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Thepairqualifiedatabusyweekendwith some excellent weather conditions win a field of 36 golfers take to the fairways in search of that illusive chance to compete and progress on Saturday 15April at the RossmundGolfClub.
The days winners were 1st: George Murasiki/Steven Johns 44points; 2nd: WillievanZyl/HarryBotha43points;3rd: Johan Joubert/Johnny Flook 42points c/o over Marco Swarts/Tendakai Chinyundura; 5th: Eddy van Wyk/Fred van Zyl 42points c/o over Fritz Coetzee/Fritz CoetzeeJr
Thedayproducedthree2–clubs:Achmet Abrahams(No.7);FredvanZyl(No.16); HansNoabeb(No.3).
Welldonetoalltheplayersformakingthe day possible and to Windhoek Lager for their ongoing support of this worldwide event.
As always, the Coastal representative from Windhoek Lager, Helmut Ndjendja was present on the day to present wellearned bottles of thirst quencher to the day'swinners.
The monthly Sages Competition sponsoredthistimearoundbysomenewsponsors Brenda and Oswald Roos from the PeoplesFishMarket,washeldonSunday 16Aprilwithsomeexcellentvouchersup forgrabsatRossmundGolfClub.
Brenda Roos had some good moments during her round securing the only two clubofthedayonnumber12–whereshe wasinfactalsonearesttothepin. Prizeswereonofferonallthepar3holes, Winners:No.3–DreyerDuPlessis;No.7 – Eddie van Wyk; No.12 – Tony Boesch (default);No.16–ChrisMagson. There was a three way count out on 40points–eventuallydecidedbyage.
Overall,Winner:LynnevanderWaltover Eddy van Wyk and Heidi van Niekerk; 4th:TienievanRensburg38pts;5th:Billy Knight 37pts; 6th: Benny Venter 35pts, not to be out done all the players were awarded with a voucher to spend at the Peoples Fish Market in Oceanview, complimentsoftheFamilyRoos. The 2023 Standard Bank Swakop Open willbeheldon22and23Aprilunderthe