Walvis Bay System Interchange Opens, Completing Key Stretch of Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba Freeway
TheWalvisBaySystemInterchange,whichconnectstheWalvisBayairportand the Walvis Bay traffic site, was opened to traffic this Wednesday. This development now allows for seamless travel between Swakopmund and Walvis BayalongtheentirestretchoftheDrHifikepunyePohambaFreeway.
Last year, the entire freeway, which spans from the Swakopmund Interchange to the Walvis Bay System Interchange, was renamedinhonourof Namibia's former president, Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba
During the road's opening, Conrad Lu-
tombi, Chief Executive Officer of Roads Authority,announced that 99% of the freeway is now open to traffic.“Youcannow drive from Swakopmund all the way to this interchange where we are today,” he said. The Dr Hifikepunye Pohamba
Freeway comprises four interchanges
The two main interchangesarelocatedat Swakopmund and WalvisBay,withtwo additional interchanges situated between the two towns. Lutombi explained that the freeway includes a dedicated
turnaround facility with a median strip, meaning access is restricted. "You cannot access this freeway from just anywhere. You can only enter or exit the freeway at the designated interchanges," hesaid. Akeyfeature ofthenewroadisthe
Walvis Bay-Born Artist Wins Top Prize at South Africa's Largest Art Competition
Walvis Bay native Sebastiaan Theart hastakentophonoursattheArtiGallery Klerksdorp Art Competition, SouthAfrica'slargestartcompetition. His winning piece, Brandewyn Brille (“Brandy Goggles”),reflectsablendofartisticskillandcul-
tural insight that impressed judges and art enthusiastsalike.
SpeakingwiththeNamibTimes,Theartsharedthe inspiration and journey behind this remarkable work. Sebastiaan, born in Walvis Bay on 5 March 1988, grew up in both the coastal town and Namibia's Kavango region, spending many holidaysathisparents'bedandbreakfastinWalvis Bay Raisedinafamilyofachievers,withhisfather Oswald Rall Theart known as a successful entrepreneur and author, and his mother Corry Theart as the family's organiser and occasional artist,Sebastiaanwasdrawntoartfromanearlyage. Inspired by illustrations in his father's old Tarzan books, he knew early on that he was passionate about drawing. After completing high school in Paarl, South Africa, Sebastiaan studied at the StellenboschAcademyofDesignandPhotography before joining his father in business. But his passion for art called him back, and he ultimately taughthimselfclassicaltechniquesbystudyingthe Continues on page 2
interchange at Dune 7, which provides access to the popular tourist destination andtheGreenHydrogenPilotPlant.
“Roaduserswillneed to use this interchange to access Dune 7. We want to appeal to the public that, once the new road is open, the old roadtoDune7willbe closed,” Lutombi added. The freeway project, which began
in June 2016, faced several challenges, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the broader economic downturn Despite these setbacks, Lutombi expressed satisfaction with the completion of the project."Ithasbeena challenge, but we are happy to have delivered a quality road
Continues on page 2
Cruise Liner Passengers Assured of Smooth Entry
Rudi Bowe
The Ministry of Home Affairs ExecutiveDirector,EtienneMaritzhasassured passengers of cruise liners of a smoothentryprocessthroughthePort ofWalvisBay.
Maritzsaidthisatthearrivalofthefirstpassenger ofcruiselinersAIDA,aGermancruiselineratthe WalvisBayharbourlastweek. Withthestartofa wonderful season, more than 60 cruise liners are expectedtodockatthePortofWalvisBayforthe newseasonthatwillendinMay2025. Therefore, Maritz said, “if bigger cruise liners arrive more staffmembersfromotherregionswillbedeployed to maintain high standards at the entry point.”According to Maritz, the arrival process will be smooth, with most passengers spending mere seconds being processed. "I want to give assurancethatwemaintainthisstandard,sowhen wehavebiggerpassengerliners,wewilljustcalculate, do some sums, and then we will deploy staff members from other regions to come and assist"Maritzsaid. Maritzremindedthevisitors that as of April next year, German citizens will require visas to enter Namibia. The governor of
Continues on page 2
Namport: N$50 million in Corporate Social Investment
Riana Roman Settlement Agreement Not Honoured in Full
Senior Female Police Officers on the Ball
Walvis Bay-Born Artist
Continued from page 1
Continued from page 1
that will serve the publicformanyyears to come." The new road is designed to last for at least 25 years, but Lutombi anticipates that, with proper maintenance, it could remain in good condition for morethan40years. "The bridge, in particular,hasalifespanof about 100 years," he noted. Lutombi also
Cruise Liner Passengers Assured of Smooth Entry
works of renowned masters. By 2016,SebastiaanhadmovedtoCape Town,whichhesawasthe“African Art Mecca,” and began to work toward establishing himself in the competitive art scene. His winning piece, Brandewyn Brille, was createdforthisyear'scompetitiontheme, “Rainbow Renaissance from Baroque to Braai.” The artwork is an interactiveexperience,featuringanoil painting alongside a custom 3D plexiglass sculpture. When viewed through the red lens, the sculpture reveals a self-portrait of Sebastiaan at a traditional braai. Through the bluelens,theviewerseesRembrandt with his brushes.This dual perspective playfully evokes the “brandy
goggles” effect, representing the Afrikaner“Bring-&-Braai”tradition. BrandewynBrillesoldonthesameday for R36 000 and Sebastiaan considers selling reprints. Sebastiaan sees this work as a celebration of theAfrikaner spirit, merging classical artistry with modern culture. Sebastiaan credits his family,friends,andespeciallyhiswife, Ruzanda Theart, with supporting his artistic journey He humbly reflected that his success in Klerksdorp representstherealisationofalifelongdream, and he has many more goals for the future. Inspiredbyscientificprinciples andhispassionforlearning,hehopesto one day open an art academy in Cape Town, where he can teach aspiring artists.
Continued from page 1 reminded road users to be cautious as they adapt to the new road layout. “We know that when new roads open, therecansometimesbe confusion, which can lead to accidents. It's important that all road users pay close attention to road signs and drive responsibly,” he urged. The freeway will be officially inauguratedlater
theErongoregionNevilleAndreurgetheErongo Tourism Task Force, to engage with taxi operators to deliver a better service. The NamportExecutive;CommercialServicesElias Mwengo said that Namport will allow cruise liners to overnight, for passengers to have more timetoexplorethetownandwhatisonover
Namport: N$50 million
TheNamibianPortsAuthority(Namport)hasdonatedover N$50 million in corporate social investment initiatives across all the fourteen regions of Namibia over the past 30 years.
This was said by the Chief Executive Officer at Namport AndrewKanimeatthe Namport Fun Walk and Fitness Challenge that was part of Namport's30thanniversary lastSaturdayattheJan WilkenStadium.
Kanime said, “It has been three decades of transformation and significant growth towards serving the
Namibiannationandthe SADC Region at large. Therefore, we are truly humbled that over the past 30 years we have been able to transform from mere fishing ports intoformidableregional players that we have become today We owe it to our founding leaders and fore bearers who have laid a very solidfoundationforthis strategic institution” he
added. Hecontinuedby saying that it is befitting and appropriate thatweallreflectonthe milestones achieved this far and reaffirm Namport's commitment to taking the Port of Walvis Bay and Lüderitz into the future for yetanother30yearsand beyond.
According to Kanime, to undertake yet another journey of 30 years
and beyond, “we need tobebothmentallyand physically fit and that theyareasreadytocontinueservingtheNamibiannation.”Headded, “we are particularly elated that with the Namibiannationbyour side and more particularly you, members oftheWalvisBayCommunity and the Erongo Region at large, who have supported us through various ways over the past 30 years, together with you we havebuildasolidinstitution, a key testament of what collaboration and teamwork can do. For us at Namport the
Riana Roman Settlement Agreement Not Honoured in Full
A High Court settlement agreement betweenSwakopmundresident,Riana RomanandtheMinistryofHealthand Social Services, dating back to 21 November2022hasnotbeenfullyhonouredyet
According to information in Namib Times' possession,onlythefirstpartofthesettlement,whichwas cash(amountwithheld)hasbeenhonouredthusfar Roman sued the Ministry of Health and Social Services during 2017 after a sur-geon at the SwakopmundStateHospitalreportedlymistookher intestinesforapieceofumbilicalcord,cuttingmost of it out. As per our source this tragic “mistake” transpiredafterMsRomanhadamis-carriageatthe hospitalandheruterushadtobecleared. Oneofthe specific additional terms in the official high court
in Corporate Social Investment
sky is the limit, we are extremelyexcitedabout whatthefutureholdsfor us as a Nation and we are geared to continue nurturing Namport into another 30 years of growth and prosperity as well as contributing to the socioeconomic development of Namibia and the Region at large.Bycelebratingtogether,wereinforceour collective identity and shared values, ensuring that every member of our community feels valued and connected and create lasting change for the less fortunate members of our society,” Kanime concluded.
order (in Namib Times' possession) reads, “The Defen-dant (Ministry) undertakes to procure immovable property with an emphasis on accessible ablution facilities for the Plaintiff (Roman) within a reasonable timeperiod.”Itfurtherindicatesthatthe period should constitute no more than eight months from the date of the settlement order The procurement of this property was subjected to the approval of the Swakopmund Municipality Untildate,theMinistryofHealth did not comply with abovementioned clauseintheHighCourtorder Aletter fromtheSwakopmundMunicipalityto the Ministry of Justice (Government Attorney's Office) who defended the MinistryofHealthinthecase,dated30 January 2023, shows that the Municipalitydidapprovethesaleofanerfto the Ministry of Health and Social Services, upon request, as per the settlement agreement. “All the Ministry had to do was to pay the small purchase
pricefortheerfandbuildherhouse,but it's almost two years and nothing is done,”oursourceexplained. Inanotherletter,dated16February,the Legal Assistance Centre (who representedMsRoman)remindedtheMinistryofJustice(GovernmentAttorney's Office) of the High Court order/ settlement agreement which their client(MinistryofHealth)signed,also mentioning that the Swakopmund Municipalityalreadyapprovedtheproposal.
Apparently, the letter was never responded to.Acontempt of court order might be the way forward, should the MinistryofHealthandSocialServices notactswiftlyandfulfiltheircommitment as per the High Court order, Namib Times was informed. Upon enquiry the Erongo Regional Health Director, Ms Anna Jonas responded that settlement agreements are at the level of theAttorney General and that shecannotcommentonit.
Senior Female Police Officers on the Ball
“The Future Is Female…”
The Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Co-operation Organisation (SARPCCO) convened an Executive Women Leadership and Knowledge Management Workshop in Swakopmund this week, under the theme EmpoweringWomenforTransformationalLeadership.
Aimedtocapacitateseniorfemaleofficersfrom the SADC Member States with knowledge and skillswithmodernleadershipandmanagement trends, the workshop promises to empower attendees. In his welcoming remarks, Erongo Governor Neville Andre Itope stated that the future is female, lauding the officers for their hardworkanddedicationtowardsshapingcommunities. The liaison officer from the Police/ SARPCCO-SADC secretariat, Mr Simbarashe Manjeraexplainedthattheworkshopalsoaims atcreatingamorediverse,inclusive,andeffectivelawenforcementleadershipthatbetterserves the community, bringing diverse perspectives and approaches to policing. He also warned that organised crime syndicates are agile, innovative, and are always inventing novel waysofspawningtheirheinousactivities,thereby necessitating continuous training of law enforcement agencies for them to be abreast of evolvingandemergingcrimes.Aworryingphenomenon for the secretariat is the fact that few femalepoliceofficersarenominatedtoparticipate in regional interventions to combat transnationalorganisedcrimesuchastheAnti-terrorismworkshop,theSmallArmsandLightWeapons and iARMS training, Manjera remarked. MemberStateswereurgedtoaddressthesocial, cultural, economic, and religious norms, attitudesandbehavioursthatcondonegenderstereotypes and perpetuate gender-based violence as well as any other factors that can increase women and girls' vulnerability to transnational organisedcrimethroughtransformativeactions. Keynote speaker at the official opening ceremony, Minister of Information and CommunicationTechnology,EmmaTheofelusnotedthat empoweringwomeninleadershipisanecessity, not a choice. She described the workshop as a critical step towards building a network of capable, resilient, and visionary women leaders.
Minister Theofelus advised the officers to also utilise the workshop to explore strategies for strengthening collaboration among women leadersinpolicingacrosstheregion.“Itisalsocrucial thatweconfrontthebarriersthatcontinuetohinder women's progress in leadership roles.Across the SARPCCO Region and beyond, women still face challenges, such as discrimination, limited access to mentorship, and the pressure of balancing professional responsibilities with family life,” Theofelus added. She continued by noting that the workshop should therefore explore these barriers openly, and together find ways to dismantle them. “We have to challenge stereotypes, reshapenarratives,and,mostimportantly,builda framework for an inclusive future where every womanhastheopportunitytoleadandsucceed,” wastheMinister'sstrongmessagetotheseniorfemalepoliceofficers.
Lieutenant General Joseph Shimweelao Shikongo, the Inspector-General of the Namibian Police Force in his statement remarked that the roleofwomeninlawenforcementhasneverbeen morecrucialandthattheperspectives,skills,and resiliencewhichwomenbringtoleadershippositions are essential for building safer, more cohesive communities. The Namibian Police Chief also acknowledged the barriers that continue to stand in the way of women's progress in police ranks.“Challengessuchasgenderbiases,unequal opportunities, and societal expectations have for too long limited the aspirations of many capable womeninuniform.
Your task here is to identify these barriers and to find practical solutions to overcome them,” was Shikongo'sadvice. SARPCCOwasestablishedin Zimbabwein1995andisamodelforinternational police cooperation. The organisation's priorities include combating terrorism and violent extremism, as well as trans-national organised crime.
Pearl Celebrations to Mark 30th Anniversary of Walvis Bay's Re-Integration into Namibia
The Pearl Celebrations marking the 30th anniversary of Walvis Bay's re-integration into Namibia, under the theme “Walvis Bay: Keeping the Namibian Economy Alive –Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,” were launched in the harbortownthisweek.
At the media launch, the Governor of the Erongo Region, Neville André Itope, stressed the importance of reflecting on thesignificantrolethe people of Walvis Bay played in reclaiming their land from South African occupation
He noted that the return of Walvis Bay to Namibia was not only a victory for the peopleofthisenclave but for every Namibian who dreamed of a fully independent andunitednation.
“ThereturnofWalvis Bay was a victory for all Namibians who believed in the dream of a free and united country,” Governor Itopesaid.Itopehighlighted how Walvis Bay now thrives as a key economic hub, providing jobs, resources, and opportunities for thousands of Namibians He pointed to the town's port, fishing industry,
and other sectors, which have transfored WalvisBayintooneof the country's most important centers of economicactivity
“This success is a directresultoftheefforts of our people and the opportunities brought byWalvisBay'sreintegration,” Itope added.
The Governor further emphasised that it is crucial to ensure the benefits of Walvis
Bay's economic growth reach every part of the community, empoweringtheyouth, supporting local businesses,andcreatingan inclusive and prosperous future for all Jimmy Julie, Director of Raotra Investments, which has partnered with the Office of the Governor to make these celebrations memorable, announced thataFundraisingGala Dinner will be held on 21 November. The event aims to raise funds for the celebrations and provide a platform for networking with key stakeholders. Aspartofthe anniversary celebrations, statues of nationalheroesandheroines will be erected aroundWalvisBay These will include a statue of President Dr Nangolo Mbumba, in recognition of his role as CEO during the reintegration negotiations, as well as statues of Nathaniel Maxuilili and Rikumbi Kandanga On Saturday, 23 November, a series of activities will be held for the youth and entertainment, offering a chance for the community to come togetherandcelebrate. Further information regarding the Saturday activities will be disseminated through various media platforms in the coming week.
Close to 200 Arrested on Drug Charges for October
Nampol has indicated that 191 suspects were arrested on drug related charges for the month of October 2024, countrywide.
Accordingtotheofficial police statistics 177 of the suspects are Namibian citizens, one Angolan, one Burundian, two Congolese, one Cuban, two Zambians, oneZimbabwean,one Nigerian and two Tanzanians. Furthermore, a total of 265. 818kilogramsofcannabis were confiscated. Nampol also seized1419mandrax tablets, 186 units of crack cocaine, 10.37 gramsofcocaineand 7 MDMA capsules during the period 1 31October
New CAN Erongo Centre Services Offer Hope and Support
TheCancerAssociationofNamibia's(CAN)ErongoCentreinSwakopmundhasa new home, and it's not just a place of healing, it's a beacon of hope. Earlierthis month, the Centre unveiled its newly expanded offices, which offer not only administrative and clinical services but also a vegetable garden and thrift shop designedtoprovideessentialsupporttocancerpatients.
These new additions underscore the centre's commitment to improving the lives of those affected by cancer in the Erongo region. This move is especially timely, as cancer rates in Namibia,likemanypartsoftheworld,continueto surgeatanalarmingpace.RolfHansen,theCEO ofCAN,warnsthatcancerhasbecome"aticking timebomb"inNamibia,withprojectionsshowing thatitcouldbecometheleadingcauseofdeathin thenext10to20years."Weneedtoinvestinprevention and early detection now, or we will lose this battle," Hansen stressed. Since its official opening in August 2017, the Erongo Centre has beenacrucialresourceforthecommunity,providing services such as cancer screenings, consultations, and support. The newly expanded space offers a much-needed dispensary and clinic that serves those living with cancer But beyond the medical services, the centre is focused on addressingsomeofthepracticalchallengespatients face, among them, the high cost of healthy food. Tellingacancerpatienttoeathealthier,isasking for the impossible, “Fresh fruits and vegetables canbeprohibitivelyexpensive.Wewanttomake healthier food options available to patients at affordable prices, including pre-cooked frozen meals,” said Sanet de Waal, Head of the Erongo
Centre.Thecentre'svegetablegardenispartofthis initiative,providingfreshproducetocancerpatients inneed.
Aspartofitsongoingeffortstoraiseawareness,the centreiscommemoratingMovemberthismonthin supportofmenlivingwithcancer,particularlyprostate cancer According to De Waal, prostate cancer has overtaken breast cancer as the most prevalent cancerinNamibia."Weneedtoshiftourfocus,and encourage men, especially those over 40, or with a family history of prostate cancer, to get screened regularly for early detection," De Waal said. The centre is hosting a free PSA screening clinic on November15tohelpmakescreeningsmoreaccessible.Additionally, throughout November, the centrewillsellblue-themedmerchandise,includingTshirts and caps, to raise funds and awareness for prostatecancer ThesaleofcupcakesonNovember 29willfurthersupportthecause. DeWaalurgedthe community and local businesses to join the fight against prostate cancer by purchasing merchandise ordonatingtothecause.“Thisisacollectiveeffort,” she said. “We all have a role to play in supporting thoselivingwithcancerandinpreventingthespread ofthisdeadlydisease.”Formoreinformationonthe screeningandhowtogetinvolved,contacttheCAN ErongoCentreat0819537740.
Vehicle Owners in Dark on Unsettled ECN Payments
Vehicle owners who rented their vehicles to the Electoral Commission during the voters' registration period earlier this year, are claiming the Commission still owes them money.
The contract (in Namib Times' possession), which was effective from 1 June – 3 August, indicates that the fixed rate for these vehicles is N$2 050 per day, regardless of kilometres driven. However, according to a private vehicle owner who requested for anonymity this agreement was not honoured by the Electoral Commission He noted that he received his first payment (for June)onlyon23July, which was around N$15000short. Anotherpaymentwas apparently made on 19 August, and again the payment, which was supposed to be
the final compensation, came approximately N$15 000 short, the sourcesays.“Ourquestion is, when will the outstanding money be paid to us as there was an official agree-ment betweenus,butnowwe mustbegthem(ECN)to honourtheirsideofour agreement,”hefumed. Apparently,theirefforts toacquireclarityonthe issue from the Commissionarebeingignored. Recent media reports indicate that this scenario seems to be experienced countrywide. Reportedly, the ECN stated earlier that “theCommissioniscurrentlyscrutinisingthese grievances to ascertain the merits of each complainantbeforeany
consideration can be made. Should there be any discrepancy in the amount paid, then the Commission will pay that individual the amountowedto.” Upon enquiry, Namib Times was directed to ECNDeputyDirector: Corporate Communications & Marketing, MrDeWetSiluka. However,effortstoget feedback from him proofed futile. It also surfaced that the Electoral Commission of Namibia is once again busy reaching out to these vehicle owners fortheupcomingelections, however, some ofthemarecynicwhether they'll have to again “beg” for their moneyafterwards.
Run for Bibles
The Combined Christian Churches of Swakopmund is organising a picturesque 5km Bible Run/Walk at SwakopmundonSaturday,30November.
All the funds are to the benefit of the Bible Society of Namibia. The star-
ting point will be at the Dome at 08:00, with registrations to be done from 07:30 on the parking lot nexttotheDome. Asmallentréefeeof N$50 for adults and N$20 for children will be required and the first 100 runners to cross the finish linewillberewarded with medals and key holders.
The Bible Society of Namibia invites one andalltocomeenjoy the food stalls, fun, music, and exercise alongthebeachfront forthisgoodcause. For more information, Jillian Spille can be contacted at 081 327 2803, or Martin van Niekerk at0812437771.
Klaazen Scoops Bannerman Essay-competition
The Region of excellence did it again. Lino Klaazen, a learner at Coastal High School in Swakopmund made the ErongoRegionproudbyscoopingfirstprizeinabi-regional highschoolessaycompetition.
The competition was presented by Bannerman Mining Resources Namibia, who is a key partner in especially Namibia's education sector
The competition undertopic,“Therole of uranium in the future of energy and its implications for sustainable development in Namibia,” was open for high schoolsintheErongo and Khomas regions only A total of six schools, Acacia Secondary School (Windhoek), Coastal High School (Swakopmund), Eldorado Secondary School (Windhoek), Kamwandi Combined
School (Henties Bay), Namib High School (Swakopmund) and Rocky Crest High (Windhoek)participated. Matthew Muduva from Acacia Secondary School walked away with second prize,withthirdposition secured by Immanuel Garise
At the official prizegiving ceremony on Monday morning at Coastal High School, the acting Education Director for Erongo, Ms Johannes (video)
Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) hereby invites bids through Open International Bidding (OIB) procedures for the Supply and Delivery of New Perway Material for the Port of Walvis Bay
1. This bid is open to all eligible Namibian entities or persons (“Bidders”). A margin of preference will apply as detailed in the bidding document.
2. Bidders may
4. Interested eligible bidders are requested to visit the Namport webs te at https://www.namport.com.na/procurement for details of the bidding requirements. Bidders must register as suppliers, express interest in a specific bid, make a payment of the (non-refundable) bid levy of N$300.00 and submit the proof of payment in order to be granted access to the bidding documents. The Namport Banking Details are available on the Procurement Portal on the website.
5. A Non-compulsory is scheduled for Virtual Pre-Bid meeting and Site Visit 22 November 2024 AT 10H00 AM Bidders should take note that the meeting venue is at Namport, Head Office, Executive Boardroom, thereafter bidders will be directed to the site A meeting link is also available on the website for those that would like to join the meeting virtually
6. Bids must be delivered to the following address before or on the deadline for submission: The Tender Box, Namibian PortsAuthority (Namport) Reception, No. 17 Rikumbi Kandanga Road. Electronic submission of bidding documents will not be accepted.
ALL enquiries related to these bids must be directed in writing by email to the following contact details:
Tender and ContractsAdministrator OwiikeAmunkete Tel.: +264 64 208 2217
applauded the learners and school with this outstanding achievement, noting that the Swakopmund school has over the years proven that they are a force to be reckoned with in a variety of fields. She also commended Bannerman
Mining Recourses with their longstanding track record insupportofeducation inthecountry Bannerman's managing director, Mr Werner Ewald once again confirmed the company's support to education and other
areas. He also encouragedmoreschoolsand learners to participate in this annual competition.
The third prize winner walkedawaywithN$3 000,ofwhichN$1000 will go to his school, while the second runner-up was awar-
ded with N$4 000, of whichN$1000willbe contributed to his school.
Top achiever, Lino Klaazen received a brand new Ipad worth N$15 000 plus N$1 000 for his school for hiseffort.
Email: or m.deklerk@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na
E-Mail: or o.amunkete@namport.com.na procurement@namport.com.na
Nictus Holdings Group of Companies Expands with Strategic Acquisition of Build IT Walvis Bay Branch
Walvis Bay, Namibia 06 November 2024 – Nictus Holdings GroupofCompanies,aleadingnameinretail,furniture,and insurance services in Namibia, is proud to announce the acquisitionoftheBuildITWalvisBaybranch.
This strategic move is partofNictus'songoing commitment to growth, community development, and providing comprehensive services to its customer base acrossNamibia.
TheBuildITWalvisBay branch has been an integral part of the community, known for its qualityproductsandservice excellence By bringing this branch under the Nictus Holdings Group umbrella, the company aims to strengthenitspositionin the construction and hardware market, enhance customer experience, and continue to deliver innovative solutions in a rapidly growingindustry
"A Strategic Step Forward"
"This acquisition marks an exciting chapter for Nictus Holdings as we expand our reach and diversify our services," said Philippus Tromp, Managing Director of Nictus Holdings Limited. "The addition of Build IT Walvis Bay alignsperfectlywithour mission of delivering quality and value to our customers while fostering local development and growth. We look forward to integrating the branch's operations and building on its legacy of exceptional service."
Benefits for Customers andCommunity
With this acquisition, customerscanexpectthe continuationofexcellent service with an enriched range of offerings and the dependable support they have come to associate with Nictus Holdings and its subsidiaries. This step will also create new oppor-
In the estate of the late Garrie Hazel Brown, Id no : 361004 5060 087, who died on 13 November 2021, resided at Haven Retirement Village, Swakopmund, Namibia and who was widowed.
Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice.
C J DE KONING Executor c/o
tunities for collaboration and partnerships within theconstructionandhardwaresectors.
The integration of Build IT Walvis Bay into Nictus's portfolio underlines the company's strategy to contribute to economic growth and create job opportunities within the region, further strengthening Nictus's commitment to supporting the localcommunityandfostering a robust business environment.
The team at Nictus is dedicated to ensuring a seamless transition that respects the existing relationships and operations of Build IT Walvis Bay while enhancing them with Nictus's extensive experience and customer-
centric approach The acquisition is set to bring newproductlines,greater accessibility, and a stronger service infrastructure to Walvis Bay and beyond.
About Nictus Holdings GroupofCompanies
Founded 80 years ago in Namibia,NictusHoldings Group has grown to become a trusted name, offeringarangeofquality products and services across various sectors, including furniture, appliances, tyres, vehicles and insurance. Known for its innovative approach, competitive pricing, and customerfocused solutions, Nictus Holdingscontinuestobea leader in delivering comprehensive and sustainablebusinesspractices.
C G Pieters Proffesional Land Surveyors cc herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent’’, to operate an “administrative office’’ on the premises of Erf 2319, Swakopmund Extension8(23SaphirStreet)as providedforintermsofClause6oftheSwakopmund Zoning Scheme Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s, in writingandwithin14daysofthelastpublication and the Swakopmund Municipality, during normalbusinesshours.
Closing date for objections or comments is: 6 December2024.
Contactpersons:MrsEPieterse,Cell:081250 7135 email:epieterse@iway.na or Mr J Heita (Manager: Town Planning) Tel: +2644104403
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-CateringUnit)ONERFNO:4280Unit18
TOWNSHIP/AREA: Fairways STREET NAME & NO: Omwandi Street, Gracemere ComplexUnit46.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality of Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment (Self-cateringUnit).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objectionto the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29November 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: DawieKoen,POBox5575,WalvisBay email:dpwkoen@gmail.com
In accordance with the Environmental Management Act 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007), notice is hereby given to all possible Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner for environmental clearance as follows:
Project: Construction and Operation: (i) Renewable energy and associated infrastructures (ii) Green Hydrogen Plant and associated infrastructures and (iii) Desalination plant and associated infrastructures.
Proponent: Zhero Molecules Walvis Bay (Pty) Ltd
Location: Walvis Bay, Erongo Region.
Public meeting 1.
th Date: 20 November 2024, Place: Arandis, Venue: Arandis
Primary School Hall, Time, 11H00 – 13H00
Public meeting 2.
th Date: 20 November 2024, Place: Swakopmund, Venue: Tamariskia Town Hall, Time, 14H30 – 16H30
Public meeting 3.
nd Date: 22 November 2024, Place: Walvis Bay, Venue: Protea Hotel, Time, 10H00 – 12H00
th Deadline for Comments: 28 December 2024 Register as I&Aps @: Email: info@tec.com.na PostalAddress: P.O. Box 35473, Cell phone: +264811220114 or +264811477889
CONSENT: Self-Catering ON ERF NO: 416 Unit 18 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREETNAME&NO:Ext1.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringUnitNo.18.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan29November 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: PaulinaDalifilwa,POBox213,Swakopmund email:pndalifilwa@gmail.com
CONSENT:SemGervasiasShiguuo Financial
Solution cc Office ON ERF NO: 16/03
NAME & NO: FairwayAvenue, No.16 Walvis Bay
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:CashLoanOffice. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan6December 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Sem Gervasias Shiguuo, P O Box5093, Walvis Bay email:semshiguuo@gmail.com
Please take notice that !Nora Town and Regional has been appointed by the owner of Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1 to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmundfor:
1. Subdivision of Subdivision of Erf 366, Myl 4, Extension1into7PortionsandtheRemainder,
2. Subsequent Rezoning of the Newly Created Portions From 'General Residential' with a Density Zoning Of 1:250m2 To 'Single Residential' with a Densityof1:300m2.
3. Consent to Proceed with the Development while theRezoningisbeingProcessed.
Erf Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1 is currently zoned General Residential with a density of 1:250m2 and it measures approximately 3406 m² in extent. The proposed development intends to subdivide Erf 366, Myl 4, Extension 1 into 7 portions and the remainder.This subdivisionaimstocreatedistinctandmanageableparcelsofland,allowingforthedevelopmentofindividual residential properties. Following the subdivision, the newly created portions will undergo rezoning from theircurrent'GeneralResidential'zoningwithadensity of1dwellingunitper250m²to'SingleResidential'with areduceddensityof1dwellingunitper300m².
a) For more enquiries regarding the subdivision and rezoning of Erf 366, Myl 4 Extension 1, the locality mapoftheerfliesforinspectiononthenoticeboardat theSwakopmundMunicipality
b)Anypersonhavingobjectingtotheproposedapplicationassetoutabovemaylodgesuchobjectionstogetherwithgroundsthereofinwriting,withtheSwakopmund Municipality and with the applicant (NTRP), within 21 days after the application of this notice, whichisscheduledtoendon 2,December2024. Formoreinformationandqueries,kindlycontact:
!NoraTownandRegional Planners
P O.Box6945, Ausspanplatz, 30,Aschenorn,Pionierspark, Cell:+26481402455
P O.Box,13001, DepartmentofTown Planning
Email: jangolo@swkmun com.na
Assistant Chef Vacancy
Godenfang Restaurant - Walvis Bay, is looking for an assistant chef to help in our busy kitchen. Someone who will prepare, organize and arrange the food and their station.
Duties include: Prepping, cleaning kitchen, monitor food stock, ordering, preparing certain dishes, such as salads, desserts and some al la carte items.
The ideal candidate should have the following attributes:
- Grade 12
- Either hospitality or chefs' qualification or 2 years' experience working in a hotel or restaurant kitchen
- Good command of English, both spoken and written
- Good basic math skills
Company and employment expectations:
- Full time position
- 3 - 6-month contract to start
- Restaurant is based in Walvis Bay – the ideal candidate should either reside in Walvis Bay or be willing to relocate at own cost
- Market related salary and benefits
- Young and vibrant
Please email a short CV, motivating cover letter, copy of ID and police clearance to wbjobs123@gmail.com
Bar attendant vacancy
Godenfang Restaurant – Walvis Bay, is looking for a full time bar attendant to work in our busy bar
Position description:
To prepare all beverages ordered during service in a timely manner and according to company standards and recipes.
To prepare you section for service by making sure your section is clean, well stocked and all equipment is in good order and running correctly Company and employment expectations:
- Full time position
- 3 - 6-month contract to start
- Restaurant is based in Walvis Bay – the ideal candidate should either reside in Walvis Bay or be willing to relocate at own cost
- Market related salary and benefits
- Young and vibrant
Please email a short CV, motivating cover letter, copy of ID and police clearance to wbjobs123@gmail.com
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transactionaPortionofFarm 38 to King Charcoal Namibia(Pty)Ltd.
Description aPortionofFarm38
Purchase Amount Excluding15%VATN$
Fullparticularsper-aining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 19 November 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices,Kuisebmond.
FormoreinformationMrs Merinda /Keis can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during officehours.
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, may in writinglodgeanobjection togetherwiththegrounds/ motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties at the above address to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay before or on *Friday, 22 November2024at12:00.
JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
An equal opportunity employer and leader in the Namibian fishing industry, we have a vacancy for a QUALITY CONTROL OFFICER in Walvis Bay
At Bokomo Namibia, a joint venture between the Frans Indongo Group (Namibia) and PepsiCo Inc, you get the best of both worlds: an entrepreneur's mindset plus reach and resources through our worldwide network. Bring your unique perspective. Bring curiosity. Bring ingenuity, and drive. We'll give you a platform to be daring.
Please follow the link below for more information: https://bokomonamibia.com.na/careers/
Closing date: 19 November 2024
We are seeking a skilled and motivated professional with a passion for Food Safety and Quality Control to be part of a cross-functional team in order to achieve effective food safety & quality in all the production processes.
General Scope of Duties
• Ensure that factory inspections and monitoring are done correctly, and employees are adhering to the food safety and HACCP policies of the company, as well as recording and reporting any non onformances correctly
• Communicate daily with QS in a structured way and resolve operational or employee non conformances.
• Ensure that proper reporting is conducted on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to the QS.
• Ensure to give daily and urgent feedback to the QS
• Ensure that employees are at all times behaving and dresses according to the required standards and conformances. Monitor the processes to ensure proper processing is running at all times
• Compile daily, weekly and monthly monitoring reports for the Quality Manager
Minimum Requirements
• Bachelor’s degree in Fisheries and Aquatic Science or a Bachelor’s degree in Food Science and Technology or equivalent qualification
! Must have at least 2 years’ experience as a Quality Controller in the food processing industry
! Must have good knowledge of HACCP, hygiene and good manufacturing practice (preferable
! knowledge about ISO family of standards)
! Must have a good insight into health and safety legislation
! Must work accurately and must be detail-orientated
! Be able to use own initiative and take quick decisions independently
! Must be able to support and co-operate with others
! Must be able to analyse and interpret information
! Must have excellent administrative, planning and organisational skills
! Must be able deliver on results
! Must be able to work under pressure and be able to adapt to change
! Must be multi-linguistic and must have good communication skills
! Must be able to persuade and influence and relate and network with others
! Computer literate in MS-office
! Must have high verbal and numeric ability
! Must be willing to work overtime when required
! Preferably driver’s license
! Preferably a Namibian Citizen
We offer a market related salary and benefits package, including healthcare coverage and retirement saving plan. Additionally, you will be part of a collaborative and innovative team, contributing to the success and growth of a well-established company in the fishing sector
Please send your comprehensive application per-email to recruitment@catofishing.com by not later than 22 November 2024.
Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No applications will be returned. You may undergo psychometric assessments. Enquiries: 064 2731500
Missing since 27 October 2024 in the vicinity of Peter Mueshihange and 9th road.
He is very shy and responds to the name Ceasie. Reward offered for his safe return. Call 081 627 3370
VERFWERK:Huise, gastehuis,lodges,onsverf allegeboueinErongo streek.Gratiskwotasie.
BvonSeydlizt: 0818196117/ Richard:0816923590
-Airconditioninstallation +service -Electricalinstallations+ maintenance Contact:0812091378
Insulatedgeyserwithour 25mmthickness waterproofblanketand reducesheatloss,saving moneyonenergybills
Tiredofrunningupand down,goingeverywherebut notachievingyourrealgoals, hereisyourdoctortoprove everythingforyou.Hehelps withdifferenttypesof problemssuchascourtcases, loveaffairs,marriage problems,weakerections whichisunabletosatisfy yourwoman,vaginatightness formantofeelalways attractedtoyouhouse problems,alltypesof transmittedsickness,high bloodpressure,asthma, headaches,chestpains, chasingofbadluckspirits, jobproblems,stoploverfrom cheatingyou[manor woman]Business improvements,alltypesof goodluck.pregnancy problems,haveprotectedlife, nevergiveupyourlife,your doctorisheretocleanseand liftyouup.Comeat471 MandumeYaNdemufayo StreetMondesaSwakopmund orcall: DrMoyo0813395913
Coastal Household&Office. Mobile:+264814093522 email:nktransportnam @gmail.com
TraditionalDr Herbalist
DrLovemoreBen Banda(Theoldman)
FromMalawiisinWalvis Baywith30yearsvast experienceinvarious problems&diseasessuch asbringingbacklost lover,togetanewjob,to wincourtcases,toclean outbadluckfromyour body,topassexams,to passdriving,toprotect yourbodyfromwithcraft, toboostsmallbusinessto bebigbusiness,tobe likedwithpeople,towin contractors,towina womanormanofyour choice,tostopsmoking anddrinking,alcoholand drugs,divorce,stopyour lovertobestingywith money,tomakeyousleep nicelyinyourhouse,to stopbaddreams,aman tobestronginbedduring sex,awomantohave feelingsforaman, headaches,swellingof yourbody,madness, epilepsy,jointspain, pregnancyproblems,if youneedanewbaby, periodpains,torecover stolenproperty,BP, ulcers,diabetes,asthma, &manymore..Come& experiencewonderful miracleshappeningin yourlife,youwillnever regret. Smsorcall:081 6431482findtheOld maninKuiseb,Mass Houses,atNHE6751 JohannesNakuafila Street
(TheBest). BadLuckLuckMuti-Love Problems-Marriageto keepyourloverjustfor yourself-Workproblems -Promotions-Togettendersandtoboostyour business-Peopledon’t wanttopayyoubackPregnancyProblemsProtectionofFarms, Houses,Carsand Animals-Sexual transmittedsickness-all sicknessAsthma,BPRemoveto-koloshifrom bodies,houses-Men’s powersexualitySpiritualdoctorsinneed ofmorespiritualpowers, etc. HouseNr.(79) 3191D.JohannaBenson StreetKuisebmond, WalvisBay Cell:0813033149
ThedoctorisinWalvis Baywith40years experienceandhasdone wondersandgreatthings inmanySADCcountries, suchasbringingbacklost loversin4days.Removal ofbadluck,verytough andchallengingcourt cases,bindingyourlove andtobeyouronly And togetaman/womanyou wantofyourchoice. Pregnancyproblems,jobs andpromotions,business, protectionofbodiesand housesfromwitchcraft, protectionofkraalsfarms fromthieves,wining tenders,andcontracts, revengekapsule, rejuvenatemenspower duringsex,magicwallet andgetrichwithinshort notice.Chestpains, headache,swollenlegs &feet,epilepsy,drinking /smoking,tobereleased fromprison,manhood enlargement.Hips/breast. Iknowyouhavebeenlet downbyothersbutnow yourtimehascome. Comeandexperiencethe wonderfulmiracles happeninginyourlifeand youwillneverregret. Call/smsBomba Bazuka:0816027102
DrBandaFullyregistered TraditionalHealerin Namibia
Callhimtoday: ExpertinHealingusing naturalremedies
Highbloodpressure, diabetes,strokes,asthma, epilypsy
Mentaldiseases,wounds, chronicheadache
Bodypains,swollen legs/stomach
Manpower,extra strength,morerounds, strongandharderections
Healsoperformspowers on:Lostloverstocome backimmediately
Protectionofpropertyand persons,workmatters Unfinishedjobsandmany more
Heishereintown,Walvis Bay Callforappointment andconsultation 0817407321
GESOEK: Opsoek na ‘n
‘n 2.3 litre Diesel Nissan bakkie. Hentiesbaai omgewing. BAIE DRINGEND Kontak Klahenwuhl 081 247 2077
Opsoekna‘nkartekoop vir‘n N$ 10 000.00
Goeiekondisiemetal papiere.
OpsoeknaNissan hardbodyofToyotaHilux 4x4tekoop. N$70000.00
Ek is opsoek na saamrygeleentheid vanaf maandag 4 November , Swakopmund na Walvisbaai en terug . Maandae tot Vrydae
Skakel Patricia Visagie: 081 478 2523
In search of a 2 bedroom flat or house. Price range N$ 6 000.00N$ 7 000.00 per month Preferably Walvis Bay Town areas. Ready to move in January 2025.
Contact: 081 455 5554
Properties Wanted Properties Wanted
Youngcouplewith2 yearoldchildis lookingforaone bedroomflattorent BIC&BIS
Waterincluded Prepaidelectricityor electricityincluded Garageoptional N$3500-4000 permonth!
Readytomovein immediatelyorend november
Contact0814040367 0817354142
Urgentlylookingfora 2bedroomhouseorflat torent Swakopmund, Tamariskiaor Mondesa.
LONGTERMRENTAL URGENTLYNEEDED INSWAKOPMUND: Preferably in Kramersdorf, Tamariskia, Vineta, Ocean View A quiet,decent,nonsmoking,non-drinking coupleisinurgentneed ofa1or2bedroomhome withBIC,garageand somepersonaloutside space(Canbea“granny flat”)
Pricerange:±N$ 4000.00p/m(including water)
Contact:0813706998/ 0816703255
SalesAssistant Honest VibrantandFriendly Namibiancitizen Fluent in English and Afrikaans. Referencerequired PastelExperience Willingtolearn Pleaseforwardcv’sto LF@BDMNAM.COM
P O.Box4032 WalvisBay
JOBWANTED: A41yearoldladylooking fordomesticworknobars inWalvisBay
JOBWANTED: A33yearoldladyis lookingforanykindof workinWalvisBayexcept inbars.
Contact:0818274308 0813578847
Iama29yearoldlady lookingfordomesticwork inWalvisBay
JOBWANTED: Iamaladylookingfor domesticworkIhaveall experiencesneeded.Iam veryhardworking, responsibleand independent.Ispeakvery wellEnglish.
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk vir1of2dae‘nweek, WoensdaeofDonderdae. Ekisbaiehardwerkenden netjies.Walvisbaai, Fairways,Meersigof Lagoon. Kontak:0813144582
Iama21yearoldlady lookingforankindofwork inWalvisBay.Ihave1 yearchildcareexperience asaShopAssistant.Ihave grade11certificateandI amreadytostartanytime,I haveanA1German certificate.
CornerErfwitha90m² OutDwellingalready Erfsize:806
OutDwelling 2bedroomswithBIC, Lounge,KitchenwithBIC
JOBWANTED: A33yearoldladyis lookingforhousekeeping work,restaurant,daycare, guesthouse.Iamalreadyto startanytime. Contact:0814767437 0817816661
Iama21yearoldlady lookingforjob.Iamready tostartassoonaspossible. Tuckshop,printingshops.I havecomputerexperience. Contact:0817366942
JOBWANTED: Iama23yearoldwoman lookingforajobin Swakopmund.Ihave experienceincleaning, gardenwork,babysitting, ironingandcanstartas soonaspossible. Contact:0812168931
Ekis‘n48jarigeman opsoeknaplaaswerkof algemenewerk. Kontak:0813924686
WERKGESOEK: Ekisopsoeknahuiswerk vir3daeof‘nweek,ekkan ookvakansiehuiswerk doen.Ekkankinders oppas,kantoorskoonmaak, ekrookofdrinknie,Ekis buigsaamomnaenige werkplekteverhuis. Kontak:0815577685
WERKGESOEK: Ekis‘n45jarigedame opsoeknahuiswerktwee dae‘nweek.Maandaeen Woensdae.Langstranden Walvisbaai.Ekkangoed werkenstryk.Ekhetby laundrygewerk. Kontak:0813083325
JOBWANTED: A40yearoldwomanis lookingforworkat guesthouses,domestic work,cleaning,ironingand washing.Ihave20years experienceformorethan 20yearsexperiencein domesticworkfor4-5 daysaweek.Icanstart immediately Contact:0814136628
39th First National Bank Sages Week
The39thFNBNationalSagesWeekheldrecentlyatRossmundGolfClubsawgolfersfrom11GolfClubsfrom NamibiaandSouthAfricacompetingfortophonours.
Namibiangolfersfrom Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Mariental, Windhoek, Tsumeb and Okahandja as well as golfers from Mossel Bay, Heidelberg,Outeniqua and Natal Central representing SouthAfrica, competed in an Individual Stableford format with teams of four players, three scorestocountoneach day TheCoastalSages Committeethankedall for your participation and First National Bank (since 2007) supported by CMW GlassSolutions;Super Spar Swakopmund; Fruit & Veg Swakopmund, Woermann & Brock Building
Supplies who have made the tournament possible.
Winners: LadiesBest Average Score: Heidi Van Niekerk; Best Player over 70 yrs: Achmet Abrahams; Oldest Player in the Field: Clinton Dodds @ 94 years young Team Winners: 1st Place: Kestrals 437pts (Achmet Abrahams; George Murasiki; Fred Bossé;DouwvanWyk. 2ndPlace:Springboks: 424pts (Rudi Auseb; Sigi Baumgartner; Wim Hollander; GerhardByleveld).3rd Place: Walvis Bay 417pts(WilmaDeWet; Tienie De Wet; Rory Wolhuter; Rene Bosman).
Overall Division Winner: A Division: Achmet Abrahams; Fred Bossé; Rory Wolhuter B Division: John Horne; Clive Lawrence;RudiAuseb. C Division: Rina Knight; Sigi Baumgartner; Lucille Abrahams. Winner of the National Sages 2024 Order of Merit was George Vink. We look forward to welcoming you all again next year for the 40th Anniversary of this prestige First National Bank Sages Week RossmundGolfClubwillbe hosting their annual Medixx Occupational Health Services Pink Golf Ball Day on Saturday 21 December 2024.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the RegionalLiquorLicencing Committee, Region Erongo.
1.Nameandpostaladdress of applicant: Mr Raphael Haikera Shiwdimba, PO Box975,Rundu.
2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: ShindGuestHouseCC.
3 Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 109,
4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor Licence for Guesthouse.
5. Clerk of the Court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Usakos.
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 31 October2024.
7 Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 11December2024.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application mustbesentordeliveredto the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application willbeheard.
Namibia Fistball Teams at World Championships
The Namibian Under 18 Boys and Senior Women's National Fistball teams recently participated at different Fistball World Championships.
TheUnder18BoysFistballTeamfinished5that the U18 World Cup held in Llanquihue Chile whilst the Senior Women's National Fistball Team ended 8th at the Women's World Cup in MonteCarlo,Argentina.Itwasthefirstteamafter 10yearsthataNamibianYouthTeamparticipated in a U/18 World Championships. In the opening match,theNamibiansU18Boyslost3-0against Brazil. They however bounced back with a 3-0 defeatoverDenmarkandbeathostChile3-0tobe thirdinthegroupbehindBrazilandAustriaafter dayone. OntheseconddaytheNamibianslost30againstFistballgiantsSwitzerlandandAustria respectively In the last game of the day the Namibians lost 3-1 against the ultimate world champions Germany The last day, saw the Namibia team fighting it’s way to a 3:1 win againstArgentinatofinishthepreliminaryround in 5th place. The opponent in the match for 5th placewasonceagainArgentina.Afterleading1:0 after the first sets, the young Namibian had to
Rudi Bowe
accept 2 set defeats. In the 4th set, the Namibian selection was constantly trailing by 1 point, but withascoreof12:12,theNamibiansturnedtheset around and ultimately won it scoring 14:12. The deciding set was not for the faint-hearted. After theteamledbycaptainDominicEgnerbuiltupa comfortable 9-5 lead, victory seemed certain. However, the Argentinians equalised, 9 each. After a timeout that worked in Namibia's favour, they won the set 11-9 to secure 5th place at the world championships. For the first time in 18 yearsthataNamibianWomen'sNationalFistball team competed again in an international tournament. On the first day the Namibian womenbeattheUSA3-1anddefeatedColombia 3-0 to end the day on top of their group. On the second day the Namibians beat Australia 3-0 to qualifyforthequarter-finals,wheretheylost3-0 against Germany In the qualifying match the Namibians lost 3-0 against Chile and on the last daytheylost3-0againstNewZealandtosettlefor 8thplace. FistballNamibiaisproudandthereisa rayofhopeforthesportinSouthernAfrica.
CONSENT: Self-Catering Unit ON ERF NO: 201 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Langstrand STREETNAME&NO:9AHoanibClose.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipalityforpermissiontoerect/establishon thesitea/an:Self-CateringUnit.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 6 December 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: LilanieLiversage,9AHoanibClose,Langstrand email:lilanie.liversage@outlook.com
Noticeisherebygivenin termsofsection63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act,1992(Act23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to sell, by private transaction block erf 4607 Narra-ville to Shack Dwel-lers FederationofNamibia.
Description Block erf 4607 Narraville Area
Full particulars perainingtothesalewilllie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 26 November 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information Mr Johannes Kaulihowacanbecontactedat telephone (064) 201 3330 during office hours.
Written objections duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersignedbeforeorat12:00 *Friday, 29 November 2024.
EPMwanyekange GeneralManager: Community & EconimicDevelopment MunicipalOffices CivicCentre NangoloMbumbaDrive PrivateBag5017 Fax:064209714 WalvisBay
BusinessSocialBowls LeagueConcludes
NamibParkBowlingClubhostedtheirpopularBusinessSocialBowlsLeague competitionthatattracted22teamsintoeithertheNovice(16)orExperienced (6)bowlingsectionsparticipatingover10weeks.
The competition held twice a year was made this time even more successful when partnered with their new main sponsor,Bitstreamtogetherwithvarious othersponsorscontributedtomakingthe event memorable with every team receivingaprize.TheNovicesectionwas heavily contested but at the end it was Eventually Dream Team that were crowned as the champions after pipping Tunacor by one point for second place followedbySynapseclinchingthirdspot. The winners of the Experienced team section were Axon Business Systems, who led the points table for most of the
competition. 3 Amigos had to settle for third after being leapfrogged by Ma se Span, who took second place in the final round.NamibParkBowlingClubthanked alltheteamsthatenteredandthefollowing generoussponsors;Bitstream,WKHLaw, Novel Motors, Suremix, ABC Pharmacy, Synapse, Hickory Creek Spur, Stofpad Craft Beers, Francois Maak Tuin, Sunn PartySuppliesandWestHookFishing.
ThenextSocialBowlsLeaguewillkickoff during February 2025 and entry lists with eventinfowillbeavailableonNamibPark Bowling Club's Facebook page closer to thetime.
Namibia PortsAuthority (Namport) marked a significant milestone with the Namport 30Years Fun Walk and Fitness Challenge, a day full of fitness,fun,andcommunityspiritatthePortofWalvisBayandLüderitzon9November.
By celebrating Namport's journey of three decades, marked a significant milestone with a dayfulloffitness,fun,andcommunityspiritby promoting health and wellness, and serves as a platform for fostering unit within the communities Namport's Chief Executive Officer,AndrewKanimesaidbysupportingthis worthycauseswitheverysteptakenhelpedraise awareness and support for Walvis Bay Kids Haven and the Lüderitz Disability Forum and strengthening the community one stride at a time. “I am truly humbled and excited at the same time by the enormous interest this event has attracted Kanime said. He stated that this dual observance highlights our unwavering commitment to inclusivity and the spirit of community hood across different regions Kanime thanked everyone who joined for this memorable day of fitness, fun, and community spiritatthePortsofWalvisBayLüderitz.“Your participation helped make our 30th anniversary celebrationtrulyspecial,Kanimesaid.
Under 20 Category: 1st Prize, Fule Jerusalem Hamutima, 2nd Prize, Jesaya Shingiidwa, 3rd Prize,SamAmwaalwa
Under 40 Category: 1st Prize, Shaliaxwe Jeremia,2ndPrize,WilhelmHangula,3rdPrize, MichaelPaulus
Over40Category:1stPrize,PaulusIyambo,2nd Prize,DavidIyambo,3rdprize,HanghomeJoel
Under20Category:1stPrizeLexeyShivute2nd Prize, Declan Riedel, 3rd prize Kelso Groenewaldt
Under 40 Category: Brandon Stiger, 2nd Prize, LorenzoHansen,3rdPrize,GeanoIkela
Over40Category:1stPrize,AlexanderForsace, 2ndPrize,KonradKnouwds,3rdPrize,Marion Himmel.
dedication, and unwavering persistence
an accomplishment that is a testamenttohishardwork,
Kyle who started Karate when he was just 11 years old, journey has been inspiring, and this is just thebeginningofhiskarate
career Sensei Nico and his assistants were thrilled with the superb quality of grading and the exceptionally high standard of their Karate students. He said at the grading ceremony that each of his students has worked hard, anditshows. SenseiNico urge his students to remember to keep up the great work and always keep the cup empty, ready to be filled with new knowledge. “This mindset iscrucialforyourongoing self-development and personal growth Keep strivingforexcellence,and let's continue to support eachotheronthisjourney” headded.
IOGKF-19th Kyu
Children Yellow/ White+1; EthanKashweka,Nathan Kashweka,IzzaMigambi,
Keanu Mostert, LachlanSapalaand PeytonViljoen IOGKF-18thKyu
RobertoCham-Gaoseb, DanielKlem,Gordianus NauyalaandNichè Viljoen
CourageAmungulu, ElianaBrits,Junior ZondyCham-Gaoseb, IanCharlie,Chayanna DeGouveia,Ueriuka Kahorongo and RadhiyaRodriques IOGKF-15thKyu
Children Orange/White+1
Efraim Abiatar , ShayneBekker,Ranely Bester,PetrusIwete, LelanieKooperand ZahraSchroeter
RayniërRaynardandLouis Rossouw
LouwBrink,Etupewa HamukoshiandDamian Lombard
Children Orange/White
Hillary Herero
Isabel Robberts,Nicolas RobbertsandWeya
ChildrenOrange KaraRobberts
Children Blue/White+1
Children Green/White+1
RyanShiyukifeniand JesseHerero
EliudNdahangwapoand AnelynMaass
Shodan KyleClaasen
namib times Sport
Walvis Bay Woman Set to Become First Namibian to Compete in Antarctica's Most Challenging Ultra-Marathon
AngelaNicoleAlchin,acourageousadventurerfromWalvisBay,isonthebrinkofmakinghistoryasthefirstNamibiantocompeteinThe LastDesert,theonlymulti-dayfootraceontheAntarcticcontinent.
Her journey to this moment is nothing short of inspiring, filled with daring races, newfound resilience, and a deep sense of purpose. From the deserts of Mongolia and Jordan, Angela has pushedherlimits,proving that incredible achievements start with courage and community support.
Angela's story with RacingthePlanetbeganas a volunteer She served as aracehelperattheNamib Racein2022andagainin 2024, supporting competitors in an event known
for its gruelling conditions.Angelaaccepted an invitation from a fellow racer, and within weeks, she found herself at the starting line of her first ultra-marathon: the Gobi March in Mongolia. Racing 250 kilometres across Mongolia's rugged landscape was one of the most demanding experiencesofherlife.Angela, who had no prior ultrarunning experience, recallsitasablendofpain, exhaustion, and triumph. “ItoldmyselfI'dbehappy
just making it through a fewdays,”shesays,“butI powered through and crossed the finish line. I wasn't last, either!” For Angela, the victory was a confidence boost like no other, showing her that inner strength can overcome even the harshest of physical challenges. Not content with one ultra under her belt, Angela signed up for another, this time in Jordan The Middle Eastern desert presentednewdifficulties: blistering heat, endless stretches of sand, and mental endurance tests
Again, she crossed the finish line, proving her tenacity and impressing both friends and seasoned athletes “I've done adventurousthingsbefore, but this was different Completing these races gave me a new sense of what'spossible.” Angela's success in Mongolia and Jordan earned her an invitation to The Last Desert race in Antarctica, one of the world's most exclusive ultra-marathons. Racing in this
frozen desert is no small feat Competitors will traverse up to 250 kilometresoverseveralstages, battling through freezing temperatures, icy winds, andunpredictableweather across the Antarctic Peninsula carrying their equipment with them in backpacks weighing 10 kg. The breathtaking and unforgiving environment includesglaciers,research stations, icebergs, and evencoloniesofpenguins. Despite the cold and the challenging terrain, Angela is eager to tackle the race and proud to represent Namibia on this international stage
“There's a saying, 'If your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough.'
This race is my way of provingthatyoucanmake things happen if you want them badly enough,”
Angela explained. Originally, she hadn't even consideredAntarcticaasa possibility.Shedecidedto joinjustfourweeksbefore the race, plunging into a whirlwind of preparation and fundraising To
finance her journey, Angelasoldunuseditems, reached out for sponsorships, and createdAntarctic-themed social media content. “The confidence boost I'll get from completing this will be phenomenal, not just in my running, but in life.”
Preparing for Antarctica's extreme cold has presented unique challenges for someone from Namibia's warm climate.
To simulate race conditions, she's been training in the sand dunes of Walvis Bay, which offers a degree of difficulty like snow, and plans to test her gear in a large freezertoensureherlayers and equip
ng temperatures “I'm nervousaboutthecold,but I'm also excited to be part of this unique environment,” she said “I'm looking forward to seeing A
tarctica's vast landscape and connecting with racers from around the world ” Angela's approach to training is unconventional by ultrarunning standards. With limitedtimetopreparefor eachrace,she'sreliedona mix of short runs and strength training, and her success highlights a valuable lesson in resilience “Sometimes, it's the people around you whomakethingspossible. It's the friendships you make out there that last a lifetime The remote, rugged locations of these eventshaveshownherthat truejoydoesn'tcomefrom material things but from relationships and selfdiscovery “When I'm out there,I'mremindedofhow small we are in this vast world. The landscape, the
stories of other runners—it puts everything intoperspective,”shesaid. Angela's race in Antarctica is a personal missiontopushherlimits, confront her fears, and inspire others back home inNamibia. Shehopesher storywillencouragemore Namibians to consider multi-stage racing, a growing sport that demandsmentalresilienceas muchasphysicalstrength.
On26 November,Angela will join her fellow competitors aboard the M/V Plancius as they set sail from Ushuaia, Argentina, embarking on an adventure that will test their physical and mental endurance like never before. ForAngela,completing The Last Desert will be the ultimate testament to her belief that, as her motto says, “Even if you're scared, do itscared.”
For those who want to show Angela support by makingdonationscando so via the QR Code providedorbyfollowing t h i s l i n k : http://www gofundme com/f/support-ange-run
Coastal Basketball Playoffs Get Underway
Rudi Bowe
PlayoffmatchesintheErongoBasketballAssociationkickedoffovertheweekend attheKuisebmondBasketballCourts.
TheErongoBasketballAssociationplayoffsis the annual elimination tournament held to determine the league champion. The best-ofthree tournament for the men and best of five forthewomenisheldaftertheleague'sregular season. In the women's division Walvis Bay PhoenixSunsdefeatSwakopOceans44–28to took 1 – 0 series lead. In the men's play offs Walvis Bay Desert Storm beat 49 vs Walvis BayBallHawks49–45fora1–0serieslead whilst Navy Anchors defeated Swakop Tide
Breakers 75 – 52 for a 1 – 0 series lead. This comingweekendtheplayoffsmovetotheSFC Sports Club in Swakopmund. The first game willbeat12:00astheseriesleadersWalvisBay Phoenix Suns will play against Swakop Oceansandat13:30NavyAnchorswillgofull outtobooktheirplaceinthefinalasthetakeon Swakop Tide Breakers whilst the rivalry betweenWalvisBayDesertStormandWalvis BayBallHawkswillcontinueat15:00.