7 feb namib times e-edition

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Unauthorised Street Vendors in Crossfire

Man Arrested in Crack Cocaine Bust Linked to Public Transport Parcel

A30-year-oldmanhasbeenarrestedinconnectionwiththe possession and suspected dealing of crack cocaine after police intercepted a public transport vehicle carrying a suspiciousparcel.

According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba,spokesperson fortheErongopolice, the police received a tip-off about a package, disguised as pears,beingtransported from Walvis Bay to Oshikango. Acoordinatedoperation ledtotheinterceptionof thebusinSwakopmund onWednesdaythisweek at around 20:00. Upon searching the package, police discovered 100 units of crack cocaine, with an estimated street valueofN$10000.The suspect was subsequently arrested and is expected to appear in courtsoon.

“Can't they see we are providing a service to the poor and unprivileged” - Vendors

TheSwakopmundMunicipalitysentout asternremindertoallstreetvendorsin the holiday town this week to adhere to municipal regulations and operate only indesignatedareas.

In the municipality's notice, vendors are reminded ofprohibitedareasforstreetvending,whichinclude sidewalksandwalkways,roadwaysortrafficlanes, at or near shop entrances, supermarkets, or other businesses. Vendors not adhering and operating in theareasmentionedaboveareinviolationofRegulation2,3,5,9,and14oftheMunicipalStreetand Traffic Regulations (Government Gazette 46 of 1954),themunicipality'snoticereads.Theseviolations constitute public nuisance, obstruction of

Continues on page 2

Photo: Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff

Swakop Hit-and-run Suspect Still on the Loose

TheSwakopmundpoliceareyettocarryoutanarrest,followingthefatalhit-andrunincidentinSwakopmund,whichcausedthedeathof40-year-oldKevinKelly !GontebduringDecemberlastyear

Hundreds of bereavedfamilyand friends laidthe deceased to rest last weekend at Swakopmund.

The funeral was last week preceded with an emotional candlelight vigil on the spot where his lifelessbodywasfound.Arelativeofthedeceased describedhimasagentle,kindpersonwithstrong moralvaluesandbelieves.“Hewasatrueexample ofaperson's-person,”therelativeadded.

The incident took place on 22 December 2024 in John ya Otto Street in Swakopmund's New Industrial area The deceased's body was discovered lying in a pool of blood with severe headinjuriesby two passers-by who reportedthe matter to the police. According to the Erongo police spokesperson, Chief Inspector Ileni

Shapumba, preliminary investigations suggested thatthedeceasedwasstruckbyanunknownvehicle, whose driver fled the scene without rendering assistance. The police have opened several cases under Swakopmund CR55/12/2024, including culpable homicide, reckless or negligent driving, failure to ascertain injuries or damages after an accident,anddesertinganaccidentscene.

ChiefInspectorShapumbaurgesthepublictocome forwardwithanyinformationthatcouldassistinthe investigation. Anyonewithinformationisaskedto contactthepoliceon0813214978or0812031808, orthenearestpolicestation.Allinformationwillbe subjected to confidentiality, and the identities of informantswillbeprotected.

New Year Kicks Off on Bad Note for Local Entrepreneur

More than 120 Arrested on Drug Related Charges for December

The Namibian police has arrested a total of 126 suspects on drug related matters during the month of December2024.

One hundred and eighteen of the suspects are Namibian nationals, with four Angolans, one South African, two Zambians and one Tanzanian completing the total. During this same period,308004.7kilogramsofcannabisand10 031mandraxtabletswereseizednationwide.A totalof8859gramsofcocaineand307unitsof crack cocaine were also confiscated by Nampol.

The year did not start well for a Swakopmundsmallbusinessownerwho lost his residential shack, tuck shop and barbershop,whichareadjacent,inafire onWednesdayafternoon.

This tragic incident happened in Swakopmund's DRCinformalsettlementandthecauseofthefireis yet to be determined. According to one of the eyewitnessesthefirestartedattheresidentialshack and the flames quickly spread to the tuck shop and barber shop, destroying it all in less than half an hour

The Swakopmund Fire Brigade was on the scene within minutes and managed to extinguish the fire before it could spread to adjacent shacks. Nobody wasinjuredinthefire.

No Bail for Walvis Bay Babysitter

The Walvis Bay community and country at large were shockedtothecoreafterababysitterintheharbourtown wasarrestedonachargeofallegedlyrapingaone-year-old babygirlduringDecemberlastyear.

The 26-year-old woman (name withheld to protect the identity of the victim) was arrestedinWalvisBay's Kuisebmondsuburb. This appalling incident transpired after the mother of a oneyear-and-one-monthold baby girl dropped off her baby at the nanny's residence at around 06:00 on Friday, 27 December 2024 and went to


Accordingtotheofficial policereportitisfurther alleged that when she picked up her baby at around 17:30 that afternoon,thenannytoldher that the child was bleeding from her private parts and that she (nanny)waswiththebabyall day

The Nampol report furtherstatedthatamedical examination revealed severe genital injuries.

“Itisassumedthatthe suspect had sexual acts with the victim, andthatsheill-treated the ba-by during the period she was in her care,” the report reads.

Theaccusedappeared in the Walvis Bay magistrate'scourtand bail was opposed by the State. The case waspostponeduntil3 April2025forfurther investigations.

Photo contributed
Photos: Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes & Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Crime reporter

Sport Ministry Warns Against Rising Human Trafficking Threats in Namibia

TheMinistryofSport,Youth,andNationalServicehasissuedan urgentwarningabouttheincreasingriskofhumantraffickingin Namibia, particularly among unemployed youth seeking economicopportunities.

With high levels of youth unemployment, many individuals —especially those hoping to work abroad —arebeingtargetedby traffickerswho exploit theirdesperation.

The ministry is urging Namibians to recognise the warning signs and take action to preventthesecrimes.

The key areas of concern include Labour Trafficking: A growing number of adult males are being forced into hazardous labour conditions under false job promises; Sexual Exploitation & Drug Trafficking: Women and girls are increasingly being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation or used as drug mules; Athlete Vulnerability: Even athletes traveling for training or competitions abroad face the risk of trafficking Traffickers frequently use social media to advertise fake job offers, luring unsus-

pecting individuals into dangerous situations.

The ministry stresses theimportanceofstayinginformed,cautious, and reporting suspiciousactivities.

Ifyoususpect humantrafficking orexploitation, contacttheGBV Helplinetoll-free at106or10111.

Truck Driver Dies in Fatal Crash Near Usakos

A 59-year-old truck driver lost his life in a tragic accident on Tuesday evening this week on the B2 road between Usakos and Karibib.

According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, the accident occurred at approximately 19:30, about seven kilometres from Usakos towards Karibib.

The deceased, identified as Arrie Beukes, wastravelingaloneina white Scania truck when he allegedly lost control of the vehicle, causing it to overturn.

Emergency services, including police and paramedics, responded to the scene, but Beukes was declared deadonarrival.

Hisbodywasinitially transported to Usakos State Hospital mortuary before being transferred to Walvis Bay Police mortuary

Thedeceased'snextof kinhavebeeninformed, and investigations into the exact circumstances of the crashareongoing.

Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff


Bay Municipality Ends

Contract with RedForce

The Henties Bay Municipality has officially ended its contract with RedForce, the debt collection agency that previously handled outstanding municipal accounts. The termination, effective as of today,alignswiththetermsoutlinedintheoriginaltenderagreement.

According to a public notice issued by Acting Chief Executive Officer Ignasia Florencia Neis, RedForce will no longer act on behalf of the Municipality in any debt collectionmatters. Additionally, all access to municipal systems has been revoked, and no further information will be shared with the agen-

cy Residents and businesses in Henties Bay are advised to discontinue any engagement with Red-Force regarding outstanding municipal accounts Instead,allinquiriesand payment-related matters should now be directed to the Municipality's Revenue Department,specificallyto MrAlastairGates.

The Municipality expressed its appreciation forthecommunity'scooperation and urged residents to contact the relevant municipal offices for any assistance regarding their accounts.

Forfurtherinformation, residents can visit the Henties Bay Municipality offices or contact the Revenue Departmentdirectly

Fire Shuts Mondesa Clinic's Doors

AftertheMondesaPrimaryHealthCareClinicinSwakopmundwasalmostdemolishedbya fireonMondaymorningatabout3:40,theMinistryofHealthandSocialServicesnotifiedthe publicthattheclinicwillbetemporarycloseduntilfurthernotice.

Police Seize Drugs Worth Over N$54 000 in Arandis Raids

The Erongo Police have made significant drug busts, confiscating cannabis, crack cocaine, and mandrax worth over N$54 000 in two separateoperationsonWednesdaythisweek.

According to Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo police, the first raid took place around 12:00 at a house in Arandis after the police received information about drug dealings in the area. Officers recovered 26 grams of cannabis (skunk), 23 full mandrax tablets, one half, and one quarter mandraxtablet,withatotalestimated value of N$4 150. A 20-year-old Namibian male was arrested in connection with the case. In a second operationatabout13:00,policeacted onatip-offaboutindividualspack-

aging drugs at another house in Arandis Officers raided the premises and seized 821 grams of cannabis (skunk), 60 full mandrax tablets, onehalf,twoquartermandraxtablets, andfourblocksofcrackcocaine. The drugshadastreetvalueofN$50370. Two Namibian men, aged 27 and 32, were arrested. Both cases fall under theContraven-tionofAct41of1971, Section 2, related to the dealing and possession of prohibited substances. Investigations into the cases are ongoing.


CONSENT: Pre-School & Kindergarten ON ERF NO: 4585 TOWNSHIP/AREA:KuisebmondSTREETNAME&NO:OmugulubasheCircle.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Pre-School&Kindergarden.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBay andtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28February2025.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: ChristineSPSheehama, POBox5954,WalvisBay email:nekotokopofipreschool@gmailcom ,


CONSENT: ON ERF NO TOWNS- Self-Catering Accommodation : 175 A HIP/AREA: , STREETNAME&NO: Langstrand UniabClose.

IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiventhat I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permissiontoerect/establishonthesitea/an:Airbnb.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,mustlodge suchobjection,togetherwithgroundsthereof,withtheGeneralManager:Roads andBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan28February2025.

NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: TuhafeniMuhonga email:mtuhafeni@yahoo.com,Cell:0818774468

The fire caused damage to the facility's pharmacy, medical supplies and registers (revenuebooks). AccordingtoChiefInspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongo Police, a security guard on duty at the clinic reportedly heard multiple explosions before a neighbourarrivedtoalertherthattheclinicwas onfire.

The guard immediately informed her supervisor, who then contacted the Swakopmund Municipality Fire Department. Firefighters respondedtothesceneandmanagedtocontain the blaze before it could spread further It is suspected the fire originated in the pharmacy andaccordingtoChiefInspectorShapumbathe consultation rooms remained largely intact, with only minor damage to medications and electronic equipment. No injuries or fatalities werereported,andthecauseofthefireisyetto be determined. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Health advised members of the public to seek

medicalservicesattheTamariskiaClinic,with Antenatal Care, Family Planning and Immunization services which can be accessed at the DRCclinic.Patientsinneedofmedicalcarefor wounds can access these services at the Swakopmund State Hospital, the Ministry recommended. Anticipating the surrounding health facilities to be congested due to the closure of the Mondesa clinic, the Ministry urges full cooperation from the public and ensures that theyareworkinghardincollaborationwiththe Ministry of Works and Transport to restore services at the Mondesa clinic as soon as possible.

The Erongo Health Director, Ms Anna Jonas informed Namib Times on Tuesday that the Ministry is not able to access the premises to estimatethecostofthedamageyet,aspoliceis stillbusywiththeirinvestigation.

Marshallino Beukes & Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff

FNB Donates Laptops to Mondesa Community Library

The Mondesa Community Library has received a significant boost with the donationoffourlaptopsvaluedatN$20000fromFirstNationalBankNamibia (FNB). Thehandoverceremony,heldon28January2025,wasattendedbylocal leaders, representatives from the Municipality of Swakopmund, and stakeholdersfromtheeducationsector

Deputy Mayor of Swakopmund, Her Worship CllrSuamaKautondokwa,expressedgratitudeto FNB Regional Manager, Mr Joram Kahono, and the bank's team for their generosity She emphasisedthatthedonationisnotmerelyabout technology but a commitment to education, digital inclusion, and community development. “Your generosity has addressed a pressing need andhelpedpavethewayforcountlessresidentsto achievetheireducationalandprofessionalgoals,” said Cllr Kautondokwa. The donation follows a recentcontributionof20computersfromLanger Heinrich Uranium Mine, reinforcing efforts to modernise the library's facilities. With 80% of the library's computers previously outdated or malfunctioning, these contributions come at a critical time. In her speech, Cllr Kautondokwa highlightedthechallengesmanyresidentsfacein accessing the internet and digital tools due to economic constraints. She noted that the Mondesa Multipurpose Centre has been strategically positioned as a hub for youth empowerment,providingfreeinternetaccessand a well-equipped library “We are living in a digital era where access to the internet has



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CONSENT: ON ERF NO Self-Catering Unit : 433 (2) Langstrand TOWNSHIP/AREA: , STREETNAME&NO:KuisebAvenue433(2)

In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-CateringUnit.

Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant, in writing, not later than 24 February 2025.



POBox16UgabStreet,Langstrand, emailaddress:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com

become a fundamental necessity However, economic challenges mean that not everyone has the means to access the internet, let alone own a computerorasmartphone,”shesaid. Recognising this gap, FNB Namibia stepped in to support the community by providing much-needed laptops. Their contribution aligns with the bank's commitmenttocorporatesocialresponsibility Cllr Kautondokwa stressed the importance of partnerships in addressing community needs. She quoted Helen Keller, saying, “alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” She also encouraged library staff and users to embrace this opportunity with enthusiasm and responsibility “Let these computers become tools of


StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipality of Walvis Bay, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing:

1. Erf 35 Dolphin Beach (Cormorant Street): Rezoning from Single Residential with a density of 1:500m² to Single Residential with a density of 1:300m²,andsubsequentsubdivisionintoPortion1 (±350m²)andtheRemainderErf35(±350m²); 2.Erf2142Meersig(unregisteredportionofErf113 Meersig) situated on the corner of Fourth Road North and Second Road West: Subdivision into Portion 1 (±305m²) and the Remainder Erf 2142 (±677m²).

The aforementioned applications are submitted in termsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme(asamended), and the Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No.5of2018).


(a) the background information documents lies open for inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101,TownPlanningSectionofMunicipalityofWalvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam NujomaAvenue,WalvisBay Anelectroniccopycan be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@sp.com.na

(b) any person having comments or objections to the applications,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofWalvis Bay and with Stewart Planning within 14 days of the lastpublicationofthisnotice; (c) the deadline to submit written comments, representations,inputand/orobjectionswillbeonorbefore 17:00Friday,28February2025.

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773

empowerment, helping you reach new heights in education, business, andpersonalgrowth,”shesaid. The Deputy Mayor also extended her appreciation to the Economic DevelopmentServicesteamandthe dedicated staff of the Mondesa Community Library, whose continuous efforts ensure that the library remains a pillar of

knowledge and transformation in Swakopmund. In closing, Cllr Kautondokwa thanked First National Bank Namibia once again fortheirtransformativecontribution and expressed hope that this partnership would inspire more initiatives that uplift and empower Swakopmund'sresidents.

Swakopmund Council Issues Warning on Unapproved Building Activities

TheSwakopmundMunicipalityhasissuedasternwarningto residents, urging them to refrain from engaging in unapproved building activities, including house extensions and boundary wall alterations. Failure to adhere to these regulationscouldresultinsignificantfines.

In a public notice released this week, the council expressed concern over the growing number of residents undertaking construction projects that do not conform to the town's planning scheme. The noticestated,"Notethat it is an offence to constructstructureswithout the necessary approval fromthecouncil.”

According to the Swakopmund Municipalitie's Public Relations Officer, Linda Mupupa, residents wishing to erectanystructuremust submit the following documents for council approval, if required: a siteplan(scale1:200),a building plan showing the external appearance

of the proposed structure, including details of building materials (scale 1:100), an electrical plan; sewer and water drainage plans.

Mupupa said no construction can begin until the council or the competent authority has approved these plans.

Regardingpenaltiesfor non-compliance, the Swakopmund Municipal Council's meeting on 29April 2009 adopted a penalty structure for unauthorised building activities. These penaltiesareasfollows: Minor transgression (boundarywallorsmall adjustments to approved plans): N$43 713

per running meter, per month, Minor transgression (unauthorised building structures): N$48 80 per square meter, per month, Mediumtransgression(adding structures that exceed 35% of the approvedplan'sarea):

N$18566 per square meterpermonth,Major transgression (building without approval or constructingbeyondthe building lines without permission): N$504.99 per square meter, per month (excluding 15% VAT). Residents are urgedtoensuretheyhave the proper approvals beforestartinganyconstruction to avoid these costlypenalties

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na 0642013339

Sharlien Tjambari
Eileen van der Schyff


Donation of 340 erven to residents in Extension 27,29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper).

Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 30 (1)(z)(ii) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund st intends to donate 340 single residential erven to 1 time homeowners residing in Ext 27, 29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper) as per Council resolution of 28 November 2024, under item 11.147.

Port of Walvis Bay News

General Cargo Vessel, IVS MERLIN (IMO: 9604847), sailing under the flag of Marshall IslandsdockedatthePortofWalvisBayonSunday,2Februarytoload10000MetricTons(MT) Zink Concentrates. The vessel departed for her next destination yesterday Her length overall (LOA)is183metres,andherwidthis29.5metres.

BulkCarrier,BLUEAKIHABARA(IMO:9696785),sailingundertheflagofPanamadocked atthePortofWalvisBayonFriday,31Januarytoload58500MetricTons(MT)Salt.Thevessel will depart for her next destination on Sunday, 9 February Her length overall (LOA) is 199.9 meters,andherwidthis32.24metres.

Bulk Carrier, MEDITERRANEAN SPIRIT (IMO: 9725407), sailing under the flag of MarshallIslandsdockedatthePortofWalvisBayonSaturday,2Februarytoload5500Metric Tons(MT)Granite.ThevesselwilldepartonFriday,14February Herlengthoverall(LOA)is 179.9metresandherwidthis30metres.

BulkCarrier,NORDSINGAPORE(IMO:9913535),sailingundertheflagofPanamadocksat thePortofWalvisBayonSunday,9Februaryfor14daystodischarge36750MetricTons(MT) BulkSulphur ThevesselwilldepartonSunday,23February Herlengthoverall(LOA)is179.99 metresandherwidthis32metres.

GeneralCargoVessel,AALPARIS(IMO:9594494),sailingundertheflagofCyprusdocksat the Port of Walvis Bay on Saturday, 8 February to load 11 000 Metric Tons (MT) Copper Concentrates. Herlengthoverall(LOA)is179.47metresandherwidthis28.21metres.

GeneralCargoVessel,LADYLUCIANA(IMO:9320520), sailingundertheflagofPanama docksatthePortofWalvisBayonFriday,7Februarytoload7000MetricTons(MT)Bagged Salt.ShewilldepartfromtheWalvisBayPortonTuesday,11February Herlengthoverall(LOA) is146metresandherwidthis18.25metres.

Self-DischargingBulk Carrier,SOLANJO(IMO:8028486),sailingundertheflagofGuineaBissauwilldockatthePortofWalvisBayonSunday,9Februarytoload2000MTBaggedSalt. ShewilldepartonWednesday,12February Herlengthoverall(LOA)is67.77metresandher widthis13.82metres.



Donation of 340 erven to residents in Extension 27,29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper).

Notice is hereby given in terms of the provisions of Section 30 (1)(z)(ii) of the Local Authorities Act, Act 23 of 1992, as amended, that the Municipal Council of Swakopmund st intends to donate 340 single residential erven to 1 time homeowners residing in Ext 27, 29 and 30, Swakopmund (DRC Proper) as per Council resolution of 28 November 2024, under item 11.147.

Full particulars of the above transaction will lie for inspection at the Municipal Head Office situated at the corner of Rakotoka Street, and Daniel Kamho Avenue Swakopmund, Room BO-09 (Mr C Awaseb), ground floor, between 07:30 – 16:00 weekdays until Friday, 14 February 2025

st The purchasers must be 1 time homeowners therefore anyone who has proof that a purchaser owns or has owned land in Namibia is encouraged to submit such proof to the official below

Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may lodge such objection in writing, duly motivated, to the Chief Executive Officer, not later than 12:00 on Tuesday,18 February 2025

Please take note that NO objections via e-mail will be accepted. Objections must be made by delivering a hard copy to the office of the Chief Executive Officer and supplying a return postal address and telephone number Only enquiries will be considered at the email address below


Mr C Awaseb: cawaswb@swkmun.com.na Tel: 064-410 4231

Notice No: 06/2025


CONSENT: Home-Based Office: Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 4324

TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 30 James BrownStreet.

In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given thatI/we,theundersigned,haveappliedtotheWalvisBayMunicipalityfor permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Home-Based Office: Cash Loan.

Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan21February2025.


CharlotteMRaulie,POBox1766,Kuisebmond,WalvisBay email:charlyraul001@gmail.com



In accordance with the Environmental Management Act 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007), notice is hereby given to all possible Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner for environmental clearance as follows:

Project: Construction and Operation of a Solar PV Plant including Battery Energy Storage and Overhead Transmission Lines to support Green Hydrogen And Ammonia Production.

Proponent: Zhero Molecules Walvis Bay (Pty) Ltd

Location: Farm Bloemhof 109 Erongo Region. th Public meeting 1. Date: 13 February 2025 Place: Swakopmund, Venue: Tamariskia Hall, Time, 10H00 –12H00 th Public meeting 2. Date: 14 February 2025, Place:Arandis, Venue:Arandis Community Hall, Time, 11H00 – 13H00 st Deadline for Comments: 31 April 2025 Register as I&Aps @: Email: , info@tec.com.na PostalAddress: P.O. Box 35473, Cell phone: +264811220114 or +264811477889


StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityof Swakopmund, and the Ministry of Urban and Rural Developmentforthefollowing:

Erf 931 Vineta Extension 4 (adjacent to Penguin, MowenandStrandlopertjieStreet):Rezoningfrom General Residential 2 with a density of 1:250m² to GeneralResidential1withadensityof1:250m². Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedintermsof theSwakopmundZoningScheme(asamended),andthe Urban and Regional PlanningAct, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018). The need for rezoning relates to increasing the permitted building height from 8 meters under the GeneralResidential2landuseprovisionsto13meters undertheGeneralResidential1landuseprovisions. Takenotethat–

(a)thebackgroundinformationdocumentliesopenfor inspection at the Town Planning Department of the MunicipalityofSwakopmund,cornerofRakotokaand Daniel Kambo Street, Swakopmund. An electronic copy can be requested from Mrs Melissa Kroon: melissa@sp.com.na;

(b) any person having comments or objections to the application, may in writing lodge such objections and comments, together with the grounds thereof, with the ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheMunicipalityofSwakopmundandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice;

(c) Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Friday,28February2025.


ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403


StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280773

Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd. with its operations based in Walvis Bay, Namibia specialises in harvesting the best quality fish species using latest technological standards, onboard processes, and deep freeze of quality harvested fish species For expansion of our business, we seek to appoint a vibrant, focused, innovative and skilled candidate to be part of our dynamic and energetic team in the following position:


Reporting to: General Manager Location: Walvis Bay


The main purpose of the Front Desk Office Assistant is but not limited to manage the Company front's desk activities and to perform, provide and execute various management, departmental office administrative and clerical assistance and support. ROLESAND RESPONSIBILITIES

· Greet and welcome guests, clients, customers, contractors and direct visitors to the appropriate person and office.

· Answer, screen and forward incoming phone calls as well as receive, sort and distribute daily mail/deliveries.

· Ensure the reception area is tidy and presentable, with all necessary stationery and material (e.g. pens, forms and brochures).

· Assist the finance department with debtors / accounts receivable's customer invoices processing, submission for payment and creditors / accounts payable's vendor billings and invoice tracking.

· Assist logistics department with system data entry administrative tasks relating to product storage, controls, invoices and movement tracking.

· Assist procurement / technical department with ordering and acquiring goods and services, processing or creating purchase orders, arranging payment and liaising with suppliers.

· Assist operations department with various administrative day-to-day operational activities.

· Order office supplies and keep inventory of stock.

· Keep updated records of office expenses and costs.

· Perform other administrative tasks such as filing, photocopying, scanning and faxing.


· Grade 12 certificate and a tertiary qualification in business administration will be an added advantage.

· At least 4 year's front desk working experience with proven previous client service experience an added advantage

· At least 3 years' accounts receivable, accounts payable, procurement and or logistics experience.


· Knowledge of finance, procurement and logistics systems will be an added advantage.


Advance computer proficiency with advance MS Excel skills,Ability to work with complex and diversified workforce,Attention to detail and accuracy, Flexibility and ability to work under pressure, Ability to work longer hours and or over weekend, Excellent interpersonal and organizing skills, Excellent written and communications “speaking” skills, Excellent record keeping skills, Excellent numerical, financial and mathematical skills, Excellent client and customer service skills, Great time management and prioritizing skills, Excellent proactive, assertive, creative and advance planning skills


· A Police Code of Conduct Certificate with no endorsements obtain during the last 6 months or application receipt. · Only successful applicants shall be contacted, and shortlisted candidates can be subjected to screening and vetting process.

· No CV's or supporting documents shall be returned.

Pereria Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd.'s prides itself in offering competitive market related salary and is committed to employing previously disadvantaged Namibian candidates who are hereby encouraged to apply

Applications with cover letter, resume / curriculum vitae (CVs) and supporting documents meeting the vacancy requirements must be forwarded and or delivered to: Dawid Nuuyoma | Human Resources Executive | Pereira Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd | Ben Amathila Street | Walvis Bay | Namibia | P O Box 3751, Walvis Bay, Namibia | Telephone: (+264) 83 3343181 | E-mail: dawid@bluesea.com.na th CLOSING DATE: Thursday, 13 February 2025


The Role of Trade Unions in Society and the Workplace

Trade unions are often viewed narrowly as instruments of collective bargaining within workplaces. However,theirroleextendsbeyondwagenegotiations—theyserveascivicorganisationsadvocatingfor therightsoftheproletariatandprecariousworkersinbroadersociety.Unionsfightforimprovedlabor conditions,buttheyalsoengageincommunitystruggles,advocatingforbetterpublicservices,housing, andsocialprotection.

Types of Trade

Unions: Which is Best?

Trade unions vary in structure and ideology

The most common typesinclude:

Craft Unions – Representing workers of a specific trade (e g , electricians, carpenters).

Industrial Unions –

Coveringallworkersin a particular industry (e g , transport, mining).

General Unions – Representing workers from various sectors,

oftencoveringunskilled labor

Structural Power Unions – These unions leverage workers' strategic position in critical industriesliketransport, energy, and logistics to enhance bargaining power Such unions, including the Namibia Transport and Allied Workers Union (NATAU) and few others, play a vital role in ensuringequitablework distributionandsustainableindustrialrelations. Amongthese,structural power unions are parti-




Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be madetotheMagistrateof theDistrictof Erongo.

1 Name and postal address of applicant: Calyx Investments cc, P O Box 2457, Swakopmund.

2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Chez Wou Restaurant.

3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: No. 2 Theo-Ben Gurirab Street,Swakopmund.

4. Nature and details of application:Application for permanent or temporaryremovalofa license.

5.Clerkofthecourtwith whomapplicationwillbe lodged: Swakopmund MagistrateCourt.

6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 10 February2025.

7. Date of meeting of Committee at which 9 April2025.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in r e l a t i o n t o t h e application must be sent or delivered to the

Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21daysbeforethedateof the meeting of the Committee at which applicationwillbeheard.

cularly effective in balancing power between labourandcapital.They are strategically positioned to influence industrial policies while maintaining economic stability

TradeUnions:ABenefit to Both Workers and Employers

Employers and capitalists should not view trade unions as adversaries but as mediators of labor disputes. When properly structured, tradeunionshelpensure fairness in the workplace,makingworkdis-


tribution more efficient and reducing unnecessary conflicts By facilitating collective bargaining, unions help maintain workplace harmony, preventing frequent and disruptive industrialactions.

The Danger of Reactionary and Militant Unions

While trade unions serve a noble purpose, not all operate in the bestinterestofworkers. Some unions fall into thecategoriesof: Reactionary Unions –These unions align

themselves with management or political elites at the expense of workers. They undermine collective worker power,causingthreatsto job security and poor labourconditions.

MilitantUnions–These unions aggressively pushforworkers'rights, sometimes disregarding legalframeworks.

While their radical stance may seem justified, excessive militancy can lead to job losses, company closures, and legal ramifications.

Responsible Trade Unionism: A Strategic Approach

Trade unions must operate within legal frameworks to protect workers effectively.

Engaging in unauthorised company property invasions, violating labour laws, or forcing confrontations can lead to legal actions against members, resulting in financial losses and job terminations.

Workers seeking to unionize should adopt a strategicapproach.

While freedom of association allows employees to form or join unions, it is wise to organisediscreetlyuntil they achieve majority representation. This ensurestheycannegotiate from a position of strengthratherthanvulnerability

Leveraging Union Strength for Economic Equity


Engels famously stated, "The struggle continues." However, in today's capitalist society, the struggle must be strategic Capital cannot functionwithoutlabor,and labour cannot survive without capital. The question, therefore, is: How do we leverage our power to break inequality? The strengthofaunionlies in its membership, not justinitsleadership.A strong, law-abiding union can push for labor rights without


Tradeunionsshouldbe seen not as disruptors butasessentialplayers in fostering industrial democracy A wellstructured, strategically positioned union is the best defense against exploitation while ensuring job security and economic stability

Sea Fishing Company (Pty) Ltd. with its operations based in Walvis Bay, Namibia specialises in harvesting the best quality fish species using latest technological standards, onboard processes, and deep freeze of quality harvested fish species. For expansion of our business, we seek to appoint a vibrant, focused, innovative and skilled candidate to be part of our dynamic and energetic team in the following position:


Reporting to: Finance Manager Location: Walvis Bay


The main purpose of the Assistant Finance Manager is but not limited to being responsible for managing and ensuring the company's tax compliance, ensuring swift conclusion of internal audits and financial statements as well as providing effective financial support services in compliance with legislation, Company policies and procedures and financial audits.


· Managing and ensuring overall tax compliance

· Improve processes and controls around tax compliance, to ensure ongoing compliances.

· Manage and conduct tax audits

· Manage tax related reports and submissions including but not exclusive to PAYE, VAT, etc

· Review, prepare and submit tax submissions to Namibian Revenue Agency (NamRa).

· Prepare responses and address all tax related queries

· Investigate and address all deficiencies in tax reporting

· Liaise with NamRa officials and departments as required.

● Ensure compliance of all financial, accounting and administrative practices, in conformance with legislation and generally accepted accounting practice.

● Record financial transactions accurately in the general ledger

● Reconcile bank statements and accounts.

● Provide support to the Finance Manager on various projects.


Bachelor's degree in accounting, Tax, and Finance related field, Being a qualified CA/CIMAwill be an added advantage, Minimum 5 years' financial tax management experience and Minimum 5 years' accountant experience.


Knowledge of financial principles and practices, Knowledge of financial controls and audit standards, Knowledge of reconciliations, Knowledge of implementing financial controls.


Advance computer proficiency with advance MS Excel skills, Excellent accounting and auditing skills, Excellent numerical, financial and mathematical skills, Excellent interpersonal and organizing skills, Excellent written and communications “speaking and negotiations” skills, Excellent record keeping skills, Excellent time management and prioritizing skills, Ability to work with complex and diversified workforce, Attention to detail and accuracy, Flexibility and ability to work under pressure, Ability to work longer hours and or over weekend, Excellent proactive, assertive, creative and advance planning skills


· A Police Code of Conduct Certificate with no endorsements obtain during the last 6 months or application receipt. · Only successful applicants shall be contacted, and shortlisted candidates can be subjected to screening and vetting process.

· No CV's or supporting documents shall be returned.

Pereria Seafood Company (Pty) Ltd.'s prides itself in offering competitive market related salary and is committed to employing previously disadvantaged Namibian candidates who are hereby encouraged to apply

Applications with cover letter, resume / curriculum vitae (CVs) and supporting documents meeting the




Kankervereniging Hou Maandelikse Uitverkoping en Beplan Kunsuitstalling

Die Kankervereniging van Namibië (CAN) in die ErongostreekhetopSaterdag,1Februariehulmaandelikseuitverkopinggehou,waargeskenkteitemsteen50%afslagaangebiedis.

SanetdeWaal,diestreeksbestuurdervan CANindieErongostreek,hethaardankbaarheiduitgespreekteenoordiepubliek en vrywillige donateurs wat skenkings maak. Syhetbeklemtoonhoebelangrik hierdie bydraes is om die vereniging se inisiatieweteondersteun.

Benewens die maandelikse uitverkoping beplan CAN 'n kunsuitstalling op Vrydag, 21 Februarie. 'n Versameling skilderye sal uitgestal word by die CAN “Thrift Shop”, langs die KankerverenigingsekantorebyFerdinandStichstraat3, Swakopmund. Die deure sal oop wees vanaf18:00tot21:00.

DieCAN“ThriftShop”,watverledejaar in Mei amptelik geopen is, is 'n fondsinsamelingsinisiatiefwaargeskenkteitems teen bekostigbare pryse aan die publiek verkoopword.

Diewinkelisdaagliksoopvanaf9:00tot 12:30, en weer vanaf 14:00 tot 16:00. Verskeie items, insluitend klere, boeke,

skoene, pakke, huisware en dekor, is beskikbaar

Die opbrengs word gebruik vir CAN se projekteenuitgawes.

Die“yardsales”vindelkeeersteenlaaste Saterdag van die maand by die CAN “ThriftShop”plaas. Ditbieddiepubliek die kans om kwaliteit tweedehandse items te koop terwyl hulle 'n goeie saak ondersteun. CAN moedig die gemeenskapaanomdie“thriftshop”endiekunsuitstalling te ondersteun, aangesien alle fondse aangewend word om kankerpasiënte te help en noodsaaklike programmeindiestreektefinansier Korrespondent, Petrus Julius het gesê, “dieCAN“ThriftShop”is'nwonderlike inisiatiefwatnienetmenseinnoodhelp nie, maar ook 'n platform bied vir die gemeenskapombytedratot'nbelangrike saak. Dit is inspirerend om te sien hoe mensebereidisomhulbesittingsteskenk virietswat'nwerklikeverskilmaak.”




ThepositionreportstotheFinancialManagerandwillhaveafinanceteam reportingtohim/her

ThisSeniorAccountantpositionwillberesponsibleforthefinancialreporting & governance of companies operating within the fishing industry of Walvis Bay


∙Atleast3to5years'experienceasanAccountantorequivalentarticles experience.



∙Goodcommunicationskills–writtenandoral(English&Afrikaanswillbean addedbenefit)


∙Abilitytoprioritizetheirownandtheirteamsworkwithexcellentattentionto detail.

∙Abletodrivethemselvesandtheirteamtoreportonstrictdeadlinesand keepatteamaccountabletowardstheirdeadlines.



Forjobspecificationoftheadvertpleasevisit: www.facebook.com//77consult http://venmar.com.na/contact-us.htmlor

Applicants meeting the requirements are invited to send their CV and supporting documents as one PDF attachment to the following email with therelevantreference:







StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay, and/or the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:

1. Erven 567 and 568 Langstrand Extension 2 (2-4 Foreshore Street): Consolidation into Portion X and subsequent Rezoning from Single Residential with a densityof1:500toGeneralResidential1withadensity of1:250.

2. Erf 1130 Walvis Bay (267 Nangolo Mbumba Avenue):RezoningfromSingleResidentialwithadensity of 1:300 to General Business with a bulk factor of 2.0andthesubsequentapplicationforanEnvironmental ClearanceCertificate.

3. Erf 231 Walvis Bay (36 Sam Nujoma Avenue): Rezoning from Single Residential with a density of 1:500toSingleResidentialwithadensityof1:300and thesubsequentsubdivisionintotwoequalportions(PortionAandRemainder).

TheapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand RegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018),Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme, as amended, and/or the EnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).


(a) the pre-application drafts (bid documents) lie open for inspection at Room 101 of the Roads and Building ControlDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofWalvisBay situatedatCivicCentre,WalvisBayorcanberequested frommario@sp.com.na;

(b)Potentialinterestedandaffectedpartiesareinvitedto register with Stewart Planning, and any person having commentsorobjectionstotheapplication,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsandcomments,togetherwith thegroundsthereof,withtheChiefExecutiveOfficerof theMunicipalityofWalvisBayandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelastpublicationofthisnotice. Writtenobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron17:00 Thursday,27February2025.

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&Regional Planners POBox2095WalvisBay mario@sp.com.na 064280773

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofWalvisBay PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc. org.na 0642013339


StewartPlanningintendstoapplytotheMunicipality ofSwakopmund,and/orMinistryofUrbanandRural Development, and/or the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism for the following statutory approvals:

Erf 69 Tamariskia (1 Franziska Van Neel Street): Subdivisionintotwoportions(PortionAandRemainder).Thesitemeasures±800m²inextentandiszoned SingleResidentialwithadensityof1:300intermsof the of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme. The site is currently occupied by two dwelling units and therefore,itistheintentionoftheownertocreatetwofree standing dwelling units (houses) with the proposed subdivision.

TheapplicationissubmittedintermsoftheUrbanand Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No. 5 of 2018), SwakopmundZoningScheme,asamended,and/orthe Environmental ManagementAct, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007).


thepre-applicationbiddocumentliesopenforinspectionattheTownPlanningDepartmentoftheSwakopmund Municipality, on the corner of Rakotoka and DanielKamhoStreetSwakopmund,orcanberequestedfrommario@sp.com.na. any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheSwakopmundMunicipalityandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthe lastpublicationofthisnotice.

Written objections must be submitted before or on 17:00Thursday,27February2025.

LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer

MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403

Applicant: StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na

Sanet de Waal, streeksbestuurder van CAN in Erongo.
Eileen van der Schyff

‘MTC Run Connect'

MTCrecentlylaunchedanewracingevent,“TheMTCRunConnect”a half-marathon event aimed at promoting wellness while giving back to the community, with all proceeds from the event going toward a charitablecause.

Namibia'sComradesMarathonambassador,FransAmakali, HettyNelumbuofNamibianTraders,PaediatricCardiologist Dr Fenny Shidhika and MTC's Corporate Affairs Manager, John Ekongo, at the launch of the MTC Run Connect race in Windhoek.

The race, sanctioned by Athletics Namibia, is scheduled to take place on 1 March in Windhoek. Corporate Affairs Manager at MTC, John Ekongo stated that MTC has alwaysstrivedtouplift the communities in which it operates, whether by providing

financial aid to those in need, building classrooms for schools lacking infrastructure, or equipping the unemployed with skills to start their entrepreneurial journey He emphasised that the initiative is part of the company'scommitment to giving back to the

Photo contributed

community Ekongo addedthattheydecided to give back but this timetothebody “100% of the proceeds will be donatedtotheNamibia National Children's Heart Trust, which ensures that Namibian patients born with congenitalheartdisease receive affordable,

accessible, equitable, timely, safe and sustainable care, regardless of their socio-economic background ” MTC has partnered with national children trust,atrustthatensures Namibianpatientsborn with congenital heart diseases are provided with affordable care. Dr Fenny Shidhika, founderoftheNamibia National Children's Hearts Trust expressed hergratitudeforMTC's involvement in the initiative and highlighted the importance of expanding the project nationwide. She stated that the best part about thisfundraisingisthatit has a double effect; it does not only support those with heart diseases, but it also keeps the runners in shape, therefore making it beneficial to both the receiver and donor.” According to her, Namibia Nationals Children Trust ensures that Namibian patients born with congenital heart diseases receive affordable, accessible, equitable, timely, safe, and sustainable care, irrespective of their socio-economicstatus. Runnerscancompetein 5km, 10km, and 21 km

for prizes worth more thanN$70000. The prizes include the winner, 1st, and 2nd runner-up in the elite, master's, and veteran categories for both males and females According to MTC, the first 500 people to register will receive Tshirts and a swag bag. Additionally, the first 100 registered people will get a recovery boot voucher after the run which can be redeemed at the ONETWENTY Sports and Fitness Performance Centre Equally important, the event (21 km) will be sanctioned by Athletics Namibia and recognised as a qualifying racefortheTotalSports Two Oceans Marathon. Runners are urged to register using the link https://www.easyreg.co. za/events/mtc-connectrun-2025 before 15 February and pay with the newly introduced trans-actional product, MTCMaris. Registration fees vary between N$50 and N$150, depending on the distance the individual chooses to run.

NationalTimeTrialand RoadRaceSetforThis Weekend

The first Nedbank National Individual Time Trials(ITT)andRoadRacefortheyearwillbe heldonSaturdayandSunday7and9February alongtheMatchlessMineRoadinWindhoek. The event will see cyclists take on the route with hopes of being crowned the 2025 national champions and receive the Namibian national road cyclingkit,whichtheywillwearwhenrepresenting the country at regional and international competitions. This year, the races will see cyclists takeonthecategorieswhichinclude,eliteandu23, juniormenandwomen,sub-vetmenandwomen,vet men and women, master men and women, grand master men and women, u16 boys and girls, u14 boys and girls, u12 boys and girls, u10 boys and girls. The Nedbank Namibia National Time Trials andRoadRacepromisestobeathrillingspectacle, with cyclists vying for top honors and the opportunity to represent Namibia on the global stage.TheITTwillstartat15:00,andtheroadrace willstartat06:30.NedbankNamibia,inpartnership withtheNamibianCyclingFederation(NCF),have preparedfortheeventwhichwillbringtogetherthe nation's top cyclists, showcasing their talent and determination on the road. In 2024, the event saw thrilling performances Nedbank Namibia's CommunicationManager,SelmaKaulingesaidthat Nedbank Namibia has long been a champion of sports development in the country, and its involvement in cycling continues to play a pivotal role in nurturing talent. Kaulinge emphasized the importanceofthebank'ssupport.“AtNedbank,we believe in empowering Namibians to achieve their dreams.OurpartnershipwiththeNamibianCycling Federation is a testament to our commitment to fostering excellence in sports” she added. “The President of the Namibian Cycling Federation, TaukoShilongo,praisedthegrowthofthesportand the role of national events in shaping future champions. Shilongo said, “Namibia's cycling achievementsareasourceofimmenseprideforour nation. Our consistent ranking among the top cycling nations inAfrica is a reflection of the hard work and dedication of our athletes, coaches, and sponsors like Nedbank.” “National events like the NedbankTimeTrials and Road Race are critical in providingourcyclistswiththeplatformtoexceland earn the accreditation needed to compete internationally Weareexcitedtoseewhatthefuture holdsforNamibiancycling,”Shilongosaid.

namib times Sport

DHF Partners with Walvis Bay-based Company

Edwin Geinub wins Walvis Open

Aspertradition,theannualNAGUcalendarkickedoffonSaturdaywith theplayingoftheWalvisBayOpenattheGolfCourseintheharbourtown.

EdwinGeinubisthe2025 Walvis Bay Open Golf champion after he managed to edge Brendan Brittenatthesecondplayoffhole.Thisaftertheday finished in a tie for first place on 154. There was considerably more interest in playing compared to a few previous years and the draw was quite a challenge. Eventually no fewer than 47 players from clubs as far as Oshakati and Mariental teed up for the 36 hole Medal competition with another20havingtosettle for 18 holes Stableford. Players had to contend with a strong wind in the afternoon and as a result, scores ballooned quite a bit with the afternoon scoringeventuallybeing3 shots higher than the average for the course.

The overall net winners for both the Medal and

Stableford came from the C-division with Lesley Neib edging Heinrich Simon on a score of 145149. Other prize winners were A-division: Wesley Haseb. Kevin Wentzel.

Justin Noabeb and Samuel Nel B-division: Rudi Auseb Jnr, Pieter Fox, Tienie de Wet and Frans Isaacs. C-division: Dennis Haimbondi GeorgeMurasiki,Helmut NdjendjaandRudiIsaacs Snr The Stableford competition went to Andre Burger, followed by Robert Muzuza, Charles Shayamano and Piet van Niekerk. The Namibian Golf Union President,ToadyGurirab, who also played, thanked Walvis Bay Golf Club, green staff, kitchen and everyone involved for a well-prepared course and tournament. The SENIORSthatwereplayedon

Thursday was won by Harald Engling is the winner of the Thursday SENIORS Golf play off with 37 points, Rory Wolhuter second and Helga Engling third. This weekend is the individual medal over the first nine andStablefordontheback nine, subtract the Stableford from the medal and the lowest score wins. The Multisave Medal competitions of 2025 scheduledforSaturday,15 February carry two additional competitions with it. The Teams Medal Maniawillcontinuewith5 players per team this year In addition, the top 20 medal players for the year willsquareupagainsteach other in a 10 men team challengeon8December

WalvisBay-basedcompany,GACInvestmentsCCrecentlyhandedoverN$300000totheDeon HottoFoundationforaperiodof3yearstosupportthedevelopmentofnewsports infrastructureinSwakopmund.

TheChiefExecutiveOfficerofGACInvestments, Godwin Cloete and DHF Chairperson, Carl Pesat travelled to Johannesburg where they met with DeonHottotofinalisethesigningofapartnership agreement. Deon Hotto proudly acknowledged its newest partnership for the foundation and said the donation goes a long way to enable their vision to buildworld-classfacilitiesinMondesaandinspire. Hotto said, “DHF is committed to support underprivilegedchildrenandcommunitiesthrough sport development. Together, we can and will continue to do more for the underprivileged children in our communities.” All proceeds from this partnership will go to the foundation. GAC Investmentsawell-establishedbusinessfoundedin 2011, provides specialised services both onshore and offshore and delivering comprehensive solutions in bunkering, surveying, mooring, and wastemanagementservices.Itofferstailoredwaste management, surveying, consulting, and fuel supply solutions across Namibia They also empower sustainable operations with innovative solutions while prioritising safety and environmentalresponsibility TheDeonHottoFoundation, committed to supporting underprivileged children

and communities through sports development since2018,hasmadedonations,supporttosports teams, old age homes and houses of safety In 2023,inauguralDeonHottocharitycup.In2024, officially launched the foundation as well as hosted the 3rd Deon Hotto Charity Cup in Omaruru Our mission is to support underprivileged children and communities through sports development. Furthermore, Deon Hotto also signed an influencer partnership agreement with the Namibian Tourism Board (NTB)astheirSportsBrandAmbassadorsincehe is in SouthAfrica playing for Orando Pirates FC andNamibia'sNationalSeniorMen'sTeam,South AfricaisakeymarketforNTBsoaligningwiththe foundation was alignment for both parties. All proceeds will go to the foundation. The Deon HottoFoundationextendsheartfeltappreciationto GACInvestmentsandtheNamibiaTourismBoard (NTB)fortheirgenerousdonations.Yoursupport fuelsourmissiontoupliftcommunitiesandcreate lasting change. Together, we are making a differenceTogether,wewillcon-tinuetodomore for the underprivileged children in our communities".

Football Actions at the Coast

The Debmarine Premiership action returnsthisweekendwiththecoastal teams in action in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund

On Saturday Blue Boys FC will host Bucks Buccaneers FC at 14:00 whilst Blue Waters FC will be up against UNAMFCat17:00withbothgamesat the Kuisebmond Stadium in Walvis Bay On Sunday Blue Boys FC will take on UNAM FC at 14:00 at the Vineta Stadium in Swakopmund and Blue Waters FC will host Bucks Buccaneers FC at 14:00 at the Kuisebmond Stadium in Walvis Bay Namib Daughters FC will also be in action as they will host African Stars Queens FC at the Kuisebmond Stadium on Saturday at 10:00 and Beauties FC Vineta Stadium at the in SwakopmundonSundayat9:00inthe FNB Women’s Super League. The Namport Erongo Second Division Leaguewillalsokick-offthisweekend with games at Kuisebmond and Jan WilkenStadiumsinWalvisBay

DeonHotto,thefounderoftheDeonHottoFoundation,withCarlPesat, chairperson of the Foundation, Asnath Hotto, a director of the Foundation,andGodwinCloete,theCEOofGACInvestments.
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe

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