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Swakopmund Municipal Council
ensurethatSwakop-mundremainsaheadofother towns and cities in Namibia in terms of infrastructuredevelopment,preventingdecayandneglect.
Improving water and sanitation services is a priority, and the budget includes allocations for a new sewerage rising main, repairs to pump stations,andextracleaningofdrainstopreventflooding. However, the council acknowledges that moreinvestmentisnecessarytoaddresstheexistingchallengescomprehensively
In addition to infrastructure development, the council is committed to enhancing basic services for all residents. The budget allocates funds for road maintenance, waste management, refuse collection,andcleaningprojects.Thecouncilaims to involve residents in keeping their neighbourhoodscleanandlitter-free.
Furthermore, the budget includes provisions for upgradingtheMunicipalAerodrometoaCategory C airport, accommodating larger aircraft, and increasing the municipality's income through enhancedserviceprovision.Thisupgradewillalign
Continued from page 1 theaerodromewithinternationalstandards. Housing is another priority, as Swakopmund experiences rapid expansion. The council has allocatedfundsforhousingprojects,withthegoal of providing affordable and dignified homes for families Land release programs for social housingunitsarealsoplannedinpartnershipwith theprivatesector
The budget highlights the council's commitment tocreatinganenvironmentthatsupportsbusiness and investment. Swakopmund aims to be a distinguished town for investors and a place that offers growth and job opportunities.The council recognises the importance of continuous improvementinthisareaandintendstomakedoing businessinSwakopmundasseamlessaspossible. Inconclusion,theSwakopmundMunicipalCouncil's budget for 2023/24 demonstrates a strong focus on infrastructure development, service improvement, and creating opportunities for its growing population. With these initiatives, the council aims to build hope and a brighter future forSwakopmund.
Paratus Group Unleashes Unprecedented Connectivity with Activation of Equiano Subsea Cable in Namibia
A New Era of Speed, Reliability, and Endless Possibilities Begins for Southern African Businesses
A ground-breaking move that promises to revolutionise the Southern Africa businesscommunity,ParatusGrouphasproudlyannouncedtheactivationofthe NamibianbranchoftheEquianoSubseaCableonMondaythisweek.Thislongawaiteddevelopmentsignifiesamomentousoccasion,heraldinganeraofunparalleled connectivity, enhanced internet speeds, and limitless opportunities for businessesacrosstheregion.
WiththeintegrationoftheEquianoSubseaCable intotheirnetwork,ParatusGrouphaspositioned itselfasatrailblazerintherealmofdigitaltransformation.Theactivationpavesthewayforbusinesses to transcend boundaries and reach new horizons of success. Gone are the days of sluggish internet connections and unreliable networks; today marks the dawning of a new age where innovation thrives, and possibilities abound. ByleveragingthepoweroftheEquiano Subsea Cable, Paratus Group has unlocked a multitude of advantages for the business community Internet speeds will skyrocket, propellingproductivitytounprecedentedlevels. Reliability will no longer be a concern, as businesses can count on seamless connectivity, enablingthemtofocusongrowthandexpansion.
TheEquianoSubseaCableisalifelinetoglobal opportunities. It serves as a conduit through which Southern Africa businesses can extend their reach beyond borders, establishing vital connections with international partners and customers. The digital landscape has never been moreaccessible,andthetimeforgrowthisnow Paratus Group's visionary move to activate the Namibian branch of the Equiano Subsea Cable underscores their commitment to empowering businessesinSouthernAfrica.
As this powerful cable system ushers in a new era, businesses are urged to seize the moment. Embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead, as the Equiano Subsea Cable enables unlocking the true potential of enterprises. The time for expansion, innovation, and connection has arrived.TrustinParatusGrouptobeyourpartnerin this digital revolution, and together, let us redefinethefutureofbusinessinSouthernAfrica.
Furthermore,Paratushasannouncedasignificant upgrade to its products and packages, offering customersmorevalueatthesameprice.Theintroduction of the Equiano subsea cable, for which Paratus built the landing station, has enabled the companytoenhancecapacityandspeedforbusinessesandresidencesacrossthecountry ByleveragingthecapabilitiesoftheEquianocable,Paratus has revamped its packages to provide faster speeds and increased capacity to its customers. The move aims to improve user experiences and offerenhancedvalueformoney Thecompanyhas also simplified its product and package options, making it easier for customers to select the most suitable solution for their needs. Andrew Halls, ManagingDirectorofParatusNamibia,explained the benefits of the upgraded packages, stating, "Weareessentiallyofferingmorecapacityforthe same price. For instance, customers paying for a 10Mbpsconnectionwillnowhavetheopportunity toenjoya20Mbpslineatasimilarcost.Thisupgrade will significantly enhance our customers' ability to utilize our services." The transition to thenewpackageswillinvolvephasingouttheold options,withtheupgradedpackagessettobecome available this month. Paratus' decision to streamlineitsofferingsalignswithitsobjectiveofprovidinggreatervaluetocustomerswhilecapitalising on the improved speeds and expanded capacity deliveredbytheEquianosubseacable. With the activation of the Equiano cable, Namibianscanlookforwardtoanimprovedexperience and enhanced service quality from Paratus. The company's commitment to harnessing advanced technology and rationalising its packages underscores its dedication to meeting customer needs and offering the best telecommunications solutionsinNamibia.