18 aug namib times e edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6480 TUESDAY 18 AUGUST 2015 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net

Vliegramp tref diep Eksklusief: Pa, Ma, familie deel hul leed


Heads roll at Erongo's Swapo Youth League

Marshallino Beukes “My seun en die ander slagoffers is in my oë Nasionale helde, want hulle het die hoogste prys betaal om die lewe van ‘n medemens te red.” Dit was die woorde van mnr Terence Ward, ‘n welbekende en geliefde paramedikus van Swakopmund, wie se seun een van die slagoffers van die noodlottige vliegongeluk, Sondagoggend naby Kaapstad was. Mnr Ward se seun, Alfred John Ward (23) was nes sy pa ‘n paramedikus en was by E-Med Rescue 24 werksaam. ‘n Nood-ambulansvlug met ‘n 80-jarige pasiënt, mnr Gabriël Roux, vanaf Oranjemund na Kaapstad het in ‘n ramp ontaard toe daar skynbaar probleme met die Kaapse radarstelsel ondervind is. Die vliegtuig-ambulans het in die Tygerberg-natuurreservaat naby Kaapstad neergestort en al vyf die

persone aan boord se lewens geëis. ‘n Baie sterk, dapper, maar sigbaar gebroke mnr Terence Ward het gister tydens ‘n eksklusiewe onderhoud met namib times gesels. Hy het dit baie duidelik gemaak dat, hoewel hulle nie weet wat presies die oorsaak van die tragedie was nie, hulle niemand verwyt of blameer nie. Mnr Ward het genoem dat hy en sy familie stomgeslaan en diep aangedaan

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Caring for the Environment

Page 4

WFCPT urges for joint venture Alfred se ouers, Alida en Terence Ward is deur al die oproepe, boodskappe van bemoediging en persoonlike besoeke van mense dwarsoor die land en ook Suid-Afrika. Volgens hom was hy die betrokke oggend juis op pad na Windhoek om ‘n

Alfred John Ward

pasiënt te gaan haal, toe hy naby Okahandja die tyding via selfoon kry. “Ek was van plan om sommer my seun met ‘n vinnige besoekie by sy tuiste in die hoofstad te verras, maar ongelukkig was dit my nie

beskore nie,” het hy vertel. Mnr Ward noem dat hy en Alfred Saterdag die hele dag saam deurgebring en ook bietjie rugby gaan kyk het. Tydens hierdie pa-en-seun dag het Alfred blykbaar

aan hom genoem dat hy besluit het om die Here volkome te dien. Dit, volgens mnr Ward, was vir hom die beste nuus ooit. “Ons familie het die gewoonte om wanneer ons van mekaar afskeid neem, Vervolg op bladsy 2

“My signature is not for sale”

Page 6

Pro Ed matrieks kry afskeidsuitnodigings

-Minister of Urban and Rural Development Sophia Shaningwa Mavourlene !Gaës

Bladsy 10

The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Sophia Shaningwa, has warned that she is not a walkover that can be bribed, or rushed. She gave this stern warning in her keynote address at the annual General Meeting of the Namibia National Mayors' Forum (NNMF) at a local hotel in Walvis Bay yesterday morning. She has warned that land being allocated or sold through what she called “inconsiderate actions” will not be given her signature as the Minister of Urban and Rural Development. “My signature is not for sale, my signature is for fairness.” Shaningwa says everyone deserves to have their own plot and added the land should be allocated in such a way that one individual receives one plot. According to Shaningwa, the Mass Housing Project was a great idea of Former President Hifikepunye Pohamba. “We are therefore in the process of

overhauling the programme and realigning the misalignments, so that we can provide housing to the targeted groups, the low income and poor.” Shaningwa has reminded everyone about the resolutions that were agreed upon in the meeting that was held on 24 July between the Government of the Republic of Namibia, through the Chairmanship of President Hage Geingob and the Affirmative Repositioning Movement. “One of the agreed resolutions is to ascertain the delivery of 200 000 plots in our Republic. Walvis Bay

in the Erongo Region, Windhoek in the Khomas Region and Oshakati in the Oshana Region has been selected as pilot towns for the envisaged project.” She says, once the serviced plots are available, they will have a clear list of applicants from those who applied for land since 1990, to date, “so that we can start allocating on the first come first serve basis, one plot per person”. Shaningwa has noted with great concern that an increasing number of the members of the public are lodging complaints about irregularities and favouritism, regarding

the way some local authorities are allocating urban land. “Honourable members should desist from recommending many residential erven to one individual or entity. Similarly, larger portions of land should not be allocated to one person or entity. How the local authority wants to convince anyone within his or her right mind about those allocations, when they have a backlog of housing in Namibia in thousands and how an honourable member gets it right to get themselves into issues, thát raises eyebrows. Shaningwa says she has no prob-

RYLA Camp 2015

Minister of Urban and Rural Development Sophia Shaningwa lem if an honourable member acquires land, however fairness, transparency and considerability must always prevail. “I am also not saying land must be given free Continues on page 2

Page 11

Kudus in Semis

Page 24

18 AUGUST 2015


Vliegramp tref diep

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weke met sy ma, mev Alida Ward deurgebring het, en haar tot in die afgrond toe bederf het. Verlede week het hy by sy meisie, Tyron Klaasen, op Hotazel in die Kimberley-distrik gaan kuier. Die tweetjies het groot toekomsplanne gehad, het mnr Ward genoem. Rakende Alfred se loopbaan as paramedikus het hy aangedui

dat dit al was wat sy seun van kleins af wou doen. “Dit was sy passie en sy pasiënte het altyd eerste gekom.” Mnr Ward het ook aangedui dat Alfred ander opsies gehad het, soos om medies te gaan studeer, of gebruik te maak van ‘n rugby-studiebeurs, maar hy was vasbeslote om, soos sy pa, ‘n paramedikus te

Die familie verwag Alfred se oorskot teen Vrydag, of vroeg vogende wee,k en hulle beplan om hom volgende Saterdag, 29 Augustus, ter ruste te lê. Die begrafnisdiens gaan om 09:00 by die AGS Kerk in Tamariskia wees en waakdienste vir volgende week word ook beplan. Vir meer inligting kan Pastoor Ruben Petrus of mnr Albert Enssle by 081 275 0325 gekontak word.

CEO of E-med Rescue in Cape Town for Crash Investigation Maria Davel-Wallis

The CEO of Prosperity, that owns E-med Rescue 24, Bertus Struwig, left for Cape Town yesterday, to visit the scene of the air ambulance accident. When namib times spoke to him on Sunday evening he expressed his shock and deep sadness. He said it was the first time that they experienced a disaster of that nature in the history of E Med24 Namibia, and that they’ve had 8 years and more than 800 emergency flights without any accidents. “It is with great sadness we’ve heard of the passing away of two pilots, a paramedic, patient and his daughter in a crash involving an E-Med Rescue 24 aeromedical aircraft in the Tygerberg Nature Reserve near Cape Town, South Africa, this morning. He said E-med Rescue 24 had been in the process of evacuating the 80-yearold Mr le Roux on behalf of ER24 in South Africa, from Oranjemund in Namibia. Our aircraft departed Oranjemund Airport shortly after 4am Sunday morning and was expected to land at Cape Town International Airport in South Africa at 7am. Shortly before 7am contact was lost with the aircraft. Emergency services in Cape Town were activated to conduct a search for the missing aircraft. Emergency services personnel found the wreckage of the aircraft in the Tygerberg Nature Reserve with no survivors.

It is understood from the Airports Company of South Africa (ACSA) that all aircraft approaching Cape Town International Airport at the time were placed in a holding pattern due to a technical fault with their radars. The E-med Rescue 24 aircraft was also in the holding pattern at the time. We lost contact with the aircraft approximately seven miles outside of the airport.” He said the patient’s family was en route from Oranjemund via road to Mediclinic Panorama. ER24’s ambulance was waiting at the airport to collect the patient and his daughter to complete the last leg of the evacuation to Mediclinic Panorama, when the news of the crash broke. “Although there is a lot of speculation regarding the exact cause of the crash, we are aware that the South African Civil Aviation Authority are on scene and will conduct a thorough investigation into the matter.

ER24 made trauma counsellors available to the family and friends. Our condolences go out to the family and friends of our patient as well as crew on board.” Struwig said he would keep namib times informed of any developments. The names of the five people who were killed in the air ambulance crash in Cape Town Sunday morning were released the same day. They were West Air Wings pilots , 53-year-old Steven Naude and 23-yearold Amore Espach, both from Windhoek, the 23-year-old Alfred John Ward of E-Med Rescue 24 in Windhoek, and 80-yearold South African, Gabriel Petrus Le Roux, and his daugher, 49-year-old Charmaine Koortzen of Oranjemund. Meanwhile, South African media reports that the Air Traffic and Navigation Services SOC Limited, or the ATNS as it is known, has expressed concern over what it calls speculation over the radar

Kobi and Hana Alexander feed needy children Madelaine Laubscher Kobi and Hana Alexander Soup Kitchens in Windhoek and Walvis Bay feed 650 orphans and vulnerable children daily. The namib times paid a visit to the Kobi and Hana Alexander soup kitchen at the Immanuel Ruiters J.P School recently and was extremely impressed by the magnitude and importance of the project. Operations Manager of the Kobi and Hana Alexander soup kitchens, Mr Jimmy Jacobs, said they started with the feeding scheme in 2007 in Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, when Kobi and Hana Alexander were busy with a low cost housing project in that area and saw the need for a soup kitchen there. “Currently Kobi and Hana Alexander operate two soup kitchens in Namibia, feeding a total of 650 vulnerable children every school day. To date, they have served over 600 000 good nutritious meals to vulnerable children,” he said. Kobi and Hana Alexan-

der opened the second soup kitchen in 2010 at the Nathaniel Maxuilili Centre in Katutura, Windhoek, where they feed 350 children every school day and employ four full-time workers and one manager. This is the largest soup kitchen in Namibia. In January 2012 they relocated the soup kitchen in Walvis Bay to the Immanuel Ruiters J.P School in Kuisebmond, where they feed 300 children every school day and employ two full-time workers and a supervisor, Loraine Kook, who volunteers her time to help the community. According to Jacobs, they have distributed thousands of Christmas goodie-bags to the communities around their soup kitchens for the past five years.

“As a Namibian I am so happy to be part of this project and that there are still people with the likes of Kobi and Hana Alexander in this world. We are getting positive feedback from the teachers here in Walvisbay as well as in Windhoek, that the children are happier and really doing well in school. The parents of those kids, the kids themselves and the communities at large are grateful for the Kobi and Hana Alexander soup kitchens. I really hope that more people in Namibia will start doing projects like this to help the needy throughout the country,” he concluded. This initiative serves as a platform to create awareness of feeding the hungry.

system, and said it could be misinterpreted. It said it would await the outcome of an independent investigation, and that the agency would give its full co-operation.

Steven Naude

Alfred John Ward

Photos Contributed


Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 mekaar ‘n drukkie te gee. Alfred het my Saterdag met ons afskeid ‘n spesiale stewige drukkie gegee en gesê, Pa ek is baie lief vir jou en ons het vir oulaas ‘n grappie gedeel. Dit was die laaste keer dat ek sy stem gehoor het…,” het ‘n bedroefde mnr Ward gister te kenne gegee. Hy het ook vertel dat Alfred onlangs ‘n volle twee

daagliks met hierdie tipe trauma te doene kry, weet ek wat die werk behels en dat daar enige tyd iets verkeerd kan loop. Om egter self in so ‘n situasie te wees, tref diep en ek weet dat dit ook die harte van die personeel by die call-centre geraak het. Ons sê ook baie dankie aan die E-Med bestuur vir hul omgee en ons weet dat hulle hul bes sal doen om daar vir ons te wees in ons tyd van hartseer,” was mnr Ward se boodskap.

word. As nege- en tienjarige het Alfred glo al by die aanhoor van ‘n sirene sy pa aangejaag en aangesê om te beweeg, sodat hulle kon gaan help. Hy spreek hy en sy vrou se dankbaarheid teenoor die MVA Fonds uit, wat volgens hom aan hul seun die kans gegun het om die lewe wat hy verkies het, te lei. Die Ward-gesin dra ook hul innige simpatie aan al die ander slagoffers se families uit. “As iemand wat byna

Gawie le Roux

Charmaine Le Roux Koortzen Amore Espag

Techman in Hospital after Skydiving Accident Eddie Techman (pictured), well-known skydiving veteran of the Swakopmund Skydiving Club, is in the Cottage hospital after he had a skydiving accident just outside Swakopmund. Namib Times was at the scene of the accident, just after it had happened. Eddie is a beloved skydiver who has done ‘thousands’ of jumps. He was conscious and even cracking a joke or two, while he was being stabilised before the ambulance rushed off to hospital. At the skydiving club a big photo of the skydiving veteran in his 60s adornes the wall of the office – when we entered it appeared as if the malfunctioning parachute was being scrutinised, and Michael Louw said the Swakopmund Skydiving Club would issue an official statement. Later that evening it arrived, sent by Thys Potgieter. “Eddie Techman of Swakopmund was injured on 15 August 2015 during a parachuting incident. Mr Techman exited from a

light aircraft at 14:55, at an altitude of 12 000 feet above the ground and was seen to experience difficulty with his main parachute. Upon activating his reserve parachute, he experienced further difficulties and landed close to the B2 national road near the Martin Luther. He was then transported by the paramedics to a local hospital for further treatment and observation. Mr Techman has in the region of 11 500 previous jumps. The Swakopmund Skydiving Club has launched an official investigation into the matter.” When namib times arrived at the hospital earlier on Saturday, after our visit to the Skydivng Club, we were informed that he was

under observation and that they were awaiting his wife. Today we were informed that he was still in hospital, and that our details would be forwarded to him. We hope to meet with Techman later this week, to talk about his experience. See all the messages from our Facebook page on Page 8.

“My signature is not for sale” Continued from page 1 of charge but, we must make sure reasonability is applied. Let us share the land resource with each and every Namibian that needs land.” Shaningwa has further urged the local authorities to do away with middle men/women in land dealings. “We must therefore service the land ourselves. The sale of large portions of un-serviced land for less amount, only to be serviced by developers and sold for exorbitant prices should be discouraged.”

She has encouraged the local authorities to call for companies to express interests in land delivery and should dictate the process in a way they think is beneficial to the people. “We can no longer just agree as before, we must handle it on the principle of a win-win situation. Those that do not want to reason with us must give way to those that want to co-operate with us so our people can benefit.” Shaningwa has further urged the local authorities who are in the process with

the Private Public Proposals (PPP), to agree on affordable prices and forward such proposals to the line Ministry for approval, before the local authority commits itself to those agreements. “For me as a Minister and yourselves it is about a piece of land, developed and serviced, but still affordable to the end user. It is a National project and we are committed to its realisation step by step and I urge everyone to positively contribute towards it. “


18 AUGUST 2015

Geingob urges SADC to reduce dependence on development aid GABORONE, 17 AUG - President Hage Geingob on Monday called on SADC member states and governments to reduce their dependency on development aid if the region wants to see sustained and broad-based economic development. In his maiden speech during the official opening of the 35th Southern African Development Community (SADC) Ordinary Summit in Gaborone, Botswana, he called on the member states to safe-guard the region's economic sovereignty by reducing dependency. This was the first speech Geingob made to the SADC Heads of State and Government since he was inaugurated as Namibian president in March this year. “No matter how meagre our financial resources may be, I believe that if we pull together in the spirit of Harambee (everyone pulling together), we will achieve our objective of an industrialised and prosperous region,” he said to thunderous applause from the audience. Geingob also called on the SADC governments to equally work hard to reduce their dependency on traditional sources of revenue and lending. “We must diversify our domestic revenue sources, and create well-capitalised local and regional financial institutions to fund our developmental agenda,” he said. The Namibian leader indicated that the discrepancies in income both across nations and within nations are on the increase. “The rich seem to be getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,” he said. “The region is not immune to this trend.” However, he indicated that for prosperity to be sustainable, it must be shared. “With the post-2015

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the African Union 2063 Development Agenda, and our own regional policies on development, the necessary frameworks are in place to take our region to greater heights,” Geingob stated. The Summit of the SADC Heads of State and Government started Monday and ends Tuesday. The theme of the 35th Summit is 'Accelerating Industrialisation of SADC Economies through Transformation of Natural Endowment and Improved Human Capital'. The summit is expected to deliberate on the just-revised SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2015 to 2020, which has also mainstreamed the industrialisation agenda of the region. The RISDP outlines the region's priorities for member states and gives the prerequisite strategic direction to the SADC Secretariat for the coming years. The SADC leaders will also look at the implementation of the recentlylaunched COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Trade Area (TFTA) in which the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and East African Community (EAC) united with SADC on a trade agreement. The summit witnessed Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe handing over of the SADC chairpersonship to President of Botswana Seretse Khama Ian Khama. NAMPA

GABORONE, 16 August 2015 - President Hage Geingob arrived in Gaborone, Botswana on Sunday to attend the 35th SADC Summit that will take place on Monday and Tuesday. (Photo by: Maria Chigariro) STATE HOUSE

Heads roll at Swapo Youth League (Erongo) At an ordinary Regional Executive Meeting, conducted by the Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL Erongo) on Saturday at Omaruru, it was recommended that the Regional Secretary, Laina Shipange and the Regional Secretary for Information, Publicity and Mobilisation, Manfred Kamwanga Likoro be suspended from all SPYL activities in the Erongo Region with immediate effect.

(Fltr) Sarah-Leigh Elago, Reinhold Shipwikineni and Tobias Nambala (District Secretary: Walvis Bay)

This recommendations were made in line with Article 17 (6) of the Swapo Party Youth League Constitution, says a press statement, issued at a press conference in Swakopmund on Sunday afternoon. It was further recommended that Reinhold Shipwikineni be appointed as the Acting Regional Secretary of

SPYL Erongo, and Sarah-Leigh Elago as the acting Regional Secretary for Information, Publicity and Mobilisation. Reasons for the suspension of Shipange and Likoro were not made clear, but it was indicated that the recommendations will be forwarded to the National Executive Committee of SPYL

and the matter is in their hands now. As per SPYL's Constitution (Article 17) a Regional Executive Committee (REC) meeting should be conducted, at least every three months. According to an inside source, last Saturday's meeting was the first REC meeting in about two years.

Marshallino Beukes

The SPYL constitution also states that the Regional Executive Committee has the power to suspend members should serious misconduct or violation of the code of conduct be detected. A follow-up press conference was promised.

18 AUGUST 2015


Caring for our environment The children and parents from Busy Bodies Montessori School did a ‘Desert Clean Up’ on Saturday, the 8th of August. The kids and adults together gathered up enough rubbish to fill several bags with plastic bottles, bags, papers and general household waste.

A comment from one of the children was: “Those people throwing down their rubbish are very naughty!” The Busy Bodies Team would really like to

thank the kids and parents that made the effort in helping us to teach our children a very valuable lesson in keeping our desert litter free!

Opening of the 6th Annual Spring School Sharlien Tjambari The Grade 12 learners from the different schools in the Erongo Region gathered at the opening ceremony of the Grade 12 spring school on 17 August. Swakopmund Secondary School hosts the Spring School. With the Spring School, tutors aims at strengthening the knowledge of learners and helping them improve their final results. This is the sixth annual Spring School in the Erongo Region and it is believed to be the reason behind the good results of Grade 12 learners in the Erongo Region. This year the Spring School is attended by more or less 500 learners from different schools in the Erongo Region. The Spring School will

focus mainly on Physical Science, Mathematics and Biology. This year's Spring School is sponsored by Swakop Uranium with the amount of N$100 000. “Remain focused, do what is always asked of you, have faith, set yourself goals, adhere to the rules and most importantly; you only have one life so

make the most of it,” were the lessons given to the learners by the Sustainability and Corporate Social Involvement Assistant Manager of the Swakop Uranium, Mrs Winnie Mukupuki. In her closing remarks, the Principal of the Walvis Bay Circuit under the Erongo Education Directorate Mrs /Gawises said, “if you

challenge yourself, you will grow, your life will change and your outlook will change.” Mrs /Gawises also said, “It is not always easy to reach your goals but that is no reason to stop.” The Spring School commenced on 17 August and will end on Friday, 21 August.

The Swakopmund Secondary School hall was packed with learners from all corners of the Erongo Region

Man apologises for social media advert, yet strikes again Madelaine Laubscher

A man who recently posted on social media that he offers his assistance to poison/kill dogs that become an annoyance to society, later stated it was a joke, after the Walvis Bay SPCA said they will not accept such behaviour and he subsequently apologised. According to this man his advert was meant as a joke and he expressed his regret towards the SPCA. “My status was meant as a joke. It is not that I hate animals. I am a dog owner myself. Sorry if I offended people in any way. Besides, it was a status and not an act carried out,” he told the SPCA. According to the SPCA spokesperson, after he apologised, he struck again by threatening to slaughter a woman’s dog.

The SPCA responded by saying they do not take such jokes lightly when it comes to animals. “We are here to protect and serve animal rights and we will do everything in our power to stop this from happening to our beloved four-legged friends. This ‘joke’ according to you, was taken very seriously due to the fact that you provided your services for free with contact numbers and poison.


Court Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report 7-10 August 2015 Frans Kamukwanyama (30) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was withdrawn against the accused. Daniel Quinton Haoseb (26) appeared on a charge of theft-general deficiency. The matter was postponed to 24 September for further investigation. The accused is on bail. A 15-year-old minor appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed until 7 September for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Walter Hoffman (25) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 12 November. The accused is on bail. Eva Daala (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 4 November. The accused is on bail. Napandulwe Ndinelao Shifiounye (24) appeared on a charge of theft. He was found guilty and sentenced to12 months in prison. Matheus Shiimi (19) appear on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is still at large. Timoteus Andreas (33) appeared on a charge of receiving stolen property. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016. The accused is on bail. Temus Thomas (45) appear on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 23 September for plea. The accused is on warning. Kasper Raymond (25) appear on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 19 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Tuhafeni Nanghonga (25) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 14 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Judith Tshoma (42) and Silence Chiradza (25) both appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to

steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 14 January 2016 for plea and trial. Tshoma is on bail and Chiradza is in custody. Pison Nghishikomesho Tomas (34) and Jonas Nghiilwamo (25) both appeared on a charge of theft. The suspects were found guilty and were each sentenced to pay a fine of N$500 or 45 days in prison. Petrus Junias (28) appeared on 2 charges of rape. The matter was postponed to 9 September for plea in terms of Section 119. The accused is on bail. Alfred Schmidt (27) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 17 September for legal aid. The accused is in custody. Paulus Reinhald (43) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grevious bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 September for futher investigation. The accused is in custody. Namweya Petrus (30) appeared on a charge of theft – general deficiency. The matter was postponed to 9 September for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Thomas David (46) appeared on a charge of murder with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. The matter was postponed to 29 October for P.G decision. The accused is on bail. Koshondati Kathingo (51) appeared on a charge of driving without a drivers licence and driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 19 August for plea. The accused is on bail. Andrew Tatenda Mudyanadzo (52) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The suspect was found guilty and were sentenced to pay a fine of N$6 000 or 12 months in prison. Joseph Jon Levy (28) appeared on a charge of malicious damage of property. The matter was postponed to 29 September for futher investigation. The accused remains in custody.

You also did not post it only once, but twice on facebook. The problem with these ‘jokes’ are that you open a window for potential givers in taking advantage of this situation. It becomes a big issue and creates endless problems for societies like ours to protect these animals from any harm. We need you to post on your facebook wall that you were only joking and that you did not mean for it to be taken seriously so that everyone can see. We are glad to hear that you have a dog and you as owner should understand that you have to protect them at all costs against people who are cruel and who would act out on such ‘jokes’. We thank you for your mail and hope you understand our point of view regarding protecting these animals so that no harm will ever come to animals,” she replied. The first post read “anybody trying to get

rid of this evil in society, your neighbour’s dogs giving trouble, just call me at *** I can get rid of them free of charge. I poison them. Just let me know so I arrive there. I am specialised in killing them. Then I give them to the ...........,” it read. The second post read “anybody wishing to kill bullterriers, if your neighbour’s dog is stalking you, inbox me or text. I have got the poison to rid us of their evil. Will do it for free,” it read. The newspaper contacted the cellphone number that was provided on the advertisement to get a comment from this man. At first, the number was ringing but there was no answer. At the second and third attempt to speak to this man, a voice message said the number does not exist on MTC’s network. According to the SPCA spokesperson, she will take this matter further.

18 AUGUST 2015



18 AUGUST 2015


Obtaining Fishing

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905éOpen hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Om



Riv er

Mile 72

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14

Horse Mackerel Factory for Walvis Bay Leandrea Louw

General Manager of the Atlantic Pacific Fishing Factory, Mr Udo Burger confirmed that the new Atlantic Pacific Fishing, Horse Mackerel Factory is valued at N$250 million. The groundbreaking of the factory took place last week Friday in Walvis Bay and was officiated by Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Bernhard Esau. The company was formed through a joint venture that is 51% owned by Namibian long-term Horse Mackerel rights holders, Hefdy Group of Companies, Joka Two Fishing and Namibia Seaweed Processing. The other 49% is owned by Brandberg Na-

NFCPT urges fishing fraternities to join hands Mavourlene !Gaës The Board Chairperson of the Namibia Fish Consumption Promotion Trust (NFCPT), Katrina Sikeni has highlighted the developments and achievements made by the Trust during the 4th annual National Fish Consumption day breakfast at a local hotel in Walvis Bay. Sikeni says the NFCPT is staying true to its mission of promoting the consumption of fish whilst at the same time enhancing accessibility. “NFCPT has over the past years, ensured that they bear witness to a larger footprint of their outlets. We at the NFCPT assisted households across the length and breadth of Namibia in making fish a part of their daily meals.” The NFCPT is awarded annual Horse Mackerel and Hake quotas from the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, through which local entities are engaged to offer services that include but not limited to the catching of these quotas. “The NFCPT then supplies the local market at below market-related prizes due to subsidization, enabling all social classes to afford the normally ‘expensive’ food type.” According to Sikeni this year’s theme “Bringing the ocean to the north” is based upon the notion that the NFCPT would like to make fish tangibly accessible to the northern part of the country and in doing so,

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8


iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand


Port Log

Mile 4


mibia Investment Company which is held by China Fishery Group, a subsidiary of Pacific Andes International Holdings based in Hong Kong. Since it commenced operation in 2013, Atlantic Pacific Fishing has created over 120 Namibian jobs through its fishing and other ancillary operations. Once the new factory is completed, the company will create approximately 500 jobs including seagoing personnel.

Swakopmund Tides

Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

Walvis Bay Tides


ensure that all Namibians stand to gain from the nutrients of the sea waters. “Furthermore, this theme is centred around educating the Namibian populace on everything knowledgeable about our sea waters. The 4th annual National Fish Consumption Day 2015 will be held in the Omusati region on 12 September this year.” Sikeni says the National Fish Consumption Day initiative is not merely meant as a promotional tool for the NFCPT alone, but should rather be viewed as a collective industry stance in advancing the consumption of fishing produce and its by-products. “Therefore I would like to take this opportunity and urge the Namibian fishing fraternity to join hands with the NFCPT. The annual National Fish Consumption Day is hosted in different regions of our beautiful country; this is done in order for us to advocate the policy of ‘inclusivity’ as promoted by our Head of State, his Excellency Dr Hage G

Geingob. No Namibian must be left out. The NFCPT endeavours to roll-out fish consumption and its benefits to each and every citizen.” She says the annual National Fish Consumption Day will not complete without the NFCPT reaching out to the future leaders of tomorrow. “This is done to amongst other aspects sensitise the young populace as they are the future household managers about the value of fish and its preparation.” According to her, the NFCPT pursues to embed itself within the communities across all spectrums and with this in mind the Trust has an active Corporate Social Responsibility program that reaches out to the needy and vulnerable. “We annually donate blankets; prepare fish products as well as frozen fish. This is done to meet our government halfway and in so doing, we are ensuring that Namibians are not deprived of a quality lifestyle that enhances their livelihoods.” Sikeni has acknowledged the Min-

istry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as Principle Shareholder, and the fact that the NFCPT has grown in leaps and bounds from its inception. “The NFCPT has grown from merely four employees in 1994 towards 137 year-to-date, from having only serviced five regions since inception. We constantly endeavour to grow our capacity and in so doing, deliver service offerings that will meet our ever growing and demanding nation. We envisage embarking upon the construction of our fish shops in Omuthiya, Lüderitz and Ondangwa respectively.” Sikeni also acknowledges the contributions made by all role players within the fishing sector as well as those within the support services sector towards the fishing industry. “We are united in the pursuit of ensuring that the Namibian nation is a healthy nation that trusts fish and therefore consumes it, because of all our concerted efforts.”

18 AUGUST 2015



Minister of Finance visits Walvis Bay Municipality Leandrea Louw The Minister of Finance Mr Calle Schlettwein and his delegation paid a visit to the Walvis Bay Municipality last week. The main objective of this visit was to engage with the Municipality about the pertinent matters relating to financing and confirm - in concrete terms - the starting points and the plans ahead for the servicing of the erven identified in Walvis Bay. This came after President Hage Geingob announced that there shall be a massive nationwide project earmarked towards servicing of 200 000 plots nationwide. The servicing of land will start in the three towns of Walvis Bay, Windhoek and Oshakati. A technical committee will also be established to work out all modalities regarding the Massive Urban Land Servicing Project and to implement this agreement made, an ad hoc committee at ministerial level had been established. The Chairperson

of this committee is Ms Sophia Shanigwa and the other members are Ministers Alpheus !Naruseb, Frans Kapofi, Calle Schlettwein, Tom Alweendo and Attorney General, Sakeus Shanghala. In his remarks, Minister of Finance, Mr Calle Schlettwin said that “the two main issues at hand are the issues of land availability and affordability. The bottom line of what we will be able to deliver in the shortest possible time depends on the financial wherewithal to finance the identified units, supported by the

voluntary support from civil society and the business community.” “Let me therefore seize this opportunity to indicate that the price dynamics in the real estate and housing sectors have not lent themselves to the affordability range for especially the low and middle-income earners. The price overshooting has outstripped wage improvements, rendering an average house rocketing out of affordability range of lowincome earners”. He also thanked those private entities who have already committed their

support to this project, but also called on others partner with Government in this endeavor. “When we cooperate and leverage our different strengths, it will greatly enhance our ability to deliver meaningful outcomes to Namibian citizens. However by supporting Government in whatever form, does not give you exclusive rights to this project. There is no room for exclusivity.” “The Government has already budgeted for up to N$971 million in the current budget for land servicing and improvement of sanitation infrastructure,

with similar but scaled up allocations over the MTEF. These allocated amounts underpin the Government's stern commitment in serviced land delivery, which should strengthen going forward”. He furthermore mentioned that allocation process of this erven still remains the responsibility of the local

authority. “The whole idea of these consultative meetings is to come up with solutions to make land available and affordable in a cost effective way and also use resources with maximum impact and minimum wastage.” “I thus urge the Walvis Bay Municipality and other local authorities to make

Cabin crew union hopes Samson solves Air Namibia The Namibian Cabin Crew Union (NCCU) has appealed to new acting Air Namibia Managing Director (MD), Ellaine Samson to first deal with the inequalities experienced by their members. NCCU President, Reginald Kock said in a media statement issued in Windhoek yesterday that “a happy worker is a productive worker,” and that is why they are reminding

Samson of the importance of dealing first with the inequalities experienced by Air Namibia employees. “We have tried to engage the Air Namibia manage-

Chairperson of the Government Institutions' Pension Fund (GIPF) Board, Advocate Ellaine Samson speaking during the launch of a “Pension on Wheels” mobile van on Wednesday. (photo by: Pearl Coetzee) NAMPA

ment team on various times to seek conclusion on certain matters but we either receive a negative response of not being available or no response at all,” said Kock. He explained that the NCCU members submitted their salary and working condition proposals in January 2015 and up to now, the two parties still have not held a serious dialogue on the matter. Kock added that on many occasions, union members flew out on duty without receiving subsistence and travel allowances as agreed. “We further call on the Board to initiate an investigation on various

irregularities that transpired during the tenure of Rene Gsponer,” he added. Gsponer was Air Namibia's acting managing director before Samson. Kock said the irregularities relate to employment and corporate management. The union thus urged the board to engage all employees to understand the level of irregularities that transpired and the harm it caused to the employer-employee relationship. He explained that for the past five years, they have

been asking the company to seriously look at the housing situation of its workers in Namibia and seek ways to assist employees to afford accommodation, but their suggestion was never considered. “We proposed that the company considers buying a piece of land and build an employee village on it. “Let's engage other companies and their representatives, municipalities and Government to seek a solution to the housing issue,” he said. The NCCU, however, welcomed the swift action of the airline's Board of

Directors to identify a company leader for the next 12 months. The union acknowledged Samson's willingness to try and assist the Air Namibia Board and employees in the hope of turning their fortunes around. Samson was elected as acting MD of Air Namibia last Wednesday. She will serve for 12 months while the board searches for a person to appoint permanently. Samson holds a Bachelor Juris degree, LLB honours, and Master of Law in International Air and Space Law, which she passed with distinction.

deliberate efforts to target resources to land servicing. Let me emphasise that this consultation is only the beginning. It is my intention that we continue the consultative process and close collaboration in the months and years to come,” he concluded the session. She has a Master of Business Administration and is completing her Doctorate in Philosophy in Air Transport at Leiden University, Netherlands. Samson worked as General Manager for Corporate and Legal Services at the Namibia Airports Company and served as chairperson of the Board o f Tr u s t e e s a t t h e Government Institutions' Pension Fund (GIPF), and more recently served as a consultant to the African Union tasked with drafting regulations of competition for air transport in Africa, and arbitration procedures. NAMPA

18 AUGUST 2015


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namib times readers’ comments


Reaction from Prosperity on Air Ambulance Crash Bertus Struwig, the CEO of Prosperity, the company which owns E Med Rescue 24 Namibia, told namib times that he’ll be flying to Cape Town, where the official investigation into the air ambulance crash has commenced. He says it was the first time that they’ve experienced a disaster of this nature in the history of E Med24 Namibia Rita Sowden It was an ambulance plane so how on earth could they have put it in a holding pattern.... so it seems. Hileni Munkundi Sad indeed .

Paul Banchek This is no excuse. That the national radar system was out of order. It is Bull…’’

Terence Ward Loses Son in Air Ambulance Disaster Terence Ward, a revered emergency services operator at the Namibian coast, has just shared his grief with namib times... his own son was on the ambulance plane that crashed this morning. He was calm and at peace when he spoke to namib times... Mike Böttger May the crew and the passengers rest in peace. I salute the brave souls that risk their lives and pay the ultimate price to save others. John Kambimbi When situations like these comes into others, its always simple like nothing happened at all. But to those who are very much close it is something else considering memories shared together. I therefore want to share my deepest condolences to all the families who has lost their beloved in this tragedy. Chantëllë Gaoses I take my head off for pappa Terrence and all his workers who safed my life last year when i was in the bomb explosion accident.My condolences to him and his family GOD knows why it happend to be him and the other 4 .May their soul’s rest in peace and keep delivering the good services u do cos its highly appreciated.And i owe it all to u guys. Lucille Miglietti Terrence may God be with u and your family during this difficult time. May his soul rest in peace. Amanda Natasha Rodkin My dear Terence my heart goes out to you and your family. Hold on to the memory of your son and know that will always comfort you and your wife. Marcell Adolf Noble May Heavenly FATHER bless the bereaved Family with Peace & Comfort. Death isnt the end, but the beginning of another journey in another world, which is called Paradise. May the Love of GOD preside in your hearts at this time. Our prayers remain with the Family. Franz Uirab Our sincere condolences to the bereaved family. May their souls rest in eternal peace. Ingrid Inky Not knowing the person but just n thought to loose your son in,a tagic way. Only God wil heal this emptynes.Rip,my condolences to your family. Shirley Arendse Codolences to all the families and friends of the deceased put your faith and trust in the Lord. Kandaly KaHenock May their souls rest in peace. Esme Mouton May God be with the Ward family and the other families as well during this difficult time. May their souls rest in peace. Uno Swartbooi Let me share my deepest condolences to the families who lost their loved ones. May the Lord console you all. Anneli Maart Its so sad and shocking. May their souls rest in peace and our wholehearted condolences to the familys. Trying to save lives just to loose your own. Else Kasuto Mumbango its so sad to read ths. May their souls rest in peace. Herman En Ria Scholtz May the Peace of the Lord be with you Ward family as well as the other families. Natalie Fernandes Struwig Our deepest sympathy Terrance, may God be with the family. He died serving wat he loved doing in life -saving people and for that he will always be our hero, R.I.P Alfred. Nuusiku Waamakele May their soul rest in peace. Aline Ndekandua Kavei May their soul rest in peace Colleen van Rooyen My heartfelt Condolence to the Ward Family and the other Families. My thoughts and

Prayers are with you in this sad and difficult Time. To those that lost their Lifes R.I.P. Gracy Angel May their soul rest in eternal peace! Penehafo Shipepe May their souls rest in peace. Renthia Kruger My sincere condolances Terrance Ward with the loss of your son. Petronella Pieters-Nghiwilepo Gone too soon Alfred, may your soul rest in peace... Jenna Botes VW Green Sincere condolences to families, friends may their souls rest in peace. Lyndall Magerman Davids Sincere condolences to you and the rest of your family Terence. May the Lord comfort you and the rest of the family members who suffer a loss in this accident as well. Eugenie Pienaar Thank you for sharing your grief with us. Our condolences. Leonora B. Joodt Psalms 10:17 O LORD, you hear the desire of the afflicted; you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear. Abigail-Anne Fourie Smit Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this incredibly sad time Tina Tega Sakaria ooo May Terrence Wards› son Rest in eternal peace && er’1 else who was on board the E med chopper. RIP. Chrizelda Opperman May their souls rest in peace and may God bring healing to the families in this trying time. Linanga Linanga May their souls rest in eternal peace. Annamarie Alcock-Martin It›s very sad, but as his father mension Alfred served God he is save with our loving Father... Rest in peace Alfred and job well done, you will be rewarded, I pray for Tarance his father and the rest of the family. Ann Coetzee Our deepest condolences to the Ward family and may the Lord Comfort you in this sad. Frank Sparks Ailenge Rest in peace young man, God Almighty will take care of you. My condolences to my mentor and my teacher, Mr Terrance Ward. May God be with you during this difficult times. Sandra Van Der Ploeg Love and healing light for all the family and friends! Rip! Elaine Sjalome Smith-Madih Aai my goodness, thus is so so sad. I was not aware that it is Terrance’s son that died. Petro Oberholster Sincere condolences to Chare Koortzen, her Dad Sarel and her brother! And everyone who lost someone dear to them on this trip! Nadia Michelle Beukes To everyone on board that has died rest in peace. May God be with all of your families. Caroline Claire Shireen Visagie Terence may God be with u and your family during this difficult time. Strongs to the pasient and crews family. Carol Lynn Oberg Dear Terence, I send you love in Jesus as you mourn with HOPE. I am so sad with you and our family. Ortrud Olivier Our sincerest condolences to you and your family. Godfrey Goodman My deepest condolences to the families who lost there loved ones may they rip. Antoinette Platt My sincerest con-dolences to all the

families. My heart bleeds for u all. Fia Kisting My deepest condolences to Terence all the other familys who lost love ones may God be with you. William Peterson Uncle T.. May our Lord be with you and the fam and give you strength. Eleanor Jacobs So sad. May their souls R. I.P and condolences to all their families. Cecilia Pohl God will help you through this! May their soles rest in peace, amen! Marlene Labuschagne Vorster Terrence thinking of you in this time of sorrow You were so supported when Stepha died May God keep you under his Wings So sorry my friend. Moira-Anne Schaaf-Somers This is very sad news. Very deep condolences to the loved ones and families of the victims. It's a tragedy. Zebila Van Rooi Sincere condolences to the families who lost there loved ones. Nadine Derbyshire so incredibly sad may the souls of the dear departed Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory. Esteban Blazic Dear Terence words can not change anything just we support you in everything possible God got a purpose and even do not understand we must accept with you your friend to other families most sincere condolences. Cheryl-Ann Diergaardt Deepest condolences to the Ward family and all other families who lost a loved one. God be with you. Verina V-babe Claasen RIP Alfred! Terence and Alida I am so sad for your loss. May God be with you through this time. Dove Nel May God give u as family the power for healing and believe that He is there for U God Bless! Daniel Gurirab My sincere condolences to the family and friends... Jo-Ann Katamila R.I.P Alfred and the rest of the occupants of th plane. Becky Badi Sincere condolences to the bereaved families. Jerusha Hangula Oom T.and family our heartfelt prayers and love goes out to you all.no words can ever fill that space and void you all feel right now. But only the holy spirit will comfort can bring peace. may God help in this trying time. Leigh Lelanie Pascheka Sad news for EMS. Rest in peace! Martina Kaffer My deepest condolences... may their souls RIP. Quinten Claasen Uncle T my deepest condolonces to you and auntie Alida. May God give you the strenght in your time of need. I still cant believe it,but he passed on doing what he luvs best. Rip Alfred. Victor Klazen Terrance.. God will give u comfort... and also to his mother. Sluipstap Pretorius Condolences to the Ward Family and all others involved. Hice Kamure My deepest condolences to the bereaved family/friends and nation as it is.It is indeed a great loss in experty for Rescuers in Namibia.May they souls rest in peace. Connie Owoses God be with you and family sir,may their souls rest in peace. He indeed died whilst doing a honorable job. Brendon Scott Uncle Terence. We are here for you. The swakopmund EMed Rescue 24. Along with St Gabriel and Life Link. Michele Crohn Milho So sad! RIP! God bless! Ronel Conrad So sad R.I.P Alfred! Silvia I. Mohrcken We salute you! Mutinta Nchindo Hhmmm,Lord have mercy, it’s a very difficult time for the family.

Geraldine Knowles They safe in the arms of Jesus. Salomy Koopman R.I.P. This is really sad news. Naomi Gaven So so sad. Rip young man. Anet Pienaar-Vosloo So very sad. Condolences to the relatives. Lynette Van Der Linde Soooo sad! Richard Reid Sad news RIP. Debbie Meriam Kambonde So sad. Jessica Malan Alfred I salute to you. Helping others in need.. . Rip. Roderick Clarke God bless the families, and give the strength!, I salute all the pilots out there and may God bless them as well! Goretti Coelho Very sad! RIP. Wanda Beukes My deepest sympathy Uncle Terrance and Aunt Alida, may God be with you my family now that God take those who he loves the most R.I.P Alfred. Desire Blommie van Wyk Al ons simpatie aan Oom Terence en sy gesin, My God be with you in this difficult time RIP Alfred. Steffi Blom Im so shocked knw r.i.p alfred my condolences to the ward and olivier family. Valerie Müller Very sad! Thinking of all families! Christy Ockhuizen My condolences to the families who losed family members on this accident. Chris Engels R.I.P. BRAVE HERO's... Denise Van Bergen Deepest sympathies to all concerned in this tragedy. Glen Izaaks Stay strong. Hester Burger We think of all the loved ones. God Bless. Lenorita Moller Sad sad sad! Shame RIP! Bianca En Arthur Lofty-Eaton Condolences to Terrence and his family. Henriette Coetzee Condolences to all xxx. Lenny Hare Salute. Jenay Larson May they all RIP. Hermien Scholtz So sad... Condolences to Terence, Alida and family... May God comfort you. Mina Husselmann Terence our sincerst condolences to you and all other families involved. God be with you all. Rita Sowden Rest in peace. Im so sorry for the families. Ina Olivier This is so sad... I feel with you Terence and family... Nicolene Isaacs 2nd loss this year for Emed greatest paramedics RIP Alfred. Ulla Kintscher Kotze Condolences to all the families! Merle Slamet Sad RIP. Like · Reply · Yesterday at 1:26pm Maryke Krohne Terence our wholehearted condolences. We pay for you and to yr family. Melanie MissLo Farmer My boetie I didn’t know it would be the last I saw you on Thursday... Love you always. Quinzell van Wyk So sad may God give his family and friends strength through this hard time so painful losing someone. Felicity Celento Sincere condolences to the Ward family. May God carry you throughout this time and in the future. Suzette Van Zyl Joubert Condolences to the families involved. Brumilda Damens R.I.P ALFRED UR PLACE IS EMPTY HERE NW WE WILL MISS U DEARLY. Hileni Munkundi Soooo sad.... Anesca Du Toit Snyman Sincere condolence to all families involved. Belinda Khaebes So sad RIP.

18 18AUGUST AUGUST2015 2015



Eddie Techman Skydiving OFAC Listed Countries - Namibia is on the List Accident... Letter from a concerned reader The Swakopmund Skydiving Club has just sent us this official statement on the Eddie Techman accident... "Eddie Techman of Swakopmund was injured on 15 August 2015 during a parachuting incident. Mr. Techman exited from a light aircraft at 14:55, at an altitude of 12 000 feet above the ground and was seen to experience difficulty with his main parachute. Upon activating his reserve parachute, he experienced further difficulties and landed close to the B2 national road near the Martin Luther. Tyson Donald Lloyd Hull My wife and I both did our first skydive experience with your club in 2006 and 2012. Your club is fantastic and we hope the injured member of your team a speedy recovery from what could have easily been a tragedy. Regards and hope this ends well for Mr Techman. Lynn Oldham Matt and I saw him hit the ground, it was an awful experience. Two men stopped within seconds of the incident to assist. So relieved he survived, I wish u a speedy recovery. Katja Bär Glöditzsch Wishing Eddie Techman a speedy and fully recovery! Heidi Camarate De Campos Wishing him a full and speedy recovery! Danie Wiese Speedy recovery mate! Sheralee Anderson Hey Eddie Techman. Sending you huge hugs and a speedy recovery! All our love Rob and Sheri xxx Bianca En Arthur Lofty-Eaton Speedy recovery Eddie! Genaral Shallie Speedy recovery Eddie... Aletta Taljaard Hope you will recover soon Eddie.

Chrisilda Rausch All the best. Philip Varnhagen Get well soon Eddie. Peter James Speedy recovery Eddie - just know you will bounce back. Shipepe Iiyambo Speed recovery. Linda Jonk Speedy recovery, Eddi! Toya Louw All the best speedy recovery Danny Beukes Hope he is ok... Ischa Vos Wishing you a speedy recovery Eddie. Carmen Goldbeck Get well soon Eddi. Shirley Schlange God speed Eddie. Maria Tripodi We are praying for you complete and speedy recovery Eddie. Uwe Schulz Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. Pls keep us posted. Clive Owen Bergh Recover soon, Eddie. Elvera Wille Speedy Recovery Eddie. Rosanna Marzi Reid Speedy recovery Eddie! Hugs and blessings. Dennis Stokell Eddie, hope you recover soon boet. Tubby Gouws Wishing you a speedy recovery Eddie Techman.

I am a long time resident of Walvis Bay and I have operated as a Marine Surveyor at the port of Walvis Bay for the last 25 years. My marine surveying company is Namibian Maritime Services C.C. Part of the professional services I carry out in the marine world is the representation of overseas companies, as their Walvis Bay based marine surveyor. When a ship comes into port that requires a necessary survey that is due or overdue on the ship, I am authorised by the parent company that I represent overseas, to carry out the survey of the vessel and to issue the appropriate certificates to that vessel, upon a satisfactory completion of the survey, which allows the ship to continue trading. The vessels that I survey are all vessels with foreign flags, other to that of the flag of Namibia. For these services I invoice the company that I represent overseas, as agreed upon beforehand or as per contract and I get paid for the professional services rendered. Well, that was how it worked in the past. Very recently I was contacted by a company from Panama, that I represent here in Walvis Bay, who advised me that they are unable to remit funds to me, for the services ren-

dered at the Port of Walvis Bay, as the country of Namibia is listed on the American government OFAC blacklist. The OFAC is part of the US government treasury department and OFAC stands for “office of foreign assets control.” This has bought home very quickly the fact that Namibia is now been rated as been in the same pot as other blacklisted countries involved in drug smuggling, arms smuggling, money laundering and a host of other illegal activities. Having done some research on the subject this weekend, I have come to understand that Namibia has been on this OFAC blacklist for a number of years. The OFAC and high level of the Namibian government has apparently committed to correct the findings of the OFAC audit, but the latest information I can find on the subject dates to 2013. Please see the website “http:// www.sanctionswiki.org/ US_Embargoed_Countries.” This non-compliance of Namibia to the require-

ment of the OFAC is starting to affect my business. If I don’t receive payment for services rendered, then I may as well shut my business down and go and sit on the beach. At least I will receive a sun tan, which is more than what I’m receiving for doing a honest day’s work. We all need to receive remuneration for our daily toil, because we all have to pay for everything that we have in our lives, let alone our taxes. This non-compliance of the OFAC rules of Namibia must be affecting other businesses here in Namibia as well. I am just one business. I ask you to please contact the minister of Finance at the Namibian government Ministry of Finance to enquire from them the latest efforts that have been put into place to make Namibia an OFAC compliant country and when it will be implemented or effected. This can affect the whole country’s economy. You will be surprised to see how many countries are on the OFAC blacklist. Best regards, Geoffrey Owen


18 AUGUST 2015

Die matrieks en hulle onderwysers

Onvergeetlike matriekjaar-oomblikke

Pro-Ed Matrieks ontvang hulle Matriekafskeid-uitnodigings Woensdag was ‘n baie, baie spesiale dag vir die matrieks van die Pro-Ed Akademie op Swakopmund - hulle het op ‘n onvergeetlike geleentheid by die skool hulle matriekafskeid-uitnodigings ontvang. Almal het saamgewerk om die dag ‘n voltreffer te maak....die Graad 11s het die uitnodigings en die sjampanje uitgedeel, terwyl die Graad 8s ‘n erewag gevorm het en ballonne en koekies aan die matrieks oorhandig het. Van die ouers het ook opgedaag om getuie te wees van die mooi dag....

Die namib times was uitgenooi, om te deel in die spesiale geleentheid... Die Graad 12s was duidelik diep geraak, en sal beslis die dag nog lank in hulle harte bewaar. En ja, namib times hét gevra oor die vonkel in die glase... dis alkoholvry! Die matrieks begin nou

gereedmaak vir die eindeksamen, maar hulle sal nog terugkeer vir klas, voordat hulle rekenskap sal gee – hopelik vir oulaas! Op 9 Oktober sal hulle dié uitnodigings toon, om toegelaat te word tot, wat sekerlik een van die grootste aande in hulle lewens sal wees.

Elke matriek het alleen deur die erewag beweeg...

Die onderwysers het toegekyk

'n Glasie alkoholvrye vonkel om dié dag Die Standerd 9's met die uitnodigings te vier

Fotos deur Maria Davel-Wallis

Almal wag in spanning vir die seremoniemeester om die woord te spreek...


18 AUGUST 2015




Rotary Youth Leadership Awards Camp brings Youth to Walvis Bay Liesl Losper

The Rotary Interact Club of Namibia had their RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards) in Walvis Bay this year. Students from different schools in Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay attended this 4-day camp. It was the first time that the event was held in Walvis Bay. The highlight for the campers was their day of fun, Saturday at the Yacht club. Rotary president for Walvis Bay, Buddy Glover, said this camp is a challenge to the students to see who are the best leaders amongst them. “During this camp the students will also select their new leaders for next year. The students really enjoyed the desert walk, and it was a happy experience when they climbed the dunes and found the campsite, “Lauberville,” where the camp was held.” The camp started on Thursday with a desert tour presented by Peter Bridgeford. They also learnt more about water conservation methods. On Saturday, Pointbreak discussed money matters (e-wallet), cash management and many other interesting financial matters with the campers.

All the students at their camp site posing for a group photo Afterwards, they received sailing lessons presented by Buddy. One of the members also gave a presentation on sand sculpture techniques, which definitely helped them when the moment arrived that they had to do it

themselves. The group also enjoyed an educational boat trip. Frieda Shikoyeni of Poetic Healing had a motivational talk on Saturday night. The students described the camp to the namib times as “epic, awesome, a good

Photo by Vera Leech

The aim of the camp was for students to have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world. Students from different schools in Windhoek, Otjiwarongo, Swakopmund and Walvis Bay attended. Vera Leech is a Trustee and Board Member of Mondesa Youth Opportunities Trust, a profound teacher of Swakopmund and previous president for the Rotary Club Swakopmund. She has told namib times that they have been lucky that the coastal town was chosen as the host for this year’s camp. “I believe in developing our community, especially the youth and through this camp we can create the best leadership skills in the students”


learning experience” and they said that they were proud to be part of the Rotary Club. The RYLA is an international Rotary event, that takes place all over the world.


Enjoying their boat trip

De Priester & De Chef

Jak de Priester, is 'n Afrikaanse sanger, storieverteller van formaat, skrywer en TV-persoonlikheid. Met meer as 13 jaar, 8 albums, 1 digbundel, ‘n koffietafel-woordkuns boek en verskeie verhoogproduksies later, is Jak se loopbaan steeds besig om te groei. Chef Tiaan is Kyknet se eerste Kokkedoor 2013 Kinkelkok Wenner! En nou ook Kokkedoor 2015 beoordelaar. Vir chef Tiaan, vanaf Stellenbosch, ‘n plek wat hy huis noem al vir 27 jaar, gaan alles daaroor om dit plaaslik te hou. As professionele chef vir die afgelope 9

jaar, het hy saam met die beste in die kulinêre bedryf gewerk. As eerste wenner in die Kokkedoor reeks, maak hy golwe en skud die smaakkliere! Dis vir dis op ‘n slag! Jak de Priester het 2015 afgeskop met groot planne en konserte. Sy nuwe album, “Reis na

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 19 Aug: Annual General Meeting of Walvis Bay Golf Club at 16:30 at the club. * 1 Sept: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by VGK Kerk. * 4 Sept: Poetic Healing presents Open Mic Night at 18:00 at Ninos's Pizzeria, Walvis Bay. Interested poets, comedians and musicians should contact 0812144161 on or before 31 August 2015. * 5 Sept: Hear 4 Raymond - The International School of Walvis Bay at 18:00. Contact: 081 251 9900/081 344 8811. * 9 Sept: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole * 25 Sept: Mr and Miss NPS at School Hall. * 6 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Katolieke Kerk.

gister” is ook hierdie jaar vrygestel. Daarin is 17 nuwe, oorspronklike liedjies uit sy pen. Die derde reeks van sy gewilde Kyknet program met dieselfde naam, “Reis na Gister”, het ook vroeer vanjaar weer begin. Die geleentheid om hierdie twee kunste-

naars saam te sien in hul element, gaan voorwaar iets wees om te onthou. Gevul met goeie musiek en vingerlek lekker disse. Kry NOU jou kaartjie voor dit te laat is! Kaartjies te koop by Lions Old Age Home: Tel 402 436 (Petro Rabe) of Namib Info

(oorkant Pick&Pay): Tel 404 827 (Almuth Styles). Dit gaan ‘n fenomenale aand wees!! Julle kan dit beslis nie misloop nie! Woensdagaand - 19 Augustus om 19:00 in die Namib Primary School Aula.

* Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30. * 19 Aug: Jak & Tiaan, de Priester & De Chef by NPS Aula Swakopmund om 19:00. * 30 Aug: Sunday Market at Wellness Centre 5 Libertine Amathila St Swakopmund from 09.00 till 13.00 * 5 Sept: Husab Marathon and 10km, 5km fun run starting at the Husab Access Road from 07:00. * 5 Sept: Poetic Healing presents Open Mic Night at 18:00 at Cosmopolitan Restaurant, Swakopmund. Interested poets, comedians and musicians should contact 081 214 4161 on or before 31 August 2015 * 7 - 10 Oct: Swakopmund International Trade Expo. For more info contact 064 - 406687 or 081 476 9304. * 14 Oct: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole * 15 & 16 Oct: Narraville Primary School Prize-giving Ceremonies.

HENTIES BAY * 28 & 29 Aug: FISHFESTIFAL & SPORTS DAY. * 29 Aug: HENTIES JUKSKEI FUN DAY opens at 08:30. Divisions A, B, C. * 16 Des: Geloftefees te N G KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00.



Sweetness Photography

Matric farewells in Walvis Bay

Danny & Annadien Sweetness Photography

Cody & the brothers

Burton surrounded with beauty

Christian & Esther

Bobby & Jozelle

Kudus Winter Ball

Yovanka at her farewell Xergio Shimanda on Friday night

Tevin & partner



Rotary Interact Club at RYLA camp 2015

Students from Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Otjiwarongo Secondary, and Delta School Windhoek, getting to it

Teamwork getting started at its best Sand sculpture building techniques on the test at the Yacht Club Walvis Bay

Phillipine and Avihe from Otjiwarongo Secondary School enjoying burgers "We describe this camp as epic, awesome and adventurous," said these students pictured with their sculpture, The Mermaid

Mutsa, Addelheid and Kate from St Georges School in Windhoek

Hometowners from International School - Rudolf, Catherine, Rahhiyyah, Nabeelah, Alexandra and Robert in front

West Coast Sharks-rugbyklub-gholfdag

Van speenoud tot stokoud het hulle gate uit geniet

Die 19e-putjie-op-wiele

By die SFC het die rugbyen sokkervelde vandag verander in ‘n gholfbaan, en het oud en jonk die sportdag geniet. Daar was selfs sandbanke en ‘n water-hindernis... en ‘n 19e-putjie-opwiele! Hier is ‘n handvol foto’s van die dag... meer oor dié pretdag in Vrydag se uitgawe.

Belofte van ‘n vuurtjie en ‘n vleisie om die vreugde voller te maak!

James sê hy het dié seewier gepluk om te gaan kook – hy Nie net die seevoëls nie – ook mense – het kom oes….klippies, mossels – en selfs seewier… sê dis baie goed vir mens!

Sokker op die strand – lekker ou skoolvakansie!


18 AUGUST 2015

VACANCY As a proudly Namibia-owned company, Schoemans has been at the forefront of providing office efficiency systems and solutions to Namibian business. We believe in supporting our local economy and encouraging sustainable development for the benefit of both business and people. We require the services of a Senior Sales Representative at our coastal office. The main purpose of this job is to provide sales, promote Schoemans products and services to the stakeholders. The Senior Sales Representative will be required to identify prospective customers, directly interacting and improve the quality of sales in Erongo Region.

Position: Senior Sales Representative Job Specification · Providing quality service and client care; · Providing product information to Customers; · Retain business and generation of sales leads · Take participation in trade shows, exhibitions, networking with local associations to promote the product · Handling all general queries; · Administering client information; · Performing general office functions; and · Building customer relationships

If you are that person kindly submit your CV with covering letter by emailing to grp.pa@schoemans.com.na Closing date: 25 August 2015 at 12:00

An equal opportunity employer requires the services of a

GAMBLING MANAGER We are urgently seeking to employ a competent person with sound knowledge of Microsoft Excel to fill the above position as soon as possible Requirements

· Computer Literate · Able to work flexible hours · Must have management skills · Must have own transport Namibian citizens can forward CV's to : Email : employmentcreations@gmail.com CLOSING DATE : Monday, 25th August 2015

An equal opportunity employer requires the services of a

ADMIN CLERK We are urgently seeking to employ a competent person with sound knowledge of Pastel as well as Microsoft Office to fill the above position as soon as possible


· Computer Literate · Able to work under pressure · Must have management skills · Must have own transport Namibian citizens can forward CV's to : Email : employmentcreations@gmail.com CLOSING DATE : Monday, 25th August 2015

Wellco Trucking, Walvis Bay VACANCY Long Distance Drivers Minimum Requirements: Valid code CE drivers licence and Public Drivers Permit (PDP). PDG or GP qualification an advantage. Fully experienced in Interlink transport and working experience of cross border operations. (SADC Region) NB driving skills will be tested 27 years of age and older with a minimum of 4 years long haul experience; Must be a Namibian Citizen; Must have the following qualities and skills Energetic, Physically fit with a clean bill of Health Strong sober habits, Honest, Reliable, Trustworthy; Neat and Presentable Impeccable driving record; Good command of English & Afrikaans languages; Must work independently and in a team; Basic knowledge of truck mechanical and maintenance skills; Contactable references a must Interested candidates are invited to apply. Please deliver your letter of application including your Curriculum Vitae and recently certified copies of Documents, in PERSON to: Ms Valery Schwarz at Wellco Trucking, Trekkopje Street New Industrial Area (Behind the weighbridge) Deadline for application is 20 August 2015. No faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted; neither documents nor CV's will be returned.

Location: Walvis Bay

Competencies required · Possess leadership qualities · The person should be culturally sensitive and have professional integrity; · Should be client and community-oriented and have entrepreneurial flair · Perseveres and overcomes obstacles despite resistance or setbacks · Initiate and relentlessly strive for stretched goals · Good communication, interpersonal skills and reporting skills · Planning & analytical skills · Ability to work and perform under pressure · Good planning, organising and time-management skills. · Computer Skills · Code B driver's license and own vehicle · Ambition to grow professionally and excel



18 AUGUST 2015

VACANCY As a proudly Namibia-owned company, Schoemans has been at the forefront of providing office efficiency systems and solutions to Namibian business. We believe in supporting our local economy and encouraging sustainable development for the benefit of both business and people. We require the services of a Senior Sales Representative at our coastal office. The main purpose of this job is to provide sales, promote Schoemans products and services to the stakeholders. The Senior Sales Representative will be required to identify prospective customers, directly interacting and improve the quality of sales in Erongo Region.

Position: Senior Sales Representative Job Specification · Providing quality service and client care; · Providing product information to Customers; · Retain business and generation of sales leads · Take participation in trade shows, exhibitions, networking with local associations to promote the product · Handling all general queries; · Administering client information; · Performing general office functions; and · Building customer relationships

If you are that person kindly submit your CV with covering letter by emailing to grp.pa@schoemans.com.na Closing date: 25 August 2015 at 12:00

An equal opportunity employer requires the services of a

GAMBLING MANAGER We are urgently seeking to employ a competent person with sound knowledge of Microsoft Excel to fill the above position as soon as possible Requirements

· Computer Literate · Able to work flexible hours · Must have management skills · Must have own transport Namibian citizens can forward CV's to : Email : employmentcreations@gmail.com CLOSING DATE : Monday, 25th August 2015

An equal opportunity employer requires the services of a

ADMIN CLERK We are urgently seeking to employ a competent person with sound knowledge of Pastel as well as Microsoft Office to fill the above position as soon as possible


· Computer Literate · Able to work under pressure · Must have management skills · Must have own transport Namibian citizens can forward CV's to : Email : employmentcreations@gmail.com CLOSING DATE : Monday, 25th August 2015

Wellco Trucking, Walvis Bay VACANCY Long Distance Drivers Minimum Requirements: Valid code CE drivers licence and Public Drivers Permit (PDP). PDG or GP qualification an advantage. Fully experienced in Interlink transport and working experience of cross border operations. (SADC Region) NB driving skills will be tested 27 years of age and older with a minimum of 4 years long haul experience; Must be a Namibian Citizen; Must have the following qualities and skills Energetic, Physically fit with a clean bill of Health Strong sober habits, Honest, Reliable, Trustworthy; Neat and Presentable Impeccable driving record; Good command of English & Afrikaans languages; Must work independently and in a team; Basic knowledge of truck mechanical and maintenance skills; Contactable references a must Interested candidates are invited to apply. Please deliver your letter of application including your Curriculum Vitae and recently certified copies of Documents, in PERSON to: Ms Valery Schwarz at Wellco Trucking, Trekkopje Street New Industrial Area (Behind the weighbridge) Deadline for application is 20 August 2015. No faxed or emailed applications will be accepted. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted; neither documents nor CV's will be returned.

Location: Walvis Bay

Competencies required · Possess leadership qualities · The person should be culturally sensitive and have professional integrity; · Should be client and community-oriented and have entrepreneurial flair · Perseveres and overcomes obstacles despite resistance or setbacks · Initiate and relentlessly strive for stretched goals · Good communication, interpersonal skills and reporting skills · Planning & analytical skills · Ability to work and perform under pressure · Good planning, organising and time-management skills. · Computer Skills · Code B driver's license and own vehicle · Ambition to grow professionally and excel



18 AUGUST 2015


Website: www.namibtimes.net


18 AUGUST 2015


Walvis Bay - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr house, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$14 000.00 - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 000.00 - Fairway – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen/ lounge, double garage N$9350 - Fairway – 3 bedr townhouse 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, indoor braai, double garage, garden. N$8250.00 - Central – 2 bedr townhouse 1 bathroom, guest toilet, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage, N$7000.00 - Lagoon- 1 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Longbeach – 3 bedr flat, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, dble garage N$6500 - Meersig – Townhouse 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Hermis 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr open plan kitchen / lounge. N$5500

FOR SALE Walvis Bay Contact our Agents Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 Jackie – 081 246 3590 064-280 600 Nangolo Mbumba Str. PROPERTY IS WEALTH

ERF in Fairways with boundary wall and approved plan N$ 685 000.00 Industrial Warehouses 125.9m² - N$ 1 220 000.00 222.0m² - N$ 2 120 000.00 339.6m² - N$ 3 090 600.00

House Central with flat 3 bed, 2 bath, lounge, dining, ind. BBQ, kitchen, Double garage plus 2 bed flat. N$ 1 700 000.00

Industrial Erven 5732m² - N$ 9 330 000.00 4147m² - N$ 6 750 000.00

House Central with flat 4 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge Double garage, Ind. BBQ, Servant room plus 2 bed Flat 80m² N$ 2 450 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH


SWAKOPMUND 875m² VACANT PLOT Ocean View for only N$880.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

- Narraville

LONGBEACH URGENT SALE – OFFERS PLEASE! Double storey 3 bed, 2 bath, Open plan kitchen/living, Inside BBQ, double garage, Walk to the beach. N$ 1 900 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

- 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen / lounge. N$3850 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2200 (water & electr incl) WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² N$10 500.00 incl vat 230m² N$12 700.00 incl vat 272m² N$18 975.00 incl vat

1000m² N$49 500.00 excl vat


ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMENTS Why pay rent? Buy your Own house – several different Plans, perfect location. FROM N$ 562.500-00 GOGGA 0818709950

WALVIS BAY 20 4505



1 bedr flat, 1 bathr N$2700.00

FAIRWAY ESTATE NEW RELEASE: Cosy & modern 3 bedr home, 2 bathr, open plan lounge to fitted kitchen, double garage laundry and garden. Tiled throughout. N$ 1 550 000 KUISEBMOND NEW 5 bedr home, 2 bathr, open plan lounge kitchen and approved plans for 2 flats, 2 bedr, 1 bedr. in quiet area. N$ 700 000 KUISEBMOND Spacious 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan living, kitchen and one garage, near the Naval Base. N$ 420 000

Joey 081 129 3293


500m² N$24 750.00 excl vat 300m² N$18 000.00 excl vat

SWAKOPMUND OLD WORLD CHARM Beautiful wooden floor house With spacious rooms, open Plan kitchen/living, 2 bathrooms, 3 outside rooms, double garage PLUS 2 bedr flat with own garage. Walk to the beach & shops. N$ 3 700 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

4140m² N$176 000.00 excl vat

Office space – 127m² N$6485.00 excl vat

FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Alda – 081 2555481 Office – 064 272580 TO RENT: 1x flat for rent in Kuisebmond erf 4572 N$ 2 500.00 p/m + deposit of N$ 1 500.00 W/E excl. Contact: 081 202 2171

PA Realtor Group “Your Need Is Our Deed” Under new management since 1 March 2015

James Wallis

Lock up and Go Close to Lagoon. 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, Ind BBQ, Double garage N$ 1 250 000.00



Alma Wallis

We would like to ensure our clients of our loyalty and that their investments are safe and well looked after. Feel free to contact us for any further information or for a quotation to manage your Body Corporate in Walvis Bay, Dolphin Beach , Long Beach and Swakopmund. 064 462 690 or finance@parealtorgroup.com

LONGBEACH NEVER-EVER-AGAIN BARGAIN!!! LUXURIOUS BEACHFRONT home Awesome kitchen with Granite tops, huge patio. Balconies, and much more. Far below valuation! N$ 5 300 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND DON'T SNOOZE! Neat 3 bed, 2 bath, lounge/ Dining, awesome kitchen, huge Laundry, outside BBQ, Garage. N$ 1 680 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

Walvis Bay CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 905 000-00 each! Claudia 0816051984 Joey 0812780518

To let Spacious double-storey flat in city centre 4 bedrooms 3 ½ bathrooms Fully fitted kitchen with large open-plan diningroom and lounge downstairs; a big livingroom and study upstairs. 2 double Garages. Rent N$ 15 500 per month, excluding water and electricity To let Warehouse space 133 m² warehouse in industrial area, Swakopmund, with ample customer parking. Rent N$ 5 150 per month Contact Namib Estates: Tel 404267 Cell 081 681 6602

WALVIS BAY CBD Newly renovated 2 bed, 1 bath unit offering lounge with sliding door to balcony, Safety door & garage ONLY N$ 990 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - Meersig Newly built unit is looking For first owners !!!! 2 bed, 2 bath Corner unit with Open plan kitchen with nice b.i.c. and stove, lounge Indoor braai & garage ONLY N$ 965 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - CENTRAL – CC Reg. Situated near Bank Windhoek Fairly new 3 bed, 2 bath unit offers open plan kitchen/lounge Small courtyard at back & garage Going for only N$ 1 070 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - Central Situated near Spar Supermarket Lovely 166m² 2 bed, 2 bath unit with open plan kitchen/lounge & 2 garages. Small courtyard. N$ 1 340 000-00 Call Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH – CC REG Furniture included!!!! Beautiful 4 bed, 3 bath sea view unit in Safe and secure complex with Open plan kitchen/lounge with stunning Wooden Deck in front & courtyard at back. Parking bays for 3 cars at back ONLY N$ 1 380 000-00 CALL NOW !!!! Joey 081 278 0518 TO RENT: Nine open rooms available for rent at an affordable price. Preferable Bachelors at the Lagoon. Contact: 081 347 6592

WALVIS BAY TO LET Central Newly renovated 2 Bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen, single garage N$ 6500.00 pm excl W & E (pre-paid)

SHEILA 064 220028 081 252 3083 HOMEMAKERS –MEERSIG- FOR RENT 3 Bedroom(main en-suite) House with Double garage 1 ½ Bathroom; Scullery/Laundry; Open plan Kitchen/Braai/Lounge N$7800.00 + dep W/E excl. Available 01 September 15 2 Bedroom Flat with Single garage Own courtyard N$4500.00 + dep W/E excl. Available – 01 September 15 CONTACT: Leon - 081 124 6722 Anita - 081 272 9733 TO RENT: Bachelor large bedroom flat to rent, with open plan kitchen and indoor shower + toilet. No pets allowed. N$ 3 400.00 p/m Contact: 081 658 8889 081 262 6055


FOR SALE New Development situated in Fairways, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan living with kitchen, lounge & dining room, double garage. Invest now and you can choose your own finishes. N$ 2 500 000.00 Situated in the prime area of Lagoon you can own a townhouse for only N$560 000.00 Consisting of 1 bedr, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, single garage Prime situated in the Lagoon area. Renovate this house and make your dreams come true. consisting of 3 bedr, bathr, garage and flat N$ 1 470 000.00 Very neat spacious 2 bedr townhouse, 1 bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, single garage situated in Narraville selling for N$ 750 000.00 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Eugene: 081 737 9708 Office – 064 272580 TO RENT: Central, Narraville Bachelor flat b.i.c in room & kitchen W/E incl. N$ 3 500.00 p/m + Deposit (N$ 3 500.00) Available from 1 August 2015 Contact: 081 281 1345 TO LET: Walvis Bay, near Syncrolift Office space to let. Contact: 081 124 3904 TO RENT: Elegancia Investment CC Office Space to let Sam Nujoma Drive N$ 5 200.00 Deposit required Kuisebmond Stunning house for sale, 3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen/lounge, salon, shop, tandem garage plus two bachelor flats. N$ 1020 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480 TE HUUR: Narraville, Koraal Str 1 slaapkamer, oop plan kombuis W/L ingsl. Vooruitbetaalbaar N$ 3 200.00 p/m + deposito Anne: 081 452 6408 TOWN HOUSE TO LET Rossmund Golf Village: 3 Bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms. Fully equipped with all appliances, TV, Linen, Double garage, water included, prepaid electricity. Rent N$15 000 per month. Minimum lease 1 year. Roy Marsden: 081 332 7911 FOR SALE Kuisebmund - W/bay: Newly build family house. 5 Bedroom free standing house with 2 bathrooms, big lounge, kitchen, dining room and approval drawing plan for 2 back yard flats. N$650 000.00 Contact: 081 678 2824


18 AUGUST 2015

PROPERTY TIMES To let: Warehouse in a good condition. Door height 4.5meter. Workshop/Floorspace 234m² plus Administrative Block 87.5m². N$ 17000.00/ month excl. VAT Phone Office Hours: 064-220607

TO LET DOLPHIN BEACH FURNISHED 2 BED APARTMENT WITH GARAGE N$ 5 500.00 MONDESA Newly Built 2 Bed Free standing house N$ 4 500.00 LONG BEACH Free standing 2bed house with en-suit, Guest Toilet, Open PlanCosy Fire place- lovely garden Double garage N$ 9 900.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033


WALVIS BAY 20 4505



MEERSIG Brand new comfortable home in secure area, 3 bedr, 3 bathr, 2 garages N$1 800 000 MEERSIG Lovely family home, 3 bedr, 1 bathr, tandem garage PLUS 2 bedr Flat with single garage. Perfect for Investors! N$2 390 000 CENTRAL - NEW DEVELOPMENT 1 Bedr apartment with under-roof parking. N$756 000 all costs incl

Olga 081 853 1654


FINE & COUNTRY COASTAL Erven for sale Swakopmund Dunes Estate 4x 815m² N$900 000.00 1x 995m² N$1 010 000.00 2x 850m² N$850 000.00 1x 950m² N$950 000.00 1x 995m² N$1 260 000.00 (corner) Mile 4 - 3 Bedroom, 2 and half bathroom, sea view, nearly on the beach N$2 350 000.00 Henties Bay-Sun Bay various erven and homes price range N$890 000.00 to N$2 500 000.00 Contact Johann at 0816200930 We are now operating on full time basis in Swakopmund, office in Mile 4. Should you require any assistant in marketing your property please do not hesitate to contact Johann.

Volgestrand Very neat Bachelor Flat in a secure complex, small garden, Garage N$ 920 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa 2 Bed townhouse, Main bed en-suite, kitchen(Bic and stove), lounge, Garage N$ 650 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Mondesa Newly Build Family home 4 Bed, 2 Bath, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor Braai, Garage + 2 Bachelor Flats N$ 1 250 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Tamariskia 2 Bedroom townhouse, Bath, Lounge, Garage N$ 850 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955 Ocean ViewSwakopmund Selling Below Valuation Newly Build 3 bed, 3 Bath, Dining, Double garage, outside Braai N$ 1 690 000-00 Iiyambo- 081 3995955

FOR SALE SOLE MANDATE Spacious 3 bedr house with fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, bar, TV room, study, 3 garages, guest room PLUS 2 bedr flat. N$ 1 900 000.00 MEERSIG Renovate this 8 bedr house with kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 5 bathr, and flat to your taste. Can also be used for a guesthouse N$ 1 850 000.00 MEERSIG PRIME PROPERTY Beautiful home with fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 3 bedr, 3 bathr, study, double garage (for 4 cars) and neat private garden. Close to lagoon N$ 2 900 000.00 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Lydia: 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580

Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting!. Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 128 9388 Swakopmund Walvis Bay/Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984

FOR SALE House in Walvis Bay, Fifth Street, Central Town Next to NAMPORT Harbour Big ERF 1000m2 Main House: 3 Bedrooms, Bathroom, living room, kitchen, Tandem garage. 2 Outside bedroom flats Price = N$1.65Mil Contact: 0811563778

TO LET SWAKOP OCEAN VIEW 4 Bed, 3 bath house Double Garage, Pantry, 2 Balconies, Guest Toilet, Outdoor BBQ. N$ 16 500.00 LONG BEACH Fully Furnished 3 Bed, 2 bath house with Guest Toilet, Open plan Living Area, Double Garage Outside BBQ, Large Deck with a Beautiful Sea View N$ 11 000.00 CBD Fully Furnished 5 bed Apartment Large living areas, 3 Bathrooms Double Garage. VERY SECURE. N$ 22 000.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.na www.remax.na

TO RENT: Fully furnished apartments to rent for short or long term. Available immediately in Ocean View. Contact: 081 316 5626 TO RENT: MONDESA, Mahetago: 3 Bedroom House, 2 bathrooms, open kitchen with lounge, 1 garage. N$7500.00 p/m (Water & Elect included). Deposit: N$ 4000.00. Available 1st September 2015. Contact: 0812853394 0812115303 0811489420. TO RENT Oletweni - Swakop: 2 Bedroom house, bathroom, kitchen and lounge. N$4000 + deposit. W/L Incl. Immediately available. Contact: 081 673 2664

TO LET SWAKOP URGENTLY LOOKING FOR FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR SHORT & LONG TERM RENTALS. VINETA Fully Furnished Double Storey Family Home 4 Bed, 2 Full Bathrooms, Large Kitchen with Huge Open Living Area, Indoor BBQ, Built in Bar, Pool Table, Fire Place. Beautiful Garden and Double Tandem Garage. Separate Laundry. N$ 22 000.00 ARANDIS 4 Bed free standing house Water INCL. N$ 5 500.00 Available 1st Sep. CONTACT US STILL TODAY LUISE 0816530765 (064) 464 033 www.remax.na WANTED: Granny flat of ander bekostigbare verblyf te huur gevra vir “Grandad” met sobere gewoontes. Walvisbaai of Swakopmund. Kontak MZ: 081 203 3320 SELLING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with buyers. No agent commissions. RENTING YOUR HOME?? Get the price you want. No negotiating with tenants. No agent commissions. Contact: 081 673 2664

To Let: A three bedroom house with garage available for rent at N$6800pm (includes water only). House available from 1 October - 15 December 2015. Contact 0812900545 or 0811248722. FOR SALE: New Development Swakopmund Henok Apartments Upmarket units for sale 2 bedrooms, opn plan kitchen. Lounge with balcony and BBQ. BIC. Basement parking. No agents commissions. Contact: 081 144 2738




WANTED: Cash buyer urgently looking for a plor ot house to buy in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund N$ 400 000.00 N$ 600 000.00 Contact: 085 583 9993 081 042 2041 081 289 9353


CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewellery and Coins even if it's broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at: 0813443794/081315 9178 We are available 24/7



Atlantis Sport Club, a NPO requires the services of a Manager to fulfil the day to day duties of running the club as laid out below. Duties: · Control Stock · Stock Orders · General Admin · Staff Rosters · Stock Orders · Menu Maintenance · Function Organising · Basic Accounting · Banking · Venue Rentals · Assist clientele · Prepare weekly performance reports Requirements: · Working knowledge of Bar Management · Working Knowledge of Kitchen Management · Ability to manage staff · Good verbal Communication Skills (English and Afrikaans, German an added advantage) · Excellent Customer Service drive · Working knowledge of Excel and Word · Willingness to take initiative and assist with extra ordinary events Interested persons can forward their CV's with supporting documentation to ascwalvis@gmail.com Only e-mailed applications will be accepted. Only Short listed candidates will be contacted Closing date 21 August 2015 VACANCY: Glamorous Hair Salon & Boutique Looking for qualified hairdressers, a barber and a nail technician to rent chairs or work on commission. 081 382 0277 Employment Opportunity: Looking for a young dynamic sales person to join our team in the Walvis Bay Office. Pastel experience will be an advantage. Interested candidates should e-mail CV's to hr.walvisbay@gmail.com

Closing date for applications: 21 August 2015

Electrical: Site Foreman REQUIREMENTS: · 3 Years experience as Foreman in the Electrical/Contracting field · Valid Namibian Drivers License · Fluency in Afrikaans & English · Must be trustworthy, able to work under pressure and meet deadlines, take initiative and be responsible. · An electrical diploma/certificate will be an added advantage Please forward CV (fully detailed with references, copy of ID and Drivers License) to: Email: ncelcc@outlook.com Only shortlisted candidates / candidates who meet the requirements will be

Guesthouse Front Office Staff needed: For our small well established guesthouse we need an outgoing experienced individual to do the following: · Check in guests, · Reservations, · Housekeeping · Min of 5 years experience is essential.

Please e-mail your CV to nicoletta@namibguesthous e.com GTG Industrial Supplies: We are looking for a

Secretary / Office Assistant In Swakopmund.

Requirements: · Do general office/admin work · Computer skills-word and excel · Organizing talent · Communicate with clients · Fluent in English and Afrikaans · Valid driver's licence · Basic bookkeeping knowledge would be an advantage. Mail CV to: gong@gtg-supplies.com VACANCY: Blanchero Hair & Beauty Salon: Is looking for a qualified hairdresser and nail/lashes technician to work on commission. Salon based in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 260 3175 BEATACCMATH is looking for TUTORS in the areas of Accounting and Maths Requirements: Symbol C or higher for Acc/Math : Communication skills : Punctual and reliable :Able to work irregular hours Submit CV's to beataccmath@gmail.com

ACCOMMODATION WANTED: For 6 persons From 24 Dec - 28 Dec or 2 Jan 2016 Langstrand, Dolphin Park or Henties Bay Contact: 081 576 9555


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES

18 AUGUST 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net





NATURA HEALTH PRACTITIONER Quantec Health Namibia FOR HUMANS, ANIMALS, WATER & AGRICULTURE HEIKE BECKMANN HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED WHAT CONDITION YOUR GENERAL HEALTH IS IN? ...... THEN THIS IS FOR YOU!! Heike uses the latest Radionics Technology to scan your body so that you know your health state. The Quantec Device is the only biocommunicational system to scan your BODY, MIND and SPIRIT. Heike is focusing on the following: Allergies - Hay fever Sinus Arthritis - Gout - Pain & Cramps in legs ADHD in Children Diabetes - Blood Pressure Problems - Heart Diseases Colon & Digestive Problems Menopause & Hormone Problems Sleeping Disorder Anxiety - Panic Different Detoxes Parasite Cleanse For appointments contact Heike at 081 344 9000

EMPIRE ELECTRICAL Well established electrical contractors at the coast since 2010. We are offering huge promotion prices in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. To promote our new Swakop branch and broaden our client base. Includes all new electrical installations and renovations. Terms and conditions apply. Swakopmuind 081 621 7765 Walvis Bay 081 801 7331 empirepd@gmail.com

We are selling the following: Calamari pieces @ 20.00/kg Chicken thighs 10 kg box @ N$ 280-00/box (28.00/kg) Hake fillets @ N$35-00/kg Beef Oxtail @ N$ 55-00/kg Beef Tongue @ N$ 58-00/kg Beef Fillet @ N$ 85-00/kg Kindly phone: Jeanné 081 128 8327 Ventulus MCC Rally 21 - 23 Aug 2014 Go Kart Track, Swakopmund Inskrywings: N$150/naweek of N$30/dag. Regina: 0812301761 mcc.ventulus@ gmail.com




FOUND: This Male Maltese has not been claimed yet. If ANYONE knows him or his owner, please contact the SPCA in Walvis Bay, 064 204041 or 081 629 1190.

COURSES / CLASSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685 HOPE FOUNTAIN PROJECTS: Holiday classes & Exam coaching. Holiday classes done by Experts. lessons in all subjects for Grades 4-12. Intensive exam coaching for Grade 10& 12. Limited places available. Make your Holiday productive. Contact: 081 420 5889 081 435 0429 081 595 7441

SERVICES PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS CONSULTANCY SERVICES We do: !Company registrations (cc, pty, trust, etc) !Company profiles !Business plans !Feasibility studies & project proposals !Marketing (promotions, banners, flyers etc) !Bookkeeping (management accounts financial statements etc) !Tax registrations & management !Staff training (customer care, computer skills, basic accounting) !Tender document filing !SME loan applications (DBN, SME bank etc) Let our qualified team help you grow your business. Contact: 081 144 2738 064 207 897 BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES We offer the following: Built in cupboards, any kind of wood Wooden gates, electrical with remote control Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications Extension and renovation of existing dwellings General maintenance Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks/pavers Call DEREK 081 252 6095 for quotations

MAD MIKE HANDYMAN IN, OUT, UP AND AROUND THE HOUSE. It all makes sense with Mike. Call us: 081 575 7148 Michael Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalized number plates...We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a price list from: vla.namibia@gmail.com Vir enige teëlwerk in Swakopmund Kontak Boetie by: 081 605 2595 081 682 2562 Vir gratis kwatasie (Meer as 20 jaar ondervinding) 8 TON TRUCK AVAILABLE TO RENT. AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. CONTACT: 081 256 3336 A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning. com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision

SERVICES Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elekrisiteit For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 081 682 6126 RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE We offer: Construction Painting Paving Slasto Lapas Plumbing Tiling Electrical and all types of roof structures Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 744 7457 PRINCE ABEY: My name is Shantel from Walvis Bay, my boyfriend left us for another woman in 2013 without support for me and the children. When I visited Prince Abey my boyfriend called me on the third day and apologised for leaving us. We are planning to get married soon. You can visit Prince Abey for Pregnancy problems, lost lover, enlargements, evil spirits, attract customers, court cases etc. Contact Prince: 081 736 3678 Your coastal specialist in: · Building construction / renovations excavation, foundations, building, plastering, paint & roofing. · Tiles laying of floor and wall tiles. · Paving and interlocking laying of pavers and interlocks in yards and on sidewalks. ·Electrical works Installation and repair of electrical components, house wiring and fault finding. · Plumbing Installation and repair of home and industrial sewage systems. CALL US FOR A FREE QUOTATION TODAY… 081 144 2738 / 081 365 1917 / 081 699 2441 / 064 207 897 24 HOUR STANDBY

Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Body corps Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr CHIMBO Annan For the first time he is here in Walvis Bay Now with very powerful medicine for any type of problems and to heal various diseases of any type except HIV. He is specializing in Love Problems, to bring back lost lover, peaceful marriage, your lover to think only about you. To stop cheating, not to be stingy, erections, pregnancy problems, work promotions, protection of witchcraft from body and house, removal of bad luck and many more. Come and experience wonderful miracle happening in your life. Contact: 081 969 2800 085 636 6092


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

SERVICES OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS In NamibiaHousehold & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..

CARS FOR SALE: 1.3 Geely 2012 45 000 km full house, factory warranty N$ 65 000.00 neg Contact: 081 710 4932

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Dr Lovemore Banda The Old Man Walvis Bay, Now Oupa Ben Banda, specializing in various problems and diseases...lost lovers to come back Protection of houses and bodies from witch craft, removal of any type of bad luck, complicated of court cases, binding your lover to be yours only. Promotion at work, to get a new job, win contracts, to have more power during sex. Pregnancy problems, all types of diseases except HIV. Come and ee wonderful miracles happening in your life. You will never regret. Contact Oupa Ben Banda: 081 764 6937 Consulation fee is N$ 100.00 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.

FOR SALE: Ford focus 1.6. Car not running and engine can be repaired. Voetstoots sale. Contact: 081 763 8106 FOR SALE: 2002 BMW 520i. Price: N$ 60,000 negotiable. Contact: 0812725453. FOR SALE: Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D White Automatic, Double Cab 2010 Model 150 000 km with lots of extra for sale, 2 roof top tents, Dual battery system, 2nd fuel tank snorkel, alu canopy etc. N$ 290 000.00 Please call 081-2856311 or 081-1285432


PAWN SHOP We buy or sell anything of value

97 Sam Nujoma Walvisbaai

064220387 0811475333 0811475475

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x National Panasonic 54cm TV N$500.00 1x Singer electric sewing machine N$650.00 2x 12”foot fishing rods & pen reels N$450.00each 1x Baby pram good condition. N$500.00 1x oil-cooled welding machine. N$650.00 1x DSTV PVR decoder N$850.00 1x Kalvinator 16kg Heavy-duty top-loading washing machine like new N$1650.00 1x KIC tumble dryer N$650.00 1x Defy auto-maid automatic washing machine. N$850.00 1x AEG dish washing machine N$650.00 Contact: 081 567 4522 FOR SALE: 1 x 40' Container for sale N$ 20 000.00 1 x 25000L fuel tank N$ 35 000.00 Contact: 204619

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A 32 year old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay for 2 days only. Thursdays and Saturdays, washing, ironing and cleaning. Contact: 081 201 6540 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work, Mondays to Fridays. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 755 5117 JOB WANTED: A 35-year-old lady is looking for domestic work and can work for a whole week or 2/3 days a week. Swakopmund, Langstrand or Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 248 3745 IVONNE: Op soek na huiswerk. Maandag to Vrydag. Kontak: 081 593 8628


18 AUGUST 2015

MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY An equal opportunity Employer The Municipal Council of Walvis Bay offers the following opportunities to Namibian Citizens


(PATTERSON GRADE LEVEL B4) Purpose of the Job

Respond to Emergency Scenes to perform operational functions in accordance with policies and procedures as determined by the Local Authorities Fire Brigade Act no 5, of 2006, to the public in order to save lives, property and rendering humanitarian services. Key Performance Areas · Fire Fighting and Prevention · Administration and day to day operation of the Fire Station · Staff Supervision and training · Fire Hydrants Qualifications and Experience · Grade 12 (minimum 25 points) and Fire Fighter 1 Certificate or such equivalent qualification and 5 year's relevant experience. OR · Grade 12 (minimum 25 points) and Fire Fighter 2 Certificate and 3 years relevant experience. AND · Driving License Code CE1 plus PDP/PA

Closing date: Monday, 31 August 2015



Purpose of the Job)

To install and maintain a variety of equipment and facilities in the council's parks, gardens, greenbelts etc., and to transport staff and a variety of assigned objects as requested. To supervise the daily activities of the Lawnmower and Labourer teams.

Small Steps, Big Leaps (Special Needs Namibia) Upcoming workshop: Understanding the Special Needs child: The non-invasive approach Date: 20 August 2015 Time: 14:00 17:00 Venue: The Dolphin Schools Walvis Bay Cost: N$ 80-00 per person (includes light lunch and refreshments) (Individual appointments can be made after workshop) Supporting Special Needs: Autistic Disorder Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) Briefing Paper on Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Cerebral Palsy Deafness/hearing Loss Down Syndrome Emotional Disturbance Epilepsy Learning Disabilities Mental Retardation Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) Reading and Learning Disabilities (Briefing Paper) Severe &/or Multiple Disabilities Speech & Language Impairments Spina Bifida Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairments

Workshop / Training: Facilitator Training Teacher Training Adapting Curriculum for Special Needs Children Class Assessments Contact us: Address: The Dolphin School Facebook Page: Small Steps BIG LEAPS Special Needs Namibia For registration and details please contact Eileen: 081 255 5010 email: specialneedsnamibia @gmail.com

Individual/Family Appointments: Individual Education Plans/ Individual Development Plans Trauma Counselling Group Appointments Family Intervention Parenting Plans Other Services: Training of therapy animals Family Intervention Programs

Key Performance Areas · Transport responsibilities · Installation and maintenance of structures and equipment · Staff supervision · Housekeeping, safety and equipment Qualifications and Experience · Grade 10 plus completion of basic technical courses. · 2 years in performing a wide variety of basic maintenance work. · Code BE Driving License plus PDP/PA Remuneration The remuneration package will be market related, inclusive of competitive service benefits. Applications must be accompanied by a CV as well as all required documents and should be delivered at the Security desk, Civic Center, Walvis Bay Municipality or by Post to: The Manager: Human Resources Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Hand delivered applications can be submitted at the entrance of the main building (front desk of the Security Officer) Further information is obtainable from the Assistant Human Resources Practitioner, Ms Ewaltine !Noarises at telephone number 0642013306.

Carike Freygang * 17 August 1987 Those special memories of you will always bring a smile, if only we could have you back just for a little while. Then we could sit and talk again just like we used to do you always meant so very much and always will do too. The fact that you are no longer here will always cause us pain, but you’re forever in our hearts until we meet again.

No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Kindly ignore the closing date as indicated on the advert that appeared on the 14th August 2015. Closing date: Monday, 31 August 2015 Notice No. 71/2015

From: Dad, Mom and family

18 AUGUST 2015


Pro-Ed Akademie SPORT

‘n Skool met ‘n verskil

Pro-Ed Akademie leerders presteer in Sport 2015 Dit is 'n goeie paar maande vir Pro-Ed se sport. Nie net 'n suksesvolle Securitas NAPSO Privaatskool Naweek nie. Van ons leerders blink goed uit op die sportveld…


Caro Els is die gholfster in ons skool en het gedurende die jaar reeds in 7 toernooie gespeel (Namibië, Suid-Afrika, Duidsland, selfs Amerika). Sy het verskeie plekke behaal en baie goed presteer. Sy het ook saam met Donald Trump gespeel.


Fritz Coetzee en Jurgen Linde was deel van die 0/19 Namibiese krieketspan wat in Tanzanië deelgeneem het om vir die 0/19-Wêreldbeker in 2016 te kwalifiseer. Fritz is aangewys as die beste bouler van die Namibiese span en algeheel 5de in die toernooi. Jurgen is aangewys as die 3de beste kolwer in die die Namibiese span en in die toernooi.

Erongo 0/13

Anri Els, Siranda Horn, Adri van der Merwe en Wilmé Els Die atlete het deurgedring van Erongo tot die Nasionale deelname. Adri van der Merwe was ook deel van die COSASSA in Lesotho en het 'n silwer medalje verower in die aflos. 'n Ware atleet vir ons skool. Sy het 'n uitstekende jaar tot dusver. Van die Huissport, Zone, Regionals, Skole Nationals, Bank Windhoek Grand Prix en COSASSA in Lesotho het sy 1ste plekke behaal. Sy is aangewys as beste veldatleet in Lesoto. Sy was deel van die atletiek-span by die African Youth Championships in Mauritius waar sy 'n tweede plek behaal het. Sy is nou gekies om aan die Commonwealth Youth Games in Apia, Samoa deel te neem. 71 lande neem hier teen mekaar deel met 'n totaal van 1000 atlete. Sy vertrek op die 1ste September.

Netbal Rene Gilmore, Kyle Saunders, Janlo Maree

Franzel van Zyl, Anri Els en Danielle Els

Erongo 0/16 Dirk van Zyl, Zinzan Steenkamp Herman van Zyl, AJ Jordaan

Erongo 0/16

Chloé Coetzee, Suné Viljoen, Chené de Wet, Madelein Koegelenberg, Beulah Visser, Marguerite Wieland, Chanelle Riekert,


Ariane Wieland en Kyla la Kock Ariane is ingesluit in die Namibiese span

Erongo 0/14

Nathan van Niekerk, Dihan Horn, Kyle Saunders, Henko Snyman, Jan-Ivan van Dyk, Giovani Suardi, Joshua Theron en Juanné Schlecher. Vervolg op bladsy 22


Pro-Ed Prestasies



18 AUGUST 2015

Luan van Dyk, Cois vd Westhuizen, Dawid Coetzee, Eric Wilson. Cois, Dawid en Eric het Namibië verteenwoordig

Namibiese spanne Karl Zapke, Giovanni Suardi, Michael Zapke, Marguerite Wieland, Chloé Coetzee, Jurgen Linde. Hulle het Namibiese spanne behaal in hokkie


Herman van Zyl, Nicolaas Swart, Anco Snyman, Reynard van Zyl is gekies vir die Namibiese Karatespan om Namibië te verteenwoordig by die 14de Afrika Unie Sport Raad se Zone 6 (nou Region 5) kampioenskappe in Johannesburg, Suid-Afrika. Die kompetisie was tussen die lande van Suid-Afrika, Namibië, Botswana, Zimbabwe en Mosambiek.

Julian le Roux, Petrus Burger het Namibië verteenwoordig

Adri van der Merwe is in Graad 7 sy is gekies vir die Namibiese 0/19 meisie krieketspan wat na Gaborone, Botswana gaan toer in die vakansie. Dit is ‘n vier nasies toernooi tussen Namibië, Mosambiek, Zimbabwe en Botswana.

Die 1ste Span Hokkie seuns het in die kwartfinaal geëindig van die 1ste liga.

Die 0/19 netbal het gevorder tot in kwart finaal. In die superliga het hul gevorder tot in die finaal van die A-liga. Hulle eindig agste in Namibië

Die 1ste span Rugby het deurgedring na die finale van die C-liga, en was uiteindelik die wenners

AUGUST2015 2015 1818AUGUST

Rossmund Golf News Last Wednesday, we were pleased to host the Annual OK Franchise Division Conference and golf invitation day for their clients. Unfortunately as the facilities were fully utilised, the normal Wednesday golfers prize giving had to be postponed and will be announced later.

Saturday was the ever popular Mermaid Casino Day and many players supported this event once again. Thanks to Mike for being there and doing his bit at prize giving.



Good fun, lots of golf, great prizes and a halfway house as usual. The format was a three ball alliance and results are: M Swarts, G Cloete, and F Jordaan (51 pts on a

c/o), over by S Bonafatius, S Ndalumbumo and H Ndjendja. (51) The winning three ball delighted with Marco Swarts’ Hole in One (on 16) and the huge crowd of 12 teams

shared his hospitality with glee! Congratulations Marco. Sunday was the monthly SAGES and the following came out on top: W Borg (38 pts), second; A Abrams

(31 pts) over B Saunderson on a c/o for third place. U Bachmann had the nearest the pin and a two club on 12. Thank you Silvio Suardi for our ongoing support as the Sponsor. New budding junior golfers are invited to join the Junior Coaching session: once per week, a fee of N$200 per month, no transport provided and up front payment. Interested?

Then phone the Club (405 644) or Jacque on 081 148 6242 to get the details. If you need any help with your game, our own Marlin Swarts will be at Rossmund, available for coaching, from 21 – 28 August. He has been persuing his career at the North Link College in Cape Town, and as an apprentice to Paul McKenzie at the Tyger Valley Driving Range, and Club Pro at de Zarza, Stel-

lenbosch. Contact Rossmund on 405 644 to be book a session. Reminders: 3rd round of Matchplay to be completed by 31 August. Cars may not be washed on the golf club premises. The Junior open will take place in Windhoek end of August. Jerry Pate won the 1976 US Open on his very first event after turning Pro.

Die ‘Cube’ in Puik toestand vir Swemmers Die Cube swembad wat reg langs Swakopmund se Dome geleë is, is tans in 'n uitstekende toestand. Die water is blouhelder en die toilette binne is opgeknap. Dit is oop vir die publiek teen die volgende kostes: N$20 vir kinders 18 jaar en jonger N$30 vir persone oor 18 jaar. Dit is die tuiste van die Swakopmund Swemklub wat daagliks tussen 15:00 en 17:00 oefen. Die swembad behoort aan die Epic Holding (PTY) Ltd groep. Ja, die swembadwater was groen aan die begin van die jaar en ja, die water WAS koud. ‘n Permanente opsigter is aangestel en die pro-

bleme is dadelik aangespreek. Al die swembadpompe is herstel, die filtersand is vervang en die verhitters is gediens. Die waterverwarmer werk vanaf ‘n diesel-kragopwekker en die kostes is baie hoog. Die watertemperatuur is tans 24 grade Celsius. Die water word weekliks getoets en die pH lesings geneem. Die waaiers wat die warm lug uitsuig, help om die temperatuur binne in die gebou te reguleer.

Old Mutual het vroeer in die jaar die wegspringblokke, die baan-verdelingstoue en die elektroniese stophorlosies geborg. Old Mutual is nóu betrokke by swem in die algemeen in Namibië. Die Namibiese Swemunie het ingestem om die Nasionale Kortbad-kampioenskappe van 24 tot 27 September op Swakopmund aan te bied. Epic Holdings (PTY) Ltd het twee buitevertrekke beskikbaar gestel waar deelnemers sal wag voor elke item. Die N$20 000 borgskap van Old Mutual help om al die nodige reëlings en benodigdhede vir die kampioenskap te bekom.

Die Swakopmund Swemklub is tans besig met al die reëlings om die gebeurtenis, die eerste op Swakopmund, 'n sukses te maak. Die Swakopmund Swemklub nooi alle ouers wat hulle kinders wil leer swem, om vir Dentie Louw by 081405554 te skakel. Die Swakopmund Swemklub bied swemlesse aan kinders van 3-jarige ouderdom af. Die klub het tans 10 kompetisie-swemmers en 40 kinders wat in verskillende stadiums van onderrig is. Die publiek moet daarop let dat die swembad op kampioenskapsdae vir gewone swemmers gesluit is.

Two Namibians selected for Cape Town marathon Namibian long distance runners Mynhardt Kauanivi and Ndeshimona Ekandjo will represent Namibia at the second edition of the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon next month. They were selected by Athletics Namibia from a pool of long distance runners who represented the country at various events this year.

The Sanlam Cape Town Marathon is a prestigious city race open to a wide range of running enthusiasts - from elite athletes to social runners.

Kauanivi and Ekandjo will form part of the 30 runners from all over Africa who will be hosted by Sanlam on 20 September. Speaking at a media confer-

ence in Windhoek recently, Sanlam Namibia’s Senior Marketing and Corporate Communications Officer, Ilke Platt-Akwenye, said their presence would play

a significant role in developing sport in the country. At the same occasion, Athletics Namibia President, Alna Similo, said compa-

nies that wished to invest in sport should see the gesture from Sanlam as a challenge. The winners of the Cape Town marathon in both the

male and female categories will walk away with N$250 000.


18AUGUST AUGUST2015 2015 18

Zimbabwe Thrashed Welwitschias well prepared for World Cup The mood in the Welwitschia’s camp is positive and the team is looking forward to flying to Durban for their World Cup training camp with the Springboks. Speaking to the media after Saturday’s Africa Cup game against Zimbabwe,

Namibia’s captain on the day, Rohan Kitshoff said the team worked hard on set pieces and their hard work showed on the field of play. They thrashed Zimbabwe 80-6 at the Hage Geingob Stadium to be crowned Africa Cup Division 1A

champions. “This was really good preparation for the World Cup. Zimbabwe was really tough in the first half, but we managed to control and dominate the game in the second half as we showed character and willingness to fight for each other,” he

said. This year’s championships marked the 15th edition of the Africa Cup, an annual International Rugby Union tournament for African nations organised by Rugby Africa. Namibia has now won the cup five times.

On Saturday, Zimbabwe opened the scoring in the 15th minute of the game with a penalty by Tichafara Makwanya, but Namibia replied in the 23rd minute with the first try of the game by Rohan Kitshoff. Namibia’s Renaldo Both-

Kudus in Semis

ma and JC Greyling ran in two more tries with Kotze converting both of them after which Kitshoff scored his second try of the game before the halftime break with the score 28-6. In the second half, Namibia ran in eight more

tries with Russell van Wyk and Johnnie Redelinghuys scoring two tries each. Johan Deysel, Rathony Becker, Kitshoff and Tinus du Plessis also ran in a try each in the second half with Kotze converting five of the tries. Contributed

Leandrea Louw

The Kudus Rugby Club, Premier League team, is on its way for the semis of the Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) Premier League. The team will battle it out against Wanderers, on 22 August, at the Hage Geingob Stadium, in Windhoek. They previously defeated Wanderers 15 -12 in Narraville and again in Windhoek, with a score of 43-26. Meet the players who want to bring the title home:

1. Ernesto Bampton

2. Mark Anthony Nangoro

3. Chris Klassen

4. Anthony Jevu

5. Lorenco Calaca

6. Deriou Benson

7. Ricardo Kubas

8. Anthony Hoëbeb

9. Fernando Wöhler

10. Elmo van der Byl

11. Ngume Ngvaiko

12. Grant Nash

13. Enzio Kotzee

14. Richard Forbes

15. Immo Dresselhaus

16. Quintin Fielding

17. Guiliano Lawrence

18. Lu-André Duvenhage 19. Bevan Botha

20. Carlton Stevens

21. Charlton Brussel

22. Marvin Brüwer

23.Casio Shoombe

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