18 feb namib times e-edition

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namib times

SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6845 TUESDAY 18 FEBRUARY 2020 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

New bank note for Coronavirus death rate 30th Independence stands at 1 775 people The Bank of Namibia announced it is in the process of issuing a new Namibian Dollar note to commemorate Namibia’s upcoming 30th Independence celebrations (21 March). The Bank did not specify as to the value of the new note, but said it is customary worldwide to issue commemorative bank notes to celebrate important national events.

The death toll of the Coronavirus infection (COVID-19) stood at 1 775at the time of going to press with all but four deaths occurring in China. A total of 2 048 new infections were recorded, now bringing the total number of people affected in more than 26 countries to 71 000. The African continent, which was mostly spared, has recorded its first COVID-19 infection in Egypt.

Constitution Day celebrated......

Operation Kalahari yields results

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Where does this water come from?

Sharlien Tjambari Leaners from different schools in Swakopmund gathered at Coasth tal High School on Friday [14 February] to celebrate the 30 Anniversary of the adoption of the Namibian Constitution. The very important event was celebrated with Namibia's Ombudsman, Advocate John Walters as the guest speaker. The celebration was themed: “The Namibian Constitution…30 years on Are we the Namibia we want to be?” Advocate Walters told the audience to view the Namibian Constitution as the soul of the country. It determines the composition of our country's Government, as the supreme law of the country all other legislation and the administration of justice flows from it. It determines our fundamental rights and freedoms and also shows us the way to treat each other with dignity, to respect other viewpoints and orientations and to respect other cultures and religious believes other than your own. “Dear learners, the Constitution does not keep you in school, protect you from pregnancy or give you a pass rate at school without hard work”. Amongst those who attended the ceremony was Mr Anton von Wietersheim. Anton von Wietersheim was also instrumental in the adoption of the Namibian Constitution on 9 February 1990. Von Wietersheim agreed Namibia has achieved much since 1990, including peace and stability, but said it was questionable whether “we are the Namibia that we want to be”. Speaking on behalf of the Governor of Erongo Region, the Special Adviser to the Governor, Adelheid Kandjala, asked learners if the Constitution hindered them to be the persons they want to be. “You are our off-springs, change your mind from negative to positive things. See your future ahead of you. Stop with bullying, harassing and abusing other learners. Where your right ends, the other person's right starts”, she explained. Prior to the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the adoption of the Namibian Constitution, the learners were asked to write a poem about what the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia means to them. Powerline Matsuis, a Grade 12 pupil at Coastal High School won the competition and won as a prize a brand new cell phone with the compliments of MTC Namibia.


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Advocate John Walters

Powercom to build network tower at Walvis Bay

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Rossmund Women’s Week

Powerline Matsuis

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18 FEBRUARY 2020

Making an impact with Sunday night accident volunteering Isaac Chikosi

Have you ever wanted to go over and beyond by helping your community? Becoming a volunteer can be the perfect opportunity to give back to your community and make a positive impact. Whether you are taking a gap year or simply have time on your hands, offering your skills and services goes a long way. Volunteers can be involved in areas such as wildlife conservation, health care, the environment and teaching. Organisations such as Peace Corps, Red Cross, SPCA, ElephantHuman Relations Aid(EHRA) and Mondesa Youth Opportunities(MYO) take in volunteers regularly. At the age of 19, Isabelle von Ahlen and Jasmin Walter from Germany are currently volunteering for Red Cross Namibia in Swakopmund. Asked what their motivation is for volunteering, von Ahlen said for her it was very important to gain experience before going to university. “ I want to avoid being lazy and I feel this opportunity gives one necessary experience to develop yourself”, said Walter. EHRA headquartered in Swakopmund, works directly with the local community in protecting vulnerable structures such as water points from damage and manage conflict between the elephants and local populations. EHRA's wildlife volunteer program is structured in two-week rotations. However, you can repeat for a maximum of 12 weeks. Each of their volunteer groups has a maximum of 14 people, of all ages and from all walks of life. The minimum age is 17 years old and there is no maximum age limit. Volunteering in other countries is also a great way to gain valuable experience and exposure. Melty-Mertens Shikongo a Swakopmunder is currently volunteering in western Germany in the city of Bochum. He is volunteering at an Old Age home. “My duties are, to keep the elderly people active by playing games with them, talking to them whenever they are not eating or sleeping, actually to just not let them feel bored and alone”, he said. Speaking to the Namib Times about his experiences so far, Shikongo said, first, the weather in Germany is the biggest challenge. “It's always cold if not raining. The German Language is a challenge, but I was lucky that I had basics from home. People here don't speak English. Especially at my workplace, none of those I'm taking care of can speak nor understand. I just want to encourage my fellow friends to consider these voluntary opportunities. All you need is an open minded and yourself. If there is anyone that is interested in this, I'm willing to help on you can get here. I would never regret this and if only was it possible, I would come back repeatedly.” In retrospect the impact of volunteering has far reaching positive benefits for communities and the environment. Unfold those hands and give a hand. Besides it will look great on your resume.

The weekend ended on a low tone for these two motorists when their vehicles collided at around 20:00 on Sunday night in Nangolo Mbumba Drive. No injuries were reported but damage to the vehicles were extensive.

Making an impact Jasmin Walter and Isabelle vn Ahlen pictured in Making an impact Melty Shikongo in his office in Bochum, Germany Mondesa, Swakopmund

Website: www.namibtimes.net

18 FEBRUARY 2020



Operation Kalahari yields results During the 7th phase of Operation Kalahari Desert, member of the Namibian Police at Swakopmund, the Namibian Defence Force, Namibia Correctional Services and Nampol Reservists conducted foot patrols in Mondesa and Swakopmund. The patrols confiscated a number of knives from people. The operation was conducted on Saturday, 15 February. The police also recovered a stolen Samsung cell phone from a suspect. In other unrelated cases, one man was found in possession of counterfeit currency and charged for dealing in counterfeit money. He was consequently arrested for attempting to tender/buy with a fake N$200 note. Four other persons were detained and charged for drunkenness and disorderly behaviour in public (when a drunk and disorderly person is detained and charged, a possible domestic violence case is prevented). The public is warned to be on alert for counterfeit money in circulation again. (Pictures: some of the confiscated knives and members seen patrolling certain areas).


18 FEBRUARY 2020

Walvis Bay Court Report


Swakopmund Court Report

Magistrate Court Denville Van Wyk (31), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 18 February for continuation of trial. The accused remain in custody. Sakeus Paulus (31), appeared on charges of two counts of rape, two counts of kidnapping and two counts of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 212 February for other reason. The accused remain in custody. Gerson Gurirab (23), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 19 February because the docket was not at court. The accused remain in custody. Augustine Taruvinga (25), appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor's entry permit. The matter was postponed to 19 February for plea. The accused remain in custody. Andre Skrywer (22), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to eight-month imprisonment of which eight months are suspended for a period of 5 years. Tedd Bamm (22), appeared on possession of dependence-producing substance. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$6 000 or 18months imprisonment. Desmond Uri-khob (25), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 26 February for tracing of co-accused. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. Simeon Tiofelus (20), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 2 April for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$3 000. Johny Nuseb (19), appeared on a charge of combating immoral practices with a girl under sixteen. The matter was postponed to 19 May for prosecutor general's decision. The accused remain in custody. Lennie Cloete (46), appeared on a charge of theft. The accused was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$500 or three months imprisonment term.

Tabita Heita (29), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 20 February because the docker was not at court. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Johannes Raymond Shipandeni (25), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 31 March for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Zelda Lourens (46), appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 14 May for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Charlene Adams (36), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 27 February for tracing of accused. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. Paulus Kondjeni (25), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 21 February because the docket was not at court. The accused remain in custody. A 15-year-old boy, appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 30 March for further investigation. The accused was released in care of guardian. Gerson Siyave Disho (29), appeared on a charge of assault by threat. The matter was postponed to 4 March for plea. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Lucia Abraham (42), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 20 May for plea and trial. The accused remain in custody. Eugenice Van Wyk (22), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 19 May for plea and trial. The accused remain in custody. Bartholomeus Katjiru (23), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The matter was postponed to 4 March for further investigation. The accused remain in custody. Adolf Mouton (51), appeared on a charge of falsifying counterfeiting license number or license mark. The matter was postponed to 16 March for further investigation. The accused remain in custody. Gift Masarure (26), appeared on a charge of remaining in Namibia after expiration of visitor's entry permit. The matter was postponed to 11 March for further investigation. The accused remain

Thomas Nandjala (23), Robbery (February 2020) The matter was postponed to 18 March 2020. Further investigation (Final Remand) Reginale van Wyk (34), Possession of drugs (February 2020) The matter was postponed to 10 June 2020. Lab Results (Final Remand) Tharasius Matamu (29), Assault by threat read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (February 2020) The matter was postponed to 15 June 2020. Plea and Trial (Final Remand). Joseph Naholo (26), Quinton Augumeb (28), Kadafi Shitekela (18), Theft (August 2019) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Complainant filed a withdrawal statement. Galius Iipinge (33), Dominikus Enkono Iipinge (29), Theft (November 2019) The matter was postponed to 25 February 2020. Plea in terms of section 119. Gustav Bonsikie Haragaeb (39), Assault by threat read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (December 2019) The accused was found not guilty and was discharged. Paulus David (29), Malicious damage to property (February 2020) The accused was found guilty. Jacobus Nakale (36), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (December 2019) Plea and Trial. Shaun Darren Jood (19), Assault common read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act 4 of 2003. Crimen injuria read with the Provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. (February 2020) The matter was postponed to 12 March 2020. Further investigation (Final Remand) Tjingeje Muhuka (25), Tutjavi Uaruire (27), Murder (October 2017) The case was withdrawn against the accused. Summons not served – matter may be withdrawn. Patrick van Wyk (35), Failure to pay maintenance (July 2017) The case was transferred to High/regional/High/regional/ Another district. Danville Jobb (28), Theft (October 2018) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Elias Shipanaga (32), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Malicious damage to property. (August 2019) The matter was postponed to 12 February 2020. Trial Partly Heard – Continuation of trial. Nekula Shoopala (29), Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (September 2019) The matter was postponed to 30 April 2020. Plea and Trial (Final Remand) Lurii Shupletsov (57), Marine Resources Regulations – harvest marine resources contrary to conditions determined by a right. (October 2019) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Pavel Seredokhin (42), Marine Resources Regulations – violated any right/exploratory right quota, license or fisheries agreement (October 2019) The accused was found guilty with evidence. Lurii Festison (58), Marine Resources Regulations – harvest marine resources subject to quota or permitted by-catch without a right, an exploratory right or a fisheries agreement. (November 2019) The accused was found guilty and was sentenced. Nangula Nashandi (26), Negligent driving, failing to stop at a scene of an accident and refusal to provide a breath specimen. (February 2020) The matter was postponed to 12 February 2020. Plea.

18 FEBRUARY 2020

Where does this body of water come from? Eileen van der Schyff

Residents of Fairways in Walvis Bay are wondering what all this water is doing on an undeveloped piece of land flanked by Tecomaria Street and Nangolo Mbumba Drive. �It is unclear as to how the water got there. It looks like someone has been digging or trying to contain the water, as heaps of sand are laying all along the water line�. The origin of the water is yet unknown and could either be underground water, as Walvis Bay is largely constructed on reclaimed land and the water table is very shallow. A ruptured water pipe could also have been the culprit, guessed another resident.

Renowned news photographer John Liebenberg died age 62 The celebrated journalist and photographer, John Liebenberg, died in South Africa over the weekend at the age of 62. Liebenberg recovered from surgery when fatal complications stepped in. Liebenberg was a war photographer in the 1980's, having joined The Namibian newspaper during that time. Closer to home Liebenberg will be remembered for his arrest twice within five days in May 2006 in Swakopmund and later in Walvis Bay on trespassing charges. That was in his quest to photograph the then Hollywood glamour couple, Angelina Jolie and Brand Pitt, who spent months here at the coast waiting for the birth of their first biological child. Liebenberg's arrest by the Namibian Police was criticised at the time as a waste of resources. Liebenberg should have been afforded an opportunity to pay an admission of guilt fine at the police station upon his arrest. He was hiding out in the police barracks in 11th Street close to the Welwitschia Private Hospital, presumably waiting for an opportunity to photograph the glamour couple. The magistrate at the time, Mr Sarel Jacobs, chastised the Namibian Police for arresting Liebenberg and incarcerating for an entire weekend Above: the front page of the Namib before a first appearance in the Walvis Times in May 2006 when Liebenberg Bay magistrate's court that Monday appeared in the Walvis Bay magistrate’s morning. court on a charge of tresspassing




18 FEBRUARY 2020

Quiet week for port

The port of Walvis Bay is relatively quiet this week with only seven vessels entered on the daily port log. Three of these vessels are offshore oil industry work boats whilst there are two container ships and one bulk carrier scheduled to call. Today, Tuesday 18 February 2020: the tug Jones Tide, the container ship Cosco Osaka and the fishing vessel Cavema Star. Wednesday: the tug Bourbon Explorer. Thursday: the offshore supply tug Stormbas II. Friday: the bulk carrier Luchow and the container ship Maersk Cuanza.

Tuesday 18 February Low Tide: 05:50 High Tide: 12:16 Low Tide: 18:42 Wednesday 19 February High Tide: 01:07 Low Tide: 07:06 Low Tide: 13:23 High Tide: 19:37

Thursday 20 February High Tide: 02:00 Low Tide: 07:58 High Tide: 14:12 Low Tide: 20:17 Friday 21 February High Tide: 02:39 Low Tide: 08:38 High Tide: 14:50 Low Tide: 20:50

Port Log

18 FEBRUARY 2020



Media Statement Agence Française de Développement (AFD) signs an MoU with the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) and the Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque (GPMD) for the implementation of a EUR 650k technical cooperation project Namibian Ports Authority (Namport), Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque (GPMD) and Agence Française de Développement (AFD) today signed a tripartite Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of a technical cooperation initiative on the occasion of a high level French business delegation visiting Namibia.

The winner with his brand new NP 200 at Build It Walvis Bay

Walvis Bay resident Mr Paulus Phillipus is the proud owner of this brand new Nissan NP200, he won in Build It's national win-a-car competition. If you spent N$500 and more in cash at any Build It branch countrywide you were entered in the competition. Build It plus in Walvis Bay is proud to have been the lucky branch, out of 23 branches countrywide, where the vehicle was won. Mr Phillipus was handed the keys to his vehicle recently and was also thanked for his loyal support of Build It plus Walvis Bay. He is seen here on the picture with Morne and Annalize Jacobsz (Built It Walvis Bay) and Gerhard Carstens (Pupkewitz Nissan Walvis Bay) Build It will soon start a new competition in which exciting prizes will be up for grabs. Watch the Namib Times for more detail. You can also like Build It's Facebook page for regular specials and promotions. You can also request on the Build It Facebook page to be added to the Whatsapp group for regular updates on specials, promotions and upcoming competitions.

At the hand over of the Nissan NP 200 (fltr): Annalize Jacobsz (Built It) Paulus Fillipus (winner of NP200), Morne Jacobsz (Built It), Gerhard Carstens (Nissan Walvis Bay)

The project grant, funded by AFD for a maximum total amount of NAD 10,6Mn (EUR 650k) is aimed at supporting a win-win partnership between the Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque and the Port of Walvis Bay. Through peer-to-peer exchanges and consulting services, it will seek to improve the performances of the Port of Walvis Bay in a regional and international perspective, while providing a stronger positioning of the GPMD on the maritime flows involving Southern Africa and Europe. GPMD will also provide its expertise for the implementation of a “green port strategy” at the Port of Walvis Bay. “The maritime sector strongly contributes to our economy, and we therefore pay a special attention to the development of our relationships with strategic foreign partners. This has been a topic of common interest between French and Namibia Governments, and I am very pleased to see that the collaboration between our two ports is entering into a concrete phase of implementation”, Mr Raison, Chairman of the Management Board of the Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque, said. The signing ceremony of this tripartite MoU was held with the participation of Mrs Valérie Létard, VicePresident of the French Senate and Senator of the Hauts-de-France region, stating: “Our region is one of the main economic areas in Europe, with a direct access to five capitals (Paris, Brusells, London, Amsterdam and Luxembourg) and three seafront ports (GPMD, Boulogne sur mer and Calais) forming the first port system in France. Like in Namibia, we benefit from a dynamic fishing industry, and we are very keen on strengthening the synergies between the stakeholders of this sector and our ports”. As a sheltered deep-water port, the Port of Walvis Bay plays a strategic role in Namibia's development. It recently extended its terminal container and expressed great interest in benefiting from the expertise of GPMD in order to improve port operations through identified strategic areas of cooperation. “Our mission is clear, that as Namport we strive to provide world-class port experience to all users of our ports, as well as to meaningfully contribute towards Namibia's transformational agenda that of becoming a Logistics Hub

for the Southern African Developmental Community (SADC)”. Mr Kavin Harry, Acting CEO, Namport, said. In addition to this grant, the Agence Française de Développement will be in discussions with Namport to support the company's potential investment needs, through soft loan financings. After the opening of its office in Windhoek last year, AFD is willing to support the implementation of the Namibian National Development Plan (NDP) including the transport sector. About Grand Port Maritime de Dunkerque: The largest French port complex (Calais-Dunkerque); the ninth largest port on the Channel and North Sea Range and France's third-largest port, Dunkerque-Port has built a reputation in many sectors: it is the largest passenger port in Europe (Calais-Dunkerque hub); France's largest energy hub; the country's largest LNG terminal; the leading French port for containerised fruit and vegetable imports; the largest French port for ore and coal imports; France's largest rail port; the region's largest waterway port; and the third-ranking French port for grain traffic. Dunkerque-Port is also a sustainable port. It is the trading port of the new Hauts-de-France Region, the largest agricultural region of France, the leading region for the rail industry, and the leading region for the car industry. 2019 Traffic: 53 Mt. About Agence Française de Développement (AFD) AFD is an inclusive public financial institution and the main actor in France's development policy. It makes commitments to projects that genuinely improve the everyday lives of people, in developing and emerging countries and in the French overseas territories. AFD works in many sectors – energy, health, biodiversity, water, digital technologies, training – and supports the transition to a safer, more equitable and more sustainable world: a world in common. Its action is fully in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through its network of 85 agencies, AFD operates in 109 countries and is currently supporting over 3,500 development projects. In 2018, it has earmarked EUR 11.4bn to finance these projects.


18 FEBRUARY 2020

PowerCom construct Network tower at Walvis Bay Rudi Bowe

PowerCom Pty Ltd recently had their ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new Network tower at Walvis Bay's Extension 17. The construction of the Network tower at Walvis Bay's Extension 17is the first of 19 tower developments due to take place in the coming months, all working towards fulfilling PowerCom's mandate of growing infrastructure across the country and with the company's infrastructure footprint expansion strategy of investing N$24 million into building 19 towers by September 2020. At the recent groundbreaking ceremony PowerCom confirmed the tower's commencement as well as the company's infrastructure CAPEX investment rollout for 2019/ 2020, which seeks to increase the company's footprint and asset base to best

service ICT players and offer last mile connectivity. PowerCom will be invested a total of N$5 602 600 in Walvis Bay alone, through the construction and refurbishment of four other towers in the town, namely, Walvis Bay Harbour, Walvis Bay Golf Course, Walvis Bay Ext.17, Narraville and refurbishment of Walvis Bay tower Walkway. The Minister of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Stanley Simataa, acknowledged Walvis Bay's strategic location as being a logistic hub and a growing haven of activity, where tourists visit and thousands of Namibians come to work and enjoy their leisure time. Simataa said “As the importance of this area

continues to grow, it is crucial that connectivity keeps pace with it. PowerCom's response to the growth within this region is of benefit to all residing and working here, and it is my firm belief that their investments will further stimulate other investment, both national and international. “As Walvis Bay is also a tourist hub, it is important that we are able to offer travellers the connectivity they expect from a tower such as this strategically located at the Independence Beach” Simataa added. Simataa added that they need to address a host of issues that impair the maximization of ICT infrastructure, key of which are affordability and low levels of digital literacy and encourage

(Fltr): PowerCom CEO Alisa Amupolo; Telecom Board Chairperson Fernando Somaeb; Deputy Minister of Public Enterprises Veikko Nekundi; PowerCom Chairperson Irene Simeon-Kurtz; NPTH Chairperson Lena Kangandjela; Walvis Bay Mayor Immanuel Wilfred; Minister of ICT Stanley Simataa; PowerCom alternate director Armando Perny; NPTH acting CEO Kristophine Itembu; and Wiseman Molatzi of Since Investments and landlord of the area. the business sector to leverage enormous business opportunities accorded by ongoing improvements in ICT infrastructure and expand the existing bouquet of products and services provided and improve the efficiency with which such services are provided. PowerCom's CEO, Alisa Amupolo, said at the ground breaking ceremony that the company seeks to align itself with the growth and respond to growth demands of its inhabitants in Walvis Bay and the strategic importance at the harbour town. “Due to the National Oil Storage Hub, apartment blocks, service station and the future shopping mall, it is a location demanding

the type of communications infrastructure investment PowerCom offers” Amupolo said. The planned 30 meter camouflaged Palm Tree Network tower will be fully constructed by 20 March and be fully operational by 1 April, with connected clients able to utilise its services. In partnership with various stakeholders, PowerCom has identified significant coverage gaps where either 2G or 3G coverage is very weak – and 4G coverage even worse. PowerCom's Board Chairperson, Irene Simeon-Kurtz, said that mobile coverage and internet access are pivotal for businesses to thrive, and is a key component of PowerCom's value propo-

sition to Namibia. “By providing the infrastructure for businesses to communicate and develop, we therefore add to our count r y ' s e c o n o my”Simeon-Kurtz said. Amupolo added that P o w e r C o m u n d e rstands its responsibility as an infrastructure provider to anticipate future demands as much as possible and as communities continue to expand, PowerCom's commitment is to be present and aid in that expansion. Amupolo said “Plans f r o m Wa l v i s B a y municipality for the expansion of Farm 37 have also resulted in us examining our own infrastructure plans for

2021 to ascertain whether that community can also be effectively serviced by ICT infrastructure”. PowerCom understand their responsibilities as an infrastructure provider to anticipate future demands as much as possible. Plans from Walvis Bay municipality for the expansion of Farm 37 have therefore resulted in the company examining their own infrastructure plans for 2021 to ascertain whether that community can also be effectively serviced by ICT infrastructure. As communities continue to expand, PowerCom's commitment is to be present and aid in that expansion.

18 FEBRUARY 2020



XCCS Namibia scoops awards Rudi Bowe

XCCS Namibia recently scooped the most awards at the driver's recognition awards ceremony hosted by Vivo Energy Namibia at the Protea Marriott Hotel in Walvis Bay. Vivo Energy, the distributor and marketer of Shell branded fuels and lubricants in Namibia, rewarded high performing truck drivers for the year 2019. The three hauliers contracted to Vivo Energy Namibia; XCCS Namibia, Unitrans Namibia and Cape Town-based Cargo Carriers, all recognised their best drivers for driving safely without violating any of the high stan-

dards set for 2019. The Driver's Recognition Awards is an annual event with the objective of inspiring the drivers of haulage trucks that transport petroleum products for Vivo Energy Namibia, to better road safety behaviour and compliance. Drivers' performance is measured by their level of adherence and compliance to Health, Security, Safety and Environment (HSSE) standards whose overall aim is 'Goal Zero', mea-

ning no harm to people, assets and the environment throughout Vivo Energy's operations. Vivo Energy places a lot of emphasis on driver management with the transport companies that it conducts business with drivers held responsible for the lives of people on the road, the vehicle they are driving, the product they are transporting and ensuring they protect the environment from any oil spills as they drive their trucks.

On-Board-Computers (OBC) installed in every truck that transport Shell petroleum products for Vivo Energy Namibia, allow for the monitoring of every journey in real time. Supply and Distribution Manager at Vivo Energy Namibia Geoffrey Elyanu said: “The overall safety performance for 2019 has been an interesting reading with no motor vehicle accidents, fatalities or injuries recorded over the combined 6,467,969 kilo-

meters covered by the three companies that traveled to transport our product”. “This would not have been possible without the active participation and attention to detail by the drivers, who also improved on the reporting of Potential Incidents over the year”, Elyanu added. Managing Director, Vivo Energy Namibia Edward Walugembe said at the award ceremony: “The Driver's Recognition Awards are Vivo Energy Namibia's way of expressing its gratitude to the drivers of these trucks that cover vast distances during the year to bring product to the customer”. Walugembe added that the drivers' efforts to safely deliver their petroleum products often go unnoticed and therefore an event such as the Driver's Recognition Awards is of utmost importance in maintaining Vivo Energy's safety records on the roads. Walugembe emphasized on HSSE as an integral part of the Vivo Energy business that grants the entity its license to operate. Therefore Vivo Energy would like to remind all their drivers and families of the value that Vivo Energy attach to their jobs and their aim throughout this year will be to keep

motivating high performing drivers to uphold the standards of health and safety on the road. Vivo Energy operates and markets its products in countries across North, West, East and Southern Africa. The Group has a network of over 2,100 service stations in 23 countries operating under the Shell and Engen brands and exports lubricants to a few other African countries. Its retail offering includes fuels, lubricants, card services, shops, restaurants and other nonfuel services. It provides fuels and lubricants to business customers across a range of sectors including marine, mining, construction, power, transport, and manufacturing. The award winners are: The three hauliers contracted to Vivo Energy Namibia each had a Driver of the Year; Solly Williams from XCCS Namibia, Matheus Chipandeka from Unitrans Namibia and Vuyani Khanuka from Cargo Carriers, Cape Town. The runner – up driver of the year is Adolf Khoeseb from XCCS Namibia The Endurance Award is awarded to the driver that covered the longest distance without a safetyrelated incident. The award went to Samuel Hailume

from XCCS Namibia for covering 135,000 km, mainly across the hazardous northern regions of Namibia. The Vigilance Award is awarded for the driver that has logged the most Potential Incidents (PIs) on the system. Matheus Chipandeka from Unitrans Namibia received the Vigilance Award Vuyani Khanuka from Cargo Carriers, Cape Town received the Quality PIs Award for the driver that logs the Best Potential Incidents (PIs) on the system. Johannes Kanyanga from XCCS Namibia was the recipient of the Trailblazer Award, A peer recognition award for the driver that commands leadership amongst their peers in all areas of the profession. Isak Gaoseb from XCCS Namibia was the recipient of the Valor (CourageUnder-Fire) Award. This award recognises acts of heroism, bravery and fortitude demonstrated by Drivers during the year. The awards all carried a certificate of excellence and a cash prize of N$ 2 000 for the special recognition awards and N$6 000 each for the Drivers of the Year.

The Operations Manager Raymond Hummel, fare left, Driver's Instructor Ivan Singaram left, Operations Supervisor Bruniel Cloete and Gerald Duniskhi and Johannes Mutahira at the back from XCCS with the award winners of XCCS

All the award winners with the Managing Director, Vivo Energy Namibia Edward Walugembe (with the grey Managing Director, Vivo Energy Namibia Edward Walugembe with Unitrans suit) and representatives of the three hauliers companies Namibia


18 FEBRUARY 2020


BUSINESS SPACE TO RENT: Old ind. area, Swakopmund Comprising office, reception, shown room, strong room and kitchenette, plus WC 87 m² c 50. Contact: 081 232 5587 TO RENT: Bachelor apartment in Kuisebmond, Makriel Str no 30 1x N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. 3x N$ 2 900.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit negotiable. Contact F: 081 145 6165 TO LET WAREHOUSE/ WORKSHOP NEW INDUSTRIAL WALVIS BAY Total 342m², ground floor 272m². mezzanine floor 70m², 2 x offices with A/C, 2 toilets, kitchenette, secure complex with 24h video surveillance and alarm Contact: 081 128 8211 TO RENT: Narraville Kokerboom str 3 bedroom with bic Fully furnished kitchen 2 sitting rooms Double garage Water incl. N$ 9 000.00 p/m Deposit payable in 3 months Contact: 081 129 9322 081 331 9249 TO RENT: One bachelor open plan bedroom, with shower, Kabeljou area. Preferably one person with sober habits. N$ 2 900.00 p/m Deposit required W/E incl. Free Wi Fi. Contact: 081 484 4800 081 254 0718


TE HUUR: *Kantoor ruimte 2de vloer unit 21, Apex park, Swakopmund ± 120 vk / m² verdeel in 5 spasies, Beskikbaar N$ 4 500.00 p/m + Deposito. *Woonstel te huur Swakopmund, near water front 2 slaapkamers met motorhuis, water + elektrisiteit ingesluit N$ 6 900.00 p/m + deposito. Kontak J. Moller: 081 127 3449


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TO RENT: Ocean View near Shell & Spar 1 bedroom backyard flat with own entrance, open plan kitchen / lounge, bathroom, garage, prepaid electricity, water and alarm included, BIC and BIS. N$ 4 500.00 p/m + N$ 1 000.00 deposit Contact Marlene: 081 488 6020

TO LET CENTRAL Bachelor flats with single garage @ N$3000 p.m. 2 bedroom open plan modern flat with garage @ N$5500 p.m. 3 bedr. ultra-modern unit with 2 garages @ N$8800 p.m. MEERSIG 2 bedr flat, 2 bathr., single garage water incl. @ N$5000 p.m. 3-bedr house, 2 garages @ N$8500 p.m. FAIRWAYS 3 Bedr house, 2 garages @ N$7500 p.m.

Dianne 081 239 6323


TO LET USAKOS MALL COMING SOON, N$ 50 per m² for office or shop space Book your Space today with Yolanda 081 158 3463 or Lucille 081 169 6216 HOUSE FOR SALE: Swakopmund * Lounge / diningroom, kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, double garage. * Lounge / diningroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. Private sale Contact: 081 128 2221

TO RENT: Town Walvis Bay Office Space available Contact: 081 124 3904 TO RENT: Mondesa 1 bedroom flat, water and electricity included. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Contact: 081 146 5565 / 081 223 0860

TO LET SWAKOPMUND MONDESA N$ 4 300 - 2 Bed house N$ 5 000 - 2 Bed flat, no garage N$ 8 000 - 3 Bed house double garage INDUSTRIAL N$ 8 500 - 182m² Workshop / warehouse Call Lucille 0811696216 for viewing

TO HIRE FOR SALE WAKUNA KUISEBMOND WALVIS BAY * 2 Bedroom * 1 Bathroom * Open plan kitchen / living room * Very close to sea N$ 730 000-00 neg Herman 081 281 7634 Web Ref: RR1473715 FFC REG NO: R2020/5234

TO RENT: Mondesa 1 bedroom flat, water and electricity included. N$ 3 800.00 p/m Contact: 081 146 5565 / 081 223 0860 Luxury Apartment TO RENT: an de Welle, Swakopmund luxury 2 bedroom apartment on the beach front, 50 m from the waves. 2 bathrooms ensuite, fully furnished, washing machine, microwave, patio and 1 lock up garage. Serviced garden, immediate occupation, long lease. Tel: 081 127 0911 / 081 127 0931 for arrangements to view. TO RENT: One bedroom flat to rent in Hermes One bedroom flat to rent in Hermes, Walvis Bay with built in oven, stove and cupboards, fan, complimentary DSTV connections, free Wi-Fi, very neat and cozy. N$ 4,500.00 p/m W/E incl. no garage and not pet friendly. Life time rental opportunity!!! Contact details: Constance @ 0811248112

FOR SALE / TO RENT Swakopmund Central Town, walking distance to all shops & beach Luxury unit, modern finishes Three bedrooms, main en suite one bedroom used as a study, two bedroom used as a study. Two bathrooms, inside bbq Open plan kitchen, dining, lounge, two garages for sale One garage to rent Renting price N$ 7 500.00 p/m plus deposit excluding water Pre paid electricity meter For sale N$ 1 490 000.00 valuated for N$ 1.5 mil Contact Ansie Lucas: 081 292 5892 AJL Real Estate

ULTIMATE SOUND We hire all musical sound & instruments Walvis Bay Why pay a lot for bands, discos do it yourself do it cheaper We hire: Complete PA system Guitars Drums Bass guitar & amp Microphones Weddings Birthdays Any event Church services 21st birthdays Ceremonies Meetings Just call anytime of the day & night 081 678 2249

VACANCIES VACANCY: BOOKKEEPING / ACCOUNTING SERVICES - Walvis Bay Wanted part time bookkeeping/accounting services Proficiency in Pastel needed Apply: nakaale@jnakaale.com. na Looking for a good Housekeeper? I am Renate, 39 years old and have many years (15) of experience. Please call: 081 254 4647 References available.


CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

VACANCIES Yehuda Employment Services 187 Sam Nujoma Ave, Town Centre (Next to Accommodation) Job placements: Are you looking for work in hospitality industry as a chef/ cook, waitress/waiter, professional cleaner, office administration, front office, housekeeper, barman, sales person, cashiers. Get recruited, get trained & placed in jobs. #SMS your name & town to book your place. Walvis Bay: 0813608335 Windhoek: 0813949344 No calls please!! JOIN AVROY SHLAIN TODAY! As a beauty advisor you get: Extra income Rewards and recognition Free training and support Opportunity to become a Manager If you are looking to earn more contact me for more information No joining fee 081 707 0728 VACANCY: Urgently looking for a nanny in Walvis Bay. From 07:00 - 17:00 Interviews will be done at 15 Harder Crescent Street New Industrial Area, Walvis Bay. Contact Antonio Rodriques: 081 275 7362

EDU CARE TRAINING We cater for all our Namibian Educational Needs Bookshop copy centre Photocopying Binding & documents Laminating Fax services Internet wifi Text books Namcol Examination booklets School / Office Stationery Educational materials Office bookshop: NEXT TO KFC / PHOTO VOLKER SAM NUJOMA AVE WALVIS BAY Opening hours: Mondays to Fridays 09:00 - 17:00 Saturdays 09:00 - 13:00 Contact 081 868 1995 Office: 064 221 850 WE OFFER : TUTORING CLASSES ON DIFFERENT SUBJECTS GR3 – GR12 AFTERNOON GR12 - NAMCOL / IUM (OPEN LEARNERS) Please register now (Hurry up)!! Limited Space for 2020


ZzZ Guesthouse Windhoek West: We offer Affordable AND Comfortable accommodation with en-suite bathroom, DSTV, aircon, complimentary snack, free WiFi, private BBQ areas, Swimming pool and safe parking. Bookings: 081 477 7414 ACCOMMODATION Guest rooms available in Kuisebmond From N$ 200.00 Contact: 081 616 5586 081 408 7428

CLASSES CLASSES: We are offering afternoon Classes for grade 0-7 Learners in Swakopmund. Based at Pinochio Day Care Centre on Erf. 1440 Madiva Circle, Mondesa. Please contact: 0811692123/0818374044

College of Mechatronics (Comecha) New operational college in DRC settlement This college have start classes in Theory lessons in following subjects N1 Industrial Electronics Fitting and machining Engineering Science Mathematics Well experienced lecturer / Training instructor will guide you to achieve 90% in all subjects Venue: Swakopmund, DRC – Containers project School Registration fee: N$ 850.00 Examination fee: N$ 2 400.00 per student Tutoring fee: N$ 3 600.00 per student You may negotiate monthly instalments up to 10 months with principal officer Contact: 081 424 4886 NIMT is Comecha's Examination Facilitator

WANTED WANTED: We pay cash for unwanted or broken jeweler. 9ct up to N$ 200 p/g 18ct up to N$ 400.00 p/g Contact: 081 330 2041 081 714 8936

COURSES GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685 German courses offered in Walvis Bay. Do you want to learn German? If yes. This is the right number to call!! BOOK YOUR SPOT NOW!! Limited seats available. Contact: 081 302 7576

EDU CARE JJs Private School Walvis Bay Grade R,1,2,3 Registered with Ministry of Education. Limited space! Email: jjscarecentre@gmail. com Cell: 081 479 0725 081 476 6358

18 FEBRUARY 2020



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net



FOR SALE: Walvis Bay Toyota Yaris/Belta 1.3 N$ 41 000.00 neg. Nissan Hardbody 2.4 4x4 Single cab N$ 95 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 236 8241

SERVICES OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

FOR SALE: 2009 Nissan Livina, 72 000KM. Price: N$80 000.00 Contact: 081 122 4277

FOR SALE Swakopmund Fibreglass Canopy for Nissan NP200, Hardly used. Price N$7500.00 Call 081 246 4906

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SOFT SWIRL ICE CREAM FOR SALE!! Price negotiable. Contact: 081 331 9173

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810

SERVICES MAGIC CARWASH: Find us at C/O C34 and Theo Ben Gurirab Ave, across Food Lovers Market Centre. We offer the following services: Deliveries Valet Services Assistance with Natis: Licencing / Registrations Police Clearance Roadworthy Contact: 081 412 4476 FIX IT ALL Coastal Solar, electrical, plumbing, new installations Maintenance and repairs. Contact: 081 278 8092 THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202 818, Walvis Bay Expert service in general tailoring- One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.

· Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


TRADITIONAL DOKOTA THE HEALER DOKOTA BABA CHANDE The powerful traditional healer who never fail no matter how big is your problem in spiritual and traditional way don’t let your problems give you stress day and night. I am here to help you... To bring back your lost lover no matter for how long you break up. To stop your love cheating on you. Remove bad luck from your body. Promotion at work Do you want to win the divorce or stop the divorce Misunderstandings in your relationship. To chase away the bad evils in your house. To boots your business to have more customers. Protection of your property. To sell your property very fast. To win tenders with your business. Magic wallet and magic stick. Protection of your body from your enemies. Women and men who don’t produce. Financial business matters. Pregnant problems. Debt account loan Gambling and casino To see your enemies in the mirror And many more Cell: 081 436 0205 Traditional Doctor The Best African Doctor Maria Is in Walvis Bay for the first time with vast experience in traditional African medicine well known in SADC region treats various problems and diseases such as: Bringing back lost lover in 2 days. Binding him to be yours only and to stop him from cheating on you Removal of bad luck toget married to a rich man of your choice. To wi tough challenge and complicated court cases To get jobs and promotions Pregnancy problems i.e infertility. Boosting your business and business attraction. Weak erection on men who are weak in bed, during sex. To win contract & tenders. Chest pains body pains, headache, epilepsy, asthma. Recovering your stolen goods. To stop prolonging menstruation and stop drinking smoking and any other complications Call Doctor Mama Maria 081 812 1355

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





DR FAMBA WILL NOT DISAPPOINT YOU Well experienced traditional Doctor who destroys all types of witchcraft power that is happening in people's life and he brings back all your luck which is taken through witching he genuinely helps with the following problems: 1. Removing bad luck completely 2. Brings back lost lover 3. Destroys tokoloshi in your life 4. Restoring birth rights lucky 5. Stop bad dreams 6. Breaking the chains of family problems and diseases 7. Provide powerful protection against your enemies 8. Blocking your partner not to cheat on you 9. Cure all witchcraft diseases 10. Brings back financial happiness 11. Job opportunities 12. Customer attraction boost your business 13. Promotion 14. Tracing stolen properties 15. Winning gambling 16. Winning love partner 17. Cure weak erection 18. Treating cancer, TB, diabetes, Epilepsy, stroke, Bp, womb pain, joint pain, gout. 19. Hip and manhood enlargement 20. Removing black spots on your skin 21. Stimulate sexual desire and long lasting in bed. Don't hesitate to contact him now to witness the end of your problems. Contact: 081 467 2722

Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

DOCTOR KADELE Pay after results Bringing back lost lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating, get attracted to a rich man or woman. Pregnancy problems. Win gambling and casino. Get job, promotion at work, remove badluck, chitaka wallet, manhood enlargement all sizes, hips and buttocks and many more.. Call doctor Kadele now 081 221 8201

TESTIMONY FOR NTATE DR MALENGANA UNLOCK YOUR LIFE My name is Themba from Soweto, my number is 0783238155 Am here about to tell my story about ntate Dr Malengana after my life of mysery. I had lost all my house, cars was taken by the bank after owing the bank too much to pay those fake sangomas who gave me fals hope. Then 1 day I read about tate malengana helped people who had financial problems. I called him and he explained to me about his ways and he told me to chose short boys and a short woman that help put the money in my bank account and magic rats that also brings money in my house. Then I sent my name and address to him and he told me tow ait for a few hours and to my surprise I saw money everywhere in my room, I was scared and confused I called Ntate Malegana and he told me to correct my money and to send him 10% he also helped me with my business. He can solve all private problems, you have to explain to him he can help you 100% guarantee. He is a very nice man, nothing is impossible under the sun, my life is happy Call Ntate Malengala 0812944297

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 DR GONONDO & PROFESSOR KOIKOI OLD MAN Stop Suffering I am old enough, I don’t have time to play with people who have serious problems. I work with experience and do not rush for persons money without helping first. Don’t loose hope because another doctor failed you, I am here to help! The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you stressing of money? Love / relationship, bring back lost lover. Lost properties. Job searching & promotion. Court cases Bad luck. Unhappy marriage Pregnancy problem same day We can also help with Binding properties Remove evil spirits Get rid of your enemies Finish unfinished business with 69 years experience & magic wallet Only man you can trust or quick & effective results 100 % guaranteed. Treat you overt he phone using name & surname Service delivery accepted Call Dr Gonongo & Prof Koi Koi 081 560 4942

MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

DR LOVE MAMA CHICHI A young female sangoma for the first time based in Swakopmund All relationship, love, marriage problems Keep a lover to yourself. Get marriage proposal Breasts, tightening Sweet and love portion Call Mama Chichi: 081 807 8546

Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913 DR ZIVAGO 081 201 7556 A powerful spell caster in Swakopmund offers a large variety of herbal preparations and healing. Love spells, divorce spell, black magic, psycho reading, long distance phone session healing all over the country. Badluck ie job problems/enemies Help students pass exams Unsettled marriages Court cases / divorce Bewitched people Man/woman who cannot produce Womanhood elasticity, tightening Manhood enlargement, power. Diabetes, blood pressure, sugar. Blindness, body pains, vomiting. Pregnancy, skin diseases, love matters, family affairs, business, lost items. DR RASHEED 081 224 7147 Have you suffered for a long time without success. Are you applying all the time without finding a job. Are you tired with changing relationships without finding a soul mate and then get married. Did you start different business but no success Here is Rasheed to give you the answer by digging deeper into root cause of your problems and give you guaranteed, quick results Call him for an appointment, in Namport Kuisebmond 081 224 7147

NYASA HERBALS AFRICAN CLINIC Dr Banda 081 740 7321 Specialist in various forms of African Traditional healing, spells, spiritual healing solutions to assist you with any challenges you might be facing. reconciliation with lost love (lover) Attract the right man or woman for love & marriage Strong lucky charms for work & promotion Get the job of your choice & qualification (you will be the favorite candidate amongst all short listed Win tenders, get loans approved, start your own business & attract customers/clients Healing chronic diseases such as epilepsy, asthma, high blood pressure, sugar diabetes and more. Using purely organic herbs. Indegenous Southern African mixtures & ancient healing methodologies, will also assist you with lifestyle habits changes to deal with addiction & weight loss Guguda - men enlargement in 3 sizes, medium, large & extra large, with proven results & testimonies Prayers, healing, fortune telling, dream interpretations. Finance, pregnancies & more Visit him at erf 4490 Etosha Street, Namport Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay FB, Nyasa Herbals Call, text, whatsapp 081 740 7321


18 FEBRUARY 2020


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274

Malawian Traditional Doctor Gogo Paketi The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms 081443 0041

DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Call Dr Zania: 081 254 9875 DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. Call Dr Ringazi: 081 204 9299 DR BABA KAREEM LUCKY MEANS BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *pregnancy problems *Menhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work. *Get jobs so easily & remove bad luck. *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744

Malawian tradition doctor Oupa Nandora (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 760 6553 Find me at James Brown Street, Kuisebmond house nr DR WANJA Pay after success, same day results. Bring back your lost lover same day Get a love of your choice Get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice. Stop your partner from cheating. To make your lover him or her to love you only Pregnancy problems Manhood enlargement from 5cm - 30cm Hips and breast enlargement Win gambling in casino Financial problems Remove bad luck using Lyola oil. Get job quickly and clear your debts / loans. Contact: 081 409 5373


JOBS WANTED WERK GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak werk vir 3 dae of Maandae tot Vrydae in Swakopmund Langstrand of Dolfynstrand, ek drink of rook nie. Kontak: 081 396 6487 JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady looking for domestic work or babysitting. Mondays to Friday. I have sober habits. Contact: 081 248 7934 JOB WANTED: A 36 year old looking for work like. Help at reception or any job opportunity. I have certificate of Grade 12. Secretary and administration. Certificate in basic computer. Quality control, learners driving. Contact: 081 686 8087 WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 40 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor, hotel werk, of laundry werk. Ek het ondervinding, ek het baie jare ondervinding. Ek kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 308 3325 JOB WANTED: I am a 34 year old lady looking for domestic work, washing, ironing and house cleaning. I am reliable and hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 242 4874 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for cleaning work. Ready to start immediately, in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 417 4866 JOB WANTED: I am a hardworking, trustworthy lady looking for domestic work. Wednesdays and Fridays. I am ready to start as soon as possible. Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Contact: 081 303 8528 081 777 9343

NOTICES & VACANCIES MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Lizane Thiersen t/a Rustic Pearl Events, Identity No: 880301 0004 3, P O Box 4408, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Rustic Pearl Events. 3.Address / location of licensed premises to

which application relates: Erf No 641, Municipal District of Walvis Bay. 4.Nature and details of application: Application for the Grant of a Special Liquor Licence. 5.Where application will be lodged: Magistrate's Court, Walv i s B a y, E ro n g o Region. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 25 February 2020. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 8 April 2020. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee, to reach the Secretary not later than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Maintenance Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay. Case No : 14/3/257/2018 In the matter between: Talana Greeff Execution Creditor and Dirk Johannes Greeff Execution Debtor In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Maintenance Court in Walvis Bay on 30 August 2018, a sale will be held on 6 March 2020 at 10:00 at Erf 3764, 24 Grand Avenue, Industrial Area, Namibia, of the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor: 1 x Wooden table + 6 chairs 1 x Black lounge set (4 seater)

1 x TV plasma/ stand 1 x Rack Assorted wooden bar chairs Assorted steel stairs 1 x Mirror cupboard 1 x Samsung 2 door fridge 1 x White Defy dishwasher 1 x White Defy fridge 1 x Steel rack Terms “voetstoots”: Cash to the highest bidder. Signed at Walvis Bay on 13 February 2020. Sgd: G N September MALHERBE ASSOCIATES INC Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff 171 Sam Nujoma Avenue P O Box 985 WALVIS BAY REF: GS/ss/GRE6/0002

18 FEBRUARY 2020





NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No.: 197/18 In the matter between: Municipal Council of Swakopmund Plaintiff and Ursulla Gamxamus Defendant In execution of a

Judgement against the above defendants granted by the above Honourable Court on 23/04/ 2018, the following goods listed here-under will be sold in Execution at the following address: Erf No 4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street Swakopmund on 14 March 2020 at 10h00 namely: 1 x Defy Fridge 1 x Akira Microwave 1 x Defy Twintub Washing Machine 1 x Enzer Flatscreen TV 1 x TV Cabinet 2 x Couches

1 x Coffee Table Conditions of Sale: Voetstoots - Cash to highest bidder. Dated at Swakopmund on 13 February 2020. Attorneys for Plaintiff KINGHORN ASSOCIATES 2-6 Haus Altona Tobias Hainyeko Street Swakopmund Tel:064-405051 Fax:064-402159 Swakopmund Ref.: AN/ZBMUN100/2470COLL


18 FEBRUARY 2020


JJD pledges Unity, Inclusion and Partnership Rudi Bowe Well know Walvis Bay businessman and former Namibia Premier League (NPL) chairperson Johnny Johnson Doeseb promised to redeem football in Namibian should he be elected as the President of the Namibian Football Association on 22 February. Doeseb who launched his five-pillar manifesto themed 'Unity, Inclusion & Partner-ship', last week said that his plans to reform the constitution of the NFA and give back the real decision-making power to the member associations by changing NFA structures. Doeseb is convinced that, given the opportunity to run the struggling Association, football in the country would thrive to higher heights and that the current set up is flawed and does not represent the masses, therefore the six-member executive committee would be expanded to include all 14 regional and all 16 NPL club chairpersons, with the NPL head automatically doubling as NFA third vice-president. Doeseb said that his main focus will be to rebrand and reposition the brand of Namibian football so that it becomes passionate, consistent, exciting and trustworthy in the eyes of every Namibian in the interest of the players and the various stakeholders that benefit from this brand and that the NPL would be assimilated into NFA structures, as a standalone competition with the National Football mother body overseeing and ensuring funding for all levels of football. Doeseb added that he will ensure a clear separation of powers with simple structures worthy of modern democracy and in doing so, we can avoid a situation like the current one whereby football has come to a stand-still because of egos and short-sightedness and that this is not a quick fix exercise. Doeseb intends to surround himself with “people who have the capacity” and do away with deadwood and that it is imperative to “adjust to change” if domestic football is to recover and with his passion for football. An advisory NFA football council harnessing knowledge from retired football personalities – including players, coaches, and administrators would be assembled to forge a united football family Doeseb added. Doeseb proposed a national football indaba to discuss

pertinent football matters, including the funding challenge. This indaba will give an opportunity for mem-bers of the football fraternity to contribute to the re-structuring of the sport in the country. He also vowed to increase participation of all age groups and genders in grassroots foot-ball, which he said remains the corner-stone of development. “I will never discriminate when it comes to men and women, but will increase expertise in elite and grassroots football development and also expand infrastructure and the distribution of football material and will improve the standard of refereeing around the country by investing in referee training and development and creating opportunities to expose our referees to better their standards and introduce courses for executive members and regional leadership to enhance their skills.,” Doeseb said. Doeseb will prioritise a club licensing system within the leagues as he believes that this set-up will promote the level of professionalism. “I want to restore the credibility and image of the NFA with a real change in leadership and take the necessary steps to create a new and modern NFA worthy of the public's trust and will involve leading and respected football figures in advising the decision-makers of Namibian football with the creation of an NFA football council,” Doeseb said. Doeseb added that Football House will not tolerate any tribalism and that it will not be a Damara, Owambo, Nama or Herero house, but will include each and every Namiian. People will be employed because of merit and qualifications. Doeseb emphasised that there is an urgent need to remove the blockages to the pro-gress of young footballers, both male and female and that this is something that we have to look at again because we have to bridge the gap between women and men's football. People must be treated equally and therefore funding must be allocated equally. Doeseb who is up against Ranga Haikali, Mabos Vries and Isak Fredericks said that he want to ensure that NFA wins back the public's trust and that it is managed as a sound business, accounting for public funds by ensuring that people with high integrity forms part of the administration.

NFA Presidential candidate Johnny Johnson Doeseb

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * Goju Ryu Karate Walvis Bay: Karate beginners classes will start at 4 Feb at 17:30 - 18:15. Every Tuesday & Thursday at Meersig, Mainroad no.4B, Walvis Bay. For info contact 081 277 9268. * Every Sunday: Lunch - Potjiekos at MOTH CENTRE. * Everyday: Pub lunches available. * Bridge Club: Urgently call 081 378 7347 to have a game of card games. * 1 March: Lagoon Park Family Market our 'Summer GROOVE' from 9am - 1pm! * 3 Maart: Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by St. Petrus Katolieke Kerk, Narraville. * 24 – 28 March: 7th BUCO Desert Sport Festival at WBPHS. * 4 April: V.G.K Narraville High Tea at Narraville Community Hall at 15:00. Guest speaker: Ds S Mostert Gertse. * 7 April : Interkerklike gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lutherse Kerk, Narraville. **************

SWAKOPMUND * Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous helpline 081 243 2649. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. “The Swakopmund Rotary Club: Meets every Tuesday evening from 17:45 in the conference room of the Hotel Deutsches Haus. Contact 081 645 0888. * “The Swakopmund Lions Club: meets every 2nd Thursday of the month from 17:30 in the Lions/Den c/o Rhode Allee and Lüderitz Street. Contact: 081 205 6162/081 335 8899. ** Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Dome Conference Centre, 5th Floor, Ughab room, Welwitschia street 5371, starting at 18:15. * SME Corner @ Business Development Centre (BDC): Our commitment is to help SMEs throughout the life of their business, and we have the expertise to make it happen. We offer Free Business Counselling/ Advisory Services. Hotlines: 0812772797 / (App) 085 277 2797, Unit 4, Multipurpose Centre, Swakopmund (Opposite Tax Rank / COSDEC). * Until 19 Feb: Woermannhaus-Gallery: “Beloved land of savannahs” art exhibition Open Mon-Fri 10-12, 3-5pm. Sat 10-12, Sun 10-12.

18 FEBRUARY 2020




Narraville Primary News Interhouse Athletics

Age Group Winners

THANK YOU We would like to thank the following companies and individuals for their contribution towards the success of our Interhouse Athletics. Your generous gesture is highly appreciated. 1. Eagle Night Watch Security 2. Coca Cola 3. Standard Bank

4. Mr 24/7 5. Q - Med 6. Mr G Brinkmann

Baron van Wyk (Senior Victor ludorum), Natalie Maclobo (Senior Victrix ludorum) (absent), Gift Awaseb (Junior Victor ludorum) and Leciana Nuule (Junior Victrix ludorum)

Women’s Week at Rossmund Golf Club It was time to play the Rossmund Golf Club's monthly SAGES Competition sponsored Fischreier Bed & Breakfast/Tienie & Betsie van Rensburg on Sunday 16 January at the clubs greens. We had a good turnout of 26 players which unfortunately did not include Tienie as he had travelled to Windhoek on family business. Chris Magson made the only two club of the day whilst Christo Botha & Andrew Cunningham secured the Nearest to the Pin Prizes. We had a three way tie on 36 points for the top spot – the winner being Lynne van der Walt followed by Billy Knight & Heidi van Niekerk. The days play was followed by the AGM – the floor voted that the 2019 team stays in place for 2020.

Chairman Achmet Abrahams however requested the members present to start working on some of the younger Sages to take over the reins – this was necessary to facilitate continuation. The first Destination Swakopmund Betterball Competition was played on Saturday 15 January - as was to be expected the field was small due to several of the regular players travelling to Windhoek to compete in the Federation Pairs. Despite the low numbers some great golf was played in excellent golfing conditions. Tiekie De Wet was able to shoot a 2club on Number 7 lifting her into the

Winners Circle with partner Mariena Ludwig on 47 points; 2nd: George Murasiki/Fanus Jordaan 42 points; 3rd: Gert Cloete/Hans Naobeb. We say thanks to the sponsor and especially Oliver Ahrens for officiating at the prize-giving. On Wednesday 12 February was the Swakopmund Plaza Hotel sponsored competition with some breakfast voucher up for grabs. Remember once you have experienced this lovely breakfast to post a little something on Trip Advisor by way of a thank you. The 18-hole Winner - after a three-way count-out - was Bubble Burns on 37 points with

Warren Theron being loser No.1 - Fanie Terblanche Loser No.2 managed to secure the 9-hole prize with an excellent 22 points winning a count out over Rina Knight. It was great to have Billy back on the course however he did not have such a wonderful day. A Betterball Stableford sponsored by Premier Construction was held on Saturday 8 February - the competition doubled as the clubs 1st Qualifier for 2020 International Pairs. We had a good field of 34 players - with 2-clubs coming from Warren Theron and Theo Haimbondi. Winners on the Day: Steven Johns/George

The winners of the Destination Swakopmund Betterball – George Murasiki (RGC); Mariena Ludwig; Oliver Ahrens (Destination Swakop) and Tiekie De Wet Murasiki 47 points this win gives them a place in the International Pairs Final; 2nd: John Redman/ Hoffie Viljoen 44 points; 3rd: Clive Lawrence/ Leon Matthews 43 points (c/o). Well done to all

the players and thank you to our sponsor. As most of you are aware we currently have a 4 legged visitor to the course - residing in the vicinity of Number 8 - we request everyone to refrain from approaching him

either by foot or by vehicle - remember he is wild!! Leave him in peace and he will do his own thing. We have noticed vehicles in the area th at ar e d r iv in g across the fairway.

Website: www.namibtimes.net


18 FEBRUARY 2020

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Club Drawn Trips at Rossmund A strong field of 18 players from Rossmund Bowling Club celebrated their Drawn Trips Bowls competition on 8 and 9 February at the club house. The winning teams are; Axel Krähenbühl (Skip), Julian Viljoen (2nd) and Michael Viljoen and Janeen Klein (Lead) with Graham Snyman (Skip), Avril Kotze (2nd) and Frank Aldridge (lead) the runners up.

The Namibian swimming team received National coulors and certificates are:; back row: JeanMicheal Leitner (Coach); Mikah Burger; Corné Le Roux; Oliver Ohm; Vicky Botha; Aileen Botha (NASU Chairperson); Mr S Mwiya (NSC); Heleni Stergiadis; Michaela Ohm; Trisha Mutumbulua; Maya Stange; Theresa Westerduin (Team Manager) Middle Row: Nicole Redecker; Tiana Esslinger: Quinn Ellis; Brave Magongo; Keanet-Peter Rathenam; Friedrich Setzkorn; Nico Esslinger; Arkell Wellmann; Front Mackenzie Späth, Kgosana Hekandjo, Matthew Gertze, Oliver Durand, Salomé Rey; Reza Westerduin; Ariana Naukosho

Nam swimmers off to 2020 CANA IV Rudi Bowe Championships Namibian swimmers will be leaving early Wednesday morning to compete in the 2020 African Swimming Confederation (CANA) IV Championships in Gaborone The winners of the Club Drawn Trips at Rossmund Bowling Club Botswana from 20 to 23 February 2020. The fourteen that are affiliated and will participate in the championships are Namibia, Angola, Botswana, Comoros, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Nicky McNamara from NASU said that all the swimmers achieved qualifying times and have put in long hours of hard work, focus and dedication in their preparation and are now ready to represent Namibia and themselves at this year's competition. McNamara added that the majority of these championships are self funded, making it extremely expensive and difficult for our swimmers to attend. NASU would like to thank SANLAM for their donation and Theresa Westerduin (Team Manager) for all her hard work in ensuring that all documentation and travel needs are met. Mr S Mwiya from the Namibian Sports Commission handed over certificates from the Namibian Colours for those swimmers who

have previously qualified and participated in a CANA event and Namibian Half Colours to the swimmers that are participating in CANA for the first time as well as information about doping and allowed medications. Mr Mwiya, congratulated all, expressing his pride in how swimming has grown and the quality of athletes that are being produced in Namibia. He cautioned all against doping and the pressure to succeed in dishonest ways. He further commented on the new apparel that had been approved by the NSC - stating the swimmers looked ready to represent their country proudly in their new and very smart apparel. McNamara said “We know they are ready to represent Namibia and that NASU are incredibly proud of them. The team will be accompanied by Jean-Michael Leitner (Coach) and Theresa Westerduin (Team Manager)” The team will be accompanied by Jean-Michael Leitner (Coach) and Theresa Westerduin (Team Manager).

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