17 may namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6852 FRIDAY 17 MAY 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net


Oil spill reaches Langstrand Buy Floris Steenkamp


Oil is washing ashore as far as Langstrand, following an oil spill in the port of Walvis Bay on Sunday. Residents notified the Directorate of Maritime Affairs which in the meantime confirmed the oil found on the beaches is heavy fuel oil and originates from the oil spill in the port of Walvis Bay. Continues on page 2

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Oil spill update

Hit and run Eileen van der Schyff

It was reported on Thursday morning that, yet another pedestrian was knocked down in Hanganeni Swakopmund. The woman identified as thirty-six-

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Mass bird scare ends in deadly havoc in Walvis Bay

Locker vom Hocker

Eileen van der Schyff People had to look on helplessly on Wednesday as dozens of juvenile Swift Tern chicks, also referred to as Greater Crested Tern, were ran over by vehicles in Walvis Bay's Hannah Mupetami Road. The chicks, that cannot yet fly, were startled by something in their nests high above the ground on the roof of a nearby warehouse. The birds fluttered to the ground and were scrambling in all

directions, including into the busy Hannah Mupetami Road. Motorists were caught totally unaware and more than sixty chicks were killed under the wheels. Employees at a vehicle spare parts dealer,

Greg's Motor Spares, witnessed the tragedy unfolding. They ran to stop approaching vehicles and others grabbed empty cartons, frantically picking up birds, filling up the cartons and bringing

Continues on page 2

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Africa Inline Hockey Cup

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17 MAY 2019

namib Mass bird scare times Continued from page 1

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net

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them to safety. A call was made to Namib Times. A message of the tragedy unfolding reached local resident Mr. Neels Dreyer who in turn alerted people to come and assist getting the birds to safety. The Namibia Dolphin Project played a pivotal role in the whole rescue effort that ensued. On Wednesday afternoon dozens of chicks were safely back on the roof of the warehouse into their nests. That was thanks to Wesbank Transport who used one of their fork lifts to assist the people to bring the chicks back safely to their nests high above the ground. It was established the Swift terns hatched some weeks ago in the roof structures of the warehouse. They are still around a month away from being able to fly. Swift terns are gregarious birds, nesting and roosting in large and dense colonies, often mixed with gulls and cormorants, usually on offshore islands, reefs or sandbanks and occasionally on top of buildings. Birds that hatch on top of buildings have the arduous first task in life of literally having to leap off the high structures, flapping their wings with the hopes of getting the art of flying right the first time. In the days before this undertaking the juvenile bird would build up strength in its flight muscles by performing “push-ups” on the tips of their wings. The Swift Tern inhabits the shallow tropical and sub-tropical waters of lagoons, estuaries, bays, harbours and even open beaches where it feeds mainly on fish (up to 90% of its diet) as well as squid, crustaceans and insects. The breeding season for Swift Terns is from late summer through winter into early spring. Pairs are monogamous, meaning the male and female would stay together for their entire lifespan which is estimated at four years. Clutches consist of 1 or 2 eggs and are incubated for around 4 weeks by both parents. Chicks fledge at a little over a month old, but only become fully independent from about the age of 5 months. Swift terns that are not successful in their first flight from high structures flutter down to the ground. On the ground they can make another attempt to fly. However, in the case of the birds on Wednesday, they were still too young to fly and were left totally exposed to predators and as was the case they landed in a deadly collision course with human activities.

Langstrand Continued from page 1 “The oil type was determined to be heavy fuel oil, confirmed to have escaped from a vessel that is currently within the port of Walvis Bay. The damaged fuel tank of the vessel has since been located and isolated to prevent any further oil leakages. Containment booms have also been deployed around the vessel”, the Ministry of Works and Transport said in a press statement on Wednesday. The DMA resorts under the transport ministry. The spill in the Langstrand area according to the press statement affects approximately one hundred metres of beach line. Residents differ with that statement and reports the oil to be as far north as the beaches beyond Langstrand and even the Dolphin Beach area. The beach line is monitored and a clean up (funded by the vessel owner) is conducted under Government supervision.

Hit and run Continued from page 1 year-old Ivy Nyambe was crossing the road when the sedan hit her. The driver allegedly absconded. There was no license disc found on the vehicle. The matter was handled swiftly by Swakopmund Municipal traffic officials. Nyambe fortunately sustained only minor injuries but she did require medical attention and evaluation.

NEWS DESK Floris Steenkamp Cell +264 81 220 6090 newsdesk@namibtimes.net

SPORT Rudie Bowie Cell: 081 295 7841 journalist5@namibtimes.net

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ADVERTISING smallswk@namibtimes.net swk@namibtimes.net

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One commits suicide this week This week on Wednesday, Therence Tjitare (32) committed suicide by hanging from the roof inside an empty room at the Old Pump Station no.3 in Kramersdorf, Swakopmund. The deceased was found by a passer-by at about 13:30 and they alerted the police. According to police reports no foul play is suspected. A suicide note was found in his possession which he has addressed to his colleagues and his father, but he didn't state the reason why he committed suicide. The next of kin were informed. The body was transported to Walvis Bay Police Mortuary for postmortem purpose to determine the cause of death. Investigation continue. · In an unrelated incident, on Monday, 13 May, at around 21:30 Wilbard Shiwohamba (36) hit Petrus Neshuku (35) with a brick on the forehead which caused serious injuries to Neshuku during a fight at house no: 342, DRC Location, Mondesa. The victim was taken to Swakopmund State hospital whereby he was further transferred to Katutura State Hospital in serious but stable condition. The suspect was arrested and a case of attempted murder was laid against him. Investigations continue.

17 MAY 2019



Support local Construction of lodge at Meob Bay businesses The current financial and economic situation has forced many households and businesses to tighten their budgets in order to avoid going into or to effectively manage their debt, but this generally can have a negative effect of slowing down the economy even further through reduced consumption spending. In order to curb this side effect, member-based organisation, Team Namibia, with its mandate of raising awareness for buying locally produced goods and services, now more than ever, would like to encourage all Namibians to support local businesses. This collaborative switch in consumption patterns can notably improve the trade balance and ensure that money spent, remains circulating in the local economy. Furthermore, this can create and protect local jobs, because when local businesses are continually supported, through buying their products and services, it leads sustainable economic development, which can reduce poverty in turn. Bärbel Kirchner, account director of Team Namibia says: “Through shopping, buying, procuring local, we can impact the economy. This is as relevant when we buy groceries and consumer goods, as when we decide where we spend our holidays. How businesses and authorities buy their products and services also has an enormous impact, whether this relates to office supplies, corporate clothing or uniforms, IT services or indeed construction services”. With Namibia's negative trade balance, where Namibians buy much more from abroad and its neighbouring countries then what they sell, it is important to reverse this bad trend. Namibians must buy more locally, as buying local means that domestic needs are met domestically.

The Namibian Affirmative Management and Businesses (Pty) Ltd. (NAMAB) has applied for environmental clearance for the construction of a lodge at Meob Bay, some 190km south of Walvis Bay. Environmental consultant Knight Piésold is conducting the impact study and the application for an environmental clearance certificate on behalf of NAMAB. On its website NAMAB explains in 2009 a consortium was formed by residents of Southern Namibia to create work opportunities and to bring skills to marginalised communities. A concession was obtained by NAMAB on 3,3 million hectares of land, according to the information on the website, to develop sustainable tourism ventures. The concession is more or less in the form of a square with Saddle Hill being the southernmost corner on the coastline, Conception Bay the northernmost corner on the coastline and then stretching eastwards to Solitaire and down south to Kanaan Gate in the Namib Naukluft Park. Namab already operates a semi-permanent ecotented camp at Meob Bay and also has accommodation infrastructure at Fishersbruhn, according to information on its website. According to a public notice in the media by Knight Piésold, the lodge planned at Meob Bay will include ten luxury chalets, constructed from wood, aluminium and lightweight steel, and twenty tented

chalets. The facility will have a restaurant and its target market will include tourists undertaking off road trips between Walvis Bay and Lüderitz.

In Touch Cargo to close down In Touch Cargo (ITC) in Walvis Bay issued an advise to all its creditors this week that the business would be closing down. Negotiations to honour all outstanding payments would be conducted by a Walvis Bay law firm. In the letter seen by Namib Times, ITC says it spent nearly N$13 million in a business rescue effort. Despite that prevailing negative economic conditions and the high influx of smaller competitors led to the decision to close the business.


17 MAY 2019

Walvis Bay Court Report

Court Swakopmund Court Report Magistrate Court Titus Jataleni Paulus (30), Timotheus Haipinge (42), appeared on a charge of possession of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 5 August for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 500 each. Deon Awarab (27), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 1 July for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Duwe Linden (23), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 8 July for trial. The accuse dis on bail of N$3 000. Erastus Simon (21), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 23 July for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Nguvitjita Mbura (26), appeared on a charge of displaying a licence disc not applicable to a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 31 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Victoria Van Der Bank (34), appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 21 August for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Lita Matias (34), Silas Sakaria (26) Jonas Matheus (29), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 28 August for plea and trial. Lita Matias and Jonas Matheus are on bail of N$5 000 each while Silas Sakaria remains in custody. Daniel Kharugab (54), appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident). The matter was postponed to 6 August for further investigations. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Sodrag Hamukwaya (33), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused was at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. Gerald Fourie (39), appeared on a charge of assault on a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 6 August for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Kleobelda Xamses (23), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 1 July for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Stefan Horn (39), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty

and sentenced to pay a fine of N$5000 or 12month imprisonment term. Ngaujake Niklaas Matukujani (41), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$5 000 or 12-month imprisonment term. Gerson Geingob (34), Diana Ingrid Geingos (33), appeared on a charge of corrupt acquisition of private interest by public officer. The matter was postponed to 29 May for continuation of trial. The accused have been warned. Asser Hamulo (47), appeared on a charge of assault on a member of the police. The matter was postponed to 3 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Fritz Tjipepa (22), Desney Links (26), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 18 June for legal aid. Fritz Tjipepa is on bail of N$2 000 while Desney Links have been warned. Rudolf Madjiet (40), appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 5 August for plea. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Moses Andreas (23), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 26 May for tracing of accused. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. Tracy Ronel Hoabes (29), appeared on charges of fraud, theft by false pretences and money laundering. The matter was postponed to 18 June for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$10 000. Wesley Narib (23), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 25 June for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Linda Gomaxas (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 21 May for trial. The accused remains in custody. Fernando Kinda Arumeta (34), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 16 July for trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Walter Bachile (32), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 11 June for trial. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Herbert Van Schalkwyk (47), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 18 June for trial. The accused is on bail of N$2000. Donovin Goeieman (25), appeared on charges of malicious damage to property and assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 23 May for plea. The accused remains in custody.

Roger Namibeb (19), Dealing and Possession of drugs (August 2018) A warrant of arrest was issued. At large. James Shaanika (35), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and Malicious damage to property. (June 2018) The matter was postponed to 26 September 2019. Plea and Trial (Final Remand). Brendon Losper (31), Assault by threat read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (October 2018) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Complainant file for withdrawal. Pandu Shilongo (20), Imanuel Nghinamuiwika (29), Theft (October 2018) A warrant of arrest remains in force against Pandu Shilongo and the case was withdrawn against Imanuel Nghimamulwika 17-year-old boy, Eldo Engelbrecht (27), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. (February 2019) The case was withdrawn against the 17-year-old boy and matter was postponed to 13 June. Legal Aid. Andreas Batromeus (55), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (May 2019) The matter was postponed to 12 June 2019. Further investigation. (Final Remand) Dennis Kaujende (19), Theft (July 2018) The matter was postponed to 3 September 2019. Plea and Trial. Dufan Ouseb (24), Two counts of Possession of drugs (July 2019) The matter was postponed to 19 August. (Final Remand) Gideon Benade (37), Drunk driving (August 2018) The matter was postponed to 4 June 2019. Trial partly heard – continuation of trial. Elvis Kurtz (29), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (February 2019) The matter was postponed to 17 July 2019. Trial (Final Remand) 17-year-old boy, Malicious damage to property (May 2019) The matter was postponed to 9 May 2019. Juvenile – Locate guardian Poniso Advocate (27), malicious damage to property (May 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Pp will issue summons on Friday. Marco Marais (47), Raymond Mckay (22), possession of drugs. The matter is postponed to 31 July 2019. Lab results (Final Remand) Jade Blanden (36), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (November 2017) In custody. Likius Kamudulunge (23), Paulus Safombambi (20), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. (The matter is postponed to 29 July 2019. Accused at large. Tracing of the accused. Ben Uyamba Johannes (21), Theft (August 2018) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Complainant filed withdrawal statement. Danville Jobb (28), Theft (October 2018) The matter is postponed to 17 September 2019. Plea and Trial. Jean – Pierre Spence (37), Theft of a motor vehicle (November 2018) The matter is postponed to 29 August 2019. P.G Decision (Final Remand) Tobias Festus (25), 17-year-old boy, Malicious damage to property (January 2019) The matter was postponed to 17 June 2019. Accused at large/ Tracing of accused. 16-year-old boy, Possession of drugs (April 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Accused completed his community service. David Kwafenge (29), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (May 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Rudie Fourie (41), Domestic Violence Act – Breach of Protection Order (May 2019) The matter was postponed to 19 June 2019. Further investigation (Final Remand).

17 MAY 2019

Oil spill contained Floris Steenkamp The oil leak on the vessel Urzu that caused a massive oil spill in the port of Walvis Bay on Sunday has been isolated and the vessel will first be repaired before the port authority would allow her to sail. This was confirmed yesterday by the Direc- Pictures on this page show the extent of the oil torate of Maritime Affairs. spill alongside in the port of Walvis Bay and also The vessel owner in the meantime agreed to pay the heavy fuel oil that washed ashore at for the oil spill clean-up. Some of the leaked Langstrand. A resident is seen here demonstrating heavy fuel oil drifted into the bay and is now the viscosity of the heavy fuel oil by holding it in washing ashore in the Langstrand area. his hand and also how the oil is sticking to shoe The services of Wesco Salvage was procured to soles when people walk the beach. handle the beach clean up. A biodegradable oil The Directorate of Maritime said yesterday the spill clean up product of local safety and worst is over in that the oil spill is contained and industrial supplier, Baleia do Mar, has been used that the clean-up would be monitored closely by in the clean up in port and will also be used in the its officials. Langstrand area if needed.



17 MAY 2019


Throwing them a line...........

An employee throws a grab hook onto an oyster line to retrieve some growing bags in which this delicacy is cultured at the aquaculture farm of Namoyster in the Walvis Bay aquaculture area. The saltwater aquaculture sector created 266 permanent and temporary work opportunities in the 2018/19 financial year, according to a recent report to Parliament by Namibia’s fisheries Minister Bernhard Esau. Apart from Walvis Bay, Lßderitz also has a growing aquaculture sector where oysters and abalone is grown.

Friday 17 May High Tide: 02:17 Low Tide: 08:27 High Tide: 14:46 Low Tide: 20:36

Sunday 19 May High Tide: 03:36 Low Tide: 09:40 High Tide: 16:02 Low Tide: 21:51

Saturday 18 May High Tide: 02:57 Low Tide: 09:05 High Tide: 15:25 Low Tide: 21:14

Monday 20 May High Tide: 04:12 Low Tide: 10:15 High Tide: 16:39 Low Tide: 22:27

Port Log

17 MAY 2019


A Hepatitis free DRC


Sharlien Tjambari

During the launch of a pilot project on a disinfectant hand sanitiser to the DRC informal settlement, the Health Ambassador Bernard Haufiku said he wants a Hepatitis-free DRC. The launch took place last week.

Haufiku demostrates the correct way of washing hands to the children of Christenes Soup Kitchen in DRC

SDFN agreement to ease housing woes Isaac Chikosi

The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) together with Namibia Action Housing Group have joined forces with Swakopmund Municipality to commit to a constructive and collaborative partnership. The purpose of the partnership is to develop and implement a comprehensive and sustainable process aimed at scaling up the community driven land and shelter development processes envisaged by the Municipality of Swakopmund for low income residents” according to minutes of the recent council agenda. Because Swakopmund has about 10,000 households in informal settlements, the agreement signed last month will see the partners commit to securing sustainable land and shelter allocation. This will involve fast tracking the delivery of affordable land, services and shelter to organised low-income community groups in Swakopmund. Furthermore, the partnership seeks to ensure a transparent and simplified system of access to land and the process of application. In recognising the importance of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals the memorandum of understanding between SDFN and Council will serve as a network of saving groups from informal settlements including homeless people affiliated to the Shack Dwellers International network and Namibia Housing Action Group. Increasing secure tenure, basic services, and decent shelter for low-income communities in Swakopmund is essential.

Officials from the Ministry of Health and Social Services, including and delegates from Blue Planet Investment Ag, Germany visited the DRC informal settlement to carry out a pilot project on a disinfectant hand sanitiser which is believed to be a solution to break the Hepatitis E outbreak and to see how the pilot project can be implemented and rolled out to address Hepatitis E outbreak. The Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Blue Planet Investment Alexander Lattmann said Ecobiotic is a producer of mineral, eco-friendly and nontoxic disinfectant solutions fit for human consumption. “Our solutions eliminate micro-organisms like germs, bacteria, viruses and all oxidizable hormone and antibiotic residues completely without the possible development of resistance. This disinfectant hand sanitiser is completely safe to use and does not have any side effects should you overdose; it is completely safe because you can even spray it in your mouth and won't cause you any harm”. Haufiku said: “When I was introduced to the product by the Minister of Health and Social Services Tjikero Tweya I had one problem with just buying the product, because I was not provided with a large scale environment where it worked in Africa in the context of Hepatitis E or any other viral outbreak so I had a bit of problem of purchasing the product and using it while it has not been proven in our context”. Haufiku allegedly told the team from Blue Planet Investment that there is Hepatitis E outbreak in Namibia and the ministry can allocate an area in Namibia where the supplier (Blue Planet Investment) can prove at their own cost that the disinfectant hand sanitiser can work in a Namibian context, “which is obviously an African context and if that is proven then we can talk about buying the

products. The group is now here to assess the environment and to look beyond sanitation, the condition in which people are living”. The group visited the Erongo regional council where they had a presentation about the hand sanitiser, then they proceeded to the DRC Clinic which is run by only two nurses and provides services to over 5000 residents of DRC. A nurse at the Clinic, Beatrice Eiseb told namib times that they mostly cater for TB, HIV&AIDS, Immunisations and expecting mothers, but they are under-staffed, and the structure of the clinic is a challenge. Haufiku and his visitors also visited Christenes Soup Kitchen to see if the little ones wash their hands the correct way before eating. Other issues of concern were also looked at.

The Founder of Blue Planet Investment AG Alexander Lattmann is seen with Dr Bernardt Haufiku in DRC Informal Settlement

17 MAY 2019


Erongo Region worst hit by Drought Isaac Chikosi The Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah met with stakeholders last week as well as leaders of traditional authorities within the region to discuss and assess the current drought condition in Swakopmund. Earlier this month, President Hage Geingob declared a state of emergency in all regions due to the drought precipitated by poor rainfall.

Deputy Prime Minister Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah

In his welcoming speech, Erongo regional governor Cleophas Mutjavikua said that Erongo region is worst affected by the current drought and water shortages, citing that the present situation has resulted in animals and livestock migrating away from the region. Mutjavikua added that the current water woes fa-

ced by Uis and Omaruru are serious as the underground water table may not be able to support the demand. Mutjavikua appealed to the office of the prime minister that the farms set aside for the resettlement programme be used instead as alternative grazing for affected farmers.

“We are all required to make concerted efforts to mitigate the effects of the drought”, said NandiNdaitwah. “No-one should die as a result of the drought.” She added that the country faces serious food shortages as crop failure on a communal scale affects food security in urban areas. According to NandiNdaitwah the government has made available over N$570 million for food assistance, transportation of water to affected areas, livestock and transport of livestock and feed. Ultimately, a reduction in herd sizes would help alleviate the current situation for farmers well as identifying alternative grazing areas for livestock. Traditional leaders in the Dâures constituency which largely depend on communal subsistence farming expressed their concerns over the broken boreholes and some

that have dried up exacerbating the water crisis in the area for both humans and livestock. Jefta Itenge, the Director for the Directorate of Disaster Risk Management outlined the requirements necessary to be eligible for drought relief aid, adding that the criteria will be assessed to benefit the individuals most affected. Poor rainfall across parts of the country, has not only left communities dry, but could be the cause of increased human-wildlife conflict.

LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A MAGISTRATE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Cecil Johannes Franz, P O Box 3558, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: Celan Pool Bar. 3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Meeu Street 32, Narraville, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: To Transfer Shebeen Liquor License, from Marionette (wife) Franz Estate No.1588/ 2017 to Cecil Johannes Franz (husband). 5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Court. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 17 May 2019. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate note later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.

17 MAY 2019



contact Almut Slabbert 081 299 1902 or Carol-Ann Möller 081 209 8169.



WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * Every Sunday: Lunch - Potjiekos at MOTH CENTRE. * Everyday: Pub lunches available. * Bridge Club: Urgently call 081 378 7347 to have a game of card games. * 4 Junie: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Evangeliese Sendingkerk, Narraville. * 30 June: Please join us for our next Lagoon Park Family Market, when we will hold a 'Classic Yard Sale'. One man's junk is another man's treasure! Please contact us for stalls, this is a once-off opportunity! * 2 Julie: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lewende Water, Walvisbaai. * 6 Aug: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Nazarene Church, Walvisbaai. * 3 Sep: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Anglikaanse kerk, Narraville. * 1 Okt: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk, Narraville. * 5 Nov: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community, Narraville. * 3 Des: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Temple of Truth, Narraville.


SWAKOPMUND * Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous helpline 081 243 2649. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064405 604. “The Swakopmund Rotary Club: Meets every Tuesday evening from 17:45 in the conference room of the Hotel Deutsches Haus. Contact 081 645 0888. * “The Swakopmund Lions Club: meets every 3rd Thursday of the month from 17:30 in the Lions/Den c/o Rhode Allee and Lüderitz Street. Contact: 081 205 6162/081 335 8899. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Atlantic Villa Boutique Hotel 24 Plover Street, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * SME Corner @ Business Development Centre (BDC): Our commitment is to help SMEs throughout the life of their business, and we have the expertise to make it happen. We offer Free Business Counselling / Advisory Services. Hotlines: 0812772797 / (App) 0852772797, Unit 4, Multipurpose Centre, Swakopmund (Opposite Tax Rank / COSDEC) * Couple Empowerment Programme (CEP): Come and discover what it truly means to live the marital promise of becoming "one flesh" at CEP. Experience true intimacy with your spouse and celebrate the authentic love that is all at once free, faithful, fruitful and total. We meet every fortnight in Swakopmund. Come join us at Couple Empowerment Programme every month end! Contact: 0818786676/7. * Small Business Development Centre: The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Program is the leader in providing small business owners and entrepreneurs with the tools and guidance needed to become successful in today's challenging economic climate. We are based in Swakopmund. The Centre offers free Counselling Services. Contact: 081 277 2797 / 085 277 2797. * Up to 31 May: Woermannhaus-Gallery: Group Exhibition – “Something old, something new, something borrrowed, something blue”. Open Mon-Fri 10-12, 3-5pm and on Sundays and Public Holidays 10-12pm. * 25 Mai: Küska Narrenwecker ab 11Uhr11 at Sam Nujoma Ave, Swakopmund. * 1 June: Lions Club Swakopmund: Sale of second hand clothing from 09:00-12:00 @ The Lion shop next to the Lions (DEN) Rhode str, Swakopmund. * 24 Aug: Cake Sale to be held in front of Standard Bank from 08:00, organised by The Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities. For more information please contact Almut Slabbert 081 299 1902 or Carol-Ann Möller 081 209 8169. * 22 & 23 Nov: Advent Market at the LIONS Old Age Home. Friday from 15:00 and Saturday from 08:00, organised by the Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities. For more information please

* Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00.


Tel: 064 206 262/ 081 3027046 Location: Street behind Casa Del Mar No 65 Moses Garoeb street We are hiring: Hair Stylist (own clientele) and Nail Tech (own clientele), Salon assistant We are expanding our salon and looking for two dynamic people to join our team. A fantastic opportunity for an ambitious Hair Stylists and a Nail Tech and a Salon assistant to join our team. We have the perfect location and state of the art tools. You MUST have own clientele. Call us and come drink coffee to discuss our terms and conditions and packages!!! Closing date: 27 May 2019


17 MAY 2019

Media Release

The three best individual performers and the three best performing teams in each grade, will receive winning medals, while the Bank Windhoek Trophy for the Best Performing School, will also be up for grabs. The first round will take place early in the second school term of 2019, while the provisional date for the Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge will take place on Thursday, 11 July 2019 from 14:30 until 17:30. “Problem solving and investigations are vehicles for developing logical thinking. They can provide learners with a context for learning mathematical knowledge; they enhance transfer of skills to unfamiliar situations and can lead to an appreciation for the power and beauty of mathematics and a greater enjoyment of the subject,” said Bank Windhoek's Executive Officer of Marketing and Corporate Communication Services, Jacquiline Pack. Background The Mathematics Support and Enrichment Programme for Secondary School Learners, run by Orison Educational Services, made provision for mathematics problem solving activities since 2011. This involved teacher workshops on problem solving activities for learners as well as enrichment afternoon classes for grade 8 to 10 learners. In 2014, the Programme developed into the Coastal Maths Challenge. Since inception approximately 1 000 learners have taken part in the first round every year. The Walvis Bay cluster won the competition in 2014, 2015 and 2018. The Swakopmund cluster won the competition in 2016 and 2017. The Private School Swakopmund attained the trophy for the Best Performing School in 2017 and 2018. Annually new question papers, based on international guidelines, have to be set. Local mathematics teachers not affiliated to the participating school, moderate the set papers.

Coastal Mathematics Challenge

Bank Windhoek will host the annual Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge in July 2019 at the Namib High School in Swakopmund. The event will see grade 8 to 10 learners from the Swakopmund Secondary and the Walvis Bay Secondary schools clusters compete in a mathematics skills challenge. The learners will once again battle it out at the annual Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge in July 2019 at the Namib High School in Swakopmund. The aim of the competition is to expose learners to problem solving in a context of challenge and fun and to motivate teachers and learners to engage in problem solving activities on a more regular basis. “It intends to fill a gap in the development of the mathematical abilities, knowledge and skills of learners who have the potential to excel in the subject,” said Director of Orison Educational Services, Magret Courtney-Clarke. The Bank Windhoek Coastal Maths Challenge consists of two rounds. The first round comprises a multiple-choice paper, written at the participating schools who are required to select as many learners as they wish. The second round includes 36 learners, 12 from each of the grade 8's, 9's and 10's, selected from the Walvis Bay and the Swakopmund cluster schools. The competing learners then battle it out in three papers: an individual Speed Test, Multiple Choice Test and a Team Test. Teachers are involved as supervisors and markers.

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Self Catering Unit ON ERF: 141 TOWNSHIP: Dolphin Beach STREET: Oystercatcher Street Nr.25. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the under-signed, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Self Catering Accommodation on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 31 May 2019. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): carolina@bluewavenam.com, P O Box 985, Walvis Bay

Tackling sums: Grade 8 to 10 learners from the Swakopmund Secondary and the Walvis Bay Secondary schools clusters pictured as they compete in the team and individual rounds hosted in 2018. LEARN BASIC MANDARIN PRESENTED BY A QUALIFIED CHINESE TEACHER APPROVED PROFICIENCY CERTIFICATE Wednesdays and Thursdays 18:00 – 19:00 N$500-00 per month Starting June 2019 Classes taught at ISWB Application forms available at the reception at The International School of Walvis Bay Contact: 064 203995

17 MAY 2019



The 14th National Mathematics Congress Over 300 mathematics educators, including teachers, university lecturers and ministry of education officials, from all 14 regions attended the 14ht National Mathematics Congress from 6 – 9 May 2019 at Namib High School in Swakopmund. The 2019 Congress theme was Assessment is the Engine that Drives Learning. Presenters in 2019 included Dr Barbara Peters from UNAM, Mr Aarnout Brombacher, an experienced mathematics educator form Cape Town, Japanese volunteers from the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and many experienced Namibian mathematics educators and teachers.

The National Mathematics Congress is made possible by the cooperation between and support of the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture and the long-term private sponsorship commitments of Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (main sponsor) and the Pupkewitz Foundation.

They were here in 2006 for the 1st National Mathematics Congress. Participants with Sponors: WBSR represented by Mr Andre Snyman (front, middle). Organisers: Magret Courtney-Clarke and Edda Bohn (seated) and Loide Kapenda (middle row, left). Presenters: Aarnout Brombacher (back, 2nd from left), Dr Shiwana Naukushu (back, 1st right) Walvis Bay Salt Refiners pledged to support the National Mathematics Congress with N$1m over 3 years. F.l.t.r. Mr Charles Kabajani, Deputy Executive Director of the MoEAC, Mr Andre Snyman, MD of Walvis Bay Salt Refiners, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, Governor of the Erongo Region, Ms Paulina Nashilundo, Mayor of Swakopmund

Senior teachers listen attentively and critically

Dr Shiwana Naukushu (left standing) from UNAM presented topics for secondary teachers

Plenary session

Primary school teachers in a parallel session

17 MAY 2019


An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Wasser aus Nebel Dieter Kopp: ein bewegtes Leben Fast ein Achtel der Menschen auf der Erde haben mit einem Trinkwassermangel zu kämpfen. Ein betroffenes Land ist Namibia, im Westen Afrikas. Der frischgebackene Abiturient Nabil Bendt flog Ende März 2019 nach Namibia, in die am Meer liegende Stadt Swakopmund, um

Ein geeigneter Ort schien das„ Slumviertel“ DRC (Democratic Resettlement Community) zu sein, da dort das Wasser den Menschen, in verschiedenen Hinsichten, zu Hilfe kommen würde. In einem „Garten“ einer einheimischen Frau, die ihr Haus aus leeren Plastikflaschen baute, wurde das Netz zunächst

deutlich günstiger liegt. Die Distanz zum Meer ist geringer, wodurch nicht nur mehr Nebel vorhanden ist, sondern auch der Wind besser und vor allem freier durch das Netz strömen kann. Dennoch erhofft man sich ähnliche Ergebnisse wie in Marokko (2-14l täglich), wo dieses Projekt erfolgreich getestet und umgesetzt wur-

Der deutsche Abiturient Nabil Bendt neben dem Nebelkollektor auf dem Dach des Tierschutzvereins. Foto: Privat! im Auftrag der Organisation Claim for Dignity ( CfD ) dort ein Projekt der Wassergewinnung durchzuführen. Das Prinzip der Wassergewinnung ist relativ simpel. Mit Hilfe eines speziell entwickelten dreidimensionalen Netzes wird ein geeigneter Ort gesucht, an welchem es genügend Nebel und Wind gibt. Dort wird das Netz aufgespannt und dient dazu, aus dem Nebel, der durch das Netz gedrückt wird, das Wasser zu filtern. Das läuft dann am Netz herunter und wird in einem Behälter aufgefangen.

auf Bodenhöhe aufgespannt. Die ersten E rg e b n i s s e w a r e n ziemlich ernüchternd. In zwei Tagen wurden gerade einmal 300ml Wasser gewonnen. Nach vier Tagen war eine klare Steigerung zu sehen, denn nun waren es schon 1,2l. Auf Dauer hat sich das Projekt dort jedoch nicht ausgezahlt und man beschloss einen besseren Ort dafür zu suchen. Nun steht der Nebelkollektor auf dem Dach des Tierschutzvereines ( SPCA ) und wird dort getestet. Nach einer Testphase von nun zwei Wochen ist zu sehen, dass dort mehr Wasser gewonnen werden kann, da der Tierschutzverein

de. Kann durch den Nebelkollektor in Namibia eine Aufforstung des sehr trockenen Landes gestartet werden ? Wenn sich die Menge des Wassers in den „Nebelmonaten“ verbessert, kann man sich durchaus vorstellen, dass dieses Projekt ausgebreitet und eventuell auch an verschieden Orten des Landes ( allerdings nur in Küstenregion) aufgebaut wird. Der Nebelkollektor hilft, Wasser in wasserarmen Regionen einfacher zu gewinnen und ist somit eine mögliche Zukunft für gerade diese Regionen. Eingesandt!

Swakopmund (sk) In unserer Mitte gibt es etliche Senioren, die viel zu erzählen haben. Ich habe mich mit dem 95jährigen Dieter Kopp in der AntoniusResidenz unterhalten. In fünf Folgen dürfen Sie auf seiner Lebensreise eine Brise Nostalgie einatmen. Folge 2 Die Familie Kopp kam erstmal bei Gerd Schumann auf Farm Bergfeld in der Gegend um Otavi unter, bis sie zur Pacht auf die Farm Namatanga zog, die einem in Deutschland lebenden Herrn von Schirp gehörte. Vater Erich beantragte bei der Regierung die Graslizenzfarm Bielefeld, die er später in Masuren umtaufte. “Eine Graslizenzfarm blieb 10 Jahre lang das Eigentum der Administration”, klärt Dieter Kopp mich auf. “Man lebte sozusagen auf Pacht dort, durfte nicht untervermieten oder verkaufen, doch nach

Die Koppsche Farm Masuren (ehemals Bielefeld) bei Kamanjab im Jahre 1948. Fotos: Privat! der zu schützen. Sobald er im Kraal war, kam Ruhe in die Herde. Die Tiere lagen friedlich wiederkäuend da, und kein noch so großes Gebrüll von Löwen konnte sie aus der Ruhe bringen.” Dieter Kopp besuchte die Schule in Omaruru. “Doch im Alter von 11/12 wurde ich mal ganz krank. Unser Leib- und Magenarbeiter Isaak hat meine Eltern geholt, die ge-

bruchs 1939 seine Schullaufbahn beendete. Ein Lehrer meinte, er solle nun lieber auf die Farm gehen und sich vom Kuhschwanz durchs Leben schleifen lassen. Und der Senior erzählt weiter: “Mein Vater war eigentlich kein Farmer, sondern durch und durch Soldat. Daher ging er 1937 nach Deutschland zurück zur Heeresvermehrung und wurde

Dieter Kopp (Mitte hinten) 1938 mit seiner Fußballmannschaft an der Deutschen Oberschule Swakopmund. Hinten von links: Dieter Jentsch, Franz Ihrlich, Dieter Kopp, Paul-Friedrich von Biljon, Wolfhardt Krenz. Mitte von links: Jochen Boehmker, Etemba Schmidt, Jochen von Gossler. Vorne von links: Egon Pfafferott, Karl-Heinz Rohr, Hansie Widow. Dieter Kopp ist der einzige auf dem Bild, der noch lebt, und das Foto wurde vom Fotostudio Schulte gemacht, das sich dort befand, wo heute der Swakopmunder Zweig der Standard Bank gelegen ist. 10 Jahren hatte man die Möglichkeit, sie zu kaufen.” “1931/1932 zogen wir mit geliehenem Ochsenwagen, einigen Kühen und gekauften Wellblechplatten nach Bielefeld”, erzählt der 95jährige weiter. “In der Gegend waren 20 bis 40 Elefanten in einer Herde damals keine Seltenheit. Auch Löwen befanden sich dort. Vater hat nächtelang im Kraal geschlafen, um die Rin-

rade bei Kiekebuschs zu Besuch waren. Mein Vater hat mich dann nachts noch nach Outjo gefahren, und der alte Gerd Schumann fuhr mich nach Omaruru. Dort wurde ich von Dr. Cohen operiert. Mein entzündeter Blinddarm war bereits geplatzt”, erzählt Dieter Kopp. Der Arzt schickte ihn dann des Klimas wegen nach Swakopmund, wo er eingeschult wurde und im Jahre des Kriegsaus-

also wieder Soldat. 1939 verpachtete meine Mutter dann unsere Farm Bielefeld, weil der Vater einen Brief aus Deutschland schrieb, dass der Krieg ausbricht und wir ‘rüberkommen sollen. Meine Mutter Anneliese (geborene Ehlert) war clever genug, die Farm NUR zu verpachten, und somit machten wir, meine Mutter, meine Schwestern Gundula, Ingrid und das laatlammetjie

Urte und ich uns im August 1939 auf die Reise nach Deutschland. Wir wurden allerdings in Lobito Bay in Angola festgehalten, da der Krieg gerade in Polen ausgebrochen war, und konnten nicht weiter. Durch Fürsprache des Magistrats Fuller in Outjo konnten wir zur ü c k k o m m e n . Wi r mieteten einen Portugiesen nebst Lorrie, der uns von Südangola bis nach Ondonga brachte - Oshakati gab es damals noch nicht. Ein dort anwesender Herr Versfeld nahm uns mit nach Outjo, wo gerade zufällig an unserem Ankunftstag die Farmerschaft zusammengekommen war, um ihre Waffen und Munition abzuliefern. Selbst ein Radio durften wir nicht besitzen, aber wir haben es trotzdem irgendwie geschafft, das Radio zu behalten. Mit Arno Becker sind wir dann erstmal auf seine Farm Cairos gefahren bis meine Mutter die Pacht auflösen und wir auf unsere Farm Bielefeld zurückkonnten.” Dieter Kopp lebte dann mit seiner Mutter auf der Farm und war sozusagen Vater- und Farmer-Ersatz. 1945 aber verabschiedete er sich von seiner Mutter und arbeitete für 4,5 Pfund im Monat als Farmeleve für Kurt Schmerenbeck auf Claratal, 40 km westlich von Windhoek. “Das klingt nach wenig Geld”, meint Dieter Kopp, und fügt hinzu:“Aber immerhin konnte man damals für 5 Pfund ein ganzes Wochenende im Hotel Großherzog verbringen.” Fortsetzung folgt!

17 MAY 2019



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Aweh, Hansa: die Sieger! Worte

der Woche Die attraktive Fassade des stilvollen Hansa-Hotels in der Abenddämmerung. Foto: Privat! S w a k o p m u n d 1. Die Bestandteile der Personen, inklusive (sk) - Im Herzen bekannten Hansa-Ho- ein Glas Sekt im Swakopmunds be- tel-Spezialität des Ko- Wer-te von N$ 430,); findet sich das tra- lonialkaffees sind Sah- 2. Edmund Klimas ditionsreiche Han- ne Kaluha, Brandy. Ad- (Eine Flasche Vilsa Hotel. vovaat Eierlikör und liera Traditional E s g a l t , d r e i natürlich Kaffee! Brut im Werte von Fragen über das 2. Das Mittagessen im N$ 245,); Hotel im Kolo- Hansa-Hotel wird von 3. Siegfried Ecklenialstil zu beant- 12h00 bius 14h00 Uhr ben (Zwei Kolonialworten, und wie- serviert. kaffee im Werte von derum war die 3. Das Hansa-Hotel N$ 160,). Teilnahme an dem wurde im Jahre 1905 Die Preise können diQuiz überwälti- gegründet, und ist rekt beim Hansa-Hogend. Verlieren somit 114 Jahre alt. tel abgeholt werden. Sie nicht den Mut. Und nun zu den Sie- N ä c h s t e Wo c h e Es gibt halt nur gern! Gewonnen ha- wartet ein neuer Quiz drei Gewinner. auf Sie! ben: Und nun zu den 1. Ruth Grebien (Ein Antworten: Mittagessen für zwei


Wegen der immensen Luftverschmutzung in der chinesischen Hauptstadt des Nordens, Bejing bzw. Peking. ist das E-Bike sehr beliebt. Allerdings wird dort demnächst eine Lizenz verlangt, wenn man es auf den öffentlichen Straßen benutzt. Sollten Sie eine Probefahrt mit einem E-Bike machen wollen, melden Sie sich bei Chappies Mater unter 0817532415.

Nach einem guten Kaffee verzeiht man sogar den Eltern. Oscar Wilde Der Kaffee muss heiß wie die Hölle, schwarz wie der Teufel, rein wie ein Engel, süß wie die Liebe sein. Charles Maurice de Talleyrand "Schmeckt dir der Kaffee?" "Nicht die Bohne!" Kalenderspruch Koffeinfreier Kaffee: der Untergang des Abendlandes. Kalenderspruch Und zu Opas Beerdigung den stärksten von Jacobs: »Die Auferstehung« – wunderbar! Balthasar Schaffrath Zucker ist ein weißer Stoff, der dem Kaffee einen schlechten Geschmack gibt, wenn man vergißt, ihn hineinzutun. Unbekannt Kaffee schmeckt in England stets nach einem chemischen Experiment. Unbekannt Sagt der Kaffee zur Sahne: „Komm doch rein !“ Darauf die Sahne: „Na gut. Ehe ich mich schlagen lasse.“ Unbekannt

Werbung wagen und gewinnen!

Locker vom Hocker Sinnbild zeitloser Eleganz

Liebe Küstenleser! Ein Mann im Anzug oder gar Frack- da schlägt doch gleich jedes Frauenherz höher, oder? Das, was uns chicks entzückt, hat der US-amerikanische Schauspieler Greg Kinnear ganz schlicht ausgedrückt: “Ein Mann im dunklen Anzug sieht immer gut aus.” Doch wie begann alles mit diesem Kleidungsteil, den ich persönlich als wichtigsten der Männergarderobe betrachte, der aber heute höchstens noch zur Konfirmation, Hochzeit oder Beerdigung getragen wird, wenn überhaupt? Eigentlich begann alles im 17. Jh. des Prunks, der Extravaganzen, in

dem der europäische Adel seinen Reichtum zur Schau stellen wollte, sei es in der Form von Korsetts, Pluderhosen, Schmuck oder farbenfrohen Stickereien. Obwohl der englische König, Charles II, inspiriert von Ludwig XIV. von Versailles, im Jahre 1666 bereits versuchte, den Protz zu durchbrechen und eher auf Schnitt und Stoff Wert legte (lange Weste mit langen Ärmeln, ein Hemd, eine Krawatte und eine Kniehose zu einem knielangen Mantel aus englischer Wolle), verzichtete man keinesfalls auf bunte Farben, Rüschen oder eine Perücke - und somit auf Prunk! Erst während der Französischen Revolution im 18.Jh. propagierte die bürgerliche Schicht, der das pompöse Gehabe des Adels zuwider war, eine natürlichere Kleidung, schlicht und komfortabel. In England machte sich diese Bewegung in der Sportgarderobe bemerkbar (lange Hose, dazu eine ärmellose, kürzere Weste über einem wei-

ßen Hemd). Nach der französischen Revolution verbreitete sich die ,,Mode d´anglaise“ in ganz Europa. Als Gegenbewegung zu der einstigen Farbenpracht wurde Schwarz immer beliebter und stand für schlichte Eleganz. In der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts trafen sich die Herren zum gemeinsamen „Rauchen“. Dabei wurde der „Smoking“ getragen, der dafür sorgte, dass die sonstige Kleidung nicht durch den Rauch in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurde. Tagsüber trug man „weiß“, abends nach 17 Uhr wurde dann der schwarze Smoking gewählt. Da die Frau immer stärker die wirtschaftliche Stellung übernahm, geriet die Herrenmode in den Hintergrund der Damenmode. Der Anzug sollte zurückhaltend sein, aber gleichzeitig Seriosität und Eleganz ausstrahlen. Durch die industrielle Massenfertigung war es jetzt auch dem ein-

1786 - englischer Herr im Frack fachen Arbeiter möglich, sich einen preiswerten Anzug zu leisten. Somit etablierte sich die kürzere Variante (der Cutaway) des Gehrocks oder “Smokings” während der Jahrhundertwende zur formalen Geschäftskleidung in jeder sozialen Schicht und wurde sogar tagsüber zu feierlichen Anlässen getragen. 1925 schuf der damalige deutsche Außenminister Gustav Stresemann unbeabsichtigt ein noch immer bekanntes Design: Den

Stresemann. Damals mussten zu förmlichen Anlässen am Tag ein Cutaway getragen werden, bei abendlichen Feier-

Die Moderne lichkeiten wurde auf den Frack zurückgegriffen, für tägliche Büroarbeit wurde wiederum ein kürzerer Gehrock gewählt. Gustav Stresemann war es aber leid, sich jedes Mal komplett umzuziehen. So entschloss er sich, statt den gesamten Anzug zu wechseln einfach nur das Jackett des Cutaways gegen den schwarzen, kürzeren Gehrock zu tauschen. Er kombinierte so ein schwarzes Jackett mit der grau-weiß gestreiften Hose des Cutaways und schuf damit einen neuen Stil, den nach ihm benannten „Stresemann“. Wie dem auch sei, es ist jedenfalls unumstritten, dass der Anzug Ernsthaftigkeit und Noblesse verkörpert. Und ohne es unbedingt bewusst zu bemerken, bringen wir einem Mann im Anzug mehr Respekt und Vertrauen entgegen, als es in einem anderen Outfit, wie zum Beispiel einem Trainingsanzug, einer Bermudashorts oder einem Blumenhemd der Fall wäre. Kein Wunder, dass Bänker auch in der größten Mittagshitze lieber im Anzug schwitzen, als ihre Oberarme zu zeigen. Es geht hier aber um mehr als Glaubwürdigkeit! Ein Mann im Anzug sieht einfach schick aus. Das jedenfalls meint Ihre Susann Kinghorn

17 MAY 2019

14 NAMIB TIMES LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A MAGISTRATE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Cecil Johannes Franz, P O Box 3558, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: Celan Market, Meeu Street 32, Narraville, Walvis Bay. 3. Address/location of

licensed premises to which application relates: Meeu Street 32, Narraville, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: To Transfer Grocery Liquor License, from late wife Marionette Franz Estate No.1588/ 2017 to Cecil Johannes Franz (husband). 5. Where application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate Court. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 17 May 2019. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate note later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund.

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY (An equal opportunities Employer)

Case No : 606/2017

The Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers the following opportunity to Namibian Citizens:

In the matter between: Home Corp (Pty) Ltd Execution Creditor and Noeline Mercia Willemse Execution Debtor

DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ACCOUNTANT: COSTING, BUDGETS & FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (PATERSON GRADE LEVEL C4) Purpose of the Job: To maintain the General Ledger, Loan Schedule, to assist the immediate superior in the compilation of Annual Financial Statements, Operating Budget, and Capital Budget, and to ensure the proper allocation and accounting for all capital projects of the council. To supervise the handling of all insurance claims in accordance with policies and procedures. To maintain an effective Cost and Management system. Responsible for the maintenance of the Fixed Asset register. Key Performance Areas: · General ledger · Operating- and capital budgets · Annual financial statements · Administration of loans for capital projects · Capital projects · Council's insurance portfolio · Job and fleet costing · Fixed assets register · Security and menus of financial system · Staff supervision Educational Qualifications and Working Experience: · 3 year Diploma in Accounting/Finance Plus 3 years in a financial accounting position, of which at least 1 year should have been in a supervisory position. OR · A B-Degree in Accounting/Finance Plus 1 year in a financial accounting position and which should have been at supervisory level. · Code B driving license. Remuneration: The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Applicants are advised to apply by forwarding a cover letter, a comprehensive CV and certified copies of qualifications and any other relevant documents to: The Manager: Human Resources Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Hand delivered applications can be submitted at the entrance of the main building (front desk of the Security Officer) or via Courier Services to Municipality of Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay. Further information is obtainable from the Assistant HR Practitioner, Mrs. Hilma Kawiwa at telephone number 064-2013343. E-mail and fax applications are not acceptable. Closing date: Friday, 7 June 2019 NOTICE NO: MWB-63/2019

PERMANENT CLOSURE ERF 411 MILE 4 EXT. 1 (±274m²) AS PUBLIC OPEN SPACE TO BE CONSOLIDATED WITH ERF 302 MILE 4 EXT. 1 AND TO BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES Notice is hereby given in terms of Sections 50(3)(a)(ii) and 50(3)(a)(iv) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act No. 23 of 1992), that the Municipality of Swakopmund intends to permanently close erf 411 Mile 4 Ext. 1, measuring ±274m2 in extent, as Public Open Space to be consolidated with erf 302 Mile 4 Ext. 1 and to be used for residential purposes. The Public Open Space is situated along the Mile 4 beachfront, adjacent to an unnamed cul-de-sac off Seal Street in the developing Mile 4 residential neighbourhood. The Public Open Space was designed to provide a pedestrian link and an open stormwater channel from the Mile 4 residential neighbourhood to the Mile 4 beachfront via the unnamed cul-de-sac. The permanent closure is to enable the Municipality of Swakopmund to sell erf 411 Mile 4 Ext. 1 to the adjacent owner of erf 302 Mile 4 Ext. 1 and for the two erven to be consolidated together. The main reason for the permanent closure is because of the construction of an electricity sub-station in the unnamed cul-de-sac which seriously restricts pedestrian and vehicular access to erf 302 Mile 4 Ext. 1. The additional land created by the consolidation of erven 302 and 411 Mile 4 Ext. 1 will provide for better pedestrian and vehicular access to the consolidated site while retaining the open stormwater channel. It is the intention to consolidate erven 302 and 411 Mile 4 Ext. 1 together and to use the consolidated erf for “Single Residential” purposes in terms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme. Plans of the proposed permanent closure are available for inspection at the Municipality of Swakopmund Official Notice Board and at the Town Planning Section, Municipality of Swakopmund Head Office, corner of Rakotoka & Daniel Kamho Street, Swakopmund. Further take note that any interested party who wishes to object to the permanent closure may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the applicant and the Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Swakopmund (Attention: Town Planning), in writing, before or on Wednesday 5 June 2019. Applicant

Municipality of Swakopmund Stewart Planning Chief Executive Officer Town & Regional Planners Municipality of Swakopmund 84 Theo Ben Gurirab Street Civic Centre P O Box 2095 P O Box 53 Walvis Bay Swakopmund Tel: 064 280 770 Tel: 064 410 4403 bruce@sp.com.na jheita@swkmun.com.na

In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Magistrate's Court in Walvis Bay on 8 November 2017, a sale will be held on 15 June 2019 at 10:00 at Bay Auctions, Erf No. 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street, Swakopmund, Republic of Namibia, of the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor: 1 x Rotang Small Table 1 x Large Mirror 1 x Russelhobbs Microwave 1 x Defy Silver Door Fridge 1 x Korea King Water Purifier 2 x Kitchen Chairs 1 x Hisense Washing Machine 1 x KIC Freezer 1 x Sinotec Flat Screen TV 1 x 3Piece TV Cabinet 1 x 2Piece Lounge Set 1 x Portrait 2x Small Coffee Tables 1 x Dining Table with Chairs 1 x Diamond Flat Screen TV Terms “voetstoots”: Cash to the highest bidder. Signed at Swakopmund on 13 May 2018. Sgd: C FERIS MALHERBE ASSOCIATES INC Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff Office 1, 1st Floor, MHouse Cnr Mandume Ya Ndemufayo & Schlachter Str Swakopmud REF: PVZ/al/ HOM1/0015


17 MAY 2019





We, an equal opportunity employer, have a vacancy for a DEBTORS & CREDITORS CLERK in WALVIS BAY IF YOU COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Grade 12 with mathematics and accounting Intermediate level proficiency in the use of Pastel Partner/Evolution Computer Literate: MS Office and Excel will be an advantage Minimum 3 years' experience in Accounting Field Excellent verbal skills in English and Afrikaans Namibian citizen Able to work under pressure and meet deadlines Highly trustworthy, discrete and ethical Efficient and well organized


Capturing data on accounting systems Processing of Supplier Invoices Processing of Debtor Invoices Processing of Import Invoice Matching of invoices and purchase orders Monthly Supplier Statement reconciliations Payments Requisition Preparation Provide support to financial team members Various Ad-Hoc accounting duties.


The following position is to be filled by qualified creative, innovative dynamic and multi skilled individual at the Oyster Box Guesthouse in Walvis Bay:

Operations Manager The successful candidate must be Namibian Citizens or Permanent Residence holder's with minimum age of 35 years. Be able to run the entire operations of the guesthouse which includes human resources, housekeeping, security, public relations, food service, oversee guesthouse maintenance, stock control, establish and monitor reporting systems and making sure that the guests have a positive experience and will want to stay again. Part of this includes dealing with guests personally including any complaints that arise. To deal effectively with customers, employers and staff while keeping the hotel running smoothly. Candidate Requirements/Qualifications: Master of the English Language At Least 4 years relevant experience in a senior management capacity Sound knowledge of Human Resources, Finance and administrative systems and procedures Should be familiar with information & Technology systems and procedures at a basic level. Should be a strategic thinker and achievement focused Should be persuasive have the ability to solve problems and have a good leadership, communication and analytical skills. Grade 12 School Qualifications Valid driver's license (Code B) Microsoft Windows working knowledge Computer knowledge Telephone Etiquette Experience in the hotel industry and adequate skills The following will be an advantage: German will be a definite advantage. Working knowledge of “Restaurateur” (Innkeeper) Pos system. Degree in hospitality management Knowledge of German & French Cuisine Experience in Reservations Doing Night Audit Working knowledge of “Innkeeper” Hotel Management System will be an advantage We offer a market related salary. On the premises accommodation person must Life in. Pension fund & Medical Aid “We are an equitable employer “ A detailed Curriculum Vita should be submitted to: The General Manager, P O Box 316, Windhoek, Namibia, E-Mail: oysterboxguesthouse@oysterboxguesthouse.com

17 MAY 2019


VACANCIES & NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay. Case No: 526/2016 In the matter between: Gunnar Jensen Building Materials Trust t/a Pennypinchers Timbercity – Walvis Bay Execution Creditor and Aruska De Wee Execution Debtor In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Magistrate's Court in Walvis Bay on 28 June 2016, a sale will be held on 7 June 2019 at 10:00 at No 130, 6th Street, Walvis Bay, Republic of Namibia, of the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor: 1 x 3Piece white Lounge Set 1 x White TV Stand 1 x Black Sony Surround Sound with 9 Speakers 1 x White Glass Lounge Table 1 x Bar Set 1 x Black Samsung TV

Terms “voetstoots”: Cash to the highest bidder. SIgned at Walvis Bay on 14 May 2019. Sgd: C FERIS MALHERBE ASSOCIATES INC Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff 171 Sam Nujoma Avenue WALVIS BAY REF: PVZ/al/PEN1/0020


EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No.: 504/18 In the matter between: Municipal Council Of Swakopmund Plaintiff and David Monosoly Nuseb Defendant In pursuance of a judgement in the Magistrate's Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 30/01/2019, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in execution to the highest bidder at Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund on 15 June 2019 at 10h00 namely: 1x Kelvinator Fridge 1x Small Kitchen Cupboard 1x Kitchen Cupboard 1x Sleepter Couch 1x Wooden Chair 1x Lazy-boy 1x Portrait Conditions of Sale: Voetstoots - Cash to highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 10 May 2019. Attorneys for Plaintiff KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund Tel:064-405051 Fax:064-402159 Swakopmund Ref.: HV/ZBMUN100/2553-COLL

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No:802/18 In the matter between: MB Truck Spares Plaintiff and Jaco Mulder t/a Africa Range Natural Stone Defendant In execution of a Judgement against the above defendant granted by the above Honourable Court on 27/03/19, the following goods listed hereunder will be sold in Execution on 15 June 2019 at 10:00 at the following address: Bay Auctioneers, John Otto Nankudhi Street, Swakopmund, namely: 1x Office Desk with 2 Chairs 1x Proline Monitor with Keyboard and Mouse 3x Metal File Cabinets. 1x Samsung Bar Fridge 1x Angel Water Dispenser 1x Three Door Cabinet 1x Defy Microwave 1x Office Desk with Chair 1x File Cupboard 1x Office Desk 1x Marmer Table with 2 Chairs 1x Office Desk with Chair 1x Samsung Cumputer Screen with Keyboard, Mouse and Computer Box 1x Epson Printer 1x Small Cabinet Conditions of sale: Voetstoots – Cash to highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 14 May 2019. ATTORNEYS FOR JUDGMENT CREDITOR KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2 – 6 Haus Altona, Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund Tel: 064-405051 Fax: 064-402159 REF: HV/sb/BEH8/0056COLL

STEWART PLANNING TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS REZONING APPLICATION NOTICE Rezoning: From “General Business” to “Single Residential” with a density of 1:300m2” Location: Erven 8335 & 8340 Kuisebmond Extension 11 In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that Stewart Planning, intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to rezone erven 8335 and 8340, Kuisebmond Extension 11 from “General Business” to “Single Residential”. The rezoning to Single Residential is to permit the development of a single dwelling unit on each of the two erven. Particulars of the application may be inspected at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any persons having any objection or comments to the approval of this rezoning application may lodge such objections together with grounds thereof, with the Municipality of Walvis Bay and Stewart Planning, in writing, not later than FRIDAY 31 MAY 2019. APPLICANT: MUNICIPALITY: Bruce Stewart - Stewart Planning Manager: Town Planning Section P. O. Box 2095 Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Walvis Bay bruce@sp.com.na HHitula@walvisbaycc.org.na 064 280 770 064 201 3339

17 MAY 2019



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net


MHS Hair & Beauty Product. We stock a variety of professional hair products. Available to salons and Hairdressers. Retail products available to the public. Permanent colour tins. Bleach powder Balayage clay paint Peroxides, botox Keratin, silver shampoo Conditioner, sclour mask Funky colours colour mousse Hair treatment for dry and damaged hair. And much more.... Contact 081 687 5971

EDU-CARE Gentle, loving and affordable. Full day and half day care, from 0 – 3 years old. For more information Theresa Joubert: 081 772 3780

Good day parents, is your child struggling with certain subjects and you would want your child to improve in his or her school work? Well I have numerous years in teaching experience and currently I am a full time teacher at Narraville Primary School, my name is Ms Ingeborg Hoaes (wise) and I am willing to help your child with a fee of N$400,00 per month. every Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays from 14h30 till 17h00. I reside in Narraville in Langenhoven [old Mermaid str.] house no 50, Please feel free to contact me on my number 081 495 8659.

CLASSES MATHEMATICS CLASSES Is mathematics proving to be a pain in the neck? Worry no more as we provide state-of-the-art mathematics tutelage and lessons to learners and students. Contact us on (+264) (81) 211 3325 for more information.

COURSES GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast Pro Tech Security CC 24 hour security services -Alarm Installations and Maintenance -CCTV & Offsite Monitoring -Access Control -Alarm Monitoring and Response -Electric Fencing -Intercoms -DSTV Installation -Guarding Services Gate/Garage Motors Contact us for a free quote Jaco 081 251 8691 Hermi 081 128 0477 Klonkie 081 287 4064 Walvis Bay Office 064 204412 Swakopmund Office 064 400099 marketing@security. com.na Follow Us On Facebook @FirstResponseSwk EK HET N 4 TON LORRIE,HET JY N VRAG? Ons verwyder bou rommel, tuin rommel, enige vullis, huis trekke, kantoor trekke en ons ry lang pad. Bel dan praat ons Coenraad Fourie 081 337 0876 SERVICES: Police clearance Vehicle registration Roadworthy application Application for special permit Application for duplicate registration certificate Application for scrapping vehicle Licence renewals Rowellyn: 081 124 4757 Rowellyn.polster@gmail

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

CAR KEYS: We program & supply new & spare keys, program 2nd hand ECU’s & air bag all car makes and models * We also offer auto air-conditioning services, auto electrical and in-car entertainment. For a free quote contact: RDJ SERVICES & SUPPLIES. SMS / CALL WHATSAPP: 081 374 6444 E.M Builders & Renovations CC we offer the following services: building houses, roofing & ceiling, plumbing, electrical, tiling, painting & roof sealing. Contact Edward: 081 877 6941 / 081 856 1675

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”




HEALTH AND TEMPERANCE Natural cure Sena Herbal is one of the giant in Natural Remedies around the continent that treats and cure all deadly diseases and other health complicated problems, such as: cancer, BP, diabetes, asthma, kidneys, stroke and other health complicated problems. We also help problems such as weak erection, restore your body immunity, take out tummy, we help in loss of weight and all pregnancy problems. Brain enhancement herbs It boosts your brain by restoring damaged cells It improves your concentration and mental focus. It makes someone to have long hours of studies and recall topics during exams. It stops the brain aging prematurely instead it develops the brain into quick understanding of things. It fights stress and anxiety Call us or whatsapp 081 385 6200 / +2761849 8182 The food we eat has a large impact on our health.

ADELLE'S K53 DRIVING ACADEMY Police clearance Vehicle registration Roadworthy applications Appriction for special permit Application for duplicate registration certificate Application for scraping vehicles Code B, Learners classes, forklift classes Assessments all drivers Adelle: 081 882 4664 Amanda: 081 365 0478 adellesk53drivingacade my@gmail.com

TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL cc your DSTV installer at the coast we do -DSTV Installations -Televisions Mounting - WIRELESS ALARMS SYSTEMS -Fault Finding -Surround Sound Connections -CCTV Installations Phone 064 406032 cellphone 081 1504804 27 Libertina Amathila st, Swakopmund We also offer: Bookkeeping service up to trail balance as well as Cleaning and management of property in Swakopmund and Langstrand phone 081 1504804 MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. * Installations of security alarm in houses / premises. *CCT.V camera, door motoring, remote gates and electrical fencing. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

SI TATI TRADING CC We do the following Company registrations SSC VAT//Income tax Public Road Carrier Permits Work visa / permits Namibia Tourism Board Registration 15 years of experience Call or sms: 081 438 1468 / 081 148 9939


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


B..ack 2 B..asics Maths classes We offer: Determine your child’s level, A program that emphasize the basic skills of maths You will see your child’s results Act now! Limited space Contact: 081 548 1140 081 243 0646





CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

TO LET KUISEBMUND NEAR KABELJOU STR., 2-bedroom unit garage @ N$3 600 p.m. w&E exclusive. NARRAVILLE 3-bedr house, garage w&E exclusive@ N$6800 p.m. MODERN UNIT NEAR MEGA BUILD 2 Bedroom units with 1 garage @ N$5500 pm. CENTRAL 3 Bedroom unit with 1 garage @ N$6500 pm. MEERSIG 2 bedr ground floor unit 1 garage N$6800pm 3-bedr unit with double garage @ N$8500 pm.

Dianne 081 239 6323


TO LET or FOR SALE Narraville - Brand new 2 bedroom flat incl. motorised lockup garage. To let from N$ 4 800pm Contact Janine 081 150 5020 TO RENT: Narraville 1x 1 bedroom flat, bic, open plan kitchen W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Contact: 081 300 3428

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat + single garage N$ 5 500.00 p/m Plus deposit W/E incl + DSTV Meersig area behind the main house. 1st year would have no increase. Available from 1 June 2019 Contact: 081 160 3432 / 081 296 0351 TO RENT: Single garage in Meersig area N$ 800.00 p/m Plus deposit Available from 1 June 2019 Contact: 081 160 3432 / 081 296 0351 TO RENT: Tamariskia: 3 bedrooms, 2batrooms, kitchen, living room, garage N$ 5000 p/m W inc... 2 bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen N$ 3000 p/m W inc... Call 0912900073. TO RENT: Mondesa Swakopmund. Outside Room, Kitchen Area, Bathroom, Hot W+E included. Ideal for single Person. If couple N$200 will be added to cover W&E. No pets Allowed. Refundable Deposit N$1700 + Monthly Rent N$1700. Contact: 0813330095 & 0818090399. To rent Vineta : Very neat and spacious Bachelor flat with garage and separate entrance, walking distance from Platz am mer shopping mall N$ 3500 per month + deposit. Immediately available. 0811286095 TO RENT: 2 bedroom N$ 2030.00 p/m W/E incl 2 bedroom, sitting room, shower & toilet N$ 3 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Outside room N$ 1 930.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit same amount Namport Kuisebmond Deposit non refundable – stay 30 days only. Contact: 081 244 1265 / 081 450 0868

PROPERTIES TO RENT IN HERMIS, W/BAY Near Dunes Mall AVAILABLE AS FROM 1st of July 2019 Bed room (3) Double garage - electric Alarm g4s monitored Separate kitchen Indoor braai Build in stove 2 bathrooms Guest toilet down Pre-payment meter All for N$ 9000.00 INTERESTED CONTACT THE OWNER @ 0812413453 TO RENT: Bachelors flat, near Tutaleni Primary School With own toilet, shower, safe parking. N$ 2 200.00 + Electricity N$ 300.00 N$ 2 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 340 2077 064 202 343 TO RENT: Meersig, Walvis Bay, 33 7th Road East 2 bedroom with BIC, toilet, bath, shower Open plan kitchen/lounge with bic, stove Double garage. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Deposit required N$ 6 000.00 Available immediately Contact: 081 454 1947 081 247 2717 TO RENT: Union Court, Walvis Bay 3 bedroom duplex, 2 bathrooms, single tandem garage W/E excl. Furnished N$ 10 500.00 p/m Unfurnished N$ 8 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 699 4897 TO RENT: Fully furnished 2 bedroom flat, open plan lounge/kitchen. Indoor braai. Single garage. Walking distance from the sea. In secure complex Swakopmund. N$ 7 500.00 p/m 3 bedroom house in Ocean View, ensuite full bathroom, open plan kitchen / lounge. Double garage, indoor braai. N$ 9 000.00 p/m Call: 081 637 5060 TO RENT: Bachelor Flat with 1 bedroom kitchen and toilet with shower to rent for N$ 3 000.00 monthly and N$ 1 000.00 Deposit. Water included with Prepaid Electricity. Please Note: No Garage. Available 1 June 2019 For more information contact: Heidi 081 255 8457


17 MAY 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

TO RENT: Walvis Bay – two bedroom flat Great location! Neat and spacious two bedrooms. Bic, kitchen with stove, 1½ bathroom, open plan sit/lounge. Indoor braai. Remote garage and gate. Alarm system. Pre paid electricity. Water excluded – no connection fees. DSTV available. Sorry no children & pets. Semi furnished: N$ 6 500.00 p/m Unfurnished N$ 6 000.00 plus deposit Contact: 081 250 4694 064 203 342


To Rent: Storage Units / Garages situated in industrial area: 4 x Standard Units @ N$1098.00 p/m plus deposit 1 x Larger Unit @ N$1537.00 p/m plus deposit Contact: 064 20 5891 if interested. To rent Vineta: Neat and spacious 3bedroom house with single garage and small yard. Walking distance from shopping mall. Immediately available. N$ 10800 per month + deposit. 0811286095 TO RENT: Narraville A Freestanding house 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, build in cupboards in rooms and kitchen. No garage. W/E excl. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Available 15 May Contact: 081 035 1091 TO RENT: Narraville, new house ext behind De Duine Available 1 August 2019 1x bedroom with built in cupboards & walk in cupboards & built in stove. Water incl. Pre paid electricity. No garage. Secured boundary wall Deposit 2 months N$ 3 300.00 p/m Contact: 081 409 8507 Mile 4 Large 3 bedroom apartment .Two separate garages, built in cupboards, barbeque area. Water and electricity excluded(Pre paid electricity.) Very close to the sea. N$ 7800.00 plus deposit same amount. Contact Annemarie 0816985378 Caroline 0816848412



WALVIS BAY 20 4505



TO LET J & B PARK CENTRAL OPPOSITE RAILWAY STATION - 191 m² Warehouse plus office WAREHOUSE INDUSTRIAL AREA 170 m² to 700m² @ N$50 per m² 300 m² @ $40 per m² OFFICES ABOVE NEDBANK 350 m² @ N$45 per m² CENTRAL SHOP SPACE AVAILABLE Between 100 m² and N$250 m²

Dianne 081 239 6323


TO LET:- Immediately available in Walvis Bay HUGE TWO BEDROOM FLAT in Ultra Properties Building, situated at 199 Nangola Mbumba drive, Walvis Bay, Centre of town. Newly renovated two bedroom flat with BIC, Spacious living room, Kitchen with BIC and BIS, 1 Bathroom, Garage. Very safe and secure. Water excluded & Pre Paid Electricity installed. Rent is N$ 5900,00 per month + deposit Available Immediately Contact: Sonja at 064207997 to view. Email: sonjab@ultratravel.net

To rent Vineta: 3 bedroom house with separate bachelor flat, 2 garages, neatly renovated, spacious, walking distance from Platz am mer shopping mall. Immediately available. N$ 14000 per month + deposit. 0811286095 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Omuguluwobashe Circle Namport, Erf 4572 / 33 One bedroom flat with open plan kitchen, own bathroom N$ 3 000.00 p/m N$ 1 000.00 deposit W/E incl. Contact: 081 286 2506 081 856 8528 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Makriel Street 30 Bachelor apartments N$ 3150.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 314 9294

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





TO RENT: One bedroom backyard flat to rent in Narraville With bic, shower, open plan kitchen from 1 June 2019 N$ 3 600.00 p/m Deposit N$ 3 600.00 W/E incl. Plus WIFI Contact: 081 555 3781 081 298 3634

Malakia Properties Estate Agents TO LET MONDESA Rooms from N$1400.00 to N$2600.00 JABULANI 2Bedrooms,2bathrooms Lounge, Kitchen bic with stove and parking area N$ 4 500.00 W/L Excl MAHETAGO 3Bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen and Lounge N$ 5500.00 W/ Incl NHE {Swakopmund} 3bedrooms, bathroom Lounge and Kitchen N$ 5 900.00 W/ Incl TULINAWA 2Bedrooms,2bathrooms, Kitchen, Lounge N$ 4 000.00 W/INCL MATUTURA 2bedrooms, bathroom Lounge and Kitchen with bic N$ 4 600.00 W/L Excl 2bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen N$ 4 400.00 W/L Excl KUISEBMOND 2bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen N$ 3 600.00 W/L Excl ARANDIS 1bedroom, bathroom,Kitchen N$ 2 000.00 W/Incl All Deposit Required Tel: 064-406783 Cell: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com


OMARURU WILDLIFE ESTATE 12,6 ha Plot with bush bathroom (Reed): flushtoilet, shower, hand-basin, hot-water stove (donkie), platform for tents N$ 980,000.00 o.n.c.o. Tel. 081-1276317

TO RENT: Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma Ave 216 Walvis Bay. Modern spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen with stove / dishwasher. Build in cupboards Big lounge, double garage Big private front courtyard Small at the back. Blinds, Paid G4S. Pre paid electricity. Moderate water incl. Very strict selection. Quiet safe complex. small animal negotiable. Long term lease. No agents. Available from 1 June 2019 N$ 7 000.00 p/m Plus N$ 7 000.00 deposito Contact Frank/Hannah 081 124 2151 TO RENT: Long Beach, Priar Da La Costa Secure complex, 2 x bedrooms with BIC, @ x bathrooms, double garage, BIS and BIC, balcony and a fire place. Water inclusive, electricity pre-paid N$ 6 500.00 p/m + no deposit and no pets allowed. Contact: 081 253 9091 TO RENT: Two (2) bed room, sitting room , Kitchen, Garage, Shower and Toilet, Build in cupboard House to rent in Narraville, Erf 3153, Meeu Street, Rent amount N$ 6200.00 negotiable Including Electricity and water and N$ 2000.00 Deposit,Two bed room flat build in cupboard, garage and water included pre-paid electricity rent amount N$5400 and Deposit N$2000. Erf 3153, Meeu street, Narraville, Walvis Bay. Room to rent in Kuisebmond N$2200.00 water and electricity included. All available Now For View contact: 081 828 7283 / 081 338 7297 or Whatsapp on 081 263 1747

TO RENT: Tamariskia 1. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, living room, garage, W inc. @ N$ 5 000.00 p/m 2. 2 bedroom flat with bathroom, kitchen. @ N$ 3 000.00 p/m W inc. Call 081 290 0073 TO RENT: Swakopmund Available at NHE houses opposite Tamariskia A bachelor flat with BIC and DSTV cable installed. N$ 3 000.00 p/m + N$ 3 000.00 deposit payable in installments Contact: 081 739 4444 TO RENT: Flat to rent at Apex Park Tamariskia 1st Floor - 1 bedroom flat with BIC, open-plan kitchen and lounge, single garage. No courtyard. W/E incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m (NEG) Available, Immediately Contact: 081 747 8829 TO RENT: Kramersdorf 1 bedroom flat + garage Furnished N$ 5 000.00 p/m Unfurnished N$ 4 000.00 p/m Immediately Available Contact: 081 202 1205

Narraville Walvis Bay Rental Prices Reduced Ground Floor units at Meribel and Toermalyn Rental: NOW - N$4550.00 WAS-N$4950.00 W&E Excluded, Deposit payable over 3 months

Contact Janine 0811505020 Viewings only on Tuesdays & Fridays - 12:00 – 14:00 TO RENT: Town house, Eureka Court Ocean View Swakopmund Walking distance from Spar, Ocean View 2 bedrooms, 1 guest toilet, single garage Open plan kitchen / living room Inside bbq Courtyard – small garden at the back. N$ 6 500.00 p/m Plus deposit Pre paid electricity. Water up to N$ 300.00 No pets.Immediately available. Contact AJL Real Estate 081 292 5892 TO RENT: Kuisebmond behind Koeldrank Fontein hn 1792, Amatist Cresent Str. 1x 1 bedroom with small kitchen, own toilet & shower with hot water for a single person available now. N$ 2 550.00 p/m Payable in advance Deposit N$ 1000.00 1x Bachelor flat with own toilet & shower Hot water for single person Available 1 June N$ 2 500.00 p/m in advance Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 240 9800 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES To Rent Meersig - 1 bedroom flat with open plan kitchen, lounge, toilet and shower. Indoor braai, garage N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/E incl Meersig - 3x 1 bedroom flats with open plan kitchen, toilet and shower. Langstrand - 4 fully furnished beautiful double storey, 3 bathrooms, double garage N$ 15 000.00 3 bedroom townhouse, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge. N$ 9 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 122 8067 TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent in Tamariskia 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen, bathroom, secured. Water and Electricity included, preferably a single person. N$ 3 500.00 p/m + N$ 2 000.00 Deposit Contact: 081 122 9383

Excellent Investment Opportunity Only three units selling at reduced prices at Pelikan Platz (flats) Narraville

Was N$805 000.00 Now N$684 000.00 Was N$840 000 Now N$715 000 Was N$865 000 Now N$735 000 For viewing contact Janine Bester +264 81 150 5020

For Sale - Tamariskia Freestanding house 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Kitchen Lounge Single garage PLUS: 1 Bedroom bachelor flat, 1 bathroom, kitchenette, single garage N$1 250 000.00 Ansu - 081 242 9198 Office - 081 169 1872 ERF FOR SALE: Heritage Hill. ERF 123 – Corner ERF with Good view. 748 Square Meters N$ 480 000.00 Please Contact Owner by WhatsApp: 081 127 0280 or by e-mail on umis@afol.com.na ERF FOR SALE: Ocean View less than 1 km from Pro-Ed Akademie. Erf 2873 1423 Square Meters N$ 995 000.00 Please Contact Owner by WhatsApp: 081 127 0280 or by email on Umis@afol.com.na VACANT PLOT FOR SALE 525 m² single residential plot in Meersig, Walvis Bay Next to the Golf course and a walking distance to the Lagoon Selling for N$ 450 000.00 Negotiable Contact: 081 305 9030

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Narraville, Walvis Bay Brand new development coming soon! 1 & 2 bedroom flats from only N$ 337 000-00 Shops from N$ 149 000-00 Garages from N$ 134 000-00 Central, Walvis Bay Brand new development coming soon! Spacious 2 bedroom flats from only N$ 615 000-00 with garage Hermes, Walvis Bay – Dunes Court Spacious 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse, Double garage, indoor BBQ, close to Dunes Mall, Valued at N$ 1 500 000-00 Selling for only N$ 1 185 000-00! RL1474126 Lagoon, Walvis Bay Lovely 3 bed, 2 bath house, Double garage, Indoor BBQ & entertainment Valued at N$ 2 200 000-00 Selling for only N$ 1 820 000-00! SOLE MANDATE Swakopmund Well located & established coffee shop & cocktail bar Selling as running concern N$ 5 950 000-00 Klein Windhoek – Urban Space 3 bed, 2 bath flat, garage N$ 1 350 000-00 REF: RL1474004 FFC REG NO: R2019/5234 Sumari – 081 627 3181 TAMARISKIA 3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Dining room, Lounge Plus two bachelor flats and Double Garages N$1.6mil JABULANI 3bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove Lounge plus bachelor flat N$850 000.00 NHE 3bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen and Lounge N$790 000.00 OLWETWENI 3bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen, lounge, plus 2outside rooms N$950 000.00 TULINAWA 3bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen and lounge N$950 000.00 MONDESA House N$300 000 cash only Malakia, Office 064-406783 Cell: 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproperties@ yahoo.com


17 MAY 2019


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net



Swakopmund: PalmCourt Retirement Home /Aftree Oord Enkel slaapkamer met enkel motorhuis, koop krag, gratis water, ensuite geriewe, klein oopplan kombuis met ingeboude 2-plaat stoof, sitkamer, DSTV skottel aansluiting, skoonmaakdienste, baie veilig, naby inkoopsentrum en strand. N$ 520 000.00 Tweede motorhuis kan ook alleen gekoop word teen N$ 90 000.00 Onderhandelbaar Oordragskoste uitgesluit Mev JL Pretorius: 081 293 6199 email: jlpretorius@mtcmobile.com. na

ZzZ Guesthouse Windhoek West: Comfortable BUT affordable accommodation with en-suite bathroom, DSTV, aircon, complimentary snack, free WiFi, private BBQ areas, Swimming pool and safe parking. Bookings: 081 4777 414


HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 700 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960

PROPERTIES WANTED TE KOOP GESOEK: Swakopmund of Walvisbaai 2/3 slaapkamers, garage, ingeboude kaste ± N$ 1.2 mil Kontak: 081 829 2228

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Guest rooms available in Kuisebmond From N$ 200.00 Contact: 081 616 5586


VACANCIES YEHUDA EMPLOYMENT Agency Job placements: Are you looking for work in the hospitality industry, as a chef / cook, waiter/ waitress, professional cleaner, office administrator, front office, housekeeper, barman, sales person, cashiers, get recruited. Get trained and placed in jobs. SMS your name and town to book your place. Windhoek: 081 394 9344 Walvis Bay: 081 360 8335 Rundu: 081 643 0838 NO CALLS!

NEW POSITION Kindly assist with the placing of the following advert for a new position in Friday's addition: Well established security company as the following position available: Description Security Manager Responsible: ·Monitoring the security operations. implement security policies, regulations, rules, and norms and make sure that the environment in their organization is safe for employers and visitors. Required to hire new members for the staff and delegate tasks and duties to them. Check and monitor the access control of the people who are visiting the company. Keeping track of different events. Implementing security protocols. Creating emergency response procedures. Conducting security evaluations. Supervising security staff members. Skills Having good communication skills. Being physically fit. Having good knowledge of security environments and hazards. Being polite. Having interpersonal skills. Being analytical. Having leadership skills. Being proactive. Having good negotiation skills. Being able to work with a team. Education High School Diploma and a Bachelor´s or Associate´s Degree in Criminal Justice, Public Administration, Business, or related subjects. Relevant experience as a member of police forces, federal agencies, National Guard, among other institutions. 21 years old and have a license before being hired. This qualification consists of a background check, drug tests, and class work including lessons on how to handle emergency situations. Specific training schemes such as programs in Senior Security Management. Certification offered by several colleges and schools. Please send CVs to the following email addresses: heidirossouw@ yahoo.com nataliewelmans@ gmail.com Only Shortlisted candidate will be contacted.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



FOR SALE: Toyota Hilux bakkie GD6 double cab 4x2 2.4 diesel 57600 km – 2017 model Executive canopy, smash and grab tinted. Windows including the canopy Rubberized and underbody. Contact: 081 776 0701

FOR SALE: Honda 450 quad bike, very good condition Road worthy trailer designed to fit 2 x quad bikes, very good condition N$48 000.00 Contact – 0811280545 / 0811226455

CAR FOR SALE: Toyota Run x Excellent condition N$ 45 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 449 4257

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE NEUZ DE LA INDIA SLIMMING NUT Loose weight while you sleep N$ 350.00 2 months supply Contact: 081 782 0808

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HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE New fridge, new oven, new kitchen? Contact us for any BOSCH, DEFY, WHIRLPOOL and SEVERIN large household appliances today!

Otto Günther, 064 402621, Swakopmund

ANIMALS GEMSBOK /ORYX Springbok Zebra carcasses for sale. Deliver in Swakopmund and Walvis every Monday. Strictly cash Please call Annelie: 081 618 4402

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 31 year old lady looking for domestic work for 3 days a week. I am hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 614 0569 JOB WANTED: I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work. I have 1 year experience. Contact: 081 552 7659 JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old Diana looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 203 3700 081 659 8406 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady 27 years old looking for work as a housekeeper, office cleaning, guesthouses. I have experience. Walvis, Swakopmund or Langstrand. Contact: 081 709 7212 JOB WANTED: I am looking for any kind of work. Contact: 081 376 0973 JOB WANTED: Looking for work in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 729 0317 JOB WANTED: I am a 34 year old lady looking for work in Walvis Bay. Domestic work, cleaning work, lodges, guesthouses, cashier or bar lady. I have experience. Contact: 081 402 4951 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work. Contact: 081 696 1487 JOB WANTED: I am a 34 year old lady looking for domestic work, babysitting, day care, restaurant. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 265 6123 JOB WANTED: I am a 23 year old looking for a job in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay, I have a bachelors degree in Logistics and Transport. Contact: 081 648 5783 / 081 207 6697

JOBS JOBS WANTED WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a trustworthy 28 year old lady looking for domestic work or any kind of work in Swakopmund, I have a certificate in waitressing. Contact: 081 434 3599 JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old very responsible and hardworking lady looking for domestic work or any kind of work in Swakopmund, I have experience and can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 614 0535 / 081 885 4180 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for any type of job like cleaning, house keeping, chef, washing and ironing in Swakopmund. I have a grade12 certificate, ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 277 3712 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for office administration work, a chef, laundry, work in a day care and pre-grade in Swakopmund, I have experience and a grade12 certificate. I am willing to start anytime. Contact: 081 841 7298 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 36 jarige betroubare vrou opsoek na huiswerk of stryk werk in Swakopmund vir Maandag tot Vrydag, ek kan ook inslaap werk doen. Kontak: 081 238 9093 WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund en Walvisbaai, ek kan kinders oppas en huis skoonmaak. Kontak: 081 647 2965 JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old serious herero lady looking for any type of work preferably domestic work, office cleaning and lodges around Swakopmund, Long beach and Walvis Bay I have many years of experience and ready to start any time. Contact: 081 208 6827 / 081 200 5921 WERK GESOEK: Ek is dringend opsoek na huiswerk vir 5 dae per week in Swakopmund, Langstrand en Myl 4. Ek kan ook babas oppas, ek is baie betroubaar, rook of drink nie. Ek kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 837 1346

JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old man is looking for a sea going work. I have all requirements or work in a fabric. Contact: 081 249 8286 BERNADETTE: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai, 2 dae werk. Dinsdae en Donderdae, dorp, Lagoon, Meersig. Baie betroubare persoon. Kontak: 081 401 8060 HENOCK SHILONGO Ek is opsoek na drywers werk, ek het lisensie kode B, en het 20 jaar ondervinding. Kan vir maatskapye werk en karre of bakkies ry. Kontak: 081 262 9245 081 747 2557 JOB WANTED: I am a trustworthy and hardworking gentleman of 46 years of age urgently looking for security guard, general or yard cleaning work in Swakopmund or Long beach. I am willing to start any time. Contact: 081 798 1624 JOB WANTED: I am a 21 year old lady looking for domestic work or any other work in Walvis Bay. I have grade 12 qualification. Willing to start immediately. I can speak English fluently. Hardworking, honest and neat. I am willing to learn other skills. Contact: 081 265 2261 JOB WANTED: I am a 27 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay, Town. Lagoon, Langstrand or Meersig. I have 5 years experience and is in need of work. Contact: 081 742 3975

SERVICES DOCTOR KASAWALA Pay after success Bring back lost lover the same day. get woman or men of your choice, get married quickly, love you only, pregnancy problems, win gambling and casino, manhood enlargement all sizes the same day. Financial problems, get job, customer attraction to boost your business, boost your breast and hips and many more medicine is guaranteed is 100 % Call: 081 731 5884


17 MAY 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




Traditional Dr Mama Aisha A very strong traditional Dr who is helping and solving peoples problems, casting out spells and chase away bad luck, financial, to bring back your love one, to stop your lover to cheat, for a man or woman dreaming having sex with someone, those are spiritual wives and husbands they control all your life and take your money when you have money at the end of the day you don’t know what to do with the money. Call her now: 081 697 0490 Swakopmund

Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274

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VACANCIES Taiyo Namibia (PTY) Ltd is a Namibian owned company operating in the Fishing sector. We are an equal opportunity employer and we are passionate about learning and development. We require the full-time services of dynamic and committed individuals with the below Maritime Certificates:

Third Grade Maritime Officer (Navigation)

2017 Ford Ecosport 71000km

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N$ 129 900

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2017 Toyota Fortuner 2.8 4x4 AT 81000km

N$ 399 900

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 7 June 2019. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Mr K. I. Thembikozi, P O Box 23216, Windhoek

2015 Toyota Etios 1.5 xs 48500km


N$ 119 900

2016 Corolla Quest, 67000km

N$ 169 900

2015 Nissan Navara 2.5 tdi le 4x4 54000km

N$ 359 900

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Tel: (0)64 206 152 C/O 18th Ave. & 11th Street Walvis Bay, Namibia

* 24.04.1985 + 29.04.2019 Miga 7 vers 8

ROUDIENS: Vrydag, 17 Mei 2019 19:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk,Narraville


BEGRAFNISDIENS: Saterdag, 18 Mei 2019 10:30 by Sam Nujoma straat 151 (Poulton Woning) 11:00 vanuit Bethel Congregational Kerk, Narraville Kontak besonderhede: Emily Poulton: 081 305 2336

17 MAY 2019





17 MAY 2019

JEEP TOPLESS DAY T20 squad announced 18 MAY Rudi Bowe

Namibia's national cricket team will compete in the ICC T20 World Cup Africa Finals tournament from today 17 to 24 May in Kampala Uganda. Cricket Namibia has announced a 14-man squad with Merwe Gerhard Erasmus the captain of the team, while Nicolaas Frylinck will be the vice-captain with Pierre de Bruyn the head coach, while Albie Morkel will be assisting him, and Dee Thakur is the team manager. Namibia will be up against Botswana, Uganda, Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya with the top two teams will book their place for the ICC Global T20 Qualifier slated for 11

October to 3 November in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Namibia will take on Uganda in their first match on 21 May. The squad are as follows: Stephen Julian Baard, Danie van Schoor, Jan Izak de Villiers, Merwe Erasmus, Jan Nicolaas Frylinck, Zane Green, Zhivago Groenewald, Nikolaas Davin, Tangeni Lungameni, Bernard Scholtz, Johannes Jonathan Smit, Christoffel Viljoen, Karl Birkenstock and Helao Ya France.

Namibia on a High It is once again time for our yearly Jeep topless day. Celebrated internationally, topless day binds our jeep communities all across the globe. Whether or not you have attended a Go Topless Day previously or are a first time jeep owner we hope that you join us in 2019. Go topless day includes much more than just taking the top off your Jeep, last year there were over 150 events worldwide. We will be hosting two events in Namibia. One will be held in Windhoek and the other at the Coast, starting at M&Z Swakopmund at 9am. We will be launching and showcasing the new JL Wrangler and we are inviting the whole community to join our Go Topless Day. Sponsers for Go Topless Day include Varta batteries for Tshirt sponsorship, Windhoek Breweries sponsoring water and McKane cooldrinks. As well as M&Z Motors supplying us with our starting point and refreshments. This year we are also welcoming the community to drive through town with us. If you would like to join or have quarries about this event, feel free to contact Mr Werner Schaap directly on 081 169 1942.

The ICC Development Africa Conference was held at the Hilton Hotel in Windhoek. The ICC Africa Conference is held annually by ICC bringing together the 19 Associates and 2 full member countries to review the past year, share successful events and plan for the upcoming year. This Africa Regional Conference was all about innovation; thinking differently; and celebrating & empowering Africa's Leaders. It has been five years since we last received an award from the ICC, which was when we were awarded as the Best Overall Cricket Development in Africa in 2014. This year Cricket Namibia received an award for the Most Improved Association in Africa during 2018, which was presented by the International Cricket Council at a gala event in Windhoek on Saturday 27 April. The criteria that ICC considered for the Most Improved award was the improvement made in the last 12 months regarding the development structure, governance, player's performance and efficiency of the Cricket Namibia office. We have been, and still are working on improving governance, relating more with each other and making good decisions that will influence the right direction of the organisation. In March this year we hosted the U19 World Cup Africa qualifier, whilst in April we hosted the World Cricket League 2 Final Qualifier as well as the Africa Regional High-Performance Conference and the ICC Regional Conference all during the same overlapping period. CN has worked hard as an organisation and have created a culture of unity which we have been practicing on and off the field. On the field we came out as the champions in the tournament whereby we have gained ODI status after 16 years; off the field our efforts have been recognised by the ICC with the award of this prestigious trophy. Our Board has made it clear that our long-term objective is to make cricket the sport of choice for Namibia, to offer a professional career to men's

and women's players alike and to represent Namibia in the best possible light on the world stage. Our recent successes on off the field are a clear indication that we are moving in the right direction. It is particularly encouraging to note the positive reaction of all of the participants to recent tournaments and conferences in Namibia. We all understand that sport is a team event, but what is also not always remembered is that the team is not only the players on the field but also a huge array of often unknown and largely unrecognised supporters. Appreciation must be given to this extended team, such everyone who worked so hard to make the grounds and facilities ready and of international standard, the hotel staff, the transport companies (especially the drivers!), the security personnel, ambulance and emergency staff, caterers, ground staff, venue managers, liaison officers, the visa consultants, officials of Home Affairs and the Namibia Sports Commission, equipment suppliers (often at strange hours of the day!), scorers, umpires, casuals, sponsors, a whole range of volunteers and lastly, but not least, the wonderful office staff. Each and every one is part of our success and a further indication of the ability of Namibia as a nation to rise to any occasion. We have made many mistakes over the past few years and will continue to make mistakes in the future. We fail because we are genuinely trying to grow and improve rather than standstill, and we measure these failures against the successes that sometimes come later. The recent ICC award is testimony that our successes have outnumbered our failures and we look forward to continuing to improve in the future. We have so much talent in our country and we welcome every young player that wants to be part of our system and to help cricket in Namibia grow!

17 MAY 2019



Africa Inline Hockey Cup


I Tyre Golf Day I Tyre was the sponsor of the Workers Day Golf tournament at Rossmund.

Front row: U. Cramer, N. Kaperu, T. Kutz, A. Rottcher, N. Epler, C. Haberl, R. Bacher Back row: B. Sobel, I. Reviglio, M. Finkeldey, J. Friedensdorf, L. Strydom, A. Wirtz, W van der Plas Rudi Bowe

Namibia Ice and Inline Hockey Federation (NIIHA) is currently preparing to host the 3rd edition of the prestigious Africa Cup Inline Hockey competition to take place from May 27 - Jun 1 at the Dome in Swakopmund. The Africa Cup Inline Hockey Championships running in its third year is bigger and better in 2019. This year promises more teams, a new under 14 division as well as an Africa Cup Inline Hockey Market with live music, food and much more. The pro division will host 9 teams that will include players from Germany, Canada, Brazil, India, Spain, France, Australia, South Africa and our local Namibian National Men's teams. This year there will be a new exciting under 14 division which will showcase the young talent of 8 teams in Namibia. Young players from Taiwan will also be taking part. The focus this year will be on the spectators as there will be a market with a fun kid's zone, stalls, food and live music. The spectators can join in on the action and will be called out from their seats to take part and win exciting prizes. There will be an All-Star Game between Africa and the World with Team Africa and will consist of the best players from Africa. The team will mostly be made up of Namibian National players and South African National players. The World team will be made up of 30 international players from around the world. What makes this game so special, is of the 100 players in the Africa Cup tournament, the best 20 players will be battling it out between them. All Star games tend to be high scoring as the players mostly focus on scoring goals and showing off to the crowd. Africa Cup Chair, Dave Hammond expects this game to be one of the major

highlights of this event. Dome Dragons are the defending champions. Namibia Senior Men came 2nd last year, Junior Men came 4th. Will Dave Hammond and his Dome Dragons meet the Namibia Senior Men's National team for the third consecutive time in the finals this year, or will another team come in and swoop up the cup. The teams that will compete from top honours in the pro division are: Pool A Dare Devils Buron Warriors Nam Senior Men Moose Knuckles Pool B Bandits Nam Junior Men Rhinos Dome Dragons Hockeyshop Forster The competitor in the under 14 tournament are; Pool A Ground Rush Adventures FNB TV2 Namibia Pupkewitz von Baum's Pool B Platz am Meer Weimann's Carpentry WB Hardware SPAR

Front row: N. Reviglio, A. Lucks, S. Bartsch, C. Coetzee, H. Diekmann, A. van der Plas. Back row: B. Sobel, L. Gilchrist, P. Laporte, M. Januarie, R. Bingham, M. Skolnic, S. Liechti, K. HoppeSpeer, A. Rhodes

Christopher managed to join us on the course,which was great. There were queues waiting to tee off in the mist at 8 o'clock on both sides. As to be expected the clubhouse was buzzing from around lunchtime and the 'puttputt' course was overflowing whilst the bowling section held one of their 'poker 'fundraising days. So, all in all everyone had an awesome day. The results of the day were; Nearest to the Pin. No.7 – George Murasiki, 18 holes: Des Benson 37points,Tiekie De Wet 35poits, 9 Holes: Bertie Saunderson 18points On Saturday 4 Maywas the second round of this year's Dulux Golf Series with Johan Le Riche on hand to see that all went according to the rules and playing with a partner of choice. They managed to play a not too shabby 43points which was the winning score for the day.Once again, the day brought out a good field of golfers vying for a place in the final. Winners on the day were Andrew van Schalkwyk/Steven Johns 43points followed by Michael Ludeke/Stuart Salt 42points – GertBreedt picked-up a Nearest to the Pin Prize on Number 12. A total of five pairs were nominated to go through to the final to be played at the Omeya Golf Course on 31 August :- Michael Ludeke/Stuart Salt, Warren Theron/Bertie Saunderson, Helmut Ndjendja/ Justine Shivulo,GertBreedt/Gary Knight and Lynne van der Walt/ Zelda Nel. Thanks to Dulux for a fantastic day and for their support of Golf in Namibia. Wednesday 8 May was time for breakfast vouchers from Atlantic Villas supported by Art Africa with some great ball markers. There was a field of 30 golfers who enjoyed the afternoon in excellent weather conditions. Unfortunately for Helen Boettger it was not a great day at the office. Securing the Most Golf whilst Stuart Salt picked up the 9-hole prize with 20 points over the back 9 after suffering a terrible front 9 with 8 blackouts and a three pointer on No.9 – just goes to show one must never give up. Our 18holewinner was Kevin Wentzel took the count-out on 37 points over Michael Ludeke. Well played to all and thanks to the sponsors. Thought for the week: A recent statistical survey of golfers' height, conducted on behalf of a major sportswear company, revealed that the average player is seldom as tall as his stories.

FCS donates

Jeanine Du Toit from FCS handed the check to the coaches and gymnast from the club Rudi Bowe

Financial Consulting Services (FCS) Walvis Bay as part of their corporate responsibility donated money to two sports clubs in Walvis Bay. The clubs that received the donations were Walvis Bay Gymnastic Club (N$20643.38) and Buccaneer Squash Club. Both clubs gave their heartfelt thanks to FCS and promised that the money will be used wisely. The Gymnastic Club will host a Trampoline and tumbling competition from 24-25 May at the Jan Wilken Indoor Sport Centre while Buccaneer will be the host of the Namib Diesel Squash league that will start on 12 June at the club.

Jan De Smit the chaiman of Buccaneer Squash Club received the check from Jeanine Du Toit from FCS

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