29 nov namib times e-edition

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Baker Hughes Boosts Namibia's Energy Industry

Erongo Region Election Day Proceeded Smoothly, Despite Technical Glitch

Election in the Erongo region was predominantely smooth andwell-organised,withvoterslininguptocasttheirvotes atpollingstationsthroughouttheday.Unlikeotherregions where polling stations faced shortages of ballot papers, the Erongoregiondidnotexperiencemajorissues.

However, there were some technical challengeswiththeverification machines, which occasionally froze or reset themselves after several voters had cast their votes This caused some frustration and confusionatafewstations, leading to momentsofunrestaspeople grew anxious about delays. Despite thesehiccups,election officials acted swiftly, extending voting

hoursandallowingthe polling stations to remain open to ensure that every eligible voter could participate By morning hours onThursday, 28 November, the re-

Continueson page 2

BakerHughes,anAmericanenergytechnology company recently opened a new liquid mud plant, Cement bulk facility and integrated multi-modal facility in Walvis Bay. The liquid mud plant is the largest in Namibia with 15 000-barrel liquidcapacityandtheabilitytoscaleup to 30 000 barrels, with the cement bulk facilityboastinga500-toncapacity.

The new mud plant is the largest in Namibia, in termsofvolumeandcapacityandwasestablishedin supportofthecountry'smushroomingenergyindustry and to increase localisation opportunities. The investmentisworthaboutUS$10million(morethan N$180).Thisfacilitywillserveasakeyinfrastructure necessary to supply drilling and completions fluids and cement bulk handling, critical to serve offshoreoilandgasoperations.“Namibiaispoised tobecomeoneofAfrica'sleadingenergysuppliers, and these operations significantly enhance our ability to support their goals,” saidAmerino Gatti,

Continues on page 2

Namib Times Investigates Walvis Bay's Ongoing Service Challenges

ThefrustrationofWalvisBayresidentshasreachedafever pitch over unresolved issues at the landfill, sewage overflows,truckparkinginresidentialareas,andagrowing flyproblem.Residentsremainscepticalaboutthepaceand effectivenessoftheWalvisBayMunicipality'sactions.

Repeated municipal promises to address the fires have yielded few visible results. On 16 October, 21 October, 5 November, and 26 November, the Namib Times contacted Public Relations Officer, Anita Kaihiva, seeking updates on the fires. Each time, Kaihiva pro-

misedfeedbackbutfailedtodeliver On 20 November, questions were escalated to the Walvis Bay Municipality CEO, Victoria Kapenda, whoacknowledgedtheconcernsbut offered no tangible resolutions Finally, early on Thursday morning Continues on page 2

QatarEnergy Expands Stake in Namibia's Offshore Oil Exploration **********

FIBANA Coastal United Federation Launched to Support Housing Development in Walvis Bay

NamWater and MTC Partner to Modernise Water Management

Photo: Marshallino Beukes
Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes

Continued from page 1 the Municipality Public Relations Officer suppliedanswerstotheNamibTimes.

Landfill Fires a Community Health Crisis

Thick black smoke from tire burning at the Walvis Bay landfill has blanketed the townrepeatedly,raisingalarmsaboutthe healthimpactsonvulnerableresidents.

Pensionersandthosewithrespiratoryconditions areamongthehardesthit.Avisiblyupsetresident reached out to the Namib Times asking, “how much longer must we endure this? The smoke gets into everything, our homes, our lungs. The municipality needs to act, not just promise.” Another asked, “when the police say it's the municipal peace officers' responsibility to address this, who are we supposed to believe?” Kaihivastated,“wearedeeplycommittedtoaddressing the issue of tire burning and the health impacts it causes. We've engaged the Namibian Policeandconductedjointawarenesscampaigns toeducatepeopleresidingatthedumpsiteonthe dangers of their activities.”Answering the questionhowthemunicipalityisplanningtomitigate thehealthimpactsonresidents,especiallythose with respiratory issues, Kaihiva answered, “We will address this by actively engaging those residingatthedumpsiteandeventuallyfindinga more permanent solution. The municipality has alsopledgedtoincreasemonitoringatthesiteto prevent unauthorised access and is working towardapermanentsolution. “Weaskresidentsto be patient as we finalise a comprehensive plan,” Kaihiva added. However, residents remain unconvinced. “If the municipality can't handle it, maybe we need to take legal action ourselves.” However, the gap between resident expectations and municipal action remains stark. Repeated municipalpromisestoaddressthefireshaveyieldedfewvisibleresults.

Sewage Overflows Infrastructure and Misuse

Sewage overflows have been reported in both industrial and residential areas, causingunsanitaryconditionsandfurther concerns.

Reports suggest a certain business in the Industrial area at the Dunes Mall turn-off may be improperly disposing of waste into the sewer system. “We take these concerns seriously and are committed to maintaining public health and environmentalstandards.Ourteamhasbeeninformedtodoathoroughinvestigationtothiseffect,” Kaihiva said. Answering the newspaper's questiononhowthemunicipalitymonitorandenforce compliancewithwastedisposalregulations,Kaihiva said, “the municipality employs environmentalhealthofficeswhoroutinelymonitorbusinesses for compliance with waste disposal regulations. This includes regular inspections, reviewingwastemanagementplans,andrespondingto publiccomplaints. Kaihivaalsopointedoutthat some sewage issues result from public misuse, including the improper disposal of non-biodegradable items into the system. “Residents must also take responsibility for using the infrastructurecorrectly,”sheemphasised.“Thesewer overflows are mainly caused by a backup in the mainnetworkduetoblockages,causedbymisuse ofthesystembythepublic.Theteamiscurrently

working on connecting the new main pipeline installed on Sandwich Street to provide relief. Kaihiva highlighted the N$18 million project in Kuisebmond to replace aging pipelines and manholes that has already started in 2022. This project involves the upgrade/reroute of sewer lines andthereplacementofoldACsewerpipelinesand manholes. Additionally, a state-of-the-art sewer truck purchased in 2023 is being deployed to improve maintenance. Despite these efforts, residentsquestionthemunicipality'saccountability

Truck Parking in Residential Areas

The illegal parking of trucks in residential areas continues to disrupt neighbourhoods. While the municipality has regulations in place,enforcementremainsachallenge.

CommentingonthisKaihivasaid,“trucksarerequired to park in designated areas, and we've issued fines and erected no-parking signs to address noncompliance.According to Namibian Traffic Regulations,parkinginundesignatedareasisprohibited, compelling commercial drivers to seek appropriate locationsforparking.Thisregulationaimstoensure thattrucksdonotdisruptresidentialneighourhoods orposesafetyhazards.”Kaihivastatedandwenton sayingthattrucksarerequiredtoparkindesignated areas such as specific zones allocated for heavy vehicles “The Municipality in collaboration with Namport and the Walvis Bay Corridor Group has established facilities to accommodate trucks and limit their presence in residential areas to provide moreparkingfacilitiesforheavyvehicles.” Residents, however, feel enforcement is lacking. “The signs are ignored, and we rarely see officers addressing the problem,” one resident complained. Responding to this, Kaihiva said, “Although the municipalityhastakenseveralstepssuchasissuing tickets and erecting “no park” signs, noncompliance from truck drivers continues to be a

Baker Hughes

Continued from page 1

theexecutivevicepresidentofOilfieldServices & Equipment at Baker Hughes. According to the United States' ambassador to Namibia, Randy Berry, the integration of advanced technologies and best practices will ensure that Namibiacanmaximisethebenefitsofitsenergy resources while minimising environmental impact. MinisterofIndustrialisationandTrade, Lucia Iipumbu remarked that this development ispivotalasNamibiacontinuetopositionitself as an energy hub while building capacity to support exploration activities and alleviate the reliance on imported drilling fluids from other countries. The Minister lauded Baker Hughes withthisratherhugeinvestment,furthernoting that the Namibian Government is committed to creating a conducive environment for investment in diverse economic sectors. She furthernotedthattheestablishmentofthelocal production facility will indeed ease the current burden experienced by most companies importing drilling fluids from other countries and reduce delays resulting from shipping logistics, while addressing the challenge of inflated costs of imported products and other associatedrisks.


Traffic Department Concerns

Concerns over understaffing at the traffic department have addedtoresidents'frustrations. Responding to this the Public Relations Officer of the Walvis Bay Municipality said, “We acknowledge these concerns and are closely with taxioperators,truckdrivers,andother stakeholders to promote compliance with traffic laws and address specific concerns.” Kahiva further explained thatWalvisBay'sstrategicimportance asalogisticshubhascontributedtoits rapid population growth and urbanisation.“Tomanagethisexpansion,the municipality is prioritising the expansion of essential services, including traffic management to meet the demandsofagrowingurbanpopulation.

Walvis Bay Fly Infestation Issue

Additionally, a worsening fly problem has left many questioningthemunicipality'spestcontrolefforts.

Answering on questions related to this issue, Kaihiva said, “the relevant department contracted a contractor to spray to mitigate fly breeding We have seen some improvementsince. Despite the municipality's assurances, many residents feel their concerns are being dismissed or addressedtooslowly “We'retiredof waiting. Our health, homes, and qualityoflifeareatstake,”saidone frustrated ratepayer The Namib Times will continue to keep the community informed of developments. As another resident summedup,“Thehealthandwell-being of Walvis Bay's people should be the municipality's top priority, not anafterthought.”

Erongo Region

Continued from page 1

gion's voting process had concluded without any major disruptions, and all whowishedtovotewereabletodoso.TheGovernoroftheErongoregion, Neville André Itope, emphasised the importance of voting in shaping Namibia's future, urging citizens to exercise their democratic rights as the electionprocessresumedearlyThursdaymorning.Theresults,however,are stillbeingcountedasofficialsworktofinalisethevotetally Speakingonthe significance of voter participation, Governor Itope explained, “by casting yourvote,youaremakingastatementaboutthekindoffutureyouwantfor yourself and for the next five years. This is a crucial aspect of our democracy.”Itopealsohighlightedthat,asNamibians,theyarefortunateto have the ability to vote regularly, ensuring that the democratic system remainsintact.“Everyfiveyears,wemustensurethatourelectionsproceed asscheduled,reflectingthewillofthepeople,”hesaid.GovernorItopevoted attheECNOfficeinSwakopmundonWednesdaymorning. Aftercastinghis vote,Itopesaid,"Ijustcastmyvote,andtheprocesswasquickandefficient. The ECN officials were very professional in addressing any issues and assisting. The atmosphere at the polling station was cordial, and I felt welcomedthroughout.I'mtrulyhappyandproudtohavemademymark,just like the Polish people."With the election period now completed, Governor Itope also stressed the need for peace, praising Namibia's tradition of peacefulpoliticalengagement.

FIBANA Coastal United Federation Launched to Support Housing Development in Walvis Bay

The FIBANA Coastal United Federation, a newly established umbrella organisation, was recently launched to provide support to three local housing federations: the October Seafarer United Land and Housing Federation, Backyard Tenant Group, and the Nalitungwe Community SavingFoundation.

These federations, founded by the community members of Walvis Bay, now come together under FIBANA to advocate for and address housing needs in the region FIBANA, a non-profit organisation registered underSection21,was created to serve as a platformforitsmembers to collaborate in seeking funding and supportforlanddevelopment and housing construction, specifically at Farm 37 in WalvisBay

According to FIBANA's General Se-

cretary, Immanuel Festus,thethreefederationswereallocated land portions by the Walvis Bay Municipality in July 2023, includingportions12, 18,and19.

“We'veallcomefrom our own struggles, andalongtheway,we found ourselves crossing paths. We each approached the challengesdifferently,but our problems were the same,” said Festus, reflecting on the groups' journey to unite. The idea for FIBANA was born during discussions between the Nalitungwe Community

Saving Foundation and the Office of the Governor, which led to the involvement of the Backyard Tenant Group. This collaboration sparked the creation of FIBANA, which now serves as an umbrella body to sourcefundingforthe threefederations.

FIBANA's main objective is to secure funding for the development of land, land servicing, and house construction, while ensuring that all activities comply with local authority regulations. The organisationalsoaimstoad-

dress any challenges that may arise throughout the process. Currently, FIBANA represents 3 569membersandhas been allocated a total of 124.83 hectares of land This land is intended to accommodate the construction of 1 884 houses The federation has set an ambitious goal to com-

plete this project within four years, from2025to2028.

“Weplantobuild250 houses in 2025, 521 houses in 2026, another 521 houses in 2027,and592houses in 2028,” Festus explained. “These four phaseswillservethe1 884 members initially, with the remaining 1 685 members to be accom-

modated after the four-year period ” While the first phase of construction will address the needs of 1884 members, Festus reassured the remaining members that they are not forgotten He emphasizedthattheprogram would continue beyond the four-year plan. The funding for these housing pro-

jects is primarily sourced through members' contributions, with additional support expected from private sector partners, the government, and international donors. The launch took place at the Office of the GovernorinSwakopmund, which assisted intheformationofthe FIBANA.

QatarEnergy Expands Stake in Namibia's Offshore Oil Exploration

QatarEnergyhasstrengtheneditspresenceinNamibia'soffshore energy sector, acquiring additional stakes in two key oil and gas explorationblockslocatedintheOrangeBasin.

In an agreement with TotalEnergies, QatarEnergywillincreaseits interest by 5.25% in block 2913B (PEL 56) andby4.695%inblock 2912 (PEL 91). Once approved, this will bring QatarEnergy's totalstaketo35.25%in block 2913B and 33.025%inblock2912. The Orange Basin blocks are located approximately 300 kilometres offshore Namibia in water depths ranging from 2,600 to 3,800 meters. TotalEnergies, which remainstheoperator,will hold 45.25% in block 2913B and 42.475% in block 2912. Other partnersincludeImpactOil & Gas, with a 9.5%

interest in each block, and the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR), which holds 10% in block 2913B and 15% in block 2912 Commenting on the development,SaadSherida Al-Kaabi, Qatar-Energy's President and CEO and Qatar'sMinisterofStatefor Energy Affairs, expressed his excitement about the expansion.“Wearepleased to grow Qatar-Energy's footprint in Namibia's upstream sector This agreement marks another important step towards the development of the Venus discovery located in block 2913B,”Al-Kaabisaid. He alsothankedNamibianauthorities and the company's partnersfortheircontinued support, adding, “we look

forward to delivering on our exploration and potential development program.” QatarEnergy's increased investment underscores its commitment to developing Namibia's promising offshore resources and advancing exploration in the Orange Basin The Venus discovery, in particular, is seenasasignificantopportunity for the region's energy sector This is not QatarEnergy'sfirstventure in Namibia. The company previously partnered with Shell in 2021, acquiring a 45% interest in another deepwater exploration license. With these investments, QatarEnergy continues to solidify its role in Namibia's emerging oil andgasindustry

Matthias Ndeulita the Chairperson of FIBANA, Immanuel Festus the General Secretary and Servest Hamunyela the Vice Chairperson of FIBANA
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari

NamWater and MTC Partner to Modernise Water Management

Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) and Mobile Telecommunications Limited(MTC)haveofficiallyjoinedforcestotacklesomeofthecountry'spressing waterchallenges.

The two organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Monday, marking the startofatransformativepartnershipaimedatintegrating cutting-edge technology into water management.

NamWater CEO, Abraham Nehemia, described the collaboration as a pivotal step in addressing critical issues such as water losses, financial sustainability,andoutdatedinfrastructure.“Thispartnership marks a new chapter in the pursuit of innovativeandsustainablesolutionstoaddressthe challengesfacingNamibia'swatersector,”hesaid duringthesigningceremony TheMoUfocuseson several ambitious initiatives, including Smart Water Metering which pilots advanced metering systems to ensure accurate billing and efficient water usage, particularly in rural areas with complex water supply networks; Digital Transformationwiththeleveragingof automation,data analytics,andcloudcomputingtooptimisewater

management.Jointeffortstocreateandscalesmart waterinfrastructureandequippingNamWaterstaff with the skills needed for digital municipal governance. Anotherinitiativeoffocusistheusageof data-sharing platforms to improve resource management and service delivery Nehemia emphasisedthatsmartwatermeteringwillbeacornerstone of the partnership, helping NamWater gain critical insights into its water network and paving the way for more efficient resource use. MTC's digital and payment platforms will play a central roleinstreamliningNamWater'sservices. This integration aims to improve customer experienceswhiledrivingthedigitaltransformationof water utilities across Namibia. “Our vision is to build a future where technology and innovation leadtomoreefficientwaterusage,reducedlosses, and improved service delivery to all Namibians,” Nehemia said. Commitment to SustainabilityThe collaboration signifies a shared commitment to ensuringthelong-termsustainabilityofNamibia's watersector BycombiningNamWater'sexpertise in water management with MTC's technological capabilities, the partnership hopes to set a benchmarkforinnovation-drivenutilities.“ThisMoUis notjustadocument;itrepresentsourcommitment to the long-term sustainability of Namibia's water sector,” Nehemia added. A Shared Future Both organisations expressed optimism about the impactofthepartnership.Nehemiathankedtheteams fromNamWaterandMTCfortheireffortsinbringingthecollaborationtolife,callingitasignificant mile-stone in ensuring that all Namibians benefit fromimprovedwaterservices.

MFV Oukaume Marks Another Milestone

TheprocurementoftheMFVOukaume a state-of-the-art fishing trawler marks anothermilestonenotonlyCadiluFishing, Ompagona Fishing and the Walvis Bay Small Boat Owners Association a consortium of Embwinda Fishing but alsoforthebroaderfishingindustry.

Thefishingindustryisa cornerstone of both the Namibian and Erongo Region's economy and vital to Namibia's growth, providing employment to thousands and playing a critical roleinthefoodsecurity of our nation. The Governor of the Erongo region Neville Andre said at the occasion of the inauguration of the MFVOukaumeinWalvisBaythatitishearteningtowitnessthecommitment of our fishing companies to continue investinginthefutureof this industry, even in times of global challenges and economic uncertainties Andre

said, “MFV Oukaume will represents jobs for Namibians, empowermentofcoastalcommunities,andthefostering of sustainable practices within the marine environment ” He stated that this fishing trawler will further strengthen Namibia's standing in theglobalfishingmarket, enhancing our competitiveness while ensuring that we practice responsible fishing to protect our marine resources for generations to come. “In the Erongo Region, Walvis Bay stands as the heart of Namibia's fishing industry Therefore,this vibrant port, a gateway

notonlytoournation's economic success but alsotothewellbeingof our coastal communities,”Andreadded. According to the governor, the success of Walvis Bay and the fishing industry reflects on the entire region,andtheleaders, must continue to promote partnerships that foster economic resilience Andre said, “Namibia has made significant strides in the area of sustainable fishing, and the Embwinda Fishing Company has proven its commitment to environmentally sound practices. The Erongo Region, with its abundance of talent, will continue to benefit from the growth of companies like Embwinda, who invest in localcommunities. The empowerment of our workforce through skills development remainscrucial.” Andre urged all stakeholders to continue investing in the trainingofouryouthsothat they may become the next generation of leaders and innovators in the fishing sector “Let us continue to work hand in hand to build on this success and to chart a course thatensuresthegrowth of the fishing industry while protecting the environmentanduplifting our people,” Andresaid.

The Governor of the Erongo region Neville Andre at the occasion of the inauguration of the MFV Oukaume in Walvis Bay
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff

Clogged Drains a Growing Problem in Walvis Bay

- Residents Call for Action and Education to Solve the Sewage Overflow Crisis

Reports of clogged drains and sewage overflows in Walvis Bay have sparked outrage among residents, with many taking to social media to express their frustration.

The issues are widespread, affecting both industrialandresidentialareas,andtheyhighlightdeeperconcernsaboutpublichealth,municipalaction, andeducationonproperwastedisposal.Onemajor problem area is Peter Mushihange Street, where residentsreportrecurringsewageissues.

According to a local plumber, a specific house withoutfunctionaltoiletshasbecomeasignificant sourceoftheproblem.Theoccupants,lackingproperfacilities,reportedlydisposeofwasteintoopen drains. Neighbours claim this issue has persisted foryears,despitebeingrepeatedlyreportedtothe WalvisBayMunicipalityandpolice.Intheindustrialarea,sewageoverflowattheentrypointnear the mall has been linked to allegations against a certainbusinessaccusedofdumpingwasteintothe sewer system. One resident recounted speaking withamunicipalengineerwhoacknowledgedthe challenges:“ThelinesinZone6werefullofillegal materials.Whilesomeoftheblockageshavebeen cleared, there's still work to be done.” An open drain is not only a sanitation ha-zard but also a safetyrisk.Thetragiccaseofathree-year-oldboy fallingintoanopendraininOmarurujustdaysago serves as a stark reminderof the dangers. Adding to the health concerns, a resident highlighted the dire conditions at the pro-blematic house in Peter Mushihange Street: “It's a rubbish dump again, despiteeffortstocleanit.Prostitutionandneglect

are rampant, and the children living there are exposed to these conditions daily This is a hellhole.” To prevent clogs, residents are urged to avoid disposing of the following items into drains andtoilets:

Wetwipes,sanitarypads,anddiapers Cookingoil, fats, and grease Food scraps Plastics, hair, and othernon-biodegradablematerials


Use strainers to catch hair and debris. Dispose of fatsandoilsinacontainer,notthesink. Regularly clean drains with hot water and mild detergent. Educate children about what should and shouldn't godownthedrain.

Residents are calling on the municipality to implement public education campaigns on proper waste disposal, starting in schools. Social media posters,whilehelpful,arenotenoughtoaddressthe problem comprehensively Engaging with communitiesandfosteringawarenessfromayoungage can create long-term solutions. Health Inspector Deville Dreyer has committed to investigating someoftheseissues,butconcreteactionsremainto beseen.Residentsareurgedtobeproactiveinmaintainingthehealthofthesewersystem.Byadhering toproperwastedisposalpractices,communitiescan help prevent future blockages. It's time for everyone, the municipality, businesses, and residents aliketoworktogethertoresolvethisissue.

Eileen van der Schyff

Passenger Vessel Season in Full Swing at the Port of Walvis Bay

The Port of Walvis Bay was abuzz with activity throughout November, as the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) kicked off the passenger vessel season, welcomingseveralmajesticcruiseshipstoitsshores.

Thismarksthebeginningofabusyperiodexpected to run until May 2025. The season started on 4 November, with the arrival of AIDA Stella. This marked the official start of the passenger liner season. The ship departed for Lüderitz after its stopover,symbolizingthestartofwhatpromisesto be an excitingand vibrant season for Namport. On 12Novemberat13:00,theportwelcomedAzamara Pursuit, adding to the growing list of November's passenger arrivals. Just two days later, on 14 November,theportexperiencedahistoricmoment with the maiden call of the Hyperion-class cruise

ship,AIDAprima.Measuringnearly 300 metres in length and flying the Italian flag, the vessel impressed withitscapacitytohostupto3400 passengersacross18decks. Italso boasts luxurious amenities, which include 12 restaurants, 18 bars and lounges, swimming pools, Jacuzzis and even a water park. During the AIDAprima ceremony, the Namport Captain, Lukas Kufuna conducted a crest exchange with the ship'scaptain.

On 24 November the port saw the

arrival of two passenger liners, Mine Schiff 6 at 05:30 and Norwegian Dawnat07:00.Touristsdisembarked to explore local attractions which in turncontributestothelocaleconomy The following day, 25 November, Captain Lukas Kufuna once again representedNamportduringaplaque exchange with the captain of Mein Schiff6.Theship,boastingacapacity of 2 543 pas-sengers with 90% of its cabins offe-ring ocean views, departed for South Africa after its maidencall.

Mikkie moet oor afhaal asb

Sharlien Tjambari

Learners Uplift Spirits at Kuisebmond Old Age Home

A group of learners from Walvis Bay schools visited the Kuisebmond Old Age Home on Saturday, 23 November to bring joy to its residents. The visit, themed “Technology of today will not robusofourinnocence,”wasthefirst initiativeunderaprojectaimedatempowering young people and fostering community service in the Erongo region.

The learners, accompaniedbyparentsand educators, filled the home with songs, dancing,andwordsof encouragement. The event was guided by Principal Lilian Hinze of Ventures Reading Academy and supported by parents Bernadette Hanstein and Vanessa du Plessis Participating schools included

Duneside High School, Narraville

Primary School, FlamingoPrimarySchool, and Ventures Reading Academy One of the organisers, Bernadette Hanstein, highlighted theimportanceofsuch initiatives for learners. She stated that these activitiesnotonlypromote self-empowerment but also encourage students to step away from the digital distractions of modern life, positively impacting their mental



NoticeisherebygivenintermsofClause7.2ofthe Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Municipal Council considers the following relaxation of building lines details of whichareobtainablefromtheGeneralManager: EngineeringandPlanningServices.

TheownersofErf4124,SwakopmundExtension12 herewithintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmund for the Relaxation of Development Standards for Building lines as well as the relaxation of Setbackforthefirstfloor

TheownersofErf4124,SwakopmundExtension12 are hereby requested to provide their consent, comments and objections if any against this application. Suchconsent,commentsandorobjectionsshouldbe lodgedinwritingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant,duringnormalbusinesshours. th Closing date for objections or comments is 24 December2024.

Contact person: Mr Polito Hendricks, cell: 081 258 9138 Email:khd@clarchitects.netor Mr J.Heita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+264(64)4104403. ning)


health. The program included a scripture reading from Isaiah 46:4:“Eveninyourold age I am He. I am He whowillsustainyou.I have made you and will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” The learners also handed out parcels of fruit and sweets to the elderly residents, ensuring they were not only entertained but also left with tokens of care.Oneoftheelderly residents expressed gratitude on behalf of the group with a blessing prayer for the learners Principal Hinze closed the programwithanuplifting message, reminding


We are looking for persons with the following requirements urgently:


* Higher than Engine Officer Class 2

* Multilingualism - English, Japanese & Indonesian

* +- 15 years of crab vessel experience on board

* Medically Fit

* VocationalTraining


* Bachelors Degree in Marine Engineering/ Marine Science (Preferably from Maritime college or academy)

* Certificate Endorsements

* Relevant Health and Safety Certificates

* Relevant Fire Fighting Certificates


* Overseeing of engine room

* Responsible for technical operations of the vessel-engineering/mechanical and electrical

* Maintenance and operation of engineering equipment onboard the vessel

* Report to Chief Engineer

Should you meet the above requirements , please send a resume and cover letter including all copies of relevant qualifications to oshimadafishing@gmail.com

Closing date:06 December 2024

Please note that only shortlisted candidates who meet all of the requirements and qualifications will be contacted. No CVs and documentation will be returned.

theseniorcitizensthat they are not forgotten and remain in the thoughtsandheartsof the younger generation. She acknowledged the foundation they had laid for the community and prayed for their continued strength. This event marks the beginning

of the learners' efforts to make a difference in their communities, with more initiatives planned for the future. It also serves as a reminder of the importance of bridging generational gaps and showing gratitude to thosewhocamebefore us.



Filming/Social Media/Project Management Specialist

A leading construction company in Swakopmund is seeking a **Project Manager /Filming/Social Media Specialist**

This is one position. Please only apply if you qualify

**Key Responsibilities:**

- Capture and edit video content of construction projects.

- Manage the company's social media presence and develop strategies for engagement.

- Oversee multiple construction projects across Namibia, ensuring adherence to deadlines and effective people management.

- Utilize drone mapping technology for land surveying to enhance project monitoring and reporting.


- Advanced diploma in media production or communications.

- 5 years of experience in social media management, preferably in the construction sector

- Advanced experience in project management, including managing multiple projects, meeting deadlines, and overseeing teams.

- Familiarity with drone mapping and land surveying techniques to provide accurate site documentation.


- Proficiency in video editing software and social media tools.

- Excellent communication skills and a creative mindset.

- Ability to leverage drone-generated data for project planning and progress tracking.

**Why Apply?**

Join us to promote projects that shape our community! Submit your resume and portfolio showcasing your work.

Mail your CV to: cv@stewart-grp.com NO phone calls and WhatsApps.

Learners, residents, and Principal Lilian Hinze (far right) at the Kuisebmond OldAge Home
Eileen van der Schyff



Astheholidayseasonapproachesinlessthanfourweeks,theNamibiaBuildingWorkersPension Fund(NBWPF)isurgingfamiliestoplantheirfinancescarefullytoavoidfallingintodebt.Asurvey conductedbytheNBWPFhashighlightedthefinancialchallengesmanyNamibiansfacedduring the festive season of December 2023, underscoring the importance of budgeting and thoughtful spending.

The survey, conducted online in January 2024, gatheredresponsesfrom36participants,offering valuableinsightsintoholidayspendingbehaviour While a larger sample size would provide more definitiveresults,thesurveyrevealsaconcerning trend:over70%ofrespondentsincurreddebtdue toholidayexpenditures,withthelargestspending categories being food and drinks (40.54%) and gifts for family and friends (18.92%). For many respondents, the financial strain from holiday spending will have lasted well into the new year, with most indicating they would not have fully repaidtheirholidaydebtuntilMarch2024.Some respondentshadindicatedthatitwouldtakeuptoa year to clear their obligations. The survey also revealedthat55%ofparticipantsearnedlessthan NAD5000monthly,with29%spendingbetween 51% and 75% more than their monthly income, and20%spendingbetween76%and100%more than their annual income. The results indicated that over 70% of the respondents have incurred debtoverthefestiveseason.Thebiggestspending during the holidays for most respondents (40.54%) was on food and drinks, followed by gifts for friends and family (18.92%). For only 13.51%respondents,entertainmentandactivities wasthebiggestspendingcategory Aboutthesame number of respondents also mentioned that most


Environam Consultants Trading (ECT) hereby gives notice to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007) and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 6 February 2012) for the following:

PROJECT NAME: Proposed Construction of a Dangerous Goods Storage Facility on Lease No.28 Over the Farm No. 38, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PROJECT LOCATION: Lease No.28 Over the Farm No. 38, Walvis Bay, Erongo Region

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project will include the following components:

· Storage and handling of well logging equipment used in oil and gas exploration


REGISTRATION OF I&APs AND SUBMISSION OF COMMENTS: All I&APs are hereby invited to register and submit their comments, concerns or questions in writing to:

Email: colin@environam.com Mobile: 081 458 4297

was spent on school lists, stationery and school uniforms.The latter cannot be considered as being part of holiday spending, and it shows a degree of financialplanning.Ofthe36respondentsover55% earnedlessthanNAD5000:

- 14 respondents (38.9%) earned NAD3 000 or less.

- 6 respondents (16.7%) earned between above NAD3000andNAD5000.

- 8 respondents (22.2%) earned between NAD 6000andNAD10000.

- 5 respondents earned (13.9%) between NAD 11000andNAD15000.

- and3respondents(8.3%)overNAD15000upto NAD30000.

Despitetheresultsnotbeingstatisticallysignificant, itmaybereflectionofsocietyatlarge.

With regard to the scale of borrowing, a total of 28.75%oftherespondentsspentbetween51%and 75% more than their monthly salary, whereas 20% of the respondents spent between 76% and 100% more than their monthly salary 14.29 % of the respondents spent more than double their monthly salary Only 11.43 % of the respondents did not spendmorethantheirmonthlysalary Astohowthe debt because of the holiday is being settled, most referred to paying it off with their salary, or by earning more money through extra work such a

Registration No:2017/0334


ESTATE NUMBER: E 1937/2024

In the estate of the late Susan Elizabeth Jane O’Shann, Id nr 400312 0030 3, who died on 15 February 2024,resided at No.8 Dolphin Street, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was unmarried.

Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.

H E AHRENS, Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Incorporated Haus Altona 2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455


(REF. HEA/AV EST 353/ 0001-50)

Registration No:2017/0334


ESTATE NUMBER: E 1973/2024

In the estate of the late Ulrich Eduard Peter, Id Nr 400504 1004 0, who died on 21 June 2024, resided at Erf No. 5503, Swakopmund, Extension 16, Erongo Region, Namibia and who was married to Verena Ursula Peter, the laws of Switzerland having governed the marriage.

Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.

H E AHRENS, Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Incorporated Haus Altona

2 – 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455


(REF. HEA/AV EST 353/ 0001-50)


CONSENT:Self-CateringAccommodation ON ERF NO: 0461 TOWNSHIP/AREA: LangstrandSTREETNAME&NO:2KuisebStreet, WalvisBay

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self-Catering accommodation establishment Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 13December 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SharonNeumbo,POBox25979,Windhoek email:sneumbo@gmailcom

selling sweets and fudge.Manyhadreferredto taking out a loan and by paying monthly instalments. Good news is that 25% of respondents had planned to pay off theirholidaydebtwithin a period of two months, andafurther22%hoped to have paid their debt after the first quarter of theyear Somewillhave takensignificantlylonger Another 22% of respondents will have settled their debts within six months; and 13% willhavetakenuptohalf or three-quarter of a year Of those that have respondenttothesurvey, 11% will have taken up to a year to pay off their holiday debt Despite these challenges, nearly 95% of respondents had expressedacommitment to changing their finan-

cial habits in future holiday seasons. Many plan to adopt strategies suchassavingthroughout the year, budgeting more effectively, and prioritising essential purchases over nonessentials. Mr Enwich Kazondu, principal officer of the NBWPF, says: “Our survey has given us important insightsintothefinancial behavior of our members, especially during theDecemberholidays. The scale of indebtedness caused by holiday spending is worrying, particularly when the largest increases were in food and drink, and gifts for loved ones. This burden can linger long into the year, affecting individuals' abilitytosaveforretirement and manage day-

to-day finances.” Mr Kazondu added, “NBWPF is dedicated to supporting our members by raising awareness about sustainablefinancialpractices. We aim to help individualsreducedebt risksandimprovetheir long-term financial stability, so they can enjoy the holiday season without compromising their future financial well-being.” NBWPF encourages all members and the wider community to plan their holiday spendingwithcarethis year, setting clear financial goals and adhering to budgets to ensure a financially secure start to the new year

1. This bid is open to all eligible Consultants. A margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.

2. Bidders may only associate with each other in the following ways:

Joint Venture: Bidders may form a joint venture to complement their respective areas of supply and enhance their capacity to carry out the service.

Sub-contract Agreement: Bidders may enter into sub-contractual agreements to complement respective areas of expertise and enhance capacity to carry out the service.

3. All associations and sub-contracts must comply with the requirements outlined in the bidding document.

4. Interested el gible bidders are requested to v sit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers and express interest in a specific bid in order to be granted access to the bidding documents.

5. ANon-compulsory Virtual Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for 06 December 2024 at 10H00 AM Local Namibian Time.

6. Bidders should take note that the meeting will be virtual, and the meeting link is available on the Namport Website.

7. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road.

8. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.

ALL enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:

Procurement Manager

Melani de Klerk

Tel: +264 208 2319

Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Tender and ContractsAdministrator


Tel.: +264 64 208 2217

E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na

Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites bids through the Request for Proposal (RFP) procedure for the Provision of Consultancy Services to Convert SAP ERP Environment from SAP ECC 6 (EHP5) to SAP S/4HANA.


Understanding the new cross-border banking changes

New regulations have transformed how you send and receive money between Namibia, SouthAfrica, Eswatini, and Lesotho (the Common MonetaryArea or CMA)sinceSeptember30.

“These changes represent a significant advancement to our cross-border payment systems," explains Brian Katjaerua, CEO of the Bankers Association of Namibia

"Whilecustomersneed to adapt to new processes, these improvements create a more secure and efficient banking environment forall."

New way to send money

Theprevioussystemof direct electronic transfers (EFTs) between CMA countries has come to an end. All cross-border payments now use the SWIFTbased transaction SWIFT is an acronym for Global Payment Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications and allows you to send money through your bank's online platform, mobile app, or local branch.

Monthly debit orders havestopped

If you had automatic debitordersfromSouth

African companies (like insurance payments), these stopped working on September 30. You needtosetupalternative payment methods such as direct payments, stop orders, or scheduled payments.

"We recognise this is a major shift for customers who regularly send money across borders, however, SWIFT-based transactions brings us in line with international banking standards and provides better protection for consumers," says Katjaerua.


The new regulations set maximum fees charged for sending and receivingmoney:


· Under N$1 million:


· N$1-5 million: MaximumN$30


· Under N$1 million: MaximumN$25

· N$1-5 million: MaximumN$35

"We've worked hard to ensure these changes come with reasonable,

regulated fees. Our goal istomaintainaffordable access to cross-border banking services while enhancing security," Katjaeruanotes.

Action required by consumers

If you have South African debit orders, you should contact your banktodiscussnewpayment options and reach outtothecompaniesyou pay to arrange alternative payment methods.Thismightinvolve setting up direct payments, stop orders, or scheduled payments to ensure your regular commitmentsaremet. Forfuturepayments,it's crucial to update your beneficiary information on your banking platforms. You should be prepared to provide more detailed informa-

tionaboutthepurposeof your transactions and plan ahead for potentially longer processing times.Banksnowrequire more comprehensive documentation for cross-border transactions, so having all your information ready will help streamline the process and avoid unnecessarydelays.

Katjaerua adds, "We strongly encourage customers to be proactive by updating your payment arrangements, especially if you have regular debit orders from South African companies."

Securing cross-border transactions

These changes are part of new regulations (PSD-9 and PSDIR-9) designed to make crossborder transactions


Notice is hereby given to all potential Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) and relevant stakeholders, that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) as follow Description of Activities: The Swakopmund Municipality herein after referred to as the proponent intends to apply for the permanent closure of Erf 3352 as a Public Open Space and subsequent Rezoning of Erf 3352 as well as Erf 3346, Extension 9 from Public Open Space and Institutional to Business respectively The proposed activities cannot be undertaken without an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) being undertaken as per the Environment ManagementAct, 07 of 2007.

I&APs are hereby invited to register, request the Background Information Document (BID), and submit input to info@greengain.com.na The last day to submit input is on 06 December 2024.

The need for a public meeting will be determined after the consultation and communicated to all registered I&APs.

For more information:

Email: eap@greengain.com.na or jkondja@gmail.com


CONSENT:Pre-School&DayCareCentre ON ERF NO: 5929 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: Twahangana Street.

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Pre-School&DayCareCentre. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan13December 2024.

NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: SelmaMaganoUkelo,POBox5280,WalvisBay



more secure and better regulated While this means some extra steps in the payment process, it also means better protection for your money

"Our member banks are committed to helping customers through this transition," Katjaerua assures "While there may be some initial adjustments,thesechanges will create a more robust and secure banking system for everyone."

Contact your bank directly if you're unsure howthesechangesaffect your specific banking arrangements. They can guide you through updating your payment methodsandbeneficiary information.

“While these changes might seem inconvenient at first, they're designed to make your cross-border transactions more secure and regulated,” concludes Katjaerua.



Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particularsofwhichappear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Michos TradingCC.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: MichosTradingCC.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 3049 Kalahari Street, Narraville, Walvis Bay, Namibia.

4. Nature and details of application: Special LiquorLicence.

5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay

6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 November2024

7 Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard:8 January2025.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.

In the Estate of the late Hendrik Muisoor who died on 24 December 2022 and was residing at Erf No.14 Omeg Street, Swakopmund, Erongo Namibia.

Notice hereby given that the First and Final L i q u i d a t i o n a n d

Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at the officesoftheMasterofthe High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for all interestedparties.

If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executor will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.


Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:MAT19249-PH/am)



Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, parti-culars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Chris-OlgaGanases, P O Box 4464, Walvis Bay

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Durban Chillaz Lounge&Restaurant.

3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 3648, 2Batfish,Kuisebmond.

4. Nature and details of application:SpecialLiquorLicence

5.ClerkoftheCourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, WalvisBay

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 19 November2024.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which applicationwillbeheard:


Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relationtotheapplication mustbesentordelivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretarynotlessthan21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the applicationwillbeheard.


In the Estate of the late JacobinaKashewhodied on 23 December 2022 nd was residing at Erf No 1438 Isak Nangolo Street, Mahetago, Swakopmund, Erongo Namibia.

Notice hereby given that the First and Final L i q u i d a t i o n a n d Distribution Accounts are lying for inspection at the officesoftheMasterofthe High Court at Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Office at Swakopmund for a period of 21 (twenty one) days from date of publication hereof for all interestedparties.

If no objection against the aforesaid account is lodged within the period stated, the Executor will proceed to pay out in accordance with the contentsthereof.

PIETERHAMMAN Legalpractitioners Altstadthof 15LibertinaAmathila Street POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:MAT19495-PH/am)


Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction, a Portion of Farm 38 to King Charcoal Namibia(Pty)Ltd.

Description aportionofFarm38 Area(m²) 33000

Purchase Amount Excluding 15% VAT (N$) 3531000

Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday 3 December 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond

For more information Mrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during office hours.

Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the grounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: HousingandProperties at the above address or to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or onFriday,6December 2024at12:00. JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties


Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na



Properties Wanted




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TraditionalDoctor Moyo

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ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102


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Development Bank of Namibia Unveils 2023/24 Integrated AnnualReport


The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) officially launched its 2023/24 Integrated Annual Report, showcasing a year of significant impactandstrategicachievementsinfinancingprojectsthatcontribute to Namibia's socio-economic development. The event, held on 31 October 2024, presented the Bank's financial results and outlined its roadmap to 2029, emphasizing DBN's commitment to transformative developmentfinanceandsustainablegrowthacrosskeysectors.


Sara Kapiye, Chief Human Capital Officer, presented an overview of the report to the media and invited guests. She stated that the report reflects DBN's core values of Accountability, Integrity, Service Excellence, and Transformative impact, saying: “This is in alignment with the Bank's strategic pillars of Financial Sustainability, People & Culture, Market Positioning,andDevelopmentEffectiveness”.


· JobCreation:DBNfacilitatedthegenerationof3,525jobsthrough various projects, with a substantial focus on supporting small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and fostering employment across Namibia.

· InfrastructureandGreenFinancing:AtotalofN$319.1millionwas allocated to infrastructure financing, with 78% directed towards solar energy projects, reinforcing DBN's commitment to sustainableandgreenfinancingsolutions.

· Youth and Women Empowerment: DBN demonstrated its dedicationtoinclusivitybyinvestingN$42millioninyouth-owned businesses and N$51.4 million in women-owned enterprises, supportingamoreequitableentrepreneuriallandscapeinNamibia.

· Support for SMEs: Seventy-four SME projects received funding, totallingN$95.9million.Additionally,DBN'sNationalMentoring andCoachingProgrammeprovidedguidancetoover260mentees, strengtheningbusinessacumenandresilience.


WERKGESOEK: Ek Mariaisopsoekna huiswerkvir1of2dae ‘nweek,Woensdaeof Donderdae.Ekisbaie hardwerkendennetjies. Walvisbaai,Fairways, MeersigofLagoon. Kontak:0813174582

JOBWANTED: AlbertinaDissieis currentlylookingfor elderlyCareGivingjob inSwakopmund.Ihave 3yearsexperienceand canstartassoonas possible. Contact:0818308420


Iama21yearoldlady lookingforworkin WalvisBay Tuckshops,printshops orother.Ihave computerexperience. Contact:0817366942


Iama36yearold lookingfordomestic workinWalvisBay Foronceaweekor weekends.Ihave10 yearsexperiencein domesticwork,can alsolookafterkids. Readytostartanytime. Contact:0814101966

JOBWANTED: Youngladylookingfor domesticworkorany generalworkin Swakopmund,Iam hardworkingand trustworthy,readyto startassoonas possible. Contact:0816645681

· CorporateSocialInvestment(CSI):DBNinvestedN$487,839.42in corporatesocialinitiatives,includingthecompletionofamaternity ward in Rupara, Kavango West, and donated N$30,000 to Oshuungu Combined School for classroom furniture. The Bank's contributions underline its commitment to social welfare and developmentinunderservedareas.

The Bank's financial performance overview was presented by Nicky Mutenda,ChiefFinancialOfficer


· LoanApprovals:DBNapprovedatotalofN$319.1millioninloans forinfrastructurefinancing,with78%directedtowardsolarenergy initiatives. This strategic allocation aligns with DBN's focus on sustainable and green financing solutions, a crucial component of Namibia'seconomicandenvironmentalfuture.

· Revenue Growth: The Bank recorded substantial revenue growth due to increased lending to both the service and manufacturing sectors,withacombinedloanvalueofN$450.1millionsupporting 22 service sector projects and two manufacturing projects worth N$43.0million.

· Youth and SME Financing: DBN maintained its commitment to inclusive financing, with N$42 million allocated to youth-owned businessesandN$95.9millionsupporting74SMEprojectsacross Namibia.ThisfocuscontributesdirectlytotheBank'sstrategicgoal offosteringbroad-basedeconomicparticipation.

· Development Impact and Stability: With a keen focus on social investment, DBN funded projects that resulted in the creation of 3,525 jobs, significantly impacting Namibia's economy and supportingsocio-economicstability

Mutenda stated: “As DBN expands its financial footprint, the Bank is also committed to digital transformation initiatives to streamline processes and ensureefficiencyinloandisbursementsandcustomerengagement.”

“Our 2023/24 financial performance reflects a robust and responsive institution that is well-positioned to meet Namibia's evolving development needs. We are not only financially sound but strategically equipped to amplify our impact in sectors that drive national progress. As we move towardour2029targets,wearecommittedtoresponsible,inclusivegrowth,” hesaid.

The financial results presented in the 2023/24 report demonstrate DBN's capacity to achieve sustainable returns while prioritizing socio-economic outcomesthatempowerNamibia'scommunitiesandeconomy

Looking ahead, the Bank's 2024–2029 Integrated Strategic Business Plan (ISBP)chartsanambitiouscoursetowardsachievingaprojectedloanbook growth of N$1.292 billion by 2029. The plan aims to create 25,000 sustainable jobs, drive digital transformation to enhance loan processing efficiency,andallocate30%ofloanapprovalstowomenandyouthby2029.

DBNChiefExecutive,JohnSteytler,stated,“The2023/24IntegratedAnnual Reportnotonlyshowcasestheprogressmadebutalsoreaffirmsourmission toempowerNamibianbusinessesandcommunities.Ourfocusonsustainable financingandinclusivegrowthisintegraltoourvisionofathriving,resilient economy.”

With the launch of the 2023/24 report, DBN reiterates its commitment to creatingahigh-performanceculture,sustainingitsimpactthroughstrategic partnerships,andplayingavitalroleinNamibia'seconomictransformation. Forfurtherinformation,pleasecontact:


Tel:061-2908000, Email:jmutumba@dbn.com.na


ThelastSagesCompetitionfor2024calendarsawanexcellentturnoutof golfersonSunday24NovemberattheRossmundGolfClub.

In perfect weather conditions were just perfect Rudi Auseb emergedasthewinner on41pointswithJohn Horne second on 36 points count out over EddieVanWykwhilst Cashbox van Wyk emerged fourth on 34 points and Tiekie De Wetfifthon33points.

Two Clubs were awarded to Tony Boesch, Cashbox Van Wyk; Billy Knight and Tiekie De Wet

w h i l s t C l i v e

Lawrence No. 7 and Rudi Auseb No. 12 took home prizes for the Nearest to the Pins, must have been well away from the hole, as neither of them made their putt.


Golfers on the newly introduced Coastal Sages Order of Merit; honoured by the OwnerandClubCaptain George Murasiki.

The merit recipients:

1stAchmetAbrahams with 112 points; 2nd: TonyBoeschwith102 points; 3rd: Rina Knight with 89 points count out over Mark Jacobs.Asisthenorm with Sages everyone went home with a bottle of something. G o l f e r s w e r e rewarded for their ongoing support with a finger lunch provided by the Clubhouse Kitchen, sponsored by Coastal

Vennon Gapara Wins Individual Better Hole

Swim Gala at the Coast

The annual Development Swim Gala was recently held at the Water Cube in Swakopmund.

Atotalof344Swimmersfrom four coastal Swimming Schools, namely Making Waves Swim Club, Flippers Swimming School, Bubbles

Swimming School and SwakopmundSwimmingClub participatedinthisyearsGala. Thetwo-dayGalasawthe3-to -6-year-olds participating in the doggy paddle, froggy and backstrokeondayoneandthe 7-to-14-year-olds participating in Freestyle, Breaststroke andBackStrokeondaytwo.

TheIndividualBetterHolewithonebonusholetobeaddedto thescorewasrecentlyheldattheWalvisBayGolfCluband drewafieldof38players.

Vennon Gapara did not need the bonus hole to win the Individual Better Hole on 28 points with CharlesShayamanosecondon27 withWoutervanWijkthirdon26 points.ChrisTempowonthe500 buck's jackpot. Two clubs were registeredbySandrodeGouveia, KevinWentzel,GrantMatherand Davis Peake, all collecting 60 buckswhilstnearesttothepinon

11 was Pedro Fernandes and GrantMatherwascloseston18. Bossie Bosman won the SENIORSlastweekon37points with Chris Bothma second on a count out. Rory Wolhuter won theloafoftheday TheWBGC's National SAGES is scheduled forthe13and14Decemberand theFESTIVECUPwillbeon20 and21December

Coastal Sages 2024 Order of Merit Recipients – Clive Lawrence; John Horne; George Murasiki (RGC Captain and sponsor); Achmet Abrahams; Rina Knight: Tony Boesch; Tiekie De Wet; Mark Jacobs; Lynne van der Walt.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Riaan Reinhardt and Brandon Barnard with Andre Burger, Wouter van Wijk, Vennon Gapara and Charles Shayamano.

Walvis Bay Sports Personality on NNOC Executive Board

Walvis Bay Gymnastics Coach and Rhythmic Gymnastics President of the Namibian Gymnastic Federation, Britt SAdonis-Byl was elected as an Executive BoardmemberoftheNamibianNationalOlympicCommitteeandCommonwealth GamesassociationattherecentNNOCAnnualGeneralAssembly

Brittwhoistheownerandcoachofthe Infinity Rhythmic Gymnastics Club in Walvis Bay also serves on the NNOC CoachesCommissionthathasrecently beenawardedascholarshipthroughthe Olympic Solidarity Fund, which will enable her to participate in an Executive Masters in Sport Organisation Managementprogram(MEMOS).The

Namibian Olympic Committee selected Adonis-Byl as the Namibian candidate after a rigorous selection process. Once the application was verifiedlocally,itwassubmittedtothe MEMOS Selection Board, which runs the program through the University of OttawainCanada.


ElevenSwimmersfromSwakopmundSwimmingClubandFlippersSwimmingClubattheCoastwillbeinactionattheXXAfricaAquaticsand Open Water Swimming championships hosted by the Namibia Aquatic Sports Federation (NASFED) from 4 to 8 December at the Olympia swimmingpoolinWindhoekandLakeOanobnearRehoboth.

The swimmers that will be in action at this premier continental event that highlight top aquatic talent from across Southern and Central Africa, are Ermano van Wyk, Marlene Keding,DanéMostert, Willem Coet-

zee, Jörn Buchart, Mikayla Hansen and Tamrin Coetzee with Francois Malan, Francois vd Westuizen, Lucy louw and Dentie Louwtocompetein the master's division.

A total of 370 athletes representing

13 Southern and two CentralAfrican nations will be supported by a dedicated network of more than 30 coaches and team managers, 70 officials, and 40 volunteers The president of the NASFED and head

of the local organising committee Riaan Steyn stated that hosting this prestigious event is both an honour and a testament to Namibia's growing stature in the world ofaquaticsports.

“We are thrilled to welcome athletes and teams from acrossthecontinent and to offer them the opportunity to compete at our world-class facilities in Windhoek and the serene setting of Lake Oanob” Steyn added.

According to the Steyn these championships aim to showcase athletic excellence, foster regional collaboration, and

highlight volunteerism.

Hesaid,“NASFED has pledged meticulousplanningto ensure a seamless and memorable experience for all participants and spectators.”

The event will be broadcast live on various platforms, with organisers anticipating a significant impact in promoting aquatic sports in Namibia

and the Southern Africaregion.

. The swimmers from Flippers Swimming Club are from left to right, Ermano van Wyk, Marlene Keding, Dané Mostert and Willem Coetzee.
Britt S Adonis-Byl the newly elected Executive Board member of the Namibian National Olympic Committee and Commonwealth Games
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
The swimmers from Swakopmund Swimming Club ,Tamrin Coetzee & Mikayla Hunsen
The Coastal Master are Francois van der Westuizen, Lucy Louw Francois Malan and Dentie Louw
The swimmer from Swakopmund Swimming Club Jörn Buchart

namib times


CricketNamibiainpartnershipwithLangerHeinrich Uraniumareontheballwithtakingcricketcloserto communities.

This week marked a significant moment in this quest, after the groundbreaking ceremony of the Mondesa Cricket Hub realised. The Cricket Hub will be constructed at Hanganeni Primary School in Swakopmund's Mondesasuburbandwillbeaccessible tothewholecom-munity TheHub is expected to be completed by February 2025 and an amount of approximately N$700 000 are at stake According to Cricket Namibiathisfacilitywillbecomea haven for many, steering children away from the streets, sparking dreams,andproducefuturecricket stars. At the event, Cricket Namibia's Mini Cricket coordinator,

Mr Jona Ambangu remarked that theyarestrivingtoestablishcricket as the preferred sports code of choiceinNamibia. Alsospeaking at the occasion, Langer Heinrich Managing Director, Johan Roux noted that they are delighted to be part of this mo-mentous occasion, marking the beginning of a new home for cricket, bringing the sports code closer to the community Erongo Governor, Neville Andre Itope also lauded Cricket Namibia and Langer Heinrich for this initiative, urging community members to fully utilize the Hub and take responsibilityforit,asitbelongsto them.


TheErongoUnder13Cricketteamafterlosingallthreeroundrobinmatchesstruckbackwithanimpressive2wicketvictoryagainst U13NorthsideattheU/13WalvisBaySaltNationalWeekinWindhoek.

In the third match play-off the Coastal Boys,afterwinningthetossandelecting tobowlandsendtheNorthernBoystobat first and restrict them to 149/0 in 40.2 oversofthe50allottedovers.Inreplythe Coastalreached152for8in30.5overof the50allottedoverswithTristenWagner thebestbatterscoring31runsof62balls andGotliebGotliebtaken3wickets.The topBatter,MichaelHangulawith71runs and the top Bowlers, Henre Fourie, HendreVanNiekerkandGotliebGotlieb allon3wickets.

Inthemeantime,MichaelHangulaisbean selected for the Namibian U/13 National Cricket Team that will be in action at the officialCSAU13RegionalWeekfrom29 Novemberto4DecemberinSouthAfrica.

The losses for the Coastal Boytjies were anotherpainfulchapterforErongocricket.

The Coastal U/13 Cricket Team were Coetzee Sales, Gotlieb Gotlieb, Henco Rupping, Hendre Van Niekerk, Henre Fourie, Jiwal Losper, Michael Hangula, RiegoJulie,RuanFourie,TristenWagner, WehanGroenewald.

The Coastal U/13 Cricket Team that competed at the 2024 U/13 Walvis Bay Salt National Week in Windhoek.
Michael Hangula has been selected for the Namibian U/13 National Cricket Team for the 2024 CSA U13 Regional Week in South Africa
Rudi Bowe

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