Wild Seas Captured by Xenia Ivanoff-Erb
Under the skilled lens of photographer Xenia Ivanoff-Erb, the fierce power of theAtlantic comes alive in this breathtaking capture of Swakopmund's beach. This week, the usually tranquil shores were transformed by a relentless, churning sea, as waves crashed violently against the rocks, sending up towering sprays of saltwater The image encapsulates the raw energy and unpredictable beauty of nature.
Lost Seafarer Survives Harrowing
Two-day Ordeal in the Open Sea
After having the whole region and country in turmoil, seafarer Lisius PendukeniNkandi,44,whowasreportedmissingonSunday,18August,after launchingamotorlessdinghytoreturn toland,returnedhomesafelyonTues-
day this week around noon, attributing his survival to divine intervention Nkandispentnearlythreedaysadriftin the rubber dinghy, battling this week's rough seas and unsure of his exact location.
Strong currents stalled his attempt to reach land, andhewasforcedtofightforsurvivalontheopen seawithonlypaddlestohisaid.Backonland,the searchforNkandiwashamperedbypoorweather conditions, which delayed rescue efforts. The MinistryofFisheriesauthorisedtheuseofapatrol aircrafttoassistinthesearch,but adverseweather prevented the mission from continuing. The NationalSeaRescueInstitute (NSRI)alsoissued warningsofstrongwavesandhightidesduetothis week'sSuperBlueMoon,whichcontributedtothe challengingconditionsatsea.Inaninterviewwith the Namib Times on Wednesday this week, Nkandisharedhissideofthestoryyesterday He went on and dismissed the rumours about Continues on page 2
Dippenaar's Trial: Confronting the Past Slaggate, Onnetheid in Walvisbaai Middedorp Aangespreek
Henties Bay Reservoir
Pipeline Upgrade Among NamWater's Major Water Projects
Eileen van der Schyff. Marshallino Beukes and Sharlien Tjambari
Lost Seafarer Survives
him abandoning ship, leaving his colleagues without supplies and asserted his captain was aware of him using the dinghy Nkandi further explained the ship was en route to West Africa when the engine failed. "I stopped and dropped anchortostabilisethevessel,whiletheengineers attempted repairs. Unfortunately, the necessary parts were not available, and repairs would take time,"hesaid.Tospeedupthesituation,Nkandi decidedtousethedinghytoreachCapeCross,the nearest town. He noted that a tugboat was scheduledtotowtheshipbutwasdelayed,prompting hisdecisiontoseekland.Astheship'schiefsafety officer,Nkandifeltitwasessentialtocoordinate withthetugboatwhilewaitingonshore. During his ordeal, the seafarer faced numerous challenges.Thedinghylackedanengine,forcing him to paddle manually According to him he evenbrokeoneofthepaddlesandstruggledwith severe thirst, resorting to drinking his own urine to stay hydrated. "I relied on visible landmarks andothershipstonavigate.Onthesecondday,I encounteredacontainership,buttheyonlyassistedwiththelocation.Imanagedtorelaymypositiontoacoastalradio,"Nkandirecounted.
Despitehisexhaustion,swollenkneesandlimited resources, his determination kept him going. "ThereweremomentswhenIthoughtIwouldn't
Continued from page 1
makeit,butIfeltprotected,angelswerewithme," he said. Despite the challenges Nkandi faced, he managedtoreachtheshoreallbyhimselfonTuesday, after almost three days out in the open sea.
According to Nampol's Senior Inspector Hilma Shomongula, Nkandi reached the shore at Mowe Bay, approximately 473 kilometres north-northwestofWalvisBayandhitch-hikedfromthereto Swakopmund, from where he travelled home to WalvisBay Backhome,hereunitedwithhisfamilyandunderwentamedicalcheck-up,whichfortunatelyshowednoseriousissues.
According to police reports, the Namibia-registeredfishingvessel,whichlefttheWalvisBayharbouron2Augustwithtencrewmembersincluding Nkandi, experienced engine trouble on 3August.
On Friday, 9 August, seven crew members were safely evacuated with the help of fishing boats, leavingonlyNkandi,thecaptainandchieftechnicianonboard.
Nkandi,whohasbeenworkingatseasince2004, wasassistingMagisticIndustrialServiceswiththe ship's journey to WestAfrica while employed by Hangana Fishing. Information regarding questionsonwhynobodycametotherescueoftheremaining crew members, and why it is taking so longtogotowtheboatisstillvague.
Coast Pounded by Violent Waves
The coast has been battered by severe rough seas, causing significant infrastructure damage fromWalvis Bay to Swakopmund this week.The exceptional ocean conditions were exacerbated by the SuperBlue Moon, a rare lunarevent that brought the moon closer to Earth than at any other time this year, intensifyingthetidesandresultinginhigherwaves.
In Swakopmund, several key locations suffered damage,includingtheiconicSwakopmundJetty, andTigerReef.TheSwakopmundJetty,abeloved community landmark suffered some planks brokenonthewalkway However,thankstotheswift actionsoftheLighthouseGroup,ledbyQuinton Liebenberg, the damage was quickly repaired. “Wetookituponourselvestoensurethejettywas repaired and reopened to the public as soon as possible," said Liebenberg. "I'm proud of our team for their quick response. By the next morning,wehadalreadyreplacedthedamagedplanks and made the jetty safe again for public use.” Liebenberg stressed the importance of maintaining such structures despite the challenges posed by the ocean. "We are always prepared to repairwhattheoceandoestothejetty,withinour capabilities. Our maintenance team responded swiftly,ensuringthatthejettywasreopenedtothe public without delay," he added. Tiger Reef, anotherpopularspotinSwakopmund,alsoexperienced some damage, but it was minimal. "We werefortunatethatthedamageatTigerReefwas notsevere,justsomewaterandsandcomingover the boardwalk. Compared to what happened in
Guano Island Damaged by Rough Seas
The 94-year-old man-made guano island platform, better knownasBirdIsland,justoutsideWalvisBaywasdamaged byroughseasonMondaythisweek.
otherareas,wewerelucky,"Liebenbergsaid.The most significant damage, however, occurred at Guano Island near Walvis Bay, which has been reported as the hardest hit. The island, known for itsrichbirdlifeandguanoproduction,facedsevere structuraldamageduetotherelentlesswaves.For moredetailsonthesituationatGuanoIsland,readersareencouragedtoreadtheseparatearticleon this page. The community has come together to repair and restore the affected areas, and Liebenberg expressed his gratitude to his team for their dedication."Iwanttothankmyteamfortheirsharp andquickwork.I'mveryproudofthem,andtheir effortsensuredthatwecouldcontinueprovidinga safeandaccessiblejettyforthepublic.”
The 17 000-squaremetre platform is ownedbyWilfriedGroenewald serves as a breeding ground for birds (primarily Cape Cormorants) and yields guano (bird droppings),whichiscollectedandsold,asahighly effectivefertilizer Extraordinary high waves during the full moonspringtidewhich at times were approximately four metres tall havebeenbatteringthe shoreline along the Atlantic Ocean for the past week causing damage to guano platform's wooden structure. According to the owner it is the second time that guano platform has suffered damage by rough seas. This first time was in 2010.Groenewaldsaid that the damage to the guanoplatformismea-
suredtoaboutonemillion Namibian dollars. Hesaid,“assoonasall the washed-up driftwood is gathered, they willstartwiththerenovations of the guano platform.” Groenewald added, It is not the residents of Walvis Bay and Swakopmundthatisgathering the washed-up driftwood, but it is the personsthatisworking for me.” According to information by Wikipedia,“BirdIslandwas conceived and constructedbyAdolfWinter (the great grand father of the owner Wilfried Groenewald), aGermanwhoemigratedtoNamibiain1912. Winter took a train from Swakopmund to nearbyWalvisBayand saw a natural offshore formation called Bird Rock, covered in gua-
no from many birds. On the return trip, he noticed the guano had been washed away by theseaandsawabusiness opportunity Bird Islandbeganasawooden platform measuring four meters square, standing three meters above the sea surface. Winter finished this initial construction in March 1930.Oneyearlaterhe had enlarged the platform to 16 meters square, and byAugust 1931hadextendeditto 1 600 square meters. Guano was collected and sold annually, and expansion of the platform continued at a slowerpaceuntil1937, whenalargeshipment of timber allowed further expansion of the platform to its current size of 17000 squaremeters.”
Eileen van der Schyff
Rudi Bowe
Photo: Xenia Ivanoff-Erb
Dippenaar's Trial: Confronting the Past
On21August,JandreDippenaar'spre-sentencingtrialcommenced in the Swakopmund Regional Court with defense witness statements. The expert witness, Willem Annandale, a neuropsychologist,testifiedthatasuspendedsentenceshouldbeconsidered,arguingthatafirstoffenderisnotalwaysgivenajailsentence.
Annandale further statedthathebelievesa lengthy jail sentence wouldbeunfair,asDippenaar has already faced significant public scrutiny, including negative comments and attacksonsocialmedia.
Annandale also noted thatDippenaarisshowingremorsethroughhis changed behavior, claiminghedidnotplan the accident and has no recollection. Dippenaar is reportedly questioning himself about what hecouldhavedonedifferently During crossexamination, State Prosecutor, Ethel Ndlovu asked how Dippenaar could be reflecting on ways to prevent the accident if he does not rememberit.Inhiswitness statement, Dippenaar's friend and associate, Frans Grobler, described Dippenaar as a good driver Grobler wasreportedlyinSouth Africa during the accid t i 2014 U
Atthestartofthesentencing trial for Jandre Dippenaar, Antonia Joschko (26)mentionedthatDippenaarneverreachedout to her to ask for forgiveness, stating that it was the least he could have done. “It has been so many years; he could have reached out,” she said Antonia emphasised the importance of how Dippenaar handled things after the accident.
“The way his lawyer accusedmeoflyingandthe way they accused my father of being in the wrong, and the way they tried to intimidate me— that just shows he does notwanttotakeaccountability.”Antoniabelieves that when someone does not show remorse or accountability, it means theyarenotsafetobeon the road and could harm others again During cross-examination, defense counsel Advocate Albert Strydom asked how Antonia expected Dippenaar to
said.Antoniasharedthat herdreamofbecominga doctor was shattered She suffered numerous physical injuries, her ankles, shoulders, and spleen were broken. “I have recovered, but my shoulders are damaged, and I can't fully use them.Aftertheaccident, my mental state was affected, and I had suicidal thoughts. I suffer from PTSD and still experience flashbacks,” shesaid.
Another crash victim's father, Jan Carlo Horn (65), also took the witness stand on Tuesday when the sentencing commenced.Hornisthe father of JC Horn, who also perished in the car crash Horn said he knew Dippenaar from childhood, as he was in school with Horn's eldest son. According to Horn, his son was loved byeveryone.Hesaidthe passing of his son in the crash had a huge impact hislife.“Ourchildren
himIhadnothingtosayto himandthathemustbring the whole police force if he wants to speak with me,”Hornsaid. Horn stated that the court found Dippenaar guilty and that he must be punished.“Mysonwasalivein thatcar;hedidnotdie,he burnt.Ican'tevenimagine the fear and anxiety he was going through that day.” Incross-examining Horn, defense counsel AdvocateAlbert Strydom asked if he thought it wouldhavebeendifferent if his child had died from
other causes, such as a heart attack or knife attack. Horn responded, “LikeIsaidinthebeginning, we all die, but the way he died.An autopsy revealedthatmysonwas alive and died from burning ” Strydom continued,askingifHornhad reached a stage of forgiveness. Horn said he couldn't forgive. “I will never forgive. God can punishmelater,butIwill never forgive.” LikeAntonia,Hornfeelsthatthe case has dragged on for too long. He said his
family has been struggling for ten years now, andtheirliveshavebeen on hold. On the tragic morningof29December 2014, the accident involved a head-on collisionapproximatelytwelve kilometers from HentiesBay Amongthefour passengers in the FJ Cruiser, only Dippenaar survived. Dinah Pretorius, Charlene Schoombee, and JC Horn lost their lives. In the other vehicle, only Antonia Joschko, who was 16 at the time, survived. She
lost her father, Markus Walter Helmut Joschko, mother, Stephanie Dorothea Schermuck-Joschko, and sister,Alexandra Marlene Joschko. Dippenaar was found guilty on six counts of murder, recklessand/ornegligent driving, and driving withoutadriver'slicense. Magistrate Geynor Poultonisexpectedtodeliver a judgment that will determine Dippenaar's fate today (Friday, 23 August).
Sharlien Tjambari
Henties Bay Reservoir Pipeline Upgrade Among NamWater's Major Water Projects
NamWater has taken a step towards enhancing Namibia's water infrastructure, marking the beginning of four major projects with a combined value of over N$1 billion. These initiatives,whichwererecentlyofficiated byHonCalleSchlettwein,Ministerof Agriculture,WaterandLandReform, reflect NamWater's commitment to ensuring sustainable water access across Namibia and driving socioeconomicdevelopment.
Amongtheprojectsis a crucial upgrade to theHentiesBayreservoir pipeline This N$15 million initiative involves replacing a critical fivekilometer stretch of pipelinefromtheOmdel aquifer, a vital sourceofwaterforthe HentiesBayarea.
This project is particularly important for maintaining water reliability in one of Namibia's key coastal towns,wherethesupplyofpotablewateris essential for both the community's quality of life and local economic development. In addition to the Henties Bay project,NamWaterisalso focusing on the Ondangwa-Omutsegwonime pipeline replacement.Phase1of this project, costing N$91millionandfully funded by NamWater, targets the replacement of a 17kilometer section from Ondangwa to Oshali. This upgrade isdesignedtomeetincreasing water demand and address frequent supply interruptionsintheOshana andOshikotoregions, further underscoring NamWater's commitment to providing reliablewaterservices
to growing communities. Another significant undertaking is the OhangwenaIIWellfield Water Supply Schemes project, which is being implemented in collaborationwiththeNamibian Government and the African Development Bank (AfDB) This nearly N$250 million project aims to enhance water infrastructure for Eenhana Town and surrounding communities, ensuring a sustainable and reliable source of clean water for the Ohangwena Region The initiative includes the installation of boreholes,aReverseOsmosis purification plant, and the construction of essential infrastructure, representing a crucial stepinimprovingwater accessibilityandquality in the region. In the Kavango regions, the RunduWaterTreatment Plant Extension and Associated Works project stands out as a massive investment of N$665 million. Funded under the Namibia Water Sector Support Program, this project aims to boost water supplycapacitythrough the development of a new raw water abstraction system, an advancedtreatmentplant,and upgradestotheexisting
water supply scheme. Thisextensioniscritical for meeting the urgent need for reliable water infrastructure in the rapidly growing Kavango East and Kavango
West regions Lastly, NamWater has committed to upgrading the OutapiWaterTreatment Works with a project value of N$123.18 million.Thisextensionwill
expand the plant's capacity to meet the increasing water demand in Outapi and its surrounding areas, ensuring a consistent and reliable water supply
that supports regional growth and enhances the quality of life for local communities
These investments are part of NamWater's broadervisionforwater accessacrossNamibia. Currently, 87% of the population has access to potable water, but 13% still lack this essentialresource.
Eileen van der Schyff
Manipulation in Public Procurement, Land Allocation Top List of Corruption Risk Areas in Erongo
Corruption,especially“underthetablejobcreation,”hasbecome almostanorminmoderndayNamibiaandtheErongoRegionis notexcluded.
During his State of the Region Address last week, the Erongo Governor, Neville Andre noted that critical areas that have enticedperpetratorsintocorruptpractices havebeenidentified.Theseincludemanipulationinpublicprocurement,landallocation, subsistence & travel (S&T) claims,acquisitionofnationaldocuments whilstnotdeservingcitizens,liquorlicences issued on existing licences, issuance
ofdrivers/learner'slicenceswithoutbeen tested, the payment of bribes as an inducement to be employed, disputes of awarding land by traditional authorities and contravention of section 35. In response to this, stricter oversight measures as well as extensive training have beenimplementedtoensureadherenceto ethical standards to mitigate corruption risks, Andre remarked There are
Grootbek op Vrydag
'n (onderhoud) Saak het twee kante...
Nou, mens kry vroueregte, kinderregte, diereregte, gayregteenwatsealleregte nog,maarhelpmyregasek iets gemis het, want van manneregte het ek nog nie gehoornie.
DitisnouniedatekvirAdamensy geslag intree omdat ek ook vir daardie span speel nie, nee. Dit is net nie lekker om te sien hoedat manne verkleineer en selfs agter tralies laat sit word sonder dat hul regte (daar is mos darem menseregte,enmanneismosookmense) inaggeneemwordnie.Baiemoederskenneteenpadwanneerpanie onderhoudvirdie“honger”bloedjiesbetaalhetnieengloditasjulle wil, hul kant van die storie word 90% van die tyd sonder enige twyfel aanvaar Maak nie saak of panoualreedssyverflenterdepaar Chinashop Nike tekkies se sole deurgeloophetvir'nloswerkieom 'n broodjie vir sy kinders op die tafel te sit, hy moet sy praat mooi gaankenindiehof,ofpapensopis sy voorland. Daar is wel van die pa'swieniepa'sgenoemkanword nie, wie verdien om hardepad te kry,wanthullegeenie'nsnarsom vir daardie onskuldige kindertjies wathulleindielewehelpwek het nie.Ekgaanmyliefsnieuitspreek oorhullenie.Ekwilpraatoorpa's wie werklik hul bes probeer om daardie maandelikse onderhoudgeldvirhulkinderstebetaal,maar weensfaktorebuitehulbeheernie
hul verpligting kan nakom nie. Van die laasgenoemde vaders het al, en sit huidiglikindietronkdaarvoor Eenvandie vragies wat my kwel is, is dit reg dat, indien 'n pa geldige redes verskaf om te bewys dat hy wel probeer het, maar nie reggekomhetnie,hynogsteedstronktoe gestuur moet word? Hoe gaan hy uit die selle werk kry om sy onderhoud op datum te kry? Hoe gaan hy sy borg betaal? Die “arme” ma's is in baie gevalle net kwaad omdat hulle nie daardie geld kryvirsuipen“drugs”enomhulvriende te “entertain”, dan hardloop hulle sommer kaalvoet welsynskantore toe. Ja, u het reg gelees, dit is wat in baie gevalle met onderhoud geld gedoen word, maar die pa bly net die skuldige een. Ons regssisteemsalregtignahierdiescenario moetkyken'ntipevansiteeminplekstel waardaarnaalbeipartyesekantvandie saakgekykmoetword,sonderenigepartydigheid. Welsynwerkers sal moet op grondvlak gaan en hulself persoonlik vergewisvandiefeite.Sommige“social workers”laatbeweal(agterstallige)pa's se broeke net by die aanhoor van die naam, want hulle betoon geen genade, luisternieenverstaanookniksnie.Inelk geval, hoe werk die “fifty-fifty” storie nou weer?As pa N$1 000 gee, moet ma mosookN$1000gee,waarvanalbeibewysemoettoon...ofhoe?
currently 41 corruption cases at hand in the region, with twocaseswhichhavebeenfinalisedincourtsinceMarch 2023.Atotal number of 16 cases are currently in court, whilst 17 cases are at the Prosecutor General awaiting a decision,GovernorAndreadded. Unemployment,drug-andalcoholabuse,greedmaincausesofcrime
Regarding the general security situation in the Erongo Region,Andrenotedthattheregionisindeedsafewithno major incidences of destabilisation. The governor indicatedthat,accordingtothecrimestatisticsfortheperiod underreview,thetotalnumberofreportedcaseshaveincreasedby5%.DuringtheperiodJanuarytoJuly2023a totalnumberof5070caseswerereportedincomparison with January to July 2024, where a total of 5 332 cases were reported, signifying a slight increase of 5%. The Namibian Police Regional Commander's Office has identified the influx of people in search of employment, greed,drugsandalcoholabuse,andunemploymenttobe the possible causes of crime in the region. The top ten
cases of crime in the Erongo Region include housebreaking, robberies, domestic violence cases, assault withintenttocausebodilyharm,theftoutofmotorvehicles,theftofcellphones,drugs,recklessornegligent driving, drunk and driving and incidences of fraud. “In ourquesttoreducecrime,thereareplannedactivitiesfor thenewfinancialyear,whichincludestheupgradingof theexistingPoliceStationinSwakopmundtothevalue ofN$10million.I'mgladtoreportthatthesitewashanded over to the contractor in July 2024,” the Governor indicated.
Additionally,accordingtoAndre,theconstructionofthe OkombaheandOmatjetePolicestations,whichinclude the accommodation part, is completed. “The outstandingpartofphaseonewhichisthesewerconnectionand undergroundpipesisbudgetedforinphase2.Thisphase kicked off in August 2024 and will include the office block,chargeofficeandcellblocks.PhasetwoisexpectedtobecompletedinJuly2025. Theprojectwillonly be handed over once it is fully completed,” he concluded.
Marshallino Beukes
Marshallino Beukes
Discover Ouhout: Crafting Timeless Elegance for Over 30 Years
For over three decades, Ouhout has been synonymous with exquisite craftsmanship and unparalleled quality in furniture. Founded by Stephan and Piet Smith,thisesteemedfurniturebrandbeganitsjourneywithamodestfactoryand hassinceflourishedintoaprominentnamewithtwofactoriesand15storesacross SouthAfrica,andthreeinNamibia.
TheOuhoutWindhoek store, located in Grove Mall, proudly opened its doors in December 2017,markinganexciting expansion into Namibia.
Ouhout specializes in creating stunning solid wood and full-grain leatherfurniture.
While we also offer fabric furniture, our
man, allowing us to offerunbeatableprices on our leather furniture.
Wayne,themanagerof Ouhout, said that their commitment to customer satisfaction goes beyond mere sales
“We take pride in our abilitytocustom-make furniture to suit your specificneeds.
name is most strongly associated with our luxurious leather pieces. Our reputation for quality is unmatched—thanks to our own factories, we eliminate the middle-
Whether you desire contemporary or traditional styles, our team is dedicated to helping you find or create the perfect piece Our leathercouches,inparticular, are renowned
for their exceptional quality and enduring appeal.”
According to Wayne, outstanding service is crucialtotheirsuccess.
At Ouhout, the store's friendly and attentive teamisalwaysreadyto assist, ensuring that each customer feels valued and satisfied.
Wayne added, “We understandthatnatural materials like wood and leather can sometimes present challenges, but we are committedtoresolving anyissuespromptly.If necessary, we will replace a product to ensure your complete satisfaction.”
As they move into the lastquarteroftheyear, Wayne mentioned that they are excited to introduce a new range of modern and classic furnituredesigns.
Their goal is to stay aheadofmarkettrends while maintaining the timeless quality that definesOuhout.“Keep
an eye out for our upcoming collections, arriving in September andOctober.”
Stay updated on their latest arrivals and specials by visiting their Facebook page, "Ouhout Namibia." “We're also eager to deepen our involvement in the Swakopmund community and continue contributing to local employment opportunities.”
Wayneadvised,“When shopping for furniture, remember that highquality pieces don't always come with a high price tag. With Ouhout'sspecialoffers, you can furnish your home with elegant, durable furniture that will last a lifetime Explore our collection todayanddiscoverwhy Ouhoutisthenameyou can trust for beautiful, enduringfurniture.”
Visit us in-store or online to experience the Ouhout difference foryourself.
Sharlien Tjambari
Learners Explore the World of Birdwatching
Rudi Bowe
RössingUraniumrecentlyhelditstwenty third Annual Bird-watching Day which gave 100 learners from 10 different schools in the Erongo region a uniqueopportunitytoexploretheworld of bird watching at the Walvis Bay Lagoon.
Thelearnersandteachersassembledforafieldday around the lagoon under the expert guidance of PeterBridgeford,afreelancetourguidewhoisalso actively involved in vulture conservation and bird conservation, to learn the difference between a whimbrelandaknot.
Rössing'sBird-watchingDaywaslaunchedin2001 topromotepublicawarenessaboutbirdsinthelocal environmentasbirdsareveryimportantinanecosystemanditisourresponsibilitytomakesurethat ourenvironmentiswelllookedafterforthebenefit of our birds and the creation of bird observation points in coastal communities. Besides the annual Bird-watching Day, Over the years, Rössing Uranium supported the Damara Tern Fencing Project, theSeabirdRehabilitationProject,andtheVultures Namibia Project. Rössing Uranium, a member of the Namibia Environmental and Wildlife Society andinpartnershipwithBirdLifeInternational,has helped in using birdwatching as a platform to promote broader environmental consciousness and fosteradeeperinterestinbirds.
RössingUranium's GeneralManagerforOperations,LiezlDaviessaid in a statement read by Environment Specialist at RossingUranium,StefaansGaeseb,“RössingUranium acknowledges the existence of biodiversity within our operational footprint, and we are committed to joining this global drive to conserve and protectbiodiversity RössingUraniumstrivestobe aleaderinenvironmentalstewardshipinNamibia, aswellasbeingaresponsiblecorporatecitizen.Itis a great honour to contribute to the conservation of coastalbirdsinNamibia.”
Daviesexplainedthatthroughbirdwatching,you'll learn patience, observation skills, and the value of silence and stillness. “It's a hobby that fosters a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world. Moreover, it can be incredibly relaxing, providing a break from the fast pace of everyday life,” she added. She encouraged the learners to keeptheireyeswideopenandtheirearsattunedto thesoundsaroundthem.Shetoldthem,whetherit's the cheerful chirping of a sparrow, the majestic flightofapelican,orthebrightcoloursofaflamingo,eachbirdweseeisareminderoftheincredible diversityoflifeonEarth.“Remember,birdwatching is not just about what you see today It's about nurturing a lifelong love and respect for nature,” Daviessaid.
For a Place of Instruction: Religious/Christian Training Location:
Portion 34 of the Farm 163- (River Plots Swakopmund)
NoticeisherebygiventhatStewartPlanningintendsto applyintermsoftheSwakopmundZoningSchemeto theSwakopmundMunicipalityforpermissiontoestablishaPlaceofInstruction:Religious/ChristianTrainingonPortion34oftheFarm163.Theapplicationfor consent use is to permit the development of a residential training centre (comprising up to 12 self-catering suites) for Religious/Christian training on this ±20ha.site.
Particularsoftheapplicationmaybeinspectedduring office hours at the Swakopmund Municipality Head Office, Engineering and Planning Services, Room Number CO-12, c/o DanielKamhoAvenue/Rakotoka Street,Swakopmund.
Anypersonshavinganyobjectionorcommentstothe approval of this consent use application may lodge such objections or comments, together with grounds thereof,withtheChiefExecutiveOfficerandStewart Planning, in writing, not later than Friday, 20 September2024.
MunicipalityofSwakopmund P.O.Box53, Swakopmund 13001 Tel:+264644104403 jheita@swkmun.com.na
Applicant StewartPlanning (MarioMberira) P.O.Box2095, WalvisBay 13013 Tel:+26464280770 mario@sp.com.na
Namib High's Performing Arts Showcase Highlights Student Creativity
Sharlien Tjambari
Recently,NamibHighSchool(NHS)heldasuccessfulPerforming Arts Showcase themed “Earth, Fire, Water, and Air.” The performersatthiseventwerelearnersfromNHSwhohadchosen performingartsasasubject.
According to Mrs Carol-Lee Peters, the subject head for the IntegratedPerfor-ming Arts(IPA)department, her department hopes to raise awareness of performing arts as a school subject The event showcased the skills learners have acquired throughout the year in this subject. Peters noted that, in the past, only IPA teachers had seen the work created by learners during lessons, and parents never had the opportunity to witness their children's skills in this area The showcase allowed family members, the school community, and the Swakopmund community at large to experience the art created by learners, thus performing
for a genuine audience. The event also enabled the department to raise funds for much-needed stage equipment and exam materials required by the learners for their practical examinations Peters mentioned that learners use performing arts to generate funds, which is something they can continue after school.
Peters further stated, “wehaveabout80learners involved in the showcase. The showcase, along with all the rehearsals, count towardstheirfinalsemestermarkforthesubject. It is thus compulsory for all our learners to participate ” Peters explained that she was guided by the theme of the Four ElementsEarth, Fire, Water, and Air Shesaid,“Iwanted
touseperformingartsin the form of theatre for development, where we educate through performances. Through this theme, we could advocate for more sustainable living and care for our resources ” Mrs Peters hopes that more schools will recognise the value of Performing Arts as a subject and be encouragedtointroduce it into their curricula.
Petersadded,“Itisajoy toteachthissubject,and our learners benefit holistically from it ”
The teachers plan to host this showcase annually “Our first showcasewasheldlast year as part of the school's 110th birthday celebration. This was the second time we have held this event,” concluded Peters. Mrs Carol-Lee Peters teaches this subject with her colleague,Mr Peters.
CONSENT:Self-CateringAccommodationON ERFNO:3119TOWNSHIP/AREA:Narraville STREETNAME&NO:MeeuStreetNo.23.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Self-cateringAccommodation.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant,inwriting,notlaterthan6September 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: UilikaNaidjala,POBox3174,WalvisBay email:uilkashoop@gmail.com
Fullname: Joseph
Last address: Walvis Bay
E s t a t e N o : E2018/2020
Notice is hereby served that the First and Final Liquidation and Distribution Account in the above
estate is lying for inspection at the office of the Master of the High Court and the officeoftheMagistrate WalvisBay,fortwentyone days from the date of publication of this notice.
MrSMOUTON EstatePractitioner POBox3628
Rehoboth 0812614460
Dagbreek Learners Trade the Classroom for Dunes
All photos contributed.
We're seeking a dynamic, self-disciplined and highly motivated FOOD & BEVERAGE MANAGER to be part of our team at Protea by Marriott Walvis Bay Indongo.
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! Month end reporting
! Appointed health & safety officer
! Oversee conference centre
! Marketing and yearly event calendars
! Tertiary qualification in hospitality or accounting Minimum 4 years’ experience in a similar role
! Excellent communication and numerical skills
! Computer literacy –MS Office
! Attention to detail
! Ability to multi-task
! Knowledge and experience working on Pastel will be advantageous
! Previous working experience at a Marriott or Protea will be advantageous
EMAIL YOUR CV WITH PHOTO AND COVER LETTER TO: vacancies@indongohotels.com
! Only candidates that meet the experience and qualifications requirements will be considered for the position
! The five (5) short listed candidates will be invited for an interview during the second week in September
! As part of the interview process, short listed candidates will be interviewed by a panel and tasked to complete two tests relating to stock management and numerical accuracy Please only apply if you meet the requirements
APPLICATION 1 September 2024
VACANCY CreditorsAdministrator
position based in Walvis Bay
JOB PURPOSE To administer the payment and reconciliation of creditors within Mining Chemicals, within the pre-defined standards.
∙To accurately capture and process invoices in the accounting system in order to effect payment on time and accurately to Creditors.
∙To ensure invoices are properly authorized in accordance with levels of authority and allocate it to correct supplier and general ledger accounts on a daily basis.
∙To check supplier invoices received for any applicable discounts, and ensure payment is affected in accordance with payment discount terms. Reconciled Subsystem and GL.
∙To accurately prepare monthly reconciliations of creditors account statements against the accounts payable.
∙To accurately reconcile age analysis, general ledger, and creditors accounts on a monthly basis to make sure that accounts are correctly balanced.
∙To ensure our suppliers are paid as per the authorized payment schedules, and to avoid any fraud.
∙ Process all cashbook related transactions on the ERPsystem.
∙ Monthly Bank Reconciliations on local and foreign bank accounts (Walvis Bay, Windhoek, CFC, DRC), reconciled subsystem and GL.
∙ Request, process and maintain all foreign exchange contracts.
∙ Cashflow preparations for monthly cashflow submissions (supplying payment information of suppliers, payroll and bank figures to bookkeeper).
∙ Balance sheet account reconciliations for cost recovery
∙ Income Statement reconciliations of selected expense accounts.
∙ Completion of forms for PAYE, Import VAT, WithholdingTax on Services, Withholding tax on Interest.
∙ Effective relationships in the company and with relevant external stakeholders to deliver on the mandate of the role.
∙Accounting software
∙ Financial skills and demonstrated experience
∙ Proficiency in MS Office Skills (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook)
∙Ability to deal with complex reconciliation processes
∙ Sound knowledge of VATprinciples
∙ Grade 12, with Mathematics orAccounting
∙ 1 year demonstrated experience in Creditors
∙ 2 years' demonstrated ERPexperience
∙ National Diploma inAccounting or Equivalent will be an added advantage
∙ 1 year demonstrated experience in multinational and multi-currency will be an added advantage
Send your application and all relevant documents as follows: Reference Code in subject line: 77REC249 Email: recruitment@seventy7consulting.com Closing Date: 30August 2024
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted
Learners from Dagbreek Resource Schoolrecentlytradedtheclassroomfor theNamibDunes,experiencingthewonders of nature, and the importance of sustainable living at the Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET)Centre.
The unforgettable journey into Namibia's desert landscape and NaDEET camp based at the Namib Rand Nature Reserve was made possible through thesupportofGondwanaNamibia2Go. Thevisit aimed to educate learners about sustainable lifestyles and biodiversity, which is crucial for understanding environmental stewardship and practicalsustainabilitypracticesandtoteachpractical skills and knowledge as they acquired more knowledgeinprotectingthenaturalenvironmentof Namibia. The experience offered the learners a
unique opportunity to connect with the environmentandlearnaboutthedelicatebalancebetween humansandnatureandleftalastingimpressionon alllearnerswhoparticipated.
SpecialNeedsTeacherandBiologistEmiliaShatipamba said, “The NaDEET Centre provided an immersive learning environment where the learners captured the desert's raw beauty and the centre's commitment to sustainability.” According to her the learners were exposed to innovative methodsofhowhumanscanliveinharmonywiththe environmentbywitnessingfirsthandhowthecentre's staff embodied sustainable practices. Shatipamba said that this hands-on experience will ignite a passion for conservation and environmentalstewardshipamongtheyoungparticipants. “The students learned various methods for recycling, reusing, and reducing waste, along with insightsintosustainability,natureconservation,and agricultural practices. They also explored how to growagardeninadesertenvironmentandengaged in games focused on sustainability,” she said and added, “Dagbreek Resource School sought this opportunity to enhance practical skills related to sustainability and agricultural practices, aligning with our commitment to providing learners with hands-on,real-worldexperiences.”
Venmar Fishing is looking to fill the following position
Creditors Processing Clerk
The positions report to theAssistant Creditors Supervisor
Minimum Requirements
∙ 3 years Creditors or Debtors processing experience.
∙ Fishing Industry specific experience will be to your advantage.
∙ Relevant qualifications are preferred.
∙ Good communication skills – written and spoken (English)
∙ Must be computer literate (Excel, Pastel Evolution, or similar ERPsystem)
∙ Must be pro-active and self-motivated, excellent planning and organisation skills.
∙ Incumbent must be honest, kind, have integrity and a willingness to learn.
∙ Namibian citizen
Job specification
∙ Must have a good understanding of credit control policies, practices, and procedures.
∙Adhere to monthly reporting deadlines
∙Able to work quickly and accurately
∙ Capture invoices for payment
∙ Reconciliation of creditors accounts
∙Attend to internal and external creditor queries
∙ Prepare and allocate monthly payments
∙ General administrative duties
∙ Effective filing and record keeping
Applicants meeting the requirements are invited to send their CV and supporting documents as one PDF attachment to the following email with the relevant reference:
Email: recruitment@seventy7consulting.com
Reference: 77Rec 247
Contact person: Karolina or Christophina
Contact details: 081 442 3206
Closing date for applications: 26August 2024
Noticeisherebygiven in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992),thatthe Municipality of WalvisBayintendstosell, byprivatetransaction, a Portion A of unnamed road reserve (street) to Mr Frans
aPortionAofun-named roadreserve(street) Area(m2)
Purchase Price Price Excluding 15% VAT (N$)
Full particulars pertaining to the sale will lie for inspection by interested persons until
*Tuesday 10 September 2024 at room 45, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond. Formore information Mrs Merinda /Keis be contacted at telephone (064) 2013235 during officehours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with
the grounds/ motivation thereof, to the Manager: Housing and Properties attheaboveaddressorto Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, before or on Friday, 13 September2024at12:00. JackManale Manager:Housingand Properties
CONSENT:AtlanticDunesNo.7useasSelf-CateringAccommodationON ERFNO:1010TOWNSHIP/AREA:DolphinBeachSTREETNAME& NO:KelpGullStreet.
In terms of theWalvis BayTown Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Municipality ofWalvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Self-catering of Unit 7, AtlanticDunes.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtainedat TownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager:RoadsandBuildingControl,(TownPlanning),PrivateBag5017, WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan13September2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: G W Hellmann, P O Box 90946,KleinWindhoek email:moygud@gmail.com
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer seeking to employ an: ELECTRICIAN (Grade
If you honor our values
We care● We serve● We think smart● We grow people● We talk to each other● We walk the talk
And have the following skills:
Grade 12 or current NSSCO with 20 points over 5 subjects.
A recognized Trade Diploma/Certificate in Electrical.
· 3 years post trade experience as an Electrician in a maintenance environment. Experience in a plant and Vessel maintenance environment.
Broad general knowledge of the Electrical Trade and excellent working knowledge of Electrical equipment.
Knowledge of diagnoses, fault finding and repair
Knowledge of statutory requirements related to the trade.
Sound knowledge of SSH procedures and standards.
· Computer literate.
And wish to execute the following responsibilities:
• To perform skilled technical work within the parameters of the trade, according to standards, procedures, and specifications, on all machinery and equipment in area of responsibility
· Perform ongoing diagnoses and fault-finding/running inspections on all equipment and machinery in area of responsibility
· Diagnose, maintain, adjust, and repair faults and overhaul equipment and machinery on site, to maximize the availability of equipment and machinery, and ensure that the standard is maintained as per related schedules.
· Schedule maintenance activities.
· Identify and interpret best practice guidelines, plans, and implement accordingly
· Analyse trends and implement continuous improvements.
· Keep line fully informed of all work performed in area of responsibility, and timeously report any deviations so that appropriate action can be taken.
· Always comply to Company job safety and good housekeeping standards/practices.
➢ Location: Walvis Bay
➢ Closing Date: 6 September 2024, 7:00PM
To the Family of Late Piet Burger
Please accept our deepest sympathies with the passing of Piet. He will be dearly missed.
Wittreich Family and entire team at Namagra.
Wishing you a heavenly birthday filled with peace, love and the beautiful memories you've left behind for us to cherish
We love and miss you endlessly Natangwe & family
I was deeply saddened to learn of Luzelle's passing on Saturday night. This news was absolutely devastating and heartbreaking. Luzelle became known to me during her time as the Executive Director of the Walvis Bay Child & Family Centre, and in that role, she truly made an indelible mark not only on me personally, but on all people of the Centre.
Luzelle was a remarkable woman and always the consummate professional. I deeply admired her authenticity, and the way she approached her work which was with the same passion that she lived her life. She had a genuine desire to make a difference. Her dedication to the people she served was unwavering, and her work ethic was beyond reproach. Even in her final days, while battling illness in the hospital, she continued to provide guidance and leadership to the Centre, always prioritizing the best interests of those under her care.
Luzelle had so much more she wanted to achieve, both professionally and personally. Her loss leaves a profound void, not only for those who knew her personally but also for the many lives she touched through her work. To her husband, her two sons, and the rest of her family and friends, I hope you find the time and space to grieve this immense loss. But I also encourage you, to celebrate Luzelle's life - a life worth celebrating, filled with passion, purpose, and love. I would hate for her legacy to be overshadowed by the illness that took her from us so soon. Luzelle was an amazing human being, and her impact will be felt for many years to come.
Please know that you are in my prayers, and I trust that you will find comfort in the word of the Lord and in the many fond memories you have of her
School teams in Swakopmund battled it out in soccer games, on theirjourney from #GrassrootsToGre atness in the17th annual Classic Clashes proudly presented by FNB Namibia.
West Side High and Kolin Foundation in Swakopmund brought their A-game to the pitch, delivering a match filled with intensityandpassion inthe.Withthescore tied at 3-3, the tension was high as the game went to penalties.Intheend, West Side High sealed the victory with a 3-0 penalty win, show-casing true grit and teamwork West Side High's own Ian Skrywer shined on the field today, showing incredible skill and deter-
mination to be named Player of the Match Swakopmund SS secured a solid victory with a final score of 4-2 against CoastalHS!Thiswin isatestamenttotheir dedicationandteamwork Dorian Nanuseb from Swakopmund SS showcasedpuretalentand heart on the field, earning him the Player of the Match title.
namib times Sport
DPWorld'sBeyondBoundariesInitiative,heldalandmarkmoment theatthePlaytimeHubinKuisebmond,WalvisBaywith unveilingofthetenthcontainerintheinitiative'sjourneyinthekeymarketofNamibia.
Rudi Bowe
Namibia has become the sixth country to benefit from DP
World's Beyond Boundaries Initiative, with the unfailing of the latest container, which will act as a pavilion and kit store to improve access to cricket for young cricketers. The container, arrived at its new home having been transported nearly 2 000km from Johannesburg, South Africa. The kits and container will benefit Cricket Namibia and mark the initiative's continued support for the grass-roots game in the wider subSaharan Africa region.Thesupportof DP World through its
From left to right: Esha Mansingh from DP World, National women's player Wilka Mwatile, National Men's player Ben Shikongo and Cricket Namibia
President Dr. Rudie van Vuuren
Beyond Boundaries Initiative is vital in establishing the infrastructure required and providing quality equipment for talented youngsters to thrive
Esha Mansingh Head, Corporate Affairs and
Sustainability, subSaharan Africa, DP World said that their commitment to growing the game of cricket worldwide is evident, and Cricket Namibia is extremely fortunate and grateful
to be part of this initiative. According to her, the 250 sets of cricketequipmentfrom DPWorld have ignited hope and passion among our aspiring cricketers,givingasignificant boost to the futureofthegame.“We are delighted to fulfil the promise we made during the 2023 ICCInternational Cricket Council ICC Cricket World Cup, where we pledged 10 kits for every 100 runs scored in each match, by delivering 2,500 cricket kits to grassroots organisations across the globe.” Mansingh
said, “We reached this major milestone by delivering our tenth repurposed shipping container in the initiative to Namibia, as part of our ambition to make cricket more accessible to everyone ” She added through the ten containers to date, they have now used their global network of smart logistics solutionstodeliverkitsand improved accessibility to cricketers in India, South Africa, Barbados, the United States, theUAEandNamibia. “We look forward to continuing the Beyond Boundaries Initiative mission of Changing What's Possible in cricketaroundtheworld” Mansingh said. Johan Muller,CEOofCricket Namibia said that Namibia is one of the real success stories of world cricket. Muller said, “Cricket in Namibia is growing with the men's team making its second consecutive appearanceattheICCMen's T20WorldCup.Witha population of just 2.6
million spread over thousands of miles of desert, limited facilities, and only nine cricket grounds, progress has been miraculous.” He added that in 2021, the country qualified for the T20 World Cup and beat the Netherlands and Ireland to reach the Super12 stage and followed that up by qualifying
for the 2022 and 2024 T20WorldCups.“One reason for this success is investment from the ICC (International Cricket Council), and also help from sponsors like DP World, who this week deliveredover100cricket kits, and a cricket pavilion that has been customised from a container”Mullersaid.
Walvis Bay born Namibian National women's player Wilka Mwatile and National Men's player Ben Shikongo with Walvis Bay Mayor Trevino Forbes on the left with Neville Andre, Governor of Erongo Region in the middle and Johan Muller, CEO of Cricket Namibia on the right