Namib Times Virtual Edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6337 TUESDAY 18 MARCH 2014 Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website:

Minister of Fisheries commissions VMS

inside Easter comes early

Mavourlene Gaes

The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Mr Bernhard Esau officially commissioned the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) last week Friday at the Ministry of Fisheries headquarters in Walvis Bay.


No bail for alleged murderer Marshallino Beukes and Piquet Jacobs

Pieter Nakanene (28), who was arrested in connection with the murder of Bernadine Baumgartner (29), made his first court appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court yesterday where bail was denied. Nakanene, who has two rape cases pending against him will reappear on 15 April 2014, after the matter was postponed for further investigation. He is believed to be the victim's boyfriend and was arrested on Thursday night last week at around 22:30 in the new Kuisebmond extension, following the discovery of the lifeless body of Baumgartner in the dunes, north of Walvis Bay's Narraville residential area. Continues on page 2


The VMS is a monitoring, control and surveillance system which the fisheries ministry is using to monitor the activities of licensed fishing vessels. “Although the system was already acquired as well as installed in 2002, the system was unable to perform satisfactory in accordance with the acceptable minimum requirements” explained the Minister. This situation led to the Ministry exploring the possibility to upgrade the VMS to conform to acceptable international standards. According to the Minister his ministry had to spend N$1.3 million in the process of upgrading the Namibian VMS. Work on the system commenced in 2002 and it became operational in July last year and is now able to monitor the activities of the licensed fishing vessels. “ The ministry is since in a position to monitor 50% of our licensed fishing fleet, with this upgrade it is planned that Namibia should be in the position to monitor 100% of her licensed fishing vessels, excluding those exempted by the end of this year” said the Minister. This system is said to monitor the location of fishing vessels through an Automatic Location Communicator (ALC), it then analyses the information and presents it to the VMS Centre on land, including the surveillance and enforcement personnel in order for them to

process the information and take further action if necessary. The ALC also records the accurate vessel location and current time, through means of a global positioning system (GPS). All the ALC's that were installed are tamper proof in order to prevent interference with the system from any unauthorised persons. The VMS was installed and applied in accordance with the Namibian fisheries legislation provision of 2000, the VMS Regulations of 2005, the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), the 200 meter depth restrictions as well as Conservation measures and the conditions attached to fishing quotas. The Vessel Monitoring System is also said to be a useful tool for finding vessels near a ship in distress, if that particular ship is carrying an ALC the last reported position may be used to narrow the search area. The Minister in this regard indicated that there are still some right holders/ operators that have not to date installed ALCs on board their vessels and he urged the fishing industry to obey and install this piece of equipment on board their licensed fishing vessels. In addition the Minister also

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Miss Duneside crowned

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A healthy life

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4x4 Diet Launched Minister of Fisheries Mr Bernhard Esau

said Namibia is indeed a trendsetter in Southern Africa, as far as conforming to international standards. With regard to VMS the Minister is adamant his ministry will continue maintaining this system in the interest of their sought after Marine resources to ensure sustainability for generations to come.

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Interschools soccer tournament

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18 MARCH 2014

No bail for alleged murderer

Stationery for Fire Victims of Marienheim Hostel


Her body was allegedly put in a municipal dustbin and transported to where it was discovered on Thursday morning. Footprints, including the wheel tracks of a dustbin were found, leading from Kuisebmond to the scene and back to Kuisebmond, three houses from the supposed murder scene. According to police spokesperson, deputy commissioner Otillie Kashuupulwa, a post mortem will be conducted this week and only then the cause of death can be confirmed. Rumours that the victim's body was cut up in pieces were strongly denied by the police, stating that no external injuries were visible. The police believed the murder was committed either on Wednesday night or early Thursday morning. The victim's body was put into a dustbin which was pulled from the crime scene to the dunes, where it was dumped, covered in a blanket. The killer then returned the dustbin to the Kuisebmond residential area and placed it close to the room of the deceased. Bernadine's foster father, Santos Croza described his daughter as a loveable person. She was also known as Didi by most of the community.

Last week, Manica Group Namibia donated some 40 school satchels filled with stationery (worth more than N$10 000) to the victims of the Marienheim hostel in Swakopmund, that was gutted by a fire. The boys had lost all their belongings, schoolbooks and stationary in the fire. Graham Platt of Manica's CSI fund handed over the bags and stationery to the boys and Sister Reginalda Shivute of the hostel.

Latest taxi price hike no April Jade McClune fool's joke The impact of the latest fuel price increases are set to be passed on to commuters, as taxi operators across the country are due to increase their fares on 1 April. The latest price hike will raise the cost of a local taxi ride at the coast to N$9.00

Red light for Swakopmund Drags Marshallino Beukes

The Swakop Motor Club's plans for hosting a National Drag Racing event on 19 April 2014, was allegedly given the boot by the town's Municipality. In an official application letter to the Municipality, the Motor Club requested permission to make use of Mandume Ndemafayo Street for this event. However, until now no official response to this appeal was received and according to the Club's chairperson, Mr Keith Smith, he was verbally informed that it was a no-go for the specific street to be approved for this event. What bothers the Motor Club is the fact that no formal reasons for this Council decision were referred back to them. The Namib Times also inquired on this matter and yesterday received a very brief reply by email, stating that “with regard to your questions, we are not in the position to answer you now. We will revert back to you as soon as possible”. Afterwards, the newspaper was telephonically informed that “the Council did not decide on the issue, yet” and this is supposedly the reason why the question could not be

answered. The Swakop Motor Club was established on 1 April 2013 and is affiliated under the flag of the Namibian Motor Sport Federation. Since the founding of this Club, they are constantly involved in reaching out to the community. Some of their good deeds include assisting the 5 Swakopmund families whose shacks burnt down during May this year, supporting 8month old Damian Sagner, who is victim to a rare heart disease, donations to the Tamariskia Children's Home and the DRC Soup Kitchen Project. According to Keith Smith, they are a non-profit organisation, striving to uplift motor sport at the coast and by doing so, also create a platform for positive community development. He noted that lots of planning and hard work were put in, in order to make this National event a reality at the coast. The National Drag Racing event is known to attract hundreds of spectators and motor sport enthusiasts.

Easter comes early

Last week Friday the Junior Town Council (JTC) of Swakopmund surprised all of the little children at the state hospital in Swakopmund with an early Easter visit. The JTC took boxes full of packages to the state hospital. The packages were filled with chocolates, Easter eggs and teddy bears for the children. The JTC spent time playing with the children and told them Easter stories that they wrote themselves. One of the students also dressed up as the Easter bunny. The children sat and listened with eyes wide open and big smiles on their faces with their teddy bears in their arms. Camelot Brinkman, the Junior Mayor, shared, “We are so thankful to be here today and share this with you. We are always looking for ways to give back to the community and this year we decided to come spread some joy at the state hospital.” She shared that this is the first year that they have started this initiative, but it will hopefully be continued in the future by the next Junior Town Council.

Certain transport operators initially demanded a 60% increase across-theboard, but following negotiations between the Namibia Bus and Taxi Association (NABTA) and the Ministry of Works and Transport, the parties agreed on a 10% increase for all residential taxi rides, as well as long-distance trips. Mr Pendapala Nakathingo, the chair-person of NABTA, the biggest taxi drivers' association in the country, said yesterday that only his association has a mandate to negotiate price increases with the government. Mr Nakathingo told the Namib Times that although a trip in Windhoek will cost N$10.00 as from 1 April, the price of a single one-way residential trip at the coast will go up to N$9.00 only. He said the slight difference is “due to the fact that the fuel price at the coast is lower than in the rest of the country”. He further noted that the 10% price hike will affect the whole country and will also impact the cost of longdistance trips. A detailed announcement on the latest price hikes is expected to be made prior to 1 April. A new price schedule will also be made available to the public and to taxi operators by that time, he said. Mr Nakathingo said over the weekend that

it has been some time since taxi fares had been increased, despite the fact that the price of fuel and the cost of spare parts have increased, “but we are still negotiating and discussing with the government to see how best the government can assist these people (transport operators)”. He said the latest 10 % increment for taxis and long-distance busses was agreed to by the Minister of Works and Transport, noting that the ministry had assured NABTA that the government is still considering related concerns regarding traffic fines, taxi fares and an insufficient number of taxi ranks and terminals, which were raised in the taxidrivers' petition submitted to the government in 2011. NABTA further warned taxi drivers and long-distance operators to take their customers' safety into account and not just to focus on collecting money, but to check their speed and to drive carefully. The latest price hike follows shortly on the recent increases in the price of petrol that came into effect in January and February, which pushed the price of petrol beyond N$12.00 per litre. The price of petrol at the pump in Walvis Bay rose by 25c per litre in February, taking the cost of a litre of petrol to N$12.04.

Visit our website at www.namibtimes. Net

BUSINESS BREAKFAST MEETING The Namibia Chamber of Commerce & Industry (NCCI) Swakopmund branch cordially invites the Swakopmund business community and interested public to its upcoming breakfast meeting to network, exchange ideas and obtain information. Date: Thursday 20th March 2014 Venue: Hotel Zum Kaiser Time: 07h30-09h00 Fee: free of charge for NCCI Swakopmund members/ N$50 for non-NCCI Swakopmund Members Swakop Uranium's Director Communications & Stakeholder Involvement, Mr. Grant Marais will be the guest speaker and address current as well as upcoming developments at Swakop Uranium, benefits to the economy and potential opportunities for local businesses. Kindly RSVP soonest with NCCI via phone 064 4066 87 or 081 371 7980 or email

WALVIS BAY OFFICE Tel: 064 20 5854 Fax: 064 20 4813 E-mail: ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS MARKETING / SALES Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher 081 602 2918

Piquet Jacobs 081 370 6992 SPORT Otis Finck 081 299 1211

SWAKOPMUND OFFICE Tel: 064 461866 Fax: 064 461824 ADVERTISING MARKETING / SALES Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 - MARKETING Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 - JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes 081 605 2595

Anri Jacobs 081 892 9893 Mavourlene Gaes 081 448 8275 PRO-PRINT Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 Moya Davids 064 20 5854

18 MARCH 2014



Apostel stap vir veilige paaie Marshallino Beukes

Oud-vissermanne organiseer Otis Finck Die groep oud en afgetrede vissermanne, oor wie die koerant voorheen berig het, het verlede week Donderdag geskiedenis gemaak toe hulle die Minister van Seevisserye en Marine Hulpbronne, Bernhard Esau verras het met 'n vreedsame protes betoging. Hulle het met plakkate by die geleentheid opgedaag en daarmee hulle misnoeë te kenne gegee oor die feit dat hulle geensins baat vind by die bedryf wat hulle help opbou het nie. Die protesaksie het plaasgevind voor die minister se jaarlikse toespraak oor die toestand van die visbedryf by die Walvisbaai Stadsaal. Amptenare van die ministerie het gou ingespring en die plakkate by die groep afgeneem en hulle genooi om na die minister se toespraak te luister voor hy sy opwagting by die plegtigheid gemaak het. Die minister het toe sy permanente sekretaris, Ulitala Hiveluah beopdrag om die groep toe te spreek na afloop van sy toespraak oor die toestand van die visbedryf. Volgens die groep het Hiveluah aan hulle uitgewys dat die minister haar gevra het om namens hom vir hulle te woord te staan en te onderhandel. Sy het voorgestel dat die groep 'n komitee aanwys en 'n naam vir hulle kies. Sy het hulle ook beopdrag om 'n paar voorstelle op te stel en dit dan aan die ministerie deur te gee en die groep aangeraai om so vinning as moontlik werk daarvan te maak.

Na 'n reeks vergaderings en die verskyning van die berig in die koerant oor die groep se strewe is daar reeds meer as 20 afskrifte van seemansboeke en identifikasiedokumente bymekaar gemaak. Die groep het 'n uitnodiging aan alle oud-vissermanne regoor Namibië gerig om gesertifiseerde afskrifte van hulle dokumente by mnr Russel Nash se woning in 181 Sam Nujomalaan in te handig. Groeplede is ook bereid om huisbesoek by bedlêende vissermanne af te lê om afskrifte van hulle dokumente te ontvang. Hulle het bedlêendes genooi om hulle per sms by 081 285 5304 of 081 245 7986 te verwittig om dokumente te versamel. Die afsluitingsdatum vir die inhandiging van dokumente is 26 Maart. “Ons weet dat baie oud-vissermanne skepties is oor verwagtinge en verwikkelinge omdat hulle al talle kere belowe is maar niks vir hulle gebeur het nie. Die keer doen ons dinge vir ons self” het die groep gesê. Die groep sal dan 'n vergadering beroep op 2 April (plek sal nog bekend gemaak word) om 'n komitee en 'n naam te kies sowel as om die weg vorentoe te bespreek.

‘n Inwoner van Walvisbaai, Apostel Dawid Bronzel, het Vrydag die ±30km vanaf die hawedorp na Swakopmund te voet afgelê, ten einde die Goeie Boodskap te verkondig en terselfdertyd vir veiligheid op die landspaaie te bid. Wat hierdie staptog verkondig, voordat hy n o e m e n s w a a r d i g Sondagoggend die maak, is die feit dat terugtog aanpak. Die Apostel Bronzel dit kerkman vertel dat hy doen met 'n houtkruis alreeds meer as 12 jaar wat ongeveer 20kg in die bediening staan weeg. Hierdie kruis is en dat hierdie “kruistoegerus met 'n sleep- togte” iets is wat die wielietjie, wat die las Here op sy hart gelê op sy skouers ietwat het. verlig. Hy vertel dat hy Hy vra die gemeenskap om 05:00 Vrydag- om hom te ondersteun oggend uit Walvisbaai deur middel van onder begin stap het en is meer skenkings soos ongeveer 11:30 in tweedehandse klere, Swakopmund se strate komberse, kruideniersopgemerk. Die Apostel ware ensovoorts, wat het besoek aan die vervolgens aan behoefNamib Times se Swa- tige persone oorhandig k o p m u n d k a n t o o r gaan word. Apostel afgelê en genoem dat Bronzel kan by 081 hy beplan om die 437 1608 gekontak Woord in Mondesa te word.

18 MARCH 2014



Miss Duneside crowned Piquet Jacobs Gaironeeza Maclobo was crowned as Miss Duneside 2014 with Esther Einoas as her 2nd Princess and Ashley Tatum as her 1st princess. Janine Manuel, Miss Duneside 2013 crowned this year's winner. It was the first time that Maclobo who is 16 and a Grade 10 learner, took part in and won a beauty contest. She described the feeling that came with winning the pageant as unreal. Miss Duneside 2014 with the Great Gatsby movie as theme was held Friday evening and attracted a big audience. The competition was tough amongst the 14 contestants who all displayed huge potential. The event kicked off with a dance item by the contestants, choreographed by Omar van Reenen and Charmaine van Wyk. Janine Manuel and George Pickering also entertained the crowd with musical items. This was followed by the contestants taking to the stage in their “Great Gatsby� themed outfits

BEAUTY QUEENS: Gaironeeza Maclobo Miss Duneside 2014 with Esther Einoas (2nd Princess) and Ashley Tatum (1st princess). and in their casual and evening wear. The top 5 contestants were then announced and they had to answer questions posed to them by the panel of judges consisting of Bianca Tjizumauwe, Simone Louw and George Pickering. The Great Gatsby is a

2013 AustralianAmerican 3D drama film. An adaptation of the film on Scott Fitzgerald's third book is an exquisitely crafted tale of America in the 1920s and one of the great classics of twentiethcentury literature which stands as the supreme

achievement of his career. The movie is a tribute to F. Scott Fitzgerald on the 116th anniversary of his birth and the 1925 novel of the same name. The film was co-written and directed by Baz Luhrmann, and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey

Maguire, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton, and Elizabeth Debicki. It follows the life and times of millionaire Jay Gatsby and his neighbour Nick, who recounts his encounter with Gatsby at the height of the Roaring Twenties. The film was

originally going to be released on December 25, 2012, but moved to May 10, 2013 in 3D. While receiving mixed reviews from critics, audiences responded much more positively, and F. Scott Fitzgerald's family praised the film, claiming "Scott would

have been proud". As of 2014, it is Baz Lurhmann's highest grossing film to date, earning over $350 million worldwide. At the 86th Academy Awards, it won Best Production Design and Best Costume Design.

18 MARCH 2014



18 MARCH 2014



18 MARCH 2014

A healthy life Anri Jacobs “When people hear healthy, fit and active lifestyle, they tend to say, and I hear this on a regular basis, “I do not have the time” or “health clubs has become so expensive” or “I am too unfit”, says exercise specialist Simone Ziegelmüller. She believes that from the 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes is all you need, at least 3 times a week to stay healthy. “You do not need fancy equipment from the gym to get up and going, going for a power walk or jog will also do the trick. Everyone was unfit at one stage. One should not only think of now. Exercising and being active now will be to your advantage in 10 years' time,” she says. Simone' was born in Windhoek and studied Exercise Specialist at ETA Stellenbosch (Exercise Teachers Academy), a two year diploma course but changed to a 3 year course. According to her an exercise specialist assesses the physical fitness of a client, to determine the current fitness level and medical condition of the specific client. They then set up specific goals to meet their needs. A workout plan is designed, and the specialist walks a client through the exercises and programme explaining why the specific programme has been chosen. As their personal exercise specialist you also serve as a motivator, keeping the client focused and determined. Throughout the process the specialist records the client's progress, and also modifying exercises as needed.” In her first year of studying to be an exercise specialist, she

had to complete 25 modules. These included anatomy, applied sport and exercise physiology, growth and development of the human body, applied kinesiology, nutrition principles, and special needs and disabilities to name a few. In her second year she started specialising in her selected field which is the special population, pregnant women, adolescents and elderly. Some of the modules entailed lifestyle coaching, nutrition and eating disorders, exercise physiology in pregnancy, exercise physiology in adolescents, exercise physiology in elderly, anatomy and biomechanics of pregnancy, anatomy and biomechanics of adolescents, anatomy and biomechanics of elderly, exercise programme design for all 3 different populations, common injuries, and public speaking, to name a few. She had to complete plenty of practical hours during her studies at ETA. “In my first year, every Friday we had to organise a fun sports day for the learners of Paul Roos Gymnasium. Besides the practical hours at Paul Roos, we also had to personal train a person. This was challenging (because as a first year, you don't have 100% confidence yet) but it was very exciting and fun” she says. In her second year, the practical lessons became trickier. She had

to give practical lessons to the first years. “I will never forget my very first Pilates class I had to instruct. I had to do it all by myself, and it was a class of 40 first year students. To my surprise I managed to complete it without any mistake. The students moaned at the end of the class that they were tired and sore and that indicated to me that I have done an excellent job”. Her second year group was split up in groups of 4, and each group had a day in the week where they had to drive to Klapmuts Primary where they gave practical lessons to primary school children. It was fun, but very tiring because of the number of children they had to deal with. It was always a joy for her to see the children smiling, laughing and having fun. She had to complete more practical hours which was her personal favourite the training of the special population groups in which she specialised: elderly, adolescents and pregnant woman. What made this fun was that it was the real deal. “You need to know what you are doing. Why you are doing a specific exercise. What to look out for (warning signs) and to ensure clients keep on improving while keeping in mind that you are being assessed and that every decision you make will determine your final end results.” Simone chose to specialise in the special population direc-

Simone shared some tips for mothers to be on keeping active during their pregnancy. What most mothers to be don't know is that exercising pre-pregnancy and especially during pregnancy has so many health benefits: Speeds up your recovery after given birth. Helps prevent gestational diabetes. Improved sleeping patterns. Ability to cope with daily activities. Increased bowel activity (Less constipation). Improved relaxation, breathing and tension relief. Reductions in complications during labour and delivery. An easy exercise to do is kegel exercising, this helps with the leaking of urine when sneezing or coughing, the strengthening of your pelvic floor muscles. How to do Kegel exercises: First of, identify your pelvic floor muscles, and learn how to contract and relax them. (To identify your pelvic floor muscles, stop urination in midstream, if you succeed you have got the correct muscles.) Empty your bladder beforehand, and lie on your back. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles, hold the contraction for 5 seconds and then relax for 5 seconds. Try it 5 times in a row. Try to work up to keeping the muscles contracted for 10 seconds at a time. Aim for 3 times a day. A good exercise during pregnancy is swimming, because you become weightless in the water, there is no strain on parts of the body. No big adaptations need to be made to accommodate the growing belly. There is not a lot of limitations when swimming while pregnant, except do not attempt to dive into the pool or hold up your breath for too long. Exercises you can do in the pool are water jogging, standing calf raises, leaning against the side of the pool for support, slow and controlled breast stroke or any other form of swimming, as long it is done slowly and controlled. Another form of exercise is brisk walking. Start with a slow walk, and as you improve work it up to a brisk walk. As you enter your second and third trimester consider having a gym buddy, whom can help you with keeping balance, because you will be more at risk of stumbling and falling. Pregnant women should avoid movements that require standing or holding a position for too long, as well as any movements that put strain on the lower back, and lifting weights above the head. Last but not least make sure to always stay hydrated during exercising.


Simone Ziegelmüller tion because it was different than normal personal training. “I enjoy learning about the different body processes of each population. How the body changes, the different stages the human body goes through and the different nutrition each population needs.” She enjoys working with pregnant women the most. The most important quality a successful instructor should possess is passion for physical fitness, patience and the ability to uplift and motivate others. Other qualities which are also very important is excellent communication skills and to be an excellent teacher. “An instructor should not only be able to explain the specific workout routine, but should also understand what the client's wishes and goals are. I get pleasure in helping others, and I find in this profession you help people by teaching them how to look after their health and their bodies, because you were only gifted with one body after all” she says. Simone specialised in instructing the special age groups such as the seniors and she thinks there is definitely a market for instructing seniors in Namibia. “If you take a look at

our coastal town's seniors, you will always find them going for a walk or a swim in the mole. But as times are changing and unfortunately it is not safe for elderly people to wander on their own anymore, it would be best for them to sign up to a health club that offers classes that focuses on special exercises and needs especially for health benefits for elderly” she advises. According to her people do not always know where to start and that is when they turn to the exercise specialist to help them, teach them and show them. A healthy lifestyle to this young energetic woman is naturally of utmost importance. Simone believes that a healthy lifestyle is made up of different aspects: proper diet getting the proper amount of daily required protein, carbs and healthy fats, regular exercise, and enough sleep. She continued saying, “I find it important because we were only given one body. Why waste it by filling it with toxins and junk food. Why not feed it with the proper required nutrition, and exercising on a regular basis to keep your joints, bones and muscles strong.”

* AUCTION - Bay Auctioneers, Every Saturday, Corner of Rikumbi Kandanga and 6th Street, Opposite Sea Pride. * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 20 March.: Walfisch Karneval 2014 - 20:11 Prinzenball & Büttenabend - Duneside School hall. * 21 March.: Walfisch Karneval 2014 - 11:11 Kinderkarneval - Atlantis Sport Klub. 20:11 Internationaler Abend - Duneside School Hall. * 22 March.: Walfisch Karneval 2014 - 11h11: Umzung through Sam Nujoma Avenue. 12:11: Kehraus - Atlantis Sport Klub. * 28 March.: NPS - Talent Show - Feeling famous. * 29 March. Vlooimark (flea market) aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk, Walvisbaai, Moth parkeerterrein regoor Woermann & Brock. * 1 April.: Interkerklike gebedskring - V.G.K kerk om 09:00. * 9 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Monthly meeting at 19:00. * 26 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - 99th Anniversary, battle of Trekkopje. * 27 April.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Annual wreath laying ceremony by M.O.T.H. and German tradition verband Trekkopje 11:00. * 6 May.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Katolieke Kerk om 09:00. * 14 May.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 3 June.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Lutherse Kerk om 09:00. * 11 June.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 30 June.: NPS - Praise & Worship - Forever Faithfull * 1 July.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Rynse Kerk om 09:00. * 1 July.: NPS - Official opening - “Formal & Flashy”. * 2 July.: NPS - Fountain of knowledge & SA Dance Show * 3 July.: NPS - Mr & Miss NPS - “Feeling Fabulous”. * 4 July.: NPS - Gala evening - “Flourishing at Fifty”. * 5 July.: NPS - Mr & Mrs 50. * 9 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. * 12 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole - Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H Monument Usakos 11:00. * 13 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Church Parade 09:00 * 16 July.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole Delville Wood Remembrance Day. * 26 July: Bethel Cong Women’s Fellowship present “July Ladies’’with Linda van der Merwe of Channel 7. * 5 Aug.: Interkerklike gebedskring - Metodiste kerk in Kuisebmond om 09:00. * 13 Aug.: M.O.T.H. Escarpment Shellhole CentreMonthly meeting starts 19:00. *************

SWAKOPMUND * BRIDGE: Every Monday evening at 19:00 Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre - Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY: SHALOM MARKET 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 29 März.: Frauenfrühstück - 9 uhr, vormittag Haus der Jugend-Swakopmund. * 29ste Maart.: Die Kankervereniging van Namibia hou die 3de papsmeer- en borsondersoek klinkiek by Medi-clinic hospital (Swakopmund) van 8 uur die oggend tot 14h00. Bring u kamerjas en ID-dokument saam. Vir enige navrae kontak Anita Korf by 406 420 of 081 127 3782. * 18-19 April.: Kiss The Bride - Namibian Wedding Expo at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre.

18 MARCH 2014


4x4 Diet launched in Namibia Anri Jacobs An introductory Lecture on the 4x4 Diet was held in Swakopmund on Thursday at the Swakopmund Sands Hotel and Conference Room. Another interactive 4x4 Diet Seminar was conducted on 15 March. The 16 Principles of Fat Loss were presented. The staggering increase in and the related cost of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), hypertension, diabetes and obesity worldwide, Namibia included is well known. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), NCDs are estimated to cause more than 36 million, or 63%, of global deaths. A similar pattern is detectable in Namibia. The four main NCDs are cardiovascular diseases, cancers, diabetes and chronic lung diseases. The burden of these diseases in Namibia is rising disproportionately among our nation with concomitant negative impacts on our national productivity and development. The increasing burden of NCDs also imposes severe economic consequences that range from impoverishment of families to high health system costs and the weakening of our economy. The NCD epidemic is thwarting poverty reduction efforts and robbing Namibia's people of funds that could otherwise be devoted to social and economic development.

In Namibia, NCDs impede progress towards the MDGs, Vision 2013 and the NDP4 goals. In particular, becoming overweight or obese has grave economic consequences. These include the direct costs of health services and the indirect costs associated with lost economic production and individual sick days off. A study that was conducted by a Namibian Banking Institute, shows that 46.9 % of the Members of Parliament (MP's) and 37.5 % of parliamentary employees are either obese or very obese. The study also shows that about 31.3% of parliamentarians and 40.6 % of the employees have levels of blood cholesterol that is simply too high for comfort. In addition, approximately 43.8 % of the MPs and 39.1% of parliamentary employees suffer from high blood pressure. These figures seem, according to the two founders of “4x4 Life Diet" Jens Schneider and Belinda Retief, to be only the tip of the “Sugar Loaf”. Almost every family in Namibia suffers from preventable NCD's such as: high blood pressure and high levels of blood sugar fats, obesity, overweight, diabetes, fatty liver, depression and heart disease as well as sugar addiction. And most do not even know it. Jens and Belinda Retief, decided that this is about

to be changed. They continued saying, “We need to find an effective and scalable solution if the national development agenda was to be realised. We need to ask ourselves the que-stion: Why has the

Namibian population. Therefore, we would like to introduce the 4x4 Diet Life Course concept to every concerned individual or organisation at the coast. As a result, the 4x4 Diet Life Course (4hr

In the seminar and also in the eLearning modules, participants acquire a set of skills that help them to optimise their new eating habits in the long term and maintain it. We explain what a healthy diet is and

rate of obesity and diabetes in Namibia i n c r e a s e d s o uncontrollably in the last 25 years? For nearly half a century, we have been told that saturated fats are bad, are the main cause of obesity and that a healthy diet should be a low-fat diet. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fortunately, major new paradigm shifts occurred in nutritional science research since 2011 which prompted us to respond with relevant lifestyle interventions aimed at long-term weight losses and improvements in cardiovascular disease risk factors among a significant proportion of the

Seminar and/or 4 week (25hr) online eLearning), is knowledgebased and founded on the latest nutritional scientific research findings brought to the point and re-packaged for easy general consumption. To ensure maximum sustainability the 4x4 Diet Life Course was aligned with WHO Nutritional Guidelines, World Cancer Research Fund Publications and NDP4 Goals.” Founder Jens further explained, “The important aspect is that this diet is a founded on the latest evidence-based knowledge transfer using the new Media, in this case online eLearning modules (as opposed to books and other printed formats) which lends itself to instant updates as new information becomes available.” The 4x4 Diet Life Course is a truly Namibian initiative and delivers 16 Principles of sustainable fat-loss and transfers new dietary and lifestyle strategies in managing sugaraddiction to sustain a knowledge-based healthful life. They added, “We thus offer a comprehensive new way of look-ing at nutrition, health, dieting and fatloss management, not as disconnected stages unrelated to each other, but as an integrated continuum across time to ensure sustainability and long term healthfulness. In addition, the 4x4 Life Diet gives facts and knowledge to change dietary be-haviour.

confront the big sugar lie.” Schneider says, “Refined white sugar is not diet, it is a poison”, He continues: “In order to make the diet especially interesting for Namibian men, the name 4x4 Diet was decided upon, which actually comes from the 16 learning units comprising

four perspectives driven by four action motors.” The four Life Course modules address four integrative lead drivers: KNOW: Analysis of what is currently happening, the choices available. GROW: Developing skills and abilities to manage optimal nutritional wellness SHOW: Attitude of accountability in leading lifestyle of vitality. GO: Implementation and positive control of success of dieting and healthfulness. B a l a n c e d against four key contextual perspectives: Introspection: Understanding your health and diet as an individual. Nutrition: Challenging beliefs transferred by historical nutritional preconceptions. Environment: Social and environmental impact on our nutritional choices. Health: Responsible nourishment as a base for your life and the next generation. The driving force behind the 4x4 Life Diet is to help

others with a scientifically based fat reducing lifestyle diet to heal the physical and emotional causes of sugar addiction. The 4x4 diet is unique because it is the first diet driven life course , it builds on the didactic approach of" blended learning", which is a combination of so called face-to-face seminars as well as interactive online learning modules with continuous tutor coaching and support. Therefore, the 4x4 Life Course suggests that each life stage influences the next and that social, economic, and physical environments interacting across the life course have a profound impact on individual and community health. For those interested in the programme, there will also be a public lecture during the long weekend on Friday night 21 March at 17:30 and a half day workshop on Saturday 22 March from 08:30 to 12:30 at the Swakop Sands Hotel across from the Ministry of Fisheries Aquarium in Swakopmund. More information is available at: www.4x4, or send your email to: 4x4diet or phone 081 279 7769


18 MARCH 2014

Foodies invited to plate masterpieces Entries are now open for Team Namibia's Plate of Namibia Seafood Challenge 2014. Amateur Namibian cooks and food aficionados are invited to enter this high-profile competition by submitting their recipes for a three-course seafood menu via before 27 March 2014. Contestants are restricted to only using Team Namibia ingredients in their recipes to guarantee the local flavouring of their masterpieces. Culinary experts from the Namibian Chefs Association (NCA) will review all entries and select eight finalists, who will be announced at Pick n Pay Wernhill on 31 March. Each finalist will receive a voucher from Pick n Pay Namibia to purchase

their Team Namibia ingredients at Pick n Pay stores countrywide ahead of the finals. The cook-off finale will take place on Friday, 4 April from 18:00 at the Namibia Food and Wine Festival, held at the NAMPOWER Convention Centre. Teams of two will cook-off to each win one of the following prize packages, valued at N$65 000 in total: First Prizes include a N$10 000 bank account from Standard Bank Nami-

bia, an all-inclusive stay for two at the Pelican Point Lodge, Walvis Bay and a Meat & Vegetable Course at Polytechnic of Namibia. The Second Prizes include a N$3 500 bank account from Standard Bank Namibia, a stay for two at the Olive Grove Guesthouse, Windhoek and a Bakery & Dessert Course at Polytechnic of Namibia. The Third Prizes include a N$1 500 bank account from Standard Bank Namibia, a 4-course

dinner for two at The Olive Restaurant in Windhoek and a Menu Course at Polytechnic of Namibia. In true UUKUMWE style, finalists will collaborate in teams of two at the grand finale. As an added bonus, each team will be assigned a professional chef to help them perfect their plates for the judging panel consisting of Ralf Herrgott Chef Lecturer at Polytechnic Hotel School, Fortune Kangueehi MasterChef South Africa Finalist and David Thomas Head Chef Lyon de Sables and Namibia Chef of the Year 2010, 2011 and 2013. Lizette Foot, CEO of Team Namibia commented: “Popular cooking shows such as Master-

chef have created a new movement in food appreciation around the world, and through this competition we aim to inspire consumers to enjoy the wide variety of Namibian ingredients. This year's competition is themed a Seafood Challenge to raise awareness of our local seafood alternatives as part of our vision to make Namibian products and services part of everyday life�. Contestants must include their full contact details with their recipes which can be emailed to info@ or faxed to 061 307 248. More information is available on

Ralf Herrgott

Fortune Kangueehi

David Thomas


18 MARCH 2014



MANUFACTURING OF MOVABLE SEATING STANDS 1. Tenders are hereby invited for the manufacturing of movable seating stands 2. The following documentation shall accompany the tender document: 路 Certificate of Fitness 路 Certificate of Good Standing with Social Security Commission 路 Certificate of registration with Receiver of Revenue for VAT purposes 3. Tender documents are obtainable from cashiers at the, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Telephone +264 64-201 3327, at a price of N$115.00 per set, (15% VAT included). Enquiries: - Mr M.Jansen, Room 108, Telephone +264-64-201 3259 and e-mail 4. The tender clarification meeting, followed by a site inspection, is to take place at 09:00 on Friday 2014-03-28 in Room 120 (Dolphin conference room) of the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. 5. Tenders, completed and accompanied by all required supporting documentation as described in the documents, must be delivered to the Tender Board before 11:00 on Friday 2014-04-04 For convenience, a Tender Box in the foyer of the Civic Centre may be used for the deposition of tenders. 6. Tenders will be opened in the presence of tenderer's representatives who choose to attend in Room 120 (Dolphin Conference Room) of the Civic Centre directly after the closing of tenders.

J A J KRUGER Secretary Tender Board NOTICE NO: 18/2014


18 MARCH 2014

Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Assistant Stock Control Officer Walvis Bay Purpose of the position: • Assist in complete control over the receiving, storage and distribution functions of stock Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years' experience in stock control The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • MS Office literate Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English and Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate • Honest Key performance areas: • Overseeing the correct handling and storage of all stock items • Customer contact and care • Administrative completion of relevant documentation • Complete and maintain all stock price tickets • Regular sectional stock takes • General maintenance and tidiness of all store areas Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: Elmar de Jager Nictus (Pty) Ltd E-mail: Closing date: 25 March 2014 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.


18 MARCH 2014


met 5 motorhuise en 2 woonstelle kan aansoek doen vir besigheids regte. Prys 1.8 miljoen Skakel


0812441342 of

WALVIS BAY 20 4505

Nonnidas Castle:

For enquries please contact: Piet Coetzee 081 124 2242 Zirk Coetzee 081 200 3542 Xico Coetzee 081 148 0480 Office: 061 259 607

2 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 gar. N$5720. (Excl. W/e) Central: 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 2 gar. N$8000. P.m (Excl. W/e) 2 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage. 100 m from the beach! N$6600. P.m (Excl. w/e) Rossmund Town houses available between N$6600 - N$8000 (Excl. W/e)


URGENT!!! Needed: Property furnished / unfurnished for qualified companies and individuals!

Lené Hoffmann (+264) 81 143 8885 reception@susancurtis www.susancurtisestates. com


own courtyard, boundary

walls N$ 699 000-00 Claudia 0811277783

Walvis Bay 064-202788

FLATS TO LET : Meersig Bachelor flat+ garage – N$3500.00 1 Bed flats –N$4070.00 2 Bed house N$4015.00 Fairways 2 Bed flat – Tamar Village – N$5445.00 Town 2 Bed flat in 18th rd N$4015.00 2 Bed flats in Hermis from N$4950.00 and upwards 2 Bed flat – area behind Old age home N$4470.00 2 Bed flat – Nixter Court – N$4800.00 Moira 081 147 6475


To let To let To let To let To let

KUISEBMUND NEW development 3 bed, 2 bath house with kitchen, lounge, garage

Urgently looking for Property to buy or sell For our cash & preapproved clients in Narraville, Kuisebmund & Walvis Bay: Claudia 0811277783

IYALOO COURT ARANDIS 2 bed, 1 bath house with open plan kitchen / living area. Outside bbq & parking area. Safe & secure complex. FROM N$ 435 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Manie 0813179334


SOLE MANDATE: Walvis Bay Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath apartments

with dressing room, balcony, lounge, sitting room & kitchen. N$ 1 150 000-00 Claudia 0811277783

WALVIS BAY New Development – near completion. 56m² 2 bed, 1 bath unit in complex on ground floor with private courtyard. Underroof parking. N$ 635 000-00 WALVIS BAY - FAIRWAYS Safe, secure complex. 99m² 2 bed, 1 bath unit with open plan kitchen/ lounge. N$ 860 000-00 WALVIS BAY - MEERSIG EXT - 1 1007m² Vacant erven N$ 1 300 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518


nevillesmith@cfs Tel: 064- 412 320 To let To let To let To let To let

Walvis Bay - Hermis – 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single. N$5500 - Fairways – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen /lounge, indoor bbq, double garage. N$11 000 - Meersig – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$8920 - Narraville – 1 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge. N$2750 - Narraville – 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge. N$3500 INDUSTRIAL - Warehouse – 230m2 – N$11 000.00 - Warehouse – 173m2 – N$10 220.00 - Warehouse – 261m2 – N$14 760.00 - Warehouse – 380m2 (Yard 1000m²) N$16 000 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Alda – 081 2555 481 / Nadia – 081 274 5081 Office - 064 - 272580


Walvis Bay 064-202788

INDUSTRIAL TO LET : Warehouse with offices and ablution – 2500sqm Warehouse with 2 floors & offices – 1st floor 722m² ground floor 962m² Warehouse with offices – 995.00sqm ALL FOR N$35.00 / m² FLATS IN NARRAVILLE 1 Beds from N$2750.00 2 Bed from N$3250.00 Moira 081 147 6475


1600m² Hotel; 14 Bedrooms Bar; Kitchen Inside Restaurant & Outside Restaurant Outside Buildings Also on Auction 60 Erven – Saturday 22 March 2014 @ 12H00 60 Erven – Saturday, 19 April 2014 @ 12H00 Not Sold – Erven Auction – Saturday 27 December 2014 @ 12H00 Beautiful riverfront ervens Prices range between N$250 000.00 – N$400 000.00 Auction Conditions: N$30 000.00 Deposit per erven N$15 000.00 + VAT buyers commission on each erven payable at closure of bid View photos & map outlay on our website:

130m² available immediately @ N$ 7730.00 excluding VAT LONGBEACH WITH A STUNNING VIEW Brand new 3 bedroom units with tandem garage available immediately @ N$8000.000 p.m. For further enquiries call: Dianne 0812396323

3 bedr, 2 bathr, 1 garage3 N$6600 (Excl. W/e)

DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND FARMS FOR SALE!!!! *OUTJO DISTRICT Fully developed Hunting Farm!! With lots of game (14 giraffes incl) 1 hrs drive from Outjo 3106ha Price N$10,920,000 Web Ref - 652966 *AROAB DISTRICT Size 7122ha 1,400ha game fenced 24 camps, 4 boreholes 4 bedr house All implements, 2,800 sheep + goats can be bought separately Price: N$9,288,000 Web Ref - 643566 DIETER 0853028813 DICKSON - 0855886222 DAPHNE 0811299799

SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE IN OCEAN VIEW The millionaires dream!!! Exquisite triple storey house with 5 bedrooms, 5 en-suite bathrooms, huge open-plan lounge / kitchen / dining room, 3 times entertainment areas, sea view from all bedrooms! 6 garages, outbuilding, separate washing room, heated swimming pool AND MUCH MORE!! Come see for yourself ONLY serious buyers to view the property, Price N$ 5.5 million (Cost excluded) negotiable Registered Contact: Neville Smith Email:

WALVIS BAY 20 4505 TO LET FULLY FURNISHED HOUSES 2 Bedrooms single garage ,ground floor unit with private garden @ N$13500.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 garages, available immediately @ N$14500 3 Bedrooms, 4 garages plus bachelor flat @ N$22000 For further enquiries call: Dianne 0812396323

To let To let To let To let To let PROPERTY IS WEALTH

Walvis Bay 064-202788

FOR SALE For the Beginner 2 bed,1 bath, kitchen, 1 garage N$ 640 000.00 New Development Close to the Lagoon, 2 x bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, 1 garage, courtyard. N$ 880 000.00 House 3 bed, 1 bath, lounge, kitchen,3 garages & Flat 1 bedroom, huge yard needs TLC N$ 1 300 000.00 Contact Ruth 0812407350 Karien 0812504690 Jackie 0812463590 Hettie 0812704333



TO LET: Free standing houses from N$11 000( Excl. W/e)


TO LET: Sunny two bedroom flat with garage and garden. N$4500 + Deposit (Excl. Water and elect) Contact: 081 607 4324.


TO LET WALVIS BAY CENTRAL WITH PRIVATE GARDEN 2 Bedroom ground floor unit, single garage, available immediately @ N$6000.00

To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let

To let To let To let To let To let

To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS 1 BEDROOM FLAT 1 Bedroom, bathroom,kitchen/ loungeFurnished. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320

WALVIS BAY Industrial 10 000m² plot selling for N$ 11 000 000.00 3350m² plot selling for N$3 685 000-00 Claudia 081 127 7783.


HOUSE TO LET OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, Dining room. Inside Braai. 2 x Garages. Alarm, prepaid electricity. Water not included. N$10 000.00 Call: 081 129 7093.

To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To let To


Waterfront N$ 10 000-00 Walking distance from the ocean, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, geust toilet, indoor BBQ, open-plan kitchen/living area. Immedatly Available CENTRAL TOWN N$ 5 500-00 2 Bedroom, 1bathroom, flat in a complex. Tandem Garage. Available in January 2014 No Pets and no children. WATERFRONT N$13 400-00 3 Bedroom, 2Bathrooms, open-plan Kitchen with double garage close to the ocean Fully Furnished,big yard Ocean view N$ 11 200-00 Old 3 bedroom house with extra rooms Big open-plan BBQ area and kitchen Living room, 2 bathrooms, 3 garages, high walls and a garden MYL 4 N$ 8 800-00 2 Bedroom 2 bathroom townhouse in a secure complex, Fully furnished and including water, lights alarm and DSTV. This townhouse has a small courtyard as well and a garage. MANNY: 081 141 5000.

FLAT TO LET PRIAR DE LACOSTA (LONG BEACH): To let as from 1 April 2014. in a secure complex 2x Bedrooms with builtin cupboards 2x bathrooms, double garages, built-in stove and cupboards and a Balcony with Braai place. Price: N$5700.00 including water and pre-paid Electricity. Contact: 081 386 6706.


PRIVAAT TE KOOP: Groot 3slaapkamer huis

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE Swakopmund Tamariskia Plot and Plan for Sale. 3 Bedroom house with garage and 2 bathrooms, B/C’s for only N$980,000.00 (costs excluded) DON’T DELAY Contact Neville Smith Email: nevillesmith@cfsnami Tel: 064 - 412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017

FLAT TO RENT Central Town Swakopmund: Fully furnished flat, very nice area and secured. 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, big kitchen and garage. Balcony. Water included, electricity excluded. N$12 000.00 per month. Contact: 081 810 3498.


HOUSE FOR SALE OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen - Dining room, Inside Braai, 2 x Garages. N$1 850 000.00 Call: 081 129 7093.

FLAT TO RENT: Longbeach 3 slaapkamer, 2½ badkamer. Dubbel garage. Kombuis. Binne braai / buite braai. Klein Yard. N$5800.00 p/m Water & ligte uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 142 6160.


FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house for sale, bathroom, kitchen(bic + stove), lounge, garage plus 2x one bedroom flats in Mondesa. Contact: 081 270 9534



WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL 10 000m² plot selling for N$ 11 000 000-00 3350m² plot selling for N$ 3 685 000-00 CLAUDIA 0811277783

SWAKOPMUND – OCEAN VIEW JJ Luxury Villa 44 x Modern 3 bed (205m²) townhouses! N$ 1 600 000-00 ea. Buy now & secure your holiday home. Gogga 0818709950 Manie 0813179334


18 MARCH 2014


PROPERTY TIMES FLAT TO RENT: Walvis Bay 1 bedroom flat with an open lunch kitchen in town. Cost N$ 4000.00 water inclusive. Contact details: 081 124 3374 or 081 247 5023.

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET HAGE HEIGHTS 1 BEDROOM FLAT 1 Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen/ lounge. Furnished. W&L included. No garage. N$3,900-00 IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 MTN PROPERTIES ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMET TOWN HOUSES 2bedrooms bic,bathroom Open-plan kitchen bic Parking area N$435 000.00 AMARISKIA Sectional title 1bedroom, bathroom open plan-kitchen N$500 000.00 Plots from: N$396 000.00 KRAMERSDORF General business plot 1500m2 N$1.7mil HENTIES BAY EXT 4 Plots from N$145 000.00 Malakia Cell: 081 297 7253 Email: Malakiaproperties@yah

FLAT TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Town Bathroom ( shower + toilet) Open plan kitchen. Water and Electricity included. N$3500.00p/m N$3500.00deposit (can be negotiated) Contact: Dennis Hendry 081 480 0272 081 280 2328.

Bachelor flat to rent Tamariskia number 448 Kwaartslaan Flat with open plan kitchen. N$3000.00 Water and electricity included. Cell: 081 340 0014. Mays Trading CC For Sale Dolphyn Beach, House N$ 2,3 million Brand new 3 bedrooms,3 bathrooms ,kitchen, spacious open plan lounge with indoor braai, 4 remote garages ,entertainment area, guest toilet ,tiled roof, interlocked, boundary walls Walvis Bay,House,N$ 1590 000 3 bedrooms, bathroom, spacious kitchen ,lounge, office, entertainment area with braai, Beautiful garden,2 garages, huge erf .Plus bachelor flat with built-inkitchen cupboards Langstrand Extension 2, Erf,N$550 000 582m2,boundary walls New Industrial erf,N$ 10 000 000 10 000 m2 New industrial Erf,N$6 930 000 6600m2 (N$1050 per/m2) New Industrial Erf,N$4,2million 4200m2,Boundary walls ,Newly built office space Plot & Plan ,fairways,N$1560 000 3 bedrooms,2 bathrooms , openplan kitchen with granite toppings and lots of built-in-cupboards, Lounge with indoor braai , Double remote garage ,interlocks, boundary walls Narraville,flats N$1050 000 House renovated into 5 flats 1x 2 bedroom,bathroom,kitche n 4x 1 bedroom flat,bathroom ,kitchen Income N$12 000 Fairways,House,N$2 200 000 Lounge, diningroom, entrance hall, modern kitchen,office,3bedrooms ,2 bathrooms, guest toilet, Tv room with indoor braai, Jacuzzi room, laundary with staff toilet ,double remote garage, boundary walls Walvis Bay Flats 2bedrooms,lounge,kitche n,garage,laundary,N$ 750 000 1bedroom,lounge,kitchen ,garage,N$700 000 Contact:Tracey: 081 302 3806. Mounien:081 860 1938. Email:

TO RENT: 114 sqm modern tiled office / retail space to rent in Sam Nujoma Ave. For further information please Call 064-204745 0813420000 LOOKING TO BUY: Pre - approved family of four urgently looking for a house to buy in Walvis Bay. Preferably in the following areas: Narraville / Town / Hermis / Meersig or Lagoon Price range: N$900 000.00 to N$ 1 100 000.00 Contact: 081 318 0753. EXCLUSIVE AND ELITE ESTATES TO LET VINETA Free standing house 3 bedrooms Rent per month N$ 7,200.00 CENTER TOWN Flat 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms Rent Per Month N$ 7,200.00 FOR SALE MILE 4-town house 3 bedrooms 2 1/2 bathrooms N$ 1,650 000.00 MONDESA 3 bedroom Big yard N$ 1,350 000.00 Diana Mc Clune Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com


TO RENT: W A LV I S B A Y W O R K S H O P / WAREHOUSE 370m2 Light Industrial with offices. Parking area 650m2 . Secure border walls. Immediately available. N$14 500.00 p/m. Mobile 081 303 8987. TE HUUR 2x Woonstelle Swakopmund, Vineta: Altwee: 1 slaapkamer + badkamer + toilet, kombuis en sitkamer. Ten volle gemeubeleurd. Een is N$3000.00 en die ander is N$4000.00. Deposito word ook gevra. Water en krag ingelsuit. Kontak: 081 429 2790 TO RENT TOWN HOUSE MONDESA PALM COURT: 2 bedrooms(BIC), build in stove, BBQ, Alarm, 2 bathrooms, single garage, interlocks. N$4700.00p/m + deposit. Water included, prepaid electricity. Available as from 1 April 2014 Contact: 081 292 8656 081 281 0268 TO LET: in Walvis Bay 6th street no 69 B(near Venus Shopping Centre) Large 1 Bedroom Flat (BIC). Open plan kitchen(BIC). Lounge / tv room, full Bathroom, remote garage, alarm, outdoor bbq, own entrance. Approved tenants only. No pets. 12month contract. N$ 4500.00 p/m + deposit. Excludes water, pre-paid electricity. Immediately Available. Contact:081 249 0295 / 081 423 9200.

Swakopmund Ocean

TO LET: Are you looking for property to rent in Swakopmund? Let us do the searching for you! Contact: Martina Neef Estates 081 124 3885.

CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE RESIDENTIAL ERVEN NEAR MILE 4 Property is a great INVESTMENT! There are still nice, spacious plots available in Swakopmund’s upmarket area not far from the beach. Buy either plot & plan for approx. N$1.4 mil or plot only from as low as N$395 000 (costs and commission excluded) SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW SPAR BARGAIN PLOT FOR SALE!!! MILE 4 Near Spar Supermarket Only N$650,000.00 For 875m² Commission Excl. DON'T DELAY! Contact Neville Smith Email: nevillesmith@cfsnamibi Tel: 064 - 412 320 Cell: 085 370 7017

LOOKING TO BUY: Cash buyer is looking for house / apartment with sea view at Longbeach, Dolphin Beach, Eco Village or Walvis Bay Lagoon: 2 / 3 bedrooms; 2 bath / shower; BBQ; Garages Max N$ 1.5mil. Contact: Leon 081 124 6722 E-mail: na Anita - 081 272 9733 E-mail:

View Bargain Plot for sale Near Spar Supermarket Only N$685 000 875m² (Commission excluded) Don’t Delay! Residential Erven Near Mile 4 Affordable plots!! price as low as N$395 000 (cost and commission excluded) Tamariskia Plot and Plan for sale 3bedroom with garage and 2bathrooms BIC for only N$980 000 (cost excluded) Don't Delay! Cell: 085 370 7017 Tell: 064 412 320 Email: LOOKING TO RENT: Soek n garage om te huur in Lagoon / Venus omgewing. Kontak: 081 270 4297 081 223 7991 FLAT TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom with bic, open plan kitchen / lounge, bathroom Rent: N$2300 + N$2300 deposit. Available immediately. Contact: 081 233 3779 081 712 6163.

Please Note!! Due to the public holiday this coming Thursday 20 March 2014 closing time for classifieds will be Wednesday morning 10:00.

TO LET NARRAVILLE Bachelor flat N$2800.00 W/L Incl ARANDIS 4bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen, Lounge. Dining room N$3500.00 W/ Incl L/ Excl TAMARISKIA Bachelor flat N$2800.00 W/L Incl Preferably man only. MAHETAGO Bachelor flat N$2700.00 W/ Incl Pre-paid electricity MONDESA Flats: 1bedroom bic, bathroom, kitchen and lounge N$2900.00 W/Incl 1bedroom bic, bathroom, open-plan kitchen N$3300.00 W/Incl All Dep- required Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@yah

Swakopmund Office: SHENE Tel: 461866 E-mail:

Walvis Bay Office: SHADEEN Tel: 205854 E-mail:


18 MARCH 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

NOTICES RIAAN (BILLY) SAMARIA BRITE please settle your account with Howard Sholtz. Failure to settle the account will lead to the selling of a black GTI Golf Reg. Contact: H. Scholtz 081 129 1460.


LOST Iphone (round) About 20 / 02 / 2014 Reward offer Contact: 081 122 5256

TRAINING INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT TRAINING: Obtain excellent management skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: Elmarie 081 764 2090 / 081 632 8999. INTENSIVE PERSONAL ASSISTANT TRAINING: Obtain excellent personal assistant skills. Includes the following: - Framed Certificate - Light Lunch - Practical exercise - Free study guide. Improve yourself! Education is the key to success. Contact: Elmarie 081 764 2090 / 081 632 8999.


TRAINING OPTIMUS TRAINING Bookkeeping Training: Basic - N$950 (Cashbook, Debtors, Creditors and Reconciliations) Advance - N$950 (GL Accounts, Vat & Import Vat, Trial Balance and Reconciliations) Accounting - N$950 (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflow & Forecasts)


SALON BLISS: Tanning N$60.00 / session. Nails (Gel & Acrylic) From N$180.00. Mani’s & Pedi’s. N$180.00. Eyelash Extensions. N$300.00. Earpiercings. N$180.00. Waxing (Back, Chest, Underarm, Arms, Legs, Eyebrows and Bikini) SPECIALS....... February: Pedi’s - N$120.00. March: Eyelash Extensions N$250.00. April: Gel Overlays N$150.00. Contact:

Charmaine Smith 081 610 3023 064-205842.


W/Bay - R/Both N$ 200.00 W/Bay - Whk N$ 180.00 SWK - R/Both N$180.00 SWK - Windhoek N$ 170.00 r/BOTH - HENTIES N$ 270.00 HENTIES - WHK N$ 250.00 r/BOTH - HENTIES N$ 270.00

EXTRA CLASSES: Grade 5 - 9 Helps with reading homework as well. Contact: 081 427 2430.

For your anique requirements at the coast please Contact: Luise Reimann 081 200 3375.



PICK A BARGAIN We buy and sell second hand furniture & household appliances We repair all household appliances: Freezers Stoves Washing machines Air conditioners etc. And installations. *ELS: 081 255 5809 *GUTS: 081 259 3175

TRUCK TO RENT with Driver and Helpers. Nationwide. - Furniture Removal - Garden Refuse - Building Rubble - Office Removals You name it and we’ll do it. Open 7 days a week. Contact us on 081 649 3676.

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. CELL: 081 201 7887. M. E. P PLUMBING CC New installation, leakage, plumbing maintenance, geyser nd all other plumbing work. Contact: 081 373 9534. J.T’s Building Maintenance Renovations & Welding Works For all your Building Maintenance and Repairs Roof Repairs and Sealing Steel Gates, - Fencing and Burglar bars Bull-, Tow Bars, Runner Boards and Trallies Braais and Braai Equipment. Contact: Tiaan Pretorius 081 323 1671.

FORMATION INVESTMENT cc Forming the Namibian Nation - Pre-Fabricated mobile units - Landscaping - Pine Fencing - Renovations - Building of houses - Plumbing - Tiling - Paving - Partitioning Julian van Wyk (Manager) Cell: 081 407 9820 Email: CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 15 Ton P&H Crane N$320,000.00

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at www.kitchenelegance

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”



Cell: 0813944026 FOR SALE: Xbox 360 250 gb 14 games 2 controls N$7 000.00 Contact: 081 867 4263.

FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5L, GDI V6, 1999, 5 door, 4x4, Automatic, Petrol. KM 297,000. In good running condition. N$60,000. Call 0812 332148. FOR SALE: Landcruiser V6 Single Cab 2012. 40,000km, petrol, beige. Excellent condition, as new. Private sale N$345,000. Call 0812 757196 FOR SALE: V.W. Golf 1.4 Velocity 2008 Model. Baie goeie toestand. 71 000km. Prysklas: N$55 000 not negotiable. Contact Henk: 081 667 2714.

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

WEDDING GOWN FOR SALE: White, beaded boob tube. A-cemetric wedding gown. Size 14 for sale. Please Contact: 081 347 0693.

SERVICES FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved *Building, Plumbing and Electrical *Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. *Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. *We also MOVE-ITALL (Furniture or Rumble)

Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

081 207 7651

FOR SALE: We quee for you. -Vehicle registrations -Roadworthy -Licenses. Contact: 081 611 8834.

FOR SALE: 2.6i E x c l u s i v e Combi Spotless in perfect condition With RWC N$90 000.00. 081 638 6300. FOR SALE: 14-seater Quantum 2.5D. 2010 model. 230km. Contact: 081 170 0992. FOR SALE: 2002 Opel Zafira. Aircon, Electric windows, powersteering. Very clean. Engine needs little attention. MAKE AN OFFER. Cell: 081 697 8626. Te koop: 7 x 12r 22.5. nuwe retread bande. N$12 600.00 Vat ingesluit. Kontak: 081 129 3548. FOR SALE/SWOP Nissan D/C Canopy: Aluminium camping canopy (African Outback) to swop for your fibreglass canopy or for sale N$ 10,500.00 Phone 081 127 2402 or 403 666.

Kontak: Fanie: 0813944026 Rigardt: 0813193970

Fishing Trailer Now on a discount Special N$18,000.00


Bay-Route Shuttle Services operate on an hourly basis Between Airports-WB-Dolphin/ Longbeach-Swkp In a 24 hour day ØDoor-to-Door Pick-ups ØCity Tours ØAirport Transfers ØGroup & Special Event Transportation ØStudent & Pensioner Specials

Staff transportation as of March 1st. N$1200 p/p monthly transporting staff from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund and return in the afternoon. Departing Walvis Bay at 07am in the morning and again at 17h20pm from Swakopmund. Bookings are essential to secure your seat. Need a quick pick-me-up at a cheap rate, where safety is still the main priority? Give us a call!!

I buy Gold for cash. Ek koop Goud. Contact 081 613 2647

FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:

PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

HAIR & BEAUTY BRAZILIAN KERATIN TREATMENT N$800-00 15% Discount from Monday to Friday Appointment @ 081 625 9407


18 MARCH 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR



CLASSES: VERF Extra classes for Grade 8 Daklek / skade / oordoen till 12. Homework for preVerf, seel, herstel en primary. oordoen van dakke en Subject: Mure Accounting, Geskrewe Waarborg en Mathematics, Grati kwotasies ! Economics and 081 454 6870. Business Studies. Alle bouwrke, herstelwerk Did you fail the above en instandhouding van subjects and you want to huise en geboue. improve it??? Inspeksie verslae. For your registration 081 454 6870 contact or sms us: ALLE WERKE KRY 081 287 0821 ONS GESKREWE 081 719 2694. WAARBORG!! Places booked for 2014 are "NATS DRIVING limited SCHOOL SPECIALS PRIVATE TUTOR We offer driving lessons CLASSES: for only N$89.00 per Morning & Evening: hour. Swakopmund and - Microsoft Office 2013 Walvis Bay ONLY. James N$500.00 081 155 5500 or 081 209 - Pastel Accounting & 5555” Bookkeeping SWAKOP PAWN SHOP N$1000.00 QUICK CASH - Business Management 9, Mandume Ya N$500.00 Ndemufayo Street, Andy: Swakopmund 081 202 7603 Please contact: 081 287 7427 RIANA: 081 239 2861 VALIRY: 081 444 8579


DR ROBERT LUA: Solutions for: Livestock, house, remove tokoloshi, wtich craft, protection, lost lovers, love charm, relationship, marriage, pregnancies / infertility, irregular or loss of menstruation period, male weak erections, enlargement, body slimming, work and business promotions, bad luck, education (memory), court cases, win gambling and tenders, nightmare (bad dream), protection from being fired at work. Diseases like blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, poor vision and tears from the eyes, swelling of stomach and feet. Adults above 70-years and kids below 5-years free treatment. Contact: 081 857 0100. VERF Daklek / skade / oordoen Verf, seel, herstel en oordoen van dakke en Mure Geskrewe Waarborg en Grati kwotasies ! 081 454 6870. Alle bouwrke, herstelwerk en instandhouding van huise en geboue. Inspeksie verslae. 081 454 6870 ALLE WERKE KRY ONS GESKREWE WAARBORG!!

Road fury Shuttle Services & New Shuttle Services Between Walvis- RHB Days Sundays at 14h00 from RHB- Walvis Mondays- 08h00 from Walvis to RHB Wednesday 08h00 from RHB -Walvis and 14h00 from Walvis -Rhb Friday 08h00 from RHBWalvis and 14h00 from Walvis to RHB Contact 081 291 1551 081 344 3794

DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs. New / Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius: 081 212 2541. TRANSPORT: 4-TON LORRIE beskikbaar vir - Huistrekke - Rommel - Tuinvullis Skakel: 081 149 7313. BEKOSTIGBARE BEGRAFNIS DIENSTE Ek bied u begrafnispolisse vanaf so laag as N$22 pm en ook bekostig-bare lewens versekerings-polisse. Sms my by 081 122 0040 as u belangstel en ‘n maandelikse inkomste van meer as N$2000 pm het e ek sal u skakel. Voorwaardes geld.

SERVICES COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai - Hentiesbaai. Kontak:081 618 2217.

Road fury Shuttle Services & New Shuttle Services Between Walvis- RHB Days Sundays at 14h00 from RHB- Walvis Mondays- 08h00 from Walvis to RHB Wednesday 08h00 from RHB -Walvis and 14h00 from Walvis -Rhb Friday 08h00 from RHBWalvis and 14h00 from Walvis to RHB Contact 081 291 1551 081 344 3794 for bookings BAYJOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or E-mail: m

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: DR ROBERT LUA: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Solutions for: Cleaning Contracts For Livestock, house, remove Offices / Shops / Factories / tokoloshi, wtich craft, Body Corporates Etc. protection, lost lovers, love Once Off Cleaning For c h a r m , r e l a t i o n s h i p , Houses / Flats & Buildmarriage, pregnancies / ings Before And After infertility, irregular or loss Occupation. of menstruation period, - Exterior Spray Cleaning male weak erections, - E x t e r i o r W a l l s O f e n l a r g e m e n t , b o d y Buildings / Flats / Houses s l i m m i n g , w o r k a n d All Our Cleaning Procebusiness promotions, bad dures Are Done UNDER luck, education (memory), SUPERVISION court cases, win gambling By Owner Or Supervisor. and tenders, nightmare (bad CONTACT: dream), protection from COENIE BRAND being fired at work. 081 129 7988 D i s e a s e s l i k e b l o o d JENNY BRAND pressure, asthma, diabetes, 081 148 5036 poor vision and tears from OFFICE 205036 the eyes, swelling of NO 3 LAGOON stomach and feet. STREET Adults above 70-years and FAX 220878 kids below 5-years free EMAIL FINANCE treatment. AZWVB@IWAY.NA Contact: EMAIL OPERATIONS 081 857 0100. AZC@IWAY.NA

CLASSES PRIVATE TUTOR CLASSES: Morning & Evening: - Microsoft Office 2013 N$500.00 - Pastel Accounting & Bookkeeping N$1000.00 - Business Management N$500.00 Andy: 081 202 7603 081 287 7427

EVENTS FRAUENFRÜHSTÜCK 29.März 2014 9 Uhr Vormittag Haus der JugendSwakopmun Thema: Denke wie ein Mann, handle wie eine Frau Tickets/Karten N$40.00(Gemeindebüro)

SERVICES COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai - Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217. Want to safe (20%25%0 Petrol / Diesel by using XFT. Anybody, eg. People, Companies, churches & schools can join th e business. Contact: 081 432 4384 WEDDING & EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY. Contact Charl: 081 470 3919 Tel: 081 470 3919. E-mail: Webs:

TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL CC: GoTV Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month’s viewing all for only N$499.00. · DSTV installations · Decoder testing · Move of dish · Fault finding or extra TV points · TV’S, Hi-Fi’s, DVD players and a lot more. · Stock Fabulous Aire & Fragrances that Purify, Revitalise, Humidify and refresh the air that we breathe. · Photo copies · Faxes · Internet facilities · Game zone - come and play playstation 3 and Xbox games instore. · Recharge vouchers. Multichoice accredited installer. We are in Libertina Amathila Str. (Opposite Multichoice Office). Visit our website at: www.tvlinkandelectrical.c om

Phone TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL at 064-406032 or 406097 Swakopmund.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

GARDENING FOR SALE PALM TREES FOR SALE WERE N$150.00 NOW N$50.00 Swakopmund 0811246227 / 0811273100.

Palms of sale Fern tree palms 6 years old now in 120 ltr containers Can dig and plant for Buyer. 081 638 6300. OFF-ROAD TRAILER FOR SALE: Built in 50 litre water tank, slide for Engel fridge (excl. fridge), fittings for gas bottle and jerry cans. N$25 000. Call Rodney Cell 0813518555

VACANCY Experienced maintenance plumber needed. Be in possession of a valid driver license. No criminal record No chancers. Tel: 064 202923 081 129 2923

CLASSES CLASSES: Extra classes for Grade 8 till 12. Homework for preprimary. Subject: Accounting, Mathematics, Economics and Business Studies. Did you fail the above subjects and you want to improve it??? For your registration contact or sms us: 081 287 0821 081 719 2694. Places booked for 2014 are limited

HAIR & BEAUTY Quality Brazilian hair for sale (200g) Body wave and straight 10" - 1100 12" - 1250 14" - 1400 16" - 1600 18" - 1800 20" - 1900 22" - 1950 24" - 2050 26" - 2400 Method of payment: cash, 2 month installment or lay bye Contact no: 0812031923 Swakopmund

CARS FOR SALE: 2007 VW Golf GTI with ful service History. Car is kitted with a D.S.G gearbox, black leather interior, sunroof, music system, aircon and 18” Alloy wheels. Red in colour with 100 000 genuine km. Engine recently rebuild and carries a 1 year Guarantee. Car is accident free and in immediate condition. Price: N$140 000.00 Cell Danny: 081 432 3269. TE KOOP: 3234 mercedes benz 12 kubiek tipper truck. Good condition. N$280 000.00 PLUS VAT. CONTACT: 081 129 3548. FOR SALE: Toyota Yaris (Spirit) 2006 73,500 kms White Owner Full service record N$ 75,000.00 Contact: 0811240156. FOR SALE: 2007 Toyota Hilux D4D 2,5 L Single Cab 2x4 143 000 km N$128 000.00 Contact: 081 220 4974.

CARS FOR SALE: 1994 VW Golf 3 1800 engine. Well maintained. N$26 000.00 Contact: 081 273 5330 CAR FOR SALE 2012 VW Polo 1.6 15 400km(very low) Contact: 081 634 0005. For sale: Cam leo 2010 model double cab low mileage ful service record very Good condition Price: N$120 000.00 neg Contact 081 279 5391. FOR SALE: Opel Zafira, petrol 1.6i, silver. Quick sale. 7 Seater, 5 Speed Manual (N$43 000)neg 60 000 km Air conditioning, Electric windows, High adjustable, drivers seat, folding rear seats, power steering, central locking driver / passenger air bags. Excellent condition for family car. Contact: 081 122 3263 081 686 9771. FOR SALE: 2006 Tata Indica 1.5i N$55 000.00 Contact: 081 867 4263.


FOR SALE: Beekman Canopy for sale to fit Toyota d4d double cab, white. N$7500.00 Call: 081 200 4722 FOR SALE: 2005 Mazda 3. Dynamic 1.6i. 111000km. N$50 000.00. To view contact: 081 671 8366. TE KOOP: Toyota Vitz 1.3. 9000km petrol, Silver. Excellent condition, as new. Private sale N$ 73 000.00. Call: 081 270 8005. FOR SALE: 2006 Citroen C4 VTS,2L 92 000km N$ 90 000.00(neg.) Contact Martin: 081 659 7382.

IT VACANCY SALES RESPRESENTATIVE (Post in Swakopmund -Self motivated male/female -Grade 12 + Tertiary -Knowledge of IT Hardware -Namibian Citizen - Prepared to start immediately Details on remuneration and duties will be disclosed to short listed candidates

Mail CV’s to FOR SALE: Welcome driver stove No.8 Closing date: in reasonable working 20 March 2014 condition. N$ 4500.00(neg) A Christian organisation To view Contact: is looking for the 064 461 522 following to start immediately: FOR SALE: 1. 1x Keyboard player Second hand meranti 6 panel garage door with 2. 1x Guitar player DC blue electrical motor 3. 1x Drumset player Criteria: & fittings. FOR SALE: - Must be a born again Voetstoots sale. 2004 Nissan 2.4 D/Cab. Christian Contact: 160 000ikm. - Must be Swakopmund 081 467 4124. Aircon, canopy, towbar, Resident b/bar, r/bar, magrims. - Salary payable end of TO HIRE: Metallic Green.Good months 6m Container to rent condition.No rust. Contact: Phone Riana Price: N$88 000.00 neg. 081 236 9028 064 209 166. Contact: 081 228 1319. 081 227 9436



18 MARCH 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

ACCOMMODATION Selfsorg woonstelle in Strand vanaf R350 per nag. Veilige parkering. DSTV. Navrae: 0827889315 SA nommer Mail:

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: Looking for a job. I have grade 12, 10 years Administrative experience, computer literate with code B drivers licence. I am reliable, trustworthy, and can start immediately. Can work under pressure. Contact: 081 731 7646. CODLA: I am a woman of peace, love strength and honesty who is looking for a job. Monday to Friday or Saturday. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 724 1470.




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


Vacancy: Storeperson Requirements: Computer literate - MS Word & Excel; Excellent command of English language; Sound organizational & communication skills; Code B Driver's licence. Duties: Daily running of workshop; Purchases; Quotations; Deliveries. Suitable candidates to mail comprehensive CV's to;; Fax to 0886 20278 or deliver to Shop 4 Grand Avenue.

Coatings Foreman/ Site foreman * Minimum 3 years’ experience.

Vacancy Refrigeration Technician

Responsibilities include * Site administration, * Supervision of site crew * Safety & quality control * Must be willing to work away from home Also looking for a; Level 1, Level 2, & Level 3 Rope Access * Must have valid Certification IRATA Please mail CV's to:

Minimum requirements: * Relevant Trade diploma with 5 years+ experience in marine & commercial refrigeration & air conditioning Applicants: * Must have code B driver's license, * Be of sober habits * Willing to work overtime when required. Applicants may deliver comprehensive CV's with references to Shop 4 Grand Avenue, or e-mail CV's to

SITUATION WANTED WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 46 jarige dame op-soek werk van Maandag tot Vrydag, op Langstrand, Lagoon of Meersig. Kan huis skoonmaak, ou mense oppas, kinders oppas en stryk. Kontak: 081 627 7128. WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n jong dame opsoek na huiswerk, Maandag tot Vrydag. Het vorige verwysings. Nie in Narraville. Kontak: 081 327 5981.



BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED: A highly profitable company seeks Partners / Distributors to expand multi million, turnover business in your town or area. If you are ambitious, hardworking and business minded, do not hesitate to liaise with us. You can do it part time or full time. Benefits involve: 43% profit Monthly bonus of US$50 - 150 000. Talk to us about Health and Beauty. We do one on one Business Meetings in SWK & WBAY. Call us today: 081 351 0957 SWK. 081 757 4876 WBAY.

CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. WANTED: We buy Gold Jewellery! Best prices in Namibia. Contact:081 147 5333 WANTED TO BUY: We buy 2nd hand furniture for cash. Contact: 081 259 3175. Are you broke and in the need for instant cash. Contact us at 081 344 3794. We will buy your gold and silver jewellery for cash. We operate in Swakopmund, Walvis, Henties and Arandis. Give me a call and I will come to you. Soek voertuig te koop. Paaiemente oorneem of afbetaal. Skakel: 081 454 2482. JOB WANTED: Two young neat and trustworthy experienced ladies is looking for domestic work . Monday to Friday Ironing, washing, babysitting and cleaning. Can start as soon as possible. For further information please dont hesitate to contact us on these numbers. Heilly:081 612 6858. Belinda: 081 449 2723.

ELSIE: Ek is n 31jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoon-maak werk. Swakopmund of Langstrand. Maandag - Vrydag. Ek is betroubaar en hardwerkend. Kan enigetyd begin. Skakel: 081 619 8388. JOB WANTED: A 30-year-old honest and motivated man urgently looking for any kind of job: *Mobile Crusher operator *Code 10 Drivers license *Code 14 Leaner’s license *Forklift operator *Loader operator Has very good knowledge of Namibia , hardworking & can work under pressure. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 454 1945 081 667 2428 JOB WANTED:A young lady is looking for work. Office cleaning, guest house cleaning, babysitting and other domestic work. Has experience in working with old & sick people. Contact: 081 392 0505. ENGINIE: Is looking for a job. I have grade 12, certificate in basic food preparation and serving. Have experience in housekeeping, cooking and shopkeeper and waitressing. I am reliable, honest and very hardworking with traceable references. Can start immediately. Contact:081 355 7377. JOB WANTED:I am a 30year-old honest and hardworking man looking for work.I have Grade 12 certificate, Drivers license (code 8)Basic Computer certificate. Contact: 081 819 1326.

The Funeral Service of the late


H. Tworeck Will be at 11:00 on 23 March 2014 at the M.O.T.H. Centre.


18 MARCH 2014

Jarman crowned new Namibian welterweight champion Anthony Jarman defeated Pohamba Mandume on a majority point's decision over 10 rounds and was crowned as the new Namibian welterweight champion on Saturday. Two judges scored the fight in Jarman's favour 98-92 and 10090 and a third judged scored it a draw at 9595. Jarman won the fight and took his professional record to nine wins and one defeat. Mandume's record now stands at four wins, six defeats and two draws. Kennedy Kamati beat Varde Ndayambekwa on a unanimous point's decision in a lightweight fight over six rounds in the main supporting bout. The three judges all scored in Kamati's favour with 59-54, 57-56, 5954. It was Kamati's first victory as a pro boxer. He lost his debut fight. Ndayambekwa now has a record of two defeats and three wins. Paulus Petrus defeated Lukas Mukete with a unanimous points decision with 60-54, 59-55, 59-55 in a welterweight fight over six rounds. Gabriel Imalwa defeated Chris Ukelo with a unanimous points decision with 58-56, 58-56, 59-56 in a lightweight fight over six rounds. Niilo Costa Frans defeated Michael Kambunga with a split decision with 5658, 58-56, 58-56 in a lightweight fight over six rounds, Eric Kalenga defeated Mathew Kaandala with a unanimous point's decision with 58-56, 58-52, 60-52 in a featherweight fight over six rounds. In other featherweight fights (over six rounds) Sebby Sheuyange defeated Johannes Ishono with a first round knockout after one minute and 27 seconds. George Iita defeated Peter Philipus with a split decision with 3837, 38-37, 37-38 over four rounds, Celestinus Haingura defeayed Dorian Ngunda with a unanimous points decision with 40-34, 40-34, 40-34 in a bantamweight fight over four rounds.

Namibian Open Beach volleyball at the coast this weekend Bank Windhoek renewed its commitment to volleyball with an N$80 000 sponsorship to the Namibia Volleyball Federation (NVF). The 2014 season kicks off with the Bank Windhoek Namibian Open Beach Volleyball Championships this coming weekend at the Swakopmund Mole beach. Bank Windhoek will also continue its sponsorship of the Bank Windhoek Namibian National Indoor Volleyball League in which the country's top teams will compete, starting in April. Namibia's best beach volleyball players will be competing at the Swakopmund main beach from

Friday until Sunday in the men's, ladies as well as a mixed 4-a-side social category. The Namibian Volleyball Federation will also be hosting a development clinic at the same venue on Thursday afternoon for young local players. Kids interested in learning the basics of volleyball and having some fun are welcome to still register to join by email to beach@

With play only Wednesday this week, it's going to be a welcome break to those who have played all their matches to date.

All set for Independence Cup soccer tournament Otis Finck Erongo Third Division soccer outfit Four Stars FC will host an Independence Cup Tournament in commemoration of Namibia's Independence and to celebrate the peace and stability enjoyed by Namibians through soccer. Erongo RED CEO Robert Kahimise with members of the tournament Fifteen Third Division, cororganising committee from KSS. porate and social teams (from Omaruru and Okahandja) and Interschools soccer tournament sponsored three female teams (Elven Arrows, Four Stars and Otis Finck Maxuilili) will be in action at the event that will be hosted Erongo RED in partnership with Kuisebmond on the Elven Arrows practise Secondary school will once again host the Interschools grounds adjacent to KuisebSoccer Tournament in Walvis Bay. mond Soccer stadium from 21 to 23 March (Semi finals and power the youth. We are glad This will be the second two Finals). that this would be utilised consecutive event organised The draw was attended by towards creating platforms by Kuisebmond Secondary Mara Kandjiromoni (Sport for youngsters to hone and School (KSS) and sponsored Officer for Walvis Bay and the by Erongo RED to the tune showcase their talents while Ministry of Youth National of N$37 598 towards prize having fun and establishing Services, Sport and Culture), money, a floating trophy and bonds” said Erongo RED Mr Shikokola (Walvis Bay medals. Duinesig Combined CEO Robert Kahimise. Third Division Chairperson), School is the defending KSS principal Mr Gotlieb coaches from participating champions. More than thirty thanked Erongo RED for teams, organising committee four teams have indicated continuing to sponsor the members (Four Star FC offithat they will compete at this tournament. “The event cials) and took place at the year's event. This shows that provides a valuable outlet to newly acquired Ministry of the tournament has reached the youth and will definitely Sport and Youth Offices momentum and is set to keep them occupied over the situated at No 3403 in Rooi become a very important upcoming long weekend. It Bank Avenue in Walvis Bay event on the Namibian is also noteworthy that some on Saturday morning. of the players that competed According to the owner of soccer calendar for schools. "Soccer is a unifying game in the first event have moved World Graphic and Design Mr and this year's event will be on and now play soccer at Erick Sakeus who sponsored bigger, better and more fun Premier League level for prize money to the value of filled. Today's donation Eleven Arrows, LHU Blue N$4 300, two floating tropsignify the company's conti- Waters and Blue Boys,” said hies (for both women and men competitions) and certifinued commitment to em- Gotlieb. cates for the participating players said he decided to do so in order to help strengthen Its FNB Global United Climate and develop skills of the youth via soccer. Kick time again Kandjiromoni announced that FNB Namibia announced a N$350 000 contribution the Walvis Bay Sport Awaretowards this year's FNB Global United Climate Kick. ness Week will again be International soccer legends will once again grace the event and will be hosted in October and expresin Namibia between 28 March and 5 April to support the project and to sed her profound joy towards encourage Namibians to use resources wisely. This year Namibia's two Four Stars FC for utilising the deserts are the main focus areas and participating footballers will visit the Namib Desert, Sossusvlei, the Kalahari Desert and Mariental, where activities regarding use of renewable energies, recycling, energy saving measures and other initiatives will be hosted. FNB Namibia had made a concerted effort via the FNB Global United Climate Kick campaign over the past three years to educate fellow Namibians about recycling through the 'Waste not, want not” campaign. Sixteen recycling stations to the value of N$100 000 were also donated to various schools in Windhoek and the coast. Other activities such as tree planting, clean up campaigns and educational talks at schools and businesses weer also conducted. The organising committee of volunteers added a new call of action “Let's use our resources wisely” to Namibians for the 2014 campaign. According to Harald Hecht, Chairman of Global United Namibia, Global United was proud to be associated with sponsor First National Bank of Namibia for the third year in succession towards presenting the Climate Kick. "The objective of the FNB Global United Climate Kick initiative is to bring about a greater understanding of the impact of climate change on our environment and also the importance of environmental education and awareness in general” he said. Nampower, Gondwana Collection, Sense of Africa, Mariental Municipality and South African Airways are co sponsoringthe event.

Coastal League Squash Notes

new offices to conduct the draw. She commended Four Stars FC for keeping the youth busy with sport related activities. “Please continue to make use of this venue and kindly submit applications to utilize the venue in advance” requested Kandjiromoni who also called on the organisers to ensure that women be included and empowered via their initiatives. She also challenged participating clubs to implement development aspects and involve youngsters from an early age. “Sport should be an integral part of our daily lives and the clubs present here should volunteer to assist at least one school” she said. She called on the participants to compete with the right mentalities and in a peaceful manner. Mr Shikokola (Walvis Bay Third Division Chairperson) expressed his gratitude to the Ministry for availing the facilities to conduct the draw and commended Four Stars FC for coming up with the idea of hosting the Independence Day Tournament and called on the participating teams to adhere to the rules. The tournament will be played on a knock-out basis. Experienced referees will officiate games and FIFA rules will apply. Teams that arrive twenty minutes late for their matches will forfeit the points. Only three second division players will be allowed per team.

Independence Cup sponsor Mr Erick Sakeus with Four Star and officials

For those who haven't, now is the time to try and catch up, as it will be the final round next week with play on Wednesday and Friday. Those vying for the cups had better make sure all their scores are in. The results for last week were as follows: Monday 10 March. GROUP A. Wynand Breytenbach bt Jaco de Witt 3-2. Aitsa! Jenny Pahl bt Jan de Smit 3-2. Trevor Grane bt Stefan van Tonder 3-0. Leslie Bosman bt Richard van der Meer 3-1. Borja Romero bt Luke Allen 3-0. GROUP B. Gerhard Lottering bt Jacques de Villiers 3-0. Brandon Grane bt Andre Huisamen 3-0. Trevor Heath bt Wynand Breytenbach (jnr) 31. Sharde Fisher bt Amanda Beukes 3-1. GROUP D. Bruce Stewart bt Cesario Barbosa 3-0. Jonothan Campos bt Toya Louw 3-2. Sam Webster bt Jacques Serfontein 3-1. Wednesday 12 March. GROUP A. Wynand Breytenbach bt Luke Allen 3-0. Clifford de Witt bt Trevor Grane 3-1. Jaco de Witt bt Jenny Pahl 3-2. Imanuel Amorongo bt Richard van der Meer 3-1. Stefan van Tonder bt Jan de Smit 3-1. Phillip de Villiers bt Leslie Bosman 3-2. Borja Romero bt Rudi Koekemoer 3-2. GROUP B. Matthys Robberts bt Amanda Beukes 3-1. Sharde Fisher bt Andre Huisamen 3-2. Gerhard Lottering bt Trevor Heath 3-0. GROUP C. Doyle de Haas bt Wernher Riedel 3-0. George Bekker bt Carla Cummings 3-1. GROUP D. Gabriel Burlamasque bt Christo van Wyk 3-1. Sam Webster bt Cesario Barbosa 3-1. Anna-Maria Venter bt Bruce Stewart 3-1. Cheers!


18 MARCH 2014

Celtic op dun ys Marshallino Beukes

Celtic Sokkerklub van Swakopmund, wat tans in die land se 1ste Liga meeding, het die afgelope naweek op hul tuisveld vir Windhoek United met 5 doele teenoor 1 afgeransel, maar kon Sondag nie die pas volhou teen die dodelike kombinasie van Spartans van Walvisbaai nie. Die Baainaars was defnitief die beter span tydens hierdie wedstryd, nadat hulle in die eerste helfte 3 keer in die Celtic doelhok gaan kuier het. Die Swakopmunders het weereens net hulself te blameer, want onnodige blapse in hul verdedigingslinie het Spartans se taak vergemaklik. Met die omdraaislag was die telling 3-1 en Celtic het beter vertoon, met aanval na aanval wat geloods is, maar kon nie van vele maklike kanse voor hul teenstanders se doelhok gebruik maak nie. Spartans het egter hul fokus behou en puik aangee uit hul middelveld het telkens die Celtic verdediging geklop. In die doodsnikke van die wedstryd het die manne van die hawedorp die finale spyker in die Swakopmunders se doodskis geslaan, met 'n 4de doel, na 'n blaps deur die doelwagter, om die eindtelling op 4-1 te staan te bring. Geskille tussen sommige van die tuisspan

Aksie uit n wedstryd gepeel heirdie naweek

se ondersteuners en hul afrigter, mnr Haraseb, het beslis ook 'n rol in hierdie swak vertoning van Celtic gespeel. 'n Gebrek aan dissipline was duidelik waarneembaar en dit kan defnitief nie bevorderlik wees vir die sportklub nie. Daar is amptelik verneem dat die Celtic afrigter, mnr Haraseb, wat vir bykans die hele seisoen die leisels gehou het, na die wedstryd sy bedanking ingedien het. Die span het slegs een wedstryd oor, voor die einde van die 2013/2014 seisoen en hul assistent afrigter, Kalekela, sal hierdie groot verantwoordelik op sy skouers moet neem. Hierdie is 'n moet wen wedstryd vir die kus span en hulle sal al hul vernuf moet inspan om vir Spoilers van Oka-handja in die Tuindorp te klop. Indien hulle hierdie wedstryd verloor, be-staan daar 'n kans dat hulle na die 2de Liga geregeleer mag word.

Boxers entertain Kuisebmond The Namibian Boxing Federation in collaboration with the Ministry of Yo u t h , N a t i o n a l Service , Sport and Culture hosted National trials for youth and elite boxers to select boxers to represent the country at two national events and one international event at the Kuisebmond Community Hall in Walvis Bay on Friday and Saturday. These events include the Zone Four Championships scheduled for Bulawayo Zimbabwe in April, the A C N O A Yo u t h Games to be hosted in Botswana during May and the Commonwealth Games scheduled for Glasgow Scotland between 23 July and 3 August 2014. Youth boxers (aged

17-18) and elite boxers (aged 19-40 years) representing the 14 Namibian regions and the Namibian Police Force participated and impressed a large crowd of boxing supporters with their skills, speed

and fighting spirit at the event which produced 50 fights (49kg – 91+kg) and 7 promotional fights (36 kg- 48kg). The event featured big names and Namibian champions such as Hawk Amunyela (49kg),

Japhet Amukwa (52kg) and Olympiad Jonas Mathews ( 56kg) to mention but a few. Government and the Federation initiated a programme to develop boxers at grass roots level.

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