Virtual Edition

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N$3 N$3 N$3

namib times namib times


Tel: 064 -64205854 / 064 - 64 461866 /COMMUNITY Fax: 064 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: SERVING THE COASTAL SINCE 1958 NO TUESDAY 8 APRIL 2014 Tel +264 205 854/+264 461 866/Fax +264- 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website

Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: Rowan inside expected to carry Namibian oil Renaissance inside Spanish Oil and Gas Company, Repsol has Rowan expected to carry Namibian oil Renaissance Fraud NAMAs i nsid hired the Rowan& Renaissance Rig to start drilling Oil of the well near has Spanish and Welwitschia-1 Gas Company, Repsol Lüderitz. NAMA hired the Rowan Renaissance Rig to startEnterprise (NHE) has been given the responsibility to act as an agent and to construct 185 000News The National Housing houses nationally drilling of the Welwitschia-1 nearbefore the end of 2030. over the nextwell 17 years, Lüderitz. News Corruption a big risk

NHE to champion Mass Housing ANCHORED: The Rowan Renaissance drillship in the vicinity of Langstrand. ANCHORED: The Rowan (Photo by Mikkie Kriel)

Otis Finck

mid-April until May and about the According to rig Mritself. Karl been engaged in within The newly built drill- the Erongo Region. PeoSchroeder, the regionmid-April until May ship will undergo scheal branch manager at ple have heard about the and about the rig itself. duled preparation the NHE West Officeand in Mass Housing Program The newly final acceptance tes-drilland want to know what’s Walvis Bay, the built mission ting bywill Repsol, who ship undergo schehappening with regard must be accomplished behired it on aofthree duled preparation to it,” he said at a press fore the end 2030.year He and contract. It is expected said in order to achieve conference at the organfinal acceptance testo commence with isation’s regional headthe target, NHE has set ting by Repsol, who drilling in quarters in Walvis Bay on a hired goal toitoperations construct 6 000 onthe a three 2014 Wel-year Tuesday. houses for in the Erongo contract. It is expected witschia-1 well,ofoperaRegion as part 8 850 Schroeder pointed out tobycommence ted and inwith that the program haS houses toRepsol be constructed drilling operations Tower has which started and that the innationally, within an 18a in 30% interest. 2014 for as the Welmonth period part of terest was phenomeAccording Bloomnal with more than 100 the first phasetoofwell, the prowitschia-1 operaberg, applications being regram. ted an by international Repsol and in news agency head“Housing is a contenwhich Tower has a tious issue,inthe provision quartered New York, 30% interest. of housesSA, is of Spain's national Repsol According to Bloomimportance therefore biggest oilandproducer, berg, an international NHE, w i l l swhich p e n d hasa bbeen out news million headmandated toagency build houses 000 445 000) drilling US$95 (N$1 deemed itinfitting representatives gave has quartered NewtoYork, its first well offshore in Perspective

The Rowan Renaissance drillship arrived in Walvis Bay last The Renaisweek Rowan and is anchored sance drillshipofarrived in the vicinity Langinstrand. Walvis Bay last Minister of MinesandIsak Katali, week is anchored Page 9 Ambassador inSpanish the vicinity of LangMaria Orejas, Namcorof strand. Minister representatives, senior Mines Isak Katali, management of Spanish Ambassador Rowan and from RepMaria Orejas, sol in Spain Namcor visited representatives, senior Walvis Bay as part of mfamiliarisation a n a g e m e noft theo f plannedand drilling and Rowan from Reppreparations for the rig sol in Spain visited last week Walvis Bay Saturday. as part of Repsol and Rowan familiarisation of the representatives gave planned drilling and various presentations 13 preparations forPage the rig and briefed the delelast gationweek on theSaturday. planned Repsol drilling and set toRowan start

Workshop for Actors


give feedback of the

Renaissance drillship in the vicinity of Langstrand. cessKriel) of being serviced. duced SABS approved (Photo by Mikkie

ceived per day. Accord- 100 houses within three ing to the NHE there is months. products in the construc- The plans for the houses a yawning gap of hous- There will be 1 595 con- tion process,” he com- are with the Walvis Bay es provided and houses structed in Walvis Bay, 3 mented Municipality and waitneeded with 7 000 per- 554 houses in Swakop- The NHE is also working ing for approval and once sons on the housing wait- mund and 80 houses in hand in hand with local approved, 500 houses ing list in Walvis Bay and Henties Bay as part of the authorities to ensure that will be constructed.Page 5 8 000 on the waiting list first phase of the project. developed land is availed NHE have also secured The road to a in Swakopmund. Seventy-nine out of a in Narraville. Eighty ser- erven to build 32 houses The range of houses that total of 300 houses are viced plots located on forlogistics the middle tohub high Pa will be built by NHE already under construc- land situated at the back income bracket group in will consist of Core 5-9 tion in Kuisebmond. of the soccer field were Meersig. The road t houses. The Core 5 is The tender to construct subsequently serviced Three thousand and fifh the smallest available in the homes was awarded and land adjacent to ty-four houses willlogistics be the range in addition to to 7 Sirs, a South Af- De Duine High School constructed in Swakopthe conventional types rican based company (350 erven) and another mund which became the named the Naute, Onduli using local contractors 100 erven located be- first town in Namibia to and the Falcon. and skilled construction tween the B2 road and initiate the Mass Housing Government availed workers. The construc- Narraville are in the pro- Program for residents of Page 6 N$2.5 billion for the tion process commenced the DRC settlement. The construction of hous- in February and the housland earmarked forgym this New ladies es in the first phase of es will be ready for occudevelopment is ideal bein Meersig the Namibia. project. The bulk pation within the nextshelf six making discoveries in cause some bulk servicnation's coastal from of the program’s firsta months. The owner 7 Ghana, Sierra Leone es (power supply lines may mirror that ofofthe Repsol, which has Pa phase interest houses will be Sirs, Naidoo pointand sewerage pipes) are oil Alvin rich Brazil across and Ivory Coast. 44% in offconstructed in the Eron-is ed of that 89 foundations Tower Resources holds located in the vicinity theout Atlantic. shore license 0010, New ladies g go Region.ofSixty percent a month. The laid factwithin that Brazil and 30% of license 0010 in the area. operator Block 1911 were in Meersig of this the amount has been “We A f r iemploy c a wnation's emore r e othan n ccoastal e the Walvis where WelwitschiaBasin, 200 discoveries Continuesin on page 2 making shelf from Namibia. 000 445 000) drilling allocated to the Eronlocals and use joined raised expec- kilometers (124 miles) 1 well will be drilled as 150 which has a may mirror that of the Ghana, Sierra Leone its first well offshore go Repsol, Region due to locally t a t i o n spro-a n d w i t h north of HRT Particfrom March. Ivory Coast. Brazil across 44% interest off- oilin rich discoveries Angola Repsolthe willavailability also be in ipacoes em and Petroleo Tower shore license Resources holds ervenall and the 0010, a n d is G a bthe o n ,Atlantic. i t i s SA's Wingat drillingof wells along well, o - o p eofr aAfrica t i oBlock n Thethere fact that of 1911 that of license 0010 in expected is Brazil the westcoperator coast where aand sub- 30% commerPage 7 received f r i c a w ecial r e odiscovery n c e the Walvis where thefrom WelwitschiaBasin, 200 this year, according to also oil inA Namibia's was local authorpart of West Africa Kristian1Rix, spokesannounced May. 2014 raised expec- last wella will be drilled asthe joined kilometers (124 miles) Fishtival ities. The ormargin on tthe African man forfrom the March. MadridTo w e r R e s o u r c e s a t i o n s a n d w i t h north of HRT Partica success ganisation has side. be discoveries in based company. announced onipacoes March 5 em Petroleo Angola Repsol will also already built In 2013, 11 out of the that a drillship was Namibia has attracted

Repsol SA, Spain's path to various presentations process and briefed the delebiggestwe oil producer, daunting n it's for gation on the planned h awviel l s p e n d a b o u t ose who US$95 million (N$1 perience drilling set to start saction. can be a g time. o be as equired, ts. Why pted that world's type of Page 17 e proven make in drilling wells all along a n d G a b o n , i t i s SA's Wingat well, his? * It attention from the top 20 oil and gas expected to start opend offers the least amount of risk in thereatisWelwitschiawest coast Africa expected where a sub- commerin thethatrations world'sthebiggest oil ofdiscoveries Pa t. * It does not require you to have the full alsomade oil in in Namibia's thisdespite year, preaccording worldtowere companies 1 on April 11. cial discovery was nvestment as bond financing is available part of to thea West Africa toannounced KristianoperaRix, a spokeslast May. 2014 Fishti s you with the opportunity to generate Africa, according vious drilling According reports vestment methods. * There is a growing margin on the African forwhich the MadridTo w e r R e s o u r c e s a success January 29 presentions at man 18 wells Namibia has also granGUILTY?: An alert police officer caught two men, suspected of breaking into vehicles parked in s led to an acceleration of property rental the can vicinity of Edgars (11th Road) and Jet (Theo-Ben Gurirab Avenue). The area is a crime R ep s o l . ted permission failed tobased find commerto U.S. on March 5 company. t a t i o n b yside. announced rket. * Property deliver an ongoing hotspot and is plaguedgrowth. by gangs of criminals that prey on unsuspecting vehicle owners. They Namibia also attracted cial deposits of crude. based Murphy spect for long term capital In 2013, 11 out of the Namibia has attracted that Oil a drillship was vehicles with alarm immobilising gadgets and remove valuables while vehicle cially for the gain “firstaccess time into home owner”, I Tullow Oil Plc and Explorers such as BP Corp. to explore two to start opetop 20 oil and gas attention from the expected owners do their The two suspects put up fierce resistance when the police officer the best investment you canshopping. make. The SA as explorers blocks Plc and world's Chariot Oilbiggest & Totaloil in therations Lüderitzat Welwitschiadiscoveries in the confronted them and askedthey them to accompany him to the police station for questioning. They il at some stage or another is that move along Africa's Gas Ltd. snapped up Basin. refused to be handcuffed and vehemently denied any wrongdoing. Two security guards arrived Entry-level apartments are a much more companies despite pre- world were made in 1 on April 11. assets on a bet that the Atlantic coastline after Continues on page 2 on the scene and assisted investor the opportunity to invest in the onepolice officer with the arrest and transporting the two suspects to to a According to reports vious drilling opera- Africa, according uy as many apartments as their budget the police station. tions at 18 wells which January 29 presen- Namibia has also gran- Page 12 alert policehave officer caught two men, suspected of breaking into vehicles parked in the marketGUILTY?: in which An Developers th , these apartments should be situated in Page 21 the vicinity of Edgars (11 Road) and Jet (Theo-Ben Gurirab Avenue). The area is a crime failed to find commer- ta tio n b y R ep s o l . ted permission to U.S. and very good rental yields. The risk is hotspot and is plagued by gangs of criminals that prey on unsuspecting vehicle owners. They cial deposits of crude. Namibia also attracted based Murphy Oil he return on investment excellent. In gain access into vehicles with alarm immobilising gadgets and remove valuables while vehicle Explorers such as BP Tullow Oil Plc and Corp. to explore two eciation in these undervalued growing owners do their The two suspects put up fierce resistance when the police officer stment is also spread overshopping. a range of Plc and Chariot Oil & Total SA as explorers blocks in the Lüderitz confronted themnever and asked e of entry-level flats almost dropsthem to accompany him to the police station for questioning. They Gas Ltd. snapped up move along Africa's Basin. slumps but does risetoconsiderably when refused be handcuffed and vehemently denied any wrongdoing. Two security guards arrived antly, the rental income never drops assets on a bet that the Atlantic coastline after Continues on page 2 on the scene and assisted the police officer with the arrest and transporting the two suspects to tate of the economy. It just makes sense the police station. don't believe in instant riches but in a Pag hich revolves around good cash flow and n conclusion; considering the yielding t especially the age group 25 to 35years, be made available in providing for this d also be for the authorities to avail land proposed developments shall meet the et. Else, the current shortfall will keep ple be deprived of property ownership! Should you require any further or property 4) 221000 or, E-mail:

JJ van Zyl

Locker vom Hocker

Principal Anjo Estates

Leading the way: Micheal Ileka and Karl Schroeder addressing journalists in Walvisbay on Tuesday




17 APRIL 2014

Continued from page 1

Plots have been earmarked for the benefit of legal registered DRC residents. People living at the settlement have been allocated with erven and they will be assisted to move their shacks and corrugated structures in order to start with building homes for them. Some of the DRC residents will remain on their plots while houses are being constructed under the Mass Housing Program because they fear that they will lose the land they currently occupy. This situation was apparently brought about by misinformation and the political diverseness of the community. A

group of DRC delegates will also visit Cape Town to get firsthand experience at similar housing projects being implemented there. Land in the DRC informal settlement will be serviced by successful contractors. Council is expected to remove illegal DRC squatters. A tender to construct 2 054 houses was awarded to Power Onyeno, Firussa will construct 600 houses and Delta have been awarded a tender to build 400 houses. Thirty-three houses are under construction in Henties Bay with drawing plans for another 47 homes awaiting approval. Pro Housing has been

awarded the tender to construct the 80 houses, also earmarked for Henties Bay. Twenty homes will be built in Outjo. One hundred erven (20 serviced and 80 still to be serviced) were availed in Arandis. The program which is being rolled out in all 14 regions over two years will also be rolled out to benefit communities in Omaruru, Karibib, Usakos, Khorixas and the Topnaar community which forms part of the Erongo Region. The Government Mass Housing Program will be subsidised. Negotiations are at an advanced stage

Samples (Henties Bay) of the NHE houses to be constructed under the Government's Mass Housing Program.

to produce a formula that will determine qualifying conditions of prospective owners. This process is currently holding back progress on the project. The anticipated formula, which is in the process of being finalised since November 2013, will play a huge role in identifying the intended beneficiaries. Negotiations between Government and NHE are still underway to determine who will be subsidised via the program in order to make houses more affordable for members of the low income bracket. Two years ago a house with a cost of N$160 000 required a repayment amounting to N$2 700 per month over a period of twenty years. NHE will also service 10 200 plots within the space of two years for prospective home owners in the Erongo Region as part of Government's Mass Housing Program.

Construction workers busy in Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay

Photos by Otis Finck

NHE to champion Mass Housing

The Ministry of Local Government and Housing has appointed a Bureau of technical experts to provide advisory services and the necessary support to the program which aims to provide credit-linked housing, social housing, and people housing processes, detached or semi-detached sectional and rental accommodation types of houses. The project which NHE

Straat resiesjaers ongelukkig Marshallino Beukes

Die “Spin-off” byeenkoms wat Saterdag in Swakopmund aangebied word, laat ‘n wrang smakie in die mond van Swakop Motor Club, wat ‘n straatresies vir dieselfde datum in die kusdorp beplan het, maar deur die Swakopmund munisipaliteit afgekeur is. Die Motorklub dui aan dat hulle geen probleem met die Spinners het nie, maar hulle gevoel is dat dit onregverdig is. “Wat vir die een geld, moet ook vir die ander geld”, is hul mening. Die klub se voorsitter, mnr Keith Smith, het aan die koerant genoem dat hulle al die korrekte prosedure gevolg het om die Straatresies aan te bied, maar sonder enige redes afgekeur is deur die Stadsraad. Hy wou weet, “Waarom is daar geen teenkanting teen die Spinners nie? NDC (Namibian

Development Corporation) is ‘n regeringsinstansie en nie privaat nie, maar tog word hierdie byeenkoms daar toegelaat,” het hy verder uitgevaar. Smith het voorts genoem dat die dorp se hoofstraat afgesper word vir die Küska feesvieringe, maar nie vir “’n motorsportbyeenkoms wat baie jong mense van die strate af hou en ook tot voordeel van die hele dorp is”. Hy het ook aangedui dat die klub wat hierdie byeenkoms aanbied nie by die Namibiese Motorsport Fed-

erasie geaffilieer is nie en dat hulle dus na regte nie so iets kan doen nie. Mnr Chris Van Rooyen van Coastal Spinning & Drifting noem dat “spinning” nog nie as kode in hierdie sportsoort aanvaar is nie en dat die klub besig is om te registreer by die NMSF (Namibian Motor Sport Federation). Hy het ook aan die koerant genoem dat die oppervlak wat hulle vir die byeenkoms gaan aanwend, privaat eiendom is en daar dus geen rede is waarom

hulle nie daarvan gebruik kan maak nie. Mnr Smith het ter afsluiting die waarskuwing uitgespreek, dat hierdie tipe optrede deur die dorpsleiers aanleiding tot onwettige straatresies mag meebring en ook onenigheid in motorsport geledere, ter plaatse. Intussen is ook verneem dat die straatresies wat in Walvisbaai sou plaasvind uitgestel is, aangesien daar ‘n dubbele bespreking vir die spesifieke roete gemaak is.

Rubber brand die naweek in Swakop Marshallino Beukes

Coastal Spinning & Drifting gaan Saterdag die rook laat draai in Swakopmund, tydens ‘n “Spin-off” byeenkoms, wat by die NDC Garages (Enok stalletjies) aangebied gaan word. Volgens mnr Chris van Rooyen gaan ‘n professionele deelnemer van Botswana, slegs bekend as “General”, ook die kus met sy teenwoordigheid vereer. Die hekke open om 10:00 en honderde toeskouers word verwag om in die opwinding te deel. Mnr Van

Rooyen noem voorts dat ongeveer 16 voertuie aan die byeenkoms, wat nie as kompetisie aangebied word nie, gaan deelneem. “Burnouts” en toertjies met die tollende motors is van die attraksies wat vir motorsport liefhebbers in die vooruitsig gestel is en dit beloof

om die adrenalien behoorlik te laat vloei. Deelnemers van so ver as Windhoek gaan hul rubbers in Swakopmund kom brand en dit is beslis nie ‘n geleentheid om mis te loop nie. Die klub het gedurende Desember verlede jaar ‘n soortgelyke byeenkoms aangebied en

volgens die organiseerders was dit ‘n reuse sukses, met honderde toeskouers wat hul opwagting gemaak het. Saterdag word selfs meer mense verwag. Hekgelde vir die byeenkoms beloop N$20 vir kinders, N$30 vir studente en N$50 vir volwassenes.

Bank accommodates loan client Mavourlene Gaes

A disgruntled Standard Bank client, Mr Joel Hangara, who claims that he fully paid off a loan which he received from the bank, met with Mr Ronnie Einbeck, the regional manager of Standard Bank for the Erongo Region to discuss his dispute after the bank refused to give him the title deeds of his house. Last week Hangara accused the bank of defrauding him and taking advantage of his health condition. According to the complainant, after paying off the loan the bank sent him an acknowledgement letter but when he went to claim his title deeds, the issue of the outstanding amount was raised. The bank claimed that, according to their records, he still owed them N$19 000. During the meeting in Walvis

Bay last week Friday, Hangara said that he explained his case to Einbeck, who claimed to have no knowledge of it, “Mr Einbeck said he did not know about this and apologised on behalf of his staff.” Hangara was granted a loan of N$170 000 years ago which he used to extend his house. He paid the loan instalments for close to six years until 2011when he suffered a severe stroke and the doc-

tors declared him unfit for work. However, when he told the bank about his predicament and provided the letters from the doctor as proof, the bank officials told him that the loan needed to be paid back in full and his condition did not exempt him from paying. Hangara then looked for a solution and he received financial help from Old Mutual which enabled him to pay off the outstanding amount.

According to Hangara, the meeting with the bank’s manager went well and Einbeck promised that any excess amount paid by Hangara will be paid into his account before Thursday. Mr Einbeck was contacted for comment but could not confirm whether an amount will be paid into Mr Hangara’s account but did confirm that the matter is under investigation.

manages aims to address the Social / Subsidised Housing sub program and also targets ultra-low income earners who where catered for by the Built Together Project. The Build Together project and the Shack Dwellers Project have now been synchronised and merged with NHE. A task force will be es-

tablished to integrate the Build Together waiting list compiled by Local Authorities with the NHE waiting list. The task force will also identify the target group and the beneficiaries with the aim of getting rid of all backyard shacks. The beneficiaries will be announced after the pricing and formula have been determined.


17 APRIL 2014


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17 APRIL 2014


New monthly record in cargo volumes for WBCG Volumes along the Walvis Bay Corridors, averaged a monthly record of over 95 000 tonnes in February, which is the highest monthly volumes for the corridors ever. The growth in cargo volu-mes was also driven by the Walvis Bay-Ndola-Lubumbashi Development Corridor (WBNLDC), specifically the DRC market which achie-ved an impressive 10 000 tonnes for the month of February 2014. Volumes along the Trans-Kalahari Corridor for the Botswana and Zimbabwe market has also grown with much more consumables and construction material being transported through the Port of Walvis Bay. Although markets such as Angola, Zimbabwe, Zam-bia and the DRC have

experienced stronger growth than other markets, the Gauteng market is slowly on the uprise. Imports for the Brazil market via the Port of Walvis Bay for the SADC region is also increasing, which is a result of the branch office that the WBCG established in Sao Paulo, two years ago. “Our February volumes, once again, reaffirms that the Walvis Bay Corridors is the preferred trade route, when it comes to importing and exporting through the port of Walvis Bay, to and from Southern Africa,” said WBCG CEO, Johny M. Smith. “The record increase in these volumes is testimony

to our success of our efforts to increase accessibility to our markets via the Walvis Bay Corridors.” The Walvis Bay Corridors is surely growing as an alternative trade route for our markets to and from Southern Africa in that various commodities are being moved via the port of Walvis Bay, such as copper, vehicles, frozen products, machinery & equipment and consumables, amongst others in that we offer importers and exporters reduced time and savings, high reliability and cargo security. The Walvis Bay Corridors has become a prominent alternative for importers and exporters in the region and clearly implies a more efficient and effective service position using Walvis Bay, which offers a tremendous reduction in transit times.

Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Tides On Thursday, 17 April 2014: The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:16 h and sunset will be at 17:47 h. The moonset will take place at 8:08 h at 252º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (109º) at 19:35 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 3:40 h and the next high tide at 16:05 h. The first low tide will be at 9:40 h and the next low tide at 21:50 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. Tomorrow we will have 11 hours and 31 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 33 minutes. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:16 h and sunset will be at 17:47 h. The moonset will take place at 8:07 h at 252º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (109º) at 19:36 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 3:40 h and the next high tide at 16:05 h.

The first low tide will be at 9:30 h and the next low tide at 21:45 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. Tomorrow we will have 11 hours and 31 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 31 minutes. Friday, 18 April 2014: The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:16 h and sunset will be at 17:46 h. The moonset will take place at 9:06 h at 250º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (110º) at 20:29 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 4:20 h and the next high tide at 16:45 h. The first low tide will be at 10:15 h and the next low tide at 22:30 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 30 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 37 minutes. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:16 h

and sunset will be at 17:46 h. The moonset will take place at 9:06 h at 250º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (110º) at 20:29 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 4:15 h and the next high tide at 16:45 h. The first low tide will be at 10:10 h and the next low tide at 22:25 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 30 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 37 minutes. Saturday, 19 April 2014: The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:17 h and sunset will be at 17:45 h. The moonset will take place at 10:05 h at 249º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (111º) at 21:25 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 5:00 h and the next high tide at 17:35 h. The first low tide will be at 11:00 h and the next low tide at 23:20 h. The

Port Log

lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 28 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 40 minutes. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:17 h and sunset will be at 17:45 h. The moonset will take place at 10:04 h at 250º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (110º) at 21:26 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 5:00 h and the next high tide at 17:30 h. The first low tide will be at 10:50 h and the next low tide at 23:15 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 28 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 38 minutes. Sunday, 20 April 2014: The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:17 h and sunset will be at 17:44 h. The moonset will take place at 11:01 h at 250º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (109º) at 22:25 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 5:50 h and the next high tide at 18:25 h. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:50 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 27 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 36 minutes. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:17 h and sunset will be at 17:45 h. The moonset will take place at 11:01 h at 250º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (109º) at 22:25 h. In the high tide and low tide

chart, we can see that the first high tide will be at 5:45 h and the next high tide at 18:25 h. The only low tide of the day will be at 11:40 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 28 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 36 minutes. Monday, 21 April 2014: The sun will rise in Walvis Bay at 6:18 h and sunset will be at 17:44 h. The moonset will take place at 11:55 h at 252º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (107º) at 23:26 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 0:20 h and the next low tide at 12:55 h. The first high tide will be at 6:50 h and the next high tide at 19:35 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 26 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 29 minutes. The sun will rise in Swakopmund at 6:17 h and sunset will be at 17:44 h. The moonset will take place at 11:55 h at 252º southwest. Eventually, the moon will rise again in the southeast (107º) at 23:26 h. In the high tide and low tide chart, we can see that the first low tide will be at 0:15 h and the next low tide at 12:45 h. The first high tide will be at 6:50 h and the next high tide at 19:35 h. The lunar phase will be a Waning Gibbous. We will have 11 hours and 27 minutes of sun. The solar transit will be at 12:01 h and the length of time the moon will be visible will be 12 hours and 29 minutes.

17 APRIL 2014




17 APRIL 2014

They want us to Change!

Look at the bigger picture here, its not a thing of us dating women it’s that thing of forcing another human being to do something they don’t find appealing. As politicians grow older and wiser they know that gays are not affecting the stability of the country in any way as they are the minority, The youth league or must I say the rising young politician, they are apparently affected by this.. How do such close minded beings want to lead a country such as Namibia, some say “they have a inner dislike for gays!” That inner dislike you have, you want to rub it off to other people forcing them to believe in your own ideologies and stupid theories. What difference will it make if homosex-

uality is banned? Will it bring Economic, Political and social stability? Don’t let the Minority be the problem, concentrate on GBV and all issues our motherland faces... Have you ever seen a gay beggar or killer in our country? This eshenges you call us, we stand up for ourselves and look for jobs. Let me remind this youth league Leaders or upcoming politicians, Namibia is a Democratic Country and she respects all human right and dignity. Apparently gays and lesbians were responsible for the HIV/AIDS pandemic,

and were an insult to African culture. “Many gay men will continue to enter ‘straight’ marriages to bow to convention, while lesbians will continue to face the very real threat of rape from men seeking to ‘cure’ them. And unsurprisingly – given the prevalent prejudice and the often hostile and violent public reactions to the ‘gay’ issue whenever it surfaces – most gay Namibians will continue to be hesitant and afraid of openly acknowledging their sexuality. So Today, I am asking, let We Be! Jan Amunjela Maasdorp

Teenagers abusing alcohol at Dolphin Park I would like to humbly ask the responsible people of Dolfyn (Dolphin) Park to please do something about the abuse of alcohol by minors (school children). I visited Dolphin Park on Saturday and was so disappointed to see how our kids are abusing alcohol and smoking cigarettes and oca pipes.

Something serious needs to be done. Parents do you know what your kids are up to? I spoke to the CEO of Walvis Bay, a very nice person in-

deed and informed him about the state of affairs at Dolphin Park. I hope and believe he will do something. Adri de Wee

Sonde met die buurt se honde .... ja. In Cyril Fernandez rd is ‘n wit en swart skaaphond mix. Loop lekker rond en los pakkies op almal se gras. Daar waar hy nie kan in nie, spring hy eenvoudig oor die muur. Ou maat, as my bullie jou in my jaart in die kake kry gaan daar niks van jou oorbly nie. Ek gaan nie eens die moeite doen om jou eienaars te gaan sê nie,

want al die ander honde eienaars in die straat se viervoet-kinders is veilig agter hekke of hoë mure. Sê asb vir jou eienaar om beter na jou om te sien, want my bullie sal jou crunch net vir die sport daarvan.... Es XZ

Intercape - Mainliner...

What a way to travel....!!!! What an experience... WOW... NIGHTMARE to say the least... My mother traveled with your so-called SAFE

DEPENDABLE bus to SA. Her cell phone was stolen on the bus... ALL her travel money was stolen on the bus... Her vanity case was sto-

len on the bus... Her experience with your bus was TERRIBLE...!!!! NEVER AGAIN....!!!!! Alida Fuller

No toll system please!

The reported new toll payment entrances the government is allegedly going to construct at the coast is terrible and a disaster. They really did not think about the people working at the mines and use the roads daily and the family’s get together on Christmas times. This is going to separate families, it is the only time that you get together in December. Why in the hell is the tariffs so

high N$100.00 to get in and N$200.00 to get out and then p/p and the extras. They are becoming a next SA. Rip off the people of the country. Are the taxes not enough that you pay everywhere on the small salary you get now? They did not advertise or put it on the

agenda because they are scared that the same is gonna happen here what happens in SA about the E-toll. Seriously they must think again, they are busy killing the tourism in this country for sure. The only easy money they can make...... Amanda Steyn Kotze

Note: The article in a daily newspaper was an April Fool Joke. Ed.

namib times reader’s comments

Michael Dausab


Marinne Burger

Marius Coetzee

Three arrested in high profile drug bust Two men and one woman were arrested at Swakopmund over the weekend after they were allegedly found in possession of a significant quantity of recreational drugs. Meisie Grobler Sulke pragtige jongmense wat hul lewe en veral die lewe van ander mense so kan verwoes...... wat ‘;n hartseer saak.... kom ons bid dat hul by Jesus sal uitkom Kirsten Kraft Just a pity that there isn’t such a rule, that they have to stay in custody until they have finished eating all their “smarties” themselves. Katja Bär Glöditzsch Well done to all involved with the undercover sting operation!!! Pieter Sternberg Sluit toe en gooi sleutel weg verwyder hulle uit samelewing hoort nie da sies wat n voorbeeld vir Jul kinders

Natasha Van Der Westhuizen OMG!!!! Bekendes kry pakslae. Met groen are op die koringlande speel hulle self met gevaar. Wat ‘n voorbeeld vir hul eie kinders! Von Wielligh Helene En dit alles vir geld!!!!! Steffie Baumgarten Strauss Goed so knap gedaan Adri de Wee Thank you to the Namibian Police, get rid of these creatures that destroy the life of our citizens. Make an example of them if found guilty. Martie McDonald Wat gaan in hul koppe aan? Vernietig ander se lewens.

Dirk Kock Hmm.... wat sal ek se. Nee kom ek spreek my nie uit nie. Baie goeie werk manne, as ons dit so volhou sal ons n beter land he. Ons kinders verdien dit om dwelm vry te kan lewe. Vir die 3 et#$ , sorry mag jy besef wat jy gedoen het. Ek dink vir somiges is dit nie die eerste oortreding nie. Esther Van der Merwe Well done, keep up the good work! Drug dealers beware!! Janeen Klein Hierdie mense gee ni om aan wie hulle verkoop nie. Verwoes lewens!!! Hoop julle kan hul almal vang. Mooi gedaan.

Suspected child rapist could ‘face very lengthy prison sentence’ Dragan

A 63-year old Serbian man, who faces six charges of rape involving minor children, stood before the Swakopmund Magistrate’s Court on Monday to ask for bail. Briggitte Otta Byl Uit n ander land kom en ons kids se lewe verwoes hyt glad nie gefokus Melandie Gabrielsen sluit hom toe en gooi die sleutel weg!!! Cleoline Beukes OK NOU SE MY NOU WATTER OUER LAAT HULLE KINDERS TOE OM BY VREEMDELINGE GAAN KUIER,, HOE HET DIE KINDERS IN DIE EERSTE PLEK BY

HOM OPGEDAAG,, DIS OOK ONS PLIG AS OUERS OM ONS KINDERS TEEN DIE TIEPE GOED TE BESKERM Denise Van Bergen No bail for him, ever, ever, ever! Brumilda Damens Hys n ou man my gudness met sy luste by kln kinders kom uit haal!!!! wonder of hy kinders het en hoe hy so voel as dit aan sy kinders gedoen


was!!!!!!!! laat hy net gaan sit ini tronk n kla Esme Scheepers Van Wyk Vark, net die doodstraf is goedgenoeg vir hom. Sonja Kantak Dis so sad waan toe die lewe gaan, dit raak te siek en gevaarlik vir ons kidz

Woman sent to prison over pizza

Eating at luxury hotels and trying to leave without paying the bill landed a young woman in serious trouble this week. Katja Dreyer No sympathy here. She wasn’t stealing a loaf of bread for herself, she went to upmarket restaurants and accumulated quite a solid account. It is not fair to the business owner. Peter Baron Van Ginkel They should have offered her a job to pay back her acc , not jail , that just makes it worse. Pieter Sternberg Honger is niemand se speel maat maag praat niemand dink helder op daardie tyd. Wilhelmine Cackau Kanime It was only food, leave het and give her tym to comeback and pay her bill, she didnt steal actually, she order and eat the food fair and cant just pay, ther is no more place in jail for actually, our tax money is going up and up.

Tunino R Haskell This woman seriously needs help and not criticism. Wilhelmine Cackau Kanime And ther are more better things to be jailed for, namibians ne. Naomi Januarie I know about another unreported case of this women, same crime, cottage medi clinic coffee shop, lmimmi Thimonga Manfred I feel so pity of her! If I was there I will struggle to get some money to pay for her. may God for give her, becoz of hungry! also the manager for the restaurant why he/she didnt let her go almight jah will add where took it. as you know that hungry is something danger. we destitute people you see the rich people they wont understand you why you stolen. may God

forgive me if im wrong!!!! Peter Baron Van Ginkel Just nothing , no social welfare in this country. Anthea October The only part of this story is that the youngest of her 4 children is in foster care... Why couldn’t she give him/her to her parents as well, that child did not ask to be born and now has to pay for the sins of this woman... Its sad, because the Namibian Adoption Agencies makes it so hard for a child to be adopted.... Really sad. Robin Joy Hanslo Ai Ai so sad Hans Senior So she admits she has an addiction problem, what will the court do to help her? just make her pay the fine or jail? surely they should send her to rehab?


17 APRIL 2014



Countdown to the Nama Awards Anri Jacobs

As the days to the 2014 Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) come closer, the organisers held auditions at the NTN theatre in Swakopmund to select groups that will dance to entertain the crowds. Dancers who were successful were announced the following day. The NAMAs nominees will form the primary performer’s pool but due to the high number of nominees, a limited number of performers will be given the opportunity to entertain the audience. Another requirement the entertainers need to fulfil is to send their profile and songs to the NAMAs’ Facebook page. All the aspirants will be presented to the committee consisting of NBC and MTC managers who will make the final decision as to which performers will showcase their talent at the NAMAs in Swakopmund. In order to give the event a local flavour, performers from the coastal towns are encouraged to apply. The organisers are encouraging the public to keep supporting their favourite local artist and attend the event on 3 May. The only category still open for public voting is the

Song of the Year category which will run till the day of the show. Vote by texting the name of the artist and short code, (SOY1, SOY2, SOY3, SOY4, SOY5 or SOY6) to 66262. Each sms only costs N$2. This year’s NAMAs will be held on Saturday at the Swakopmund Sports Indoor Centre. VIP tickets cost N$500 and standard tickets N$250. Tickets are available at Computicket outlets at Shoprite Branches nationwide. 400 tertiary education students will be granted free entry this year.

• Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. • Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. • 26 April: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - 99th Anniversary, battle of Trekkopje. • 26 April: Vlooimark (flea market) aangebied deur Gereformeerde kerk, Walvisbaai, Moth parkeerterein regoor Woermann & Brock. • 27 April: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Annual wreath laying ceremony by M.O.T.H. and German tradition verband Trekkopje 11:00. • 3 May: Ruk & Pluk Day Jol - Ring of Fire mc 3 at Atlantis Sport Club • 6 May: Interkerklike gebedskring - Katolieke Kerk om 09:00. • 14 May: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 3 June: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. • 11 June: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 30 June: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull. • 1 July: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. • 1 July: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. • 2 July: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show • 3 July: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. • 4 July: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. • 5 July: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. • 9 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Centre- Monthly meeting starts 19:00. • 12 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. • 13 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00. • 16 July: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Delville Wood Remembrance Day. • 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. • 5 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00.


• BRIDGE: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405604. • Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. • Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. Contact: 081 477 4499, E-mail: • 18 - 19 April: Kiss The Bride - Namibian Wedding Expo at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre. • 10 May: St Stefanus Roman Catholic Church presents Live Langarm Dance with B Brother’s (Rehoboth) at the Tamariskia Town Hall. • 12-30 April: Woermann Art Gallery - Fundraising Exhibition for - Restoration of church windows of German Lutheran church - Opening on Saturday 12th at 11:00. All welcome.


Elegance Boutique where we make you shine and steal the limelight with every outfit! • Evening Wear • Casual Wear • Ladies & Men’s Wear • Annique Products Stadtmitte Swakopmund Entrance next to Village Café

The group of dancers

Photo contributed

Open this Saturday from 8:00 Call Magda on 081 128 1540

• Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings weather permitting. • Permanent Collection: Woermannhaus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mon-days to Saturdays 10:00 to 12:00 and 15:00 to 17:00. • Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00-17:00. • Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 13:00/15:00 to 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 to 13:00. • Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30. • Art Stop Gallery, Swakopmund: Fine collection of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery hours: 09:00 - 19:00 Monday - Sunday. Shop No.2 Brauhaus Arcade. • Woermannhaus - Art Gallery: Namibia - Our countryOur people • Permanent collection & selected art on offer till end of February.

17 APRIL 2014




Living with Autism in your family Anri Jacobs

The 2nd of April 2014 marked the seventh annual World Autism Day and April marks World Autism Awareness month. During this time supporters of individuals of the Autism Spectrum disorder at the coast, in Namibia, and across the globe show their support in raising awareness of Autism. Finding out that your child is autistic, is a daunting experience. Every day the life of a special-needs child presents new challenges. The greatest challenge of all is accepting the fact that your child has autism. The waiting period for diagnostic results is stressful and can bring along a wave of different emotions. A solution to this challenge is to deal with your own need and emotions along the way. Be comforted by the fact that you are not the only one in this situation. So many parents are scared to come forward and pronounce the condition of their child because some people still stigmatise children with this condition. Parents sometimes also feel they are unable to provide the child with the

necessary care and education. Experts say there is no need to be scared because there are many treatment options, programs, and other resources that can help to improve the situation of the child. The following are issues that the parents of an autistic child must address in order to cope better. Parents should learn to be the best advocate for their child. Be informed and take advantage of all the services and support groups offered around you. You can gather so much strength from those around you who also have a child diagnosed with ASD. It is also important to try and have some semblance of an adult life and to not let autism consume you. You should spend time with your spouse and remember that everyone in your family needs support. As a caretaker you should appreciate every small victory that your child may achieve, take pride in every

accomplishment. Focus on what your child has achieved and don’t compare your child to other children. Once you see and appreciate these beauties, you will find the journey incredibly rewarding. You should also get involved in the Autism community and help raise awareness and become informed, through this community. By meeting other parents you will increase your support system and you can talk to other families who experience the same challenges that you have in your family. By being involved in autism advocacy, you will be doing something for your child as well as yourself. For the brothers and sisters of an autistic child there will also be challenges, but you are not alone, almost everyone has some challenge to face in life. As siblings, you should learn over time to be proud of your brother or sister and to be open and comfortable in describing the disorder to others. If you

are comfortable speaking about it, so will others. Find some sort of activity you can share with your brother or sister. Connecting with them is priceless, and will create a close bond between you two. They will look forward to these special times with you. For those close family members, accepting a child with Autism may face challenges, when in fact you as a family member can have so much to offer. Each one can offer whatever they have learned to do best over time. Ask the family how you can be helpful, anything will be appreciated, from looking after the children for a night or helping to raise money and create awareness. This will mean the world to your family to know that you are helping to create support and closeness. It is also important to be open and honest about the disorder. The more you talk about the order, the better you will feel and your support

system will also grow. In the end the experience with autism will teach you and our family valuable life lessons. Children with autism strive on routine, so find something that you can do

together even if it is something small or simple. Every small step makes a difference and can make a change in people’s lives that live with autism.

Workshop to expose the Actor in you

Troue van die jaar is hier

Piquet Jacobs

IF you have always nursed the feeling that there is an actor inside you, now is your chance to make your dream come true. Chris de Clerq, better known as Paul Brink from Egoli, a popular drama soapy in South Africa, will be hosting acting workshops at the Coast and in Windhoek soon.

Oom Hottie en sy toekomstige bruid Sylvia Marshallino Beukes Die tyd het aangebreek vir wewenaar, oom Hottie Van Wyk (62) en antie Sylvia Van Wyk (58), oor wie se verlowing die koerant onlangs berig het, om die knoop deur te haak. Kupido het blykbaar al op 6-jarige ouderdom vir oom Hottie ‘n kolskoot toegedien, nadat hy op daardie jeugdige ouderdom aan antie Sylvie se ma genoem het dat hy eendag met haar gaan trou en nou, meer as 50 jaar later, word sy woorde bewaarheid, aangesien die tweetjies op Saterdag, 19 April 2014, ewige trou aan mekaar gaan beloof. Die bruidegom het gister aan dis namib times gesê dat al die beplannings goed afgeloop het, met

net hier en daar ‘n kleinigheidjie wat nog in plek moet kom. Volgens die jong man is daar nie sprake van senuwees nie en kan hy nie wag om antie Sylvie sy wederhelf te kan noem nie. Oom Hottie het antie Sylvia onlangs verras met ‘n bielie van ‘n verloofring, wat in ‘n oester versteek was en daarmee baie van vandag se jong kêrels gewys hoe die ding nou eintlik gedoen moet word.

Currently living in Pretoria, De Clerq was born in Zambia and grew up in Namibia. Just like his counterpart, Charlize Theron, De Clerq’s acting career kicked off when he was spotted overseas on a rodeo in Los Angeles in 1989. Later in the same year, he landed his first commercial contract. He has been in the film and television industry for 22 years. After a decade in the entertainment industry, he became a household name in South Africa when he played the role of Paul Brink, Financial Director of Walco in the iconic soapy. He starred alongside South African acting legends in more than 2000 episodes. As the founder and ma-

naging director of ‘Africa Divine Films’ his vision is to make good familybased films, to be enjoyed by young and old. “My destiny and purpose is to produce films that will make a difference and impact people’s lives across the globe,” says De Clerq in an on-line interview. He is currently busy shooting shots for the movie ‘Seun’, which plays off in the Karoo. De Clerq’s partner, equally well-known director Darrell Roodt, with distinct Oscar nominations for films like ‘Sarafina’, ‘Winnie’, ‘Cry the Beloved Country’, ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Little One’ in 2013 are combining efforts and expertise to make the most of these special films. Namibians can look for-

Chris de Clerq ward to the evening workshops, starting in the coast, which will accord the working class the opportunity to attend as well. Each workshop will take a maximum of fifteen people who will be selected across all racial groups, age and gender. The duration of the workshops are eight to nine evenings and will start on Mondays.



USCHI GREEFF 081 410 0985

SUSAN CURTIS 081 275 7929









DANIELA VORSTER 081 484 8133

MAUREEN HOON 081 129 5484

ALIDA NEL 081 241 1339

At the end of the workshop, participants receive certificates and the chosen ones stand a chance to star in two films which will be shot in Namibia. Funding for these films is still pending. For more information, interested people can contact Clarice Theys at 081 278 5269 or Desire Muller at e-mail address


17 APRIL 2014


17 APRIL 2014


Property in Perspective ECONOMICS OF PROPERTY. The path to wealth. Buying a property can be a daunting experience and even more so, when it's for investment purposes. Likewise, even those who have bought a number of properties experience sort of stress every time they do a transaction. So, for those buying their first property it can be a particularly stressful and challenging time. Reiterate as before - The solution is to be as informed as possible. Know what is required, your financial situation and your rights. Why invest in property? It is widely accepted that property investors fill more of the world's millionaire rankings than any other type of investor, and that residential homes are proven to be the best investment most people make in their lifetime. What's the reason for this? * It requires the least amount of time and offers the least amount of risk in comparison to other forms of investment. * It does not require you to have the full amount of cash in order to finance the investment as bond financing is available to qualified buyers. * Property provides you with the opportunity to generate greater returns compared with other investment methods. * There is a growing demand for rental properties, which has led to an acceleration of property rental prices and growth in the buy-to-let market. * Property can deliver an ongoing rental income as well as the prospect for long term capital growth. AFFORDABLE APARTMENTS. Especially for the “first time home owner”, I believe that entry-level apartments are the best investment you can make. The reason that many property investors fail at some stage or another is that they allow ego to rule over common sense. Entry-level apartments are a much more reliable investment, allowing the astute investor the opportunity to invest in one apartment for less than N$700k or to buy as many apartments as their budget affords. To my mind, this is a niche in the market in which Developers have lucrative opportunities. Most preferably, these apartments should be situated in areas with the highest rental demand and very good rental yields. The risk is minimal, the maintenance low, and the return on investment excellent. In addition, the potential for capital appreciation in these undervalued growing neighbourhoods is exciting. Your investment is also spread over a range of properties – diluting your risk. The value of entry-level flats almost never drops significantly when the property market slumps but does rise considerably when the market goes bullish. More importantly, the rental income never drops escalating each year regardless of the state of the economy. It just makes sense and more importantly, makes money. I don't believe in instant riches but in a measured common sense approach, which revolves around good cash flow and solid capital appreciation over time. In conclusion; considering the yielding demand for first-time home ownership at especially the age group 25 to 35years, I again emphasise more land should be made available in providing for this notable need. An important issue would also be for the authorities to avail land under certain pre-conditions to ensure proposed developments shall meet the needs of this specific niche in market. Else, the current shortfall will keep “snowballing” and more and more people be deprived of property ownership! Reality and Vision are of the essence! Should you require any further or property information please contact us on Tel: (064) 221000 or, E-mail:

JJ van Zyl

Principal Anjo Estates

CINE FRIDAY 18/04/014




12H30 19H30






14H00 18H15






14H30 12H00 21H15 16H30




SATURDAY 19/04/2014


14H00 13H00 21H00 17H30

11H30 11H00 16H30 15H30


SUNDAY 20/04/2014

14H30 21H15

16H30 15H45


14H00 18H00


MONDAY 21/04/2014


11H30 20H00 20H45

14H00 11H00 18H30 15H30

13H00 17H30


Cnr/O Nangolo Mbumba Drive & 15th Road, Walvis Bay Tel: (+264) (0)64 221 000 Fax: (+264) (0)64 221 001 Cell: 081-288 6572 E-mail: Website:


14H00 21H00

11H30 11H00 18H30 18H00

16H00 13H30


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THURSDAY 24/04/2014



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14H00 11H00 18H30 15H30

13H00 17H30



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8MP camera

• 1 080P full HD • HDMI x 3 • USB x 1 • WiFi • 2 x 3D glasses • PS60F5500 Smart 3D • 535516




60” PDP TV

8 499

N$ 16MP camera

Dep N$2 125 • N$584 x 24 mths


17 APRIL 2014





total nett capacity


total nett capacity

total capacity



• Single door • Hidden handles • 18° freezer compartment • Anti-bacterial gasket • RA21PTIH • 530055


• Durable lid • CFC-free • Multi-mode option • 1 basket included • CF210 • 534118

3 499

Dep N$350 • N$278 x 24 mths


• Static oven with controls • Glass door • 4 functions • Rotisserie • 2 high-speed plates • Includes extractor • 526767

FRIDGE/FREEZER • Easy slide shelves • CoolSelect Zone • Grab ’n Go Basket • A+ energy efficiency • 10-year warranty on digital inverter compressor • RB29FWRN • 538677/535355


WAS N$3 999

3 399


Dep N$220 • N$181 x 24 mths

Dep N$600 • N$465 x 24 mths





3 199

• Automatic cappuccino and caffe latte • Memory function • Easy-to-clean • ESAM4500 • 523960

• A+++ energy • LED display • Embossing drum • Smart diagnosis • F12B8TDP5 • 535651

Prices valid from 17 to 20 April 2014

6 499

WAS N$5 499

Dep N$500 • N$390 x 24 mths



mirror door




water dispenser



• Energy efficient • 7 safety features • 90-minute timer • Cool-touch housing • Non-sticking cooking pot • ECP2550 • 532035 WAS N$799



Dep N$650 • N$502 x 24 mths


1.7l 2200W brushed stainless steel

• 30-minute timer • 6 power levels • Door safety lock • DMO349 MET • 527412

WAS N$6 648

5 699


Dep N$570 • N$443 x 24 mths


• A energy efficiency • Reversible doors • Door open alarm • Anti-bacterial control • Variable thermostat • LED illumination at side walls • Safety glass shelves • LED interior light • 4-star freezer • 538708



WAS N$139

• PSI70 • 504311


• Automatic switch off • Boil dry cut-out safety switch • Removable filter • Concealed element • 22350A WAS N$349 • 528000










• Bamboo fabric • Airzone foam • Wool fibre • Chiropractic Association Approved • Marvelous middle Dep N$650 • N$502 x 24 mths • Firm top base• 8-year warranty • 2-year guarantee • 535231

6 499


• Heating and cooling options • Remote control • Adjustable airflow • Timer • Humidifier • KYS-06 • 534120 WAS N$799



Dep N$60 • N$86 x 12 mths



mirror door



• 5 power levels • Cook by weight • 60-minute timer • 6 pre-cook settings • Jet defrost • Two year guarantee • DMO351 MET • 523451

WAS N$1 199

1 099


Dep N$110 • N$113 x 18 mths

N$200 40l

WAS N$1 699

1 499


• Easy cook with one touch • Ceramic enamel Dep N$150 • N$147 x 18 mths interior • Various auto-cook programmes • Child lock function • ME9144ST • 534834





WAS N$6 999


Dep N$65 • N$92 x 12 mths




Dep N$1100 • N$839 x 24 mths


• Wet and dry application • HWD020 • 515318 WAS N$749


10 999



Dep N$60 • N$86 x 12 mths


WAS N$7 499


4 999

N$ 363l




Dep N$320 • N$256 x 24 mths

Radio N$999 Specials

WAS N$6 499

5 999


Dep N$340 • N$271 x 24 mths

WAS N$3 499

total gross capacity

• Multi-airflow • Fast freeze • LED electronic display • Reversible door • Tempered glass shelves • Twist ice box • KDN32X73 • 534368


WAS N$2 599

2 199





water dispenser


WAS N$3 799






• LED display • 4 wash programmes • Half load washing • Minimum programme duration 58 min • Salt indicator • Height adjustable top basket • Watersafe • DWW169 • 534330/331

total nett capacity






• CFKL10-32 • 518012


• Cool/heat/fan/ dry mode • Turbo high power • Super fast cooling • Rotary compressor • Plasma ionizer • ELSP-12 • 531593

WAS N$699



Dep N$60 • N$86 x 12 mths

WAS N$4 399

3 999


Dep N$400 • N$315 x 24 mths

Shop 14, Maerua Lifestyle Centre, Windhoek (061) 303 840 • Cnr Schlachter and Moses Garoeb Street, Swakopmund (064) 419 600 • All terms include deposit, VAT/GST and finance charges. Terms subject to credit approval. Accessories optional extras. Bring your ID and latest payslip/salary advice to ensure rapid response to your credit application. We will beat any price on presentation of a written quote from another retailer within 10km of the Home Corp Store, if stock is available at the other retailer. Products may vary from photograph. Pictures are for illustration purposes only. No dealers allowed. Handset specifications subject to change without notice. While stocks last. E&OE. GO Advertising 69843 RHP

kann, was Foto in ache steht, n einer s u n g n Sie ihre


17 APRIL 2


17 APRIL 2014



17 APRIL 2014

17 APRIL 2014



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