Rugby Club Absalom 'Apies' Fillipus and Owner of Omwandi Engineering, Richard Punzul with some of the management members and player of Oceans Rugby Club at the hand over of the scrum machine, aptly named “Al Agt
Photo Contributed

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