17 sept namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6805 TUESDAY 17 SEPTEMBER 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Unregistered accommodation outlets hurt Swakopmund hospitality sector Registered outlets urge municipality and NTB to waiver or lower rates

Early closure of schools due to the National Elections and National Clean Up Campaign

Isaac Chikosi

This letter serves to inform all the government schools two important issues.

Owners of registered guesthouses and bed and breakfast establishments in Swakopmund are crying foul over the high number of unregistered airbnb's. The owners of accommodation registered with Airbnb are competing unfairly against establishments who are registered with the municipality (fitness certificates etc.) as well as the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) which among others are taking levies per occupied bed. The complainants wrote an official letter to the municipality of Swakopmund urging the local authority to waiver annual fees for fitness certificates, as there are numerous establishments not registered. A second letter was directed to the NTB requesting a decrease in NTB levies. Although not disregarding the NTB's efforts the past years to compel owners of accommodation establishments, specifically Airbnb's to register, the owners who complain say the unregistered businesses are unfairly

Continues on page 2

Firstly, due to the National Elections which has been scheduled to take place on 27 November, the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture is directed by the Minister to close all government schools including the hostels on 22 November. However, schools management are hereby advised to make the necessary internal arrangements to compensate for the lost time with the support of the inspectors of Education. Secondly, schools management are being reminded of the National Clean-up Campaign which is scheduled to take place on 20 September. Letters to this effect were sent out on 23 August and 2 September. Schools should ensure that everyone participates in this very important activity to clean the whole school including where applicable the hostels. This activity can be carried our during weekends and can involve the communities around the schools on voluntary basis. Furthermore, all schools are obliged to carry out regular general school grounds cleaning as well as daily classroom and ablution blocks cleaning. A clean environment is essential for conductibe learning atmosphere. Finally, all school management should be reminded to take serious measures to prevent vandalism of school property at all times. The Ministry also relies on your professional input and support to maximise the remaining time in the best interest of all learners.

Petty criminals hold Walvis Bay ransom Eileen van der Schyff Scrap metal scavengers continue to inflict damage and losses to residents of Walvis Bay. In this latest incident in the central business district one of these scavengers broke off a water tap, leading to huge water losses and also the premises owner who had to incur expenses of several hundred Namibia Dollar to repair the damage. Community members at the scene on Sunday rubbish bins at houses simply to carry their stolen said the Namibian Police need to step up foot items. Many of these scavengers shift to the patrols in the central business district during central business district over the weekend where day time (seven days a week), as this is when they consume alcohol, harass the public. Many most of these offenses are committed. Despite live in empty houses in the central business police officers deployed on foot, petty crimes district and even the suburbs where they also and public menace remain out of hand. That can remove all fittings in the houses to sell as scrap only mean the Police is not approaching foot metal. patrols with a clear strategy in mind. In no uncertain terms these residents also called Walvis Bay is plagued by dozens of people upon scrap metal dealers to tighten measures to walking around by day stealing from premises curb the market for small metal items. anything from taps, copper pipes, house One resident also had what seems to be two very numbers, hose pipes, chairs and others. practical ideas: The latest trend is also for scavengers to steal Continues on page 2

Scrap metal scavengers are stealing off dozens of taps and metal pipes in Walvis Bay per week. The public wants the Police to take tougher action

The stealing of dustbins is also at an alarming increase


Paratus claims the economic effect could have been much worse Page 3

Christian group on way to Swakop in horror crash

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Walvis Bay music artists scoop at the Nama's

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American NHL star notices and sponsors hockey player from Swakop

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Unregistered accom- Petty criminals hold Walvis Bay ransom modation outlets Continued from page 1

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competing when not paying levies and fees. Secondly, Airbnb's have grown by such big numbers in the Swakopmund accommodation and hospitality market that competition have become fierce and cut-throat. Many registered accommodation establishments as a result are forced to cut costs, including retrenching employees and reducing procurement from service providers. “…furthermore, we request to waiver the fees for fitness certificate for the next 2 years. I guess it is only fair to give all accommodations the same chance as no one is doing anything against the illegal Airbnb, so we should have also the same rights”, reads and extract of the letters sent to the municipality and NTB.

“Firstly, scrap metal dealers must have window periods when scrap of say under 50kg can be sold. Let us make it for instance Wednesday of every week from 09:00 to 16:00. On those days police officers must attend at the premises of the scrap dealers and every person's belongings are searched and such persons must provide account of the origin of the items”. Adding if the person cannot explain the origin of the items it needs to be confiscated. Secondly, this resident proposed, the Namibian Police should step up their stop and search of people's who carry backpacks or other bags such as canvas bags. The Police must also confiscate shopping trolleys which are used by scavengers, as these trolleys belong to the supermarkets. “We can deal crime a significant blow if our police take their daily patrols of Walvis Bay serious and for instance commit themselves to targets like 25 searches per member per day. Walvis Bay's streets are also ruled currently by vendors who simply put up stalls on street corners and on pavements without proper hawkers licenses or confining themselves to hawkers' areas. If we don't tackle crime at grassroot level we would also not be able to curb more serious crimes. Let us start at the basics”, this person said.

Mrs Bosman with the members of the “Op en Wakker Club”

Mrs Bosman Turned 90 Rudi Bowe A retired teacher of Walvis Bay, Mrs Annie Bosman, celebrated her 90th birthday on Saturday. Friends and family celebrated this milestone moment with her. Mrs Bosman was an English teacher at Narraville Primary School (NPS) for the last 15 years of her decades-long career as teacher. Bosman’s motto is you might be aged in terms because of years, but your mind and your spirit can stay young. She does sewing that not only keeps her hands moving but it is also excellent exercise to the mind. The birthday party was set up by her children and her friends from the “Op-EnWakker Club”. Some former students- and colleagues were also in attendance to celebrate Mrs Bosman's birthday and to pay tribute to the role she played in their lives as young people. Bosman used to teach English and Sewing. She helped countless girls with their matric farewell dresses. Mrs Bosman - we salute you for your contribution you made to the community of Walvis Bay and we wish you many more years of joy, health and best moments with your loved-ones.

Empty houses are stripped of all things valuable and serve as havens for criminals and vagrants

Dozens of people are illegally selling goods on the streets of Walvis Bay without hawker’s licenses or in areas where hawking is not allowed - an example is in front of banks which pose a security risk. Police officers are passing these illegal hawkers daily, but seem not to be interested to enforce the law and ensure public order

Mr and Ms Dawson, Erna Fredericks with Mrs Bosman and her children and family


Paratus claims the economic effect could have been much worse Windhoek, Namibia - 16 September: Paratus Group CEO Barney Harmse was recently interviewed about the latest outages in Namibia as a result of maintenance on the WACS undersea cable in Swakopmund. He was transparent about the impact on and extent of the network and the technical expertise of the Paratus team across the African operations. “We remain cognisant that Paratus is not only a local operator, but an operator on a pan-African scale. It is therefore prudent to mention that if we did not have a future investment goal for the network across Africa, as we have been doing, this maintenance would have had a crippling effect on Namibia, its businesses and the economy as a whole.” He clarified that the redundant routes available on the network alleviated the flow of traffic and also confirmed that a further bottleneck on these routes could have had a massive impact on the entire communications and ICT industry. The knock-on effect would have created a detrimental degradation of service to enterprises in the country. The fact that Paratus invested hundreds of millions of dollars in redundant routes across the continent has been part of the saving grace during the WACS Maintenance time frame and that better network planning lessons were learnt during the process. New and alternative measures have already been put in place to safeguard the network for future challenges. “I have to praise the technical resources we have employed across our African operations and also the depth of experience they have. Their ongoing capability to manage the network and especially the crisis-managing resilience they have displayed, has shown extraordinary ingenuity,” he adds. Responding to the issue regarding their plans to safeguard the future of the network, Harmse explained that the network is like an Active Dynamic organism. “Adding a new route for redundancy or new development needs to be part of a fully inclusive architectural design.” He says the entire network evolves. “There are various factors one has to take into consideration such as the age of the network, how the network was 'architectured' and how it is managed. On various fronts and concurrently with other countries, Paratus has and will continue its unconditional investment plans across the region.” “The question is not whether portions of the network will go down, which is a reality worldwide, it's about how you react when the challenge is in front of you. We built our network accordingly, because we have a purpose and a cause to achieve,” he explains. When asked about Paratus' purpose and cause for future plans, Harmse says private operators play in a very distinct space and have a supporting role to play in the ICT segment across the continent. “We cannot expect governments to do everything, irrespective of the challenges that they face, regardless of budget constraints or technical resource challenges that may present itself.” “Paratus is a private operator, we have to play an active role in supporting governments because they cannot do everything themselves. In Namibia, as one example, we manage more than 40% of the country's GDP across various industry segments,” he adds. “We have a purpose, a goal, an objective to achieve and we do this to safeguard the network and provide our clients with a seamless network experience across Africa,” Harmse concludes.



Road condition update: C14 Walvis Bay to Solitaire

The first 50 kms from Walvis Bay is in a good condition. The next stretch up to Kries se Rus is in a fair to bad (on some stretches) condition, characterised by an uneven road surface which include corrugation, loose sand and stone. From Kries se Rus up to the Tropic of Capricorn-line, the road is in a good condition as it was recently graded. (Photos: Contributed). (Source: West Coast Safety Initiative).

Website: www.namibtimes.net



Court Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court Katrina Boois (49), Develing Boois (23), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 29 June 2020 for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Aschele Rudi Van Wyk (35), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 21 February 2020 for continuation of trial. The accused have been warned. Morne Feris (21), Quinton Sane Mathews (42), Marlon Rusayne Pins (35), Leonardo Roselli (70), Michael Maclobo (40), Venancio Muller (38), Patrick Ronacco Titus (44), Henry Enrico Visagie (36), Anne Marie Mutilifa (50), Patrick Hilifa Ihulu (42), Jacqueline Imbili (44), Willemina Magrieta Visagie (36), Lukas Sheilemo (29), Michelle Hoa-khoas (49), Henoch Heinrich Uirab (49), Erenst Hoa-khoab (44), Jeanette Candy GAroes (42), Allen Joseph Menale (46), Bernard Van Wyk (33), appeared on charges of theft and acquisition, use, possession of unlawful proceeds. The matter was postponed to 6 March for fixing of trial date. The accused are all out on bail. George Joth Kauazunda (29), appeared on a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 1 November for submissions. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Andreas Hipyawa (51), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 1 July 2020 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. Sylvester Duiker (27), appeared on char-ges of murder and attempted murder. The matter was postponed to 30 September for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$10 000. Raymond Seibeb (24), Eben Haraseb (22), appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 4 February

2020 for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Deon Ariseb (18), appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 6 February 2020 for plea and trial. The accused was released in care of guardian. Magistrate Court Desney Links (26), appeared on a charge of possession of dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 21 October for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Johannes Jacobs (30), appeared on charges of failing to ascertain injuries and failure to ascertain damages sustained. The matter was postponed to 12 November for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. Junias Haipinge Ndume (35), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive breath alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 25 September for fixing of trial date. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Raurentius Kashikola (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 26 September for continuation of trial. The accused remains in custody. Nathan Naobeb (35), appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and crimen injuria. The matter was postponed to 31 October for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. John Kahanduka Ahikufinde (22), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 24 October for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Ennis Hansen (19), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 November for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Tavengwa Shumba (33), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 27 November for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$500.

Walvis Bay Court Report Theofulus Gotlieb (36), Negligent discharge of a firearm (March 2019) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Offender declared unfit to possess a firearm for a period of two years. Kotokeni Shatilwe (21), Vaino David (21), Theft (September 2019) The case was withdrawn against the first accused.

Accused two is convicted of the offence and his matter was postponed to 10 September 2019. Jekona Ankama (49), Two counts of Assault common read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act of 2003 (September 2019)

Christian group on way to Swakopmund in horror crash Eileen van der Schyff A Christian group on their way from Okamatapati to Swakopmund for a church event faced horror when the mini-bus they were travelling in overturned on late Friday afternoon. The driver was one of the fourteen unfortunate people who died in the crash. The 16 seater minibus was carrying 45 passengers including the driver. The other passengers sustained less serious to serious injuries and were transported to the Otjiwarongo State Hospital. Some of the injured were transferred to Windhoek for specialist intervention.

Drunken driving the cause of a lost life Eileen van der Schyff

A passenger in an Opel Corsa lost his life when the driver, under the influence of alcohol lost control over the vehicle causing it to overturn about 10 km from Walvis Bay on the C 14 road this past Saturday. The 49-year-old driver was also injured and arrested after he tested positive for alcohol and now faces charges of culpable homicide and drunken driving. He was admitted in the Walvis Bay state hospital in a stable condition and is under police guard. Shikalepo Matheus Hamutenya (47), passed away at the scene of the accident and a third person traveling in the same car, Wilhelm van Wyk (40), also sustained injuries and was admitted in the Walvis Bay state hospital.

Man shoots himself at the front Eileen van der Schyff door of his house It is suspected a 52-year-old man shot himself outside his own house on Thursday 12 September. Jacobus Kaundinge Haipinge parked his car at his home. The sound of the car woke his wife and she looked through the window and saw him walking around inside the yard. She then went back to sleep as this was not an unusual thing for her husband to do. The next morning, children on their way to school discovered Haipinge lying next to the front door. He had an open wound under his chin and upper head. The children informed his wife who then informed the police. A pistol was found next to Haipinge's right arm. The ownership of the firearm must still be confirmed. No foul play is suspected at this stage and no suicide note was found.




Walvis Bay music artists scoop at the Nama's SharlienTjambari

Walvis Bay music artists, Top Cheri and Vaughn Ahrens, won awards at the recently-held Namibian Annual Music Awards (NAMA's). The NAMA's was presented this year for the 9th year and was hosted at The Dome Swakopmund. Top Cheri won awards for Best Album and Best Newcomer of the Year. Vaughn Ahrens won

Best Afrikaans and what makes it so much more of an achievement is that it was with his song “Amen”, his

first ever released Afrikaans song. “I was overwhelmed. I still am actually still overwhelmed”, Top

Swakopmund Mini SME EXPO 25-29 SEPTEMBER 2019 SWAKOPMUND Multipurpose Centre Are you a young entrepreneur and want to showcase your business or project at the 2019 Swakopmund Mini Expo? The National Youth Council of Namibia is calling on interested young entrepreneurs from the 14 regions to showcase their innovative businesses and projects at the 2019 SME Expo. Categories of Businesses and projects required:

· Arts and Craft · Agriculture including but not limited to food processing · Climate change resilience business oriented · Manufacturing · Science and Technology NYC will pay for the transport (NABTA rate), meals, and accommodation cost, as well as the marketing and exhibition fees of seventy (70) of these innovative youth businesses and projects. Application forms are available at the National Youth Council of Namibia Regional Offices (See hereunder.) Application deadline: 13 September 2019. REGION CONTACT PERSON CONTACT NO: Erongo Ernst Weather 0811456701 Hardap Abel Kaifanua 0818562220 //Karas Josef Raymond Kaffer 0812869342 Khomas Jacky Karuuombe 0817567032 Kavango East Anslem Marungu 0814417401 Kavango West Augustinius Linyando 0812373799 Kunene Usko Shivute 0812556056 Ohangwena Olivia Valungameka 0812802640 Oshana Julia Shikongo 0812973548 Oshikoto Hofni Hamunyela 0813513810 Omaheke Eliphas Hengari 0812049401 Omusati Rauna Ndeyanale 0813352003 Otjozondjupa Gustav Hendricks 0812056935 Zambezi Jennifer Lilongwe 0816886388 For more information, contact: · Ms. J. Karuuombe, Coordinator –Programs@ +264813136449

· Ms. H. Kakuenje, Programs Support Officer @+264812995100

Cheri said after the NAMA's. My goal for that day was to give an amazing performance, and it turned out so wonderfully well”, Top Cheri added. Her fans can look forward to a celebration of her two awards. Top Cheri's management is currently putting the details together. Top Cheri, who is with BlvcBoxx Entertainment from its early stages, released her debut album, “Fertile” last year. It delivered top hits like “Danisa”, “Johnny” and “Hang Over”. For Vaughn Ahrens it was also an overwhelming moment. “It was an honour to be nominated and I am so immensely proud of the Award”, said Ahrens. Ahrens and his band leave for the Netherlands and Germany in November. Here is the complete list of Nama's Award

Winners: Artist of the Year, Best House Music and Best Female Artist: Lize Ehlers; Best Male and Best Kwaito of the year: Exit, Best; Best Afrikaans: Vaughn Ahrens; Best Damara Punch: T-Boss/ Staika; Best Oviritje: MBM aka Mutjanga Ben Muundjua; Best

SoukuKwaza: Allan Jonathan; Best AfroPop and Best Song of the Year: Gazza; Best Newcomer and Best Album of the Year: Top Cheri. Best Gospel: Lindsay; Best R&B: Jaleel; Best Rap/Hip-Hop: Skrypt; Best Reggae: Gerry Dread; Best

Traditional: Big Ben; Best Single: Best Music Video: KK; Best Collaboration: Blenge Mo Fire & Jimmy Jay; Best Proucer: DJ Chronic; Best Duo/ Group: Tswazis and the Lifetime Achiever's Aw a r d : S t o n e y Mubiana.



White mussel harvesting continues

Two people with wetsuits were spotted on the beach south of Walvis Bay on Sunday harvesting hundreds of white mussel. The drove a grey pick-up with an Outapi registration mark. The registration number was in the meantime reported to Fisheries). Anglers who saw the duo harvesting the mussels expressed concern this might be a renewed effort to illegally harvest white mussel for large scale illegal profit. The Minister of Fisheries recently halted a license for the harvesting of white mussel on commercial scale, and therefore activities such as this need to be reported to fisheries inspectors without delay.

Tuesday 17 September High Tide: 04:57 Low Tide: 10:43 High Tide: 17:08 Low Tide: 23:05

Thursday 19 September High Tide: 05:57 Low Tide: 11:41 High Tide: 18:11 Low Tide: 00:12

Wednesday 18 September High Tide: 05:25 Low Tide: 11:10 High Tide: 17:37 Low Tide: 23:36

Friday 20 September High Tide: 06:36 Low Tide: 12:20 High Tide: 18:52 Low Tide: 00:59

Port Log





TO RENT: Hermis, 16th Road nearby Welwitschia Hospital Walking distance to dunes mall 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, living area with kitchen N$ 4 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 272 0362 TO RENT: Flats available in Narraville Contact: 081 200 6172 TO RENT: Walvis Bay furnished two bedroom flat Great location! Neat and spacious two bedrooms, BIC, ktichen 1½ bathroom, open plan sitting room/lounge Indoor braai. Remote garage and gate. Alarm system. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. no connection fees DSTV and WIFi available Sorry, no children & pets N$ 5 500.00 p/m Unfurnished N$ 6 000.00 p/m Furnished - Plus deposit Contact: 081 250 4694 061 203 342


TE HUUR: Stern 4 The docks, Walvis Bay Modern 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, guest toilet Open plan kitchen, dining room, lounge Alarm, blinds, N$ 7 700.00 p/m Deposit N$ 7 700.00 Water included up to N$300.00 Pre paid electricity Tandem garage 2 courtyards Safe complex Pets negotiable Available 1 October Contact: Frank 081 124 2151

TO RENT: Available from 14th October 2019 1x bedroom, open plan kitchen and lounge with bic. Stove. 1x Single garage with automated, door + alarm. Extension 1 Meersig N$ 4 500.00 p/m Pre paid electricity. Water incl. Contact: 081 298 6766 081 250 5060

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TO RENT: Newly built. 2 Bedroom flat. Mondesa near Woermann Brock Swakop. 2 bathrooms. hot water. big bedrooms. secure boundary wall and gate prepaid electricity. Built in cupboards. N$ 4800.00 water. included. Deposit N$ 4800.00 Plus 1 bedroom flat. kitchen / dining. big bedroom. bathroom. prepaid electricity. Built in cupboards. hot water. secure Rental N$ 2500 Deposit N$ 2 500.00 Plus 1 outside big room with own bathroom Rental N$ 1600.00 deposit N$ 1600.00 including water. prepaid electricity Contact 0816706504

TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flat N$ 2350 p.m. water included 1bed unit N$2400.00pm FAIRWAYS 3 Bed unit with 2 garages N$7000 p.m. MEERSIG 3 bed house N$7000pm 2 bed unit N$5000p.m. water included Fully furnish 3-bedr unit @ N$9500 p.m.

Dianne 081 239 6323


TO LET KUISEBMOND N$2600 – 1 bed flat, water incl N$3000 - 2 bed unit, single garage N$3300 – brand new 2 bed house near the beach N$3850 – 1 bed flat, W+E incl N$4000 – freestanding 2 bed house with single garage N$4200 – double story 3 bed house, water incl N$4850 – 2 bed flat, W+E incl N$ 6500 – shop space in main rd Please call Talitha 0813373669 to view

TO LET Narraville - Pelikan Platz (flat) water incl, pre-paid 1st Floor N$ 5000-00pm 2nd Floor N$ 4 900-00pm Contact 081 150 5020 Deposit payable over 3 months

TO RENT: Fairways Walvis Bay. 1 Bedroom Flat. N$4500.00 p/m. Water included. Pre-paid electricity excl. Deposit required. Available 1 October 2019. NO SMS PLEASE. Contact: 081 333 5230. TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent , build in cupboard rent amount N$ 3400.00 water and electricity included, Erf 3153, Meeu street, Narraville. 2x One bedroom on shower and toilet to rent in Kuisebmond, Erf 4069, Pluto Street, amount N$ 2100.00 water and electricity included. All available as now For View contact: 081 828 7283 or 081 480 0773 or 081 263 1747 whatsapp MEERSIG- WALVIS BAY. Beautiful standalone 2- Bedrooms , 2 bathrooms house with open plan kitchen , dining ,lounge. BIC. Extra lounge( optional for 3rd bedroom) plus indoor braai area. single garage. big erf. Available to for N$ 8000 pm. Selling option at N$ 1.3 million (neg.) Call 081 146 5243.

TO RENT Swakop-River-Plots Bachelor Flat for single person fully furnished 1 bedroom with wardrobe fitted kitchen with Oven + Fridge open Living-CommonRoom Bathroom with Shower hot water with Gas small Terrasse no dogs are allowed N$ 3500.00 p/m W/E excl. short terms also possible Cell 0814130504

TO RENT Lovely spacious townhouse available immediately in Walvis Bay. 2 Bedrooms; 2x Bathrooms; Large open living area with BBQ. Spacious courtyard and double garages. N$ 7250.00 p/m Deposit N$ 7250.00. W/E excl. Contact: 081 289 8676

HOUSE FOR RENT:1.10.2019 in Wvb quiet Lagune area. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, entertainment bar area, build-in braai, small 1 bedroom flat attached, tandem garage and garden. N$ 7500.00 p/month + deposit. 081-1291100

TO LET W/BAY INDUSTRIAL N$10000 – 174m² w/house + office N$14000 – 228m² w/house + office N$30000 – 800m² w/house + office Please call Merle 0811583462 to view

TO LET W/BAY CBD N$4500 – 70m² Shop/office N$7500 – 80m² workshop + office N$9500 – 90m² shop/office Please call Talitha 0813373669 to view TO RENT RETIREMENT for 1-2 people Swakop River Plot 12km outside of Swk Bungalow 2 bedrooms with wardrobe big shower bathroom open kitchen with dining area and living room 1 Garage - small garden with teracce N$ 4800 p/m (+1x deposit) Gas Gyser for hot water water & power with readings add Cell 081 413 0504

TO LET NARRAVILLE N$2700 – 1 bed flat, W + E incl N$3850 – 2 bed flat N$ 7000 – 3 bed house with double garage Please call Merle 0811583462 to view FOR SALE: 1. Erf for sale in Swakopmund, Vineta ext 23, well located 510m² N$ 560 000.00 2. Two bedroom house for sale in Swakopmund, Omulondo (Mondesa), Erf size 620m² N$ 525 000.00 3. Erf for sale in Swakopmund, Matutura ext 34, Leo Avenue 534m² N$ 400 000.00 Contact Joseph @ 081 128 1455 or Andreas @ 081 742 5900.

FOR SALE FOR FOR SALE SALE The house & flats are currently occupied by tenants. ·3 bedroom house ·2 bathrooms ·Kitchen (spacious) ·Open plan living room ·Double Garage That's not all: ·2 Luxurious bachelor flats ·Build-in cupboards in rooms ·Kitchen build in cupboards & stove ·Combine rent income of N$800 Town : Walvis Bay Suburban : Walvis Bay (Town) Price: N$ 2,100 000.00 Current valuation: N$ 2,360 000. Investment opportunity Rent income – Reducing your monthly instalment ERVEN FOR SALE Meersig ext 2. 894m² BARGAIN PRICE Contact: 081 782 4964

HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 700 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960

FOR SALE: Swakopmund Ocean View New freestanding double storey house in close distance from Pro Ed school Ground floor: Open plan living room, dining, bbq, kitchen, scullery, guest toilet, two bedrooms one full bathroom, study room, double garage First Floor: Two bedrooms with one bathroom, main bedroom with full bathroom & balcony TV rooms Asking N$ 3.2 mil Call Koos: 081 293 2073 Rightmove Properties Swakopmund – Vineta For Sale: 3 Bedroom House, 2 Bathrooms, Lounge, Dining Big Kitchen with BIC and Laundry, Single Garage, Erf size 1000m2 Price: N$ 1 480 000 Ocean View – N$ 2 250 000 Big 3 Bedroom Family Home with 2 Bathrooms, Spacious Lounge, Inside Entertainment area, Scullery, Small Courtyard, Double Garage Swakopmund – Two Brand New Houses In Ext 14/15 – Ready to move in – Amazing price for both The price is between N$ 1 750 000.00 and N$1 775 000.00 Extension 15 - Vacant erf of 700 m² For N$750 000.00 Call Muggie: 081 129 4121 TO RENT: One bedroom backyard flat available immediately in Narraville. Bedroom with a bathroom as well an open plan kitchen and small living room. Available for N$3200 per month which includes water and electricity. Deposit will be required which can be paid off. Suitable for two people at the most. Please call 081 847 9963 to arrange viewing.



TO RENT: OFFICE SPACE Containing: Office, reception, strong room, show room, kitchen + WC in the Industrial area, Swakopmund 87 m² in total apply Contact: 081 232 5587 TO RENT: Very neat free standing one bedroom flat opposite Hanganeni School, Swakopmund, available from 1 October. Own kitchen, living area and BIC. N$3000 pm. Water included, prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 148 1332 FOR SALE: 2 Bedroom house for sale (corner erf) Henties Bay / Omdel N$ 750 000.00 with a 2 bedroom flat and garage. Prepaid electricity. Located on a huge erf with much more building potential. Buyer to cover transfer cost. Contact: 081 140 2316 TO LET: Swakopmund Old Industrial Area 1. GARAGE: 38 m², prepaid, alarm, deposit payable. N$ 1 600.00 excl. VAT 2. OFFICE: 110 m², 3 offices, kitchenette, bathroom, 2 toilets, prepaid electricity, alarm, deposit payable. N$ 6 500.00 excl. VAT Contact: 0855 800 700 / 081 277 7454.


TO HIRE CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

VACANCIES VACANCY AVAILABLE AT HEFER PROJECTS NAMIBIA CC SWAKOPMUND Post designation: Creditor clerk Scale of salary: Negotiable (depending on suitability) Closing date: 30/09/2019 Place of work: Swakopmund MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED Matric Diploma in accounting or similar MINIMUM EXPERIENCE 3 years' experience as creditor clerk ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS Must be fluent in Afrikaans and English Must have excellent computer literacy Must be hardworking and willing to work overtime KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Including but not limited to: Processing and managing all creditors; assistant to financial manager. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Submit cv to hannelie@hefergroup.com on or before closing date. NB! Do NOT submit your cv if you do not meet the minimum requirements.



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net




YEHUDA EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 187 Sam Nujoma Ave, Town Centre Next to Accomodation Job placements: Are you looking for work in the hospitality industry As a chef / cook Waitress / waiter Professional cleaner Office administration Front office operation Housekeeper, bar man Sales person, cashiers get recruited Get trained and placed in jobs SMS your name and town to book your place Windhoek 081 394 9344 Walvis Bay 081 360 8335 Oshakati 081 305 3331 No calls

FOR SALE: Wendy Wooden Units and container units for various purposes like: Office, Living & Truck Shop units for sale. N$20 000 N$40 000 N$60 000 Transport excluded Contact: Michell Job @ 081 648 0026

JETS TRANSPORT 2019 SPECIALS Are you travelling or sending your parcel? We transport people between Walvis Bay and the north every day and back. WALVIS BAY N$ 300.00 SWAKOPMUND N$ 300.00 ARANDIS N$ 300.00 For safety and Good Service of our Customers, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Arandis, We will pick you up from home. We also transport church groups or any type of trip in Namibia. Bookings: Call Sem: 081 800 7765 We also sell Car LED BULBS, H1, H4, H7, H11, H3, 16, H8 and more… only for N$ 499.00 (GET FREE PARK LIGHTS) PER PAIR and park lights for N$ 80.00 FOR BULBS CALL: JAMES: 081 209 5555 JETS TRANSPORT, YOUR DESTINATION PARTNER

MEUBELS TE KOOP: -Tafel + 4 stoele N$ 600.00 -1 Ronde Tafel N$ 300.00 -1 Massage bed N$ 1 500.00 -1 Metal kas met stryk plank blad N$ 600.00 Alles so goed soos nuut Skakel: 081 235 9354


WANTED WANTED: We pay cash for unwanted or broken jeweler. 9ct up to N$ 200 p/g 18ct up to N$ 400.00 p/g Contact: 081 330 2041 081 252 8387 CARITA’S SOPKOMBUIS KUISEBMOND Is dringend opsoek na ‘n werkende deepfreezer vir ons sopkombuis. Dit sal hoog waardeer word. Dankie byvoorbat! Kontak: 081 316 3453


COURSES GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SALON EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Items include: Washing basin 3 x Chairs Cupboard with mirror 4 x mirrors Fixtures and Fittings Geyser Call : 081 337 9498 or 081 307 2867

2009 GWM Multi-wagon Voetstoot (AS IS) Price: N$35 000 (neg) In Walvis Bay Contact: 081 216 0420 / 081 576 9555

SERVICES EK HET N 4 TON LORRIE,HET JY N VRAG? Ons verwyder bou rommel, tuin rommel, enige vullis, huis trekke, kantoor trekke en ons ry lang pad. Bel dan praat ons Coenraad Fourie 081 337 0876

Quality Repair And Cooling Service Erf 626 Mandumeya Ndamfayo street no. 7 Swakopmund. Repairs on : *Washing machines *Stoves (gas and electric) *Fridges *Microwaves *Dishwashers *Tumble Dryers Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and Arandis 24/7 service Contact: 081 840 5302 / 081 688 9145 Email: qualityrepairswakop@ gmail.com UNO TRUST BUILDERS AND RENOVATORS P.O.Box 650 Swakopmund Tel: 064 46 1844 Building, Renovating, Painting, Maintenance, Roof Sealing, Paving, Plumbing, etc. Sound Construction methods & proper workmanship by experienced team guaranteed. Coastal and inland also Lodges, farmsteads & plots. J. HARTEVELD Cell: 081 148 1939

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast

CAR KEYS: We program & supply new & spare keys, program 2nd hand ECU’s & air bag all car makes and models * We also offer auto air-conditioning services, auto electrical and in-car entertainment. For a free quote contact: RDJ SERVICES & SUPPLIES. SMS / CALL WHATSAPP: 081 374 6444 SWAKOPMUND SEWING CENTRE & UPHOLSTERY SERVICES Hidipo Hamutenya street Old Industrial Area Tel nr. ( 064) 404410 General tailoring, leather, tents, sleeping bags, alterations & repairs, re-upholstery of chairs, bar stools Canvas &, vinyls fabrics. NAMIBIA GARDEN SPECIALIST SERVICES: · Landscaping & plant doctor · Original palm & tree trimming · Planting grass & flowers · Painting: houses, palm trees & thatch roofs · Cutting big trees · Training companies of original palm tree trimming, painting & cutting. Contact: 081 274 8447 BARGAIN UPHOLSTERY We offer upholstery services and repairs on the following; Marine, car & truck seats Home & office furniture School & sport bags Mosquito & fly nets Bags & covers for camping gear Fishing gear Marine covers & sails Aircon covers We also do full valets Guts: 081 259 3175 Diane: 081 334 0418 No job is too big or too small

COMPUTER GARAGE - On site repairs at home or office - Laptops / Computers - Virus removal - Screen Replacement - Website design & hosting www.computergarage. co.za Call: 081 352 4524 G L Vervoerdienste Kontak vir Gerrit 081 311 0407 Meubels, tuin reste en bou Rommel. Skole is ook welkom en huise. Persoonlike toesig met laai.Net beskikbaar in Walvisbaai area. Gratis kwotasie en billike pryse

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887



TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems - Promotions To get ten-ders and to boost your business People don’t want to pay you back - Pregnancy Problems - Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses Men’s power sexuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

Malawian tradition doctor Oupa Nandora (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 760 6553 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

DR MAZI Same day results Bring back lost lover, get lover of choice, get married quickly to man or woman, stop your partner from cheating, get attracted to rich man or woman. All pregnancy problems, win gambling and casino, chikita wallet, get job, promotion at work, remove bad luck, manhood enlargement all sizes. Hips and buttocks enlargement and many more Call Doctor Mazi: 081 221 8201 DR PHIRI Expert in solving love problems & work related matters Specialising in Lost lovers, attraction keep a lover for yourself Get a job and promotion Pass interviews & more Court cases Call: 081 448 5053 DR KANAYO 081 669 3574 African fresh herbs specialize in: Bring back lost lover, to make your lover love you only. Get a lover of your choice, get quickly marriage, stop your love from cheating, bind your love, clear your debts, win gambling in casino, boost your business, financial problems, win tenders, bind house, protection of enemies, make prayer for person, get promotion at work, build the future and don't hesitate to pay after. Contact: 081 669 3574 Dr Kanayo

Malawian Traditional Doctor Gogo Paketi The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms 081443 0041




Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net




Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. Famba from Visaka Shrine East Africa now he is in Kuisebmond House No.4331 James Brown Str. African Ancestors will never remain silent while innocent people are being tortured by evil people that is why Dr. Famba is here to help and solve problems such as bad luck, lost lovers, job problems, business attraction, win-ning contracts, promotion, stop your loved one from cheating, chasing away unwanted people out of life, weak erection, quit drinking and smoking, pregnancy problems, removing Tokoloshi, BP, diabetes, body and house protection, witchcraft diseases, pass interviews, financial problems just to mention a few. Call now on 081 467 2722 and start a new life.

DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547 DR GONONDO & PROFESSOR KOIKOI OLD MAN Stop Suffering I am old enough, I don’t have time to play with people who have serious problems. I work with experience and do not rush for persons money without helping first. Don’t loose hope because another doctor failed you, I am here to help! The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you stressing of money? Love / relationship, bring back lost lover Lost properties Job searching & promotion Court cases. Bad luck Unhappy marriage Pregnancy problem same day. We can also help with Binding properties Remove evil spirits Get rid of your enemies Finish unfinished business with 69 years experience & magic wallet Spirits powers for pastors, sangomas, political leader, win lotto, pass exams, gambling etc. Only man you can trust or quick & effective results 100 % guaranteed. Treat you overt he phone using name & surname Service delivery accepted Call Dr Gonongo & Prof Koi Koi 081 560 4942

DR CHOMBE the only herbalist who will never let you down. He specialises in love problems, to bring back lost lovers and get married quickly, to stop cheating, to stop cheating, pregnancy problems, penis enlargement, love power tog et love of your choice, win gambling, lotto, casino etc. Financial problems, magic wallet, get money into your house, lucky oil, bind and protect your properties, magic stick for money. Contact: 081 368 2224 DR MASAMBA My medicine is 100 % guaranteed working I have never failed to solve any problems No matter how big it is.. Bring back lost lover fast and love you alone, love oil to get a man or woman. To stop cheating, pregnancy problems, penis enlargement, promotion at work, court cases, hips and breast enlargement cream, win tenders, remove bad luck. Financial problems, boost business to gt more customers, bind your house, farms and property. Sendawana oil, for money, magic wallet, delete loans, debts, and get loans quickly. Get money into your house, win gambling, lotto cassino, lucky stik for money, get attracted to rich man or woman, get back your stolen goods. Contact: 081 764 0239

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for domestic work or office cleaning. Mondays to Fridays or 3 days a week. Walvis Bay or Langstrand. I have good references and can start immediately. Contact: 081 323 6740 JOB WANTED: We are two active care givers, well trained. We are looking for work to take care of elderly people in home based care or in old age homes. We are ready to start anytime and ready to do shifts. Please contact us 081 253 6603 081 390 8888 Walvis Bay or Swakopmund WERK GESOEK: Ek is 40 jaar en is opsoek na werk, strykwerk of huiswerk. Ek is baie eerlik en hardwerkend, kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 439 0825 JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund / Langstrand. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 791 4931 JOB WANTED: I am a 31 year old lady looking for housekeeping job in any hotel / guesthouse or any cleaning, domestic work in a company for 3-5 days per week. I have experience and can start any time. Contact: 081 644 9105


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





American NHL star notices and sponsors hockey player from Swakopmund Eileen van der Schyff

In 2018 in the Namibian Ice and Inline Hockey Association (NIIHAO) trials, a hopeful boy from Swakopmund, George Tjahaapi, secured a spot in two of the teams that were selected for competing in the 300 team tournament in the United States of America, called the State Wars where Patrick Maroon, an American National Hockey League (NHL) star saw the young Namibian hockey player. The greatest moment in the entire tournament for George was his meeting with NHL Star Patrick Maroon. Patrick Maroon is an inline hockey player in the National Hockey League in the United states. He plays for the St. Louis Blues. Pat and his team, the St. Louis Blues won the Stanley Cup, the NHL Championship Trophy, in 2019. “Patrick was at State Wars with his family and coaching his son who is in the same age division as George. Pat saw George play and was impressed with his playing ability.” Said the Namibian Couch, Brian Sobel. After hearing of the financial struggle, it was to get George to America for State Wars he wanted to meet the eleven-year-old. Patrick took George hockey gear shopping in the arena with the Namibian couch, and Lizette Traut. He bought George new sticks, elbow pads, gloves, shin pads, under armor, socks, padded pants, tape and a hockey bag. In the days before, George was sponsored new skates by Tour and the Pirates. Pat's kindness and generosity did not stop at buying George new gear, Pat showed up for George's last 3 games and talked with George after each game. At the end of the tournament George and Pat's son exchanged jerseys. George says he will never forget Patrick and his family and will work hard to hopefully see them all again. Sobel said, “These selfless acts are examples that bring out the best in all of us. It's such an amazing world, or small world, where an NHL player from America, such as Patrick and a Namibian boy such as George can meet and find common ground in a sport, they both love and in the end find themselves a new friend.” Sobel concluded: “The kindness and generosity shown towards George caused him to have trouble wrapping his head around the entire experience and at times he just says, 'God bless Pat.'”






Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Swakopmund. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Quinton Liebenberg, P O Box 7001, Swakopmund. 2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: “Krisjan’s Bistro Swakopmund.’’ 3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 283, Sam Nujoma Avenue, Bonus Marktplatz, Swakopmund. 4. Nature and details of application: Application for change of trade name FROM: “Krisjan’s Bistro Swakopmund’’ TO: “Stadtmitte Cafè’’. 5. Where application will be lodged: Magistrate, District Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 27 September 2019.

Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Swakopmund. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Seasons Bistro CC, P O Box 1575, Swakopmund.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which application is lodged.

2. Name of licensed business to which application relates: “Krisjan’s Bistro Swakopmund.’’ 3. Address/location of licensed premises to which application relates: Erf 283, Sam Nujoma Avenue, Bonus Marktplatz, Swakopmund. 4. Nature and details of application: Application for Transfer of a Special Liquor License FROM: “Season’s Bistro CC (Licensee) TO: Quinton Liebenberg (Proposed Transferee).

5. Where application will be lodged: Magistrate, District Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 27 September 2019.

Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which application is lodged.


TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS REZONING NOTICE In terms of the Hentiesbaai Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that Stewart Planning, intends to apply to the Municipality of Henties Bay for permission to rezone a portion of Erf 1784 Omdel Extension 5 from “Institutional” to “Local Business”. The 1.5ha portion of Erf 1784 being rezoned to “Local Business” will be to permit the development of a mixed-use business development comprising of shops, recreational facilities and accommodation establishment. Particulars of the application may be inspected at the Town Planning Office, Technical Department, Municipality of Henties Bay, Corner of Jakkalsputz Road and Nicky Iiyambo Avenue, Henties Bay. Further take note that any persons having any objections or comments to the approval of this rezoning application may lodge such objections together with grounds thereof, with the Municipality of Henties Bay and Stewart Planning, in writing, not later than TUESDAY 8 OCTOBER 2019. MUNICIPALITY OF HENTIES BAY: Town Planning Section P. O. Box 61 Henties Bay Planning@hbaymun.com.na 064 502 015

APPLICANT: Stewart Planning P.O. Box 2095 Walvis Bay bruce@sp.com.na 064 280 770





Fistball League Playoffs The Bank Windhoek Fistball League playoffs will take place on Saturday, 21 September 2019 at the Deutscher Turn und Sportverein (DTS) Sport Fields in Windhoek. The action will kick off at 08:30.

Max Höwer from SFC 1

National Short Course Swimming Championships The IJG- Debmarine Namdeb Foundation Namibian National Short Course Swimming Championships 2019 will be taking place from 19 - 22 September at the Cube, Swakopmund. Seven swimming clubs that will participate are Aqua Swimming & Fitness (38), Dolphins Swimming Club (86), Flippers Swimming School (20), Marlins Aquatic Club (8), Oranjemund Sand Sharks (13), Phoenix Swimming Academy (1) & Swakopmund Swimming Club (9) and 175 swimmers. We are extremely grateful to IJG Holdings and the Debmarine Namdeb Foundation for coming on board as our main sponsors of the event. The support toward swimming as a growing sport as well as a life skill is tremendously appreciated. We will also be hosting our Annual Prize-Giving awards at the Swakopmund Paintball and Action Arena on Saturday 21 September at17:30, where our swimmers will be awarded on their performance from the last season (May 2018 - April 2019). For this event we have received a generous sponsorship from Old Mutual. We at NASU would like to express our sincere thanks to all our sponsors, IJG Holdings, Debmarine Namdeb Foundation, Old Mutual, Bank Windhoek, Rent-a-drum, Emcon, SlowTown, Fika coffee bar and Perfect Wishes - without your support these upcoming Nationals would not be possible. Thank you.

The tourney will divide the top and last four teams in the Bank Windhoek Fistball League standings in two groups: A and B. Two first and second teams from Cohen Fistball Club (CFC) and Sport Klub Windhoek (SKW) will battle it out in the first semifinals in Group A, while CFC 3, Swakopmund Fistball Club (SFC) 1 and 2 and hosts DTS will compete for top honours in Group B's second semifinals. Boosted by the inclusion of five National team players, the reigning champions, CFC 1, have been picked as favourites to win Group A, while Group B remains open for dominance from each of the four participating teams in the group. In the Group A, CFC 1 will face the fourth-placed CFC 2 in the first semi-final. Club mates SKW 1 and 2 will lock horns in the second semi-final of Group A. Group B will witness another internal club con-

test as SFC 1 and 2 face each other for bragging rights. However, CFC 3 and DTS have also made their intentions clear in winning the group. The semi-final games are set to be between the best out of five sets. The match for third and fourth place will take place after the semi-finals. “The final matches are expected to take place in the afternoon and we invite fistball enthusiasts to come witness top class fistball. Thank you Bank Windhoek for making this possible,” said Fistball Association of Namibia's Media Officer, Helmo Minz. “Bank Windhoek wishes all competing teams the best of luck. It has been an exciting season and the sport goes from strength-to-strength. We look forward to see who will be crowned this year's champions,” said Bank Windhoek's Public Relations Manager, André le Roux.

It's off to Zambia for municipal games teams The Council of the municipality of Walvis Bay provided a budgeted N$200 000 for municipal employees to compete in the Southern African Inter-Municipal Sports Association SAIMSA Games from 22 to 27 September in Lusaka, Zambia. The total budget for the participation is set at N$366 530-58. Taking into account the allocated budget from Council of N$200 000, the shortfall of N$166 530-58 had to be funded by the municipality social club contribution (N$94 530-58) and own contributions by employees N$72 000-00. A total of 48 personnel members of the Walvis Bay municipality will be competing in the SAIMSA Games in volleyball (2 teams), pool/snooker (1 team), a fun walk (people), netball (2 teams) and darts (1 team). I have no doubt that they will represent Walvis Bay well and bring home medals and trophies as usual” the mayor Alderman Immanuel Wilfried said on Tuesday night.



namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

First Golf Sponsorship For Binnacle Marine Binnacle Marine on Saturday, 7 September has joined a very exclusive list of sponsors of the Walvis Bay Golf club. Binnacle Marine stepped in to fill a gap caused by the postponement of the Club Championships. The format was Individual Stableford and despite a lot of rugby distractions on the day, a very nice field of 35 players eventually made it onto the course. Winner of the day on an exceptional 40 points, despite uneven and sandy greens was Tienie de Wet. There's a saying that bad putters do well on bad greens. He was followed by David Peak on 37 and Michael de Barros who made a special appearance, on 36 points. Two clubs were recorded by Koot Potgieter and Andre Burger. Thank you to Binnacle Marine who promised to be back next year.

This coming Friday, Palms Home or better known as Huis Palms, have their golf fund raiser and potjiekos competition at the Club. Entries are streaming in fast for what promises to be a fun-filled and action packed day, so get your name on the list. Saturday will be a Club sponsored Betterball SF competition. About 10 WASPS from Windhoek are also visiting us and we need to mix them up with our own players. We have a small challenge in the World Cup rugby fixtures where NZ vs. SA kicks off at 12h00. As a result, there will be a few morning slots available again. The Desert Iron & steel Club Championships have been finalised for 19 October, please note the date.

Ngumee 'Gumi' Nguaiko and Maurice Luciano 'Morkie' Kotzee the founders of OpenPlay Photo Contributed

OpenPlay with Morkie and Gumi OpenPlay with Morkie and Gumi, two rugby lovers from Swakopmund started with the concept to showcase Namibia's talented Rugby Players. The aim of OpenPlay is to talk about our country's rugby and provide information, uplift and expose the development of rugby players and inform Namibian Rugby lovers all about Namibian Rugby Stars from Youth to National Senior levels.

Gawanab wins Windhoek Open The NAGU Windhoek Open sponsored by Momentum was held last weekend at the Windhoek Golf and Country Club. Players in the A and B divisions played 54 holes over two days (36 on Saturday and 18 on Sunday), whereas the C division only played 36 holes over the two days. Only 43 players participated in total – 14 in the A division, 16 in the B division and 13 in the C division. Unfortunately, the very popular and well supported annual favourite Tsumeb Open was held on the same weekend, which influenced the participation numbers considerably. According to the NAGU representative, the responsibility of this clash

lies firmly on NAGU's shoulder and will be avoided in the future. The top results for the Momentum Windhoek Open were as follows: OVERALL Best gross (champion): 1 Stanley Gawanab (220), 2 Damien da Silva (221). Best nett: 1 Michael Durant (213), 2 Helmut Ndjendja (214). A DIVISION Best gross: 1 Gabriel Shikodi (229), 2 Kevin Wentzel (230). Best nett: 1 Chris Heunis (222), 2 Karl Swartz (223). B DIVISION Best gross: 1 Terus Burger (250), 2 Erastus Ndekalako (257). Best nett: Ian Wood (217), 2 Corneels

Jafta (221). C DIVISION Best gross: 1 George Gariseb (172), 2 Cuthbert Chipfupa (185). Best nett: 1 Gerhard van Rooyen (147), 2 Gustav Jung (149). Eight prizes for nearest-to-the-pin, spons o r e d Wi n d h o e k Lager, were also up for grabs. The winners on day 1 were Paulus Shimoshili (hole 3), Michael Durant (hole 9), Erastus Ndakalako (hole 13), Theo Saunderson (hole 17). On day 2, the winners were Kevin Wentzel (hole 3), Janneman Brand (hole 9), Mervin Nangolo (hole 13) and Johan 'JP' Visser (hole 17). The club captain

thanked the sponsor that came on board at the eleventh hour and all participants for their support, especially the ones that came from afar. “Thanks also goes out to Steve Basson for handling the starting, scoring and refereeing. Many thanks also to Gavin van Wyk having handled the draw and arranged all the prizes.” During his speech on Sunday the NAGU secretary, Mr Corneels Jafta, said: “We would like to thank the following Namibian golf team members for travelling to support the Wi n d h o e k O p e n : Kevin Wentzel, Grant Mather and the champion, Stanley Gawa-

Stanley Gawanab with Golf Director Steve Basson nab.“They will also be part of the Namibian team competing in the A l l A f r i c a Te a m Championship in Mauritius from 7 to 12

October. “The full team is Kevin Wentzel (team captain, Walvis Bay), Grant Mather (Walvis Bay), Likius Nande

(Rössmund), Stanley Gawanab (Walvis Bay) and Marco Swarts (team manager). NAGU wishes them all the best with this championship.”

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