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Heldedaad by Jetty
Slangbyt eis twee Bladsy 3 Foto deur Coenita de Bairos
Marshallino Beukes
‘n 24-Jarige man het Sondagnamiddag net-net ‘n besliste waterdood vrygespring nadat hy, in wat voorkom as ‘n selfmoordpoging, van die ysterkaai in Swakopmund afgespring het. mer van die restaurant op die kaai opgemerk, en nadat hy in die see gespring het, het hierdie werknemer hom te
hulp gesnel. Die held van die dag het volgens inligting ‘n lang tou gegryp en dit na die drenkeling ge-
gooi. Dié het dalk op daadie tydstip tot besinning gekom en die lewenslyn met albei hande
FAO calls for speedy consolidation of the country’s land acts
ming. Die koerant het gisternamiddag verneem dat hy buite gevaar, en op die been is.
aangegryp. Reddingsdienste is ontbied en die persoon is na die Staathospitaal geneem vir waarne-
He said the results of the study will enrich policy debate on ways to accelerate land distribution as a vehicle for poverty alleviation. “I am privileged to have an insight into the recommendations of the land prices
study and I find them a valuable resource for technocrats and policy-maker alike. ‘I will not dwell on the recommendations of the study; suffice it to say that they will remain a good reference for Continues on page 2
Another fire at Rössing
Halfway there for Mellissa
Page 9
Nianell on life and the NAMAs
The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) country representative to Namibia, Dr Babagana Ahmadu, has called on government to finalise the consolidation of the Agricultural Land Reform Act and the Communal Land Reform Act. Both acts will be consolidated to become one Land Act, but discussions around the matter are still at the bill stage. Ahmadu made a call during the launch of the report titled ‘Study into Agricultural Land Prices in Namibia’ on Monday. The report was funded by FAO at the cost of about US.dollars 200 000 ( about N$2,5 million)
Page 6
Photo contributed
Volgens ‘n bron het die voorval tussen 16:00 en 17:00 plaasgevind. Die jong man is blykbaar deur ‘n werkne-
Dr Babagana Ahmadu assumed duties as Representative of the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations to Namibia in September 2013. Prior to that, Dr Ahmadu was the FAO Representative to the Republic of The Gambia
Page 11
Biathle for everyone
Marshallino Beukes and Mavourlene Gaes
A second fire in just over a month, erupted at Rössing Uranium mine on Sunday afternoon. According to the mine its emergency response unit quickly extinguished the fire. The fire in the fine crushing circuit of the plant,
occurred while maintainers were busy with routine replacement work of worn grizzly bars. The bolts holding the grizzly bars were re-
moved by cutting it off with blow torches and some of those hot bolts ignited when they landed on plastic screen panels. According to Rössing,
the incident had very little impact on production and full production was restored later that same afternoon. The damage will expec-
tedly be repaired within a week. The mine made headlines last month, when a fire erupted in the Final Product Recovery
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Plant. The damage then, as well as the cause of that fire, is still unknown. Nobody was hurt in any of the incidents.
Pages 8 & 22
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17 MARCH 2015
Brave “Lala” needs help for artificial leg Marshallino Beukes
Meet Albertina “Lala” Nepembe, a true example of courage and devotion. She is an employee at Servest, a contractSERVING THE ing company at Husab Mine, outside SwakopCOASTAL mund. COMMUNITY Albertina’s left leg was amputated at a very early SINCE 1958 age, as a result of a vehinamib times is registered as cle accident, but this did a newspaper by the Ministry not stop her in achieving of Information Technology her goals and dreams. She originates from and Communication the North, and came to Swakopmund during Walvis Bay Office 2010 in search of a job opportunity and during Tel +264 64 205 854 2013 Servest Multi SerFax +264 64 204 813 vice Group gave her this wvb@namibtimes.net opportunity. According to Mr Jason Advertising Lundon (Servest Prosales@namibtimes.net ject Manager) “Lala” is desiree@namibtimes.net one of the bravest peoMarketing/Sales ple he ever met, never complaining, dedicated Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 coenita@namibtimes.net sales@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872
to her job and always smiling. “Before employing her, we did explain that the job might be very exhausting, with her condition in mind. She however laughed it off and the rest is history,” Lundon remarked. She is employed at the Husab Village Laundry and enjoys every moment of it, said Albertina. “The government is subsidising a portion of the money for my leg, and the rest I have to generate myself. With the government’s help, I got an artificial leg during 2012 and had to come up with more than N$10 000 myself.
However times have changed and thus I want to pledge to any good Samaritans out there to assist me in attaining a new leg,” she asked. According to her, the artificial leg she presently uses is causing problems, especially when it’s very hot. She told namib times that she was not aware of a football tournament, her employer (Servest) organised last weekend, in order to help her, and she expressed her sincere thanks and appreciation towards them. Good Samaritans can contact namib times’ Swakopmund office, or Albertina at 085 636 7072/081 219 9184.
FAO calls for speedy consolidation of the country’s land acts Continued from page 2
future strategies on land acquisition and distribution in Namibia,” Ahmadu stressed. He said the ‘voluntary guidelines’, which was endorsed during the World Food Security workshop in 2012, recognised that food secu-
rity for the ever-growing world’s population depends on equitable secure access to land as factor of production. Ahmadu said the ‘voluntary guidelines’ represents the first global consensus on universally applicable standards
for promotion of secure tenure rights and equitable access to land, fisheries and forests as a means of eradicating hunger and poverty and supporting sustainable development. He said the land prices study was conducted
within the framework of the ‘voluntary guidelines’ and to support Namibia’s demonstrated and well-established principles of responsible governance of land. Ahmadu urged the government, through the Ministry of Lands and
Resettlement to be an active partner in the implementation of the ‘voluntary guidelines’ on the responsible governance of tenure of land, fisheries and forests. “I look forward to the implementation of re-
commendations of the land prices study which is one of the important initiatives of the Ministry of Lands and Resettlement in recent years,” he said. NAMPA
Swakopmund Land Invasion Reaches Cul-de-sac
The land invaders at Swakopmund have changed their minds and will now follow the legal procedure to obtain land as opposed to seizing and erecting structures Sport on it. Godhardt Kandume, the leader of sport@namibtimes.net about 600 persons who invaded municiSwakopmund Office pal land here in December last year, admitted to Nampa on Sunday that they Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824 would no longer continue with the illegal occupation of land. Advertising Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749
The unserviced land is located between the Hanganeni and DRC informal settlements in the eastern part of Swakopmund. “We have proMikkie Kriel fessionally resolved the Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na matter with the municmikkie@namibtimes.net ipality and agreed that our people will get land Journalists through the legal process Marshallino Beukes of applying,” said KanCell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net dume. Kandume said the muSharlien Tjambari nicipality informed him Cell +264 81 788 8155 that there is already 11 sharlien@namibtimes.net 000 people who applied for land at the town and PRO-Print his group cannot be favoured and obtain land Swakopmund without applying beBrenda Miles cause either way, they Cell +264 81 128 3280 will just become part of jenny@namibtimes.net the waiting list. Walvis Bay Approached for comMoya Davids ment, Swakopmund Cell +264 81 208 4047 Mayor Juuso Kammoya@namibtimes.net bueshe confirmed that Kandume agreed not to www.namibtimes.net continue with the illegal Marketing/Sales Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 3280 jenny@namibtimes.net
land occupation. “He promised that he will not continue with the illegal route of grabbing land anymore and that those who need land will apply. He alleges that there are some people who applied before but did not get a response. We are waiting for proof on that matter so that we can rectify the situation,” said the town mayor. Their attempt to erect shacks on the land on St Valentine’s Day last month, backfired as the police arrested Kandume and his ally Engelhardt /Uirab before dismantling the erected structures. Kandume and /Uirab were questioned and released the same day, after which they met with the municipality in an attempt to reach an agreement on apply-
ing for land. Namibian Police Force (NamPol) Inspector Erick Nghaamwa, the Station Commander for the Mondesa residential area, said trespassing charges were laid against Kandume and /Uirab when they first marked off the plots in December last year. “The docket dealing with Kandume and /Uirab’s charges was referred to the public prosecutor for a decision to prosecute or not,” Nghaamwa told Nampa on Sunday. Meanwhile, now that their land issue has reached this point, Kandume took the opportunity and turned his attention to the much criticised 10 000 hectares allocated to the N$1 billion worth tobacco plantation in Liselo of the
Zambezi Region. A Chinese company, Namibia Oriental Tobacco CC, plans to grow tobacco and maize on the land. Zambezi Region Governor Lawrence Sampofu confirmed to a local daily newspaper that the project has been given the green light. “We support development projects in this country but if Chinese can get such land when our people has nothing then it is a problem. We are only more than two million in Namibia, so there is no excuse for us not to have land for everyone,” said Kandume. He warned that Government must find a quick way of resolving the land issue before things
go wrong. “Land has caused war in many African countries and if our Government is not acting on this land problem, we might experience war very soon,” he said. Kandume is not alone in the struggle for land in Namibia, as about 35 000 Namibians submitted their documents to municipal authorities around the country in a mass land application under the Affirmative Repositioning campaign earlier this month. Suspended Swapo Party Youth League leaders and land activists Job Amupanda and Dimbulukeni Nauyoma are spearheading the campaign that has amplified the Namibian citizens’ cry for land. NAMPA
17 MARCH 2015
Probleme buite beheer jaag bouprojek-koste op Liesl Losper Ongelukkige lesers het ons die afgelope week gekontak oor die saambouprojek wat geleë is agter Narraville-sportgronde. Carl Williams van Erongo Bricks is die boukontrakteur van die projek, nadat hy in Oktober 2013 N$40 000 per huis kwoteer het. Williams het onlangs eksklusiewe regte bekom, van 'n Brasiliaanse maatskappy wat huise bou met ekologiese bakstene en het reeds 'n hele paar huise in Walvisbaai voltooi. “Die huise is in Desember 2013 begin bou - hulle staan vir 'n maand dan kom een laag by, dan word dit weer vir 2 maande laat staan. Dan kom werkers weer vir 'n geruimte tydtjie elke dag. Na 3 dae is alles weer stil, sien jy weer werkers by die huise maar dan is hul net besig vir 'n week, en dit is al vir die afge-
lope 2 jaar so,” sê een van die toekomstige eienaars, wat reeds in November 2013 kontrak geteken het. Mnr Carl Williams eienaar van Erongo Econo Building Blocks Walvis Bay met eksklusiewe patentregte van 'n Braziliaanse maatskapy se masjiene is onder waarborg, maar met die vereiste dat net die maatskapy aan die masjiene mag werk en onderdele verskaf. In 'n ope onderhoud met namib times het mnr Williams gesê, “Ons het in Desember 2013 begin fondasies gooi en toe het ons gesluit vir die vakansie, en in Januarie heropen. Weens die staking van staalfabrieke in Suid-Afrika het dit my bouwerk beinvloed en net 'n paar maande daarna het die stenemasjien opgepak.
Ongelukkig kan dit net deur tegnici van Brasilië herstel word, en onderdele kom ook van daar af. Tegnici uit Brasilië het gekom en die masjien reggemaak, wat vir 'n geruime tyd die werk laat voortgaan het. Maar, kort voor lank het nog 'n onderdeel gebreek wat vervang moes word. Ons het reeds die bestelling ingestuur na die fabriek toe en bevestig dat dit op pad is, en dat dit ons binnekort sal bereik. Ons is besig om die dakke op te sit. Elf van die huise is al klaar maar net 3 van die huise word bewoon die ander 7 staan en verniel. Ek het N$40 000 gekwoteer vir hierdie huise in Oktober 2013. Mense moet in aanmerking neem dat die
Giftige slang eis twee jong lewens Marshallino Beukes Die lewens van twee seuns, Elvin Swartbooi (10) en Kennedy Uiseb (12) is Sondagoggend tussen 05:00 en 06:00 wreed beëindig, toe hulle deur 'n slang gepik is. Die polisie op Uis het die voorval gerapporteer en volgens hoofinspekteur Iikuyu het die twee seuns vir die naweek by familie op die plaas Ai-Ais, naby Uis, gaan kuier. Dit is nie duidelik hoe die slang tot die woonplek toegang verkry het nie. Volgens Iikuyu was dit aanvanklik drie seuns wat in die vertrek geslaap het, maar gelukkig het een van die drie die noodlot gefnuik. Die slang is dieselfde dag opgespoor en van kant gemaak. Die polisie kon gister nog nie bevestig watter tipe slang dit was nie, aangesien hulle steeds op soek was na 'n slangkenner, om die reptiel te identifiseer. Die oorledenes se naasbestaandes is in kennis gestel.
Mnr Carl Williams
Huise van die saambouprojek oponthoud of probleme buite die beheer van die onderneming was. Dit het tyd geneem om dinge uit te sorteer maar intussen het sementpryse van N$68 soos aanvanklik kwoteer was, gestyg na N$93. Maar nog steeds gaan die onderneming voort om hul woord te hou en die kontrak klaar te maak.” Kevin Adams van die munisipalitiet het ook genoem “Ons het by mnr Williams verneem dat die masjiene gebreek het, maar dat hy alreeds onderdele vanaf Brasilië te wagte is.”
Petitions on its way to German Embassies worldwide Liesl Losper On March the 27th, 2015 a petition will be delivered to respective German Embassies or General-Conciliates at 14:00 local time worldwide. Namibian communities affected by the genocide have been demanding reparations from contemporary Germany. The different representatives are Mara Kansjiriomuini (Ovambanderu), Mr Wahimisa Kaapehi (Ovaherero) and Chief Kooitjie of the Topnaar community (Nama). They were at a commemoration on 14 March in Swakopmund (photos and report on page 5) Support the Herero and Nama people in their just quest for reparations from the government of Federal Republic of Germany, “said Mara Kansjiriomuini, regional committee member in Walvis Bay. The Paramount Chief will depart from Windhoek with his delegation on Thursday, 26 March and will arrive in Washington DC (IAD) on Friday, 27 March.
17 MARCH 2015
International Social Workers Day
Annually, Social Workers emphasise their valuable efforts and contributions in society and ultimately receive recognition for their work. This year is no exception as we celebrate International Social Workers Day on 17 March. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Promoting the Dignity and Worth of Peoples’. An important aspect of Social Work is enhancing human wellbeing and ensuring that people are able to obtain their basic ne-
cessities, it is therefore that Social Workers strive to attain their professional ideals to make the world a better place.
Days such as the International Social Workers Day not only recognise the efforts of a social worker, but also paves a way
Mother facing a concealment of birth charge, remains in custody A 21-year-old woman from Swakopmund facing a concealment of birth charge, remains in police custody after she failed to post her bail of N$3 000. Ester Haundapiti, an employee of Swakop Uranium’s Husab mine, allegedly gave birth to a baby in the bathroom at the Husab accommodation village last week, placed it in her clothing bag and hid it in her room. The employee appeared before Magistrate Nelao Brown in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakop-
mund last week Wednesday where she was granted bail. She could, however, not pay the bail as the amount set was too high. According to court records, the State granted bail on recommendation of a doctor who recommended that Haundapiti be granted bail as she had lost a lot of blood after
birth and might not survive in custody. Haundapiti is still in custody at the Arandis police holding cells after being released from the Swakopmund State Hospital where she was admitted under police watch. She is expected to appear in the same court for bail reduction this week. NAMPA
Court Walvis Bay Court Report Magistrate's Court
12 March 2015 Venesie Brandt (37) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident) and the first alternative to Count one is reckless or negligent driving read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Matter is postponed to 12 April. Jacques Du Plesis (30) appeared on a charge of murder- attempted murder. Matter is postponed to 13 April. A case of drugs - possession of cocaine was withdrawn against Fransisco Julio Paulo (48). A charge of drugs - possession of cocaine was withdrawn against Tarance Pitt Cook (28). De Jager Aloyscios (28) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. Matter is postponed to 3 June. Leon Ikela (20) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 21 May. Petrus Amumwe (29) was sen-
tenced to 12 months imprisonment or pay a fine of N$5 000 on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Abraham Taapopi (31) appeared on a charge of refusal to give breath specimen or blood specimen. Matter is postponed to 26 May. Samuel Amupolo (42) appeared on a charge of murder. Matter is postponed to 20 April. Berendt Uri-Khob (30) was sentenced on a charge of theft to 8 months imprisonment or pay a fine of N$2 500. Jesaya Shipunda (46) was sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or pay a fine of N$1 000 on a charge of assault - assault common. A warrant of arrest has been issued for Victoria Mweta (32) on a charge of assault - assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm
read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. Accused is at large. Alest Henry Farmer (39) appeared on a charge of assault - assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 8 July. Ivan Ouseb (26) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 23 April. Neville Tsaneb (27) appeared on a charge of theft, and another charge of assault - assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 30 March. 13 March 2015 Bruce Nel (26) appeared on a charge of maintenance - failure to pay. Matter is postponed to 19 June. Ismael Gaeb (31) and Daniel Paulus (33) both appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 31 March.
of reflection and selfactualisation of their achievements and the challenges overcome throughout in their career. Yes, Social Workers do face challenges along the way, but these challenges make the individual stronger. Having the efforts of
Social Workers highlighted provides a glimpse of hope as all the efforts in society are recognised and not performed in vain. Social Workers in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay who are affiliated with the West Coast Social Workers Association meet on a month-
ly basis. This platform is aimed at sharing knowledge and ideas and also an area for the Social Workers to debrief and support each other to provide efficient and effective services to their clients.
Two men on trial for breaking into take-away Mavourlene Gaes
Ngoimue Veneruru and Shane Nawaseb, both 20 years old, appeared in the Walvis Bay magistrate’s court yesterday for breaking into a local take-away in Kuisebmond last year and stealing an unspecified amount of cash. The two suspects are facing a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal, and theft respectively. They are accused of having broken into the take-away in Tunacor Street on 15 July 2014. The owner, who refused to be named, gave a sworn testimony in court that on the night of the burglary, she locked up as usual, and went to bed. “I was sleeping and I did not hear them breaking in. I was awoken by police officers who came to my house to inform me that my shop had been burglared and the officers told me to open a case in the morning”
she testified. According to the Police constable who also testified as second state witness, the two men were allegedly arrested after the officers, who had been patrolling the area, saw them sitting in the street counting coins, while another man was standing by. “They looked very suspicious and we got out of the car to investigate but, when they saw us approaching, the three men ran off in different directions. We chased them and caught one of them, who told us everything, after we interrogated him a few times,” the witness explained. He added that the suspect told them where
to find the other two suspects and led them to a shack, where both suspects were apprehended and taken to the police station. “Accused number two opened the door and after following the correct procedures, we searched them and found N$37 in Nawaseb’s pocket, while we did not find any cash on Veneruru” the witness further explained. The amount of money that was stolen is unclear. The suspects appeared in front of Magistrate John Sindao Liwoyo, who postponed the matter to 27 April for the continuation of the trial.
Baie Gevaarlik Boustene in die middel van die pad gelos deur bouers agter Meersig. namib times se verslaggewer, Madelaine Laubscher het Saterdagaand daarop afgekom.
17 MARCH 2015
Herero and Nama commemorate 111 years since Genocide SharlienTjambari
On Saturday, the Ovaherero/Mbanderu and the Nama people gathered at the Vineta Sports Stadium to march towards the old German cemetery where they annually pay tribute to those who had lost their lives at the concentration camp in Swakopmund during the 1904-1907 genocide, led by Lieutenant-General Lothar Von Trotha. Between 24 000 - 100 000 Herero and 10 000 Nama died. The genocide was characterised by widespread death from starvation and thirst - the Herero who fled the violence were prevented from leaving the Namib Desert. Some sources also claim that the German colonial army had systematically poisoned desert wells. The Herero and Nama community marched through the town of Swakopmund with posters carrying calls for “Reparation Now” and bitter slogans like “the Germans killed our people, raped our women and children.” The Chief-Elect, Advocate Vekuii Rukoro, also joined the march. When they arrived at the Cemetery in Kramersdorf, everybody knelt down before entering the cemetery - this is a custom of the Herero community, before entering a respected place. While the people knelt down, the men responsible for communication with the ancestors, among them Ondangere Mujazu, started communicating and asking permission to go in without being harmed. Everybody then proceeded to the memorial with the words “In memory of the thousands heroic OvaHerero and OvaMbanderu who perished under mysterious circumstances at the realm of their German colonial masters in concentration camps in Swakopmund/ Otjozondjii during 1904-1908." Then Advocate Vekuii Rukoro also spoke to the ancestors and paid tribute to the late Chief of the Ovaherero community, Kuaima Riruako. The event was very memorable and taught a lot of the young people about traditional practices and tradition. There were traditional performances, such as the Omuhiva and Onderera, both Otjiherero terms that cannot really be translated. On 19 September 2006 the Namibian Parliament Unanimously Adopted a Motion Calling for Reparation Negotiations with Germany over the Genocide Committed against the Herero, Nama and Damara People between 1904 and 1908. The OvaHerero paramount chief, Kuaima Riruako, had tabled the motion in the Namibian Parliament.
Chief-Elect Advocate Vekuii Rukoro marching with his people
The community gathered at the statue which was designed after the late Chief Kuaima Riruako, to pay respect to him. The head seen here is the head of the cattle that was slaughtered at his funeral.
Obtaining Fishing
17 MARCH 2015
Suspected pollution a natural
Permits phenomenon
WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Liesel Losper
Visitors to the Walvis Bay Waterfront informed namib times yesterday about a substance, looking a lot like oil, which covered an area stretching from the harbour, past the Waterfront, and drifting in the direction of the lagoon. Some residents were of the opinion that the layer of sediment was caused by a dredger of the China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC) which was operating towards the southern end of the harbour, and nearby the fence bordering the Waterfront, on Sunday. The matter was referred to Mr Pinehas N Auene, the Deputy Director: Marine Pollution Control and SAR, Directorate of Maritime Af-
fairs in the Ministry of Works and Transport. He thanked us for the report. He commented, “It appears to be a product of an Algal Bloom which is a natural phenomenon. It does not appear inorganic to me. I’m sending a colleague to go and investigate while copying in Namport and the Walvis Bay Municipality, as custodians of the Walvis Bay wetland. I will advise accordingly.”
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Riv er
Mile 72
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken
Walvis Bay Tides
Where to Fish
Swakopmund Tides
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Port Log
Mile 4
Photos by Liesel Losper
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.
17 MARCH 2015
17 MARCH 2015
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newsdesk @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times
reader’s comments
‘n 24-jarige man is in die hospitaal opgeneem nadat hy vanmiddag omstreeks half 5 in Swakopmund van die jetty afgespring het in wat bestempel word as ‘n selfmoordpoging. Hy is net betyds uit die see gered en na die hospitaal geneem. Martin Vermaak Dit was n afrikaanse man Odette Hikuam Yoh :0 shame!
Karel Kakishi Please start reporting important news in English. Latoya L Cloete Ek was da.
Vallery Uiras Shame tog. Ndangi Iiyambo English for current news PLEASE!
Twee seuns sterf
Die polisie het bevesig dat twee seuns van onderskeidelik 10 en 12 jaar oud, in hulle slaap dood is weens ‘n slangbyt. Die voorval het op ‘n plaas naby Uis plaasgevind. Anna Kee Maldri Josti Ae tog so unfortunate and sad. My sincere condolences to the family. Unzell Jooste-Cooper Dus nou 'n jammerte. Sterkte aan die famielie. GOD GAAN JUL HIER DEUR DRA.EN JUL HARTE VERSTERK. Dandago Geingos Sterkte my mense, ag tg nee man.
Esme Skippers Goliath Baie sterkte. Zeldrien Norma Guriras Its very sad my sincere condolences to te berievd family God wil comfort their hearts. Desiree Freeman My innige simpatie aan die familie. Ons voel saam met julle in die tyd. Martin Le Roux Bad indeed,
Sterkte. Vallery Uiras Sterkte mag die Hemelse Vader met julle wees. Cecile Jonker Ellis Dis vreeslik so hartseer! Meme Kandali Sha Lucas Wish the family strenth to endure. Thinking of u.
Air Namibia Launches New Direct Flights The Governor of the Erongo Region, has lauded Air Namibia, and the Municipality of Walvis Bay, who signed a Strategic Business Alliance agreement and officially launched Air Namibia’s new Direct Return Flights from Walvis Bay to Cape Town and Walvis Bay to Johannesburg, last night Pearl Bailey Scholtzluderitz Long overdue. Congtats and Thank you Air Namibia Allan Roodt But what will it cost? Still waiting for the other cheaper airline thank you
The Governor of the Erongo Region, has lauded Air Namibia, and the Municipality of Walvis Bay, who signed a Strategic Business Alliance agreement and officially launched Air Namibia’s new Direct Return Flights from Walvis Bay to Cape Town and Walvis Bay to Johannesburg, last night. Pearl Bailey Scholtzluderitz Long overdue. Congrats and Thank you Air Namibia. Allan Roodt But what will it cost? Still waiting for the other cheaper airline thank you.
Trucks, condition of traffic signs pose danger The newspaper recently received complaints regarding several areas in Walvis Bay where a vehicle driver’s view is either obstructed by parked trucks, or the road traffic signs are not clearly visible, posing danger to road users. Danny Beukes Die trokke is rerig n groot probleem... lyk nou al amper soos Nigeria. Danie Jacobs Hulle moet plan maak op die hoek van 6de str en 11de weg ook. (Voor Afcor) Trokke staan daar, en mens moet omtrent letterlik in die verkeer in beweeg om te sien of daar voertuie aan kom. Traffic ry gedurig daar verby, maar daar word niks aan die situasie gedoen nie. Allan Roodt Trucks parking off peoples driveways, obstructing signs, cars still driving without registration plates, cars parking on yellow lines whenever they want,
talking on cellphones while driving, driving through stop signs and red robots, double parking in parking bays, parking outside marked parking bays where half the car is still in the street, people driving as they wish because traffic cops are never around, cars and trucks driving like assholes on the highway, cars overtaking strings of cars\trucks on blindspots on the highway. Outstanding work w\bay traffic department. Mogamat Salie Saban Let us be positive about our roads and trucks. What about the promised truckport some time ago. Bearing in mind
that the food on your table was delivered to a shop by truck. Bearing in mind that the fuel in your car’s tank was delivered by truck.Yes some truck drivers make themselve guilty of bad driving skills and bad road manners. But bear in mind if trucks are been taken away from our roads, highways and byways, no food on the table or fuel in your car’s tank. Such a long list, delivering building materials, road construction materials and educational materials. Suggestion, take the trucks away and we all starve.Viva truckers. A proud Wesbank trucker.
Padkos vir oordenking
Ek is jou God. Ek versterk jou, Ek help jou, Ek hou jou vas, met my eie hand red Ek jou. Jesaja 41:10
Why Biathle and Modern Pentathlon… My name is Elizabeth Rossouw. I am 14 years old and will be 15 in August this year. I live in Walvis Bay in Namibia, and I am a student at the Walvis Bay Private High School. I first became interested in the sport of Modern Pentathlon when I saw a profile of Aya Medany, a female Egyptian pentathlete, on television. The reason why I started paying attention to the program was because of my love for horses and horse riding. Then I realised that the sport of Modern Pentathlon would suit me, because it offers a wide variety of activities – but it is also very challenging because it requires a wide variety of skills. The sport of Modern Pentathlon is one of the oldest sports practised in the Modern Olympics, as it was established by the founder of the modern Olympic games, Pierre de Coubertin. Modern pentathlon consists of five events: fencing (sword fighting), 200 meter freestyle swimming, showjumping (horse riding) and then a combined event of pistol shooting and a 3 200 meter run. I have been doing horse riding since I was 6 years old, and have been showjumping since 2008. I am currently graded by the Namibian Equestrian Federation to jump in competitions of 90cm. I was the Namibian Dressage Champion in the children’s class for 2014. Showjumping is not part of the Modern Pentathlon event until an athlete reaches the age of 18, but then you must be able to jump 1.25 meter – so I am happy that I am already making progress towards this at this stage already. Since the establishment of the Namibian Modern Pentathlon Federation in 2012 I have been participating in Biathle, which is a combined event of running and swimming. This sport is part of the development of an athlete towards participating in Modern Pentathlon. I qualified and was chosen for the Namibian teams that participated at the Biathle World Championships during 2012 in
Dubai, where I finished in 14th place. I was fortunate to also spend a few days in Dubai where I did sightseeing. In 2013 I was again chosen to represent Namibia at the Biathle and Triathle World Championships in Limassol, Cyprus. Triathle was introduced as another stepping stone towards full Modern Pentathlon during 2013, and it involves a combined and continuous event of pistol shooting, swimming and running. In Cyprus I was 18th overall in the Biathle, and was third in the Triathle – for which I received a bronze medal! This was really exciting for me and I was very proud when I saw the Namibian flag being raised while I was standing on the podium. Of course we also did some sightseeing while in Cyprus. I qualified for the the Biathle and Triathle World Championships again in 2014, but unfortunately it was held in Guatemala in South America, and we could not afford to go to participate there. We did raise some sponsorship and travelled to Weymouth in England, where we took part in a Biathle World Tour event, which is also an international competition, but of course not with the same prestige and level of competition as the World Championships, but we still participated against competitors from England, Italy and Germany. There I finished in 10th position. We again got to do some sightseeing and shopping in Weymouth and in London, which I en-
joyed a lot. I do not only enjoy participating in the sport, but also love the fact that it has provided me with opportunities to travel overseas and to see parts of the world that I probably would never have been able to do on my own. According to the times that I have recorded so far this year I will most probably again qualify to represent Namibia at the World Championships taking place in Batumi, Georgia during September. I just hope that we will be able to raise the funds to be able to travel there. I can basically train for and do all the events of Modern Pentathlon with the exception of fencing – the only fencing club in Namibia is in Windhoek – 400 kilometres away, and even that club is very small. I have gone for a few lessons in Cape Town, but it is difficult to make progress in such a technical sport without regular coaching and training. The equipment is also very expensive. I also took part in my first triathlon (swimming, cycling and running) this Saturday, 14 March, in the Namibian Championships. I won my age category. My dream is to become the first Modern Pentathlete to represent Namibia in full Modern Pentathlon at the Youth Olympics in 2018 or maybe even at the Olympic Games one day. I know it is difficult, but when I see what I have achieved so far, I am positive that my hard work and training will pay off one day.
17 17MARCH MARCH MARCH2015 2015 2015 17
Halfway there for Mellissa Madelaine Laubscher
The goal to raise N$500 000 for Mellissa Bester to cover her medical costs, has reached its halfway mark. When namib times inquired recently we were informed that there was an amount of approximately N$283 000 in the special account, thanks to various contributions made by the community. A well-known company, Hydroweld Walvis Bay, has donated N$20 000 to the account and another company, Fli Afrika Travel, has offered to cover her flight costs when she has to travel to South Africa. Both these companies are challenging other businesses to also donate money, as Mellissa still needs ap-
proximately N$200 000. The newspaper spoke to her mother on Wednesday. Her mom has told us Mellissa is not doing too well at the moment, but that they are all trying to stay positive. “She is in the Windhoek Central hospital at the moment. The cancer is unfortunately growing. She is receiving strong chemotherapy and will soon receive radiation. The doctor says if the cancer keeps growing it could mean that the operation might not work, therefore the doctors are trying their best to pre-
vent the cancer from spreading. She is in a lot of pain and has to sleep in a sitting position, but she is positive,” she says. According to her mother she will soon speak to the Cancer Association of Namibia to ask if they will also be able to contribute towards Mellissa, as the situation is urgent. “Mellissa will have to receive the operation before 1 June.” Mellissa Jeanene Bester (27), a Swakopmund resident, was diagnosed with Burkett’s Cancer (aggressive cancer of lymphatic tissue) on 24 September last year. She urgently needs a stem cell transplant in South Africa to save her life. Anyone who want to help save this young woman’s life can make a contribution at the Mellissa Bester Trust Fund. Account number: 62252533396 First National Bank Swakopmund Branch Branch code: 280472 Swift code: FIRNNANX
Mellissa Bester with her mother.
Dome almost ready for NAMAs
Photo by Maria Davel-Wallis
17 MARCH 2015
Maria Davel-Wallis
Photo by Maria Davel-Wallis
Photo contributed
While the excitement around the NAMAs is growing by the day, the world class Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre is gearing itself to accommodate another breath-taking production of stunning sets, and captivating performances on 1 and 2 May.
When namib times visited the venue over the weekend, we spoke to Buttons Heyns, the operations manager, who said they were expecting to accommodate around 4 000 guests in the Dome for the NAMAs 2015, compared to 3 000 last year.
The stage will this time be on the eastern side of the Dome. Meanwhile, Tim Ekandjo, MTC’s Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer has invited outgoing President Hifikepunye Pohamba to attend, for the first time, the NAMAs.
17 MARCH 2015
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Riana Nel and Nianell
International Musician to hit the NAMAs 2015
Sharlien Tjambari
The formidable Nianell and her sister Riana Nel, who is also an international singer, will be performing at this year’s Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) which is scheduled for May. namib times has asked her when and why she started playing, via email. Nianell says at the age of six she already sounded like an adult when she sang. “Music chose me and it’s like breathing for me.” She plays guitar and piano, but her voice is her real instrument. Born as Sonia Aletta Nel in Omaruru, she is best known as Nianell. She grew up in Windhoek and moved to South Africa where she graduated with a three year diploma in light music from Pretoria Technikon. She also studied Classical music at Trinity College in London, United Kingdom and at the University of South Africa. According to her, her entire family is very musical. Nianell admires Beth Nielson Chapman. “I love amazing songwriters” she says. Singing with Andrea Bocelli and also performing at the FIFA World cup finals in 2010 are of her fondest musical memories. According to her; Nianell handles mistakes during a performance with confidence. “ When I remember who I am, which is unconditional love, I don’t get nervous, but sometimes we all forget who we are and define ourselves by what others think of us. It’s when I forget who I am that I might get nervous,” is the response from Nianell on a question
if she gets nervous during performances or competitions. As part of her practice, Nianell tries to sing every day. About the relationship she has with Riana, Nianell says she feels more like her mother than her sister. “She is ten years younger than me and I remember changing her nappies. I feel very protective over her and extremely proud”. She focuses on doing things that she loves, things that give her energy to do more. She also loves being in the moment and that’s how she balances her music with other obligations. When asked what her expectations are about the NAMAs, she says she has none - she is only planning on having fun and to enjoy herself at the NAMAs. “I always look forward to visiting Namibia and share my passion and music with the warm, loving people of Namibia. Nianell has performed many times in Namibia, mainly Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Windhoek, Tsumeb, Mariental and Otjiwarongo. Her advice to beginners in the music industry is to remember who they are, unconditional love. “Focus on the love inside you and on sharing that love. When you are whole and complete within yourself, you won’t need anything from the outside to make you feel
worthy and then you won’t feel nervous” she adds. Tickets for NAMAs 2015 are available at Computicket at all Shoprite and Checkers outlets countrywide. Early bird VIP tickets will be N$450 while the early bird normal tickets will cost you N$150. As from April, tickets will sell at N$500 for VIP and N$200 for normal tickets.
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 26 - 28 March: 5. WAKA 2015 - Karneval.com.na * 7 April: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Five Fold Ministry. * 8 April: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 2 May: Ring of Fire Mcc Ruk & Pluk Dayjol at Atlantis Sport Club * 5 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E Kerk, Kuisebmond. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 30 May: Meat Festival and Canoe Combat at the Lagoon - Walvis Bay. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 26 June: Donkey Derby at Town Hall. * 27 Junie: Huis Palms Basaar by Huis Palms Gronde 10:00. * 7 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community Church.
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 20 March: Manuel Escorcio at Lions Old Age Home at 19:00 in Swakopmund. * 21 March: Bank Windhoek & SPCA Swakopmund Fun Run 2015 at Rossmund Lodge Parking Area at 07:30. * 28 März: Frauenfrühstück at Haus der Jugend um 09:00 uhr vormittag. * 28 Maart: Sam-Khubes Kultuuraand om 19:00 by Coastal High School (Hermann Gmeiner), Swakopmund. Kontak - Theresa Hansen by 081 211 9153. * 10 April: Formal Red-Carpet-Dinner Show “The Colour Red” by Dance Factory Swakopmund at the Haus Der Jugend 19:00. Book tickets at 064-403367 * 11 April: Dance Show “The Colour Red” presented by Dance Factory Swakopmund at the Haus Der Jugend 19:00. Book Tickets 064-403367. More info at www.dancefactorynam.com/news * 25 April: Sena Style & Design - Table Setting Workshop at Brigadoon Conference Centre. * 28 - 29 April: Sena Style & Design - Etiquette Workshop (16 - 19y) at Brigadoon Conference Centre.
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting.
17MARCH MARCH2015 2015 17
African Vocals in Swakopmund
African Vocals is a local A Capella Group, with one CD and one DVD on the shelves, and who’s working on a new CD now. They have visited Germany in 2014 where they have been making waves – and many friends. This weekend they welcomed a group of German tourists in true Namibian style!
Andreas Munkelwietz, Peter Brüggemann, manager of the group), and Joel Nambuli (Leader of African Vocals) at the group's performance in Swakopmund
Ondersteuners by die Biathle by Swakop die naweek
Brian and Maryke at the launch of Air Namibia's direct flights
Sien nog foto's en nuus op ons sportbladsye
17 MARCH MARCH 2015 2015 17
Pressure and Pleasure at Celtic Pool Club in Swakopmund
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17 MARCH 2015
Photos by Leandrea Louw
Learners celebrate 'Pi' day
Ms Nambahu, a Grade 8 Mathematics teacher, along with her Grade 8 learners celebrated 'Pi' day. The number π is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, commonly approximated as 3.14159. It has been represented by the Greek letter “π" since the mid-18th century, though it is also sometimes spelled out as "pi". Pictured here are Ms Nambahu and her learners depicting out the number π
WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Health & Beauty Clinic) ON ERF: 4210, Fairways Estates STREET: Harries Close In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, Lodewickus Christiaan Karsten, has applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to establish a Health and Beauty Clinic at the premises. Particulars of the application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106 D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager; Roads and building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than Friday 7 April 2015 NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Mr L C Karsten
17 MARCH 2015
Die “Water Cube” in Swakopmund lyk stukke beter Maria Davel-Wallis
Nadat die publieke swembad in Swakopmund, ook bekend as die “Water Cube”, verlede maand deur die oorspronklike eienaars, Epic Holdings, oorgeneem is, en aanvanklik weer gebruikers van die swembad op hulle agterpote gehad het omdat dit steeds groen was, het hulle duidelik die stryd begin wen.
Voor Na
Diens met ‘n glimlag
Fotos deur Maria Davel-Wallis
Na 'n vergadering vroeër is aangekondig dat die swembad in die vervolg op Vrydae gesluit sal wees, sodat behoorlike instandhouding en skoonmaak gedoen kan word. Dié stap het vrugte afgewerp. Toe namib times die naweek gaan inloer het, is ons vriendelik ontvang deur die twee werknemers wat ook vir kaartjieverkope verantwoordelik is. 'n Pragtige, helderblou swembad het ons begroet, en daar was heelparty swemmers.
17 MARCH 2015
CONSENT: Home Based Business (Consultancy) ON ERF NO: 64 TOWNSHIP: Meersig STREET: 39 Fourth Road North.
CONSENT: Self Catering Units ON ERF NO: 416 Unit 28 TOWNSHIP: Long Beach STREET: Kuiseb Avenue.
In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Home Based Business (Consultancy) on the site.
In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to establish a Self Catering Unit on Unit 28 on the site.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 31 March 2015.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 7 April 2015.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Elaine Grane, P. O. Box 3179, Walvis Bay
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Simeon U Kahona, P. O. Box 27385, Windhoek
17 MARCH 2015
17 MARCH 2015
FLAT TO RENT Ocean View: 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom. Open plan kitchen Lounge. 1 Garage. Own entrance. Alarm. W/E Incl. N$6000.00 Contact: 081 180 0909 FLAT TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: Bachelor flat available. Hot water & Electricity incl. Private entrance. Own toilet & shower, very clean. Only single persons. Available 1st April Rent: N$1700.00 + deposit N$1700.00 Deposit refundable. Contact: 081 333 0095 081 687 5764
TO RENT: 2x flats available, Kabeljou Street, house no 82. N$ 2 700.00 p/m W/E incl. Hot water available. Contact: 081 149 1201 081 333 8010 FLATS TO RENT A complex of flats in Narraville offers to let residential units comprising 2 Bedroom flats with open plan kitchen and dining room, complete with are shower and toilet. For more information, please contact the property manager on: 0813877330 / 0818432686 / 0811462033 TO RENT: One bedroom flat with a kitchen, sitting room, tilet and a back yard ciourt. Open to rent in Narraville for N$ 3 400.00 p/m W/E incl. For more information contact: 081 332 7411 To let: Central Walvis Bay. Two bedroom fully furnished flat with garage, spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom. Water & Electricity excluded. Very secure. Rent is N$ 8000.00 + Deposit Available: 1 April 2015 Contact: Thommy at 064-207997. email: thomas@ultratravel.net
Urgently Looking for any industrial plots/property in Walvis Bay for cash & pre-approved buyers. Claudia 0811277783 WALVIS BAY 1 BED, FULLY FURNISHED FLATS WITH RENTAL INCOME OF N$ 5 000-00 P/M. A RARE FIND AT N$ 695 000-00. YOU SNOOZE, YOU LOOSE! CLAUDIA 0816051984
MONDESA TO LET Kabilla park Flat 1Bedr,bathr,kitchen N$ 2800.00 W/L Incl One person Jabulani Flat 2bedr,bathr open plan kitchen N$ 3800.00 W/L Incl 2x1bedr flats, bathr, open plan kitchen (bic) with stove N$ 3500.00 W/Incl Mahetago Flat 1Bedr,open plan kitchen ,bathr N$ 2700.00 W/Incl Oletweni 2bedr house,bathr,kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/L Incl All deposits required For Sale Mahetago 2Bedr, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen N$ 500 000. 00 strictly cash Double storey complex Ideal for rental investment or self catering or B&B establishment guaranteed income of up 19,500pm consist of main house with 4 units of 2Bedr each N$ 1.7 Mil Vineta central House3Bedr,2bathr,lounge,k itchen dinning room, single garage with bachelor flat N$ 1,650 ARANDIS 4Bedr house, bathr, lounge. Kitchen, carport N$ 350 000.00 Town houses Newly built 2bedr houses at 60sqm exclusive parking N$ 445,000.00 Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesnamibia.com
TO LET: Venita North, Swakopmund. Three bedroom house, with double garage and outside flat, Rent is N$ 8000.00 + Deposit Available: immediately Contact: Thommy at 064-207997. email:
Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb @gmail.com LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT
OP SKOU Afsprake allenlik 2% kommisie uitgesluit pryse bo 2miljoen Pryse onder 2m slegs 3% uitgesluit *Walvisbaai Sentraal by skole luukse 5 slaapkamer Siensteen Huis met gym en sona 4 garages wardasie N$3,8m Offers welkom, *Fairways N$3,5m 450m² Dubbelverdieping 4 kamers 3 bad, ooplan kombuis braai en leefarea Kantoor, speelkamer, stoorkamer en 4 garages so te se nuut. *Naby skole groot familie huis. Hoekerf met kantore en 3 garages en buite Geboue N$3,5m . *Fairways vanaf N$ 850 -N$990 000 meenthuise 2 bed 1 bad 1 garage met erf in cc. *Dorp N$ 2,2m 5 bed huis, 5 garages Woonstel op 1250m² erf met binneswembad *Lagoon N$1,6m nuwe meenthuis in klein kompleks luuks 3 bed, 2 bad, binnebraai en 2 garages of te huur N$ 9 000.00 *Naby skole N$1,3m, 3 bed ,2 bad,3 garages op 1050m² erf *Hermes N$1,5m 4 bed, 2 bad, met skool Op hoek erf. *Hermes N$1,7m duppelverdieping 4 bed 3 bad,2 garages *Swakop Vineta By winkels N$1.1m woonstel 3 bed, 2½bad en garage en parkeering. *Dolfyn en Langstrand N$1,3m seeuitsig woonstel met meubels 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 garages. *N$1,5m seefront woonstel, 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 garages *N$2m SEEFRONT ERF 500m² *Namibia agent vir mspd Landgoed ontwikkeling Woonstelle vanaf N$569 900 Oordragkoste ingesluit www.burheinestate.com Te huur By skole woonstel 3 bed 2 bad 1 garage N$ 6 500.00 p/m Lagoon see uitsig gemeubeleerde woonstel kort termyn N$8000 pm Langstrand gemeubellerde luukse seefront huis met woonstel tot 8 persone *Fairways te huur N$ 7 000.00 p/m meenthuis 3 bed, 2 ½bad, 2 garages. Kurt Grunschloss 081 242 6713 propertypowerwvb@gm ail.com TO RENT Vineta Near Woermann Brock: Bachelor flat to rent. N$2500.00 W/L Incl. Contact: 081 836 6038
Coming Soon!! New Seafront 5km from Walvisbay town centre on the road to Swakop” · 205 Residential units, each selling from N$ 610 000-00. Each with own plot & walking distance from the sea! · 4 General Residential plots, 1730m² - 2840m² from N$ 2 210 000-00 each ·4 Business Plots, 2192m² - 3829m² from N$ 3 195 000-00 each Don't delay book yours today!! Claudia 0816051984 TE HUUR Walvis Baai: Groot kamer met eie toilet en stort aan enkel persoon te huur. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen garage beskikbaar nie. Beskikbaar 1 April 2015. N$2200.00 + N$600 deposit, vooruitbetaal baar. Skakel: 081 351 3225 MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET VINETA EXT 15 Bachelor flat Garage N$4500.00 W/ Incl MAHETAGO 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity 3Bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge. Single garage N$6600.00 W/Incl Avble 1 April 2015 OLWETWENI Outside room Bathroom N$1900.00 W/ Incl Outside room Bathroom N$2300.00 W/Incl 1bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen N$3600.00 W/L Incl Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:
TO LET WALVIS BAY: Spacious older 3 bedr. house, 1 bathr., lounge, kitchen with BIC (in two of the rooms) and a small yard in front for only N$7150.00 pm water included and prepaid electricity. Available end March. OFFICE SPACE 1. OFFICE NO: 102 75 m² N$ 7 800.00 /m 2. OFFICE NO: 105 115 m² N$ 11 750.00/m 3. OFFICE NO: 203 60 m² N$ 6200.00 /m The above price subject to the following conditions:
1. W&L incl, except if the tenant decided to install the A/C unit, sep. electricity meter will be installed and monthly electricity reading will be taken and invoice to tenant 2. Price VAT INC. 3. All offices avail. imm. except office 203, on 01 May 2015. 4. Annual escalation 10%, depending with term of the lease, annual escalation can be negotiated. WAREHOUSES TO LET LIGHT INDUSTRIAL AREA: 2 Warehouses: one is 340m² incl. kitchenette, offices space & toilets. N$ 21000.00 VAT incl. Other warehouse is 260m² which includes a store room bathroom and tea room 1 office. N$ 16250.00 VAT incl. Pre paid electr. meter. The two warehouses can also be inter-linked if you might need both spaces. Please call 0812775080 for more information or an appointment to view. For appointment to view please feel free to contact our office at 064-209444/ 081 808 1548.
House to rent from 1st April Tamariskia: Close to Cottage Village 3 bedroom with Single garage N$6000.00 p.m with Deposit Employment reference / Monthly payment via Bank Stop order Contact: 081 202 6727 only from after 17H00 TO LET FOR THE FIRST OF APRIL: A modern two bedroom flat with 1 full bathroom, open plan lounge, fitted kitchen, balcony and secure parking bay for N$ 5 000.00 or N$ 5 400.00 p/m Plus a single garage Deposit required. Excl. Water. Pre paid elect. Located in Walvis Bay, Hermis opposite Duneside High Scchool, Edelweiss Height. Roswitha: 081 126 2003
SWAKOPMUND EXT 9 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 guest toilet Open Plan, Double Garage Entertainment Area Inside and Outside BBQ N$ 2 000 000.00 Vinothan Titus 0811289388 SWAKOPMUND VOGELSTRAND 3 bed,2 bath, Open Plan Double Garage Scullery, Garden Very Big Erf 1000m² N$ 1 950 000.00 Vinothan Titus 0811289388
SHOP FOR SALE Internet Café For sale More info contact: 085 239 0860
TO RENT:Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay Freestanding house, offering two bedrooms, open plan kitchen to lounge and bathroom for rent. Available immediately Water and electricity (pre paid) electricity. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 4 000.00 Call Hilde: 081 140 5880 085 607 7198
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
Outside Bedr. Centre of town with shower & toilet N$ 1950.00pm w&L incl. Bachelor flat in Hermes with bathr. N$ 2500.00pm water and elect included. One bedroom flats Spacious 1 bedr flat, lounge, kitchen, fully tiled in Lagoon area, safe complex, no garage
TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 1 Bedroom flat with bathroom. BIC in bedroom. Open plan Kitchen with BIC. Prepaid electricity, Water Incl. N$2600.00per month. Deposit required. Contact: 081 303 1807 081 295 0475
N$ 3 300.00 W&L excl. 1 bedr. flat in town, lounge fitted to kitchen, small front yard, garage N$ 5000.00 w&L incl. New 1 bedr. flat Hermes lounge fitted to kitchen fully tiled, balcony, under-roof parking. N$ 3950.00 water and elect excluded. New 1 bedr. flat Hermes lounge fitted to kitchen, fully tiled, balcony, under-roof parking. N$ 4400.00 water and elect excluded. Furnished 1 bedr. flat centre of town, lounge fitted to kitchen, small courtyard, N$ 6000.00pm w&L excl. 1 bedr. flat centre of town, lounge fitted to kitchen, small courtyard in safe complex N$ 4400.00pm w&L excl. Spacious 1 bedr. flat behind the old age home, centre of town, lounge, kitchen N$ 4200.00 w&L excluded. Narraville 1 bedr. flat, lounge, kitchen N$ 3200.00 pm w&L excl. 1 bedr. flat, lounge, kitchen N$ 2900.00 pm w&L excl.
2 Bedrooms New 2 bedr. flat Hermes lounge, kitchen underroof parking N$ 4950.00 w&L excl New 2 bedr. flat Hermes lounge, kitchen underroof parking N$ 5000.00 w&L excl 2 bedr. flat in 18th Rd, lounge fitted to kitchen garage N$ 4400.00 pm w&L excl. 2 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, double garage, free standing N$ 6200.00 w&L excl Centre of town, 2 bedr, lounge, kitchen, garage and courtyard, safe complex for N$ 6050.00 w&L excl. Narraville 2 bedr flat, lounge, kitchen, no garage, N$ 3850.00 excl 2 bedr. flat, lounge, kitchen, no garage N$ 3650.00 excl.
3 bedrooms Fairways, spacious 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, lounge to kitchen, single garage, share yard, N$ 8800.00 w&L excl. Meersig, 3 bedr, dble storey, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, double garage, N$ 8900.00 water and lights excluded. Lagoon, double story 3 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge, kitchen, own yard. Front of Lagoon. N$ 13200.00 w&L excl.
Commercial Office, centre of town, N$ 3300.00 w&L excl. 70m² offices Heavy industrial area N$ 6800.00 w&L excl. Office space De Water Kant N$ 5750.00 w&L excl. PLUS 1 for N$ 4800.00 w&L excl. Kindly contact us : Roelien 081 473 7325 Lana 081 350 1827 Office 064 280 600
Swakopmund Ext 23 Contemporary house for sale, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/lounge, build in braai, BIC, garage and huge space to extend. 081 866 9480
For sale Walvis Bay Take a peek at this lovely spacious family home with 2 bedr. flat. This beautiful space has been designed for living and entertaining. Features: 4 bedr, 3 bathr. Big spacious open-plan living, indoor braai, dining & sitting room. N$ 2,6 Million Gorgeous, modern and spacious house with 2 flats on the property. Ideal for renting out OR alternatively provide accommodation for visitors and friends to the coast. Call 081 277 5080 or 081 129 2427 for more information. Features: 4 Bedr. & 2 Bathr. Kitchen, living & Dining Room, Fireplace & TV room. Outside braai, big office area, guest toilet & beautiful garden. Total garages: 5. High boundary walls allows for complete privacy. N$ 2,8 Million ATTENTION ALL DEVELOPERS / INVESTORS Vacant erven in light industrial area Walvis Bay to buy Townhouse to buy Walvis Bay: Delightful, spacious property. Just a few minute's walk from the picture postcard lagoon. In brief, the townhouse consists of a generously proportioned triple aspect lounge, kitchen-diner, and separate scullery, whilst further on the there are 3 bedr, 2 bathr. Outside, the property benefits from a courtyard. There is also spacious double garages. The complex is quiet & only consists of 6 units. This would suit a younger couple seeking a comfortable family home, or would be the perfect holiday home or buy for investment purposes. Price: N$ 1 660 000.00 Beautiful townhouse to buy in complex. Open plan lounge to kitchen. 2 bedr, full bathr. shower and bath. Guest toilet. Courtyard. Garage with remote. Low monthly levies. All this for N$ 899 000.00 Call 0812775080 or 0811292427 for more information or an appointment to view
ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC Narraville New exciting development of 2 bedroom flats starts in April 2015!! Spacious with kitchen/lounge, bathroom and parking space. Selling fast. Book yours to avoid disappointment. Deposit required. Price starting from N$ 540 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480
17 MARCH 2015
PROPERTY TIMES W/Bay , Meersig Sole and Exclusive Mandate Spacious House. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath , kitchen Dining , lounge, big entertainment, Double garages + A big flat N$ 1390 000.00 Only Contact : Saloom 081 382 1888 W/ Bay , Kuisebmund 2 and 3 bedroom houses , Sitting Room , With garage ( in Big Erf ) Start From 480 000.00 only . Contact : Saloom 081-382 1888
FOR SALE Swakopmund Jabulani: 3 Bedroom house, bathroom. Kitchen, Living room. 3 Flats each with own bathroom. N$950 000.00 Contact: 081 673 2664 TE KOOP Kramersdorp - Swakop: Dubbelverdieping huis met 1 groot woonstel. Huis - 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers en Garages vir 3 groot motors. Tuin woonstel - groot garage en eie ingang. Alles alarm, met diefweering. Baie “secure”. N$3.5 Miljoen. “Transfer costs” uitgesluit. Geen kommissie. Kontak: 081 351 3225 MALAKIA PROPERTIES TAMARISKIA Plots and Plans ARANDIS Good Investment: 2bedrooms,bathroom, open-plan kitchen Plus: 2flats with 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan kitchen each Generate monthly income N$ 7500.00 N$560 000.00 BUSINESS FOR SALE 8Units, 2Offices, Entertainment cafe Size 2472m2 Generate monthly income N$21 000.00 N$2.675mil Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:
malakiaproperties@yahoo.c om
NEW DEVELOPMENT GRACEMERE FAIRWAYS, WALVIS BAY 16 x 3 bed unit with double Garage N$ 1 350 000-00 20 x 2 bed unit with double Garage N$ 1 220 000-00 10 x 2 bed unit with single Garage N$ 996 000-00 Don't miss out! Emily 0812930335 Saloom 0813821888
Mays Trading CC For Sale Walvis Bay, N$2,6million 4 bedrooms,3 bathrooms, double remote garage, interlocks, diningroom, lounge, tv room ,court yard Indoor braai, laundry, spacious fitted kitchen ,pre-paid electricity, interlocks ,high walls, well established garden Plus 2 bedroom flat, with single garage and court yard. Near to schools, central. Narraville, N$1,3 million 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms ,lounge, tv room ,spacious fitted kitchen with gas stove optional, double garage bedroom flat with own courtyard. Accommodation For Sale, N$4,3 million 13 rooms, furnished and license available Swakopmund, Corner Erf, N$1,150 million 952m², Ocean View Area. Swakopmund House, Vineta, N$1,9 million Lounge, spacious fitted kitchen, Indoor braai, 3 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom,1 On-suite bathroom, passage cupboards ,established garden , boundary walls, spacious erf Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouse (New development) Townhouses N$ 1 350 000.00 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Kitchen lounge entertainment area and garage All costs included Walvis Bay house N$1.9million 3 bedroom house with a big erf 1250m², 18th road Meersig, House, N$2,3million 4 bedrooms,3 bathrooms, double, remote garage, interlocks, diningroom, lounge, tv room Indoor braai, laundry, spacious fitted kitchen with marble tops, prepay electricity, Plus 1 bedroom flat, Erf size 1350m², lots of space to build another house on property or subdivide property Long beach erf for sale N$ 700 000-00 488m² Fairways,House N$1,650million 3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, openplan-kitchen with granite toppings Indoor braai , lounge. (Plot & Plan) We are urgently Looking for houses and properties in Narraville, Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, Longbeach and Dolphin park. Contact: Tracey:0813023806 Mounien: 0818601938 Email:mickeymays@ iway.na
FLAT TO RENT Narraville - Walvis: A big spacious 2 bedroom flat available to rent at the end of March 2015. The flat has a kitchen, sitting room and 2 toilets with showers. In addition it has built-in cupboards in the bedrooms and kitchen. NO GARAGES. N$5000.00 W/L Incl. Contact: 081 360 7641
WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Saloom 0813821888 Walvis Bay Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Saloom 0813821888 FOR SALE Long Beach: Fully furnished town house with 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area, indoor BBQ, double garage, balcony and drying yard. Close to the beach. N$1,300,000.00. Call 0812962678
SWAKOPMUND MONDESA COMING SOON!!! New Development 1 & 2 Bed Apartments in a secure complex. PRICE ON REQUEST GOGGA 081 870 9950 VINOTHAN 081 128 9388
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE Oceanview Swakopmund 3 Bedrooms , 2 bathrooms. Newly built, beautiful family home!!! N$ 1 800 000.00 Oceanview 5 Bedroom house. N$ 2 600 000 SHAMELLE 0814788499/064412320 shamelle@cfsnamibia. com
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
SWAKOPMUND VOGELSTRAND 3 bed, 2 bath Townhouse 3 bedr,2 bath, Open Plan Double Garage N$1 600 000.00 Vinothan Titus 0811289388
Walvis Bay Weighbridge 2 x 412.5m² Warehouses for sale! N$ 3 646 250.00 each To avoid disappointment reserve yours now! Claudia 0816051984
ARANDIS 3 bed, 2 bath house with garage N$ 625 000-00 2 bed, 1 bath house N$ 435 000-00 Vinothan 0811289388
Walvis Bay Industrial Plots for sale 3100m² @ N$ 7 480 000-00 5200m² @ N$ 8 580 000-00 Claudia 0816051984
Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065 238 342 / 081 279 2525 Swakopmund 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 Walvis Bay 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984
SWAKOPMUND AWE-AWE-AWESOME!! House with a paradise garden, Beautiful outside entertainment, Sunny, open and very near to The beach & 1 bed flat. N$ 3 800 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KHOROMANA Treats various problems and diseases Removal of bad luck Lost lover, problems and for them to come back in a very short time. Love affairs, i.e finding lovers and to be yours quickly. Court cases of any type. Jobs and promotions To win tenders and contracts To those who are weak in bed during sex, to have power. Protection of body and house witchcraft, removal of tokolshis Cleaning the house from tokolshis. Pregnancy problems All types of diseases and many more complicated problems and diseases. Phone Doctor Khoromana 081 719 4874
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atoz cleaning.com.na
SERVICE: Business plans Feasibility and marketing assessment Strategic & Marketing planning Organisational growth & strategies Clearing and forwarding SME mentorship Company logos Assignments at all levels of study (Certificate, Diploma, Degree, Masters) Loan Application Procedures Website design Contact: 081 853 2464 081 560 2253 Whatsapp +263 782 046 830 Email: briandzikiti@gmail.com TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only Boosting your business Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to ne asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Phone Doctor Chisalo 081 726 2834 SERVICE: Affordable and reliable transport offered. We do office and household furniture removal in Walvis Bay and from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund and from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. Lawrence: 081 354 2084
Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors. Plumbing en small renovations. Skakel gerus vir enige kwotasies. 081 247 4467 081 682 6126 DR JAMES AND DR LOVEMOREBANDA IS BACK AGAIN Here now in Walvis Bay with very powerful medicine for various problems and diseases. Bring back lost lover. Your lover to think only bout you. Is your lover stingy with money? To have man/woman of your choice. Is your lover always cheating on you? Make your lover marry you. Work problems. To be liked at work, promotions, business customer attraction, period pains, lots of blood or no blood at all. Libido. Divorce, revenge to win court cases, to win contracts, competition, pregnancy problems, Peaceful marriage protection of witchcraft from body and house. Remove of tokoloshe, work, love, promotions at work, produce babies, nightmare problems, bring back lost lovers, a man to be strong in bed, weak erections, tp stop drinking alcohol, jealousy people never win, you may delay but time will come. Unfinished jobs by other doctors. Come and experience wonderful miracle happenings in your life. We work with good results not reasons. Contact: 081 740 0285 081 043 7612 Sundays by appointment THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202818 Walvis Bay. Expert service in general tailoring One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.
BUDGET CLEANERS: We o f f e r o n c e o f f cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision REMOVALS / TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS: Groot trailert met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huistrekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. NUUT: PLAT BAK TRAILER TE HUUR. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320 Special Offer: 50% off your first consultation Professional 3D Landscape Design “The Foundation to creating amazing outdoor spaces” Arlene Visser Cell: +264-811480744 e-mail: arlenevisser@gmail.com Facebook: Landscape Designs by Arlene SPECTRA ENGINEERING COMPANY: Welding and Pipe Fitting Sub Contractor. We do the following: * Stainless Steel pipe welding + Carbon steel pipes. * Pipe fitting. * Plate welding + Beams. Email: touchelleven@gmail.co m Contact: 081 711 3670 081 724 0155 Leonard
17 MARCH 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
BIRTHDAY WISHES Raai wie het 21 geword!!!
Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na
FOR SALE: 2008 Chrysler Sebring in good condition. N$90 000.00 (neg) Contact: 081 203 2991 081 250 9527
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810
05 / 03 / 2015
Jy is altyd baie spesiaal .. Wens jou al die mooiste en beste dinge wat die Lewe op jou pad kan bring.
Liefde: Broertjie!!!
EXTRA CLASSES!! High School Accounting and Maths We focus on FUNDAMENTALS to MAXIMIZE UNDERSTANDING RESULTS DONT LIE PROUDLY NAMIBIAN Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2159 beataccmath@gmail.com
EDU TRAINING CARE JJs Care Centre School & Edu-care for deaf & special needs. Also offer homework assistance. Speech therapy Open 7 -5.15pm Walvis bay Kim 081 479 0725
“The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick
STUDY SMART DAY CARE AND AFTER SCHOOL CENTRE: Day Care as from 1 April 2015 07h00 - 17h00. After School Centre currently operating with limited space available. 14h00 - 17h00 assisting with homework and projects. Contact: 081 427 2430 for more details.
∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment
Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged
FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD REMOVAL SPECIALIST At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
TRAINING COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685
HEALTH INFINITY TRADING CC: Top quality Grade 7A virgin Brazilian human hair. 10inch - 1350 12inch - 1500 14inch - 1650 16inch - 1850 18inch - 1950 20inch - 2150 22inch - 2250 24inch - 2350 26inch - 2460 Contact us: 081 224 9346 Walvis Bay, Kuisebmund Kabeljou , mola-mola crescent nr 41.
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541
Mercedez 200 C Compresor 2002 model In Excellent Condition Price N$75,000.00 negotiable Cell: 0813944026
FOR SALE: 2008 Isuzu KB 250 LED - teQ Extended Cab 4x2 in excellent condition with lots of extras. Low milage 72 000 km N$ 150 000.00 negotiable Contact: 085 127 5941
FOR SALE: 95 Pajero Mitsubushi 2.8 Diesel Automaties 3 deur 200 000 km Puik toestand N$ 55 000.00 Kontak: 081 230 1882 081 239 2205 FOR SALE: Toyota 2.4 raider bakkie model 1998 with 4y Engine 4wd with extras price N$ 55 000.00 Contact: 081 718 2344 FOR SALE: RAV 4 2000 Model. New engine. Good condition. Polo Classic 1.6 2004 Model. Excellent condition. Green sport roof tent. Reasonable condition. Contact: 081 256 2328
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: Canopy for sale Andy cab platinum to fit Toyota Hilux LWB Models from 2006 onwards. Excellent condition. N$8000.00 cash only. Contact: 081 581 1600 SPECIAL!!!! On truck & car batteries At BACHMUS Battery #622 N$778-55 incl vat And loads more…. FOR SALE: 1x AEG OKOLAVAMAT 538 Automatic washing machine N$650.00 1x Defy Automatic washing machine N$650.00 20x Stainless steel kitchen sink double & single from N$280.00 each. (New) 1x Electrolux 3 in 1 extractor vacum cleaner like new N$450.00 1x Afrox cutting torch new in the box. N$950.00 1x Behringer Gm108 15W practise amplifier. N$650.00 1x Logic 101CK cash register like new N$850.00 Plumbing and building suppliers at 50% discount. Contact: 081 567 4522 FOR SALE: 1989 Mercedez Benz. Contact: 081 216 6282
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE We Turn Your Assets Into CASH! 064220387 0811475333
We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value
FOR SALE: Bargains GWM 2L Petrol 2011 N$ 70 000.00 2013 Nissan 2.5 Diesel 2x4 N$ 160 000.00 Nissan 2.5 Diesel 4x4 N$ 240 000.00 2013 Navara 2.5 Diesel se 4x4 2013 N$ 370 000.00 Nissan Primaster Bus 1900 Diesel 2011 N$ 200 000.00 Nissan 2.5 Diesel 2x4 Difflock 2013 N$ 170 000.00 All prices negotiable Please contact Jacques 081 242 3606
jacques@proanglona m.com TREASURE CHEST SWAKOPMUND Next to Woermann Brock Hardware Tel: 064 405 602 Cell: 081 210 0800 WE BUY AND SELL Quality Furniture, Hardware, Tools, Beds and Matrasses, Appliances, Electrical goods, Camping equipment, Jewellery, etc. Come negotiate a deal that suits your pocket!!! THIS ‘N THAT We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances We offer good money on quality Sam Nujoma Town Square La Paloma Building Walvis Bay Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285
ANIMALS FOR SALE: 6 Husky puppies for sale in Walvis Bay, 4 male and 2 female, vaccination included. N$ 3000.00 male and N$ 3500.00 female. Contact at 081 217 2912 or 081 284 0040
TO HIRE TO HIRE: Jumping castle for hire 400 per day 300 half a day Tel: 064 200 742 Sel: 081 128 2904 Infinity Bounce Jumping castle's to rent Big 3 in 1 is 550 per day Standard 450 per day Water slide 350 per day. Please call 081 224 9346
VACANCIES VACANCY Donelia Signwriting Signwriting assistant needed At least 2 years experience in Letter Art Names/Logos on walls or any surface. Email: donelia@iway.na Cell: 081 129 6179 GESOEK: Afgetreede Werktuigkundiges Moet ondervinding hê van New Hollandse en John Deere Trekkers. Kontak: 081 244 1342 A soon to open kitchen in Kuisebmond requires the service of a qualified Chef. Favourable working hours. Email: lasunrise1@gmail.com or send to box 7742, Walvis bay. For more information call 081 622 2717 VACANCY Position : Front Line Functions : - Reception - Tele Orders - Invoicing - Counter Sales - Quotations - Knowledge of Pastel will be an advantage E-mail CV to (stating salary required) : georgeddp@gmail.com
WANTED We buy Gold and Silver Jewellery, Gold and Silver Coins and Diamonds. Feel free to contact me: Contact 081 344 3794 WANTED: Looking for a car must be in a good condition. For N$ 30 000.00 Contact: 081 212 6579
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A hardworking young lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Lagoon or Meersig. Don’t drink or smoke. Can be for Tuesdays and Fridays, other three days already working. Contact: 081 847 4812 JOB WANTED: A 23-year-old young lady is looking for work as a care taker for old people. Have experience. Contact: 081 395 7233 JOB WANTED: A 39-year-old woman is looking for work as a baby sitter, cleaning offices, guesthouses or any domestic work. Must be in Walvis Bay, Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 301 9003
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A 27-year-old lady looking for domestic work, ironing, washing, cleaning etc. Have 2 years experience in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 495 8286 WERK GESOEK: Op soek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai. Kontak: 081 241 7346 ENGELA ROSE: Ek soek werk Maandae, Dinsdae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Ek is 38-jaar-oud, betroubaar en het ook vorige verwysings. Navrae: Mev Tanya: 081 354 3646 Antonet: 081 122 0057 JOB WANTED: I am a Field Guide looking for a job. I can also do ranger work. I have a lot of experience. Contact: 081 629 1694 081 689 7905 WILMA: Ek is ‘n 32 jarige dame, dringend opsoek na huiswerk of kinders oppas werk in Walvis. Ek is hardwerkend en kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 723 8732 AUGUSTE TJIZORONDU: I am looking for work. I am a 23 year old lady. Can do house keeping, house keeping in Hotels and baby sitting. Contact: 081 852 3041 FRIEDA: Looking for work in a company cleaning, or domestic work. Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 850 1653 HENELITTE NGHIPANDWA: A 39-year-old lady is looking or domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig or Longbeach. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Am reliable and a hard worker and know well how to clean and iron. I have 10 years experience. Contact: 081 676 6262 JOB WANTED: A 21-year-old lady is looking for any type of work. In Walvis Bay. Have experience in computer hardware, microsoft windows, XP 18 operating system, microsoft word, microsoft excel, typing, mailing and internet power point. Contact: 08 628 8213 JOB WANTED: A 42-year old woman is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 272 8460
17 MARCH 2015
17 MARCH 2015
Biathle - A Multi-disciplinary Sport For Everyone
The Biathle Competition was held over the Weekend at the Old Rossing Country Club Swimming Pool at the Swakop River Plots. Seventeen athletes took part in this competition. UIPM Modern Biathle is a s ub-s port of modern pentathlon invented to create opportunities for training the run and swim parts of pent-athlon in real race conditions. It also serves as a development sport for modern pentathlon and helps to identify po-
tential athletes for participation in modern penthlon. Biathle is an exciting, fast paced event in which the athlete first runs a certain distance, immediately followed by a swim and then once out the water covers the same running distance again.
Athletes are categorised according to their age groups and run and swim their distances accordingly. Distances for the different age categories were as follows: Youth F (8 and Under) 200m run - 50m swim 200m run Youth E (9-10 Years)
500m run - 50m swim 500m run Youth D (11-12 Years) 500m run - 50m swim 500m run Youth C (13-14 Years) 500m run - 100m swim 500m run Youth B (15-16 Years) 1000m run - 200m swim - 1000m run Youth A (17-18 Years)
1500m run - 200m swim - 1500m run Juniors (19-21 Years) 1500m run - 200m swim - 1500m run Seniors (22 and Older) 1500m run - 200m swim - 1500m run Masters A (40-49 Years) 1000m run - 100m swim - 1000m run
Masters B (50-59 Years) 1000m run -100m swim - 1000m run Masters C (60+) 1000m run - 100m swim 1000m run Masters D (70+) 1000m run - 100m swim 1000m run The Namibian Modern Pentathlon Federation was established during January 2012, and Biathle events have been hosted in Namibia since then on a regular basis. Teams were sent to the World Championships during 2012 (Dubai) an 2013 (Limassol – Cyprus). Due to financial constraints and other factors teams could unfortunately not be sent to the World Championships during 2014, but we hope to send a team to the championships taking place in Batumi, Georgia during September 2015. The results were as follow: YOUTH F BOYS (200m Run – 50m Swim – 200m Run): 1. Joshua Visagie 4:32 YOUTH D GIRLS (500m Run – 50m Swim – 500m Run): 1. Nicole Grühn 5:37
YOUTH D BOYS (500m Run – 50m Swim – 500m Run): 1. Deon de Klerk 5:46 YOUTH C BOYS (500m Run – 100m Swim – 500m Run): 1.Divan du Plooy 5:36 2.Vialli Visagie 6:05 3.Albertus de Klerk 6:40 YOUTH B GIRLS (1000m Run – 200m Swim – 1000m Run): 1.Elizabeth Rossouw 12:18 2. Kristen Brits14:12 YOUTH B BOYS (1000m Run – 200m Swim – 1000m Run): 1. Henk Rossouw 10:33 2. Schalk van der Merwe 10:51 3. Diaz Visagie 12:18 4.Ryan Grühn 14:05 SENIOR MALES (1500m Run – 200m Swim – 1500m Run): 1. Petrus Laubscher 17:33 MASTERS A MALES (1000m Run – 100m Swim – 1000m Run): 1. Wouter Rossouw 10:50 MASTERS A FEMALES (1000m Run – 100m Swim – 1000m Run): 1. Ansie Rossouw 16:45 1. Elinor Dürr 16:45
Supatronix Doubles Open Buccaneers hosted the Supatronix Doubles Open on 6 and 7 March and although the draw was not as big as expected, it has to still be one of best events on the squash calendar year. final against Jaco Supatronix Title and Majority of the again. Cup for 2015. matches were hard Dries Tredoux and and Zaan de Witt. and closely con- K a r i n P r e t o r i u s T h e m a i n f i n a l A r n o K o k a n d f r o m Wi n d h o e k against Jaco de Witt Danie Nel from tested. For those who c a m e d o w n t o and Imanuel Amo- Swakopmund manentered in the Main defend their Mixed rongo however was aged to beat Blackie and the Mixed Doubles title and a different story, as Zwart and Doyle de draw it was parti- were full of plans to the combination of Haas for the Plate in c u l a r l y t r y i n g . take both titles this Jaco's willingness the Main section. Eight matches over year, as they were and experience, and For the Plate of the the course of 24 the runners-up in Imanuel's youth and Mixed Section Arno h o u r s i s n o t the main section last speed it was always Kok and Christiana going to be a tough Beulker from Swasomething to be year. kopmund beat battle. They almost suclaughed at, or Imanuel Amorongo Jaco and Imanuel maybe it was just ceeded, as they me … so … note to successfully defen- came out trumps and Anneke Grobself, do not enter in ded their Mixed with a terrific 3-1 ler. b o t h s e c t i o n s Doubles Title in the victory to lift the Ze de Britto, who
Cup winners Jaco de Witt and Imanuel Amorongo. participated, as well, presented the cups/prizes to the players of the respective sections
and looked forward to sponsoring the event again next year. The event was
NSRAA – Nasionale Kampioenskappe dié Naweek Die nasionale hengelkampioenskappe vind op Hentiesbaai plaas van 19 – 21 Maart, en 15 klubs van oral in Namibië neem deel. Hendrik Dry het aan namib times gesê, die top 6 mans-hengelaars van elke klub, asook alle dames en juniors neem deel. Die nasionale spanne word dan ook Saterdagaand aangewys. Groot opgewondenheid heers, en hopelik speel die see en die vis saam!
Skeleton Coast, een van die klubs wat deelneem aan die Hengelkampioenskap
closed with a much needed munchies and bout of socialising to ignore nagging aches and pains.
17 MARCH 2015
Photos by Leandrea Louw
Zula Molest and Sailor United in action
Soccer Action at the Coast Leandrea Louw & Sharlien Tjambari
The Erongo Second Division League is in full swing, where Saturday and Sunday saw teams such as Swakopmund Football Club, Western Spurs, the Namibian Navy, to name a few, battle it out against each other, in Kuisebmond. On Saturday, Northern Stars defeated Buffalos with a score of 2-1, Tuta Super Eagles lost against Sailor United with a score of 3-2. The game between Western Spurs and Mighty Young was cancelled, due to Mighty Young not turning up for the game. The game of Blue Birds and United Stars were also cancelled due to the field not
being ready. On Sunday, the Young Elevens and Northern Stars battled it out against each other and Young Elevens rose victoriously with a score of 3-1. The Tuta Super Eagles and as Sorento Bucks showed equal determ i n a t i o n  n o t t o walk off the field as the losing team , and the score stood at 11. The Namibian Navy
and Western Spurs played against each other, where Spurs were the unlucky ones, when the Namibian Navy beat them with a score of 3-2. The game of the Mighty Youngsters and Blue Birds were cancelled, due to the players not turning up for the game. In Swakopmund, the giant Mondesa Stadium was the centre of attraction this past weekend when six teams battled it out in the Erongo Second Division League.
Swakop United FC played against Zula Molest and Swakopmund United FC defeated Zula Molest by three goals to two. In the second match of the day, Celtic played against Namibian Navy, unfortunately Celtic lost the game to the Navy. Namibian Navy went home with four goals while Celtic had three. Swakopmund Football Club faced Soronto Bucks in the third match of the day and the two teams had a draw of
Namibian Navy in action against Western Spurs
Young Eleven and Northern Stars one to one before the match was stopped after Christian, a player from the Swakopmund Football Club, beat Enock, the referee of
the match. On S u n d a y, U n i t e d Stars played Swakop United. The match between the two teams were tough and Swakop
United could not keep up with United Stars. United Stars eventually beat Swakop United with one goal to zero.
17 MARCH 2015
Walvis los vir Swakop in die stof Leandrea Louw
Walvisbaai Rugby Club het Saterdag teen Swakopmund Rugbyklub beter bekend as die Coastal Sharks, uitgedraf, en hul gewen met ‘n telling van 17-0. Loodts, losskakel het gesorg vir 'n suksesvolle oorskop en teen halftyd het die telling op 12-0 gestaan. In die tweede helfte het beide Walvis en Swakopmund met nuwe asem op die veld gedraf, maar Walvis het volhard en Jurie Loodts, binnesenter, het gesorg vir nog ‘n drie. Ruan Kotze was suksesvol met die doelskop wat die telling op 17-0 te staan gebring het.
Photos by Leandrea Louw
Jannes Smith, skrumskakel, het die ys gebreek en het die eerste drie gedruk, ongelukkig het Ruan Kotzé, losskakel, die doelskop gemis. Met die telling op 5-0 het Swakopmund hard probeer om die telling gelykop te maak, maar swak bal hantering het gesorg dat hul talle kanse verbrou het om punte aan te teken. Simon McAlphine, buitesenter, het toe weer ‘n drie gedruk vir Walvis en Jurie
Sinohydro wen Servest - sokkertoernooi Albertina is ‘n werknemer van Servest Multi Service Group en het op ‘n baie jong ouderdom haar linkerbeen in ‘n motorongeluk
verloor. Sy is aangewese op ‘n kunsbeen, en die sokkernaweek was aangebied ten einde fondse te genereer om vir haar ‘n nuwe
kunsbeen te koop. Nie eens die bloedige woestyn-hitte, of die grondoppervlak waarop gespeel was, kon die manne stuit om die
Mnr Phillip Scholtz (terreinbestuurder) en Alfeus Gotlieb (Servest) met die wentrofee
honderde toeskouers te vermaak met top-klas sokker nie. ‘n Tekort aan talent en toegewydheid is daar beslis ook nie en dalk moet die sokker scouts by die Husab Village, waar die toernooi plaasgevind het, ‘n draai gaan maak. Die finaal tussen Sinohidro en Fraser Alexander was ‘n riller en geen genade is gevra of betoon nie. Ongelukkig kan daar slegs een wenner wees, en na 90 minute speeltyd was dit Sinohydro se spelers en ondersteuners wat gejubel het. Hulle het vir Fraser Alexander met 3 doele teenoor 1 getroef.
Fotos deur Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes Twaalf verskillende kontrakteurs by Husab myn, se sokkerspanne het die afgelope naweek, tydens ‘n sokkertoernooi ten bate van Albertina Nepembe (31), sake uitgespook en Sinohidro het triomfeer.
Verkeerde kant! China State CC05 het outomaties die derde plek gekry, nadat China State CC009 onttrek het. Nepando Walter van Sinohydro is as die speler van die toernooi aangewys, met sy spanmaat, Abiud Karuuro, wat as beste doelwagter
aangewys was. Die prys vir die top-doelskieter het aan Gerald Noabeb van Fraser Alexander gegaan. Hy het drie doele vir die toernooi aangeteken. Die organiseerders, Servest, is ongelukkig Saterdag tydens hul
eerste wedstryd uitgeskakel. Maar soos die spreekwoord lui, “end goed als goed”, aangesien die toernooi vir ‘n goeie doel aangebied was en Albertina kan dalk binnekort met ‘n splinternuwe kunsbeen spog.