namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6554 FRIDAY 20 MAY 2016 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
Rooibank’s clean air harnessed in the fight against HIV & TB Liesl Losper Construction of a health centre for the Topnaar community commenced about a month ago in the Utuseb settlement about 90km southeast of Walvis Bay. Topnaar Chief, Seth Kooitjie said at the groundbreaking ceremony on Tuesday this health facility is an extension of the Walvis Bay hospital, as apart from a community clinic would be utilised for HIV- and TB-patients. Topnaar Chief Seth Kooitjie told the namib times he campaigned the idea of a health centre for the past 4 years whenever and wherever in the circles of representatives from the Ministry of Health and Social Services. “When I was at Opuwo for a meeting I shook hands with Dr Richard Kamwi, the Minister of Health and Social
Services. As a visionary he was keen on the project. It was truly a long time struggle from my side and my community to get this from the ground. Today we have the groundbreaking of this idea", Chief Kooitjie explained proudly this week. The women in our community assisted me with all arrangements.
With the Namibia Port Authority (Namport) contributing 50% towards this project, and 50% from the Ministry's account, this dream became a reality,” Kooitjie further explained. Mr Cornelius Nuunyango, Primary Health Care Supervisor in Erongo also attended the groundbreaking on Tuesday. Continues on page 2
Chamber of Mines disappointed with investors
Huis Palms wil N$100 000 vergoeding betaal na inbraak by sterwende bejaarde Floris Steenkamp Die Raad van Direkteure van die Huis Palms tehuis vir bejaardes op Walvisbaai het sy versekeraar beopdrag om 'n uitbetaling van nagenoeg N$100 000 aan die boedel van wyle mnr. Hans de Jager te oorweeg. Dit is die boedel van die bejaarde man by wie se woonstel daar vroeg in Januarie vanjaar op die perseel van die ouetehuis op Walvisbaai ingebreek is, en dit terwyl hy op sterwe in 'n hospitaal in Windhoek gelê het. De Jager se verliese as gevolg van die inbraak is sowat N$100 000. Die voorval, en nog
vir soortgelyke beweerde voorvalle van inbrake, het wye reaksie uitgelok en stel die bestuur en Raad van Huis Palms se vermoëns ernstig onder verdenking. 'n Verdere siviele geding teen een van die Direkteure en 'n eis vir sy onmiddellike bedanking uit die Raad as gevolg van die wyse waarop hy die de Jager
voorval hanteer het, was gistermiddag nog 'n voldonge feit. De Jager is oorlede sonder die wete dat hy op sy sterfbed rot en kaal besteel is, maar in 'n soeke na geregtigheid het die kinders van wyle de Jager sedert Januarie vanjaar geen steen onaangeraak gelaat nie. Die
Vervolg op bladsy 2
5mw solar plant constructed at mothballed Areva mine
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Man flees for Uis after double murder in Swakop
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Swakopmund host to Namibia’s second crematorium
Erwin Leuschner
Pictured is Mr Cornelius Nuunyango, Primary Health Care Supervisor with Chief Kooitjie assisting and Hileni Kanime(Chief Administrative Offcer)
A new Photovoltaic (PV) Solar Power Project capable of feeding five Megawatts of electricity into the national grid is currently being constructed at the substation of the mothballed Trekkopje Uranium Project about 45 Kilometres northeast of Swakopmund. The official ground-breaking of the N$110 million investment took place in Swakopmund this week. The new development investors are encour- self-sufficient nation. is the first of its kind in aged to develop “small The project developer Namibia, forming part - s c a l e ” r e n e w a b l e is the company Sertum of the Renewable energy projects in E n e r g y N a m i b i a , Energy Feed-In Tariff Namibia to supplement which was born with (REFIT) Programme, the electricity gene- the aim to develop which was initiated by ration with the aim to renewable energy NamPower a few ultimately transform projects in the country, years ago. As part of Namibia from an elec- while the financing t h e p r o g r a m m e tricity importer into a Continues on page 2
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Mixed martial arts offered at WB Kickboxing Club
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Huis Palms
Solar Plant
Vervolg van voorblad
Continued from page 2
bestuur is in opdrag van 'n Windhoekse prokureur tot toemaaktyd Maandag vandeesweek gegun om aan te dui of hulle vir die skade aan de Jager se boedel sou opdok, andersins om 'n skadevergoedingseis te wagte te wees. Daar was ‘n sterk vermoede dat 'n werknemer van Huis Palms en 'n vriend waaraan dié romanties verbind word, toegang tot de Jager se woonstel sou verkry deur 'n spaarsleutel van 'n sleutelrak in die ouetehuis se kantoor te gebruik. De Jager was ernstig siek in die laaste maande van 2015. Hy is kort na Kersfees na 'n Windhoekse hospitaal oorgeplaas waar hy op Dinsdag 5 Januarie vanjaar oorlede is. Die vermoede is dat die inbraak reeds die naweek voor sy dood plaasgevind het. Toe wyle de Jager se een dogter sy woonstel besoek het, het sy onmiddellik opgemerk dat van sy besittings weg was. Dit sluit 'n platskerm televisie, kamera, videokamera, elektriese kombuistoerusting en 'n splinternuwe selfoon in. Die polisie is in kennis gestel en 'n ondersoek is van stapel gestuur, maar het nie veel vrugte afgewerp het nie. Dit is ten spyte daarvan dat verdagtes uitgewys en een persoon selfs vir ondervraging aangehou is. Aanvanklik het die bestuur van die ouetehuis hulle teen enige sprake van verantwoordelikheid en skadevoergoeding hardkoppig teëgesit. Die deuntjie het verander toe die Raad met 'n skadevergoedingseis gedreig is. Huis Palms se regsposisie word nadelig geraak, deurdat daar vyf soortgelyke voorvalle van inbrake (met sleutels) by bejaardes se woonstelle in dieselfde tydperk plaasgevind het. Dit sluit de Jager se inbraak in. 'n Tweede van hierdie vyf voorvalle sal waarskynlik die bestuur ook binnekort voor die keuse te staan bring - betaal of die saak word met 'n siviele eis besleg. Geen lede van die bestuur kon gister vir kommentaar bereik word nie. Die namib times is wel in besit van die amptelike dokument waarin die ouetehuis se versekeraar aandui dat 'n regsgeleerde nou die eis vir moontlike vergoeding bestudeer.
and execution of the project were done by the Italian company Enertronica. Enertronica is already maintaining and developing similar projects all over the world, having made various investments in outer African countries. “This development is only Phase 1 and will generate five Megawatts of electricity,” said Vito Nardi, Group CEO of Enertronica on Tuesday in Swakopmund. During his presentation he said that various approvals are in place to develop a PV Solar Power Project capable of delivering a total of 27 MW. “So far we only have an agreement to deliver 5 MW, but once a Power Purchase Agreement for the total amount has been finalised, we will develop the rest,” he continued saying. The ultimate goal is to supply electricity and to power the desalination plant located north of the Wlotzkasbaken. The 5 MW installation will employ about 50 to 60 people during the construction phase. According to Enrico Barbaglia, from Sertum Energy Development, the current development will consist of about 18 000 silicon PV panels. They are fitted with a tracker technology enabling them to move with the sun, ensuring a large amount of uptake of the sun's energy. Furthermore the project will be able to supply energy in the national grid for about 10 000 Namibian families. Even through construction has already started, emotions were running high during the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony this week. During his remarks Veston Malango, Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Mines, congratulated the companies, saying that “we, as the industry, embrace renewable energy projects.”
Rooibank Continues from page 1 He explained the climate at Utuseb and the wider Rooibank area will be to the benefit of patients, especially for HIV and TB patients, due to the fact that it is free of pollutants and relatively dry. On behalf of the Nam-port delegation, Fonda Shimuafeni, reiterated the Port Authority's commitment to projects aimed at developing service delivery to the nation, specifically health. "It also serves as benefit to future generations", Shimuafeni added. Upon completion of the health centre, staff of the Ministry of Health and Social Services will take full charge of the facility in terms of equipping and staff.
20 MAY 2016
Photo by Erwin Leuschner
Various representatives from the industry, politics and the companies celebrated the symbolic ground-breaking of the Trekkopje Solar Project this week in Swakopmund. The first phase of the PV Solar Plant will be able to deliver five Megawatts of electricity.
The red box in the image marks the first phase of the development. In total, once all agreements are in place, and the rest of the 50 Hektar area has been developed, the Trekkopje Solar Project will deliver a total of 27 Megawatts of electricity.
20 MAY 2016
Chamber of Mines disappointed with Investors Erwin Leuschner
The Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Mines, Veston Malango, is disappointed with some investors, saying while Government is welcoming and supporting international companies to set up energy generation projects, some investors don't deliver. “To date Governments has issued 31 licences for PV Solar Power Projects and only a handful came to fruition,” he said this week in Swakopmund. Malango was speaking at the symbolic groundbreaking of the new Trekkopje Solar Project, which took place at the Strandhotel in Swakopmund. While he congratulated the investors of this development, he lashed out at other companies who are not delivering. “Government is supporting renewable energy projects, is inviting investors to come on-board and has already granted 31 licenses. Where are the actual sites?” he asked. He continued saying that so far he is aware of only a few projects, like the Omburu Solar Park and another one close to Otjiwarongo that have been developed, while one or two other projects are currently under construction. “These investors told government only after getting a license that they need a government guarantee,” he said, and continued: “They all of a sudden turn around. For the Chamber of Mines this is
CEO-COM Mr Veston Malango
very frustrating. Government supported you, but you have broken that barrier.” During his speech Malango also said that the national power utility NamPower should come to the table with the mining industry to solve the current, critical energy crisis plaguing the country. “There are alternative electricity generation options instead of importing expensive power from other South African countries,” he said. According to him the entire mining industry in Namibia has a combined, embedded generation capacity of almost 70 Megawatts. This consists mostly of generators and is used for emergencies or general power generation. “If you include the renewable energy projects, like wind and solar, this figure stands at 105 Megawatts,” he said. Malango stated that this amount of electricity is available from the mining industry and can be used to supplement the countries, demand during crunch time. “It is our approach that with a bit of cooperation the mining industry can make this generation capacity available to NamPower, instead of NamPower having to import expensive electricity,” he said. For this to become a reality though, a few technical issues need to be sorted out. Malango did say that this idea is not new and has been on the table since 2007. The Chief Executive Officer mentioned up a further bone of contention, saying that the mining industry is willing to invest in Namibia, but sometimes the government is not supportive, “which I do not understand.” In this regard he mentioned the establishment of a second desalination plant by the mining industry, but the application was declined by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. “We as the mining industry walk the talk. We from the Chamber of Mines have actually submitted a proposal for the establishment of a second desalination plant to supply the mines, but for reasons unknown to me this was not approved,” he said, and concluded: “Government ought to assist us, the mining industry.”
Build Together Kuisebmond verskil met uitlatings van Bay Construction se Naidoo Liesl Losper Inwoners van Build Together in Kuisebmond op Walvisbaai het 'n brief aan namib times gerig waarin hulle reageer op 'n berig in Dinsdag se utigawe van die koerant waarin die kontrakteur Bay Construction, wat hul huise afgehandel het, 'n stelling gemaak het dat hulle [inwoners] tevrede was met die toestand van hul wonings toe dit aan hulle oorhandig is. Inwoners voer aan dat geen munisipale amptenaar ooit saam met die kontrakteur by hulle was en die huise eers inspekteer en toe afgegee het nie. Voorts voer die inwoners aan dat in teenstelling met die kontrakteur, mnr Naidoo, se verduidelikings daar nog steeds Build Together huise in Kuisebmond is wat nog nie oor elektrisiteit beskik nie, en dat bewoners vuur moet maak en snags met kerse en lampe moet werk. "Kom besoek ons en kom kyk self. Dit is ook so dat Minister Saraah Shaningwa net die Narraville Build Together huise aan inwoners oorhandig het, en haar nie vergewis het van die toestand waarin die Build Together huisies in Kuisebmond daarna uitsien nie", lui die brief. Inwoners sê voorts hulle is ongelukkig daarmee om N$90 000 per huisie te betaal. Dit kos presies dieselfde bedrag as laekoste huise wat later jare deur ander laekoste skemas opgerig is. Nieteenstaande suig die Build Together inwoners aan die agterspeen, want hul huise het byvoorbeeld houtrame, in teenstelling met die alluminium-rame wat die nuwe generasie huisies het. Die nuwe generasie huisies is groter en daar is veel beter vakmanskap toegepas en beter afwerkings gebruik. Die eerste Build Together huisies het wel alluminium-rame en diegene wie se wonings dit nie het nie, dring aan daarop, want hulle is die mense wat op die einde daarvoor moet betaal. 'n Beroep word nou gedoen op die kontrakteur en die munisipaliteit van Walvisbaai om inwoners te ontmoet sodat 'n middelweg gevind kan word, vra hulle. Inwoners voeg in die brief by hulle is dankbaar vir die dak oor die kop wat hul gegun word, maar daar moet regverdigheid wees en wat hulle toekom moet aan hulle gegee word, want hulle moet daarvoor betaal. ·In Dinsdag se uitgawe het Bay Construction by monde van 'n direkteur mnr. Elvin Naidoo verduidelik sy onderneming het as reddingskontrakteur toegetree om die Build Together huise in Narraville en Kuisebmond af te handel. Die kontrakteur moes die beste doen met die gegewe begroting. Inwoners aanvaar sy verduideliking, maar stry teen sy stellings dat hulle tevrede was toe die huise oorhandig is, en dat hulle gebruik moes maak van die retensie-tydperk om klagtes oor swak bou- en afwerkings te opper.
20 MAY 2016
Court Walvis Bay Court Report 11 May 2016 Daniel Ndipwashimwe (24) and Shimboyo Johnson (19) appeared on charges of theft, common assault, resisting a member of the police and malicious damage to property (4/2014). Matter postponed to 23 August. N$1 000 bail each extended. Erickson Shipiki (20) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (4/2015). Matter postponed to 23 August. Accused released from custody. Naftali Sakaria (39) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level. (10/2014). Case withdrawn against accused. Minor (15) appeared on a charge of theft (1/2016). Matter postponed to 18 May. Accused released in care of a guardian. Barnabas Muzanima (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (1/2016). Matter postponed to 22 August. N$3 000 bail extended. Andreas Thomas (31) appeared on a charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument (1/2016). Matter postponed to 25 August. N$2 000 bail extended. Linea Ketu Mangudu (25), Job Johannes (22), Ruben Elizabeth (23), Nathika Ampolo (23), Penehupifo Gideon (33) and Rauna Ndalimbwa (30) appeared on charges of theft (2/2016). Matter postponed to 24 August. N$2 000 bail each extended. Immanuel Nowaseb (43) appeared on a charge of contravention of correctional service act (2/2016). Matter postponed to 7 July. Accused in custody. Michael Homateni (30) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (3/2016). Case withdrawn against accused. Warrant Deon De Klerk (21) appeared on a charge of theft (3/2016). Matter postponed to 25 August. Accused in custody. Janietha Prins (17) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (5/2016). Matter postponed to 16 June. Accused released in care of a guardian. Richard Howaseb (47) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (5/2016). Matter postponed to 13 June. Accused in custody. 12 May 2016 Jerome Vos (23) appeared on a charge of theft (7/2014). Matter postponed to 14 July. Accused in custody. Selma Shilimela (34), Petrina Endjala (36), Emilia Nasheya (27) and Tobias Amiti (47) appeared on charges of theft out of a motor vehicle (12/2014). Matter postponed to 30 June. N$1 500 bail each extended. Venani Kamundu (32) appeared on charges of indecent assault and assault by threat (7/2015). Matter postponed to 21 June. N$800 bail extended. Johannes Kaiyamo (35) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (8/2015). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$3 000 or 8 months imprisonment. David Mateus (33) appeared on a charge of forgery (12/2015). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$8 000 or 12 months imprisonment. Tresia Namupala (45) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (12/2015). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$3 000 or 8 months imprisonment. Eliazer Ekandjo (29) was absent from his case on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (12/2015). Accused is at large. Vincent Melani (30) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences (2/2015). Matter postponed to 14 June. N$10 000 bail extended. Minor (15) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (2/2016). Case withdrawn against accused. Pieter Nakanene (28) appeared on a charge of indecent assault (10/2013). Case withdrawn against accused. Sylvenus Neib (18) appeared on charges of arson and theft (3/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$2 000 or 6 months imprisonment. Sebulon Andreas (38) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences (3/2016). Matter postponed to 21 June. N$700 bail extended. Edwin De Wee (40) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (4/2016).
Matter postponed to 19 May. N$4 000 bail extended. Joseph Haitembu (31) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (3/2016). Matter postponed to 30 June. N$1 000 bail extended. Markus Paulus (23) was absent from his case on a charge of theft with false pretences (3/2016). Case withdrawn against the accused. Wieken Ricardo (30) appeared on a charge of theft (3/2016). Matter postponed to 26 July. Accused in custody. Armando Gaweseb (19) appeared on charges of theft and arson (3/2016). Matter postponed to 9 June. Accused on N$1 500 bail. Morris Freeman (20) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing drugs (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$1 000 or 90 days imprisonment. Mario Cook (21) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$3 000 or 8 months imprisonment. Filemon Ruben (37) and Andreas Timoteus (36) appeared on charges of theft from a motor vehicle which was properly locked (8/2014). Matter was postponed to 7 June. N$8 000 bail extended. Simon Simon (29) appeared on charges of reckless or negligent driving and refusing to submit to blood specimen withdrawal (9/2014). Matter postponed to 10 August. Accused on warning. Evane Van Wyk (26) was absent from his case on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (10/2014). Accused at large. Logan Pretorius (26), Reggenald Carlo Bezuidenhoudt (24), Sandra Riobo (19) and Genielle Pretorius (21) appeared on charges of dealing in dependence-producing subtance and possession of dependence-producing substance (10/2015). Matter postponed to 14 June. N$8000 bail each extended. Robert Duimpy Jackson (20) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine (12/2015). Matter postponed to 18 August. N$2 000 bail extended. Alvin Gideon (19) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to rob and robbery (1/2016). Case withdrawn against accused. Allen Natangwe Hameva (34) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine (2/2016). Matter postponed to 23 August. N$2 000 bail extended. Titus Shivute (25) appeared on a charge of theft (3/2016). Matter postponed to 30 June. Accused on N$2 000 bail. Rynardt Beukes (28) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Sentenced to 8 months imprisonment. Seun De Duin (22) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (5/2016). Matter postponed to 28 June. Accused in custody. Carlo Jones (37) appeared on charges of negligent driving and failing to ascertain injuries sustained in accident (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$2 000 or 6 months imprisonment. 16 May 2016 Vendelinus Shivolo (23) appeared on a charge of robbery (2/2015). Case withdrawn against accused. Minor (15) and Heinrich Smith (32) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (8/2015). Trials seperated. Accused in custody. Vendelinus Shivolo (23) appeared on a charge of robbery (10/2015). Matter postponed to 28 June. Accused in custody. Absalom Nduwe (21) was absent from his case on a charge of theft (1/2016). Accused at large. Aukus Aukus (40) was absent from his case on a charge of culpable homicide (2/2016). Matter was postponed to 1 June. Accused on bail. Djolonim Vakola (29) appeared on charges of common assault and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (4/2016). Accused was found guilty. Sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Clive Basil Jeneke (51) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$1 000 or 90 days imprisonment. Lluwelyn Brown (25) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence-producing substance (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$500 or 60 days imprisonment.
Erastus Iita Pax (32) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicationg liquor (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$6 000 or 12 months imprisonment. Clive McGuirg (31) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (5/2016). Matter postponed to 16 June. N$4 000 bail extended. Denfred Louw (24) appeared on a charge of possession of dependenceproducing substance (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$500 or 30 days imprisonment. Simon Makili (45) appeared on a charge of robbery (5/2016). Matter postponed to 6 July. Accused in custody. Alfred Vries (39) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$6 000 or 12 months imprisonment. Ngoimue Venerurur (20) and Shane Nawaseb (20) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (7/2014). Matter was postponed to 11 July. N$500 bail extended. Ghineto March (25) appeared on a charge of theft (6/2015). Matter postponed to 22 June. N$2 000 bail extended. Minor (16) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property (7/2015). Accused was found guilty. Cautioned and discharged. Hofni Nestor (24) appeared on charges of attempted robbery and assault by threat (7/2015). Mateus Nandjedi (48) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (8/2015). Matter postponed to 30 August. Accused in custody. Barnabas Kanime (30) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (11/2015). Matter postponed to 19 July. Accused in custody. Jean-Roy Zander De Klerk (24) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (1/2016). Matter postponed to 26 July. Accused in custody. Minor (15) appeared on a charge of attempted theft from a motor vehicle which was properly locked (3/2016). Matter postponed to 29 August. Accused released in care of a guardian. James September (38) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. Accused found guilty (3/2016). Sentenced to 8 months imprisonment. Freddy Cloete (29) appeared on a charge of rape (3/2016). Matter postponed to 11 July. Accused on N$4 000 bail. Raurentius Kashikola (35) appeared on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumtances (5/2016). Matter postponed to 30 May. Accused in custody. Dausab Nimrod (20) appeared on a charge of use of a vehicle without the owner's consent (5/2016). Matter postponed to 17 May. Accused in custody. Mateus Nandjedi (51) appeared on multiple charges of cheque fraud and forgery (5/2016). Matter postponed to 30 June. Accused in custody. Jersay Tjipose (18) appeared on a charge of theft (5/2016). Matter postponed to 9 June. Accused in custody. Mathias Malapi (27) appeared on a charge of theft (5/2016). Matter postponed to 31 May. Accused in custody. Marshill Koppetsch (22) appeared on a charge of possession of cocaine (5/2016). Matter postponed to 7 July. Accused in custody. Linda Pampin (26) and Therisa Ndeutapo (25) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (5/2016). Matter postponed to 28 June. Accused in custody. Gilroy Maputle (21) appeared on a charge of common assault (5/2016). Matter postponed to 16 June. Accused detained in place of safety. Gabriel Amuntenya (31) appeared on a charge of resisting a member of the
police (5/2016). Matter postponed to 29 August. Accused in custody. 17 May 2016 Albertus Gaeseb (29) and Nicky Geingob (19) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (11/2013). Matter postponed to 15 June. Accused on bail. Siyongo Mishake (34) appeared on a charge of fraud (12/2013). Matter postponed to 4 August. N$2 000 bail extended. Kasper Raymond (25) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (11/2014). Matter postponed to 8 August. N$1 500 bail extended. Lesley Swartbooi (23), Martin Khurisab (24), Paulus Nashilongo (19) and Melissa Vries (22) appeared on charges of attempted murder (assault) (7/2015). Matter postponed to 15 June. N$2 000 bail each extended. Allan Brandt (31) appeared on charges of possession of dependence-producing substance and possession of potentially dangerous dependence-producing substance (12/2015). Matter postponed to 29 August. N$600 bail extended. Victor Kafita (29) appeared on a charge of forgery and uttering a forged instrument (9/2015). Matter postponed to 31 August. N$3 000 bail extended. Rainer Togethoft (44) appeared on a charge of theft (1/2016). Matter postponed to 1 September. N$3 000 bail extended. Easter Gordon Van Neel (33) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault) (1/2016). Matter postponed to 31 May. Accused in custody. Saul Martin Sarleb (30) and Benji Lebereki (26) appeared on charges of theft by false pretences (9/2016). Matter postponed to 2 June. Raymond Louw (age unknown) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (3/2016). Matter postponed to 30 August. Accused on warning. Justus Ambambi (25) was absent from his case on a charge of malicious damage to property (3/2016). Accused at large. Karita Slow Ekresol (28) appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property (3/2016). Case withdrawn against accused. Ananias Mbango (35) appeared on a charge of common assault (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined with N$500 or 30 days imprisonment. Dausab Nimrod (20) appeared on a charge of use of a vehicle without the owner's consent (5/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$4 000 or 12 months imprisonment. Rasarus M Andreas (37) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (7/2015). Case withdrawn against accused. Reinold Itana (41) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (11/2015). Case withdrawn against the accused. Gabriel Hamutenya (25) assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm (11/2015). Matter postponed to 30 May. Accused on N$1 500 bail. Lionel Kanandjembo (32) appeared on a charge of murder (1/2016). Matter postponed to 15 June. N$4 000 bail extended. Betuel Uupindi (26) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (2/2016). Matter postponed to 10 August. N$4 000 bail extended. Africa Nambele (36) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor (3/2016). Accused was found guilty. Fined N$6 000 or 12 months imprisonment. Owen Naobeb (24) appeared on a charge of assault by threat (3/2016). Matter postponed to 18 May. N$700 bail extended. Clearance Mutani Gurirab (31) appeared on a charge of use of a vehicle without the owner's consent (5/2016). Matter postponed to 19 July. Accused in custody. Renchel Xameb (23) appeared on a charge of robbery (5/2016). Matter postponed to 27 June. Accused in custody.
20 MAY 2016
A man flees to Uis after shooting girlfriend and uncle Sharlien Tjambari
Court Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court Simon Nandjepo (36) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 31 May for judgement. The accused is on bail of N$2000. Jandre Lodwyk Dippernaar (32) appeared on charges of fraud- no drivers licence and murder. The matter was postponed to 23 June for plea and trial. The accused has been warned.
Magistrate’s Court Toivo Haufiku (34) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 27 July for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail of N$800. Andrew Cyril Mouers (30), Tomas Lisako (28), Andreas Kayambu (33) and Titus Alweendo (29) appeared on charges of corruptly using office for gratification and corruptly using a false document by an agent. The matter was postponed to 19 July for fixing of trial date. All of the accused are on warning. Andreas Abnor (18) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 20 June for mental observation report. The accused remains in custody. Stanley Melani (42) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 03 August for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody. Bentholenus Somaeb (24) appeared on a charge of
theft read with provisions of the domestic violence act, Act 4 of 2003. The matter was postponed to 07 July because the accused was absent. The accused remains in custody. Narobi Beukes (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 15 June for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Simon Hamukaku (30) appeared on a charge of possession of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 07 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$3000. Karrel Julius Pandukeni (30) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 07 June for legal aid. The accused remains in custody. Erwin Gaogoseb (40) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 08 June for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Doreen Gertze (34) appeared on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and driving with an excessive blood- alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 08 June for lab results. The accused is on bail of N$4000. Menerencia Guriras (28) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 07 July for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$5000. Victor Nelumbu (39) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 15 June for further investigation. The accused remains in custody.
Notice to Narraville residents The Namibia Police in Walvis Bay invites all Narraville Residents to a public meeting at the Narraville School Hall at 14h00 on Saturday (21 May 2016). The meeting will address issues concerning crime in this suburb of Walvis Bay. At the meeting residents will also have an input as to how various crimes are concerned would be addressed.
On Tuesday evening a man whose age is not yet known, in Tulinawa-Mondesa shot his 50 year old uncle and 38 year old girlfriend in the head and upper body after a fight between the suspect and the girlfriend turned violent. The incident took place at 23h55 on Tuesday evening. According to the Deputy Commissioner Ottilie Kashuupulwa, the Erongo Crime Investigations Coordinator Commissioner, who confirmed the incident, the alleged suspect went to the ex-girlfriend's place to request her to get back with him “the girlfriend apparently lives in a shack at the suspect's uncle's house.” Kashuupulwa further said that the suspect and the girlfriend started quarrelling and when the uncle heard the quarrelling he decided to intervene “when the girlfriend saw the uncle she ran behind him in fear, the suspect then took out his firearm and shot the uncle and the girlfriend” said Kashuupulwa. Kashuupulwa further said that the girlfriend and her uncle were rushed to Windhoek with the ambulance and were admitted at the Central Hospital “the victims sustained serious injuries on their heads and upper body.” According to Kashuupulwa the suspect fled the scene and fled to Uis. He was arrested in Uis on Wednesday and is being detained at the Uis charge office. The suspect is expected to appear in Swakopmund Magistrate’s court as soon as he is brought back to Swakopmund. Crime Prevention Tips Crime prevention is all about being aware of your environment and remaining alert to situations that could make you an easy target to crime. Here are a few suggestions and examples of common sense behaviour that will help you make life safer and more secure. Protecting your property Preventing thefts from vehicles: · It is advised to have an alarm installed in your car. · Always lock the doors and leave windows rolled up. · Keep books, tape players, and valuables out of sight. Expensive items in full view invite theft even if the vehicle is locked. · Place valuable items in the boot of your car not the front or back seats. · Know the license plate, year, make and model of your vehicle. · Do not ever leave money, cheques, or credit cards in your car. Preventing bicycle theft: · Always keep your bicycle locked and chained to a stable object. · Check on the lock by pulling on it to make sure it is secure. · Use an engraver to place an identifying mark on your bicycle. · You must always be able to identify your bicycle. · Never loan your bicycle or other property to strangers. · Be sure not to park your bicycle in a deserted or poorly lit area. Preventing thefts from offices: · Be aware! Be attentive. · Do not showcase your office. · Always close and lock your office when it is not occupied. · Lock your desk, file cabinet, locker, etc. Reporting a crime or emergency It is an important responsibility of a victim or witness of a crime or other emergency is reporting it to appropriate authorities in the time. Crimes are expected to be reported within 24hours. When filing a report attempt to provide as much detail as possible about the situation, including a5t least the following: · Your name; · Your location and telephone number where you can be reached; · The nature of the crime you are reporting; · Any other additional information requested by the appropriate officers.
20 MAY 2016
Vehicle carrier docks on Tuesday
The 200 metres long and nearly 60 000 gross registered tonnage vehicle carrier, Treasure, docks at the port of Walvis Bay on Tuesday to discharge imported vehicles for clients in several Southern African neighbouring countries. The port of Walvis Bay is the preferred port of entry for the import vehicle trade for Namibia’s neighbouring Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe and also Botswana.
Port Log
20 MAY 2016
Langer Heinrich gives big support from math congress Sharlien Tjambari Tuesday, 17 May, marked the opening of the 11th National Mathematics Congress. The three-day congress was attended by over 250 teachers, advisory teachers, UNAM lecturers, mathematics educators from private institutions and officials from the Ministry of Education in Swakomund. This year marks the eight year in which Langer Heinrich Uranium is the main sponsor of the congress, having sponsored N$250 000. Speaking on behalf of the sponsors, the Managing Director of Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU), Mr Simon Solomons, said the main reason why LHU have been sponsoring the mathematics congress is LHU have recognised the following common denominators in the program: excellence, integrity, accountability and commitment. “Langer Heinrich further supports programs that we know will make a change where it is most needed and for that matter a lasting change. We all know that a solid understanding, the ability to apply Mathematics and a good grade in this subject opens many doors which create opportunities for the individual, who will ultimately influence his or her generation, society and nation positively,” Solomons added. Solomons further said that the fact that teachers were willing to sacrifice their holiday speaks volumes to him about the passion, diligence and commitment the teachers have to their calling as mathematics teachers. “The main objectives of the congress are to reflect on the achievement in Mathematics, to share the challenges, to identify issues affecting mathematics education and most importantly to pave ways
for successful implementation of mathematics program in the country, said the Deputy Director of Programmes and Quality Assurance, Ms Clemmentine Tsumis Garises, at the opening ceremony. She was speaking on behalf of the Deputy Permanent Secretary of Formal Education, Mr Charles Kabajani. She added: “The annual mathematics congress is making progress in capacity building with many Namibian mathematics educators, both inside and outside classrooms, presenting research findings on topics of problem solving, using technology in the classrooms, parental involvement and understanding.” According to Kabajani mathematics is the only subject whose study consistently enhances performance across all fields of science and it is of growing importance in Biology, Medicine and many of the social sciences. “As part of the global community, Namibian learners need the quality of mathematics content that the whole world is striving for. The introduction of mathematics for all is one of our successful moves in this direction, hence the subject is no longer a discipline for a few as it was in the past. It's open for all the learners. As part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the Ministry of Education, there is a need to provide quality content of mathematics,” Kabajani concluded.
The Managing Director of Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU), Mr Simon Solomons
The Deputy Director of Programmes and Quality Assurance, Ms Clemmentine Tsumis Garises
The Inspector of Education, Erongo Region Mr Ernest Olivier, Former Namib High School Principal Ms Magreth Courtney-Clark, Mr Simon Solomons and Ms Clemmentine Tsumis Garises
Much excitement among Walvis Bay children for the next Spelling Bee Walvis Bay children are excited about the Faith Education Centre Spelling Bee that will take place on 11 June at the Kuisebmond community hall. The idea originated from the fact that the Faith Education Centre teachers are concerned about the reading and spelling capabilities of children in Walvis Bay. The Bee is open to all learners from various schools in Walvis Bay, from Gr1-4. Learners that attend primary education at Immanuel Ruiters, Narraville Primary, Kuiseb Primary, Tutaleni, Narra, Flamingo, Duneside and Dolphin Elementary have already collected their words and are currently practicing during their free time these holidays. Four prizes will be up for grabs. Some children have watched American Spelling Bee movies such us “Akeelah and the Bee” and are quite inspired. “The results that learners received this term are quite disturbing,” says John Paul Shafetango, a teacher at the centre. Our children read very poorly and especially return from the holidays worse than when they left. “ A lot of parents and teachers from various schools have been visiting the centre, asking for assistance for their children. We cannot accommodate all the children, so we make time for a group to come in during the holidays. It is not enough to be proud that the centre's children are reading well, so we decided to involve outside kids by having a Walvis Bay Spelling Bee. We are currently busy with the children that started with the holidays, and it is shocking that even children at gr 5 level cannot read properly, while our centre's Gr 2-4 are reading properly. We are doing our best to get them into shape for the next semester. This spelling BEE will be a great motivation. Some of the children that I meet in town are already smiling, knowing that they know every word on the Bee list. The Spelling Bee will be open to young and old. Come join us on 11 June at 15:00, and find out who the smartest kids in Walvis Bay are. We are planning to make this a regular event. The Faith Education Centre was established in 2013 by journalist Taati Nilenge. “ He felt the need to rescue children off the street and keeping them educated by means of afternoon classes, leadership sessions and community projects. The centre has so far embarked on projects including luncheons for the elderly, eye glasses for learners, matric farewell assistance to needy gr12 learners and shack fire donations amongst others. I am proud of the teaching team as well as the learners. I chose three gr12 graduates and a retrenched factory worker in Kuisebmond to teach these children and left everything in their hands. I never expected them to do these wonders all on their own. They have turned the Walvis Bay kids into young leaders, and the story continues to grow.” The centre currently has 70 children, who make the centre proud by winning awards at the respective schools in Walvis Bay. We usually make use of every opportunity to enhance the education of the children through programs like leadership, poetry, math and spelling competitions amongst others. This year, we will have a big Spelling Bee competition for Walvis Bay children. The Bee will take place in the Kuisebmond community hall on 11 June, 2016 and will include children from grades 1-4. Every participating child will receive words to practice during the holidays. This is also our attempt to enable the children to read and spell better by spending some time on words during holidays. The centre is humbly asking for your help in donating any price to our eight winners if possible. It doesn't have to be big. We only need something simple for the winners.
20 MAY 2016
Civil claim of millions looms against murder accused Jandré Dippenaar The long expected start of the murder trial against Jandré Dippenaar, who stands accused of causing the horrific car accident in December 2014 close to Henties Bay claiming the lives of six people, will only commence in January 2017. Sylvia Smidt: Hoe lewe jy met jou self saam as jy weet jy is skuldig vir daai onskuldige mense se dood en gaan met jou lewe aan asof dit niks is nie. Dit was ons kinders en ons het hulle bitter lief gehad. As ek vir net 1 mens se dood skuldig is sal ek nie kan rus nie, dit sal my mal maak al was dit werklik 'n ongeluk wat ek kon verhoed het. Hoe arrogant kan mens dan nie wees nie. Ons is flenters oor ons verlies en hy pleid onskuldig. Genade nee. Van Daym Andrew: Free the man....forgive and forget.the word itself says ACCIDENT. thats something we cant control and handle..may their soul rest in peace and god will judge him self NOT US. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: It does not matter how guilty he is. It is not our place to JUDGE! We sin everyday! It is a horrible thing that happened, I dont deny that, but let the GOD be the judge and bring justice to the case. Allan Roodt: That is a valid point,Kindly explain this to the relatives of the people who died that day and the girl who instantly lost her family Lindie Du Toit Visser: And then, please don't judge the loved ones of the people that died, for being angry, and heart broken!! Let them grieve, let them air their feelings!! They have all the right in this world to be angry. God do understand that we are human. Sylvia Smidt: Dankie Lindie. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: I for one do not judge anyone. I feel the pain, sorrow and the anger of the loved ones. I probably would ve felt the same way but as I said it is not our place to judge anyone. Onesmus Shapopi Steenkamp: If I were you I woudnt raise such a silly point.... you telling people not to judge but you jus read that he overtook 3cars at a blind cresent so does it not make any sense to you that he was not considering other drivers? Steve Hattingh: God will do nothing. It is up to the courts to judge. There can be no justification for overtaking at a position where is clearly illegal to do so. His reckless behavior cost the lives of innocent people. I hope he gets everything he deserves. There are too many of these type of people on the road. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: Silly, who are you to tell me my comment is silly? This platform is for anyone to give their comments. Dont be rude. I was not rude in any of my comments. I have my opinion, so do you. Dont make it personal. Onesmus Shapopi: Steenkamp let ur whole family perish in the way 6 people died... you will depressed n mourn for goods... anyway im working with the law so he will still be convicted at high court in Whk n for your information he will serve a sentence morethan 80years.... remember this comment of mine next year Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: Im lost here.... Mr-ohso-clever-working-with-the-law I never said anything that he should or shouldnt be punished. Who are you to curse my family? Anyone will be in mourning losing anyone this way. I did not condone anything that happend or anyone. Retha Booysen van Rensburg: This is NOT about judging or even sin (except for his lies), but all about justice - your comment has no grounds. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: As I said before.... this is a platform to give views and opinions. Retha Booysen van Rensburg my comment is based on my beliefs. Give yours and leave mine. Michelle McBrown Hevendon: Onesmus Shapopi i honestly think you should not use your career in order to get a point across. It is unprofessional. Onesmus Shapopi: Hevendon Steenkamp is anoying people perhapes she dont understand the feeling of the relatives of those Germans.... I jus made it clear that he wil not walk away with it Natalia Goborova: Not to judge?! Maybe you right. Bullet in the head and the case is closed! Thats what they would do in China and you know what? The accident rate would drastically drop in Namibia! Ones and forever, instead of dragging this case forever making
this only survived girl go through that pain again! How about that? Rousseau Kirsten: Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp as you said this platform is for views and opinions. Do not be mad when someone does it. Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp: I am not my dear. Nadja Schlusche: I agree..... get real Mrs Shamaine Garcia Steenkamp .... if this wld hv happened to you wld u still not judge???, Bulls.... Off course you wld have a oppinion - soooo that opinion is your judgement. Dippenaar f.... up and has ELIMINATED 6 lives, wiped out a complete family and ruined other families lives. Simonie Schoonbee: Dit kon enige iemand se kind gewees het !! Baie van ons het groot kinders wat maar net jou kind bly !! Al was Jandrè hoe verkeerd sal ek hom nog steeds opdra in gebed. Hy sal wel sy straf ontvang as hy skuldig bevind word. As ek reg lees is die saak uitgestel vir meer diskrimineerde getuienis teen hom. Het elkeen van daai jong mense geken en ek sal nooit Charlene se lag vergeet nie. Klippe gooi nou gaan nie help nie !! Hannelie Brand: Ek stem 100% saam met jou Simonie Schoonbee, maar ons as ouers moet ook op n stadium kom waar ons ons kinders moet laat leer deur hul foute. As dit waar is dat geld praat, waar gaan jou kind stop as jy gedurig betaal om hom los te kry. Die Here het n doel gehad dat hy oorleef, wat dit is weet ons nie, miskien om sy skuld te betaal, of om goed te doen in ons same lewe, maar gebruik dit dan. Simonie Schoonbee: Hannelie Brand Ek stem!! Al wat ek sê is kan ons nie wag tot vonnis dag nie, ek weet dat hierdie Jandrè diep raak was sy meisie en sy vriende !!!! Sover ek gelees het, dit waarvoor hulle uitgestel het is nog meer diskriminerend teen hom en ek wens net niemand die hel in die tronk toe nie !!! Sylvia Smidt: Dit bly ons kinders en ons seer. Sou julle dieselfde gevoel het as dit julle kinders was. Dit bly seer en stukkend. Jy vee nie al die jare uit asof hulle nie bestaan het nie. Dis menslik dat ons stukkend is. Wag maar tot julle self in daai boodjie is. Christina Badenhorst: Dis so somonie reg sal geskied net God sal weet mens se tong is soos n slang Reino Botha: Dink julle die man sal dit onnodig doen???julle mense wat sleg praat weet nie wat gebeer het nie...so as julle niks goed te se het nie bly liewer stil....dis hoekom mens dit m ongeluk noem... Retha Booysen van Rensburg: Sekere "ongelukke" kan vermy word AS die skuldiges die wet gehoorsaam en nie so vol van hulself is nie!!! Shaun Loubser: Ongeluk.? Dis n goeie grappie. Christa Elizabeth: Lindsay Ons weet wat gebeur het! Hy het te vinnig gery, maw spoed grens oortree! Drie voertuie verby gesteek op 'n blinde hoogte. Nie drywers lisensie gehad nie en gelieg daaroor. Dis prosedure om ' n moord saak oop te maak wanneer mense ñie van natuurlike oo...See More Sylvia Smidt: Dankie Christa ek pis nie oor iets nie. Ek het my kleindogter wat ek grootgemaak het verloor. Almal wat so skerm vir hom wat as dit jou kind was. Retha Booysen van Rensburg: Christa Elizabeth Lindsay, dit is 'n mors van energie om met sy beste maatjies te redeneer... Hul oordeel is niks werd nie. Luzane Fitzpatrick: 10 jaar is hopeloos te min Christa. "life" in di tronk klink vi my meer na die antwoord. Babie Mynhardt: Elke mens het mos iets om tese... sterk wees janneman... amal prt mos oor spoed. So asof amal 60 ry op dai pad of 120 op die ane langpad paaie.... dis hartseer om tesien hoeveel mense kan oordeel. Wonder mant wat sou amal se as jy in s skoene was... of h skudig is of nie. As j deel was van di ongeluk kon amal opinie gee. Maar ni amal was daar nie.! So comment amal mos iets maar niemand weet regtg wat angaan nie amal hoor mos stories en glo daar an.... just saying.!!!!! Reino Botha Leigh Lelanie Pascheka Jennifer Jenny Van Rensburg: Niemand van ons is perfek nie en maak nie saak wat die mense se nie ek sal hom altyd ondersteun. Nie een van julle wat hom nou steunig en klippe gooi weet wat werklik gebeur het nie. Dit is nie ons as mens om te oordeel nie. Net Jaans en God weet wat daai dag gebeur het. En God het sy kinders kom Hy het hulle nodig en dit is nie maklik vir Jaans nie hy het ook seer en dalk nog vewyte wat nie een van ons weet nie. Klippe gooi gaan nie help nie. Dit gaan nie die oorledenis terug bring nie. Sit julle in sy skoene en sy ouers dan praat julle weer. Bruwer Blignaut: Kry sy ma Reinette Koeglenberg
vreeslik jammer. Ons mag nie oordeel nie. Dit was die Here se wil, Hy gee lewe en dood.Die oordeel le alleenlik in Sy hand. Hy sal vir die res van sy lewe met sy gewete saamleef. Dis die ergste straf. Niks kan nou daardie mense weer terugbring nie. Onthou net die een sonder sonder, moet die eerste klip gooi. Geen groot of klein sonde nie. Sy lewe is nou sy hel. Wag laat die wetlikheid nou maar sy gang gaan dan maar. Simpatie aan die naasbestaandes. Dalk was dit maar net hulle tyd gewees dan maar. Sterkte aan alle partye. Elke Voigt: God gee lewe ja en hy neem dit ook... maar isit regtig sy wil dat j dronk sonder n valid license agter n stuurwiel in klim nee ek dink nie so nie! ek oordeel glad nie ek se manet Luzane Fitzpatrick: ek dink ni dit was toevalig al 6 daai mense se tyd op di spot ni. Confucius Fixi Koopman: So hulle het 7maande nodig om n verslag van 200 bladsye deur te gan. N bladsy n dag. Jawat. Harald Grunewald: Namibia, country of the BRAVE ALL is possible Wikkie Hough: Ja 7 maande vir 200 bladsye.....miskien is daar nie brille nie....of miskien is party blind...of miskien is daar n konsentrasie probleem. hahaha Norman Anderson: Of, miskien is die hof vol tot daai tyd..al daaran gedink.. Deoni Kotze Diedericks: Dit gaan 'n Namibiese Oscar Postorius raak. Word hy skuldig bevind aan moord gaan sy civiele eis van die duisters voort word hy skuldig bevind aan mansslag gaan die staat weer( soos met oscar) appeleer en die saak gaan weer voor kom vir moord. Roekeloos bestuur skukdig bestuur sonder lisensie skuldig bedrog oor die manier waarop hy sy lisensie wou kry skuldig... skuldig aan iets is hy def daarvoor is daar genoeg getuies. Of hy skuldig gaan wees aan moord of manslag dit gaan die vraag bly. En dit gaan sy vonnis bepaal. Maar geregtigheid gaan geskied. Dit is verseker. Dit gaan niemand van die families wat steeds rou en hartseer is se mense terug bring nie maar tenminste sal hul kan afsluit. Dalien de Jager: As jy die wet oortree... vat jou pak soos n man. Vergeet van jou baie geld, wees opreg en doen die volwasse ding. David Shikongo: Forgive him , it was a joyride! Sean Wolf: I feel sorry for all the people involved , but If he is guilty he must bare the consequences !!! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Sterk staan Jaans. Mense gaan jou met moerse klippe gooi. Niemand weet hoe huil jy oor jou vriende nie. Ek hoop mense leer uit hierdie storie. Dink twee voor jy mense rond ry! Retha Booysen van Rensburg: Dink twee keer voor jy soos 'n besetene jaag, die wet verkrag en só vol is van jouself dat jy dink jy is "untouchable"!!! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: En jy comment by my? Ek wonder wie is vol van haarself? Wag maar vir die skok' Retha Booysen van Rensburg: Leigh Lelanie Pascheka, vir jou en jou maatjie... Birds of a feather, flock together! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Birds of a feather se gat! As jy my met enige iemand wil vergelyk vroumens moet jy blerry mooi soek want ek is nie jou hiert of jou speelmaat nie. Jou judgemental soort hoort ook in die tronk Deoni Kotze Diedericks: Klem op ook? So jy weet hy gaan tronk toe gaan? Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Is julle mentally challenged Anné Dodds Retha: dis regtig belaglik. Enige iemand weet 'n man wys nie emosies nie. Maar vriende van hom sien dit wel elke slag. Laat dit wees wat dit wil. Maar ek wonder hoe sou jy voel as dit jou kind was? Maar een ding wat ek baie mooi oor tyd geleer het. Jy self het nog groen koring op jou velde. En ek het op myne. More oor more kan dit een van ons
sin wees... sal jy kan saam lewe met wat mense van jou kind se? Sal jy haat he in vriende wat jou kind bystaan. Plaas jouself in ander se skoene voor jy mense so aanval wat voel hulle moet hulle vriende bystaan waar dit van toepassing is. Retha Booysen van Rensburg: ...te veel geld - te min opregte liefde... Dit skemer duidelik deur! Retha Booysen van Rensburg: Ware, opregte vriendskap, vertel of ondersteun nie leuns nie!!! Amper al die oorledenes WAS GROEN KORING! Om te herken dat jy verkeerd was, en verantwoordelikheid te neem vir jou dade - DIT is eerbaar! As hy net die ruggraat het om dit te doen, dan sal baie minder mense hom uitjou en minag, maar heelaas... Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Retha Booysen van Rensburg wat weet jy? Die man werk soos enige ander mens vir geld! Hy het beslis nie geld nie! Suur druiwe nogal oor wat? Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Retha Booysen van Rensburg imagine jy ry dorp toe en jou pelle sit in die kar, ongeluk gebeur en ewe skielik ken mense jou vreeslik goed! Jy kan my en ander aanval en vertel hoe stupid en hoe dom en hoe sleg ons is, great vir jou. Ek sal Jandre ondersteun. Een ding wat jy nie weet nie is dat al vier in een kar vriende was van my en die ander ook! Dis n blerry tragedie. Wonder of jy jou rug sal draai as jou seun in so ongeluk oorleef het? Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Anné Dodds my blom, jy het so mooi probeer praat maar duidelik gaan die vrou almal kak hap wat Jandre lief het en ondersteun! Hulle sien nie sy seer nie! Anné Dodds: Ag nee wat. Dan moet sy en die res maar voort gaan. Ek plaas myself in ander skoene oor my twee jarige seuntjie hou van karre. So wie is ek om te oordeel? Maar dis net hoe ek is. Adel Pretorius: Erasmus Snaaks as julle soooo moerse vriende was waar was jy op die rou diens? Wie sin het jy almal by gewoon? Besoek jy ook nog vandag die ouers? Het jy al ooit een van die ouers besoek.??? JC se vriende weet hoe lyk sy ouer huis.......... Retha Booysen van Rensburg dit gaan nie help so het ons mos maar elkeen sy opinie. Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Adel Pretorius Erasmus lag, ek het nie n foto nodig om my te herhinder aan die wat dood is nie. Mense leef in jou hart en gedagtes voort. Julle veretter my en die wat Jandre support. Wat sou julle gesê het as JC bestuur het? Nee man. En niemand het gesê Jandre is n sleg donner die dag voor die ongeluk nie! Geen ouer intervention daar nie. Ek ken die dood, as paramedic, beter as ander! Adel Pretorius Erasmus: Wat sou jy se as Jandre dood was??? Ek se weer almal sou gelewe het as JC bestuur het!!!! Jy is altyd soooo slim en so goed en weet als en en en en en. En is net altyd beter as almal. Jy verveel my.......... Lindie Du Toit Visser: Ag ooooohhh my genade!!!! Adel Pretorius Erasmus, Retha Booysen van Rensburg, spaar tog mar jule asems, mens kan ni met iemand redeneer wat ALLES weet ni!! Da is ni n ding onder hierdie son wat sy ni weet ni!! Mar dit is soos jy se Retha, soort soek soort, dis duidelik dat dieselfde gewetenlose, ongevoeligheid hier heers. Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Adel Pretorius Erasmus dan het ek JC ondersteun terwyl julle hom kruisig! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Lindie Du Toit Visser en jy ken my? Lmga. Ek het n paar woorde vir jou, maar weet jy social media sal my, my bek laat hou! Jandre is nie my soort nie, ek is my EIE soort. Tit for tat my dear Adel Pretorius Erasmus: Neeeeee lees net reg!! Daar sou ni n ongeluk gewees het nie!!!! Leigh Lelanie Pascheka: Jaaa kan ook nie ophou nie ne!! What if ... Melanie Posthuma: Soveel hartseer in hierdie verhaal...
20 MAY 2016
NCCI Swakopmund hosts marketing survey training The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Swakopmund branch had a workshop for NCCI members who own small and medium sized businesses in Swakopmund on Wednesday and yesterday. According to Swakop- the workshop was the enough customers, but mund NCCI's Admini- different types of ques- they keep on doing the strator, Marketing and tions that one can ask same thing over and Brand Manager An- potential customers over again for months tonia Ndumbu-Udeh, during market research and years. marketing is important exercises and surveys. Maybe the reason is for every kind of busi- Udeh further said that because they did not ness: “because marke- a s k i n g c u s t o m e r s conduct market or ting allows you to put questions on a regular research surveys. This your business out there basis about the services is a platform for busifor people to know you offer is very im- ness owners to improve what are you doing, portant, as it helps you their decision making how you are doing and improve and grow capabilities and even what you represent. your business. risk management” adds The focus of this Market research also Udeh. workshop was to dis- assists to formulate a “Anyone out there who cuss market research, business plan, because wants to start a busibecause many people market research gives ness or is planning to do not understand what quantifiable informa- start a business, come market research is and tion and facts which and talk to us and we that every business can help and enhance can make a plan. Mayneed to do market business plans. be you can be our Especially if one is member. We are also research. For example, you need planning to get a bank planning to have a to understand your loan or a contract for a business plan compepotential customer, certain company. tition for the youth so you need to understand “At the end of the keep your eyes open your existing custo- workshop we want our and watch out in the mers and you can only business owners to media for that” Udeh do it through re- take extra care of their concluded. search.” businesses. Many of Below, participants of Some of the things the them are failing and the workshop yesterNCCI looked at during they are not getting day in Swakopmund.
Photo by Erwin Leuschner
Sharlien Tjambari
Mini-spayathon held in Swakopmund to curb rapid birth rate of puppies and kittens Up until the end of July the Swakopmund Have-a-Heart Project will spay and neuter and treat 100 dogs and cats from townships. The mini-spayathon kicked off in April and will curb the rapid birth rate of puppies and kittens and improve the general health of the animals. The operations and treatments were done by the local vet Dr Tarina Sorensen (l.), who was assisted by Sheelagh Bagot-Smith from the Swakopmund Vet Clinic (centre). A great deal of the mini-spayathon was organised by Ute Holstein from Have-a-Heart.
20 MAY 2016
Swakopmund home to Namibia’s next crematorium Erwin Leuschner
The decision was taken by council at its last meeting after an application was received from Prinsloo Loubser Architects on behalf of the K & L Trust. The crematorium in Windhoek is currently the only crematorium in Namibia. The facility is more than 40 years old and Namibia's growing population inevitably increases the demand for cremation services. The Windhoek crematorium, situated at the Gammams
Cemetery is plagued by breakdowns, resulting in the closest cremation facility at the disposal of Namibians the Upington crematorium (South Africa), according to Prinsloo Loubser Architects in the application. The City of Windhoek in 2015 earmarked N$15 million for the upgrade of the current crematorium and prospects to expand the facility. Besides a new crematorium, the developer wishes to construct a new small chapel and
sufficient parking close to a new cemetery planned in Swakopmund. In the application dating from September 2015, Prinsloo Loubser Architects states that the basic planning for the development has already been completed. “The incinerators used within the crematorium will be smoke free and will pose no health hazard to any adjoining properties,” it states in the application. Furthermore, the
developer ensures that the facility will make use of state of the art equipment. “The design is done in such a way that the general public would not be aware of the crematorium,” it states. At the recent Town Council meeting the application was approved as “it should be regarded as an exceptional application by public initiative which will supplement Council's duty in provision of cemeteries. Furthermore a crema-
Photo by Erwin Leuschner
The Swakopmund Town Council has in principle made a 4000 square metre piece of land available for the construction of Namibia's second crematorium, to ease the huge demand on the ageing crematorium of the City of Windhoek.
Swakopmund running out of burial space - need for a new cemetery Swakopmund is running out of burial space at its graveyards, as well the Swakopmund Memorial Park Cemetery, which is the oldest in town. Town Council is planning a new cemetery and in principle approved to make a piece of land available adjacent for the construction of Namibia's second crematorium.
torium is undoubtedly an asset for any town.” Council decided to make the required land available (in principle) and will sell it once the creation and finalisation of a plot for a new cemetery has been concluded. Once a suitable piece of land has been identified, the matter
will be re-submitted for council to determine a purchase price. The fact that Swakopmund is running out of burial space was also stressed by Wilfried Groenewald, Councillor of the Swakopmund Residents Association (SRA). During the AGM of the organisation held
this week in Swakopmund, Groenewald said that the cemeteries are full and that a site for a new cemetery has not been decided on yet. “The development of a new crematorium is good news and it will be housed next to the new graveyard,” he said.
20 MAY 2016
20 MAY 2016
Namibia Bureau de Change opens branch in Walvis Bay Liesl Losper Namibia Bureau de Change, already in its 20th year of operation and a subsidiary of Bidvest Namibia, has opened a branch recently in Rikumbi Kandanga road, Walvis Bay. Namibia Bureau de Change is a market leader in the foreign exchange sector of the financial industry. Products and services include travel-related Bureau de Change, which at the time only had 3 foreign exchange, money transfer services branches in Windhoek,” Mberirua said at the through MoneyGram and a prepaid travel card recent opening. Both Oshikango and Walvis Bay called the World Currency card, which is avail- were identified as crucial expansion points. able in three currencies (EUR, USD, GBP). Tou- “We will continue to expand our services and prorism play a significant role in Namibia Bureau de duct offerings as per the need of our customers. Change's client base and was one of the driving We will also look at expanding further in the forces behind opening a Walvis Bay branch. country and rest assured that we will not end at Bidvest Namibia was listed on the Namibia just providing the current services, but we will in Stock Exchange (NSX) 6 years ago. Prior to the future look at a whole spectrum of Financial listing on the NSX Bidvest was a wholly owned Services. subsidiary of Bidvest South Africa. After listing Yolanda Lehman, coastal manager for the Walvis on NSX Bidvest Namibia became a 49 % asset Bay branch, says that service excellence is what base for Namibian individual shareholders, they provide to make a good deal better. “Any corporates and various pension funds with the travel related foreign exchange requirements is biggest chunk of the shares belonging to GIPF. our speciality. We will even come to you if Mr Theo Mberirua, Director Commercial and required. Products include Money Transfer SerBusiness Development of Bidvest Namibia said vices transferring money to friends or family in his opening speech that at the time of listing overseas or receiving the same from them. These the group's earnings were heavily dependent on services are provided through Moneygram. For fishing (around75%). This, he said, was not sus- travelers overseas the World Currency Card is the tainable and during the last six years they have solution, whereby you load your foreign currency witnessed a major expansion of non-fish entities on the card and use the card overseas to pay coupled with a carefully structured acquisition vendors or withdraw cash from any Visa strategy that enabled the Group to add what is Approved ATM. This ensures that your cash cannow known as Bidvest Food Division and the not be stolen and even in the event that your card recently acquired Automotive Division. is stolen, it is replaced within 5 minutes” Lehman “Mid last year we acquired 49% of Namibia said.
Theo Mberirua, Director Commercial Busi- (Lft) Alicia Beukes (Supervisor) and Yolande Lehmann, Coastal Manager at ness development the Walvis Bay office
Theo Mberirua right after the ribbon was cut by a representative from the Municipality council
20 MAY 2016
Mummy Mayhem in the Namib Desert Posted on 13 May 2016 Gondwana Blog With the start of a new production, an unnamed 'Mummy' reboot, making its way to Namibia, we began to wonder about all the other films that have featured our desert sands. To our surprise we found out that more than 30 movies have been filmed in Namibia, so far and the numbers seem to be climbing steadily. Obviously all the films are not as popular as others, personally there were some we didn't know about at all. Films like Beyond Borders (starring Angelina Jolie) and Gallowwalkers (staring Wesley Snipes) all but flew under the radars. Most people don't realize that the older movies such as A Far Off Place or The Young Black Stallion were filmed in Namibia. Other big budget movies made a larger splash, like Flight of the Phoenix, 10,000 B.C. and the latest release, Mad Max: Fury Road received a massive reaction, along with six Academy Awards.
The main aspect of the country that continuously draws film crews to Namibia is the vast expanse of the Namib Desert. And why wouldn't it? The massive sand dunes that glide beneath the gentle touch of the ocean breeze are enough to inspire anyone. And this glorious desert has drawn attention once again. The Mummy franchise first started in 1932 with Boris Karloff bringing the monster to life. The next generation of films developed the original plot into an action packed trilogy launched in 1999, staring Brendan Fraser, Rachel Weisz and Arnold Vosloo as the monster. 'The Mummy' is once again being reimagined though a drastic reboot with Universal Studios. According to IMDb the film, that has yet to be named, is rumoured to develop around the discovery of a tomb that holds an ancient queen who was killed before she could fulfil her destiny. This queen – to be portrayed by Sofia Boutella – is awakened in modern day and with her the malice that has been brooding over millennia, goes on a rampage. This would be the first time where a female antagonist will be featured in this Universal franchise. Alex Kurtzman is directing the film and so far the full cast has not yet been revealed, but massive Box Office names like Tom Cruise and Russell Crowe will be making an appearance. Cruise is set to play a NAVY Seal named Tyler Colt, the main character in the film and a break through actress, Annabelle Wallis, will be starring opposite Cruise. In an interview with Collider, Crowe confirmed that he will portray the character Dr Henry Jekyll. Crowe's character forms part of Universal Studio's plan to create a 'Monster Universe' in which classic monster films are rebooted in modern settings and will eventually lead to a reboot of the classic Jekyll and Hyde. Now that you have the background info let's get back why this is relevant to Namibia. Some of the filming for this exciting reboot will be done in the Namib Desert. Filming is set to take place as of late June and has stirred quite a bit of excitement amongst the locals. Well who wouldn't be? Tom Cruise is scheduled to arrive on Namibian soil on 20 July 2016. Movies have been part of most people's lives across the world. Most children grew up watching Disney movies about princesses and magical animals that could talk. And as we grew into adulthood our animated memories became stories of hobbits and rings, and heroes and villains. To most, the idea of movies and films has become an escape from reality shaping the routine of our day-to-day lives. Moments in which we get too enter a new world where the unrealistic and fantastic becomes normal. And personally we feel a trip to the Namib Desert is just what the world needs. References for this article: http://www.gondwanacollection.com/blog/index.php/category/walvisba y/, The Mummy Reboot May Have Found Its Lead BY MIKE REYES, http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Mummy-Reboot-May-Have-Found-ItsLead-99007.html, http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2345759/, For more photos, see, http://www.comingsoon.net/movies/news/673885-first-photos-of-tomcruise-on-the-mummy-set#/slide/1, http://collider.com/the-mummy-russellcrowe-tom-cruise/
WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month: Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Saturday: Braaivleis at MOTH Centre. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Centre. * 20 - 22 May: The Western Youth Rally & 200 Years OMI Celebrations at Tamariskia, Swakopmund. * 3 June: Ray Dylan comes to Walvis Bay in aid of the JJ’s Care Centre at Community Church at 18:30, Walvis Bay. * 7 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by My Fathers House. * 8 June: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 24 June: Mr & Miss NPS. * 1 July: NPS Fun Day. * 5 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Evangeliese Sending Kerk, Narraville. * 2 Aug: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lewende Water Gemeente. *6 Sept: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Five Fold Ministry. * 15 Sept: NPS Matric Tea. * 1 Oct: NPS Festival Day. * 4 Okt: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Anglikaanse Kerk, Narraville. * 12 Oct: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. * 1 Nov: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Congregational Kerk, Narraville. * 20 & 21 Oct: NPS Prize-giving Ceremony. * 9 Nov: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole at 19:00. ***************
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * 29 May: Sunday Market at the Green Center (behind the Snake Park), 5 Libertine Amathila Ave from 09:00 - 13:00. Contact 081 69 29 072. * 11 June: Namib High School Golf Day at Rössmund Golf Club. * 26 June: Sunday Market at the Green Center (behind the Snake Park), 5 Libertine Amathila Ave from 09:00 - 13:00. Contact 081 69 29 072.
20 MAY 2016
20 MAY 2016
Ray Dylan coming to the coast Liesl Losper JJ’s Care Centre is bringing Rob Dylan to the coast on 3 June. James Frederick Jersich, better known by his stage name Ray Dylan (born in Odendaalsrus, South Africa on 15 August 1978), is a South African singer who sings in Afrikaans and English. He recorded his debut album “New Kid In Town” in 2002, but his breakthrough came with the 2006 Afrikaans album “Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie.” Some of his songs with their release dates are, 2002: “New Kid in Town,” 2006:” Hokaai Stoppie Lorrie,” 2007: “Breek Die Ys,” 2008: “Hier Binne (Klop 'n Boerehart),” 2009: “Goeie Ou Country,” 2009: “As die wiel ophou draai,” 2010: “Ek Wens Jy's” and many more. JJ's Care centre is hosting a show for their centre and they are bringing Ray Dylan to Walvis Bay on 3 June. JJ`s Care Centre opened on 1 September 2014 in Walvis Bay. This centre is inspired by The Justin Selby Care Centre which I founded in December 2012, South Africa, East London. The Justin Selby Care Centre was named after a Cerebal Palsy boy named Justin (My son) who has been inspiring so many parents out there with children like him. Justin is 7 years old. He was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy Spastic Diaplegia at 18 months. Justin is able to sit with support and he can roll from one side to another, but isn't able to crawl or walk. He can communicate and loves interacting with other children and discovering all the simple things in life that we so often take for granted, such as the trees, flowers, and animals. Justin attends the JJ`s Care Centre. JJ`s Care Centre is an Edu-Therapy Day Care facility for children with physical and mental disabilities as well as for children with learning difficulties. The Centre believes that all children should be given the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential. The Centre is based on a Christian foundation and offers guidance, support and a loving environment for special needs children. We accommodate for mentally and physically disabled children of all ages as well as for children with speech and learning difficulties. All children attending the Centre receive meals and snacks during the day while taking part in necessary physical/speech & occupational therapy, stimulation and activity programs. We rely solely on the generosity, interest and kind hearts of the community to support us, without which we would not be able to provide this much needed service to the children in our community. The Centre also provides training for home based care programs for children with disabilities and sign language workshops. The Centre is always open to volunteers to come spend time with the children, interacting with them and learning about each one’s individual needs. We take any child with any form of disability – no age limit. The JJ`s Care Centre currently has 60 children attending the centre. Disabilities of the current children attending the centre are Cerebral Palsy, Autism, Dyslexia, mentally disabled, Deaf and Hard Deaf as well as Shaken Baby Syndrome. We rely solely on the generosity, interest and kind hearts of the community to support us, without which we would not be able to provide this much needed service to the children in our community. The Centre aims to provide a safe, spacious and hygenic facility for the care and development of children with physical and mental disabilities. In so doing, we hope to provide peace of mind and relief for the families of these children.
20 MAY 2016
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Stilblüten aus Polizeiberichten Die Efundula der Ovambomädchen
-Infolge der Handlung des Täters fiel Rita Z. in Ohnmacht und rief einige Male um Hilfe.’ -Durch einen Lichtstrahl drangen in der Nacht zum Freitag unbekannte Täter in
den Supermarkt ein. -Bei den Befragungen vor dem Untersuchungsrichter wurden die Genitalbereiche nur ganz kurz berührt. -Die Mordkommission schließt nicht aus, dass
die bei Hannover gefundenen Teile eines menschlichen Körpers zu einer Leiche gehören. -Wie uns gemeldet wurde, lief die Ehefrau mit der Wäsche ihres
Wollen Sie zeigen, wie es um die Stammesgeschichte der Menschen bestellt ist? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; E-Mail: susannkinghorn@gmail.com Mutlosigkeit ist nur die Verzweiflung der beleidigten Eigenliebe. François de Salignac de la Mothe Fénelon Die Angst macht unfrei, der Glaube frei. Die Angst lähmt, der Glaube gibt Kraft. Die Angst macht mutlos, der Glaube ermutigt. Die Angst macht krank, der Glaube heilt. Die Angst macht untauglich, der Glaube tauglich. Ralph Waldo Emerson Von Zeit zu Zeit muß man sich durch den Umgang mit guten und kräftigeren Menschen neu einbinden lassen, sonst verliert man einzelne Blätter und fällt mutlos immer mehr auseinander. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche Meide Menschen, die mutlos und abhängig sind und mit ihrer ewigen Erwartung des Unglücks Unglück herbeiziehen. Prentice Mulford Das Leben besitzt so viel Positives, dass Pessimisten ganz mutlos werden könnten. Laurence Sterne Sei geduldig mit allen Dingen, aber besonders mit dir selbst. Werde nicht mutlos, indem du deine Unvollkommenheit betrachtest, sondern arbeite daran, sie zu verbessern. Saint Francis de Sales
Mannes, den Federbetten und dem Geliebten weg. Der Wert dieser Dinge beträgt ca. Fr. 520.-. -Letzte Nacht entwendete ein unbekannter Täter zwei Hühner, von denen eins ein Hahn war. - Oft leidet Paul an Geisteskrankheit. Von Zeit zu Zeit hängt er sich auf. Wenn längere Zeit niemand kommt, dann schneidet er sich wieder ab. -Nach ambulanter Behandlung konnte der junge Mann seinen Finger wieder mit nach Hause nehmen. - Da packte Otto N. eine 40 cm hohe und 4 kg schwere Marmorstatue und schlug auf den Schlafenden ein, bis er aufwachte. - Den Scheidungsantrag ziehe ich nicht zurück, da mein Mann kein Gefühl hat, hauptsächlich in der rechten Hand. - Der Direktor wird weiterhin beschuldigt, die Sekretärin Ulrike D. so unvorsichtig behandelt zu haben, dass sie in andere Umstände kam.
Worte der Woche
4. und letzte Folge In vier Folgen erscheint hier ein Ausschnitt aus dem Buch ,,Groß ist Afrika”, das der deutsche Journalist und Schriftsteller Alfred E. Johann über seine A f r i k a re i s e 1 9 5 2 schrieb. Die Männer haben es in diesen Wochen nicht leicht. Zwar verraten sich die Mädchen schon weithin durch die rasselnden Hölzer um ihren Leib, so dass die Jünglinge Zeit finden zu fliehen oder sich zu verstecken. Aber oft genug werden sie durch List übertölpelt oder auch in zäher Verfolgung zur Strecke gebracht. Wer sich dann nicht durch ein größeres, oft ruinöses Geschenk loszukaufen vermag, der wird hart verprügelt und aller seiner Waffen beraubt; ein junger Ovambo kennt keine größere Schande. Er darf sich nicht wehren. Versucht er es dennoch, so kommt er nach altüberliefertem Stammesglauben früh ums Leben. Die Mädchen bringen in dieser Zeit den Männern Unglück. Wen sie einfangen, der wird auch im Kriege nicht entfliehen können, wird gefangen werden und als Sklave in die Ferne verkauft. Nach sechs bis acht Wochen neigt sich die Terrorherrschaft der Mädchen dem Ende zu. Die Männer atmen auf. Aber noch bis zum letzten Tage müssen sie achthaben, denn gerade dann brandet der zügellose Übermut der Oihanangolo noch einmal mitleidslos auf. Die Mädchen schlafen während dieser Zeit nicht in den Häusern, sondern im Busch, zuweilen auch auf dem Platz, wo sie zu Beginn der Feiern bis zur völligen Erschöpfung haben tanzen müssen. Im Busch aber nähern sich den jungen Geschöpfen gewisse alte Frauen und weihen sie in die Geheimnisse ein, die mit Liebe, Ehe und den Männern verknüpft sind. Endlich ist die wilde Zeit vorbei. Die Oihanangolo versammeln sich auf dem Tanzplatz und tanzen noch einmal eine Nacht lang. Am nächsten Morgen machen sich dann die Mütter oder Mütter-
Nach der Reifefeier wird dem Mädchen eine aus Lehm, Kuhmist und fremden Haaren gefertigte Kappe ins Haar geflochten. schwestern daran, den zu bearbeiten hat. Sie Oihanangolo die Asche gilt nun als verheiratete von den Leibern zu Frau mit allen Rechten waschen. Die grauen und Pflichten. Ist sie Gespenster verwan- gar die erste, die deln sich in heirats- Hauptfrau ihres vielfähige Mädchen, die leicht wohlhabenden von den aufatmenden Mannes, so genießt sie Bräutigamen schon große Vorrechte. Darüsehnsüchtig erwartet ber hinaus werden ihr werden. Es ist gar nicht magische Kräfte zuerleicht, die Haut von kannt. Die Hauptfrau dem tief in die Poren allein darf zum Beieingedrungenen A- spiel den Butterbeschepuder zu befreien. hälter berühren, aus Aber schließlich glän- dem der Mann, die zen die jungen Leiber anderen Frauen, die wieder im Schimmer Knechte und Mägde jener Paste aus rotem gespeist werden; denn Ocker und Fett, die den nur so vermag sie den Ovamboschönen und ferne im Busch weiihren Anbetern so lieb denen Herden Geist. sundheit und FruchtDer Bräutigam hält barkeit zu sichern. schon für die Braut- All dies durfte ich mutter das übliche damals, als ich vor dem Geschenk nebst einem Kriege bei Nahemja Ochsen bereit, der Shovaleka zu Gast gleich an Ort und Stelle weilte, aus unmittelgeschlachtet wird. barer Nähe miterleben. Dann endlich darf er Mehr als einmal hatten seine Braut heimholen. mich die grauen RasStolz trägt er ihr die selgespenster im Busch Aussteuer voran: Klei- überfallen, sich allerder aus schöngegerb- dings stets mit Geten Fellen und Kuh- kicher und Geschrei mägen, Kochgeschirr, daran genügen lassen, Körbe und Hacken zur mir einen tüchtigen Feldbestellung, das Schrecken einzujagen. wichtigste Werkzeug! Als Gast des HäuptDie junge Frau erhält lings und vornehmer ihre eigene Hütte und Fremder galt ich selbst ihr eigenes Stück Gar- dieser wilden Horde als tenland, das sie fortan Respektsperson.
Der deutsche Weltreisende Alfred E. Johann (*1901 in Bromberg- +1996 in Dedelstorf)
20 MAY 2016
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste vom Hocker Namibias faszinierendes Locker Übers Lesen! Reptilienbuch
Swakopmund (sk) Das eine Lücke füllende und daher lang ersehnte Reptilienbuch von Alfred Schleicher erschien im vergangenen Jahr auf den Regalen namibischer Buchhandlungen. Der Druck ist von bester Qualität, das Layout gestochen und die Farbfotos, vorwiegend vom Autor selbst, äußerst ansprechend. Auch ist das Kleinod ,,verständlich formuliert und übersichtlich gestaltet”, wie der Professor der Zoologie an der Universität Basel, David Senn, es im Vorwort zu dem Buch erwähnt. Senn, der mit einer Dissertation über das optische System im Gehirn von Reptilien promovierte, beginnt sein Vorwort wie folgt: ,,Es war 1970, als ich als junger Forscher in Ulm einen öffentlichen Gastvortrag über die Tierwelt Floridas hielt und noch nicht ahnte, dass unter den etwa 300 Zuhörern ein 14-jähriger Reptilienbegeisterter saß. Er hatte an der Fauna Floridas, in der die Reptilien dominieren, ein brennendes Interesse. Danach dauerte
Ein Lappenchamäleon (Chamaeleo dilepis), das so genannt wird, weil sich hinter dem helmförmigen Kopf zwei Lappen befinden, die sich über den Hals falten lassen. Fotos: Alfred Schleicher schildkröte. Das war Tiere” Ende der 60er auch mit den Kindern) noch in Deutschland. Jahre begeisterte. ausgedehnte Reisen in Wenige Jahre später Erst Jahre später war es u n t e r s c h i e d l i c h s t e wurde ich Mitglied des mir selber möglich, Länder Afrikas. Namiörtlichen Aquarien- ausgedehnte Reisen in bia mit seiner schier und Terrarienvereins in u n t e r s c h i e d l i c h s t e unglaublich vielfälmeiner Heimatstadt Länder zu unterneh- tigen Tier- und gerade Ulm. Durch viele Ex- men, und während die- auch Reptilienwelt kursionen in die umlie- ser Zeit auch diverse wurde letztendlich genden Feuchtgebiete Reptilien zu beobach- schon vor vielen Jahsowie Wiesen und Wäl- ten und so auch zu er- ren 'Wahlheimat' und der konnte ich bereits forschen. Dabei haben Nährboden für Forin frühester Jugend es die Schildkröten mir schungen, Beobachmein immer größer am meisten angetan. tungen an unterschiedwerdendes Interesse zu Aufgrund meines er- lichsten Reptilien. EiKriechtieren und Lur- worbenen umfangrei- ne wertvolle Plattform chen vertiefen. Ebenso chen Wissens, vor al- dafür bildete seit jeher hatte ich durch meinen lem über die Land- die Namibia Wissenherpetologisch interes- schildkröten, war ich schaftliche Gesellsierten Freundes- und schon in jungen Jahren schaft. Die Liebe zu den von vielen Mitmenschen oft missverstandenen Reptilien (besonders Schlangen) hat sich keineswegs im Laufe der Zeit abgeschwächt. Im Gegenteil, sie ist mehr präsent als je zuvor und gab so letztendlich den Anstoß zum Schreiben eines Reptilienführers für Namibia. Dieser soll nun nach Jahren der Arbeit dem begeisterten Leser die wirklich sehr faszinierende Welt der Kriechtiere näher bringen und letztendlich zum besseren Verstehen dieser Die Leopard-Sandrennnatter (Psammophis leopardinus) ist auch Tiere beitragen.” als ,,Peitschenschlange” im Land bekannt. es 40 Jahre, bis Alfred Bekanntenkreis die ein gern gesehener Schleicher und ich Möglichkeit, Vorträge Gast in unterschiedwieder zusammen- zu besuchen, oder gar lichen Fach-Institutiofanden, weil ein Vor- Menschen kennen zu nen, um Vorträge zu sitzender der Basler lernen, die bereits fas- halten oder mein WisSchildkrötenvereine zinierende Erkundun- sen in Form von berameinte, dass wir uns gen und Reisen in ferne tenden Funktionen gekennenlernen ,,müss- Länder gemacht hatten genüber Zoos, aber ten”. und bereit waren, die- auch entsprechenden Doch lassen wir den se mit mir zu teilen. Behörden weiterzuReptilienliebhaber Einer dieser Menschen geben. selbst zu Worte kom- war Eugen Schuh- Da mich von allen men: ,,Angefangen hat macher, der mit seinen Kontinenten von Analles schon sehr früh in Reisen, u.a. nach Afri- fang an der afrikanimeinem Leben. Be- ka, die Zuschauer vor sche unverhältnismäreits als fünfjähriger dem Bildschirm mit ßig stark begeistert hat, bekam ich von der seiner Sendung “Auf unternahm ich mit meiOma die erste Land- den Spuren seltener ner Frau (und später
Liebe Küstenleser! In der Welt wird weniger gelesen, sonst gäbe es wohl kaum einen Lesetag an vielen Schulen oder sonstige Initiativen, die den Griff zum Buch ermutigen sollen. Obwohl ich Bücher seit meiner Kindheit wie saftige Erdbeeren verschlungen habe, muss ich feststellen, dass diese ehemals eifrige Leseratte auf einem Bein und Auge etwas lahm geworden ist und den Weg zum oder Blick ins Buch somit etwas langsamer angeht. Woran liegt das? Einmal ist die Antwort auf das zögerliche Sich -
sowie der Kassettenrekorder dienten damals zur Unterhaltung durch die Technik. Heute jongliert man zwischen DVD-Spieler, diversen Fernsehprogrammen, PCSpielen, E-Mails, Handys, whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn u.ä. durchs Leben und schlägt förmlich ein Salto nach dem anderen, um überall mitzuhalten. Wo hat da
Heranschleichen an ein Druckwerk womöglich darin zu finden, dass einem auf dem sich enorm expandierenden Büchermarkt auch eine ganze Menge Schundlektüre in die Hände gerät. Zum anderen hat die Ablenkung durch technische Vorrichtungen auch in Namibia zugenommen. Wenn ich bedenke, dass ich als Kind und Teenager in den 60iger und 70iger Jahren kein Fernsehen, kein Handy und keinen Computer kannte! Lediglich die beiden Kinos (Alhambra und Odeon) und Drive-Ins vor der Kulisse der Auas- und Erosberge außerhalb Windhoeks
noch ein Buch Platz? Und trotzdem! Gerät mir wieder einmal ein gutes Buch in die Hände, das den Geist herausfordert, die Seele erfrischt und die Phantasie anregt, dann freue ich mich jeden Abend auf das Lesen unter der weichen Federdecke im Bett, das selbstverständlich nicht NUR zum Lesen da ist, haha! Das Zitat des 1995 verstorbenen deutschen Schriftstellers Michael Ende mag abgegriffen sein wie ein gutes Buch, trifft jedoch den Nagel auf den Kopf: “Lesen ist Kino im Kopf”. Sein bekanntestes Werk ,,Die unendliche Geschichte” erzählt so be-
geisternd schön, wie ein Buch zum Lebensretter wird. Und, sehnen wir uns nicht alle in irgendeiner Form, wie der Junge Bastian Bux in dem Roman, nach einer Geschichte, die niemals endet und ewige Einbildungskraft verspricht? Wenn wir Eltern unsere Kinder heute auch mehr aus der Intuition heraus warnen, dass Fernsehen dumm macht, so haben wir
dennoch recht. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen (das klingt immer gut!) haben nämlich ergeben, dass Menschen, die ihre Informationen hauptsächlich durch (bewegte) Bilder beziehen, ihre Fähigkeit verlieren, mit Worten umzugehen. Sie werden im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes sprachlos. Die Sprache jedoch ist das Instrument, mit dem der Mensch denkt. Wer also nicht mit Worten umgehen kann, verliert das Potential zu denken, kritisch zu hinterfragen und im Endeffekt sogar das Vermögen, eigenbestimmt und -verantwortlich zu leben Wie dem auch sein, Lesen ist und bleibt einfach herrlich, und Bücher sind Freunde, die jederzeit für einen da sind, wenn man sie braucht. Ein Buch kann einen fast überall hin begleiten. Es braucht weder einen Stromanschluss, noch die Frage nach einem Wifi-Zugang und auch keine Mobilfunkzelle. Man braucht nur genug Licht, und schon kann die unterhaltende Lesereise beginnen. Ihre Susann Kinghorn
20 MAY 2016
Positions at a busy restaurant The following positions are available at Anchors Restaurant
* Assistant Chef * Bartender * Cleaner These requirements will help you to secure this position: - A Matric or grade 12 certificate (Grade 10 for cleaner position) - At least 2 years experience in the hospitality or restaurant industry - Availability and willingness to work shifts, public holidays and weekends - Must be well spoken and a people's person - Able to work well within a dynamic team and able to work unsupervised - Neat and organised ONLY emailed CV's will be accepted at martyanchors@ gmail.com Make sure that a current cell number is shown on your CV, as telephone interviews will be conducted
VACANCY We are URGENTLY looking for a
DRIVER with a code CE licence. Closing date: 23 May 2016 Bring your CV to Baard Group offices. Rikumbi Kandanga Road plot 85 Next to Namib Riding Stables, Walvis Bay
POSITION: TECHNICAL MANAGER The Company currently manage two large BATM Meridian type pelagic fishing trawlers and requires the full time focus of a technical expert for its Namibian operations. Job Responsibilities: · Responsible for the overall management and technical operations of the fleet. This includes overseeing the daily operations of maintenance and repair, budgeting, survey schedules, onboard general assessment of vessels, inspections and docking, etc. · Ensure the assigned vessels are technically operational or otherwise managed accordingly to the management agreement requirement. · Liase with customers on technical and operational matters including vessel performance, etc. · Attend to vessel dry docking, repairs and survey when required and determine repair specifications for dry docking and maintenance. · Provide and compile documented reports upon completion of dry docking, including summaries of works performed, operational budgets, and actual expenditures. · Identify and source for technical and operational supplies required for the vessels and ensure the rates are most economical. · Ensure that all copies of statutory, solas and equipment certificates (life rafts, compasses, etc.) are properly maintained and documented. · Provide technical assistance and advice to ships both at home port and overseas. · Perform evaluation for dry-docking, repair quotes and selection of shipyards for repair works, ship maintenance etc. · Perform monthly review of logs processes and attend to vessel inspections. · Monitor technical status of vessel with relation to class cert and survey. · Supervise contractors' repair/maintenance of vessels ∙ Perform budgeting and cost control measures on ship spares and docking requirements. · Perform technical compliance audits and investigation on defects/failures on a regular scheduled basis to ensure conformance. · Undertake any other Technical related assignments as and when required. Requirements: · Min Degree/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with at min 10 -15 yrs. relevant experience in similar position. · or, Possess relevant sea-going work experience as Chief Engineer/Marine Engineer with minimum class 2 certification or equivalent with in experience · Possess good organizational and communication skills and hands-on. · Independent and resourceful. Able to work under pressure to meet deadline. · Analytical and highly proactive in technical trouble shooting and problem solving. · Familiarity with ISM / ISPS / STCW is a must. · Able to conduct effective stand-up training for vessel crews. · Ability to travel within short notice as required. The Company offers a market related salary with all benefits. Candidates from previously disadvantaged groups are encouraged to apply. Only short listed candidates will be contacted, should you wish us to return your CV, kindly include an envelope with your return particulars. Forward your CV on or before 31 May 2016 to: info@apfishing.com or deliver by hand to: Atlantic Pacific Management, c/o PEREIRA / BLUE SEA premises, Ben Amathila ave, Walvis Bay. Clearly mark for the attention: Human Resources and Application for Technical Manager.
20 MAY 2016
20 MAY 2016
REZONING NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE NOTICE REZONING: from “Single Residential” 1:300m2 to “Local Business” bulk 1. LOCATION: Erf 2984 – 112 Agaat Street, Kuisebmond.
ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE Rezoning of land from residential to commercial use.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that Stewart Planning intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to rezone erf 2984, Kuisebmond from “Single Residential” to “Local Business”. Plans and particulars of the application may be inspected at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. The proposed rezoning is a listed activity in the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007) and can therefore not be carried out without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). Therefore, Stewart Planning was appointed to apply for an ECC and prepare a Scoping Report. In terms of the Environmental Management Act and its Regulations, notice is hereby given to Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP) that Stewart Planning intends to apply to the Municipality of Walvis Bay under delegated authority for an ECC for the proposed rezoning. All I&APs are hereby invited to register and participate in the public consultation process. Should you wish to register and receive more information on the rezoning please contact Stewart Planning not later than FRIDAY 10 JUNE 2016. APPLICANT: MUNICIPALITY: Bruce Stewart - Stewart Manager: Town Planning Planning Section P.O. Box 2095 Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Walvis Bay STEWART PLANNING JHeita@walvisbaycc.org.na bruce@sp.com.na TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS 064 280 770 064 201 3339
Sales Executive – for Maersk Namibia (Pty) Ltd An opportunity exists for a Maersk Sales Executive based in Walvis Bay Job Overview Purpose and Summary · To deliver volume and revenue targets for Maersk Namibia · Identify and develop business opportunities under your responsibility · To ensure the Namibian customers' expectations in terms of experience and access exceeded · Build and manage (internal and external) close and deep customer relationships · To ensure opportunities are pursued and clear sales plans and sales activity are delivered · To monitor performance against KPI and take corrective action where necessary · To share and collaborate with the Namibia customer services team for an integrated approach to customers · To ensure overall coordination and support between Sales Managers in the Maersk Southern Africa Cluster · Maintain a high Brand awareness and partake in selected CSI initiatives for Maersk Namibia · Promote and develop the hinterland service offering · Ensure correct usage and updates of our Customer Relationship Management system Key Responsibilities · Coaching and development · Sales support · Sales performance · Develop and maintain sales strategy Skills & Competencies required · Have strong commercial and market understanding · Being decisive, taking ownership and having a sense of urgency · Good stakeholder management skills · Ability to set clear sales strategy and direction for Maersk Namibia · Results driven - actively measures performance and takes appropriate action · Coaches the customer services team for inclusiveness and teamwork · Delegates and manages time effectively · Build trusted relationships across Maersk and its shared functions in the Southern Africa cluster · Leverages internal and external relationships to expand business opportunities · Has strong commercial and business acumen · Has financial skills and cost awareness · Willingness and ability to travel locally and Internationally · Results driven · Developed sales and leadership capabilities · Understand market and customer requirements and drivers · Proven working experience as a sales manager or senior sales executive · Sound understanding of how best to generate profit This is a local position therefore we invite applications from Namibian citizens. The individual will report directly to the Managing Director of Maersk Namibia. Kindly apply via our recruitment website: www.maersk.com Applications close: 31st May 2016
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo. 1. Name and postal address of applicant Emma Mekondjo Iiyambo, P. O. Box 2073, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Pema Bar. 3. Address/location of premises to which appli cation relates: Erf 2980, Agaat Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Special Liquor Licence. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 1 June 2016. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 13 June 2016. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(a) (b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), as amended, that the Council of the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, 2 hectares of land for the purpose of sand blasting, tank cleaning and storage of equipment to Coastal B l a s t i n g & Ve s s e l Cleaning: DESCRIPTION Farm 38 AREA 2 hectares ZONING Unsurveyed/Unserviced RENTAL AMOUNT N$ 2 533.68/month plus N$308.05 (15% VAT) Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday 7 June 2016 at room 30, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. For more information Ms S Mupupa can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013294 during office hours. Written objections, duly motivated, to the intended transaction must be received by the undersigned before or at 12:00 *Friday, 10 June 2016. A Victor GENERAL MANAGER: COMMUNITY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Municipal Offices Civic Centre Nangolo Mbumba Drive Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay Fax. 064-209714
20 MAY 2016
New Toyota Hilux in detail Without doubt the most eagerly awaited new model of 2016, Toyota officially unveiled its all-new fifth generation Hilux in Johannesburg earlier this week, with the automaker claiming it to be the toughest and most advanced iteration yet. Replacing the top selling but terminally aged fourth generation Hilux launched back in 2004, the newcomer, once again built at Toyota's Prospecton plant in Durban, not only features a completely redesigned exterior, but has been given a complete once-over underneath, with the biggest highlight being the new range of GD turbodiesel engines up front. Borrowing a number of styling hints from the forthcoming Fortuner, the Hilux does away with the somewhat conservative lines of its predecessor, in favour of a more aggressive appearance thanks to a pronounced front grille, swept back headlights, flared wheel arches, and V-shaped “pagoda� cab claimed to aid and improve aerodynamics. Based on a completely new frame for improved handling and riding comfort, the Hilux is said to deliver an improved torsion rigidity of up to 20%, while revised suspension
geometry affords a similar gain when venturing off-road. Using a double-wishbone suspension setup at the front and leaf springs with twin-shocks at the rear, the latter increased by 100 mm to 1 400 mm, the Hilux features a segment first torque splitting system known as Pitch and Bounce Control. As the name suggests, the system is aimed at reducing body roll and works by using wheel sensors to determine the angle of the nose on prevailing surfaces. In addition, the now outdated low range transfer gear lever on four-wheel drive models makes way for a rotary selector with a limited slip diff now also incorporated. Available solely on 4WD, the Hilux comes fitted with the same Active Traction Control system used on the Land Cruiser 200, with the flagship Raider also boasting Downhill Assist Control that automatically ap-plies the brakes when going downhill on loose or
rough surfaces. In another segment first, the Raider and mid-spec SRX comes equipped with Toyota's Drive Mode selector that allows the driver to choose from ECO or POWER mode depending on preference. Like the exterior, the interior has been given a complete makeover with an increase in head, leg and shoulder room, as well as upgraded trim and materials. Taking pride place, a new freestanding tablet-like touchscreen display replaces the previous dash integrated unit, while two 4.2-inch TFT screens occupy the instrument cluster either side of the speedometer. High-spec models are also fitted as standard with an auxiliary glove box that uses the airconditioning to heat and cool beverages, with a similar storage compartment between the front seats doing double duty as armrest. As before, the Hilux is again offered in single cab, xtra cab and double cab body configurations, with power coming from three revised petrol engines and two of the aforementioned GD turbodiesel units. A five-speed manual gearbox is the sole
option on workhorse models, while a brandnew six-speed manual or similar automatic is fitted to SRX and Raider. Unique to the six-speeders, the manual boast a
unique rev-matching system known as Intelligent Manual Transmission (i-MT), which automatically blips the throttle on downchanges, while the auto-
matic features Artificial Intelligence (AI) Shift Control that reduces gear hunting each time the throttle is depressed. A five year / 90 000 km service plan is standard
on all models. Source:.http://www.rne ws.co.za/article/7916/ long-awaited-newtoyota-hilux-touchesdown
20 MAY 2016
Walvis Bay through an eagle’s eye Part 4 of 8 7. 6. 5.
2. In the picture above, the fourth in a series of eight aerial pictures by Volker, the area where land filling takes places on behalf of Namport by China Harbour and Engineering Company (CHEC) is visible. 1. The CHEC construction site serves as a home-base for construction workers, as well as machinery and materials needed by the construction company for the construction of the liquid bulk fuel terminal for the Ministry of Mines and Energy nearby (item 2 on the aerial picture above). The completion of the liquid bulk terminal is scheduled for 2017 and would become the point of import of all of Namibia’s bulk fuel products. This liquid bulk terminal will replace the current tanker berth in the port of Walvis Bay next to the Walvis Bay Syncro lift which has reached the end of its viable life expectancy (see picture to the left). 3. Dredging spoil from dredging operations by CHEC offshore at the site where the new liquid bulk terminal is under construction is pumped onshore by a system of pipes, driven by strong water pumps, to form a landmass where Namport intends to develop bulk storage facilities in the foreseeable future to augment its operations for the future SADC Gateway port. 4. The dredging spoil is drained naturally and sea water flows back into the ocean, leaving a semi-dry landmass which over time would dry and stabilise to form a landmass upon which development can take place. On the picture water pans can be observed where seawater converges as it drains from the landfill before flowing back into the sea. The land filling operation is backed by an approved Environmental Impact Asessment, Namport confirmed. 5. The massive water and mud plume as the pipeline brings spoil ashore.
Getting a perspective through the lense of Volker Pesch Volker Pesch, the owner of Photo Volker, is not only a distinguished photographer but also maintains a modern digital approach to his photography. Canvas printing is one of his specialities and his works are on exhibition from time to time and digital photography masterpieces printed on canvas decorates from the foremost foyers, conference rooms and executive offices in the country. Volker is passionate about photography and has in recent years introduced aerial photography to his portfolio. If your organisation needs aerial photography services, Volker is highly recommended. He can be contacted at 064-203015 in Volker Walvis Bay or contact him by email at photovolker1@gmail.com
20 MAY 2016
Distance between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund to increase by 9km if coastal road is relocated to make way for future SADC Gateway Port 6. A daily commute between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund is estimated to last in average 20 minutes, depending on the traffic load and of course the degree to which the motorist commits to the speed limits set for various sectors of the coastal road. This travelling time is certain to change in the course of the next decade when the coastal road will be relocated from the sector leading from the current roadblock near Afrodite Beach up to the town’s entrance in order to make way for the SADC Gateway Port that will stretch inland for several hundred metres. The new coastal road would be relocated to lead closer to the dune belt near Dune 7 and with a wide curve connect to the current coastal road in the vicinity of Afrodite, in essence increasing the distance between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund by an estimated 9km. The good news for now is that the SADC Gateway Port is on the medium to long term plans of the Namibia Ports Authority (Namport) and for now motorists can rest assured that the distance between the two coastal towns will remain unchanged. The B2 coastal road is the life vain for the flow of people and trade between the two coastal towns of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund and the gateway to inland destinations. Apart from relocating the last section between the current roadblock and Walvis Bay’s entrance, the coastal road is also on the medium term be upgraded to dual carriage way to improve traffic flow and enhance road safety. The road is also a feeder route for the Long Beach, Dolphin Beach and Afrodite Beach suburbs of Walvis Bay with increased traffic flow volumes as these suburbs expand, hence the need to upgrade the road’s vehicle carrying capacity.
Demand for urban land resulted in land grab recently next to coastal road 7. The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Sophia Shaningwa, has reportedly visited Walvis Bay last week, after the commencement of Parliament’s recess to personally attend to the ongoing planning process whereby Walvis Bay would make serviced land available for masses of people with no access to affordable land for housing. Walvis Bay, the capital city Windhoek and Oshakati has been earmarked by Government to develop serviced land in the medium term for affordable housing and Walvis Bay is set to make some 3000 serviced plots available in the course of the next three years. On the picture below Kuisebmond extensions 5 and 6 are visible where in the months to come low cost, serviced plots will be made available to the first group of landless Namibians.
Namibia’s urban land question reached boiling point earlier this year when landless people and the Namibian Police clashed when people started to occupy open spaces and started to demarcate plots. On the aerial picture, one of the areas people occupied are marked as number 7. It is situated east of the B2 coastal road close to the entrance of Walvis Bay where the palm tree lane commences.
20 MAY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
AFM/AGS Tamariskia Swakopmund Finding your Purpose and Meaning in Life Speaker: Roy Britz Friday : 19H00 Saturday : 18H00 Sunday : 09H00 Service takes place at AFM Tamariskia cnr of Franciska van Neel Str Contact Person: Pastor Hendry 081 223 0173
LINDLEY EDUCATION PRESENTS HOLIDAY CLASSES INTENSE MATHS GRADE 8 - 10 16 - 26 MAY 3 X EXAM PAPERS WALVIS BAY happytohelp@lindley education.com 081 497 2195 www.lindleyeducation. com
Ekklesia Joecrusher Edu- Care Centre
WC CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATION We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures 24/7 service Contact: 081 211 6686 064-205470
VEHICLE ASSIST No Queues, No Stress ·NaTis Consultant ·Vehicle Service · Rust Proofing Contact Angelo: 081 498 6051 Email: via.namibia@gmail.com
EDUCATION BIZZY B’S PRE-SCHOOL We have space for children aged 3-6 years. Experienced teachers. Call: 081 219 0669. HOMEWORK: Homework for children from Grade 1 to 7. Experienced teacher. Call: 081 219 0669.
COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experience mothertongue teacher. Contact: 081 607 2685
HEALTH MAGDEL'S HEALTH & SKIN CARE CLINIC Tobias Hainyeko Street 16, Am Strand 5, SWAKOPMUND Telephone 064 404571 Cell 081 355 4520 (Established 1991) BUSINESS HOURS: MON – FRI: 08h00 – 17h00 SAT: 08H00 – 13H00 Cidesco qualified Therapist Facials Specialised facials Chemical peelings Pepita microderabrasion Medical needling (collagen induction therapy) Transderm (dermo-electroporation) Mesotherapy Manicure Pedicure Cnd nail system Body wraps Body peelings Endermologie® Manual lymph drainage Bootpress lymphatic drainage Full body massage Light therapy Threading Waxing Electrical epilation Stockist of: decleor, dmk, environ, guinot, heliocare Lamelle, neostrata, rvb make-up. Passion is our most special ingredient !!!
HUISWERK KLASSE Ek bied huiswerk klasse aan vir Graad 1 tot 7. Maandae tot Donderdae. Vrydae is opsioneel. 13:30 - 17:15. Geleë in Walvisbaai Hage Geingob 192 Ons help met huiswerk, ingewikkelde vakke, take en mondelinge. Hersiening word gedoen. 081 359 7626.
SERVICES WELCOME TO PROFESSOR Dr. Ndiulula Its been a long time indeed But here is your dream and last hope Contact: 081 244 5158 We trust / manage: A. Love problems Get back your lover New herbal penis enlargement Do you want a baby? Come We help men and woman with bad luck in getting lovers Do you want your lover to be only yours? New herbal stuff for making men’s penis strong Do you want to stop your lover from cheating on you? We have got herbal therapy which can help people with HIV/AIDS Herbal stuff for speeding up your marriage process Remove bad from your body B. Business problems We help people who want success and be promoted at work Do you want to attract more customers to your business? Come now Do you have court cases? Protection on your business Farm protection C. Body problems High blood pressure All kinds of protections We trite TB, Diabetes and blood cleaning All body pains Menstruation pain to women Things moving in your body Pregnancy problems Asthma and strong cough Sleeping problems Chronic syphilis Stop drinking
COME REGISTER FOR YOUR: Mid year Crushing programs and Tutorials are on : In preparation for June and End of the year Exams @ Ekklesia- Joecrusher Edu-Care Centre. NAMCOL and FULL TIME students SUBJECT TUTORIAL CLASSES and Assignments assistance (MOSTLY WEEKENDS) (English Language, Maths, Physical Science, Biology, Accounting etc. Consultation in other PROFESSIONAL COURSES IN PURSUIT IN PARTICULAR SUBJECT AREAS( MOSTLY WEEKENDS) And alongside, PRE-PRIMARY CHILD and DAY CARE to crush the dilemma of many parents who leave their kids at a kindergarten or pre-primary school for convenience without consideration. However, we have a school reading program that helps make sure your child is ready for school. Your child would be able to read and write before attending PRIMARY education. Also we care for babies from 1-2 years with the love of God. So all your child illiteracy and minding plights are over. NO. 17 MAKRIEL STREET KUISEBMOND LOCATION AREASANDFONTEIN STREET, NEAR OMANGELA & OSHINANENA SHABEENS BEHIND SANDYN STREET Contact Coordinators: OVERALL 0817346906/ 0818090313 Namcol and Full-Time Students Subjects Tutorial, Mentorship and Assignment Assistance Assistance in other Professional Course Subject matters 0818373159 Pre-primary and Day Care - 0814828402
SERVICES Building Plans (Draughting). Industrial, Commercial or Residential. From new developments too everyday alterations plans needed. Contact: Juan Kinnear 081 258 8214.
BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL Walvis Bay Bay-Route Driving School is offering lessons by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings Contact: 081 207 7651.
Cupboard World's Birthday Special: Up to 15% discount! Kitchens, Fitted wardrobes, Flooring, live and upcoming developments and Cross country installations. Contact Riaan: 081 222 1299 or riaannel@iway.na KUS RENOVATIONS Call: 081 560 0292 Henk: Renovate of buildings Tilling painting Wood pacisides Carports Plumbing free quotations no job is too small. LAPTOP REPAIRS Onsite repairs at home/office while you wait Laptop screen replacements Virus removal Data recovery on faulty hard drives. Contact: 081 352 4524 085 647 2945
Do you experience Labour Issues? Kindly Contact Heidi Rossouw Legal Office for expert labour advise in the following:· Conciliation/Arbitratio n; ·Labour advise; ·Employment Equity report / Affirmative Action; ·NEEEF / BEE Certificate for tender purposes; ·Draft of Contracts; ·Improvement of HR department;· Requirement; ·Liquor licenses. ·Police Clearance.
For further detail do not hesitate to contact our office: Heidi Rossouw Tel: 064-220 280/220-282 Fax no: 064-220-283 Cell No: 081 254 8142 Email: rossouwlaw@iway. na
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
FAST FIRE SERVICES Offers you the following: Fire Detection Systems Fire Fighting Equipment Servicing of Fire Fighting Equipment Access Control Systems CCTV Systems Safety Signs Fire Fighting Training Alarms Gate & Garage Motors Intercom Systems Emergency & Evacuation Plans For More Information, Contact Marshall Maasdorp @ Cell: 081 756 3846 / 081 747 6709 Tel: 064 206 425 Email: sales@fastfireservices. net MALAWIAN DOCTOR CHIEF DR ANTONIO PHIRI Love problems: Bring back lost lovers, to be attractive, control cheating partners, to love you more, stop and fastenings divorce, stability in relationships and marriages, have your body warm for women only, women who feel pain during menstruation, financial problems. Business problems: Find a new job and restore old one, customer attraction, job promotions, winning tenders and loans, bad luck, speed in selling up properties, give protection against enemies, cars, home, kraals and business, pensioners who are delayed to get their wages / payment. Court cases. Body problems: Skin diseases, vaginal tightening, women who get long period, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, BP, help women and me who can’t produce, stop drinking and smoking, hips/breasts enlargement. Body protection from any kind of witchcraft, manhood enlargement, make more rounds, stop early ejaculation, power (hardness and strong) NB: Consultation is fee is free. Phone Dr Antonio Phiri “THE OLD POWER MAN” 081 843 3509/ 081 764 4835.
SERVICES PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL in Swakopmund We offer Driving Lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay more than 10 hours and get one hour free. N$ 200.00 for NaTis test Professional, friendly and patient instructor Failing is not an option Contact 081 418 3595. Are you battling with your accounting We offer: general accounting up to Trial Balance preparing for audit VIP Payroll VAT reports and submission Paye reporting and submission Import VAT reporting and submission supply you with financial reports All this at an affordable price Contact us for more info 081 240 1238 / 081 155 9655.
AUTO VALETS We do Auto Valets car seats Carpets, Roof and dashboard shine. Sittingroom lounge also Please contact me 081 764 7867 Renovations Big or Small we do it all! contact C&L de Jager Repairs Swakopmund Chris 081 713 4516 Lood 081 820 6562 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
SERVICES MUKUPI INVESTMENT SECURITY SERVICES SECURE YOUR VALUE - We offer lowest and affordable prices to everyone - We protect Malls, Shops, Factories, Buildings, Casinos, Bars, Yards, Vessels, Ships, Sports grounds and many more... If you need a guard, call
M. BILLYLO 081 314 6129 P.O. BOX 2905 WALVIS BAY FAX: 064-220650 E-MAIL: Mukupibillylo@gmail .com TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund.
Cell:081 201 7887.
QUATTRO’S SECURITY CONSULTANTS CC Roberto Bertolini Cell: 081 850 0248 Mail: roberto@quattrona.com Alarm installations Gate motors Electrified fencing CCTV installations Access control POWERFUL TRADITIONAL DOCTOR IN SWAKOPMUND Expert, Lost Lovers, Luck Charms, Enlargement, Love Spells, Attraction, Business, Protection, Remove Poison, Financial Problems, Pregnancy Problems, Casino, Diseases, Epilepsie, Asthma. Call ARAFATI 081 343 1134.
20 MAY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
YESHUA ENTERPRIZES Specialise in wooden laminated floor, P.V.C tiles, industrial flooring and renovations. Our service is your value. Please contact Cell: 081 389 1285 Wellness Wellness
M.G INVESTMENT We do massager with four different Detoxing Machines. We offer for free our senior citizen. They must have N$300.00 for their clonic teas. Under age for Detoxing massager. We give discount for N$100.00 only. Venue: Multi Purpose Centre Kuisebmond Time: 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM
Contact Esta 081 620 0378/ 081 228 4894 DEAN AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS: Basic service and minor service Engine overhauling and major services. Fauld finding and clear warning light. Gear box repair, manual and automatic. Electrical repair. Road worth pre- checks. Brake and suspensions repairs. Heavy and light vehicle repairs. Diesel and petrol repairs. Find us in industrial area opposite Hangana Fisheries Contact: 081 222 2091 / 081 368 7404. WORLD CLASS AFRICAN TRADITIONAL SOLOMON HEALER / SPIRITUAL HEALER Spell cluster, psychic, herbalist, manhood problem, love affairs, marriages, court cases, customer attraction, protection, financial problems, remove bad luck, eliminate family fight, find work, bareness. Walvis Bay/Swakopmund
Contact: 081 831 2285
Build Your Business from HOME ! “Make the Difference You Want to See!” Just Getting Started in Namibia * Fastest way of growing your Finances * Office and documents instantly available *Must be vibrant (25 - 65 years) *Provide free training Contact : 081 295 1300
CARS FOR SALE: Used 2012 VWPolo Comfortline 1.4. Full house, mags + original rims. Km 92 000 Price: N$120 000.00 Contact: 081 255 5750. FOR SALE: 2000 Scania 380 horse, lift up axle. In running condition. Price: N$100 000. Viewing available in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 272 5453. FOR SALE: ALL FOR N$30,000.00 EACH Ford Bantam Bakkie Mazda Trailer small Trailer medium Trailer large Caravan Only serious buyers not negotiable Owner going on pension 081 279 0088.
CAR FOR SALE: Chev Nomad Good Running Condition N$27 000.00 Call 081 284 0809. CAR FOR SALE: Hyundai 2.6 Diesel mini bus 10 seater In very good condition N$50 000.00. Contact: 081 230 9343.
LAND ROVER TE KOOP 1978 dubbel kajuit te koop. Series 2A V6 Ford masjien. Moet oorgedoen word. Overhaul kit beskikbaar. Baie spaar onderdele ook ekstra.Nog padvaardig. Voetstoots NS40 000.00 onderhandelbaar. Daar is nog 2 V6 enjins ekstra, ekstra voor diff en series 3 agter diff alles daarby ingesluit. Kontak Sollie 081 122 6007
TE KOOP: Pitbulls. 3 Tefies en 2 reuntjies beskikbaar. 2 maande oud. Kontak: 081 712 4441.
FOR SALE: 18 7t Rod and Penn 49N$850, 18 7t Rod and Penn 500 - N$750, 15 7t Rod and Penn 500 - N$650, 15 7t Rod and Jarviswalker 300 N$650 081 339 1805.
TE KOOP Bonamara verse - N$3500 Bonamara bull - N$8000 Boerbok ooie - N$650 Kontak Jan Fredriks 081 341 9899.
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE HP Laptop, 283 GB hard drive. N$2800.00 Contact: 081 311 6367. FOR SALE 1 x Panasonic 70cm TV N$1500 1 x Rheninghaus 300mm Poloni Slicer N$2500 1 x Defy 380lt Side by Side Fridge/Freezer [like new] N$2750 1 x 5H.P. Honda Petrol Stationery Engine N$1750.00 1 x Yamaha petrol engine 50 m/m water pump like new N$2750 1 x Defy 13,5 kg Top Loading Wash Machine N$1250.00 Call 081 567 4522. RUBBERDUCK FOR SALE Rubberduck Boat with Trailer and 60HP Mariner Engine including Fishing Equipment. N$22,000.00. Contact: 081 124 2591. MEAT FOR SALE: Bush Meat / Okapana Wildvleis We have good game meat for sale with all legal permits necessary Whole or Half Carcasses Stomaches, livers, haartslag. We have Oryx(Osino) Wildebeest, Giraffe, Eland, Ombinda(bushpig) On B2 road between Omaruru & Kalkfeld RoadD2337 Contact: Andreas +264 81 235 6985 Hartwig +264 81 129 8999 Ian +264 81 583 1384
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma Str Walvis Bay
FOR SALE: Do you want a trailer but can’t afford one? 1x weca car carrierN$2500 1x 4.5 gas bottle (half full) N$300 Contact: 081 327 7313.
SWAKOPMUND 803 m² Vacant Erf N$ 830 000-00. Tania 081 169 6216
WALVIS BAY Old Industrial Area 261 m² Warehouse with paved complex. Investor can get up to N$16 000-00 pm. CC registered ONLY N$2 400 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Fairways 2 bed, 2 bath, Unit with open plan kitchen/lounge & indoor BBQ. Possible rental income N$ 5500-00 p/m. N$1 110 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Meersig 2 bed, 2 bath Unit with Open plan kitchen/lounge, Quart yard & BBQ Possible rental income N$5500-00 pm N$1 120 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY Near Lagoon Area Spacious 148 m² 3 bed, 2 bath with Open plan kitchen/lounge with BBQ & Double garage. N$1 670 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518
HOUSE FOR SALE Walvis Bay 3 bedroom house close to the sea N$1 000 000.00 Contact 081 155 5634 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Walvis Bay We provide the following services at the coast: Door-to-door pick-up Airport transfers from Rooikop Airport to Walvis Bay / Swakopmund / Henties Bay Tours in and the coastal towns, Dune 7, The Welwitchia and Moon Landscape. Contact us for safe, reliable and courteous service. Transportation Bliss awaits around the corner! Contact: 081 207 7651
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Walvis Bay Lock up and Go Fairways 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen lounge, 1 garage N$ 966 000.00 Lock up and Go Meersig 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, Single garage, large courtyard N$ 1 105 000.00 Lock up and Go Langstrand 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan lounge dining kitchen, ind.BBQ, double garage N$ 1 280 000.00 House Fairways 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, double garage N$ 1 600 000.00 Tuscan Style House Hermes 3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, entertainment ind BBQ Tandem garage N$ 1 625 000.00 New House Fairways 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, double garage N$ 1 750 000.00 Fairways- Large house with 2 bed Flat 4 bed, 3 bath, lounge, dining, kitchen, laundry, ind BBQ, Servant room with shower, double garage plus 2 bed flat with single garage. N$ 1 920 000.00 Meersig – Rare FindLarge Family Home 5 bed, 3 bath, lounge, kitchen, TV room, Bar, Ind. BBQ, Laundry, Play room, study, servants room, 3 garages N$ 2 270 000.00
Excellent Business Location 3 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, dining, study, ind BBQ, 4 garages N$ 2 415 000.00 Business Property – Central Two properties N$ 11 000 000.00 Meersig erven starting N$ 835 000.00 Dolphin Beach erven starting N$ 680 000.00 Industrial Erf – 3472m² N$ 3 600 000.00 Contact: Ruth: 081 240 7350 Karien: 081 250 4690 Jackie: 081 246 3590 Office: 280 6000
Mays Trading CC For Sale Walvis Bay Kuisebmund N$ 790 000 Spacious 3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms, spacious lounge and fitted kitchen semi – detach house, parking area, court yard. Kuisebmund, Walvisbay N$ 595.000 Affordable, spacious, Brand new complex 32 units, 2 bedrooms, bathroom, lounge, kitchen, sectional title units, (only a few left) Walvis bay, Hermes N$1.520 Million GREAT DEAL! SAFE and SECURE with high boundary walls Pre-paid electricity. Close to school......3 bedrooms , 2 bathrooms ,kitchen and open plan living area, entertainment area, tandem garage and a beautiful garden. Flat, CENTRAL Walvis Bay, N$ 740 000 2 bedroom flat, 1Bathroom, kitchen and lounge, garage, court yard. CENTRAL – N$ 700 000.00 1 bedroom townhouse with 1 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, 1 garage, court yard. Walvisbay Fairways Townhouses (New development) N$ 910 000.00 2bedrooms, small courtyard space for garden, 1 full Bathroom, open plan Kitchen to lounge with indoor braai, garage (Only 5 units in complex) Walvis Bay,Fairways,N$2,2mil T'S TIME FOR THAT INVESTMENT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED!! Brand new, modern House : NEAT 4 Bedrooms; 2bathrooms; guest toilet; Lounge; Dining Room; Big modern Kitchen, scullery; In Door Braai with entertainment area; Double Garage Walvis Bay, N$1, 9million Neat 3 bedroom house, newly fitted kitchen with gas stove Bathroom, lounge, dining room, outside room ,laundry Tandem garage plus big garage to fit boat in, high boundary Walls and very big erf. 1250m2 WalvisBay, Meersig,N$880 000-00 Double storey 2bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge,2 bathroom, courtyard and garage. We are urgently looking for houses and properties to sell. Contact: Tracey: 0813023806 Mounien: 0818601938 mickeymays@iway.na
SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE: F1688. 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom flat with court yard in Mile 4 for only N$1 750 000 FOR SALE: F1691. Bargain Bargain Bargain!!! Stunning Seaview. 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom plus studio apartment for only N$2 300 000 FOR SALE: H1178. Modern 3 bedroom house with view of the dunes. Also offers a 2 bedroom flat. N$3 400 000 Contact Amanda 081 300 7484 for viewing HOUSE FOR SALE KUISEBMOND N$850, 000 Secured corner house 2 bedroom 1 bathroom Kitchen BIC Living room Dining room Tandem garage Interlocked yard Space for extension, plan included Contact 0812737076.
Walvis Bay, Fairways. Great Investment 4 bed, 2 ½ bath house on 545m² erf. Huge entertainment area & double garage. N$ 2 675 000-00 Dassie 081 200 3946 Walvis Bay, Fair View. Brand New Sectional Title 2 bed, 1 bath, double garage, built in stove, indoor BBQ N$ 1 445 000-00 Dassie 081 200 3946 Walvis Bay, Mi casa Flats. 2 bed, 1bath with open plan living area, built in stove & hob. Automatic garage. N$ 1 100 000-00 Dassie 081 200 3946 Kuisebmond Investment Opportunity Property with 6 bedrooms each with own bathroom. Sitting room, kitchen and garage. N$ 960 000-00 Dassie 081 200 3946
20 MAY 2016
Long Beach – Ext 1 Lock-up & go 3 Bedroom Apartment in secure complex N$ 1 350 000-00 Hannelie 081 124 2292 Kuisebmond Investments Opportunity 10 Bachelor Flats together. N$ 1 300 000-00 Hannelie 081 124 2292
Narraville Walvis Bay 3 Bedroom House Bathroom Lounge Kitchen outside building N$900 000.00 We are urgently looking for houses to sell & let we have qualified international and local clients. All theses properties are immediately available viewing can be secured on strictly appointments Call Tel 064 402 112 Fax 064 403 396 Matty 081 244 6995
GOGGA 0811696215 gogga @remaxcoastline.com
For Sale Swakopmund COASTAL ESTATES House in Vineta Corner erf of 1102m² Entrance Hall 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Lounge Dining Room Indoor braai room Kitchen Laundry/Scullery Linnen Cupboard Tiled throughout 2 Garages N$1 900 000.00 Call Hannes 081 149 8777 Jan 081 270 8005 Irma 081 368 4469
Kuisebmond 3 bed town house with garage N$ 705 000.00 Angelika 081 562 2186 Fairways Walvis Bay 2 - 3 bed modern townhouses Selling from N$ 1 170 000 N$ 1 640 000 Angelika 081 562 2186 Walvis bay 2 bed flat with garage N$ 995 000.00 Angelika 081 562 2186 Walvis bay - CBD Double storey 3 bedrooms Townhouse with garage N$ 855 000.00 Angelika 081 562 2186
LEHMANN PROPERTIES: Swakopmund: Double storey five bedroom house plus outside flat Ideal for bed & breakfast! Already registered as a B&B! Just move in and do business!! N$3.9 m Call Nicolaas 081 470 5719
CONTACT : JP van der Walt 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES Or visit our website at : Capricorn@ realestatesnamibia.com HOUSE TO RENT SWAKOPMUND Luxury two bedroom Seafront House available at Myl 4 to rent. Fully equipped N$8500.00 p/m Contact 081 246 1254. HOUSE TO RENT Available in Swakopmund Tamariskia 3 Bedroom house with Built in cupboards 2 bathrooms, Lounge, Kitchen and Garage Rent: N$7500.00 p/m Prepaid Electricity Contact: 081 239 1692 / 081 150 0932
To Let Swakopmund Mondesa 2 Bedroom House Bathroom Lounge, Kitchen Single Garage N$5 500.00 W/L Excl Mile 4 Fully Furnished 3 Bedroom 3 Bathroom bic in all bedrooms open plan Kitchen Double Garage N$9500.00 W/L Excl. Call Tel 064 402 112 Fax 064 403 396 Matty 081 244 6995
TO RENT: 2 Inside room to rent in Olutweni, Swakopmund. Available immediately. Hot water available. N$ 1 600.00 p/m Contact: 081 234 0425 081 148 7970. TO RENT - Narraville 2 Bedroom with own en-suite shower and toilet, kitchen/sittingroom, hot water, fully tiled, no pets allowed, b.i.c. W&E included. N$5000.00 p/m, plus deposit (payable in two months). Available 1 June 2016. Contact: 081 423 6000.
Contact: Lana: 081 350 1827 Magdel: 081 358 8745 Office: 280 6000
Walvis Bay Lagoon Area New Development 69 On West 4 x 3 Bedroom Units N$ 2 425 000-00 Each Hannelie 081 124 2292
For Sale Swakopmund Mondesa 3 Bedroom House 2 Bathroom Lounge Sittingroom Kitchen Garage Alarm System Burglar Bars Parking Space enough for two cars N$980 000.00 negotiable
Brand new 3 bedr. open Plan & double garage With independent 2 bedr. Flat with own garage. N$3,5 Mil – NEG
Walvis Bay Fairways 4 Bed, 5 Bath House with 5 Garages Separate Entertainment area, Swimming Pool, Jacuzzi and Sauna. N$ 3 400 000-00 Hannelie 081 124 2292
FOR SALE Mondesa Commercial Building Building 750sq m² for sale in centre of Mondesa Swakopmund divided into shops and long term tenants in place. Building reg cc and in sectional titel. For more information contact 081 286 8218
Neat 3 bedr townhouse In secure complex, outside BBQ, double garage, walk To the beach. N$2 100 000-00 NEG
For Sale Swakopmund COASTAL ESTATES Erf Ext 15 600m² N$700 000.00 Erf Ext 19 683m² N$680 000.00 Erf Ext 23 502m² N$680 000.00 Call Irma 081 368 469 Jan 081 270 8005 Hannes 081 149 8777
Awesome 4 bedr, 3 bathr, Beautiful open plan kitchen, Entertainment area with BBQ, double garage. N$2 520 000-00
TO LET WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$9 500 – 3Bed , 2 bath with single garage N$17 000 – Office 200m² N$7 950- 3Bed,1bath with double garage MEERSIG N$12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage KUISEBMUND N$2 255 –Bachelor flat with own bathroom N$2 500- 1Bed flat with own bathroom INDUSTRIAL N$11 310 excl VAT– 174m² warehouse with 1 office N$16 885 incl VAT – 260 m² Warehouse with office N$12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$66 500 excl VAT – New 1445m² warehouse with big offices N$10 890 excl VAT – 180m² Warehouse with 1 office N$100 003 excl VAT– Appr 5000m² warehouse / offices / yard space N$95 000 excl VAT– Appr 3000m² warehouse / offices/yard space Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669
ABP Properties Contact Lindy 081 180 0909
For Sale Ocean View Swakopmund 4 Bedroom 2 Bathroom 3 Garages Kitchen Lounge Dinning Room In and Outside BBQ plus : 1 x Double Storey 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Open Plan Kitchen Lounge In and Outside BBQ Big Garage and much more! Price N$3.5 million NEGOTIABLE Contact 081 786 0089
SWAKOPMUND Neat 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open Plan kitchen/living, extra Room, outside BBQ, Single garage. N$1 680 000-00 NEG
FOR SALE Flat in secure complex Mile 4 Swakop 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages TV room Lounge Diningroom close to beach N$1,850 000 Vogelstrand Flat for Sale 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 2 Garages Open Plan Kitchen Lounge N$2,260 000 Newly build Free standing House 5 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 4 garages Lounge & Diningroom TV Room N$3,050 000 TAMARISKIA Bargain Neat TLC Flat 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom 1 Garage Open plan Kitchen Big Yard N$950 000
For Sale Swakopmund COASTAL ESTATES New House 3 bedrooms 2 bathroom Lounge with colourful brick wall Diningroom Indoor Braai Kitchen with wooden top Scullery Alarm 2 Garages N$2,080 000.00 Call Jan 081 270 8005 Hannes 081 149 8777 Irma 081 368 4469
For Sale Swakopmund COASTAL ESTATES New, Very Special House 3 Bedrooms 3 bathrooms Lounge Diningroom Indoor braai Outdoor Braai Kitchen with Granite Tops Scullery Intercom Beautiful Entrance N$2,300 000.00 Call Jan 081 270 8005 Hannes 081 149 8777 Irma 081 368 4469
ABP Properties Swakopmund
Flats TO LET Meersig – 2 Bedrooms, bathroom and single garage – available immediately N$5 250.00 (W/E Excl) Fairways – 2 Bedrooms, kitchen, court yard, sitting room, one full bathroom, single garage available immediately - N$6 288.00 Hermis – 2 Bedrooms, kitchen, balcony, bathroom with parking immediately available - N$4 800.00 (W/E Excl) Central – 2 Bedroom flat with kitchen (no bis) rooms has bic with single garage, not pet friendly, no court yard N$4 200.00 (W/E Excl) Central – 2 Bedroom flat in newly build complex with garage – N$6 500.00 (w/e excl) Central – Bachelor Flat to let N$2 235.00 (W/E Incl) Fairways – Townhouse with 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, single garage with court yard – N$ 5 775.00 (W/E Excl) Central- 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage (Not Pet Friendly) available 1 June 16 – N$7 500.00 (W/E) Excl Central- Modern 2 Bedroom Flat on 3rd floor in complex (NO PETS) – N$6 600.00 (W/E Excl) Central – 1 Bedrooms flat with under roof parking, available 1 July 16 – N$5 250 (W/E Excl) Meersig – 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, court yard, pet friendly, indoor braai & single garage – N$6 888.00 Houses TO LET Kuisebmond – 3 Bedroom House , kitchen, sitting room, two bathrooms (Not pet friendly), no garage – N$ 6'050.00(Water Incl) Meersig – 2 Bedroom House, sitting room, in door braai, 2 garages 2 bathrooms with one bedroom and garage, flat pre paid water & electricity N$10 500.00 Fairways – 3 Bedroom Modern house to rent , double garage, 2 bathrooms, alarm (w/e) excluded, available 1 July – N$12 100.00 Fairways – 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, alarm, burglar bars (w/e) excluded – N$9 075.00 Fairways – 3 Bedrooms, double garage, 2 bathrooms w/e excluded – N$10 648.00 Meersig – 3 Bedrooms, 3bathrooms, double garage (w/e) excluded – N$9 620.00 Warehouses TO LET Building 312m² under roof to rent opposite Police Station, 3 Small Offices, Store Room, Changing Rooms, Toilets, Visitors Parking – N$42 000.00 (NO VAT) Huge warehouse to rent in old Industrial area on a corner erf – Erf Size 2120m², Building 1100m², available immediately – N$ 53 660.13 Yard to rent 1300m² – N$14 300 (Vat incl) Warehouse of 300m² with yard of 1300m² to rent for N$29 400.00 (Vat incl) Warehouse to let in old industrial area 300m² – N$16 500.00 Various Office Space Opposite Namsov Flats – N$3 700.00 to N$4 500.00 Central: Warehouse TO LET for retail purposes in the Centre of town. Available 1 June 2016 – N$13 310.00 (W/E) Excluded
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Walvis Bay
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
20 MAY 2016
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net
YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE LIVE IN STYLE For rent in Walvis Bay Large newly renovated three bedrooms, four garages, out of which one can be used as an Office/Study. Ample car parking. On main road can be used as an Office. Built in Cupboards, burglar bars, pet friendly, big yard, two toilets, newly painted and tiled. Pre-paid meter, fully alarmed. N$ 9 900.00 p/m negotiable W/E excl. One month deposit and references required. Rent direct from Owners and save on Agency fees. Immediately available. Call: 081 378 7347 / 081 697 8588 / 064 204 986.
TO RENT: 300m² Warehouse situated in Theo Ben Gurirab Str. Light industrial. Big loading door. Office, 1 garage and toilet facilities. Contact: 081 128 3182
TO RENT: Ocean View 2 Bedroom house, kitchen, lounge & dining, 2 bathrooms, indoor braai, double garage, small yard. N$8500.00 Water & electricity included. Chantell 081 609 4077.
ACCOMMODATION Offered in Longbeach Furnished: N$4500.00p/m Sleeping ONE W/E included ----------------N$5500.00 p/m Sleeping TWO W/E included Open Plan Bedroom/ Lounge, TV with DSTV Separate Kitchen and Bathroom Parking behind gates Call: 081 368 8259 064 205 714 TO LET SWAKOPMUND CBD Office: 100m² for N$ 7700.00+ VAT Post Strasse Hof Building Estdorf Strasse Contact 081 247 3026. FLAT TO RENT: Narraville Near Pre Primary School Newly built 1 bedroom, bathroom, small kitchen N$ 2 500.00 p/m Deposit: N$ 2 000.00 Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 227 2919
TE HUUR: Bachelor Woonstel te huur in Walvisbaai. Klein vol gemeubileerde woonstel beskikbaar 1 Junie. Veilig en privaat. Apart van huis met eie ingang. Water, krag and gedeeltelike DSTV ingesl. Jammer, geen kinders of troeteldiere nie. Buite braai. Onderdak parkering opsioneel vir N$ 100.00 ekstra. N$3 400.00 p/m Plus deposito (afbetaalbaar indien nodig). Tweede persoon N$ 400.00 ekstra. Kontak: 081 247 1687 TO RENT: 1x Bedroom flat, openplan kitchen, bathroom, Build-inCupboards in bedroom. W&E included. No garage. Rent: N$3300.00 Contact: 081 220 5705 / 081 450 7439 HOUSE SHARE Walvis Bay Town Near Welwitschia Private Hospital. One person per room. Rate per month. W&E included. Small Room N$ 2000 Medium Room - N$ 2500 Large Room - N$ 2700 Fully furnished 2 bedroom Self – catering flat N$ 10 000. Max 2 people. Contact Jimmy 081 2374 105 or Julia 064-200036 Available to Rent Ocean View Beautiful furnished 2 bedroom apartment, kitchen, lounge, bathroom & garage. Water and Electricity included N$10,000.00. Chantell 081 609 4077
TO LET LONGBEACH 2 bed 2 bath single garage apartment furnished N$7 700 2 BEDROOM 2 BATHROOM TANDEM GARAGE N$7150.00 BACHELOR FLAT SINGLE GARAGE N$ 4 500.00 Luise +264 81 653 0765 +264 64 464 033
TO RENT: Mile 4 Furnished 2 Bedroom townhouse, with 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen & lounge, outside braai and big yard. N$9000.00 For viewing contact: Chantell 081 609 4077.
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms free WiFi & 24 hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061 305 551 081 433 3185 Email: swiss.chalets@iway.na
WANTED WANTED TO BUY COWBOY BOOKS I am urgently looking for Cowboy books te buy Contact me 081 404 8561.
JOB OPPORTUNITIES DO YOU WANT TO EARN EXTRA MONEY? Work from home, own office, on own time, recruit many people as you can and become a manager. Join Avory Shlain today. For more information, meeting are schedule for this week. Book your place don’t miss it. Please confirm sms to 081 687 5766
HOUSES WANTED TO RENT Urgently looking for houses to rent in SWAKOPMUND - all areas Barbara 081 656 2619
Domestic Worker Vacancy Available Ek is dringend opsoek na n betroubare dame met die volgende kwalifikasies * liefde vir kinders moet kan sien dat kinders huiswerk doen * liefde vir diere, diere kos en aandag gee * kennis van huiswerk * kennis van was, stryk * kan kook vir kinders * Afrikaans kan praat * telefoon kan antwoord en boodskappe kan neem * inkopie lysies kan opstel * op haar eie kan werk en besluite neem rakende die huishouding * moet onafhanklik wees Salaris en voordele is onderhandelbaar bring verwysings saam stuur sms na 081 367 5824 vir meer besonderhede geen telefoniese oproepe sal aanvaar word nie.
Magic Discounters Walvisbay Is looking for a Pet Shop assistant -2 yrs experience -Cleaning out cages, Keeping the store clean and tidy -Advising customers the best way to take care of their pets - Selling pet care products Please send CV to: magicjumbohr@gmail. com
PROPERTIES WANTED LEHMANN PROPERTIES We are urgently looking for houses and flats for rent and for sale. Contact Nicolaas 081 470 5719
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
Vacancy B/Com C’s/Cater for Two Companies. Female with Namibian Passport not younger than 45 years of age. CV to 064 400 226 Closing date 20/05/2016 Vacancy Available Office Admin person Main duties will include Basic Bookkeeping, Debtors & Creditors and Customer Care Preferably experience with Quickbooks please mail CV to czinvest.nam@gmail.com VACANCY HEMCO PAINT Swakopmund Admin Position Available send Cv’s to morne@ hemconamibia.com Vacancy Available We are looking for a young English speaking individual for our travel agency located in the centrum of Swakopmund. Knowledge of Amadeus would be great, be computer literate and be great with people. Other languages are a plus. Great opportunity for matriculants. You’ll be overseeing the office handling emails, calls and walk in customers. [Full day or half day] We pay a competitive salary and offer various training courses. Please send your CV to ulrike@travelstop.co
needed at our Dental Practice in Walvis Bay, Namibia. Kindly e-mail application & detailed CV to: accounts@drfox.co For further enquiries, kindly e-mail Dr. Tam-Lyn Fox at tamfox@webmail.co.za VACANCIES: Construction company based in Walvis Bay is looking for the following experienced - Carpenters - Tiler - General / Handymen - Plumbers -Plasterers - Bricklayers - Electricians Call: 064 207 616
Fachkraft für Reisebüro gesucht! Vorkenntnisse und Amadeus wünschenswert, Deutsch/English. Selbstständiges Arbeiten und gepflegtes Auftreten ein Muss. 5 Tage Woche [halbtags möglich] Ab 01.06. in Swakopmund Gutes Gehalt und Trainingsmöglichkeite n Bewerbung bitte per Mail an ulrike@travelstop.co Vacancy Available Manager/Supervisor gesucht für beliebtes Cafe in Swakopmund ab 01.07.16 für Mo-Fr 8:00-14:00 Uhr Gastroerfahrung erwünscht Deutsch/English mehr Infos nach Erhalt des Cvs: swkmuca@gmail.com
JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 54 year old, looking for domestic and Angling Equipment Industry work. For 5 days a week. I have 25 years experience. Josef 081 355 0811. Job Wanted I am a lady looking for work as Cleaner, Housekeeper or looking after kids. I do not drink or smoke, can start anytime in Swakop, Walvis or Langstrand. Please contact me 081 807 8975 Huiswerk Gesoek Ek is dringend opsoek na Huiswerk/Skoonmaak/ Domestic Werk in Swakopmund of Langstrand vir 2 dae in die week Dinsdae en Donderdae. Ek is netjies en hardwerkend. Kontak my asseblief by 081 622 5161 Domestic Work Wanted I am looking for Domestic work or Cleaner anywhere in Swakopmund, Langstrand or Walvis Bay for 4 of 5 days in a week. Please call me urgently 081 226 3095 081 754 5749 081 810 0278 Domestic Work Wanted I am a 47 woman looking for any type of Job anywhere in Swakopmund. I can start anytime Call 081 286 8764 Opsoek na Huiswerk Werk Ek is 32 jaar en is opsoek na Huiswerk, ek kan was, stryk, skoonmaak alles wat huiswerk insluit van Maandag tot Vrydag Ek kan enige dag begin werk skakel my by 081 310 7936 Huiswerk Gesoek Ek is n dame van 29 jaar en is opsoek na Huiswerk Maandag tot Vrydag Ek kan onmiddelik begin Kontak my asb by 081 404 8561. Vacancy Wanted Are you looking for a Manager to run your Lodge, Guest House or Bed & Breakfast Please contact me 081 363 7429
JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Looking for someone to look after an elderly granny or couple in Swakopmund ? I'm available to provide that service for you. I'm a 59 years old mother with hands on experience in looking after elderly couples. Please feel free to contact me: 081 2042 851 JOB WANTED: Vernon is looking for drivers work or general work. Contact: 081 843 3192 JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old lady, looking for work as a domestic worker or as a cleaner. I am available to work any where beside Narraville. I’m a hardworking and respectful person. In meersig, lagoon, town and long beach. Contact: 081 839 3819 JOB WANTED: I am a girl, looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Only for two days, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 374 6059 JOB WANTED: I am a 24 year old lady, looking for domestic work. From Monday to Friday. I can start immediately. The work should be in town, lagoon and Meersig. Contact: 081 745 6144 JOB WANTED: I am looking for work from Monday to Friday. In Walvis Bay and Long Beach. I am a hardworking women. I can do any type of work. I am available to start anytime. Contact: 081 811 1271 JOB WANTED: I am a 21 year old girl, looking for housekeeping work. From Monday to Friday or 3 days a week. I have 2 years experience in housekeeping. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 760 8878 / 081 488 1641 JOB WANTED: I am a 41 year old, looking for any type of work. I am willing to start anytime. Please contact Magdalena 081 423 8466 DONNA 43 jarige is opsoek na 2 tot 3 dae a week of Saterdae, in Walvisbaai. Betroubaar, rook en drink nie. Met verwysings. Kontak: 081 684 2065
20 MAY 2016
The wind and the waves all know His Christian Todayname. Chopper Johannes Fourie (Senior) Stil het hy heengegaan, op Maandag 16 Mei 2016, in die Welwitschia Medipark Hospitaal, na 'n lang siekbed. Hy was 'n bekende figuur op Walvisbaai veral op die Militêre gebied. Sy roudiens sal plaasvind: Saterdag, 28 Mei, 2016, om 09:00 vanuit die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, Walvisbaai.
Condolences To the Almacin Family On the passing of your daughter
Vanessa Almacin Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with My victorious right hand.
Rus in Vrede Chopper.
” Isaiah 41:10”
From: Steel Africa Team
To Anderson Family Our heartfelt condolences with the loss of
We pray that in this time of loss You’ll feel God’s love much more And that you’ll find your comfort in the presence of the Lord We pray God pours upon you His sweet amazing grace And overflow your heart with peace as you live in His embrace
From Smeda family
20 MAY 2016
Sandy & familie, Ons dink aan jou met die heengaan van jou dogter, Vanessa Van Barney & Joan Kock
To Almacin Family Extending our deepest sympathy with the loss of
We bid a very sad farewell to VANESSA ALMACIN You were a bright shining star, And captured so many hearts. R.I.P. Vanessa We extend our most sincere condolences To Vanessa's family and friends and to Binnacle Marine Services, on this sad and tragic loss.
May God be with you now As you face this time of grief May you know the comfort of the Lord in your darkest hour of need know that Jesus cares for you when your soul is deeply pained No matter what you may go through His love for you remains
From the KLD Ships' Agency Team
From Smeda family Vanessa Rachel Almacin * 07.06.2016
+ 15.05.2016
To our beloved daughter, sister, sister-in-law, Aunt If tears could build a stairway and memories were a lane, we would walk right up to heaven and bring you back again. Our hearts ache in sadness and tears are flowing. What it means to lose you, no one will ever know. R.I.P We will always love you. Mom, Dad and Stanley Theresa, Douty, Darynn and Taine Curt, Rochelle, Curtis, Zairah, Alaina Ingrid, Owen, Andra, Jade & Liam Memorial Service Saturday, 21 May 2016, 08:00 from St’ Petrus Roman Catholic Church, Narraville Contact Theresa 0811287424 Stanley 0811700284
30 NAMIB TIMES ESTATE NOTICE Estate no: 567/2016 In the Estate of the late Rosita Speth, Id no: 420520 0043 7, who died on 29 February 2016, resided No.19 Chobe Street, On the Rocks, Kramersdorf, Swakopmund, and who was married out of community of property. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge
20 MAY 2016 their claims or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days as from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 SWAKOPMUND (Ref: HEA/AW EST 144/0001-50)
Love and sympathy Those whom we have LOVED never really leave us. They live on forever in our HEARTS and cast their Radiant light on our every shadow.
ESTATE NOTICE Estate no: 589/2016 In the Estate of the late Catherine Hendrina Cecila Titley, born on 13 March 1940, who died on 16 April 2013, resided at Oranjesig Old Age Home, 2 du Plessis Street, Upington, Republic of South Africa, and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the e s t a t e a t t h e u n d e rmentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS Agent of Executrix c/o KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 SWAKOPMUND (Ref: HEA/AW EST 116/0001-50)
ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE NOTICE PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS Notice is hereby given to all that are Interested and Affected by the proposed activity that an application will be made to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007) and its Regulations as amended, for the following: Proposed activity: Permanent closure of erf 3657 as “Public Open Space” for “Institutional” purposes. Location: Erf 3657 – Batfish Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Consultant: Stewart Planning – Town and Regional Planners. The proposed activity is a listed activity in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007) and can therefore not be carried out without an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC). Therefore, Stewart Planning was appointed to prepare a scoping report and to apply for an ECC. Further take note that in terms of the Environmental Management Act and its Regulations, all Interested and Affected Parties are hereby invited to register and participate in the public consultation process and scoping report. Should you wish to register and receive more information on the proposed activity please contact Stewart Planning not later than FRIDAY 10 JUNE 2016. MUNICIPALITY: Manager: Town Planning Section Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay JHeita@walvisbaycc.org.na 064 201 3339
APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart - Stewart Planning P.O. Box 2095 Walvis Bay bruce@sp.com.na 064 280 770
20 MAY 2016
namib times Sport Top Golf Wins top Liquors Day
Pieter van Aarde wins with 41 points In somewhat coldish conditions and a surprisingly small field of 30 players, it was Pieter van Aarde who won the TOP LIQUORS sponsored day with a very good score of 41 points. Wynand Breytenbach was second on 40 points with oom Pikkie Champion in third place on 39 points. ***************** The longest drive was won by Grant Mather and closest to the pin was won by Danie van Antwerpen. Lucky draws went to Andre 'always lucky' Burger and Anton van Rensburg. There were 7 two clubs each collecting a king's ransom of 15 bucks each and the jackpot was again not won. Presenting the prizes the owner of TOP LIQUORS Dot Bachmann, said that this was the third year that they had sponsored this event and that they will be back next year. ****************** The last three hamper tickets were auctioned and went to Anton and two to Grant. The draw was made and it was vice captain Wayne Hart's number that was drawn by Dot. Wayne promptly rang the bell. We will have another hamper going in a few months time, but this time it will be a meat hamper to the value of 5 000 bucks, but more of that later. ******************* This weekend is the PENNY PINCHERS day and the format is better ball medal, a competition that we have not played for many a long month. Great thinking Wayne in coming up with this format.
Wayne Hart, Dot Bachmann [sponsor] and Pieter van Aarde winner of the day
Wayne Hart receiving the hamper from the Chairman Shane Westerdale
20 MAY 2016
namib times Sport
Send your sports news to sport@namibtimes.net
Mixed Martial Arts comes to Walvis Bay
The annual Coastal Bridge tournament hosted by the Swakopmund Bridge Club was held on 14th – 15th May at the Rössmund Golf Club. The excellent facilities and catering provided by the Golf Club ensured the success of the event which was enjoyed by all 32 participating players who came from Windhoek, Omaruru, Walvis Bay and of course Swakopmund. The winning pair was Dominique Roberts and Allan Walden from Windhoek with an excellent score of 62.8%, while in second place was Walvis Bay pair Azhar Dinath and Mansur Khan on 59.8%. In third place were Hellmut Wörmsbacher and Toby Tebbit from Swakopmund. The chief sponsor of the event was Latitia Ruiz of Ultra Travel in Walvis Bay with co-sponsor Distell Namibia. The Swakopmund Bridge Club meets every Monday evening at the Lions Old Age Home and new players are welcome. Anybody wishing to play or learn Bridge should contact Anne-Louise Grant at 064-405196 or Ed Barbour at 064-405604.
The club has grown tremendously in the last year and it only seemed fit to expand our club with new styles, said Senseis Dorothy and Stephen Chambers. Not only teaching Kickboxing, but now also the following forms of Self-defence, NMA and Weapons Combat. It's with great excitement that the Walvis Bay Kickboxing Club announces the arrival of Sensei André Roodman. Sensei André has been involved in the Mixed our Facebook page) Martial Arts from the young age of 10. He started Sensei Dorothy and Stephen Chambers both with Traditional Japanese Karate and had to work would like to use this opportunity to welcome harder than the next person to stand out in his Sensei André to the club. They feel that Selfform. defence is such an important tool to have in any At age 14, after many wins and losses he was person's life. With Sensei André's qualifications selected for the Western Province Professional and background in different fighting styles, they Karate Team. In 1984 Sensei André left Traditio- also believe that all people interested in any form nal Karate as a committed first Dan Black Belt of mixed martial arts will be accommodated at Instructor. He then went on to learn more about the Walvis Bay Kickboxing Club. The club feels other international fighting methods such as very excited and privileged to start these new and Mixed Martial Arts, Thai Boxing, Grappling and different adventures together with Sensei UFC. Within 1 year of starting in his 3 year Thai Dorothy, Sensei André and Stephen Chambers. Boxing form he became a well known name in the fighting sport. He got noticed in this time by an UFC instructor that saw his great potential in UFC fighting. This however was a whole new experience for him, as the fighting style was totally different and much more intense. Sensei André did UFC fighting for 2 years and moved on to be trained as a qualified VIP Protection Instructor. With his qualifications it allowed him to train anyone in Weapons and Self-defence. At the end of 1988 Sensei André was selected into a special elite military group where close hand to hand combat was of utmost importance. With his background in different fighting styles, he was trained by the military as an instructor in advance fighting techniques. After leaving the military in 2007 Sensei André committed himself in teaching selfdefence classes to all ages. (We also urge everyone to read Sensei André's full history on
First ever club team table tennis championship at Jan Wilken this weekend The first ever Club Team Table Tennis Championships (1st leg) will be held this weekend (21 May 2016) in Walvis Bay, hosted by Walvis Bay Table Tennis Club. Clubs from Windhoek will be competing against the Coastal Clubs of Walvis Bay and Swakopmund in two divisions. Come support us at the Jan Wilkins Indoor Stadion from 09:00 onwards.