18 december namib times e edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6515 FRIDAY 18 DECEMBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Green energy leap

inside Secrets of the sand

Page 3

Policeman pleads insanity Page 4

Fish & Chips at the seaside

Moans and groans over parking dilemma Sharlien Tjambari Swakopmund residents vented some frustrations this week over the lack of parking in the central business district as visitors steadily start to fill the coastal towns for the festive holiday. It must be added that the frustrations are skin deep, as residents of the towns in general welcome visitors as this is a major foundation of the towns' local economies. Swakopmund is one of the coastal towns which receives well over 3 000 visitors during the festive season, and this year is

no exception. Holiday makers and residents alike are advised to plan beforehand. Do your Christmas shopping as soon

as possible, as last minute shopping sprees usually leave the business districts of the coastal towns packed Continues on page 2

Sharlien Tjambari Swakopmund is on the verge of a quantum leap with green energy, becoming the host town to the new regional headquarters of the Ministry of Mines and Energy which will be virtually energy selfsufficient. The installations are clearly visible in the picture above. Through a succession of hi-tech wind turbines on the building's roof structure and a solar panel installation, this building is the holiday town's historic first. The Ministry of Mines and Energy's new headquarters is situated in Dusch Street and it is anticipated more businesses and institutions are to follow suit and thereby reduce dependence on electricity supply from the grid, which is largely dependent on power generation through fossil fuels. Full report on page 2 of today's edition

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“You are cowards’’

Page 7

New Four car thieves arrested speed The Walvis Bay police confirmed the arrest of four youth suspects who allegedly stole a Volkswage Polo in Swakopmund on 13 January. records Continues on page 2 Page 30




Parking dilemma Continued from page 1 with the usual frustrations about parking space, shops running out of merchandise, bank queues and even automated teller machines running out of money. The same goes for buying rations for the holiday days and new year, when thousands of people take it to the streets to replenish supplies after Christmas or do last minute buying for New Years Eve celebrations and New Year's Day.

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Car thieves Continued from page 1 The suspects allegedly overpowered the owner of the, after asking him for a lift. They drove off with the vehicle, valued at N$102 000. According to NamPol Detective Chief Inspector, Erastus Iikuyu the four suspects stopped the driver in the Jabulani location in Swakopmund before asking him for a lift to Mondesa. “It is alleged that the suspects told the driver to stop the vehicle when they arrived near the Mondesa taxi rank at around 02:00 on Sunday morning (13 December). “They attacked him and drove off with his vehicle.” Iikuyu added two of the suspects were arrested in Swakopmund on Wednesday and two more suspects in Windhoek, still with the vehicle in their possession. The suspects are expected to appear in the Swakopmund Magistrate’s court today.

Energy ministry now has high tech energy efficient building Sharlien Tjambari The Ministry of Mines and Energy has proven that they are not only the ones responsible for bringing energy to Namibians, but also to take the lead in green energy generation. The Ministry will be inaugurating its newly con- ment in low velocity winds, allowing a patented structed regional offices in Swakopmund on technology to create a powerful system to offset Dusch Street next year, featuring four wind tur- energy use, whatever the demand may be. bines and a solar power plant for reduced depen- Whether energy is sent to the grid or used to charge a bank of batteries off the grid, the UG-4K dence on the grid. The turbines are UGE-4K vertical axis wind is an excellent solution to benefit from the untapturbines and are different from the conventional ped energy of the wind. wind generation design. Vertical axis wind It is the perfect choice for clean renewable energy turbines go one step further, harnessing winds states reports by Miller. from any direction simultaneously, and gene- The UGE-4K uses a three-phase permanent magnet type of generator. When the wind turbine ration can take place in different wind velocities. The turbines are suited for low-altitude isn't providing enough electricity, the grid will installations, such as on building rooftops. These automatically provide needed electricity. The turbines can strut their stuff even in varying wind turbines are 4.6m high, 3m wide and have a weight of 461kg. speeds. According to reports by Karen Miller Architect, Asked when the building will be inaugurated, the the UGE-4K wind turbine by Urban Green Public Relations Officer of the Ministry of Mines Energy is here to change the path of small wind. and Energy, Mrs Ten Hasheela, said no date has These wind turbines are so quiet, you won't even been set, but it is expected to take place early in know they are spinning! It is the ultimate achieve- 2016.


Vragmotors kuspad verbied:

Nou is dit wa voor die perde inspan Dit is nou behoorlik die wa voor die perde inspan. Vragmotorbestuurders weet nie van die verbod van die gebruik van die B2 kuspad vir swaarvoertuie vir die feesseisoen nie, want hulle word nie by die uitgange van Walvisbaai of Swakopmund voorgekeer en ingelig nie. Die gevolg is swaarvoertuie daag van beide kante by die padblokkade op die kuspad naby Afrodite Beach op en dit is dan reeds te laat, want die swaartvoertuie kan nie omdraai nie. Lede van die publiek rapporteer daagliks dosyne swaarvoertuie op die kuspad, en dit terwyl die verbod reeds om middernag 16 Desember in werking getree het. Dit sal van krag bly tot 17 Januarie, maar indien die polisie nie nou hulle sokkies optrek nie, sal honderde swaarvoertuie nog steeds die kuspad gebruik en die verbod sal nie veel meer werd wees as die papier waarop dit geskryf is nie.

18 DECEMBER 2015

The turbines are suited for low-altitude installations, such as on building rooftops. These turbines can strut their stuff even in varying wind speeds.

18 DECEMBER 2015



Young Namibian scientists discover the secrets of the sand A group of Namibian students huddles around a slowly-beeping machine, at 2:36 in the morning, out on the gravel plains of NamibNaukluft Park, slowly measuring soil respiration. What are they doing? dents from the Univer- how it varies across the As most Namibians sity of Namibia (UN- Namib Desert. Furtherare aware, environ- AM) and Namibia Uni- more, it will give us a mental issues are a versity of Science and broader understanding major limitation for Technology (NUST) of the effects of global the sustainable deve- from various study climatic change, partilopment of Namibia. fields, including Agri- cularly rainfall and In order for sustain- culture, Fisheries, how it will impact the able development to Geography, Wildlife, Namib Desert. Current b e i m p l e m e n t e d Nature Conservation, results indicate that effectively, it requires Regional Planning, respiration rates are environmental aware- Environmental biology higher in gravel plains ness, skills, a change and Environmental compared to dunes. in attitudes, and ex- Sciences. Each two-month propertise, which are The 19th Summer ject provides the opcritically limited in Drylands Programme portunity for the applithe country. runs from December cation of theory to Most young people 2015 to January 2016 practical problem solvhave limited practical and it focuses on soil ing. Economic, social experience and know- respiration in the Na- and environmental susledge of the Namibian mib Desert at six selec- tainability are all conenvironment, relevant ted sites, of which three sidered when investienvironmental issues a r e i n t h e Wo r l d gating contemporary and, most impor- Heritage Site (the Na- issues such as; dams in tantly, how these mib Sand Sea) and the the Kuiseb, fruit trees problems might be other three in the in northern Namibia, dealt with, hence the gravel plains, across water management and introduction of the the climatic rainfall supply perceptions in Summer Dry-lands and fog gradient from the Iishana sub-station. the coast to dunes. The students' work, Programme (SDP). The Summer Dry- This problem solving which includes a scienlands Programme approach of “Nami- tific report, will be pre(SDP) was designed bian solutions to Nami- sented at Gobabeb's as a practical, field bian problems” has annual Information training experience made a substantial con- Day, to be held on for students from tribution to the well- Saturday 30 January Namibian tertiary in- rounded training of 2016. SDP students stitutions. The Pro- Namibia's technical and Gobabeb invite the gramme is coordi- experts and policy ma- public and former SDP nated by the Desert kers. students to join us for Research Foundation The current research is the weekend, to learn of Namibia (DFRN) the very first attempt to more about soil respiusing the Gobabeb understand the soil res- ration dynamics in the Training and Re- piration in the Namib Namib Desert and the search Centre as its Desert. Students have important work these training base. This set out to understand young Namibian scienyear's SDP has 13 stu- soil respiration and tists are undertaking.

Two SDP students monitor soil respiration at Ganab.

Food packages for the elderly

Sharlien Tjambari Shalom Pentecostal Church of Namibia runs a project which provides food packages to the elderly on a monthly basis. More than 35 elders benefit from this project at the moment. “Sometimes we get sponsorships from Shoprite, Pick n Pay, Mr Price and Ackermans,” explains the Church Secretary, Mrs Belinda Karases. Karases says the food packages are roughly worth N$21 000. Karases urges the public and business community to donate anything they can to help

feed the elderly people of Swakopmund. The packages include daily necessities such as maize meal, sugar, tea, coffee, macaroni, rice and many other goodies. The Swakopmund Municipality also gave packages, “so this time the elders received two packages, one from the church and another from the Municipality,” noted Karases.

15 DECEMBER 2015



N$5 500 fine for con-artist impersonating Minister Mavourlene !Gaёs Forty-three-year-old Immanuel Nowaseb made his first appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court this week, on a charge of theft by false pretences after he pretended to be the Deputy Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, Peya Mushelenga and conned an unsuspecting woman out of N$5 500. Nowaseb appeared before Magistrate John fixed. I further lied and told her that I was just Sindano who sentenced him to pay a fine of N$5 borrowing the money and would return it once I 500 as compensation to the victim or 12 months arrived in Walvis Bay. She said she will write a in prison, whilst taking into consideration the cheque but, that she will make the amount N$5 gravity of the offence, the interest of the society 500 in case of a withdrawal fee.” Nowaseb further told the court that he had asked a and the offender. Nowaseb told the court he was going to conduct friend for help with his account number which his own defence before admitting to the court that they used to make a cash deposit. he was indeed guilty of the charge put before “I asked my friend and a cash deposit was made him. Recalling on the event that lead to his arrest, into his account. We took the money; I gave the Nowaseb told the court he committed the crime owner of the account some money and used the rest to buy clothes and food for the baby and my out of desperation. “I was unemployed at the time, my wife was sup- wife.” Nowaseb showed remorse for his actions posed to give birth and I urgently needed money and pleaded with the court to be lenient with for her to buy clothes for the baby. I went through him as he will make sure the victim gets her the telephone directory and called this lady money back Salome somewhere during September. I called her using two numbers and told her I am Peya Mushelenga, the Deputy Minister of International Relations.” According to Nowaseb he told the victim that he got her number from the boss before taking on his second identity as Martin Gawanab. “I lied to her. I went on and told her there is a guy Martin Gawanab that wants to have a look at the processing factory. She agreed and I gave her the cell phone number of this Martin Gawanab. She later called me on that number and I informed her I am Martin Gawanab, a retired ambassador.” Nowaseb added that Salome enquired when he was going to come to Walvis Bay as he was in Windhoek at the time, upon which he responded by telling her he would be there the following day. “The next day she communicated with me and I told her I am driving, after a few days I told her the car in which I was travelling in broke down Immanuel Nowaseb and that I needed N$5 000 to have the problem

Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court Licius Hindjou (28) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 22 January 2016 for sentence. The accused remains in custody. Anthony John Stoltz (62) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification and corruptly using a false document by an agent. The matter was postponed to 27 June for plea and trial. The accused has been warned. Magistrate’s Court Geraldo Kambanda (18) appeared on a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 25 January for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Johannes Hamutenya (33) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 8 February for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Marvin Manuel Seibeb (37) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 2 February for plea and trial. The accused have been warned. Darrel Van Neel (39) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm and malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 3 February because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Richard Doeseb (21) appeared on charges of attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 3 February for further investigations. The accused remains in custody.

Police officer makes sanity plea in theft case Mavourlene !Gaёs

Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report Muronga Pontanius (28) and Kontidei Onsemus (45) both appeared on a charge of theft. Both accused were found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$2 000 or 12 months in prison. Helena Gases (24) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 23 May 2016 for trial partly heard - continuation of trial. The accused is on bail. Mateus Sakeus (31) and Paulus Sitambara (27) both appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 28 January 2016 for further investigation. Both accused are on bail. Elias Shanyenga (33) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 19 April 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Berti Stefanus Van Wyk (39) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2016 for the fixing of the trial date. The accused is in custody. Slnger Mbajoroko (22), Eugene Taylor (25) and Elrico Elvis Witbooi (18) all appeared on a charge of forging, altering or issuing notes of the Bank of Namibia and a charge of uttering, tendering or accepting Bank of Namibia notes. The matter was postponed to 28 January 2016 for further investigation. All accused are on bail. Hendrick Wasserfall (46) appeared on a

charge of common assault. The matter was postponed to 29 April 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Tibelious Shamavi Makutu (39) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 14 January 2016 for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Peter Linus (56) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 21 April 2016 for trial partly heard continuation of trial. The accused is at large. Janine Hazel (30) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 21 January 2016 for legal aid. The accused is on bail. Nghipundjua Elia (41) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 18 January 2016 for the docket to be brought to court. The accused is on warning. Tuuliki Luckas (31) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 29 February 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Timoteus Kalundu (33) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 29 December 2015 for reason not specified. The accused is in custody.

Chikalu Ezekiel (28) who was arrested on a charge of theft after he allegedly stole N$1 000 from the Kuisebmond Police station, pleaded insanity when he appeared at the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court this week. Ezekiel told the court he had a mental problem and was admitted in hospital over the weekend as a result. However, after it was decided that he had to be remanded in custody and undergo mental observation he declined and told the court the mental illness had disappeared. He was apprehended after it was discovered he had allegedly stolen N$1 000 which was initially meant to pay off a traffic ticket. According to an eye-witness Helena Nekamba who testified at his trial, she allegedly gave the money for the Admission of Guilt (AOG) to the accused after it was paid off by the driver who was issued the ticket at the roadblock in May last year. “When the man finished paying I recorded it, from there I issued the man with the original receipt and he went home. Constable Ezekiel was the one with the keys, I gave the money to him and saw that he was on his way to the safe and just assumed it was to put the money in the safe since he had the key, from there I knocked off and went home.” The accused, who admitted to having received the money from Nekamba, maintained his innocence and said he did not steal the money but that he was going to pay it back before he got arrested. th “After the 20 I went to the station with my N$1 000 in my pocket but they did not call me to ask for the money. I stayed 17 days with the money in my possession before Sergeant Aochamub called me to tell me they will not accept the money as they had already opened a case, then he arrested me. I got bail of N$1 000, I used the money for my bail.” Ezekiel further told the court that the only reason he took on the responsibility to pay back the money although he did not take it, was because of the pressure he was receiving and also because everybody said they will not pay back something they did not take. The accused, who told the court that he only wished for a lawyer, was informed that he is busy delaying the trial because he had previously applied for legal aid and his application was unsuccessful. “The court gave you ample time to engage a private lawyer and you did not succeed, the trial proceedings have already commenced.” The matter has been postponed to 20 January 2016 for the accused to gain legal representation.

18 DECEMBER 2015



Old schoolmates have a big birthday bash School friends and classmates saw one another for the last time in 1978 Liesl Losper All Residents of Kuisebmond who were born in 1965 and celebrated their 50th birthday recently decided to have a big Birthday Bash at the Immanuel Ruiters Primary school, where they started Grade 1, then known as Sub A. The birthday celebrations brought together many alumni's of the formally known “Inboorling” Skool, where they reconnected with many other school and classmates, friends, and their very own primary and secondary teachers. Some of the people have not seen each other since 1978, and it was indeed a joyous occasion to reconnect for the first time in 37 years. The group recalled the year 1978, when they wrote their primary school leaving examination at the Kuisebmund Catholic Church. Some learners proceeded to the Kuisebmond Secondary School, which had then opened its doors for the very first time to learners of Kuisebmond. Some went to other secondary schools in other parts of Namibia, while some ended up in exile either Angola, Zambia, where they pursued their education in different African countries and Europe, the Americas and other parts of the world. The group entertained their teachers and guests by showing them that they could still sing

and dance the “konsert” songs that they used to perform at primary school. They invited and paid tribute to their teachers, Toini Mutumbulwa, Kauma Mupupa, Martha Shiponeni, Adele Naubes, Wilika Nambahu. Festus Ekandjo, Jobert Naris, Wilfred Emvula, Anton Nowiseb and Ben Keiseb who are still alive. They sadly remembered those teachers who have passed on. Candles were also lit in honour of those mates who have passed on, including Kefas Costa Lukas, Aupapa Ingo, Maano Haufiku, Fillemon Lwanda and Hilma Mbakema Haluadi. One of the group Erastus Kajele, who is currently hospitalised at Welwitschia Private Hospital, could not make it to his big day, but was honoured with memories. According to one of the celebrants, Ndeshi Shikwambi, despite the challenging colonial Bantu Education, their teachers offered the best they could under the circumstances. “They were dedicated, caring, and handled us with love and tender-

ness, filling the gap that our parents could not afford to do. For that, we will always be grateful.” They recalled how they looked forward to the soup which was served at the school, rushing to the shops to buy the bread called “wit karerop” and smear it with butter and wors. They also remembered looking forward to interhouse athletic competition of the famous red, green, yellow and blue teams. “We used to wake up early in the morning hours to come to school and rake this school compound and so many other activities,” said Shikwambi. The group also established the “1965 Foundation” which will serve a mission to promote good, friendly, understanding amongst the 1965 members, and commit to social responsibility, in order to plough back in two schools and the Kuisebmond community at large. Regular meetings will be held to decide which projects they can plough back into, in order to uplift the Kuisebmond community.



15 DECEMBER 2015

Fish & Chips at the food truck by the seaside Sharlien Tjambari

Swakopmund is one of the places in Namibia where you can find almost anything you are looking for, be it good services, clothing materials or food. Swakopmunders now have the pleasure of a food truck, described by the owner as the “first ever food truck in Namibia”. The food truck goes by the name of Fork 'n Nice and The Fork 'n Nice food truck started operating from sells ice cream, fish and chips, hotdogs, tuna and pork Obeco, opposite the Mondesa Taxi rank. During wraps etc. holidays and the festive season, the food truck moves to “Our friend bought this truck from Omaruru to start the seaside, with the written permission of the muniselling food, but before he could start he got a nice job cipality. in Windhoek and that's when we (my family) decided Right now it is on Strand Street, on the north side of the to take over and pursue the food business,” explained Mole before you go to the old fish pond and skateboard the owner Maggi Ackermann. half pipe. The truck is also surrounded by a kiddie's They started operating by the end of November and park with jumping castles and slides. Maggi said it is the first time she is venturing into the According to Ackermann the “Pulled Pork” sandwich food business and so far it is going well. is the most trending product and then of course, the fish “We have people coming from far just for our fish and and chips. chips,” said Maggi.

18 DECEMBER 2015



“You are cowards” - Paulus Hango lashes at striking stevedoring workers who returned to work prematurely Mavourlene !Gaёs Eighty-seven out of 130 employees of Namibia Stevedoring Services (NSS) who went on strike earlier this month demanding better salaries and conditions of employment, have officially returned to work this week. The workers’ return follows after the company signed a wage agreement with the workers representative union Namibia Seamen and Allied Workers Union (NASAWU) on Tuesday. The President of NASAWU, Paulus Hango said at the signing ceremony that the workers at the company who specialises in conducting cargo commodities through the Port of Walvis Bay were poorly underpaid with a rate of N$8 per hour. According to Hango they had been in a fierce fight to have the workers' salaries improved for the past two years and are extremely relieved that the company has agreed to adjust their salaries. Hango however expressed his disappointment in the workers who caved and dumped the strike to return to work, calling their behaviour as that of a “coward”. “We are here trying to improve their salaries and doing our best to improve their living

conditions but they do not even bother to support, that is not right. The workers need to stand together with the unions.” The agreement between the parties states that from 1 October 2015 to 30 April 2016 the general workers will be paid N$15, forklift drivers N$22.50, gangway general workers N$20, those directing containers’ arrangement in the gangway N$23, crane operators N$24.13, while those counting the containers will receive N$25 per hour. The next part of the agreement states that starting from 1 May 2016 and ending 30 April 2017 general workers will be paid N$17, forklift drivers N$25, gangway general workers N$21, those directing containers' arrangement in the gangway N$26, crane operators N$26, and the workers counting the containers receive N$29 per hour. The other benefits the employees will be receiving are housing allowances of N$250

and N$100 for pension every month with effect from 1 October 2015 to 30 April 2016. The housing allowance will increase to N$300 as from 1 May 2016 until 30 April 2017. Over the same period the employer will continue to pay N$100 towards the workers' pension, with workers contributing the same amount. NSS has also agreed to pay each employee N$4 500 from 1 May 2015 which is to be paid on or before 18 December this year as back pay by the company for having delayed the signing of the agreement. The agreement was signed by NSS Director of Finance and Business Pieter Louw, Paulus Hango and NASAWU SecretaryGeneral Errki Shitana. The company has agreed on the implementation of the agreement on the agreed date and said they will improve the salaries as well as the workers’ employment conditions. -Additional info/ Nampa

Cafe Anton

Hotel Schweizerhaus Alle Kinder sind herzlich eingeladen, Dienstag 22.12.15 ab 08:00 am Hexenhaus zu knuspern. All children are invited to come and eat the Gingerbread House Tuesday 22.12.15 from 08:00. Wir wünschen allen Gästen und Lieferanten ein schönes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute zum Neuen Jahr! We wish all our clients and suppliers a Merry Christmas and all the best wishes for 2016! Tel: 064-400331 Swakopmund email: reservations@schweizerhaus.net

Signing of the wage agreement (top) - Erkki Shitana (NASAWU), Pieter Louw (Namibia Stevedoring Servi-ces) and Paulus Hango (NASAWU). (Left) Striking workers earlier this month at the headquarters of Namibia Stevedoring Services.


18 DECEMBER 2015

Gat in wandellaan Skok toe egpaar hout en spykers in hul vars winkelbrood ontdek: Jacques Liebenberg Hoe is daai brood deur die sny masjien met hout en spykers in? Dit sal tog heel anders klink as n gewone brood. Agnes Buys Daais nog niks bak al die jare my brood 6 weke trug kry ek een of ander lewende wese se ekskrement in meel. Stuur dit na verpakker en kry weer dieselfde in volgende pak broodmeel. Drol in die meel en hoe kom dit daar. Geen terugvoer van verpakker. Chriselda van Mil-Meyer A bit more fiber than they anticipated. Lanny Boois Mens mak produk dar sl fout altyd war mens betroke hukm kla jile so asof jile fout los is. Hotshot Met Umph Fresh bread now with extra Fiber and iron. Rolf Hansen tatttattaaaa! Rauna Rs Ai!wonderful storry. José Rita But how? Tina Tega Sakaria Oooiii. pieces of nails & wood.

Polisie geroskam oor vragmotors op kuspad Die polisie by die padblokkade en voorstaandienste op die B2 kuspad is die afgelope naweek hewig gekritiseer oor die feit dat hulle nog steeds toelaat dat swaarvoertuie die kuspad gebruik. Doera van Wyk Ek sien vanoggend is petrol vrag motor vas gekeer by walvis road block. hy weet seker nie van die ompad nie. Anna Maldrid Josti Yes they can still drive till noon tonight. Lanny Boois Wat vnd truck wt belangrike produkte vervoer geld daie nonsen ok vr hule. Willie Mills Is jy stupid of moedswillig! Lanny Boois Oho willie im stupid an u idiot it make us 2 fools.

Vierkantklip is walglik Die namib times is die afgelope naweek ingelig oor die walglike toestand waarin die openbare toilette by Vierkantklip verkeer. Hannelie Fouche du Plessis Ai, ek het regtig in my hart en my uitsprake oor Namibië, groot hoop gehad vir die land! Maar daar steek al meer sulke en ander gevalle kop uit! Julle moet vasvat mense! Kyk hoe lyk Suid-Afrika! Franz VernonMuller Moet die privaat sektor dit dan ook nog oorneem om dit ordentilik te hou? Die mense wat dit so bemors het ek hoop julle voel trots op jul self. Richard Klein Ja hulle sit die geriwe op maar dink dit eindig daar kyk ook na die asdrome wat op gesit is langs die see hulle loop almal oor en word noit leeg gemaak nie Chris Engels Dit het ook so gelyk toe ek met vakansie in Swakop was drie jaar terug. Ons het by vierkantklip loop hengel, en kon die geriewe glad nie gebruik nie. Ilana Leijenaar Fourie Ag nee, sies man! As dit so lyk wil ek nie eens weet hoe dit ruik nie! Elaine Blaauw Ons is twee jaar terug daar getroud en toe het daardie fasiliteite al so gelyk! Japie de Jager Lekker by die see! Annette Boesch Skandelik! Elma Meyer Pateties!

Alombekende Freddie Bester sterf Die voormalige vakadviseur en beplanner van die Ministerie van Opvoeding, Kuns en Kultuur in Erongo, mnr Freddie Bester het Donderdag sy stryd teen kanker verloor. Sharmine Livingstone My hartjie is sommer baie

seer. Ek gaan vir Oom Freddie baie mis. Andre Botha Matthys Greef Koshuis, Outjo, 1979. Oom Freddie het aan die einde van die gang gebly. As jy in Sub A in die koshuis was dan het jou ouers jou op 'n sondagaand afgelaai en plaas toe gery. Jy huil vir jou ma dan kom oom Freddie en troos jou, gee vir jou koeldrank, maak seker alles is OK, dan is jy sommer weer vol moed vir die week want oom Freddie was jou pa in die koshuis en almal sy kinders. Rolf Hansen So hartseer! oom Freddie en tannie Elbe het n rol in seker meeste van ons kuskinders se lewens gespeel. Antonette van der Westhuizen Een van die beste onderwysers wat ek geken het! Oliver Nederlof It is so heartbreaking!! My family and I had the privilege and blessing of having him as our neighbour for over 20 years. He was such an awesome and friendly person. He will be greatly missed. My deepest condolences goes out to the family, may the love of Jesus Christ surround you all during this difficult time. May He give you lots of strength and peace during this sad time. Totsiens oom Freddie, mag jy Rus in Vrede. Charles Reginald Neidel RIP Freddie! Franz VernonMuller Hy sal baie gemis word. R.I.P. Ernest Brandt RIP. Wikus Oberholster RIP. Esme Campbell Titus RIP. Stanford Kotzee Rus in vrede oom Freddie.God be with you .till we meet again. Bonita Kaibes Aitog. Valencia Dentlinger Very sad. May his soul rest in peace. Frik Engelbrecht Onderwys Legende -baie sterkte Elbe. Aune Nakambonde-Kainde RIP SIR. Naphys Tjamburo May his soul rest in peace. Iglanda Ada Khoen-khoe R I P. Inge Dennler R.I.P. Karin Ethrale Coetzee RIP. Lima Maartens RIP.

Nee wat, dit lyk sleg en is baie gevaarlik. Ek het onlangs met my fiets langs die strandmeer gaan ry, en op hierdie gat in die wandelpad afgekom. Hoewel daar ‘n drom in die gat geplaas is, lyk dit nie baie mooi nie. Walvisbaai het nou baie kuiergaste van heinde en vêr, en verwonder hul seker aan hoe ons gate in die strate, sypaadjies en wandellane aandui. Hoewel dit niemand se skuld is dat daar ‘n gat in die wandellaan is nie, lyk dit wel asof ons hier op Walvisbaai nie weet wat om in sulke omstandighede te doen nie. Sit ‘n rooi lint daarom, gooi die gat vol sand of beter.... maak dit reg, want dit lyk nou al vir ‘n rukkie so. Baie dankie. Ontevrede

See vat motor op VinetaStrand Peter Baron Van Ginkel Die ergste van alles is dit was in n vebode gebied binne in Swkopmund, kar het Whk nommerplate , die ou het niks daar te soek gehad nie , maar nou ja dit is mos vakansie en dan word alle maniere in n box gepak en by die huis onder die bed gelos Adolf Lori Pamo Shikongo The most important question remains untouched: HOW did it happen? Journalists must know that when we read a story we want the WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY, WHO and HOW answered. This story since it started hasn't answered most of these questions. So it's useless! Anita Gous Roux Wens sperstrepe op die teerpad kan dieselfde doen met bestuurders wat dink dit is sommer net verfstrepe. Joey Vermeulen Ag nee. Wat ookal gebeur het dis verskriklike skade. My hart gaan uit na die betrokkenes. Jul hele vakansie verwoes. Sterkte tog Peter Van Wyk Die area is die klip-jetty en daar is pale ingeplant hoever jy mag ry,die persoon moes met n ompad gery het om tot by die see gekom het.Dit is maar daardie soort mentaliteit v/d mens vir oortreding Piet Burger Brawewyn lyk my het nie brieke nie dis n gatslag,hoop net dit laat die res van die vakansiegangers meer verantwoordelik optree Doons van Wyk Die voertuig is in die see in gery, hoe dan anners? Salome Kruger Die ou het gekry waarvoor hy gesoek het. Geen simpatie met dom mense nie! Anita Gous Roux Brandweer het blykbaar gehelp om dit uit te sleep. Priscilla Harmse Lekker slaap plek vir die vissies. Piet De Jager Nee wat as jy wyn met see water meng

dan kry jy dit. Deon Gerber Is maar ' n Jeep ding. Indu Sweet-One Nyeemwatya i want to know, did it ever get pulled out or did it sink like the Titanic?? Hannes Swanepoel Free Car Wash. Norman Bester Jislaaik. n mens verlekker jou nie aan ander se badluck. Oppas met julle kritiek. More. mag dit dalk jy wees. Be

Spyl leader Naville Andre sets good example for land purchases Percy Van Zyl What a lot of bull....t mentioned in the article. “Spyl leader Naville Andre sets good example for

land purchases" on page 3 of your latest edition. The market related value of that property is more in the region of N$3000,00 per sqaure meter. Do a proper investigation and you will hopefully get the correct facts. I have some interestings facts to reveal. Percy Van Zyl Who was the reporter of such a stupid one sided article? Do me a favour and place my comment in you next edition. Sean Wolf Market related value! LOL! Had to look at my calendar to make sure it was not 1 April . The reporter that wrote the article should also do his homework first before he writes such BS!

18 DECEMBER 2015

Vragmotor slaan om naby Duine 7 op C32 ‘n Vragmotor met ‘n besending slaggoed vir Charlies Meat Market op Walvisbaai het vroeg Woensdagoggend op die C32 pad, oos van die duine, sowat twee kilometer van Duin 7 omgeslaan. Die vragmotor behoort aan mnr Daan Kotze van Mariental. Aldus Kotze het die vragmotorbestuurder omstreeks 05:20 beheer oor die swaarvoertuig verloor. Die vragmotor het op die skouer van die pad omgeslaan en langs die pad op sy sy te lande gekom. Die vragmotorbestuurder het ongedeerd daarvan afgekom en so ook die vragmotor. Onder leiding van senior Gesondheidsbeampte van die Munisipaliteit van Walvisbaai, mnr Deville Dreyer, is alle slaggoed onder streng higiëniese maatreëls uit die beskadigde vragmotor oorgelaai na ‘n koelwa van Charlies Meat Market. Wesbank Transport kon die vragmotor laat Woensdag terug op sy wiele plaas. Beide die verkeerseenhede van die Walvisbaai munisipaliteit en die Namibiese Polisie het verkeer deurentyd beheer om die veiligheid van motoriste en werkers op die ongelukstoneel te verseker.

Garfields Pizza has a new jacket

Liesl Losper Garfields Pizzeria and Take Away, situated opposite Shoprite in the heart of Walvis Bay, has been totally revamped and under its new management promises quality and affordable pizza.

Garfields retains its experienced chefs and staff, to ensure you still get the same tasty pizzas and also extended its menu to include more very exciting food items. Garfields also has a comfortable eat-in facility. Its atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Garfields has a delivery service, bringing tastiness right to your doorstep. Deliveries are made across all suburbs of Walvis Bay, including Narraville and Kuisebmond. For the holidaygoers who are tired of braai, Garfield's will also deliver to Langstrand. Customers can call or whatsapp their orders to 081 620 1399, for prompt delivery.




18 DECEMBER 2015


Erongo Region an opportunity for entrepreneurs Sharlien Tjambari

The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Swakopmund branch had their last monthly general meeting for the year at the Strand Hotel. The overview report of the NCCI's activities for 2015, financial reports and a presentation on the Developments Bank of Namibia's (DBN) role in Namibia's industrialisation process and opportunities for entrepreneurs, were

the topics for the night. According to the Chairperson of NCCI Swakopmund, Heinrich Hafeni, the current Swakopmund membership is 120. Some of the achieve-ments and projects at the NCCI this year were the

training that NCCI gave to the members of Karakulia Weavers, and the Swakopmund International Trade Expo 2015 (SWAITEX). The Chief Executive Officer of the Development Bank of Namibia, Martin Inkumbi assured the

business community that Erongo has business potential and that there are many opportunities. The business community of Swakopmund at the meeting (top) and board members of NCCI together with Swakopmund Mayor Pauline Nashilundo, Constituency Councillor, Juuso Kambueshe and the Chief Executive Officer of the Development Bank of Namibia, Martin Inkumbi.

Nicole Grünert and Mannfred Goldbeck, Owner of Padlangs Publications CC.

Nicole Grünert launches her second book Namibia Geological Wonderland

Sharlien Tjambari Sixteen years since the launch of her first book “Namibia fascination of Geology,” Nicole Grünert is back and launched her second book, “Namibia Geological Wonderland” on Friday at The Delight Swakopmund. The book is divided into various sections. The first section is about geological formations and important geological time units which shaped Namibia. The second section is about minerals, rocks and fossils, which explains typical Namibian rock formations and compositions in detail. A third section is about geological phenomena of Namibia; and Namibian selected geological sites. The book comprises 30 chapters and each chapter tells an independent story. The book was published by Padlangs Publications

CC. According to Grünert this book serves as a travel guide and is aimed at friends of Namibian landscapes as well as tour guides who would like to improve their knowledge in geology. “Visitors who develop an interest in geology can discover the geological richness of Namibian geology in detail on specialised geological safaris,” says Grünert. A total of 2 000 copies were printed, of which one thousand is in English and one thousand in German.

18 DECEMBER 2015



18 DECEMBER 2015


Importance of knowing your HIV-status Walvis Bay Junior Council takes the lead in HIV/Aids Awareness Liesl Losper

The Junior Council of Walvis Bay proves to be the frontrunners of HIV/AIDS awareness in the harbour town. The current Junior Mayor, Laura van Reenen, and immediate past Junior Mayor (2014-2015), Eusebio Omar van Reenen, have emphasised the Junior Council's commitment to HIV/AIDS awareness amongst the youth of Walvis Bay by joining the namib times/Pepfar “Know Your Status” Campaign as part of Decvember which is Aids Awareness month. The leaders of the Junior Council and the voice of Walvis Bay's youth stressed the importance of knowing your HIV/AIDS status as a teen, even if you are not sexually active. The Junior Mayors led by example and underwent rapid HIV-testing at the HAART Clinic in Kuisebmond. “Many teens within our community are either embarrassed or petrified to test themselves for HIV/AIDS. We therefore would like to diminish the stigma that comes with undergoing a HIV test and encourage our youth that it is in their best interest and that of our community, to know their status. HIV/AIDS is a harsh pandemic and becoming more aware of one's status, is paramount,” said Omar van Reenen. The Junior Mayors stated that the youth of Walvis Bay should not be haunted by undergoing the test, and that taking the test only requires an ID for the citizens older than 18 and permission by a parent or guardian for the members of the youth younger than 18 years of age. They urge the youth to become more open to their HIV/AIDS status, acceptance of their status responsibly and supportive of those amongst the youth who test positive. “Taking the test was not a daunting task; in fact the nurses who assisted us were immensely kind prior to the test. They portray confidentially with regard to your HIV test results and inform you on all the procedures necessary if you test positive, with warm hearted counselling as a foundation to accepting your status. As a result of medical innovation and the government's commitment to fight the virus, test results are given to you 15 minutes after the test! On behalf of the Junior City Council, I would like to express great gratitude to the staff of HAART Clinic Kuisebmond for their outstanding work in testing HIV/AIDS. In addition, I would like the youth of Walvis Bay to help fight this pandemic via knowing their status as the first step,” said Junior Mayor Laura van Reenen.

The staff of the HAART Clinic with Laura and Omar van Reenen

Laura van Reenen

Eusebio Omar van Reenen

18 DECEMBER 2015



On a mission to eliminate shack fires Mavourlene !Gaёs A Kuisebmond resident, Thomas Kwedhi, says he harbours an idea to develop a sprinkler system attached to an outside tap that would help people to slow down the pace at which fire and heat spreads in the event of shack fires. Kwedi explained and demonstrated his prototype to namib times recently and it is certain with the right technical assistance he can save lives and property. In fact Kwedhi is driven to develop such a system as he saw friends killed in a shack fire in 2008 and thanks to his system three lives were already saved. He calls his system “Fire Fight” and promises to stop shack fires. Shack fires are overwhelmingly more severe as shacks are built of materials that can easily combust and the materials are also fast burning. Toxic fumes, the relative small space that accumulates heat and smoke rapidly and the fact that most shacks are not supplied with water through a pressurised pipe network makes shack fires one of the most deadly phenomena in Namibian urban areas. According to Kwedhi, the fire fighting system constitutes a network of pipes whereby sprinklers are connected to an external water pump. Sprinklers are connected both on top of the shack's roof as well as inside and are activated once the pump is started. According to Kwedhi the pump provides pressured water into the pipes and by opening a tap the sprinkler system will assist in dousing flames, reduce heat build up and provide people with the valuable opportunity to escape a burning shack and also save their home and property. Kwedhi say he is not selling his system but wishes to people to come and see how the system works, how they can build it and in that way use the

community's combined effort to curb shack fires and the devastation it brings upon hundreds of Namibians yearly. “I am not making the fire fight to sell it but because I want to help eliminate shack fires. We have been fortunate enough to have helped three families already. The system is a bit complicated, so I will just advise the interested community members to come find me and I will provide them with information on what they need to buy and where and help them make their very own fire fight shack fire eliminating device.”

Shack fires are a real threat to tens of thousands of Namibians.

The sprinklers in action.

The system of pipes that Kwedhi installed for his system which he names Fire Fight.

Mr Thomas Kwedhi


18 DECEMBER 2015

18 DECEMBER 2015



Bottle of stolen vodka leads to dagga plantation Madelaine Laubscher

lice was first put on Rossi's trail when he A Swakopmund resident made a first appearance in the and three others alSwakopmund magistrate's court on Wednesday, following the legedly stole a bottle of discovery of a cannabis plantation in his back yard earlier this liquor from a liquor week. store in Swakopmund Nikolaj Michael narcotics. A police sion of cannabis would and drove off in a R o s s i ( 2 2 ) w a s source said he doubted be added to the charge vehicle. One of the four persons charged for the crime whether charges of sheet. o f c u l t i v a t i o n o f dealing and or posses- It is understood the po-

was seen putting a bottle under his shirt. Police officials were contacted and was provided with their vehicle's registration number. The police knew where the suspect lives and went to

his residence. One of the suspects was questioned and taken back to the liquor store to settle payment for the liquor that was stolen. The remaining three persons were found

hiding at the house in the backyard, and it was when police confronted them that they discovered they were actually onto a dagga plantation that included a hothouse where cannabis is grown.

LITURGICAL SERVICES: Roman Catholic Churches, Walvis Bay 13 December 2015 – 28 February 2016 18 December Friday 16h00


St Peter's

20 December Sunday4th Sunday of Advent 08h00 09h30 09h30

Mass Mass Mass

Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd

24 December Thursday Christmas Eve – Night Vigil 17h30 21h00 00h00

Vigil Mass Vigil Mass Vigil Mass

Good Shepherd St Peter's Stella Maris

25 December Friday Christmas Day 08h00 Mass 09h30 Mass 09h30 Mass Some of the dagga plants that were discovered in the backyard.

Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd

26 December Saturday St Stephen – First Martyr 09h30 18h00

Mass Mass

Good Shepherd Stella Maris

27 December Sunday Holy Family Sunday 08h00 09h30 09h30

Mass Mass Service

Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd

31 December Thursday Last day of the Year 2015 18h00 23h00 17h30

Mass Mass Service

Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd

1 January Friday HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2016 09h30


Good Shepherd

3 January Sunday Epiphany of the Lord 08h00 09h30 09h30

Mass Mass Service

Stella Maris St Peter's Good Shepherd


18 DECEMBER 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Die Küstenmetropolen sind einen Urlaub wert! Worte der Woche von der Swakop Tour Company zeigt Besuchern die uralte Welwitschia und mehrere Tourveranstalter begleiten nach Sandwich Harbour, der einzigen Region auf der ganzen Welt, wo massive Dünen auf den Ozean treffen. Am Kreuzkap

Camilla Olivotto aus Windhoek (Mitte) hat ihre Schwester Alice und ihren Cousin Tomas van Rensburg aus Bloemfontein in den vom Regen noch feuchten Sand der Namibdünen gleich südlich von Swakopmund eingegraben. Der größte Sandkasten der Welt lockt immer wieder mit zahlreichen Freizeitbeschäftigungen wie Sandboarden und dem Gleitflugsport. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn Swakopmund (sk) - bikefahrt über Namib- tätiv hochwertige ResNicht umsonst wählen sand, Catamaranfahrt taurants winken mit Pärchen aus aller Welt in der Lagune der schmackhaften Fischdie Umgebung von Hafenstadt...es ist für gerichten und vielem mehr. S w a k o p m u n d u n d jeden etwas da. Walvis Bay als Veran- Das Swakopmunder Im Schlangenpark, s t a l t u n g s o r t i h r e r Museum lädt zu einer Aquarium und auf eiHochzeitsfeier, um geschichtlichen Reise ner Tour mit Living auch gleich ihre Flit- ein, die Mole mit dem Desert Experience terwochen hier zu ver- neuen geschmack- kann man allerhand bringen. vollen Strandhotel zum faszinierendes Getier Unsere Atlantikmetro- Flanieren, die Lagune bestaunen. Georg Erb polen warten mit zahl- in Walvis Bay mit ihren reichen Attraktionen Myriaden von Seevöauf. Ob Kamelritt auf geln zum Bummeln hohem Höcker, Quad- und zahlreiche qualiSwakopmund (sk) Sie sind herzlich eingeladen zu der Ausstellungseröffnung ,HistoIch Bayer, Du Bayer? rical Buildings and und du? Wildlife’ von Barbara Siedle am 26. Dezember um 18h00 Uhr in ,Die Muschel’ (Tel. 402874). Frau Gaby

darf man Tausende von Kappelzrobben besichtigen, und die Innenstadt Swakopmunds lockt mit einer Vielzahl von bezaubernden Geschäften. Mögen Urlauber und Einwohner die Küstenstädte und ihre Umgebung sauber halten!

,,Muss mich schnell hübsch machen und die Juwelen anlegen für die Spendenaktion ‘Flüchtlinge in Not’.” Im Winter find ich keine Ruh,

Der fünfjährige Erik Heiser lauscht andächtig der Live Musik von Trio Feminale, der Querflötistin Birte Täschner und dem Gitarrenspiel des Jugend-Diakons Jürgen Braun vor der Hochzeitszeremonie der Swakopmunder Silke Hornung und Deon Grünschloss auf Rosenhof östlich Swakopmunds.

Barbara Siedles Welt ruft!

Du Bayer?




Letzte Gelegenheit! Locker vom Hocker Band 1, 2 und 3 gibt es bis Weihnachten zum Sonderpreis. Pro Exemplar: N$130,Alle drei Bände: N$350,Rufen Sie Susann Kinghorn an: 0812538850

Woermann wird die Ausstellung der bildenden Künstlerin aus Durban eröffnen. Barbara Siedle ist vor allem für ihre Aquarelle von Wildtieren bekannt. Sie studierte zunächst an der Michaelis School of Art,

UCT, bevor sie die Münchner Akademie der Bildenden Künste besuchte, wo sie Malerei und Bildhauerei studierte. Die Ausstellung ist bis zum 16. Januar zu besichtigen.

bevor ich nicht was Gutes tu....... Es gibt viel Not auf dieser Welt, am besten hilft man da mit Geld. Nicht mit dem Zahlschein auf der Bank, es gibt was Bess´res, Gott sei Dank. Damit das Helfen mich auch freut, hab ich für einen Rundgang Zeit. Jetzt, im Advent, an allen Ecken, kann man den Punsch schon förmlich schmecken, der heiß und süß und parfümiert zum Wohl der Andren `trunken wird. Im Namen Allahs geh ich´s an, ... ich spende für Afghanistan, dann einen für die armen Kinder und für die ganz, ganz armen Inder. Ich denk an die Malteser Ritter, denn deren Leiden ist recht bitter. Beim Stand vom "Lion´s Club" am Graben kann ich mich für Rumänien laben. Und bitte nicht zu vergessen, die haben beinah nichts zu essen. Als nächstes hebe ich mein Glas “Rasch für die liebe Caritas". Fürs Rotes Kreuz und für die Gruft mit Zimt und mit Holunder-Duft. Ich merke deutlich: "Gute Werke" erfordern sehr viel Kraft und Stärke. Ein Punsch noch rasch für die Partei, "Als Wechselwähler trink ich zwei". Dort steht der Herr Bezirksvorsteher, bei einem Punsch kommt man sich näher. Für´s Kinderdorf, für Kommunisten, Für Asylanten, Terroristen. für Hungernde im fernen China, und für die Araber, in Palästina. Wer Gutes tut, hat immer Recht. Ein Punsch noch "und dann wird mir schlecht." Doch ehe ich nach Hause schunkel, trink ich noch rasch für ."Licht ins Dunkel". Ich kann die Häferln nicht mehr zählen, jedoch, ich muss mich weiter quälen. Am Stephansplatz werd ich ganz fromm und trink noch für den Stephansdom. Spät abends ladet mich wer ein "zu Punsch und Keks bei Kerzenschein". Doch bitte, nicht mit leeren Händen! "Du kannst ja für die Armen spenden." Am Sonntag dann, in meiner Pfarr, wird sicher auch der Punsch nicht gar. Das Geld für das, was uns so schmeckt wird noch in die Renovierung g´steckt. So trink ich mich durch den Advent, ein Wahnsinn, wie man dafür brennt! Doch ist das letzte Geld auch weg, "ich tu´s für einen guten Zweck." Ich bin ein hoffnungsloser Säufer, und Schuld sind nur die Punsch-Verkäufer. Den Punsch kann ich schon nicht mehr sehen... und lass ihn zu Silvester stehen. Ich habe nur noch einen Wunsch: Ich trinke alles, "nur kein’ Punsch". Den Nächsten gibt es, das ist klar, erst im Advent "im nächsten Jahr". Na, dann, Prost! (Ursprung unbekannt. Vor über einem Jahr eingesandt von Günter Sacha aus Swakopmund, der inzwischen verstorben ist.)


18 DECEMBER 2015


An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste vom Hocker Puffotterbiss im Botsalano-Wildreservat Locker Au Revoir!

Ein Besucher des Botsalano-Wildreservats im südafrikanischen Mafeking ist von einer gewaltig großen Puffotter gebissen worden. Während der Hubschrauber ihn ins Mafeking-Krankenhaus flog, verlor er ständig das Bewusstsein, um kurz wieder zu sich zu kommen. Das Letzte, was er im Hospital hörte, bevor er 24 Stunden lang bewusstlos blieb, war: ,,Der Fall ist zu ernst, als dass man dich hier behandeln kann.” Von seinen Eltern erfuhr der junge Mann-

später, dass er ins Traumazentrum des Ferncrest-Krankenhauses in Rustenburg geflogen wurde: ,,Dort nahm man eine Fasziotomie vor”, erzählt das Opfer. ,,Das heißt, man schnitt meinen Arm, der durch das Gift hart wie Stein geworden war, von der Handfläche bis zur Mitte des Bizeps zur Entlastung der unter Druck stehenden Muskeln auf. “ Die folgenden 35 Tage

verbrachte der Gebissene im Krankenhaus. Er musste acht Operationen über sich ergehen lassen, um das tote Gewebe zu entfernen. 30 Tage nach der Fasziotomie wurde eine Transplantation vorgenommen. Das aus dem Bein entfernte Hautgewebe wurde dazu verwendet, den offenen Arm wieder zu schließen. Das heißt, es wurden im FerncrestHospital zehn Operationen an dem jungen Mann vorgenommen. Er erzählt weiter: ,,Nach der Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus

und einer viermonatigen Physiotherapie musste ich eine Gefäßklappen-Operation im medizinischen Zentrum der Universität des Oranje Freistaates in Bloemfontein erdulden. Dabei entfernten die Ärzte ein Stück Haut und Muskulatur aus meinem Rücken und hefteten mittels Mikrochirurgie die Blutgefäße an die Venen in meinem Arm, um diese wiederum am

Arm zu befestigen.” Zwei Notoperationen folgten, weil das Schlangenbissopfer zu viel Blut verloren hatte. Weitere sechs Monate Physiotherapie folgten. Danach konnte der Operierte seinen Arm schon einigermaßen bewegen. Als er das Krankenhaus in Bloemfontein verliess, konnte er gerade einmal jeden Finger 2-3 mm bewegen. Inzwischen kann der junge Mann seinen Arm wieder fast mit der

Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch

gleichen Mobilität benutzen wie vor dem Biss - dank seinem Vaters, der ihn erneut zum Felsenklettern ermutigt hat, welches er ein ganzes Jahr lang aufgeben musste. In diesem einen Jahr wurden 13 OPs vorgenommen, und das ganze Malheur kostete mit Helikopter und allem Drum und Dran R3700 000! Lassen Sie sich also möglichst nicht von einer Puffotter beißen! Eingesandt!


085 999 Your direct line to report crime!

Liebe Küstenleser! Den ganzen Herzschmerz werde ich mir ersparen, um mich tränenlos von Ihnen zu verabschieden, voller Vorfreude auf die bevorstehenden Weihnachts- und Nachweihnachtsferien. Urlaub ist dazu da, Energie zu tanken für all die neuen Aufgaben, die das Leben einem, ohne dass man allzu viel Mitspracherecht hat, tagtäglich vor die Nase setzt. Verabschieden möchte ich mich vor allem von den aktiven Lesern, die sich hin und wieder in irgendeiner Form persönlich bei mir melden, sei es durch die Teilnahme an einem Quiz, durch einen interessanten Hinweis oder gar direkten Beitrag. Feedback nennt man das auf Englisch, und von Feedback lebt man als Schreiberling hauptsächlich - weniger vom Gehalt. Zum Feedback gehört sowohl konstruktive Kritik als auch Lob, und über beides freue ich mich. Kritik, die geäußert wird, sollte man sich meiner Meinung nach gut anhören, um dann zu entscheiden, ob man sie annimmt oder nicht. Sie braucht ja nicht unbedingt in jedem Falle fundiert zu sein. Eine südafrikanische Freundin, die meine Namib Times-Beiträge online liest, meinte, dass meine Sätze häufig zu verschachtelt und lang sind. Auch gefällt ihr, die politisch sehr liberal und auf ,,Multikulti” eingestellt ist, meine weisse, deutsche Perspektive nicht immer. Nun, die Kritik an der oftmals verwirrenden Satzstruktur lasse ich sofort gelten, und ich versuche, daran zu arbeiten, zumal meine strengste Kritikerin mir das auch schon gesagt hat, und wie es sich für eine brave Tochter gehört, höre ich selbstverständlich auf meine Maaama! Ach, nun ist es schon wieder solch ein Bandwurmsatz geworden, obwohl ich hier ganz locker auf dem Doughnut-Kissen (wegen meiner moffen Hüften) sitze. Die Kritik mit der weissen, deutschen Perspektive nehme ich allerdings nicht an. Erstens definiere ich mich, die ich fast 50 von meinen inzwischen 54 Lebensjahren in diesem Land verbracht habe, in

erster Linie als Namibianerin. Und zweitens bin ich nun einmal zufällig als ,,weisser”, deutschsprachiger Mensch geboren worden. Es wäre doch sehr befremdend, wenn ich plötzlich aus der Sicht eines ,,schwarzen”, hererosprachigen Landesgenossen mit höchstwahrscheinlich ganz anderem familiären, sozialen und geschichtlichen Hintergrund schreiben würde, oder? Und nun zu dem Loben, das in unserer

kritischen, nüchternen Welt immer seltener wird - oder eben unecht, was eigentlich viel schlimmer ist. Ich nehme einmal an, dass Sie auch schon die Erfahrung gemacht haben, wie wenig Lob ausgesprochen wird, und wenn, dann ist es eben häufig gekünstelt. Wenig, aber unaffektierte Anerkennung hat wiederum den Vorteil, dass man sie besonders schätzt. Das größte Lob in Sachen Beruf, das ich in diesem Jahr erhalten habe, kam von der Swakopmunderin Tutti Moeller, die mir sagte: ,,Wenn ich deine Zeitungsseiten aus irgendeinem Grund nicht lesen kann, dann fehlt mir etwas.” Das zweitgrößte Lob kam von einem fremden Mann, der auf dem Bürgersteig spontan auf mich zukam, um mir mitzuteilen, dass ich schöne Beine hätte. Und wie Sie, liebe verheiratete Leserinnen, sicherlich wissen, ist das ein Kompliment, das man selten - wenn überhaupt - von seinem Ehegatten er-hält. Nun ja, an diese beiden Komplimente 2015 werde ich mich wohl immer gerne erinnern, weil ich in beiden Fällen das Gefühl hatte, dass sie wirklich von Herzen kamen. Was ist meine Kritik und mein Lob in Bezug auf unsere Welt? Wenn

ich mich so aus unserem Leben ,,herauszoome”, dann könnte ich eigentlich an dem Gemetzel unseres Erdendaseins verzweifeln. In meiner Kritik liegt eigentlich auch schon das Kompliment. Ich bewundere jeden, der es schafft, eine heile Mikrowelt zu erhalten, denn in der

Makrowelt der Weltpolitik und -wirtschaft sieht es nun wahrhaftig nicht gerade rosig aus. Wenn der Mensch sein Umfeld weiterhin derartig zerstört mit seiner unersättlichen Gier, gehen wir nicht gerade allzu schönen Zeiten entgegen. Auch möchte ich vor jedem meinen verbeulten Südwester Hut ziehen, der heute nicht mehr als zwei Kinder in diese Welt setzt und somit nicht zu denjenigen gehört, die noch nicht erkannt haben, dass die exponentielle Bevölkerungsexplosion das größte Problem ist, mit dem wir zukünftig immer dringender konfrontiert werden. Wenn wir uns weiterhin so drastisch vermehren, bewirken wir letztendlich unseren eigenen Untergang. Das will keiner gerne hören, weshalb es auch in politischen Kreisen selten angesprochen wird - außer vielleicht in China, das gemeinsam mit Indien bereits ein Drittel der Erdbevölkerung ausmacht. Ich wünsche Ihnen eine b e s i n n l i c h e We i h nachtszeit und einen Rutsch ins neue Jahr, an den Sie sich noch lange gerne erinnern wollen. Wir sprechen uns im Februar 2016 wieder. Ihre Susann Kinghorn


18 DECEMBER 2015

WALVIS BAY – THE NEW INDUSTRIAL CAPITAL OF NAMIBIA. The effect of new capital intensive projects amounting to billions Namibian Dollars are due to cause an “old” harbour town to evolve into a multi-facet industrial “hub” for Namibia. From my point of view, this is the fruit of success from focussed initiatives taken by the Walvis Bay Corridor Group through strategic collaboration by its members and moreover the economic potential of the Port at Walvis Bay as supported by Namport, the local Municipality and Government. Through these endeavours, the port facility has been extended for usage by other landlocked countries of southern Africa and thus becoming a logistical hub for import/export at a much higher level than Namibia by itself. Therefore, projects such as the new container terminal, port 2 (north port), upgrading of the Airport terminal and runway have been undertaken. Progress is visually rapid and besides this infrastructure there are other aspects e.g. future oil refineries & new noxious industrial area (behind the dune belt), new railway lines, extended/ upgraded road arteries, etc. that are on the cards. As a consequence, and also complimentary hereto are the following new developments; Dunes Mall, Plaza and Square, Waterfront, Hotels, yet another Shopping Mall, etc. Obviously one can conclude that all these economic activities also result in the attraction of a larger workforce and more businesses which calls for responsive action by the Municipality which, as early as mid-2014, introduced their strategic town planning which briefly includes; Towards 2030 – “plan, establish and service an estimated 90 new residential townships, providing some 30,000 erven, and constructing or facilitating the construction of over 40,000 houses, flats and townhouses” and also noted in that presentation – “In the next 16 years, Walvis Bay must develop more housing, schools, clinics, community facilities, commercial and industrial opportunities, etc. than it has done since its establishment as a settlement over a hundred years ago”. To this end, the population is expected during this period to grow from 79,500 (2012 census) to 181,722 by 2030 (i.e. more than double). In conclusion, Walvis Bay is now dubbed as the “modern regional capital and the primary industrial city of Namibia”. Therefore, anyone who considers a property investment, being it residential, commercial or industrial, should take cognizance hereof and react soonest because the window of opportunity is narrowing in certain sectors and some shortages can be expected to, before long, cause the soaring of prices. - “the early bird catches the worm”! Should you require any further information or advise re these topics or any other property related matter, contact us on (064) 221000 or e-mail: anjo@iway.na.

18 DECEMBER 2015



18 DECEMBER 2015

Liturgical Services - Swakopmund Catholic District 13 December – 1st January 2015 20 December Sunday 4th Sunday of Advent 08h30 Mass 08h30 Mass 09h30 Mass 10h00 Service 09h30 Service 10h00 Mass

23h00 22h00 19h00 21h00 20h00 20h00

24 December Christmas Eve Mass Mass Mass Mass Mass Service Service

Holy Rosary DRC Henties Bay St. Stefanus Holy Family Arandis

Holy Rosary Holy family Arandis St. Stefanus Henties DRC

25 December Christmas Mass MERRY CHRISTMAS 08h30 Mass Holy Rosary 08h00 Mass DRC 09h30 Service Henties Bay 10h00 Service St. Stefanus 10h00 Service Holy Family 10h00 Service Arandis 26 December 08h30 10h00

09h30 08h30 08h00 10h00 10h00 10h00

Mass Mass Feast of the Parish 27 December Holy Family Day Mass – Feast of the Parish Mass Service Service Service Service

31 December 18h00 19h30 22h00 22h00 22h00 22h00

10h00 08h30 09h30 10h00 10h00 09h30

New Year Eve Celebration Mass Service Mass Service Service Service

1 January New Year Day Service (Lay Ministers) Mass Service Service Mass Service

PROGRAM FOR CONFESSIONS 1. 15th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - St. Stefanus 2. 16th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - St John -Arandis 3. 17th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Sancta Familia 4. 18th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Holy Rosary 5. 19th December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 - Henties Bay 6. 22nd December 2015 – 16h00 – 18h30 – St. Bakanja

Holy Rosary St. Stephanus

Holy Family Holy Rosary DRC St. Stefanus Henties Bay Arandis

Holy Rosary DRC Holy Family St. Stefanus Henties Bay Arandis

Arandis Holy Rosary DRC Henties Bay St. Stefanus Holy Family

Sunday 6 December 2015


Eucharist: 2nd Sunday in Advent (Peace)

Sunday 13 December 2015


Eucharist: 3rd Sunday in Advent (Love)

Sunday 20 December 2015


Eucharist: 4th Sunday in Advent (Joy)

Thursday 24 December 2015


Christmas Eve Eucharist Service

Sunday 27 December 2015


Eucharist: 1st Sunday After Christmas

Thursday 31 December 2015


New Year's Eve Eucharist Service

Sunday 3 January 2016


Eucharist: 2nd Sunday After Christmas

18 DECEMBER 2015



18 DECEMBER 2015


18 DECEMBER 2015


Logistix International (Pty) Ltd wants to purchase secondhand forklifts in good mechanical condition. Toyota or Hyster 3MT lifting capacity and diesel driven. Interested parties please contact Jan Nel at 0811277253 or 220 529 jan@logistixinternational.com

NovaNam Ltd, an equal opportunity employer has the following vacancy at their Namibian Operations. Job title:

Location: Reports to:

Senior Accountant Based in Walvis Bay Group Financial Manager

Key Performance Areas: 1. Preparation of the monthly management accounts for the various companies and joint ventures within the Group 2. Assist with the monthly reports and results analysis 3. Reviewing monthly Balance Sheet reconciliations and follow up on any unusual deviances 4. Ensure that all financial transactions in the Group are recorded in compliance with group policy and joint venture agreements 5. Manage wages, cash control, debtor and creditor officers 6. Review salaries and wages 7. Follow up daily with foreign debtors 8. Prepare budgets and forecasts 9. Maintain the fixed assets register and tracking of capital expenditure 10. Review of monthly management accounts and variance analysis 11. Prepare bank reports 12. Analyze any issues relating to tax returns and variances. 13. Review fishing levy returns and prepare payments 14. Maintenance of internal controls 15. Assist auditors during year end audits 16. Review monthly VAT, PAYE and VET levy payments 17. Travel to L端deritz on a monthly basis to oversee accounting functions 18. Prepare monthly group reconciliations 19. Reviewing related party transactions Requirements: 1. B.Com degree majoring in Finance. 2. Completed articles. 3. Chartered Accountant designation or equivalent would be an advantage. 4. Knowledge of the fishing industry would be an advantage. 5. Good computer skills including Microsoft Office. 6. Willing to work occasional extended hours. 7. Ability to work under pressure. 8. Good verbal and written communication skills. 9. Adaptability, persuasive, assertiveness skills and must be results driven. 10. Proactive, attention to detail, good organizing and planning skills. 11. Ability to work independently and as part of a team. If you are interested in applying and you are confident that you meet the minimum requirements in terms of the information set out in this advertisement, please apply in writing by submitting a CV and Cover Letter to: Craig Theunissen E-mail: recruitment@novagroup.co.za Closing date for applications: 31 December 2015


18 DECEMBER 2015

Website: www.namibtimes.net

18 DECEMBER 2015



Allan Martin takes it for the third time

Liesl Losper Allan Martin, a well-known name in various motor racing disciplines, was crowned as King of the Oval at the coast for third consecutive year. Martin has a busy year behind him and he even competed at the Ceres Rally in South Africa in May this year. In the Okahandja Rally he managed to get second place overall and a first place in his class. In June he came

first overall for the national side and third overall in the Namibia versus South Africa Oval Racing challenge. These are only a few of the many races he competed in and it is a clear indication of his success in this highly


3 x International Trucks for sale @ N$250 000.00 each. Km 1000 000. Very good condition and updated services. Contact: Mr Thiaan Arangies Cell: 081 599 9913 or 064 - 221503

competitive sport. “We are so proud of what you achieve Allan, and I am always proud to stand at the bench and tell people, I am from the coast,” were the encouraging words from one of his fans on facebook. “My fans, my competitors, my teammates, my staff, my family are the people that keeps me going. To deliver my best, and with this recipe you can only walk out as a winner” said Allan. The results for the seventh leg of theNami-bian Dirt Oval Champion-ships that took place on the Desert Raceway in Walvis Bay are as follows: 8 Valves – Michael Behnke, Zachary Martin, Grant Ian Wentzel; Hotrods – Jan Everson, Allan Martin, Dyllan Roodt; V8 – Dirkie Baard, Frans-Thea Cronje, Gert Breedt; Quads – Martin Kruger, Fernando Correia, Zander Everson.


18 DECEMBER 2015








NOAHS ARK DAYCARE & PRE PRIMARY Skryf in vri 2016 Ons het nog plek vir kinders van 1 - 6 jaar Dagsorg en voorskool. Kontak Roelien: 081 473 7325

Lynx Investigations Two former Police officers with 20 years Investigations plus 15 years cooperate & Criminal Investigations. All matters such as thefts, fraud, burglaries, stock thefts, anti-poaching, stock thefts, observation services, tracing suspects, risk analyzes , reconstruction of m/vehicle accidents & sketch plans, GPS vehicle tracking, CCTV installations, CCTV live monitoring, CCTV hidden cameras, CCTV review, Taking statements under Oath, VIP protection, Insurance Investigations, Corporate guarding, Commissioner of Oath and other (anywhere in Namibia) P W van Schalkwyk (081 127 9086) Lynx.crime@gmail.com or lynxswk@gmail.com

WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures. 24/7 service Open during holidays Contact: 081 254 4248 064 205 470

DUH AZIZI BANDA Very powerful young African Traditional Doctor in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Expert in: Calling back lost lovers Fortune telling Lucky charms Helps you get a job Business matters Customer attraction Protection of property Heals diseases like asthma, epilepsy, sugar diabetes, madness, mental disorder, pregnancy, complicated cases. Call him on appointment and treatment. 081 740 7321

HAIR PET ALERT 1 Female found at Village Cafe. Please contact the SPCA 064-404419 to claim your girl.

PET ALERT 2 Female found at Bojo's Cafe. Please contact the SPCA 064-404419 to claim your girl.

BEAUTY: Instantly ageless reduce wrinkles in 2 minutes N$ 100 for 1 bag Call: 081 343 5070 PPT AND BEAUTY in hair lounge Nails training N$ 1 200.00 including kit + certificate Eyelashes N$ 700.00 Kit & certificate Manicure N$ 100.00 Eyelashes N$ 120.00 Twisting & tinting eyebrows N$ 60.00 Call Betty: 081 605 9205 We are in town opposite Tekkie Town, Walvis Bay

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experience mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685

SERVICES Please contact the SPCA if she is your dog 064 - 404419 urgently.

NOTICES OYSTERS!!! Live and frozen oysters Delivered daily to your home. Longbeach, Swakopmund & Walvis Bay. Contact Morin: 081 219 0871 Josebin Driving School wants to thank all who supported us during this year. We are glad to have wonderful customers like you!! Our closing date will be on the 17 th of Dec and we will be opening early in Jan 2016. Contact: 081 237 6355 Merry Christmas and Happy New year!! Salon Wilma is having big Christmas Specials. Come and do you hair and nails at affordable prices. Contact: Sandra - 081 216 7153 Wilma - 081 294 6287 Audrey - 081 868 7454

JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL In Swakopmund Special!!! We offer driving lessons for N$90 per hour. N$150 for natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor - failing is not an option. Natis will be open during the Dec Holidays. Contact: 081 418 3535 / 081 296 9477

A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision

Specialized Carpet / Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call LIDA COASTAL HYGIENE for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na

KUS RENOVATIONS Call: 081 560 0292 Henk 085 601 9662 Johan Carports gates, safety, doors fences, steel, wood painting paving plumbing tiling maintenance on buildings + structures free quotations no job is too small

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress !Natis Consultant !Vehicle Service !Rust Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: vla.namibia@gmail.com

MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. * Installation of geyser timer and arograming *plumbing services, water leakage on tapes, toilet leakages and blockages All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Wood work, gates, metal work, garden irrigation Systems, and so much more. Also selling real cow manure 40kg bags. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300 ROOF REPAIRS The RAIN is on the Way. Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300 German Handyman All Home Renovations And Repairs free Quotes call 0812913837

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education - Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887. ROMMEL VERWYDERING / RUBBISH REMOVAL Vervoel van rommel, bourommel, tuinvullis, afsaag van bome, kantoor en huistrekke en ook enige tipe aflewering. Rubbish / Junk removal from your home, business offices, rental locations, construction sites. Contact: 081 801 9144 081 595 1433


WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tax solutions !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897 TRANSPORT Billike tariewe 3.5 ton geslote bak Lokale en buite vragte Beskikbaar vir Drywer opleiding Met instrukteer Beskikbaar vir uitpassering “Reverse” kamera Jan: 081 240 7693 COASTAL BUILDING SPECIALISTS: For all your: !Building construction !Renovations !Project costing (bill of quanities) !concrete mixer rental (N$ 200/d) Contact: 081 365 1917 081 699 2441

PROPERTIES FOR SALE For sale – Pelican Village 2 Bedroom townhouse, bathroom, kitchen, living room. BIC and stove, garage, interlocked courtyard. Safe and secure complex, N$ 930 000.00 registered. Contact: 081 291 2968 / 081 146 5045


PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE: N$ 1 969 000.00 negotiable Meersig, Walvis Bay Double storey house 3 bedroom, bic/suit + bathroom All rooms bic Open plan kitchen, B/I stove, oven, HOB + BIC 2 bathrooms, double garage, automatic garage doors, air conditioning, guest toilet, outside braai Contact details: 081 206 1914 204 299 / 204 288 FOR SALE: By owner. Erf 1137 Mondesa, Swakopmund. 1460m² Zoning, local business Fully developed Rentals approx. N$ 32 000.00 p/m N$ 5 million CC registered, so no transfer rates Contact owner: Ramona 081 128 6543 Only serious buyers please. PROPERTY IS WEALTH

Walvis Bay Extention 1 Meersig 3 bedroom house 2 garage ind BBQ 9620.00 Fairways 3 Bedroom house, double garage, 2 bathrooms 10285.00 Central Office space behind Welwitchia hospital available, 5400 pre paid elect 4 Bedroom house 2 bathrooms 2 tandem garages 17120.00 Hermis 3 Bedroom house with bachelor flat for January 13200.00 Bachelor flat w + e included 2450 Narreville 1 Bedroom flat 3245.00 Light Industrial warehouse with offices from 9373.65 to 16500.00 Light Industrial Warehouse with offices 1445m² @54.00 p/sqm vat included Warehouse +- 800 sqm 22770.00 Kuisebmond 3 bedroom house 1garage pre paid elect 4500.00 Alarm system and burglar bars. Please note our office will be closed from 18th Dec-4th Jan please call Lana 081 350 1827 if we can assist you in any manner


PET ALERT 3 Siamese male found at Mira Mar Vogelstrand. Please contact the SPCA 064-404419 to claim your boy

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



18 DECEMBER 2015



E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES FOR SALE WALVIS BAY NEWLY BUILT 2 BED FLAT WITH SPACIOUS OPEN-PLAN LOUNGE/KITCHEN WITH A SINGLE GARAGE N$ 995 000-00 JOEY ON 0812780518 TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 huise op 1 Erf, size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC,. Eie groot tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, balcon. Onder het n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 Groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van waterfront af. N$3.5miljoen (neg) Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie. Kontak: 081 786 0089 Arandis House for sale One (1)x 4 bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a new geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Cash buyers preferably. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling Price: N$350 000 Contact: 081 455 4176 ERVEN FOR SALE Two corner erven in Dune Estate (Kramersdorf) EXT 18, Swakopmund for sale. Erf 5715 (898m²) N$950 000.00 Erf 5757 (898m²) N$900 000.00 Negotiable Contact Owner: 081 148 1939 081 224 3443

PROPERTIES TO RENT FLAT TO RENT IN LAGOON (quite area) @ N$4,900.00 per month + deposit. ·2 Bedroom flat with BIC ·open plan sitting room & kitchen with BIC ·bathroom, small yard ·1x garage ·water included ·Pre-paid electricity Available from 7 January 2015. Call 081 455 8333




TO RENT: You only live once, live in style New upmarket modern large house, in Meersig. 3 bedroom house, burglar bars, alarms, open plan kitchen, BIC, indoor braai, double garages, two private courtyards, pet friendly, pre paid electricity. Available immediately. N$ 11 900.00 W/E excl. One month deposit and reference required. Rent direct from owner (save agents commission) First come first serve. Call: 081 378 7347 081 697 8588 064 204 986

TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Tom Swemmer Street. Behind Walvis Private School Outside room N$ 1 500.00 Each room N$ 3 000.00 Contact: 081 730 0301

TO RENT: Walvis Bay, near State Hospital (behind Walvis Bay Private School) 3 bedroom, kitchen, lounge, garage and outside room. N$ 10 500.00 p/m Contact: 081 730 0301

TO RENT: Bachelor, one bedroom, big lounge, kitchen with BIC toilet with ½ bathroom N$ 2 800.00 p/m plus deposit Excl water. Electricity pre paid. Namport, Kuisebmond Immediately available. Contact: 081 620 0378 081 228 4894 TO LET: Walvis Bay Office Space available immediately Showroom and offices 470m² N$ 20 000.00 Office 24m² N$ 2 200.00 Office - 65m² N$ 3 500.00 Please contact: 081 143 4263 064 209 311 TO RENT: Walvis Bay Separate rooms for offices. Contact: 081 860 4857 TO RENT: Narraville 2x bedroom with bic toilet with shower Open plan kitchen Build in stove with BIC Water incl. Pre paid electricity. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit negotiable No garage & no pets Call: 081 238 7737 Available immediately TO RENT: Brand new bachelor flat available for rent N$ 3 000.00 W/E incl. Kuisebmond, Oshivelo Street, Namport Contact: 081 270 8417 HOLIDAY ROOM TO LET: in Walvis Bay. Large room, kitchen, toilet + shower. Near Centre of Walvis Bay. N$300.00 per day. Contact: 085 620 8689. House to rent in Hage heights for end of Jan 2016. Water and electricity excluded. N$14 000p/m + 2 bedroom flat. Contact: 081 275 5357

Ocean View Spacious 3 bedroom house in Ocean View to rent, fully furnished, 3 garages, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet. Open plan kitchen, lounge and dining room. Indoor braai and entertainment area, study. Pre-paid electricity, alarm system, with outdoor beams. Available form 05 January 2016. N$16,000.00 p/m. Contact: 081 317 0210 TAMARISKIA: Newly built flat to rent in Tamariskia, with 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen/lounge, electric fence and motor gate, single garage. Water and electricity excluded. N$7000 p/m. Contact Max: 081 800 6667 Arandis House to let A 4 bedroom house available to rent. House is tiled and has a big kitchen, sitting room and a geyser. There are built-in cupboards in the kitchen and in some of the rooms. All rooms are big and the yard is huge for parking cars. Is a corner house and photos can be provided on whatsapp if required. N$4000 p/m, water included. Deposit will be required. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 455 4176 OFFICES TO LET in Klimas Building Swakopmund Tobias Hainyeko 9-11 85m² 68m² Tel: 402 105

For Sale Mondesa 3bedr house, lounge, kitchen, bathroom with flat of 2bedr,open lounge kitchen single garage N$ 900 000.00 Tamariskia Cottage Village Flat 2 bedr,1 bathr, open plan kitchen, garage N$ 850 000 00 Ocean view (brand new) 3Bed house, 2bathr, lounge, kitchen dinning room, double garage (remote door) N$ 1.9 mil neg Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995

PROPERTIES WANTED WANTED: Looking for workshop industrial purpose anywhere in Walvis Bay, to rent. Contact: 081 275 5713


ACCOMMODATION SWAKOPMUND MILE 4 Holiday flat to rent. One bedroom, kitchen, lounge, toilet + shower. Garage, alarm system, BIC. N$350 per day. Contact: 081 146 5332 / 081 122 6362 Accommodation available for the holiday season in Swakopmund: 19 Dec 2015 onward nearby Woerman Brock, Vineta Shopping Centre. 1 Bedroom, open plan kitchen/living room. Garage, full alarm system, separate entrance. Ideal for couple with 2 children. N$550.00 per day, water & electricity included. Please contact 081 122 5182 / 081 122 7878

ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na SELF CONTAINED EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION OFFERED IN WALVIS BAY FOR BOOKINGS CALL 081 755 2813.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

CARS Car for sale Type: Toyota Passo Model 2007 Engine capacity 1.3 litre Kilometres 133000 KM N$38000 negotiable Take note that this car is still in good condition, no mechanical or any problems. New tyres It was fully serviced in November 2015 Contact 0816297521 BELECHE INVESTMENT CC Can help you to get you all the car parts of your car just in 3 days. Especially, Toyota Passo and other import car parts not available in Namibia. Please call: 081 629 7521

FOR SALE Mercedes Benz E200 Kompressor for sale. Local Car, 105 000 km. Spotless.Full house Elegance Package with VPS,Smash & Grab Window tint, automatic lights, wipers, elec chairs, surround sound Mbenz sound system Traction control, Air suspension, Triptonic & Sport, ABS, Full Service History at Mbenz Whk. Price N$ 125 000.00 Call 081 124 5052 FOR SALE: Isuzu KB 360 V6 LX Automatic 2009 97 000 km 2 fuel tanks, roof rack, led spot lights front runner excellent condition N$ 210 000.00 Contact: 081 269 5583 081 127 6556 FOR SALE: 8 Seater Honda in a very good condition. or can exchange with any kind of bakkie. Contact: 081 330 2954 081 319 4832


Toyota Hilux 2.2 4x4 Model 1998 176.000 km Price: N$562.000.00 Full service history Only cash buyers Contact: 081 849 6362



FOR SALE: 2013 Isuzu KB 300 D/C LX 32 000 km white Extras: leather interior, smash & grab tint Toneau cover, roll bar, rubberised and under body. N$ 320 000.00 Call: 081 170 0289 081 378 3509

FOR SALE 1x Freestanding metabo planer and thickener 260mm (ADH 1626) N$10 000.00 1x 2Ton mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4000.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2000 Contact: 081 373 7614

A170, 2007, 78700 kilo’s, automatic. Very good condition. N$80 000 neg. Contact: 081 146 5017 FOR SALE Via Sportage 4x4, good condition, newly licenced. Classic motorbike Yamaha Xt250, 1984 model, fully new licenced, new service, very good condition. Great on sand, audter. Contact: 081 485 9550 Car for sale Opel Corsa lite, Sedan 1.4, 2005 model, 102 000 km, power steering, 14 inch ram. N$40 000 Contact: 081 418 3595 FOR SALE Ipsum, in good condition. N$42 000 Contact: 081 222 8936

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PARTS FOR SALE: Used Toyota Corolla, adv, 1.6, vvti, model 2009 Local Engine - N$28000 negotiable Gearbox (6 gears/speed) N$12000 negotiable Radio (6 Disc changer) N$2500 negotiable Original Toyota Corolla Rims - 500 x 3 N$1500 Left front head lamp N$700 Left rear lamp - N$600 Complete Back passenger seat - N$1500 Complete front driver seat - N$1300 Complete front passenger seat -N$1300 Right side mirror N$500 Rear door rubbers - 600 each x 2 Complete caliper/assy break - N$2000 (Rear right) Complete rear left caliper/assy break N$1500 Complete left front door N$1500 Complete left rear door N$1500 Complete bonnet N$1600 Contact 0816297521

FOR SALE 8 Seater Oregon Pine Table & Chairs. 4x Dunlop 265x70x16 Tires. 1x King size bed. 1x Releigh 26spd bike (new). 1x Free standing drill press industrial. 1x Supreme pie warmer. 5x Working computers. 3x Eye-level build in oven, HOB & Extractor fan. 1x Husky drinks display fridge. Contact: 081 567 4522


Safari Camper for a Single Cab Landcruiser Excellent condition, comes complete with 2 awnings, side tent, mattresses, water and fuel bottles. N$50,000 o.n.o. Call Andrew 081 333 0300

2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na

FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay

FOR SALE: A beautiful original sunset painting painted by the late Travers Brown of Narraville N$ 2 500.00 For more information 081 383 1864 To view at 6de Str 68 FOR SALE: Refrigerated truck 2005 7 tons. N$ 180 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 128 8642


18 DECEMBER 2015

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



Palms for sale, SWK Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300

WERK GESOEK: 36 jarige dame is opsoek na huiswerk, Lagoon, Fairway of Meersig. Rook en drink nie. Kan onmiddelik begin. Kontak: 081 343 1114

GARAGE SALES Garage sale on Saturday 19 Dec, Windhoek str. 34. New washing machine, freezer, PC, laptop, gitarre, Furniture, rattan shelves, antique table, leather, clothes, books, etc. Contact: 081 485 9550

VACANCIES VACANCY: Dental Assistant Qualified and experienced Dental Assistant needed. Email: accounts@drfox.co Only experienced & shortlisted candidates will be contacted VACANCY: Conti property Development CC is looking for specialists / engineers for mueti floor buildings in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 128 8642 Job adds Brick layer and Plasters needed In SWK Sms 081 2913837 Roofing Carpenter Needed SWK Sms 081 2913837

Sales Person Needed 3-4 years experience. Own transport will be an added advantage. Assumption: January Mail CV to: ssjcameoinvestments@gm ail.com For more information call: 081 427 2430 Bricklayers needed to start January. If interested call: 081 477 9764 SALES ASSISTANT Looking for a reliable, hardworking, friendly sales assistant for a shop in Swakopmund. Minimum 3 years sales experience. Female, age 25-35 years. P.O.S. experience will be an advantage. Please send your CV with reference to: cvswakop@gmail.com

Dringend op soek na `n loader operateur in Walvis Bay. Kontak Richard 081 122 9991

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


JOB WANTED: Am a 33-year-old lady looking for domestic work. Mondays to Fridays. Or Three days a week. Ready to start anytime. Meersig or Lagoon. Contact: 081 746 9318 JOB WANTED: We are two ladies looking for housekeeping or any type of work. Ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 321 7292 DIANA: Looking for domestic work. 3 days a week. Washing and ironing. Contact: 081 269 5307 DIANA: Am a 27 year old Herero lady looking for domestic work from Mondays to Fridays. Have experience. Any location in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 203 3700 081 231 1330 WERK GESOEK: Dame 31 jaar oud is opsoek na huiswerk vir Maandae tot Vrydae. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 616 0273

Your child deserves a chance to live a full


• Baby dumping can kill your baby • You will be arrested • Phone us, your baby can be adopted

0 8 12 2 18 0 8 1


FOR HIRE 8.6 tonne flatbed truck long or short term Including driver, straps and container hooks, can also do long hauls in Namibia Contact Vaughn: 081 286 4512

JOB WANTED: A 20 year old lady, looking for domestic work in Swakomund, even just for the DecJan. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 385 6064 / 081 232 6690

Read Isaiah 43 Read Isaiah SATURDAY- Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you."Read Deuteronomy 31Read Deuteronomy

MELBA: Lady 26 years old with 3 years experience. Looking for 5 days a weeks work in Walvis Bay. Very hardworking and reliable. Contact: 081 860 1710 JOB WANTED I’m a 23 year old lady, looking for a job in Swakopmund. As a shopkeeper or selling craft in craftmark or any kind of work. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 437 7220

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.

SUNDAYTO ALL OUR ADVERTISERS: A HUGE THANK YOU for your goodwill and loyalty support throughout 2015. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with you and we look forward to work with you again next year.

Our first issue for 2016 will be on Tuesday 5 January


Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Read Jeremiah 29 Read Jeremiah MONDAY- Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.


18 DECEMBER 2015


Freddie (Late) Litteman * 22.03.1962 - + 15.12.2015 Psalm 23: Die Here is my Herder. ROUDIENSTE: Vrydag 18.12.2015 Dinsdag 22.12.12015 18:00 Erf 437 - Blok G, Rehoboth

BEGRAFNIS: Woensdag 23.12.2015 07:30 by die huis Erf 437 - Blok G, 08:00 vanuit die Methodiste Kerk, Rehoboth Vir verdere navrae kontak: Lizzy Feris - 081 364 6505/Ivan Marshall - 081 240 0420 Ons innige meegevoel met die verlies van u geliefde. Ons gun hom die Hemelse Rus.

Van: Marshall familie + Mede kollegas Eagle Upholstery + Signs


18 DECEMBER 2015

A rider in the 800m long channel that was constructed by Nambed

Namdeb enables new world and national speed records Namdeb pushes boundaries under harsh weather conditions to mine diamonds. Similarly the Lüderitz Speed Challenge participants also use the unique weather conditions and the environment in Lüderitz to maximise opportunities and push their limits. Namdeb, through its Northern Coastal Mines enabled numerous riders from around the world to achieve new world and national speed records during the 2015 Lüderitz Speed Challenge through its sponsorship. Namdeb constructed the 800m long channel that is designed to take maximum advantage of the Lüderitz wind. The Lüderitz Speed Challenge requires careful planning, coordination, commitment and dedication from all involved. It is nature and man come together to stretch man's limits using only the power of nature. For the last eight years competitors from around the world have come to Lüderitz to challenge themselves and push their limits. Each year and throughout the competition the channel is refined and modified to allow the riders to safely stretch their physical and mental limits to new unbelievable levels. The six-week Speed challenge was no disappointment this year with two world records, 35 national records and 31 personal bests being achieved. Antoine Albeau from France set a new men's windsurfing record at 53.27 kts (98.66 kph) and Karin Jaggi from Switzerland broke the ladies windsurfing record with a speed of 46.31 kts (85.77 kph

Please note: Our last issue for this year will appear on

Tuesday 22 December To book your space please contact: Mikkie at 081 286 9519 email: mikkie@namibtimes.net Desiree at 064 - 205854 email: desiree@namibtimes.net Brenda at: 081 128 3280 email: brenda@namibtimes.net


18 DECEMBER 2015

Team Riverside wins Spar Interclub Show Jumping competition Dannika leading the parade

The Grooms Soccer team

Riverside Equestrian Centre hosted the Spar Interclub Show Jumping competition, being their fourth annual show from last week Thursday till Sunday. The show started off with dressages on Thursday and continued with some nail biting show jumping on Friday morning. Spectators were able to witness some great performances by South African riders Paige Shiller and Tessa Joseph as well as some of the local talent. This year's FEI Trophy in the Category C was won by Michelle Künzle on her horse Caskari and the Category B Trophy went to Detlef Fischer on his horse Diana. Withstanding the strong winds on Saturday afternoon, the grooms and riders 5-a-side soccer tournament created a fun filled atmosphere, showing of that some of the riders and grooms are also quite talented soccer players. On Sunday the FNB Namibian Show Jumping Champion was crowned which was won by Anike Maritz in the Novice category with Pia Gebhardt as reserve champion, and Michelle Künzle in the Intermediate category followed by Ane Rautenbach as reserve. Much to the delight of Riverside, the Spar Interclub International Team Event was won by Team Riverside with Michelle Künzle, Sophia Louw, Ane Rautenbach and Selina Schneider. Sheena Dürr on her horse Claratal Duneside

Kiera, had a very successful show, winning the Horse Mania Victor Ludorum as Junior rider. Ariane Wieland on Seeis Daniela managed to get two of the honorary prices being awarded Horse Mania Victor Ludorum childrens rider and CTM Riverside Best Performance as child. Selina Schneider was this year's CTM Riverside Best Performance Junior Rider. In the dressage category three riders walked away with special and honorary prices namely Karins Schomarz, Candince Behrens and Nadia Braune who were awarded with Eco Floor best dressage in the children's, junior and adult category. The show was well visited and was the last NAMEF show for the year.

Walvis Bay

Namibian Champions

Janiz Sandberg

Anglolink and winners of winners (05/12/2015) Morne Roux and Quinten Van Wyk sponsored this Saturday. Thank you Anglolink and Rock Renovations for your ongoing sponsorship and support. It was a medal format to determine who will be the winner of all winners. The star of the day was Justine Grobler scoring an amazing 66 net to clinch the prestige title. The results were as follows: Winner of winners – J Grobler 66 net; Winner of losers – Colin Peake 65 net; Winner of Wednesday winners – Kevin De Reuk 70 net; Winner of the Anglolink internal competition - 1. H Crafford 69 net; 2. Estelle Bothma 69 net; 3. Gunther Heitman 71 net; 4. Amandio 72 net; 5. Faf Champion 73 net.

Hottie, JJ and Flip 3 ball alliance scramble (12/12/2015) Hottie , JJ and Flip sponsored this Saturday. Thank you guys, your continuous sponsorship and support is much appreciated. It was a scramble drive three ball alliance and only one team was destined to win. Jason (Big drives), Thomas (Iron Player) and Duane (Putter), a match made in heaven. Congratulations on a great performance. The results were as follows: 1. Duane Sanders, Jason Barnard and Thomas Wolff; 2. Jans Stander, Gunther Heitman and Peet Botha; 3. Piet van Niekerk, Andre Burger and Caileen; 4. Linda Loots, Heini Franken and Kevin De Reuk; 5. Faf Champion, Pikkie Champion and Deville Dreyer.


18 DECEMBER 2015

namib times Sport

Send your sport news to sport@namibtimes.net



Walvis Bay Motor Club

The AUSC Region 5 Table Tennis Championship a massive success The Namibian Table Tennis Association (NTTA) successfully hosted the AUSC Region 5 Table Tennis Championships in Swakopmund from 9 to 12 December. The prestigious event, which was proudly sponsored by Bank Windhoek and Swakopmund Indoor Sports Centre saw seven teams and 60 players from Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa and Zambia competing in seven categories. The competition took place at the Swakopmund Indoor Sport Centre (SISC), better known as “The Dome” in Swakopmund. Team Namibia, which consisted out of a total of 24 players, achieved its goal when Namibia A earned fourth place overall in both the Men's and Ladies team event which earned them a bronze medal respectively. Namibia, as hosts, could enter two teams into the Teams Event and competed against five other Southern African Countries, which included Angola, Botswana, Malawi, South Africa and Zambia. Namibia B finished fifth in both categories. The future of Namibian Table Tennis looks very bright considering that the Namibian B team consisting of Darren Strauss, Dietrich Mowes, PW Steenkamp, Ronaldo Vogel and Yannick Bohn, with an average age of 16, just narrowly lost to the far more experienced A teammates. The young Namibian Ladies team, with an average age of 15 years, not only performed well against their older, more experienced counterparts, but also registered the most wins of all Namibian teams. The Championship where dominated by South Africa and Angola. South Africa won gold in the Men's Team event and silver in the Ladies Team event whilst Angola won gold in the Ladies team events and silver in the Men's team event. Botswana took third position in both the Men's and

Women's team events with Namibia in fourth position in both. South Africa and Angola's class was further underlined when they continued their dominance in the remaining five categories; Mixed Doubles, Men's Doubles, Ladies Doubles, Men's Singles and Ladies Singles. South Africa took gold and bronze in the mixed doubles with Angola silver and bronze. In the Ladies doubles it was Angola that scooped the gold medal before the South African pair and Malawi took the bronze in third position. Angola also showed their class in the Men's doubles as here they also took gold and bronze in the Men's Doubles with RSA silver and bronze. South Africa came back strongly in the Ladies and Men's singles as they had three players in both the ladies and men's singles semi-finals with an all-South African affair in the men's final with Terence Mathole (RSA) and

Kurt Lingeveldt (RSA) fighting it out for the gold. In the Ladies singles the young Isabela Albino of Angola took the gold away from the South African trio of Zodwa Maphanga, Danisha Patel and Khanyisile Madlala who took Silver and 2 x bronze respectively. Detailed results: Men's team (Points Position) - 106 SOUTH AFRICA 12 1, 101 ANGOLA 11 2, 102 BOTSWANA 9 3, 104 NAMIBIA 8 4, 105 NAMIBIA 'B' 7 5, 103 MALAWI 4 6, 107 ZAMBIA 3 7, Women's team (Points Position) - 201 ANGOLA 12

1, 206 SOUTH AFRICA 11 2, 202 BOTSWANA 10 3, 204 NAMIBIA 8 4, 205 NAMIBIA 'B' 7 5, 203 MALAWI 4 6, 207 ZAMBIA 2 7, Mixed Doubles - Gold: LINGEVELDT Kurt & MAPHANGA Zodwa (RSA), Silver: NETO Mayone Costa Leite & BORGES Jerusa Malundo, Bronze: LINGEVELDT Keegan & PATEL Danisha (RSA), Bronze: NETO Edvanio Regada & TAVARES Ruth da Conceição de Sousa (ANG), Ladies Doubles - Gold: ALBINO Isabel de Oliveira & TAVARES Ruth da Conceição de Sousa (ANG)

Likius Nande wins Wispeco Coastal Junior Golf tournament Likius Nande of the Rossmund Golf Club is the 2015 Wispeco Coastal Junior Golf champion. The tournament was held over two days last week with the first round being played on Thursday, 10 December and the second and final round played the next day at Walvis Bay. Nande (pictured third from the right) was in great shape on day one at his home course and shot a brilliant, four under par, 68 which already separated him from his nearest rivals by a significant margin. Despite a more subdued round of 79 at Walvis Bay the next day, his total score of 147 was enough to beat r u n n e r- u p , Wa y n e Profitt, by a whopping 11 shots. This was Nande's last tourna-

ment as a junior as he turned 19 a few days later. The best net was also won quite easily by young Marthinus Marais of Walvis Bay on 143 followed by Jacques Snyman of Windhoek on 154. Other prize winners in the senior division were as follows (net scores): Neil Swart 158, Niewoudt Hendrikse 161 and Neil Groenewald 163. In the Stableford competition which was held

for the younger players, Willie Els from Walvis Bay also had an easy win with a total score of 71, followed by Jonathan Mather on 53 and Tinai Murasaki. Special prizes were also awarded to three development players who played a few holes under the watchful eye of Walvis Bay coach, Gert Olivier (jnr), who was responsible for managing the event. At prize-giving the president of the Namibia

Golf Federation, André Burger, thanked Wispeco for their generous sponsorship and involvement in golf development. He promised the juniors that 2016 will see more tournaments for them throughout Namibia as well as tours for the top juniors to one or more junior events in Southern Africa to give them more exposure to different courses and conditions.

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