19 march namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6835 TUESDAY 19 MARCH 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net


29th Independence celebrations......

Walvis Bay schools get green fingers

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Sulphuric Acid under the spotlight at Swakop Conference

Namibians in their thousands are expected at the Independence stadium in Windhoek on Thursday, 21 March 2019 for the country’s 29th Independence celebrations. Namibia’s Head of State President Hage Geingob will deliver an independence message at the celebrations. Heads of State and or delegations from various African countries and also abroad, members of the diplomatic corps, political leaders, civil society, the business world and opposition political parties are expected for the event. On the picture: a murial at the Independence Museum in Windhoek representing Namibia as a nation of diverse cultures.

Many questions after Walvis Bay resident crashes car at high speed into port gates

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St. Patrick’s Day celebrated

Died on impact Possible suicide A Walvis Bay resident was killed on impact in Walvis Bay early on Saturday morning when he drove his car at high speed into the port of Walvis Bay’s south gate. He was driving down 5th Road towards the port gate and there are many questions in the aftermath of this tragic incident. Mr. Johannes Mbware Andima (48), was formerly employed by Air Namibia and the municipality of Walvis Bay where he was very popular among colleagues and the public alike. The death of Andima now leaves questions, as he was struggling with personal problems lately. However, it must be treated as speculation until more clues are followed up and confirmed by the Namibian Police.

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Phillip Seidler set his mark

Found dead in her home......... The body of Mrs. Hilda (Tula) Lyners was found in her home in Mermaid Street Narraville in Walvis Bay on Saturday afternoon. It is believed Mrs. Lyners passed on hours earlier from a medical condition which is yet to be confirmed. Mrs. Lyners’ husband died some months ago and she lived alone.

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19 MARCH 2019

namib Green fingers for Walvis Bay schools times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net

ADVERTISING desiree@namibtimes.net mikkie@namibtimes.net

MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Desiree Jooste Tel: +264 64 205854 desiree@namibtimes.net lolla@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS Tel: +264 64 205854 smalls@namibtimes.net

NEWS DESK Floris Steenkamp Cell +264 81 220 6090

The Municipality of Walvis Bay through its Environmental Fund has donated N$ 70 000 to all government schools across Walvis Bay for the development of school gardening projects. The fund was esta- the Environmental Amutenya, who is the b l i s h e d t o a w a r d Fund as well as staff Environmental Cogrants for projects members of the Parks ordinator at the Muwhich aim to enhance Section held a work- nicipality and a memthe quality of life of shop with represen- ber of the EnvironWalvis Bay residents tatives from the va- mental Fund. through proper ma- rious schools to en- The donation comes n a g e m e n t o f t h e lighten them on the after a proposal was environment and na- purpose of the do- submitted by the Ditural resources. The nation. Those in atten- rectorate of Education, fund usually funds dance received details A r t s & C u l t u r e projects aimed at on how to use each through its Walvis Bay improving the en- gardening tool, plant circuit Office. vironment and gives seeds, transfer seed- The schools that are grants during every lings and how to benefitting from this prepare the soil. donation are: Flafinancial year. The Environmental Some of the items m i n g o P r i m a r y School; Flamingo Fund in conjunction donated are: with the Parks Section Sifted building sand, Secondary School; purchased items that plant trawlers, T- Duinesig Combined will be donated to the m a r k e t s , p l a n t i n g School; Kuisebmond schools to kick-start or bags, seedling trays, P r i m a r y S c h o o l ; upgrade existing gar- s u p e r p h o s p h a t e , Seaside dens. The gardens germination mix, va- Primary School; were established to rious vegetable seeds Immanuel Ruiters supplement school (cabbage, tomatoes, Primary School; feeding programmes carrots, onions, spi- K u i s e b m o n d S e and to create a pra- nach), and garden condary School; !Nara Primary School; ctical environment for utensils. s t u d e n t s s t u d y i n g “The purpose of this Tutaleni Primary agriculture. The Parks donation is mainly to School; Tutaleni High Section will also offer help contribute to- School; Namport technical support to wards food security in Primary School; JP staff members at the urban areas and also to Brandt Primary various schools who g i v e l e a r n e r s a n School; Narraville will run the gardening opportunity to learn Primary School and how to grow their own De Duine Secondary projects. Recently, a team from food,” said Nangula School.


SPORT Rudie Bowie Cell: 081 295 7841

Signs of progress


Swakopmund Office Tel +264 64 461866 Fax + 264 64 461824

ADVERTISING smallswk@namibtimes.net swk@namibtimes.net

MARKETING/ SALES Lolla Farmer Cell + 264 81 147 7653 marketingswk@namibtimes.net

Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na

Journalist Sharlien Tjambari Cell: 081 169 2123 sharlien@namibtimes.net

PRO-PRINT WALVIS BAY 064-205854 e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes www.namibtimes.net

The semi-submersible drilling unit SKD Jaya is seen alongside at berth number eight in the port of Walvis Bay before the weekend. Substantive repairs and maintenance work is carried out on the rig, conducted by ship repair giant Elgin Brown Hamer Namibian (EBHN). On the top picture Namport’s ship to shore cranes on the new container terminal on reclaimed land can seen. The gigantic structures and the rig on the foreground makes for a good picture to show the progress Walvis Bay makes as the hub for import and export between world markets and SADC countries as well as becoming the preferred ship repair port on the west coast of Africa.

Namib Times

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19 MARCH 2019



Key conference on acid and sulphuric acid for mining held at Swakopmund Contributed The 7th Sulphur and Sulphuric Acid Conference hosted by the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (SAIMM) was held in Swakopmund on Monday 11th March 2019. The two day inter- sectors, highlighting their market is limited Company's operating national event re- how sulphuric acid can to the mining industry. assets include the ceived unrivalled be a catalyst for indu- Pointing to the dia- Chelopech operation, industry support and strial revolution in mond industry as a which produces a exceptional partici- Namibia. good example stating, copper concentrate pation with over 95 “The mining industry the diamond industry containing gold and representatives and in Namibia contributes goes out of its way and silver and a pyrite industry leaders from approximately 50% of works with customers concentrate containing various countries the country's export to create the need for its gold, located east of around the world such revenue and consti- product. Sofia, Bulgaria; and as Namibia, Zambia, tutes 12% of Gross “I would like to urge, the Tsumeb smelter, a South Africa, the D o m e s t i c P r o d u c t sulphuric acid produ- complex copper conUnited Kingdom, (GDP). The industry- cers to learn from the centrate processing faChina, Denmark, generated revenue of diamond industry and cility located in NaNetherlands, United N$29 billion in 2017 of consider doing the mibia. DPM also holds States of America and which approximately same. In particular, I interests in a number of Canada. N$11.76 billion (41%) would like to encou- developing gold and The aim of the confe- was spent on goods and rage everyone, to exploration properties rence is to expose services procured from create opportunities for located in Bulgaria, delegates to issues Namibian based sup- the fertilizer industry including the Krurelating to the gene- pliers. The local spend because, if Namibia movgrad gold project, ration and handling of expenditure demon- starts, producing her which is expected to sulphur, sulphuric strates the industry's own fertilizers it will commence production acid and sulphur commitment to support increase productivity in the first quarter of dioxide reduction local suppliers” Kasete in agriculture and 2019, Canada and within the metal- said. reduce dependency on Serbia, and its 10.5% lurgical and other in- According to Kasete imports” added Kasete. interest in Sabina Gold dustries. The confe- local procurement is Photo/ Caption & Silver Corp. rence provides an one avenue where Calling for collaboopportunity to intro- previously historically ration… Zebra Kasete, duce new techno- disadvantaged Nami- President of the Namilogies and equipment bians can participate, b i a n C h a m b e r o f to producers and meaningfully in the Mines and Dundee consumers of sulphur country's economic Precious Metals Tsuas well as sulphuric activities. meb Vice President and acid and related “I accept from the on- Managing Director products in the field. set that, we miners are called upon the NaIn addition, the confe- not manufactures and mibian government to rence enables partici- we are not skilled on d e v e l o p p o l i c i e s , pants to share infor- the same however, acid which encourage collamation and expe- producers have a key boration with agriculrience in the appli- role to play in sparking ture and mining seccation of new tech- the industrial revo- tors. Pointing out that, nologies, collaborate lution in Namibia. the increase in suland provide an oppor- Sulphuric acid produc- phuric acid consumtunity for role players tion in Namibia, has ption will contribute to in the industry to contributed to the up- industry revolution as discuss common pro- grade of the country's envisaged in national blems and solutions. railway line and to development policies. In his keynote address increased bulk trans- About Dundee PreZebra Kasete, Presi- portation of chemicals, cious Metals dent of the Namibian w h i c h c o m e w i t h Dundee Precious MeChamber of Mines additional services as tals Inc. is a Canadian and Dundee Precious well as skills” Kasete based, international Metals Tsumeb Vice said. gold mining company President and Mana- The President of the engaged in the acquiging Director high- Namibian Chamber of sition of mineral prolighted the impor- Mines urged sulphuric perties, exploration, tance of collaboration acid producers to development, mining between the mining change their mindsets and processing of a n d a g r i c u l t u r a l from believing that precious metals. The


The Acid-crew (above) and below - participants


19 MARCH 2019

Namibia joins World Speech Day Isaac Chikosi

World Speech Day founded by Simon Gibson is a day to celebrate speeches and speech making through live events across the world. This year 100 countries will participate, and Namibia will join the ranks for the first time. Organised by Brandt von West Namibia's World Speech Ambassador, the event will take place in Swakopmund on 15 March this year free of charge. "This is reaching out to unheard voices", says von West. "Our theme this year is 'Global Citizen'. It's about expanding your horizons and thinking globally. Everyone is important and everyone's voice needs to be heard." As a speaker and publisher, von West believes that Swakopmund is Namibia's hub of creativity. Hence World Speech Day will become an annual event. The event will be held in Swakopmund at

Aviary Coffee Shop. Von West hopes that next year it can be held in other towns in the country as well. The five-minute speeches will be recorded, streamed live and posted on the World Speech Day Website. This is an exciting opportunity for those who wish to inspire, motivate, encourage or educate others through public speaking. If you want to be a speaker and you have something worth sharing and can do it in 5 minutes, then simply email office@scribingdynamics.com to apply.

RENTMEESTERSKAP WEEK 25-29 MAART 2019 Die Maranatha Gemeente van die Lutherse Kerk, Narraville nooi u uit na ‘n Rentmeesterskap week vanaf 25 Maart 2019 om 19h00 onder die Tema: “My Verantwoordelikheid en Offervaardigheid.” 25 Maart 26 Maart 27 Maart 28 Maart 29 Maart

Wat is ‘n tiende/Rentmeesterskap/Offervaardigheid Hoekom offer ons? My Here en my geld. God het ‘n blymoedige gewer lief. Hoe berei ek my offer voor?.

Offers sal na elke diens opgeneem word.

Ds D Gertze Ds. C.Engelbrecht DS. M. Benz Mnr. P. Fisher Past. J. Antonie

19 MARCH 2019



St. Patrick’s Day celebrated St. Patrick’s at The Dome

Erik’s Cove

St. Patrick’s at Erik’s Cove

Erik’s Cove St. Patrick’s at Erik’s Cove

St. Patrick’s at Erik’s Cove

St. Patrick’s at The Dome St. Patrick’s at The Dome

The Dome at Swakopmund and Erik’s Cove at Langstrand celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in a traditional way on Saturday. Saint Patrick's Day, or the Feast of Saint Patrick, is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March of every year, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland.

Kuisebmond Secondary School Seven Seater Car Draw!! Kuisebmond Secondary School would like to notify the public that the final draw of the Jan Japan Seven Seater Car to be won will take place on 30 March 2019. Place: Kuisebmond Secondary School sports field Time: 08:00am – 13:00 pm Food and refreshments will be sold and there will be lots of entertainment. NB: Raffle tickets to enter the competition are still available for purchase to the public, please support KSS!

19 MARCH 2019


April to see the last passenger liners for the season (five in total)

Five passenger liners are scheduled to call at the port of Walvis Bay during April, coming 31 March that would be one down from the six liners that called during March. On 2 April Astor calls, followed by Pacific Princess on 7 April, Queen Victoria on 15 April, Silver Whisper 20 April and Viking Sun on 22 April. As the order of business currently stands on the port log for the port of Walvis Bay, Viking Sun (pictured above) is the last passenger liner for the current season, with the first liner only expected again well into the spring of 2019.

Tuesday 19 March High Tide: 02:20 Low Tide: 08:24 High Tide: 14:42 Low Tide: 20:40 Wednesday 20 March High Tide: 03:03 Low Tide: 09:07 High Tide: 15:25 Low Tide: 21:20

Thursday 21 March High Tide: 03:44 Low Tide: 09:47 High Tide: 16:05 Low Tide: 21:59 Friday 22 March High Tide: 04:23 Low Tide: 10:26 High Tide: 16:44 Low Tide: 22:37

Port Log

19 MARCH 2019

FirstRand donates generously towards causes in Erongo The Corporate Social Investment Manager of FNB's umbrella body FirstRand, Revonia Kahivere visited academic institutions from Usakos to Swakopmund for an official handover of over N$300 000. Anistemi College and and learners, “if we are s c h o o l ' s m a n a g e r Training Centre in to seize those opportu- Neels Strijdom who Usakos were proud nities, if we are to make expressed heartfelt b e n e f i c i a r i e s o f Namibia a great engine thanks and appreciaN$100 000, donated room of this techno- tion towards the donaby FirstRand Nami- logical revolution in tion as well as the rethe twenty-first centu- lationship between bia. In her speech at the ry, we need to make the MYO and FirstRand handover ceremony, most of all our young Namibia. Kahivere said, “Voca- talents. Through edu- With over a hundred tional Training cre- cation, we can become learners, MYO caters ates jobs, and as a a country where every- for children from business we want to one, from every back- disadvantaged backwork together with ground gains the skills grounds who show our Government to they need to get a job promise. MYO boasts bring down the unem- and live a happy and a high pass rate for learners at Grade 10 ployment rate in Na- fulfilled life. To achieve that, the and 12 who have been mibia.” Kahivere and her FirstRand Namibia through the system. team also visited Foundation is commit- “I want to thank MonMondesa Youth Op- ted to assist the Gov- desa Youth Opportuportunities (MYO) in ernment of Namibia nities Trust for workSwakopmund's Mon- establish an education ing towards giving desa area where she system at all levels children the skills they engaged the learners which serves the needs need to succeed and giving them an educaat the school remind- of every child.” ing them to grab the Abraham Mathues, tion, which is more opportunities that life F N B ' s M o n d e s a flexible and more diBranch Manager in verse”, Kahivere said, presents to them. Speaking at the cere- Swakopmund handed before a tour of the mony, Kahivere ad- over a cheque of school. dressed the teachers N$250 000, to the



19 MARCH 2019


Namibia hosts first ever ARMFA AGM in Swakopmund Sharlien Tjambari

Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Finance.

Semi-purified water restored by tomorrow

The Minister of Works and Transport John Mutorwa while delivering his speech at the ARMFA Annual General Meeting

The Road Fund Administration (RFA), is hosting the 17th Africa Road Maintenance Fund Association (ARMFA) Annual General Assembly and Annual General Meeting in Swakopmund under the theme: "Sustainable Road Infrastructure: Impact on Regional Integration and Free Trade Africa". The AGM commenced on 10 March and will run until 16 March this week. Road infrastructure is a growth enabler, enabling trade, integration and the movement of people. The pursuit of shared prosperity presupposes inclusive growth and economic opportunity which are often facilitated through trade, such that efficient road infrastructure is one of the key pillars in the logistics chain. ARMFA, has a membership of 34 countries, of which Namibia is a member through the Road Fund Administration (RFA). The Association holds Annual General Assembly and General Meetings, this is the very first time Namibia is hosting the AGM. ARMFA, provides member countries with a unique opportunity and platform to discuss matters of common interest and to foster together in unity towards road network interconnectedness amongst African countries. Economic development and social transformation cannot be fostered efficiently in the absence of well-developed and well-maintained roads. RFA as the hosting organization trust that Namibia as well the African continent will gain long term benefits from the AGM. In his speech, the Minister of Works and Transport John Mutorwa said: "It is absolutely important to remind you, that: as Member States, in your collective capacity as AFMFA, you are bonded and united by the common objective: to build, maintain and regularly improve road infrastructure, in your country, in your Sub-Region and in the whole continent of Africa". According to him, functioning infrastructure such as roads, railways, ports, electricity and water networks, and other basic systems that make a country run, in an absolute condition and pre-condition

for development and economic growth to take place. He further mentioned that: "It is encouraging and gratifying to note that the issue of infrastructure is getting serious attention, both at the levels of the continent (African Union), the Sub-Regional economic groupings, as well as at the country level. We commend and thank our leaders for their foresight and visionary leadership, in that respect". Ali Iipinge the Chief Executive Officer of RFA mentioned that they have learned that challenges of managing and upkeep of the road assets on the continent as well as accessibility varies greatly among and between member countries, "but we remain weaved together by the strength of these uniqueness common interests of developing road networks and corridors that will improve regional integration and free trade across the continent Calle Schlettwein, Minister of Finance said, this occasion demonstrates the commitment of member countries to come together for peer learning and strategic planning in road sector financing that is more aligned to the broader continental development agenda. "The object which justifies the existence of the Road Funds is the mandated role to raise optimal funding for the upkeep of the road infrastructure, both paved and unpaved road networks. Presumably, the raising of funds does not erode the road user's ability to pay and overall national competitiveness". Schlettwein further said that Road Funds across the continent have a responsibility to ensure sustainable funding maintenance and preservation of the road network. Transport infrastructure for which road networks are pivotal, play a catalytic role in enabling economic activity and the movement of goods and people.

Consumers of semi-purified effluent water in Walvis Bay hope that supply would normalise at the latest by tomorrow (20 March) after the municipality completed the cleaning of the purified effluent reservoirs and commissioning of a new effluent pump station which forms part of the current upgrade project of the sewer treatment plant. The old pump station has now been decommissioned and a new connection line was also completed that leads between the toweroverflow line and the new pump station. In a recent statement the municipality of Walvis Bay said the supply of semi-purified effluent was disrupted since March 14 when the completed part of the upgrade project was handed over to the Liquid Waste Section. Then followed the cleaning of the effluent reservoirs and the commissioning of the new pumps. Semi-purified effluent is used in Walvis Bay to water parks and other public gardens, sport fields and many residents have semi-purified effluent connections as a paid municipal service for their gardens.

Kuisebmond Secondary School With sincere gratitude‌. The greatest comfort during our sorrow was the expression of sympathy conveyed to us in many ways during the period of sadness when we lost one of our learners, the late Jackson Iipinge. We at Kuisebmond Secondary School would like to thank in particular the Erongo Regional Council, Directorate of Education, Arts and Culture, especially our director Ms Stefanus and inspector Ms M Gawises, all the Walvis Bay Circuit Schools, councillors and pastors, the Moonlight Resort management and the Walvis Bay community at large. There are not enough words to fully express our heartfelt thanks for your sympathy, love and support you extended to us during this time of loss.

From: The Kuisebmond Secondary School board, staff members and learners

19 MARCH 2019

So many reasons to celebrate at Buco Walvis Bay

Namibians celebrate the country's 29th Independence Celebrations this week. For Buco Walvis Bay there is even more to celebrate just than our country's achievements since 1990. Buco Walvis Bay celebrates its track record of Nights. yet another year of great achievements with Other donations include building materials its social responsibility programs and a spirit towards the State Hospital Project for much of thankfulness. Without wonderful needed repairs and building materials for a customer support, all this would not have been church at Narraville. It is not only all work and no play. Buco Walvis possible. This week in particular is also a highlight as Bay has been co-sponsoring the Cano Combat this is the Walvis Bay Private High School of the Dolphin Schools and the Dolphin Sport Festival of which Buco is now for the Schools Fun Walk. second consecutive year the main sponsor and co-sponsor for several years. Other important sport-related sponsorships include co-sponsorship towards various Biokinetics Triathlons; co-sponsorship of the Erongo Rugby Academy; main sponsor of the 2015, 16, 17, 18 and 2019 Annual Walvis Bay Private High School Stadium Golf Day and a sponsorship for Walvis Bay Primary School's team sportswear and sponsorship of several Round Table golf days. Despite sport involvement, social involvement is high on the agenda for Buco Walvis Bay and in this regard the business looks back with pride to sponsorships towards building materials to Kuisebmond Primary School; Faith Education Centre; Kingdom Kids Day Care and Knuffelbeer Dagsorg and towards the Round Table's annual Winter



19 MARCH 2019


Notices & Vacancy’s NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION OF MOVEABLE PROPERTY In the Magistrate’s Court for the District of Swakopmund held at Swakopmund. Case No: 26/2019 In the matter between: Muller & Muller Investigations CC Plaintiff and Guitage Gudao Uratatite Awases Defendant In Execution of a Judgement granted on 21 February 2019 against the above-named Exec u t i o n Debtor/Defendant by the above Honourable Court in the above-

mentioned suit, the undermentioned goods will be sold by Public Auction by the Messenger of Court for the district of Swakopmund on 06 April 2019 at the following premises: No.4856, John Otto Nankudhi Street, Swakopmund, at 10:00. 1 x Large blind 2 X Small blinds 1 X Defy tumble dryer 1 X Gazebo 1 X Russel Hobbs 1 X Wall Oven 1 X Metal bunker bed 1 X Cupboard 1 X Roll Bar 1 X Metal drawer cupboard 2 X Wind hoses 1 X Water pass 1 X Two seater couch 1 X Metal drawer cabinet 1 X Head board

1 X Office chair black 1 X Brown rug 1 X Metal chair 1 X Large mirror 1 X Light brown cupboard 1 X Office desk with small cupboard 1 X Silver Peugeot 407, Lic No: N 13975 S LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (regulations 14,26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo 1.Name and postal address of applicant: Alexander Gregoruis, P.O.Box 3117 Waliv Bay 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Okalongo Lounge 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 2981 Agaat Street Kuisebmund Walvis Bay 4. Nature and details of application: Application For Grant of Special Liquor Licence 5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, District Walvis Bay 6. Date on which the application will be lodged: 19 March 2019 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard 08 May 2019. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Com-mittee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.

Vin no: VF DFZF2140194 Eng No: 10LJ140385272 1 X White Nissan Serena Eng No: MR20(DE)1997 Lic No: N 20277 S DONE and SIGNED at SWAKOPMUND on this 12TH day of


19 MARCH 2019

19 MARCH 2019

PROPERTY TIMES TO RENT: Indoors @ N$ 3 000.00 p/m Fully furnished, open plan, sharing DSTV, WIFI and washing. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. In Town, Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 760 3406 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat with open plan kitchen & sitting room. BIC & BIS bathroom W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposit Available immediately. Contact: 081 578 2854 TE HUUR: Kuisebmond 2x Slaapkamer woonstel met kombuis en badkamer. Water ingsl Koopkrag N$ 3 800.00 p/m Deposito N$ 1 500.00 Kontak: 081 274 1537 TO RENT: Bachelor apartment to rent in Kuisebmond, Makriel str. W/E incl. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 3314 9294 TO RENT: Narraville, Sandkasteel 2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen & lounge. Bathroom, bic, bis, garage. Pre paid water & elect. N$ 4 800.00 p/m N$ 4 800.00 deposit Contact: 081 200 4126 TO RENT: Two (2) bed room, sitting room , Kitchen, Garage, Shower and Toilet, Build in cupboard House to rent in Narraville, ERf 3153, Meeu Street, Rent amount N$6300.00 negotiable Including Electricity and water and N$ 2500.00 Deposit, Two bed room flat build in cupboard, garage and water included pre-paid electricity rent amount N$5500 and Deposit N$2300. Bachelor flat to rent , build in cupboard rent amount N$3500.00 water and electricity included, ERf 3153, Meeu street, Narravelle. Two bed room flat in Kuisebmund N$4100.00 negotiable All available as now For View contact: 081 828 7283 / 081 844 5731 or Whatsapp on 081 263 1747 TO RENT: Narraville – Sun Valley Two bedroom house with extra room for rent + WIFI free & water. N$6000.00 p/m + deposit, payable in 3 months. Water included, prepaid electricity. BIC in kitchen & rooms. Contact: 081 396 6498 / 081 127 4622

TO LET HENTIES BAY OMDEL 2 bed house, no garage – N$ 2000 ARANDIS 2 Bedroom Flat, no garage – N$ 2800 Call Lucille 081 169 6216

TO LET LONGBEACH N$ 4900- Bachelor flat, 1 garage N$ 5500- 2 Bed flat, tandem garage N$ 6900- 3 Bed flat, 2 garage N$ 8500- 3 Bed house, 2 Garage N$ 10450- 3 Bed Unit, Water Incl Dolphin Beach N$ 11000- 3 Bed House, 2 Garage Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view

TO RENT: Walvis Bay Industrial Area Syncrolift 2nd Street East Office space available. Contact: 081 124 3904 CFS PROPERTIES CC SWAKOPMUND TO LET: TAMARISKIA House with backyard flat 3 Bedroom House, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge/dining, bic, freestanding, alarm, burglarbars, single garage, water included, electricity excluded, close to amenities, deposit required, available immediate. N$8,000.00 Flat: 1 Bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge/dining, bic, alarm, burglarbars, water included, electricity excluded, close to amenities, deposit required, available immediate. N$4,460.00 Townhouse: 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge/dining, bic, alarm, water & electricity excluded, courtyard, close to amenities, deposit required, available immediate. N$6,500.00 p/m Irene @ 081 353 5551 064 412320 irene@cfsnamibia. com ROOM TO RENT WALVIS BAY On suite full bathroom Semi furnished Separate kitchen Private entrance Secure parking Free wifi INCLUDING: Water and electricity N$ 7000.00 plus deposit Please Call 081 254 8142 // 064-220 280

TO RENT: Tamariskia Fransica Van Neel straat no. 485. Flat to rent available. W/E incl. N$ 3 800.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 122 4266 / 081 129 7269 TO RENT: Central Swakopmund Newly renovated 2 bedroom free standing house, 1 bathroom, 1 garage, pet friendly. Available: 01 April 2019 N$ 7 000.00 + 2 months deposit required. Separate laundry and storeroom. Contact: 081 227 2856 TO RENT: Spacious open-plan bachelor flat for a single person with sober habits available to rent in Narraville. Price: N$2700.00 p/m, water included, prepaid electricity. (Additional N$500.00 if garage is needed) Deposit N$1500.00 Contact Michelle: 081 297 2227 / Ruth: 081 451 2718 TO RENT FAIRWAYS AREA Big one bedroom flat, full bathroom, with open plan kitchen and sitting room. Single person or couple. Sorry no children or pets and garage or parking. W/E plus alarm incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m N$ 4 000.00 deposit Contact: 081 298 1091 081 455 5006 TE HUUR: Twee slaapkamer woonstel, badkamer, ooplan sitkamer met kombuis en ‘n garage. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Water ingsl. Koopkrag in woonstel. Deposito gelykstande aan huur wat ook betaal baar is. Kontak: 081 818 9168 081 786 0337 TO RENT: Close to !Nara Primary School, new NHE houses. House to rent in Kuisebmond, 3 bedroom, open plan kitchen, 1 bathroom, no garage. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity pre paid. Deposit N$ 5 000.00 Contact: 081 170 0784 TE HUUR: Narraville 2 slaapkamer woonstel Een buite kamer Onmidellik beskikbaar Kontak: 081 147 7969

TO RENT: Swakopmund 2 bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms, double garage, walking distance from beach and town. N$ 6000.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 385 4375 Cash deposit TO RENT: Flat to rent at Apex Park Tamariskia 1st Floor - 1 bedroom flat with BIC, open-plan kitchen and lounge, single garage. No courtyard. W/E incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Available, Immediately Contact: 081 747 8829 TO RENT: 1 Bedroom bachelor flat, water and electricity included in Mondesa build together area. N$ 2 500.00 + deposit (Neg) Contact: 081 388 5174 TO RENT: Narraville 3 Bedroom with 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining room, TV room, indoor braai and double garage. N$ 8000.00 p/m. Water included, prepaid electricity. Available from 1 April 2019 Contact Mr: 081 741 2774 YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE To let: In Walvis Bay on Union Street New two bedroom house, single garage, open-plan kitchen, built-in braai, BICs, small pet friendly, two toilets, prepaid meter, fully alarmed. Rent: N$6000.00 p/m, excluding W+E. One month deposit and reference required. Available immediately. Call: 081 378 7347 / 081 697 8588 / 064 204 986 Email: manzur@iafrica.com.na

TE HUUR: Lagoon Area, Walvisbaai Vol gemeubileerde enkel woonstel bestaande uit slaapkamer, kombuis en badkamer. Onderdak toesluiy parkering. Beskikbaar 1 April. Water, krag en TV ingesluit. Veilig en privaat. N$4200.00 p/m + deposito, afbetaalbaar oor 3 maande. Kontak: 081 247 1687 / 081 245 6233 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met kaste, oopplan kombuis, kombuis kaste en stoof. Stort en toilet. Prys: N$4200.00 Deposito: Kan gereël vir afbetaaling. Kontak: 081 351 1062 TO LET: Spacious 2 bedroom flat to let in the center of Walvis Bay BIC in bedrooms plus linen cupboard , pantry in kitchen. Pre-paid electricity Garage Available end March 2019 For more information please phone:064 204871 HOUSE FOR SALE!! Swakopmund Ocean View close to Spar. Only N$1 800 000.00 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms both with shower and bath. Spacious kitchen with granite top & 2 bar chairs. Lounge with cladded wall for tv & mounted unit for DSTV etc. Dining room with inside braai. Scullery Double automated garage. Security: Alarm system installed. Beams on all sides of the house. Contact 081 487 1960 EMIRATES REAL ESTATE Properties For Sale Narraville 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathroom, 1 lounge, plus dining room, double garage. One spacious granny flat with a rental income of N$3000.00. N$1 270 000.00 Plots available starting for N$370 000.00 Hermes Edelweiss 2 Bedroom flat, open-plan kitchen / lounge, bathroom, single garage. N$700 000.00 Narraville To Let Spacious 2 bedroom house, lounge, kitchen, bathroom. Available now!! N$5600.00 Contact Glenda @ 081 147 5143 ERF FOR SALE: Swakopmund, Kramersdorf in Riverside Avenue 875 m² N$ 800 000.00 (Neg) Contact: 081 397 2755 for more info.

Excellent Investment Opportunity Only three units selling at reduced prices at Pelikan Platz (flats) Narraville

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION: Guesthouse available in Kuisebmond From N$ 200.00 p/d Call for bookings: 081 616 5586

WANTED Was N$805 000.00 Now N$684 000.00 Was N$840 000 Now N$715 000 Was N$865 000 Now N$735 000 For viewing contact Janine Bester +264 81 150 5020 HOUSE FOR SALE IN TAMARISKIA SWAKOPMUND Two bedroom house with two bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, single garage for sale in Tamariskia N$ 790 000.00 Contact: 081 397 7460, cost exclusive House for sale in Meersig: Two bedrooms free standing house, 2 bathrooms kitchen with BIC and dining room, Extra lounge ( optional for 3rd bedroom). Big Erven, Very Securely located, lock and go. Only N$ 1.3 m Rental Option for N$ 8 000.00 pm W/E excl. Call 0811478711 or 0811221735 FOR SALE: Arandis Serviced plots for sale starting from N$ 95 000.00 Sizes range between 450 m² - 673 m² Ideal for developers or private home owners. Please call: 081 128 3137 for more info


We Turn you valuable Assets into Cash We Buy, Sell and Auction Walvisbaai 0811434368 0811475475 0811513961 Swakopmund 0811624900 0812269419 0813334251

THIS `N THAT Wanted fridges, deep freezers, stoves, beds and washing machines. We buy and sell second hand new furniture. Please contact or visit us in Sam Nujoma Avenue next to Fashion World in Walvis Bay. Contact Els: 081 255 5809 / Lawrence: 081 324 1285

TO HIRE CONTAINERS TO BUY / RENT and storage yard in Swakopmund with 24/7 access. Office or ablution alterations. Cowboys. 064 418 150 or 081 146 4770

PROPERTIES WANTED SO YOU HAVE MATERIAL TO BUILD A GHETTO? Looking for a place to put up your ghetto? Available space in Swakopmund, Mondesa ext 2 to rent. W/E available. Please contact: 081 324 5403


19 MARCH 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

SERVICES OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

HAIR & BEAUTY THE MOST AFFORDABLE BRAZILIAN HAIR IN TOWN We distribute to all towns in Namibia through Nampost. Place your order with us. Contact Lamar: 081 889 9148 085 399 7950 Email: lamarstradingcc@ outlook.com

CLASSES GERMAN COURSES FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mother - tongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685


SERVICES THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202 818, Walvis Bay Expert service in general tailoring- One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others. H&Z HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES REPAIRS MAINTENANCE SPARES & SALES DEFY & HISENSE service Agent & we do repairs on all well-known brands. Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay, Stoves gas/electric, Microwave Ovens (only carry in), Fridges/Freezers, Washing machines, Tumble dryers & Dishwashers. Please call: 081 129 9736 081 129 1271 SERVICES: Namibia Housekeeping Services We do: Move in/move out. Cleaning, spring cleaning, residential, commercial cleaning, mobile car wash, window washing, laundry pick up and deliver and all other cleaning jobs. Call: 085 718 1986 Email: namibiahousekeepingser vices@gmail.com

Pro Tech Security CC 24 hour security services -Alarm Installations and Maintenance -CCTV & Offsite Monitoring -Access Control -Alarm Monitoring and Response -Electric Fencing -Intercoms -DSTV Installation -Guarding Services Gate/Garage Motors Contact us for a free quote Jaco 081 251 8691 Hermi 081 128 0477 Klonkie 081 287 4064 Walvis Bay Office 064 204412 Swakopmund Office 064 400099 marketing@security. com.na Follow Us On Facebook @FirstResponseSwk JETS TRANSPORT 2019 SPECIALS Are you travelling or sending your parcel? We transport people between Walvis Bay and the north every day and back. WALVIS BAY N$ 300.00 SWAKOPMUND N$ 300.00 ARANDIS N$ 300.00 For safety and Good Service of our Customers, Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Arandis, We will pick you up from home. Bookings: 081 800 7765 JETS TRANSPORT, YOUR DESTINATION PARTNER






TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810

“The Service Makes The Difference”


FOR SALE: Secondhand 3 x Door Under Counter Bar fridge

Full Time Rentals Agent

In excellent Condition N$ 12 000.00 Tel: 085 635 9211 1 x Secondhand Venter trailer

Good Condition N$ 7 000.00 Tel: 085 635 9211

Merlot beautiful, sensitive and loving long-hair male

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 49 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay for 2 - 3 days a week. Contact: 081 690 7949 JOB WANTED: I am a 22 year old lady looking for any kind of work. Contact: 081 483 9049 JOB WANTED: A 27 year old lady staying in Walvis Bay is looking for domestic work. Contact: 081 746 1798 WERK GESOEK: Hardwerkende is opsoek na restaurant of huiswerk vir 2 - 3 dae. Ek is 38 jaar oud. Kontak: 081 351 1030 WERK GESOEK: Ek soek skoon maak werk of strykwerk. Ek is 42 jaar oud en kan ook na kinders kyk. Kontak: 081 338 7030

3x Head Compressor manufactured byRVA Engineering driven by 7.5kva 3x phase motor N$ 14 000.00 WERK GESOEK: Tel: 085 635 9211 Ek is 36 jaar en is opsoek na werk vir twee dae. Huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Ek kan onmidellik begin. Walvisbaaiof Langstrand. FOR SALE: Kontak: 081 236 4829


Peaches - very cute adorable young female

Corlita - adorable and cute cat lady

Kittens we have adorable kittens for adoption

· Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · Hiring of earth moving Equipment

* Garden Maintenance * Window Cleaning * Housekeeping * Organising of Spaces/ Garages Contact: Zen Creations & Garden Services Cell: 081128 6714


Ramos Realtors Namibia is offering the following position at our esteemed Walvis Bay Office:

Position Requirements: * 2019 Fidelity Certificate * Valid Driver's license Position is available immediately and offers a fixed monthly salary & company cell-phone. Please forward applications with relevant supporting documents to yolanda@ramos.na

Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Hazel - beautiful, super cuddly siamese-cross

Please contact Walvis Bay SPCA 064-204041

VACANCY: Master Carpenter & Roofer with Trainee experience Weimann´s Carpentry is in search for a Master Carpenter & Master Roofer with at least 4-5 years of experience working with apprentices in both trades. Requirements: - master Carpenter & Roofer Skills - passion for teaching and training - good pedagogical abilities - English and Afrikaans - preferably no younger than 30 years old Looking forward to receive your applications at Weimann´s Carpentry cc Einstein Street 28 P.O Box 393, Swakopmund info@weimannscarpentry.c om KOSHAMUTENYA GROCERY SHOP Cashier needed Skills required: Have basic maths skills Time management skills Should be able to work as a teller Be inviting to customers and have interpersonal communication skills. Should be able to start as soon as possible. Situated in Narraville Contact: 081 242 9604 "Garden Café Luderitz Vacancy: Looking for a head chef with both cooking and baking qualifications. Please send CV to gardencafeluderitz@gmail. com"

2001 VX 100 series 4.2L Diesel Landcruiser built into a 10 seater passenger carrier . N$ 180 000.00 Contact Nic: 081 447 8611


TRUCK TRACTOR FOR SALE 2009 model PGR 380 N$ 230 000.00 ex1 Contact: 081 285 9657

Items for sale: Kirby upright & portable suction cleaner plus carpet shampoo system plus turbo floor polisher, buffer, sander scouring & massage unit plus extra bags and 2 fanbelts excellent condition. N$ 6 000.00 Negotiable Contact: 081 288 9193

JOB WANTED: I am a 35 year old lady looking for domestic work for 3 days a week. I have experience in cleaning and ironing for many years. In Walvis Bay, Dolphin Park of Langstrand. Contact: 081 432 2373 JOB WANTED: I am a 37 year old lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Mondays Fridays or 3 days a week. I am ready to start anytime. Contact: 081 476 3190 WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na huiswerk, of laundry werk Maandae tot Vrydae. Ek is hardwerkend en betroubaar, en Afrikaans sprekend. Kontak: 081 869 2347 JOB WANTED: I am Martha Ashipala, a 37 year old women, looking for domestic work. I can also look after kids, clean in offices. I can start immediately. In Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 309 9869 / 081 489 1024 WERK GESOEK: Manspersoon opsoek na drywers werk. Is hardwerkend en betroubaar. Het BE & PDP lisensie. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 152 2956


19 MARCH 2019


Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication







TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149

Malawian Traditional Doctor Gogo Paketi The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms 081 466 1570

DR CHIEF HASSAN All problems are 100% guaranteed Are you disappointed and lost hope in financial love affairs, family problems, gambling? Here is good news from Baba Khulu Salome. My muthi is your answer, I use Angulu Calabash, bring back lost lover & make him/her be under your fet forever & stop cheating using Mbule powder. Get married quickly and make your partner to think about you always using Mtamiko. Get a lover of your choice or without proposing anyone & to be loved & attractive. Fix unsettled marriages & divorce matter. Baba Mkhulu Salome is here to help you with all your financial problems. Come & borrow magic stick/wallet & become rich, short boys/girls to bring money in your house. I never failed to solve any kind of problem, Kulaga to get money fast in your bank, powerful juwa & likule to bring money and to solve your financial problems. Hire Jinn Mwape to make you rich & become a tycoon. Remove all evil spirits & bad luck, manhood strong erection and control ejaculation. Lucky charm for job, promotion, get double salary. Clear debts/loans. Bind house / properties. I treat different diseases fast. Finsih unfinished jobs:081 780 4564

Dr Makote powerful traditional doctor. Pay after success, same day results within 30minutes, Bring back your lost lover's in same day, Get a lovely of your choice, Stop your partner from cheating on you and to make him or her to love only you, Get attracted to a rich man or woman to love you, Remove bud lucky, Boosting your business, Bring back stolen property within 24hours, Man Power sexuality, Pass examination, Deleted you're Loan's, Get wallet magic stick for using Libindo Usipa to get more money, Pregnancy problems and many more call Dr Makote 0813103337

Dr BANDA. NYASA HERBALS CC Dr Banda is hailed as a Herbalist of the year in 2007, 2008 & 2015. He has more than 20 years of Experience in Arabic healing/ Central, East & Southern African Herbs & Astrology. He opened up in Ormonde, they are astrologer, Herbalist Healer & Researcher. They are the Proud winners of the East/Central African Control Counsil Award for a life time Achievement in Astrology & Herbal Healing. Specialises in the following : 1. Bring back lost lovers, even if lost for a long time. Just from 3 days. 2. Remove badluck, witchcraft, Tokoloshes & Demons from your body or your home. 3. Ensure that promotion you have desired for a long time at work or in your career. 4. Herbal medicine for enlarging the Penis in both length & girth permanently. 5. Herbal therapy for controlling early ejaculation & increase sperms count. 6. Guarantee you to win that troubling court case, no matter what stage. 7. Attract customers to your Business & turn your trade into a favourite. 8. Eliminate in family fights between Children & Parents, in laws, Husband & Wife to ensure peace & harmony at home. 9. Quit Alcohol, smoking & Drugs using purely herbal therapies with no side effects. 10. Heals most chronic Diseases & advice on lifestyle Diseases. Healing using Organic Herbal supplements. Diseases like: Epilepsy, Fits, Asthma, Bed wetting, Shingles, Unhealed wounds, High & Low blood pressure, Sugar Diabetes, Heart Diseases, effects of Cholesterol, swollen (Glands, Stomach, Legs, Lungs) & many more. Now the Doctor is here in your Town for the first Time. Call for Appointment & Consultation. All his works are 100% guaranteed. If you have tried a lot & failed, don't give up, simply turn to the Young African Celebrated Doctor from Malawi now here in Namibia. Dr BEN (BANDA) 081 740 7321

Dr Atwabi; pay after success, same day results Bring back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlargement, financial problems, magic wallet, chitaka wallet, clear debts, man hood enlargement S to XL and much more.... Call Dr Atwabi 081 233 7274

Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

DR RINGAZI Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back your lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to a man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and him or her to love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement m to xl, hips and breast enlargement, bad lucks and many more. Call Dr Ringazi: 081 204 9299

DR BABA KAREEM LUCKY MEANS BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME, Think about how much you lost to many Doctors without success. Here is a powerful Doctor who is after your fast relies not cash. LOVE ISSUES: *I challenge to bring back your back lost lover and make him/her apologise and be under your feet forever. *Get a lover of your choice or without proposing (using upile oil) *Divorce problems *Get married quickly *Make your partner think, care and dream about you every moment. *pregnancy problems *Menhood enlargement in all sizes and stronger in bed *Clear your debts/Loans quickly *Fix financial problems, get money in your bank account using chida, * Win tenders win lotto and gambling and contracts *promotion at work *Get jobs so easily & remove bad luck *I am good in making a woman to be excellent in bed, to be sweeter for good, *Pass exams, I am looking for those people that other doctors failed to assist, finish unfinished job and many more. Mail Order Available Call Now Baba Kareem 0812528744 DR ZANIA Pay after success, same day results. Bringing back lost lover the same day, get a lover of your choice, get married quickly to man or woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating and make him or her love you only, get attracted to a rich man or woman, all pregnancy problems, financial problems, magic ring for money, chitaka wallet, clear debts, manhood enlargement 5 cm to 30 cm, hips and breast enlargement and many more. Call Dr Zania: 081 254 9875

GOGO KANDITI I am a specialist in solving all your problems quickly, no matter how tough and hard. Your problems is my life mission to help people from all over the world with my experience. I have helped thousands of people and 100% guaranteed. Tawisa oil bring back lost lover and make him her listen like a dog. To apologise to you and fix your relationship. Akwilapo short girls to solve your financial problems and get rich by wallet, account briefcase or boxes. Amagundwaatwala imali. Hire usipa, magic stick, rats and sendawana oil to get money in your house. Attracting super natural power to heal others, to become famous artist, politician, celebrity, power for pastors in church. Chamba to treat stroke, legs and any kind of disease. Manhood enlargement to all size. Be strong and make more rounds. Malingashoni to remove evil spirit, bad luck, tokoloshi in your house. Manyi to delete debts loans, protect family, properties, cars, house and many more. Duwa to get jobs, and permanent work, court cases, tenders, lotto winning. Release person from jail no matter what. Initiation of a new member everlasting wealth and riches. Jinnes for magic rings. 081 780 4583

Dr Chibekete pay after job done, same day results. Male enlargement all sizes, pregnancy problems, hips and breast enlarge cream, bring back lost lover's in 24 hours, get married quickly to a man or a woman of your choice, make your lover to stop cheating on you and to love only you, financial problems, winning gambling casino, bussines attracted more costumes, remove bud lucky, clear debts, deleted court cases, remove tokoloshe at your place, pass examination, wallet magic stick for using matalasimu oil, poor erection and many more 0817857974 DR CHILIMA pay after success Same day results, Bringing back your lost lover's in 24hours results, Get your love in your choice, Get married quickly to a man or for a woman of your choice, stop your partner from cheating on you and to love only you, financial problems, winning gambling casino, wallet magic stick for getting more money, pregnancy problems, Manhood enlargement all sizes, Hips and breast enlarge cream, Promotion at work, Remove bad luck with Layani oil, and many more call DR CHILIMA now 0816045409 DR GONONDO & PROFESSOR KOIKOI OLD MAN Stop Suffering I am old enough, I don’t have time to play with people who have serious problems. I work with experience and do not rush for persons money without helping first. Don’t loose hope because another doctor failed you, I am here to help! The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you stressing of money? Love / relationship, bring back lost lover, Lost properties. Job searching & promotion. Court cases, Bad luck. Unhappy marriage Pregnancy problem same day We can also help with Binding properties. Remove evil spirits. Get rid of your enemies. Finish unfinished business with 69 years experience & magic wallet. Spirits powers for pastors, sangomas, political leader, win lotto, pass exams, gambling etc. Only man you can trust or quick & effective results 100 % guaranteed. Treat you overt he phone using name & surname Service delivery accepted Call Dr Gonongo & Prof Koi Koi 081 560 4942

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Af-fairs - Marriage Pro-blems - Bad Luck - Bus-inesses Protection at Home Removal of Toko-loshi Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887 DR CHIMBALANGA Fortune teller, herbalist & healer. The master, strongest serious helper old man never fails to solve your problems, small or big quickly. Effective results with 100% guaranteed sexual problems. Divorce, pain & miscarriage, penis enlargement for men all sizes same day, relationship / love. Bring back lover in 24 hours. Separating lover, quick marriage. Women & men who can't produce. Bring back stolen properties. Attract customers in business. Court cases big and small. Are you stressing with money? Magic wallet & magic ring & magic stick. Lavico. We have special medication for enlargement & reduction of hips, breast and pregnancy problems welcome. Call Sharif: 081 465 7917 KING DR AKHICHO Stop crying and suffering now! The old man with 65 years experience from Swaziland is here. Help to solve any kinds of problems with 100% guaranteed. Are you stressed to get money? I challenge you Bring back lost lover Stop your lover from cheating on you. Quick marriage & divorce Pregnancy same day. Financial problems welcome Magic ring & magic wallet Court cases big or small mens penis enlargement all sizes 16cm - 18cm - 25 cm Enlarge hips & breast. Wining competition, lotto, casino To be strong in bed to get more rounds. if you failed from other doctors, don’t lose hope come to me. Call King Dr Akhicho. 081 318 2508

19 MARCH 2019


Death Notices Jennifer Patricia GaroĂŤs *1997-09-26 - +2019-03-12 II Timotheus 4:7 Ek het die goeie stryd gestry; ek het die wedloop voleindig; ek het die geloof behou. ROUDIENS: 19:00 Vrydag 22 Maart 2019 Huis no 1484, Independence Str. Mahetago, Swakopmund BEGRAFNIS: 09:00 Saterdag 23 Maart 2019 vanaf Huis no 1484, Independence Str. Mahetago, NAVRAE: 081 292 3428 081 287 4432

Sport News Namibia ended seventh

Summer League in home stretch

Buccaneers Summer League in home stretch with the penultimate round played yesterday and final round will be played tomorrow. With Thursday being a holiday the final round tomorrow evening could possibly be big. The results for last week are as follows: Monday 4th Group A. Angelo Titus beat Lelslie Bosman 40-35, Brandon Grane beat Michael Stauder 44-25, Emil Dorgeloh beat Michael Gruhn 2724, and Devon Savage beat Imanuel Amorongo 52-26. Group C. Joe Hermann beat Chris Bruyns 45-34, Heinz Ahrens beat Ricardo von Stein 49-37, Wynand Breytenbach beat Trevor Heath 4637, Christo van Wyk beat Jaco de Jager 57-37, Arlene Visserbt Patrick Quinn WO and Dirk Bosman beat Ockie du Plessis 55-35. Group D. Doyle de Haas beat Alan Hartung 50-46, Diana Meyer beat William Lottering 55-53, Victor Rigby beat Jakkie Nel 49-44, Bykes Muashekele beat Liandro Martins 41-40, JC Platt beat Hanro du Plesses 53-43 and Dirk Kotze beat Rozario September 46-40. Group E. Anet Bosman beat Daniel Bock WO, Cevin Harding beat Zola Nel 54-34, Hannes Dirsuwei bett Christelle Eiman 47-39, Jaco Balhao beat Kirsten Wolhuter 55-42, Christina Beukes beat AlJanedro Dick 51-36 and Corne Kruger beat Leon Smit 64-33. Group F. Tiaan van der Westhuizn beat Willem Louwrens 56-23, Armando Mario beat Christo Smit 42-38, Edwina Southgate beat Paulina Kapitango 52-42, Jonathan Abbott beat Heibri-Ann Hartung 58-22 and Andrea Louw beat Jeremias Fillimon 54-37. Wednesday 6th Group A. Brandon Grane beat Michael Gruhn 32-25, Leslie Bosman beat Jan de Smit 43-38, Angelo Titus beat Joshua Wood 39-34 and Emil Dorgeloh beat Imanuel Amorongo 26-25. Group B. Willie van Duijvenbode beat Johann van der Merwe WO, Ze de Brito beat Marchelino Koopman 41-39, Danie Jansen beat Richard van der Meer WO and Robert Schaaf beat Chantel de Gouveia 44-25. Group C. Trevor Heath beat Patrick Quinn 37-33, Heinz Ahrens beat Jaco de Jager 40-30, Dirk Bosman beat Christo van Wyk 59-35, Ockie du Plessis beat Arlene Visser 39-38, Ricardo von Stein beat Chris Bruyns 40-36 and Joe Hermann beat Wynand Breytenbach 47-40. Group D. JC Platt beat Victor Rigby 52-36, Bykes Muashekele beat Dirk Kotze 53-42. William Lottering beat Liandro Martins 45-35, Hanro du Plessis beat Rozario September 46-38, Doyle de Haas beat JakkieNel 57-37 and Diana Meyer beat Alan Hartung 54-41. Group E. Kirsten Wolhuter beat Hannes Dirsuwei WO, Al-Janedro Dick beatC hristelle Eiman WO, Christina Beukes beat Daniel Bock WO, Anet Bosman beat Leon Smit 63-33, Corne Kruger beat Zola Nel 61-38 and Cevin Harding beat Jaco Balhao 56-33. Group F. Armando Mario beat Heibri-Ann Hartung 66-26, Jeremias Fillimon beat Paulina Kapitango 47-44, Christo Smit beat Andrea Louw 49-36, Jonathan Abbott beat Tiaan van der Westhuizen 45-40 and Willem Louwrens beat Jacoline van der Merwe 46-38.

Standard Bank Top 8 Cup The Namibian Junior Golf team that participated at the All Africa Junior Golf Championships with Adri Pienaar President NJGF Rudi Bowe

The Namibian Junior Golf team ended seventh at the All Africa Junior Golf Trophy Tournament hosted by the Botswana Golf Union (BGU) at Phakalane Golf Estate Gaborone Botswana. The tournament featured over 70 athletes Championships will be hosted in Egypt. under the age of 18 years from 13 countries Leader board on the final day: participated in the tournament that was 1. South Africa 806 played over four days, with 18 holes per 2. Uganda 899 day. The best three scores out of four will 3. Morocco 903 count for the day, while the winner of the All 4. Zambia 909 Africa Junior Golf Championships will 5. Zimbabwe 928 qualify for the Toyota Junior Golf World 6. Nigeria 961 7. Namibia 973 Cup in Japan. The Namibian Junior team consisted of 8. Egypt 980 Willie Els and Jonothan Mather from 9. Eswatini (Swaziland) 994 Walvis Bay Golf Club, and Cilliers Sachse 10. Tanzania 1029 and Charlie Lohmann from Omeya Golf 11. Gabon 1027 12. Mauritius 1031 Club The 2020 All Africa Junior Golf 13. Botswana 1062

The first leg of the Standard Bank Top 8 Cup concluded over the weekend at the Kuisebmond stadium in Walvis Bay.

Black Africa failed to secure an all-important away goal against Tigers FC after the two teams play out to a 0-0 draw. The second game of the day saw African Stars secured a 1-0 victory over Tura Magic. The second leg is slated for 30 March in Windhoek at the Sam Nujoma Stadium with game between Tigers FC and Black Africa will at 16:00 and Tura Magic vs African Stars at 19:00.

African Stars

19 MARCH 2019

Rossmund Golf news



BUCO supports Desert Sport Festival Rudi Bowe

BUCO once again sponsored the Desert Sport Festival which kicked off today and will run until 23 March. Hosted at the Walvis Bay Private High School sports field, the festival, now in its 6th year will see nine Namibian schools and eight schools from South African competing in various sports codes, inclucing netball, rugby and hockey. Walvis Bay Private High School will be the host and other schools participating are Windhoek Gymnasium, Tsumeb Gymnasium, Moria Privaatskool, Windhoek Afrikaanse Privaatskool, Windhoek Technical High School, Windhoek High School, Elnatan Privaatskool and Pro-Ed Academy. The South African schools that will be here to participate in the Sport Festival are: Linden High School, HoĂŤr Heidelberg Volkskool, Wolmaransstad High School, Alberton High School, Porterville High School, Port Natal High School and Bryanston High School. The festival will officially kick off with a gala dinner and with a Legends Evening on Friday. South African rugby legends Chester Williams, Francois Bonthuys, Danie van Schalkwyk and Stefan Terblanche will be this year's guests at the BUCO Desert Sport Festival.

Phillip Seidler sets his mark The monthly Sages Competition was held on Sunday 17 March with 21 golfers taking up the challenge in cold and windy conditions – sponsored by Margot & Pete Bassingthwaighte from Cornerstone Guesthouse. There was no two-clubs and those managing she is always so glad to be back in Namibia to reach the green on Number 7 and 12 were even if only for a short visit. few. Winners: 1st: Bertie Saunderson 35pts; The Day was sponsored by the Atlantic 2nd: Tim Botha 34pts; 3rd: Harald Engling Villas with some breakfast vouchers and a 33pts. few tins of calories to keep you going .Our Nearest to the Pin No.7: Clive Lawrence; 18 hole winner was Mario Polster with an No, 12: Bertie Saunderson. We say thanks to excellent 41pts followed by Kevin Wentzel the sponsors for the great prizes and their on 38pts - it was great to see Kevin and annual support of SAGES Golf. Willie out on the course again. Athol A good field of golfers enjoying the sun and McLean took home the 9 hole prize with the afternoon away from the office on 19pts over the back whilst the longest day Wednesday 13 March - there was some good was had by Erica Oosthuizen. Thanks scores posted and the clubhouse was a buzz - Gerhard for all your support and always with lots of visitors - including our very own being there when needed. Michelle McLean - together with the rest of Wednesday 20 March we have a new onceher family members - Michelle stated that off sponsor Gabrielle Pizzeria.

Busy year in store for NJGF

Phillip Seidler set his mark at the 2019 South African Open Water Championships at Marina Martinique in Jeffreys Bay. This year's competition was the official qualifier for the 18th FINAL World Championships in Gwangju, Korea. The top two athletes in the 5k and 10k races are being considered for selection by Swimming South Africa. Namibian's Open Water Swimmer Phillip Seidler from Swakopmund competed against SA's top talents as well as an array of international stars from Israel and Netherlands, who showed off their skills during the two-day SA National Open Water Championships. On the first day, Phillip competed in the men's 10km event and finished the race 6th overall in a time of 1:54:41 hrs. Winning the men's 10k event was Matan Roditi of Israel, who topped the field in 1:52.40.24. Compatriot Idan Mordel came in 2nd, while South African Chad Ho claimed bronze and his fellow countryman Daniel Marais 4th, while Israel got position 5 and the 6thplace went to Namibia. The next day Seidler competed in men's 5km event and finished the race in2nd position overall. He was up against 59 participants and claimed silver. Michael McGlynn of South Africa punched the time pad in 56:33.61, while his brother snared bronze with Namibia's Phillip Seidler splitting the pair for silver with a time of 57:02 min. At the women's 5km and 10km events, South Africa's Olympian Michelle Weber led a trio of South African in the 10k race for the women, winning in 2:05:37.05, followed by Abi Meder and Robyn Kinghorn. Weber also took the women's 5k title in a time of 1:01.58.42, with Robyn Kinghorn and Amica de Jager taking silver and bronze, respectively. Phillip Seidler made Namibia once again proud and with his strong performance. He officially qualified for the 18th FINA World Championships and will represent Namibia in Gwangju, South Korea, which will be an Olympic qualifier for Tokyo 2020.hillip Seidler

Adri Pienaar (back left) with the various winners of the Tsumeb Junior Open in 2018 A busy year is in store for The Namibia Junior Golf Foundation (NJGF) as several junior golf competitions will be held throughout the country. The President of the Namibia Junior Golf Foundation, School, Immanuel Ruiters Primary School, Namib High Adri Pienaar said that the junior golf competitions will School and Namib Primary School and the the central be held at the coast, in Windhoek and Tsumeb and that league with schools like Windhoek Gymnasium, the junior golfers will also compete in the South Windhoek Afrikaans Privaat Skool, St Paul's College, St African Junior Championships, the Global Junior Georges and Pionierspark Primary School.Walvis Bay Curro Championships in South Africa and the All junior golfer Willie Els who represented Namibia at the Africa Junior Championships in Botswana. Junior Open at St Andrews, Scotland in July last year was The schools league tournaments are under way with the crowned as the player of the year, while coach Gert finals to be played in Walvis Bay on 9 November. Olivier from the Walvis Bay Golf Club received the coach Top South African coach Val Holland will conduct of the year award as he had the most juniors who three golf clinics for the Namibian junior golfers in performed the best overall in the various Namibia and one at Fan Court in George, South Africa., divisions.Pienaar said that the junior golf development while Jaco van Reenen, Moritz von Pritzwitz, Gert program continued to grow with the NJGF paying Olivier and Roux Jeffery will host local golf clinics for directly for the coaching of disadvantaged children, while the juniors.During 2018 the Namibia Junior Golf new players in the regions are coming to the forefront. Foundation had a very successful year with numerous Walvis Bay Golf Club and Tsumeb Golf Club each had 10 schools participating in schools' leagues. The Coastal disadvantaged juniors who were being supported, while league consists of schools: Walvis Bay Private High Rossmund Golf Club had only two. The Windhoek Golf School, International School Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond and Country Club and Omeya Golf Club do not have any primary School, Pro-Ed Academy, Narra Primary disadvantaged juniors.

Left to right: Phillip (silver), Michael McGlynn (gold) and Christopher McGlynn (bronze)


19 MARCH 2019

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Sanlam Coastal Marathon this Saturday

Namibia Fight Championships The first Namibia Fight Championships that will be part of the Namibian Independence celebration will be held on 23 March at the Swakopmund Hotel and Entertainment Centre Swakopmund. The Namibian Kickboxing Federation in collaboration with Legacy Promotions, Swakopmund Fight Club and the Namibia RCFAI & in Walvis Bay sanctioned the event as they joined forces to promote the sport of Kickboxing and Boxing. The respect between Boxers and Kickboxers is to be admired and they support each other. The Event will start 16:30 with 8 Kickboxing fights with the main kickboxing fight between Ankia Rentzke and Marchell Vermaak to promote woman in sport. The night will end with 6 boxing fights with the final and main fight will see Danny Boy take on Swapo Ndayambekwa. The Kickboxers that will be in action in the boxing ring are Delano Müller, Lesley !Hoaëb and Given Mothiba. Namibia Fight Championships will be held throughout the year. Contact Anita on 0811274711 for further information and bookings. The public is invited to support the event. KICKBOXING 1. Mason Theron vs Aaron-Christiaan Mouton 2. Nathan Slinger vs Randall William 3. Giano Alcock vs Hugo Jones 4. Stefan Zerbe vs Luandre Thiersen 5. Raymundo Bowe vs John-Carter Mouton 6. Wade Slinger vs Allesandro Hendricks 7. Hirukevi Muhipa vs Devereaux Hendricks 8. Martin Nandu vs Heinrich Andreas 9. Ankia Rentzke vs Marchell Vermaak BOXING 1. Delano Müller (14) vs Tauno Haipeto (16) 2. Charlie Abisai vs TBA 3. Jonas Ndeuyamunye vs Lesley !Hoaëb 4. Joram vs Given Mothiba 5. Erikky Mwadinange vs Nesimus Amutenya 6. Danny Boy vs Swapo Ndayambekwa

Pro-Ed second in Windhoek The second Sanlam Coastal Marathon was launched in Windhoek. The marathon takes place on Saturday (23 March) at Swakopmund. Organisers pulled out all the plugs and aim at 5 000 participants for this year's event. Runner will compete in five categories: a 5km Fun Run and Walk, 10km, 21km and the 42.2km Marathon.Speaking at the media launch Sanlam Marketing and Communications Manager, Hilaria Graig, said the inaugural event last year set the benchmark against which all future Sanlam Coastal Marathons would be measured. Including this year's event. Graig further explained the Sanlam Coastal Marathon is linked to the IAAF-accredited Sanlam Cape Town Marathon, an elite marathon event in Africa for marathon athletes. This year's winner of the 42.2km item not only will look forward to a cash prize of N$15 000 but also qualifies for "an all-expenses paid" participation in the IAAF Gold Label Status Sanlam Cape Town Marathon. That takes place in September. The President of Athletics Namibia (AN) Erwin Naimwaka applauded Sanlam for creating a platform for upcoming and established athletes. It is an event for athletes to showcase their talent and an honour to be associated with major races such as the Sanlam Coastal Marathon. Naimwaka

applauded Sanlam for the Marathon and pledged the insurer to continue playing a role in the development of athletics in Namibia. The marathon's course will run along the Swakopmund-Henties Bay route. Markers and race officials will demarcate the route. The Marathon ends at Pro-Ed Academy. Entry numbers can be collected at the Pro-Ed Academy on Friday, (22 March) from 15:00 to 18:00. Entries are conducted online via Events Today at www.today.com.na/events or via the Pay Today App or at any Airtime City kiosk. Entries are N$20-00 for the 5km, N$40-00 for the 10km and N$80-00 for both the 21km and 42km. Closing date for entries is today (19 March) so hurry up not to miss out on this event. Prizes in both male and female categories are: 42,2km: 1st Place: N$15 000-00 with automatic participation in the Sanlam Cape Town Marathon; 2nd Place N$10 000-00 and 3rd Place N$5 000-00. 21km: 1st Place N$5 000-00; 2nd Place N$3000-00 and 3rd Place N$2 000-00. 10km: 1st Place: N$2 000-00; 2nd Place: N$1 00000 and 3rd Place: N$500-00.

Pro-Ed Academy 7's rugby team Rudi Bowe The Pro-Ed Academy's Sevens rugby team ended second in the Capricorn Sevens tournament at Windhoek Gymnasium. Pro-Ed played in the under fifteen and under nineteen categories against several schools including the home team. Windhoek Gymnasium beat the coastal school 21-10 in the final. During the group stages Pro Ed Academy from Swakopmund beat the following schools: Windhoek Gymnasium 29-12, Windhoek High School (WHS) 19 -7, Technical High School Windhoek (HTS) 33-7 and Jan Mohr 43-5 to qualify for the final against Windhoek Gymnasium.

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