22 oct namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6815 TUESDAY 22 OCTOBER 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

Navy celebrates 15th Anniversary


Walvis Bay IndusAlso See page 5 trial area a mess

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And the honour goes to...

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Navy Commander defends Incidents of car theft the need for a naval force on the rise at the coast Rudi Bowe th The Namibian Navy celebrated its 15 Anniversary as a fully-fledged Navy on Friday with fun fare. A parade was held at the naval base, attended by the Minister of Defence Penda yaNdakolo and hosted by navy commander Rear-Admiral Sinsy Ndeshi Bamba Nghipandua. Speaking at the event, Commander Nghipandua explained Namibia's long stretch of coastline and its exclusive economic zone offshore can only be protected by a competent navy. Commander Nghipandua referred in this instance to the so-called security dilemma where people often question the need for a navy or for an air force for instance.

“For Namibia the sea matters. If that is the case, the Namibian Navy also matters”, Nghipandua said. Adding: “the security of our country's maritime domain, coupled with its maritime resources potential for a blue economy, had necessitated the frame work for Navy development. From that of coastal patrol to that of maritime deterrence with force projection capability. Within this

paradigm, development and professionalisation our Navy was launched and being pursued to enable the country to protect its maritime interests”. What we know today as the Namibian Navy had humble beginnings in 1999 as a Water Wing of the Namibian Defence Force with its headquarters in Windhoek. Then followed Continues on page 2

Eileen van der Schyff An elderly lady of Walvis Bay's light sedan vehicle was stolen in Walvis Bay on Friday night when she parked the vehicle near the civic centre in Nangolo Mbumba Drive to walk her dogs. Residents of the coast are warned The vehicle was found abanthat vehicle theft has become a doned in Kuisebmond a day later, reality. It is now the second vehicle stripped from its battery, radio, in a short period stolen in Walvis spare wheel, jack, wheel spanner, Bay and found stripped and rim covers and feet mats. The damaged days later. There were thug or thugs also damaged the speculation yesterday morning that vehicle's dash board in their haste a vehicle was also stolen at Swato break the radio from its fittings. kopmund over the weekend, sufThe lady praised the Namibian fering the same fate. Police for their swift action, both when they were notified of the theft of her vehicle and also for the follow up. They also thank G4S and several community crime structures which assisted in tracing the vehicle.

30 new US-Peace Corps start with 2-year deployment

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Coastal Sports Stars on NASA Shortlist

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