namib times
SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6321 TUESDAY 21 JANUARY 2014 Tel: 064 - 205854 / 064 - 461866 / Fax: 064 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Whose land is this anyway?
Fire rips through hostel
inside Rössing restarts plant Page 2
Madelaine Laubscher
Allegations have surfaced regarding a property allegedly being sublet to Chinese nationals for housing by Namport. The matter was brought under the attention of the Walvis Bay Municipality and it was confirmed that if it was indeed the case, the practice would be illegal. The individual (name withheld) who the municipality states is renting the land from them confirmed that he is renting the property from the municipality. “If anyone wants questions answered they should contact the municipality or Namport. I do not want to elaborate” he told the newspaper. Namport spokesperson Liz Sibindi explicitly pointed out that Namport is operating on the property and has not entered into any agreement to sublet the land to a Chinese company as is alleged. “Namport would not sublet now or within the future. Continues on page 2
Sewage water overflows Page 3
Boy charged with rape and bestiality Page 4
Our suicidal youth Jade McClune
The cause of the fire that destroyed large parts of the Marienheim hostel at Tamariskia Primary School on Sunday afternoon has not yet been identified, but there are a number of clues as to the possible cause. Despite the efforts of emergency personnel at the scene to contain the situation, the main building at the hostel, where the roof caught fire, could not be salvaged. It was reduced to cinders and burnt-out rubble within a matter of hours. The fire apparently started in the boys' dormitory. All the children were however safely evacuated from the hostel yard shortly after the fire was detected. Bystanders said that the firefighters managed to retrieve three children from one of the burning rooms. The three had suffered from smoke inhalation, but no further injuries were reported. Crowds of people from the area gathered to watch as firefighters
struggled to bring the flames under control. Local residents said that some time after midday they started noticing smoke and flames coming out of the roof of the hostel building next to Tamariskia Primary School. The hostel for primary school children is run by the Catholic Church. The local priest, Mr Anthony said that he was away at a service elsewhere when he was alerted to the fire at the hostel. It is understood that the boys will have to sleep and study in the Catholic Church building until the problem is sorted out, or until alternative arrangements can be made. When the Namib Times arrived at the scene at around 16:00 onlookers
said the fire had been raging for more than two hours already. There were however indications of attempts to start a second fire at the girls' dormitory, less than 50 metres from the boys' rooms. Assistant Matron Hamutenya pointed out that the curtains were somewhat burnt, as if someone had tried to start a fire there, but
failed. There were footprints by the window, which she thinks may belong to the person who tried to start the second fire. It would have been difficult for anyone to escape over the eastern wall of the hostel, because that wall is around 5 metres high and cannot easily be scaled without a ladder. Matron Hamutenya was
visibly shaken by the ordeal. She said that the girls at the hostel, who are mostly of primary school age, are too frightened to return to their rooms, especially after they found that someone had tried to set fire to their dormitory.
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Continues on page 2
Second child drowns
Shark alert Page 10
Jade McClune
An Australian family on holiday in Namibia was left absolutely shattered by the devastating news that their five-year old son had drowned at Dolphin Park near Walvis Bay on Friday. Members of the public have reacted strongly to the news, seeing that it is the second drowning incident at the same resort within two weeks. “I feel very strongly that Adriano would be alive today if a lifeguard and
lifesaving equipment had been in place at this popular public pool”, said one of the bystanders who tried to help by giving the boy cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the pool side (See reader's letter). Continues on page 2
Readers’ photos Page 11
Your weekly tidal update Page 6