namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6498 TUESDAY 20 OCTOBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net
inside Duneside learner excels
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Stolen vehicle recovered
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Confusion over treatment of patient by doctor in local hospital Liesl Losper
An incident that occurred recently raised the question whether a patient, who is hurt and wants to lay a charge with the police after treatment, can be assisted by a private doctor or not. In August, a Walvis Bay resident who is known getting weaker, and when we inspected the to the newspaper, was stabbed in a nightclub in wound we noticed that his intestines was Narraville. The victim told namib times that he bulging outside of his body. We immediately consumed alcohol in the club and started phoned an ambulance and we took him to smoking a cigarette inside the building. “I lit a Welwitschia Hospital. My husband is a cigarette in the club and I know I was wrong, member of a medical aid. When we came there but afterwards a guard came to me and we the nurse and the doctor said they cannot help started to argue. After I left the club, two him because they cannot get involved in police security guards followed me and started to beat matters. We then rushed to the State hospital me. One security guard pulled out a knife and and they immediately sent him to Windhoek for stabbed me. I fainted and someone who passed treatment.” The victim's health improved to by called the police who informed my wife.” such an extent that was able to return home. The victim's wife told the newspaper that when When he called the newspaper for an interview the police phoned her, she first thought it was a he said they have opened a case with the police mistake but she eventually went to the police and that the matter is under investigation, but station in Narraville. “When I came there I was that he was still of the opinion that he should terrified, somehow my husband was just have been treated by the private doctor.
The namib times contacted the Welwitschia Hospital in this regard and Mr Gareth Smith, the Hospital Manager explained to us their side of the story. “I cannot confirm whether the incident was an assault or not, but can confirm that a patient was brought into the hospital at approximately 23:00 in the evening on 14 August 2015 with a stab wound to the abdomen. The patient was brought in by State ambulance together with a State nurse. I have discussed the matter with both the Nurse who was on duty at Welwitschia Hospital that evening, as well as the doctor who was on call. Both of whom attended to the patient. Our policy in the Casualty Department of Welwitschia Hospital, is that in an emergency situation we will always treat the patient and stabilise them, whether they are medical aid patients, private patients, etc. Once the patient Continues on page 2
Lianie May Binnelander en “sub-kontrakteur” trek tou oor geld Walvis Bay resident alleges in Walvis Werker uit binneland moet glo N$1 000 per nag opdok vir blyplek by werk wrongful imprisonment Bay het hy gevra. Die Marshallino Beukes
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Namibië verloor teen SWD
Bladsy 24
Die koerant is Saterdag inderhaas na 'n woning in Swakopmund se Vineta woonbuurt ontbied, nadat omstredenheid rakende die betaling van 'n bouer van Rehoboth en die persoon onder wie hy teël- en reparasiewerk gedoen het, ontstaan het. 'n Ontstoke mnr Ger- pleister en verf van geld aangevra, aanson Uirab het aan- mure by die huis se gesien hy huiswaarts gedui dat hy gedu- braai-area en ook wou keer. rende September reparasiewerk aan die Sy werkgewer het deur die betrokke dak. Die totale bedrag hom blykbaar baie dame (naam bekend) wat volgens Uirab op blatant laat weet dat sy in Windhoek genader ooreengekom was be- nie 'n sent aan hom was vir die werk in loop N$38 305 en gaan betaal nie, maar volgens hom het hy tot later van deuntjie Swakopmund. Volgens hom het hede nog net N$15 verander en hom per hulle ooreengekom 000 daarvan ontvang, sms (in namib times se dat hy 120 vierkante waarmee hy ses wer- besit) laat weet dat meter teëlwerk sou kers wat hy in Swa- N$6 961 aan hom doen, asook die ou kopmund kom aange- oorbetaal sou word. p l a f o n b o r d e m e t stel het, betaal het. Hy “Waar kom sy aan nuwes vervang. Nog het verlede week daardie bedrag en ek is werk wat blykbaar Woensdag die werk tog geregtig op die agterna aan hom afgehandel en skyn- volle bedrag waarop opgedra was, was die baar die res van die ooreengekom was?”
koerant het die dame, wat haar in Windhoek bevind, gekontak om haar kant van die saak aan te hoor. Volgens haar het Uirab kontrak gebreek nadat hy ander werkers aangestel het. Volgens haar het hulle ooreengekom dat hy alleen die werk moes doen en in die huis moes bly. Die huis behoort blykbaar aan 'n persoon in Kanada, wat op sy beurt die werk aan haar gegee het. Oordragdokumente na die Kanadese eienaar se naam is blykbaar ook nog nie afgehandel nie. Sy het ook genoem dat daardie Vervolg op bladsy 2
Mavourlene !Gaёs
“I just want justice to be done…” Haurumbu Antonios Sirumbu (29), a resident from Walvis Bay, wants justice to be served and the correct procedures to be followed, after he was allegedly wrongfully imprisoned. He was sentenced to three years behind bars on a housebreaking charge in the Rundu Continues on page 2
20 OCTOBER 2015
Confusion over treatment of patient by doctor Continued from page 1 in local hospital has been stabilised, we then enquire of the patient or the family whether they have medical aid or not, or whether they will pay our fees if they are private patients. Should the patient or family decide that they are not able to pay our fees we would then arrange for a transfer to the State hospital, or hand the patient back to the family to transfer the patient. With the incident on the evening of 14 August 2015, our Casualty sister received the patient. She was informed that there was a stab wound to the abdomen. She proceeded to investigate the wound, however, the wound had already been covered with a dressing by the Ambulance staff. The nurse then requested the doctor on call, who was at the hospital at the time attending to another patient, to see the patient. The doctor and nurse were then informed by the family of the patient that a police case was going to be opened. Welwitschia
Hospital does not employ any doctors. All Private General Practitioners make use of the facilities of the hospital, however, as a result of them being in private practice, they can decide whether or not they will see certain patients, types of cases, etc. The doctor informed the patient and family, that the patient can be helped at Welwitschia hospital, however, the doctor would not be getting involved in any police case matter. The doctor continued to inform them, that should they want to continue with opening a case, then unfortunately the patient would need to see a State doctor. The patient and family understood. They felt that they would definitely like to continue with opening a police case, and thus were happy to proceed to the State hospital.” Smith said that the patient was afterwards placed back in the ambulance and transported to the State hospital.
Binnelander en “sub-kontrakteur” trek tou oor geld Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 werkers nou “die mense se toilette en ander geriewe gebruik”, wat nie deel van die ooreenkoms was nie. Sy het voorts aangevoer dat die huiseienaar haar uit Kanada beopdrag het om slegs daardie bedrag aan Uirab te betaal. Uirab se redenasie is, dat dit mos sy werk was en dat hy kon besluit om werkers onder hom aan te stel, aldan nie. “Op daardie manier is die werk vinniger gedoen en het ek ook werksgeleenthede vir plaaslike mense geskep. Ek het haar ook niks ekstra gevra nie en het die manne uit my betaling besoldig,” het hy aangedui. Hy was gister by die Arbeidskantore in Swakopmund, maar blykbaar het die dame, na talle probeerslae deur die arbeidskonsultant, nie haar mobiele foon geantwoord nie. Hy het ook gister aangedui dat sy hom, nadat die koerant haar gekontak het, laat weet het dat sy bereid is om N$10 000 aan hom oor te betaal. Die getroude pa van sewe noem dat hy met niks anders as die volle bedrag tevrede gaan wees nie. “My vrou en kinders wag op my. Ek het geen heenkome hier nie en wil net my geld waarvoor ek 'n
goeie werk gedoen het hê en huis toe gaan,” sê Uirab. Hy het die afgelope tyd in die huis gewoon, wat tans onbewoon is en die dame het Saterdag die polisie genader om hom van die erf te verwyder. Volgens hom was die polisie wel daar, maar hulle het aangedui dat dit nie 'n saak vir hulle was nie en dat hy die saak by die arbeidskommissie moet aanmeld. 'n Verslae en geskokte Uirab het laat gisternamiddag die koerant gekontak en meegedeel dat hy so pas deur die dame verwittig was dat hy en sy seun (wat saam met hom uit Rehoboth gekom het) N$1 000 per nag vir die blyplek moet betaal. Sy beoog blykbaar om die totale bedrag (vir die blyplek vandat hulle in Swakopmund aangekom het) by die betaling af te trek. “Ek en my seun het geen heenkome hier nie en gaan ryloop nou maar sonder 'n sent op ons sakke, met die hoop dat ons wel geholpe sal raak en net by die huis kan uitkom. Ek gaan egter nie die saak hier laat nie. Ek het regtig nie geweet daar bestaan nog sulke tipe mense in hierdie lewe nie, maar daar is 'n God wat leef,” was Uirab se afskeidswoorde.
Walvis Bay resident alleges wrongful imprisonment Continued from page 1 Magistrate's court. According to Sirumbu he was convicted on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft, which took place at Ngandu Lodge. “Bail of N$3 500 was granted, but I could not afford to pay the bail and remained in custody. While I was still in custody, waiting for my bail to be paid, the police opened a new case against me,” he noted. According to his statement, a friend of his was arrested for the possession of a firearm and connected him with the illegal firearm charge. Sirumbu is of the opinion that the police officers may have assumed that he already paid his bail, thus incriminating him. “I appeared in court and I pleaded not guilty on the new charge against me, however my coaccused incriminated me by telling the court that I have spearheaded the entire operation and I was sentenced to three years imprisonment.” After he was sentenced, Sirumbu says he spent about two months in jail before writing a letter to the office of the Ombudsman (letter in namib times' possession). “A file was opened in my name (file number 11833) and they told me they will inform me about the progress in due time. They never got back to me.” According to him the police later on apprehended the real suspects and the case against him was dropped. He allegedly then decided to write another letter to the Ombudsman on 5 March this year, requesting for a lawyer, to which they (Ombudsman's office) replied to, remarking that they do not have the mandate to allocate legal representation to accused persons. He was however advised to apply for Legal Aid and the details were also provided by the Office of the Ombudsman. He supposedly wrote a letter to the Legal Assistance Centre, but did not get any response. Visits to legal practitioners also were in vain, as he could not afford them. “Since then I decided to look for a job, but ended up staying at home, as my criminal record bars me from getting a job, although I have the necessary qualifications,” he concluded.
“There is an urgent need for social intervention”- Walvis Bay Mayor Mavourlene !Gaёs
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Me Uilika Nambahu, officially launched the African Counsellors Social Development (ACSD) organisation on Friday. The launch took place at the Municipal sidehall in the harbour town. Nambahu acknowledged the need for effective and efficient counselling as well as the importance of support networks. “This is evident, especially when one reads the newspapers, watch electronic media, follow social media and discovers the horrific incidences of crimes such as murder, rape, harassment, stalking and assault,” she remarked. The mayor further noted that it is disturbing, as it appears that the incidences of immoral acts such as substance abuse, pornography and suicide are on the increase in
society. “This simply means there is an urgent need for social interventions aimed at saving the lives of those affected by socio-economic problems and trauma, before it's too late. There is nothing better than human-to-human intervention and nothing replaces heart-to-heart talks, when facing problems,” Nambahu said. She also reminded the individuals who are faced with challenges and those who feel like giving up, that there is a light at the end of the seemingly dark and
hopeless tunnel. “I want to assure you that your burden will feel much lighter when shared with people ready to share your hurt with absolute confidentiality,” the mayor vowed. She requested ACSD to do whatever is required to comply with the laws and norms regulating this industry, in order to ensure for them to become a trusted champion for improving the lives of the people through counselling. The Chairman and Founder of ACSD, Saltiel Kalola, explained that the organisation was
born out of a desire to bring change in people's lives and to enhance the quality of living standards, by offering counselling with a heart of caring and also outreach programmes. “The African Counsellors Social Development Association was founded in 2014 here in Walvis Bay. The current social challenges presented by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, drug culture, peer pressure and high teenage pregnancies has captured many youth in Africa and resulted in lack of respect for human life and property,” Kalola
Mayor of Walvis Bay, Uilika Nambahu (right) handing over the certificate of the association to the founder of ACSD, Saltiel Kalola and his wife Hilya Kalola (middle)
remarked. ACSD is a non-profit organisation which was founded in 2014 and aimed at helping the youth to establish a positive future. “The association is managed
by seven boards of Directors with vast experience in youth development activities, such as politics, socialas well as economic development in Namibia,” Kalola concluded.
SSS receives computers worth N$100 000 Sharlien Tjambari The computer lab at Swakopmund Secondary School (SSS) was blessed with twelve computers recently. The Good Samaritan was none other than Langer Heinrich Uranium (LHU).
Grade 8 Learners of SSS were happy to receive the computers
The Representative of LHU, Leonardo van Niekerk said LHU saw the need for new computers during a consultation with SSS on educational needs. According to Van Niekerk, during the visit, LHU realised that the computers which were donated about six years ago had become inadequate for the ever advancing technological environment. Each system includes a licensed copy of Microsoft Office, so that learners can have access to programmes such as Excel and Word, which have become basic necessities in the majority of jobs, Van Niekerk added. The donation is in line with LHU's objective of providing lasting support for the education sector. In his keynote address, Mr Olivier, the Inspector of Education said teamwork is very important and LHU has been a good team player and they have always been there to support and commit themselves, and for contributing towards education. Mr Olivier further said that the computers will be used to improve the performance of the learners. Mrs Lyners, the computer studies teacher at SSS said more or less 100 learners, from Grade 8 to 12, will benefit from the computers.
20 OCTOBER 2015
Local learner wins at International Science Fair Madelaine Laubscher A local learner from Duneside Private High School, Christon Otto Gude, was chosen as the overall winner in the Engineering, Mechanical, Aero-nautical and Industrial category at the Eskom Expo International Science Fair recently. The Stellenbosch University (SU) stated it is their pleasure to inform him that the University has awarded him a bursary to the value of N$30 000 for his first year of study at the University. The head of the undergraduate bursaries/loans in the division for prospective students, Mrs A Hanekom, said “our warmest congratulations go to Gude once again, for this excellent achievement.” According to a local spokesperson, he also received a certificate, a shield and gold medal for successfully taking part in this science fair. “In recognition of his excellent project and being the overall winner in the engineering, mechanics, aeronautical and industrial category, he was additionally awarded with a bursary for young scientists to study at Stel-
lenbosch University. In July he represented the Erongo Region at the Nampower National science fair in Windhoek. He was subsequently chosen to represent Namibia at the International ESKOM science fair in South Africa and was awarded a cash prize award of N$2 000 with a gold medal. In June he took part in the International Genius Olympiads in New York and his winning project attracted the same international attention where he was presented with a gold medal and scholarship to study at the OSWEGO State University in New York. During the same event he was privileged to be taken on a tour to different states in USA visiting top universities. He was accompanied by his mentor, Mr B Katowa, who is the Senior Education Officer at the Erongo Directorate of the Ministry of Education. In Grade 11 he has received a double scholarship,” he said. According to Gude, he believes in what Nelson Mandela said, “It seems impossible, until it is done.” According to him this quote is his encouragement to others.
Pelican Scaffolding employees stand united Mavourlene !Gaёs Ten workers of Pelican Scaffolding have decided to leave their jobs in order to support two of their colleagues who were allegedly unfairly dismissed by the company.
Christian Gude (second from right) receiving his reward
They are accusing the company of unfair labour practices and unfair dismissal. According to former Shop Steward at the company, Michael Kamati, who spoke on behalf of the two dismissed employees, the company allegedly held a disciplinary hearing without the guilty parties being present. “Lucas Ndeshipanda and Joseph Nicodemus were prosecuted without even being charged. The management told us that they already proceeded with the hearing without the accused people. How is this even possible?” Kamati asked. Kamati said during teatime, Ndeshipanda was allegedly told to leave the company with immediate effect as his services were no longer needed. “We, the fellow employees, have shown solidarity with him, because an injury to one is an injury to all.” The ex-workers accuse the owner of Pelican
Scaffolding, Raphael Muheua, of allegedly mistreating them and apparently uses phrases such as, “I am the brother of the Deputy Minister of (name withheld) and that gives me the right to mistreat people,” when he addresses them. “We, the former employees of Pelican Scaffolding have decided to part ways with the company and we will not allow Raphael to colonise us, those days are over and now is the time to stand up for our rights. This is a democratic and free country and we are all entitled to our rights,” they fumed. When contacted for his response on the allegations made by the former employees, Muheua denied the allegations and responded, “Ask them for any proof. If they have something on paper then you must call me. If there is something on paper come to me let us sort it out, but if there is nothing. No comment.”
Four suspects arrested in connection Staff Reporter with vehicle theft The Police in the Erongo Region have apprehended four suspects for allegedly stealing a
motor vehicle at Walvis Bay's Waterfront over the weekend.
Nampol Deputy Commissioner, Ottilie Kashuupulwa confirmed the incident to the newspaper. “A car was allegedly stolen in Walvis Bay's lagoon area,” Kashuupulwa noted. The vehicle was later recovered in the possession of the four suspects, yesterday morning in Swakopmund. Excellent co-operation between the owner, the general public, Nam-
The stolen vehicle
Youth goes one-on-one with Nampol Madelaine Laubscher
“If police officers want to drive around for private reasons, they must buy their own vehicles” - police spokesperson Members of the Constituency Youth Forum, which was established eight years ago at the coast, posed important questions to Nampol on Thursday, during a meeting at the Walvis Bay Town Hall. sponse on the allegation. The youth members also alleged that police officers are aware of who drug dealers at the coast are, but are seemingly informing the dealers of planned drug-busts. This statement was made off as mere allegations, and community members were advised to be more specific with information. “Facts must be provided and assumptions cannot just be made,” the Nampol spokesperson remarked. The fact that the blue light at the office of the “Walvis Bay Against Crime” in Kuisebmond is not working, was also brought under the police' attention and also the fact that there is no Namibian flag at the premises. “There should be a blue light. The light will be fixed soon and a flag will be placed there when the police are deployed to the office,” was the response to this particular question. The police officer who was stationed at the above-mentioned offices was withdrawn a while ago and according to the police spokesperson, a new officer will be placed there again, as
pol, Swakopmund, Nampol Crime Prevention, Swakopmund Neighbourhood Watch and First Response Security Namibia resulted in the recovery of the bakkie The suspects were arrested and are due to appear in the Walvis Bay Magistrate's court this week. The vehicle was reported stolen on Sunday morning.
Murder suspect discharged from hospital Mavourlene !Gaёs
The 23-year-old man who allegedly stabbed and killed 23year-old Jaco Lorenzo Vries will appear in the Walvis Magistrate's court on Thursday. The suspect was recovering in the state hospital as a result of a stab wound that was inflicted on him during the confrontation. Nampol Deputy Commissioner, Ottilie Kashuupulwa said the suspect was apparently discharged from hospital on Friday. “His docket was already taken to court while he was admitted at the hospital and the case was postponed in his absence. He will make his physical appearance in court on Thursday. Vries died a week ago in Mica Street, Kuisebmond, as a result of a stab wound on the upper left side of his back. The stabbing occurred after a fight allegedly broke out between him and the suspect, inside one of the local bars in the area.
12-15 October 2015
The four suspects after they were arrested
The questions entailed certain concerns that they and the community are experiencing with the local police. They started off by asking the police why certain officers supposedly attend work under the influence of alcohol. The Nampol spokespersons responded by saying that “there are rules and regulations which the police must follow. Officers can be charged if they are under the influence of alcohol, when on duty, and they should be reported if it is suspected.” The misuse of sirens by police officers was also questioned and it was noted that this is abuse of devices, which will not be tolerated. The public was urged to take down the vehicle's registration number and report it immediately to the Regional Commander. It was further alleged that shift commanders are not carrying out their duties properly. “This is true. The shift commanders have thus been informed to start inspecting properly,” was Nampol's re-
20 OCTOBER 2015
soon as certain renovations have been completed. The Youth Forum wanted an explanation on why there is no poster of the president, the Inspector General and of the Regional Commander at these offices. “There is a mandate to have the poster of these respective persons. We were negligent on this subject, but it will be put right shortly,” was the answer. When they asked the officers why vehicles are not available at certain times, especially at night, as it is seemingly at night when most crimes are committed, and also why police vehicles are parked at private residences, the police commented that the officers on duty were not communicating properly. “The issue has been addressed and they will start communicating with each other from now on. Also, if a police vehicle is seen at a private residence, take the registration number and notify the regional commander, as this cannot be tolerated. If the police officers want to drive around for private reasons they must buy their own
Nampol answering questions posed to them by the Constituency Youth Forum
Simeon Kalute (30) and Josef Haikali (32) both appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 26 October for the tracing of the accused. Kalute is at large and Haikali is on bail. Ivanov Van Wyk (27) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 12 November for further investigation. The accused is on bail. A 16-year-old minor appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property and a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 12 November for trial. The accused is detained in a place of safety. Richard Louw (35) appeared on a charge of uttering, tendering or accepting Bank of Namibia notes. The matter was postponed to 26 November for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Ben Blaauw (36) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 12 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is in custody. Nicolaas Jacobus Van Der Merwe (19) appeared on a charge of impersonating a member of the police and a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 19 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody. Ricardo /Uirab (30) appeared on a charge of common assault. /Uirab was found guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 000 or 90 days in prison. Magrette Gowases (43) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 16 March 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Gino Hammerslaght (27) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 1 December for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Willem De Klerk (27) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and a charge of failure to comply with instructions or direction of an authorised officer. The matter was postponed 16 March 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. A 17-year-old minor appeared on a charge of possession of dependence- producing substance. The matter was postponed to 11 November for pre-trial community service. The accused was released in the care of a guardian. Nestor Katangolo (31) appeared on a charge of dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 9 November for submissions. The accused is on warning. Ananias Iipinge (34) appeared on a charge of receiving stolen property and possession of suspected stolen property. The matter was postponed to 13 January 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Magdalena Kirsten (52) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 25 vehicles,” it was warned. According to one of the members of the youth forum there are no handcuffs available at the police station, nor are the officers equipped with hand-cuffs. “Officers are supposed to have handcuffs. We assume that it got lost and was not reported. We are planning to give the officers new belts, along with new hand-cuffs,” responded the police spokesperson. The members of the youth forum thanked Warrant Officer Muhinda for his involvement and for possible changes to come. The meeting was concluded with the pro-mise that the bars, shebeens and clubs in Kui-sebmond and other parts of the town, which do not close their
doors at the stipulated time, will be monitored properly from now on. The Constituency Youth Forum was established eight years ago and is being restructured every four years where an election takes place choosing new members who will assist the youth in constituencies. The duties of the chosen members are to carry out all youth development programmes of the National Youth Council in their respective constituencies. They should be actively involved in youth development programs, must be part of the developmental dialogue with town councils and to come up with project ideas by requesting financial assistance to national youth councils.
Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court November for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Eveline Delencia Swartbooi (22) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 5 November for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Murenga Shikongo (27) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 21 October for the docket to be brought to court. The accused is on bail. Allan Brandt (31) appeared on a charge of possession of a dependence-producing substance. The matter was postponed to 17 December for lab results. The accused is in custody. Shane Koppetsch (24) and Marshall Koppetsch (22) both appeared on a charge of dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and a charge of possession of potentially dangerous-dependence producing drugs. The matter was postponed to 22 October for bail application. Both suspects are in custody. Wildrew Visagie (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and a charge of attempted arson. The matter was postponed to 23 February 2016 for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail. Shangula Andreas (34) and Samson Nashongo (20) both appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 22 October for continuation of trial. Both suspects are in custody. Isascar Oe-amaseb (47) appeared on a charge of refusal to give blood or breath specimen and a charge of reckless or negligent driving. The matter was postponed to 22 October for the docket to be brought to court. The accused is on bail. Tjinomuinjo Kandee (32) appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed 26 January 2016 for PG decision. The accused is in custody. Chriszelda Lorinda Bock (35) appeared on a charge of fraud. The matter was postponed to 12 November for further investigation. The accused is on bail. Berti Stefanus Van Wyk (39) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 10 November for further investigation. The accused is in custody.
20 OCTOBER 2015
Namibia's president pledges 20% of salary to poor children Namibian President Hage Geingob has pledged 20 percent of his salary to a scholarship fund for children from poor families. Geingob made the pledge on Saturday when he addressed the ruling Swapo Party rally in Windhoek, where he officially launched the party's campaign for next month's regional and local authorities elections. "I am ready to set aside
20 percent of my salary in order to set up a scholarship fund for impoverished children," he told the hundreds of supporters who gathered at the Katutura Multi-purpose Centre. Geingob earns about N$2 million (about 76,000 U.S. dollars)
per year and this means he will give away about N$400 000 (30,580 U.S. dollars). The Namibian government has made poverty eradication a special focus, with the creation of a whole ministry Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare. The ministry is hea-
ded by retired Bishop Zephaniah Kameeta, who is a well-known advocate of the basic income grant for the poor. About 28.7 percent of Namibia's 2.3 million live under the poverty datum line. According to Geingob, fighting poverty is by no means an easy feat since it is an enemy with no fighter jets, tanks, artillery, soldiers or bases. "We have declared allout war on poverty," he said, "In a war situa-
tion, one must be prepared to make sacrifices and incur losses for the greater good of all." Geingob said since the government was fighting poverty, it was not too much to ask those that are fortunate enough to have employment to think about their brothers and sisters who have nothing. "Yes, I understand the issue of creeping inflation and how it increases the cost of living. However, there are those who are struggling to survive. Let all
Kerkman praat uit teen gay-verhoudings “Moet ek dan nou verduidelik en verdedig wat ek glo?” · Ek glo in God-DrieEnig wat geskep het, met die mens as kroon van Sy skepping, man en vrou, na SY beeld; · Ek glo die verhouding tussen man en vrou was
die oorspronklike bedoeling van God se skepping; · Ek sien dat die sondeval (Gen 3-11) 'n donker tyd in die mense se bestaan ingelei het, waar
die stukkendheid van mense, hetsy boemelaars, alkoholiste, prostitute, moordenaars, diewe, pedofiele, mense met homoseksuele ge-
neigdheid, en tall ander, nie deel was van God se oorspronklike bedoeling nie, maar as gevolg van die sondeval. · In Abraham het God begin met die herstel. Genesis 12. · Ek glo dat Jesus se manier van lewe ons kom wys het hoe lyk dié God na wie ons almal soek; o ‘n God wat gaan stilstaan by mense met nood, wat worstel met sonde, wat stukkend is, besmeer met die modder van die hardheid van die lewe; o Jesus kom wys ons dan
die Vaderhart van God wat vir almal omgee en liefhet o Jesus veroordeel niemand nie; o Ons kan dan nie anders om ook so lewe na te jaag nie; o Ek is verder oortuig dat dit juis is waarvoor Jesus gekom het, want die wat gesond is, het mos nie die dokter nodig nie, maar die wat siek, stukkend, seer, dwalend en worstelend is. · Ek as gebroke mens het ook God se genade nodig! Ek is verder oortuig: · Vir dié God is alles
President Hage Geingob of us who are employed think about how we can reduce spending and sacrifice our salaries rather than fighting for
increments when you are employed and at least having income," he added. (NAMPA / XINHUA)
moontlik (maagdelike geboorte en opstanding van Jesus oa); · Dat dit vir dié God moontlik is om alle mense te genees, te herstel, te verander, nuut te maak, vry te maak, hoop te gee. Ek kan daarom nie anders as om verder te verklaar: · Ek glo dat die bepaalde bedoeling van God van die begin van lewe, soos ons dit op aarde ken, is dat die huwelik 'n permanente verbintenis is tussen een man en een vrou! · Ek glo dat selfde geslag verhoudings was en is dus nie deel God se
skeppingsplan nie; · Ek glo dat die noue lig waarvan die Algemene Sinode praat om die Bybel te verstaan, is die
humanistiese invloede wat in die NG Kerk en sy teologiese opleiding insluip, en nie werklik nuwe lig nie. · Ek glo onomwonde dat Christus die Groot Geneesheer (Herskepper is), anders moet ek ander geloof en job gaan soek! Daarom vra ek heeltyd die vraag: Wat is God se oorspronklike bedoeling? (Dr Manus Olivier – NG Swakopmund)
20 OCTOBER 2015
Namibian tourism numbers decline
The travel index declined as indicated by airplane load factor which declined by 11.6% and bed occupancy rate which only increased by 3.2%, lower than the average quarterly growth of 13.8%. The third proponent of the Travel index, the exchange rate index , had shown a 1.3% strength during the quarter but seem to have little to no bearing on overall travel index. Figures released from the industry survey were discomforting. Business performance
during the second quarter was down with most of the responses indicating that business was at best fair with 35.3% mentioning that business was poor to very poor as compared to the same period in 2014. This was largely due to the drop in tourist numbers of which 55.3% of the respondents stated was dismally poor compared to the market expectations . Revenue received by the industry has been dwindling according to the survey. 36.2% of the respondents stated that the overall
revenue was positive but more respondents stated that the results were unsatisfactory. Employment numbers during the second quarter edged slightly higher in order to cater for the additional conferences and the tourism expo that took place during the period. 27.0% of the managers within the sector had to employ workers to cater for the market at the time but additionally to prepare for the third quarter activities. Growth in CAPEX has been on a decline with most managers quoting “cost control� for the period to ensure that maximum possible returns given declining
anticipated growth in services offered to the high end, higher spenders of the market as opposed to the lower to middle income segments. According to the lodges and games reserves managers, high spenders although few, offer more value per customer than trying to meet the demands of the masses. Still an area of concern is the Ebola pandemic. Despite Ebola having a zero incidence rate in Namibia and concerted efforts for the various tourist associations to ensure the rest of the world that there is no Ebola in Namibia, tourist bookings has declined citing fears of the diseases proximity to the region. Coupled with the hunting season another factor could bring about good performance in the third quarter. Fly Africa; Despite their flights being brought to a halt due to matters of licensing, their presence could lead to an improvement of international arrivals specifically within the region. If the cheap flights are packaged properly, international arrivals could possibly increase thus improving tourism numbers.
Foto deur BernabĂŠ Blaauw
The second quarter tourism Index report reveals that the tourism sector is still facing some headwinds as tourist numbers decline within the Namibian market.
revenue. Revenue over the past quarter was very poor according to 27.0% of the managers surveyed. Only 3.2% of the market stated that revenue had increased beyond their actual expectations. Future expectations within the market are slightly positive. In terms of overall business sentiment, 31.5% of the managers expect business in the third quarter to be good. This is however 11% lower that the expectations within the market during the same period last year. Revenue projection indicates improvements as well for the year with 40.95% expecting revenue to increase during the third quarter. This is however 53% lower than the market sentiment during the same period last year. The new smoking legislature has had an impact on the tourist numbers within various centers a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y. According to information from a few gambling houses, lower customers have been recorded as clients look for alternative venues where they can smoke and gamble. Surveyed results further indicate that there is an
20 OCTOBER 2015
Swakopmunders commemorate global Handwashing day Sharlien Tjambari Members of the community from the Swakopmund district gathered at the DRC clinic on Saturday, in order to commemorate Global Handwashing Day, which is commemorated annually on 15 October. The event commenced with a march from Hanganeni Primary School in Mondesa and proceeded to the DRC informal settlement. The theme of the day was “Raise a hand for Hygiene”. According to the Mayor of Swakopmund, Mr Nehemiah Salomon, global handwashing day is a campaign to motivate and mobilise people around the world to improve their hand washing habits, by washing their hands with soap and water. “Most of our community members are living in informal settlement areas, therefore commemoration at the DRC
settlement is at the right place and time,” Salomon added. Reports by the Ministry of Health shows that there are four facts in washing hands, firstly: washing hands with water alone is not enough, secondly: handwashing with soap can prevent diseases that kill millions of children every year, thirdly: the critical times for handwashing with soap are after using the toilet, after cleaning a child and before handling food, lastly: handwashing with soap is the most cost-effective health intervention. Salomon further remarked that the implementation and promotion of
Swakopmund Mayor, Nehemiah Salomon washing his hands with running water
good health practices cannot be left in the hands of the Ministry of Health and Social Services alone. “Our community members should take responsibility and take part in promoting our own health and by doing so, we do it for the betterment of our nation,” he added. According to Salomon information on handwashing has come at the right time to educate community members on how to control and prevent various diseases, such as cholera, diarrhoea, salmonella, food poisoning and worm infestation.
Members of the community queuing up and waiting for their turn to wash their hands.
20 OCTOBER 2015
Communication gap? Dog carcasses dumped Dogs that were put to sleep were found discarded at the Walvis Bay dumping site after their carcasses were allegedly left there by officials of the Municipality. Apparently they fetched the dogs from a local veterinary practice and it is believed that the correct procedures were not followed. Mariette Brand NOT even an animal will do THIS! look's like animal's have more respect for the dead then human's! they Bury one another family or not! wonder why they do NOT open an animal cemetery for animals? just a thought!? this is just so wrong in so many level's! May GOD help your soul not to have peace of mind about this, may this haunt you for the rest of your life who ever YOU are! Walvisbay Embroidery Skuld gevoelens vreet my op vandag, wat het van my maltesie geword dan, ek het vertrou dat die lewens stryd met kanker al genoeg was vir haar, sy kon nie meer, en dit was die hardste besluit dat sy moes gaan "slapies". Hoekom lig hulle nie n mens reg in nie, dan kan jy mos self besluit wat om met die ligaampie te doen, ek is geskok. Ewald Meyer Sick people Manuela van Schalkwyk This is pathetic! Which vet can call themselves animal lovers if they can't make sure what happens to these poor animals. Chrisilda Rausch Is not wright the vet tales the dog or animal they charge for it and this is the end result Ester Harmse Why post this photo? Someone'sbeloved14 year old dog could lie there. Insensitive! Erna Kauendji They must claim their money back which the paid for the cremation Vernon Sylvia Knowles Regtig dus nie wat vir my gesê was nie he told me they took the dogs to Swakopmund and cremated there he didn't say anything about the municipality if he would told me that I would immediately take my dog home with me! Vernon Sylvia Knowles This is where my Teddy rest now. Valencia van Rooyen Cryıng my heart out, the vet should knw when u ask for ur dog to be put down, ıts becoz u care dearly for ur pet, and dnt wnt ıt to suffer, how could they do thıs when they charge for crematıon servıces. ım serıously p****d at thıs. Liza Mari Theron Wil graag weet watse Vet dit is. Lorenzo Julie A sight for sore eye's Utterly disgusting! Sonia van der Merwe As hulle mos klaar hulle geld gekry het worry hulle niks nie. Sleg goed! Allison Grant-Kotze This is just heartbreaking.and
Shocking! Ems Sutherland De Beer Noem die veearts se naam dat ons weet. Preetha Preetha This Barbaric.this behaviour brings disgrace to the human species we were supposed to have been civilized..evidently not Valencia van Rooyen Dear anımal lovers, my famıly ıs fıghtıng for justıce for our rambo who was vicıously gunned down, he dıed a horrıble death. there was no place to bury hım, we had to have hım cremated too. my famıly have regıstered a charıty called S.H.A.P, we r goın to fıght for land across the country, so we cn bury our babıes decently when they pass on. ıf u wnt to be a super human for anımals. pls emaıl me ur details, we need numbers valencıavanrooyen@yahoo.com. ım sıck of thıs anımal abuse. Leon-Pieter Kuhn Leon Wie se skuld is dit iemand moet beheer vat. Of n diere begrafplaas. Lyn Gilbert This is very sad. Tamzen Megan Heath I have no decent words to describe my utter and complete disgust. This is exactly why I choose to bury my own animals after having them put down.. In my own yard where they were loved beyond measure. Charmaine Erasmus Jordaan Dit is pathetic. Hoe de hel dink hulle. Wat gaan van die mens dom raak as ons mense se lyke begin weg gooi.Dit breek my om sulke goed te sien. Sylvia Van Heerden Kotze Nee. Dit is glad nie reg teenoor die diere nie. Maryke Du Plessis Neeee man dis aaklig. Hester van der Westhuizen Unthinkable! Ina Snyman Ek voel dit bly die veeartse verantwoordelikheid om toe te sien dat die diere wel begrawe dan word, andersins self mense kry en die diere gaan begrawe. daarom vra die veeartse reeds sulke belaglike pryse vir diens wat hulle lewer dan kan hulle nie self toesien dat ons "kinders" begrawe word nie! Dit is regtig onaanvaarbaar dat veeartse die munisipaliteit alleen verantwoordelik wil hou vir hierdie toendien van sake! Ek dink hier moet bietjie meer andag gegee word. Kan die SPCA nie hier ook dalk net bietjie help nie?
Bakkie collides with train A bakkie collided with a train earlier today in Walvis Bay at the vicinity of 3rd Street East and Railway Street. Clint Koff Sy is seker family van Ray Charles en Stevie Wonder. Ewald Meyer Lucky Susan Magrietha How can a person not see the train? You should know not to stop so close to the track's it's only an idiot that behaves like that. Andrew F Hill Dont believe that she didnt see the train, there where at least 2 trucks behind one she hit and the loco plus 4 trucks in front. never mind where was the shunter where was her head, probably too busy on her phone Pieter Sternberg Where are the shunters of that shunting train Adrienna Venter Its not the shuntters job to watch the traffic helllllooooo and theres a traffic light to warn green for go orange for caution red for stop and if the train bumbed hr she took a chance but according to the pics she
drove into it either she was on the cell or she needs her eyes tested Chris Barrington It's a train crossing. Vehicle driver. you are at fault. by law. case closed! Adolf Lori Pamo Shikongo Namibian drive in animated auto pilot. What I mean is, this driver is not used to seeing a train there and has thus been conditioned not to see one. How many Namibian know what a LEVEL CROSSING is and what to do when approaching one? I tell you, put tonite a stop sign at a crossing there there hasn't been one (thus burning it into a 4 way stop), 99% of us while drive thru without seeing the new stop sign. That's how bad drivers we are. Millicent Clokkies Schneider She is in love, love made her blind! Jan de Smit Daar is nie pille vir stupid bestuurders nie. Ek wed jul hy was op sy
cell foon besig. PK Katengeleh You cannot believe it until it happen to you. Lee Babyson Bad driver that one, we need to read signs everytime we drive Pandu MP Ya-Shinana She were jus maybe busy talking in the phone those mentality namibian Willem F Heyns hallo did u not see the train. can you believe it! train has right of way dumbass! Zacharias Bronn How can he c the road signs/markings or read his speedometer if he does not c the big enough train? Chrisilda Rausch Are the
people blind. Karin Koberzig Seriously? Hoe de hel kan jy nie ‘n TREIN sien nie! Ds van op selfone le en nie kyk wa jy ry ni. Roelene Henning As jy nie n trein kan raaksien nie, is dit dalk tyd om op te hou bestuur.... Spec Savers het gereeld specials. Samantha Van Der Merwe Die trein was dan al verby n ent maar sy het hom ni gesien OMW Rupert Smith Amazing how this can happen. Alex Muukua Shu Some of the comments neh. tah! elke hond het sy dag. oppas!
Ag nee, sies man! Besoekers wat Sondag die heerlike sonskyn by Duin 7 wou gaan geniet, was geskok om te sien hoe die gewilde uitspanplek se natuurskoon bederf is deur hope vullis wat agtergelaat is deur persone wat klaarblyklik die vorige aand ‘n fuifparty gehad het en besluit het om die plek soos 'n varkhok agter te laat. Aubrey Oosthuizen Wat my tot kommer strek is die feit dat nie een van die wat so gefuif het 'n nugter bestuurder het om hul terug te neem dorptoe nie. veral as daar gekyk word na al daai leë drank bottels. Ou laai dan ook om met 'n dop of ses in die lyf dan agter die stuur te skuiwe en terug te ry dorptoe. Aan die eenkant moet daar liefs nie gekla word nie. almal het mos regte veral as dinge verkeerd loop. maar die onskuldiges sal maar in bloed betaal vir ander se plisier or eerder regte in die lewe! Welmien Cloete Dai goed wt ek mar strand toe gan baie beter by see as Duin 7 wat mens aners se gemors moet optel as jy by n tafeltjie wil sit en ontspan! Elizabeth Wilhelm Ja nee die verderwers van die aarde. Charmaine Louw Het daai plek ook al so beleef op n saterdagmiddag. Bettie Immelman Ongelukkig gebeur dit gereeld veral daardie tafeltjies nader aan die toilet geriewe. goed om te hoor die owerhede maak werk daarvan Marius Nel Gooi jou gemors terug van waar dit gekom het.My liewe aarde.Kan dit so moelik wees om agter jou self skoon te maak? Hendri Melna van Zyl So ironies dat mens vir grootmense moet leer.ek verwag dit van my kinders onder 10jr. maar
Logika en Respek ontbreek die mensdom. Fiona Ally Cat Hester Dan complain hulle daars nie genoeg ontspannings fasiliteite nie Jan Liebenberg Chris Theron kyk hier ons praat van die paaie wat gaan hier aan Edith Stroh Selfs op die duine moet mens versigtig wees baie.stukkende glas.vra toegangsfooie Sean Wolf Isn`t it against the law to drink alocohol in public ? Amazing how much is done against cigarettes , yet the biggest evil of all , nothing much gets done ! Shebeens on every second corner opening hours very much unlimited! Hans Mushroom Strydom Nou wie sal nou so iets doen. Adolf Lori Pamo Shikongo Name and shame them. People are hardly alone there. Some people must have seen them. Chrisilda Rausch If they leave this place a mess how does there house look like disgrace Jaco Coetzee Etiquette is so scarce in this country that it should be considered a super power! Silvia Ringhofer Thats bad Michele Crohn Milho No comment! Nico Uatjiukua Kuruuo There must be more bin and notice. Ester Harmse Dit is n skande Silvia Ringhofer Bad.
Face the peadophile – victim speaks up A local woman who went public a few months ago after she had allegedly been sexually abused by her father gained the attention and support of the First Lady of Namibia and she is now in the process of fighting against sexual abuse in order to help other victims. Dragan's Lair Well done Madelaine Laubscher and namib times for having the courage to expose this subject matter. It is a massive societal problem that we need to work to finding solutions to. Far too common to be overlooked. Mario Steenkamp Wow wow wow en wow Madelaine Laubscher, ek haal my hoed af vir wat jy gedoen het jy het gewen al weet jy dit nie self nie maar wat jy bereik het het jy gewen. Trots op jou
Ewald Meyer I'm stand for u! Milton Ethan Eiseb Standing ovation, the power of a wounded women when healed is beyond measure, I know that you have that lion like attitude now help your brothers and sisters. all the best. Welmien Cloete Madelaine, dit wat jy gedoen het is iets baie goed en glo my baie vrouens sal nou ook na vore kom die Here sal jou seen want jy is die voice vir baie vrouens daar buite Sterkte!
Website: www.namibtimes.net
20 OCTOBER 2015
20 OCTOBER 2015
PwC Namibia celebrates 40 anniversary In celebration of PwC Namibia's 40 year anniversary which was on the 1st of July 2015, PwC hosted a Gala dinner at Moltke Street between PwC offices and Ministry of Finance in Windhoek on Thursday 15 October. T h e d i n n e r w a s has gone through only our success as attended by the Right m a n y s i g n i f i c a n t PwC but it signified Honourable Prime changes. Before Inde- 40 years of service to Minister Saara Kuu- pendence, the firm Namibia. As a firm we g o n g e l w a - A m a d - was predominantly a have been able to hila, other members white male organi- adjust to the nation's of parliament, and sation and now its n e e d s , m o d i f y i n g representatives from demographics show a ourselves to fit a bigthe finance and busi- firm that is inclusive. ger agenda – actively ness sectors along 75% of our staff are partnering with the with a host of other from previously dis- government towards invited guests. advantaged groups the vision of an The Gala dinner, and women make up economically indewith its unusual 66% of all employees. pendent Namibia, venue, was an enga- PwC Namibia be- through raising leaging evening, meant lieves in harnessing ders, imparting skills to honour the past, individual differences and discharging a celebrate the present and integrating people considerable number a n d s e r v e a s a from different back- of qualified indivispringboard for the grounds to ensure that duals into the nation's future. PwC, a firm our clients receive ex- economy. that has been in cellent services. We know that it is existence pre and This 40 year cele- important to give back post-independence, bration marked not to the community and
as such we are supporting various projects, funded by our Omuhoko Trust, a Trust that all employees contribute into on a monthly basis and the firm matches the contributions dollar for dollar. The Isaiah, SPES, Jonathan Jacob and Nurturing Ground projects are some of the projects funded by the trust with the sole purpose of helping people living under the pressure of poverty.
PwC, a professional services firm, originated from Hanekom & Kie founded by the late Mr G.J Hanekom in 1975. Over the course of the past 40 years, the firm has gone through a number of significant mergers, leading to several brand changes. In 1991 Hanekom & Kie merged with the international firm Coopers & Lybrand, taking on that name, and in 1998 there was a worldwide merger of Coopers & Lybrand
and Pricewaterhouse, forming PricewaterhouseCoopers. In 2010 the PricewaterhouseCoopers brand changed to PwC. The firm offers a number of services including assurance, advisory and tax services. PwC's business school offers training in various skills such as Professional Customer Care, Organising Work Flow and Time Mastery, Business Writing for Professionals and provide
Survey & Research services. The PwC global network exists to build trust in society and solve important problems, this is a mandate we hold very dear to our hearts at PwC Namibia. This Gala Dinner was important to us as we commemorate 40 years of service to the nation, and look ahead to what the future has in store for us and all our stakeholders.
Learners treated by Desert Creek Spur in Swakopmund
The top ten Grade 5-7 learners of Swakopmund Primary school were treated with lunch at Desert Creek Spur in Swakopmund on Friday. The teachers, learners and parents expressed their utmost gratitude towards the Spur for this kind gesture.
20 OCTOBER 2015
Fresh Trompies taking Kwaito dancing to another level Marshallino Beukes A Swakopmund kwaito dance-group, going by the name Fresh Trompies, is putting the coastal town's name on the map, after qualifying for the finals of the Namibia Talent Show. According to them, they started the group during 2005 with only four members and up to now this number grew to a total of fifteen young, vibrant, exciting and talented dancers, taking the entertainment industry by storm. They went all the way to Windhoek for auditions at the National Theatre of Namibia on 6 September and qualified for the semi-finals of this prestigious
talent show. A total of fifty groups and individuals then qualified for the semi-finals, which took place on the 13th of this month, also in the capital city. Only twenty of the fifty qualified for the finals and Fresh Trompies did what they do best, and managed to book a place as one of the twenty finalists. The finals will take place on 18 November at the National Theatre of Namibia. The twist in the tale, however, is that the
Four of the group's members, Wayne (Japie), Clayton, Mono and Michael public will decide who the last ten participants will be. This will be done through votes, via sms. To see this talented Swakopmund dance
group go through to the final ten, the coastal community and public at large can send the group's participation number, 269, to 25555. You can vote as many
times as you wish and sms's will be charged at N$2 each. For more information contact Sacky at 081 405 3367 or Wayne (Japie) at 081 672 6689.
Lianie May is coming to Walvis Bay Lianie May is coming to Walvis Bay for one night only and will perform on 5 November at the Jan Wilken Stadium at 18:30. Food and cooldrinks will be on sale.
Lianie May Concert - Walvis Bay Jan Wilken Stadium 5 November 2015 - 18:30pm Food & cooldrinks will be on sale. Tickets on sale now! N$120 each Contact Kim: 081 479 0725 Roelien 081 473 7325 or jjscarecentre@gmail.com
Thank you for supporting JJ`s Care Centre for special needs children Like us on Facebook
Not only will you be entertained by an amazing South African Afrikaans Singer, but you`ll also be supporting JJ`s Care Centre. All monies raised will be donated to JJ`s Care Centre - An EduTherapy Day Care facility for children with physical and mental disabilities as well as for children with learning diffic u l t i e s . We a r e accommodating children of all ages. The Centre believes that all children should be given the opportunity to develop to their fullest potential. We offer guidance, support, education and a loving environment for special needs children. We are in urgent need of financial support. 1 000 tickets need to be sold, so we are urging the community to please come onboard in order to make this fundraiser a success. Should anyone be interested in helping in any way, please feel free to contact Kim.
We are challenging companies to attend this wonderful charity fundraiser, the company with the most attendance will be able to have a group photo with Lianie May plus a goodie hamper! The individual that buys/sells the most tickets will win 2x15 minute back stage passes to meet and greet Lianie May. We still need HELP with flight tickets, sound and lighting, hotdogs, cooldrinks and 600 plastic chairs. If any companies are willing to come on board to help by making a small donation, assistance with the abovementioned or purchasing tickets, please contact us. We would be extremely grateful, every cent will make a difference. Tickets for children under 12 are N$80 each. Contact Kim on 081 479 0725 or Roelien 081 473 7325 or jjscarecentre @gmail.com. Thanking you in advance for your support!
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 20 & 21 Okt: Laerskool Walvisbaai bied aan Die geheim van die 3 sleutels by Boom Pretoriussaal (Laerskool Walvisbaai) - 18:30 vir 19:00. 28 - 31 Oct: Namport Erongo Business & Tourism Expo Walvis Bay Municipality * 3 Nov: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lutherse Kerk. * 11 Nov: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole * 12 Nov: Narraville Primary School Christmas Tree at School Hall. * 28 Nov: Adventmarkt – Evangelische L Kirche Walvis Bay – Theo Ben Gurirab – 081 124 3203. * 1 Des: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Rhynse Kerk. * 9 Dec: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole **********
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. 25 Oct: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. * 7 Nov: Rotary Day at SFC - Lots of family fun. Be there. * 20 Nov: SPCA Tee-Off 4 Paws at Rossmund Golf Club tee off at 10:00. 29 Nov: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 13:00. ****************
HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te NG KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00. *******************
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.
Stella Maris 1st Holy Communion
20 OCTOBER 2015
Congratulations and blessings to our 22 communicants who celebrated a very special Mass on Sunday 18 October “Mission Sunday’’ and received their 1st Holy Communion at Roman Catholic Church Stella Maris Walvis Bay.
Toeskouers het Sondag die lekker sonskynweer geniet by die Sparta krieketgronde
Primary School Vrede Rede's Cultural group in action
A proud mother and her daughter at Vrede Rede's prize-giving ceremony
Family time in Swakopmund
20 OCTOBER 2015
Damian Stevens saam met van sy ondersteuners by #Tag
#Tag het 'n verwelkomingsfunksie gehou vir Damian Stevens waartydens sy rugbytruie ook opgeveil was
Damian Stevens en Nicolette Knowles Damian Stevens by #Tag saam met 'n “fan”
Damian Stevens saam met Patricia Page
Desmond “Boetie” Robinson recently celebrated his 52nd birthday and is still going strong
Inchcape Shipping services Namibia(PTY) LTD a Leading Maritime agency has the following vacancy available.
Financial Manager Minimum Requirements - Relevant Degree or Diploma - At least 3 years Accounting or Financial Management experience - Experience in the Maritime industry will be an advantage. Job Description 1. Run and Manage all Financial processes within the Branch. 2. Attend to Weekly Forecasts and Account updates. 3. Attend to VAT/PAYE/SSC/VET 4. Attend to yearly Budgets 5. Follow month end procedures and reporting to ISS Regional Finance 6. Attend to all year-end functions CV's can be submitted to: gusta.vanzyl@iss-shipping.com or Armando.calaca@iss-shipping.com Closing date: Monday 26 October 2015 Only Shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
20 OCTOBER 2015
20 OCTOBER 2015
20 OCTOBER 2015
Wellco Truck and Trailer Repairs Walvis Bay
VACANCY Stores Assistant/Driver to start soonest Minimum requirements: - Valid Driver's license - Must have knowledge of vehicle parts - Must be Computer literate - Work well under pressure and willing to work long hours - Physically fit and healthy - Namibian citizen - Proven track record and contactable references Submit CV's and certified copies of Driver's licence, ID and qualifications to wttr@iway.na or deliver to Wellco Truck and Trailer Repairs, Trekkopje Street, New Industrial area (behind Weighbridge). Closing date Monday 26 October 2015 Only Shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.
CONTAINER SALE SPECIAL LIMITED STOCK NAD 17 500.00 VAT Incl. CONTACT: 081 272 4446 / 081 127 4451
20 OCTOBER 2015
WANTED TO RENT: in Walvis Bay. Looking for a Bachelor Flat with garage in Town Walvis Bay for end of November. Contact: 081 147 5115 / 081 244 2411.
WALVIS BAY FAIRWAYS Spacious 2 bed Corner Unit. Openplan kitchen / lounge with indoor braai & garage. Lots of b.i.c. & own courtyard. ONLY N$1 070 000.00. Don’t hesitate!! JOEY 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY - CENTRAL Spacious 2 bed, 2 bath unit in stunning complex. Openplan kitchen / lounge & 2 garages. Own courtyard. Tenant secured. Investor can get up to N$6300.00 p/m. N$1 340 000.00. JOEY 081 278 0518
WALVIS BAY Lagoon - our prime area! Spacious bachelor flat with kitchen, own courtyard & garage. ONLY N$645 000.00. Do not hesitate!! Call JOEY 081 278 0518
PLOT FOR SALE: Vineta Ext 9 Swakopmund. Plot size - 800m² Price = N$700 000.00 (neg). Contact Owner: 081 150 1080. To Let Swakopmund COASTAL ESTATES Office Space Makarios Centre 105m² N$9085.00 p/m. Industrial Airport Industrial Park 352m² N$15 584.00 p/m. Town Houses Ocean View 3 Bedrooms Garage N$9900.00 p/m. Including water Pre-paid meter. Vogelstrand 3 Bedrooms, 2 Garages N$9 900.00Unfurnished N$14 000.00 Furnished Houses 3 Bedroom, 2 Garages. N$11 000.00 p/m. Call JAN 081 270 8005 HANNES 081 149 8777 IRMA 081 368 4469.
SWAKOPMUND TO LET VINETA HOUSE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen/scullery, lounge/dining, bic, spacious yard, single garage. Water & electricity excluded, deposit required. N$10,600.00. IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com
TO RENT: Narraville. Bachelor flat BIC in room & kitchen. W/E incl. N$3 500.00 p/m N$3 500.00 deposit. Available from 1 Dec. 2015 Contact: 081 281 1345
FOR SALE P.A.M TREE VILLAS Selling put Super-Fast! SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$615 000.00. CLAUDIA 081 169 6227
FOR SALE: Central, Walvis Bay. Bachelor Flat. 1 Bedroom (b.i.c), lounge, kitchen (b.i.c. & stove), 1 x bathroom / shower, garage, courtyard. N$720 000.00 negotiable. CALL: 081 304 5271. DREAM HOUSE FOR SALE IN OCEAN VIEW, SWAKOPMUND. Spacious 375 m² on 1300m² erf, located in cul de sac with sea views all on one level. 4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms, Indoor Entertainment area, Kids play room, Study, Laundry, 4 Garages, Well established garden. Fire Place, Gas & Wood Fire Braais. Private Sale. N$3.4 million Contact 081 148 5148.
WANTED: Looking for room to rent, 1 or 2 bedroom flat in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 605 2595
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
CENTRAL Neat 2 Bedr. apartment bathr, open plan living, Fitted kitchen, laundry, BIC, 1 garage. Bargain! N$ 870 000 MEERSIG Modern 3 bedr. Townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan living, double garage
N$ 1 650 000 CC reg MEERSIG Large 4 Bedr home, 2 bathr, double garage PLUS 1 bachelor flat, 1 bedr. flat and plans for another 5 flats N$ 1 950 000 MEERSIG 3 bedr, 2 bathr home, 4 garages + 1 bedroom flat with own garage N$ 2 160 000 Priced to sell fast!
Olga 081 853 1654
TO LET - WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$7500 - Upmarket 2 Bed, 2 Bath with single garage. N$8500 - Offices in central town. MEERSIG N$12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage. N$9500 - 4 Bed house with single garage. NEW LAGOON N$6500 - 2 Bed, 1 bath flat with single garage. NARRAVILLE N$3300 - 1 Bed flat incl. W+E. N$3 850 - 2 Bed flat. INDUSTRIAL N$12 180.00 excl. VAT New 174m² Warehouse with 1 office. N$12 500 - Office 145m² near syncrolift. N$33 000.00 excl. VAT Modern office block 500m². N$12 240.00 excl. VAT 272m² Warehouse. Please call RHODA 081 413 1313 or TALITHA 081 337 3669
Lock up and Go Fairways 2 bed, bath, open plan kitchen lounge, Single garage N$ 1 050 000.00
FOR SALE Walvis Bay Contact our Agents Ruth – 081 240 7350 Karien – 081 250 4690 064-280 600 Nangolo Mbumba Str. PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Lock Up and Go Close to Lagoon, Modern Finishes, 2 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, Ind BBQ, Double garage N$ 1 250 000.00 Lock up and Go Fairways 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, private courtyard N$ 1 350 000.00 Family Home Meersig 4 bed, 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, ind. BBQ, Laundry, Double garage N$ 1 650 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
House Central with flat close to school 4 bed, 2 bath, open plan kitchen lounge, Double garage, Ind. BBQ, Servant room plus 2 bed Flat 80m² N$ 2 350 000.00 Family Home well situated 5 bed, 3bath, lounge, dining, study, family room bar, Kitchen, scullery, 3 garages plus store room N$ 2 300 000.00 Industrial Warehouses 125.9m² - N$ 1 220 000.00 222.0m² - N$ 2 120 000.00 339.6m² - N$ 3 090 600.00 1500m² - N$ 8 500 000.00 2989m² - N$ 17 500 000.00 reg CC PROPERTY IS WEALTH
FAIRWAYS Stunning and upmarket 3 bed, 2 bath, double storey house with study, beautiful openplan kitchen / lounge PLUS guest room with own shower and toilet. Well maintained garden. N$2 320 000.00. JOEY 081 278 0518
FOR SALE: Hage Height, Swakopmund. 5 Bedrooms, two full bathrooms, kitchen with stove and oven, scullery, diningroom, family room, lounge, 4 auto-mated garages, one bedroom flat with stove and oven, fully burglar proof, alarm system, automated gate, new carpets and blinds, garden toilet. N$ 3 mil. Contact 085 124 9826.
503 m² Light Industrial Area Close to Port 3 Offices, 1 Storeroom, Kitchen & 2 Toilets N$27,500.00 + VAT per month Available from 1 Dec 2015 Contact: 081 128 3922
TO LET 3 Bedr apartment Long Beach Extension 2 2 bathr, Lounge, dining area open plan kitchen, outside braai, Tandem Garage much bigger than standard dbl garage, secure complex N$ 9000 per month , Deposit equal to one Month rent payable Water inclusive, Electricity Prepaid – Available 1st November 2015 Rousseau 0816811738
WANTED: Looking for a house to buy in Kuisebmond. ± N$ 400 000.00 N$ 630 000.00. Call: 081 314 8078 / 081 370 5587.
PA PROPERTIES CC We are looking for houses to rent out for both long term and short term (Selfcatering units for our esteemed clients). We are situated in Shearwater Street Vogelstrand, Vogelsicht Building office 23. Please contact us or Email: JJ Smit 0812126406 (jj@pa-coast.com) 081 224 6263
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CBD Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 Bed, 1½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$905 000.00 each! Claudia 081 169 6227 Joey 081 278 0518
Contact REMAX for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are buying, selling or renting! Give us a call! North Namibia 065 238 342 / 081 279 2525 Swakopmund / Walvis Bay / Longbeach 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 064 212 440 / 081 169 6227
FOR SALE ARANDIS 2 Bed, 1 Bath house with openplan kitchen / living area, outside BBQ & parking area. Safe & secure complex. Starting from N$445 000.00. GOGGA 081 870 9950 TE HUUR: Ocean View Swakopmund. Dubbel verdieping 3 slaapkamer Townhouse, 2 badkamers (1 en-suite), balkon Onder: Pragtige oopplan kombuis met sitkamer, binne braai, gaste toilet, 1 groot garage. Buite: Eie ingang, klein tuin en buite toilet. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. N$8000.00 plus deposito. Water en krag uitgesluit. Kontak: 081 786 0089.
Malakia Properties MONDESA FOR SALE 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, single Garage. N$750 000.00. TO LET MAHETAGO 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen, Lounge, single Garage. N$6000.00 W/Incl. OLWETWENI Rooms from N$1700.00 W/incl. Outside room N$1900.00 W/Incl. House with 10 rooms 4bathrooms N$17 000.00 W/Incl. Available 1 Nov 2015. JABULANI 1 Bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. N$2300.00 W/L Excl. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge. N$5000.00 W/L Excl. TAMARISKIA 2 Bedrooms, bathroom Open plan-Kitchen bic N$4800.00 W/L Excl. MONDESA 3 Bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge. Single garage. N$5800.00 W/L Excl. ARANDIS 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Kitchen and Garage. N$3500.00 W/L Excl. Outside Rooms N$1700.00 W/L excl All Deposit required
Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:
malakiaproperties @yahoo.com
Walvis Bay FOR SALE Invest Now In this spacious 1 bedroom flat with fitted kitchen, lounge, bathroom, garage and courtyard (for your four legged friends). N$780 000.00 Lagoon Beautiful family home with fitted openplan kitchen (granite top), lounge, dining, bbq, 2 bathrooms, double garage (for 4 cars) and guest room with bathroom. Well established private garden situated on a huge erf for only N$2 475 000.00 Close to Schools. A Class of it’s own!! Spacious 3 bedroom house with fitted kitchen, lounge, dining, bbq, 2 bathrooms, double garage and flat. N$2 700 000.00 cc Fairways KINDLY CONTACT: Lydia 081 241 8980 lydia@laproperties.com.na WOONSTEL TE HUUR: in Meersig, Walvisbaai. Binne loop-afstand van Lagoon. 1 Slaapkamer woonstel met badkamer. Woonstel het privaat binne hof, 1 garage en ‘n ekstra parkeerplek. Huur: N$4500.00 p/m. Aparte water en elektrisiteit meter. Navrae: e-pos robhaswings@gmail.com TO RENT: Free standing house to rent at Dolphin Beach. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, scullery, huge openplan kitchen, double garage, alarm, boundary walls. Rent: N$6000.00 p/m + deposit, excluding W+E. Contact person: Eugene Cell: 081 257 9172.
FOR SALE SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA’S COURT WALVIS BAY Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony, lounge, sittingroom & kitchen. Last Unit!! N$1 620 000.00. Claudia 081 169 6227
20 OCTOBER 2015
TO LET WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL VARIOUS SIZED WAREHOUSES AVAILABLE TO LET PRICES STARTING AT N$ 7 000 p/m WAREHOUSE 325m² Warehouse with separate offices and storage space Strategically located Excellent Exposure N$ 18 955 p/m RESIDENTIAL FAIRWAYS MODERN FAMILY HOME 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Built-in Cupboards Blinds throughout Double Garage Indoor and Outdoor Braais N$ 14 495 p/m MEERSIG SUNNY APARTMENT 2 Bedrooms 1 Bathroom Built-in stove Safe and Secure Single Garage Walking distance to lagoon N$ 5 575 p/m LAGOON NEAT BACHELORS FLAT 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Single Garage WATER AND ELECTRICITY INCL. DSTV INCL. N$ 5 017 p/m LARGE FAMILY HOME 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Large Entertainment Room Built-in Braai Double Tandem Garage with extra storage Large well established garden Outside Bathroom N$ 12 265 p/m
CONTACT ADINE 081 146 5000 FOR SALE WALVIS BAY RESIDENTIAL SOLE MANDATE FAIRWAYS FREESTANDING UPMARKET HOUSES IN ALBATROS CLOSE READY FOR OCCUPATION OCT 2015 3 and 4 Bedroom Options Available Quality Finishes Modern Design All Units come standard with Laundry and Scullery Built-in Braai Double Garage Paved Yards and Lawns Close to Schools Prices Range from N$ 2 350 000 – N$ 2 900 000 CONTACT KURT 081 164 5000
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL Sole & Exclusive Mandate Prime Warehouses for sale! From 178m² each and selling from N$1 505 000.00. Don’t hesitate!! Call Now! Claudia 081 169 6227 TO LET: Walvis Bay BAY MANOR (close to SPAR) : Bay Manor Townhouse Unit No. 16. Available end of October 2015. Spacious townhouse with 3 remote controlled garages, laundry, 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, large openplan living area with indoor braai and modern, built-in kitchen. (200 sq.m). N$7 700.00 per month (+ 1 month's Dep). W&E excluded. Contact MARIKA on 081 127 4080.
For Sale: Swakopmund
COASTAL ESTATES Flat Vineta 167m² 4 Bedrooms, Balcony 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen Diningroom, 2 Lounges, 2 Garages. N$1 700 000.00. Call JAN 081 270 8005 HANNES 081 149 8777 IRMA 081 368 4469
FOR SALE 1800m² INDUSTRIAL WAREHOUSE 3 x Offices, kitchen, 2 toilets & double garage, including 5 x 72m² Warehouses. One with shower and toilet. PLUS huge 3 bed house on first floor. REG CC. N$5 900 000.00. FOR SALE OMARURU PEACEFUL LIVING 4.7 HA PLOT. Surrounded with electric fence. 24-Hour Security. Awesome sunsets. N$480 000.00. HAGE HEIGHTS Huge 4 bed, 4 bath with entrance hall, lounge, diningroom, double garage & lots more....! N$2 550 000.00. MONDESA MAHETAGO 2 Bed, 1 bath house with approved plans. Don’t miss out!! N$450 000.00. CONTACT US TODAY! HEIDI 081 738 6315 +264 64 464 033 www.remax.na
Walvis Bay FOR SALE FAIRWAYS Spacious and Perfect 4 bedroom family home, consisting of 2 bathrooms, openplan kitchen, lounge and diningroom with an entertainment area. Situated very close to the schools on an erf measuring at 882m². N$2 650 000.00 CC Registered. MEERSIG Modern and spacious 3 bedroom Townhouse, situated very close to the Lagoon. Consisting of 2 bathrooms, openplan livingroom and kitchen with granite counter tops. Also features a deck on the room, so you can enjoy a sundowner. N$1 620 000.00 CC Registered. HERMES 2 Bedroom townhouse situated in a complex. Consisting of openplan kitchen and lounge. Furniture included N$775 000.00 (Furniture excl. N$750 000.00). EUGENE COETZEE: +264 81 737 9708 eugene@laproperties.com. na
TO LET LONG BEACH: Very close to sea. - 4 garages - 3 bedrooms - 2 full bathrooms - laundry room - kitchen with gas hob - openplan sitting / diningroom - indoor barbeque - stoep with outdoor barbeque with lovely view of the sea. N$10 500.00 per month. Available 1 November 2015. Phone: 081 127 6449 / 081 129 1779.
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY CBD Fairly new unit in safe and secure complex in town centre. Offers 3 beds, 2 baths, openplan kitchen / lounge, small courtyard & garage. Registered in CC. ONLY N$1 090 000.00. JOEY 081 278 0518 HUIS TE RUIL: in Swakopmund. Vir ‘n Plot of stukkie grond Woning 200m van die see. Kyk op die see uit elke vertrek. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, aparte woonstel, 3 garages. Waarde van eiendom: N$2.5 miljoen. Skakel vir meer besonderhede 081 227 8466. TO RENT: Walvis Bay. 2 Bedroom Flat with openplan lounge and kitchen with single garage to rent for N$4200.00 p/m plus deposit. Including water and prepaid electricity. Available 1st November 2015. Call: 081 637 5060. TO RENT: Walvis Bay. One minute walk to Lagoon. One bedroom outside flat with big garage @ N$4150.00 p/m. Water included, pre-paid electricity. Available 1st November 2015. Ideal for single person or a couple with no children. Call: 081 148 6387 / 081 140 5392.
FOR SALE OCEAN VIEW Newly built 3 bed, 3 bath house with double garage & openplan living area. N$1 690 000.00
TO RENT: Walvis Bay. One bedroom flat with kitchen, toilet, shower, hot water. N$2800.00 per month. Water & Electricity incl. Available from 1 November 2015. Contact: 081 274 7097.
OCEAN VIEW Beautiful 3 townhouse with fire place, alarm system and electric fence N$1 400 000.00 REG. CC.
Walvis Bay Central Beautiful & Spacious 2 bed, 2 bath flat with double garage. Each bedroom has its own en-suite bathroom. Monthly rental N$10 000.00 in owner’s pocket. Levies ±N$600.00 p/m. Claudia 081 169 6227
TOWN CENTRE Amazing 2 Bed Central apartment with tandem garage. Don’t miss out! N$2 000 000.00.
HAGE HEIGHTS 4 Bed, 2 bath huge double storey, openplan living area, b.i.c, scullery and outdoor BBQ, and huge erf. N$4 000 080.00 REG. B.B.
CONTACT US TODAY! HEIDI 081 738 6315 +264 64 464 033 www.remax.na
TO LET: VOGELSTRAND, SWAKOPMUND Town house, 3 bedrooms, two full bathrooms, guest toilet, big open plan kitchen with stove and oven, indoor fire place, outdoor braai, alarm system, double automated garage in secure complex and sea view. N$8800.00 /month. TAMARISKIA, SWAKOPMUND Very private, two bedrooms, bathroom, open plan kitchen with stove and oven, alarm system, two automated garages, two covered car park, burglar bars and electric gate. N$6200.00 /per month including water. Contact: 085 124 9826. TE HUUR: Vineta - Naby skool Swakopmund. Dubbelverdieping 2 slaapkamer woonstel, 1 badkamer, stort, 2 toilets, oopplan kombuis, toe geboude balkon met binnebraai. Baie kaste. Garage. Alles in ‘n securiteits kompleks. Geen diere. Koop krag, water ingesluit. N$5500.00 p/m maandeliks vooruit betaalbaar + N$5500.00 deposito. Kontak: 081 351 3225. FLAT TO RENT: Narraville. A big one-bedroom flat with bathroom, open plan kitchen with built-in cupboards and sitting room now available. The flat is situated in Roman Street 36. Direction: Turn right at the intersection at the petrol station as you come into Narraville. Drive straight along the railway line and drive in Roman Street. The flat is behind the house at Roman Street 36. Rent is N$2600.00 per month and water is included. A deposit of N$2 600.00 will be required. Pre-paid electricity is installed. Contact: 081 360 7641.
TO LET: Swakopmund. 4 interleading Offices in Windhuker Street, close to Sam Nujoma Ave, Swakopmund Cell: 081 272 9736.
FOR SALE WALVIS BAY This spacious 3 bed, 2 bath unit situated Centrally. Openplan kitchen to lounge, small courtyard & single garage. Located in complex. N$1 530 000.00 including furniture. CLAUDIA 081 169 6227
FOR SALE INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY KUISEBMOND 3 bed, 2 bath townhouse with openplan kitchen / living area & garage. N$790 000.00. Emily 081 293 0335 TO RENT: SWAKOPMUND. Mile 4 near Sea Side Hotel, just 50m from the sea, with maximum coastal view. A furnished two bedroom house for immediate occupation. N$9 500.00 p/m + N$9 500.00 deposit. Water inclusive. Contact 081 124 0396 / 081 246 1254. TO RENT: in Vineta, Swakopmund near Woermann Brock. Bachelor flat for single person. N$2500.00 + deposit. Water & Electricity incl. Contact: 081 836 6038. FINE & COUNTRY: We are urgently looking for properties for sale in Kuisebmond, Narraville, Langstrand & Town, Arandis, Swakopmund for our approved buyers. Contact GLENDA on 081 147 5143. BACHELOR FLAT TO RENT: in Walvis Bay - Theo-Ben Gurirab Str. Preferably for single person or couples. Bathroom (shower + toilet), Openplan kitchen. N$3100.00 p/m + N$3000.00 deposit. Water & Electricity included. Contact: Henry Dennis 081 480 0272 / 081 280 2328. TO LET: Longbeach. Furnished 2 bedroom flat, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen, livingroom, tandem garage, pre-paid electricity. N$6 000.00 p/m. W+E included. Contact: Emma 081 122 8067.
Walvis Bay TO LET - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr house, 2 x bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$14 000.00 - Fairway – Fully furnished 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$12 000.00 - Central – Fully furnished 3 bedr flat, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$9285, DSTV incl - Central 3 bedr townhouse, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$8650 - Lagoon – 3 bedr, 3 bathr, study, open plan kitchen lounge, dining, entertainment area, double garage, N$16 000.00 - Fairway – 2 bedr flat, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$6050 - Central – 1 bedr flat, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$4460. W&E incl - Central – Bachelor flat, w&e incl no garage. N$3900 - Longbeach – Fully furnished Seafront house, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$38 000.00 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2500 (water & electr incl) - 2 bedr flat, 1bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge N$3751 Narraville - 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen/lounge N$3850 WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² N$10 500.00 incl vat 272m² N$18 975.00 incl vat 172,86m² N$10 970 incl vat 261.3m² N$16 000 excl vat 1000m² N$49 500.00 excl vat 4140m² N$176 000.00 excl vat
1000m² Warehouse, with 200m² Office space, 200m² extra storage, 3 standard garages, + 1000m² open erf, N$72 618.00 excl vat Office space – 127m² N$6485.00 excl vat FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580
Advertise In Our
PROPERTY TIMES EVERY TUESDAY. Mikkie / Shadeen / Shene Will Gladly Assist You. Contact: WALVIS BAY MIKKIE 064-205854 / 081 286 9519 or e-mail: marketing.namibtimes@iway.na OR mikkie@namibtimes.net SHADEEN 064-205854 E-mail: smalls@namibtimes.net SWAKOPMUND SHENE 064-461866 E-mail: shene@namibtimes.net Closing time for property adverts: Mondays 10:00 for Tuesday’s issue
20 OCTOBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Asset Disposal Auction Friday 30 October 10:00 @ 130 Sixth St WALVIS BAY Items on Auction Motorised Floor / Street Sweeper 2 x Corsa Bakkies 2 X VW Jettas Ford Midge Toyota Corolla Range Rover Opel Combo Pajero 4x4 Toyota D/C 4x4 Isuzu 4ton Truck Tipper truck Nissan D/C VW Polo Chev Spark Toyota Prado Trailers, Tool boxes Industrial Compressor Generators, Wood, 2nd Hand Furniture, Office Furniture, Car Tyres, 2nd Hand Building material, Complete workshop, Tools, Welders, 12m Container, Pallets, Grinders, Drills, Scrap, loads more coming. Viewing from Wed 09:00 Refundable deposit N$5000 Terms & Conditions apply Photos on Facebook @
Bay Auctioneers 081 147 5333 081 147 5475 064-220387 EVERYTHING MUST GO!
NAIL TRAINING by SBN Beauty is Art. 3 Days training N$1500.00 with full kit & Certificate. UV Machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. BOOK YOUR SPACE NOW!! Quality at it’s best.... Contact: 081 233 2893.
CLASSES BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONE-ONONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gmail. com FOR MORE GO TO www.beataccmath.com
BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail. com www.beataccmath.com
EDUCATION JJs CARE CENTRE Walvis Bay Daycare for age 0-5yrs Grade R for age 5-6yrs Grade 1-12 private schooling Aftercare Homework assistance Private tutoring Also accommodate for children with disabilities, age 0 - 18 yrs Open Monday to Friday From 7am to 17:15pm Limited space. KIM 081 479 0725.
COURSES HEALTH CARE TRAINING ACADEMY provides the following courses: - Palliative Care - Elderly Care - Basic Nursing Care - First Aid If interested contact: G.Uirab 081 472 5814 E-mail: healthtrainingacademy 69@gmail.com Zelda van Zyl 081 376 2436
SERVICES PAINT WORK: Do you need someone for all the paint work on buildings? Give us a call for a free quotation. ONDENGU CONSTRUCTION Mariska 081 256 7327 A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail: ops@atozcleaning.com. na GERMAN HANDYMAN: For all home and industrial Repairs, Electrical, Plumbing, Drainage, Roof Repairs and so much more... Call GUNTHER on 081 638 6300.
SERVICES S. Katjiseva Building CC We do the following: - Building (includes everything) - Renovations - Interlocks Currently building houses in Mondesa, Tamariskia Ext 3 and Ocean View. Contact: Siegfried: 081 362 8508 Beauty: 081 760 9043 Email: s.katjiseva@gmail.com
M&L Accounting Services We offer bookkeeping services up to balance sheets VAT returns Budget forecast Year end financial statements. You can contact us on
081 576 8778 Marianne or email: mariannesaulse01@ gmail.com
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na DR LULE: Is challenging everyone who has been trying to get help but without success. Spiritual healer using ancestors powers to show Solves bad luck, financial problems, body pains, lost lovers, marriage problems, infertility, enlargements, weak erections, get loans quickly, debt cancellation, bad dreams, protection from jealousy, lucky charms, win tenders, gambling, addictions, business boosting and all forms of sickness. There is always a second chance! 100 % guaranteed results. Contact: 081 273 5194 Walvis Bay.
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202818 Walvis Bay. Expert service in general tailoring One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.
HANDYMAN in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elektrisiteit. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 / 081 682 6126.
ROOF REPAIRS The RAIN is on the Way. Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Call Gunther anytime, 081 638 6300.
COMPUTER SERVICES: Repairs, Upgrades or virus removals. Printer Repairs and Cartridges. Call: 081 898 3102. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.
BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP Remove to-koloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power se-xuality Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.
We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures. 24/7 service Contact: 081 254 4248. VEHICLE LICENSE ASSIST No queues, no stress - License Renewal - Roadworthiness - Change of ownership - Personalized number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a price list from: vla.namibia@gmail.com
McZene Investment CC We do: - Building - Renovations - Painting - Interlocks - Tiling No job too big or too small for us. Please feel free to contact us on 081 859 4200. BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL WALVIS BAY: Is offering lessons by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings contact: 081 207 7651.
Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job too small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security. Call Gunther anytime, 081 638 6300. Specialized Carpet / Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call LIDA COASTAL HYGIENE for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.
MALAWIAN DOCTOR CHIEF DR ANTONIO PHIRI Love problems: Bring back lost lovers, to be attractive, control cheating partners, to love you more, stop and fastenings divorce, stability in relationship and marriages, have your body warm for women only, women who feel pain during menstruation, financial problems. Business problems: Find a new job and restore old one, customer attraction, job promotions, winning tenders and loans, bad luck, speed in selling up properties, give protection against enemies, cars, homes, kraals and business, pensioners who are delayed to get their wages / payment. Court cases. Body problems: Skin diseases, vaginal tightening, woman who get long period, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, BP, help women and men who cant produce, stop drinking and smoking, hips/breasts enlargement. Body protection from any kind of witchcraft, manhood enlargement, make more rounds, stop early ejaculation, power (hardness and strong). NB: Consultation fee is free. Phone Dr Antonio Phiri: “THE OLD POWER MAN” 0818433509 / 0817644835
HAIR / BEAUTY HAIRDRESSER for all your weaves, braids, fishtail, etc. Contact Mercy: 081 248 2866 Salon situated in Rakotoka Street near Coastal High School.
SANAH HAIR BOUTIQUE Selling 100% Virgin Brazillian Hair. Retail prices / per 200g: 10inch - N$1500.00 12inch - N$1650.00 14inch - N$1800.00 16inch - N$2000.00 18inch - N$2150.00 20inch - N$2350.00 22inch - N$2500.00 24inch - N$2650.00 26inch - N$2800.00 28inch - N$3000.00 30inch - N$3200.00 Call or visit us at Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay
Cell: 081 233 2893
HAIR / BEAUTY THE VIRGIN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC Virgin Brazilian Hair RETAIL PRICES / PER 200g 10 Inches-N$1500.00 12 Inches-N$1650.00 14 Inches-N$1800.00 16 Inches-N$2000.00 18 Inches-N$2150.00 20 Inches-N$2350.00 22 Inches-N$2500.00 24 Inches-N$2650.00 26 Inches-N$2800.00 28 Inches-N$2900.00 30 Inches-N$3000.00 4X4 CLOSURES 10 Inches-N$950.00 12 Inches-N$1050.00 14 Inches-N$1150.00 16 Inches-N$1250.00 18 Inches-N$1350.00 Available in wavy, deep waves, curly REMY BRAZILIAN HAIR RETAIL PRICES PER 100g (200-300g for full head) 16inches-N$500.00 18inches-N$550.00 20inches-N$650.00 22inches-N$770.00 24inches-N$820.00 26inches-N$900.00 REMY 4x4 LACE CLOSURE 10inches-N$550.00 12inches-N$600.00 14inches-N$660.00 16inches-N$800.00 18inches-N$850.00 20inches-N$950.00 MARLEY BRAIDS N$80.00 OMBRE BRAIDS N$50.00 HAIR CARE PRODUCTS (BRAZILIAN AND NATURAL HAIR) VHB argan oil Shampoo 350ML-N$100 VHB argan oil shampoo 750 ML-N$180.00 VHB argan oil Conditioner350ML-N$100 VHB arganoil Conditioner 750ML-N$180.00 VHB argan Oil Hair Serum-30 ML-N$100.00 VHB argan Oil Serum 100ML - N$190.00 VHB argan oil treatment 200ML-N$100.00 VHB argan Oil Treatment 500ML-N$160.00 Posa treatment-500MLN$120.00 Bouncy Curl Activator 280ML-N$110.00 VH silicone Hair serum 60ML-N$70.00 Gama Mini Flat IronN$280.00 VHB Brazilian Hair Treatment Package for Wavy and Straight HairN$420.00 VHB Brazilian Hair Treatment Package for Curly Hair N$510.00 Flexi Rods Large- N$90.00 Flexi Rods MediumN$80.00 Flexi Rods Small N$70.00 Paddle Brush N$80.00 Wide tooth Brush N$40.00 Head Chains N$80.00 Head Bands N$60.00.
SWAKOPMUND... Shop 4 Tobias Hainjeko Street, the street of Woermann Brock in town Cell: 08128 84920 WINDHOEK Shop F3, Parkfoods Shopping Mall Khomasdal SALON: Shop F2, Parkfoods Shopping Mall, Khomasdal. Windhoek Tell: 061 213448 Cell: 081 663 0808 Email: virginhairboutique01 @yahoo.com
20 OCTOBER 2015
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
FOR SALE: 2014 Chevrolet Spark Campus, 4 door. Immaculate condition Petrol 1.2L. 5 speed manual, no radio, air bags, abs, 9900km. N$98 000.00. Contact: 081 124 3341 / 081 146 9557.
Can-am Renegade 800 Quad, V-Twin 4x4 Visco-lock 100 hours on clock, as new. Mint condition. Call Gunther 081 638 6300 GREG'S MOTOR SPARES WHERE EVERY CUSTOMER COUNTS! NOW OPEN IN WALVIS BAY. WE ARE ALSO OPEN ON THE 1ST AND LAST SUNDAYS OF EVERY MONTH FROM 9 - 1. HANNA MUPETAMI RD OPPOSITE WESBANK TRANSPORT TEL:064-202622. FOR SALE: 2014 Chevrolet Spark Campus, 4 door. Immaculate condition Petrol 1.2L. 5 speed manual, no radio, air bags, abs, 15 200km. N$98 000.00. Contact: 081 124 3341 / 081 146 9557. LORRY FOR SALE: Toyota Dyna 4-094 Lorry low body, easy access drop sites. Year model 2014. Max payload 2000kg. Engine 3000cc Diesel. Km: 12 900km in Walvis Bay. Lorry in excellent condition. Price: N$240 000.00. TEL: 081 124 2700. FOR SALE: 2014 Land Rover Discovery 4 HSE Jaguar V8 Engine 5.0L. 44,000km. 2 Year Warranty & Full Service Plan. Immaculate Condition. For only N$675,000.00. (New N$1, 025 000.00) Contact: 081-124-3341 Walvis Bay ONLY SERIOUS BUYERS
FOR SALE: Swakopmund. 1990 model 4 TON truck. N$100 000.00 (neg). In good condition. Contact: 081 234 5795 FOR SALE: 1996 VW Polo Playa “as is.” White Any offer!! Owner moving. Contact: 081 267 6886
2005 LANDROVER DEFENDER 110 TD5 TURBO DIESEL Good Condition - Low Kms 138,000kms - One Owner - hardly used off Road - Engine in Excellent Condition (Bomb Proof ), Rack, Bull Bar, Side Rails, Mag Wheels & Rear Spare , Namibia Reg – Can Ferry anywhere to buyer, Price: N$175,000 cash O.N.O Call : Nigel 081 4172922 Email: multisportafrica@gmail. com
2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na
FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma str Walvisbaai
FOR SALE: 1x LG flatiron TV 54cm. one year old N$850.00 1x Telefunken 74cm TV N$950.00 5x Fishing rods 12”foot like new N$250.00each 1x Set of trallies for bakkie N$750.00 60m P.V.C pipe 75mm and 30m 50mm pipe N$450.00 Lot 2x Aluminium sliding windows with tinted glass just like new. N$350.00each 1x Gibson Hawaiian Electric guitar collectors item since 1940's N$5000.00 1x CADAC scotle braai N$450.00 1x Fridge General Electric 210Lit. N$1250.00 44x Oregon Pine rafters 114x38x6meter length. (neg)
Contact: 081 567 4522
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE TE KOOP: Swembad - N$2500.00. Sitkamerstel - N$2000.00. Kamerstel - N$1500.00. TV - N$2000.00. Dubbelbed - N$1800.00. Wall Unit - N$5000.00. Skakel: 081 203 3343.
ANIMALS STAFFY PUPPIES FOR SALE: 1x Male 1x Female N$3000.00 each. 1st Vaccination included. Available immediately. 9 weeks old. For more information please call: 081 143 6796 or 081 834 5313. TE KOOP / FOR SALE: Bullterriër / Varkhond. 3 Females 3 Males @ N$3500.00. Looking for good homes. Contact: 081 843 2800 / 081 270 1474.
GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, SWK Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered.
Call GUNTHER 081 638 6300.
TO HIRE CONCRETE MIXER FOR HIRE. Price include wheelbarrow + 2 shovels. Price: N$400.00. CONTACT: 081 289 7180
TO RENT / BUY CONTAINERS TO BUY/ RENT and Storage Yard in Swakopmund – with 24/7 access. Office or Ablution alterations. Cowboys: 064-418150 or 081 146 4770. 6m Containers to rent. Phone: Karin / Chandre / Nicole on 064-209166
ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway.na
WANTED WANTED: Are you out of cash? Then contact us. We buy - Gold Jewellery even if its broken. Silver jewellery even if its broken. Silver and gold coins. Polished diamonds. We operate in Walvis, Swakop, Henties, Arandis and Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178.
VACANCIES SECRETARY: Andre Visser, Messenger of Court Swakopmund is looking for a Secretary for the office in Swakopmund. Requirements: - Computer literate - Above the age of 30 years Preference will be given to previously disadvantaged persons and women. Please e-mail your CV to: andrevis@iway.na VACANCY: SALES REPRESENTATIVE. - Honest - Vibrant - Namibian Citizen - Fluent in English and Afrikaans - Reference required - Drivers license Please forward CV’S to: THE MANAGER P.O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY VACANCIES: We are urgently looking for a licenced TAXI-DRIVER and 2 SALES LADIES to work in a tuck shop. Must be trustworthy, loyal and willing to work long hours and on weekends. Please contact: 081 367 0606.
Workshop and building site, Hands on all-rounder handyman needed in SWK. SMS 081 558 0558 or e-mail handyman1@iway.na
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
We looking for an Estate Agent with qualifications “Estate Agent Certificate”/ must have driver's license own car would be an advantage. Candidate must be fluent in English and Afrikaans, German will be an advantage. Please email your CV to: jj@pa-coast.com
JOB VACANCY: BAR / GAMBLING HOUSE MANAGER (Walvis Bay). E-mail CV along with ID photo to: cvgamblingmanager @gmail.com Maison Champagne: Gekwalifiseerde HAARKAPPERS benodig vir ‘n gevestigde haarsalon in Walvisbaai. Stuur CV na andra@faqtraining.com
Slegs suksesvolle kandidate sal gekontak word. KASSIERE: Vereistes: - Ondervinding van Kassiere werk - Afrikaans en Engels sprekend - Vriendelik en flink wees. Doen aansoek by: Die Bestuurder Posbus 3611 Walvisbaai
ERONGO AXIS SECURITY CC We are looking for young dynamic personnel to join our team as ARMED RESPONSE OFFICERS and GUARDS. Walvis Bay Office Minimum Requirements: - Grade 10/12 or higher - Valid drivers license 1year old - Driving Experience - Security training will be an advantage. Forward certify documents to the Guards and Operations Manager opsmanager@security. com.na or guards@security.com. na or deliver in person at our office in No. 59 Hage Geingob Street (behind Protea Spar). No faxed documents will be accepted.
MESSENGERS OF THE COURT Andre Visser, Messenger of Court Swakopmund is urgently looking for people to work as Messengers of the Court in Swakopmund. Requirements: - Must have own vehicle - Above the age of 25 years of age The Appointee will work on commission and preference will be given to previously disadvantaged persons. Please e-mail your CV to: andrevis@iway.na
MARIA: is a reliable, hardworking lady looking for any kind of job in Walvis Bay. I can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 352 1408.
Vacancies: · CASHIERS · RECEPTIONIST Minimum requirements: - Grade 12 certificate - Experience with references Contact: 064-203204
SUNDAY: is a 26-year-old lady look-ing for domestic job for 2 days a week in Walvis Bay / Langstrand. I am a hardworking, friendly, reliable person and can start immediately. Contact me on 081 480 9586.
ESTER: is a reliable, hardworking lady looking for any kind of job in Walvis Bay. Domestic job / baby sitting. I can start immediately for any days of the week. If anybody needs someone please contact me on 081 321 7292 - no missed calls please.
WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 34-jarige dame opsoek na werk soos huiswerk, skoonmaak, was en stryk in Swakopmund. Ek kan werk van Maandag tot Vrydag of 3 dae ‘n week. Kontak: 081 760 9043 of 081 381 3198. MARIA: is opsoek na huiswerk of kantoor skoonmaak werk in Swakopmund. Ek kan ook kinders oppas. Maandae tot Vrydae of 3 dae ‘n week. Kan ook op Langstrand gaan werk. Skakel my by 081 620 1211. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 28-year-old lady looking for a job in Swakopmund. Housekeeping, ironing or anything. I can work from Monday tot Friday. I have experience of more than 5 years. Contact: 081 719 4647 or 081 298 1716. CHRISTINA: is opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae per week in Wa l v i s b a a i d o r p / Lagoon / Meersig. Ek soek vir werk vir Maandae, Donderdae en Vrydae. Ek is baie betroubaar en hardwerkend en kan dadelik begin. Skakel my by 081 777 1514.
LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a 19-year-old young man who has recently finished Grade 12 and I am looking for a holiday job in Walvis Bay. I can speak, read and write English, Afrikaans and Oshiwambo. I am good with numbers and I can do any type of manual labour. Contact me on 081 718 6087.
ELIZABETH: is looking for domestic job / washing / cleaning / ironing for 3 days a week or Mondays to Fridays. Looking in Walvis Bay To w n / L a g o o n / Narraville I can start immediately. Please contact me on 081 289 8238. LOOKING FOR A JOB: I am a reliable, hardworking young lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay Town / Meersig / Lagoon / Narraville for 3 days a week. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 328 3271. ELSIE: is opsoek na huiswerk in Wa l v i s b a a i d o r p o f Lagoon / Meersig vir 3 dae per week - Dinsdae, Woensdae en Donderdae. Ek is baie hardwerkend en betroubaar en kan dadelik begin. Skakel 081 207 1256. CLEOPATRA: Is opsoek na huiswerk in Swakopmund van Maandag tot Vrydag. Ek rook of drink nie. Ek is baie hardwerkend en betroubaar en ek is bereid om die diens enige tyd te aanvaar. Kontak: 081 319 3043.
20 OCTOBER 2015
VACANCY Protea Spar Walvis Bay
Assistant Blockman: Experience needed:- Butchery experience - Fluent in Afrkaans and English. - Be able to start immediately. - Namibian Citizen. Closing date for applications - 25/10/2015 CV`s to be personally handed in at Protea Spar Walvis Bay. .
A Small to Medium size Audit / Accounting Practice in Walvis Bay requires a competent bookkeeper/accountant. Personal Requirements · Experience in an accounting / audit firm environment preferred. · Minimum of 3 years exposure to accounting up to trial balance level. · Relevant degree/diploma in accounting or studying towards such degree/diploma would be beneficial for the applicant. · Knowledge in Pastel (or similar accounting package), Excel, Word and Outlook essential. · Should be able to work under pressure, un-supervised and prioritise time. · Must have a valid driver's licence. Principal Accountabilities · Accounts function to Trial balance, reconciling cashbooks, journals, reconciliations of creditor's statements, salaries, and completion of statutory returns and preparation of monthly management accounts. · Liaison with clients and Receiver of Revenue. Please state salary expectation. The successful candidate will be part of a small team of professionals and will report directly to the Partners of the firm. The ideal candidate should be able to work unsupervised and have good social skills. Application to be submitted by no later than 22 October 2015 to mulynsopportunities@gmail.com. Only short listed employees will be contacted.
20 OCTOBER 2015
Ronel (Pretorius) Munoz * 19.01.1964
+ 13.10.2015
ROUDIENSTE: Woensdag 21.10.2015 19:00 By St. Saviours Kerk, Narraville ***************** Vrydag 23.10.2015 19:00 by huis no 3 Pelserstraat, Narraville, (Saartjie se woning) BEGRAFNIS: Saterdag 24.10.2015 08:00 by huis no.3 Pleinstraat (oupa se woning) 09:00 Vanuit St. Saviours Kerk, Narraville
Vir navrae kontak: Colean: 081 2777348/Oupa: 081 401 9959/Hilary: 081 576 9562
20 OCTOBER 2015