Maletzky Slams Swakopmund Municipality
Well-knownandoutspokenlegalrepresenterfromSwakopmund,MrAugustMaletzkycameoutgunsblazingduringa telephonicinterviewwithNamibTimes,regardingtheSwakopmundmunicipalityCorporateServicesManager'santicorruptioncase.
The Corporate Services Manager, Mr AndrePlaatjie,along withtwootherdefendants stands accused of corruptly using office or position for gratification, conspiracytocommitanact of corruption and obstructing the course of justice, dating back from 2019 Plaatjie and his coaccused were arrested and granted bail ofN$3000each.The Namib Times contacted Mr Maletzky
after inf
rmation surfaced that he is representing some Swakopmund municipality employees in internal labour issues. AccordingtoMaletzky no disciplinary actions were taken against Plaatjie until date and nointernalhearingwas conducted.“Thisclearly indicates that the Swakopmund Municipality is promoting discriminatory practices, as other municipality employees facing less severe mis-
conductsarebeingsuspended,” Maletzky fumed.Heisthelegalrepresentative for some Swakopmund municipality employees who are facing disciplinary litigations, with some of them being suspended, or facing suspension from duty “What applies to one must also apply to the other,” is Maletzky's opinion. An email in this regard was sent to the Swakopmund municipality on 22 October
According to their response (which was received this week), the municipality is busy scrutinising the responses carefully to ensure that correct informationiscommunicated, due to the delicate nature of the matter
Photo contributed
Walvis Bay Residents at Breaking Point Over Landfill Site Fires
Gewapende Rooftog Ruk Swakopmund
Die Swakopmund gemeenskap is Maandagtotinhulfondamentegeskud deur 'n transito-roofvoorval, ongeveer 11:30 by Platz Am Meer inkoopsentruminVineta,gepaardgaandemet die onsinlike moord op 'n 42-jarige sekuriteitswag,ErenstAraeb.
Volgens Nampol was drie sekuriteitswagte van SouthernCrossSekuriteitsfirmabesigomkontant byverskeiebesigheidsplekketekollekteertoedie voorvalplaasvind.Nabeweringhethullemethul aankoms by Platz Am Meer die Nissan bakkie waarmee hulle geld vervoer in die parkeerarea gaan parkeer en hul werk voortgesit. Luidens die amptelike Nampolverslag is een van die veiligheidswagteglodeurdriegemaskerdemansgenaderterwylhybesigwasomgeldindiesekuriteitsvoertuigtelaai. Eenvandieverdagteshethomtoe glomet'nvuurwapenoordiekopgeslaan,waarna tweevanhullebeginhetomdiegeldbussiesuitdie voertuig te neem. Die derde verdagte, ook met 'n handwapen gewapen het blykbaar (weens ongekende redes) die bestuurder van die veiligheidsvoertuigwieindievoertuiggesithet,uitdievoertuig getrek. Na bewering het die bestuurder (veiligheidswag)opdiegrondbelandendieverdagte hethomindiekopgeskiet.Hyisopslagdood. Die drie verdagtes het toe in 'n silwer sewe-sitplek Toyota Wish, hul wegkomvoertuig, gespring en weggejaag. Die voertuig, waarin die vierde verdagte (bestuurder) gewag het se registrasienommer is N16372S. Die verdagtes het met kontantvanN$348515,40ontvlug. Dieselfde sekuriteitsfirma ook in Windhoekgeteiken
In'nbynasoortgelykevoorval,metslegs'nhalfuur verskilintyd,hetvermeenderowersookinWindhoek op 'n voertuig van Southern Cross Sekuriteitsfirmatoegeslaan. Inhierdiegevalisniemand beseer nie, alhoewel die rowers twee skote in die lug afgevuur het. Hulle het met buit van N$430 000 weggekom. Hierdie voorval het omstreeks 12:05 plaasgevind. Die geld was vir 'n Standard Bank kitsbankmasjien by die Katutura inkoopsentrumindiehoofstadbestem. Spekulasie dat die twee rooftogte dalk verband
No Bail for Cuban Doctor's Co-accused Usakos Mayor Committed to Youth Development
Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes Highlights Community Initiatives at Ordinary Council Meeting
Usakos Mayor Committed to Youth Development
ItwasajoyfuloccasioninthetownofUsakoswhenatotalof56studentsfromthe town recently completed their trainings at Nimt and Anistemi College, respectively.
The graduates received certificates in different fields such as Hospitality and Tourism, Office Administration, Diesel Mechanics, Welding, Fitting, Clothing Production, Plumbing, and Carpentry These graduates, who completed their 6 months training at the prestigious National InstituteofMiningTechnology(NIMT)andAnistemi Training College, represent a bold step towards combatingthecriticalchallengesfacingtheyouth of Usakos, the Usakos municipality stated. This programwasnotsimplyaskillstraininginitiativeitwasbornoutofaseriesoftargetedyouthmeetings steered by the Office of the Mayor, which sought to address the high unemployment rate, teenagepregnancy,andrampantalcoholanddrug abusethatplaguethecommunityofUsakos.This program was launched on 29 January, with studentscommencingtheircoursesatNIMTandAnistemi College on 4 March. It is commendable to note that the Mayoral Youth Empowerment and TrainingProgramcoveredallaspectsoftheireducational journey, from tuition to accommodation andtransportforthoseresidinginhostels,thanks totheunwaveringsupportofkeysponsorssuchas ErongoMarineEnterprises,OsinoMining,Metropolitan Foundation, and Navachab Mining. This
program,abrainchildoftheUsakosMayor,Irene Simeon-Kurtz, embodies visionary leadership in action. It was rightfully acknowledged by the Honourable Governor of the Erongo region, NevilleAndre,duringthegraduationceremony,asa transformative seed that is actively growing and shaping the future of Usakos.The mayoral youth empowerment and training program is aimed at unlockingpotential,creatingpathwaystoemployment, and ultimately ensuring a brighter, more prosperous future for the Namibian child. The certificate handover ceremony for the youth of Usakos was attended by key figures such as HonourableGovernor,NevilleAndreItope,UTC Councillors,MrRalphBussel(NIMT),MrRandy Erkana (NIMT),Willie de Klerk (NIMT) Mr and Mrs Darryl Beukes (ANISTEMI), and a host of sponsors, including local business owners. “I believethatwithstrongpartnershipsandaclearcommitment to youth development, this program standsasabeaconofhope,proofingthatthrough collective action and strong leadership, we will leadapositivepathforthefutureleaderstofollow and create on,” Mayor Irene Simeon-Kurtz remarked.
Photo Contributed
Walvis Bay Residents at Breaking Point Over Landfill Site Fires
Continued from page 1
FrustrationandhealthconcernsaremountingamongWalvisBayresidentsasillegalfiresatthelocallandfillsitecontinue.DespitewarningsfromtheErongopoliceandcommitments from the municipality, residents are concerned that thefires,fuelledbyburningtyres,havenotstopped,leaving themfeelingignoredandhelpless.
Phone calls flooded the newspaper's office on Wednesday, as exasperated residents voiced their concerns about thehealthrisksposedbythecontinuous smoke and pollution. “They think it's a joke,” one resident said. “Nothing is being done to them, and now they are going to go on worse than ever with these burning of the tyres.” Many feel thattheircomplaintshavefallenondeaf ears, and that promises from officials haveyettomaterialiseintoconcreteaction.“Wearefed-up,”oneresidentstatedbluntly “Whyisthisallowedtocontinue? We can't breathe at night when opening our windows.” More residents echoedthisfrustration,questioningwhy those responsible for the fires haven't been removed as previously stated by themunicipalityandpolice.Thehealth risks associated with the inhalation of tyre smoke are well-documented, with exposure linked to respiratory issues andotherhealthcomplications.
Residents are now questioning why authorities are allowing these illegal
activities to persist, expressing fears over the potential long-term effects on their health and environment.Themunicipality and Erongo police have not yet provided an updated response regarding enforcement actions. For now, Walvis Bay residents feel they have been left to endure the ongoing smoke and pollution without support. Meanwhile, at the recent ordinary council meeting held at the Kuisebmond chambers, the Mayor of Walvis Bay, Trevino Forbes addressed the safety at the landfill site discussing recenteffortstotackleillegalactivities at the dump site. On 18 October, the Namibian Police and Protection Services confiscated alcohol and other contraband in an operation aimed at discouraging unsafe living conditions. Despiteawarenesssessionsheldbythe council,challengespersist.
“Living at the landfill site poses significantrisks,andwecontinueworkingto create a safer environment for all,” Forbessaid.
Gewapende Rooftog
kan hou kan nie op hierdie stadium deur die polisie bevestig of weerlê word nie. Een van die Windhoek rowers is intussen in hegtenis geneem.
Nampoldoen'ndringendeberoepop die publiek om hul volle samewerking aan die polisie te gee en beloof dat hulle geen steen onaangeroergaanlaatomaldieverdagtes agter tralies te besorg nie. Enigiemand met inligting kan vir adjunkkommissaris Erastus Iikuyu (Erongo) by 081 246 4757, of adjunkkommissaris Mubebo (Khomas) by 081 268 8888, of die naaste polisiestasie kontak. Nampol gee ook die versekeringdatenigeinligtinghoogs
No Bail for Cuban Doctor's Co-accused
Two male suspects on a drug related case in Walvis Bay, Alexander Visagie (32) and Godwin Van Broen (40) will remainincustody,whilsttheirco-accused, a 36-year-old female, Valton Barbara Delgado was granted bail of N$5 000 in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's courtonMonday.
The trio were arrested on charges of dealing, alternatively in possession of cannabis, crack cocaine and MDMA (commonly known as ecstasy) on Friday, 25 October, about 11:50atahouseinConcord Street, Meersig, Walvis Bay Nampol's Drug Enforcement Division apparentlyreceivedinformation
about a female medical doctor and her boyfriend dealing in drugs in the suburb. Surveillance was conducted on the said house and subsequently an undercover operation with a search warrant was executed, which led to the recovery of the drugs and arrest of the suspects, the policereportstates.
According to the official Nampol report, they were found in possession of 20 large pieces of crack cocaine, seven capsules of MDMA (ecstasy) and six grams of skunk cannabis with a total value of N$17 750. The case was postponed until18February2025for furtherinvestigations.
vertroulik hanteer gaan word en enigiemand wie inligting verskaf se identiteitgaangeheimgehouword. Platz Am Meer gee versekering oorveiligheidensekuriteit
Intussen het Platz Am Meer op hul sosialemediabladhulmedelyeteenoor dienaasbestaandesvandievermoorde sekuriteitswaguitgespreek. Die inkoopsentrum se bestuur dui voortsaandathullebewusisdathierdie tragiese voorval dalk kommer oor veiligheid by die kompleks mag teweegbring,enversekerdiepubliekdat hulveiligheidensekuriteittenalletye hoogsteprioriteitis.“Onsspanisdaartoeverbindomverbeterdeveiligheidsmaatreëls te implementer,” sluit die skryweaf.
Police Crack Down on Drug Dealing Operations
in Usakos and Karibib
In a recent major operation, the Erongo police arrested several individuals involvedinlarge-scaledrugdealinginthetownsofUsakosandKaribib,aspartof acoordinatedefforttocurbdrugtraffickingintheregion.
Ontheparticularday at around 15:30 in Hakaseb Location, Usakos, police, acting on intelligence received about a group known as the “Tura-Boys,” launched an undercover operation. The operation successfully ledtotherecoveryof a significant number of illegal substances and the arrest of threesuspects.
During the bust, the police seized: 150 full mandrax tablets,
1,199 grams of skunk cannabis and 504 grams of majad cannabis. The estimated streetvalueofthedrugs recovered in Usakos totals N$82 990. The suspects arrested in connection with this case are a 46-year-old male, an 18-year-old male,anda20-year-old male, all Namibian nationals.
They are expected to face charges under the Contravention of Act 41/71 Section 2(a) for dealingincannabisand
Earlier that same day, atapproximately13:20 inHarambeeLocation, Karibib, another undercover operation ledtotheapprehension of two suspects involved in selling drugs in the area. The police confiscated: 17 full mandrax tablets, 19 units of crack cocaine, 19 grams of skunk cannabis, 49gramsof majad cannabis The totalvalueofthedrugs recoveredinKaribibis estimatedatN$5380.
Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes Highlights Community Initiatives at Ordinary Council Meeting
At the recent Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29 October,attheKuisebmondCouncilChambers,MayorTrevino ForbesaddressednotabledevelopmentsinWalvisBay The councilmeetingtouchedonCouncil'sdedicationtocommunityengagement,environmentalsustainability,andsafety
Mayor Forbes spoke of his attendanceattheSwakopUraniumSustainability Report Launch on 21 October He commended Swakop Uranium for its commitment to responsible mining practices. The mayor detailed their focus on environmental stewardship, community involvement, and economic contributions. “Such initiatives attractinvestmentandensureweprotectourenvironmentwhilepromoting social responsibility,” Forbes said, adding that this partnership strengthenslocalgrowthanddevelopmentintheErongoRegion. Promoting Road Safety Education on 22 October, the Deputy Mayor participated in the handover of the newly renovated Children'sTraffic Site, a facility designed to teach youngchildrenaboutroadsafetyin anengagingsetting.Forbesencourages parents to utilise the space. “Thisinitiativeempowersourchildren with essential road knowledge, enhancing their safety and understanding of traffic regulations,” he said. The mayor also reported on the Namibia National Mayors Forum's Annual General Meetingon24OctoberinSwakopmund. During the event, Cllr Leonard Hango, Mayor of Oshakati, was elected President, with Cllr Beatrice Kotungondo, Mayor of Okahandja, named Vice President. Forbes acknowledged the impor-
tance of such leadership in driving regionalgrowthandcollaboration.
Celebrating30yearsofNavalCooperation with Brazil in a celebration of diplomatic relations, Mayor Forbes and council members attended the 30th-anniversary ceremony of naval cooperation between Namibia and Brazil on 25 October The event includedthereinaugurationofthegeodeticreferencemarkmemorial.
AddressingSafetyattheLandfillSite Forbes discussed recent efforts to tackle illegal activities at the Walvis BayLandfillsite.On18October,the Namibian Police and Protection Services confiscated alcohol and other contraband in an operation aimed at discouraging unsafe living conditions. Despite awareness sessions held by the Council, challenges persist. “Living at the landfill site poses significant risks, and we continue workingtocreateasaferenvironment for all,” Forbes said. Upcoming Erongo Business and Tourism Expo Looking forward, Mayor Forbes announcedthe16thErongoBusiness and Tourism Expo, set to take place under the theme “Embracing Sustainable Growth and Technological Advancement in Namibia's Upcoming Oil and Gas and Green HydrogenIndustries.”Theeventaimsto be a dynamic platform for local and international businesses Mayor Forbes encouraged community participation.
Both suspects, identified as 26-year-old Namibian males, were arrested and charged under the Contravention of Act 41/71 Section2(a)and(c)for dealing in cannabis, mandrax tablets, and crack cocaine Both cases will be heard in court, where the accused will face charges related to drug traffickingandpossession.
Dear customers
Kindly note that our offices will be relocating to: 4358, Langer Heinrich Cresent, Industrial Area. Walvis Bay
Our Email address and phone numbers will remain the same.
Tula's Plumbing & Drainage cc
Pan African Youth Forum Kicks-off in Swakopmund
Thisweek,thethree-dayExecutiveCommitteeMeetingofthePanAfricanYouth Forum (PYU) officially commenced in Swakopmund, gathering young leaders fromacrossthecontinenttoaddresspressingissuesfacingAfricanyouth.
The PYU, renowned for its significant contributionstosocio-economicdevelopment,aimsto amplifythevoicesandaspirationsofyoungAfricans from all regions. The meeting commenced on Tuesday Erongo Region Governor, Neville AndréItopeopenedthemeeting,highlightingthe criticalmomentfortheAfricancontinent,which is navigating a landscape marked by both dauntingchallengesandunprecedentedopportunities.
"From unemployment and inequality to climate changeanddigitaltransformation,Africanyouth stand on the front lines of these issues," Itope stated. "However, with challenges come opportunities—to innovate, lead, and build theAfrica we want." The Governor emphasised that the Executive Committee Meeting serves as a vital platformfordiscussinghowtoharnessthecontinent'sdemographicdividendforfuturebenefits.
"ThePanAfricanYouthUnionplaysa pivotal role in empowering young people and fostering a spirit of PanAfricanism,"henoted. Itopestressed the importance of making PYU programs accessible to youth throughout the continent, particularly in the Southern African region. "The time has come to enhance the visibility and relevanceofPYU,ensuringitsimpact isfeltstronglyinourcommunities,"he asserted. Akeyfocusofthemeetingis strengthening connections between NationalYouthCouncils,especiallyin Southern Africa, and the PYU. "NationalYouth Councils are at the forefront of youth development in their respectivecountriesandmustbewelllinked to PYU initiatives," Itope explained. While acknowledging the strides made by the PYU across various regions, Itope called for more efforts to enhance its presence and influence in Southern Africa. "As we open this Executive Committee mee-
ting, let us commit to making PYU moreinclusive,visible,andrelevant," he urged. Namibia, represented by the National Youth Council (NYC), holds the Vice-Presidency of the Southern Africa region within the PYU. The PYU serves as a continentalcoordinatingbodyfornational youthcouncils,strivingtoharmonise youth development efforts across Africaandcontributetoasustainable growth ecosystem. This Executive CommitteeMeetinginSwakopmund marks a significant step in the ongoingdialogueandstrategicengagement required to further the mandate of the PYU in supporting youth development throughout the continent.
Moumouni Dialla the President of PYU,SharoniceBuschtheExecutive Chairperson of the National Youth Council of Namibia and Wisichong Bening Ahmed, the Secretary GeneralofthePYUwereinattendance.
Namport Announces Major Dredging Operations at Port of Walvis Bay
TheNamibianPortsAuthority(Namport)hasannouncedthe commencementofdredgingoperationsatthePortofWalvis Bay. Thedredgingisaimedattheenhancementofportaccessibilityandtosupportlargervessels.
Scheduledtobeginon29Octoberandconcluding by1April2025,thisprojectwillsignificantlyexpandanddeepentheport'smainnavigationchannel. The dredging project includes widening the navigationchannelfrom134metersto200meters and increasing its depth from 14.4 meters to approximately 17 meters. This improvement will support the handling of larger vessels. Namport will deploy three 140-meter dredgers, a 24-meter Multi Cat vessel, and a smaller survey vessel to carryoutthedredgingandsupportoperations. Tofacilitatethedredgingprocess:
All green navigation buoys will be temporarily removed for up to two months, with virtual navigationbuoysinplaceduringthisperiod. Buoysno 16andno29willremainunchanged.
Dredgers will be equipped with day shapes and navigational lights at night, adhering to the 1972 COLREGSformaritimesafety
Onlyvesselswithpilotsonboardwillbepermitted tonavigatethemainchannelduringtheoperation. Exemptedpilotvesselswillnotbeallowedaccess to the main channel or the West Inshore Traffic Zone.
Alldredgedmaterialswillbesafelydisposedofat designated sites between two separation lanes, as perapprovednavigationcharts.
Mariners are advised to follow the instructions provided by Port Control and to remain vigilant throughoutthedredgingperiod.
Captain Lukas Kufuna, Chief Port Captain for Walvis Bay and Lüderitz, emphasised the importanceofcooperationfromallportusersduringthis periodtoensuresmoothoperations.
Infant's Body Found Near Walvis Bay Naval Base
The Erongo police have launched an investigationafterthebodyofathree-monthold infant was found behind theWalvis Bay NavalBaseonThursdaythisweek.
Members of the Navy, on a routine patrol, discovered the baby girl buried in a shallow grave near the shoreline. Chief Inspector IleniShapumba,SpokespersonoftheErongo police confirmed that the mother of the infant,reportedlyaforeignnational,hasbeen missing since the day before the discovery
The police are actively searching for her and urge anyone with relevant informationtocontactthepolice.
Finance Minister Extends Tax Amnesty Program by
Two Years
Inamovetoproviderelieftotaxpayers, announced a two-year extension of Namibia's tax amnesty program, originallysettoexpireon31October.
The programme will now run until 31 October 2026, offering taxpayers additional time to settle outstanding obligations without facing penalties. MinisterShiimimadetheannouncementduringthe tabling of the mid-term budget review, citing the economicchallengesbroughtonbytheCOVID-19 pandemic. The amnesty program provides taxpayers an opportunity to clear back taxes, helping individuals and businesses to improve their financialstanding.
Cabinet Approves Key Decisions on Drought Relief, Water Management, and Fisheries
The Namibian Cabinet has made several critical decisions duringits18thDecision-MakingMeetingheldrecently Key topicsincludedresponsestotheongoingdrought,waterand sanitationinfrastructure,andfisheriesmanagement,aswell asupdatesonnationalreportsandproposedlegislation.
Drought Relief and National Emergency Fund Allocations Cabinet supported a series of recommendedactionsstemming from the National Drought Platform held in September, addressing pressing issues such as governance, transport logistics, and urban hunger Anadditional budget allocation of N$16.8 million has been earmarked from the National Emergency Disaster Fund
for regional quarterly drought relief The enrolment of an additional 64 525 households as drought relief beneficiaries, with a financial implication of N$256 million for the 2025/2026 fiscal year, was also approved Water Management Initiatives and International Cooperation Feedback from Namibia's participation in the Stockholm World Water Week in Sweden highlightedtheurgentneed to allocate 5% of the national budget to water and sanitation programs to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6). Cabinet reinforced Namibia's commitment to improving water supply infrastructure, using opportunities available through initiatives like the Africa Water Invest-ment Program (AIP) and the African Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative (AUSII). TheMinistry of Agriculture, Water andLandReformisset to continue its engagement in transboundary watermanagementand cooperation, and Namibia will be attending the first Meeting of the Parties to the 1992 Water Conven-
tion in Slovenia later thismonth. Additionally, Namibia is expected to host future meetings of the parties within the next threeyears,inlinewith Water Convention obligations. Fisheries: TotalAllowable Catch for Rock Lobster In light of the current stock assessment of therocklobsterfishry, Cabinet has set the TotalAllowable Catch (TAC) for the 2024/ 2025 fishing season at 180metrictonnes.The seasonwillrunfrom1 November,2024,to30 May, 2025 Annual Financial Reports and the Insolvency Bill Cabinet reviewed the 2023/2024 annual reports and financial statements from the Namibia Financial Institutions Supervisory Authority (NAMFISA) and the Road Fund Administration (RFA). Both reports were approved for tabling in the NationalAssembly Additionally, the Insolvency Bill, 2024, was approved in principle.Thebill will now undergo further scrutiny by the Cabinet Committee on Legislation before its tabling in the National Assembly
Metro Namibia Celebrates Grand Opening of Walvis Bay Store at Historic Venus Shopping
Eileen van der Schyff
Metro Namibia, part of the Sefalana Group marked an exciting new chapter on Wednesday this week with the grand opening of its third Namibian supermarket store in Walvis Bay With the new store, nestled within the historic Venus Shopping Centre on Sam NujomaAvenue, Metro is commitment to provide quality, affordable shopping experiences to WalvisBayresidents,whilepreservingtherichlegacyoftheVenusShoppingCentre.
Metro Namibia's Managing Director, Bryan Davis, shared his enthusiasm for the company's expansion, which follows successfullaunchesinSwakopmundandEros earlierthisyear “Wearebeyondproudofthe successwe'veseenwithourSwakopmundand Eros stores. The positive response from our customers has been overwhelming, and we're eagertobringthatsamelevelofexcellenceto Walvis Bay Our new store is designed to provide a fresh, convenient shopping experience,ensuringourcustomersfeelvalued from the moment they step inside.” The Walvis Bay location features a sleek, modern layout and extended hours for customer convenience, and offers a wide range of fresh produce,householdessentials,andgreatdeals. With over 30 stores nationwide and a workforce of more than 1 500 employees, Metro Namibia continues to prioritise communitysupport,jobcreation,andregional development. During the opening ceremony, theSavvafamily,whohavemanagedVenusfor
over 50 years, delivered a heartfelt speech commemoratingtheoccasion. MrSavvarecalled themodestbeginningsofVenus,whichheandhis wife Roulla opened with only 206 square meters and a monthly turnover of 8 000 South African Rand. Today,theshoppingcentrehasexpandedto a2000squaremeterspace,employingaround80 peoplefromtheWalvisBaycommunity “Weare thrilled to welcome Metro to this cherished location,” said Mr Savva. “I have witnessed firsthand Metro's commitment to service delivery and customer satisfaction, which aligns perfectly with the legacy of the Savva family We are excitedtoseeMetrocarryforwardthevaluesthat havemadeVenusabelovedshoppingdestination.”
The new supermarket aims to be the go-to family store for Walvis Bay residents, offering a convenient one-stop shopping experience. The Savva family expressed their gratitude to Metro Namibia's management team, applauding their dedicationandhardworkintransformingthestore into a place where families can find everything theyneed.
German Volunteers Put Smiles on DR Group's Faces
Dantago Women & Youth Development Group DRC (Swakopmund), a community project run by Katrina Garises, was blessed with a sponsorship worth N$36 292 on Wednesdaythisweek.
According to Kathrin SchaeferStiege from OkakambeEquineOrganisation Namibia (OEON), who officially handed over the donation, this was made possible by three kind-hearted German ladies. The three Good Samaritans, Oana, Milena and Ida cameforavisittoNamibia all the way from Germany and after noticing some of the hitches Dontago was facing, decided to start a Facebook page to raise funds for the Group, and the restishistory N$5 000 of the money will be utilised at the Group's feeding scheme (Soup Kitchen), whereby vulnerable children from the DRC informal settlement in Swakopmund will benefit. N$9 000 were used to buy benches and chairs for the project's youth art class.According to Kathrin the children used to do their paintings and drawings on the ground or any other available surface. This is something of the past now The art class further benefitted with paint to the value of N$1 787, muchtothedelightofthe young ones. The rest of the donation was used for food and gas. Dantango is a local community project based in DRC, Swakopmund The program provides empowerment, self-sustainability and development opportunities for residentsofthisinformal settlement through teachingofcraftskills. The program also hosts weakly art lessons mentored by internationally recognised artist Ras Gaths.TheladiesatDantango assist daily in the soup kitchen that provides meals for children in the surrounding area. This is made possible mainly by sponsorships. “OEON and Dantango haveovertheyearsshared an amazing exchange ofculture,educationand development, connectingNamibiaandtherest oftheworld,”saidSvetlana Diergaardt from OEON.
StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintendstoapplyonbehalfofErongoRED(Pty)Ltdand registeredowners,totheWalvisBayMunicipalityandtheMinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforconsentforthefollowingapplications:
Subdivision into Portion 1 and the Remainder, Closure of
SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortion1asPublicOpenSpaceandRezoningof Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
SubdivisionintoPortion1,Portion2andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortions1and2asStreetandRezoning ofPortion1fromStreettoUtilityServicesandPortion2fromStreettoIndustrial.
SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortion1asStreetandRezoningofPortion1from StreettoUtilityServices.
The purpose of these applications is to enable Erongo RED (Pty) Ltd to take transfer of the existing substationssituatedontheabove-mentionedproperties.
TheaforementionedapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme(asamended),and theUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018). ThepermanentclosureapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheLocalAuthoritiesAct,1992(ActNo.23of1992).TherezoningoflandzonedPublic/ PrivateOpenSpacetoanyotherlanduseisalistedactivityandwillbedealtwithintermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
(a) the planning applications are available for inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101,Town PlanningSectionofWalvisBayMunicipality CivicCentre,andatStewartPlanning,122SamNujomaAvenue,WalvisBay AnelectroniccopycanberequestedfromMrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp.com.na
(b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiescanregisterwithStewartPlanningandsubmittheirwrittencomments, representations, input and/or objections to the planning applications together with grounds thereof, to the ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityandtoStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice;
(c) the deadline to submit written comments, representations, input and/or objections will be on or before 17:00Thursday,28November2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners
POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na +26464280773
ChiefExecutiveOfficer WalvisBayMunicipality PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na +264642013339
Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open National Bidding (ONB) procedures for the Construction of Paved Perimeter Roads in the Port of Lüderitz.
1. This bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”). A margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.
2. Bidders may only associate with each other in the following ways: Joint Venture: Bidders may form a joint venture to complement their respective areas of supply and enhance their capacity to carry out the works. Sub-contractAgreement: Bidders may enter into sub-contractual agreements to complement respective areas of expertise and enhance capacity to carry out the works.
3. All associations and sub-contracts must comply with the requirements outlined in the bidding
or recruitment@eitavelo.com Closing date: 8November 2024 Only
4. Interested e igible bidders are requested to visit the Namport website at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.
5. A Non-compulsory Virtual Pre-Bid meeting is scheduled for 07 November 2024 AT 10H00 AM. Bidders should take note that the meeting link is available on the website.
6. A Non-compulsory Physical Site Visit is scheduled for 08 November 2024 AT 10H00 AM. Bidders should take note that the site venue is at the Port of Lüderitz, Hafen Street, Lüderitz.
7. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.
ALL enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:
Procurement Manager
Melani de Klerk
Tel: +264 208 2319
Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na
Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217
E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanningintendsto applytotheMunicipalityofWalvisBay,and/orUrban and Regional Planning Board, and/or the Ministry of Environment,ForestryandTourismfor:
1. Consent to operate a Home Based Business (Office) on Erf 1423, No. 260 Nangolo Mbumba Drive,WalvisBay
2. Rezoning Erf 1423Walvis Bay from “single residential” with a density of 1:500 to “general business”withabulkfactorof2.
The above applications are submitted in terms of the Walvis Bay Zoning Scheme, the Urban and Regional PlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018),andtheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
(a) the background information document or planning application lies open for inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101, Town Planning Section of Municipality of Walvis Bay, Civic Centre, and at Stewart Planning, 122 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay AnelectroniccopycanalsoberequestedfromMr JNOtto:otto@sp.com.na
(b) interested and/or affected parties can register with Stewart Planning and submit their written comments, representations,inputand/orobjectionstotheplanning applicationstogetherwithgroundsthereof.
(c)thedeadlinetoregisterwithStewartPlanningandto submitwrittencomments,representations,inputand/or objections will be on or before 17:00 Friday, 22 November2024.
POBox2095WalvisBay otto@sp.com.na
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&Regional Plannersintendstoapply,onbehalfoftheregistered owners, to the Municipal Council of Swakopmund, the Urban and Regional Planning Board, and the MinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforthefollowing:
Erf 5003 Swakopmund Extension 14 (Onyx Street):TheErfmeasures714m²andisproposedfor rezoning from Single Residential with a density of 1:600m² to Single Residential with a density of 1:300m² and subsequent subdivision into Portion 1 (±340m²)andtheRemainder(±374m²).
Theaforementionedapplicationissubmittedinterms of the Urban and Regional Planning Act, 2018 (Act No.5of2018)andtheSwakopmundZoningScheme, asamended.
Takenotethat–(a)theapplicationliesopenforinspectionattheTown PlanningDepartmentoftheMunicipalityofSwakopmund,cornerofRakotokaandDanielKamboStreet, Swakopmund. An electronic copy can be requested fromMrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp.com.na; (b) any person having comments or objections to the application,mayinwritinglodgesuchobjectionsand comments,togetherwiththegroundsthereof,withthe Chief Executive Officer of the Municipality of SwakopmundandwithStewartPlanningwithin14daysof thelastpublicationofthisnotice; (c)Writtenobjectionsmustbesubmittedbeforeoron 17:00Thursday,21November2024.
LocalAuthority: ChiefExecutiveOfficer MunicipalityofSwakopmund POBox53 Swakopmund jheita@swkmun.com.na 0644104403
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering) ON ERF NO: 1012 TOWNSHIP/AREA:MeersigSTREETNAME&NO: AllianceStreet,5.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,Walvis Bay and the applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan15November 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Miina Tueuthigilua Hangula, P O Box 2210, WalvisBay email:mhangula@walvisbaycc.org.na
Applicant: StewartPlanningTown &RegionalPlanners POBox2095 WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na 064280770 N O T I C E S & V A C A N C I E S
We are hosting a lovely Christmas-inspired flea market again, KaufFRAUsch! On Saturday, 7 December from 9h00 to 14h00 in the Trendhaus, Otto Günther courtyard.
Large selection of preloved items and clothing, kids toys! We will have great coffee from the Two Beards coffee roastery, fresh vegetables from the Dodo Zero Waste Store, wonderful sparkling wine, waffles, Brötchens etc! Register for your stand with Nicole on 081 251 1750
STUDY,TIMINGAND COSTESTIMATES callievh@iway.na–0811629640 0811240258
SERVICES: Insulatedgeyserwithour 25mmthickness waterproofblanketand reducesheatloss,saving moneyonenergybills
(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourloverto bestingywithmoney,to makeyousleepnicelyin yourhouse,tostopbad dreams,amantobestrong inbedduringsex,awoman tohavefeelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,to recoverstolenproperty,BP ulcers,diabetes,asthma,& manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeninginyour life,youwillneverregret. Smsorcall:0816431482 findtheOldmaninKuiseb, MassHouses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperience andhasdonewondersand greatthingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly Andto getaman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule,rejuvenate menspowerduringsex, magicwalletandgetrich withinshortnotice.Chest pains,headache,swollen legs&feet,epilepsy, drinking/smoking,tobe releasedfromprison, manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast.Iknowyou havebeenletdownby othersbutnowyourtime hascome.Comeand experiencethewonderful miracleshappeninginyour lifeandyouwillnever regret.
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
Fullyfurnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi,waterand electricityincluded N$2800.00permonth. Call:0811288924
Town:WalvisBay, Kabeljouarea
Onebedroombackyard flat.Openplan kitchenette/lounge.BIC inbedroomandkitchen
Rent:N$3250.00/month includingwater.Prepaid electricitymeter
*Propertysecure:* boundarywallandalarm system.
Call0812850579/081 3978061forviewing
OutDwellingalready Erfsize:806
Area:Meersig,WalvisBay Price:1.3Million
Excludingtransfercost OutDwelling 2bedroomswithBIC, Lounge,KitchenwithBIC Bathroom&Singlegarage Formoreinformation. Contact:0814541947
Wearelookingfor domesticworkMondays toFridays.Wednesdays andSaturdays.Meersig, WalvisBay Wepay N$160.00perfullday Werequirereferences. Pleasecall0816385740
Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk inSwakopmund, Langstrand,Myle4of Tamariskiavir3daeof‘n week,ekkankinders oppas,ekkanvakansie werkdoen.Ekrookof drinknie,ekkanenige dagbegin.
Kontak:0815577685 0813905233
Iama24yearoldlady lookingforhousekeeping workinSwakopmund only,Ihaveexperience andreadytostartassoon aspossible.
JOBWANTED: A29yearoldladyis lookingfordomesticwork orinarestaurant.
Iama27yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Ihave3 yearsexperienceandis readytostartanytime.
Coastal Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
DOCTOR:Dr.SJeke (TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblems -Marriagetokeepyour loverjustforyourselfWorkproblemsPromotions-Togetten-ders andtoboostyourbusinessPeopledon’twanttopay youback-Pregnancy Problems-Protectionof Farms,Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexual transmittedsickness-all sicknessAsthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexuality-Spiritual doctorsinneedofmore spiritualpowers,etc. HouseNr.(79)3191D. JohannaBensonStreet Kuisebmond,WalvisBay Cell:0813033149
Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywhere butnotachievingyourreal goals,hereisyourdoctorto proveeverythingforyou. Hehelpswithdifferent typesofproblemssuchas courtcases,loveaffairs, marriageproblems,weak erectionswhichisunableto satisfyyourwoman,vagina tightnessformantofeel alwaysattractedtoyou houseproblems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoplover fromcheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotected life,nevergiveupyourlife, yourdoctorishereto cleanseandliftyouup. Comeat471MandumeYa NdemufayoStreetMondesa Swakopmundorcall: DrMoyo0813395913
Youngcouplewith2 yearoldchildis lookingforaone bedroomflattorent BIC&BIS
Waterincluded Prepaidelectricityor electricityincluded Garageoptional N$3500-4000 permonth! Readytomovein immediatelyorend november
Contact0814040367 0817354142
Preferably in Kramersdorf, Tamariskia, Vineta, Ocean View A quiet,decent,nonsmoking,non-drinking coupleisinurgentneed ofa1or2bedroomhome withBIC,garageand somepersonaloutside space(Canbea“granny flat”)Pricerange:±N$ 4000.00p/m(including water)Contact:081370 6998/0816703255
Ek is opsoek na saamrygeleentheid vanaf maandag 4 November , Swakopmund na Walvisbaai en terug . Maandae tot Vrydae
Skakel Patricia Visagie: 081 478 2523
THEHOUSEOF BEAUTYSalonbasedin Swakop-mundislooking foradditionalteammembers, wehavevacanciesinthe followingpositions:1)Three (3)professionalhairdressers, whocandogeneraltasksbut specializesinbraiding.2) Two(2)Professionalbarbers. Preferencewillbegivento non-alcoholconsumersas professionalismiskeytoour brand.Closingdate08 November2024.All applicationsshouldbe emailedtothehouseofbeautycc@gmail .com
Contactdetails:064-402086 /0814717149
RESTAURANTbasedin Swakopmundisonlookout forexperienceteam, followingvacanciesare available:1)HeadChef-5 yearsexperience
2)Kitchenassistant-3years experience
3)Bartenderwith3years experienceminimum 4)Securityteam-1xHead ofsecurity,withatleast5 yearsexperience
3xSecurityguardsminimum3yearsexperience 5)4xWaitresses
Closingdate08November 2024.Allapplications shouldbeemailedtoadmin@whitecornerrestau rant.com
Contactdetails: 064-402086/0814717149
Iama21yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork Ihave1yearexperience asacashier,experiencein computerandisreadyto startimmediately
JOBWANTED: A40yearoldwomanis lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBayor Langstrand.5daysa week,readytostart anytime.Iamvery hardworking.
JOBWANTED: A46yearoldwomanis lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.3-5daysa week.Readytostart immediately
JOBWANTED: Iama32yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay.Ihave7 yearsexperience. Cleaning,washing, ironing.Readytostart anytime. Contact:0815502047
JOBWANTED:Iama21 yearoldladylookingfor ankindofworkinWalvis Bay.Ihave1yearchild careexperienceasaShop Assistant.Ihavegrade11 certificateandIamready tostartanytime,Ihavean A1Germancertificate. Contact:0816993435
JOBWANTED:A33 yearoldladyislookingfor housekeepingwork, restaurant,daycare, guesthouse.Iamalready tostartanytime. Contact:0814767437 0817816661
WERKGESOEK:Ekis ‘n45jarigedameopsoek nahuiswerktweedae‘n week.Maandaeen Woensdae.Langstranden Walvisbaai.Ekkangoed werkenstryk.Ekhetby laundrygewerk. Kontak:0813083325
JOBWANTED:A40 yearoldwomanislooking forworkatguesthouses, domesticwork,cleaning, ironingandwashing.I have20yearsexperience formorethan20years experienceindomestic workfor4-5daysa week.Icanstart immediately Contact:0814136628
Tombstone Unveiling of Tombstone Unveiling of
FNBKuduRugbyClubwontwooftherugbytrophiesthatwereonoffer forthe2024rugbyseasoninNamibia.
The club ended third in the NRU Premier league and once again lost their semi-final match whilst theReserveteamwonthe NRUReserveleague,and theSevensTeamwonthe OngosValley7sseries.
Kudus Rugby Club recently at the Club’s annual general meeting elected their new Board Membersfor2025Rugby Season.
The Chairman Irvin Izaaks will lead the club for 2025 as chairperson said that the year has started slow, with small quantities of players made their way to the practicefield,weendthe year on a high. Izaaks said, “we want Kudu players to commit themselvesandensureourparticipation at the 2025 NRU Leagues.” He also announced that the managementhasappointedR Thompson as the Director of Rugby at FNB Kudu Rugby Club for 2025seasons.”Theclub's management team made
it tick this season came hell or came high water, what you've so tirelessly done for our children hasn't gone unnoticed & is much appreciated. We Salute you for the platform you've created for our children to aid them and teach them on their journey of self-discovery,”Izaaksadded. The chairman thanked membersplayerssupporters for a season to be proudof,ofprofoundjoy, endless entertainment on thefieldaswellasoffield of play “You've epitomised grit and deter-
mination You've displayedasenseofmaturity beyond your ages.” Irvin Izaaks will be deputised by Armando Calaca with Willy Muller as the secretary and Lovina Platothedeputysecretary whilst Donald De Koker is the treasurer and MarkieNangorothevicetreasurer Womens
Representative is Anthea Schoombe.Theadditional members and match secretary will be announced at a later stage. Allistair Carollisen is the patron of FNB Kudu RugbyClub.
Please take notice that !Nora Town and Regional has been appointedbytheownerofErf3079,MondesaExtension6to applytotheMunicipalityofSwakopmundfor:
· Rezoning of Erf 3079, Mondesa, Extension No. 6, From 'residential1'withaDensityof1:300m2To'GeneralBusiness'withaBulkOf2.0
· Consent to Operate a 'Sheeben' while rezoning is being processed.
Erf3079,Mondesa,ExtensionNo.6iscurrentlyzonedResidential1withadensityof1:300m2anditmeasuresapproximately306m²inextent.Theproposedrezoningwillenablethe ownertocomplywiththeSwakopmundMunicipalityZoning Scheme.
a) For more enquiries regarding the rezoning of erf 3079, Mondesa Extension No.6, the locality map of the erf lies for inspection on the notice board at the Swakopmund Municipality
b)Anypersonhavingobjectingtotheproposedapplicationas set out above may lodge such objections together with grounds thereof in writing, with the Swakopmund Municipality and with the applicant (NTRP), within 14 days after theapplicationofthisnotice,whichisscheduledtoendon12, November2024.
! Nora Town and Regional Planners
P. O. Box 6945, Ausspanplatz, 30, Aschenorn, Pionierspark, Cell: +264 81402455
Tell: +264 61 402 949
Fax: +264 61 861 373 Windhoek, Namibia
Swakopmund Municipality
Ms. Johanna Angolo
Senior Town Planning Officer
P. O. Box,13001, Department of Town Planning
Tel: (064) 410 4418
Email: jangolo@swkmun.com.na Swakopmund
Take notice that !Nora Town and Regional Planners on behalf of the owners of Erf 4782, Mondesa Extension 2 intendsapplyingtotheSwakopmundMunicipality andtheUrbanandRegionalPlanningBoardforthefollowing: ·RezoningofErf4782(ConsolidationofErf639and4778 (formally Street), Mondesa Extension 2 From “Single Residential” with a Density of 1/300 To “General Business”withaBulkof2,ConsenttoConstructandtoCommencewiththeProposedDevelopmentwhilstRezoningis ongoing. Erf4782,islocatedinMondesaExtension2inSwakopmund. TheErfiscurrentlyzonedResidentialwithadensityof1/300 m² measures approximately 660 m² in extent. The proposed rezoning will enable the owner to comply with the SwakopmundZoningScheme.
a) For more inquiries regarding the rezoning of Erf 4782, Mondesa Extension 2, the locality map of the erf lies for inspection on the notice board at the Swakopmund Municipality
b)Anypersonobjectingtotheproposedapplicationassetout abovemaylodgesuchobjectiontogetherwithgroundsthereof in writing, with the Swakopmund Municipality and with the applicant(NTRP),within21daysafterthepublicationofthis notice,whichisscheduletoendon12,November2024. Formoreinformationandqueries,kindlycontact:
30, Aschenorn, Pionierspark, P. O. Box 6945, Ausspanplatz, Tell: +264 61 402 949 Fax: +264 61 88 614 373 Cell: +264 814921170 Windhoek, Namibia Email:noratrp@gmail.com
namib times Sport
CoastalMotocross(MX)ridersfromSwakopMotorClub,CarterBouwer,ConnorBouwer,DeWetDuPlessis,DelmarDuPlessis,JuandeVos, LucaBrandandMasonMeyerandCarterBouwerhasexcelledinthe2024NamibianMotocrossseason.
During the last round of the national motocross championship at the Gallina MX track north of Windhoek, Carter Bouwer finished 1st in the 2024 Motorcross Championships on a 50cc KTM and his brother Connor Bouwer finishes3rdonan85ccon a Yamaha YZ whilst Delmar Du Plessis finish third in the 50cc andhisbrotherDeWet Du Plessis second in the 65cc class. Juan de Vosfinishedfirstinthe 125cc class. At just 8 years old, Carter Bouwer has already made a name for himselfintheworldof motocross, clinching the championship title in the highly competitive 50cc class
Having started riding at the tender age of 3, Carter'sdedicationand talent have shone through, earning him accolades and admiration from fans and competitors alike With a passion for the sport that is palpable, Carter's journey is just beginning, and the local community eagerly anticipates his next thrilling adventures on the track. At just 11 years old, Connor Bouwer has already made a name for himself in the motocross community
Starting his journey at the tender age of 4, Connor has honed his skills and determination, culminating in a remarkable 3rd place finish in the
competitive 85cc class atthisyear'schampionships. His dedication and passion for the sport are evident as he continues to impress fans and competitors alike. With his sights set on future victories, Connor is certainly a youngtalenttowatchin the motocross scene. De Wet du Plessis, a youngmotocrosstalent from Namibia, has been tearing up the tracks since the age of five and a half. Now nine, De Wet showcased his skill and determination in the 2024 season, securing first place in 7 out of 8 national races in the 65cc class His dedicationandyearsof practicehavemadehim a formidable competitor, and his impressive record this year cements his place as oneofNamibia'srising motocrossstars.Atjust four and a half years old, Delmar du Plessis began his motocross journeyona50ccbike, and his early start is paying off. Now, he proudly holds third place in the 2024 national championship standings for the 50cc class Delmar's impressive performance reflects his dedicationandpassion, provingthatheisoneto watch in Namibia's motocross scene At just 15 years old, Juan de Vos has already made a name for himself in the motocross world Starting his journey at the age of 7,
he quickly developed a passion for the sport, honinghisskillsonthe track Now, as the reigning champion in the highly competitive 125CC class, Juan exemplifiesdedication, talent, and a fierce competitive spirit that sets him apart from his peers. With dreams of further success, he continues to push the limits, inspiring young riders everywhere Luca Brand a 15-yearold talented young athlete with outstanding achievements in motocross, the last Swakopmund National race he clinched first place in the 125cc Junior category and secured an impressive second place at the King of the Dirt event, competing against ridersonmuchstronger 450cc bikes! With immense dedication and passion, Luca showcased his incredible skills, and the momenthejumpedinto his father's supportive arms is a testament to the joy and emotion of this victory MX in Namibia looks relatively healthy as the 50cc, 65cc, 85cc and 125ccdivisionsthatare the lifeblood of the sporthaveproduced25 entries The national championship after the final round. 50 cc: 1 Carter Bouwer (591 points),2MarkusPack (473), 3 Delmar du Plessis(454).
65 cc: 1 Oliver Mathews (533), 2 De Wet du Plessis (518), 3
85 cc: 1 Khian Kotze (576), 2 Leander Metzger (420), 3 ConnorBouwer(411).
125ccjunior:1Juande Vos (568), 2 Gero Friederich (502), 3 JarnoMetzger(455).
Women MX: 1 Zoë Waldschmidt (522), 2 RonjaFriederich(471), 3GabriellaStill(380).
Clubmen:1JCLochner (351), 2 JF van Eeden (314), 3 Sonny Wittreich(271).
Veterans: 1 Sigi Pack (576), 2 Olaf Pack (358),3RonaldGeiger (239).
O p e n : 1 M a r k Sternagel(600),2Tony Viljoen (477), 3 Rigo Wolf(462).
King of the Dirt: 1 Mark Sternagel (200), 2 Juan de Vos (171), 3 GeroFriederich(156).