Walvis Bay Fish Truck Among Vehicles
Burned Amid Mozambique Border Unrest
AtruckbelongingtoNelSnelTransport,carryingaloadof fishfromWalvisBay,wasamongseveralvehiclestorchedin escalatingviolenceattheLebombobordercrossingbetween SouthAfricaandMozambiquethisweek.
Youth Project Recipient Donates SolarPowered Lights to School-going Children
State of Qatar Donates Drought Relief
Namibia RedForce Takes Henties Bay Municipality to Court Over
The truck, en route along the Trans-KalahariCorridor,becamea casualty in the crossfire as protests over a disputed election in Mozambique sparked deadly clashes and widespread infrastructure damage The unrest, triggered by allegations of election fraud against Mozambique's ruling Frelimo party, has left at least18peopledead.
Human rights groups reporttheuseofteargas, live ammunition, and internet restrictions as the violence conti-nues. Protesters have repor-
tedly targeted public buildings and infrastructure near Ressano Garcia,locatedcloseto the South African border, prompting South African police and military forces to securetheareaandprevent further violence
Continues on page 2
With N$70 000 the youth project recipient, Peneyambeko Shituleipo have received, he procured 82 solar-powered lightsforhouseholdswithschool-goingchildrenatFarm37's GreenValley.
Shituleipo, a student nurse at Welwitschia University in Walvis Bay,stated,OnceIsaw theposterfortheYouth ClimateActionFund,I knew I could make a
difference in the lives of the people of Green Valley Shituleipo said thatherproject,funded by the Youth Climate ActionFund,aninitiative which received
N$1 million from the Bloomberg Centre for Public Innovation, secured by the Walvis Bay mayor during officialdutiesinDubai
Continues on page 2
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
Walvis Bay Fish Truck
fromspillingover TheLebomboborderpostwas shut down by SouthAfrica's Border Management Authority(BMA)onWednesdayfollowingreports ofarsonandviolence. Thisportofentryservesasa critical gateway for goods moving from Walvis Bay through Botswana and into Johannesburg, effectively linking Namibia with four regional countries, including Mozambique. Commissioner Michael Masiapato of the BMA confirmed the situation. “We are securing the Lebombo border and ensuring travelers' safety,” adding that although the South African side has remained mostly unaffected, Mozambican officials have taken refuge in South Africa due to safety concerns. The disruption at the border has had a significant impact on Namibian trade, especially alongtheTrans-KalahariCorridor,whichisessentialforexportsfromthePortofWalvisBay Local businessesandtransportcompaniesrelyingonthis route face possible delays and disruptions as authorities work to restore stability Bennie Steyn, Operations Manager at Nel Snel Transport,
Continued from page 1
described the situation with the company's truck.
“OnMonday,wesentoutatruckloadedwithfish. That same day, protesters gathered several trucks, tooktheirkeys,andparkedthemacrosstheroad.By Tuesday, some transporters managed to retrieve their keys, but unfortunately, ours remained stranded.” Steyn added that while the situation initially appearedundercontrol,theviolencequicklyescalated.“Byfiveo'clockonTuesday,everythingwas peaceful.Thearmywasthere,protectingthetrucks, and the protesters had passed by,” he said. “But then, when the sun went down on that same day, things took a turn. Around midday, we received wordthatourtruckwasbeingburnt.”Thecompany is now facingconsiderablelosses. “If you takethe trucks, the driver, and the load into account, we're looking at around 4 million Namibian dollars,”
Henotedthatwhileothervehicleshavebeenmoved to safe parking spaces arranged by local farmers, the ongoing unrest has left the company uncertain aboutwhenoperationsmightresume.
State of Qatar Donates Drought Relief to Namibia
TheQatarfundfordevelopmentdonated58000boxesofdroughtrelieffoodtothe valueofN$70milliontosupportlocalsaffectedbydecertificationinNamibia.
Theboxesofessentialfooditemssuchasrice,tuna tins, soya beans, and cooking oil which were handed over last Tuesday to Erongo Regional Governor, NevilleAndre at the Port ofWalvis Bay The Erongo Governor in his acceptance speech explained the dire situation faced by local communities, particularly in rural constituencies where agriculture and livestock are the primary livelihoods. He added that families are struggling to makeendsmeet,andthedirelackofwaterandfood has placed tremendous pressure on our people and thatthisdonatedfoodparcelsaresettobenefitcommunities in the Erongo region as well as people in theHardap,Karas,andOtjozonduparegions. According toAndre, almost half the population in Namibia has been severely impacted by the ongoingdrought.“Theassistanceaimstoalleviatethe immediatefoodsecuritycrisisexacerbatedbycrop failuresandlivestocklosses.Today'sdonationfrom theStateofQatarisnotjustagiftoffooditems;itis an act of solidarity and compassion. It serves as a beaconofhopeforfamilieswhohavebeenbattling the harsh realities of hunger and deprivation,” Andre said. The governor assured the public that
mechanismsareinplacetoensuretransparencyand accountabilityinthedistributionprocess,ensuring thataidreachesthosemostinneed.
Andre said that the welcome support from Qatar bringshopetoaffectedcommunitiesandaddedthat it demonstrates the power of international solidarity in addressing humanitarian crises. Andre expresseddeepgratitudetowardsQatarforitstimely assistance.YousefAl Mulla,Head of Disaster and EmergencyResponsefromQatar,handedoverthe donation which took 30 days to arrive by ship via the port of Walvis Bay from Qatar, to Erongo GovernorNevilleAndre. AlMullasaidatthehand overthatthesecontributionsareademonstrationof Qatar'sdedicationtocreatingstrongbilateralrelations and providing humanitarian assistance to nations in need. Al Mulla reaffirmed Qatar's commitment to supporting Namibia during this challenging period, emphasising the importance of international cooperation in addressing humanitariancrises. Hesaid,“thisdonationispartof Qatar'sbroadereffortstoassistNamibiansincombatingtheadverseeffectsofthedrought.”
Youth Project Recipient Donates
Continued from page 1
last year, supports 12 youth-oriented climateprojectsandwill continueuntiltheend of December this year Shesaid,“Iwas happy and excited when I was informed that my project was onoftheprojectsthat were selected The reason I decided to helptheschoolgoing childrenatGreenVal-
leyisthefactthatthere is no electricityat their houses and the time these children arrive homeitisalreadydark, theythenmustdotheir schoolwork and study in candlelight which can cause fires. She said, “I would like to urge the youth in Walvis Bay, as there is still time to apply, to hand in their proposal
foraclimateorientated project to help the community in Walvis Bay.”Theparentsofall the school going children were vary excited andhappyandthanked Peneyambeko Shituleipo for donating the solar-powered lights to their children They also thanked the municipality for selectingherproject.
Fork n Nice's Beloved Yellow Food Truck Bids Farewell (For Now), Sparks Community Outcry and Petition
FirstAmerican style iconic yellow food truck, Fork n Nice, that's become a beloved part of Swakopmund life, has closed its doors temporarily as of 31 October, due to municipal regulations. Bill and Maggie, the couple behind Fork n Nice, explained to the newspapertheywererequiredtostopoperationsbecausethe1968 Bedford bus no longer meets roadworthiness standards required bytheSwakopmundMunicipalityformobilekiosks.
For eight years, this cheerful yellow bus hasbeenmorethanjustafoodtruck.“This bushasbeenourlifeline,”sharedMaggie. “It started as a way to support our family duringtoughtimes,butitbecamesomuch more. It's been home to five families, brought people from all over to our window,andeveryfriendlyfaceandthank-you has added to the magic.” As news of the temporary closure spread, the community took to social media to express their dismay, fearing the worst—that Fork n Nice was closing for good. Heartfelt posts flooded in, with customers reminiscing about their favourite meals and moments spentatthebus.Inashowofloyalty,some customersevenstartedpetitionsurgingthe returnoftheyellowbus,believingitwasa permanent farewell. Bill and Maggie quickly addressed the overwhelming re-
sponse,assuringthecommunitythatthisis onlyatemporarypause.“We'renotclosing forgood,”Maggieclarified.“We'resimply waiting for the last equipment to arrive from SouthAfrica.As soon as everything isinplaceandwegetthegreenlight,we'll be back.” Thankful for the love and support,Maggieadded,“It'sincredibletosee how much we're loved. To all of you who'vebeenpartofthisjourney,thankyou fromthebottomofourhearts.Thisisn'tthe end—it'sjustabreak.We'llbebackwithin a week or two, ready to serve you during the festive season.” For now, Fork n Nice will be taking a short breather Swakopmund eagerly awaits the return of its favouritefoodbus,asBillandMaggiepreparetobringbacktheirwarmth,laughter, and delicious meals just in time for the holidays.
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff
RedForce Takes Henties Bay Municipality to Court Over Contract Termination
RedForce Debt Management has taken legal action to stop theHentiesBayMunicipalityfromendingitsdebtrecovery contract, filing an urgent application with the Windhoek HighCourt.
The company argues that the municipality's decision to terminate their contract is not only unjust but also damaging, claiming it hascaused“severeand irreparable harm.” In its court filing, RedForce seeks a suspension of the termination while a full review of the matter is conducted.The company contends that it has complied with all terms of the contract and is unawareofanybreachon itspart.
According to RedForce, the municipality issued termination notices in Sep-
tember and October without a clear basis, leaving the company blindsided. RedForce is requestingthecourtdeclare these notices null and void. The Henties BayMunicipality,however, asserts that the decision to cancel was necessary Since the contract began, the municipality claims its outstanding debt has risenfromN$52million toN$62million,raising concerns about the effectiveness of RedForce's management
The municipality further alleges that RedForce improperly claimed payments and
notes that the original contract was signed outside the bid's validityperiod.Theyargue that extending the contract is not in the public's best interest given the increased debt.HighCourtJudge George Coleman is scheduled to hear the case as both parties await the court's decision on whether the contract will be reinstated or ultimately terminated.
This case could have a significant impact on how municipal debt management contracts are handled in the future.
Reduction in Shack Fires at Swakopmund
ThetownofSwakopmundhasexperiencedadecreaseinshack firesforthisyear,untildate.
According to the Swakopmund municipality's public relations officer, Ms Linda Mupupaatotalof18shack fires were recorded in the holiday town since January2024,whichis, according to her a reduction compared to previous years at this pointoftheyear Unfortunately, three lives were lost in these shack fires. As per the
official incident reports on the last two shack fires at Swakopmund, it is suspected that one of the fires was caused due to negligence, after a burning candle was left unattendedinthekitchen areaoftheshack.Inthis instance,oneshackwith all the belongings of the victims were destroyed. Thesecondincidentsaw two neighbouring shacks with all belong-
ings gutted by the flames,afterachildwas allegedly playing with matches, which caused the fire. In both instances the Swakopmund FireBrigadewasquicklyonthescene,preventing the fires from spreading to other structures and subsequently extinguishingtheinfernos.
cause of fires within the LocalAuthority of Swakopmund ranges from short circuits (very common), kitchen fire (very common) lit candles (very common), children playing with fire or matches (very common), burning cigarettes and other substances, open fires, arson and flammable liquids.
According to the municipality the main
Photo for illustrative purposesonly
Knobloch Plumbing Closes After 60 Years
Aftermorethan60yearsandthreegenerations,itistimefor ustocloseachapter
I would like to inform you that our company, Knobloch Plumbing,willcloseitsdoorson13.12.2024.
This decision was not easy for me, because our company hasalwaysbeenmorethanjustabusinessforus.Itwasa partofourfamilyhistory
Buteventhemostbeautifulstoriescometoanend,andwe wouldliketotakethisopportunitytothankyou.
Aspecial thank you goes to our loyal customers who have accompanied and supported us over the years, thank you verymuchforyourtrust.
Ourthanksalsogotoouremployeeswhocontributedtoour success.
Withwarmgreetingsandbestwishes forthefuture,
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Namibia Positioned to Lead Green Hydrogen Revolution with New Iron-to-Hydrogen Technology
Namibia is set to become a leader in green hydrogen production,thankstoanewIron-to-Hydrogen(I2H)technology developed by the Climate Neutrality Foundation (CNF) in collaboration with the Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme(NGH2P)andtheHyIron-Oshivelaproject.
Theproject,anchored in the Erongo region through the HyIronOshivela initiative, is expected to begin
DRIproductionbylate 2024.
This innovative approach uses Namibia's abundant solar power
to convert local iron
Reduced Iron (DRI). Through a chemical reaction involving
Police Warn Liquor Outlets Ahead of upcoming Examinations, Elections
Nampol has sent out a stern warning to liquor outlets countrywide, noting that the Namibian Police Force will strictly enforce the LiquorAct 1998 (Act. 6 of 1998) considering the upcoming National Assembly and Presidential electionsandschoolexaminations.
Inapressrelease,theheadofNampol's public relations division, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi strongly urges liquor outletstooperateundertheconditions ofthebindinglicenses.Shefurther calls for noise reduction to allow learnerstostudyinconduciveenvironments.
Shikwambi warned that anyone failing to adhere to their stipulated liquor license, causing noise pollution or sell liquor to persons under the age of eighteen will be dealt with in accordance with the law or suffer the consequences of losingtheirlicensesorpermits.The
Nampol spokesperson further warned against drinking in public, playing cards or dominoes in public spacessuchasparksandstreets,asit isillegalaspertheby-laws.“Officers willmaintainvigilanceinpreventing publicdrinking,whichoftenleadstot public disturbances and street fights,”thestatementreads.
Deputy Commissioner Shikwambi alsoencouragedcommunityleaders, bar and shebeen owners and other stakeholdersincludingtheNamibian Breweries to promote responsible use of alcohol. Even organisers are also urged to keep noise levels to a minimum.
steam, DRI re-leases hydrogen gas, which can then be stored, transported, or used directly for clean energy production Unlike traditional methods such as electrolysis or ammonia cracking, which can cost up to N$12 350 per megawatt-hour, this new technology can reduce hydrogen costs to N$8 540 per megawatt-hour This local focus will leverage existing iron ore reserves and vast renewable resources,
potentially positioningNamibiaasagoto resource hub for green hydrogen. The impact of this shift goesbeyondenergy;it could fuel job creation, skills training, and economic growth within Namibia, as well as attract international investors looking for sustainable energy solutions. As demand for clean energy grows worldwide,Namibia'sadoption of I2H technologyreinforcesitsrole in advancing green
industrialisation and contributes to global climate goals This investment in hydrogen technology also enhances Namibia's reputation as a leader in renewable energy research and development, promoting scientific and technical expertise that aligns with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) advancements. For Namibia, the economic and environmental potentialofI2Htechnology
could transform the countryintoasustainable industry leader on the world stage. NGH2P, CNF, and their partners remain committed to expanding research and building on this promising technology, creating a model of renewableenergythat could inspire and be replicated across the globe.
Source: Namibia Green Hydrogen Programme
Swakopmund Gears Up for Festive Season
WiththeFestiveSeasonjustaroundthe corner, the Swakopmund Municipality, as usual, is busy getting the holiday town in tip-top shape for the expected influx of thousands of visitors from allover.
Swakopmundisrenownedasaninternationalholiday destination, and the cleanliness of the town is high priority with the municipality A Clean-Up Campaign was launched by the municipality on Monday, aimed at fostering a cleaner and greener Swakopmund. This campaign, titled “Love Swakop?LeaveNoLitter,”willspanfrom4November to 31 Decembe and is dedicated to engaging the community, schools and the business fraternity in
promoting cleanliness and environmental responsibility
TotalEnergies and Galp Push Ahead with Major Oil Exploration in Namibia
Off the coast of Namibia, oil exploration is gaining momentum as international energycompaniesTotalEnergiesandGalpEnergiarampupdrillingprojectsinthe OrangeBasin.
TotalEnergies, the French energy giant, recently resumed its high-impact drilling operations on October 20, targeting a billionbarrel prospect at its Tamboti-1X well in Block2913B.Thisnew effortfollowsitsearlier discoveries in the Venus and Mangetti fields, estimated to holdvastoilreserves.
TotalEnergies is utilising the advanced Deepsea Mira rig, which is managed by Odfjell Drilling, to navigate the challen-
gingconditionsoffshore Namibia. “The Orange Basin is a major emerging, prolific hydrocarbon province,” commented Gerard Walsh, ChairmanofWestmount Energy, which has invested in companies with interests in Namibia (Offshore Technology) The appraisal phasefortheVenusfield has already been completed, and TotalEnergies aims to finalise a development plan for the site by 2025. Two extensive 3D seismic surveys conducted this
yearwillhelpguidefurther exploration across Blocks 2913B and 2912. The company's continued investment shows strong confidence in Namibia's oil potential, with stateowned NAMCOR among the partners involvedintheventure.
Meanwhile, Portugalbased Galp Energia is setting its sights on the Mopane field, another potential giant within the Orange Basin, estimated to hold up to 10 billionbarrelsofoiland gas equivalent. On 23
October, Galp's drillship,theSantorini,arrived at the Mopane site tokickoffthefirstphaseofdrilling. AccordingtoNamibia's Petroleum Commissioner Maggy Shino, thenation'sexploration efforts are poised to continue with four major drilling campaigns scheduled for the remainder of the year, including contributions from TotalEnergies, Galp, Chevron, and Rhino Resources. “Namibia's oil finds are turning heads globally,” said Shino, emphasising the nation's commitment to supporting exploration amid a tightening budget environment. Galp CEO Filipe Silva has announced plans for multiple wells by yearend, while other companies,includingPetrobras, are showing interest in joining Namibia'soilboom.
Source: Offshore Technology
Photo: Marshallino Beukes
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Marshallino Beukes
Staff Reporter
Swakopmund Resident's Mission for Mental
Health Awareness
Swakopmund resident and mental health advocate Suzeth Ngutonia is determined to change the way her community approaches mental health. Through her initiative, GrowingInCommunity,Suzethhopestobreakdownbarriersandcreatesafespacesfor opendialogue,especiallyfortheyouthofSwakopmund.
She shared her journey and vision with Namib Times,sheddinglightontherootsandfutureof her mission. Suzeth explained that the idea beganearlierthisyearwhenshejoinedtheAfrican PathfinderLeadersInitiative(APLI),anorganisation that empowers young leaders to tackle pressing issues in their communities. For her, themissionwasclear:addressmentalhealth—a topic she says remains shrouded in stigma and often goes unaddressed. “Mental health awareness isn't new, but it's a conversation we still aren'tfullyhaving,”Suzethsaid. “Peopletend tothinkit'sjustaboutanxietyordepression,but it's so much more. It's the 'paper cuts' of life—the small, everyday struggles that often accumulateandleadtodeeperissues.”Through GrowingInCommunity,Suzethaimstocreatea truly supportive environment for the community, focusing on the causes of mental health struggles.Sheexplainedthattheinitiative'sprimarymissionistoinform,educate,andinspire youngpeopletobemindfuloftheirmentalwellbeing and recognise how mental health can impacteveryfacetoftheirlives,fromacademics to personal relationships. One of the major events this year was a wellness walk held on 3 August, which drew local residents together to raiseawarenessaboutmentalhealth.Suzethdescribed it as an “intentional walk” that encouraged participantsto listen to their bodies, practicegratitude,andengageinmindfulness. “The wellnesswalkwasawayforpeopletoreflecton whattheirmindsandbodiesneed,tofosterthat connectionwiththemselves,”sheexplained. To expand on this mission, Suzeth launched the GrowingInCommunitypodcast,whichaimsto
educateandofferpracticalguidanceonmentaland emotional well-being. “The podcast allows me to collaborate with professionals from different fields to bring fresh perspectives on resilience, trauma, coping mechanisms, emotional intelligence, and more,” Suzeth shared. Available on platforms like Spotify, Google, andApple Podcasts, each episode brings guests who provide valuable insights, fostering safe spaces for conversation on mental health.Whenaskedwhattheultimategoalofherinitiative is, Suzeth emphasised the importance of creating support networks and accessible safe spaces.“Onewaytofostersafespacesisbyidentifyingpeopleandorganisationswillingtolistenand guideyou,”shesaid.“That'swhatGrowingInCommunityisheretodo—nurturingminds,onestepata time.”Suzeth'sworkrepresentsavitalstepforward forSwakopmund'syouth,offeringthemaplatform todiscussmentalhealthopenly,receivesupport,and buildastronger,healthiercommunity
Senior Citizens Called to Register
The Walvis Bay Senior Citizens committee made a renewed call forall elderly people over60 to registeras pensioners to updatethedatabaseoftheWalvisBaySeniorCitizens.
Atarecenthandoverof1500cansof HorseMackereltoseniorcitizensof Walvis Bay, the chairperson of the Walvis Bay Senior Citizens Committee, Fransina Frediricks stated thattheregistrationperiodthatstarted in January this year will end on 15 November and start again in January to November 2025. To register, the elderly just need their IdentificationCards(ID's). With only 1 575 senior citizens registered, Frediricks' plea goes to alltheelderlyinWalvisBaythatdid not register yet to do so. The registrations can be done on Tuesdays from 10:00 to 13:00 at the Hosiana Lutheran Parish and Shalom Lutheran Parish in Kuisebmond, theAnglican Church in Narraville, and Pastor Bennie's Church, Living Waters. Frediricks also invites all the elderly and community to their annual athletics that is set for tomorrow, Saturday, 9 November at the Sports Field of Kuisebmond Secondary School She extended her gratitute to Etosha Fishing for extended a helping hand to the senior citizens inWalvis Bay with the Horse Mackerel donation, and their unwaveringsupportoftheelderly “Throughtheirgenerosityanddedication,we'vebeenabletoprovidetothe elderly in Walvis Bay with nutritious foodandgivethemachancetothrive.
The Walvis Bay Senior Citizens Committee at Etosha Fishing with the 1 500 cans of Horse Mackerel donation.
Rudi Bowe
Eileen van der Schyff
Bar attendant vacancy
Godenfang Restaurant – Walvis Bay, is looking for a full time bar attendant to work in our busy bar.
Position description:
To prepare all beverages ordered during service in a timely manner and according to company standards and recipes.
To prepare you section for service by making sure your section is clean, well stocked and all equipment is in good order and running correctly Company and employment expectations:
- Full time position
- 3 - 6-month contract to start
- Restaurant is based in Walvis Bay – the ideal candidate should either reside in Walvis Bay or be willing to relocate at own cost
- Market related salary and benefits
- Young and vibrant
Please email a short CV, motivating cover letter, copy of ID and police clearance to wbjobs123@gmail.com
StewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlannersintendstoapplyonbehalfofErongoRED(Pty)Ltdand registeredowners,totheWalvisBayMunicipalityandtheMinistryofUrbanandRuralDevelopmentforconsentforthefollowingapplications:
Subdivision into Portion 1 and the Remainder Closure of Portion 1 as Street, Rezoning
SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder Closureof
of Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
andRezoningof Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
andRezoningof Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
andRezoningof Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortion1asPublicOpenSpaceandRezoningof Portion1fromPublicOpenSpacetoUtilityServices.
SubdivisionintoPortion1,Portion2andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortions1and2asStreetandRezoning ofPortion1fromStreettoUtilityServicesandPortion2fromStreettoIndustrial.
SubdivisionintoPortion1andtheRemainder,ClosureofPortion1asStreetandRezoningofPortion1from StreettoUtilityServices.
The purpose of these applications is to enable Erongo RED (Pty) Ltd to take transfer of the existing substationssituatedontheabove-mentionedproperties.
TheaforementionedapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheWalvisBayZoningScheme(asamended),and theUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5of2018). ThepermanentclosureapplicationsaresubmittedintermsoftheLocalAuthoritiesAct,1992(ActNo.23of1992).TherezoningoflandzonedPublic/ PrivateOpenSpacetoanyotherlanduseisalistedactivityandwillbedealtwithintermsoftheEnvironmentalManagementAct,2007(ActNo.7of2007).
Takenotethat–(a) the planning applications are available for inspection, during normal office hours, at Room 101,Town PlanningSectionofWalvisBayMunicipality,CivicCentre,andatStewartPlanning,122SamNujomaAvenue,WalvisBay AnelectroniccopycanberequestedfromMrsMelissaKroon:melissa@sp.com.na (b)interestedand/oraffectedpartiescanregisterwithStewartPlanningandsubmittheirwrittencomments, representations, input and/or objections to the planning applications together with grounds thereof, to the ChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheWalvisBayMunicipalityandtoStewartPlanningwithin14daysofthelast publicationofthisnotice; (c) the deadline to submit written comments, representations, input and/or objections will be on or before 17:00Thursday,28November2024.
StewartPlanning Town&RegionalPlanners POBox2095WalvisBay melissa@sp.com.na +26464280773
WalvisBayMunicipality PrivateBag5017WalvisBay townplanning@walvisbaycc.org.na +264642013339
Assistant Chef Vacancy
Godenfang Restaurant - Walvis Bay, is looking for an assistant chef to help in our busy kitchen. Someone who will prepare, organize and arrange the food and their station.
Duties include: Prepping, cleaning kitchen, monitor food stock, ordering, preparing certain dishes, such as salads, desserts and some al la carte items.
The ideal candidate should have the following attributes:
- Grade 12
- Either hospitality or chefs' qualification or 2 years' experience working in a hotel or restaurant kitchen
- Good command of English, both spoken and written
- Good basic math skills
Company and employment expectations:
- Full time position
- 3 - 6-month contract to start
- Restaurant is based in Walvis Bay – the ideal candidate should either reside in Walvis Bay or be willing to relocate at own cost
- Market related salary and benefits
- Young and vibrant
Please email a short CV, motivating cover letter, copy of ID and police clearance to wbjobs123@gmail.com
In accordance with the Environmental Management Act 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007), notice is hereby given to all possible Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner for environmental clearance as follows:
Project: Construction and Operation: (i) Renewable energy and associated infrastructures (ii) Green Hydrogen Plant and associated infrastructures and (iii) Desalination plant and associated infrastructures.
Proponent: Zhero Molecules Walvis Bay (Pty) Ltd
Location: Walvis Bay, Erongo Region.
Public meeting 1.
th Date: 20 November 2024, Place: Arandis, Venue: Arandis Primary School Hall, Time, 11H00 – 13H00
Public meeting 2.
th Date: 20 November 2024, Place: Swakopmund, Venue: Tamariskia Town Hall, Time, 14H30 – 16H30
Public meeting 3.
nd Date: 22 November 2024, Place: Walvis Bay, Venue: Protea Hotel, Time, 10H00 – 12H00
th Deadline for Comments: 28 December 2024 Register as I&Aps @: Email: info@tec.com.na PostalAddress: P.O. Box 35473, Cell phone: +264811220114 or +264811477889
Private School Swakopmund is offering the following positions as of January 2025
Interested candidates are invited to follow the link below for full details of the vacancies: http://www.pss.com.na/stellenausschreibung?lang=en
Closing date for applications: 15 November 2024
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. PO Box 4053, Vineta, Tel. 064-463280, E-Mail: vacancies@pss.com.na
The Walvis Bay Child & Family Centre known as Sunshine Centre is a Centre for differently able children, youth and adults, ranging from physical disabilities to intellectualand/orphysicalchallengedpersons.TheCentrehadbeeninoperation since1995,andisadministeredbyanindependentBoardofDirectors.TheCentre hasadailymanagementgroupandastaffcomplimentof37staffmembers(some assistantstaffmembersemployedwerechildrenwithspecialneedsthemselvesin thepastandworkunderthesupervisionoftrainedworkersattheCentre).
The post of the Executive Director has become vacant recently, therefore the advertisement. We are seeking for a dynamic individual to lead and direct our organization,staffandvolunteersastheEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR.Wehaveacurrent StrategicPlaninplacetill2026andwestrivetobeaPlaceofHopeandStrengthfor peoplewithspecialneedsandtheirfamilies.
The successful candidate will lead a coordinated approach to the management of all services within the Centre and ensure an integrated approach ton the delivery of all services. He/she will be required to work closely with the Centre, staff and volunteers in relation to priorities for the Social Care Division quality assurance, coordinationofvoluntarysector,equityandserviceevaluation.
·Toensureequitabledistributionofavailableresourcesandequityofaccess toqualityservices;
·Workingwithstakeholderstoidentifyservicerequirementsandplaya significantroleinstrategicplanningandinitiatingchange;
·Toensurethedevelopmentanddeliveryofappropriateserviceforpersons withspecialneeds;
·Toensureeffectiveoversightandmanagementofresourcesandbudgets associatedwiththerole;
·Toensurestrategicplanningforservicedelivery,personcenteredandvalue formoneyinitiativesandreconfigurationofexistingservicestodeliver personcenteredcare.
·Therequisiteknowledgeandability(includingahighstandardofsuitability andmanagementability)fortheproperdischargeofthedutiesoftheoffice;
·Experienceofworkinginthesocialcareareaorothercareareasrelevantto therole;
·Significantoperationalexperienceinmanagingand/ordeliveringacomplex servicethathasinvolvedmanagingstaffandbudgets;
·Experienceofdeliveringchangeinacomplexenvironment,asrelevanttothe role;
·Experienceofmanagingandworkingcollaborativelywithmultipleinternal andexternalstakeholders,asrelevanttotherole;
·Experienceinteammanagementanddevelopmentandimplementing change.
Each candidate for and any person holding the office must be of good character Interested persons, who are suitably qualified, are Namibian Citizens or have PermanentResidence,mayapplyinconfidencebyforwardingtheirCVto:
The Chairperson, Walvis Bay Child & Family Centre, PO Box2481, Walvis Bay, Namibia OR E-mail For enquiries: 064-203553. director@sunshinenamibia.org
Closing Date: 22 November 2024. Applicants must be prepared to undergo an extensive selection process and only shortlisted candidates will be notified. No documentswillbereturned.
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bayintendstolease,by private transaction a Portion of Farm 38 to King Charcoal Namibia(Pty)Ltd.
Description aPortionofFarm38
Area(m²) 33000
Purchase Amount Excluding 15% VAT N$ 3531000
Full particulars peraining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information Mrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 duringofficehours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with the gounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties
attheaboveaddressto Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay before or on *Friday, 22 November 2024 at 12:00.
JackManale Manager:Housing andProperties
Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Please take notice that !Nora Town and Regional has been appointed by the owner of Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1 to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmundfor:
1. Subdivision of Subdivision of Erf 366, Myl 4, Extension1into7PortionsandtheRemainder, 2. Subsequent Rezoning of the Newly Created Portions From 'General Residential' with a Density Zoning Of 1:250m2 To 'Single Residential' with a Densityof1:300m2.
3. Consent to Proceed with the Development while theRezoningisbeingProcessed.
Erf Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1 is currently zoned General Residential with a density of 1:250m2 and it measures approximately 3406 m² in extent. The proposed development intends to subdivide Erf 366, Myl 4, Extension 1 into 7 portions and the remainder.This subdivisionaimstocreatedistinctandmanageableparcelsofland,allowingforthedevelopmentofindividual residential properties. Following the subdivision, the newly created portions will undergo rezoning from theircurrent'GeneralResidential'zoningwithadensity of1dwellingunitper250m²to'SingleResidential'with areduceddensityof1dwellingunitper300m².
a) For more enquiries regarding the subdivision and rezoning of Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1, the locality mapoftheerfliesforinspectiononthenoticeboardat theSwakopmundMunicipality
b)Anypersonhavingobjectingtotheproposedapplicationassetoutabovemaylodgesuchobjectionstogetherwithgroundsthereofinwriting,withtheSwakopmund Municipality and with the applicant (NTRP), within 21 days after the application of this notice, whichisscheduledtoendon 2,December2024.
!NoraTownandRegional Planners
P O.Box6945, Ausspanplatz, 30,Aschenorn,Pionierspark,
P O.Box,13001, DepartmentofTown Planning
Email: jangolo@swkmun com.na
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-CateringUnit)ONERFNO:4280Unit18 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Fairways STREET NAME & NO: Omwandi Street, Gracemere ComplexUnit46.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment (Self-cateringUnit).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre. Any person having any objectionto the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29November 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: DawieKoen,POBox5575,WalvisBay email:dpwkoen@gmail.com
We are hosting a lovely Christmas-inspired flea market again, KaufFRAUsch! On Saturday, 7 December from 9h00 to 14h00 in the Trendhaus, Otto Günther courtyard. Large selection of preloved items and clothing, kids toys! We will have great coffee from the Two Beards coffee roastery, fresh vegetables from the Dodo Zero Waste Store, wonderful sparkling wine, waffles, Brötchens etc!
Register for your stand with Nicole on 081 251 1750
VERFWERK:Huise, gastehuis,lodges,ons verfallegebouein Erongostreek.Gratis kwotasie.
BvonSeydlizt: 0818196117/ Richard:0816923590
-Werepairfridges -Aircondition installation+service -Electricalinstallations+ maintenance Contact:0812091378
TraditionalDoctor Moyo
Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywherebut notachievingyourrealgoals, hereisyourdoctortoprove everythingforyou.Hehelps withdifferenttypesof problemssuchascourtcases, loveaffairs,marriage problems,weakerections whichisunabletosatisfy yourwoman,vagina tightnessformantofeel alwaysattractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoploverfrom cheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotectedlife, nevergiveupyourlife,your doctorisheretocleanseand liftyouup.Comeat471 MandumeYaNdemufayo StreetMondesa Swakopmundorcall: DrMoyo0813395913
Coastal Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
SERVICES: Insulatedgeyserwithour 25mmthickness waterproofblanketand reducesheatloss,saving moneyonenergybills Contact:0817607158
(Theoldman)FromMalawi isinWalvisBaywith30 yearsvastexperiencein variousproblems&diseases suchasbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,tocleanout badluckfromyourbody,to passexams,topassdriving, toprotectyourbodyfrom withcraft,toboostsmall businesstobebigbusiness, tobelikedwithpeople,to wincontractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmokingand drinking,alcoholanddrugs, divorce,stopyourlovertobe stingywithmoney,tomake yousleepnicelyinyour house,tostopbaddreams,a mantobestronginbed duringsex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingofyour body,madness,epilepsy, jointspain,pregnancy problems,ifyouneedanew baby,periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP,ulcers, diabetes,asthma,&many more..Come&experience wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlife,you willneverregret. Smsor call:0816431482findthe OldmaninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafilaStreet
(TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-LoveProblemsMarriagetokeepyourlover justforyourself-Work problems-Promotions-To getten-dersandtoboost yourbusiness-Peopledon’t wanttopayyoubackPregnancyProblemsProtectionofFarms,Houses, CarsandAnimals-Sexual transmittedsickness-all sicknessAsthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexuality-Spiritual doctorsinneedofmore spiritualpowers,etc. House Nr.(79)3191D.Johanna BensonStreetKuisebmond, WalvisBay 0813033149
ThedoctorisinWalvisBay with40yearsexperience andhasdonewondersand greatthingsinmanySADC countries,suchasbringing backlostloversin4days. Removalofbadluck,very toughandchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly Andto getaman/womanyouwant ofyourchoice.Pregnancy problems,jobsand promotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule,rejuvenate menspowerduringsex, magicwalletandgetrich withinshortnotice.Chest pains,headache,swollen legs&feet,epilepsy, drinking/smoking,tobe releasedfromprison, manhoodenlargement. Hips/breast.Iknowyou havebeenletdownby othersbutnowyourtime hascome.Comeand experiencethewonderful miracleshappeninginyour lifeandyouwillnever regret.
Call/smsBombaBazuka: 0816027102
DRNYAMBE-Payafter successsamedayresults
Bringbacklostloversame dayGetloveofyourchoice toamanorwoman.Get marriedquicklytoamanor womanofyourchoice. Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating,makehimorher loveyouonly.Manhood enlargementfrom5cm30cmHipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problems,luckcharmWin casinogamblingwin tenders,winpromotionat work,wincourtcases, protectionyourbody,get jobquicklyofyourchoice, clearyourdebts/loansWash outbadluckusingkhamba andmanymore.081291 6966
SameDayresultscallor whatsapp0813675266
Bringbacklostloverthe sameday
Getmarriedquicklytoman orwomanofyourchoice
Stopyourpartnerfrom cheating
Getjobquicklyofyour choice.DoctorBabaKing Mponda0813675266
DRWANJAPayafter success,samedayresults. Bringbackyourlostlover samedayGetaloveofyour choice.Getmarriedquickly toamanorwomanofyour choice.Stopyourpartner fromcheating.Tomakeyour loverhimorhertoloveyou onlyPregnancyproblems. Manhoodenlargementfrom 5cm-30cm.Hipsandbreast enlargement.Financial problemsRemovebadluck usingLyolaoil.Getjob quicklyandclearyourdebts/ loans.
RESTAURANTbasedin Swakopmundisonlook outforexperienceteam, followingvacanciesare available:
1)HeadChef-5years experience
2)Kitchenassistant-3 yearsexperience
3)Bartenderwith3years experienceminimum 4)Securityteam-1x
Headofsecurity,withat least5yearsexperience
3xSecurityguardsminimum3years experience
5)4xWaitresses Closingdate08 November2024. Allapplicationsshould beemailedtoadmin@whitecornerrest aurant.com
Contactdetails: 064-402086/081471 7149
Grade 12 with Technical Drawings
MiTek or ITC software experience essential 5 years Truss Designing with Mitek or ITC Software
5 years Project Management
3 years Factory Management
Valid Driver's License
Position immediately available. Email CV to mobile@safariprojects .co.za
THEHOUSEOF BEAUTYSalonbasedin Swakopmundislooking foradditionalteam members,wehave vacanciesinthefollowing positions:
1)Three(3)professional hairdressers,whocando generaltasksbut specializesinbraiding. 2)Two(2)Professional barbers.Preferencewillbe giventonon-alcohol consumersas professionalismiskeyto ourbrand.Closingdate08 November2024. Allapplicationsshouldbe emailedtothehouseofbeautycc@gma il.com
Contactdetails: 064-402086/0814717149
Iama24yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workorcleaningoffices, houses,restaurants.Iam veryhardworkingand trustworthy.Icanstart anytime.InWalvisBay Contact:0816220300 0817660683
Vero46jaaropsoekna huiswerkvir2-3dae‘n week.Langstrandof Walvisbaai. Kontak:0813034854
Iama42yearoldlady lookingforcleaningand ironingworkinWalvis BayorLangstrand. SaturdaysorSundays.I canstartassoonas possible.
Contact:0818389435 0814883316
ACADEMIASTUDENT ACCOMMODATION SHARING: Fullyfurnished,walking distancefromUNAM, DSTV,Wi-Fi,waterand electricityincluded N$2800.00permonth. Call:0811288924
TORENT:Narraville 2bedroomhouse,alarm system,highwalls BIS.Callfordetails Contact:0813555124
Properties Wanted
LONGTERMRENTAL URGENTLYNEEDEDIN SWAKOPMUND: Preferably in Kramersdorf, Tamariskia, Vineta, Ocean View Aquiet,decent,nonsmoking,non-drinking coupleisinurgentneedofa 1or2bedroomhomewith BIC,garageandsome personaloutsidespace(Can bea“grannyflat”) Pricerange:±N$4000.00 p/m(includingwater) Contact:0813706998/ 0816703255
Ek is opsoek na saamrygeleentheid vanaf Maandag 4 November , Swakopmund na Walvisbaai en terug . Maandae tot Vrydae Skakel Patricia Visagie: 081 478 2523
GESOEK: Opsoek na ‘n canopy vir ‘n 2.3 litre Diesel Nissan bakkie. Hentiesbaai omgewing. BAIE DRINGEND Kontak Klahenwuhl 081 247 2077
JOBWANTED: Iamlookingfordomestic orironingworkfor TuesdayandThursdayin Swakopmund,Ihave3 yearsexperienceand references,Iam hardworkingand trustworthy
WERKGESOEK: Efraimisopsoeknaplaas werk,slaghuiswerk. Kontak:0813924686/ 0813768354
JOBWANTED: Cyltonislookingforfarm workoranygeneralwork.
Contact:0813989558/ 0812306699
A40yearoldfemale lookingfordomesticwork for3days,Wednesday, ThursdayandFridayin Swakopmund,Kramersdorf andOceanView.Iamwell experiencedwith7years,I dowashing,ironingand cleaning.
Iama25yearoldlady lookingfordomestic workinLagoonor Meersig.Available immediately Contact:0817577971
Iama34yearoldlady lookingfordomestic work,Idowashing, ironing,cleaningflats/ offices/hotelsand laundryin Swakopmund.Iam computerliterateas well.
Iama26yearoldmale lookingforajobin Swakopmund,Icando gardenwork,wash windowsandanyother generalwork.Iamvery hardworking
Contact:0816601511/ 0813960356
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk virMaandae,Woensdaeen Vrydae.Ekisbaie betroubaarenisbereidom enigetydtebegin. Walvisbaaiof Swakopmund. Kontak:0817559603 0814045327
Iamaladylookingfor domesticwork,cleaning, restaurants.Iamvery hardworkingand trustworthy Contact:0814499432 0814191466
JOBWANTED: Iama32yearoldman lookingforanydrivingjob IhaveacodeC1withaGP withcleanrecorditcanbe private,taxiorcompany.I ambasedinWalvisBayor Swakopmund. Contact:0812447383 0857214946
Position: Operations Manager
Area: Based in Walvis Bay
Individual must have:
1. Strong managerial experience
2. HR experience
3. Sales experience
4. Strong operation background andAdmin experience
If you don't have the above experiences, please don't apply.
1stExecutionDebtor KarelVanWyk
3965, Newton Street, New Industrial Area, Swakopmundat10:00
We honor the memory of a remarkable man, a beloved husband, father and grandfather Yesterday marked seven years that you have passed, yet still you stay in our hearts and minds, not far away Your wisdom, warmth, and gentle grace, remains with us forever, no time can erase. The stories shared, the laughter bright. Your guiding hand, is our of beacon light. Days may pass and years too, But there's not a moment where we have forgotten you. In our hearts is where you live, you are truly missed everyday
Love you always Paula, children and grandchildren.
Plek: Huis Palms
Datum: Woensdag 13 November 2024
Tyd: 10:00
has a vacancy for a Admin Clerk
We are looking for a dynamic and organised individual to assist with a variety of admin-related tasks at His House Care Home.
Tasks include but not limited to:
- Invoicing, filing, creditors, debtors and assisting the manager with necessary administrative duties as required.
Minimum Education & Requirements
- Grade 11 certificate
- Fluent in English & Afrikaans
- General computer knowledge and competent in Microsoft Office
- Previous experience with accounting software beneficial
- A good understanding of accounting and book keeping.
Required Skills & Attributes
- Willing to grow and learn
- Trustworthy and reliable
- A caring personality
- Solid organisational skills
- Effective communication skills
- Flexibility to get the job done
- Team player
- Motivated, self-starter, reliable.
Submit: E-mail letter of application & your CV to attention hishouse@iway.na
The Manager
th Closing date for applications: Friday 15 November 2024
His House is a non profit Care Centre committed to serving and loving our residents and team.
In the High Court of Namibia. Windhoek–Main Division
Inthematterbetween: WalfishElectric(Pty) Ltd ExecutionCreditor and QuantumInvestments Nr.14CC
In execution of a Judgement against the above Defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 15 March 2024 the following goods will be sold in Execution by the Deputy Sheriff of Swakopmund,Namibiaon 29November2024 atthe following address: Erf
“Voetstoots and Cash” to thehighestbidder,viz:
logisticalsupporttoourCustomers. Site
Performance Manager
Erongo Region
The Position Reporting to the Senior KeyAccounts Manager, the successful incumbent will be responsible for
Establishing andmaintaining high levelCustomerrelationships with businessdecision makerson the varioussiteswithin the Erongo region
equipment on various sites within the Erongo region
Implementing equipment management best practices and continuous improvement projects that will drive performance, through the co-ordination of SMEs (subject matter experts) within Barloworld
Understanding the Customer’s business and co-develop, prioritizing and implementing strategies to address Customer needsto drive customer satisfaction and loyalty
Ensuring CAT equipment on the various sites within the Erongo region perform to world class standards when benchmarked against similar fleets worldwide
Directing CATand dealer activities to assure product health in order to maintain and enhance PINS growth while minimizing brand reputational loss and dealer liabilities
Managing business risk as it relates to aftersalesand equipment performance
Key Accountabilities
Gaining intimate knowledge of the Customer’s business, understanding their requirements and acting as a Key Partner to achieving set business performance targets
Usingexperienceandavailableresourcestoaccelerate andinfluence the delivery of interim containment and permanent corrective actions to mitigate the impact of product issues
Co-ordinating and managing Subject Matter Expert and OEM Representative’s deliverablesin contribution to site health
Implementing and running to completion continuous improvement programmes to improve the performance and productivity of the equipment on site
Analysing the site performance on a continuousbasisand proactively addressing emerging issues before they have an impact on the Customer business (both CAT/Barloworld and 3rd party suppliers of the equipment)
Building long term relationships with the Customer – owning the Customer experience and driving net loyalty score
Tracking and reporting of site performance trends and key performance metrics; Availability, Utilisation, Cost per Ton, Cost per hour, MTBF Productivity and the Customer Experience and trending them with similar fleets
Co-ordinate Product problem management and Continuous improvement
Performing Site assessments, analysing operational and mining practices and providing customers with continues improvement plans relating to theiroperation
Qualifications &Experience
Qualified Earthmoving Equipment Mechanic /Diesel Mechanic or similar trade
National Diploma/Bachelors degree in a relevant Engineering discipline could be an added advantage
A Post Graduate qualification in Management or equipment Asset Management could be an added advantage
> 5 YearsOperationalManagement experience (Site Management or OEM)
> 3 Years Equipment Performance Management experience
Working experience of CMMS and ERP systems
Working experience of MS Office & project management
Understanding of Life cycle costing, cost per ton drivers and product problemmanagement
Extensive knowledge of the mining industry & site operations, CAT product applications CATtechnology offering Maintenance & Repair bestpractices
CATMEM could be an added advantage
Valid Code B/ BEdriver’s license – manual transmission
His House Care Centre in Walvis Bay
TheNamibianPracticalShootingAssociation(NAPSA)recentlysentarecordnumberof21Handgunathletestothe AfricaHandgun IPSC Championships2024heldattheFrontierShootingRangeinStilfonteinSouthAfrica.
Namibia Handgun shooters representing the country at the Africa Championship, consisted of 4 ladies and 17 men that competed in Standard Ladies, Production Overall, Production Senior, Standard Senior and Production Optics at the prestigious event championships. It was the first time ever that NAPSA sent a Women's Handgun Team to the Africa HandgunChampionships.TheProduction Overall Team and Standard Senior Team bothobtainedbronzemedalswhilstAndre van Rensburg obtained an individual bronze medal in the Production Super Seniorcategory
WaterCube Hosts Interschools Gala
The Walvis Bay Gymnasium swim team that competed in the annual Pupkewitz Foundation Interschools Gala
ThePupkewitzFoundationInter-schoolsGala 2024 that was held at the WaterCube Swimming Pool in Swakopmund attracted more than 100 learners from more than ten schoolsintheErongoregion.
The learners competed in Backstroke, Freestyle, Breaststroke and Butterfly swim styles in the Primary and Secondary Divisions. Walvis Bay Gymnasium participated for the first time in the InterschoolsGalaanddespitethelimitedtimefor preparation, the swimmers from Gymnasium delivered exceptional performances. The sports teamfromWalvisBayGimmieswasverypleased withtheresults,isproudofalltheirswimmersand wouldliketothankallparticipantsandparentsfor their great support at the gala. Gimmies ended fourthinthegirlsteamintheprimaryDivisionand fifth for the boys - team in the primary division whilst the girls team ended third and the boys ended fourth in the secondary division. In the combined team divisions, the primary division ended eight and the secondary division fourth. The Pupkewitz Schools Gala also took place at swimmingpoolsinWindhoekandOranjemund.
CONSENT: Self-Catering ON ERF NO: 416 Unit 18 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREETNAME&NO:Ext1.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringUnitNo.18.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29November 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:pndalifilwa@gmail.com
Jonah Home for Children
Jonah Home for Children is a registered children's home that provides comprehensive care services to children aged 0 to 18. The Treasurer, serving in a volunteer capacity, will oversee all financial operations, ensuring sound financial practices and adherence to regulatory requirements.
· To keep the books of the charity
· To advise the Board on financial matters.
· Monitor spending.
· Ensure that annual financial statements are prepared and signed off.
· To put in place and maintain proper financial controls.
· To report the financial results and position of the charity to the Ministry of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare on an annual basis.
· Process the payroll every month and attend to the submission of statutory returns.
· See to the administrative and compliance matters of the charity
· Schedule Board meetings and see to the preparation of the minutes.
· The Board meets every second month.
· Other activities require about 8 – 12 hours of work every month.
· Abackground in Finance andAdministration
· Awillingness and ability to commit time towards the charity
Please submit your expression of interest and a short CV via email to admin@jonah-home.org.
opportunity employer and
We are seeking a skilled and motivated professional with a passion for human resources and industrial relations to join our team. As the HR/IR Officer, you will be responsible for ensuring a safe and secure work environment for our employees and maintaining compliance with the relevant legal and labour requirements.
General Scope of Duties
• The purpose of the HR/IR officer is to plan and implement human resources operational processes of recruitment, selection, placement, engagement and employee relations.
• The HR/IR Officer must also uphold the policies and procedures necessary to maintain an effective and disciplined work force in the area of responsibility
• The incumbent should also Pro-actively guideline management on disciplinary processes and provide timeous advice on relevant practices, systems and tools to ensure sound labour relations.
• Support and manage various HR projects as directed by the HR Manager and in line with HR policies.
• Analyse and update manpower plans and requirements in area of responsibility by comparing complements and strength and advise line management of discrepancies.
• Access job descriptions for validity and engage with line manager to update job description where needed
• Draft internal and external advertisements to the required quality and standards
• Conduct preliminary shortlisting of candidates and attend interviews. Facilitate the recruitment, selection, engagement and placement processes and ensure policies are adhered to
• Identify areas of high labour turnover and the causes thereof and inform the HR Manager accordingly
Minimum Requirements
• Relevant Human Resources/Industrial Psychology Diploma or Degree
• Minimum of 2 years working experience as an HR/IR generalist or related capacity
• Knowledge of relevant laws (e.g. Labour Act) will be an advantage
• Valid Driver’s License
• Computer Literate
• Excellent communication and administration skills
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
We offer a market related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage and retirement saving plan.
Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a well-established company in the fishing sector
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com by not later than 18 November 2024.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments.
An equal
leader in the Namibian fishing industry, we have a vacancy for a HR/IR OFFICER in Walvis
Andre van Rensburg obtained an individual bronze medal in the Production Super Senior category
The Namibian Namibian Ladies Handgun Team The Namibian Production Overall Handgun Team
The Namibian Handgun Team
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe
namib times
TheNationalTrampolineandTumblingChampionshiphostedlastweekendbyWalvisBayGymnasticsClub(WBGC)inconjunctionoftheNamibianGymnastics Federation's(NGF)saw64gymnastsfromallcornersofthecountrycompetingfornationalgloryattheJanWilkenIndoorCentreinWalvisBay
Gymnast from Walvis Bay Gymnastics Club (WBGC), Windhoek Trampoline Club (WTC), Moria Gymnastics Club (MGC) and Chalk Gymnastics Club (CGC) vied for top honours across, Trampoline, Double-Mini Trampoline, Mini Trampoline and Tumbling disciplines.
Gymnasts who achieved remarkable average scores in at least one of the three qualifying competitions throughout the year were awarded with excellence awards and gymnasts with the highest cumulative scores across the season's qualifying competitions and with national championship scores counting double were awarded.TheNationalTechnicalDirectoratthe Namibian Gymnastics Federation, Vesselin Kostin was impressed by the gymnasts' significant improvements across the different
disciplines, indicating that the competition provides a benchmark for growth and skill progression over the season. The Excellence Awards recognition went to Ameerah Nampala, AntonéduPreez,EmileeFeris,EtienneNel,Gerda Koop, Hannah Dunaiski, Jessica Blaauw, LaRochelle Laynes, Lika Myburgh, Matthias Nel, VictoriaJansenandNoaLofty-Eaton.Trophiesfor Most Improved gymnasts celebrated Danielle van Rooi, Isanrie Dreyer, Daniella Amutjira, Etienne NelandNicoKotze.
Level5–Beata Nakambale(WBGC)
Level6–Daniela Amutjira(WTC)
Level7–Jessica Blaauw(WBGC)
Level8–Victoria Jansen(CGC)
Level1–Eduan Carstens(WTC)
Double-Mini Trampoline
Level1–Clarrise Carneiro(WBGC)
Level2–AmyvanZyl (WTC)
Level3–MatthiasNel (WBGC)
Level4–Lize-Mari vanRooyen(MGC)
Level5–Antonédu Preez(WBGC)
Level6–Beata Nakambale(WBGC)
Level7–LeavanZyl (WTC)
Level9–Victoria Jansen(CGC) Tumbling
Level1–Eduan Carstens(WTC)
Level2–La-Rochelle Laynes(WBGC)
Level3–Antonédu Preez(WBGC)
Level5–LeavanZyl (WTC)
Level6–Beata Nakambale(WBGC)
Level7–Hannah Dunaiski(CGC)
The 2024 Swakop Rally organised and hosted by Walvis Bay Motor Club (WBMC)undertheauspicesoftheNamibiaMotorsportFederationwillbeheld onFriday,15andSaturday,16NovemberinandaroundSwakopmund.
The rally that will count as Round 5 of the Namibian National Rally Championship will be a short but intense rally with a total distance of the special stages: 107.76 and a total distance of the route: 181.72. The different classes that will pull upatthestartingpointareS2,CR2,CR1,S1andS4 vehicles. The event received sponsorship from various companies, including JP Hydraulics Racing, Safewear Namibia, Skyway, and Seal ConsultingEngineers.Theorganiserscalledonthe publictoadheretothesafetyofficers'andmarshals' directionsatalltimesfortheirownsafety,whileat the same time enjoying every moment along the tracks.
The excellence awards winners at the National Trampoline and Tumbling Championship
The National Trampoline and Tumbling Champions
Rudi Bowe
Rudi Bowe