Ammonia Leak Wreaks
Havoc in Walvis Bay
· 16 Workers Affected in Factory Incident
AsignificantammonialeakonWednesdaythisweekcaused chaos at the Merlus Cormorant factory, with 16 workers affectedbythegasexposure.
The incident, initially suspected to have originated within the factory, has since been traced to a Russian-operated crab vessel, the Royal Crab,dockedatPereiraSeafood'sjetty
According to an official report compiled by Merlus management, the ammonia gas entered the factory through its ventilation system, whichfacesthedirec-
tion of the Pereira Seafood jetty Workers reported a strong smell of ammonia inside the canteen and locker rooms, prompting an immediateevacuation.
Employees affected by the incident have raised serious concerns about the response from management. Speaking to the NamibTimes, some workers claimed that it took the company nearly 1-2 hours to respond adequately to the situa-
tion and assist those whowerecollapsing.
“They were forcing us to go back inside, but we refused because the ammoniasmellwasstill very strong,” one employeeexplained.
Despite the ongoing exposure, workers said they were only instructedtoleavethepremises ataround11:30a.m.
Reports from the scene describe workers fainting repeatedly, both
Continues on page 2
Stop Press: Barbaric Panga Attack on Elderly Couple at Henties Bay
Anelderlycouple,bothintheir70's,sufferedseriousinjuriesduringahousebreakingincidentin HentiesBayaround19:30onWednesdaynight.Accordingtoareliablesource,thecouple,Alexand MarietaGrobler,werebusygettingreadyforbedwhenthreemenenteredtheirresidencethrough thedoor,asitwasunlockedatthetime.
The source further revealed that according to her information,twoofthetriowereEnglish-speaking, with one Afrikaans-speaking. The male victim apparently asked them, "Why are you doing this? What did we do to you," whereafter they allegedly started to hit him with a panga. The female victim washitwithahammeronherhead.Itisallegedthat the couple was then dragged from the kitchen to theirbedroom,wheretheyweretiedup.Oursource noted that the elderly lady managed to pull out the security alarm's plug, which switched off the house'selectricity,promptingthesecuritycompany to come investigate, and this was how they were discovered. The robbers apparently got away with the couple's vehicle, jewellery, television set, and microwave oven, amongst others. Our source also revealed that the vehicle, with some of the stolen items still inside, was recovered in the area of
Wlotzkasbaken after the robbers apparently hit a sandbank. Nampol spokesperson for the Erongo region, Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba has confirmedthebrutalattack.Accordingtohim,the police are investigating a case of house breaking and robbery under aggravating circumstances. ChiefInspectorShapumbafurtherinformedNamib Times about another house breaking and robbery under aggravating circumstances, which occurred around 3:00 Wednesday morning in Swakopmund's Kramersdorf suburb. It is speculated that the two cases might be connected but cannot be confirmedyet.Noarrestsweremadeyetatthetime ofgoingtopress.ChiefInspectorShapumbaurges anyone with information regarding the two incidents to immediately contact the police at 081 2464757orthenearestpolicestation.
Tagtig Sterf op Namibiese Paaie
Vandat Nampol se Feesseisoen-padveiligheidsveldtog op 15 November2024afgeskophetisaltesaamtagtigmenselewens opNamibiesepaaiegeëis.
Padveiligheidstatistieke(15November2024-5Januarie)watvandeesweek deurNampolbekendgemaakis,duivoortsaandat918beseringsgedurende hierdietydperkinpadongelukkeopgedoenwasindie472padongelukkewat geraporteeris.
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Skote Klap by Swakop Nagklub
· Relaas rakende insident in omstredenheid gehul..
DieSwakopmundpolisieondersoek'nsaakvanafvuur vanvuurwapenin'nmunisipalegebied,nadatskote geklaphettydens'nbakleierybuite'nbekendenagklubin diedorpsenywerheidsgebied,laasVrydagaandomstreeks 02:00.
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Nearly 800kg of Trash Removed in N/a'ankusê Coastal Beach Cleanup
Ammonia Leak
withinthefactoryand at the gate. “People were fainting one after another,” an employeetoldtheNamib Times, adding that some colleagues collapsed on their way homeorrequiredhospitalisation. Workers further alleged that management dismissed their symptoms, accusing employees of “pretending” to be unwell. “Even after we were allowed to leavepastnoon,some people were still collapsing on their way home,” one worker said. Totheirdismay, employees have allegedly been instructedtoresumeworkas usualat07:00AMthe followingday,despite the traumatic incident.
Merlus Cormorant Factory management released an incident report detailing the timelineofevents:
09:42 AM: Factory Manager Lionel Muller and Safety Officer WalterNelombawere alerted to the ammonia smell by employeesinthefactoryand lockerrooms.
10:03AM: The SafetyOfficerinstructeda full evacuation. Two workers fainted during the evacuation, andanambulancewas called to assist the affectedindividuals.
10:08 AM: Merlus' technical departments and refrigeration service provider, Thovoterm, confirmed there were no leaks within thefactorypremises.
10:18 AM Technical Manager Tangeni Nangonda observed
personnel at Pereira Seafoodwearingmasks and confirmed with their management that theammonialeakoriginated from the crab vesselRoyalCrab. The leak continued to affect the surrounding area throughout the morning By 11:45 AM Nangonda, accompanied by a police officer,inspectedthevessel andconfirmedtheleakageatitsvalves. Photos were taken, and attempts to close the valves were made, but theleakpersisted.
Mr Rocco Viljoen of Pereira Seafood clarifiedthatthevesseldoes not belong to Pereira Seafood and was merely docked at the company'sfingerjettyatthe time of the ammonia leak. “The authorities did their investigation, and the vessel wrote a report which the authorities have,” Mr Viljoen told the Namib Times.
Sixteen employees of the Merlus Cormorant factory required medical attention due to the ammonia exposure Ambulancesarrivedonsiteat10:15AMandthe affected workers were treatedforsymptomsof inhalation, including fainting and nausea Merlus Management hasemphasisedthatthe incident did not originate from their facilities.ChairmanStanley Nick Katzao clarified, “this incident has nothing to do with Merlus. The ammonia fumes were carried by the wind into our factory, entering through the ventilationsystem.”
The ventilation system inthecanteenandlocker rooms has been identified as a critical entry point for the ammoniagas.Merlus'safety team acted promptly, ensuring all employees were evacuated and emergency services were contacted. Police also responded to the scene and investigated thesourceoftheleakon the Royal Crab vessel. The Municipality of Walvis Bay communicated to the Namib TimesthatTheEnvironmental Health Practitioner from the Municipalitypromptlyvisited the site to assess the situation and confirm that the leak had been stopped and repaired The Walvis Bay Municipality further stated, “The incident was immediately reported to the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) and the Industry Inspector from the Ministry of Labour, IndustrialRelations,and Employment Creation bytheChiefHealthServices Officer of the Municipality of Walvis Bay Asaprecautionary measure, we encourage factories and other industrial operators with large-scale freezing facilities to consider installingsensorsforearly detectionsystems. These systems can provide timely warnings in the event of ammonia leaks of this nature Furthermore, applaud all emergency response personnel and everyone involved for addressing the matter with the urgency and professionalismitrequired.”
Tagtig Sterf
Volgens die Nampol woordvoerder, adjunkkommissarisKaunaShikwambikanby-draendefaktore wat tot hierdie ongelukke bygedra het, toegeskryf word aan bestuurdersgedrag en moegheid, dronkbestuur,spoed,roekeloseennalatigebestuur,asook dieverontagsamingvanverkeersreëls. Gedurende dieselfde tydperk het die verkeerspolisie1867waarskuwingsen12227dagvaardings landwyduitgereik.Altesaam657voertuieselisensiesisopgeskort.
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
gende week afsluit en skole wat heropen, waarsku Nampol dat padveiligheid almal se verantwoordelikheid is. Nampol adviseer ook voertuigbestuurders om geduldig en paraat op die pad te wees, en ten alle tye verkeersreëls te gehoorsaam. Voertuigbestuurderswordvoortsdaaropgewysom hulself voor te berei vir veranderinge in weersomstandighede,aangesiengoeiereënbuieoorgroot gebiedeondervindword,metkitsvloedewatdalkin sommige areas padoppervlakke mag beïnvloed of diepadinfrastruktuurbeskadig.
Skote Klap by Swakop Nagklub
Beskikbareinligtingrakendedieinsidentisinomstredenheid gehul, met beide partye wat hul kant van die saak stel, asook 'n video van die voorval watopsosialemediaverspreiwaswatsyeiestorie vertel.
Volgens adjunkkommissaris Kauna Shikwambi, hoof van Nampol se Openbare Betrekkinge-afdeling,worddaarbeweerdat'nNamibieseman(29) saam met sy vrou, 'n Zimbabwiese burgeres en 'n mansvriend die nagklub verlaat het, en terwyl hulle hul voertuig nader het drie onbekende Duitssprekendemansglosyvrouaangeval. Luidens die Nampol-naweekmisdaadverslag het hulle haar aangeval deur haar met hul vuiste te slaan en oor haar hele lyf te skop totdat sy op die grondneergevalhet,waarnahullegloookdieman ensyvriendaangevalhet.Pogingsomterugteveg was na bewering tevergeefs en die drie het blykbaarvoortgegaanomsyvrouaanterand.Volgens die polisieverslag het hy daarin geslaag om na sy voertuigtehardloop,waarhysypistoolgegrypen twee skote in die lug afgevuur het. Die drie verdagtes het na bewering toe na hul voertuig met 'n onbekende registrasienommer gehardloop en van dietoneelgevlug. DieNampolverslagduiaandatdiedameenvriend na Cottage Privaat Hospitaal vervoer is vir mediesebystandenhultoestandwasstabiel. Nie-ampteliketerugvoeringvandiepolisieduiaan dat hierdie weergawe blykbaar deur die 29-jarige man verskaf was en ook dat geen amptelike, beëdigde verklaring nog afgelê was nie. Senior InspekteurJudithShomongulavandieErongopolisiehetintussenaangeduidatnieeenvandiepartye 'n saak geopen het nie. Volgens Shomongula bevinddiedamewiegloaangerandwashaartansin 'nWindhoek hospitaal waar sy mediese behandelingontvang.Syhetvoortsaangeduidatdievideo vandieinsidentindiepolisiesebesitisendathulle hardbesigisomdiesaakteondersoek. Video,ooggetuiesvertelanderstorie 'n Video wat agterna op sosiale media versprei was,beeldegter'nheeltemaalanderweergaweuit. Die video (in Namib Times se besit*) speel voor dienagklubafenbeginwaardie29-jarigemanen een Duitsprekende manspersoon in 'n vuisgeveg betrokke is. Volgens 'n ooggetuie se weergawe
(stemnoot in Namib Times se besit) is die geveg voorafgegaan deur 'n woordewisseling tussen die dame(wievolgensdiepolisieverslagglodeurdrie mans aangerand is) en een Duitssprekende manspersoon.Hyduiaandatlaasgenoemdeprobeerhet omdiegesprekkortteknip,maardiedamehetglo aggressief geraak en wou die persoon te lyf gaan, gepaardgaandemet'ngevloekery Hullehethandgemeengeraakenvolgensdieooggetuie(envideo) was dit op daardie stadium dat die dame se eggenootvanuitdieparkeerareaserigtingopdietoneel afgestorm het ter verdediging van sy vrou. Die video dui voorts hoe twee (Duitssprekende en dame se man) vuishoue verruil, waarna die eggenoothomna'nvoertuigwendenmet'nvuurwapen tevoorskynkom,nadathyalreedsbydievoertuig'n skoot in die lug afgevuur het. Die video wys ook hoedathydievuurwapendirekopsyteenstaander rig en weer 'n skoot in die lug afvuur Die Duitsprekendemanhetophierdiestadiumbeginretireer en gevra vir kalmte, met die dame wie ook weereens betrokke geraak het. Op hierdie stadium het eersgenoemde begin om te vlug, maar is agternagesit en 'n vriend van die eggenoot (volgens ooggetuie) het hom getakel, waarna hy hom blykbaar weereensselfmoesverdedigennadat'npaarvuishoue gewissel is het hy die vriend katswink geslaan.
Naaanduidingvan'nanderbronhet'nvriendvan die Duitssprekende, hom na afloop van die geveg met die vriend kom waarsku het dat hulle daar moeswegkom.Hullehetblykbaarindiestraatgehardloop,waarnahullemet'nhuurmotordietoneel verlaathet.
Namib Times het ook die 29-jarige verdagte gekontakomsykantvandiesaakaantehoor Hy hetegteraangeduidathyophierdiestadiumgeen kommentaar gaan lewer nie, in opdrag van sy regsadviseur
*As 'n verantwoordelike gemeenskapskoerant het Namib Times nie die video op ons sosiale mediabladgeplaasnie,alhoewelonsditvroeër as sommige ander media huise ontvang het. Namib Times probeer ten alle tye verantwoordelike joernalistiek bo klikkies op sosiale media stel. Ons poog ook om ten alle tye joernalistieke standaarde en integriteit na te streef.
A Festive Season Highlight
Lions and Leos Bring Cheer to the Community This Festive Season
OnChristmasmorning,LionsDavidKochandSharonRoodt,alongwithLeoPresident,LeonardandLeoCandice,broughtwarmthandjoytotheheartsofmanyby visiting Huis Palms, the State Hospital, and the children's ward in Walvis Bay. Armedwithsoft,cuddlytoys,theirmissionwassimpletospreadsmilesandChristmascheer.
AtHuisPalms,theelderlyresidentslitupwithdelightas they received their thoughtful gifts. “At times, we were close to tears, seeing the reactions to each gift and the manysmilesofjoyitbrought,”sharedoneoftheLions. TheirdaycontinuedattheStateHospital,wheretheyvisited the maternity ward to celebrate Christmas babies. Giftswerehandedouttonewmothersandthoseawaiting theirlittleones.Amongthenewbornswereidenticaltwins, born just days before Christmas, who stole everyone's hearts. The team then proceeded to the children's ward, wheretheireffortsweremetwithpurejoy Thechildren's smilesastheyreceivedtheirpresentssaiditall. ThisholidayseasonwasalsomarkedbyaheartwarmingLeoevent at Kuisebmond OldAge Home. Their efforts were bolsteredbythecontributionsofAngelo,Ivan,Michelle,Candice, Isabella, and other Leos, who planned the event,
madedecorations,andensureditssuccess.Fenni,acommunitymember,alsojoinedintolendahand.Theevent featuredafantasticpotjiecookedbyLeonardandAngelo,whileCandice'schocolatecakeandMichelle'sChristmas-themed biscuits delighted the residents. EntertainmentwasprovidedbythetalentedCoastalVocals,arrangedbyIvan,addingafestivenotetotheoccasion.“This was one of the most memorable events on the Lions calendar for 2024,” remarked one participant. A key takeaway from these events is the commitment to involving young Leos and teaching them the value of service. Lion President David Koch, who initiated the LeomovementinWalvisBay,isdeeplypassionateabout empoweringyouth.“Thisisabouttrainingthenextgeneration of Lions, instilling in them a respect for communityandawillingnesstohelp,”heexplained.
Swakop Hit-and-run Suspect Still on the Loose
TheSwakopmundpoliceareyettocarryoutanarrest,followingthefatalhit-andrunincidentinSwakopmund,whichcausedthedeathof40-year-oldKevinKelly !GontebduringDecemberlastyear
Hundreds of bereavedfamilyand friends laidthe deceased to rest last weekend at Swakopmund.
The funeral was last week preceded with an emotional candlelight vigil on the spot where his lifelessbodywasfound.Arelativeofthedeceased describedhimasagentle,kindpersonwithstrong moralvaluesandbelieves.“Hewasatrueexample ofaperson's-person,”therelativeadded.
The incident took place on 22 December 2024 in John ya Otto Street in Swakopmund's New Industrial area The deceased's body was discovered lying in a pool of blood with severe headinjuriesby two passers-by who reportedthe matter to the police. According to the Erongo police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Ileni
Shapumba, preliminary investigations suggested thatthedeceasedwasstruckbyanunknownvehicle, whose driver fled the scene without rendering assistance. The police have opened several cases under Swakopmund CR55/12/2024, including culpable homicide, reckless or negligent driving, failure to ascertain injuries or damages after an accident,anddesertinganaccidentscene.
ChiefInspectorShapumbaurgesthepublictocome forwardwithanyinformationthatcouldassistinthe investigation. Anyonewithinformationisaskedto contactthepoliceon0813214978or0812031808, orthenearestpolicestation.Allinformationwillbe subjected to confidentiality, and the identities of informantswillbeprotected.
New Year Kicks Off on Bad Note for Local Entrepreneur
More than 120 Arrested on Drug Related Charges for December
The Namibian police has arrested a total of 126 suspects on drug related matters during the month of December2024.
One hundred and eighteen of the suspects are Namibian nationals, with four Angolans, one South African, two Zambians and one Tanzanian completing the total. During this same period,308004.7kilogramsofcannabisand10 031mandraxtabletswereseizednationwide.A totalof8859gramsofcocaineand307unitsof crack cocaine were also confiscated by Nampol.
The year did not start well for a Swakopmundsmallbusinessownerwho lost his residential shack, tuck shop and barbershop,whichareadjacent,inafire onWednesdayafternoon.
This tragic incident happened in Swakopmund's DRCinformalsettlementandthecauseofthefireis yet to be determined. According to one of the eyewitnessesthefirestartedattheresidentialshack and the flames quickly spread to the tuck shop and barber shop, destroying it all in less than half an hour
The Swakopmund Fire Brigade was on the scene within minutes and managed to extinguish the fire before it could spread to adjacent shacks. Nobody wasinjuredinthefire.
No Bail for Walvis Bay Babysitter
The Walvis Bay community and country at large were shockedtothecoreafterababysitterintheharbourtown wasarrestedonachargeofallegedlyrapingaone-year-old babygirlduringDecemberlastyear.
The 26-year-old woman (name withheld to protect the identity of the victim) was arrestedinWalvisBay's Kuisebmondsuburb. This appalling incident transpired after the mother of a oneyear-and-one-monthold baby girl dropped off her baby at the nanny's residence at around 06:00 on Friday, 27 December 2024 and went to
Accordingtotheofficial policereportitisfurther alleged that when she picked up her baby at around 17:30 that afternoon,thenannytoldher that the child was bleeding from her private parts and that she (nanny)waswiththebabyall day
The Nampol report furtherstatedthatamedical examination revealed severe genital injuries.
“Itisassumedthatthe suspect had sexual acts with the victim, andthatsheill-treated the ba-by during the period she was in her care,” the report reads.
Theaccusedappeared in the Walvis Bay magistrate'scourtand bail was opposed by the State. The case waspostponeduntil3 April2025forfurther investigations.
Water Interruptions Hit Kuisebmond and Industrial Area
ResidentsandbusinessesinWalvisBay faced multiple water supply interruptions over the past week due to unforeseen pipe breaks in Kuisebmond andtheIndustrialArea.
OnSunday,apipe-break in Sandwich Street disrupted water supply to several parts of Kuisebmond, including Diamond Street, Sandwich Street,OldKuisebmond, Setpoint, and the Komboni area. Initially, the Municipality of Walvis Bay estimated the restoration time at 16:00, but delays pushed it to 20:00.
Two days later, another notice from the municipality revealed additional water interruptions in Kuisebmond,
Coastal Hospitals Celebrate Christmas and New Year's Babies
Thefestiveseasonbroughtextrajoyto families at the coast, with a total of eight Christmas Day babies and 15 New Year's Day arrivals born at hospitalsinSwakopmundandWalvisBay.
On Christmas Day, five babies were born at the SwakopmundStateHospital,withthefirstarrival being a baby girl born at 5:18, weighing 3.39kg.
ThefinalChristmasbabywasdeliveredat19:55, weighing2.37kg. Meanwhile,threebabiesmade theirdebutatWalvisBayStateHospital,withthe firstarrivingat2:39,weighing2.7kg,whilebaby Precious,bornat22:25,requiredspecialcareinan incubator Mediclinic Swakopmund and WelwitschiaHospitalrecordednoChristmasbirths.
NewYear'sDaysawaflurryofactivityinWalvis BayandSwakopmund.
Walvis Bay State Hospital: Nine babies were born, starting with a baby girl delivered at 6:22, weighing3kg.Theheaviestbaby,aboyweighing 4.22kg,wasbornatWelwitschiaHospital.Anurse
attheWalvisBayStateHospitalsaid,“wealways hope for these special arrivals. They make the holidaysevenmoremeaningful.”
Swakopmund State Hospital: Three babies were welcomed,includingababyboyat6:46,weighing 3.57kg,andababyboyat23:28,weighing2.79kg. Afourthbaby,agirlweighing3.94kg,wasbornat MediclinicSwakopmundat12:10.
affecting more areas than initially reported. This time, repairs were completed by late eveningafterteamsworked diligently to restore the supply
On Monday, a pipebreakat11thStreetEast causedasignificantdisruption to water supply in the Industrial Area. Businesses in the area faced a full day of limited operations as the restoration time was extendedto20:00dueto the complexity of the repairs.
In each case, the Municipality of Walvis Bay issued timely public noticestokeepresidents informed and apologised for the inconvenience caused by thesedisruptions. Despite the setbacks, themunicipality'srepair teamswerecommended fortheirpromptresponseinaddressingthepipe breaks These interruptions have raised concerns about the aging water infrastructure and the need for long-term solutions to prevent recurring issues.
New Navy Commander Appointed
Rear Admiral, Sacheus Randy !Gonteb was recently appointed as the new NamibianNavyCommander,succeedingoutgoingNamibianNavyCommander, AlweendoPaulusAmungulu.
Rear Admiral (JG)
!Gonteb who served as
the Deputy Navy Commander was first
promoted to the substantive rank of Rear Admiral and later put in chargeofthecommandof theNamibianNavy Chief of the Namibian DefenceForce(CDF)Air MarshalMartinKambulu Pinehas officiated the change of command, at the Namibian Navy Base in Walvis Bay said that a suit-able candidate for pro-motion should have appropriate qualifications,relevantexperience and demonstrate competencies and abilities to serve in higher ranks and appointments. “As you assume your new appointment and roles, take note that each promotion comes with higher expectations and greater responsibilities,” CDF said. The outgoing Navy Commander, Rear
Admiral (retired)
Amunguluwhoservedas the Namibian Navy Commander for five years said that in his 37 years of military life, which started at Tobias Hainyeko Training Centre in Angola, he has dedicated his life to liberate and defend Namibia and he never contemplated choosing another career outside of the military environment
Rear Admiral Amungulu thanked all the individuals who played a pivotal role in his career and life in particular he expressedhisgratitudeto HisExcellencythelateDr Hage Geingob, the then Commander-in-Chief of the Namibian Defence Force, the entire MODVA and NDF leadership for having entrusted him with the responsibility of commanding the NamibianNavy
“Thank you for investing in me and for taking a personal interest in my professional development,” Rear Admiral Amungulu said. He further encouraged the Namibian Navy memberstolendtheincoming Navy Commander a helping hand, as he alone "shallnotsteertheshipto its intended destination. Continue working hard with a very impressive display of military discipline and pride to serve in the navy,” he added.
Rear Admiral !Gonteb said in his acceptance speech that his vision for the Namibian Navy is to build a force that exemplifies military and naval professionalism, operational excellence, and unwavering commitment to our nations value
“Thisvisionwillguideus aswefulfillourregional,
national and international roles, from protecting our waters to participating in maritime security missions and humanitarian efforts,” Rear Admiral
!Gontebsaid. Ontheway tobecomingtheNamibian Navy Commander, Rear Admiral !Gonteb, served as the DefenceAttaché to the People's Republic of
China,MilitaryAssistance totheCDF,DefenceHeadquarters, and Chief of Naval Staff Operations amongstothers.
TheN/a'ankusêCoastalBeachCleanup Campaign – Cleaning for Good 2024 provedtobearesoundingsuccess,with nearly 800kg of trash collected on 29 December.
Led by the N/a'ankusê Foundation, the event brought together dedicated volunteers, partners, and sponsors to tackle the growing problem of beach pollution. The cleanup highlighted the criticalneedforenvironmentalconservationalong thecoast.
Rainfall Brings Hope as Dam Levels Rise Across Namibia
Namibia'sparchedlandscapehasfinallyreceivedalifeline,asrecentrainfallhas brought significant inflows into dams, providing a much-needed boost to water security.
NamWater has confirmed a significant improvement in dam levels across Namibia, thanks to muchneeded rainfall over thepastfewdays. This development brings renewed optimism for water security across households, agriculture,
andindustries,according to theWeekly Dam Bulletin released on Wednesdaythisweek.
Several key dams have shown substantial increasesinwaterlevels: Swakoppoort Dam surged from a meagre 15.9% to a promising 24.8%offullcapacity
Von Bach Dam, a key
Living & Support
source of water for Windhoek almost doubleditscapacity,climbing from10.7%to23.9%.
Omatako Dam showed signs of life rising from 0.0%to2.9%.
Hardap Dam, Namibia's largest dam by surface area, received a staggering inflow of 27.419 million cubic meters of
We are a Faith-based organisation dealing with substance abuse issues. Our main objective is to take people living in addiction and restore them to a point where they can become functioning members of society again and live a life of sobriety and recovery Contact us for more information
water, raising its level from5.5%to16.4%.
Neckartal Dam which wasalreadyatanimpressive 76 8% nudged closer to full capacity,
nowat77.8%. In total, the recent rainfall has added 49.605 million cubic meters of water to Namibia's dam reserves. While the increase in dam levels is a welcome relief, NamWaterexpressedconcern forcommunitiesaffected byflashfloodstriggered
by the rains. Families who have experienced property damage or disruptions to their livelihoodsareinNamWater's thoughts and emphasised its solidarity with those facing these challenges. Despite the promisingrainfall, NamWater stressed the
importance of maintaining prudent water usage to safeguard the nation against future shortages.Forongoing up-datesondamlevels andotherwater-related news, NamWater encourages the public to visit its website and socialmediaplatforms.
Longest Land Rover Line-up
On 29 December Land Rover owners gathered at 9:00 just past 'Vierkantklip'atthecoast.
Then they drove all along the coastline en route to Langstrand. A few stops were made and everybody enjoyed the drive! There were a lot of different Landys to see! There were Lightweights, Series, Defenders, Discovery's of all model ranges, Range Rovers and new Defenders, we also had Offroad and Vasbyt vehicles in the lineup! Itwasaverynicesight
to see all different Land Rover styles People from all over Namibia and RSA joined the gathering, totalling to a stunning 114 vehicles fortheday
A lot of participants drovealongwayjustto join the Longest Landy Line-up!! That's the Landyspirit At Langstrand, everybody took a break, socialising and getting to know each other better Of course the
Braai/ BBQ couldn't be leftout.
LRON wants to thank everybodyinvolvedand participating in the eventfortheireffortand topspirit!!
Land Rover Owners Namibiaisalsoadriver for good things, supporting social and environmental projects. Funds collected will support the WATER FORLIFEprojects.
LRONalsowouldliketo thank all sponsors of the event!
In the estate of the late HARALD KURT WERNER BLUM, Id No. 550331 0010 6 of 19 Eleventh Street, North, Meersig, Walvis Bay, Namibia, who died on 20 June 2021 (Master's Reference E 3691/2021), and who was unmarried.
In terms of Section 35 (5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty-one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate's Court WALVIS BAY
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
H E AHRENS, Executrix
c/o Kinglaw Kinghorn Associates Inc Haus Altona
2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko
P O Box1455 Swakopmund
New Matutura Primary School Set to Open Doors
The newly constructed Matutura Primary School in Swakopmund's Matutura suburb will be opening its doors on Monday,13January.
This was confirmed yesterday by Ms Erenfriede Stephanus the education directorfortheErongoregion. Accordingtohertheschoolisstillfacing some minor issues like the availability of sufficient furniture for learners,buttheseissueswillberesolved, Stephanus stated. She further noted thatclassesforGradeonelearnerswill only commence in February, as the allocation of teachers for this Grade was only communicated to them duringDecemberlastyear Interviewsfor theappointmentofGradeoneteachers will take place during this month (January).
Furthermore,aguardianprincipalwill taketheleadattheschoolfornow,asa permanent principal is yet to be appointed.MsStephanusexplainedthat thepositionforaprincipalwasadvertisedlastyearalready,andinterviews
have been conducted. The first principal of the school will most likely take over during February, Ms Stephanuscommented.
Meanwhile, residents of Matutura queuedinfrontoftheschoolyesterday morning(Thursday)inthehopeofenrollingtheirchildren.However,enrolmentattheschoolwascompletedlast yearalready Ms Stephanus noted that she had a brief meeting with these parents and explainedthesituationtothem,urging themtokeeptheirchil-drenenrolledat the schools they are currently attending.
The Matutura residents are arguing that learners from the suburb should havebeengivenpreferencetoenrolat theschool,astheyarespendinglotsof money monthly in order to send their childrentoschoolsinothersuburbs.
In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay forpermissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:PrivateSchool.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31January2025.
CONSENT: Pizza Lounge ON ERF NO: 3049 TOWNSHIP/AREA: NarravilleSTREETNAME&NO:KalahariStreet,Narraville,WalvisBay
In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityofWalvisBayfor permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:PizzaLounge.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan31January2025.
Vacancy Medical Laboratory Technician/Technologist/Scientist Vacancies
Thefollowingpostareavailableat: 1.WalvisBayBranch(Ref.AMLWB) 2.OngwedivaBranch(NightShiftOnly) (Ref.AMLONGNS) 3.OngwedivaBranch(NormalShift) (Ref:AMLONG)
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Closing Date28 February 2025
CLOSINGTIME: 10:00daypriortopublication
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JOBWANTED: Iama52yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork for2–3days.Lamgstrand, DolphinBeach/WalvisBay Contact:0816842065
JOBWANTED: Iama38yearoldlady lookingfordomesticworkor officecleaninginWalvisBay /Langstrand. For5daysaweek. Contact:0818655727
WERKGESOEK: Ekis'n31jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerkinWalvis Bay/Langstrand.Ekhet10 jaarondervinding. Contact:0812769576
JOBWANTED: Iama38yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork fromMondaytoFridaysin WalvisBay Icanstartimmediately Contact:0813063600
WERKGESOEK: Ekis'n40jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerkin WalvisbaaiofLangstrand. Bereidomenigetydtebegin. Kontak:0813057349
JOBWANTED: Iama28yearoldlady lookingforworkinhouses cancleanandironverywell, Iamhardworking. Contact:0813181244 0813024842
JOBWANTED: Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork,I amaveryhardworking younglady Contact:0813663582 0812931864
JOBWANTED: Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomesticworkI amveryhardworking,Ihave therightknowledge,very kindandrespectful Contact:0814776673 0813262225
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workforawholeweek.Iam readytostartanytimein WalvisBay Contact:0814902218
WERKGESOEK: 46jarigedameisopsoekna huiswerkvir2daeWoensdae enVrydaeinSwakopmund, ekhetgenoegondervinding enverwysings.Ekkanenige tydbegin
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic workforthewholeweekI am21yearsoldandreadyto startanytime.Contact:081 6056126/0857820882
JOBWANTED:Iam lookingfordomesticworkin WalvisBay.Iamreadyto startimmediately Contact:0810420180.
JOBWANTED:Iama43 yearoldlookingfordomestic workoratakindergartenin SwakopmundorLongBeach, Icanstartanytime. Contact:0814465554
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic work,cleaningwindowsand wallsetc.Iamreadytostart anytime.WalvisBay Contact:0817917725
MELODY: Iamlookingfordomestic work,icandoallchores. WalvisBay Readytostartimmediately Contact:0818717108
JOBWANTED: Iama26yearoldladyin WalvisBayasanannyor cleanerinWalvisBay Contact:0814174126
JOBWANTED: Ahardworkingwomanis lookingforworkinWalvis orSwakop. Iamreadytostartassoonas possible. Contact:0814050656
Iamlookingfordomestic workcleaningwindows, wallsetc.Ihaveexperience. Contact:0818094037
JOBWANTED: Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork, cleaningandironing,for3 daysinMeersigorLagoonWalvisBay Canstartimmediately Contact:0816341138
JOBWANTED: Iamamiddleagedman lookingforpaintwork,tiling, maintenanceorguestfarm work,skimmyorskim plasteringworkin SwakopmundorWalvisBay Contact:0815670211
JOBWANTED:Iama32 yearoldladylookingfor domesticworkin Swakopmund,Ihave experienceandwillingto startanytimefromMonday toFriday,Iamhardworking andtrustworthy Contact:0818155892
JOBWANTED:Iam lookingfordomesticwork anywhereinSwakopmund, orcashieringorgeneralwork inaguesthouse.Icanstart anytime Contact:0812064919
JOBWANTED:Iama26 yearoldlookingfor domestic,guesthouseorhotel workanywherein Swakopmund.Icanstart anytime,Iamtrustworthy withsoberhabits. Contact:0813034224
WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n30jarigevrou opsoeknahuiswerkvir3tot 5daeinSwakopmund,ekhet 3jaarondervindingenkan enigedagbegin. Kontak:0816268509
JOBWANTED:Iama44 yearoldladylookingfor domesticworkfor3or2 daysperweekin Swakopmund,LongBeachor Kramersdorf.Iamvery hardworkingandtrustworthy Contact:0818906168
WERKGESOEK: 44jarigedameisopsoekna huiswerkvir‘nweekof3dae perweekinSwakopmund,ek hetgenoegondervindingen verwysings.Ekkanenigedag begin Kontak:0814957821
JOBWANTED: Iama33yearoldlady lookingforcleaningor housekeepingworkin Swakopmund,Iamreadyto startassoonaspossible. Contact:0814170194
JOBWANTED: Iama39yearoldlady lookingforworkin Swakopmundforcleaningin theminesandhousekeeping, Ihave5yearsexperience.I amhardworkingandwilling tostartassoonaspossible. Contact:0814866806
JOBWANTED: Sylviaisa48yearold lookingfordomesticwork, ironing,washing,cleaningin Swakopmundurgentlyfrom MondaytoFriday Contact:0815585908
Nedbank Volley 1st at the Coast
ThethirdeditionoftheNedbankVolley1stTournamenthostedbyConnectPeopletoPeople(CPTP),washeldoverthefestiveperiodattheMole inSwakopmund
Nineteamscompetedinthesix-a-sidesocialvolleyball tournament that was moved to the coast for the first time, following its debut in Ongwediva in 2022 and Oshakati in 2023. The winners of the first Nedbank Volley 1st Tournament Team at the coast were Gwakondo, followed by Team Make My Day with Team Black Juice in third place, and Team Das Mannschaft in fourth place. Head of Corporate CommunicationsandMarketingatNedbankNamibia, Gernot de Klerk said that the bank has always maintained a deep involvement in the communities thatservethemasmuchastheyareinservicetothose communities.DeKlerkexplainedthattheyatNedbank always know that Volleyball is a very popular sport. Therefore,theplanhasalwaysbeentotakevolleyball upnorth.Thisyear,itpannedoutsuchthatthetiming and seasonal changes made it impossible to host it towardstheendoftheyear Headded“We'reherefor theNedbankDesertDash,andwe'llbehereattheend ofthemonthfortheNedbankDesertClassic.Whynot bring the Nedbank Volley First Tournament to Swakopmund.“That'sexactlywhatwe'vewitnessed.I
thinkthevibeatthecoastisspecial,especiallythistime of the year,” he said. De Klerk said, “The vibe at the coastisspecial,especiallythistimeoftheyearitisjust great and with the local leadership share the same sentiments. Therefore, If all goes well, we'll be back againnextyear.” Hefurthernoted,“Whateverwedo, we do so because we have the support of very loyal clients throughout over 50 years of our existence in Namibia. We cannot thank them enough for their support.Aswewinddowntheyearofactivities,ithas beenanintenseyearforallofus.Butthatloyalsupport, Itellyou,isonethatwedeeplytreasureandnevertake forgranted.ConradJohannes,thetournamentdirector, explained that it was a great day for social volleyball. The Volley 1st Tournament created a space for corporatesorindividualstocompeteagainsteachother socially “This year, we have nine social teams that haveplayedinthistournament,andmaybenexttimeit happens,I'msurewe'llgetafewmore.It'sbeenagreat dayandthankyoutoNedbankforsupportingthisevent and Connect People to People for putting it together,” hesaid.
The Sixth Edition of the Fittest in the Namib Concludes
FittestintheNamib,acornerstoneofNamibia'sfitnesscalendar,drawing athletesfromacrossthecountryandinternationalteamsfromSouthAfricaand ZambiacompetedinSwakopmund.
ThisyearatthesixtheditionoftheFittestintheNamib competitionhostedbyCrossFitSwakopmund,saw35 teams competing across six events in two full days of intensechallenges,pushingathletestotheirlimitsand testing their endurance over three venues. The first eventofdayoneathletesfacedthedemandingobstacle coursethatsetthetoneforthecompetitionatthehorse stablesinSwakopmundandthenthesecondeventtook place at the iconic Mole Beach, where athletes faced challenges designed to push them to their absolute limits. This event featured a mix of water-based and beach-specific tasks, incorporating the natural terrain toincreasethedifficulty DaytwooftheFittestinthe Namib2024movedtotheVenitaSportsStadiumwhere athletescompetedinaseriesofhigh-intensityworkouts that tested their strength, strategy and teamwork. The day's events included a mix of classic CrossFit workouts and specialised movements requiring technical skill and precision. The organiser Fittest in theNamib,JanckeRentelsaidthatyouneedtobereally fittobeabletodotheFittestintheNamib.“Wetestthe whole body, your limits and your mental state. We're lookingforwardtonextyearandwe'regoingtomakeit bigger and better, and I think we're going to make it biggerandbetter Twoorthreeyearsago,wehadnearly 100 athletes in action, and we are aiming to have 100 teams competing next year, plans are already being forged for next year's event,” she explained. “The dreamistomakethisaSADCevent.It'ssomethingI'm passionate about. By collaborating with otherAfrican countries,wecangrowthesport,”sheadded. Rentel thanked all the sponsors that make the event possible, and she urge other corporates to come on board.
The full results of the 2024 Fittest in the Namib
2 Braaibroodjies (Coenraad Botes and Braam Boshoff)
3. Desert Boys II (Benediktus Matheus and Tangeni JohnIlovu)
1. Fit and Fierce (Marion van der Merwe and Isché Wahl)
3. The Returns (Griet-Marie Coetzee and Madelein vanZyl)
Master Male 1. Coll'NDoctor (Collin Bester and WillemGenis)
2. No Rep (Jaco van Heerden and Leonhard Hinterholzer)
3.JustCrossNotFit(LillianHinterholzerandBeatie Breytenbach)
1. Koshin CrossFit SA (Amoré Geyser and Natalie Meaker)
2 B-Ener-G (Lezaan Groenewald and Francie Gerber)
Liquifruit Beach Volleyball at Mole a Resounding Success
TheSwakopmundBeachVolleyballAcademyinconjunction with the DTS BeachVolleyball and the NamibianVolleyball Federation hosted the Liquifruit Beach Volleyball TournamentattheMoleinSwakopmund.
The thrilling and competitive Beach Volleyball tournament saw 59 teams from Namibia, Botswana and South Africa competing in five categories showcasing diverse talent and providing a dynamic atmosphereoverthetwoday event that proved to be an exciting spectacle for both players and spectators alike. The Social category, played exclusively on Sunday, offered a fun and relaxed atmosphere for all involved While the competitive categories had intense action, the social games were all about enjoyment and camaraderie The U19 Girlscategoryshowcased some up and coming young talent from across Namibia The competition was fierce, with many promising athletes displaying their impressiveskills.Among the standout performers were Isabel von Wietersheim and Lilly Marschall, who emerged as the champions of the category Theyoungpair, aged only 14, displayed remarkable teamwork and fight, not giving away any points for free. Von Wietersheim and Marschall's victory not onlysolidifiedtheirplace as the top young female players in Namibia but also highlighted the potential of the next generation of female beachvolleyballathletes. The U19 Boys category was one of the most closely contested of the tournament Teams showed significant
promise. DavidUushona and Ally Alfons, who were competing together forthefirsttime.Despite their relative inexperience as a pair, Uushona and Alfons improved with every game, displaying excellentadaptabilityand quickly understanding the tricks of Beach Volleyball Their perseverance and quick learning allowed them to defeat more seasoned opponents, culminating inawellearnedvictoryin the finals. However, the tournament was ultimatelyearnedbythetopranked South African duo, Danilo von Ludwiger and Heiko Güther Their journey to the finals was far from easy, as they fought throughtie-breaksinboth the quarterfinals and semi-finals, overcoming tough competition at every stage. In the final, theyfacedoffagainstthe fiery pair of Jura Krafft and Jan Erik Sack, who were determined to secure the win. Despite thepressureandintensity of the match, von Ludwiger and Güther's experienceandresilience saw them emerge victorious, securing the top spot and cementing their reputation as one of the best teams in the region. Max Krafft and Luca Kesselmann, took BronzeMedalagainstthe Pfeiffer Twins, after beating Tony Oral and Elias from Botswana in the quarter final and pushing Von Ludwiger and Güther to their limit in the semi-final. The
youngest competitor of the men's draw, Jura Krafft(16), played phenomenal Volleyball all day and deservedly made the finals with his partnerJanEricSak.
1 Peter and Lena Brinkmann
2. Sina Hofmann and LevinSchmitz
3 Lukas Ahrens and PatrikHenckert
4. Ralette Miller and FrancoisTheron U19Girls
1 I s a b e l v o n Wietersheim and Lilly Mraschall
2. Dania Diekmann and NoraRogl
3 Lena Putzler and RonjaFechter
4. Juli Welge and Vicki Missel
1. David Uutona and AllyAlfonas
2.MarcelDiekmannand MircoPutzler
3. Mischa von Wenzel andJurivonWenzel
4. Leo Kesselmann and RomanDainat
1 Lea Paucksch and JankaMeyer
2 Maggie Heita and PumiNangombe
3 Liina Feliks and SylviaKamanya
4.GabriellaRitzdorfand CarmenCuschmann
1. Danilo von Ludwiger andHeikoGüther
2. Jura Krafft (16) and JanEricSak
3. Max Krafft (18) and LucaKesselmann(18)
4. Fabian Pfeiffer and DanielPfeiffer
Seilder and Brinkmann Win 2024 Pupkewitz Jetty Mile
The2024PupkewitzJettyMileonceagainstoodoutasahighlightinSwakopmund,drawingadiversegroupofswimmerstothisannualopenwaterswimmingevent.TheJetty MilewaswonbyNamibianopen-waterswimmerPhilipSeidlerandNamibianWomen's MajaBrinkmanninthemenandwomencategoriesrespectively TriathlonAthlete
The beachfront from Tiger Reef Beach Bar to the Mole was lined with supporters and spectators as participants swam past the iconic Swakopmund Jettybeforefinishingat Main Beach at the Mole, covering a distanceofroughlyone sea mile, approximately 1.9 kilometres.
The two-time Olympian, Seidler claimed hiseleventhJettyMile, further cementing his dominanceintheevent as he completed the race in an impressive time of 19 minutes and 2seconds,abouthalf-aminute away from breaking his Jetty Mile record which he set in 2019inatimeof18:33. Nico Esslinger was second in a time of 19:58andNicoDurand thirdinatimeof21:06.
Namibian Women's Triathlon Athlete, Brinkmann crossed the finish line with an impressive time of 23
minutes and 7 seconds, solidifyingherstatusas one of the top lady swimmers in the event whilst 16-year-old Madison Bergh finishing second with a time of 23:37andCarissaSteyn thirdinatimeof23:41.
Participants could choosebetweentheFull Jetty Mile, or a shorter Sprintofapproximately 600 metres as well as a kiddies fun swim of about 150 metres that took place in the Mole.
PhilipSeidlersaidafter the race that to be a champion,youmustsee beyond the finish line.
“It's not just about winning or losing; it's about relentless effort, embracing the grind, and thriving on every challenge. That's what drives me, what fuels my passion The thought of the upcomingswimmersfrom Namibiaandaroundthe world, all coming to challenge me for the Jetty Mile, it's what
makes me show up day after day, push harder, anddefendmytitlewith everything I've got ” He added that he has to improve constantly becausehiscompetitors aredeterminedtodefeat him.“Nowadays,Ihave a lot of pressure on me, but competition is good andIcan'twinitforever, so it motivates me to swim faster and train harder.” According to him the competition is gettingbettereveryyear and everyone wants to c h a l l e n g e h i m Therefore,thestiffcompetition motivated him to push himself to
victory “I'm not stopping I'll keep pushing, keep grinding, andkeepbeingtheshark that I am” Seidler concluded. Namibian Women's Triathlon Athlete Maja Brinkmannthatwordscannot describe how much this win meant to her “I'm sogratefulforeveryone who believed in me,
Special Olympics Polar Plunge Fundraiser
Lastyear,SpecialOlympicsNamibiathatcatersspecificallyforathletes withintellectualimpairments,addedauniquetwisttosportsevents heldatthecoast,byorganisingafundraiserintheformofaPolar Plunge
Bothathletesandspectatorsparticipatedbysittinginanicebathforaslongas they could endure, turning the challenge into a fun, yet daring test of resiliencewhilesupportingagreatcause.Therecordsetforthedaystandsat 51 minutes. The National Director of Special Olympics Namibia, Levien Smit said that they are an internationally affiliated programme, supporting individuals with intellectual impairments. “Polar Plunge, which is an international programme of Special Olympics, is a way to raise money for Special Olympics,” she explained. Smit emphasised that as a non-profit organisation,theyheavilyrelyonfundraiserstokeeptheirprogramsrunning. “This initiative not only raises money but also involves the community, encouraging them to contribute, have fun and create awareness on intellectual disabilities,” she stated. Smit further explained that since they work towards inclusion and raising awareness and funds, they thought this would be a great opportunity to collaborate with CrossFit. She noted that theyarecurrentlyraisingfundsfortheWinterGamesinItalynextyear,with aboutN$100000stillneeded. ShefurtherstatedthatSpecialOlympicshas year-round programmes throughout the country, currently operating in six regions.“Peoplewithintellectualimpairmentshavelimitedopportunitiesin Namibia,andtheytrulyneedallthesupporttheycanget.Whileweusesports as a medium, we also run youth programmes, health initiatives and young athleteprogrammes,”Smitsaid.
She added that they currently serve about 1 800 athletes year-round. “Our goal is to expand these programmes across the country, and additional funding will help us achieve this goal. Doing the Polar Plunge with sports men and women and daring them to be brave for inclusion is an ideal opportunity,”Smitsaid. Sheurgesallsportsfederationandcorporatesthat are hosting sport events to contact Special Olympics Namibia in order to includetheirPolarPlungeattheirevents.
especially my family (as usual) and Phillip Seilder, the king of this race.”
ShethankedPupkewitz and Otb sport for hosting such a lovely eventandeveryonewho stayed in her corner through the year “I appreciate you all so much.Iwillbebacknext year,”shesaid.
Teamflippy Wins FNB Sandman Ultra
Teamflippy,consistingofPhilipSeidler(swim),JustusBeulker(cycling)and GoeiemanAlbertinus (running) won the Ultra Male Division at the FNB Sandman Ultra Triathlon held for the 36 consecutiveyearattheMoleinSwakopmund.
Teamflippy won the Ultraraceinatimeof 4:01:22withSeawork SeafoodTeamsecond in a time of 4:10:40 andtheSwakopSwift SharksTeamthirdina timeof4:53:34.
Phillip Seidler created an early and impressive lead in the 1.9kmswim,settinga new a record time of 20minutes3seconds, then Justus Beulker
powered through the tough90kmbikeride with the wind in his face, finishing in 2 hoursand25minutes with Albertinus Goeieman completing an amazing 21km run in 1 hour and15minutes.
Man Eaters won the Ultrafemaledivision in a time of 4:42:10 whilst the DHPS Ultra Team won the
Ultra Mixed division inatimeof6:00:26.
More than 500 triathletes lined up to take up the gruelling challenge of FNB Sandman Ultra Triathlon. The Ultra event consists of a 1 9 k m s w i m , followed by a 90km cycle and then 21 1km run The Standard division comprising of 1km
swim, 40km bike ride and 10km run. Some participants alsocompetedinthe Sprinteventof400m swim, 20km bike rideand3kmrunand a Mini division of 150m swim, 6km bike ride and 3km run.
The full results are p u b l i s h e d o n
namib times
Lloyd Jacobs and Michael Koopman received the Senior and Junior Players Awards respectively whilst Ashton Mukwilongo received the award for the Best Sevens Player
whilst the Forward Player and Backline Player of the Seasons awardswenttoDiandre Plaatje and Irongwa Atshivudhi respectively Cameron Langenhoven and Michael
of the season and Ernesto Bampton the recipien
of the Exceptional Player Awardfortheyear2024. The Players Player for the season award went to Suramie Kambombo
Koopman were the recipientsoftheMVPs awards for the Premier and Reserve Leagues respectively The Most Disciplined Player Award went to ScottWinbornwiththe Koning brothers, Jarren and Jarreth, the recipients of the Most Committed Players Award of the season, whilst the Chairman's Award was awarded to Donald De Koker and Wilfred Muller Try of The Season Award went to Suramie Kambombo for his exceptional try in the semi-final Lloyd JacobsreceivedaMerit Awardforrepresenting Namibia at the Rugby Africa Cup whilst Michael Koopman and Suramie Kambombo also received a Merit Awardforrepresenting Namibia at the Under 20BartesCup.
Otherawardwinners were.
Best Backline Player
Premier League –
Best Backline Player
Reserve League –AlgirnonKolz
Best Forward Player
Premier League –
Best Forward Player Reserve League –
Best Progress Premier League – Roberto Lensley and Lucio Isaacs
Best Progress Reserve League – Rayshawn Shoombe and Franco Vries
Most Tries Premier League Irongwa
Most Tries Reserve League – Algirnon Kolz
Most Points Premier League–KyleWentzel
Most Points Reserve League – Rayshawn Shoombe
Brinkmann Wins Open Water Splash
Namibian Women's Triathlon Athlete Maja Brinkmann is the winner of the second edition of TeamFlippy Open Water Splash heldattheMoleinSwakopmund.
Brinkmann completed the 2km swim in 25 minutesand21seconds t
h Francesco Lanzone second in 25 minutes and 27 seconds whilst Jorn Buchert come thirdin26minutes.The competitionwashosted by TeamFlippy was a huge success with about 100 participants that included a team of eight swimmers from theNamibianNavy
Philip Seidler from Team-Flippy said that theyareverygrateful. “It was an amazing event with solos, twopersonandfour-person teams with a kiddies' category.”
At the Teamflippy Open Water Splash, powered by Bojo's Cafe, we had the incredible honor of welcoming kids from the DRC Woman Community Project Centre to join in this meaningfulevent.It'sa partnership that means
somuchtous. T h r o u g h o u r collaboration with our good friend, Leander Werner,wewereableto distribute swim equipment generously donated by the German Embassy Windhoek
Theseitemsarehelping kids learn to swim and understand the critical importance of open watersafety
At Teamflippy, we are truly grateful to have theopportunitytobring thecommunitytogether through the power of sport!
The rest of the results areasfollows:
Solo Junior Female Overall: 1 Maja Brinkmann (25:21)
Solo Junior Male Overall:1JornBuchert (26:00)
2 Kieran Golombowski (36:10)
3 Christiaan Visser (44:05)
Solo Senior Female Overall: 1 Ciske
Solo Senior Male Overall: 1 Tristan Alpers (26:09)
2 Francois Malan (27:11) 3 Daniel Brinkmann (29:10)
SoloMasterMaleOverall:1FrancescoLanzone (25:27)
Solo Master Female Overall: 1 Ilona Sickel (29:39)2Mai-BrittAlfheim(34:53)
Two-Person Team Category: 1 SWK Kids Swimmers(30:48)
2 Swakopmund Swim Club (31:16) 3Team Luna (31:55)