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Bernhard Esau addresses Stakeholders
Page 3
Police in Walvis meet communities
Swakopmund by-election, the race is on
Swakopmund Mayor also a contender Marshallino Beukes
Four political parties showed up yesterday, to submit their nominations for candidates to take part in the upcoming Swakopmund by-election. The by-election will be conductPage 4 ed in order to elect a successor for the late NAMA hosts Councillor, Germina Ndapua Shitaleni and announced will take place on 29 May. Swapo, DTA, UDF and Nudo are the parties to be represented in the election. SwakopPage 9 mund Mayor, Juuso Kambueshe obtained the highest votes at the
Mr & Miss Walvis Bay
Swakopmund Swapo Party’s extra-ordinary District Conference on Tuesday, and will thus be Swapo’s contender. According to Swapo’s Regional coordinator,
Dunes Mall groundbreaking (Fltr) Mr Kallie vd Merwe (Safland CEO), Mayor Uillika Nambahu, Minister Tjekero Tweya and Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua Article on page 3 Mr Philipus Heita, the election for a candidate was a close call, with Kambueshe triumphing with 26 votes in his fa-
vour. Mirjam Valombola obtained 25 of the 51 votes. Four candidates were
originally in the race, and after the first round of voting, Kambueshe and Valombola, each got 16 votes, and the
Mellissa môre ter ruste gelê
duo thus had to fight it out to be their party’s candidate. If elected as the Swakopmund Constituency Continues on page 2
Madelaine Laubscher
Page 13
Kudus ons trots
Bladsy 32
Nadat die gemeenskap ‘n lang pad met Mellissa gestap het, deur onbaatsugtig geld in haar fonds in te betaal en by haar te staan, word sy Saterdag ter ruste gelê. Sy is Maandag tydens voorbereiding op haar eerste behandeling oorlede – maar die hoop is uitgespreek dat sy deur die Mellissa Bester-Kankerfonds sal voortleef in die harte en gedagtes van duisende – tot in die verre toekoms. Mellissa se pa, Joe, haar oom, Marius, en haar broer, ook Joe, was gister by die namib times om hul dankbaarheid teenoor die gemeenskap uit te spreek. “Sy sou Maandag, die dag van haar afsterwe, met behandeling begin
het. Sy is reeds die vorige Woensdag vir toetse gestuur om die nodige stamselle te kweek of om te kyk of sy die stamselle van haar broer kon kry. Sy het Maandag baie vinnig na haar aankoms by die hospitaal baie swak
geword en teen 10:00 is haar familie in SuidAfrika in kennis gestel van haar toestand. Om 12:05 is sy oorlede,” het haar pa aan die namib times vertel. Mense het die afgelope klompie maande hulle harte en beursies oop-
gemaak vir ‘n fonds wat deur Charleen Swart en haar vriendin Diana Sass, in die lewe geroep is. Charleen het gisteraand met ons ‘n paar gedagtes gedeel: “My dogtertjie was in Melissa se klas en ek
Mellissa se oom, pa en broer saam met namib times se verslaggewer Madelaine Laubscher het maar ‘n sagte plekkie vir haar gehad. Toe ons uitvind van die kanker en begin fondse probeer bymekaarsit by die skool het ek gesien dat dit nie genoeg gaan wees nie,
- toe maak ek ‘n rekening oop en vra vir Diana of sy my sal help daarmee want sy werk by prokureurs, so sy weet min of meer wat gaan waar... Van daar het ons begin
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Potatoes 7 kg
ONE Watermelon, ONE Spanspek, ONE Orange Carry Pocket & TWO Persimmons
17 17APRIL APRIL2015 2015
(Photo by Esme Konstantinus) NAMPA
Swakopmund by-election Continued on page 1 councillor and also Swapo’s regional representative in the National Council, Kambueshe’s duties as mayor will be terminated and a new mayor will be elected. The official opposition, DTA, will be represent-
ed by Christa Magrieta Hochobes. After registering as his party’s contestant, Marius Patrick Uwu-Gaeb of the UDF, indicated that if elected, his main focus will be on the housing crisis, as well
as youth development. Uwu-Gaeb currently serves as secretary for UDF, Swakopmund and served for six years as his party’s youth league information and publicity secretary. Last, but certainly not
least to register as his party’s candidate, was Councillor Uahimisa Kaapehi of Nudo. By the look of things, the table is set for a very interesting by-election and residents of the Swakopmund Constitu-
ency are urged to show up in their thousands on Election Day, and by doing so, exercise their democratic right to elect the candidate of their choice.
The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa.
Education Ministry still faces challenges: Hanse-Himarwa The Minister of Education, Arts and Culture Katrina Hanse-Himarwa said her ministry is still faced with serious challenges despite achievements made by her predecessors. In her first remarks in Parliament on Wednesday, the new education minister said these challenges include shortages of classrooms and hostel facilities, under-performing teachers and principals, and a lack of parental involvement which contributes to low learner performances. Other challenges include the high dropout rate of school children in some regions due to socio-economic and cultural factors, as well as limited accommodation for teachers in rural areas. Among her top priorities are the urgent amendment and review of the Education Act 16 of 2001, and the implementation of ministerial regulations that all school building projects must include toilet and sanitation facilities. Teacher housing and the implementation and periodic assessment of the Ministerial 2012 - 2017 Strategic Plan will also form part of Hanse-Hi-
marwa’s priorities. Another area that will enjoy importance, the minister added, is the provision of more in-serNudo’s candidate, Uahimisa Kaapehi Swapo candidate, Juuso Kambueshe UDF contender, Marius Uwu-Gaeb vice teacher education and more teaching and learning materials for mathematics, science and technology subjects. The number of pre- Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 school classes will also donasies vra… die dag wat hulp aangevra finansiële hulp benoDie familielid sê - soos dié fonds. be increased to ensure Ons wil net baie dankie sê Mellissa se wens was - sal Ons het tog ‘n verskil ge- was tot die dag van haar dig. Daarom sal ons aangaan,” het konsertthe advancement of ear- aan almal vir hulle bydraes die fonds as die Mellis- maak en ek dink God se afsterwe, en selfs daarna. Bester-Kankerfonds hand kan duidelik in die Die plaaslike musikante organiseerders gesê. ly childhood develop- en dat hulle vir Melissa in sa beplan die afgelope paar Mellissa word Saterdag voortbestaan, al is sy nie gebeure gesien word. hulle harte gedra het.” ment. maande ook ‘n ‘Noot vir (more) neergelê na ‘n meer met ons nie. Sy is Is dit nie hoe ons daagliks Mellissa se familie het die The setting of minimum fonds-dokumente - soos steeds die een vir wie die behoort te lewe nie?” het haar nood’ musiekfees diens by NG Moedergestandards for all Namiwat nou aan die Mellissa meente Walvisbaai om deur die rekeningadmin- fonds begin is,” het hy Marius Herrmann gesê. bian schools, the clasDie familie het Woens- Bester-Kankerfonds opge- 11:30. istreerders aan hulle ver- gesê. sification of all schools skaf - aan namib times “Dit is Joe en Hannelie se dag die bank state aan die dra sal word, aangesien Die familie vra dat die in terms of the set stan- ter insae gegee… meer as visie dat die fonds vir die koerant bekend gemaak en die idee agter die fees was gemeenskap in plaas van dards, and the subse- N$480 000 is deur mense toekoms ander kinders alles lyk in orde. blomme stuur, steeds sal om vir Mellissa te help. quent development of geskenk wat Mellissa wou met die nodige riglyne wat Deur die rekeningstaat “Sy was deel van ons ge- gelde inbetaal in haar strategies to upgrade help. Die dag van haar wel deur die fondse bepaal kon mens sien hoe onbaat- meenskap. Ons wou haar fonds. Die diens sou eers by die sugtig die gemeenskap help. those schools that are dood is daar nog ‘n dona- sal word kan help. Besighede wat wil aan- werklik was die afgelope Ons gaan daarom steeds Kruis Kerk plaasgevind below the required mini- sie gedoen. voort met die fees om haar het maar weens ‘n groot mum standard are all ur- “Dit is hartseer dat iemand hou bydra sal dan van die paar maande. Die grootste enkelbedrag wens te vervul wat immers getal mense wat verwag nodige donasiesertifikate soos sy nie die volle voorgent, she said. wat inbetaal is, is N$60 was om die gelde wat in- word is dit verskuif na die voorsien kan word – hulle deel kon trek uit die geHanse-Himarwa stresgesamel is aan te wend vir NG Moerdergemeente. meenskap se bereidwillig- sal die skenkings dan 000. sed that her ministry Die familie sê baie doheid en oop harte en hande regtens deur hulle boeke Die res bestaan uit bedrae mense met kanker. will put up measures om hulle medemens te kan sit. wat wissel van N$50 hoër, Haar pa het ook gevra dat nateurs het aangedui dat to effectively engage help nie – baie skenkers en Die gemeenskap in Wal- tot in die duisende – met ons met die fees voortgaan. hulle die diens wil byparents, the commu- instansies het dit bekend visbaai, Swakopmund, boodskappe by wat wis- Dat Mellissa gesterf het woon, en kom selfs uit nity and other stake- gemaak dat die familie Windhoek, Namibië, Suid sel van “word gou gesond beteken nie die fondsin- Suid-Afrika. holders in education. van die geld kan aanwend Afrika en selfs die res van Mellissa” tot Bybelverse. sameling hoef te stop nie. om vir Mellissa se begraf- die wêreld sal kan deel Volgens haar familie het Daar is baie ander kanNAMPA
Mellissa môre ter ruste gelê
nisreëlings te betaal.
wees, en kan trots wees op
die gelde ingestroom van
kerpasiente wat dringend
17 APRIL 2015
Minister to deliver annual fishing address Mavourlene Gaes
will deliver his yearly Namibia, should be contained in one central policy document, and that cabinet should consider doing that. The minister says he agrees with that approach of the review team, because it will enhance coordination of service provision activities in the ministry, regarding planning, operation specifically inspections and MCS, as well as administrative activities such as licensing for all directorates. According to the minister, the review committee addressed the following key focus areas: * Strengthening current policies on resource management,
especially proposing policy statements on rights and quotas allocation system, with a view to ensuring resources sustainability while at the same time enhancing participation of marginalised and previously disadvantaged communities in fisheries. * Main streaming fisheries value addition as a tool for maiming contribution of the sector to national development especially on job creation, skills development and indirect value added activities. * Policies aimed at improving socio economic contribution of the fisheries to national development, food security and maximising resource rent
Minister Bernhard Esau with Anna Erastus contributions. The staff members, who will eventually be responsible for policy implementation, have also been involved in the workshop this week. Minister Esau says he'll be meeting the review committee for a briefing on the process as envisaged.
Photos by Madelaine Laubscher
The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Bernhard Esau fishing industry address today at the Walvis Bay municipality hall. According to the Mutjavikua and the the current fisheries ministry's public rela- Mayor of Walvis Bay, policy and marine retions officer Charlie Uillika Nambahu, will, sources act of 2000. Matengu the event is among others, attend “ The review is being part of the ministry's the event. done in accordance stakeholder engage- The delegates from the with the established ment plan. Confederation of Fish- law making process in “This annual event ing Associations and the Republic of Namibrings together all local trade unions, bia.” He has expressed players within the namely the Namibia his satisfaction with the fishing industry to Food and Allied Union fact that the committee discuss issues per- (NAFAU) and the has already identified taining to the fishing Namibia Seamen and key focus areas for i n d u s t r y ” s a y s A l l i e d U n i o n review, which formed Matengu. (NASAWU) are among the basis for discussion He says this platform the invited guests. in a workshop earlier allows the Minister of (More on this event in this week. He thanked Fisheries and Marine T u e s d a y ' s n a m i b the chairperson and the Resources to meet times.) team members and other members of the The minister arrived in consultant for the work industry collectively. Walvis Bay early last done. The Minister, the night, and addressed He noted that the Deputy Minister of the media briefly at the committee has come to Fisheries, Samuel Atlantic Hotel, with consensus that the Ankama, the Gover- regards to the Review different policies and nor of the Erongo Committee he had acts applicable to the Region, Cleophas appointed, to review fisheries sector in
Minister Bernhard Esau
Dunes Mall – Development must be fast-tracked
Bernabé Blaauw Both the Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Mr Tjekero Tweya and Erongo Governor, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua asked for development to be fast-tracked and unnecessary red tape to be eradicated.
An aerial artistic impression of the Dunes Mall at Walvis Bay
They mentioned the same concern in their speeches prior to the groundbreaking ceremony of the Dunes Mall yesterday in Walvis Bay. Both speakers were concerned about the amount of time it takes for development in the country, not only at the coast, to become a reality after the first tabling of the concept and application for land. However, Mayor Uillika Nambahu, in her speech, joined them by pledging support from the local authority's side to speed up the process where possible. Minister Tweya called on all local and regional authorities to follow suit. Minister Tweya issued a strong warning to Namibian contractors to give their best and not deliver “sloppy work” when they receive contracts. He referred to the leaking roof of the Grove Mall in Windhoek as an example of such negligent workmanship. He asked that they be given a second chance to “deliver” but if they fail, they must be replaced. He also cautioned foreign tenants in the mall to respect the authorities in Namibia and stick to the rules when doing business. He advised them to use Namibian
products and sources where possible. Failing to do so may result in them being requested to leave. “You are invited to do business, not to give us charity,” he said. The N$480 million, 28 000 square metre mall will provide temporary work to 450 people during construction and 1 450 permanent jobs after completion. The CEO of Safland International Property Services, Kallie van der Merwe said that it took them nine years to secure their first piece of land on which they could construct a shopping centre. He added that they are glad they persevered and that he has been a very outspoken supporter of Walvis Bay and that he had been questioned about this in the past. He said that his reply usually is that Walvis Bay is the town is the town in Namibia with the true fundamentals. “Walvis Bay does not pretend. What you see is what you get,” he noted. The mall, situated between Diaz Circle and the weighbridge will accommodate 80 tenants and will have approximately 1 000 parking spaces. The completion date is expected to be in May 2017.
17 APRIL 2015
Narraville police public meeting Theft, housebreaking and drugs, are again the most distressing crimes Liesl Losper
The Namibian Police had a public meeting with the community on Wednesday. This was aimed to share information as to the status of crime in Narraville as well as to share preventative measures that would assist in combating of crime, or rather reduce indentified crimes. Deputy Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu, Narraville station commander Ulrich Beukes, Paul Fisher of Narraville Neighbourhood Watch (NNW) and many members of this community attended the meeting. Domestic Violence Deputy Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu says domestic Violence is a big concern. “But what usually happens is, when the assaulted women opens a case of assault with the police the previous night and the next day, the victims come back and withdraw the case because the accused asked for forgiveness. Victims, you must remember that if you withdraw a case, the accused will do it again, next time he might kill you and if
you are dead no-one will be there to withdraw the case. Make sure that justice is served.” Money issues lead to crime “The youth even steal from their parents’ house to sell the items to get what they are addicted to. It came to light that the youth also admire drug dealers because of the rich lives they live, the nice cars they drive and the clothes they wear, Some of the community members live next to these drug
suppliers and most of them are afraid to get involved,” Mr van Staden, a member of a concerned group commented. “False cases also appear when people come from holidays, spend all the money during December and need money. They open a case only for the insurance to pay out. That has also contributed to the rise in theft. Investigators make sure to fully investigate these types of reports and remember, investigations start with the person
that reported it,” Nelumbu commented. “When you buy a TV, DVD or any electronic device, keep the serial number, because when it is stolen this can help to Messrs Van Staden and P Fisher (Chairperson NNW), Narraville station commander trace the stolen item on Ulrich Beukes and Deputy Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu our system which is linked nationwide with police the increase and they are the person stay and also drug dealers. stations. It might just be do reference check” were I am fed up with early destroying the future of that your item ends up in some of the tips Narraville hour wake ups because of our neighborhood,” Paul another town. station commander, Ulrich the noise - and witness- Fisher commented during Also remember that when Beukes, shared with the ing how they handle their this meeting. you hire a domestic workbusiness deals,” an angry Ulrich Beukes also concommunity. er, make sure to have a Drug trafficking most dis- resident commented dur- firmed that the Narraville copy of his/her identity tressing for the Narraville ing the meeting. “Remem- Police are very grateful document, know where ber information is only for the NNW, especially community The widest circulated drug information to the one that for the positive input from amongst many more int needs to know, if you make Mr Fisher, to help combat Narraville is said to be Tik, it public, the owner of the crime in their area. which is one of the cheap- crime will run away, or After discussing the Narest and consequently dead- change his or her plans,” raville statistics and listening to comments, the liest circulated drugs in the Nelumbo commented. “Our courts are also too conclusion was clear - that world. Some of the community lenient with regard to the drug addiction leads to members are aware and sentences handed down to criminal behaviour. Fisher Magistrate's Court know the identities of those found guilty of drug urged the community to join the NNW to help stop some of the drug pushers dealing. amongst them and many For instance, if you steal crimes in the community. from the community were a cow you get years for “When we meet again our by threat. The matter was postponed to 2 June for fur13-15 April 2015 not afraid to mention it. the crime. The number of statistics must be zero,” Hilma Thomas Shayenga appeared on a charge of ther investigations. The accused is in custody. “I live between houses of drug dealers is rapidly on Fisher concluded. theft. The matter was postponed to 15 April for trial. Henry Johns (22) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The accused The accused is out on bail. Dello Gaeseb (22) appeared on a charge of robbery. was sentenced to 12 months in prison. The matter was postponed to 19 May for further inves- Joel Kayili (33) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 2 May for furtigations. The accused is in custody. Simataa Joseph Kasibi (36) appeared on a charge ther investigations. The accused is in custody. The office of the Internal Investigation Unit in the Namibian Poof driving with an excessive blood alcohol-level. The Simon Salmon Nicodemus (29) appeared on a charge lice Walvis Bay is looking for the above-mentioned witnesses, reof housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and matter was struck from the roll. Julia Ndengu (29) appeared on a charge of assault a charge of malicious damage of property. The matter garding the accident on Thursday 30 January 2014 at about 21:45 with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 20 April for the continuation of the at the Walvis Bay Narraville Bridge. was postponed to 13 May for further investigations. trial. The accused is out on bail. The witnesses are believed to be residing in Walvis Bay but their residential addresses Mathilde Mbako (30) appeared on a charge of assault The accused is in custody. are unknown to this office. The witness or anyone with information regarding their Erasmus Johannes (49) appeared on two charges of with the intent to do grievous bodily harm and a charge whereabouts are requested to contact : assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. of theft. The matter was postponed to 19 August for Detective Inspector Gurirab - 064 219 027 / 081 318 2181 The matter was postponed to 5 August for trial. The plea and trial. The accused is out on bail. Linus Andreas (30) appeared on a charge of theft. The Regional Commander Commissioner S //Hoëbeb accused is out on bail. Nestor Katangolo (38) appeared on charge of assault case was finalised.
Walvis Bay Court Report
Tracing of Witnesses: Mr Peter Paul and Mr Eugene Gurzan
Swakopmund Court Report - Magistrate's Court 13-15 April Lukas Mbambi (24) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 3 August for lab results. The accused remains in custody. Patric Martin Haraeb (30) and Stella Dauses (27) appeared on a charge of child abandonment. The matter was postponed to 22 April because the trial was partly heard - magistrate not available. The accused has been warned. Abiud Muvangua (26) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 20 July for trial. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Petrus Thomas (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 2 June for trial and plea. The accused remains in custody. Petrus Angula (42) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault). The matter was postponed to 20 April because the trial was partly heard. The accused is on bail of N$800. Ivan Thabang Swelo (40) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 3 August for prosecutor general’s decision. The accused remains in custody. Sakaria Geaorge (23) and Paulus Tupuleni (31) appeared on charges of fraud, forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 29 June for plea and trial. The accused are on bail of N$5 000 each. Simon Erikaana (27) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 April for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Thomas Shekutamba (28) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The
matter was postponed to 6 May for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Moses Ndipulalye (31) appeared on a charge of assault on a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 22 July for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Jafet Haimbondi (30) and Lukas Linwandunge (36) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and defeating or obstructing the course of justice and theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 15 June for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$20 000. Jacqualine Noabes (29) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 24 June for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Tangeni Kandume (29) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 17 June for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Aletta Gaoses (26) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm with provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act of 2003. The matter was postponed to 17 April because the trial was partly heard. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Eric Imbale (45) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 April because the trial was partly heard – defence case. The accused remains in custody. A 17-year-old boy appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 29 April for juvenile-pre-community service. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Johannes Kamati (36) appeared on charge of attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 2 June for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$4 000.
Tutaleni residents promote black market Mavourlene Gaes
Nampol’s Deputy Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu officiated a meeting about crime prevention in Tutaleni on Wednesday. According to crime statistics recorded from March 2014/March 2015 for the Tutaleni community, crime has not really increased or decreased. Crime figures involving rape shows no change, while assault charges have decreased from 9% last year to 2% this year. Housebreaking with the in- Tutaleni residents who attended the crime meeting tent to steal and theft record- bu said. Think about your children, ed 13 charges the previous A reported 225 communi- do you really want them to year and has decreased to ty members were charged go through this while they 9% this year. for urinating on the street are busy with their stuRobbery remains stagnant and the number of those dies,” he pleaded. and domestic violence is up charged with disorderly Drugs, the harbouring of from 5% last year to 6% this behaviour in public is 405. criminals and domestic year. The number of people violence, were issues the The figure for drugs has de- who were caught carrying community raised - wocreased from 30% last year alcohol in public is 225, men covering for their to 20% this year. totalling the amount to 855 boyfriends or husbands Residents were also urged to who have misbehaved in who are abusing them, stop urinating in public as it public since March 2014. also was a topic of disis punishable by law and a The Deputy Commis- cussion. Buying stolen fine of N$1 000 will be is- sioner also pleaded with items is one of the comsued against anyone caught the residents to stand up mon mistakes community relieving themselves in pub- against cuca shop owners members make and the lic. commissioner urged them who sell alcohol illegally. “Those that urinate in public “Our legal liquor outlets to stop purchasing stolen are scared to do it in town are too many and just im- property because by doing they hold it in until they agine how many they are so they are creating a marcome to the location and when you add the illegal ket commonly known as then release it here,” Nelum- ones to the mix. the “black market.”
17 APRIL 2015
Stefan maak Kids Haven sy keuse vir die Stefan Ludik-jeugfonds Liesl Losper Die sanger en akteur Stefan Ludik het vanjaar opgetree by Walvisbaai se jaarlikse “Fishtival.” Die Stefan Ludik Youth Fund het ook die aand van die Walvis Bay Fishtival ‘n tjek van N$15 000 oorhandig aan die Kids Haven-kinderhuis.
“Ek het 'n baie sagte plekkie vir kinders, aangesien hulle so afhanklik van volwassenes is. Selfs ek as ‘n volwasse man, verlang huis toe as dinge druk by die werk en tye bietjie moeilik is. Elke kind is geregtig op ‘n liefdevolle ouerhuis waar hulle veilig
voel - maar ongelukkig werk dit nie altyd so nie. Gelukkig is daar instansies soos Kids Haven wat kan ingryp as kinders mishandel of verwaarloos word.” sê Stefan Ludik. “Vreeslik dankie aan Susan Ludik wat ons kindertjies genooi het na die vertoning tydens
die Fishtival - ons kindertjies praat nog elke dag daaroor, vir hulle was dit 'n belewenis en ook die feit dat hulle nie baie sulke geleenthede kry nie” sê Merrilyn Leippert, wat baie betrokke is by die kinderhuis en wat ook die borgskap namens die kinderhuis in ontvangs geneem het.
Erongo Red's speedy response avoids possible accident
Liesl Losper
A streetlamp-post was damaged apparently by a car almost a year ago at the corner of Haub and Hoanib Street. The exposed wires were tested live by an electrician. “Our 3 year- old loves to play in the sand across our house, we always supervise when he does, however, this is a danger to all. We want the lamppost replaced or the wires concealed - at least to prevent possible accidents,” one of the Langstrand residents said. We contacted the Public Relations Officer for Erongo Red Walvis Bay, Mr Benjamin Nangombe, and he commented, “this is the first time that we came across this specific complaint. We will send our technicians immediately, to either cover it for the night, since it is already late and we will replace
the lamppost by tomorrow morning. We urge our customers to report such complaints immediately, they can do it through our website or lodge their complaint at our call center.” A few hours after the communication with Mr Benjamin Nangombe, our reader sent us this photo of the lamppost that was replaced. “This is awesome service from Erongo Red, even a streetlight that was not working for years in a street at the area was also replaced. Thank you to the technician, Amambo who works for the company, for your speedy service,” our reader commented.
The street light before investigation started
The street light, 4 hours after it was reported at Erongo Red
Cape to Europe tourist caught stealing Madelaine Laubscher
The namib times received video footage of a South African man who was caught red handed, stealing from two businesses in Walvis Bay last week. One of the business owners wants to warn the community about his deeds as he was released by Nampol. This man, whom the namib times previously reported on about his Cape to Europe tour, allegedly left Walvis Bay the past weekend after being released by Nampol. One of the business owners informed the news-
paper and provided us with video footage (see our Facebook page). “A man walked into my shop on Friday ordering signs to be made. I saw on the CCTV camera that he was trying to hide a readymade sign under his shirt. He put it back on the shelf and spent some time outside the shop. He however entered again and took the sign and left. I tried to
contact him but he did not answer. He returned later on to collect stickers. I locked the front door and contacted the police. The amount of the sign stolen is N$60. I requested police investigation as well as prosecution. However, when I wanted to lay charges against him, the police told me that he cannot be prosecuted over N$60, which I find completely
absurd. Thus I want to warn the community to be vigilant as he is now a free man,” she said. According to her the man agreed to pay N$600 admittance of guilt and paid the N$60 for the sign. The newspaper spoke to Nampol to ask why the man could not be prosecuted as the video footage clearly shows that his intentions were to steal, however
Commissioner Kashuupulwa was not available for comment before the time of going to print. According to this business owner, she was informed by her brother that the same man stole groceries at Spar. This man alleged that he had the right to shop at any Spar nationwide as they were allegedly sponsoring him. The newspaper spoke to management at
The man on tour that was caught stealing Spar for comment. “He stole beer, cigarettes and toiletpaper. He bluntly walked out of the shop with the groceries. The security guards confronted him. He is not being sponsored by Spar at all. He was told to never set his feet in Spar again after he begged that
we do not inform the police as he still has a long tour ahead of him,” she said. According to a source this man is no longer in Walvis Bay and they want to warn all business owners – countrywide - to be on the lookout him.
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Where to Fish
Is this what will be unleashed onto Namibia’s seabed if phosphate mining is ever allowed? No wonder scepticism and outright resistance are increasing about the quality and integrity of the environmental studies commissioned by mining companies when they will be using monsters like this to dig up the ocean floor
WBCG Office in Sao Paulo Liesl Losper
The Walvis Bay Corridor Group attended the 21st Intermodal South America, the second biggest logistics expo in the world, in Brazil last week. The WBCG has set up a branch office in Sao Paulo in 2012 and from that point forward has begun to investigate and build up the exchange course as an option for imports and fares between South America and Southern Africa. “The objective of the branch office of the WBCG in Sao Paulo is to connect the South American market to Southern Africa via Walvis Bay to the Southern African Region. South Africa is the biggest trader with Brazil and Angola the second biggest trader with Brazil in the SADC region. Brazil is also developing a stronger footprint in the African market and Walvis Bay offers the shortest connection with only seven days between Brazil coastline and the Namibian coastline.” Says Johny Smith, CEO, of the Walvis Bay Corridor Group, who has communicated with namib times from Brazil. The Walvis Bay Corridor Group (WBCG), together with Namport, last week attended the 21st Inter-
modal South America, which is the second biggest logistics Expo in the world. With a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of US$2, 245 trillion in 2013, Brazil is the world’s 7th wealthiest economy. It is also the largest country in area and population in Latin America and the Caribbean, with close to 200 million people, and its continuous internal growth is demanding investments in areas such as urban and social development as well as transport infrastructure. Government sponsored initiatives were launched to increase investment in infrastructure and taxes incentives were given for faster and more robust economic growth. Brazil’s strong domestic market is less vulnerable to external crisis, and
Riv er
Mile 72
Photo- news-images.vice.com
17 APRIL 2015
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken
Walvis Bay
Mile 33
Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Port Log
Mile 4
Brazilians are benefiting from stable economic growth, relatively low inflation rates and improvements in social well-being. International companies have as target several segments of the Brazilian economy, particularly oil and gas, biotechnology, tourism and electronic components. Brazil has well-developed industries in sectors of agriculture, mining, manufacturing and service. The main industries are textiles, automobiles, ships, airplanes, food and chemistry. It is the world’s biggest producer of sugar cane and coffee, and also an exporter of soya beans, cocoa and orange juice. Brazil is also one of the leading hydroelectric power producers of the world. Brazil is consi-
dered to be the best emerging country for the retail industry, with an ample and growing consumer market. Walvis Bay provides the shortest link to connect the massive Brazilian economy to the Southern African market, which serves as a very important trade corridor for Southern Africa as it is an emerging economic partnership and market. Some of the products currently moving on this trade route via Walvis Bay from Brazil to Southern Africa include chicken, meat, furniture, consumables, construction materials, etc. The Intermodal South America expo provided a very important platform for the WBCG to create awareness to over 48 000 visitors and 600 exhibitors from 50 coun-
Mr Johny Smith, the Chief Executive Officer of the WBCG is attending the 21st Intermodal South America in Brazil tries that is looking for new logistics solutions between South America and Southern Africa. According to Lloyd’s List, a worldwide register for international shipping companies, it has confirmed that for two consecutive years in a row, the Port of Walvis Bay has earned the highest hits of all port websites in the world.
17 APRIL 2015
Ou munisipaliteitsgebou vir wind en weer Marshallino Beukes Die gewese Munisipale perseel in Swakopmund se Mondesa woonbuurt is al vir jare lank blootgestel aan wind en weer en vandaliste het ook hul deel tot die haglike staat waarin die gebou tans is, bygedra. Op navraag deur om die hersonering like Ontwikkeling, namib times het die van die erf (4349), van aldus die munisiSwakopmund Muni- “Plaaslike Owerheid” paliteit. Vervolgens sipaliteit aangevoer na “Algemene Besig- kan die nuwe eienaar dat die gebou reeds heid,” te finaliseer. Die blykbaar net eienaargedurende 2012 aan datum wat verskaf skap neem nadat die ene Khomas Pro- was, is 26 September hersonering gefinaliperties cc verkoop is. 2015. Die hersonering seer is. Die munisiDie koopkontrak is van die betrokke erf is paliteit se woordop 26 Maart 2012 ingesluit by die vol- voerder het ter afsluionderteken. Nadat g e n d e w y s i g i n g - ting aangedui dat 'n die kontrak skynbaar skema vir finale goed- sekuriteitswag intushersien is, is 'n addi- keuring deur die Mini- sen aangestel is om sionele agtien maan- sterie van Streek- en verdere vandalisme de aan die Munisi- Plaaslike Owerhede, stop te sit en 'n ogie oor paliteit toegestaan Behuising en Lande- die “wit olifant” te hou.
Mondesa's sewage miseries tackled Marshallino Beukes
The historical problem of sewage water overflowing the streets of Swakopmund's Mondesa suburb will soon be history, after the town's Municipality awarded a tender (Tender T44/2014) worth N$12 994 310 for the rehabilitation of the sewer system to Strydo Construction cc. According to the Municipality the sewer lines in Mondesa and other parts of the town are being replaced with new pipes, with some pipes being relocated as part of municipal services. The old pipes are damaged and this causes the leakages in drains and often leads to blockages and overflow of sewerage water in the streets or properties, says the Municipality. Phase 2 was awarded in terms of the Tender Board Regulations, being valid and compliant with the requirements, to Strydo Construction cc. Construction will be completed fourteen months after appointment. Given the complexity of the works, it cannot be stated with accuracy, the Municipality stated. According to the Municipality this is a continuation of the previous project and will affect several streets in Mondesa and other parts of the town. Residents were requested to move temporary structures in the way of relocating of the services, in order for the project to run
smoothly. Residents who do not wish to comply with the request should submit their complaint to the Municipal Offices. The Council also urges all residents to support and be patient while the construction is in progress. Last week the constructor had to use explosives in Obadja Uushona Street in order to cut through the rocks and residents were in fear of their properties being damaged. However the explosions were professionally and carefully planned and all went according to plan. The municipality afterwards indicated that the constructor did comply with the requirements set by the Explosives Inspector. “They had to use explosive because the rock was impossible to remove manually (by using manpower)”, the statement reads. Currently, sewer systems in the following streets are being replaced: Augustinus Garoeb & Kuruseb street, Obadja Uushona Street, Helao Street, Kambueshe Street and Immanuel Kahmo Street.
17 APRIL 2015 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
newsdesk @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times reader’s comments
acebook Reader’s letter… What is going on at Live-It gym in Swakopmund?
Lang vingers ‘n Besigheidseienaar het die namib times gevra om ander besighede te waarsku regoor Namibië, van ‘n Suid Afrikaanse man wat lang vingers het. Die eienaar het die koerant met video materiaal verskaf waar die man ‘n item steel. Juanita Jordaan Bennie Buys Dit moet tog ooglopend wees dat hy lieg die oomblik toe hy noem dat hy dit met ‘n Land Rover doen het ek geweet. Michael Jäcksch Die gemors kort 'n ordentlike tik op die vingers met 'n baseball bat! Johann Liebenberg Hy by my gesteel hier in die Kavango, gaste se geld 4 000-00 rand. Roelien Fuchs Wie is dit? Alida Fuller Wanneer was dit Johann? Ek wil eintlik net weet of hy weg is hier uit Walvisbaai uit. Johann Liebenberg Ek sal sy naam noem, hy is blatant by my weggejaag, sy naam Is Mario. Alida dit was so drie weke terug hier in Rundu. Sandra Viljoen Mario is 'n bedrieër en sleg *&#@. Hester Gous Steenkamp So ................ Soekie Joubert Hy lyk bekend! Anita Gous Roux Sleg luis, kap sy vingers af. Jenny Jens Finnies Sy vingers mt waai soos lallie se vingers amper onskuldig mt gewaai ht terwille van an-
der mense se steelery hy mt bietjie India tu gan en da gan steel sy vingers waai of jy word mt klippe gesteenig as jy 'n verkeerde dade dun. Armand Basson Skop hom op di plek. Hendrik Dixon In watter dorpe operate die ...........! Gina Moolman Really - can he not see that there are cameras. Eish. Daleen Agenbag Wees asb ook bedag van 'n mnr Apel wat tjeks inbetaal en dan goed koop en dan die tjek gaan stop! Rodney Brussel Dis mos Dreamworld Creations se office. Rico Daniels Mnr Apel was by winkel cell. comp electronics Walvisbaai ook met tjek storie wou 'n pc koop maar dit moes 7dae le, toe keer ek hom af. Mense wees sterk en sê nee. Eduard du Toit Skelm wetter. Nathin Mouton Jy kry sulke mense hy het geld maar om te steel is soos drugs dit gee hom ‘n rush.
Namibian’s Cancer Research brings Hope
George van Straten This is an extraordinary achievement. Such an honour for our country to have a pioneer from such an unexpected sector of our community! Well done! Richard Loch Why also not try Cannabis oil which has proven to be effective. Selma Firstborn Maggy Inane This woman is blessd. I wish her nothing but good luck and all the best. Annatjie Fillipus Uulamba We salute you our girl, God’s blessings. Aulenia Fransina Kalenga Ms Amunjela is such a brave young scientist, wen ever I read her story of her
research I feel like crying because of happiness. I feel happy because we have our Johanna up there! May the almighty bless her carreer path. Alta Strauss Proud ex scholar of KSS. What an achievement! You and the research team give hope to all cancer patients! God bless. Nadine Derbyshire Such wonderful news - bringing new hope for all cancer sufferers and survivors. We also remember and honour the life of Melissa. Hester Delport Kotze WELL DONE! Nikki Güther What a wonderful achievement! Denise Kuluu Tjizumaue You Rock Girl!
One would never believe that Live-It gym in Swakopmund is owned by one of Namibia’s former sport heroines, the way they treat their members! The swimming pool, which was such an attractive option for the gym, is now out of bounds to members. Their gym instructors fail to show up for scheduled sessions (eg. spinning) without any excuse, and when they do show up they’re late and offer no apology. Now gym fees are increasing with OVER N$100 per month?! I would think that, with the option of the swimming pool gone, they would
at least keep the fees the same for another year, NOT increase it - for what? I really feel sorry for the ladies at the gym’s reception, who have to bear the brunt of all the disgruntled members, all the while staying humble, apologetic and friendly. . . wish the gym management could learn from them and do something about their own professionalism and customer service! Looks like it’s not about healthy lifestyles at all! - you stress MORE at the gym than away from it! Bedotte James
Jeanette Streidwolf asked Can you please post this wedding picture of Mr Silvanus Geiriseb and Mrs Marichen Geirises who got married on the 4th of April at Spitzkoppe. They are both residents of Walvis Bay. Thank you very much. Jeanette
Mellissa loses the battle against cancer It was a moment of shock and sadness when we at namib times received the news that Mellissa Bester had died 45 minutes earlier. Rose Minnaar We were of the fortunate that made a little contribution and i had the chance to meet Milissa and oh boy what a humour she had even thou she was in so much pain. May her beautiful soul rest in eternal peace. Ina Van Heerden Jones So hartseer, maar sy het geen pyn meer nie. Innige meegevoel met al haar familie en vriende! Jenny Mynhardt Ag nee.ag nee. Isabel Mack So bitter hartseer! Ons innige meegevoel aan haar familie en vriende. Rus sag Mellissa. Diana van Schalkwyk My innige meegevoel teenoor haar familie en vriende! RIP Melissa. Wilhelmus Kempen Claassens Mellisa Bester. You have earned your wings. God came to take his best soldier. You. To your family I send my love and strength and God to give pease in their hearts. I know how the battle is against Cancer. I am walking 4 years wih Difused B-Cell Non-Hodgkins lymphoma stage 4. And was also given 12 weeks only to live. You have fight the fight that is not fair to any person. But God chose you. You were special. My fight is not done. Another Hero has fallen which I keep in my heart to give me more strength to keep fighting against this dreadfull disease. All my Heros that I followed that was chosen as Gods warriors out there that has fallen. I will keep fighting for you against this disease. Kati Comely I shed a tear reading this article. God why? May the soul of this young vibrant woman rest in peace. Lets all unite and fight against cancer. Fina Scheepers Kotze Woorde ontbreek innige simpatie God met julle. Madelaine Laubscher She has been in so much pain, yet she kept smiling. You remained a sunbeam til the end Mellissa. Keep shining. Was an honour to have walked with you. Respect to you. Condolences to Hannelie and Cor and friends. She will be remembered as the smiling fighter we got to know her as.
Oliver Nederlof My deepest and sincerest condolences to her family and friends. I’m sure that she will be greatly missed. May God’s love surround you all during this sad time. May He hold all of you close in His arms and give you peace. Martina Du Toit RIP my sincerest condolences to the family. She has received her wings. We salute You Mellissa. You where a fighter and never gave up. God bless and praying for those of you who are in pain and sorrow. My the Lord give you His strength and love. Amanda Baard RIP. Sad indeed. Condolences to the family. Jdk Appolus Rest in peace Millisa Winston Albertyn Greyling Dit is baie jammer om te hoor. Lili Afi Ndemulungila May her soul rest in peace Elizabeth Blomi Dietrich Rip Mellisa. Ons sal jou mooi glimlag en jou vriendlike gesindheid ondhou. Sterkte aan jou familie. Elizabeth-Meide Korner May her soul rest in peace Claudia van der Merwe Our prayers and thought’s to her family. We will miss her! Oliver Nederlof My deepest and sincerest condolences to her family and friends. I’m sure that she will be greatly missed. May God’s love surround you all during this sad time. May He hold all of you close in His arms and give you peace. Martina Du Toit RIP my sincerest condolences to the family. She has received her wings. We salute You Mellissa. You where a fighter and never gave up. God bless and praying for those of you who are in pain and sorrow. My the Lord give you His strength and love. Amanda Baard RIP. Sad indeed. Condolences to the family. Winston Albertyn Greyling Dit is baie jammer om te hoor.
Tyd om fees te vier
En as hy hom kry, verseker Ek julle, is hy blyer oor hom as oor die nege en negentig wat nie weggeraak het nie. So is dit ook nie die wil van julle Vader in die hemel dat een van hierdie kleintjies verlore moet gaan nie. Matt 18:13-14
17 17 17APRIL APRIL APRIL2015 2015 2015
NAMA 2015 Show Hosts Announced After a vigorous audition process that saw over 500 hopefuls participate to audition to become the 2015 Namibia Music Awards (NAMA) show host, the NAMA organisers have finally revealed the names of this year’s show host. Considered the biggest Master of Ceremony job in the country by far, hosting Namibia’s biggest musical event with a live audience of over 4 000 people and a further 600 000 TV audience, the organisers made sure they picked the best of the best.
The big surprise factor in this year’s announcement is that for the very first time in NAMA history, 2 Namibian artists have been selected to co-host the show with the main show host as guest host. This has become an international trend
at award ceremonies where artist themselves host the show. So for the very first time, Gazza and Lady May will become Namibia’s first artists to co-host the main event and as part of the NAMA mandate to expand promotion of Namibian
He is also an ambassador under UNICEF for a project called Brothers for Life Zambia which deals with HIV and AIDS awareness, good moral behaviour amongst men, gender based violence and other vices. He is a radio and television presenter, voice over artist, and is totally in love with music. He loves football, movies, cooking and travel. His inspiration is John Dykes, who presents the Barclays Premier League
My background is not like a lot of other Namibians – yes, my parents were hardworking, they tried to give me the best education and opportunities but I have always believed in doing things myself and my own way! I love the idea of working match day programme on weekends. His vision and dream is to see proactive and educated youths who will create success stories to inspire generations to come.
Helena Ngaifiwa is 27 years old and was born in Arandis, but raised in Swakopmund. Group of Companies where she was the master of ceremonies alongside household comedian Neville Basson. This event stood out because she was honoured to host an event graced by former President Hifikepyunye Pohamba. Due to the nature of her work and passion for youth empowerment, according to Helena, she regularly tours around Namibia and inspire
Welcoming and interviewing all the VIP guest on the blue carpet at the main awards on Saturday will be Milton Hochobeb and Pombili Shilongo while Chops Tshoopara and Uejaa will be in the Blue Room. Paul and Helena will be
“I Love being in my 30’s. My dream is to transform attitudes and thinking through my passions.
Helena She is currently working at Namibia Careers Expo as a project coordinator; however she is also a freelance presenter on Energy 100fm, a News Anchor at One Africa TV and an aspiring youth activist. She has experience in both Television and Radio broadcasting as a presenter and public speaking. Her most memorable event is the 25th birthday for Kalahari Holdings
audiences across borders. Alongside them will be Mavis Braga, who is currently a radio personality at Energy100fm with Ashwyn Mberi who will make his consecutive appearance on the NAMA stage as co-host.
Born 8 December, 1991, Paul Munanjala is the second born from a family of 5. Born and raised in Zambia, Paul has had the passion for music and media since high school which he completed in 2008. He has a diploma in Hardware and Network Engineering as well as a diploma in Camera and Filming. He is in his 4th year of study, pursuing a degree in Media Studies at the University of Namibia, majoring in Broadcasting. Paul Munanjala is a 23 year old R&B singer, songwriter and performer.
artists and NAMA as a platform to audiences across the rest of Africa, this year will also feature a guest host role by African music star Keko from East Africa, who will be the host link to also introduce Namibian artists to these new
young people to stay in school and focus on education. She enjoys talking to young girls about the issues and challenges they may face as teenagers. She believes that “life is a journey that doesn’t come with a manual and we have to share our experiences with one another in order to better equip those that are following us.”
in media and learning to tell great stories with only the words in my mind. For me working at Radio Wave 96.7fm, not only represents having a great job that is challenging and has variety but also a chance to learn every day and create my own oppor-
tunities as a personality and host. Lastly, my life mantra is what guides me through every day. That is - Live Well, Play Hard and Get Freaking Angry! Let’s do this!”
Uejaa “I would say I’m someone who is mature, candid and believes in integrity. Every day I work to improve myself and my skills - that’s part of becoming better at what I do. Born on 1st April 1983 in Windhoek, I have been in the entertainment industry for the past 7 years, currently employed as the Marketing and
Public Relations Officer for Moola Mobile Games (Pty) LTD, a part-time radio presenter on 99fm, part-time 3rd year Media student at the Polytechnic of Namibia and voice over artist for radio and TV adverts. Over the years I have developed an impressive
list of clients that request me as a Master of Ceremonies and Event Hostess on a regular basis. In 2014 I was chosen to host MTC & Namibia Premier League Awards which was aired live on NBC 1 for the second year running.”
the main show host for the Friday NAMA Industry Awards that will now for the first time also be live on NBC. On the Blue Carpet will be Uejaa and Ruffy.
17 APRIL 2015
17 APRIL 2015
Labour minister calls on employers to promote decency Erkki Nghimtina said this in the speech read on his behalf by his deputy, Alpheus Muheua during the opening of the Namibian Employers’ Federation (NEF)’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the capital on Wednesday. Nghimtina said this approach fuels industrial unrest and can create antagonism between workers and employers. “The employers who fuel labour unrest exploit their workforce, maintain an unsafe working environment, or avoid their obligation under the labour and employment laws through practices such as labour hire and casual labour, stand in the way of us reaching
our shared goal of a prosperous Namibia,” he said. Nghimtina called for the NEF to set the example for all members of the business community by engaging in on-going dialogue with their employees and their trade union representatives to understand each other’s needs and interests. He further urged them to promote mutual respect at the workplace and to avoid unnecessary labour disputes. Nghimtina said this requires, among other things, that the process of faithful and collective bargaining between employers and registered trade unions be strengthened. The minister said the NEF can contribute to
this goal by embarking on a campaign to sensitise employers on the need for on-going training for their management and supervisors, and in particular their Human and Industrial Relations managers, on how to manage and improve labour relations. “Our ministry is prepared to assist the employers and trade unions to undergo joint training in modern collective bargaining methods in order to achieve this goal,” noted Nghimtina. According to the minister, government is committed to the principle of tripartite and has been fully funding the NEF to send representatives to key sub-regional, continen-
tal and international labour and employment conferences but it appears that the NEF does not always take full advantage of these opportunities and does not always transfer the knowledge gained at these meetings to their membership. He urged the federation to take this concern into consideration for the benefit of the continuity and knowledge base of the NEF. “We encourage you to strive to be a vibrant employers’ organisation, articulate in local, regional continental and international forums, informed and driven by our own national developmental agenda. We also encourage the NEF to inform its
(Photo by Rafael Hangula) NAMPA
The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation has expressed disappointment with some Namibian employers who display unacceptable attitudes towards their employees and trade unions that cause industrial unrest in the country.
The Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, previously Minister of Works and Transport, Erkki Nghimtina. members of the importance of Decent Work agenda and its objectives. We will soon begin preparatory work for
our next Decent Work country programme, and I am hopeful that the NEF will participate fully in the formulation of the pro-
gramme,” said the Minister.New auditors and board members for theNEF will be elected during this AGM. NAMPA
17 APRIL 2015
Rock art sites in Namibia vandalised 17 APRIL 2015
An archaeologist at the National Heritage Council of Namibia says many rock art sites around the country are being vandalised and this is a serious situation. ches scarce resources and push heritage institutions away from protection and conservation efforts. Therefore, a portion of tourism revenue must remain in the community as a means of fostering local protection, conservation and restoration efforts,” she noted. Nankela said helicopters that fly over the works of rock art such as at Brandberg, spill diesel on the rocks while livestock, off road vehicles, fire, graf-
Accordning to sources, the archaeologist Abbé H Breuil noted in 1948 that ‘the convex rear wall of the shelter is covered from end to end with paintings, some of them excellent.’ The German archaeologist Dr. ER Scherz later described the following figures inside the cave: A giraffe. Hartebeests. Two hippopotami. A jackal. A kudu. Numerous human figures. A rhinoceros. A sphinx with a thin body and thick buttocks. The rock paintings in the Bushman Paradise Cave were proclaimed a national monument on 1 July 1954.
Sunday 10 May
fiti, theft, uncontrolled tourism, illegal camping, littering, hiking and mining activities exacerbate damage. Rock art sites at Spitzkoppe in the Erongo Region have also been badly vandalised due to the mining of granite. She said there is therefore a great need to impose heritage impact assessments to evaluate the impact that any proposed development or site alternation will have on the
cultural heritage resources. Nankela said current legislation does not recognise the local means of management and conservation of heritage sites, considering that rock art sites existed long before written laws. This means that there is wide disparity in the existence, awareness and effectiveness of heritage legislation within Namibia. According to the archaeologist, sites with histori-
cal ties enjoy better protection and conservation than other heritage sites in Namibia, saying that no archaeological sites have been declared since independence. She added that the complete absence of a heritage conservation fund at a heritage institution makes it difficult if not impossible to effectively conserve the rock art heritage. She also called on the Ministry of Education,
Arts and Culture to integrate heritage studies into schools, as to create awareness and promotion of cultural heritage from local to global levels. The current internal heritage register on paintings and engravings is at 62 000 figures found at more than 1 200 sites around the country. Of the 1 200 sites, only eight have been proclaimed as national heritage sites under the Historical Monuments
Commission (HMS) for South West Africa and the National Monument Council. Of the eight proclaimed rock art sites only one, Twyfelfontein, is in scribed as a United Nations Education and Scientific Organisation (UNESCO) World Heritage Site, while the Brandberg National Monument is on the UNESCO Tentative List since 2002. NAMPA EK/LI/ND
(Photo by Esme Konstantinus) NAMPA
Alma Nankela on Wednesday gave a presentation on the conservation of Namibia’s rock art at the Cultural Heritage and Creative Arts National Conference underway in the capital. She said tourism related activities are some of the culprits in the vandalism of historic sites because some tour guides don’t have proper training and allow vandalism to happen. “Growing tourism stret-
The Spitzkoppe, Erongo - home to rich rock art sites
at Protea Hotel Pelican Bay
Deconstructed Greek salad, Salmon Platter Assorted sushi platters, Beetroot chunks salad Seafood stir-fry selection
On the grill
Beef minute steaks, Sausage kebab, Spicy chicken wings, Lamb chops, Pork Belly, Hot dishes, Spicy Rice Sweet Corn and Broccoli Roasted potatoes with bacon and fresh parsley Crumbed chicken pieces, Oxtail stew
Cupcakes, Fruit salad, Carrot cake Strawberry Cheesecake Trio of ice cream Malva pudding with custard
N$220.00 pp For Reservations call 064-214 000
Jum castl ping e for t kids he
Tel: 064 214 000 Walvis Bay
WINDHOEK, 15 April 2015 - An Archaeologist at the Heritage Council of Namibia, Alma Nankela addressing participants at the five-day Cultural Heritage and Creative Arts National Conference which is underway in the capital.
Busy Bodies helping Welwitschia Old Age Home
Busy Bodies Montessori School enjoyed a visit from the Easter Bunny! The kids were delighted to find treats scattered throughout the playground. A great 'sugary' time was had by all. The School also recently helped the residents at the Welwitschia Old Age Home by gathering donations to pay for the energiser for their electric fence to be replaced. Busy Bodies would like to thank their very generous parents for again helping out in such a wonderful way.
17 APRIL 2015
17 17APRIL APRIL2015 2015
Stemproses vir Mnr en Mej Walvisbaai geopen… Liesl Losper
Die afgelope week is die proses, waarby elke lid van die gemeenskap betrek word vir sy of haar keuse van mnr en mej Walvisbaai, amptelik van stapel laat loop… Vanjaar staan die inskrywingstotaal op 15 dames en 11 mans. Hulle ding mee om die titels van mnr en mej Walvisbaai. Die wenners word op 30 April in die Walvisbaai-stadsaal gekroon. Die organiseerders het by die afgelope Fishtival die manne wat ingeskryf het, aan die gemeenskap voorgestel. Hulle gaan ook die 25ste van die maand ‘n straatparade hou. Mnr Walvisbaai is ‘n toevoeging tot die kompetisie, want die organiseerders wou nuwe dimensie gee daaraan.
“Dit het groot reaksie uitgelok van ons publiek en ons kaartjieverkope wys dit,” sê die organiseerders. “Daar gaan in totaal 12 beoordeelaars wees - vyf vir die dames en vyf vir die mans. Die 6de beoordeelaar vir elke afdeling sal die puntestand dophou, van die vyf beoordeelaars wat op pa-
pier hul punte sal toeken. Die punte sal daarna elektronies gelaai word. Daar gaan 'n verteenwoordiger van 'n ouditeursfirma teenwoordig wees, wat dan al die uitslae sal bevestig en wat sal seker maak dat daar geen onreëlmatighede is nie. Op hul Facebookbladsy, as jy vir iemand wil stem
moet jy op die spesifieke kandidaat se foto kliek, en vir hom stem deur middel van die “like”-knoppie. Mense kan stem tot en met 29 April, voor 17:55… slegs “likes” tot en met 17:55 sal gebruik word om die publiek se stemme te verteenwoordig.
Aubrey Van der Schuur
Most of the photos supplied by Snap Shot Photography
Adelheid Gertze
Anna Shaapopi
Tendane Cecilie
Jason Swartz
Benatus Simon
Bertha Haimbodi
Elizabeth Haukongo
Suama Kornelius
Juuso Kadhila
Eric Scheepers
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 2 May: Ring Of Fire Mcc Ruk & Pluk Dayjol at Atlantis Sport Club. * 5 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E Kerk, Kuisebmond. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 30 May: Meat Festival and Canoe Combat at the Lagoon - Walvis Bay. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 5 June: Erongo Health Care Clinic in Association with Cancer Association of Namibia presents The Moulin Rouge Charity Event at the Walvis Bay Town Hall at 18:00. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 26 June: Donkey Derby at Town Hall. * 26 June: Narraville Primary School Talent Show at School Hall. * 27 Junie: Huis Palms Basaar by Huis Palms Gronde 10:00. * 3 July: Narraville Primary School Mystery Walk. * 7 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community Church. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00. * 12 July: Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade.
Ester Ndaamekele
Elizabeth Haukongo
Shanique Louw
Lucian Bampton
Jean-Pear Truter
* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * 18 April: “Workshop about Dolphins” (Dr Daniela Maldini) at 09:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. * 25 April: Sena Style & Design - Table Setting Workshop at Brigadoon Conference Centre. * 28 - 29 April: Sena Style & Design - Etiquette Workshop (16 - 19y) at Brigadoon Conference Centre.
Ester Nestor
Lydia Hamunyela
Martha Kamukwatange Stephy Lizazi
Ottilie Shikongo
Jean-Claude Truter
Pablo Ringuest
Rollinia Shahungu
Prince Junior Bobby
Lee-Anzo Losper
* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00.
17 APRIL 2015
17 APRIL 2015
17 APRIL 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Fakten rund um das ,,Geschäft”
Fragen, die sich sonst keiner zu stellen traut, beantwortet Darmexpertin und Buchautorin Giulia E n d e r s i n i h re m Ratgeber "Darm mit Charme" (Ullstein Buchverlag) völlig ohne rot zu werden. Das Thema betrifft uns alle, sagt sie. Und mit ihm eben auch Ve r d a u u n g , B l ä hungen und Verstopfung. Enders ist überzeugt davon, dass wir endlich damit aufhören sollten, uns für unsere Verdauung zu schämen und startet ihr Buch ganz schamlos mit der Frage "Wie geht kacken?". Das Fazit: Unser Klogang ist eine wahre Meisterleistung. "Zwei Nervensysteme arbeiten gewissermaßen zusammen, um unseren Müll so diskret und hygienisch wie möglich zu entsorgen." Unser Körper habe hierzu allerlei Vorrichtungen eingebaut und Tricks entwickelt, damit das "Geschäft" nicht in "Tante Bertas Wohnzimmer landet". Besonders ausgetüftelt seien unsere Schließmechanismen. Ein Stück hinter dem äußeren Schließmuskel sitzt ein weiterer, den wir aber nicht bewusst steuern können. "So hört der äußere Schließmuskel auf das Bewusstsein und hält so dicht, wie er eben kann. Der innere Schließmuskel ist der Vertreter unserer unbewussten Innenwelt",
Anorektaler Winkel sitzend
schreibt Enders. Und diese beiden Schließmuskeln müssen zusammenarbeiten: ,,Wenn unsere Verdauungsreste beim inneren Schließmuskel ankommen, macht dieser reflexartig auf. Er lässt allerdings nicht einfach alles auf den äußeren Schließmuskel los, sondern erst einmal nur einen Testhappen.” Die Sensorzellen zwischen innerem und äußerem Schließmuskel analysieren dann "ob das gelieferte Produkt darauf fest oder gasförmig ist". Diese Informationen werden an das Gehirn weitergeleitet und es merkt: "Ich muss aufs Klo - oder nur pupsen." Das Gehirn untersucht daraufhin unsere Umwelt und schaut, ob die Situation gerade günstig ist. Wenn ja, kann es losgehen. Wenn nicht, funke es "Stopp" an den äußeren Schließmuskel und dieser ziehe sich wieder zusammen, erklärt Enders. Der innere Schließmuskel akzeptiere vor-
läufig diese Entscheidung und der Testhappen lande in einer Warteschleife. Später versucht der Schließmuskel dann erneut sein Glück. Laut der Darmexpertin ist es wichtig, dass wir uns nicht häufig hintereinander verbieten, auf Toilette zu gehen, obwohl wir müssen - denn das schüchtert den Schließmuskel ein. Die Folge kann Verstopfung sein. Und auch die Klohaltung spiele eine bedeutende Rolle bei der erfolgreichen Entleerung, ist Enders überzeugt. So seien Hämorriden oft die Folge unserer Sitzklos und die Hocktoiletten eine wahre Entlastung für den Darm. Eine Studie habe gezeigt, dass die Hockhaltung am ehesten unserer Anatomie entgegenkommt. "Unser Darmverschluss-Apparat ist nicht so entworfen, dass er im Sitzen die Luke vollständig öffnet. Es gibt einen Muskel, der in Sitzhaltung oder gerade auch beim Stehen
den Darm wie ein Lasso umgreift und in eine Richtung zieht, sodass ein Knick entsteht." Und dieser bremse den Vorgang ab. Der Vorteil ist, dass die Schließmuskeln beim Stehen oder Sitzen wesentlich weniger Kraft aufbringen müssen, um dichtzuhalten. Der Nachteil allerdings ist, dass man in der Sitzhaltung stärkeren Druck auf das Gewebe ausüben muss, damit der Stuhlgang kommt. In der Hocke hingegen würde der Knick am besten begradigt, weiß die Darmexpertin. "Hämorriden, Darmkrankheiten oder auch Verstopfungen gibt es fast nur in Ländern, in denen man beim Stuhlgang auf eine Art Stuhl geht." Man sollte auf der Toilette daher besser möglichst wenig Kraft aufwenden. http://www.t-online. de/lifestyle/gesundhei t/id_68568904/ratgeb er-darm-mit-charmebeantwortet-fragenzur -verdauung.html
Swakopmund (sk) Am Samsatg, den 18. Apri, trifft man sich morgens früh gegenüber vom Tierschutzverein beim Reiterverein Swakopmund. Um 9 Uhr geht es los. Der Weg vom Reiterverein bis zur Desert
Breeze Lodge kann zu Fuß oder zu Pferd, per Rad, im Gehen oder Laufen abgelegt werden. Anschließend gibt es etwas zu Trinken. Was ist außer der N$ 10,- Registrationsgeld mitzubringen? Freunde, Fahrräder, Pferde,
Hunde, gute Schuhe und ein breites Lächeln. Der Event beinhaltet nämlich Spaß. Also, meldet euch bei der Organisatorin Elinor Dürr unter der Handynummer 08132 74974 an.
Fun Run, Fat Bike und mehr!
Wollten Sie nicht schon immer mehr über die Lions und den Swakopmunder Club wissen?
Die meisten Swakopmunder werden schon über Lions International und die Projekte des Swakopmunder Lions Club gehört haben, was Interesse geweckt haben könnte, mehr über diesen Service Club zu erfahren. Nun, jetzt ist die Chance, aus erster Hand informiert zu werden. Alle Interessenten sind herzlich eingeladen zu einem einstündigen Informationstreffen am Montag 20. April 2015, 18h in der Höhle des Swakopmunder Löwenklub an der
Ecke Rhode Allee/Lüderitz Strasse. Alle Fragen werden nach einer Präsentation von offiziellen Mitgliedern
des Clubs gerne beantwortet. Eine Voranmeldung ist nicht nötig. Pressemeldung
Die Devolution von ESKOM
Haben Sie Worte der Woche gewusst, dass der Eiffelturm durch die Wärmeausdehnung im Sommer 15 cm höher ist als im Winter? dass alle Menschen, die jemals gelebt haben, in einem Baseball Platz hätten, wenn man den Zwischenraum in den Atomen entfernen könnte? dass mehr Moleküle in einem Glas Wasser sind als Wassergläser in den Weltmeeren? dass Ratten und Pferde sich nicht übergeben können?
Haltet unsere Atlantikküste sauber ! - Keep our Atlantic Coast clean! Sauberer Sand, wie lekker!
Wie herrlich ist es, nichts zu tun und dann vom Nichtstun auszuruhn. Heinrich Zille (1858-1929) Wenn der Mensch vor lauter Fleiß nicht mehr zum Nachdenken kommt, wird's höchste Zeit, dass er faulenzt. unbekannter Verfasser Wer nicht richtig faulenzen kann, der kann auch nicht richtig arbeiten. Aus Sizilien Arbeit bringt Brot, Faulenzen Hungersnot. deutsches Sprichwort Das Blöde am Faulenzen ist, dass man nicht weiss, wann man fertig ist. Facebook Niemand hetzt andere so wie die Faulen, wenn sie ausgefaulenzt haben, damit sie fleißig erscheinen. François VI. Duc de La Rochefoucauld (1613 - 1680) Wer nichts tut, wird keinen Fehler machen. Aus Ungarn Es tut im Grabe hier der gute Mann, was er im Leben einst getan; er ruht. Unbekannt Quelle: Grabinschrift eines Faulenzers
17 APRIL 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Derweze - das Tor zur Hölle
Auf den ersten Blick sieht die Szenerie aus wie eine Szene aus einem Science-Fiction-Film. Doch der brennende Gaskrater in der Karakum-Wüste existiert tatsächlich und er brennt bereits seit 40 Jahren. Der Krater in Darvazza, Turkmenistan, ist 70 Meter tief. Er wurde von sowjetischen Geologen während einer RoutinenBohraktion zufällig "erschaffen". Damals wollte man das Loch "ausbrennen" lassen, damit keine giftigen Gase abgesondert werden konnten. Wissenschaftler gingen damals davon aus, dass das Feuer innerhalb weniger Tage ausgeht, doch es brennt heute - nach über 40 Jahren - noch. Umgeben von flachem, kargen Land der Wüste Karakum leuchtet einen dieser
Vor einigen Monaten ist der Derweze-Krater im Herzen der Karakum-Wüste zu einer Touristenattraktion geworden. "Es nimmt den Atem und jagt Angst ein", sagt Gosel Jaskuliewa, eine 34-jährige Besucherin aus Aschgabat. "Ich verstehe, dass man es das ,Tor zur Hölle' nennt. ” Bevölkerung zu schütschon von weitem bohrt wurde. entgegen. Aus dem Dabei fand ein geo- zen, beschlossen die t i e f e n E r d s c h l u n d logisches Team die Geologen das Gas steigen die Flammen reichlich mit Erdgas abzufackeln. empor und erleuchten gefüllte, unterirdische Allerdings legte sich H ö h l e . A l l e r d i n g s das Feuer nicht wie auch die Nacht. Entstanden ist das brach der Boden bei ursprünglich gedacht nicht ganz so natür- dessen Bergung ein nach ein paar Tagen, liche Phänomen im und setzte das giftige sondern brennt nun Jahre 1971, als nach Gas frei. schon seit über 40 Gasvorkommen ge- Um die umliegende Jahren.
Welche Banane sollte man essen?
Möchten Sie zeigen, dass man auch im hohen Alter noch verspielt sein kann und darf? Melden Sie sich per E-Mail bei Susann Kinghorn (zur Zeit in Kapstadt): susannkinghorn @gmail.com BOOKKEEPING TRAINING COURSES FOR BEGINNERS IN SWAKOPMUND Hands on practical and computer based bookkeeping courses are available three times per week in the afternoon or morning for the duration of one month. Classes are limited to 10 students who will be taught on the Sage One Accounting by Sage Pastel accounting package. Qualifying and successful students will receive a certificate and may possibly be placed with external clients alternatively be offered employment at Seelenbinder Consulting, focussing on accounting, tax, payrolls, business consulting, due diligence, mergers and acquisitions and competition board submissions. Costs: N$11,500 including VAT. Payment plans are available for qualifying students at N$1,150.00 per month for a period of twelve months. Terms and conditions apply. New courses start at the beginning of each calendar month. For bookings and more information please contact Joyce at 064 40 66 73 or email joyce.e@seelenbinderconsulting.com. NAMIBIA SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING a division of SEELENBINDER CONSULTING
Die richtige Antwort ist Nr. 8. . Es ist bewiesen, dass der Nährstoffgehalt der Früchte sich leicht verändert, während sie reifen. Wenn eine Banane reift und langsam gelb wird, ändert sich auch ihr Gehalt an Antioxidantien, der in reifen Bananen steigt. Diese Antioxidantien in reifen Bananen schützen den Körper vor Krebs und Herzkrankheiten. Je reifer die Banane, desto süßer schmeckt sie. Das liegt daran, dass unreife Bananen viel Stärke enthalten sprich langkettige Kohlenhydrate, die aus mehreren einfachen Glucose- also Zuckermolekülen aufgebaut sind. Reife Banaen, die mit ein paar braunen Stellen bedeckt sind, beinhalten kaum noch Stärke, denn die Stärke-Moleküle sind bei diesem Reifegrad fast vollständig zu einfachen Zuckermolekülen umgesetzt worden. Letztere sind viel leichter verdaulich als langkettige Stärkemoleküle
Locker vom Hocker Allein versus einsam
Liebe Küstenleser! Neulich hatte ich nach einem intensiven Arbeitstag das Bedürfnis, mich bei einem Fünfrosentee ganz allein ins Museumscafè zu setzen und einfach auf das ruhige Wellenspiel des Atlantik zu blicken. Gesagt, getan! Neben mir saß eine Bekannte mit Familie. Wir plauderten ein wenig, bevor sie sich mit den Worten von mir verabschiedete: ,,Na, dann genieß mal deine Einsamkeit.” Obwohl sie sicherlich das Richtige meinte, benutzte sie den falschen Ausdruck dafür. Ich genoss einfach das Alleinsein und war dabei keineswegs einsam. Als ich meinen ältesten Sohn Anfang Februar am Hosea- KutakoFlugplatz verabschiedete, fuhr ich mutterseelenallein für fünf Tage auf die Namib Desert Lodge. Ich wollte, da meine beiden Söhne nun in Deutschland studieren bzw. arbeiten, die neue Lebenssituation mit meinen Kindern überdenken. Als ich das jemandem erzählte, reagierte die Person mit echtem Erstaunen: ,,Was, ganz alleine? ” Ich wiederum fragte erstaunt zurück: ,,Hast du noch nie alleine Urlaub gemacht? Dann weisst du nicht, was du verpasst hast!” Viele Menschen scheinen Alleinsein automatisch mit Einsamkeit zu assoziieren. Alleinsein wird jedoch nur als Einsamkeit empfunden, wenn man sich das Alleinsein nicht wünscht. Wer freiwillig alleine ist, auf den wirkt es eher befreiend und wohltuend. Hermann Hesse beschreibt dies so: ,,Nur im Alleinsein können wir uns selber finden. Alleinsein ist nicht Einsamkeit; es ist das größte Abenteuer. ” Verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, liebe Leser, ich bin durchaus sehr gerne mit lieben Menschen zusammen, und der soziale Aspekt ist mir mindestens ebenso wichtig wie das Alleinsein. Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, dass es für jeden von uns äußerst wichtig ist, mit sich selbst zurechtzukommen und sich auch einmal fernab von Menschen in Ruhe Gedanken über Dinge zu machen. Das braucht und soll auch
nicht ein Dauerzustand sein, ist aber dennoch wichtig, um sich auf allen Ebenen seiner Existenz auf eine neue Stufe zu begeben. Alleinsein ist keine Gefahr, sondern eine Herausforderung, ein Abenteuer, wie Hesse es nennt. Alleinsein und Einsamkeit zu unterscheiden sei äußerst wichtig, betont John Cacioppo, ein Psychologe von der
University of Chicago. Denn beides habe zunächst einmal nichts miteinander zu tun. Einsamkeit, so sagt Cacioppo, ist nicht an die An- und Abwesenheit von Menschen gebunden. Sie sei auch nicht an die Anzahl von Menschen gebunden, die man kennt. Wer einsam sei, dem fehlten nicht einfach Menschen, sondern das Gefühl, von ihnen beachtet, anerkannt und gebraucht zu werden. Es charakterisiert eine tiefe Unzufriedenheit mit den Beziehungen, die schon bestehen. Natürlich ist jeder von uns in seinem Leben von Zeit zu Zeit einsam, vor allem, wenn eine große Veränderung im Leben eintritt, zum Beispiel wenn die Kinder ausgezogen sind, oder nach dem Tod des Lebenspartners. Niemand ist davor gefeit. "Menschen die in der Einsamkeit feststecken, haben nichts falsch gemacht", schreibt Cacioppo in seinem Buch "Loneliness". "Niemand von uns ist immun gegen das Gefühl, isoliert zu sein, genauso wenig wie wir immun sind gegen Hungergefühle oder Schmerz.” Wenn das Einsamkeitsgefühl jedoch absolut nicht weichen
will, selbst wenn man wieder menschlichen Kontakt sucht oder Beziehungen zu intensivieren versucht, wenn sie emotional verflacht sind. dann sollte man auf jeden Fall Hilfe suchen. Ich denke, es ist wich-
tig, dass man sich selbst und seinen Kindern den Unterschied zwischen Alleinsein und Einsamkeit klarmacht - gerade in einer Welt, wo die beiden Zustände oftmals in einen Topf geworfen werden. Das nimmt die Angst vor dem Alleinsein und ermutigt zu Weiterentwicklung. Wenn ich mir die kids und auch Erwachsenen heute so anschaue, die sich krampfhaft an jede Form der Sozialisierung hängen, sei es Partys, das Handy oder Facebook, dann frage ich mich allen Ernstes, ob wir nicht dabei sind, das Alleinsein zu verlernen - und damit die Möglichkeit des gesunden Wachstums als Mensch. Wer alles in seinem Leben nur von anderen Menschen abhängig macht, der wird meiner Meinung nach irgendwann in ein tiefes Loch der Depression fallen. Wir brauchen auch etwas außerhalb von wechselhaften menschlichen Beziehungen, das uns begeistert, wenn wir Zufriedenheit im Leben anstreben. Das jedenfalls meint Ihre Susann Kinghorn, die Gesellschaft genauso liebt wie das Alleinsein
17 APRIL 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Derweze - das Tor zur Hölle
Auf den ersten Blick sieht die Szenerie aus wie eine Szene aus einem Science-Fiction-Film. Doch der brennende Gaskrater in der Karakum-Wüste existiert tatsächlich und er brennt bereits seit 40 Jahren. Der Krater in Darvazza, Turkmenistan, ist 70 Meter tief. Er wurde von sowjetischen Geologen während einer RoutinenBohraktion zufällig "erschaffen". Damals wollte man das Loch "ausbrennen" lassen, damit keine giftigen Gase abgesondert werden konnten. Wissenschaftler gingen damals davon aus, dass das Feuer innerhalb weniger Tage ausgeht, doch es brennt heute - nach über 40 Jahren - noch. Umgeben von flachem, kargen Land der Wüste Karakum leuchtet einen dieser
Vor einigen Monaten ist der Derweze-Krater im Herzen der Karakum-Wüste zu einer Touristenattraktion geworden. "Es nimmt den Atem und jagt Angst ein", sagt Gosel Jaskuliewa, eine 34-jährige Besucherin aus Aschgabat. "Ich verstehe, dass man es das ,Tor zur Hölle' nennt. ” Bevölkerung zu schütschon von weitem bohrt wurde. entgegen. Aus dem Dabei fand ein geo- zen, beschlossen die t i e f e n E r d s c h l u n d logisches Team die Geologen das Gas steigen die Flammen reichlich mit Erdgas abzufackeln. empor und erleuchten gefüllte, unterirdische Allerdings legte sich H ö h l e . A l l e r d i n g s das Feuer nicht wie auch die Nacht. Entstanden ist das brach der Boden bei ursprünglich gedacht nicht ganz so natür- dessen Bergung ein nach ein paar Tagen, liche Phänomen im und setzte das giftige sondern brennt nun Jahre 1971, als nach Gas frei. schon seit über 40 Gasvorkommen ge- Um die umliegende Jahren.
Welche Banane sollte man essen?
Möchten Sie zeigen, dass man auch im hohen Alter noch verspielt sein kann und darf? Melden Sie sich per E-Mail bei Susann Kinghorn (zur Zeit in Kapstadt): susannkinghorn @gmail.com BOOKKEEPING TRAINING COURSES FOR BEGINNERS IN SWAKOPMUND Hands on practical and computer based bookkeeping courses are available three times per week in the afternoon or morning for the duration of one month. Classes are limited to 10 students who will be taught on the Sage One Accounting by Sage Pastel accounting package. Qualifying and successful students will receive a certificate and may possibly be placed with external clients alternatively be offered employment at Seelenbinder Consulting, focussing on accounting, tax, payrolls, business consulting, due diligence, mergers and acquisitions and competition board submissions. Costs: N$11,500 including VAT. Payment plans are available for qualifying students at N$1,150.00 per month for a period of twelve months. Terms and conditions apply. New courses start at the beginning of each calendar month. For bookings and more information please contact Joyce at 064 40 66 73 or email joyce.e@seelenbinderconsulting.com. NAMIBIA SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING a division of SEELENBINDER CONSULTING
Die richtige Antwort ist Nr. 8. . Es ist bewiesen, dass der Nährstoffgehalt der Früchte sich leicht verändert, während sie reifen. Wenn eine Banane reift und langsam gelb wird, ändert sich auch ihr Gehalt an Antioxidantien, der in reifen Bananen steigt. Diese Antioxidantien in reifen Bananen schützen den Körper vor Krebs und Herzkrankheiten. Je reifer die Banane, desto süßer schmeckt sie. Das liegt daran, dass unreife Bananen viel Stärke enthalten sprich langkettige Kohlenhydrate, die aus mehreren einfachen Glucose- also Zuckermolekülen aufgebaut sind. Reife Banaen, die mit ein paar braunen Stellen bedeckt sind, beinhalten kaum noch Stärke, denn die Stärke-Moleküle sind bei diesem Reifegrad fast vollständig zu einfachen Zuckermolekülen umgesetzt worden. Letztere sind viel leichter verdaulich als langkettige Stärkemoleküle
Locker vom Hocker Allein versus einsam
Liebe Küstenleser! Neulich hatte ich nach einem intensiven Arbeitstag das Bedürfnis, mich bei einem Fünfrosentee ganz allein ins Museumscafè zu setzen und einfach auf das ruhige Wellenspiel des Atlantik zu blicken. Gesagt, getan! Neben mir saß eine Bekannte mit Familie. Wir plauderten ein wenig, bevor sie sich mit den Worten von mir verabschiedete: ,,Na, dann genieß mal deine Einsamkeit.” Obwohl sie sicherlich das Richtige meinte, benutzte sie den falschen Ausdruck dafür. Ich genoss einfach das Alleinsein und war dabei keineswegs einsam. Als ich meinen ältesten Sohn Anfang Februar am Hosea- KutakoFlugplatz verabschiedete, fuhr ich mutterseelenallein für fünf Tage auf die Namib Desert Lodge. Ich wollte, da meine beiden Söhne nun in Deutschland studieren bzw. arbeiten, die neue Lebenssituation mit meinen Kindern überdenken. Als ich das jemandem erzählte, reagierte die Person mit echtem Erstaunen: ,,Was, ganz alleine? ” Ich wiederum fragte erstaunt zurück: ,,Hast du noch nie alleine Urlaub gemacht? Dann weisst du nicht, was du verpasst hast!” Viele Menschen scheinen Alleinsein automatisch mit Einsamkeit zu assoziieren. Alleinsein wird jedoch nur als Einsamkeit empfunden, wenn man sich das Alleinsein nicht wünscht. Wer freiwillig alleine ist, auf den wirkt es eher befreiend und wohltuend. Hermann Hesse beschreibt dies so: ,,Nur im Alleinsein können wir uns selber finden. Alleinsein ist nicht Einsamkeit; es ist das größte Abenteuer. ” Verstehen Sie mich nicht falsch, liebe Leser, ich bin durchaus sehr gerne mit lieben Menschen zusammen, und der soziale Aspekt ist mir mindestens ebenso wichtig wie das Alleinsein. Allerdings bin ich der Meinung, dass es für jeden von uns äußerst wichtig ist, mit sich selbst zurechtzukommen und sich auch einmal fernab von Menschen in Ruhe Gedanken über Dinge zu machen. Das braucht und soll auch
nicht ein Dauerzustand sein, ist aber dennoch wichtig, um sich auf allen Ebenen seiner Existenz auf eine neue Stufe zu begeben. Alleinsein ist keine Gefahr, sondern eine Herausforderung, ein Abenteuer, wie Hesse es nennt. Alleinsein und Einsamkeit zu unterscheiden sei äußerst wichtig, betont John Cacioppo, ein Psychologe von der
University of Chicago. Denn beides habe zunächst einmal nichts miteinander zu tun. Einsamkeit, so sagt Cacioppo, ist nicht an die An- und Abwesenheit von Menschen gebunden. Sie sei auch nicht an die Anzahl von Menschen gebunden, die man kennt. Wer einsam sei, dem fehlten nicht einfach Menschen, sondern das Gefühl, von ihnen beachtet, anerkannt und gebraucht zu werden. Es charakterisiert eine tiefe Unzufriedenheit mit den Beziehungen, die schon bestehen. Natürlich ist jeder von uns in seinem Leben von Zeit zu Zeit einsam, vor allem, wenn eine große Veränderung im Leben eintritt, zum Beispiel wenn die Kinder ausgezogen sind, oder nach dem Tod des Lebenspartners. Niemand ist davor gefeit. "Menschen die in der Einsamkeit feststecken, haben nichts falsch gemacht", schreibt Cacioppo in seinem Buch "Loneliness". "Niemand von uns ist immun gegen das Gefühl, isoliert zu sein, genauso wenig wie wir immun sind gegen Hungergefühle oder Schmerz.” Wenn das Einsamkeitsgefühl jedoch absolut nicht weichen
will, selbst wenn man wieder menschlichen Kontakt sucht oder Beziehungen zu intensivieren versucht, wenn sie emotional verflacht sind. dann sollte man auf jeden Fall Hilfe suchen. Ich denke, es ist wich-
tig, dass man sich selbst und seinen Kindern den Unterschied zwischen Alleinsein und Einsamkeit klarmacht - gerade in einer Welt, wo die beiden Zustände oftmals in einen Topf geworfen werden. Das nimmt die Angst vor dem Alleinsein und ermutigt zu Weiterentwicklung. Wenn ich mir die kids und auch Erwachsenen heute so anschaue, die sich krampfhaft an jede Form der Sozialisierung hängen, sei es Partys, das Handy oder Facebook, dann frage ich mich allen Ernstes, ob wir nicht dabei sind, das Alleinsein zu verlernen - und damit die Möglichkeit des gesunden Wachstums als Mensch. Wer alles in seinem Leben nur von anderen Menschen abhängig macht, der wird meiner Meinung nach irgendwann in ein tiefes Loch der Depression fallen. Wir brauchen auch etwas außerhalb von wechselhaften menschlichen Beziehungen, das uns begeistert, wenn wir Zufriedenheit im Leben anstreben. Das jedenfalls meint Ihre Susann Kinghorn, die Gesellschaft genauso liebt wie das Alleinsein
17 APRIL 2015
RöSSING PENSION FUND SURPLUS DISTRIBUTION TO FORMER MEMBERS The Rössing Pension Fund Trustees would like to give an update on the progress made thus far with regards to the distribution of surplus within the fund. In 2012 the Trustees decided to distribute the fund's surplus in the following proportions:
As of current (2014), the Former Member's surplus reserve accounts stands at around N$105 million and is also being used to cover the legal costs occasioned by the institution of the Court case against the fund. NOTE: The surplus distribution process to the following recipients has been completed already: · Active members (including disability recipients). · Principal Employer. · All Pensioners (including spouses and children in receipt of pensions) who were receiving a monthly pension in April 2012 received the increase of 14.0163%. Further to that, the fund embarked on an extensive Former Members' registration process through adverts that ran in the daily newspapers in the year 2012. This process was initiated to capture data of all the former members who were still alive as at 31 March 2012 and who belonged to the Rössing External Pension Fund and the Rössing Pension Fund and who (other than current members or pensioners) had worked for either Rössing Uranium Limited (RUL) or the Rössing Foundation (RF) between 1975 and March 2012 who may qualify for inclusion in the surplus apportionment. However, the Former Members launched a court application dated 26 September 2012 under case number A235/12 in the High Court of Namibia seeking to review and set aside the aforementioned Trustees' distribution methodology. For reasons of due diligence, a decision was made by the Trustees to put the former members surplus distribution process on hold until the pending legal process has been completed in the High Court. Mr. Ismael Kasuto, Principal Officer Telephone: (064) 520 2519, E-mail: RPF@riotinto.com
17 APRIL 2015
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality.
Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality.
Erf 5365, Unit 11A (Kronheimer Building, 39 Sam Nujoma Street) Swakopmund: Special permission to operate an Institutional Building
Erf 4110, Tsavorite Street nr. 33 Swakopmund: Special permission to operate a Residential Guest House
Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects)
Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects)
Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 11 May 2015
Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 22 April 2015
English Teacher Position Mondesa Youth Opportunities is a non-profit, after school programme for promising young learners in Mondesa, Tamariskia, and the DRC of Swakopmund Minimum Requirements: * Diploma/degree in education * Minimum of 5 years' English teaching experience * High level of English required (oral and written) * Namibian citizenship Please do not apply if you do not fit the stated requirements. N.B. No pension or medical aid benefits apply. Send a CV with a cover letter and references to myotrust@iway.na fax : (0)88 615737. Applications will only be accepted by fax or email. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Residential Units ON ERF: 2204 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Peter Mueshihange Street In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish Residential Units on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager; Roads and building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 8 May 2015 NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Church Of The Nazarene, P. O. Box 2955, Walvis Bay
17 APRIL 2015
22 NAMIB TIMES ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Ulrike Lieselotte Brkitsch, born on 4 December 1952, of 4 Beethoven Street, 35043, Marburg, Germany, who died on 28 August 2012 and who was married to Friedrich Alexander Brkitsch, the laws of Germany governing the
17 APRIL 2015 said marriage. Master’s Ref: 1008/2014 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of
twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executrix will proceed to make payment in accordance
with the account. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST 95/0001)
SATURDAY 18th APRIL 2015 15:00 - you are invited to an exhibition / sale of knitware by Brigitte Winson at the dining hall of the Lions Senior Citizens Residence Swakopmund UNIQUE KNITS
(In Aid of the Lions Old Age Home)
NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality. Erf 3566, Unit 34 & 35 (Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street) Swakopmund: Special permission to operate a Public Garage (Workshop-cars and bikes). Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 11 May 2015
17 APRIL 2015
NAMIB TIMES ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Dagmar Maren Gantz, Id no: 590125 0050 8, of 33 Pepperwood Estate, Somerset West, Western Cape, Republic of South Africa, who died on 28 July 2012, and who was married out of community of property. Master’s Ref: 1850/12 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the
SECOND Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund.
cutor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account.
Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the exe-
H E AHRENS Agent of the Executor c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST92/0001-50)
PathCare Laboratories Requires the services of the following: Student Phlebotomy Technicians The course takes place in Namibia and Cape Town and it involves drawing blood from patients as well as working with patients. Minimum Requirements: · Grade12 with the following: English language D Mathematics C or 4 Physical Science C or 4 Biology C or 4 · A Namibian Passport still valid for two years · Friendly disposition with good communication skills Incomplete applications will not be considered. Short listed candidates will be required to complete a written proficiency test, and panel interviews. If you do not receive notification from us to attend the testing and interviews, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Applications should include a CV, which can be sent to: P O Box 5355 Ausspannplatz OR DELIVER TO Pathcare Laboratories in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Enquiries: Ms M Adrian (Tel. 061 431 3000/081 285 2713) Email: michaela.adrian@pathcarenamibia.com Closing date: 24 April 2015
Two Part-time Vacancies The Gobabeb Research and Training Centre wishes to fill two new part-time posts based partly at the Centre, which is located approximately 120 km to the south-east of Walvis Bay. Gobabeb was established in 1998 and is managed and maintained by the Gobabeb Trust under a Joint Venture Agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia. Gobabeb specialises in arid land, long-term ecological monitoring particularly of the Namib Desert through leading-edge, scientific research and capacity development of Namibian scientists. Gobabeb provides products and services to a wide range of local and international customers.
Post 1: ACCOUNTANT In anticipation of transferring an accounting function to Gobabeb, applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates. Minimum Qualifications and Experience * Ideally a Bachelor's degree in Accounting; * Eight years' experience in accounting and business administration preferably with a Trust; * Able to work independently, to a given programme of duties and with the Trust's auditors; * Hands-on experience of using accounting packages (Gobabeb currently uses AccountMate); * Good computer skills including Word and Excel; and * Oral and written business English communication skills. Duties * Bookkeeping the existing financial system and maintaining a paper-based record system; * Preparing monthly financial statements; * Developing and maintaining proper financial control systems; * Managing cash flow management and checking and monitoring bank accounts; * Reconciliation of creditors and petty cash; * Managing all control accounts; * Preparing quarterly VAT claim returns; * Preparing monthly PAYE payments; * Under instruction from Gobabeb project staff, raise and follow up external invoices; * Responding to internal queries from Gobabeb staff related to financial and PAYE issues. Post 2: INFRASTRUCTURE ADVISER Applications are invited from candidates who have either worked for consulting engineers or a contractor. Minimum Qualifications and Experience * Ideally a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent discipline/registration as a professional engineer; * Ten years contract preparation/management, site supervision or contracting experience; * Able to work independently, to a given programme of duties; * Good computer skills including Word and Excel; and * Oral and written business English communication skills. Duties * Preparing documentation to appoint technical advisers, suppliers or contractors for major infrastructure improvement works; * Developing and managing annual capital and repair and maintenance budgets; * Preparing quarterly financial expenditure statements; * Developing and maintaining an infrastructure maintenance plan; * Assisting with soliciting extra-budgetary resources for infrastructure development; * Working closely with the existing on-site direct labour team to deliver the planned maintenance plan in liaison with the office manager; * Maintaining the day-to-day operations of the utility services in liaison with the office manager; * Managing the existing workshop and carrying out minor repairs; * Managing the maintenance of the fleet of vehicles in liaison with the office manager; and * Under instruction from Gobabeb project staff, advising on infrastructure investments. Interested candidates should submit an application letter, CV and certified copies of qualifications to: Executive Director, Gobabeb Research and Training Centre, P.O. Box 953 Walvis Bay; or submit electronically to gobabeb@gobabeb.org with "Vacancy" clearly indicated in the subject line. Contact the Executive Director, Dr Gillian Maggs-Kölling, during normal working hours on (064) 694-198 for any further details. A competitive package will be offered to the preferred candidates. Closing Date is 27 April 2015 for both posts.
ESTATE NOTICE In the estate of the late Gisela Lupfer, born on 8 December 1942, of No.3, Marine Drive, Vineta, Swakopmund, who died on 27 April 2014 and who was married out of community of property. Master’s Ref: 919/2014 In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965, notice is hereby given that the FIRST AND FINAL Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above estate will be open for inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of twenty one (21) days from date of publication hereof at the office of the Master of the High Court Windhoek and the Magistrate’s Court Swakopmund. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Master concerned during the specified period, the executor will proceed to make payment in accordance with the account. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2-6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 Tel: (064) - 405051 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST 118/0001-50)
17 APRIL 2015
Top of the line Volvo XC90 Excellence to be unveiled at Shanghai Auto Show
Volvo Cars will unveil the most luxurious vehicle ever built by the Swedish company in its 88 year history at the Shanghai International Automobile Show - an elegant and refined four-seat version of its all-new Volvo XC90. The XC90 Excellence has been crafted by Volvo's designers and engineers to offer customers a distinct and individual automotive experience that incorporates the latest Scandinavian innovations in design, refinement, comfort and style. The XC90 Excellence is based on Volvo's all new XC90 luxury SUV. The XC90 Excellence, however, has just four seats compared to the original's seven, creating an enormous
amount of additional space for rear seat passengers that helps to deliver an exceptional customer experience. This space is utilised to offer a First Class automotive experience that begins with broad, spacious individual reclining rear seats complete with massage, ventilation and increased leg room, as well as a retractable control touchscreen, folding tables, a refrigerator with bottle and glass holders, a heating/cooling cup holder and handmade crystal glasses from
leading Swedish glass design company, Orrefors. "This is our new flagship car," said Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President, Design. "We have created the ultimate luxury experience of Scandinavian design. Volvo has never launched a car like this before. This is the car that demonstrates what the name Volvo now means." T h e Vo l v o X C 9 0 Excellence offers its passengers footrests, ambient lighting, illuminated storage and unique leather detail-
ing in blond or charcoal, a luggage compartment dividing screen, additional sound insulation in the cabin and Pirelli Noise Cancelling System tyres (PNCS). Volvo XC90 Excellence passengers will also enjoy a specially-augmented Bowers & Wilkins audio system that adds an extra speaker to its 19 speaker system, resulting in unrivalled high fidelity sound reproduction and surround effect in the rear seats. "What we have designed is amongst the best rear seat experiences available in a luxury car," said Mr Ingen-
lath. "The result is a superlative environment for relaxed comfort or doing business.� Reinforcing the Swedish love of fresh air, t h e Vo l v o X C 9 0 Excellence also comes with an integrated ionic air cleaner in the CleanZone climate system. The ionic air cleaner works by positively charging electrons in airborne particles (dust or smoke for example) so they are removed from suspension in the cabin environment. T h e Vo l v o X C 9 0 Excellence also offers a leather instrument panel with contrasting
thread, while the headliner of the cabin is colour co-ordinated pure Nubuck textile. Exterior styling differentiators include an Excellence rank mark, chrome B- and C-pillar capping and lower door mouldings. Volvo's all new XC90 is proving to be extremely popular with customers seeking a luxury SUV. Over 24,000 have been ordered before it has even reached Volvo showrooms. This accounts for approximately half of Volvo's expected volume for the car in 2015. T h e Vo l v o X C 9 0 Excellence incorpo-
rates all the features that underpin the XC90's ongoing success, such as world leading safety features, new power-train technologies and an unrivalled combination of power and fuel efficiency. The XC90 Excellence will be available globally later this year and via digital commerce in selected markets. The all-new Volvo XC90 sevenseat luxury SUV will be available in South Africa from August this year, but at this stage there are no confirmed plans for the four-seat XC90 Excellence to be sold locally.
Classifieds NAMIB TIMES
17 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
NOTICES HARBOUR FAMILY PRACTICE NOW OPEN! Dr Leonie van Zyl MB Ch.B (Stell) DOH (UCT) 39, 3rd Str East opposite Diesel Electric Walvis Bay Tel: 064-203196 Cell: 0814446363 BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CENTRE SWAKOPMUND: COME AND ENJOY!!! The Worship, The Fellowship, The Embrace, The Word, The Prayers, The Love and His Presence. Venue: opposite Fruits & Veg Complex (Spar raod) by Reliance Motors / Commercial Marine Swakopmund. Time: 08h30am Contact: 081 236 9028 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 Join us this Sunday. “Jesus is Lord”
TRAINING SANAH NAIL TECHNICIANS Beauty is the art 3 days nail training N$ 1400.00 with full kit & certificate, uv machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. Book your space now... Quality at its best. We are situated in Walvis Bay in Sam Nujoma Ave Erf 202 or call us 081 233 2893 081 233 5391
COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685
CLASSES BEATACCMATH EXTRA CLASSES!! High School Accounting and Maths We focus on FUNDAMENTALS to MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING RESULTS DONT LIE PROUDLY NAMIBIAN Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail.com
Disadvantaged owner of Private Farm “LEPEL” needs public, financial, support for the judgesverdict. Supporters will be remunerated with Hectares of farm-land or shares after the “Roundtable conference” For more information please contact the owner @ 081 838 8203 or his lawyer @ 064 220 280
REMOVALS / TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS: Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. NUUT: PLAT BAK TRAILER TE HUUR. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320
ERONGO RED BUSINESS CUSTOMERS: Are high Electricity costs hurting your Business???
Affordable and reliable transport offered. We do office and household furniture removal in Walvis Bay and from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund and from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. Contact Lawrence 0813542084
Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Samsung Air conditioning Installer. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick
We are a fully equipped Martial Arts Dojo in Swakopmund # KICKBOXING # KRAV MAGA # KARATE # FITNESS KICKBOXING How to contact us: Find us on FacebookSwakopmund Fight Club Email: swkfightclub@yahoo.com
Club Secretary: 081 621 1962
SERVICES JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: Is here to help those not having their driver’s licence. We charge affordable prices. Contact: 081 237 6355
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 Rüstiger Rentner in Swakopmund gesucht der, gegen Bezahlung, uns mit der Aufsicht und Instandhaltung von Body Corporates behilflich sein kann. Praktische Veranlagung/ Erfahrung wären von Vorteil - Sie dürfen sogar gerne etwas perfektionistisch sein. Bitte melden Sie sich bei
Tel: 404267
Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, electiricity. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 081 682 6126
You could be paying too much for your Electricity. A free (no cost t you) audit of your Erongo Red account is all that is required. Simply email a copy to the follwing address: erongoaudits@gmail.com
Or call:
Luise Reimann is your Annique Agent at the Coast. Please contact me on 0812003375 for our amazing products. Dr Gogo Joshua Maseko (From Central Africa) Very powerful and strong. Bring back lost lover, manhood enlarger and empower in bed. Revenge evil spirits (Body and homes), body protection from satanic and internal unseen witchchraft. Binding homes, kraals, shops and cars, court cases. Promotions at work and salary increment , removing bad luck. Business development (Attractions). Woman problems, womb, discharge periods and pregnancy problems. Swollen legs, cancer, BP, Asthma, Pneumonia, Diabetes, Sugar. Fast Livestock multiplication. NB Consultation fee is free. Contact 0817644835 Chief Antonio Phiri: From Milanje Islant (Malawi). Very powerful, see results same day. Bring back lost lovers. Business attractions (Chinyambata). Revenge evil spirits (tokoloshi body and homes). Manhood enlargements and empowerment in bed. Multiplicaiton of livestock to have triplets. Court cases, promotion at work, bad luck, body protection from witch craft, financial problems (magic stick), binding homes, kraals, shops, cars from thieves. Unfinished jobs, done without pay. Women problems, womb, discharge , periods. Pregnancy problems, swollen legs, BP, cancer, asthma, pneumonia, sugar, diabetes. NB Consultation fee is free. Contact 0818433509.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call Lida Coastal Hygiene for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na
- Alle omheinings. - Meer as 10 jaar Ondervinding. Kontak: 081 581 1600
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only Boosting your business Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to ne asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Phone Doctor Chisalo “The Old man” 081 726 2834 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KHOROMANA Treats various problems and diseases Removal of bad luck Lost lover, problems and for them to come back in a very short time. Love affairs, i.e finding lovers and to be yours quickly. Court cases of any type. Jobs and promotions To win tenders and contracts To those who are weak in bed during sex, to have power. Protection of body and house witchcraft, removal of tokolshis Cleaning the house from tokolshis. Pregnancy problems All types of diseases and many more complicated problems and diseases. Phone Doctor Khoromana 081 719 4874 KAMO WELDING: We manufacture: Security gates Burglar bars Sliding gates Trailers made & repair General welding & metal work Painting & repair For all your metalworks & welding needs Contact: 081 034 5484 EK HET N 4TON , 5.2M BAK LORRIE, HET JY N VRAG? EK VERWYDER VULLIS, BOU ROMMEL, DOEN TREKKE.... ENIGE VRAG. COENRAAD FOURIE CELL: 081 337 0876
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Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress
License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalised number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a pricelist from: vla.namibia@gmail.com
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: Kabeljou, Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house to rent 2 x 1 bedroom flat On the same erf Contact: 081 242 9604
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET: VOGELSTRAND * Town House, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, indoor fire place, outdoor braai, full kitchen, double automted garage, secure complex N$8 500p/month Contact: 0851249826 TAMARISKIA * One bedroom flat with automated garage, open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex. N$ 4200/per month. CONTACT 0851249826 * Bachelor flat with automated garage , open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex N$ 3500/month. CONTACT 0851249826. House to let in Ocean View 3 Bedrooms 2 ½ Bathrooms Open-plan kitchen and living area Small courtyard Double Garage No pets Rent N$ 8 000.00 per month, excluding water and electricity Contact Namib Estates: Tel 404267 TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 2 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen living area. Toilet and shower. Alarm & prepaid electricity. No garage available. N$3600.00 water Incl. Contact: 081 756 3663 TO RENT: 114m² upmarket office space in main road Walvis Bay Available 1st of May 2015. Contact : 064-204745 / 081 342 0000 TO RENT: Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Chicken city street David Hambuda Ave Orange Double storey 1x1 bed flat N$ 3 500.00 + deposit 1x 2 bedroom flat N$ 4 500.00 + deposit 1x Bachelor flat N$ 2 300.00 + deposit W/E incl. Flat available from 1 May 2015 Contact: 081 481 1283 TO RENT: Walvis Bay - Narraville One bedroom flat Open plan kitchen (living room) BIC No garage N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 500.00 Bachelor flat BIC No garage N$ 2 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.0 Contact: 081 127 9201
17 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
MONDESA TO LET Container house 1Bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 1600.00 W/L Excl 2Bedr house, bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 3800.00 W/Incl Jabulani 2Bedr house, bathr, lounge ,kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/L Incl 3Bedr house ,bathr,lounge,kitchen N$ 3800.00 W/L Incl Tulinawa Container house 1Bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 2500.00 W/incl Oletweni 2Bedr house,bathr,kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/L Incl Tamariskia 2bedr flat,bathr,lounge,kitchen N$ 3700.00 W/Incl 3Bedr house, bathr,lounge,kitchen garage N$ 6500.00 W/L Excl All deposits required For Sale Tamariskia Cottage village Flat 2 Bedr,2 Bathr,open plan kitchen,garage N$ 850,000,00 Mahetago Double storey complex Ideal for rental investment or self catering or B&B establishment guaranteed income of up 19,500pm consist of main house with 4 units of 2Bedr each N$ 1.650 Mil
TO LET SWAKOP LONG BEACH 2 Bedr Flat, sea view Secure complex S/garage, Outdoor BBQ N$ 7 700.00 VIEW TODAY Sea view, newly build 4 Bedr, 3 garages Big erf, beautiful finishes N$ 17 600.00 BIG BARGAIN 3 Level town house 3 Bedr,2 bath with Guest toilet. Balconies Leading from rooms Open BBQ area Furnished N$ 11 000.00 SWAKOP Free standing Houses Available 3 to 4 Bedrooms from N$ 14 000.00 Urgently looking for 2 bedr flats from N$ 5 000.00 in Swakop, Arandis and Long Beach CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za TO RENT: Bachelor flat, includes bedroom, kitchen, own shower & toilet, BIC Alarm system, car parking space Fairways Estate in Town. Available 1 April 2015 Couples or single person. Kids are welcome. Call: 081 246 5411 081 369 1444
TO LET Walvis Bay Newly renovated 3 bedr. house, 1 bathr, 1 garage, big yard, close to schools & shopping centre. Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, Prepaid electricity. kitchen Available 1 May 2015 dinning room,single garage N$7 500-00 per month + (remote door) full deposit N$ 1.9 Mil Negotiable Jan 081 237 8297 Town houses Newly built 2bedr houses at 60sqm exclusive parking N$ 445,000.00 Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995
TE HUUR: Vol gemeubileerd enkel woonstel bestaande uit slaapkamer, badkamer en kombuis te huur in Lagoon area, Walvisbaai. Beskikbaar 1 Mei Veilig en privaat. Toesluit parkering. W/L ingsl. Gedeeltelike DSTV ingsl. Jammer geen kinders of troeteldiere. N$ 3 500.0 p/m Pluse deposit vir 1 persoon en N$ 3 800.00 vir 2 Kontak: 081 247 1687
Nuwe 4 slaapkamer huis in Fairview Ingeboude kaste 2 bad kamers. Luukse kombuis met graniet afwerking Gas stoof elektriese oond Apparte opwaskamer Groot dubbel motorhuis met elektriese deur hoe tuinmure met elektriese hek beskikbaar vanaf einde mei 2015 N$ 10 000.00 p/m + deposito navrae: D.S Venter 081 732 4946 TO RENT: Bachelor 1x bedroom flat with own shower + toilet and share the fully furnished kitchen. Available anytime at the New NHE houses, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/ incl. Electricity pre paid. Call: 081 741 1215 081 346 1483
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mondesa-Oletweni · 2 bedrooms house, open plan kitchen, bathroom and single garage for N$ 4200.00 Water incl. with prepaid electricity. Mondesa- Mondi Haven · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen & sitting room with single garage for N$ 4800.00 water & electricity exclusive Walvis Bay Kuisemund · One bedroom flat, sitting room and a kitchenette, toilet and shower for N$ 2500.00 water and electricity included. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m Website: tukaproperties.com
TO RENT: Kabeljou, Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house to rent 2 x 1 bedroom flat On the same erf Contact: 081 242 9604
House for Sale in Kuisebmund for N$800,000.00. It's a 4 bedroom house with kitchen and bathroom, and outside flat with 2 bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. The address: Erf 1609, Tornyn Cresent Street No 14-Kuisebmund. Contact No: 081 122 7286 or 081 244 4773
TO RENT: Flat to rent in Kabeljou Mola Mola Cresent Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay Big bedroom, open plan kitchen, bathroom and free garage with G4S alarm. W/E incl. Available immediately for N$ 3 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 413 1322 SWAKOPMUND – HUGE HOUSE TO LET VOGELSTRAND – spacious, executive 6 bedroomed house to let in this upmarket area. Will suit company/large family/2 families. N$38 500pm Barbara 081 656 2619 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. BIC and garage. N$6500.00 (neg) W/Incl. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 261 8487 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES: To Let: Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house, lounge, kitchen, shower, N$ 4 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Kuisebmond: 2x1 bedroom flat with shower and a small kitchen to be shared. N$ 2 000.00 p/m Refer to any property for sale or to let and we will pay you commission. Contact Emma: 081 122 8067 TO RENT: A bachelor flat available in Narraville Own toilet and shower Open plan kitchen. N$ 2 900.00 p/m N$ 3 100.00 including garage. N$ 1 300 deposit required Available immediately. Contact: 081 124 8493
TE HUUR: Dolfynstrand 3 slaapkamer huis, 2½ badkamer, dubbel garage, N$ 9 000.00 p/m Permanente see uitsig Double storey. Newly build Kontak: 081 142 6160 TO RENT: 1x Bachelor flat available as from 1st May 2015 in Kuisebmond, near Independence Beach. N$ 3 400.00 p/m Plus a deposit of N$ 1 700.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 451 1391 081 211 7804
NARRAVILLE TE HUUR: 2 Slpkamer eenhede met ingeboude kaste Enkel garage, koopkrag. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. PRYS: N$4070 en N$4290 Cell: 081 143 8885 To Rent in Walvis Bay Meersig, walking distance from the lagoon.
Modern double story house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms (one on upper level, one on lower level), a spacious dining room with an entertainment area including an indoor braai, pool table, darts board and a ping pong table. Large kitchen, scullery, massive second story veranda and a double tandem garage. There are also 2 en-suite, 1 bedroom apartments with kitchenettes on the premises. House is elegantly decorated and comes fully furnished. Ready to move in. All this for only N$23 000 per month excl. Water and Electricity. Contact Owner at cell: 081 355 0859 Or email to jaco@africandays.com
PROPERTIES FOR SALE VERTEX REAL ESTATES: Walvis Bay Hermus Close to Welwitchia Hospital and Duneside School. 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom with toilet and walk in closet. Living room, tv room, dining room with Build in braai. Open plan kitchen double garage, small entertainment area with own toilet, build in cupboards and big erf exclusive. Call Zelda: 081 36 2436 Jacky: 081 122 8384
SWAKOPMUND SPACIOUS 2 BED, 2 BATH WITH SEA VIEW. Open Plan kitchen/living, BBQ room, Huge balcony and tandem Garage. N$ 1 320 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950
TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE Mile 4 4- Shores · 3 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, one extra toilet, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil Hage Heights · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room and small study room, 4 garages and 1- self containing bedroom with exterior access. N$ 3.3 mil Vineta · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, living / dining room, Single garage and 1 bedroom flat for N$1.75 mil Vineta North- Ext 23 · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen, Single Garage on a 500 m²Erf size for N$ 1, 450 000.00 Mondesa · (Near Woermannbrock) 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, Living room, Kitchen, Study & garage N$ 980 000.00 Tamariskia - Cottage village · 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, build in cupboards, open plan kitchen with 1 garage. N$850 000.00 WALVIS BAY Kabeljou · 3 Bedrooms, full bathroom, lounge, kitchen & dinning , double garage with a Bachelor flat for N$ 950 000.00 New Development Narraville · 2 Bedrooms flats, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen for N$ 560 000.00 Plot Ocean view · 600m² plot for sale for N$490 000.00 · 875 m² plot sale for N$ 750 000.00 Henties bay · 805m² Plot for sale N$ 360 000. Rehoboth - Kavukiland Plot & Plan · 2 bedrooms - 3 bedroom houses selling price N$ 345 000 to N$ 430 000 If you are having properties to sell, Contact us at Tuka Properties. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.co m Website: tukaproperties.cm
SWAKOPMUND ABSOLUTELY AWESOME! Huge 4 bed, 4 bath double Storey house with double garage, Fire place, nice garden, huge Kitchen, good security. N$ 3 300 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950
ERFS FOR SALE Tamariskia - Swakop: 2x Prime serviced ervens up for sale in new development. Ideally located. Size 600m² N$578 000.00 (each) Great investment to seize and buy it straight from the owner (no agents) Raymond: 081 467 6366
HERMES FOR SALE: 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, study/tv room, open plan kitchen, lounge, dinning room, big double garage. Big yard. 100m from Welwitschia Hospital, 5 min walk from Duneside High School. 1.5 million Vossie: 081 613 7744. TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089
SWAKOPMUND CENTRAL BUSINESS FOR SALE Popular Pub & Grill All equipment Included. N$ 1 100 000-00 NEG. GOGGA 0818709950
PROPERTIES FOR SALE BUSINESS FOR SALE: Running concern, possibilities for bottling of water, 1905 ha., 5 guest rooms, high touristic attraction due to Erongo mountains with rock pools, hiking trails, bird + game watching. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit 081-2757827 HOUSE FOR SALE House in CC, Property Valuation: 1.85mil. Price 1.75mil ( Transfer cost incl.) Swakopmund, adjacent to mile 4. 3 Bedroom, 3 bathroom, open plan lounge and kitchen. Scullery, double garage. Erf 690 m² Owner: 081 127 6049. Martyn du Plessis 081 127 6049 Swakopmund SWAKOPMUND PRIVATE SALE 3 Bedroom house with 2 full bathrooms. Lounge Dining room with built-in braai. Kitchen with laundry. Spacious double garage with remote control door. Secure for children and pets. Mariki: 081 128 2221 ERF FOR SALE Corner erf in Ocean View: Erf size 996m² Sold by owners. N$1.4million (neg) Contact: 081 128 0595 081 122 4325 FOR SALE: Sole Mandate 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Walvis Bay, Central N$ 1 295 000.00 Plot and Plan Meersig N$ 1 550 000.00 3 bedroom Townhouse Longbeach N$ 1 350 000.00 2 Bedroom unit Double garage + 2 bathrooms Longbeach N$ 1 300 000.00 2 bedroom unit 2 bathrooms Single garage N$ 1 350 000.00 Longbeach Contact: 081 122 8067 TO RENT: Swakopmund, Tamariskia N$ 2 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 W/E incl. Available from 20 April 2015 Contact: 081 620 6921 URGENT SALE: 3 bedroom house for sale in Tamariskia, Swakopmund N$ 1,3 mil Negotiable B.I.C in main bedroom, b.i.c in open plan kitchen, lounge, tv room, single garage and bachelor flat. Contact: 081 620 6921
17 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
near Golf Course Stableford / Telecomaria Str
Ultra modern 3 bedr double storey house with quality finishes throughout !! Immediate occupation. Investment not to be missed!!
Amanda 081 128 4836 Joey 081 129 3293 Dianne 081 239 6323
P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$ 615 000-00. Claudia 0816051984
Walvis Bay Weighbridge 2 x 412.5m² Warehouses for sale! N$ 3 646 250.00 each To avoid disappointment reserve yours now! Claudia 0816051984
ON SHOW SATURDAY 18TH APRIL Swakopmund Central 2 Bedroom/2 bathroom apartment close to all amenities 7 Tobias Hainyeko Street (Diagonally opposite Spar) 11 – 1PM Rossmund Golf Estate
Fully Furnished and Equipped 2 bedroom/2 bathroom townhouse follow signs from circle 3PM – 5PM
DIANA 081 748 0001 diana.hunter@pamg olding.com.na FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA'S COURT Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. Not to be missed only 2 left!! N$ 1 620 000-00 Claudia 0816051984
Rare Investment. Build now and move in for Christmas! N$ 1 740 000 700sqm
Jodine 081 688 9424
SHOW HOUSE Sunday 12h00 – 16h00 Fairway Estate
Walvis Bay Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Claudia 0816051984
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
NarravilleBeautifull family home Offering 3 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen, tv room, 2 bathrooms, double garage, Spacious 2 bedroom flat, and a storeroom N$ 1,3mil KuisebmondInvestment of a lifetime. Occupy one and rent the second one!!! Offering house no 1 consisting of open plan lounge and kitchen, 3 bedrooms garage, 2 bathrooms House no 2offering 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen and garage N$ 950 000.00 Kuisebmond Corner Plot425m²@ N$360 000.00 Kuisebmond- Cosy for the beginner Offering 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with showers only @ N$500 000.00 Hurry….if you snooze, you loose!!! Hedwig Merline Naris Grobbies Estates P O Box 2238 Walvis Bay Cell: 081 270 4333 Tel: 064 202788 Fax: 064 204125 Website: www.grobbiesestates.com
Walvis Bay
Walvis Bay, Fairways Luxurious two bedroom unit, twO toilets, BIC, single garage, braai area with modern furnished on the Golf Estate. N$ 1.3 million Contact: 081 122 5558 081 124 5099
MEERSIG Nearing completion. Modern 3 bedr home, open plan lounge, BBQ fitted kitchen, scullery, 2 bathr, double garage. Choice of own tiles, light fittings and paint if bought before 30 April 2015. N$ 1 800 000 KUISEBMOND Well situated 6 bedr house with 2 bathr, lounge and kitchen. N$760 000
Joey 0811293293
This neat unit has an open plan living area & kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, front and back garden and double garage. Ideal investment property or first time buy. GREATLY Reduced
N$1,380,000 Christine 081 128 2402
OCEANVIEW east facing ERF, 823m² in Leedwood street, Extension 15. N$ 925,000. - 4 bedroom DREAM HOUSE with sea view, 3 bathrooms(2 en-suite), 3 lounges one with fire place, lovely kitchen with scullery + laundry, enormous main bedroom with sea view, walk-in cupboard, study, outdoor braai, courtyard, 2 garages with store room, extra shower + toilet. N$ 3,172,500. - 3 bedroom TOWN HOUSE, 2 bathrooms (1 en-suite), open plan lounge kitchen dining area, double garage, beautiful garden, secure complex. N$ 1,993,000. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit 081-2757827 MALAKIA PROPERTIES SALE TAMARISKIA Plots and Plans: 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen with bic, Lounge Plus bachelor flat N$1.25mil 3bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge Plus 2bachelor flats, office And Garage N$1.45mil OLWETWENI, SWAKOPMUND Main house,2bedrooms, bathroom. Kitchen, Lounge & Garage Plus 4bachelor flats Monthly income N$14 300.00 N$1.6mil ARANDIS 3bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and Lounge N$355 000.00 Good Investment: 2bedrooms, bathroom, open-plan kitchen Plus: 2flats with 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan kitchen each Generate monthly income N$ 7500.00 N$550 000.00 BUSINESS FOR SALE 8Units, 2Offices, Entertainment cafe Size 2472m2 N$2.675mil Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties@yahoo.com
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Swakopmund: TO LET: Mondesa 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom house. Spacious yard No garage Immediately available N$6,100 p/m prepaid electricity & including water Tamariskia Batchelor flat with open plan kitchen/lounge in secure complex Automated garage N$3,675 excluding water and electricity Vineta 3 Bedroom house with 4 x fully furnished flats on same erf. House N$8,200 p/m including water & electricity 1 x Bachelor N$2,500 p/m including water & electricity 1 x Bachelor N$3,300 p/m including water & electricity 2 x 1 Bedroom N$3,500 p/m including water & electricity Vogelstrand 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom duplex townhouse Double automated garage No pets! N$8,925 excluding water and electricity Vogelstrand 8 Bedroom, 8 bathroom luxurious and modern, double-storey house 6 Automated garage 6 Carports Licensed for guesthouse N$45,000 Prepaid electricity & Water included Longbeach 3 Bedroom, 1 bathroom townhouse Small courtyard No garage 2 carports N$8,250 p/m prepaid electricity & including water FOR SALE: Longbeach Lalandi Complex Spacious bachelor flat with single garage Stone throw away from the ocean N$720,000 Tamariskia - Pelican Village 2 Bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse in secure complex Single garage Small courtyard N$952,000 Ocean View New development Misty Heights 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom duplex townhouse Indoor braai. Double garage N$1,482,500 Vineta 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house Single garage and 3 carports PLUS 1 x Bachelor flat N$1,800,000 Ocean View Ext 23 3 Bedroom, 3 bathroom house 3 Automated garages N$1,903,500 Vineta 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house Double garage PLUS 2 Bedroom flat with single garage N$2,327,000 Kramerdorf Spacious and modern 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom house. 3 Automated garages N$3,385,000 Ocean View Stunning 5 Bedroom, 5 bathroom house. Indoor entertainment area Heated swimming pool 6 Garages PLUS 2 bedroom flat with single garage N$6,345,000 Contact one of our agents: Michelle Muller 081 564 9600 Gerda Beukes 081 377 5549 Mariette Beuthin 081 146 3770 Ellied Investments / BeuCorp group
PROPERTIES FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA! IMBA VILLAGE Phase 1 selling now! 2 Bed, 1 Bath 62.2m² unit with open plan & garage N$ 668 900.00 VINOTHAN: 0811289388 IYANDA COURT ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN/LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Vinothan 0811289388
Swakopmund Ocean View Freestanding House for sale 4 bed, 3 bath freestanding house with guest toilet, kitchen, Scullery, lounge, TV Room, Study, Double garage & Garden N$ 2 750 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 Urgently looking for freestanding houses in Tamariskia and Mondesa to buy for pre-approved buyers! Vinothan 0811289388
PROPERTIES WANTED HUUR TE SOEK: Soek ‘n 2 slaapkamer woonstel of huis in Tamariskia of Mondesa te huur. Kontak: 081 605 2595 WANTED: 1 / 2 x one bedroom flat. Preferably free standing N$ 630 000.00 1 x 3 bedroom townhouse in Fairview Area or Meersig area. N$ 850 000.00 Tel: 081 338 5677
WANTED CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewellery and Coins even if it’s broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178 We are available 24/7 TO RENT: Looking for a second hand Hyundai H100 truck or KIA to buy. Contact: 081 244 3959
Mercedez 200 C Compresor 2002 model In Excellent Condition 168 000KM Price N$75,000.00 negotiable Cell: 081 716 4420 FOR SALE Polo 1.4 Comfortline 2011 Model. 55 000 Km Full Service History Still has full Warranty Plan EXTRAS: VPS N$ 150 000.00 NEGOTIABLE Contact: 081 147 1939 FOR SALE: 2009 Ford Ranger single cab 4x4, 41 000km on clock. A/C, 2.5TD bakkie in very good condition N$135 000 2005 Ford Ranger single cab 4x2 difflock, 2.5TD 210 000km on clock. Bakkie in very good running condition. N$75 000 Contact: 081 261 8487 FOR SALE: 2000 Jetta 4, 1.6 30001km In good condition Contact: 081 247 1888 FOR SALE: Cheve Utility Bakkie 20113 Model 1.4 Sixteen thousand kilo’s N$75 000.00 Contact: 687 3209 TE KOOP: Scania 380 midlift met 13 meter 295 Trailer N$ 200 000.00 Nissan CW 290 Voorhakker N$ 60 000.00 Kontak: 081 035 9860
FOR SALE 2009 Volvo S40 Power shift. 114000 km with FSH and lots of extras. Car in very good condition (Lady Owner). Next service due 130 000 km. Contact: 081 312 5582 / 081 326 8241. Please only serious buyers
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE THIS 'N THAT We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good moeny on qaulity. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285
17 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x Great Quality Lap-Top, no charger. N$750.00 1x Defy 210Lit deepfreeze N$1500.00 1x Defy 180lit fridge N$1250.00 3 piece lounge suite green cloth N$2500.00 4x Defy 600 SSU stainless steel oven, HUB & extractor fan N$1850.00 each just like new 2x Shower panel (new) N$450.00each 4x Colour TV from N$500.00each 20x Stainless steel kitchen sink double & single & triple from N$280.00 each. Plumbing and building suppliers at 50% discount. Contact: 081 567 4522 TE KOOP: 2x Bakkies tralies (2,2x1,5x1,3) N$ 2 000.00 elk Groot grinders N$ 500 elk Klein grinders N$ 300.00 elk Elekriese saag N$ 450.00 elk Elektriese skaaf N$ 500.00 elk Dumpy level N$ 3 000.00 en nog baie los goedere Bel 081 716 9540 Alles in goeie werkende toestand DOLPHIN GUESTHOUSE TV SALE: 37 cm N$ 350.00 54cm N$ 500.00 (Telefunken) Contact Connie: 081 237 4105
MOTORBIKES FOR SALE Quad Bike, Can-Am Renegade 800, as new with only 88 hours on clock, plus new trailer To match, call 081 638 6300
GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 638 6300
ANIMALS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Pittbulls for sale 3 males + 1 female left. N$2500.00each Contact: 081 261 8487
Toulmin’s Coffee Shop Swakopmund
VESSEL FOR SALE (USED FOR TUNA FISHING OPERATIONS) · Port of Registry: Luderitz (currently in Luderitz) ·Date of build: 1965 · Length: 23.52m · Sea-worthy · Valuation report available If interested, please Contact Mr. Van Wyk: 0811 240 610 Mr. Namukomba: 081 237 3465 serious buyers only!
VACANCIES AVROY SHLAIN COSMETIS Do you want to earn extra money? This is your answer. Join Avroy Shlain cosmetic for free and be your own boss. No qualification needed. Call 0817171640
Indoor Children Play Centre
Waitering Staff and Cashiers • Minimum of 3 years Waitering and Cashier experience in a Restaurant or Cafe'. • Manager with a minimum of 3 years experience in the Restaurant or Food Industry, or in Events Organizations. • Must be able to work on weekends, including Sundays, Public Holidays and school holidays. • Work hours end at 18h00 at night, unless there is an event inside the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Center, or a birthday party. • Must be able to work 6 days a week, with every third weekend off. If you match the above criteria and you are looking for a new challenge, kindly email you CV to reid.stefanie@gmail.com FRISEUR GEBAUER OUR TEAM IS LOOKING FOR A HAIRDRESSER * Full-time or Part-time We require experience in: * Cutting * Colouring * Perming * Blow-drying * And a Trainee If interested please contact Heike: 064 404 832 Workshop welder Trailer manufacture with references Needed in Swk, reply to: handyman1@iway.na
Opening hours are from 08h00 until 17h00. Working hours are similar, with 6days a week. Weekends and Public Holidays are our Peak times. If you match the above criteria and you are looking for a new challenge, kindly email you CV to accounts@toulmins.com JOSEBIN DRIVING SCHOOL: Need a job??? Do you have the following qualifications: A valid driver’s licence, Namibian ID and school leaving certificate of grade 9/10. Send your CV to 367 Swakopmund or call: 081 204 6567 VAKANTE POS: Kassier vir Take-Away Vereistes: Afrikaans & Engels Vriendelikheid en flink wees. POS CV The owner P.O. Box 3611 Walvis Bay Sluitings datum 30 April 2015 Glamorous Beauty Salon & Boutique Urgently looking for hairdressers, a barber and a nail technician to rent chairs or work on commission as from 1 May 2015 The salon is situated at Kuisebmond Mall, Shop 15 Tiler needed swk 081 6386300
THOUGHTS FOR THE WEEK Friday- Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)
Waitering Staff and Cashiers • Minimum of 3 years Waitering and Cashier experience in a Restaurant or Cafe'. • Manager with a minimum of 3 years experience in the Restaurant or Food Industry.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Hire a 5ton Skip Bin Call:081 617 7306 Omakolokoto Skip Bin Rentals & Sales
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a young man looking for driving work in Swakopmund, Walvis bay. I have a certificate in Electrical Installation nd mobile crane. Contact: 081 685 0583 081 292 8347 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for any type of work. I am honest and hardworking and can work under pressure. Only in Swakopmund or Langstrand. Contact: 081 488 1276 JOB WANTED: A 40 year old lady is looking for domestic work or looking after children. I love working with children and can also clean offices. I am very hardworking and a dedicated lady. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 598 9988 CARMEN: Looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Long Beach 5 days a week - Mondays to Fridays. I am trustworthy and I have references and experience. Can start immediately. Have sober habits. Contact: 081 597 6838 LOTTA: Betroubare dame soek huiswerk enige skoonmaak werk vir 5 dae. Op Lang strand, Dolfyn strand of Walvis. Praat Afrikaans en Engels. Kan enige tyd begin. Contact: 081 866 3420 EMMA: Op soek na huiswerk, het ondervinding, in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 343 1114 JOB WANTED: A 29-yearold lady is looking for work as a cashier, waitress or any kind of work. Can be cleaning offices, very hardworking and honest, fast learner and have experience. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 220 2466 AGATHA: Ek is op soek na huiswerk. Kontak: 081 498 5643 JOB WANTED: A 36-yearold lady is looking for work cleaning offices, houses or washing and ironing. Very hardworking and honest person. I have 6 years experience. Contact: 081 321 9385 ELISABETH: I am a 24year-old lady looking for domestic work. Cleaning, ironing and laundry. I am very hardworking. If interested please contact: 081 631 0274 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work in Swakopmund occupation: Nanny. Domestic work or security CIT and alarm response. Contact: 081 231 0867
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Read Isaiah 43 Read Isaiah Saturday- Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Read Deuteronomy 31Read Deuteronomy SundayJeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Read Jeremiah 29 Read Jeremiah Monday- Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
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17 APRIL 2015
Rock and Surf Hengeltoernooi Die Rock and Surf Hengeltoernooi het oor die naweek van die 11de April plaasgevind. 186 Hengelaars het deelgeneem waarvan 127 geen vis gekry het nie. Skoon water en plat see het hengelomstandighede moeilik gemaak. Die resultate is as volg:
Rossmund Golf Club News Good morning one and all from a slightly overcast Rossmund Golf Course.
Quite a few of our players participated in the Namibia Open held at the Windhoek Country Club last w e e k e n d ( 11 / 1 2 April) and really performed well. Rossmund took 5 of the top 10 places. Stefanus Bonifacius came out on top with 217 - managing to hold off his long time rival McPaul Ndeilenga by 5 shots. Well done guys we are proud of you. Hope you have some good results in Uganda this week. Wednesday, 15 April,
was once again well supported with some 22 players enjoying the great golfing weather and turning in some good scores. The competition was sponsored by Swakopmund Service Station (Engen Michael Ludeke) Michael gives great support to all levels of golf at Rossmund. After a long drought Oupa Coetzee shot a fantastic 24pts over the front 9 holes whilst the 18 hole competition was won on a count out with 41pts Martin Angula
over Neil McLeod. Check those handicaps dropping. On the subject of handicaps - please remember you only have 72 hours to enter your score after a round, failing which the system will penalise you automatically - I note from emails received it is happening to quite a few guys recently. Saturday 18 April will be a Club sponsored Betterball Stableford - I see there are quite a few names on the list already - so obviously a popular format.
Sunday 19 April SAGES sponsored by Atlantic Villa/ Gerhard van der Merwe. Saturday 25 April Novanam Monthly Medal. Dentist: "Gee, Mrs Bellamy, I'm so sorry. Try the emergency dental clinic up in the main street. Cross my heart, I have eighteen cavities to fill this afternoon. I have no time before making a start." Dental Nurse: "Don't forget to take your new putter, Dr Adams.�
Get your life back
Narcotics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Contact: 081 606 7743
MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo 1. Name and postal
address of applicant: Gabriel Stefanus, P. O. Box 7404, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Kry Mekaar Bar. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 5803, Agaat Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor Licence. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Office.
6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 April 2015. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10 June 2015. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
17 APRIL 2015
17 APRIL 2015
Beginners/Development Inline Hockey Tournament
The Coastal Pirates Inline Hockey Club had their first Beginners / Development Tournament of the year last Friday. Over 70% of the 20 participants have only learnt to play inline hockey during the last two months, and many of these have only recently learnt how to skate. There were five teams of four kids each, who fought it out to see who
could score the most goals. The referees patiently
reminded many of the participants of the rules of the game as the
matches progressed. Distractions were plenty as the beginners
got used to the match timer, the scoreboard and having a number of spectators. The tournament ended with a skills competition to select the best sniper of the day. The winner was Algino Gaochab, who won with sheer determination. Thanks are extended to the twins, Joseph and Joshua Zeferinu for being goalies all afternoon and to Amandus Röttcher and Sean Liechti for being referees. Everyone had great fun and learnt a lot, and every participant received a medal. It was amazing to see all the
smiles on the faces of these new inline hockey players, and to witness the begin-
ning stages of the development of some potentially talented players – the future of Namibian inline hoc-
key looks very bright at the coast ! See next week's edition for more photos.
Nakapunda, Gariseb win in Erongo as Chess League kicks off Otto Nakapunda and Immanuel Gariseb won the Arandis Open and Omaruru Open, respectively, over the weekend.
Nakapunda scored 5 wins out of 5 on Saturday, followed by Gariseb on 4 points and Simon Shidolo (3 points) who edged out three locals from Arandis to claim bronze. This was the second tournament at the town and although the turnout was not at the same level as the inaugural tournament a year ago, there was fire on the board with the Arandis residents pulling out all stops for the honours. At the end of the day, Saltiel Ismael was rewarded with the
Best Local Player Award. On Sunday, the Namibia Chess Federation hosted the inaugural Omaruru Open, which also forms part of the Grand Prix Series. National Junior Champion Gariseb had an incredible run scoring 5 wins from 5 games, followed by National Champion Charles Eichab on 4 points and Otto Nakapunda a further point behind. Thomas Ehrich and Fillemon Shatipamba also scored 3 points to share the third prize. The Best Local Player honours went to Rod-
ney !Kaneb, ahead of Zacharias Domingo and Onesmus Tsuseb. Meanwhile, history was made on Monday (yesterday) night when the much anticipated Chess Leagues kicked off at Hotel Thuringerhof. For the first time, a second division was created owing to the growing popularity of the Royal Game. Newcomers Jan Mohr SS, King's U-Knighted, Rubinstein, The Kings and Unam Incredible Knights join last season's relegated trio o f U n a m Ti t a n s , Checkmate and Poly Rookers to make up
the 8-team First Division Chess League. The NamSports Premier Chess League (PCL) is the top division and has been trimmed down from 13 teams to 10 teams this season. The main reason is to increase the quality of play and the feeling now amongs all players is that “there are now no easy games.” There were no major upsets in the matches, apart from former National Women's Champion Nicola Tjaronda's surprise win over Capablanca's Richard Nyatoti to deny the
Swakopmund Dojo participants of the 2015 Open Tournament with Sensei Valdemar Swart
Shotokan Karate Swakopmund Open Tournament 2015
Sports reporter Shotokan Karate Academy Swakopmund hosted the Shotokan Swakopmund Karate Open for the second consecutive year on 28 March at the Swakop Indoor Sport Centre. The tournament was open to all Shotokan Karate Namibia karateka and were host to 210 participants of different dojos from Windhoek, Walvis Bay, Omaruru and Swakopmund. This tournament's main aim was to develop the skills of all karateka on all the levels of age groups and belt categories. Entries of 5 years to 63 years were present at the tournament, thus making it a friendly cham-pionship. It also served as a platform for participants
who are preparing for the upcoming International Development Tour to South Africa during August 2015, and also the JSKA World Cup in Swakopmund during 2016. The Academy wishes to thank Crushplant for sponsoring the medals for the day, and also FNB Swakopmund for the promotional items, donated to all participants. For more information regarding karate, contact Valdemar Swart at 081 124 2938 shotokan@iway.na
Champions a perfect start to the campaign. The PCL will be played on Mondays and will consist of 18 rounds in total while the FCL will feature a total of 16 home-and-away rounds. All games start at 18:30. Players who wish to join the League can contact any of the clubs before 27 April 2015 when registration for the Leagues closes. The acting League Administrator can be reached via 081-211 6463 or email president@namibiachess federation.com
17 APRIL 2015
‘Kudus - Ons trots’ Leandrea Louw
Die Kudus-rugbyklub het Woensdagaand ‘n klein seremonie gehou om hul nuwe geborgde rugby uitrusting te vertoon asook om hul borge dankie te sê vir die ondersteuning. Die nuwe uitrusting bestaan uit ‘n sweetpak, eerste span en tweede span, rugbytrui en -broek, vir tuis- en wegwedstryde. Daar is ook ‘n bestuurdersbaadjie, asook ‘n ondersteuners trui. Mnr Zane Jansen, Voorsitter van die Kudus, het gesê dat hul ‘n trotse span is. “Ons wil net dankie sê aan almal wat dit vir ons moontlik maak om so netjies te lyk as ‘n span, en vir die ondersteuning. Elke druppel help. Ons kan ‘n verskil sien, ons kan nie kampioene wees as ons nie die ouens soos kampioene behandel nie,” het Jansen gesê. Mnr Wernard Dresselhaus het ook ‘n beker aan die klub geskenk, vir Beste
Speler van die Jaar. Hy het ook gesê hy gaan 'n sekere bedrag beskikbaar stel vir die prysuitdeling einde van die jaar. Hy het dan ook die belofte gemaak, as dit goed gaan, gaan hy dit weer doen. Meneer Tara Frans Shimbulu van Omahuli Construction, het die ouens oor die vingers getik deur te sê dat daar baie mense is wat opkyk na hulle, en hul gewaarsku teen die gevare van alkoholmisbruik. Kudus het ook 4 spelers in die Namibiese 0/20 span wat binnekort Spanje toe gaan en hulle is Chessbourough Lawrence, Damian Stevens, Cameron Langenhoven en Corné Aggenbach. Verlede naweek het Kudus
(Vlnr) Luke Moller, Garwan Esterhuizen, Werner Desselhaus en Sakkie Mouton met die beker
hul tweede wegwedstryd teen Rehoboth-rugbyklub uitgedraf. Die tweede span van Kudus het die tweede span van Rehoboth 40-19 gewen. Die wedstryd het stadig begin vir Kudus, met ‘n paar oorhaastige besluite, en Rehoboth het behoorlik in Kudus se helfte geboer. Nadat die manne begin rustig raak het die wedstryd na Kudus se kant gedraai met drieë wat veral in die tweede helfte ingeryg is. Wardo Sitzer, sleutel, Charlton Dreyer, agste man, JR Jacobs en Shalako Groenewald, buitesenter het gesorg vir die drieë. Casio Schoombe, vleuel, het gesorg vir twee drieë en Charlton Brussel, binnesenter, het gesorg vir 5 suksesvolle doelskoppe wat die telling op 40-19 te staan gebring het. Die eerste span van Kudus het met ‘n storm begin met ‘n drie vroeg in die wedstryd deur Anthony Jevu. Aurelio Plato het verdoel nadat hy ook ‘n strafdoel vroeër in die wedstryd deur die pale gesit het en die telling het toe op 10-0 gestaan. Kudus, het ‘n terugslag gehad, met beserings aan twee losvoorspelers Kubas and CJ en Rehoboth het
Kudus-rugbyklub se eerste span in die nuwe klere
Bestuurslede van die Kudus-rugbyklub, met van die borge, hier gesien met die nuwe rugby uitrusting van die kans gebruik gemaak om punte aan te teken. Met die aanbreek van die tweede helfte het die Kudus karakter gewys en ‘n agterstand vanaf 15-25 na ‘n oorwinning van 36-25 om te swaai.
Rayton Paulsem skrumskakel het gesorg vir drie drieë, Anthony Jevu, binnesenter en Luande Duvenhange, buitesenter, het gesorg vir nog twee. Aurelio Plato, het gesorg vir 4 susksesvolle doelskoppe en die een straf-
doel. Hierdie Saterdag gaan die eerste span en die tweede spanne teen Western Suburbs uitdraf, en klipharde rugby word verwag. Die eerste wedstryd skop af op die Narraville Rugby Stadion beter bekend
as die ‘Huis van Pyn’ om 13:30. Die tweede wedstryd, die twee eerste spanne, skop om 15:15 af. Almal word hartlik uitgenooi om die Kudus weer in aksie te sien.
Walvisbaai-rugbyklub verslaan Jaguars Sportverslaggewer
Remax Walvisbaai-rugbyklub het dit 4 uit 4 vir die jaar gemaak deur vir Jaguars met n telling van 45-3 te verslaan op die Hoërskool se veld in Walvisbaai en lê tans eerste op die puntestand met 21 punte na 4 naweke se wen. Die agttal van Remax Walvisbaai het die wedstryd goed beheer en het vinnig 'n drie gedruk en die telling was 5-0 in hul guns binne die eerste vyf minute. Jaguars het egter terugbaklei maar met rotsvaste verdediging kon hul
daarin slaag om 'n strafskop deur die pale te jaag en so ook die telling op 5-3 te staan te bring. Remax Walvisbaai kon daarna net slaag om twee keer agter die doelyn te gaan kuier en met net een doelskop wat verdoel was, was die halftyd-
telling 17-3 in Remax Walvisbaai se guns. Die tweede helfte het stadig begin maar nadat die afrigter, Nico van der Westhuizen 'n paar veranderings gemaak het het dinge beter begin lyk en so het die drieë ook vanself gekom.
Remax Walvisbaai het sewe drieë gedruk en vyf van hulle is deur die jong loskakel, Ruan “Boeta” Kotze verdoel. Drieë is gedruk deur Bradd Biller (2), Leeroy Rentzke, Worsie Rohl, Slangman Smit, Jason McAlpine en Jurie Loots.
Remax Walvisbaai het ook in die Paasnaweek toernooi wat deur die Munisipaliteit aangebied is deelgeneem en het algeheel derde geëindig en met die N$ 6 000
prysgeld weggestap. Hierdie naweek het die manne ‘n welverdiende ruskans en die naweek van die 25 April speel hulle teen Dolphins van Swakopmund hier in
Walvisbaai. Almal word uitgenooi om te kom kyk en die jong talent van Remax Walvisbaai-rugbyklub te kom ondersteun.