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Parliamentarians meet to discuss Universal Health Coverage
The Parliamentary Standing Committee, both from the National Council andAssembly met with officials from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) for a twodayconsultativeengagementonUniversalHealthCoverage (UHC)inSwakopmundlastweek.
The consultation meeting, was aimed at providing an update on Namibia's progress towards UHC policy development, obtaining input on Namibia's UHC implementationpriorities,and creating champions and advocacy for UHCpolicy
UHC means that everyindividualand community should have access to quality and affordable health services without suffering undue financial hardship or financial catastrophe. It also includes access to essential medicines, therapeutics, vaccines, and technologies that are effective, safe, and of good quality
Universal Health
Coverage also means getting needed health and socialservicesassociated with affordable care for people receiving health servicessothatthey can afford food and other life necessities. It means that families should not be forced to choose between accessing needed healthcare services, and their next meal They shouldnotbeforced to choose between accessing health care, and whether their children are able to attend school. During the opening of the twoday consultation meeting, the Executive Director of Health and Social Services, Ben NangombesaidNamibia has started the long and sacred journey towards the attainment of a critical national goal with respect to the provision of public healthcare services tocitizens.
According to Nangombe, as the entity spearheading the preparatory work to make UHC a reality in Namibia, the Ministry of Health and Social Services saw it fit to create platforms where different stakeholders can become partandparcelofthe UHC journey through public consultations. It is from thatbackgroundthat the consultation meeting took place to engage with our Honourable MembersofParliament.
Nangombe said, “at its core, UHC is about the people. It is about communities.Itisaboutthe most vulnerable and most at-risk demographics to whom, weaslawmakers,as policymakers, and as implementors mustcater Thework thatwehavedonein thepast,theworkwe are doing here, and what we will continue to do in the future,isaboutthem.”
Attainment and realisation of UHC mean not only lowering but removing barriers to seeking, accessing, and receiving needed healthcare services, along theentirecontinuum. Nangombe further mentioned that this means investing in the health and wellbeing of the Namibian people, and not only reducing, but overcoming entirely, the challenges our people face when they seek health care services. For example, physical and geographic distances, poorly equipped health facilities, shortage of trained health workers, inadequate therapeutics and pharmaceuticals, transport forpatientswhoneed it,andotheraspects.
Nangombe said Namibia has come a longwayinitsefforts to provide access to quality health servicesforall.
“WeadoptedthePrimary Health Care approachatIndependence.Thismarkeda significant milestone inourjourneytoward UHC.Sincethen,we have made many strides in providing access to quality health and social welfare services to ourpeople.”