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Erongo RED

Erongo RED

to 100% through electronic platforms, so we are looking at digital transformation, smart grid, and developing and promoting pre-paid metering and vendingsolutionsusingMTCpaymentgateway."


Accordingto!HanabebErongoREDasacompany, intendtoventureintothatspacetoenhanceengagement between the company and the customers.

“The solutions, once implemented, will allow Erongo RED to provide service faster and most importantly, enable customers to transact anytime and from anywhere. I am confident that with the signing of this agree-ment, we will unlock many opportunities,notonlyforourinstitutionsbutalso for the communities in which we operate” !Hanabebsaid..

TheActing MD, Patience Kanalelo said on behalf of MTC that, "We are keenly looking forward to providinganarrayofsolutionstoErongoRedinthe areas of payment and pre-payment methods through multiple methods for vending water or electricity via MTC's digital channels (MTCApp, MTCPaymentGateway).

Kanalelo added that this cooperation should give flexibilitytobothourcustomerswithmoreconvenient access to electricity, and it will help Erongo Red accelerate electricity usage or fee collection throughaNationalizedVendingSolutiononMTC's NetworkandDigitalPlatforms

“It is also our wish that MTC assist to develop ERONGO RED's Smart Metering and Smart Grid platform that aims to remotely assist with data management and monitoring capabilities, automation,andcontrol,astheeffectiveutilizationand safe management of transmission and distribution ofERONGORED'snetworksthrough(Machineto Machine), Internet of Things, Connectivity, and otherrelatedproducts,”shesaid.

AccordingtoherMTChassince2021aggressively gone out into the public space – to form strategic partnerships with instrumental and key players in the entire Namibian private and public operating landscape.

“This has been a deliberate strategy, which MTC through the guidance of our Board of Directors –have strongly advocated for, to ensure the realisation of strategic smart partnerships between MTC and stakeholders for mutual benefits. MTC will therefore engage robustly and constructively with ERONGO RED as one of our key strategic partners,”Kanalelosaid.

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