22 may namib times e edition

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NO 6455


22 MAY 2015

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Swakop By-Election: Meet UDF's Candidate

Page 3

Natrovinha's Parents Overwhelmed by Goodwill

Namibia in QuarterFinal of Cosafa Cup! Namibia is through to the Quarter-final of the Cosafa Cup Tournament in South Africa, after thrashing Zimbabwe in Rustenburg, in Northwest. The Brave Warriors beat Zimbabwe with 4 goals to 1, after leading the game 1-0 at half-time. The Warriors will now face the champion, Zambia, in the quarter-final. Omake!

(Photo by Hesron Kapanga) NAMPA


On the right: Action between Brave Warriors

defender Willem Mwedihanga (L) and Zimbabwe’s Prichard Mpelele during the Council of Southern African Football Associations (Cosafa) Cup hosted at the Moruleng Stadium

Nampol Constable dies after roadblock accident Madelaine Laubscher

A female police officer, who was hit by a car on Sunday, succumed to her injuries yesterday morning. The police woman was hit by Delfina Meyer (44), with her vehicle at the roadblock between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund on Sunday night. Meyer fled the scene and was apprePage 5 hended later.

Page 6

HIV/AIDS Campaign: A mother reflects

Page 10

Namibia U/20 Victorious

Page 32

Meyer, who is out on bail of N$8 000, will now face an additional charge of culpable homicide. She

appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrates court on Tuesday. According to the Road

Traffic Act the accused was facing four counts at the time, namely driving under the influence of in-

Swakopmunders is “siek en sat”

Marshallino Beukes

‘n Volgepakte stadsaal in Swakopmund se Tamariskia-woonbuurt, tydens ‘n publieke vergadering Dinsdagaand, was bewys genoeg dat die vakansiedorp se inwoners siek en sat is vir leiers se beloftes, en dat hulle nou self hul insette wil lewer. Vervolg op bladsy 2

toxicating liquor, reckless or negligent driving, failing to stop at the accident scene and failing to render

assistance to the injured party. Meyer was allegedly on her way to Walvis Bay on

Sunday night and failed to stop at the roadblock and subsequently hit the officer with her vehicle Continues on page 2

President Hage Geingob Lauded for Declaring His Assets - Geingob worth N$50 million, First Lady worth up to N$60m The National Unity Democratic Organisation (Nudo) has expressed appreciation to President Hage Geingob for declaring his assets openly. Foto deur Marshallino Beukes

Spotlight on Phosphate Mining Moratorium

“This day will go down in Namibian history as the day when the first citizen of this country took a bold step and decided to position Namibia as a country that shine and adhere to principles of accountable governance,” the party’s spokesperson

Joseph Kauandenge said in a statement. He urged all other politicians across the country to follow Geingob’s example and declare their assets as well. President Hage Geingob is worth N$50 million, while his spouse’s estimated wealth is between N$45

million and N$60 million. Geingob announced this at State House on Wednesday when he declared his current asset base and that of First Lady Monica Geingos. The declaration of assets was supposed to be made public in the second week Continues on page 2

22 MAY 2015


Platskerm-televisiestelle - diewe weer bedrywig Marshallino Beukes Inbrekers wat slegs op platskerm-televisiestelle konsentreer het ‘n paar maande gelede opslae gemaak en namib times het verneem dat dié tendens weer besig is om toe te neem, ná ‘n welkome stilte in dié verband ondervind is.

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wa, hoof van die Mondesa polisiestasie noem dat hulle vermoed die ringkop van hierdie sindikaat is dalk onwetend aangekeer en het dalk onlangs borg gekry, of is intussen vrygelaat uit aanhouding.

Vermeende wilddiewe loop rieme styf Marshallino Beukes ‘n Wenk deur lede van die publiek het verlede Sondag aanleiding gegee dat drie mans op heterdaad in Swakopmund se Mondesawoonbuurt betrap is met vyf gemsbokke en twee springbokke se vleis, wat hulle vermoedelik onwettig in die Namib Naukluft Park geskiet het. Volgens ‘n betroubare bron is polisiebeamptes van Mondesa ingelig van onwettighede langsaan die woning waar die beweerde wilddiewe in ‘n motorhuis met hul onderduimshede besig was. Met die polisie se aankoms op die toneel het die manne blykbaar inderhaas spore gemaak en onmiddellik die polisie se oog gevang. Die polisie wat aanvanklik niks gemerk het van die beweerde wilddiewe nie, het snuf in die neus gekry en ondersoek ingestel, waarna hulle op die vonds in die motorhuis afgekom het. Volgens ons bron is dit ou kalante, wat al reeds vroeër ook in die sop was vir soortgelyke oortredings. Na bewering is die vermeende onwettige jagters reeds Saterdag in die Park opgemerk en was dit net ‘n kwessie van tyd voor hul turf sou sit. Die koerant het met inspekteur Nghaamwa, hoof van die Mondesa polisiesstasie gaan gesels en hy het genoem dat “Swakopmund te klein geword het” vir on-

wettige wildjagters. Volgens hom het hulle (polisie) hul informante in die gemeenskap wat hulle op hoogte hou van die ou kalante. Hy waarsku ook slaghuiseienaars, kapanna-verkopers en ander besighede om hulle nie met hierdie persone te bemoei nie en om nie besigheid met hulle te doen nie, aangesien hulle hulself as medepligtiges agter die tralies mag bevind. Hy vra dat hulle liefs die polisie moet help om hierdie euwel uit te roei. Inspekteur Nghaamwa het ook aangedui dat hulle slegs die vyf gemsbok- en twee springbokvelle op die toneel gevind het, en die moontlikheid bestaan dus dat daar meer diere betrokke kon gewees het. Hy het afgeluit deur ‘n duidelike waarskuwing aan voornemende skelm jagters uit te stuur, “Ons weet dit is jagseisoen, maar kry liefs wettige lisensies om te jag en jag dan slegs in wettige areas, anders gaan julle met die volle mag van die gereg te doen kry.

“Hierdie skelms moet ‘n afsetgebied hê, waar hulle die televisiestelle verkwansel. Hulle breek in by huise, maar vat niks anders as die platskerm-televisiestelle nie,” sê Nghaamwa. Die publiek se hulp in hier-

die verband word gevra. Op dieselfde trant het hy aangevoer dat ‘n buurtwag in Mondesa glad nie ‘n slegte idee is nie en hy nooi lede van die publiek uit om sy kantoor te besoek en hierdie moontlik-

heid te bespreek. “Dit sal ons baie help. Veral om huisbrake, wat een van ons grootste kopsere is, te bekamp,” het hy genoem. Volgens hom was daar al persone wat hierdie moontlikheid met hom be-

spreek het, maar ongelukkig het niks tot hede daarvan gekom nie. “Ons menses sal ook moet ophou met die tendens om dinge te begin en kort daarna loop dit net dood,” is die inspekteur se mening.

Nampol Constable dies after roadblock accident Continued from page 1 (registration number – justme). She was stopped at the Walvis Bay entrance and arrested. The officer was transported to Windhoek for medical intervention on Monday. According to various sources the officer’s con-

dition was critical at the time and doctors suspected feared for her life. She allegedly had a broken jaw and various broken bones. Nampol Deputy Commissioner Otillie Kashuupulwa confirmed to the newspaper yesterday that the officer had passed away.

“The officer’s name cannot be revealed yet because we cannot confirm whether her next of kin had been informed. Meyer will not be re-arrested as the court case had already been postponed to 30 June,” she concluded. Delfina Meyer - now facing a charge of culpable homicide

Photo contributed


Dit wil voorkom asof dinge in die omgewing van die dorp bietjie warm geword het vir hierdie kalante, en hulle is glo nou in Mondesa, Tamariskia en ander woonbuurte doenig. Inspekteur Eric Nghaam-

Swakopmunders is “siek en sat ” Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

Die vergadering is deur die dorp se Munisipaliteit beroep, nadat President Hage Geingob die lynminister opdrag gegee het om Plaaslike Owerhede te noop om inwoners se insette, onder meer oor die behuisingsdilemma waaronder landsburgers tans gebuk gaan, te kry. Hierdie bydraes vanaf die publiek word by ‘n hoëvlak-byeenkoms in Grootfontein (gister en vandag) bespreek. Tydens die vergadering was dit duidelik dat inwoners se gemoedere hoog loop en dat hulle nie meer bereid is om gedienstig en gedweë aan te ploeter nie. Burgemeester, Juuso Kambueshe, het homself van die vergadering ver-

skoon, aangesien hy ‘n kandidaat in die komende Streekraadtussenverkiesing is, en sy adjunk, Anthony Bessinger het die vergadering gelei. Tydens sy verwelkomingsrede het Kambueshe egter erken dat deeglike beplanning nie, voor die massabehuisingskema begin het, gedoen was nie, en dat hulle graag uit hul foute wil leer. Die grootste kopseer vir baie van die teenwoord was die feit dat die dorpsleiers nie met die inwoners kommunikeer nie en “slegs hul eie ding doen.” Een van die inwoners het tydens sy spreekbeurt sy waardering teenoor die President uitgespreek, aangesien hy (President) waargeneem het dat daar

nie behoorlike navorsing gedoen was, alvorens die massabehuisingprojek afgeskop het nie. “Indien plaaslike owerhede tot op grondvlak gewerk het en met die mense gekonsulteer het, sou hierdie probleme nie daar gewees het nie,” het nog ‘n inwoner gesê. Klagtes rakende buitelanders wat voorkeur bo Namibiërs kry, wat werkverskaffing en groot tenders betref, is ook geopper. Nog ‘n inwoner het die gemeenskap genoop om dorpsraadvergaderings by te woon, vrae te stel en betrokke te raak by die bestuur van hul dorp. Sy het ook die dorpsleiers gevra om verantwoordelikheid te neem en

‘n platform te skep waar inwoners betrokke kan wees by besluite wat hulle raak. Verteenwoordigers van die DRC groep van Besorgdes het genoem dat hulle moeg vir vergaderings is. “Julle kan in Grootfontein gaan vergadering hou, maar wanneer julle terugkom is alles nog dieselfde in die DRC. Ons het vir julle gestem, so doen wat julle veronderstel is om te doen,” is uitgevaar. Al die inwoners se voorstelle en kwessies gaan by die byeenkoms in Grootfontein bespreek en evalueer word. Die President verwag antwoorde van die betrokke Ministerie voor of op 30 Junie vanjaar.

President Hage Geingob Lauded for Declaring His Assets

Continued from page 1

of this month but according to reports, the process took longer than anticipated. During his maiden State of the Nation Address (SONA) last month, the president had attributed the move to the prevention of undue benefits accrued by public officials and to avoid conflict of interest. Although the law does not require the Head of State to disclose his personal assets, Geingob said he feels obliged to do so. “These disclosures will be made in line with the belief that transparency starts at the top. I am deeply convinced that accountability, transparency and inclusive leadership are for sustained socio-economic development and the improvement of the lives of all the people,” he said in his SONA. Geingob thus engaged PricewaterhouseCoopers Tax and Advisory Services (PWC) to assist him with an independent assessment of his assets. PWC was also instructed to assist the president to prepare the financial disclosure report, which he presented to the public.

The assets include money in different Namibian and international commercial bank accounts and life insurance. Geingob also owns two erven in Swakopmund and one in Henties Bay, three vehicles and 150 cattle. “As can be seen these are all fixed assets and does not mean that I did not experience cash flow problems. During most of this time I relied on temporary overdraft facilities until I sold 39 hectares of land as ordered by court as a settlement,” he said. The president spoke about how he accrued his current personal net asset value, amongst others talking about a house he bought in the Potomac residential area in Maryland in the United States of America for US$1, 025 million (approximately N$11,2 million). He sold that house prior to the subprime housing crisis for US$1,4 million (approximately N$15,4 million). Geingob indicated that in administering a nation, one has to be transparent and accountable. “My track record as pro-

ponent of transparency and ethical behaviour in government can be traced back to my tenure as Prime Minister of Namibia when I initiated a programme to look into the issue of ethical behaviour in government,” he said. The president stated that he is familiar with hardship in life. He narrated that while in exile in Botswana since 1962, he began working for the Swapo party and slept in the cold for one-and-ahalf years with only one blanket. “That time took its toll on me to the point where I have a very sensitive chest to this day,” he said. Copies of the president’s financial disclosure reports were handed over to acting Chief Justice Petrus Damaseb for filling in the Supreme Court and the Director of the Anti-Corruption Commission, Paulus Noa for scrutiny. Namibian First Lady Monica Geingos says her assets worth between N$45 million and N$60 million are primarily in equity, while President Hage Geingob’s wealth is mostly accumulated from

President Geingob and First Lady Geingos his salary and property. She said this on Wednesday when the pair voluntarily declared their personal assets publicly. Geingos holds shares in Ebank, Stimulus Investments Limited, as well as Pointbreak Property Unit Trust Management Company. “There are other assets as well. The range of my equity assets is between N$35 million to N$45 million. In terms of property and bank balances, that ranges between N$10 million and N$20 million,” she said.

The First Lady could not give a specific figure, explaining that her wealth is created through different means. On his part, Geingob said that he will also declare assets that he would accumulate during his term of office. He said conspiracies out there have it that he will accumulate more riches during his term of office, and made it clear that he has no problem to declare such assets during his tenure any time the public expects him to. The Namibian leader explained that he is not re-

quired to declare assets according to the country’s Constitution, and in the same vein defended speculations that he did not make public all of his assets. “I could keep these assets because its mine. I am not required to declare anything by Constitution. I am standing here giving you my bank balances, now you are saying it will be a proxy. Bring the proxies; do your homework and expose me,” Geingob responded. NAMPA

22 MAY 2015




UDF By-Election Candidate: “Swakopmund needs a change of leadership” living under the bread-line. What is The race for a new Swakopmund Constituency Councillor is your view on this on and namib times interviewed the third of the four issue and how will you address this procandidates standing. blem? cated to the residents The four political 2013. A: The plight is much of the DRC. AffordNT: Your main focus parties, DTA, Nudo, deeper than just the Swapo and UDF will areas, should you be able land must be financial implicamade available to part-take in the by- elected? tions. Most of the working Swakopelection, scheduled I pledge to have reguelderly have become for 29 May. In to- lar meetings within mund residents, peo- breadwinners for able, day's issue we focus the individual suburbs ple should not be young people, or kids on the UDF candi- of Swakopmund to enslaved by renting of able young people. personally engage the for the rest of their Able young people date. NT: Please intro- residents on the needs lives. should look for jobs within the communi- NT: The youth are and support themduce yourself A: I am Marius ties they reside in. I complaining about selves and the kids Patrick Uwu-Gaeb, a want to bring leader- the absence of re- they bring into this Swakopmund resi- ship back to the peo- creational facilities world. I, under my dent. I attended pri- ple. It is no longer “I for them in Swakop- unconditional plans, m a r y s c h o o l a t am honourable this or mund. If elected, pledge to equip you Tamariskia Primary honourable that. No what are you going with the skills to be School and comple- longer I am leader this to do to uplift the employable. ted high School at or I am leader that.” youth of Swakop- NT: Tourism is SwaSwakopmund Se- Now it is about us as a mund? kopmund's “pot of condary School. I collective, only if we A: I don't believe gold.” In your view, have been the infor- work together as a Swakopmund lacks in are we doing enough mation and publicity community we shall recreational facilities to promote the town secretary for the be able to meet those to the extent that the as a global holiday UDF Youth League challenges, but be- young people would destination, if not, from 2008 until now lieve you me, I'm be bored or would not w h a t s h o u l d b e and am the Branch going to fight tooth know what to do with done? What are you Secretary for UDF's and nail to assure our their free time. The going to do in this S w a k o p m u n d non-negotiable aims problem is not the regard, if elected? lack of recreational Branch. At age 24 (at are met. A: Yes, Swakopmund the UDF 2008 Cong- NT: Please give me facilities, but rather is the Jewel tourist ress) I was voted your view on the the change of mind- attraction of Namibia number 17 on the current situation in sets away from ne- and as such we should gative activities to poparliamentary list. DRC. nurture and protect Aged 29, I was The DRC must be sitive activities. this jewel by all means nominated by my formalized as a matter Young people should necessary. Swakopbranch (un-challen- of urgency so that the initiate positive acti- mund was and is ged) as the preferred people residing on that vities. Organise Choir known as little Gercandidate for Swa- land must own the nights, talent shows, many with its historic kopmund Consti- land. Those DRC poetry evenings, de- buildings, structures tuency By-Elec- erven must be servi- bates and sport fun and statues. tions. I have served ced, running tap water days. The facilities are the Swakopmund on each erf, toilets and there, let us make use municipality as the pre-paid electricity of those facilities. LOC member and should be installed as a NT: It is a fact that head of Accredi- matter of high priority. t h e m a j o r i t y o f t a t i o n f o r t h e A clear time-frame pensioners, living in S A I M S A G a m e s must be communi- Swakopmund, are

Marshallino Beukes

The renaming of the streets should be reexamined and addressed as this was and is one of the attractions of the town. Germany still outnumber the other western countries with the most visitors to Namibia, and Swakopmund in particular. We need to keep them coming by preserving what it is that keeps them coming back. Domestic tourism is still the most neglected group coming into Swakopmund. The tourism and hospitality community, more specifically the accommodation facilities, must aim to tap into this group as they are a year-round base. Let us be encouraged to give affordable and reasonable rates to domestic tourists. Swakopmund only has to maximise on what we already have, so by networking and sharing we have the potential to be very successful. The Swakopmund constituency's doors will always be wide open to the hospitality community. NT: In conclusion – why should residents vote for you in this

Marius Patrick Uwu-Gaeb by-election? Three to four sentences, please. A: Swakopmund truly needs a change of leadership and I truly believe I am that Change. Members of the contesting parties namely NUDO, SWAPO and DTA decided to abstain because of the quality of candidates their re-

spective parties fielded. I say to them get to the polling stations and vote for the love of our town and Vote Councillor in Waiting Marius Patrick UwuGaeb. After victory on 29 May, I will be Councillor for all. God bless you and God bless Swakopmund.

22 MAY 2015


Recovered, stolen items headache for police Marshallino Beukes

The recovering of stolen items take a lot of police work and use of resources, but it seems the general public does not care, as long as their assurance claims are successful. This was the words of Inspector Eric Nghaamwa, head of the Mondesa police station in Swakopmund. At the moment two flat screen televisions (silver Kolin and black LG), a black four-plate (KIC) electric stove, four front doors and more are at the Mondesa charge office. All of these goods were recovered by the Mondesa police and members of the public, who might have been the

Inspector Nghaamwa with the recovered items

Robbery suspects apprehended Mavourlene Gaes

The two suspects Marshall Unaeb (25) and Muller Ariseb (32) that have been implicated in the robbery on “Usakos Wes” were arrested this week in Omaruru. The first accused Unaeb was arrested on Monday between four and five in the afternoon at the Spar shopping complex in Omaruru. The police found one Netman internet device, two t-shirts belonging to the farm owner, one key that belongs to a motor vehicle, one Nokia mobile phone C3, a knife, one HP laptop with its charger and two mouses and one key for a safe. The police went on a stake-out and arrested the second accused, Ariseb, in

Omaruru’s Hakahana informal settlement around eleven, as he was coming out from his hiding place in the bush and headed home. The accused allegedly had two mobile phones, a Nokia CE and a Samsung S5 cell phone as well as one 9mm Parabellum pistol. According to Nampol’s Deputy Commander in the Erongo Region, Andreas Nelumbu at the media briefing yesterday, the police have recovered most of the reported stolen val-

uables, except for the N$5 000 that was in the glove compartment of one of the recovered vehicles. “The total value of all the recovered items include two motor vehicles, namely one Amarok single cab and a Amarok double cab that they attempted to steal, one generator, duvet inners and duvet covers is around N$776 400” Nelumbu explained. The robbery took place on Saturday when Unaeb and his co-accused Ariseb trespassed at Frederick Moller Jacobus Grey Pittius' farm

and attacked him and his farm worker Lombweleni Mafuka, tied them up with laces and tape before stealing Pittius valuables. Nelumbu added that Pittuis is still admitted at the Cottage Hospital in Swakopmund where his condition is reportedly improving although he is still unable to use his right hand. The two suspects appeared in the Usakos Magistrate’s court on Wednesday on a charge of robbery with aggravating circumstances and they were not granted bail.

Three Jap Japan vehicles still unaccounted for Mavourlene Gaes

The police in the Erongo region have so far recovered ten of the thirteem Jan Japan Motors CC vehicles that were reported missing late last month. The Nampol Erongo Deputy Commander, Commissioner Andreas Nelumbu held a media briefing yesterday and updated the media on the progress the police have made regarding the matter. The police first recovered six vehicles and have recently located four more across the country. Nelumbu said they recovered two vehicles in Okalongo and one in Rundu East. “We recovered the fourth vehicle in Mariental in the

Hardap region” he said. The cars were reported missing when the new owners of Jan Japan conducted stock-taking on the vehicles and noticed that 13 of the vehicles were unaccounted for. Four suspects have already been apprehended in the matter and they have already appeared in the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s court, each on a charge of car theft. They were denied bail and their case was postponed to 3 June for further investigations.

Hofverslag Swakopmund Streekshof Theresia Gaoses (52) het op aanklag van moord verskyn. Die saak is tot 16 Junie uitgestel, wanneer die verhoor gaan begin Karel Petrus Jacobus Beukes (54) het op aanklag van verkragting verskyn. Hierdie saak is tot vandag uitgestel, omrede die beskuldigde nie regsverteenwoordiging gehad het nie. Fillemon Mbashe (34) het op twee aanklagte van verkragting veskyn. Die verhoor gaan op 18 Augustus hervat word. Licious Hindjou (28) het op aanklag van moord ver-

skyn. Die verhoor word vandag hervat. Pollycarpus Haiduwa (24) en Frederick Haiduwa (19) het op aanklag van verkragting, alternatiewelik seksuele omgang met ‘n meisie jonger as 16 jaar, verskyn. Hul verhoor begin op 28 Oktober, wanneer hulle ook gevra gaan word om te pleit. Mutame Sibanga (23) het op klagtes van verkragting en kwaadwillige beskadiging van eiendom verskyn. Hy sal op 10 Augustus gevra word om te pleit en die verhoor gaan dan begin.

om te steel en diefstal verskyn. Van Wyk en Jantjies het egter nie opgedaag nie en ‘n lasbrief vir hul inhegtenisname is uitgereik. Die saak is uitgestel tot 10 Junie, aangesien dié twee blykbaar op die vlug geslaan het. Die 17-jarige bly in aanhouding. Norman Plaatjies (25) het op aanklagte van weiering om sy bloed te laat trek en aanranding verskyn. Hy is oorspronklik vir vermoedelike dronkbestuur in hegtenis geneem. Die beskuldigde is onskuldig op die eerste

N$2 000 opgelê. Gideon Silas (33) moes op aanklag van dronkbestuur voor die hof verskyn het, maar hy het nie opgedaag nie. ‘n Lasbrief vir sy inhegtenisname is uitgereik. Leonard Jacobs (51) se saak van dronkbestuur is tot 8 Junie uitgestel, wanneer hy gevra gaan word om te pleit. Twee 17-jariges het op aanklag van roof verskyn. Een van hulle het egter nie opgedaag nie en die saak is tot 9 Junie uitgestel hangende verdere ondersoek.

victims of burglaries and lost these items as a result of it, can go view it. Prove of ownership is however required. According to Nghaamwa the recovered items are sold at Government auctions for less to nothing, should the lawful owners not claim it.

Murder accused granted bail Mavourlene Gaes Nicodemus Shivute David (22) made his second appearance in the Walvis Bay Magistrates’ court recently following the alleged stabbing and killing of his sister’s brother during the Easter long weekend. According to reports that circulated in the media, David is suspected to have stabbed his girlfriend’s brother with a knife following an incident involving N$20. It is alleged that the accused got into a confrontation with his girlfriend’s brother after his girlfriend

told him that she had lost a N$20 and she suspected her brother of taking the money. Her boyfriend suspectedly became enraged and went on to confront her brother. The two allegedly got into a physical confrontation leading to the stabbing of the victim, Silvanus Iiyan-

ga, in the neck. He succumbed to his injuries and died on the spot. David appeared in front of Magistrate Vicky Nikolaidis who granted him bail of N$4 000 and postponed the matter to 30 June for further investigations.

Swakopmund Hofbrokkies

Uraandiefstal - saak nader einde Ivan Jeffrey (24) en Onesmus Steven (40) het vandeesweek op klagtes van diefstal, onwettige besit van uraan, handel-, verkoop-, koop-, of ontvangs van hoë waarde minerale in die Swakopmund Streekshof verskyn. Die saak spruit voort nadat die twee (hulle was oorspronklik vyf beskuldigdes) gedurende Augustus 2011 in hegtenis geneem was, nadat hulle vermoedelik vier vyftig-liter dromme uraan konsentraat, met ‘n lae radio aktiewe vlak gesteel het. Die dromme is by ‘n huis in Swakopmund gevind en daar is bevestig dat die gesteelde uraan van AREVA se Trekoppje myn afkomstig was. Die saak is tot 7 September uitgestel vir pleit en verhoor. Onesmus het nie opgedaag vir die hofsaak nie en ‘n lasbrief vir sy inhegtenisname, wat vanaf 7 September van krag gaan wees, is uitgereik. Borg van N$25 000 is destyds aan hulle toegestaan. Ses jaar hardepad vir motordiefstal Betheul Pelle Kaendjamo (33) is Woensdag ses jaar gevangenisstraf op-

gelê, nadat hy skuldig bevind is aan diefstal onder valse voorwendsel (Voertuigdiefstal Wet). Magistraat Gaynor Poulton was op die bank, met Hesekiel Iipinge wat namens die Staat opgetree het. Hare-trekkery kan in tronkstraf ontaard Ambrosius Johannes (37) is skuldig bevind aan aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer. Dit volg nadat hy blykbaar die klaagster se hare getrek het, en daardeur wonde en/of beserings veroorsaak het. Sy vonnis vir hierdie daad was drie maande tronkstraf of ‘n boete van N$1 000. Die voorval het in Mondesa plaasgevind. Beweerde verkragter hoor vandag Die Swakopmund Magistraatshof gaan vandag oor die lot van Wenzel Dantago Goreseb (23) besluit, wanneer hy verskyn op ‘n aanklag van verkragting, alternatiewelik onsedelike aanranding. Die verhoor word vandag voortgesit, waarna hy gaan hoor of hy skuldig of onskuldig is.

Man commits suicide after stabbing his girlfriend

Madelaine Laubscher A local resident, Nikilaus Abinadabi Mwaala (31) that was wanted Swakopmund Magistraatshof by the police since Sunday, for allegedly leaving his girlfriend in a Jimmy Van Wyk (19), Maxwell Jantjies (19) en ‘n aanklag bevind, maar skuldig op die klag van aanrand- critical state after stabbing her, was found dead on Tuesday morn17-jarige het op ‘n klag van huisbraak met die doel ing. Hy is tronkstraf van drie maande of ‘n boete van ing. He took his own life. According to a trusted source the man hung himself behind a school in Narraville. According to Deputy Commissioner Otillie Kashuupulwa, no foul play is suspected. “The man stabbed his girlfriend on Sunday and fled.

He left her in a critical state. The police had been looking for him since. He was then found Tuesday morning behind a school. His girlfriend was in a critical state but according to the family she is doing better. They were in a violent

relationship. We do not know why he stabbed her, but they lived together and the girlfriend moved out. She wanted to collect her clothes on Sunday and it was then that then he stabbed her,” she said.

22 MAY 2015




Government committed to Kudu and Baynes projects Minister of Mines and Energy Obed Kandjoze says Government is working around the clock to ensure the realisation of the Kudu Gas-to-Power and Baynes Hydropower projects. Kandjoze gave this assurance during the opening of the two-day 2015 Mining Expo and Conference in the capital this week. He said that in addressing power supply challenges, the government wants to ensure that all solutions are considered, taking into consideration the strategic flexibility of the country to ensure that

the Kudu Gas-to-Power and Baynes projects are realised. The 884 megawatt (MW) Kudu power plant will be located in the area of Oranjemund and is expected to be commissioned in 2019. The 300 megawatt (MW)

Baynes hydropower plant will be developed by Namibia and Angola at a cost of US dollars US$1,3 billion (N$ 15,5 billion) and is expected to be commissioned by 2024. The hydropower project is situated along the

Cunene River, 200 kilometres downstream of Ruacana in the Kunene Region. Kandjoze said other long-term solutions such as renewable energy are considered to be part of the energy mix for the country. He noted that Namibia remains a net importer of electricity and in order to address the situation, several generation projects are

planned in line with the National Integrated Resource Plan (NIRP). Kandjoze stressed that in addressing the challenges posed as being a net importer and to meet the rising demand for electricity in the country in the medium to long term, Government through a Cabinet decision undertook to embark on the Kudu Gas-to-Power Project. The minister said in

order to ensure that the project reaches financial closure and that electricity tariffs are affordable, Government issued a credit support to the project to this effect. The project is estimated to cost about US$1,2 billion (about N$ 14,8 billion), and aims to increase power-generation in Namibia. “It is expected that the Kudu power project, which

represents the least cost of supply for Namibia, will replace the high electricity costs from imports and short-term supply,” he said. Over 100 mining companies and government institutions are taking part in the expo and more than 1 500 are taking part in the conference. The expo and conference ended yesterday. NAMPA

Parents overwhelmed by community's goodwill as Natrovinha undergoes 22nd operation Liesl Losper The namib times carried an article of Natrovinha Shelay David , the 5-year-old that was diagnosed with juvenile papillomas. The parents requested financial assistance to help them with accounts and for her weekly injections. Yesterday she had her 22nd operation, and at the time of going to print she was still in the theatre. After the previous article, her parents Petronella and Frankie Davids contacted namib times and said they were totally overwhelmed by the reaction the article evoked. “On Friday afternoon, after the article was published, my phone started ringing . It felt so good to know that people cared for our child, and we shed tears of gratitude. Three individuals have opened their hearts already and bought four weeks' supply of her injections. Natrovinha is now smiling again because she can definitely feel the change that this action had on us as parents. For the first time in weeks we were able to sleep without wondering where to get the funds to buy her injections. We would like to express our utmost appreciation to everyone who assisted us financially. We are taking it day by day and these gestures make it easier for us.” If anyone would still like to contribute financially to help these parents with the costs, you can contact Frankie at 0816310243 for more information.

Bevan Botha (ook 'n Kudu rugbyspeler) saam met sy broer Chrysander Botha

Plaaslike rugbyheld Chrysander Botha tuis Liesl Losper

A few moments before the surgery yesterday afternoon

Vir familie, vriende en rugby-ondersteuners van die heelagter Chrysander Botha is dit goeie nuus om te hoor hy in sy tuisdorp vakansie hou. Chrysander gaan ook vanaand by Hashtag te sien wees, waar hulle ook twee van sy rugbytruie gaan opveil ten bate van die Kudus Rugbyklub. Die namib times gaan volgende week fokus op dié rugbyman en sy loopbaan.



Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganeni Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Government reviews Moratorium on Marine Phosphate mining Mines and Energy Minister Obed Kandjoze has asked the mining industry to be patient as Government reviews and discusses the moratorium on marine phosphate mining. Kandjoze said this during the opening of the 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chamber of Mines in the capital on Tuesday. The minister was responding to the chamber’s concern that the 18 months period of the Cabinet moratorium on marine phosphate mining, which was declared on 17 September 2013, lapsed in March 2015 without much progress on the desired scientific studies to address concerns by the fishing industry. “There is a committee tasked to review the moratorium and recommendations will be provided to Cabinet within the next few weeks. I urge the industry to bear with us in this regard,” he said. Cabinet placed a mora-

torium on marine phosphate mining exploration to carry out research before allowing the exploration of marine phosphate offshore Namibia. Speaking at the same occasion, outgoing president of the Chamber of Mines, Werner Duvenhage said the consultants engaged by Government have produced a scoping report in which terms of references for the sea have been identified. The Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research (Sintef) and the Institute of Marine Research were contracted to conduct the study. Attempts to get com-

Nambahu says his ministry is aware that local criminals are being used by a cartel and has urged the locals to be patriotic and disclose information that may help stop poaching in the country. “There are honest and clean ways to earn your living,” he said. The EIF has availed two Toyota Land Cruiser vehicles valued at a combined

N$1 million to the MET and NamPol to aid in antipoaching activities in and around the Etosha National Park and Kunene Region. The EIF is an environmental financial institution established in February 2012 to help fund environmental projects in the country. Two white rhino carcasses discovered on a farm in the Otjozondjupa Region over the weekend increased

Riv er ru aru

Om Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken

Walvis Bay Tides

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com

Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies

Port Log


Minister of Mines and Energy Obeth Kondjoze speaking at the opening of the 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chamber of Mines on Tuesday. Duvenhage appealed to the relevant agencies of Government to find an amicable solution to the way forward without jeopardizing the interests of any stakeholders. The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Bernhard Esau, has report-

edly said the moratorium will remain in place until the study of how mining phosphate will impact the environment is complete and terms are agreed upon, and that he is still waiting for the report. NAMPA

Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism Tommy Nambahu says his ministry is aware that local people are being used in the poaching of elephants and rhinos. He said this during a sponsorship handover by the Environmental Investment Fund (EIF) of Namibia to the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, and the Wildlife Crime Prevention Unit of the Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in the capital this week.

Swakopmund Tides

Where to Fish

ment from Sintef regarding the progress of the report proved futile. Duvenhage, who is Managing Director of Rossing Uranium, said that while the government is committed to the co-existence of several sectors in the same eco-system, the slow pace at which the environmental concerns are being addressed is of great concern to the chamber. “It is now clear that it will be several years before environmental concerns will be clarified, thereby hampering investment decisions and socio-economic growth by marine phosphate players,” he said.

Locals are being used to poach: Nambahu

Walvis Bay Office

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

(Photo by Etuna Shikalepo) NAMPA

Obtaining Fishing

Mile 72

22 MAY 2015


poaching figures in Namibia to 62 this year. The MET and NamPol are carrying out post-mortem investigations on all rhino carcasses found so far. Receiving the donation,

the deputy minister called on all Namibians to help support the Environment Ministry in putting an end to poaching activities in the country. “Everyone can assist, help

your country not necessarily with money but information that may lead to the arrest of these poachers,” he pleaded. NAMPA

22 MAY 2015




MET and GIZ launch resource mobilisation for biodiversity project The Ministry of Environment and Tourism and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) launched the Resource Mobilisation for Biodiversity Conservation (ResMob) Project on Wednesday. Speaking at the event, ResMob Project Coordinator Ferdinand Mwapopi noted that the project aims to

improve Namibia's capacity to mobilise resources for biodiversity conservation, specifically to enable it

to implement the objectives outlined in the second National Biodiversity Strategy and A c t i o n P l a n (NBSAP2). “The project aims for an effective implementation of updated biodiversity strategy in Namibia. The duration of the project is scheduled until March 2017 and it is commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Buil-

ding and Nuclear Safety,” he noted. Namibia implemented its first National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP1) from 2001 until 2010. It was internationally recognised as being one of the best first generation plans and provided a strong foundation for the sustainable management and use of biodiversity in the country, said Mwapopi. In 2012, Namibia set about developing NBSAP2 which will cover the period 20132022 to build upon the foundation and directly tackle the threats and

challenges it faces in this area. Citing a review of the NBSAP1, Mwapopi said large parts of the national biodiversity targets could not be achieved or financed. Namibia required nearly N$500 million to keep the country's biodiversity healthy and resilient to threats for NBSAP2 over the next nine years. The first action plan led to the implementation and proclamation of four new State-protected areas. This includes Namibia's first Islands' Marine Protected Area, which covers almost

Atlantis Sport Club AGM When: 24 June 2015 Where: Atlantis Club When: 19:00 Nomination forms and proxy forms available 2 weeks prior to the meeting at the Atlantis bar. For more information or questions send your email to: ascwalvis@gmail.com

one million hectares of marine and sea area where 10 small islands and eight more islets or rocks provide sanctuary to a variety of life. This area stretches over 400 kilometres from Meob Bay north of Lüderitz to Chaimas Bay south of the harbour town and 30 kilometres into the Atlantic Ocean. Speaking at the same event, the project's senior economist Olimpio Nhuleipo said the project will implement the System for EnvironmentalEconomic Accounts (SEEA). SEEA is a system which organises statistical data for the derivation of coherent indicators and descriptive statistics to monitor the interactions between the economy and the environment and the state of the environment to better inform decisionmaking.

Another economist of the project, Ivy Muituti noted that activities in the project's capacity development component will include the establishment of the Environmental Economics Network of Namibia (EENN) to strengthen environmental economics in tertiary education institutions. ResMob Manager Dr Martin Nowack explained that training in capacity development for environmental fiscal reform will take place from 8 to 11 June to provide participants with an overview of the possibilities of an environmental fiscal reform. “The target group of the training is decisionmakers and technical experts. The method of training is the case study method of the Harvard Business School,” he added. NAMPA


22 MAY 2015 The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk@namibtimes.net Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments


“Mense aan die kus, julle is fenomenaal” - Getraumatiseerde Suid-Afrikaners ná motorongeluk Sondag 10 Mei, was vir ‘n groep van Suid-Afrika wat op ‘n 2-maande-lange toer in die land is, baie traumaties. Hulle behoort aan die Suid-Afrikaanse Woonwa-Assosiasie (SAWA). Andrew Meyer Dis soos ek ons land se mense ken, maar altyd lekker om die erkenningsberigte te lees, maak jou trots op ons land en sy mense. Polla Willers Viva Namibië, trots op my land. Ancia Bower Baie-baie trots op julle almal en sterkte vir almal wat betrokke was, ek ken ook die Maritze wat teruggedraai het. Dankie julle almal! Anna Horn Trots op ons mense, julle is awsome. Pierre Louw Maak my trots dankie aan almal en ons weet dat dit is hoe Ons Mense dit doen GBWY. Merci Bussel Sterkte aan die mense. So goed om weer 'n slag goeie woorde van buitelanders kry. Ronell Wilken Dit kan net Suidwesters wees. Ons word so gebore. Mwa. Polla Willers Sterke vir daai mense.

Hester Delport Kotze Ai sleg ondervinding die. Johan Pretorius So ken ons die SuidWesters ons mense. Harte van goud gaan altyd die eksta myl. Chris Liebenberg Wow! Brian van Zijl Baie tragies en ons harte gaan uit na julle. God bless you one and all. Werdie Kotzé My land Namibië. Annetjie Bower So bly vir almal se hulp. Ronelle Wessels So trots om te sê dis my land se mense wat soveel omgee! Careen SchickerlingLangeveldt Maak my hart sommer warm klop. My mense! Ati Van Ginkel-Grobler Dis is baie hardseer om so iets oor te kom as jy op verlof is ek huis nog sommer lang trane vir julle part. Mag God julle seën en ek hoop als is nou weer reg. Ek is so bly ons mens het julle so

mooi gehelp. Dianne Botma Baie dankie aan ons mense, ons bly 'n nommer 1 land. Hettie De Klerk Roesch Dit maak mens se hart bly om te hoor mense gaan uit hulle pad om ander te help. Antoinette du Plooy Dis Namibië! Wat meer kan ons sê. Lief vir ons land en sy mense. Ina Mostert Baie bly julle is almal bewaar mens se lewe is belangriker as aardse goed want dit kan weer vervang word maar nie 'n mens baie sterkte met julle toer verder deur pragtige Namibië, baie trots op al die persone wat gehelp het. Manie Grobler Voowaar 'n wonderlike land met pragtige mense, hoop om eendag weer daar te kan kuier. Meisie Fuchs Dankie Namibiërs. Trots op julle. Hendrik Dewet Oosthu-

izen Hier by ons sou hulle die vrouens verkrag het, die mans vermoor het en alles gesteel het wat hulle kon! Renthia Kruger Wat ‘n hartseerverhaal met ‘n gelukkige einde. Prys die Here dat daar geen lewensverlies was nie. Geniet die vakansie verder met baie Jesus seën. Sussie Janse van Vuuren Dankie vir hulp aan toeriste verleen, trots op julle almal, mag God julle seen. Mickey De Sousa Ken daai gevoel. Ons het ook lank lank terug so by ons goed gestaan. Daar was ni veel oor nie. Ishantè Da Cruise Well done to everyone that helped, thank you namib times for reporting back, it was a nice idea. Yvette Enslin So trots op my geboorteland, Namibië!

Police officer sustains serious injuries -Hit by alleged drunken driverA female police officer is in a very serious but stable condition in the hospital in Windhoek, after she sustained serious injuries when hit by a car, driven by an alleged drunken driver (believed to be a woman). Bruce Langenhoven Sien jule wat drank doen nie sigerete nie drank! Wilhelmus Kempen Claassens Amen broer. Amen. Maar so sit hulle ...... prente op. En verbied sigerette uit die publiek. Maar so drink almal voort op ander mense se lewe. Anna Kee Maldri Josti I hope she will recover soon. Polla Willers Sluit hom/haar net toe en gooi sleutels weg. M-cube Matthews This happened in Rundu last weekend, driver refused to stop at Mururwani and he refused to stop at Masivi road block 10km from Rundu. and this driver wasn’t be arrested. Police officer or the Law of Namibia is

too much reluctant just because of Democracy and Human rights. John Kavengula Very sad! Hofni Dallas Sheehama Very sad! I hope she recovers soon. I know the police woman. Mwatile Simson People are not serious her u pump a person not a stone mani oh how will u feel it was u? Stop thse story and face the reality thse person she was on duty what is thse nw? Harold Deklerk Die vark. Des Müller Yip, if you choose to live a reckless life then you should also bear the consequences. Rui Santos Well much depends on the defense attorney, was gthe police officer in the mid-

dle of the road? Did the driver panic after hitting the officer and left, was the driver drunk or allegedly drunk? Was it dark? Was the officer wearing proper clothe to indicate her presence? The driver was later caught entering Walvis Bay? Did the police lose sight of the car at any moment between the alleged infraction and stopping the alledged driver? Is they did then the driver if inteligent can deny it? So many holes in this case. I would beat this rap hands down and still sue the state for damages. Des Müller Wow Rui, amazing. Why don’t you offer your services to us then?! Sean Wolf @Rui....

You must be highly qualified. Couch Attorney or Couch Advocate? Maybe too much Boston Legal and CSI on TV? Glad you not reperesenting me, please educate yourself and at the same time learn how to spell! Nico Müller Thanks for the good laugh Mr Santos... hoping that I would never have to make use of your services. 1. Roadblock 2. Stop signs each 150 mtr away clearly marked 3. Roadblock area properly lit up. 4. Police witness the accident 5. only red car with damaged windscreen 6. Police all dressed in reflective.etc Onesmus Shapopi Santos You are jus a fool like the lady who bumped the officer.

DRC residents want answers, now! The DRC Resident’s Association held a public meeting on Sunday in Swakopmund, regarding the relocating of some residents to an area where there are supposedly no running water, nor toilet facilities. Welmien Cloete Yes, this is Namibia vrouens moet maar toilette op vlak gebruik wat is dit dit is erg in Swakopmund jule weet mos aan wie het dai dorp eers behoort en hule rule nog steed daar al is

dit undercover! Zuma VS Diken Don’t vote, you being voting for years and what do you get in one year, start to think for yourself first.

Baby dumped in garbage container The Mondesa community was shocked on Saturday, after the lifeless body of a 5-6-months-old baby girl was discovered in a solid waste container, in the area of Makiti Bar Number 2. Venessa Carew I jst startd crying nw its vry painful coz here i am childles nd pray everyday fr a bby dnt knw y cnt they give the kids fr adoption. Angelika Kamupone May the Good Lord hear your prayers. Immz Dada Kayambu May God will bless you with a kid very soon. Keep on praying. Taapopi Itsuwe Tangy Grace God heard ur prayers alrdy and he wll answer u soon. Pearl Devereè Nail-du Toit I would have offered to be a surrogate for you if it was legal in Namibia. Ev Iipwakena Keep praying dear, our loving and faithful Father will soon bless you with your own child/ren one good day. He hears your prayers and have faith that He will answer, when his time is right. These that are killing are waiting for their day, when they will be face to face with the father. What will they say? For there is ni redemption after death, they will receive their punishment. I will keep you in my prayers dear. Aina Golden Nkeroh Iiyambo May God hav mercy on u. Golda Ndjoze Just wait yur prayer wil be a answer to u Gud wil bles u onedei Lym Shedile Have faith n keep on prayng love. God wl ansa ur prayer soonish. Sophia Louw Trust in Jesus. Charleen Joerges What we need in every town in Namibia is a hole in the wall where you can dump your new born if you cannot care for it! The minute you put it in the safe place a nurse collects it and it is looked after by loving people for the rest of its life! We obviously are in seriously need of such facilities in our country because baby dumping and child murders are becoming the norm in Namibia sadly. Linea van Ek Until when vakwetu? Gaye Eiman-Scholtz Rip baby. Don’t worry. God is taking care of you now. How can anyone be so cruel. An innocent little life that was given to you by God. A child is a blessing and there are so many other women who cannot have children. Is there no place in Walvis Bay where babies can be left by women who choose not to keep them instead of killing the poor child. Zuma VS Diken God is watching that women and there will be a possibility that she will not get a child anymore because of the bad thing she did. Utjiua Ngueza Haakuria Tired of these crazy woman. Use condoms maaan or family planning. Ogh. Zupha Candice Nicole Camm Sy mut lewens lank tronkstraf kry, wnt syt nie 'n geweete nie en syt ni 'n hart om 'n groot 6 maande baba wat sy vir 6 maande groot gemak het net so weg te gooi as of dt rubbish is. Dis baie sad.

Ndaafa Nhinda U wonder a person is throwing dat baby away in the same life she will still get another one, the question is how many lives one will throw away? Dee Precious Scholtz Il nvr dump my bby evn if i end up alone wth my bby. Whitney Mellisa Mercy Lamberth Adoption laws should be reviewed and chances be given to those who want to adopt. This shouldn’t be a taboo at all... stories like this are very heart weary .. and I am so sure it must be a young woman who committed this act. .. its really such a shame. Tildephina Ijalooh Tobikey Once that woman found, a glue must just do... Those are pipol haviinyowele koKalunga kehekeleko ask for babies after they commit such crimes. Mia Eladia Talk is cheap. NO talk is free.Since when did God give people the right to judge someone else.We don’t know the circumstances. Bitter mouths, minds and hearts could be one of the reasons why she had no one to turn to. My heart goes out for that mother. Roseline Nauses Is it a 5-6 month old feotus or a baby? Maureen Hoxobes O Lord why why s this hpping. Baie van ons will ook so graag al s dit net eenjie hê. Sy het dui onskldtg seel vir 9 maande gedra en met pyn dit gekry en sy het nog 5 maande met dit gebly. Hukm ht sy dit ni by di hospitaal gelos ni. Inplus om weg tegooi ni. I will really not mind if sumone give me a baby thay dnt want van k vra elke dag vir eene. Alex Muukua Nxoh. bull .... again. Is dit nou kamma nuwe mode nou of wat,laasweek was n baba in die fridge ingesit.nou weer in vuilishoo..Wat die joos? Charleen Dreyer Brand Hoe kan ons government nie die doodsyraf wil terug bring nie. A life for s life. Olivier Brits Es sulke dinge breek my hart in miljoene stukke. Hoe kan mens so iets doen? My kind is vir my so kosbaar. Jaunita Tjivahe Ewald Women stp hvin sex if u cn tke cre of yo child nw u jst kill an innocnt persn eish o tll yo byfrnd to use a cndm. Titus Shamha Ndaambulu Why you are making a baby if u know that u don’t want a baby. Oh people of God. Nambo Rusa Matsuis Inspyting word vry gevat. Hoekom moet jy so iets doen dis erg. Inplas om klaar kraam en maar di baba in di hospital te los gaan maak jy rereg dood. Ons vroumense maak soms vir di mane skelm. Soms is die man ryk of jy will nie di man verloor nie. Caroline Bernardo Oordeel kom ons nie toe nie, ja biter hardseer want gee die kind vir aanneming want hule is onskuldig. Koopman Shally At ek verstaan nie die vroumense nie rerig. My kind is vir my so kosbaar. Continue on page 9

22 MAY 2015 22 MAY 2015 Continued from page 8

Ennie Mathias Is a pity look for help if you have a problem dont hurt incent baby or live the baby in front of some one house, killing is a sin. Annie Snyders Just read the sad stiry in namib times she could have given the poor baby up for adoption. RIP little soul God will take care if that Mom. Benefits Gene Eugene Het die vroumens nou besluit dis makiti bar se dag wat j gekom het, so ek vat jou terug wavandaan j gekom het, ek vestani hiri vroumense ni. Selma Firstborn Maggy Inane How on earth you dump your own blood,


COMMUNITY NEWS your gift from god? Shame. Jesus is coming soon. Briggitte Otta Byl As 'n mens iets sê word dit gesê 'n saak het twee kante munie vir haar judge nie maar dus erg hoop sy word gou gkry en so groot baba jislaaik ongevoelig hou op slaap en swanger raak. Maureen Greenwood Manne speel ook 'n groot rol in die storie waar is di pa as so iets gebeur, die pa alleen sal nou kan maak laat die ma gekry word die pa beter nou uit kom hulle altwee moet gestraf word. Citizen Paulus Ileka Ambata Legalise ABOR-

TION finish & klaar. Felicity Kat I honestly think our grn sud do something abt this. Either with Ministry of Home Affairs and Min of Health get a system in place where as a person who goes to the clinic and finds out she’s preggies. To keep a database from the start. To visit these young girls on a time basis to see wat they r up to especially the less fortunate ones. So that these culprits can be brought to book....Te erg is te erg regtig! Llewellyn Denzil Bjorn Jeneke Kan dalk pa oek iz wati di kind wou he ni. Sleg varke...

Werner Haishonga Ai, sad. Omunhu ove uhole ovalumenhu, ovanhu ava pamwe kaveshi apa hapadi ounona hano ava? navalombwelwe nawa kutya, shamaasike omukainhu washakene nomulumenhu ndee tamui momilele inadi amenwa, owateelela ashike oufimba ile omukifi. omunhu ngee inohala oludalo please kala kokule nomalo wa. Melony Ganes Sleeping without protection. Carrying the baby for 9 mnths. Going thru hard labour to brnk this Angel into the world. Then killing it. Lord please intervene. Seal the wombs of all evil doing woman and open the wombs of those woman who are willing to do anytin to bear a child PLEASE. Cathy Hooker So sad. Nameya Iipinge Yaki-

intu Nee aaNamibia oshilongo shegulu otatu keshilikoleni ngaa: 5-6 mnths. Ilona Tjie I am thinking of a babies nest if you don’t want your baby because of ABC please contact me. Beause its the future of Namibia we are playing with. My God is asking us all to Love what happen to Love. I destroy every hatred spirit in the Name of Jesus. Cynthia Leopoldt Stop giving birth if u r nt ready. Hambeleleni Ndeifeweka Amaambo My fellow women, wht u ar doing is an insult to God! Pls stop it n if u find urslf in a situation tht u dnt wnt a baby n God gave it to u, jz call r sms me on this nu 081 619 2250. Laina Lazarus am cryng

like nthng abt this ,why u hv to thrgh awy the baby ,there a some of us who in need of baby, and we requesting may god t give, bt yamwe unona inamuhala, to me i think u put a nation in a dustbin dnt think for today mom u hv to think for tommrw that who gng to hlp u, whn u get oldr mom. Rene Myrtle Goeiman 5maande? RERIG? HU LEEF J MET JOSELF? Mag God met jo afreken! Kelly Elizé Tuapeuavii Mutirua Mbuae Some People really deserve to be put in a dark room with no water or food be left there to rot to death tjiri! Sabina Frans Oh, GOD HAVE MERCY. Jay Ya RukOro 5-6 month old fetus or baby? Either way that is just downright inhumane.

Where the hell is the death penalty? People do such things and kill others because being sentenced to them means nothing, to most, prison is even far better than the life they live! Nicolene Isaacs Hu gooi jy 6 maande prinsessie weg, Here hu! Hukm ht j har ni iewers “vergeet” lat iemnd har gevind ht ha jy sit n lees seker nu comments op facebook. Het jy ooit geslaap? Jyt guts gehad ma van baba sowar jyt guts om 'n hulpelose baba weg te gooi niemnd ht ju seker gesieni mar GOD sal ju hard slat. Quinzell van Wyk So terrible God has mercy please. Sad so many people wish they had babies while others through them away.

“Mugger’s Paradise” THREE MUGGINGS WITH ONE ASSAULT IN 18 DAYS AT THE STOP SIGN CORNER OF 14TH Road and 2nd Street East, Walvis Bay. Allan Roodt When the John Hendrick The po- able to catch even one? or shooting the criminals public has to tell the po- lice! What police? Then my dear readers this ourselfs. lice how to do their job Ellis Seun Verivaka shows the lack of protec- Every day I just read how squint. Kamutindi G4S Armed tion and how leanient police are un able to do Charlotte Norje Mere- Response will do the po- the police has become what they get paid to do. dith Catch them and lice work. in protecting the pu- Time has changed. Gun beat the living ........ outa Wilhelmus Kempen blic. This said we can- up people. them, or even better beat Claassens You are telling not rely on paid police Protect yourself. Our tax them to death! These me that this has been hap- force and should start money is getting wasted guys getting way outa pening for years and the taking own protection to the police departments. hand. police up to date were not with us and start fighting

Stop pointing fingers As a Walvis bay resident I ask people to stop pointing fingers to those young boys who were involved as victims in the kidnap and assault. I don’t think they are the only persons that steal dogs. To Bxxxxx, your son was allegedly involved in the kidnap and assault. Why did he and his co-members not stop at the police to report that the dogs were stolen or killed? And I also believe when they got bail, the conditions were they may not have direct or indirect contact with the victims or

witnesses, but you are doing it through the newspaper. Why can’t you leave it that justice take its own decision? Now you also mentioned the police lady. Please don’t look for sympathy in the newspapers and it seems that you are threatening the people - which is also against the law. Anonymous

Padkos vir oordenking

God het besluit om aan hulle bekend te maak hoe seënryk hierdie geheimenis vir die nasies is. Die inhoud daarvan is: Christus is in julle, Hy is julle hoop op die heerlikheid. Kolossense 1:27 Gedagte: Sonder Christus in ons, is daar geen hoop nie.

22 MAY 2015


I wish my son had rather been HIV-postive... Tabitha Nankole

It is thirteen years now since I lost my nine-year-old boy to cancer. The pain is still as acute as the day we were told that he had an aggressive type of cancer and in exactly 10 months after being diagnosed my son was gone. The reason why I am sharing my story is because I read about the HIV/AIDS articles in the namib times campaign. It is amazing that children born HIV-positive are alive, leading healthy lives, in relationships and now 22 years-old or even older. I am not sure if cancer patients can live that long after diagnosis but now we know people living with HIV do. Sometimes I wish if my son had rather been HIV-positive – he would still be alive and we would enjoy him just like

these children who were born HIV-positive and are leading normal and healthy lives. It is high time people realised

that HIV is not a death sentence, and that there are many children born HIV-positive in Namibia, who have been tak-

ing their medicine well, and who live life to the fullest. I am writing this message just to urge people who are

HIV-positive to be positive about being positive – and to enjoy life like any other person.

Keep taking your medication regularly. Eat healthy food and let the people who you dearly love know your status in order to get the necessary support you may require. I realise that HIV-positive people sometimes face discrimination and suffer from stigma, because so many people are still so ignorant of the real facts about HIV and AIDS. Over the years there have been new discoveries about the HIV virus and treatment that improved the handful of tablets to maybe just three or less. Bernhard Kamatoto, the HIV/AIDS SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCEactivist 1958 in the SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 Erongo Region, is our hero who continues to writes inspiring stories that can help many people out there, who are afraid to let their loved ones know that they are HIV-positive. My question to readers is: who is respected and draws support from people; Kamatoto, who has told the world that he is HIV-positive; or someone who is keeping his or her status a secret? They take tablets whilst no one is watching - not even the husband or wife or boyfriend or girlfriend. Family and friends, let us not discriminate against our loved ones just because they are HIV-positive. It is sad that many people think AIDS sufferers got the virus because they were having many sexual partners. What about these children who are now adults who were born HIV-positive? Were they sleeping around or their parents? What about nurses and doctors who everyday are looking after our children, parents and relatives who have the virus and sometimes are infected during care procedures? Let us love our loved ones who are HIV-positive for what they are to us. Let the HIV sufferers see the importance of sharing their status with their loved ones as the campaign poster says. Hiding will create stigma and lack of support when the need comes. I am better informed by this campaign by reading the articles written by Kamatoto and that these children who are born HIV-positive are enjoying life like anyone. Yes, I wish my son had rather been HIV-positive.

m a C


p ai

p ai


Share your status Share your status with those you love with those you love

m a C

www.namtimeshivaids.org www.namtimeshivaids.org

Practise safe sex. Practise safe sex. Sharewith your status those you love. Share your status those youwith love. Let’s Let’s put an end to put HIV.an end to HIV.

Our partners


Our partners



2222 MAY 2015 MAY 2015



Kapwanga elected as Chamber of Mines president Johan Kotze from QKR Navachab Mine was elected as first vice-president, while Hilifa Mbako from Areva Mining was elected as second vicepresident. The election process took place during the chamber’s 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the capital on Tuesday. Speaking at the opening of the AGM, Duvenhage said the mining industry is on a growth path unprecedented in the history of independent Namibia. He said the industry has created new jobs and is expanding the tax base of

the fiscus with three new mines (B2Gold, Husab uranium mine and Tschudi copper mine) and reinvestments into existing operations. Duvenhage noted that in 2014, mining and exploration companies collectively employed 7 903 people in permanent positions. The total direct employment, including temporary employees and fulltime contrators, was 17 770, providing 1 061 more jobs than in 2013. The outgoing president indicated that the mining industry spent some N$93.9 million on trai-

ning and skills development in 2014, and awarded 40 new study bursaries. He stressed that the mining industry continues to support the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) with job attachments and donations of used machinery for practical training at its three campuses in Arandis, Tsumeb and Keetmanshoop. Duvenhage said the government has a major role to play and ensure the competitiveness of the industry by avoiding unreasonable tariff increases

and introduction of new levies. He stated that the mining industry remains the backbone of the national economy for years to come. Duvenhage recognised the close cooperation between Government an the chamber in shaping policy and legislation, saying that the relationship enhances the country’s opportunity to attract more investments into new and current exploration projects. “This is the only way we can ensure the sustainability of the mining industry.

Through the activities of the joint Value-Addition Committee and current investments in upstream economic activities by some chamber members, the industry is poised to play a catalytic role in further mineral beatification and industrialisation,” he said. He symbolically handed over the responsibility to his successor, while thanking the Chamber of Mines’ members and council and staff for their support during his tenure. Duvenhage said he is hoping that the mining industry will continue

(Photo by Etuna Shikalepo) NAMPA

Sakawe Mining Corporation Managing Director Kombadayedu Kapwanga has been elected as the new president of the Chamber of Mines of Namibia. Kapwanga, who was first vice-president of the chamber, replaced Rössing Uranium Managing Director Werner Duvenhage who was president for the past two years.

Newly elected president of the Chamber of Mines, Kombandayendu Kapwanga speaking at the opening of the 36th Annual General Meeting of the Chamber of Mines on Tuesday, 19 May to thrive as the key economic pillar for driving the socio-economic de-

velopment in Namibia. NAMPA

Construction of billion-dollar Husab Mine on Track Mine to start production early 2016

The N$24 billion mine is located about 60 kilometres (km) from Walvis Bay in the Erongo Region. Over 1 200 people will be permanently employed at Husab Mine once it is fully operational. Duvenhage indicated that the mine will produce about 6 800 tonnes of uranium oxide per annum, exceeding the current level of combined production from Namibia’s two uranium mines – the Rössing Uranium and Langer Heinrich mines. He further noted that the mining industry ex-

perienced challenges in 2014, such as industrial action and retrenchment due to restructuring exercises. He indicated that a Namdeb Diamond Corporation strike following a dispute on salary and benefit negotiations cost the company about N$10 million a day. Of this amount, Government lost revenue of about N$8 million a day due to a two-week strike in August last year. He further noted that more than 700 employees were retrenched in the mining industry due to restructuring pro-

cesses at mines aimed at sustaining operations, avoiding the placement of mines on care and maintenance, or avoiding mine closures. Duvenhage, who is also the Managing Director of Rössing Uranium, noted that Rössing retrenched 204 workers, while the Rosh Pinah Zinc Corporation retrenched 120 workers and Okorusu Fluorspar 407. The Okorusu Fluorspar employees were retrenched because of the mine management’s decision to suspend mining operations on 28 October

2014. This was because high grade ore at the mine was depleted and the remaining ore was no longer economic to mine. Duvenhage however said about 30 em-

ployees were rehired on fixed-term contracts to carry on the care and maintenance of the mine, ongoing exploration and research and development. NAMPA

(Photo by Joseph Nekaya) NAMPA

Chamber of Mines president Werner Duvenhage said the construction of Swakop Uranium’s billion-dollar Husab Mine is on track and the mine is scheduled to start production in early 2016, with ramp-up to full production in 2017. Speaking at the opening of the 36th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Chamber of Mines in Windhoek on Tuesday, Duvenhage said about 6 000 people will be employed during its construction.

The Managing Director of Rossing Uranium Limited Werner Duvenhage


22 MAY 2015

Cybercrime on the increase in SADC region Southern Africa is experiencing a significant increase in crimes involving computers and the Internet that are damaging their economies and securities. The global reach of the Internet enables individuals, criminal organisations and terrorists located anywhere in the world to use computers to harm societies, businesses and the securities of countries. A three-day workshop on cybercrime investigation and electronic evidence took place in Windhoek. It was organised with the help of the American government and is being attended by participants from Botswana, Lesotho, Mauritius, Mozambique, the Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Namibia. Participants are learning techniques for using cyber tools and methods to investigate crime, as well as how to collect and analyse digital evidence. During the workshop, participants will also be introduced to online investi-

gations, forensic analysis and searching and seizing computers and mobile phones involved in criminal activity. Law-enforcement experts will also explore some of the legal and procedural issues related to using electronic evidence in criminal proceedings. Speaking at the official opening of the workshop on Monday, Prosecutor-General Martha Imalwa said there is a need for the establishment of a harmonised cyber law and handling of electronic evidence in order to make the fight of both civil and criminal cases easier as it is not confined to individual countries. “We hope to achieve

this by modelling our law on the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Model Law on Cybercrime,” she said. Imalwa explained that the purpose of the SADC model law is to provide a legal framework for the criminalisation and investigation of computer and network-related offences, such as cybercrime. The Act aims to criminalise a wide range of illegal activities or content in line with regional and international best practices and to provide the necessary specific procedural mechanisms for the investigation of such offences. “Cyber security plays a fundamental

The luxury MSC Opera passenger cruise liner seen at the Port of Walvis Bay. (Photo by: Paulus Kiiyala Shiku) NAMPA

role in the continuing development of information technology and Internet services,” the Prosecutor-General said. At the same occasion, United States (US) Ambassador to Namibia Thomas Daughton said inter-connectedness facilitated by new technology carries infinite promise, but it also brings peril. “Being inter-connected with the rest of the world means being vulnerable. No one is immune. Criminal gangs and organisations search continually for more and more sophisticated ways to use technology tools such as malware and botnets to obtain and exploit information,”

he said. Daughton explained that cybercrimes have the potential to threaten a nation's security and financial health. “Happily, the same modern communication systems that criminals use to commit cybercrimes also leave perceptible tracks leading back to the criminals. It is those unavoidable and unerasable tracks and traces that law enforcement around the world can use to catch and prosecute cyber criminals,” he stated. In bringing together law-enforcement experts from Southern African countries for the workshop, Daughton said, the American Government hopes to help foster stronger law-enforcement colleagues from around the region. The workshop ended yesterday. NAMPA

Namibia's Prosecutor-General Advocate Martha Imalwa speaks during the opening session of a twoday Southern Africa Regional Cyber Investigation and Electronic Evidence workshop. The workshop is supported by the US Department of Justice through its Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) and the Office of Overseas Prosecutorial Development, Assistance and Training (OPDAT), as a way to fight the increase of crime through the Internet. (Photo by: Joseph Nekaya) NAMPA

Namibia records another trade deficit Namibia recorded a trade deficit of N$26,2 billion in 2014, compared to N$17,2 billion in 2013. Senior Statistician at the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA) Elijah Saushini revealed this on Wednesday at the launch of the Annual Trade Statistics Bulletin 2014 in Windhoek. He explained that the widening of the trade deficit was reflected in a 23,2 per cent increase in the import Bill from N$73,6 billion in 2013 to N$90,6 billion in 2014. “Total exports increased only moderately to N$64,5 billion from N$56,3 billion when compared to a year earlier,” he said. Namibia's key markets for exports were Botswana (N$10,7 billion); South Africa

(N$8,4 billion); Switzerland (N$7,8 billion); Korea (N$5,8 billion) and Angola (N$4,7). The commodities mostly exported were precious stones (diamonds), ships, boats and floating structures, ores, fish and copper. Concerning imports, Saushini said Namibia's imports were mainly sourced from South Africa (N$51,6 billion); Korea (N$5,9

billion); China (N$3,6 billion); Bahamas (N$3,1 billion) and Germany (N$2,6 billion). Namibia's top imports are vehicles; ships and floating structures; boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances; mineral fuels and oils, and electrical machinery and equipment. Namibia's imports were mainly through the Southern African Customs Union

(SACU) (N$53,8 billion); the European Union (N$8,6 billion); Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC group) (N$5,4 billion) and SADC-Non-SACU (N$3,5 billion). Namibia exported goods worth N$19,4 billion to SACU, N$8,6 to Non-SACUSADC, N$7,9 to the EU and N$2,5 billion to the BRIC. NAMPA

BUSINESS AND COMPUTER COURSES SWAKOPMUND – WALVIS BAY – WINDHOEK Hands on practical and computer based courses are available three times per week (two hours each) in the morning or afternoon, including evening and weekend classes. The following courses start at the beginning as well as the middle of each calendar month. - C001 – Accounting on Sage One Accounting by Pastel (4 weeks - N$11,500.00) - C002 – Managing Your Own Business (4 weeks - N$11,500.00) - C003 – Cash Flow Management (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) - C004 – Microsoft Excel for Beginners (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) - C005 – Microsoft Word for Beginners (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) - C006 – Being an effective Debtors Controller (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) - C007 – Being an effective Creditors Controller (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) - C008 – Being an effective Inventory Controller (2 weeks - N$5,750.00) (Monthly payment terms for up to 12 months available) Courses are lectured on-site, in modern new class rooms fitted with laptops, an over-head projector, small cafeteria, etc. Classes are limited to 10 students so that individual attention is assured by the lecturer as well as up to two assistants. Central Enrolment Office: Joyce at 064 40 66 73 Information: www.seelenbinderconsulting.com Email: joyce.e@seelenbinderconsulting.com NAMIBIA SCHOOL OF ACCOUNTING a division of SEELENBINDER CONSULTING

22 MAY MAY 2015 2015 22



13 13

“My dreams... the reason behind my success” Sharlien Tjambari

Many people out there with the same dreams as those who prosper in life always wonder how others succeed while they are not able to. Ansua Hammerslacht, a 28 year old single parent, is one of the women who made it to the top with her modelling career. “Hard work, a lot of tears and mostly my dreams, my dreams have kept me going and are the reason behind my success, and most importantly, my son Quein” said the successful Ansua. Ansua will represent Namibia at the Ms Earth in Negril, Jamaica in October this year, as well as at the Ms United Nations in Jamaica in September. The Ms Earth International Pageant was created to celebrate the

outstanding success a woman has achieved as a wife, mother, daughter, and friend and as a community leader. Ms United Nations is more for women who have a passion for helping others through charity work. These women volunteer from all over the world. Ansua is the second oldest of four children. She was born in Mariental and grew up on a Roman Catholic Mission at Stampriet. Ansua loves writing and

is very passionate about poetry. “I hope to write a book based on my life as I hope it will be an inspiration to help others to believe in themselves. During my free hours, I spend time with my family and explore different cultures and traditions in the country” she said. Last year Ansua took part in the Ms Globe, which was held in China, Shenzhen in December. She won the title of Ms

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel-witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 30 May: Meat Festival and Canoe Combat at the Lagoon - Walvis Bay. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 5 June: Erongo Health Care Clinic in Association with Cancer Association of Namibia presents The Moulin Rouge Charity Event at the Walvis Bay Town Hall at 18:00. * 5 June: Poetic Healing presents - Eto! Jy sal nie glo nie at Ninos's Pizzeria, Walvis Bay at 18:30 for 19:00. Entrance Free. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 26 June: Donkey Derby at Town Hall. * 26 June: Narraville Primary School Talent Show at School Hall. * 27 Junie: Huis Palms Basaar by Huis Palms Gronde 10:00. * 3 July: Narraville Primary School Mystery Walk. * 7 Julie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Harvest Time Community Church. * 8 July: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at 19:00. * 11 July: Wreath laying ceremony at M.O.T.H. Monument Usakos at 11:00.

HENTIES BAY Photogenic, and she was the nominee for best New Country representative as well as Ms Namibia Globe. Not only did Ansua model for the Namibian wedding magazine, the 4th and 5th edition, but she is also the Face of Le Phenzo in Johannesburg, the 5th runner-up with worldwide votes. Ansua started her modelling career as a promotional model because she needed money to support her only son, “my wonderful redhead son, my inspiration and motivation” she said. According to Ansua, her first salary was N$1 500. Ansua is striving to launch her own foundation, she wants to have a shelter and open a school for the

less fortunate. She is also dreaming of having her own clothing line and to be a successful woman in the community, a wonderful daughter, sister and a friend but most of all she want to be the best mother to her son Quein. When asked, during an interview via e-mail, if she sees herself as a motivational speaker, her answer was, “Yes I do. I often get invites from schools to go and speak to upcoming young models. I talk to everyone who seeks my advice, and I encourage and intend to keep encouraging our youth, our women, daughters, friends and even young men.” Ansua is currently based in Windhoek.

* 6 Jun: Tea Party at the Henties Golf Club from 10:00 Contact Hannah Cronje 081 297 9677

SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 20:30.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.


22 MAY 2015

22 MAY 2015



ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE APPLICATION NOTICE SED Consultancy hereby gives notice to all Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) that an application will be resubmitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations: Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007) for the following: Project Nature/Description: Environmental Scoping Report & Environmental Management Plan for the Construction of a !Nara Seeds Storage Facility - to be utilized by !Nara Harvesters to store and sell !Nara seeds Project Location: Rooibank in Utuseb Project Proponent: Erongo Regional Council Project Beneficiary: Topnaar Traditional Authority Public Meeting: At the Rooibank Church, Thursday, 28 May 2015, 11:00 (AM) Registration of I&APs and submission of comments: All I&APs are hereby invited to register, request and submit their comments and suggestions on the Draft Report & Plan in writing via email on or before 29 May 2015 to: Nangula Amutenya–Amatsi and or Annastasia Naiteta Tel:+264 (0) 81 2024059 and or +264 (0) 81 4702394 Email: nangula.a@gmail.com and or annanaiteta@gmail.com


22 MAY 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Woermannhaus wird restauriert Preisausschreiben: Shalom, Sophia Dale!

Fleissige Hände, die eines der ältesten Gebäude und Wahrzeichen Swakopmunds in der Bismarckstraße, nämlich das Woermannhaus, wieder auf Vordermann bringen: Elien Kamesiepo, Ebson und Mekup Mberijandja, Juliana Katjauise, Martin Geingob, Johannes Nembungu, Lukas Luhas, Simson, Andries, Gideon, Maria, Monica, Helena, Etienne, Cornelius und Ndjalo. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn Swakopmund (sk) - unter Fachaufsicht den ü b e r F a r b t ö p f e Beim alten histori- ehrwürdigen Gebäu- hindurcharbeitet, den schen Woermannhaus dekomplex in alter erwartet eine ganz begeschehen im Au- Pracht erstehen. sonders interessante genblick große wun- Die Woermannhaus- Ausstellung. dersame Dinge: Es Galerie im ersten Stock Als Beitrag zur Aktion wird renoviert ! Und " Deutsche Kulturwohat trotz aller Betrieb-

Swakopmund (sk) Hach, was geht es uns Nebelkrähen an der Atlantikküste auch im Winter gut! Ist wieder einmal ,,Waschküche” angesagt, fahren wir ein paar Kilometer gen Inland und setzen uns bei Shalom oder Sophia Dale zum herzhaften Frühstück in die angenehm-warme Sonne. Ja, liebe Leser, und wenn Sie nun ein paar Fragen bis zum 25. Mai über diese Oasen am Swakoprivier richtig beantworten, können Sie einen von vier Preisen gewinnen: 1. An welchem Wo-

Von rechts: Opa und Oma Abe und Suzan Harmse aus Swakopmund genießen die Wärme und das Frühstück auf Shalom gemeinsam mit Urenkel Gerhard Steenkamp aus Windhoek und dessen Eltern Suzan und Willem. Fotos: Susann Kinghorn 1 . E i n G u t s c h e i n cremig ist, dass man (Wert: N$ 150,-) für Sahne darin vermuten ein Frühstück für eine könnte. Dann noch eine Info Person von Shalom; 2 . E i n G u t s c h e i n über das Restaurant auf (Wert: N$ 150,-) für Sophia Dale: Es ist ein Frühstück für eine jeden Tag, außer sonntags, ab 17 Uhr gePerson von Shalom; 3 . E i n G u t s c h e i n öffnet und wird von (Wert: N$ 100,-), der Michael Graneß geleizum Frühstück oder tet, dermehr als zehn Dinner auf Sophia Jahre lang mit seiner Dale verwendet wer- Frau Anke das seit den am 29. Mai auf 1923 existierende, stildiesen Seiten bekannt- volle Restaurant Zur Klause im Ostseebad gegeben. Übrigens gibt es bei Heringsdorf leitete. Bronwin Ockhuys auf Nichts wie hin nach Shalom einen besonde- Shalom und Sophia Dale! ren Kaffee, der so

Worte der Woche Johannes Nembungu streicht die Säulen im Innenhof des Woermannhauses, das 1894 nach den Plänen des Architekten Friedrich Holt im Fachwerk-Baustil für den Hamburger Spediteur Adolph Woermann und dessen Handelsgesellschaft Damara und Namaqua errichtet wurde. chen " bietet die Kunstdas bereits seit zwei samkeit ihre Türen für vereinigung SwakopMonaten ! Besucher geöffnet. Wer mund in ihrer Galerie Unzählig viele tüch- s i c h d u r c h eine Ausstellung an, tige Arbeiter lassen Absperrungen und betitelt " Europe meets Africa - Grafiken aus zwei Welten " Großartige Exponate aus der permanenten Sammlung der Galerie werden den interessierten Kunstbetrachter in Erstaunen versetzen. Man steht vor einem Miro, einem Dali, Bechstein und anderen , die sich ein Stelldichein mit bekannten Grafikern der namibischen Kunstwelt geben. Eine fabelhafte Präsentation, die einen Besuch lohnt! Besichtigungszeiten: Montag-Freitag: 10.00-12.00 und 15.00-17.00; Samstag: 10.00-12.00 Frans Nemunju streicht den 25m hohen Damaraturm des Woermannhauses, das heute eine Bibliothek beherbergt.

Cornelia Kemp verkauft jeden letzten Samstag im Monat ihr selbstgebackenes Brot und Käse aus der Eigenproduktion . chentag und von wann bis wann ist Shalom geöffnet? 2. Was wird auf Shalom produziert? 3. Wie heißt das Res-

Ach du meine Güte! Was machen Sie denn da? Das sind doch nur Ausstellungsstücke

Na und? Glauben Sie, ich kaufe die Katze im Sack?

taurant auf Sophia Dale? 4. Wer sind die Besitzer von Sophia Dale? Zu gewinnen sind:

Für Annoncen auf der deutschen Seite, melden Sie sich bei: Mikkie Kriel Cell: 081 286 9519 email: mikkie@ namibtimes.net

Ich muß mal Ein Mensch muß müssen, manches Mal, benutzt die "Schüsseln", hier und da. Er hinterläßt, wie er’s gewohnt, wo einst er stand, wo er gethront. Der nächste kommt, muß auch mal müssen, der allerdings fühlt sich be..., denn dieser und auch jener Ort, ist ohne jeglichen Komfort. Drum die Moral von der Geschicht’: Wer müssen muß, wahrt sein Gesicht, verläßt den Ort, an dem er war, ganz so als war er niemals da. Wolfgang (WoKo) Kownatka (*1938), deutscher Luftwaffen-Offizier, NATOPressestabsoffizier, Bankkaufmann, freier Journalist und Aphoristiker


22 MAY 2015

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Teeparty für Pflegestation in Henties Bay

Swakopmund (sk) Vor mir sitzt die 72jährige Hennah Cronjè und erzählt, wie Henties Bay zu einer Pflegestation gekommen ist: ,,Vor etwa 10 Jahren haben die Krankenschwester Joey Jankowitz und ihr Mann Dirk die Not der alten, kranken Menschen in Henties Bay gesehen. Was passiert zum Beispiel mit einem bettlägerigen Mann, dessen Frau sich nicht mehr um ihn kümmern kann? Schwester Joey und ihr Mann sind anfänglich mit dem Fahrrad zu solchen Senioren in Not gefahren, um ihnen zu helfen. Dann haben sie beschlossen, das Geld zum Kauf eines Grundstücks für eine Pflegestation vorzuschießen. Inzwischen ist durch die Spenden etlicher großzügiger Sponsoren ein Doppelstockgebäude auf dem Grundstück errichtet worden, das 25 Pflegefälle beherbergen kann. Das Pflegeheim befindet sich vorne, und hinten sind vier Wohnungen gebaut worden, die an Privatpersonen verkauft wurd e n . D i e s e Wo h nungen sind nicht übertragbar an andere Personen. Sterben die Besitzer, gehören sie dem Pflegeheim. Inzwischen konnten wir sogar einen Fahrstuhl einbauen, ein teures Unterfangen, das N$ 507 000, - kostete. Allerdings kann

ich mit Stolz sagen, dass wir inzwischen schuldenfrei sind. Das liegt einerseits an vielen Sponsoren, die sehr freigebig waren. Andererseits hat unser Komitee, bestehend aus Joey und Dirk Jankowitz, Dina Louw, Nicolene Thompson, Kobie van der Walt, Maritha Blatt und mir selbst, auch viele Dinge zur Generierung von Geldern organisiert, zum Beispiel Konzerte, Ausflüge und Pfannkuchenverkäufe. Schauen Sie sich meine beiden Zeigefinger an. Die sind nicht etwa krumm, weil ich Arthritis habe, sondern vom Pfannkuchenbacken! Inzwischen ist unser Grundstück mit der Pflegestation und allem Drum und Dran knappe vier Millionen wert. Hier ist der HERR am Werk, und er tut Großartiges”, beendet Hennah Cronjè ihren Bericht. Trotzdem darf der Verein nicht stillsitzen, denn Kosten gibt es noch genug, und das Sammeln von Geldern hört nicht auf. Deshalb findet am 6. Juni um 10 Uhr eine Teeparty im Golfklub von Henties Bay statt, bei der das Trio Feminale aus Swakopmund, eine Gesangsgruppe aus Henties Bay und der Geschichtenerzähler Dirk van Schalkwyk unentgeltlich auftreten. Es werden 300 Karten zu je N$ 100, - ver-

60 Jahre Guinessbuch der Rekorde

Liebe Küstenleser! Als das erste Guinessbuch der Rekorde 1955 in Irland erschien, ging es darin hauptsächlich um außergewöhnliche Leistungen von Menschen und weniger um die längste Zunge oder das hartnäckigste Durchhaltevermögen mit 87 Klapperschlangen in einem Bad. Höher, schneller oder weiter reicht jedoch schon lange nicht mehr aus,

Das Trio Feminale aus Swakopmund spendet seine Live Musik, um Gelder für die Pflegestation in Henties Bay locker zu machen. Foto: Denize Nasilowski kauft, geradezu ein nen geselligen SamsGeschenk für das, was tag Vormittag zugunsgeboten wird: Tee, Ge- ten der Pflegestation in bäck (und wer die afri- Henties Bay verbrinkaansen Frauen kennt, gen möchte, der melde der weiss, wie die Ti- sich bei Hennah Cronjè sche sich biegen wer- z w e c k s K a r t e n b u den) sowie genug chung (0812979677). Entertainment. Wer ei-

Joey und Dirk Jankowitz vor dem Pflegeheim in Henties Bay, dessen Bau in erster Linie ihrer Initiative zu verdanken ist. Foto: Privat!

Der Mensch ist die verrückteste Spezies. Er verehrt einen unsichtbaren Gott und zerstört eine sichtbare Natur...ohne zu merken, dass diese Natur, die er zerstört, just der unsichtbare Gott ist, den er verehrt. Hubert Reeves

,,Je älter man wird, desto mehr muss man sich pflegen.” Das hat der französische Erzähler Gustav Flaubert im 19. Jh. gesagt. Möchten Sie zeigen, wie Recht er hat? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 081 2538850; Mail: susannkinghorn @gmail.com

Locker vom Hocker

für sorgte, dass ihr 13 Jahre alter Kater Merlin mit dem Weltrekord im lautesten Schnurren in dem Buch erschien. Mit 67,8 Dezibel schnurrt Merlin so laut wie ein Auto, das in zehn Metern Entfernung vorbeifährt. 24 Schüler einer Hamburger Schule haben gemeinsam mit Konditormeister Thomas Horn ein 30 Meter langes Pausenbrot zubereitet und sind als

Himmel in einer Breite von 800 Metern. Damit kassierten die Japaner den bisherigen Rekord von 2013 ein, den Dubai gehalten hatte. Spontan fällt mir das Wort Umweltschäden ein, und ich denke mit

Ein sonderbarer Weltrekord: 331.000 Bienen ließ der Chinese She Ping an seinem Körper hochkrabbeln. 33,1 Kilogramm wiegt das Bienenkostüm. Ein Räucherstäbchen soll die Tiere aus dem Gesicht fernhalten. um in dem Buch zu ,,Deutsche Pausen- Wehmut an die Zeit erscheinen, das sich brot-Meister” in ,,dem zurück, wo ein Rekord mit 130 Millionen ver- Buch der Bücher” er- bedeutete, dass man kauften Exemplaren in schienen. sich als Indivuduum mehr als 25 Sprachen Ganz spontan ent- oder Team körperlich zum Verkaufsschlager schloss sich Sascha und geistig über das entwickelt hat. Auf der Winkel bei den Vorbe- Normalmaß hinaus Jagd nach Rekorden reitungen für eine verausgabt - wie zum muss es heutzutage Reportage über eine Beispiel die Alpin-Lewitzig, schrill, eklig Reihe von Guinness- gende Reinhold Messund verrückt sein - nur Weltrekorden kürzlich ner, der bis 1986 als so hat man eine Chance in Köln, selbst aktiv zu erster Mensch auf allen in dem Rekordbuch zu werden. Ohne es je 14 Achttausendern dieerscheinen, das nach geübt zu haben, trank ser Erde ohne Zuhilder Bibel und dem er innerhalb von 53,9 fenahme von künstliKoran das meist ge- Sekunden einen Liter chem Sauerstoff gekaufte Buch ist. Zitronensaft durch ei- standen hatte. Das nenIch konnte noch nie nen Strohhalm und be- ne ich eine Höchstverstehen, dass es siegte Michael Jen- leistung, die es wert ist, Menschen so wichtig kins, der dafür 0,2 im Guinnessbuch der ist, im Guinnessbuch S e k u n d e n l ä n g e r Rekorde zu erscheinen. der Rekorde zu er- brauchte. Wenn sich aber 745 scheinen, jedenfalls Letztes Jahr brannte ü- Nudisten in die Fluten dann nicht, wenn es so ber der japanischen vor Neuseeland stürgar nichts mit ihren ei- Stadt Konosu der Him- zen und das zu einem genen eindrucksvol- mel. Beim Konosu- Weltrekord wird, dann len physischen und Feuerwerk-Festival können Sie sicher sein, geistigen Fähigkeiten wurden rund 15000 dass das am drittmeist zu tun hat. Da gibt es Raketen in die Luft verkaufte Buch nie in zum Beispiel eine Tra- geschossen – mit ei- meinem Bücherregal cy Westwood in der nem Gesamtgewicht stehen wird. süd-englischen Hafen- von 464 Kilogramm. Ihre stadt Torquay, die da- Sie erleuchteten den Susann Kinghorn


22 MAY 2015

22 MAY 2015




22 MAY 2015

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Consultancy) ON ERF: 1168 TOWNSHIP: Meersig STREET: 5 First Road. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Home Based Business (Consultancy) on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 5 June 2015 NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Elaine Grane, P O Box 3179, Walvis Bay

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Office (Consultancy Services) ON ERF: W3494 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 211 Sam Nujoma Avenue. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that we, undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Consultancy Service on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 5 June 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Yen Investment 38 Pty (Ltd) t/a Capital Outsurance Group, Namibia, 211 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay

NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality. Erf 4110, Tsavorite Street nr. 33 Swakopmund: Special permission to operate a Residential Guest House Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 8 June 2015

A. van der Walt Transport TEL: (064) 415700, FAX: (064) 415101 C/o Einstein & Edison Str, Industrial Area, Swakopmund

Karibib Mining and Construction has the following vacancy at the Langer Heinrich Uranium Mine near Swakopmund.

AIRCON TECHNICIAN – EARTHMOVING EQUIPMENT The successful energetic candidate must · Be a qualified Auto Electrician · Have completed his NTS 3 · Have at least 4 years' experience on Earthmoving Equipment · Have Precision, Problem solving abilities, Strong attention to detail · Be willing to work overtime and weekends Interested individuals meeting the minimum requirements should forward their CV to hr@karibib-mining.com or deliver it to our office in Wasserfall Street in Swakopmund. Shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Namibian citizens will receive preferential treatment. Only shortlisted persons will be contacted. CLOSING DATE 27 MAY 2015

VACANCY: DIESEL MECHANIC SWAKOPMUND REQUIREMENTS: · Service, maintenance and repairing of trucks (Freightliners/lnternationals/Trailers) . Troubleshooting experience on Engine and drive train of trucks . Fault finding diagnoses - electronic system on trucks . Overhaul of engine and transmission . Recondition and replace parts . Performing general activities · Diesel mechanic diploma / minimum 5 years experience . Valid drivers license Salary Negotiable Please forward CV to hr@avdwtrp.com or fax to 064 415 701 Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Should you not receive any response within 72 hours please consider your application as unsuccessful.

22 MAY 2015




22 MAY 2015


Skeleton Coast Rally 2015

The hand-over at DRC Hanganeni School in Swakopmud Bikes lovers or to be more specific Harley Davidson lovers were served an action packed weekend, when the first ever Harley Davidson's Rally in Namibia hosted by the Harley Owners Group Namibia took place at the Coast.

Leandrea Louw The Rally kicked off with a thunder parade on Friday from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay, whereafter

the bikers enjoyed lunch at the Waterfront. A total of 305 rally goers, that's about 280 Harleys and 25 pillions, took part in the Rally. A charity auction along with lives shows by Double Trouble and Brown Paper Bag also took place at the Swakopmund Football Club later that night. On Saturday the bikers extended a caring hand to the DRC Hanganeni School in Swakopmud, where they donated 2500 kilograms of food and N$14 000 for pullovers for the learners, for the cold winter. They also donated N$14 000 to the Have

a Heart Foundation in Swa-kopmund and another $14 000 to the Erongo AntiPoaching Unit. Different trophies were also up for grabs for the riders and bikes that represented the Harley Davidson image the most. The winners are Reinhard Redecker who clinched the Jeep trophy; Zelda Erasmus pocketed the Concourse trophy for the ladies; the Dynaglyde trophy went to Reinhard Redecker; the Soft tail trophy to Christian Knickel; the Touring bike trophy was awarded to Ernu De Villliers; and the rotary plaque, for the best bike on the show, as voted by the public

! t s a l cks

o t s e Whil

WALVIS BAY (064) 206 152

SWAKOPMUND (064) 428 800

Jeep M+Z with their “break-down” back-up Jeep went to Christian Knickel. Jeep M & Z Motors were the proud sponsor of this event where the all new Jeep Renegade took the lead of the thunder parade followed by the “breakdown” Jeep for just in case. M+Z Motors also sponsored the rental of the SFC grounds

for the weekend as well as a Floating Trophy, which Reinhard Redecker pocketed. The raffle draw also took place on Saturday, where significant prizes were up for grabs. The first prize was a Harley Davidson, the second prize a cash prize of N$10 000 and the third prize a cash prize of N$4 000. The winner of the third prize was Marius Aggenbach; the winner of the second prize was Packardt Keibel; and the lucky winner of the first prize, the Harley Davidson was Sarel Mynhardt. Sarel Mynhardt and his wife expressed their extreme gratitude and excitement for winning this huge prize. Christian Knickel, rally coordinator, described the rally as a huge success. “We can't wait to come back, as this year's event was only the beginning. All we received was positive feedback, especially from the bikers who enjoyed the mass ride from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay and the public who enjoyed the Harley Davidson games tremendously.” The next Skeleton Coast Rally will take place in 2017.

22 MAY 2015

Skeleton Coast Rally 2015


Reinhard Redecker, the overjoyed winner of the floating trophy (sponsored by M+Z) with Henning Tiemann

And the lucky winner of the Harley Davidson is - Sarel Mynhardt

2009 Triton 4x4 Club Cab Diesel 85 000km N$ 207 995 *(Trade assist or Deposit help available)

2014 Fiat 500 Sport Cabriolet 12000km N$193 995




22 MAY 2015


22 MAY 2015


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net


NOTICES IN-EX CLEANING SERVICES & LAUNDRY: Now under new ownership of Ewellyn Botha. We have moved to Town at Libertine Amadila Str. Next to Pancho’s Restaurant in the Brückenhof Building Shop nr 12. Opposite Woermann Brock. For any further enquiries contact Ewellyn Botha: 081 246 2982 BELIEVERS FELLOWSHIP CENTRE SWAKOPMUND: COME AND ENJOY!!! The Worship, The Fellowship, The Embrace, The Word, The Prayers, The Love and His Presence. Venue: opposite Fruits & Veg Complex (Spar raod) by Reliance Motors / Commercial Marine Swakopmund. Time: 08h30am Contact: 081 236 9028 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 Join us this Sunday. “Jesus is Lord”




Vehicles will be sold if no arrangement has been made Contact: Office: 064 463566 BMW 320 D N 104 – 643 W VIN: WBAVC36030NC55654 CORSA CLASSIC – WHITE VIN: ADMRC19EMYU965628 V/WAGEN GOLF 1.6 SILVER VIN: AAVZZZ1KZ4U006099 LAND ROVER – GREEN N 17705 S VIN: SALLNABA7YA550537 NISSAN MARCH – WHITE N 19207 S VIN: BNK12 – 110179 SCANIA TRUCK CAB WRECK VIN: XLER6XZ0004423783 MAN TRUCK CAB 26 – 402 WRECK IVECO – WHITE WRECK LANDROVER VIN: YCS151 – GP TOYOTA COROLLA – BLUE METALLIC N 14222 S VIN: ZZE121R – AEPNK V/WAGEN JETTA 1.6 SILVER N 5748 S BMW 318i – SILVER N 135 – 462 W VIN: WBAPG56020NM44339 3 HYUNDAI SONATA – BLUE N 15574 S VIN: KMHEN41BR4A052137 NISSAN 1400 VIN: ADNB010000A404052 OPEL CORSA N17055 WB ADMRC80GLYU964266

PRINELLY TRAINING ACADEMY “To bring Professionalism to your Work place” Registration is in progress!! JUNE 2015 INTAKE Job attachedments available for Reception x 4, waitering x 3, Housekeeping x 3. th Classes starts on the 8 June 2015 Distance classes available!! Courses: * IT Skills * Basic computer * Customer Care * Tour operation * Tourism & Hospitality * Book Keeping * Office Administration * Human resources * Food preparation Languages: * Portuguese * French * German *Afrikaans * Oshivambo * Spanish * English Contact: +264 81 778 6480 +264 81 126 8711 Email:

FLIPPERS Swimming School Swakopmund Learn to Swim 18 months to Adults Babies in Jacuzzi Mon – Thurs & Saturdays Groups & 1 on 1 Mariëtta 081 363 3723 flipperssc@gmail.com

JUSTINE Aandag: Alle agente kan ‘n ekstra 5% op my voorraad kry. Slegs kontant. Alle verbruikers kry alle voorraad teen kosprys. Skakel en vind uit Boekies by Hannah’s Cottages Sam Nujoma 216. Dolphin Shop Lagoon Chalets Restaurant, Dr Potgieter Skakel Hannah 081 124 2151 Alle Fondse gaan na projek Mayla PROJEK MAYLA Gratis babagoed vir behoeftiges Swakopmunders ek is elke Dinsdag namiddag in Swakopmund. Fondse vir Projek Mayla Nie my sak nie.



EXTRA CLASSES!! High School Accounting and Maths GET THAT HEAD START RESULTS DON’T LIE PROUDLY NAMIBIAN Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail.com


AFTERNOON CLASSES: Afternoon classes for grades 2 up to 12. All subjects included. We aim to transform average students into academic stars. Lessons to be conducted at Shalom Church in Mondesa. Experienced and Expert teachers in control. Helen Makura: 081 420 5889 ATTENTION!!! Parents / Guardians: New Primary School (Private) Where: Tamariskia Swakopmund Grade: 0 and 1 ages 5-6 years preparing for grade 1. - Afternoon care available 4 days a week. - By well qualified professionally trained teachers. - Years of experience working with children. Interested parents please contact: 081 211 9115 081 201 2980 FIRST AID CLASS “A” Monthly Courses For info or bookings please email:


POPEY’S DAY CARE + EXTRA CLASSES We offer extra homework classes Monday to Thursdays We also take care of babies and toddlers of all ages. We also offer night time child sitting only Wednesday and Fridays. Please feel free to phone Charmaine Gelderblom 081 341 3833 CHILD DAY CARE Are you looking for a reliable and affordable day care. Then look no further. Contact Sonja: 081 127 8966

HAIR & BEAUTY BRAZILIAN HAIR 100% Virgin Brazilian human hair available at Dina Fairy Hair, Sam Nujoma Drive, Opposite Trust Market.... 14 inch N$ 1 500.00 16 inch N$ 1 750.00 18 inch N$ 1 950.00 20 inch N$ 2 200.00 22 inch N$ 2 400.00 26 inch N$ 2 600.00 Contact: 081 834 4763 Sanah Brazillian hair boutique specialize in 100 % virgin Brazilian hair: 10 inch N$ 1 450.00 12 inch N$ 1 650.00 14 inch N$ 1 750.00 16 inch N$ 1 950.00 18 inch N$ 2 050.00 20 inch N$ 2 300.00 22 inch N$ 2 500.00 24 inch N$ 2 650.00 26 inch N$ 2 800.00 28 inch N$ 3 000.00 30 inch N$ 3 200.00 Cash or lay - bye only Flexi rod and Argon products available We are at Namport Call or visit 081 233 2893

KAITLYN’S NAIL ART We do the following: * Printing of photo on nails *have more than 2000 different designs to print on nails *soaking off *spa manicure and pedicure treatment *use bio-sculpture Nails - N$ 250.00 (with photo print) Toe nails: N$ 150.00 Nails without photo N$ 160.00 081 230 4506

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



Meat Festival at Walvis Bay Lagoon 30 May 2015

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR ALUMANDO BANDA Here now in Walvis Bay with very powerful medicine for various problems and diseases. Bring back lost lover. Your lover to think only bout you. Is your lover stingy with money? To have man/woman of your choice. Is your lover always cheating on you? Make your lover marry you. Work problems. To be liked at work, promotions, business customer attraction, period pains, lots of blood or no blood at all. Libido. Divorce, revenge to win court cases, to win contracts, competition, pregnancy problems, Peaceful marriage protection of witchcraft from body and house. Remove of tokoloshe, work, love, promotions at work, produce babies, nightmare problems, bring back lost lovers, a man to be strong in bed, weak erections, tp stop drinking alcohol, jealousy people never win, you may delay but time will come. Unfinished jobs by other doctors. Come and experience wonderful miracle happenings in your life. We work with good results not reasons. Contact: 081 764 4835

Stalls available to the public N$ 200.00

Contact Thoysie at tel:203747


XtravaGanZa! 30 May 2015 @ 10h00 MUST NOT BE MISSED! 130 Sixth street W/Bay Cars, trucks, trailers, furniture, Office Furniture, 6m & 12m shipping containers, 12m Reefer, 2nd hand building material & much much more. bayauctioneers@gmail.com

064 220 387 081 143 4368

Photos on Facebook

SERVICES Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work,no job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Samsung Air conditioning Installer. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300

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Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * Stove, Aircons, Fridges * Electric Motors, 3-phase and single 3-phase * Battery chargers and welding machine * Electrical on houses * Vacuum cleaners and compressors * Any electrical appli-ance we’ll fix it. All electrical appliances have 3 month guarantee. You call - we come and fix. Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

SERVICES TRADITIONAL DOCTOR - PHIRI: Powerful doctor with spiritual powers. helps with witchcraft problems, helps remove evils, tokolosh. Helps diseases. Pregnancy problems. Brings back your lost lovers, Marriages, Court cases, Penis enlargement, Business booster, Customer attraction, protection of property. revenge and send back the witches to the owners. Call Dr Phiri: 081 716 4758 DR DUH-AZIZI Now in Swakopmund Expert in African Traditional Medicine and Healing: Are you tired in a relationship and want to get married? Is the support weak? Do you want to keep a lover to yourself and no sharing? Ever wonder why others progress and your are struggling with no success? Are you troubled at night, no sleep, things move in the house or on your body? you have unfinished job? Turn to DR DUH-AZIZI for all lost lovers, luck, removal of demons and tokolosh. Contact: 081 344 8959 DR BANDA Powerful Traditional Doctor with a Difference: Court cases - complete matters Luck charms - Win gambling Lost lovers in days Rats, Short boys, Sendawana Catch thieves - Protection Remove witchcraft revenge Pregnancies - Business matters Both Swakopmund and Walvis bay only on request. Contact: 081 331 8007


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

DO YOU NEED HELP SETTING UP A BUSINESS? Contact JFA Investments today for all you business needs. We can assist with compiling · A Business Profile · Business Plan · CC Registration · Financial Statements · Letterheads and Business Cards Call Anzelle at 081 128 4990 for fast and efficient service


22 MAY 2015

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net


TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only PRINCE ABEY: Boosting your business My name is Shantel from Passing examinations Walvis Bay, my boyfriend Promotion at work left us for another woman Win big contracts in 2013 without support Not to be asked to pay for me and the children. debts or accounts When I visited Prince To become pregnant Abey my boyfriend To have more power called me on the third day during sex and apologised for All types of diseases leaving us. We are To become pregnant and planning to get married many more soon. Come and see wonderful You can visit Prince Abey miracles happening in for Pregnancy problems, your life and you will lost lover, enlargements, never regret evil spirits, attract Phone Doctor Chisalo customers, court cases “The Old man” etc. 081 726 2834 Contact Prince: 081 736 3678 Chief Antonio Phiri: From Milanje Islant ELECTRICAL & (Malawi). Very powerful, GENERAL see results same day. MAINTENANCE Bring back lost lovers. DOMESTIC & Business attractions INDUSTRIAL (Chinyambata). Revenge eg@mtcmobil.com.na evil spirits (tokoloshi body and homes). 081 261 4499 Manhood enlargements J.A Barnard and empowerment in bed. Multiplicaiton of livestock 6m containers to rent Phone Karin / Chandre to have triplets. Court cases, promotion at work, / Nicole bad luck, body protection 064 209 166 from witch craft, financial problems (magic stick), SERVICES: binding homes, kraals, Affordable and reliable shops, cars from thieves. transport offered. We do Unfinished jobs, done office and household without pay. Women furniture removal in problems, womb, Walvis Bay and from discharge , periods. Walvis Bay to Pregnancy problems, Swakopmund and from swollen legs, BP, cancer, Swakopmund to Walvis asthma, pneumonia, sugar, Bay. diabetes. NB Contact Lawrence Consultation fee is free. 0813542084 Contact 0818433509

JJ`s Care Centre *Daycare Facility for Kids of all ages *Homework assistance *Private tutoring for all grades *Also accommodate for special needs Walvis Bay Monday - Friday 7am 5pm Contact Kim 081 479 0725

Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call Lida Coastal Hygiene for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na

Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, elekrisiteit For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 081 682 6126

TO HIRE: Tents, Chairs and Tables for hire. Outside Swakopmund??? We can make special arrangements. Containers also for hire. Contact: 081 323 9402 CLEAR BURGLAR BARS Clear burglar bars, transparent yet super strong bars protect your home and office without spoiling your views. Please call me any time for free quotation. Andre: 081 427 1912

A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We o f f e r o n c e o f f cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS In Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET : Newly renovated 3 bedroom house in Walvis Bay. 1 bathroom, 1 garage, big yard. N$7 200-00 p/m W/E excl. Available 1 June 2015 Contact : Jan @ 081 237 8297





TO RENT: 2 bedroom, open plan kitchen (including BIC), bathroom, with garage. N$5 500 with a deposit of N$5 000. Available from 01/06/2015. W&E included Contact:081 480 7088 081 803 9676

TO RENT Olweteni - Swakop: 1 Bedroom flat, bathroom, mini kitchen with BIC, lounge and no garage. No kids, no pets. N$3000.00 + Deposit. W/L Incl. Preferably for 1 person with sober habits. Contact: 081 673 2664

1 bedroom fully furnished appartment for lease from 29 May Situated centrally in Swakopmnd, Stadt Mitte complex - above Spur Very secure underground parking security - cctv monitoring Very close to most shopping centres / restaurants Ideal for single person or couple Lease amount is N$ 5800 pm exl w/e Please contact me on 0814224885 if you are interested

TO RENT: Narraville Newly build one bedroom flat, water & alarm incl. N$ 2 600.00 p/m Plus deposit Newly build two bedroom flat with single garage, BIC, water incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m without the garaged N$ 4 500.00 p/m with garage incl. Newly build two bedroom flat BIC water & alarm incl. Pre paid electricity. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Sunbird street, Narraville Huis no 2858 Immediately available. Contact: 081 591 7777

ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE: Inside rooms available in Kuiseb, Namport side Prices are from N$ 1 700.0 - N$ 1 900.00 Deposit required W/E incl. No garage Available immediately Contact: 081 328 3895 081 247 2717 TO RENT:Kuisebomond, Walvis Bay Kitchen, room & toilet with warm water. W/E incl. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Available immediately Contact: 081 249 3035 TO RENT: Kuisebmond ROOMS to rent Available as from 1 June 2015. Contact: 081 284 3077 TO RENT: Newly built 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage kitchen, lounge In Kuisebmond N$ 7 500.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity pre paid Deposit of the same amount Available as from 1 June Contact: 081 284 3077 TO RENT: Narraville, Lark Street House no 24. Have flats 1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 276 9444 TO RENT: Bachelors flat to rent in Hermes, Walvis Bay Unfurnished W/L incl. Single person. N$ 1 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 228 1338 TO RENT: Narraville Single room for rent. W/E incl. N$ 1 500.00 p/m Available immediately Contact: 081 427 9184 TO RENT: Available immediately 1x bedroom flat. W/E incl. Alarm system. No garage. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Fairways, Walvis Bay Contact: 081 147 7626 CONTAINERS TO BUY/ RENT and Storage Yard in Swakopmund – with 24/7 access. Office or Ablution alterations. Cowboys: 064-418150 or 081-1464770.

TO RENT Swakop - Kopper Ave 4: Bachelor flat to rent. Water and electricity Incl. N$3500.00 + deposit. Contact: 081 397 4488 064 461 523 TE HUUR Roeder Str 1 - Swakop: 1 slaapkamer met stort en toilet enKombuis. Water en ligte ingelsuit. Geyser werk met gas. N$3000.00p/m waarborg bedrag betaalbaar. Kontak: 081 429 2790 HOUSE TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 3 Bedroom house, no garage. W/L Incl. N$8500.00 + deposit. Klaas: 081 320 2007 Yolanda: 081 248 9044 ROOM TO RENT Swakop - Tamariskia: Ceramic tiles, cupboards. sharing bathroom and kitchen. N$2200.00p/m Water incl, prepaid electricity. No deposit required. 1 Bedroom and open plan kitchen, shower. Ceramic tiles and cupboards. N$3000.00p/m W/L Incl. No deposit required. Contact: 081 247 5283 081 122 4682 TWO FLATS TO RENT: New, Erf 4572/33 Omugulumbashe Circle Street, Kuisebmond 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen, with its own toilet, shower, car parking place available. N$ 2 500.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity excl. Deposit: N$ 1 500.00 Available immediately Contact: 081 202 2171 081 789 3544 081 286 2506 TO LET TO LET TO LET

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


2GETHER CONSTRUCTION CC t/a A. Nghiyavala Trading Enterprises CC, REG No. CC/2012/95 We do the following: Bricklaying ( Building Construction) Plumbing work Ceiling work Tiling work Tiling work & interlocking Painting work Carpentry (BIC) Contact us: 081 148 9348 081 280 6249




CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

TO LET KUISEBMUND 1 Bedr flat available imm. @ N$1950 p.m. CENTRAL BEHIND OLD AGE HOME 3 bedroom with garage avail. imm. N$5500pm LAGOON A MUST TO VIEW 4 bedr. house, double garage and a spacious modern living area @ N$14500 p.m.

Dianne 081 2396323



TO LET: Palmae Court Walvis Bay 1x one bedroom flat with fridge, microwave and stove No garage Available as from 1 June N$ 4 050.00 p/m Own water Pre paid electricity Contact Vivien Potgieter 081 128 3649 TO LET: Palmae Court Walvis Bay 1x one bedroom flat with fridge, microwave and stove Garage available Available as from 8 June N$ 4 250.00 p/m Own water Pre paid electricity Contact Vivien Potgieter 081 128 3649 MAHETAGO Inside rooms: one with built in cupboards and bathroom @ N$2200, 2nd room @N$1600, 3rd room @N$1200. Deposit required. Water incl. Electricity Prepaid. Contact:0853101660 0813704266 TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mondesa-Oletweni · 2 bedrooms house, open plan kitchen, bathroom and single garage for N$ 4200.00 Water incl. with prepaid electricity. Walvis Bay –Kuisemund · One bedroom flat, sitting room and a kitchenette, toilet and shower for N$ 2500.00 water and electricity included. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.com Website: tukaproperties.com Langstrand – To Let. Fully furnished 3bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge. Double garage and balcony with braai. Magnificent sea view. N$ 8000/month. Water, electricity and DSTV included. Contact 081 256 7472.

22 MAY 2015





TO LET HENTIES BAY Long tern renting. Outbuilding very nice flat, fully furnished. For one or two people. Car port outside "Braai " deposit payable. Please no pets. Monthly Rent N$ 2900. Contact 064 500908 or 0812747060

TO LET SWAKOP OCEAN VIEW VIEW TODAY OCEAN VIEW Lovely 3 Bedroom house with Big 2 Bed flat, garage can park 6 cars. Pet & Child friendly N$ 15 000.00 BEST OFFER EVER 3 Bed house with huge erf, include 1 Bed Flat With lots to offer N$ 14 000.00 MORE AVAILABLE 3 to 5 Bed houses Price range 15 to N$ 30 000.00 pm CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za

LOLO PARK Storage Units 081 247 6525 Grand Ave Industrial Area Walvis Bay

TO LET SWAKOP LONG BEACH FURNISHED 2 Bedr, s/garage Secure complex BBQ on balcony. Sea view N$ 7 700.00 BIG BARGAIN 3 level town house 3 Bed 2 bath, D/garage Sea View Fully furnished N$ 11000.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za


Modern 6 bedroomed home/B & B to let in Vogelstrand. Can be used as self catering or Bed and Breakfast. N$38 500pm. Barbara 081 656 2619

TO LET SWAKOP ARANDIS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE Newly build complex 2 bedr, 1 bath BIC very secure N$ 3 300.00 Newly renovated 2 Bedr free standing house, pet friendly N$ 3 300.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za








Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb @gmail.com LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


2% Kommisie Uitgesluit Pryse Bo 2miljoen Pryse Onder 2miljoen Slegs 3% Uitgesluit Alleen Mandaat 1,5% Kommissie Verhurings Minimum 2jaar Slegs 6% Kommissie *Walvisbaai industriel werkswinkel, met 2 vlak kantore ertoon lokaal en vier groot roldeur ingang werkswinkel Geboue 904m² Erf 1710m2 N$5,4miljoen *Walvisbaai Sentraal By Skole N$3,7m Spoghuis 4 Kamers,3 Badkamers,4 Garages Woonstel Met Mooi Tuin En Privaat *Lagoon N$3.8m Spoghuis Met Vlakke 3 Bed,3 Bad. Onthaal ,braai Sit En Eet kamer Met Swembad,woonstel Stoor En Werkskamer Met 4 Garages. * Fairways N$830 N$990 000 Meenthuis 2 Bed 1 Bad 1 Garage Met Erf In Cc. *dorp By Skole N$2,2m 5 bed huis,5 garages woonstel op 1250m² erf met binneswembad *Meersig N$1.8m 4bed groot huis,3 bad kamers, 2 sit kamers met 2 onthaal areas met braais en 2 garages *Meersig nuwe dorpshuise, N$1.399m 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 garages eie erf en direkte straat ingang. *Dolfynstrand N$1,3m Seeuitsig Woonstel met meubels 3 Bed,2 Bad 2 Garages. *N$1,5m Seefront Woonstel 3 Bed, 2 Bad, 2 Garages *N$2m Seefront Erf 500m² *te huur by skole N$ 6 500p/m nuut oorgedoen,3 bed,2 bad,1 garage * bemark u eiendom vandag teen laagste kommissie gewaarborg Kurt Grunschloss 0812426713 Propertypowerwvb@ gmail.com


Looking for a piece of Paradise to break away for weekends, or wish to retire in the tranquility of nature? You will love these plots with their breath-taking views and game. N$ 1.2 mil. // N$ 1.4 mil. Contact: 081-1271430 or 081-1276317

Walvis Bay Sole & Exclusive Mandate Spacious 160m² 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouses. A rare find at N$ 895 000-00 each! Claudia 0816051984 SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE JANNA'S COURT Luxurious double storey 3 bed, 2 bath City apartments with dressing room, garage, balcony lounge, Sitting room & kitchen. Not to be missed – only 2 left!! N$ 1 620 000-00 Claudia 0816051984 P.A.M TREE VILLAS SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE 205 Free-standing houses located 5km from the Walvis Bay City Centre On the road to Swakopmund. Choose your own design & plot! Selling from N$ 615 000-00. Claudia 0816051984 Walvis Bay Weighbridge SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Prime Warehouses for sale! Ranging from 165 – 412m² Selling from N$ 1 492 500-00 Don't hesitate! Call Now! Claudia 081 605 1984

TE KOOP Vineta Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf, size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (een onsuite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089

· Langstrand - newly built sectional title with quality finishes. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge with separate scullery. BIC and BIS with outside braai. Registered in CC. Priced at N$ 1 950 000. · Langstrand: 2 plot and plan free standing houses for sale. N$ 1 950 000. · Triple story house for sale, sectional title. Fully furnished to the value of N$ 500 000. 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Kitchen with separate scullery. 2 Balconies with sea view. Top floor entertainment area, inside braai. 2 x Double garages. Priced at N$ 3 500 000. · Swakopmund: Plot & Plan houses for sale. 800sqm plots plus a choice of either 2 bedroom or 3 bedroom houses. Prices vary from N$ 900 000 to N$ 1 300 000. · Ocean view: 800-110m² plots available. Prices starting at N$630 000.00 Contact us should you wish to buy or sell property. Neville : 081 250 4808 Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Email: falconrei@iway.na

nevillesmith70@gmail.com shamellemeyer@gmail.com

ARANDIS NEW DEVELOPMENT!! PLOT & PLAN – 7 House Types 53 Erven – 2 & 3 beds. Single or Double garage, Prices FROM………. N$604.500-00 TO N$850.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 WALVIS BAY A STEP ABOVE! New spacious 3 bed. 2 bath. Open plan kitchen/living with double garage. Entertain on The roof! N$2.190.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 LONG BEACH SIMPLY AWESOME!! Huge 4 bed double storey With 3 garages, open Plan kitchen/living with Beautiful sea view, study/ Studio, indoor BBQ, party On the roof! N$2.970.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950


TAMARISKIA: N$ 1 390 000,00 Immaculate 3 bedroom/2bathroom home with study, TV room, dining room, lounge and dream kitchen. Indoor BBQ, 2 garages and 1 bedroom self-contained flat. THIS PERFECT HOME IS A MUST TO VIEW. DIANA – 081 748 0001

Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065 238 342 / 0812792525 Swakopmund 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 Walvis Bay 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984 FOR SALE BY OWNER Meersig 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, indoor bbq, double garage & 2 bedroom flat, indoor bbq – N$1 880 000 Meersig 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, lounge, open plan kitchen, indoor bbq, double garage & 3 bedroom flat with indoor bbq & double garage – N$2 185 000 Meersig Two dwellings on one erf. huge 1 bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, lounge, indoor bbq, single garage & 2 bedroom, kitchen, lounge, single garage. N$1 400 000 Meersig Huge 5 bedroom house, 4 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, tv room, scullery, 2 double garages, staff room with own shower/toilet, big garden area erf of 2058 sqm. endless potential. N$ 3,650,00 Omaruru wildlife estate – 1 plot N$1 250 000 Henties Bay – erf close to sea front – N$900 000 Dolphin Beach 3 bedroom unit, open plan kitchen/lounge, 2 bathroom, guest toilet, indoor bbq, double garage. N$2 250 000 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom flat N$3 900.00 p/m plus deposit 3 bedroom flat N$ 5 500.00 p/m plus deposit contact 081 609 4211/081 124 6722/081

WALVIS BAY 20 4505


TO LET SWAKOP FULLY FURNISHED BIG BARGAIN 3 Bed, 2 Bath D/garage Secure complex in town, walking distance to main beach. N$ 12 000.00 pm LOCK UP & GO 2 Bed, 1 Bath S/Garage, very secure complex. Walking distance to shops N$ 11 000.00 MILE 4 2 Bed, 2 Bath Small garden S/G Close to the beach N$ 7 000.00 Ocean View Family perfect Huge 3 bed house, pet friendly own yard N$ 18 000.00 CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

FOR SALE MEERSIG EXT. 1 Hurry – the price is right. Vacant plot with 2 boundary walls – size 514m² N$ 600 000 MEERSIG Brand new modern 143m² ground floor unit offers 3 bedr, 2 bathr, huge open plan living area, BBQ, double garage. In upmarket complex. N$ 1 399 000

Joey 081 129 3293


LONGBEACH EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH …. Awesome kitchen with marble tops, huge open plan living with balcony and sea view, Huge fire place, indoor BBQ, 3 bed and double garage. GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND RETIRE IN PEACE Spacious 1 bed apartment In safe retirement centre, Open plan kitchen/living, Balcony. N$ 680 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 LONGBEACH WALK TO THE BEACH Neat 3 bed apartment With 2 bath, open plan Kitchen/living and double garage. GOGGA 0818709950 SWAKOPMUND SUPER AWESOME!! Brand new 4 bed house, 2 full bath, TV room, Entertainment area with Indoor BBQ, Breath taking kitchen, huge scullery, double garage. N$2.550.000-00 GOGGA 0818709950

FOR SALE Swakopmund River plot:

5.9ha plot with 11 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, indoor swimming pool, entrance area, outdoor swimming pool, workshop, store room, borehole, furniture and machines also included in the selling price. N$4.5 Mil. Contact: 081 673 2664



22 MAY 2015

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mile 4 – 4- Shores · 3 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, one extra toilet, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil ELEGANCIA Mile 4 INVESTMENTS CC · 3 Bedrooms Apartment, Arandis 2 ½ Bathrooms, Open 7 bedroom house for sale Plan Kitchen, Store room, N$ 370 000.0 Braai Area Single Garage Rental: N$ 7 000.00 p/m & small court yard for Narraville N$1.21 mil 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Hage Heights kitchen/lounge, study · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 4 garage pluse two bathrooms, kitchen, bachelor flats with rental lounge, dining room and income. small study room, 4 N$ 1 300 000.00 garages and 1- self Contact: 081 866 9480 containing bedroom with exterior access. N$ 3.3 mil Vineta · Various 3 Bedrooms houses, Kitchen, living Swakopmund and dining room with garages available from LOOKING FOR A N$ 1, 355 000.00 to GREAT INVESTMENT N$1,605 000.00 OPPORTUNITY??? Vineta To Buy in Arandis - The · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 hub of the Mining Bathrooms, Kitchen, industry... Big Erf of living / dining room, 1944m² consisting of 16 Single garage and 1 rooms to rent. Rental bedroom flat for income is N$ 14500.00 N$1.75 mil Erf is big enough to Vineta accommodate future · 6 bedrooms house, development. sitting/lounge, dining Price N$ 1.6 Million room, kitchen, scullery, IN GOOD TASTE! pantry, laundry room, 1 This modern home full bathroom, 2 shower & overlooking the golf toilet, entertainment area, course in Walvis Bay 3 garages. A 2 bedrooms with finishes & features flat, with open plan to be built for show. lounge/kitchen, bathroom. This house boasts 4 House is fitted with alarm bedrooms 3 bathrooms. system and solar panels, Open plan kitchen/living solar geyser and extra room with indoor braai. solar lights. N$2.7 mil Light and airy due to Tamariskia glass stackle doors and · 3 Bedrooms, One high ceilings. For more Bathroom, Kitchen, information please Sitting room with dining Nikki at 0811292427 or room and single garage on our offices at 064 20 for N$ 980 000.00 9444 Tamariskia - Cottage village COASTAL ESTATES · 2 bedroom flat, 1 Swakopmund: bathroom, build in cupboards, open plan FOR SALE: kitchen with 1 garage. New house N$850 000.00 3 Bedrooms. Main Long Beach bedroom with walk in · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 closet, 2 bathrooms with Bathrooms, open plan bath and shower. Guest kitchen, indoor bay & toilet, Kitchen, Lounge, garage for N$ 1 mil Dining room, Scullery. (all furniture included) 2 Garages. Windhoek – Khomasdal N$1 680 000.00 · 3 Bedrooms, 2 Contact: bathrooms, dinning , Jan: 081 270 8005 kitchen, living room, Hannes: 081 149 8777 double garage and lappa Irma: 081 268 4469 with boundary wall and electric fence with extra COASTAL outside toilet for ESTATES N$ 2.3 mil Tamariskia - Swakop: Walvis Bay – Industrial House, Includes plans area for flats. · 3000 m² plot for sale for Erf 1060m² General N$4 mil Residential 1 (1;100) Plot – Ocean view 3 Bedrooms, bathroom, · 875 m² plot sale for Lounge, Dining room, TV N$ 750 000.00 room, Kitchen, Laundry, Henties bay Garage, Burglar bars and · 805m² Plot for sale security doors. N$ 360 000.If you are PLUS FLAT: @ having properties to sell, bedrooms, 1 bathroom, Contact us at Tuka Kitchen, Lounge, 2 Properties. garages. Prepaid meter. For more info call Contact: 081 241 5447 Jan: 081 270 8005 064-461217 Hannes: 081 149 8777 Email: Irma: 081 368 4469 info@tukaproperties.com House for sale (Narravile) 3x bed rooms, 2x bathrooms, open kitchen, 1x garage, wall around. Price 815 000.00, willem 0811227139/0812270245


LONGBEACH Attention HOME OWNERS We are urgently looking for Flats, Townhouses, Houses and Erven to sell in the following areas: LONGBEACH, DOLPHIN BEACH Kindly give us a call! Jodine 081 688 9424 jodine@jbestates.com.na

WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518

NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA! IMBA VILLAGE Phase 1 selling now! 2 Bed, 1 Bath 62.2m² unit with open plan & garage N$ 668 900.00 VINOTHAN: 0811289388 IYANDA COURT – ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN/LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Vinothan 0811289388

WANTED CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential. WANTED: Urgently looking for a 3 bedroom house in Vineta, Price: N$5500 – N$6000. OR in Tamariskia N$5000 – N$5500. For end of May. Contact 0813604081. WANTED: Looking for a Corsa Bakkie to buy. In good condition, with papers. Contact: 081 692 2117

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated on 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equiped rooms, free wifi & 24 hours security Mini conference also available. Contact: 061 305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway.na VAKANSIE AKKOMMODASIE Swakopmund Vineta twee selfsorg - naby Sportsentrum - slaap 2 en 3 onderskeidelik Kontak 081 412 8868 AKKOMMODASIE: Selfsorg vakansie verblyf in die Strand. Wes-Kaap. Vanaf R450 per nag. DSTV, veilige parkering, Lugverkoeling, braaigeriewe. Navrae 082 788 9315

PROPERTIES WANTED TO RENT: Looking for a single lady with sober habits to share a two bedroom flat with. Has build in cupboards, built in stove and a garage. Namib Street, Narraville N$ 2 900.00 p.m W/E incl. Contact: 081 247 6596 081 230 9725 GESOEK: Private cash buyer 2/3 slaapkamer huis, met ‘n woonstel met 2 slaapkamer. Die woonstel met rolstoel vriendlik wees. Kontak: 067 231 560 081 306 7161 Email: omega-rc@iway.na

CARS FOR SALE: 1x Whirlpool heavy duty washing machine N$850.00 1x Kalvinator automatic washing machine latest model N$850.00 3x TV's from N$500 2x Coil-springs Toyota landcruiser N$450-set 1x Front bumper new shape silver fits Toyota Hilux N$350.00 6x Fishing rods various sizes good condition N$250.00each 32x Neon lights 3,4,5 foot brand new with bulbs N$150.00each 2x Good year wrangler tires 235/65/17 it has 60% tread N$450.00each 2x Defy 600 SSU stainless steel oven, HUB & extractor fan N$1850.00 each just like new Plumbing and building suppliers at 50% discount. Contact: 081 567 4522

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

CARS FOR SALE: Mitsubishi Pajero 3.5 GLS V6 4X4 A/T N$ 85,000 081 125 5288 FOR SALE: 2012 1.8T AUDI A4 MULTITRONIC SE LINE (White) – 65 000km, full motor plan 100 000km/5 years, new tyres, full leather, Bluetooth, SD card, MP 3, VPS, finance option available for deposit. Excellent condition. N$275 000.00 0812504644 FOR SALE: Toyota Rav 4 2L 2006 Model 56 300km N$120 000.00 Contact: 081 308 1775 FOR SALE: Honda HSAF 6500 petrol Generator. Very good working condition. 20L tank N$7000.00 cash only. Contact: 081 581 1600 FOR SALE: 2012 Ford Bantam Bakkie 1.6, petrol Contact: 081 127 2557 FOR SALE: Toyota Corolla for sal Import VVTI Automatic, leather seats 100km N$ 80 000.00 Contact: 081 340 0514 081 340 0513


Volvo S60 2006 N$80 000 Volvo S/Wagon 2006 N$80 000 Prado 4lt 2005 N$245 000 Prado 4lt 2008 N$280 000 Prado 2.7lt 2001 N$110 000 Hyundai Matrix 2005 N$39000 VW Passat S/W 2003 N$59 000 BMW 7 50 2008 N$230 000 Q/Bike trailer N$9000 D/Axel trailer N$25 000 Flatbed trailer 3 ton N$16 000 Camping trailer N$16 000 6KVA Diesel Generator N$21 000

0811434368 Quintin�

CARS FOR SALE: 2012 Hyundai Elantra 1.8 GLS A/T 60 000 km With service plan N$ 190 000.00 neg Contact: 081 227 8950 FOR SALE: Jetta 4 Complete body Turbo charger Engine brock Diesel pump Contact: 081 244 0097

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE We Buy and Sell anything of Value for Cash

$$$$$$$$$ You can borrow Cash against any item of Value at our Pawn Shop

064220387 0811475475 0811434368

bayauctioneers@gmail.com Find us on Facebook Set tyres with mugrims · 195/65/15 N$5500 ( for bakkie brandnew) · 205/40ZR17 N$3500 ( for sedan universal) · 235/45/R17 N$6000 (for bmw) · 195/60/R15 N$2000 (normal rims sedan 5 holes) Contact 081 25 85 780 0815989989 064 40 67 37 FOR SALE: CANON EOS 40D very good condition N$ 5 000.00 064 200 850 Canon 17.55 F2.8 EFS USM 064 200 850 FOR SALE: 1x 2Ton Mobi engine crane. As new new price: N$5500 asking: N$4500.00 2x 15Litre aluminium oil dispensers new price: N$3400 asking: N$2800 1x 500litre plastic tank used for rainwater storage. new price: N$1667.50 asking: N$1000 1x Dubbel basin stainles steel table used in butchery asking: N$2500.00 OR NEAREST OFFER For viewing only weekends contact: 081 373 7614

Childrens wheelchairs for sale. New & old. Can be customised to fit. JJs care centre. 081 479 0725

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE Secondhand defy 13kg automatic wash machine. Excellent working condition.$2000 or nearest offer. Jacques 081 607 8320. This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good moeny on qaulity. Sam Nujoma Town Sqaure. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285

GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300

VACANCIES VACANCY: Well establishe take away Delivery man Must be young, energetic and healthy. Applicant must also have: Good references Speak good Afrikaans and English Willing to do bicycle delivery General cleaning and kitchen duties You comply with the above. Send name and nr to the following for further details: 081 235 8372 Verkoops/ Stoorman. Die persoon moet met Stock kan werk en hydraulic pype kan maak. CV kan gestruur word na Posbus 2378 Walvis Bay of Email: hymatic@iway.na Vacancy: Debtors and Administrative Clerk Dynamic Company in Walvis Bay looking for a Debtors and Administrative Clerk. Please e-mail your CV and a copy of your ID to hr.walvisbay@gmail. com Closing date: 30 May 2015 VACANCY: Alleta’s Uniform & Sportswear 2 x seamstresses Contact: 064 202 555 We needed Bricklayers and plasters SWK Call:081-6386300 handyman1@iway.na



22 MAY 2015


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



VACANCY: A well-established construction company based in Swakopmund have a permanent skilled level vacancy available for a Quantity Surveyor. Minimum Requirements: - Must have Minimum of 5 years' experience of this trade in building industry - Matric with relevant degree (preferably Quantity Surveyor qualification) - Must have working knowledge of WinQS (preferably also Dimension X and CCS Candy) - Able to work under extreme pressure - Able to follow orders and work as part of a team Responsibilities: - Cost estimation - New and remeasurement of Bills of quantities - Tenders and Quotation - Management of variations and changes - Subcontractor management and valuations (Domestic and Labour only) - Procurement assistance and good knowledge of building materials - Valuations and Final accounts - Project cost management and reporting - General QS related tasks Salary negotiable on experience and skill level. Applicants must qualify in all of the above. E-mail cv to hannelie@hefergroup.co m or fax to 064-406155.

CONTRACT MANAGER COMMERSIAL SITE WALVIS BAY ROYAL SERVE CLEANING PTY LTD Namibia requires experienced Contract Managers With previous experience within the Commercial industry. Duties include client satisfaction; control of direct expenses; IR & manpower develop; management of staff; maintain a high standard of performance and image of the Company and implementation ISO 9001 quality systems. Bidvest Managed Solutions peter.besser@bidvestsol utions.co.za

VACANCY: Workshop welder Trailer manufacture with references Needed in Swakopmund, Call 081 5580558

Ek is opsoek na n dame vir ons winkel. Sy moet asb Afrikaans en Engels magtig wees en sy moet ouer as 30jaar wees. Sy moet bereid wees om van Maandag tot Saterdag te werk. Ek soek asb n eerlike persoon en iemand wat met kliente kan werk. Anna-Marie Liebenberg Bokkies se up size klere Tel: 064-271900 Cell: 0812720929 Email: adlieb@iway.na VACANCY Harbour Foods Catering and Take Away Looking for experienced cooks and catering staff. The applicants must have at least 5 years proven experience in the hospitality industry. Apllicants can send their Cvs to hrbfoods@gmail.com or can deliver to Harbour Foods at the Corner of 3rd Street East and John Newman Street Walvis Bay.


Is looking for a Sales Lady. - Must be bilingual: English and Afrikaans. - Must be trustworthy and reliable. Applicants can deliver Cv’s at: TRIBES TRADING next to MR Price in Woermann Brock Mall Swakopmund Preferably 35 years old and up. To start a.s.ap

PROPERTY TO RENT TO LET: WB - BAY MANOR (close to SPAR, C/O Sam Nujoma and 8th Road) : Bay Manor No.17. 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, large open plan living area with built-in braai and modern kitchen. 3 garages with remote controlled garage door and laundry area, N$7 700 per month (+1month's Dep). W&E excl. Contact Marika at 081 127 4080.

House to let Swakopmund:

A Spacious three bedroom house to let with Double garage 1 & ½ bathrooms very big kitchen and Sitting room, build in Cupboards and fixed outside braai. N$ 9 000.00 per month + Deposit, excluding water and electricity. Contact: 0812423494 to arrange an appointment to view

PROPERTY TO RENT To let: Central Walvis Bay. one bedroom flat with garage, spacious living room, kitchen, bathroom. Water & Electricity excluded. Very secure. Rent is N$ 3900.00 + Deposit Available: 1 June 2015 Contact: Taimi at 064207997. email: accounts@ultratravel. net TO RENT: Kuisebmond, New NHE Houses x2 1 big bedroom flats big enough to divide Seperate kitchen Toilet & shower W/E incl. Pre paid electricity Available 1 June N$ 2 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 500.00 Contact: 081 480 1120 HOUSE TO RENT: 2 Bedrooms (BIC), 2 bathrooms, kitchen (BIC & Stove), lounge, NO GARAGE, New NHE Houses, Mondesa, SWAKOPMUND. Monthly rental fee N$ 4 200.00 & deposit N$ 4 200.00, water inclusive & prepaid Electricity. Call 0812372304.


I Mr PHD Schroeter of Erf 341 Lüderitz intends to apply to the Lüderitz Town Council for Consent to operate a Coffee Shop on Erf 341 Lüderitz. Any person having any objection to the use of the building for the proposed Coffee Shop may lodge such objection with the Lüderitz Town Council and also with the applicant in writing within 21 days after the last publication of this notice. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Paul & Lea Schroeter, 081 124




Monika (41): Opsoek na huiswerk vir 3 dae ‘n week. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae in Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 209 8647

JOB WANTED: A 34-year-old lady with grade 12, non smoker or drinker. Hardworking, stays in Walvis Bay, looking for waitress, shop assistant work, sales lady, cooking, home based care, domestic work, office assistant even general work in Mining industry. Not afraid to break a nail or get my hands dirty. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 310 8881

Ek is ‘n 33 jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak of kinders en bejaardes versorg in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek het verwyssings en is betroubaar. Kontak: 081 253 4511 I am a 20 year old lady looking for work as a Cashier or Cleaner in Swakopmund. Grace: 081 885 3591 Wilstine (19): I am looking for a part time job in Swakopmund, to clean, look after children or restaurant work. Contact: 081 578 2522 081 206 7570 Disney (21): I am looking for domestic work. I have experience. In Swakopmund only. Contact: 081 412 9960


Conrad Kornelius Samaria “Conny” *22-07-1955

JOB WANTED: We are 3 ladies looking for domestic work. We are willing to start immediately, and any other work as well. Love working with people. Stays in Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 383 3098 081 243 5878 081 556 0581 081 367 4990 JOB WANTED: A 25-year-old lady is looking for any office support work, have qualifications in Office Administration and Secretarial, Pastel accounting and has working experience of 5 years in hospitality sphere. Swakopmund or Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 447 0957

CORNELIUS MARTHINUS (Lappies) Labuschagne


Website: www.namibtimes.net NOTICE:

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

Oh give thanks to the Lord for He is good. For His loving-kindness is everlasting. Psalms 107:1 Allow us to express our most heartfelt appreciation for the thoughtfulness, sympathy, prayer and help during our time of bereavement to all. Your expressions of sympathy will never be forgotten. · Roman Catholic Hospital Windhoek · Cottage Hospital—all Staff, Nurses and Doctors · Swakopmund Municipality and Traffic Department · Wasserfal Funeral Undertakers · St Stephanus Catholic Church—Priests and Parishioners · Ora Pronobis Choir and the Lutheran Church of Swakopmund · Eleven Arrows Sports Club · Rossing Uranium Mine—Old Employees and Friends · Pick ‘n Pay Swakopmund Staff and colleagues · All choir members and friends, neighbours and the entire Samaria and Matthias family We are encouraged and blessed to know that he is safe in the arms of the Lord May his soul rest in eternal peace.


Ons moes afskeid neem van ons geliefde Eggenoot, Pa, Oupa, Skoonpa en Broer. Jy laat ons agter met die mooiste herinneringe wat ons verewig sal koester...

SITUATION WANTED JOB WANTED: A young 36-year-old lady is looking for any kind of work, can be domestic, office cleaning or babysitting work. Am very hardworking, friendly, very neat. Also have references. Contact: 081 305 8942 QUEENIE: Op soek na huiswerk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Kontak: 081 401 9271 NOVITA: Jong dame betroubaar week of 3 dae. Kontak: 081 242 4432 WERK GESOEK: Opsoek na huishulp werk. Maandae tot Vrydae. Inslaap werk in Swakopmund. Het een kind van 4 jaar en ek is 33 jaar oud. Kontak Rocy: 081 562 8779 WERK GESOEK: 40-jarige-vrou is opsoek na werk. Dinsdae aleenlik. Skoonmaak en strykwerk. Het vorige verwysings en ondervinding. Kontak: 081 870 2633 JOB WANTED: Looking for domestic work, must be at Lagoon or Langstrand. Contact: 081 372 9089


22 MAY 2015

Pieter Theron

To: Miss D Theron May the peace and comfort of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

* 28.12.1958 + 13.05.2015 and saw him fade away. Although we loved him dearly, we could not make this stay. A golden heart stopped beating. Hard working hands put to rest, God broke our hearts to prove to us He only takes the best.

God saw he was getting tired and a cure was not to be, so He put His arms around him and whispered “Come with me.’’ From his beloved With tearful eyes we brothers, sisters and watched him suffer,

n o r e h T r e ) Piet Daddy (

all the family from South Africa.

Our deepest sympathy with the loss of your father.

Jou hart en huis was altyd oop vir almal, ‘n glimlag of grap nooit te vêr nie. God se werk is welgedaan. Rus sag Pieter tot ons weer ontmoet.

You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.

Herinneringe is skatte wat niemand kan steel, dood laat ‘n wond wat niemand kan heel. Ons harte is seer maar die Heer regeer. Van: John, Tiekkie, Rus sag Pieter. Zalton, Jolene & Van: Ella, Hennie kinders. van der Berg.

No words we write can ever say, how much we miss you everyday. As time goes by the loneliness grows, how much we miss you, nobody knows. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. But all we have are memories and a photo in a frame. No one knows our sorrow, no one sees us weep, but the love we have for you, is in our hearts to keep. We’ve never stopped loving you - we know we never will, deep inside our hearts, you are with us still. Heartaches in the world are many, but ours is worse than any. Our hearts still ache as we whisper low, “We love you and miss you so.’’ The things we feel so deeply are often the hardest to say, but we can’t keep quite anymore, so we’ll tell you anyway, there is a place in our hearts, that no one else can fill.

We love you so, Daddy and always will!

From: Narraville Primary School Principal, School Board Members, Teachers and learners

DIRK VISAGIE * 14/12/1939

+ 11/05/2015

1 Konings 5:7 “En die Koning het bevel gegee om groot klippe, kosbare klippe uit te breuk en die fondamente van die huis met gekapte klippe te lê.”


Saterdag, 19 Mei 2015 09:00, by die Christen Gemeentes, Tamariskia, Swakopmund. KONTAKPERSONE: Alida: 081 629 3826 Jenny: 081 238 2498 Bertus: 081 566 7328 Suson: 081 664 6162 Rose: 081 284 6267

From your daughters: Kim & Didi

22 MAY 2015



Walvis Bay Golf Club News


Jaans Stander sponsored our individual Stableford competition last Saturday. He was afraid to play for a medal, as he gets the jitters on his putting when playing for a medal.

33 Players entered and could be considered a good field if you take into consideration that in May we have lots of public holidays and players spend time with their families. Excellent scores were played, but one man, he alone, made 50 stableford points. Wouter van Wijk's handicap went up by three shots at the beginning of this month, and he played from a 16 handicap. This certainly helped

him a lot. His handicap history shows no traces of such a high handicap and is it hard to know if his golf is on a low or whether his handicap is on a high. Wouter, consider yourself a freak of nature or a ringer, you decide. Mooi gegooi. Deon Klynsmith with his Papwa grip also played excellent. He did not only win lots of money from his playing partners, but also won the jackpot. Well done. Golf nut Pieter

van Aarde is putting in many hours and lost the count out to Deon. Two clubs Johan Swanepoel Jaans Stander- 40 meter chip in from the rough also counts Anton van Rensburg Piet van Niekerk Wouter van Wijk Mervin Nangolo Pieter Fox Chris Tempo 1st place Wouter van Wijk – 50 2nd Deon Klynsmith – 40 points 3rd Pieter van Aarde –

40 points 4th Pieter Fox – 39 points 5th Estelle Bothma – 38 points Big thank you to Jaans for sponsoring the day in his personal capacity. He stepped in on short notice and we appreciate the support we get from him. This Saturday Willie van Zyl and Westfire is sponsoring our competition. Individual Stableford. Construction is continuing. Builders started

(fltr) Wouter van Wijk and Jaans Stander tiling the bathroom and if all goes well we will have our toilet facilities back by this week end. Be patient.11 Teams entered for Tsu-

meb. If you still want to enter, contact me urgently. Would be great if we can be 15 teams. Keep in mind, we are on a winning

streak at this stage and defending in Tsumeb will be difficult this time around. Save journey to you all and enjoy your golfing week end

Regional Soccer Trials National Archery Championships The annual Scorpion Zinc U/17 Cup trials will be taking place on 27 May for Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis and Swakop-mund, from 15:00 to 17:00.

The 8th annual Namibian National Archery Championship took place in Tsumeb the past weekend of 16-17 May 2015.

Trials dates for Usakos, Karibib, Otjimbingwe, Uis, Omaruru and Okambahe are still to be confirmed. The regional U/17 team has always been an avid participant in the annual Scorpion Zinc Cup tournament, where in 2013 they brought home a silver medal, and in 2014, secured fourth place. Only 18 players will make it to the team that will represent the Mighty Erongo Region. Dates of the tournament will still be announced. For any more information contact Charles Muukua at 0811 49 0673.

The event, which was hosted by Tsumeb Archery Club and sponsored by the Archery Association of Namibia, had a total of 32 participants, including two archers from South Africa. The first day was plagued with unexpected strong winds, making the competition all the more

Rossmund Golf Club News Mist, Mist, Mist and more mist once again this morning - with a bit of east wind, so I am sure the sun will be shining just now and we'll have a perfect day for golf. Wednesday, 13 May our sponsor was Advertising Displays CC (Gerhard Byleveld) with some great Spar vouchers up for grabs. There was a good field of players and scores were very tight - three players coming in with 38pts - so lots of calculations. Cobus de Klerk eventually came out tops over Michael Ludeke, with Clive Lawrence taking the 9-hole competition. Saturday 16 May was the annual Standard Bank Competition the change in format to a "Bogey +" did not seem to put the guys off, as a field of 42 players did battle, including some old/new faces and a very welcome visitor from Royal Port Alfred GC - perhaps they thought there were a few "overdrafts" up for grabs among the prizes. There were 4 - two clubs: M Jacobs; J Du Toit and F Coetzee all on Number 7 whilst Fritz also managed one on Number 12. Overall scores were very close, with the first 9 places being decided on count-

outs - lots of work for the Cappie who had been on his best behavior having played with his father-in-law Winners: 1st:L Ndakondja/D Frankfort 11+; G Muraisiki/M Jacobs 11+; F Jordaan/O Pieterse 9+; M Jupin/H v/d Westhuizen 9+; F Coetzee/F Coetzee Snr 8+; B Saunderson/W Theron 8+; T Shitaleni/S Ndalumbumo 8+; L Nande/W Profitt 8+; H Ndjendja/D Haimbondi 8+. Thanks once again to Standard Bank for their continuous support and also to their representative, Samuel, for being there to hand over the prizes. Friday 22 May - the Namib High School will have their fundraiser - should you wish to support the school please contact Cobus on 081 216 6117. Saturday 23 May Monthly Medal sponsor Novanam Sunday 24 May SAGES sponsor Stainless Engineering/Cashbox Matchplay - guys what is happening of the 13 singles matches only 5 have been

played; whilst 2 of the 6 doubles matches have been completed. Course/Clubhouse News - The wooden indicator board at the entrance to the clubhouse will be used to display/ advertise upcoming events. There are lots of divots appearing on the tees and fairways please remember, it is your duty to repair them!!!! There is no shortage of sand. Practising your golf on the course is prohibited - please use the driving range and the practise green. Thought for the week: Are you feeling cold

challenging. The 1440 Round had very good results in the compound division, with Johann Viljoen from South Africa, shooting a total of 354/360 on the 30m distance and Ilana Malan from Namibia shot 353/360 in her 30m round. These were the highest scores for the day.

In the recurve division, Xander Reddig shot a very good 334/360 on the 30m round, with Adrian Grobler (331/360) and CF Brandt (328/360) shooting good scores as well. On Sunday the wind also played a major factor in the scores, but the archers were better prepared for the stronger winds than on

Saturday. The competition on Sunday consisted of a 720 Round with eliminations and mixed team events. The mixed recurve teams of Xander & Quinn Red-ig and Paul Grobler & CF Brandt provided excitement as the competition had to be decided on a one arrow shootout. The more experienced Xander Reddig guided his younger sister through the competition, handling the pressure and clinching the Gold with his last arrow. The compound mixed teams were an absolute pleasure for the spectators, with the more experienced Ilana Malan guiding Heinrich Joubert, who shot his very first Nationals. The team of Babette Taljaard and Hendre van Eeden proved to be up to the task and clinched Gold. See results in Tuesday’s paper.

and miserable in town, if so come out and enjoy a plate of food from our new Clubhouse Kitchen and enjoy the view and the sun. Winners: L/R Samuel (Standard Bank Rep.); Des Frankfort; Fanus Jordaan (RGC Cpt); Lee Ndakondja and Jacques v/d Merwe (RGC V/Cpt)

3rd Place: L/R Samuel (Std Bank Rep); Fanus Jordaan; Okkie 2nd Place: L/R Mark Jacobs; Samuel (Std Bank Rep); George Pieterse (Royal Port Alfred GC) and Jacques v/d Merwe (RGC Muraisiki; Fanus Jordaan (RGC Cpt); Jacques v/d Merwe (RGC V/Cpt) V/Cpt)


Photo by Konny von Schmettau

Photo Credit: Namibia Rugby Union Facebook page & Luis Cabelo

22 MAY 2015

Last year's Fly-in at Rostock Ritz

Fly-In: Big event for all aircraft, pilots and friends

Namibia Victorious!

After ten successful Fly-In Competions held at the Rostock Ritz Desert Lodge, this year’s event will take place at Uis. This aviation meeting will take place from 22 to 25 May 2015 at the Uis landing strip in the Erongo Region.

The Namibian U/20 Team made their country proud with their victory of 3612 over Hong Kong at the World Rugby Under- 20 Trophy Tournament in Lisbon on Wednesday.

Uis is the perfect spot for such an event due to low air traffic and a well-maintained landing strip of 1 400 meters long, also not forgetting the very picturesque landscape. Those were the reasons some of

Swakopmund’s pilots decided to get together and organise the event. The participants can look forward to numerous fun activities like a “Schnitzeljagd”, spot landings, speed flying and “Bomb-

A tent with food and drink that will cater for the hungry and thirsty has also been organised, so you may bring the whole family along - doggies on leashes are also welcome. Coastal Marathon 24 May 2015 On Sunday, the Coastal Cycling Club will host a mountain bike marathon, with 35km and 70km distances that

promise to be tough enough for all kind of riders. Registration and payment will be at the race venue, which is the XC Reservoir in Walvis Bay. The race will start at 08:00 and a N$100 entry fee is payable. A new route was set out, as last year some of the participants could not finish the 70km distance. Water points

Four of the players are from Walvis Bay. They are Chessborough Lawrence, Damian Stevens, Cameron Langenhoven and Corné Aggenbach. This was the u/20 third game. Their first two games were played against Tonga, where they unfortunately were defeated with a score of 45-11, and against Canada, where they also lost, with a score of 35-20. The team will return on 25 May to Namibia.

drops.” Late afternoon, the competition will continue to test the aviators' skills on the ground. This event is a highlight for all pilots to come together and discuss aviation.

Coastal Cross-Country Challenge Adventure Leandrea Louw

This weekend the Coastal Cycling Club will host a series of exciting events in Walvis Bay and each and every cyclist and enthusiast is invited to come and join in the fun, whether you look on or just participate. Cross-Country 28 May 2015 On Saturday, the cross country race will take place, which is obstacle riding which the Coastal Cycling Club was requested by Rock & Rut cycle club to develop an exciting cross-country trail, and the club immediately put Master track-builder, Klaus, to work. Start and Finish of the

race is at the Rooibank Reservoir, outside Walvis Bay. Entries can be done online at https://register. chronotrack.com/reg/ form?eventID=14430. Online entries are accepted until 17:00 on Friday 22 May. Entries can also be done at the venue, from 07:00. Entry fees are N$150 and a free entry for Rock&Rut club mem-

bers. Although there are alternative routes for the not so experienced cyclists and children, the main track is not recommended for the beginners, and even intermediate riders. It is best to try this track only if you are ‘well-oiled’ in riding technical terrains, but it promises to be great fun, for the spectators as well.

Don’t worry, an ambulance will be present at the event, for any injuries. This is a timed race, with three categories starting at 8:30 followed by a 10:30 start and the main event at 12:30, with the serious riders competing for a podium spot, made possible by Nedbank and Rock & Rut Cycling Club.

will see to the needs of the riders during the marathon. Riders are encouraged to time themselves for this ride. Again, food and drinks will be available there. A lucky draw will take place afterwards, made possible by Sanlam. For details, you can obtain information from the Coastal Cycling Club at 081 127 2326 or 081 128 9195.

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