18 FEBRUARY 2014
Inspiring women
Piquet Jacobs
The Aitsama Khaibasen Women Charity Group hosted a breakfast talk show to inspire and uplift women at the Shalom Parish church in Kuisebmond on Saturday with Mmes C Paulus and Issabella //Hauses. The event kicked off at 09:00 with the singing of a few hymns, an opening prayer by Tanta !Gaoses, followed by welcoming remarks from Erna Ruiters, who is the founding mother of the Aitsama Khaibasen Women Charity Group. Ruiters made the following comment while welcoming the women attending the event, “always remember, things seem impossible until it's done”. The progamme was directed by Regriena !Kharuchas. Quite a few women took the time to attend the uplifting talk. A motivational talk by Mrs Paulus, who is the proud owner of a kindergarten in Tutaleni, then followed. She saw a need in her area and decided
to do something about it. She struggled through the formalities and started with three children, charging N$60 for school fees. She received help from the Rotary Club and Namport, and was able to expand to accommodate more children. Issabella //Hauses took the stage to give her talk which covered topics such as women needing to take charge of their lives, setting goals and managing priorities. She urged the ladies to take responsibility for their lives and to start living in the moment, and to start making every moment count. The event was ended by testimonials from a few ladies attending the talk and prayers for what was discussed to be taken to heart.
WALVIS BAY OFFICE T 064 20 5854 F 064 20 4813 E wvb@namibtimes.net ADVERTISING desiree@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS marysia@namibtimes.net MARKETING / SALES Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 lolla@namibtimes.net JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher 081 602 2918 madelaine@namibtimes.net
Piquet Jacobs 081 370 6992 piquetjacobs@hotmail.com SPORT Otis Finck 081 299 1211 sport@namibtimes.net
SWAKOPMUND OFFICE T 064 461866 F 064 46 1824
Oudste inwoner, me Liessmann met suster Aletta Cloete en een van die personeel
Palm Court bederf oues van dae Marshallino Beukes Palm Court, in Swakopmund, het Vrydag hul inwoners met 'n Valentyns-ete bederf en die senior bur-gers van die tehuis was in die sewende hemel. Daar is tans 54 inwoners en hierdie jaar was dit die eerste keer dat die inwoners op so iets getrakteer was. Volgens suster Aletta Cloete, tweede in bevel by die tehuis, is hierdie 'n “plek waar die liefde vir mekaar botoon voer” en volgens haar is bestuurderes, me Antoinette van der Westuizen, die beste in die weste en almal is soos een groot familie daar. Die oudste inwoner is me Liessmann (93).
ADVERTISING lee-ann@namibtimes.net MARKETING / SALES Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net MARKETING Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes 081 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net
Anri Jacobs 081 605 2595 anri@namibtimes.net PRO-PRINT Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 Moya Davids 064 20 5854
18 FEBRUARY 2014
No helmets! Madelaine Laubscher
According to law the wearing of a helmet when riding on a bicycle is compulsory. Failure to adhere to this could result in a N$ 100 fine and serious injury or the loss of life when you find yourself being involved in an accident. The practice of not wearing helmets and ignorance of cyclists about the law is apparent when one look at the many people seen without helmets riding bicycles to and from work in Walvis Bay in the mornings and evenings. This poses a great danger not only to them, but also to motorists. A local resident told the newspaper she feared for the worst when driving to work, because on more than one occasion a cyclist abruptly turned in front of her vehicle. This could have resulted in unwanted injury and unnecessary conflict, according to her. “Just take a look in the mornings between 07:00 and 08:00 and count how many cyclists are not wearing helmets. This angers me. If an accident occurs between a vehicle and a cyclist the chances of serious head injuries or even fatalities are high.” On my way to work I saw a man riding his bicycle (without a helmet) in the middle of the road. He looked straight at me, as I was one of the motorists passing him and I thought he would also wait for me to pass. I suddenly had to step on my brakes as he consciously turned right in front of me and looked at me as if I was the one at fault,” she said. On another occasion a similar incident happened where a man on his bicycle ignored a motorist approaching a green traffic light. “He was not even wearing a helmet and he forced me to stop while I was approaching a green traffic light. I hooted at him. He simply showed me the middle finger and kept on driving. Is this type of behaviour appropriate?’’ said another driver. Whenever a motorist hit a cyclist or a pedestrian, it is seen as if the motorist is at fault. This might be the reason why cyclists simply do not care when they force drivers to stop in the middle of the road in order to let them pass. A lot of confusion has risen regarding motorists usually having to take the blame if they were to hit a cyclist,
even though it is not always the motorist's fault. The chief traffic officer, Mr E Platt, clarified the issue and said that “a motorist is not automatically blamed if an accident occurs between a motorist and a cyclist. If a cyclist violates the traffic rules and is negligent the cyclist will definitely b e considere d the guilty one. If someone is hurt or a fatality has occurred, it is procedure to investigat e the matter to establish who was the negligent party. In most instances the negligent person is the guilty party,” said Platt. He told the news-paper that despite the limited occurrence of accidents between a cyclist and a motorist, problems do exsit. “Not many accidents involving a cyclist have
been reported, but cyclists are not following the rules. They do not stop at stop signs as they are supposed to and are seen carrying their helmets in their hands instead of on their heads. Cyclists also have to abide to the traffic rules just as other road users are required to do. B o t h h a n d s should be on the bicycle handles and wearing a helmet is compulsory at all times. I will see to it that traffic officers keep an eye specifically on the cyclists and fine them if they do not abide by the rules.” W h a t happens if a cyclist without a helmet is hit by a car? Despite the dan-gers, not wearing hel-mets (including quad bikes) appears to be a problem in Walvis Bay. “Is the safety of your child or yourself
not more important than throwing hand s i g n a l s a n d approaching motorists that you deliberately ignored?” asked an angry driver. A municipal traffic officer confirmed that all cyclists of all ages are enforced to wear a helmet and that the traffic fine for riding a bicycle without a helmet is N$100. In the past wearing a helmet was something that was limited to professionals participating in competitions.According to www. wisegeek.com the most serious injuries incurred by a majority of cyclists killed, are head injuries. This highlights the importance of wearing a bicycle helmet. The most obvious reason why it is unsafe to ride a bicycle without a helmet has to do with protecting the rider from head injuries. Injuries range from simple cuts and minor concussions to major damage that induces swelling and pressure on the brain. Choosing to ride a bicycle without a helmet is similar to operating a motor vehicle without wearing a seat belt. In both cases, there is an increased risk of bodily harm and permanent injury.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
LOVE IS IN THE AIR: Gospel singer Barneace Slabbert from South Africa entertaining Huis Palms residents
Old age home celebrates Valentine's Day Madelaine Laubscher
The old age home residents joined in the Valentine spirit on Friday. They were spoiled with a scrumptious braai accompanied by a live music performance from Barneace Slabbert a gospel singer from South Africa and a local singer, Jo Nichol. Slabbert, from Port Elizabeth, visited the old age home and graced the seniors with her presence and singing talent. She has been performing for 17 years and this is her first visit to Walvis Bay. “It is my first time here and I must say that I was accepted very warmly and the people are so friendly and affectionate here. I have a soft spot for senior citizens. I am really enjoying my stay here tremendously.�
The spokesperson for Huis Palms, Mrs Winnie Lubbe thanked all the sponsors of the day. Mr Chris Theron held a braai for the senior citizens and singers Jo Nichol and Barneace Slabbert performed at the event. Mr Chris Theron, was the Master of ceremonies. She also thanked numerous companies, individuals, the Huis Palms Office Personnel, the seniors and community for their continued support.
From BROLAZ TO DRGF: The Dongina Risser Gymnastics Foundation was given a generous donation of building equipment, bricks, fencing, etc. from Brolaz South Africa (PTY) LTD. The hope is to get enough building material to build a small hall in the DRC/Swakopmund so that children living there can also attend a basic Gymnastics program. A Big thank you goes to Hannes Steyn and his Team from Brolaz who has helped us in our Motto: Brick by Brick; Child by Child. The Foundation also expressed gratitude to Premier Construction for helping us transport all the building material from site.
14 FEBRUARY 2014
The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the Namib Times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die Namib Times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.
Charlotte Bester se suster stort hart uit Gee my net die spasie om vandag my hart leeg te maak. Hierdie is nie dinge wat ek nou aan dink nie, maar dit krop al op vir 7 maande, solank as wat ons my suster Charlotte Bester verloor het. Die Here wil hê ons moet vergewe, en ons het dit gedoen, maar dis 'n ding wat jou opeet van binne, en dan gaan jy net na die Here toe, want Hy is al een wat verstaan. As ek so die Namib Times lees en die mense se name lees wat betrokke was by die ongeluk en hoe ons as familie in die duister moet lewe oor wat presies gebeur het daardie oggend wil ek net die volgende sê: Sy het vier kinders agtergelaat en twee ouers wat 80 en 82 is, twee kinders is minderjarig, my ouers lewe in die genade van die Here. (Naam weerhou) jy het vir Charlotte laaste gesien, jy weet wat in die taxi gbeur het, God slaap nie, nie 1 keer in die 7 maande het jy hier gekom om te sê ek is jammer oor Charlotte nie, nee want sy het seker die "horrible dood" soos die Here aan my bekend gemaak het,
verdien. Nee, sy het nie, maar God is 'n God van geregtigheid, ek sê nie die dinge om jou skuldig te laat voel nie, maar om my hart leeg te maak. (Naam weerhou), jy was die bestuurder daardie oggend. Is dit te veel gevra om my ouers en daardie twee kinders te nader? En net om te sê "eks jammer", maar net soos die Here my die woord gegee het, het Hy ook vir my geopenbaar hoe die ongeluk plaasgevind het. Want ek doen alles in gebed, vir ons was dit maklik om jul te vergewe, hoekom is dit so moeilik vir julle om net 'n handdruk vir my ouers en die twee kinders te kom gee? Gelukkig sorg die Here dat hulle elke dag iets het om te eet. As ek so kyk hoe ander hulp gee aan die betrokke families, en jul nie eens 'n handdruk of jammer nie, soos die Bybel sê: "die hart is die bedrieglikste". Ek kyk op na bo, waar sal my hulp vandaan kom. My hulp is van die Here wat hemel en aarde gemaak het. Dankie, nou gaan ek nie weer aan die dinge dink nie. Marina Bester
Stop messing up our only medical hope The Rally for Democracy and Progress was most grateful for the establishment of the faculty of medicine at the University of Namibia. We thought this was the right step in the right direction at the right time, when Namibian masses are suffering due to the lack of medical doctors in the country, not to mention those who are conversant in the local languages. Little did we know that the Swapo party led government was not serious with the said faculty, maybe because they (Swapo leaders, that is the cabinet ministers) know that they will not benefit from these graduates
since they (Swapo leaders) are not treated in the public health facilities. Against this background, and given the importance of this faculty, they failed to advise and oversee the recruitment of a suitably qualified person who could lead, manage and run the faculty without any question mark. In our view the guiding principle in identifying the suitable person should have been the academic qualifications and the medical track record of whether or not his/her previous
performance at the institution where he/ she had worked before were not questionable. Judging from what has transpired regarding the training of our medical students at our only medical institution; we are concerned, unless proven otherwise that professor doctor Peter Nyarango is not qualified to run this medical school. As a matter of principle, he must unconditionally resign or else the government should force him to do so. As a country and people, we cannot afford to
sacrifice the lives of the Namibian people at the hands of an irre-sponsible, none caring and questionable professor. We are also calling on the Namibian government to put controlling mechanisms in place when it comes to the recruitment of foreign qualified people to prevent a possible recurring of incidences of this nature. Together we can do better. J Nambinga Secretary of Information and Publicity
Wees waaksaam! Die duiwel is besig om in Profeet (Naam weerhou) dwalende boodskappe te swaai. Sondag in die kerk, presies op 9 Februarie, preek hy dat die mense seëninge by die Kuka shops moet vra, want hulle ondersteun nie finansieël die kerk nie. In dieselfde asem noem hy dat hy nie hande oplegging vir mense sal doen voor hulle nie geskenke sal bring nie. Blykbaar het die ou Profete geskenke gekry vir die mense waarvoor hulle bid. Stel die geeste op die proef en pasop dat julle nie mislei word nie, want 'n ware profeet profeteer ware dinge, maar in Walvisbaai word sommige profete deur die duiwel bestuur. Dit is my eerste keer wat ek so 'n onbeskofte profeet ontmoet wat geen respek toon vir sy mede gesalfdes nie, dan wonder ek of daar ooit liefde
in sy hart is. Geen wonder dat hy uitgesit is by sy vorige gemeente, dis omdat hy ander minag en geen respek toon. Hy profeteer valse boodskappe wat hy blykbaar van die Here af kry, ek voel jammer vir sy volgelinge, want die boodskap wat hy Sondag gepreek het klink dit vir my hy verwag n geskenk van iemand vir wie hy bid of 'n Profesie afgee ,want mense gaan koop lekkers by die Kuka shops en gooi N$3.00 in die offerbakkie dan verwag hulle seëninge. Hulle moet by die Kuka shops se eienaars seëninge gaan vra profeteer hy.
Namib Times Facebook Reader’s Comments
Two-year old baby found raped, murdered In a harrowing case of infanticide, the body of a two-year old child was found in the bushes near Katima Mulilo in the Zambezi Region on Saturday. Ursula Thomas Bring back death penalty... Mario Steenkamp Doodstraf vir sulke mense moet terug kom, hoeveel kindertjies moet nog so swaar dood sterf voor mense wakker word? Geen normale man kan so iets doen nie jy moet erg siek in jou kop wees. Dis n sleg vark wat dit doen. Livia Miller Death penalty is a quick death for scum like that. Constancia Eises What Kind of a man is that who rape a two year old? You rape an innocent, helpless, child Surely you're a Monster. Maybe we should send them to an American prison. Or the Government should do something! Namibian Government where is the Security in our country ? Mary-Anne Zynda Chibwende Death penalty is the only option, not even animals do that to their young! Van Zyl Kiewiet Meyer Put the blame on the government for taking away the death penalty. Annette Reese Siek. Hoe kon hy dit doen. Ek hoop hy word gevang. Loryn Theron People Let us make a vote to animals like this that rape, murderers and child molesters. They must make an example of these people really. Its getting worse now! Jacques Cloete Brigitte Fernandez Pillay Dit sal op hou wanneer die doodstraf terugkom. Brigitte Fernandez Pillay This is so sad. Only monsters are capable of such henious crime. When will this terrible deeds come to an end? Jacobine Bock Wat moet nog gebeur!!!!!!! Jirrie moord bly word meer en meer by die dag. Arme kind,so klein... Dianne van Tonder We live in a sick perverted world!!!!!!!!! Rina Liebenberg Mense mense ek wil huil!!! Ons kan/mag mos nie slegter wees as n dier? Dis verskriklik sad!!! Amor Van Staden But the useless Namibian government will not bring in the death penalty.. julle is pateties en sleg!! Is seker bang een van julle word eerste gehang! McDonaldson Chilli Kaurimba People getting famous for all the wrong reasons Leilani Calvar Collazo Eye for an eye. Do the same to him. Donovan Paulse Ek glo ons moet die mense wat die onmenslikke dinge doen almal voor n vuur paleton laat staan en n magesyn op hulle leeg maak Peter Odendaal How sick must a person be to do such a gruesome deed? Mariette Brand Dink dit is tyd vir self neem in ons eie hande....want wragtag as ons gaan wag vir die doodstraf om terug te kom gaan daar baie sulke gevalle gebeur....sy is by Jesus....niks kan haar meer eina maak nie... Mandy Morkel This men must be a very sick person...oh my word cant believe this...It hurts very much. Suretha Tjombe Please bring the death peanalty back!!! Mariette Brand En sooooo by the way dan moet hul nie verwag om ons in tronke in te stop nie.. want ons doen hul werk vir hul! Helmi Namvula Mazgaj Scary Namibia. What is going on in this Country. It is going out of hands and is time for the government to take serious action. Government don't waste time, death penalty is a solution. We r tired of seen this happening every day and seen all this killers in and out of prison. Petro Drotskie De Villiers Daar is geen selfrespek en geen respek vir mekaar nie maw geen vir God nie! Die goverment slapgat! Nyambura Wa Michael The govt should do something about these killings or even women groups Danny Beukes The punishment for such crimes are so mediocre and weak that it does not scare anyone to commit them. And govt is sending the message that it ok to do these things, they will spend money to sustain you in jail. Toya Louw Inhumane and violent society we have in this country those guilty should be sentenced to death Shawn Thomas Yesterday evening police get complain, man beat girlfriend and drags her around like ragdoll both are full of blood, police arrive, man whispered something in gf ear and gf refused to lay a charge against man, police inspects their house and it looks like a warzone. Come on Namibians something has to be done and soon Kathindi Helena 2year old for God's sake! What happen to real men? Hoe verkrag n man n so klein babetjie? Het hy nie kinders nie, veral dogters!! Mweneni Hoffmann I think the constitution need to punish men that does this to a great extent this is a horror... Gene Eugene I say it, and I say it again, not that I wish bad luck 4 sme1 else, but there must b sm1 in the grn who can thicken his voice and make changes, even the president can take a firm decision without consulting the grn or whosoever, now I pray that those gruesome killing of women must only 1nce happen in his or her family, to the 1 he/she love the most, than they going to start reacting on that,b4 we lose valuable women in the hands of those miserable bustards up there Christo Swart We live in a sick society! It will only become worst by the day. Jacques Venter Firstly, our Namibian police prefer easy target and not dangerous ones. And secondly. These are only the murders and rapes you hear of as of late. There are thousands happening that don't reach the spotlight. These are animals and should be treated as such. (The murderers and rapists) for those who thought I meant something else. Seeing as it's a trend of late to throw blame around to Christians and peaceful people. These are people who need to discipline in the right manner. Killing them will only make them die. a rapist and murderer should suffer to the maximum extent. Violence only attracts more violence. When are the people of Namibia going to realise this? We are all human beings, and one sin is just as great as another. Be it rape or petty theft. But being human we try to justify all around us to what magnitude we see it. People should stand together and not only to beat someone senseless but to find a solution to these atrocities. If we keep arguing like some of the idiots in this country that the bible is violent and that Christians do nothing but pray, of course we will fail.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Good things for M+Z Motors Piquet Jacobs
Andy Brown was brought in by M+Z Motors in Walvis Bay to administer their commercial department, as the motor dealer has decided to start focusing more on this market segment. The business always had this department running but has made a decision to expand it in order to promote growth in the coastal franchise. Brown has expert knowledge in this area with about 6 year of experience at Iveco, after he worked at Auto Haus for 3 years with general vehicle sales. This decision was made with their 2015 goal in mind, when the motor dealers will be moving to Swakopmund to a motor city, which is expected to be ready in the next year. The motor city is said to be more modern and strategically stationed to attract more customers.
The second truck that was delivered to West Coast Fishing, with one of the new popular Sprinters, which will also be distributed by M + Z Motors Coastal
M+Z MOTORS Coastal
Truck delivered to West Coast Tow-in
4 Ton From only N$ 369 000 incl!!!
Andy 081 220 8026 Walvis Bay / Swakopmund / Henties Bay Passenger and Commercial Vehicles Tel: 064 203 792
18 FEBRUARY 2014
The floating work of art Enterprise & Art started to work on the most substantial engagement in its history as consultants for and arranging the placement of the art intended for the newly built flagship of the fleet of the international cruise company Cunard, the Queen Mary 2 in 2001. The engagement comprised of commissions for 565 original art works for the public areas, varying from freestanding sculptures, paintings and objects d'art, to murals, relief panels, mosaics and other integrated art forms. For the many corridors, cabins, suites, and apartments on board also approximately 200 graphic art pieces were acquired, and 3400 exclusive reproductions were made by Enterprise & Art inhouse. A total of 128 artists from sixteen different countries participated in the project. More than 5 000 commissioned works of art are visible in Queen Mary 2's public rooms, corridors, staterooms and lobbies, having been created by 128 artists from sixteen different countries. Two of the most notable pieces are Barbara Broekman's tapestry, an abstract depiction of an ocean liner, bridge, and New York skyline which spans the full height of the Britannia Restaurant, and the British sculptor John McKenna's sheet bronze relief mural in the Grand Lobby, a 7m square portrait of the ship fabricated in bronze inspired by the Art Deco mural in the main dining room of the original Queen Mary.
Barbara Broekman (1955) studied at the Rietveld Academy (1978-1982), initially in the Fashion Department and then in the course for Monumental Textiles. Her most influential teachers were Margot Rolf and Herman Scholten. Margot Rolf is someone with her feet planted firmly in the rationalist design approach of the Bauhaus. In this method beauty is not a decorative addition, but is guided by aesthetics based in the choice of materials and techniques. The pattern of a fabric is livened by the alternation in the colour and texture of the threads, without this encroaching on the structure of warp and weft. Van Rolf taught Barbara Broekman to design in a structured and analytical fashion. Herman Scholten has strong affinities with conceptual art and the minimalism of the Dutch Nul movement. He instilled Barbara Broekman with a formal and objective approach to design. Both influences were decisive for her approach to art. McKenna was born in 1964 in Manchester. He was commissioned in 2002 to produce
The art deco mural in the diningroom the main artwork on the Cunard Line transatlantic liner, Queen Mary 2. Driven by the shortage of economically viable studio space and with the Queen Mary 2 commission contract signed he relocated the studio to a small holding farm on the South West coast of Scotland. The Queen Mary 2 CUNARD commission being a 20 ft by 23 ft bas-relief in
sheet bronze and stainless steel, a portrait of the ship itself. McKenna later went on to create the staircase feature in the sister ship Queen Victoria, again a relief portrait of the ship itself. Both relief sculptures were carrying on the panel theme from the original Queen Mary ship built in Belfast and launched in 1934.
* AUCTION - Bay Auctioneers, Every Saturday, Corner of Rikumbi Kandanga and 6th Street, Opposite Sea Pride. * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 28 Feb.: NPS Introduction of Debutants (Cheese & Wine) * 4 March.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Temple of Truth om 09:00. * 7 March.: Kim’s Dance & Fitness with Trio Feminale & Live Music presents Hip Hop Meets Contemporary at the Private school Swakopmund, time 19:00 for 19:30. * 8 March.: Kim’s Dance & Fitness with Trio Feminale & Live Music presents Hip Hop Meets Contemporary at the Private school Swakopmund, time 15:30 for 16:00 & 19:00 for 19:30. *12 March.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 15 Maart: Laerskool Walvisbaai Kermis op skoolgronde. * 28 March.: NPS - Talent Show - Feeling famous. * 1 April.: Interkerklike gebedskring - V.G.K kerk om 09:00. * 9 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 26 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - 99th Anniversary, battle of Trekkopje. * 27 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Annual wreath laying ceremony by M.O.T.H. and German tradition verband Trekkopje 11:00. * 6 May.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Katolieke Kerk om 09:00. * 14 May.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 3 June.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. * 11 June.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 30 June.: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull * 1 July.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. * 1 July.: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. * 2 July.: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show * 3 July.: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. * 4 July.: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. * 5 July.: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. * 9 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 12 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. * 13 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00 * 16 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Day. * 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’ with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. *************
Bronze Relief Mural in the Grand Lobby
* BRIDGE: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. * Infinity Lounge - Karaoke night every Thursday. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre, starting on the 8th from 10am until 3pm. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: SHALOM MARKET 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 25 Feb.: 19:00 at the Swakopmund Museum Vortrag über eine freie, unabhängige ETHIK: “Die Frage nach einem allgemeinverbindlichen Sittengesetz für die Menschheit” (Teil2) Vortrag von H.G. Fellecke, Dipl.Psych. Und Theol. * 18-19 April.: Kiss The Bride - Namibian Wedding Expo at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Walvis Bay High School 2014 Big Brag
PEACE FORCE has it all!!! Martin Günther as your Security Expert and Consultant will help you with any Security issues or Safety needs.
AVAILABLE COURSES: · Security Grade E (guard basic) · Security Grade B (deployment / snr guard) · Security Grade A (guard supervisor) · Basic Armed Response · Response Supervisor · VIP Protection / Bodyguard · Event Security / Bouncer · Basic Firearm (handgun) · Basic Arrest & Tonfa · Basic self defence For a quotation as per your specific needs please email Martin Günther at: gunther911@yahoo.com
12 NAMIB TIMES NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 832/13 In the matter between: The Trustees For The Time Being Of The H4
18 FEBRUARY 2014 Trust Plaintiff And JFM Piping Specialist Defendant In pursuance of a judgement in the Magistrate’s Court of Swakopmund and writ of execution dated 15/11/13, the goods listed hereunder will be sold in
execution to the highest bidder at Coastal Auction, NO 19, Hidipo Hamutenya Street, Swakopmund on 1st March at 10:00 namely: 1x Computer Box, Screen, Mouse & Keyboard 1x Canon Printer Conditions of sale: Voetstoots - cash to the highest bidder.
Dated at Swakopmund on 14 February 2014. Attorneys for Judgment Creditor KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2 - 6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Tel: 064 - 405051 Fax: 064 - 402159 Swakopmund REF: SB/JFM1/
Vacancy Guest House Manager – Walvis Bay We are looking for a dynamic people orientated person to manage the following tasks: · Keeping of internal administrative systems · Stock control and management · HR and Salary administration · Financial administration (VAT, PAYE etc.) · Weekly and monthly reporting (Reservation system and Pastel) · Personnel management · Marketing Qualifications & Experience · Grade 12 certificate · Qualification in Guest House / Hospitality · Management · Minimum of 3 years management industry related experience Please send CV to dagbreek@belmet.co.za
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Westside High School athletics 2014
VACANCY KDM Construction & Electrical Supervisor for general maintenance and renovations needed. Looking for a Responsible and Trustworthy person. Must have a valid driver's license. Experience will be an advantage. Please e-mail your CV to: KDM.Construction@outlook.com
U19 busy running 200m
From left to right – Vizamunje Uujaha (JVL), Gilbert Hainuca (SVL), Roswitha Boois (JVL) .
Vizamunje Uujaha jumping 1.85m Best U13 – Precious Nghitaunapo (links) Athlete of the day – Gilbert Hainuca
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 50 (1)(a) of the Local Authorities Act 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) as amended, that as from 07h00 on Friday 21st February 2014 to Friday 28th March 2014 Newton Street at the Rail Crossing will be closed for traffic for approximately five weeks or until further notice. The purpose of this closure is for road and rail construction at a section of Newton Street during this period. Appropriate road signs will be erected to direct the traffic via alternative routes. We apologise for any inconvenience caused during the construction period.
1. Trusty Hailaulah (200m), 2. Simie Vries (200m), 3. Unotjari Kuuahee (200m)
VACANCIES NOTICE 1 – Genuine Gariseb (80m) 2 – Heinrienzo Groenewaldt (80m) 3 – Lezano Sanib (80m)
REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From: Single Residential To: Local Business ON ERF NO.: 3553 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 277 Nangolo Mbumba Drive. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a local business development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 11 March 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P.O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay.
TOWN PLANNING ORDINANCE No. 18 OF 1954: Walvis Bay Town Planning Amendment Schemes No. 35 to 40 Notice is hereby given in terms of Section 17 of the Town Planning Ordinance, 1954 (Ordinance 18 of 1954), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to compile and submit for approval with the Namibia Planning Advisory Board certain amendments to the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme. The amendments to the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme will include the rezoning and reservation of land within the Walvis Bay Municipal Area. The Honourable Minister of Regional and Local Government, Housing and Rural Development has granted approval for the compilation and submission of Walvis Bay Town Planning Amendment Schemes No 35 to 40. A map, defining the area to which Walvis Bay Amendment Schemes No 35 to 40 applies, is available for inspection during normal working hours at the offices of the Town Planning Section, Room 101, Civic Offices, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Muronga Haingura Chief Executive Officer Walvis Bay Municipality Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay (Notice No. 09/2014)
Namib Restaurant, a fast growing restaurant at Hotel Deutsches Haus in Swakopmund, specialising among others in seafood and local game dishes, has the following vacancy for suitably qualifyied candidates:
1. Restaurant Supervisor Requirements: - FULL knowledge of the continental cuisine. - At least 5(five) years experience with references. - Sober habits and willing to work shifts. - Must be fluent in English, German would be an advantage
2. Chef Requirements: - FULL knowledge of the continental cuisine. - At least 3 (three) years experience with references. - Sober habits and willing to work shifts. - Must be fluent in English Send your application to, or deliver at; Hotel Deutsches Haus E-mail: Info@hotel.na 13 Lüderitz Street, Swakopmund No faxed copies accepted · Only Namibian citizens can apply or permanent residents and no casual or holiday workers. · Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted. · No CV will be returned or any correspondence after the selection process.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
OFFICE 064-272580 FLAT TO RENT Tamariskia: 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen - sitting room. Prepaid electricity, water Incl. Available as soon as possible. Rent: N$3000.00 Deposit: N$3000.00 Contact: 081 124 6606. WOONSTEL TE KOOP Mondesa. 2 slaapkamers, badkamer, oopplan kombuis - lounge. N$450 000.00. S l e g s b a n k goedgekeurde kopers. Skakel: 081 141 4851. FLAT AVAILABLE IN TAMARISKIA: 2 Bedrooms, 1 toilet / shower with open plan kitchen - living area. Alarm & prepaid electricity. No garage available No children Good for 1 person or two people sharing. Price: N$3500 water Incl. Cell: 081 756 3663.
Vir SLEGS… N$1,995,000.00 Skakel my nou om teleurstelling te voorkom:
Retha Muller 081 250 2889 FOR SALE: *1-BEDROOM APARTMENT, office, garden, garage, central Swakopmund, N$1,260,000. *1-BEDROOM APARTMENT, mezzanine, 2 balconies, garage, central Swakopmund, N$1,470,000. *3-BEDROOM HOUSE + 2 bedroom cottage, 3 garages, Vineta, N$2,900,000. *3-BEDROOM HOUSE, new, double garage, Hage Heights. N$1,980,000. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit 081-275 7827
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL ERVEN SITUATED IN UPMARKET AREA OCEANVIEW N$405,000-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com
064 404028 Swakopmund www.sunpropertiesnamibi a.com FOR SALE: Brand new HOUSE in Tamariskia 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Single garage. Very neat, tiled floor with built in stove. N$1'050'000
WALVIS BAY Complex with 7 x flats Needs TLC, CC registered N$ 2 800 000-00 CLAUDIA 0811277783 SOLE MANDATE: W Bay, Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath apartments dressing room, balcony, lounge, dining, kitchen. N$ 1 150 000-00 CLAUDIA 0811277783 KUISEBMUND Newly built 3 bed, 2 bath, units with single garage. Large enclosed yard. A RARE FIND AT N$ 699 000-00. CLAUDIA 081 127 7783
HOUSE FOR SALE: OCEAN VIEW. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen (BIC & stove). Open plan with huge lounge, outside braai. Double garage. N$1 800 000.00 excluding costs. Contact: 081 262 1129.
KUISEBMUND 3 bed, 1 bath house on 301m² erf N$ 650 000-00 CLAUDIA 0816051984
1. Kuisebmond. 2. Narraville. 3. Swakopmund / Mondesa / Vineta. 4. Arandis. 5. Omaruru. Contact: WILLIE 081 608 2290 / 081 147 6788.
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Swakopmund Tamariskia Plot and Plan for Sale. 3 Bedroom house with garage and 2 bathrooms, B/C’s for only N$980,000.00 (costs excluded) DON’T DELAY Contact Neville Smith Email: nevillesmith@cfsnami bia.com Tel: 064 - 412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017 TO BUY IN SWAKOPMUND Approved buyer looking for 3 bedroom house with double garage in either Hage Heights, Ocean View or Vogelstrand in the range of N$2,3m. If you have the property, please contact me. Neville Smith Email: nevillesmith@cfsnamibi a.com Tel.: 064-412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017. DRINGEND DRINGEND!! Opsoek na n ruim en netjiese 3 slaapkamerhuis wat deur n maatskapy gehuur kan word op n langtermyn. Enige area behalwe Meersig. Verskieslik met spasie vir kantoor asook met n woonstel by. Moet vir 1 Maart wees. Kontak: 081 242 6437 / 081 800 9184. CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE TAMARISKIA HOUSE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining, garage. N$950 000.00. IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com
Waterfront N$ 12 000-00 Walking distance from the ocean, 3 bedr, 2 bathr, guest toilet, indoor BBQ, open-plan kitchen/living area. Immedatly Available Central Town N$ 6 000-00 2 bedroom, 1 bathr, flat in complex. Tandem Garage. Available in January 2014 No Pets and no children. Ocean View N$ 20 070-00 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathr, Study Lovely home for just the right family. Avail. Imm. Waterfront N$13 400-00 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathr, openplan Kitchen with double garage close to the ocean Fully Furnished, big yard Extention 9 N$ 11 200-00 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathr, openplan dining room and BBQ area. Kitchen & living area. Double remote garage alone standing house Close to shopping centre.
MANNY 081 1415000 TO LET: HANNAH’S COTTAGES Walvis Bay. 2 new 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, stove + dishwasher. Dish, G4S, blinds and 1 garage. Lots of private space. Lots of cupboards. Rent: N$5500.00 + deposit. Pre-paid electricity. Water included. 1x3 bedroom, 2bathroom, kitchen, stove, dishwasher and separate lounge. Dish, G4S, blinds and 2 garages. Big private Court. Rent: N$6500.00 + deposit. Prepaid electricity. Water included. 2 Dogs allowed - small and must not be a nuisance. Immediately available. Contact: Hannah 081 124 2151. For Sale Swakopmund Coastal Estates Brand New House 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Open plan Kitchen Lounge Dining room Indoor braai Scullery 2 Garages N$1 700 000.00 Call Jan - 081-2708005 Hannes - 081-1498777 Irma - 081-3684469
SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE - Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge, kitchen, laundry 2 garages N$ 1350 000-00 1020m² Industrial ERF Narraville N$ 890 000 -00 Saloom 0813821888
Kuisebmund Newly built 3 bed, 2 bath, units with/ without Garage From N$ 400 000-00 each Rhoda 0814131313
For Sale Close to the Lagoon This home offers perfect flexible accommodation as a Guest house or family home. 6 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 1 Flat and 2 garages, registered as a BB N$3 650 000. For Sale Two Warehouses Light Industrial 575m² N$4 050 000. For Sale 6 x1 Bedroom Flat, 1 x 2 Bedroom Flat; Fully furnished Registered CC N$4 700 000. Do not hesitate to contact RUTH GREBIEN 081 240 7350
TO RENT CENTRAL, SWAKOPMUND: Neat & Spacious 1 Bedroom Flat with tandem Garage (2 cars). Rent N$ 4 500 per month, excluding Water & Electricity. Available immediately. Deposit payable. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987.
For Rent Meersig , Walvis Bay Big beautiful 3 bedr, 2 bathroom, BIC, lounge dining room, kitchen with a beautiful garden - only N$ 8,910. Available 1st April. Contact 0811497911 / 0811700593 For Sale Swakopmund Coastal Estates Something special New house to call home 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Country style Kitchen Lounge Dining room Scullery 2 Garages N$2 350 000.00 Call Jan 081-2708005 Hannes 081-1498777 Irma 081-3684469
Netjiese 3 slaapkamer huis plus 1 slaapkamer woonstel en 2 motorhuise in rustige omgewing met pragtige tuin!
Walvis Bay 064-202788
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
ALDA 081 2555 481 NADIA 081 274 508 1
Waar kry jy nog 'n huis onder 2 miljoen in Kramersdorf???
NARRAVILLE/ KUISEBMOND 2 bedr house on huge erf, 1 bathr. kitchen, lounge & garage N$ 5 600-00pm Spacious 1 bedr, open plan kitchen/lounge & bathr. N$ 3 200-00pm 2 bedr, 1 bathr. open plan kitchen /lounge flat N$ 3 520-00pm 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr. open plan kitchen/lounge N$ 3 520-00pm WALVIS BAY Spacious 4 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen /lounge, dining room, indoor BBQ, TV room, 2 garages N$ 7 400-00pm Anchor - 3 bedr 2 bathr. open plan kitchen/lounge, 2 garage townhouse N$ 8 920-00pm INDUSTRIAL Warehouse 230m² N$ 11 000-00pm
LAGOON Immaculate Family Home. Beautifully maintained garden, spacious open plan living areas, 3 beds, 3 baths, study, scullery, pantry, double garage. N$ 3.15 mil. CC Reg CENTRAL Neat, modern townhouse. Well maintained double storey. Offering 3 beds, 2 baths, double garage, Indoor BBQ,
small enclosed courtyard
N$ 1.2 million
Manuela 081 385 9179
DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com EXCITING NEW DEVELOPMENT! Ext 15 44 Upper class units to be build Price drop from N$1,750,000 to N$1,600,000 ILENE - 081 170 063 DAPHNE - 081 129 9799
PRIVATE SALE Warehouse for sale (private): 311sqm, near Build-it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million(neg). Contact Divan: 0813832924. HOUSE FOR SALE Ocean View: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge - dining. Inside braai, 2 garages. Close to sops. N$1 850 000.00. Contact: Lindy 081 129 7093 TO LET: Single apartment Bachelor flat to rent in Walvis Bay. Must be a dog lover. Price: N$ 2700.00 + N$2700.00 dep. Contact: 081 122 7073.
TO LET WALVIS BAY COMMERCIAL - CBD 114m² Office Space in Sam Nujoma Avenue. Rental amount: N$11 000.00.
TO LET WALVIS BAY NEW LAGOON N$3 500 - brand new 1 bed flat with single garage. LAGOON N$4 200 - 2 Bed flat, water + elec excluded. CENTRAL N$5 750 - 2 Bed flat, water + elec included.
INDUSTRIAL: 1250m² Warehouse with 2500 yard. Rental amount: N$46 500.00.
Please contact: Yolanda 081 147 9315 Talitha 081 337 3669 Tanya 081 427 0332
Please contact: Yolanda 081 147 9315 Talitha 081 337 3669 Tanya 081 427 0332
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE IN OCEAN VIEW The millionaires dream!!! Exquisite triple storey house with 5 bedrooms, 5 en-suite bathrooms, huge open-plan lounge / kitchen / dining room, 3 times entertainment areas, sea view from all bedrooms! 6 garages, outbuilding, separate washing room, heated swimming pool AND MUCH MORE!! Come see for yourself ONLY serious buyers to view the property, Price N$ 5.5 million (Cost excluded) negotiable Registered Contact: Neville Smith Email:
nevillesmith@cfsnami bia.com Tel: 064- 412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017 WANTED: Urgent Industrial Space! Light industrial space needed.(150m² - 200m²) in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 235 4803 / 081 625 3099. FULLY FURNISHED APARTMENT TO RENT MILE 4, S W A KO P M U N D : Spacious and modern with spectacular Sea-Views. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms with indoor BBQ and tandem garage. Rent N$ 8 500 per month. Water & Electricity excluded. Deposit payable. Available immediately. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987. WOONSTEL IN VINETA Swakopmund: 1 Slaapkamer (baie groot), toilet - badkamer, kombuis en sitkamer, gemeubeleerd tenvolle. Water en krag ingesluit. Enkel persoon: N$4000.00 Extra persoon: N$1000.00. Kontak: 081 429 2790.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
PROPERTY TIMES MAYS TRADINGCC: LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ERF N$5.7 MILLION. Erf 4200m² boundary wall right around erf newly built office space.. WALVIS BAY: N$1,9 MILLION. 3 Bedroom house lounge, garage 964m², zoned, Business 1. MEERSIG ERF: N$ 1,3 Million. Extension 1,1007 m². DOLPHIN BEACH FLAT: N$850 000.00. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, openplan kitchen and lounge, garage. REHOBOTH: N$800 000.00. 5,5 hectare in Agricultural Area, Fertile ground. SWAKOPMUND ERF: N$720 000.00 Ocean View, 800m². WALVIS BAY: N$1 590 000.00. 3 Bedroom house, bathroom, sunroom with braai, study, spacious kitchen with b.i.c., garage, interlocks and beautiful garden, very neat and spacious plus 1 bedroom flat, kitchen with b.i.c. LONGBEACH ERF: N$550 000.00. 582m², boundary walls (Extension 2). NARRAVILLE FLATS: N$1 050 000.00. 5x Flats, includes, 1x2 bedroom flat & 4x1 bedroom flats. NEW INDUSTRIAL ERF, N$6 930 000.00. 6 600m²(N$1050 p/m²) Contact: Mounien 081 860 1938 / Tracey 081302 3806. We are urgently looking for Semi-Dettached (Skakel huise) houses, flats, erven in Naraville, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Long Beach, Dolphin Park for bank-approved clients. TE HUUR: Garage / storage te huur, 58vkm @ N$2200p/m Duer 2.4x2.4m Net ligte beskikbaar. Watt str. No 5 Sentraal Swakopmund Skakel: 081 124 4513. TO RENT KRAMERSDORF, SWAKOPMUND: Neat and spacious Family home offering 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Indoor braai, Private Lounge, Double garage. Available immediately Rent N$ 12 000 per month water & electricity excluded. Deposit payable. Phone Erwin during office hours at 081-124 0987. TO LET Vogelstrand: Townhouse, Seaview. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, double garage. N$7900.00 per month. Vogelstrand: Townhouse, 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. N$7500.00 per month. Tamariskia: Bachelor flat with automated garage. N$3500.00 per month. Contact 085 124 9826.
To Let Swakopmund Coastal Estates Flat Wilto 2 Bedrooms Bathroom Garage N$5 500.00 House 3 Bedrooms 2 Garages N$10 000.00 Garage/ Storage space 142m² N$4 260.00 Industrial warehouse 485m² N$15 500.00 Call Jan - 081-270 8005 Hannes - 081-149 8777 Irma - 081-3684469 To let: *3-BEDROOM APARTMENT, partially furnished, balcony, double garage, central Swakopmund, N$9500. *2-BEDROOM APARTMENT, up market, fully furnished, double garage, central Swakopmund, N$17500. *1-BEDROOM APARTMENT, garden, Vineta, N$4500. *1-BEDROOM APARTMENT, central Swakopmund for travelling agent, partially furnished, N$4000. SEASIDE ESTATES Birgit 081-2757827. TE HUUR: 3 Slaapkamers met 2 badkamers en garage. N$5900p/m vanaf 1 Maart 2014. Water en krag uitgesluit. Skakel: 081 434 9556 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES. TO LET: LONG BEACH. 3 Bedroom double storey house, 3 bathrooms, double garage, entertainment area, Wooden deck for a sundowner, braai area, 5minute walk to the sea, fully furnished. Price: N$10 000.00 p/m. TOWN CENTRAL Beautiful 4 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, tandem garage that fits 4 cars, garden , indoor braai with an outside flat. Price: N$12 000.00 p/m(neg.) HERMES: Beautiful double storey 3 bedroom house, 3 bathrooms, double garage. Price: N$8000.00 p/m.(Neg.) S W A K O PM U N D VINETA 2 Bedroom apartment, bathroom, garage. N$5000.00 p/m Contact: 081 122 8067. TE HUUR: Walvisbaai. Ruim semi 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur. Ingeboude kaste. N$5400.00p/m (W+L ingesluit.) Contact: 081 244 1342.
WALVIS BAY WORKSHOP TO RENT: 370m 2 Light Industrial Workshop / Warehouse with offices and store rooms. From 1 March 2014 for N$15 000.00 p/m. Mobile 081 303 8987. TO LET: WAREHOUSE WALVIS BAY: 232 sq.m Warehouse immediately available. N$10 000 (VAT included) p/m. Water and electricity excluded. Contact Magda on 081 222 0490 or Fanie at 081 122 1789. TO LET Swakopmund old Industrial Area: Office space, 110m², divided into 3 offices, kitchenette, bathroom, extra toilette, alarm system. N$6500.00 excl. VAT Tel: 085 580 0700. HOUSE TO LET OCEAN VIEW: 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining, inside braai + 2 garages. N$10 000. W/L Incl. FLAT TO LET OCEAN VIEW: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen lounge. 1 garage. Own entrance and braai area. N$5500.00. Contact: 081 129 7093. WAREHOUSE to rent. Walvis Bay Industrial Area. 760m² including office and ablution facilities. Available from 01 April 2014. Please contact: Chris: 081 127 1143. TO RENT: Henties Bay. 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room with garage, alarm. N$3500.00 + deposit. Pre-paid electricity & prepaid water. Call: 081 448 5311 / 081 337 9528. HOUSE TO LET Ocean View, nearSpar: 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, Diningroom, kitchen with inside braai, Scullery, 2 garages, Alarm. N$11 000.00 p/m. Water NOT included, prepaid electricity. Contact: Lindy 081 129 7093. FOR SALE / TO LET: Walvis Bay. 3Bdr. Townhouse. 1½Bathroom. Open Plan. Indoor Braai. Small garden. Remote D garages. Alarm system. Electricity not included. Contact: 081 258 0911.
TE HUUR: Gemeubeleerde een slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Walvis Baai. N$5000.00.p/m. Skakel 081 229 6468.
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE RESIDENTIAL ERVEN NEAR MILE 4 Property is a great INVESTMENT! There are still nice, spacious plots available in Swakopmund’s upmarket area not far from the beach. Buy either plot & plan for approx. N$1.4 mil or plot only from as low as N$395 000 (costs and commission excluded) SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW SPAR BARGAIN PLOT FOR SALE!!! MILE 4 Near Spar Supermarket Only N$650,000.00 For 875m² Commission Excl. DON'T DELAY! Contact Neville Smith Email: nevillesmith@cfsnami bia.com Tel: 064 - 412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017 064 404028 Swakopmund www.sunpropertiesnamibi a.com For Sale Vinetia 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom,Double garage plus 1 Bedroom flat N$1'600'000 Lucia: 081 261 0025
TE HUUR: In Walvisbaai. Kamer aan enkel persoon. Geen diere. Geen kinders. Water en ligte ingesluit. Geen plek vir motor. Huur + deposito. Skakel: 081 351 3225.
TO LET: flat in Narraville 1 bedroom, bathroom and open plan kitchen. The flat is situated in Roman Street 36. N$2200p/m. Water included. Pre-paid electricity. Deposit will be required. Contact:081 360 7641.
TO LET: In Narraville. 1 bedroom, bathroom, open plan kitchen, big yard. The flat is situated in Pleinstreet 87 opposite Narraville Primary. N$3000.00p/m. Water included. Pre-paid electricity. Deposit will be required Contact:081 360 7641.
SURPRISING USES FOR BAKING SODA 1. Make Toothpaste A paste made from baking soda and a 3 percent hydrogen peroxide solution can be used as an alternative to commercial non-fluoride toothpastes. You can also just dip your toothbrush with toothpaste into baking soda for an extra boost. 2. Freshen Your Mouth Put one teaspoon in half a glass of water, swish, spit and rinse. Odors are neutralized, not just covered up. 3. Soak Oral Appliance Soak oral appliances, like retainers, mouthpieces and dentures, in a solution of 2 teaspoons baking soda dissolved in a glass or small bowl of warm water. The baking soda loosens food particles and neutralizes odors to keep appliances fresh. You can also brush appliances clean using baking soda. 4. Use as a Facial Scrub and Body Exfoliant Give yourself an invigorating facial and body scrub. Make a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water. Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate the skin. Rinse clean. This is gentle enough for daily use. 5. Skip Harsh Deodorant Pat baking soda onto your underarms to neutralize body odor. 6. Use as an Antacid Baking soda is a safe and effective antacid to relieve heartburn, sour stomach and/or acid indigestion. Refer to baking soda package for instructions. 7. Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin For insect bites, make a paste out of baking soda and water, and apply as a salve onto affected skin. To ease the itch, shake some baking soda into your hand and rub it into damp skin after bath or shower. 8. Make a Hand Cleanser and Softener Skip harsh soaps and gently scrub away ground-in dirt and neutralize odors on hands with a paste of 3 parts baking soda to 1 part water, or 3 parts baking soda to gentle liquid hand soap. Then rinse clean.
ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC KUISEBMOND 3xbedrooms, 2xbathrooms, kitchen / lounge. Garage plus fiat. N$ 750 000.00. WEIGH BRIDGE INDUSTRIAL PLOT 6700m² N$7 000 000.00. Contact: 081 866 9480.
9. Help Your Hair Vinegar is amazing for your hair, but baking soda has its place in the shower too. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly–baking soda helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind so your hair is cleaner and more manageable.
11. Make a Bath Soak Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to your bath to neutralize acids on the skin and help wash away oil and perspiration, it also makes your skin feel very soft.
FARMS FOR SALE!!!! *OUTJO DISTRICT Hunting Farm 1 hrs drive from Outjo 3106ha Price N$10,920,000 Web Ref - 652966 *LEONARDVILLE Cattle/sheep farm 4026ha Price N$13,200,000 Web Ref 625694 ……………………… *NOORDOEWER / KARASBURG Game/Sheep farm 27,000ha Price N$17,690,000 Web Ref - 655311 DIETER - 0853028813 DICKSON - 0855886222 DAPHNE - 0811299799
10. Clean Brushes and Combs For lustrous hair with more shine, keep brushes and combs clean. Remove natural oil build-up and hair product residue by soaking combs and brushes in a solution of 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a small basin of warm water. Rinse and allow to dry.
12. Soothe Your Feet Dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in a tub of warm water and soak feet. Gently scrub.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net
100% Brazilian Virgin Hair, tried and tested at the most affordable prices in town.
HEALTH GREENWORLD!! Do you want to change your life from nothing to something? Join greenworld today and see how your life can change from poverty to prosperity. Do you want to be tested in your body today? We have machines that test 34 sicknesses. For recruiting and tests. Contact: 081421 2724.
16' 18' 20'
N$1600 N$1700 N$1800
Contact the Sales Team on 081 479 1444
18.02.14 – 08.03.14 available in Namibia. PERFECT FOR DAMAGED, Nutrition: FRIZZY AND PROCESSED HAIR. ETHNIC LADIES > Thermal Treatment NEVER HAVE TO USE A > Zaphire Hair Expression RELAXER AGAIN HEALTHY > Shampoo Energic & HAIR AND FASTER Energic Treatment GROWTH RESULTS > Shampoo Rehydration & LASTS FOR 2 – 3 MONTHS APPOINTMENTS @ Mask 081 625 9407 Keratine Treatment: > Oxygen Cool Treatment > Silk Treatment RENT A CHAIR: > Keratin Treatment We are looking for Colour Treatment: Hairdressers and barber to > Shampoo Colour & rent a chair in Walvis Bay. Instant Mask Colour Our Salonis opposite > Shampoo Silver Social Security in town > Matizador Colour Walvis Bay. > Maxiblanc Hair Bleach Contact Anti-Dandruff 081 322 9976 Treatment: > Shampoo & Mask > Anti-Dandruff spray > Aloe Vera Intensive Anti -hair Loss OPTIMUS Treatment: TRAINING > Shampoo anti-hair loss & Mask Bookkeeping Training: > Spray anti-hair loss Basic - N$950 > Oil exfoliant > Tonic anti-hair loss (Cashbook, Debtors, 50 ampoules Creditors and Greasy Hair Treatment: Reconciliations) > Shampoo greasy hair Advance - N$950 > Instant mask greasy hair > Spray greasy hair (GL Accounts, Vat & Volume Treatment: Import Vat, Trial > Shampoo volume Balance and > Instant mask volume Reconciliations) > Spray volume Hair Dye Treatment: Accounting - N$950 > Hair Dye (Income Statement, (Different colours) Balance Sheet, > Oxidant cream 10 vol Cashflow & Forecasts) > Oxidant cream 20 vol > Oxidant cream 30 vol BOOK YOUR PLACE > Oxidant cream 40 vol TODAY FOR A GREAT Sole mandate: FUTURE Contact:
ERNA LOCH 081 129 5339 / 081 608 1844.
CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774
NAHOTA: Namibia Hospitality Training Academy Register anytime: Certificate level 1&2. Waiter/Waitress: Registration N$1000 + N$500x 2 month. Receptionist: Registration N$2000 + N$1000x 3 month. Cook/Chef: Registration N$2000 + N$1000x 3 month. Hotel Bar Attendant: Registration N$1000 + N$500x 2 month. Cleaner/Housekeeping: Registration N$1000 + N$500x 2 month. Full Basic Computer: Registration N$500 + N$500x 1 month. Free computer class if you register to any course and uniform. Job attachment on availability of placement @ hotels, lodges & restaurants. No qualification needed, no age restriction, no discrimination Whk-Swakop-W/BayOtjiwarongo 0814628224 / 0855531910 "Proudly serve @ advent u r e T r a v e l Wo r l d Summit”
ICT TRAINING CAMPUS cc Swakopmund upcoming workshops: - Pastel Accounting Training - Electronic Records Management: MS Access 2013 - Minute Taking and Report Writing For more info call: 064 400 158 081 825 6974
V.K.DRIVING SCHOOL We are giving quality training , that will enable you to become a driver. Per hour:N$85.00. Or 10 hours than we give N$80.00 per hour. Contact 081 274 8540 / 081 337 4095.
ONE DAY MANAGEMENT TRAINING N$1800.00 per person including the following: 1. Framed certificate. 2. Small lunch. 3. Free Study Guide Obtain Excellent Management Skills in air. Contact: 081 632 8999 / 081 127 5521 NITA
COURSES NIRVANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS provide the following courses in Walvis Bay: - SHEOMTRAC (Safety Course) - Fire fighting -Construction Health Safety -Incident / Accident Investigation. -Mines Health Safety. -Risk Assessment -SHE Representative (O.N.P) Only limited space. For any enquires don’t hesitate to contact: Mrs Bottros 081 711 6373.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
SERVICES +264 64 205537 +264 81 270 4395 carloshuttle@iway.na DID YOU KNOW? * Pensioners only pay N$150.00 door to door * people with disabilities only pay N$150.00 *older than 85 yrs = free of charge * every 5th trip with us, will be free of charge * Travel agencies receive 10% commission * Cancer patients only pay N$150.00 bookings essential
www.carloshuttle namibia.com.na
081 207 7651 bayroutess@gmail.com
Bay-Route Shuttle Services operate on an hourly basis Between Airports-WB-Dolphin/ Longbeach-Swkp In a 24 hour day ØDoor-to-Door Pick-ups ØCity Tours ØAirport Transfers ØGroup & Special Event Transportation ØStudent & Pensioner Specials
Need a quick pick-me-up at a cheap rate, where safety is still the main priority? Give us a call!!
VERF: Daklek / Skade / Oordoen Verf, Seël, Herstes en oordoen van DAKKE en MURE. Geskrewe Waarborg en Gratis kwotasies! Alle bouwerk, Herstelwerk en Instandhouding van huise en geboue in Walvisbaai, Swakopmund, Langstrand en Hentiesbaai. Inspeksie verslae.
DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 212 2541 DOCTOR SILUWA: House No.1926/6 Mossie Street Okulyangava Inn Bar, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. He helps with the following problems: Bad Lucks - Business Improvement - Job Problems - House Problems Love Life - Manpower Lost Lovers - Remove Bad Spirits and Bad Medicine from the body, etc. Contact: 081 347 0285.
TRANSPORT: 3-Ton Lorrie beskikbaar vir: - Huistrekke - Rommel - Tuinvullis - of enige ander behoefte. Skakel: 081 465 5992
SERVICES TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL CC: GoTV Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month’s viewing all for only N$499.00. · DSTV installations · Decoder testing · Move of dish · Fault finding or extra TV points · TV’S, Hi-Fi’s, DVD players and a lot more. · Stock Fabulous Aire & Fragrances that Purify, Revitalise, Humidify and refresh the air that we breathe. · Photo copies · Faxes · Internet facilities · Game zone - come and play playstation 3 and Xbox games instore. · Recharge vouchers. Multichoice accredited installer. We are in Libertina Amathila Str. (Opposite Multichoice Office). Visit our website at: www.tvlinkandelectrical .com Phone TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL at 064-406032 or 406097 Swakopmund.
ROOF REPAIR & RENOVATIONS: 8 year repair guarantees. 081 638 6300. OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.
SERVICES COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai- Hentiesbaai. KONTAK: 081 618 2217. BAYJOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or email: Bayjoinery@ymail.com
PRIVAAT BOEKHOUER: Ek doen privaat boekhou werk. Submit en hanteer ook alle VAT transaksies.
LEONIE 0812621129.
Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay
Kontak: 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG. FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved * Building, Plumbing and Electrical * Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. * Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. * We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!
FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
TO HIRE +264 64 205537 +264 81 270 4395 carloshuttle@iway.na www.carloshuttlenamibia .com.na
Daily scheduled shuttles : Walvis Bay - Windhoek Walvis Bay Depart Windhoek: 7am and again 14:30 Depart Walvis Bay: 7am and again 14:00 Depart Swakopmund: 8am and again 15:00 Pensioners only N$150.00 door-to-door 85Years and older = FREE OF CHARGE Private transfers and chauffeur services to any destination. Airport transfers and chauffeur services within city. *Special rates on transfers to Sossusvlei and Etosha*
SERVICES AT THE HAVEN - Basic domestic housekeeping - training and cleaning service - Domestic workers employment agency - Weekly training of maids for employers - Basic cooking, Level 1: Beginners - Cooking Level 2: Advanced - Catering and Baking - Cooking trainees available for job placement Certificates awarded on merit. Contact: Cooking: Corlia 081 243 0653 Domestic: Gill 081 200 7216
OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Concrete Mixers * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect
Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444 email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Classifieds E-MAIL: marysia@namibtimes.net OR lee-ann@namibtimes.net
EMPIRE BRICKS & ELECTRICAL: We believe everyone should own a home. Empire Bricks and Electrical Products: · 9” Block · 6” Block · 4.5” Block (new) · Super Brick · STD Brick · Face Brick · Interlocks (new) - Delivered: Other Services: Electrical Installation and Repairs. Office: 064-221565 (Jerry) Yard: 081 621 7765 (Charl) Electrical: 081 801 7331 (Karl) Projects: 081 621 7765 (Giel).
HUISHOUDELIKE INSTANDHOUDING: Loodgietery, verf-asook sweiswerk.Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Skakel: Jacques Koch 081 607 8320. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome.
STAALKONSTRUKSIE Vir enige Staalkonstruksie werk, kontak: Andre: 081 122 2485 Jan: 081 330 2470.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. CELL: 081 201 7887. BOUKONTRAKTEUR / bouaanemer met span werkers, met deeglike kennis en verwyssings. Huise, woonstelle, Industriele erwe. Skakel: 081 124 4513 PHOTOGRAPHY For wedding & event photography. Contact: Charl 081 470 3919 Email: charlcalrelse@yahoo.com Web: http//cgcphotography@ webs.com
BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@mweb.com.na
TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”
PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE ALSO OPEN BETWEEN 13:00 - 14:00 A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA
KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at www.kitchenelegance Namibia.com
CARS FOR SALE: VW 2.6 i Combi Spotless in perfect condition With RWC N$90 000.00. 081 638 6300. FOR SALE: 1995 Pajero 2.8 TDI 4x4. 270 000km. Power steering, aircon, cruise control, electronic windows, CD, dual battery. 4x New tyres N$50 000.00. Contact: 081 285 5333.
For sale: Red Toyota Corolla 1.3 GLE 98000.00 km in very good condition only one driver and anti-rust treated N$ 55000.00 . Please phone: 0812747060 FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5L, GDI V6, 1999, 5 door, 4x4, Automatic, Petrol. KM297,000. In good running condition. N$60,000. Call: 0812 332148.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x 74cm Sansui TV N$1250 1x 38cm National Panasonic TV N$450.00 1x Kelvinator 210litr. Metallic fridge N$1650.00 3x Microwaves from N$350.00 each. 2x 4 plate stoves black/white N$850.00 each 1x Queen size posturepidic bed N$2500.00 6x Fishing rods with reels N$450.00 each 1x Aluminium window 2500x1900. N$650.00. 1x Padle ski N$450.00 2x Bumpers to fit Toyota Hilux new shape bakkie N$650.00each 1x Philips fax copy phone N$350.00 4x Dunlop At22 bakkie tyres 265/65/18 N$500.00each. Contact: 081 756 5756
GARDENING FOR SALE PALM TREES FOR SALE WERE N$150.00 NOW N$50.00 Swakopmund 0811246227 / 0811273100.
Palms of sale Fern tree palms 6 years old now in 120 ltr containers Can dig and plant for Buyer. 081 638 6300.
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE FOR SALE Swakopmund Calvinator 4plate Stove N$1800.00. Flat screen Tv 32inch N$1800.00 Contact 0812004722
BOATS CLASSIC 170 BOW RIDER SPEED BOAT With 150 HP V6 Evenrude Only 86 hours on engine speed boat with many Extras. N$100 000.00. Cell: 081 638 6300
TO HIRE CONTAINERS Available TO RENT / BUY Call COWBOYS, your storage solutions in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 146 4770 / 064-418 150.
ACCOMMODATION EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION IN WALVIS BAY: Bay self-contained rooms with TV. For 1, 2 or 3 persons from N$450.00 per room. Contact: 081 755 2813.
WANTED Are you broke and in the need for instant cash. Contact us at 081 344 3794. We will buy your gold and silver jewellery for cash. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis, Henties and Arandis. Give me a call and I will come to you.
VACANCIES Handyman for work shop in SWK needed sms 081 444 9005
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
CRANE OPERATORS. Minimum requirements: · Matric · Code CE drivers licence with professional authorisation · English and Afrikaans proficient · Namibian citizen · Previous experience will be an added advantage Job specification: · Operating of mobile cranes Applicants will receive free training from the 28th February to the 2nd of March 2014 in Okahandja, after which they will be tested theoretically. Qualified candidates will be invited for practical training. Please forward a detailed CV with all relevant documentation to johann@burgerscranes. com or please feel free to contact Johann Greeff at 081 375 6560. VACANCIES, VACANCIES, VACANCIES!! Capstone Research Consultancy is looking for TWO S E L F - M O T I VA T E D TRAINERS, of mature disposition, who will be assigned to train life skills; strategic manage-ment and leadership; public management and public policy; project management; and business management. -The applicants must be multi-lingual, have good writing and presentation skills. - Must be born-again Christians and have a reference from a church leader. -Must be able to work with people. -At least have a diploma in a management or administrative field. - A drivers license will be an advantage but not a prerequisite. Part time job and is in Walvis Bay. The due date for applications is: 21 February 2014.
Contact: Ben Uugwanga Capstone Research Consultancy cc. P O Box 7078 Kuisebmond Walvis Bay 081 269 5532. VACANCY: Employment opportunity for a PLUMBER With a drivers licence. Applicants should be bilingual (Afrikaans and English). Applicants mail your CV and certified copy of your driver's licence to
accounts@plumbing services.com.na
VACANCIES Vacancy: Employment opportunity for a Auto Electrician Applicants mail your CV to nadia@skrypzeck. com or Fax to : 064-202384.
Spray paint Welder Needed in Swk. SMS to 081 444 9005. VACANCY Looking for experienced quadbike guides at Dune 7 Adventures. Call: 081 626 3404 SUPERVISORS for security company needed Minimum requirements: Grade 10,Previous experience as Supervisor. Valid driver's license, English and Afrikaans speaking. Hand deliver CV's to Desert Security Office.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED: A highly profitable company seeks Partners / Distributors to expand multi-million, turnover business in your town or area. If you are ambitious, hardworking and business minded, do not hesitate to liaise with us. You can do it part time or full time. Benefits involve: 43% profit Monthly bonus of US$50 - 150 000. Talk to us about Health and Beauty. We do one on one Business Meetings in SWK & WBAY. Call us today: 081 351 0957 SWK 081 757 4876 WBAY
SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: Im a 27-year-old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Cleaning, washing and ironing for 3 days per w e e k . T u e s d a y, Wednesday and Thursdays. Im very hardworking and dedicated to my work. I have 4 year experience. Willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 494 8595.. VIJAND: I am 24-year--old lady looking for any office job in Walvis Bay. I have qualification in Office Admin. Secretarial and Pastel Accounting. I have 4 year experience in hospitality. Please Contact: 081 447 0957. / 081 465 6041. JUSTY: I am a 24-year-old lady looking for any kind of domestic work, cleaning, ironing, washing, babysitting or any other. I am hardworking. In Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Contact: 081 337 7523 WERK GESOEK; Ek soek huiswerk, kinders oppas, kos maak en ou mense oppas. Dit kan in die Lagoon, Meersig of Langstrand wes. Dit moet so gou as moontlik wees. Ek is betroubaar en ek het ook n verwees van 4-6 jaar. Kontak:081 627 7128. CAROLINE: Betroubare jong dame 36 jaar opsoek na Care Assistant Home Care work met verwysings. Maandag tot Sondag. Enige skof. (Dag of nag) Kontak: 081 427 6733.
THANK YOU Mr. Theron We appreciate the token of love you have shown to us. From: You Know Who......
18 FEBRUARY 2014
WALVIS BAY OFFICE T 064 20 5854 F 064 20 4813 E-mail wvb@namibtimes.net ADVERTISING desiree@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS marysia@namibtimes.net MARKETING / SALES Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 lolla@namibtimes.net
JOSEF GILLMORE (OUPA KANON) * 06 / 04 / 1948 + 11 / 02 / 2014 Ek het die goeie stryd gestry, ek het die wedloop voleindig en ek het die geloof behou... ROUDIENS: Woensdag 19/02/2014 19:00 St Petrus Katolieke kerk Narraville ROUDIENS: Vrydag 21/02/2014 19:00 By die huis: Firefish Straat 33 Narraville
Navrae: Huis: 064 204 887 Mercy: 081 270 9446
BEGRAFNIS: 08:00 Vanaf huis: Firefish straat 33 Narraville 09:00 St Petrus Katolieke Kerk Narraville
Deadline for bookings: 17 March 2013 Deadline for artwork: 18 March 2014 SWAKOPMUND OFFICE T 064 461866 F 064 46 1824 ADVERTISING lee-ann@namibtimes.net MARKETING / SALES Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net MARKETING Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na
Black + White Display / Classifieds 10:00 day before publication Mondays 10:00 for a Tuesday issue Thursdays 10:00 for a Friday issue.
In Loving Memory of our beloved husband, father and grandfather
Clive Peter Johannes
Colour Adverts: Fridays 12:00 for a Tuesday issue Wednesdays 10:00 for a Friday issue
Jer. 29 vers 11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future.”
May he rest in peace MEMORIAL SERVICE: 19:00, Wednesday, 19 February 2014 at St Peter R.C. Narraville FOR ENQUIRIES CONTACT: Collis 081 374 9244 / Aloyseus 081 385 0379 Ilona 081 438 6766 / Edwardine 081 482 2544
* 09.07.1957 - + 13.02.2014
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Walvis Bay Golf News Next Friday- Walvis Bay Rugby Club: Guys if you can, please support. They are doing very well the past few seasons and need funds towards their travelling, medical. equipment etc. Next Saturday - Fox Designs: First time sponsor, Pietie Fox. Thank you Piet. Will be an individual stableford competition with lots of GREAT prizes up for grabs. Piet says there will be a set of Cobra irons, Cobra driver, golf bag, putters, wedges etc. We will have the entry form up by this afternoon, so put your names down. Club Fundraiser: Not allot of stories here. It is our club, our equipment, our greens and our clubhouse. We want to keep it in perfect condition in order to play the game we love. Support, support, support. It is 1 March. More news regarding your Club Fundraiser during next week. Score cards: We ran out of score cards. Not to worry, our regular sponsor, Trust Market is back and will provide new ones. We are just busy with some changes to the cards and allot of consulting is done to make the card perfect and understandable to all. Be patient. We will have temporary cards available that is just as good in the meantime. Message from the Handicapper below: Corrected Scores on Medal Competition: It seems that too many Golfers still do not know how to correct their scores on a Medal Competition. Last weekend’s Medal had approximately 1/3 of the Players entering scores up to 6 strokes lower than what they should have entered. Although a lower score entered does not attract a Penalty, you are penalising yourself. Herewith the Rules in
De Duine SS Interhouse Athletics
short again: Handicaps +5 to 18 may take 2 strokes over par on every hole, provided they did not finish the Hole in less strokes, in which case the correct strokes must be entered. Handicaps 19 and above may take 2 strokes over par on all holes except for the holes where they double stroke, in which case 3 strokes over par may be taken, provided they did not finish the Hole in less strokes, in which case the correct strokes must be entered. Remember; if you do not know, ask and someone will help you. Race to Cape Town: The Rules are up on the Notice Board and they were sent to all Golfers of which we have the email addresses. PLEASE read them carefully. We have been lenient so far and gave points although about half the field last weekend did not fill in the card completely. Only one person did not get points as he did not even have his markers name on the Card. This in actual fact should have been a DQ. Please remember, we want 5 entries on the Top of the Card: Competition: Medal, Individual Stableford or whatever. You may shorten it like MDL or MM(Monthly Medal) or IND. STBL. Sponsor: Put the Sponsors Name in. Date: Put the CORRECT date in. Players Name and Markers Name: Both Names please, with Initials and full Surname. We do not accept Initials only; we are not in the guessing game. nd As of 22 February 2014, you will not get points anymore if the above is not filled in completely. See you in the fairway.
Coastal League Squash Notes After a couple of month's lay-off the squash scene kicked off 2014 with the Coastal League last week. Although the enthusiasm is there it is sad to notice that the entries from Swakopmund were practically zilch, which is really a pity, as the rivalry between the clubs always seemed to up the players' games. On the bright side of things, it is such a welcome sight to see so many new members participating in the competition. Good luck and enjoy. The results for last week were as follows: Monday 10 February. Group A. Leslie Bosman bt Wynand Breytenbach [Snr] 3-1. Clifford de Witt bt Stefan van Tonder 3-0. Imanuel Amorongo bt Rudi Koekemoer 3-0. Richard van der Meer bt Jenny Pahl 3-1. Trevor Grane bt Luke Allen 3-0. Jaco de Witt bt Phillip de Villiers 3-2. Borja Romero bt Jan de Smit 3-2. Group B. Brandon Grane bt Wynand Breytenbach [Jnr] 3-0. Amanda Beukes bt Jorn Wormsbacher 3-1. Dirk Bosman bt Sharde Fisher 3-2. Gerhard Lottering bt Andre Huisamen 3-0. Dirk van Niekerk bt Trevor Heath 3-1. Jacques de Villiers bt Lucinda Rodrigues 3-1. Group C. Oscar Fernandez bt Lindsay Lottering 3-1. George Bekker bt Blackie Zwart 3-0. Carla Cummings bt Helio Toledo 3-1. Joseph Payne bt Theuns van Zyl
3-2. Group D. Gabriel Burlamasque bt Cesario Barbosa 3-1. Jonothan Campos bt Trevor von der Fecht 3-0 w/o. Anna-Maria Venter bt Alex Vianna 3-0. Toya Louw bt Sam Webster 3-1. Christo van Wyk bt Bruce Stewart 3-0. Raphael Burlamasque bt Jacques Serfontein 3-0. Wednesday 12th. Group A. Jaco de Witt bt Borja Romero 3-1. Richard van der Meer bt Stefan van Tonder 3-1. Trevor Grane bt Rudi Koekemoer 3-0. Jan de Smit bt Luke Allen 3-2. Wow. A great win, there is no two ways about it, Jan's game has improved immensely. Group B. Dirk van Niekerk bt Gerhard Lottering 3-1. Trevor Heath bt Lucinda Rodrigues 3-1. Group C. George Bekker bt Lindsay Lottering 3-2. Group D. Christo van Wyk bt Anna-Maria Venter 3-1. Raphael Burlamasque bt Sam Webster 3-1. That's it for week one ‌ Cheers!
De Duine Secondary School hosted its Interhouse Athletics competition over the weekend. The field events were contested on Friday at the Narraville Rugby stadium and the track events were contested on the schools premises on Saturday. Team Green was crowned champions with 764 points and 91 medals including 39 gold, 29 silver and 23 bronze. Team Blue finished in second place with 425 points and 55 medals including 14 gold, 20 silver and 21 bronze. Team Red finished third with 244 points and 32 medals including 7 gold, 12 silver and 13 bronze. Shamila Awases (34 points) was named best U/19 girls athlete. Loise Martin (28 points) was named best u/17 girls athlete. Joanitha Kahuure (28 points) was named best u/15 girls athlete. All were from the Green Team. Alion Tsowaseb from team Blue (34 points) was named best U/19 boys athlete. Team green athletes Bradley Mkanelana (30 points) was named best U/15 athlete and Terence Beukes (30 points) was named best U/17 athlete.
18 FEBRUARY 2014
Kauanivi wins Rössing Marathon Marshallino Beukes rd
The 23 edition of the famed Rössing Marathon took place on Saturday and provided a first time winner, Mynhardt Kauanivi (Nampol), in a time of 2:25:14. This particular event was dominated by the Nambian Defence Force over the past years and Nampol Sport Club has been trying for a while to lay their hands on the title. Simon Shipanga (NDF) finished second in a time of 2:26:48, after coming second in 2013 as well. The Kakandinwa Club from Ohangwena saw their runner, Paulus Vilho, grabbing the third place in a time of 2:26:58. Last year’s Ladies Open champion, Alina Armas (NDF), retained top honours, after winning the event in a time of 2:48:58, followed by Helena Iipinge (NDF) in 2:55:55. Another NDF athlete, Ottilie Aimwata finished third in a time of 2:57:06 to clinch the whole deal for the soldiers. The marathon attracted 74 runners this year. NDF continued their dominance in the 10km Run also, with Reonard Namupala winning in a time of 32:36:00, followed by Johannes Skrywer of Nampol (32:47:00) and last year's marathon champion, Paulus Iyambo (NDF) finishing third (32:50:00). For the ladies, Helalia Johannes (NDF) was crowned champion, after winning in a time of 33:10:00. Lavinia Haitope (NDF)
ended second (34:16:00), with Aina Imalwa of Nampol taking bronze in a time of 36:00:00. This year saw a total of 127 athletes taking part in the 10km Run. In the Uranium Relay Run over 10km, exclusive for uranium companies in the Erongo Region, Rössing's “Plate and Pipe Maintenance” team took top honours, winning in a time of 44:54:00. This fun event is aimed at team building and camaraderie between members of the uranium industry. The fun filled Charity Fun Walk, in aid of cancer, was well supported by coastal walkers and also people from as far as Windhoek and Europe. The Men's Open and Ladies' Open Marathon winners earned N$10 000 each, as well as a Development Bonus worth N$20 000, each. The Development Bonus was introduced during 2010 and is in support of the continued growth of these athlete's careers. Rössing's Managing Director, Mr Werner Duvenhage announced that the mine is committed to continue their sponsorship and plans to do it for the 24th time, next year.
Marathon Champion Mynhardt Kauanivi