NO 6447 FRIDAY 24 APRIL 2015
Photo by Jeff Slater - Namibian Dolphin Project
Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net
Namibia’s most endangered animal?
Are our children safe at Walvis Bay’s Bottlenose Dolphins home? The Quest to save our Rarest Page 2
New owner for Wesbank Transport
Page 3
NAMAs' blue carpet almost rolled out
Page 5
HIV Campaign: Bernard Kamatoto writes for us
Page 10
Chess @ the Coast
Page 32
Madelaine Laubscher “There are more or less between 70 and 100 Bottle Nose Dolphins left. Our frustrations at the moment are with the funding. It is a continuous struggle.” Dr Simon Elwen, who has worked extensively on the dolphins, says “the world’s Bottle Nose Dolphin is not necessarily endangered as a species - but the local population is very small, especially in the Walvis Bay area. ‘Endangered’ is a word with very specific connotations in the conservation community so we can’t use it until we’ve done our analysis where we look at all the factors involved. The population is isolated
from other groups so if it gets wiped out it won’t get replaced by immigration. This is a unique population around southern Africa as there are no other small, coastal populations around here. The bottlenose dolphins seen off the east coast of SA, Mozambique etc are a different and much smaller species called Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins” The small team of Gideons at the Dolphin Project are working passionately to try
and ensure that the unique local Bottle Nose Dolphin pod will not become extinct. “These dolphins are isolated from other members of the species. These specific dolphins adapt very easilly where they go,
even though they could be genetically different.” The babies are hard to count, but the past weekend Dr Daniela Maldini of the Project, at a workshop in Swakopmund, warned that there were only around
74 dolphins left, and that it seems as if there are only around 8 to 10 cows who give birth. The Strandings Workshop, as it is called, will also be held in Walvis Bay tomorrow at the Yacht Club.
The namib times asked Simon how they get funds. “We have worked in collaboration with the Ministry of Fisheries however we did not get paid. Therefore we get our funds from various conservation Continues on page 2
Henties Bay allocates erven to landless youth
The Henties Bay Municipality has allocated erven to 121 landless young Namibians who applied for land through the ‘Affirmative Repositioning’ (AR) initiative. The recipients include the three suspended and former Swapo-Party Youth League (SPYL) members Job Amupanda, Dimbulukeni Nauyoma and George Kambala. The three received their official letters of offer from the Henties Bay Municipality three days ago, while similar letters were sent to the remaining 118 AR applicants who applied for land since the first mass application for land in November 2014. “We are really happy with the
move and the decision taken by the Henties Bay Municipality,” said the three AR leaders - Amupanda, Nauyoma and Kambala during a media conference here on Thursday. They said the Council of the Henties Bay Municipality held a meeting over the past few
months in which it took a decision to allocate 121 erven to landless young Namibians who applied for land at the coastal town through the AR initiative. The AR leaders assured the general public that they will make Henties Bay their second home after their home villages in the
North. Meanwhile, the three AR leaders were quick to make it clear that even though they have been offered plots at Henties Bay, their fight for the plight of the about 50 000 landless young Namibians who applied for land in the country through the AR initia-
Tragedie by Vierkantklip
Marshallino Beukes
Die voorval het tussen 08:00 en 09:00 in die omgewing van Vierkantklip, net buite Swakopmund, plaasgevind. Volgens die eienaar van die skiboot, mnr Buks Fourie, het ‘n fratsgolf die boot getref, waarna dit omgeslaan het. Al vier die mans het vol-
hulle opgedaag en aangebied om die hengeltog mee te maak. Die skipper het ingestem, min wetende van die drama wat hom ‘n paar uur later op die oop see sou afspeel. Fourie noem dat hy al 20 jaar lank visvang en nog nooit so iets beleef het nie. “Ons was besig om
tive continues. “The allocation of land to us, AR-leaders, by the Henties Bay Municipality will not silence us in our fight and struggle for the allocation of land to the landless young Namibians. We will now fight with more vigour and determination for land Continues on page 2
‘n Visvang-ekspedisie het Woensdagoggend in ‘n tragedie ontaard, toe die skiboot waarop vier mans was, omgeslaan het. Een van die bemanningslede het ‘n waterdood gesterf. gens mnr Fourie daarin geslaag om bo-op die omgeslaande boot te klouter, maar ‘n tweede golf het hulle van die boot geslaan en bykans 20 meter van die boot weggesleur. Drie van hulle kon daarin slaag om die land te bereik, maar die vierde visserman het nie die veiligheid van
die land bereik nie. Die koerant was kort na die voorval op die toneel en mnr Fourie het sy weergawe van die nagmerrie ondervinding beskryf. Volgens hom het die oorledene, wie se naasbestaandes teen gister nog nie in kennis gestel was nie, vroeg die oggend by
Vervolg op bladsy 2
Mnr Buks Fourie by die wrak van sy boot
24 APRIL 2015
The development of Bahnhof Square Mall put on hold again Sharlien Tajmbarri
The development of the Bahnhof Square Mall which was set to commence last year in April seems to be a dream to many in Swakopmund. When we spoke to Mr Paulo Shipoke of Stark Property Development cc earlier this year, he assured us that the development of Bahnhof Square will resume this month.
We are reaching towards the end of April and there is no sign of development on the land which was allocated for the developnamib times is registered as ment of the mall. a newspaper by the Ministry During a telephonic inof Information Technology terview, Mr Shipoke said the development of and Communication the mall will be put on hold because TransNaWalvis Bay Office mib Holdings need another sign off agreement Tel +264 64 205 854 with the new Minister of Fax +264 64 204 813 Works and Transport and they need to brief the new wvb@namibtimes.net Minister on the devel-
Advertising sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 coenita@namibtimes.net sales@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport sport@namibtimes.net
opment of the Bahnhof Square Mall. “Once this engagement is done and TransNamib Holdings reach an agreement with the new Minister of Works and Transport, the development of the mall will resume,” said Mr Shipoke. In our previous interview with him, Shipoke said “there were issues between TransNamib Holdings and the Ministry of Works and Transport and those issues were
resolved, TransNamib Holdings and the Ministry of Works and Transport have come to an amicable solution,” which is quite the opposite of what he said yesterday. During the interview yesterday, Shipoke also said they, the developers, can only start developing the mall ones the agreement between TransNamib Holdings and the new Minister of Works and Transport is signed off. The developers involved
A teenager was attacked with a knife yesterday in his home by a burglar who broke into the house during the day. “Daytime burglaries has become a trend” warns a member of the Walvis Bay Reaction Team, who alerted us about the incident. The namib times was notified late yesterday afternoon that a boy had just been attacked by a burglar - in broad daylight. “The suspect broke into the house (Meersig) and found two boys in the house. The burglar swung a knife at the oldest boy. The boy tried to avoid the blow and in the process the knife slashed his ribcage. If he had not ducked, the knife would have struck him directly in the lung. The culprit fled the scene and is still at large. We have a good description of the culprit so we are searching for him,” she said. Her concern is that 80% of the burglaries in Walvis
Bay now occur during the day, which puts children and elderly pople at home at risk. “We work during the day. We cannot patrol during the daytime. We really need more members because at the moment we cannot really think of a solution to this problem,” she said. According to this member, the team is doing well and have been very active the past two months. “Since January up to now there was only two burglaries reported in Meersig. Therefore we believe we are doing very well. However, Fairways has become a concern. That area is now being tar-
Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net
PRO-Print Swakopmund Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 jenny@namibtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net
geted frequently. Eighty persent of the burlgaries occur during the day between 10:00 and 16:00. Another lady’s house was broken into recently while she was still awake (at approximately 20:00). People are advised to get an alarm system and to keep it activated during the day and night,” she said. According to this spokesperson, the team also caught perpetrators stealing diesel from a well-known company in Walvis Bay. “We had two incidents where people were busy stealing diesel from the diesel trucks. We caught them red-handed. They have been charged.
Objects collected to use as markings or to get over fences
We also recovered machinery that was stolen from another company in Walvis Bay to be sold. We also recently aprehended taxi drivers who were breaking into vehicles,” she said. According to her the team is doing very well, but that they still need more members. “Some of the people that was part of the Walvis Bay Neighbourhood Watch withdrew from the team. We now have to do double shifts, which is hard. We urge people to join the team because it really makes a difference. Donations are also welcome as we want to cre-
ate awareness about the Walvis Bay Neighbourhood Watch. We also want to thank everyone who has contributed towards the team. It has been a trend for burglars to mark houses with the intent to break in. The newspaper discovered areas where objects are placed against fences to make it easier to jump over. In the past a source witnessed how two men walked out of the bushes in Meersig and placed a huge rock in front of a house. Behind these bushes/trees there are heaps of objetcs that are used to mark houses.
Another object used to either mark a house or make jumping fences easier. The community is urged to look out for such objects or markings and to remove it imediately.
Namibia’s most endangered animal? Continued from page 1
Advertising shene@namibtimes.net
Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net
1 500 jobs once the centre opens. This is the reason why many people are waiting for the completion of the mall and hope it will bring employment.
Madelaine Laubscher
Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824
Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na mikkie@namibtimes.net
Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and the surrounding mines as its catchment area and is banking on the further development of the new mines. The developers say it will create up to 600 jobs during the construction phase and
Innocent victims of crime - “Are our children still safe at home?”
Swakopmund Office
Marketing/Sales Brenda Miles Cell +264 81 128 3280 brenda@namibtimes.net
in the development of the Bahnhof Square Mall are Stark Property Development cc and Eris Property Group. Even though Shipoke was confident enough earlier this year to say that the completion of the mall will be next year (2016), the delay in the development will not make it possible. Listed as the largest shopping mall in Erongo Region, the mall will have Swakopmund,
Barry McGovern a PhD student, Dr Shannon Hampton, Sara Golaski and Dr Simon Elwen of the Namibian Dolphin Project
Vierkantklip die anker op te trek, maar die ankertou het in die boot se enjin verstrengel geraak, waarna die eerste golf die boot getref het. Op die een of ander manier het ek onder die omgeslane boot beland en slegs die rigting waarin ek die borrels sien beweeg het, het my gewys watter kant die oppervlak was. Ek het daarin geslaag om onder die boot uit te kom en waargeneem dat een van die bemanningslede (die oorledene) nie daarin kon slaag om sy kop bo die water te hou nie en ek het hom aangesê om kalm te bly, waarna ons hom tot bo-op die boot gehelp het. Die noodlot het ons ‘n tweede keer getref, ‘n tweede brander het al vier van ons van die boot geslaan.” Volgens Fourie was die boot op daardie stadium té ver
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 om weer vir veiligheid daarheen te swem en hulle het vir die land begin swem. Hy noem dat hy alles in sy vermoë gedoen het om die oorledene te ondersteun, en dat hy ook byna onder die water ingetrek is. Ongelukkig het die oorledene toe onder die water verdwyn. Fourie skat die oorledene om en by 60 jaar oud. Hy het sy dank aan ‘n kreefduiker, mnr Hans Kaas, asook twee broers, Louis en Sefie Odendaal uitgespreek. Die trio het gehelp om die drie drenkelinge veilig aan land te kry. Die liggaam van die oorledene is gisteroggend, omstreeks 09:00, in die omgewing van Vierkantklip gekry deur iemand wat met sy honde op die strand gaan stap het. Die ander twee oorlewendes is Petrus Shuveni en Pieter van der Heefer.
projects, for example, the Nedbank Go Green Fund,” he said. According to Simon he did his PHD in South Africa and decided to come to Walvis Bay because his interest lies here. There is always a lot to do but we are a small team. Therefore we are limited. Our salaries are a concern. We want to employ more people,” he said. A newcomer to the team, who has just joined from Ireland is PHD student Barry McGovern. “I’m from Ireland and I
came here having spent the last few years working and studying between Ireland and Scotland. I decided to make the move as I was at a point in my career where I needed to take the next step and work towards my PhD and I saw the potential in the project. The location appealed to me as I have never been to southern Africa and it has always been on the top of my list of places to visit, what better way to do so than combine it with my
studies!” Simon says Barry will be working on the bottlenose dolphin population to investigate changes in their behaviour and use of the bay have changed over the last few years and specifically if any major changes occur during the major construction activities taking place during the current harbour expansion project(s). He will also be conducting a regional threat assessment of the local population of bottlenose dol-
phins according to IUCN red list criteria to be able to correctly classify the conservation status of this unique population. And how has the development in the harbour affected the dolphins? “The dredging causes noise and pollution. There has not been proper monitoring regarding the animal life. Only from June we will start working with Nam-port. It was very hard to convince them that it needs proper monitoring.”
Henties Bay allocates erven to landless youth Continued from page 1
and we will involve more people,” they said. The youth activists further said they will make sure that no single person who acquired land through the AR initiative will be authorised to sell such land without their knowledge or permission. Apart from the 121 erven offered to the AR applicants, the Henties Bay Municipality also alloca-
ted a total of 190 erven to people who have applied for land at the town through Government’s Build Together initiative. A further 80 plots were allocated to Government’s Mass Housing programme. The AR leaders also announced that municipalities of the northern copper-mining town of Tsumeb in the Oshikoto Region and the central
town of Otjiwarongo in the Otjozondjupa Region as well as a number of commercial farmers have expressed interest in the allocation of land to landless young Namibians who applied for land through the AR initiative. Amupanda, Nauyoma and Kambala were suspended on 3 March this year by the SPYL for illegally occupying land
in Windhoek’s Kleine Kuppe neighbourhood during November 2014. The suspension was then endorsed by the Swapo-Party Political Bureau. Amupanda was SPYL Secretary for Information, Publicity and Mobilisation, and Nauyoma and Kambala were ordinary members. NAMPA
24 APRIL 2015
Law Society Of Namibia Calls For Urgent Measures To Stop Xenophobic Attacks In South Africa The Law Society of Namibia (LSN) has sympathised with the families of those who have lost their lives as a result of the ongoing xenophobic violence ravaging communities in neighbouring South Africa. The LSN has said in a media statement, it supports the efforts of
Retha Steinmann the Director of the LSN
those members of the South African civil society who are trying their best to stop the victimisation of foreign nationals. “We also support the efforts to restore order, and secure the safety of t ho s e p e rs o n s m o s t vulnerable to the violence, by the members and leadership of the Law Society of South Africa (LSSA), the wider South African legal profession and law enforcement agencies.
The Law Society of Namibia calls on all the people in South Africa to take decisive action and to do everything in their power to bring an end to these attacks, to foster understanding among its people, including those who come from beyond its borders and to promote respect for the rule of law and the rights of all human beings.” The LSN, in conjunction with the Office of the Ombudsman, answered legal questions at a free
legal advice day hosted at the office of the Ombudsman, in the Magistrate's Court Swakopmund, last Friday. More than 60 residents from Swakopmund and Walvis Bay came for advice. The Ombudsman, Advocate John Walters, who was present at the workshop, expressed his and his group's delight and gratitude over the positive response from the local legal fraternity – 11 of the legal practitioners currently practicing at the
(Fltr) The Ombudsman Advocate John Walters, Advocate Ramon Maasdorp (LSN) and Mr Danie Kotze, a local Attorney who participated in the free legal advice day coast volunteered their time free of charge to assist the general public with legal questions. The free legal advice day is
one of many projects that the Ombudsman, together with the LSN have been planning for the
benefit of Namibians, so that they can be informed and empowered citizens.
Wesbank Transport under New Ownership
As promised a couple of months ago, when namib times enquired about reports of a possible merger or transaction between F P du Toit Transport (Pty) Ltd and Wesbank Transport (Pty)Ltd, the company informed us that the green light has been received, and it was all systems go… The Namibian Competition Commission on 21 April 2015, after a delay of more than four months, approved of one of the largest mergers of transportation companies in Namibian history. Mr Willie du Toit the Managing Director of F P du Toit Transport (Pty) Ltd yesterday announced that his company has bought the business of Wesbank Transport (Pty) Ltd as a going concern together with all its assets, contracts and the We s b a n k Tr a n s p o r t brand name. F P du Toit Transport will offer new employment contracts to
virtually the total staff compliment of approximately 360 people currently employed by Wesbank Transport. Both companies were founded in the middle sixties of the previous century, F P du Toit Transport by Mr Maans du Toit in the Northern Cape and Wesbank Transport by Mr E P van Rooyen in Walvis Bay. F P du Toit Transport moved their total operation to Namibia in 1970. Both companies have been family owned and managed since inception. The Van Rooyen family has taken the decision to sell because
(Fltlr) Mr Veon van Rooyen, Mrs Riana van Rooyen, Mr E P van Rooyen (92), Mr Willie du Toit and Mrs Sandra du Toit at the handover of the keys of “Ou Staatmaker,” a 1968 Oshkosh R Series from the Van Rooyen family to the Du Toit family - as a token of the handover of the Wesbank Transport business.
Mr E P van Rooyen has now reached the ripe old age of 92 years and his son Mr Melvyn van Rooyen, the erstwhile Managing Director of We s b a n k Tr a n s p o r t , passed away some four years ago while the other s o n , M r Ve o n v a n Rooyen, do not wish to manage the company on his own. Mr du Toit wished them all a happy retirement. “They left a deep footprint for others to follow” he said . The respective companies are both leaders in their fields of operation. F P du Toit Transport has for many years already been the largest logistics service provider in Namibia with its main focus areas in long haul transportation active in nine SADC countries, distribution services for the retail, automotive, industrial and pharmaceutical sectors and a courier division rendering overnight express services from and to South Africa and a daily domestic footprint in Namibia to larger destinations and servicing even the smallest communities at least twice a week. Wesbank
Transport's main fields of operation are in the mining industry where they proudly hold transportation contracts with all the operating Uranium mines in the Erongo region. They are the largest harbour carrier and container handling and storage facility operator in Walvis Bay, owns the largest abnormal loads division in Namibia and a crane hire business owning the largest cranes in the country with up to 220 tons capacity. The company also supply full loads and break bulk consolidation services to commercial and industrial enterprises situated mainly in the coastal areas. Both companies also have branches in Cape Town, Johannesburg and Durban. Mr du Toit said that it was this diversity of operations that made the Wesbank business attractive to his company. “We can now with confidence say that we can offer the whole bouquet of logistical services to our customers, the only true “one-stopshop” in logistics in Namibia. We can now offer services ranging from the global pick up or delivery of an envelope to the heaviest piece of machinery and handle all customs clearing and forwarding services inhouse. Mr Van Rooyen expressed his gratitude
that his company, together with its staff, many with long service awards and who became part of the family through the years, will remain in Namibian hands and will not be swallowed up by a m u l t i n a t i o n a l conglomerate. The present Wesbank Transport management will remain largely intact under the able leadership of Mr Willem Pronk, the erstwhile CEO of the company, now reporting as the COO of the Wesbank division of FP du Toit Transport directly to Mr du Toit while Mr Dirkie Uys, the long servicing COO of F P du Toit Transport will look after the present operations of the company. The combined transportation company will in future employ in excess of one thousand people, whilst the Intracom Group, the holding company of the Du Toit group of companies, who also has a large hospitality and tourism division under the name of Taleni Africa Tourism Holdings, will now become one of the larger employers in the country with less than one percent non-Namibian citizens employed. We s b a n k Tr a n s p o r t , whilst being an operating division of F P du Toit Transport, will retain the trade name of Wesbank
Transport, because many years of customer loyalty has made it a very valuable trade mark. The combined company will now operate a fleet of well in excess of three hundred and fifty selfpropelled vehicles and pieces of heavy equipment together with even more trailers and specialised equipment, which makes it one of the larger players in the SADC region. Mr Du Toit gave the assurance that it will remain “business as u su al” fo r Wes ba n k Transport's customers and staff whilst benefitting from the advanced level of ITC systems, synergies, knowhow and the forward thinking culture developed over many years by the Du Toit group. He jokingly said the largest visible change will be the colour of the vehicles which will shortly starting to sport the distinctive green and white livery of the Du Toit group. He also thanked the Namibian Government for their insight and demonstrated vision to make Namibia one of the largest and most effective logistics hubs in Southern Africa. He is very excited about the massive expansion of the Walvis Bay port which is currently under construction and pledged his commitment to supply the
supporting logistic services for bringing this Namibian dream to reality. He also yesterday expressed his delight with the contents of the State of the Nation address delivered on the same day in Parliament by His Excellency Dr Hage Geingob, the President of the Republic of Namibia. “With such a leader in command I have no doubt that we will attain and even exceed our National Goals. The President can rest assured that my Board under the able Chairmanship of Mr Francois Uys, our people and I will contribute our humble part in achieving that,” he said. He also expressed his gratitude to the Namibian financial sector who was able to facilitate in entirety the financial aspects of this deal led by Bank Windhoek. Independent financial experts classify this transaction, inclusive of a very large property transaction which form part and parcel of the transaction, as one of the largest Namibian to Namibian enterprises sale in the history of the country. We can now proudly adopt the slogan “Made and Financed in Namibia by Namibians” he concluded.
Nog ‘n sukses vir AntiKorrupsie in Swakopmund Marshallino Beukes
‘n Anti-Korrupsie klag wat al vir ‘n geruime tyd ondersoek word, het gister in die Swakopmund Magistraatshof aanvang geneem, nadat vier beskuldigdes gedagvaar is om in die hof te verskyn. Twee van die beskuldigdes is werknemers van die Ministerie van Mynwese en Energie, Samuel Kalula (52) en Brian Beukes (38). Volgens betroubare inligting was ‘n derde werknemer van dieselfde ministerie ook betrokke, maar sy het intussen tot sterwe gekom. Die sage spruit voort
nadat die klaer blykbaar ‘n paar jaar gelede ‘n prospekteer-lisensie verkry het. Volgens ons bron het die klaer ‘n vennoot, Johannes Wiese (40), gekry om met prospektering in die Erongo streek te begin. Na aanduiding het Wiese blykbaar, sonder die klaer se medewete, die staatsdiens-amp-
tenare omgekoop om die area waarvoor die p r o s p e k t e e r- l i s e n s i e voorsiening gemaak het te verander. Nadat die klaer snuf in die neus gekry het was dit skynbaar alreeds te laat om dit stop te sit, aangesien die verandering alreeds amptelik gedoen was en hy het die saak aangemeld. Johannes Wiese en sy
vrou, Helena Wiese (35) staan tereg op op ‘n aanklag van die omkoop van ‘n staatsamptenaar, terwyl Kalula en Beukes aangekla is vir misbruik van hul kantoor of posisie vir ‘n vergoeding. Die saak is tot 3 November uitgestel, wanneer die beskuldigdes gevra gaan word om te pleit en die verhoor ook gaan afskop.
Walvis Bay Court Report Magistrate's Court
22 April Leonardus Katima (41) and Brendan Moses Quinton Geinub (20) appeared on a charge of drugs- dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and the first alternative to count one is possessions of potentially dangerous dependence producing substance. Matter is postponed to 16 July. Thomas Nanga (26) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 23 April. Phillipus Ulinas (45) was sentenced to 5 months imprisonment on a charge of assault- assault by threat read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act. Act 4 of 2003, and another count of assault- assault common read with the Domestic Violence Act. Likies Shimwooshili (26) and Jason Haimbondi (47) appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 27 May. Deplin Debbie Eksteen (22) appeared on a charge of assault- assault with the intent to do grievous
bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 16 June. Carol Thanises (31) was sentenced to pay a fine of N$6 000 or 12 months imprisonment on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Markus Namupala (38) appeared on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor and the first alternative to count one being driving with an excessive blood-alcohol level read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Wildrew Visagie (23) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft, and another count of attempted arson. Matter is postponed to 19 August. Ivan Simon (41) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter is postponed to 27 July. Mateus Nuujoma (37) was sentenced to pay a fine of N$2 000 or 6 month imprisonment on a charge of malicious damage to property.
Swakopmund Court Report Regional Court 20 and 22 April Licius Hindjou (28) and Lennon Hindjou (26) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 15 May because the trial was partly heard- defence case. Licius Hindjou is on bail of N$2 000 and Lennon Hindjou was found not guilty and was discharged. Douglas Seth Hoeseb (24) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 21 May for continuation
of trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Riaan Samaria (38) appeared on charges of fraud and theft. The matter was postponed to 17 June for plea and trial. The accused has been warned. Betheul Pelle Kaendjamo (33) appeared on a charge of theft by false pretences. The matter was postponed to 11 May because the trial was partly heard- Judgement. The accused remains in custody.
20 - 22 April Meriam Shangombe (30) appeared on three counts of fraud charges. The matter was postponed to 1 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$15 000. Gerhald Shavuka (51) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 28 May for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Samuel Kalula (52), Brian Beukes (38), Helena Wiese (35) and Johannes Wiese (40) appeared on a charge of anti-corruption act - bribery of public officer to perform or abstain from performing an official act. The matter was postponed to 3 November for plea and trial. All the accused were summoned. Astrid Bock (34) and Erina Jacoba Persendt (36) appeared on charges of fraud and theft. The matter was postponed to 23 September because the trial was partly heard - witnesses not available. The accused is on bail of N$5 000. Messias Paulus (23) appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 28 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Petrus Angula (42) appeared on a charge of attempted murder (assault). The matter was postponed to 28 May for judgement- trial partly heard. The accused is on bail of N$800. Beverly Haimbondi (22) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 27 July for plea and trial. The accused is on bail of N$4 000. A sixteen year old boy and a seventeen year old boy appeared on a charge of rape. The matter was postponed to 15 July for further investigation. The accused are on
bail of N$2 000 each. Riaan Samaria (39) appeared two times on fraud charges. The matter was postponed to 29 June for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$30 000. Albert Kamberipa (31) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 27 April for judgement trial partly heard. The accused is on bail of N$1 500. Milton Britz (23) appeared on a charge of rape read with the provisions of the combating Rape Act, 8 of 2000.The matter was postponed to 27 May for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Derrick Brockerhof (36), Candice Brockerhof (34) and Samson Kandolo (24) appeared on a charge of drugs - dealing in cocaine. The matter was postponed to 30 November for trial- defence request. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Wilfred Katjikurupa (28) appeared on charges of drugs - dealing in potentially dangerous dependence producing drugs and substance. The matter was postponed to 27 July for final lab results. The accused is on bail of N$800. Donald Xaweb (23) appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 16 July for legal aid. The accused is on bail of N$1 000. Fiona Pienaar (24) appeared on charges of theft, forgery and uttering a forged instrument. The matter was postponed to 16 July for legal aid. The accused remains in custody.
Magistrate's Court
24 APRIL 2015
Namibian artists denounce xenophobia A group of six Namibian artists gathered at the Zoo Park in Windhoek on Wednesday to denounce xenophobia, racism and tribalism. The artists included Big Ben, Atushe, Swart Baster and Black Door. They together read out a statement to the media saying, “We are Namibian artists but are Africans first. We will not tolerate violence of any kind on the African soil. We will sing, dance and act against xenophobia in Africa. We denounce tribalism, racism and xenophobia.” Namibia Music Industry Union national coordinator, Johannes Shalipo Haludilu said the aim of the gathering was to send a message to fellow musicians and other performing artists in South Africa to take a stand and make use of the power vested in them. “Performing artists evidently have more influ-
ence than politicians and we should thus take our rightful place in shaping a new imagination for our communities” he noted. Haludilu also called on national and traditional leaders, and civil society to educate people so that everybody understands the concepts of humanity and African unity. Some 194 artists who confirmed attendance did not pitch for the demonstration, with some saying they were stuck with their office jobs. Meanwhile, President Jacob Zuma on Wednesday pledged to tackle xenophobia in South Africa as troops were sent in to support police in a crackdown against attacks on immigrants that have left at least seven people dead.
The French Press Agency (AFP) reported on Wednesday that 11 men were arrested on Tuesday in a joint police and army raid on a hostel in downtown Johannesburg, hours after the military was deployed. Many South Africans believe poverty and a severe jobs shortage is one driving factor behind mobs in Johannesburg and in the port city of Durban targeting migrants from Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique and other African countries. The spate of attacks has revived memories of xenophobic bloodshed in 2008, when 62 people were killed, tarnishing South Africa’s post-apartheid image as a ‘rainbow nation’ of different groups living in harmony. NAMPA
‘Toeplak’ - another criminal trend Madelaine Laubscher
There is a trend, known as ‘Toeplak’ or cover-up, a process of misrepresenting and misleading, doing its rounds throughout the country. Criminals pose as police officers or businessmen, demanding to meet up with their target in order to make a so-called problem disappear after the victim has paid a certain amount of money. A local resident from Walvis Bay received a suspicious phone call late at night, from a woman who said that she picked up the resident’s cellphone and asked for the resident’s residential address so she could return the phone to her. However the resident knew she never lost her phone and therefore knew it was a made-up story and ended the conversation. There was another incident in Walvis Bay where a man was contacted and asked to meet someone at the Walvis Bay Magistrate’s court with regard to a certain case. However the man suspected that it was a false story and alerted the newspaper. The newspaper spoke to Inspector Erastus Iikuyu regarding “Toeplak.” “We are aware of this scheme. It has been doing its rounds for a long time. Recently we heard that when a beloved has passed away, criminals would contact them saying they were a friend of the deceased and wants to send money via e-wallet as support. However, after they have your details you, who is supposed to receive the money, is the one losing that money in the end. Everyone is warned to be vigilant,” he said. These are tips from a Namibian police officer on how to not become a victim of this crime:
Someone could phone you and say he/she is police officer, namely an Inspector/ Chief Inspector, because a senior rank makes you believe they can ‘make things happen’ as they have the authority. He/she might say he/she is a GRN official, someone of importance, is from a business, has found your missing dog/wallet/ etc, informs you that you will be arrested or a family member has been arrested or says you have to report to a police station somewhere pertaining to a crime which either you committed or which you have input to. Sometimes the criminal meets you inside the police station. If you know you are not a criminal nor have you formally given statements which you signed where you have not made a case against other people or in general when it sounds funny, it is a scam referred to as “toeplak.” The modus operandi of the crime is, the criminal creates fear, uncertainty and concern on your side. This criminal aims to get to know you so you can learn to trust him/her and to trust the fact that he/she can fix the problem for you. The proceedings of this crime are that at some stage, you will give the criminal money for something. He/she might test the trust relationship between you,
by asking for credit to be placed on his/her phone or ask for a small amount to be paid to them via e-wallet. These criminals get their information from newspapers, social media or hanging around at places. An example: You place an advert to sell a car on social media. The criminals inform you that the car has been reported as stolen. They get your details/car details and then falsely force you into a trust relationship with them, because they make you believe you have a problem which in reality, you don’t. The more information they have pertaining to a particular situation, the more believable the lie becomes. You can protect yourself against this crime by never paying money in favour of a criminal charge that can be ‘deleted’ off the planet. Keep your personal details and transaction details as limited as possible when posting on social media and newspapers. When you suspect you have been contacted by such a person, think what you recently did on social media, in the newspaper, or have discussed with people. Never pay anything. “Toeplak” is a combination type crime that has many elements of possible identity theft, theft under false pretences, extortion and blackmail.
24 APRIL 2015
Basters slaggereed vir Eeufeesvieringe Marshallino Beukes
Kus-inwoners ook oppad Die amptelike Sam !Khubis-dag herdenking gaan nie hierdie jaar in Walvisbaai onderneem word nie, aangesien almal na die groot eeufees in Rehoboth, Basterland gaan. Sam !Khubis is 'n jaarlikse fees wat die feitlike uitwissing van die Bastervolk aan die hand van die Duitse Schutztruppe, in 'n geveg wat op 8 en 9 Mei 1915 in die Sam !Khubis-Koppies suidwes van Rehoboth plaasgevind het, herdenk. Hierdie jaar merk die 100ste herdenking van die geskiedkundige dag en Basters, dwarsoor die
land, is besig om hulle gereed te kry om die gelofte wat op daardie dag deur hul voorvaders gemaak is na te kom. Die amptelike herdenking in Rehoboth begin gewoonlik met 'n kerkdiens en 'n optog op die dorp, voordat die feesgangers saamtrek na die Koppies waar die werklike slag plaasgevind het. “Vanjaar se eeufeesviering bied aan ons die
sonderlinge geleentheid om Namibiërs in te lig en bewus te maak van die strewe van Sam !Khubis en waaroor die gelofte regtig gaan,” noem die voorsitter van die feeskomitee, mnr. Jacky Britz. Toegang tot die terrein is gratis, soos wat die gebruik nog al die jare was. Die Sam-Khubis Feeskomitee het nog altyd onderneem om eerder fondsinsamelings veldtogte van
Ook stigters-president Sam Nujoma het al die verrigtinge op Sam !Khubis met sy teenwoordigheid vereer
stapel te stuur sodat die nodige opgraderings op die terrein onderneem kan word. Hulle spreek hul innige dank aan elkeen wat ruimskoots bygedra het tot die oprigting van bykomende ablusiegeriewe en 'n kiosk op die terrein, asook bykomende water verskaffingsinfrastruktuur. “Die Sam-KhubisFees komitee is deeglik bewus van die beslommernis wat gewoonlik deel uitmaak van 'n uitkamptog na die Sam-Khubisterrein. Ook is ons bewus van die feit dat baie mense graag op die terrein wil oornag, maar nie die nodige tente en kamptoerusting het nie. Om dit ten duurste te gaan aankoop vir die gebruik van slegs enkele dag gedurende die jaar is ook nie 'n sinvolle opsie nie. Om daardie rede het
Die optog in Rehoboth
Basters in tradisionele drag die Komitee kragte saamgesnoer met die bekende IDream safari groep, wat spesialiseer in die bemarking en bedryf van tentkampe,” skryf die Feeskomitee.
Die tente sal vir die volle duur van die Eeufeesvieringe (met spesifieke verwysing na die nagte van 6, 7 en 8 Mei) bespreek moet word teen 'n koste van
N$300 per persoon per nag.Die publiek kan ook direk met Idream Africa Skakel by sel nr. 0812406717 of e p o s : r d p no 5 c c @ gmail.com
Venue setting for the NAMAs on the go... Sharlien Tjambari
It is almost that time of the year, with about seven days to go. The Namibia Annual Music Awards 2015 (NAMAs) will happen whether you like it or not. Everything is set and tickets are being sold nation-wide. Ladies are running around, worrying about their outfits. Many are wondering if the venue for the NAMAs is ready or not. The setting of the venue should be the last thing on your mind right now, just be ready and prepare yourself for the NAMAs. The NAMAs Executive Producer Mr Jandre Louw assured us that the venue will be ready by next week Friday. According to him, they started with the setting of the venue earlier this week and the setting will only take ten days. Mr Louw said “the preparations are going very well compared to last year when the dome was not complete and we had the NAMAs in a venue which was still under construction, this year the show will be bigger and better because the dome is fully completed and furnished.”
Louw also said that they are busy with the roof, “the roof is going to be the most attractive element of the show” he added. The actual event will take place on Saturday in the dome, 20 performances will take place on Saturday and 20 awards will be given out, according to Mr Louw, the dome can host close to 5 000 people and the show on Friday night, which is the Industry awards, will take place in the conference room on the fourth floor, which can host 600 people. Twelve performances and 18 awards can be expected on Friday night. According to Louw, the main highlights of the two days will be the Blue Carpet on the two nights and the live show which will be broadcasted live on the National Broadcaster, NBC, right after the Blue Carpet. They chose a blue carpet instead of a red carpet because the show is sponsored and organised by MTC.
NAMAs venue
24 APRIL 2015
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay?
Calls for measures to strengthen Tuna industry Mavourlene Gaes
The Chairman of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations (CNFA) Matti Amukwa has made a call on the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources to help remove obstacles in the way of building a stong and sucessful tuna industy in Namibia. He says the large pelagic sector faces many challenges which require co-operation between right holders and the ministry and government if they are to be overcome. Amukwa shared figures for the current season, saying six Namibian and four chartered South African vessels have landed 984 metric tonnes of tuna to date. He said it was interesting to note that, the tuna vessels using live bait, substantially outperformed those vessels utilising
frozen bait, like vessels catching horse mackerel. He outlined the issue of seismic activity off the coast, linked to oil prospecting, as a serious concern. Amukwa noted that the fishing industry with the assistance of MFMR started engaging in talks with Shell, in order to find ways to mitigate the impact of seismic surveys on the tuna migration. He urged more companies in oil prospecting to become part of the discussions.
Mavourlene Gaes
The Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Bernhard Esau responded to the challenge posed by illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing at his annual fishing industry address last week. He informed the fishing industry and all stakeholders that since the beginning of this month, the fisheries inspectors have been declared and gazetted to serve as peace officers. “In addition to their functions this gazetting has empowered fisheries inspectors to search, seize articles, hand to an ac-
Where to Fish Om
Riv er
Mile 72
Walvis Bay Tides
Walvis Bay Office
Swakopmund Tides
Swakopmund Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat
Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Port Log
Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14
WALVIS BAY, 17 April 2015 - Chairperson of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations (CNFA) Matti Amukwa attending the annual address on the fishing industry by Fisheries Minister Bernhard Esau at Walvis Bay
Fisheries ministry gets tough on illegal fishing
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
“If Namibia is to build a locally based tuna industry, support from the authorities is required to firmly establish this industry, ways will need to be found to minimise the impact of the seismic surveys on the tuna migration” Amukwa said. He says the tuna industry fully supports any initiative by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, which will enable him in future to extend a helping hand to “infant” industries or industries in trouble.
(Photo by Paulus Kiiyala Shiku) NAMPA
Obtaining Fishing
cused a written notice and an arrest warrant just to mention a few” he said. With regard to non-compliance in some sub-sectors the minister says certain companies are exploiting loopholes within the current arrangement. Esau used the Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) exemption plus the absence
of observers on board these vessels as examples of this exploitation. He further added that he has been informed that manufacturers of VMS have modernised and upgraded the first generation of Automatic Location Communicators (ALCs). The purchase price of ALCs
according to Esau is suitable for installation on board of the lobster vessels and is reportedly cheaper when compared to ten years ago. The minister has instructed his officials to study the possibility of installation of ALCs on all Namibian licensed lobster fishing vessels as from 1 November this year.
24 APRIL 2015
Minister of Mines and Energy Annual Strategic Plan Meeting
Senior staff members of Ministry of Mines and Energy
- Kandjoze ... not happy with working environment of Employees The senior staff members from different Directorates in the Ministry of Mines and Energy had their annual planning meeting (Strategic Plan Meeting), which was scheduled for five days, in Swakopmund at the Alte Brucke Conference Centre from Monday 20 April. The meeting is expec- Andreas Simon, the ment. “This is done the mandate of the ted to conclude today. strategic Plan Meeting through actions taken Ministry” Mr Simon According to the gives them a strategic throughout the year to said. This Annual Plan Senior Public Rela- direction toward per- carry out directorate Meeting is also the t i o n s O ff i c e r M r formance improve- mandates and broadly, platform where senior
staff members of the Ministry gather to outline what the objectives and key performances per department or directorate where, whether these objectives and targets were met in the previous year, the staff also present the challenges they faced and also give possible interventions to be taken in order to best achieve these challenges for the future and finally draft the next Annual Plan. In his address, the Minister of Mines and Energy, Obed Kandjoze said, “a strategic planning session is intended to accomplish three important tasks, firstly, to clarify the outcomes that an organisation wishes to
accomplish, secondly, to select the broad strategies that will enable the organisation to achieve those objectives and lastly the strategic planning should identify ways to measure progress achieved. Mr Kandjoze also said he visited all the floors of the Ministry of Mines and Energy and he said he will without doubt proceed to cover the Directorate Geological Surveying the coming few weeks. According to him, he was not very pleased with what he saw during his visits, “Firstly it is concerning that the inside of the building generally is dilapidating from an obvious lack of maintenance, it remains
Sharlien Tjambari equally concerning that the conditions in which workers are expected to spend most of their precious hours away from their families are nothing but wanting from a health and safety perspective” he said. Those were some of his concerns about the Ministry. At the end of the planning session “we hope to achieve the best of results. Results which are true, honest and results that can be measured. As we hope to achieve the purpose of our gathering our objective must most importantly be in line with the Mandate and the Mission of the Ministry of Mines and Energy” concluded Mr Simon.
Swakop Uranium contributes towards NIMT's educational upliftment Sharlien Tjambari Swakop Uranium signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Namibian Institute of Mining and Technology (NIMT) on Tuesday. At this occasion, Swakop Uranium also handed over a cheque of N$200 000 to NIMT for acquiring training equipment for the educational upliftment of the Institute. According to the Vice president of Swakop Uranium, Mr Percy McCallum, Swakop Uranium will train more Mining and Processing Operators and NIMT artisans to operate world class equipment and these skills
should be world class skills. He also said that over the next two years, Swakop Uranium will invest N$150 million on technical training. At the occasion, the Mayor of Arandis, Mr Daniel Muhuura said he
Swakop Uranium's Vice President, Mr Percy McCallum and NIMT's Executive Director Eckart Mueller signing the agreement.
is very delighted that Swakop Uranium has seized the opportunity to invest in education, “I am very confident that you will reap positive results from this partnership” he added. Mr McCallum noted that “Swakop Uranium is committed to the attainment of vision 2030 and NDP4, specifically the development of skills for the mining industry and to create a better future for all stakeholders.” To reduce unemployment in the country, Swakop Uranium, with the construction of the
Husab Project, which will be the second biggest uranium mine in the world, employs up to 5 000 contractor employees at any point in time, McCallum also said once the mine is operational, Swakop Uranium will employ about 1 200 permanent employees at the mine,
and this means a massive economic injection in the Erongo Region. NIMT has consistently yielded good results and supply various industries, especially the mining sector, with skilled and highly sought after artisan skills, added McCallum.
Signing the MOU on behalf of NIMT and accepting the donation, NIMT's Executive Director Eckart Mueller said the Husab Uranium Mine and NIMT joined forces to ensure that one of the world's largest uranium mines will always have enough skilled employees , and to strengthen each other in the strive to socially uplift the country's people. In his statement, Mr
Muhuura remarked that “NIMT is regarded as one of the best technical institutes in the SADC region and if we have to realise our country's vision of Industrialising Namibia, I am of the conviction that we need to expand on the premises in order to accommodate the demand of students that are venturing into technical fields.”
24 APRIL 2015 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
reader’s comments
Photo by Hennie Fraser
namib times
F P du Toit Transport buys Wesbank Transport (Pty) Ltd The Namibian Competition Commission on 21 April 2015, after an unfortunate delay of more than four months, approved of one of the largest mergers of transportation companies in Namibian history Rolf Hansen Wonderful news, as I had a bad run in with Wesbank on TWO separate occasions unfortunately! Never minded and rude service! They literally dropped a 2 ton wood fire stove on my pavement and the drivers told me that it is my
responsibility to have a forklift or some 10 men to offload it! Otherwise they will leave it at the warehouse and it will be my concern how to deliver it! Otherwise they will get some guys and drop it on my sidewalk!
The old German lady on the phone was rude as well and very never minded! This after I paid them a fortune to collect, transport and deliver at least till in my garage from Cape Town to WHK! I have never spoken or used them again! even
when I considered bringing in furniture again in Nov last year, they gave such hassles, I just gave up and wished the lady merry Christmas and put down the phone! Edward Peter Du Toit So! Hopefully a good investment.
Tragedie by Vierkantklip
‘n Visvang-ekspedisie het vanoggend in ‘n tragedie ontaard, nadat die skiboot waarop vier mans was, omgeslaan het en een van die bemanningslede is tot hede nie gevind nie. Ronel Hartman Ludik Dankie vir Louis Odendaal, Seef Odendaal en hulle vriend Cois en Rudy Horn. Sonder julle dapperheid om Oom Buks en Oom Pieter en vir Petrus te gaan uithaal in die koue see sou daar nog meer families in rou gewees het vandag. Ons het meer helde soos julle 4 nodig! Zelda Horn O’Dell Dankie vir Rudy Horn op die
Boot Two Sea Sons wat alles in sy vermoë gedoen het om hulle te hulp te snel en nog voor die boot omgeslaan het vir Seef Odendaal laat weet het om hulp te kry want hy sien hulle is in die moeilikheid. Louise Odendaal Schubach Wie is nog weg? Net dank die Here my broers is ok. Hesta-Marie VenterHerbst Stem saam Peter
Odendaal. Wonder hoe het die skipper vd boot sy skippers lisensie gekry? Rule no 1!- Life jackets. Carola Krämer Did all of them have safety jackets? Because without these you are not allowed to take people by boat. Alice Elizabeth Van Wyk Het hulle nie hul ‘life jackets’? Denise Van Bergen Has it
been established that there were no life jackets? It is quite possible to be swept away and even to eventually drown, while wearing a life jacket, in very bad conditions. Lowenda Rabie Du Plooy En dankie aan sy seun ook wat hom ok gan help het. Eks so jamer vir mnr Fourie ek bid v julle.
President’s maiden speech
The President of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob, has just delivered his maiden speech as President in Parliament. Mariette Brand Haal my hoed vir hom af! Hierdie man stap hand aan hand met God aan sy sy! Amen! Ivo Kruger Its the first time I am actualy exited to be a Namibian. True leadership. You followed for 25 years. This is your time to shine as leader of our country. I salute you Mr Geingob. Brian Gary May God lead our President and bless him. Danny Beukes Nogal very excited about our new president... Hys in 'n heel anne klas. Hage vattie kage. Bethuel Tjivii Tjaveondja The president has spoken if we listen we will learn more but if we speak we will only repeat what we know, long live cde president long live Namibia. Christine Simon Visser A true president. We salute u! Tim Theron Namibias very own Madiba. Carlos Jeremias The founding father has layed the foundation and now our philanthrophic Dr Hage Geingob advances the great legacy. Salute to our icon! Alex Muukua Darsei man. The man of action! Carin Nell Amen thank you Lord for our new President. It takes time to bring everything in place he mentioned, but because he walk with God it will all manifest. I an a proud Namibian no other country for me. Mina Mwoonde My president, my pride, I shall not fear, Namibia is in good hands, thank you Jesus. Polite Godly This is good, thank you Lord for such wonderful and heart man we have as our head of our beloved Namibia. Aaron Kangue Thank u Mr hon-
ourable president I salute u. Florence Phylicia God bless this man! Sylvia Markgraaf Life will become brighter now 4 all of us... Salute you president... May God lead you. Toby Ockhuizen Addressing the need of the People, the poor and needy! May God lead you to victory over poverty, Mr President. Helga Van Der Merwe Pray for our President to be in our Father’s wil, protection and to be a leader as God leads him to be prosperous, in faith, health, Word of God, as he showed us to be in future. Abrahams Hennah My president may God be with you all the time to lead you and bless you. I love you so much! Sacky Ipinge Thimotheus I for one don’t assume r be amazed by talking, I will wait until I see practically not tolk, these re one of the medicine they use to fed us, enough is enough we want land, youth and SMEs to be empowered not only politicians, well connected, so untill tht is done then i will say we hve the president. Regan Fransman Hope the property prices comes down. We suffer with housing Jamy-Lee Claassen This man he makes me Happy... Viva my president! Rina Liebenberg I am very very proud of our new President! He is a true leader! Elaine van Zyl Dankie president ek bid vir jou vir regte besluite te neem. Marlize Engelbrecht Brickhill Viva Your Honorable Mr Geingob. Joshua Kean Cloete Long Live the
President! Deoni Kotze Diedericks Work to buy own food or land and housing! We all have to do it! We don’t just get food and land and housing we or our parents had to work to get there! Eino Uuyumba Now we see political economy working. This is what education means! To understand and respect the people that elected you. Viva Dr Hage. Thomas Thomminho We want action. Not just talking with no action. Christiaan Samuels Always have been proud to be Namibian... Namibia is going to reach great hights. Nambinga Mandume Talkng is easy than action, so he mst know that we need land for everybody than we wil talk about peace. Wez Dama Kharuchab Man of vision and wisdom. peace out. Meduletu Mulokoshi My President is Hage No Error. Sara Ngendina I see change as we go further! Joan Anne Bezuidenhout Good leadership thank you our president Tate Epokolo Lyetu God bless the president of this republic. Anél Van Tonder Rothmann Moet sê ons het ‘n bietjie gestagneer vir ‘n tyd. Nie so erg agteruit gegaan nie. Ons is vry en ons kan lag elke dag. Geen oorlog. Dankie tog geen oorlog meer nie. En nou. Nou lyk dit waarlik of ons ons eie Madiba het. Het nog altyd gesê Eerste minister Geingob ‘n goei presedent uit maak. En kyk nou 25 jaar later. Ek bid vir u om ‘n goeie presedentskap te kan handhaaf. En voorspoed. Ansie Beukes Ons gaan bid vir ons President en ons land!
Dear namib times On Sunday, 19 April, we came accross a Kudu on the Henties Bay road at Mile 30 at around 7.15 am. He was on the sea side of the road and as we got there he must’ve got
spooked and ran over the road towards the desert. We managed to get a shot of him and thought we should send it in as it is very rare to see a Kudu so close to the ocean!
Please see attached photo and if you are to print it, please give photo credit to Hennie Fraser. Thanks and enjoy! Regards Shayne Brownlie
Verskriklikke fotos op sigaret pakkies Leser skryf: Ek wil n klip in die bos gooi. Die verskriklikke fotos op sigaret pakkies
staan my nie aan nie. Dan moet hulle mos ongeluks tonele, vrouens met toegeslaande oë, kinders wat op
straat sit en sulke fotos op drank bottels sit. Ek sê maar net
TO the MUNICIPALITY of WALVIS BAY This is an open letter to ANY person who wishes to answer/resolve this issue. Who handles the account payments? This has now been the second time my water has been disconnected after the payment was made and the proof of payment was also send to the e-mail address as provided on your website and by the enquir-
ies. I have all the payments and e-mails, the accounts is apparently 90 days in arrears? The interest charged? I need an answer from the Municipality, the interest charged WILL be credited and I want that indicated on my ac-
count. You can contact me directly to resolve the issue. I forward all the payments to Elsa Brits, yet this is the second time this has happened. Louise Liebenberg 081 279 4490
Thank you letter to Air Namibia Dear Air Namibia, Full marks to Air Namibia for the wonderful way in which you helped our mother, Mrs F Profijt, during her flight on Wednesday 15 April from Oranjemund to Walvis Bay. She is eighty years old and has difficulty walking. Thank you to your Oran-
jemund staff member Renee Rispel who assisted her in getting help from Oranjemund to Walvis Bay. Once in Windhoek, you helped her to transfer to another flight to Walvis Bay, using wheelchairs, which your staff pushed, and even a small car was used. When she arrived in
Walvis Bay, your staff even assisted her there to get safely to our family who met her there. We can only say thank you very much and recommend your services to all prospective air travellers. The Profijt children.
Padkos vir oordenking
Die Here is my lig en my redder, vir wie sou ek bang wees? Die Here is my toevlug, vir wie sou ek vrees? Psalm 27:1
24 APRIL 2015 24 APRIL 2015
2015 COMMUNITY NEWS Q24 APRIL and A with Swakopmund Matters Who is Swakopmund Matters? Swakopmund Matters (SM) was formed in August 2011. It was born out of the constitutional imperative in section 95(l) to maintain “ecosystems, essential ecological processes and biological diversity of Namibia and utilization of living natural resources on a sustainable basis for the benefit of all Namibians, both present and future”. This translated into a desire to adhere to a constitutional responsibility which each Namibian carries and to focus on the coastal environment. So when the core of SM gathered it was guided by section 21(1)(e) of the constitution. This provision grants and guarantees every Namibian the inalienable and fundamental freedom that “all persons shall have the right to … freedom of association, which shall include freedom to form and join associations …”. This is one of the crucial pillars without which our democracy cannot exist. Encouragement from not only the upper class and well to do in Swakopmund’s society, but, most importantly, also from the unfortunate, less privilege and disadvantage – especially amongst the youth – who all have emotions and concerns, resulted in SM gaining prominence as a responsible and trusted conveyer of information. Persons in many other parts of Namibia have equally become aware of SM and the information it is sharing. SM is home grown Namibian. What motivates SM and what does SM want to achieve? SM is well aware of the fact that many citizens are anxious to know what is happening to the marine environment. SM wants to enlighten them. To disseminate information responsibly. To play a constructive role. To convey what is important and relevant. To do so on an informed basis and in an unbiased fashion. To help broaden the perspectives of those who may not have access to information about developments affecting their ocean and its environment. To enable them to participate in public debate and to state their views, which they undoubtedly have, and air their emotions and concerns on their own and in their own terms. To see a well-informed and educated civil society. The Environmental Management Act, 2007 (Act No. 7 of 2007) and its EIA Regulations give due recognition to Interested and Affected Parties (I&AP’s). Thereby proponents of projects, such as the
marine phosphate ones, must invite them to register and participate in the consideration of environmental clearance certificates. A prerequisite is included that a public consultation process must be conducted. All objections and representations received from I&APs must be considered when assessing the potential effects on the environment. Furthermore, I&APs must have access to and an opportunity to comment on any assessment report before such report is submitted to the Environmental Commissioner. Many I&AP’s have found value in what SM has conveyed to them and the perspectives provided. In this way SM affords them the opportunity to express their opinions at all stages of proceedings. SM does not participate in protest marches. It does not carry placards around or distribute pamphlets. It does not organise petitions. It does not impose itself on any one. However, it does not stand back to irresponsible pronouncements. It will challenge utterances by proponents of projects that are seen not to be in harmony and in full compliance with all the laws of this country and its environmental commitments. SM wants to see them duly implemented and complied with. If this is seen by some as criticism then so be it. Why is SM criticised in certain quarters, especially amongst some of the phosphate mining companies? SM’s passion and enthusiasm are often confused with (sometimes deliberately labelled as) emotion and criticism. For three years SM has seen its number of contacts increased beyond all expectations. But even more heartening has been the constant flow of congratulations from Namibians thanking SM for its efforts in keeping all informed. Persons keep requesting that their names be added to the contact list. This is indeed a source of great encouragement and comfort. It demonstrates the fact that recipients are eager to know what is happening. They welcome and appreciate what is conveyed to them. Our contacts now total 16,290 on e-mail with 1,410 friends on Face Book. They represent individuals of all walks of life in Namibia, recognised international marine biologists, other scientists, companies, organisations and media – nationally and internationally. Significant are the reputable international institutions in Africa, Europe, the Americas and Australasia with whom we are in direct and regular
contact and with whom we have forged strong working relationships. However, a handful of persons, mainly in these companies, continues to criticise SM. It is known why they are detractors of SM. Why they are acting like that. Why they have to criticise SM. Why they want to discredit SM. Why they hate SM’s guts. Basically because SM is not swallowing holus bolus what they are doing or telling Namibians. One of these phosphate companies is even is going to the extreme in its attempts to discredit SM by labelling it “an enemy of progress”. This is really a laughable accusation, if it is indeed that company’s perception of SM! Is SM against development in Namibia? Again, this argument is advanced by those who have an axe to grind with SM. Nothing is further from the truth. Right for the start it has been the standpoint of SM that it is not against progress or development. By all means let it come - but then in a structured and coordinated way and in accordance with the laws of the country. And to have all of them applied without fear or favour by those who must administer them. After all Namibia prides itself to be a law abiding country. Proponents of the projects expect a blind eye to be turned to all the negatives associated with their projects and how they want Namibian laws to be applied. Namibians have set certain values for themselves when it comes to the marine environment. We are not ashamed of our efforts to help advancing these values. We know how important they are. We want to see them preserved. We shall not relent in our efforts to assist in securing a proper and just place for Namibia’s coastal environment. We shall not be witness to anyone harming a national treasure which the supreme law of this land demands all of us to hold dear, respect and preserve to the utmost. When our actions make these persons and their companies uncomfortable and uneasy, then let it be. Why is SM not saying who are involved in its activities or who are the driving force behind it? What is all important for SM is that each one of its messages is sound. That the reader understands and remembers. But above all, that readers can associate with what is conveyed. For SM it is all about content - not who runs SM. The substance of any communication must impress readers
- not names of individuals within its ranks or explaining who drives SM. Issues take precedence over names. SM wants to distribute credible views, not trying to impress with names of those who are involved in its activities. SM firmly believes that a meaningful and sincere message counts for much more. It makes a greater impression – not the names of persons. SM would hate to have it the other way around. Persons come and go. Standpoints remain and make an impact. Recipients of our e-mails are eager to know what is happening - not who runs SM. They judge SM on the substance of its communications - not the absence of names. Not who fits where in society and who has the highest pecking order. SM’s experience has been that its contribution is much more appreciated and valued than the fact that names of those involved do not clutter its e-mails. Or trying to make news by announcing who support, encourage or contribute their intellectual capital to it. SM has established an unmistakable brand name. It has made an impact much to the chagrin of some whose main – and obviously only – point of criticism is that SM does not provide the names of those involved with it. When they can’t fault SM on the contents it conveys and the messages touch raw nerves they resort to the accusation that SM is anonymous. This has now become very monotonous. In any case, no law requires SM to list those who participate in its own discussions and who associate with each other. Is SM sincere? During all the years of its existence SM has not had any one questioning its sincerity, doubting its bona fides and wondering about its motives, except for a few. They are doing so with clear ulterior motives in an attempt to advance their own agendas. Not once has SM been asked to retract any point raised. SM has not been reprimanded by anyone on any issue. Not even by one of the hundreds in all levels of government and in the National Assembly who regularly receive SM’s contributions. Who funds SM? SM has never received, collected or requested any funding from any one or any organisation, locally or internationally. Claims that SM is such funded are malicious. SM does not even have a bank account of any kind. Its expenses – sending e-mails and making telephone calls – are minimal and are being
NAMIB TIMES handled on a voluntary basis within SM. SM is being accused of unduly influencing people to be against phosphate mining. Is that so? This accusation is an absolute joke. If that were to be the case it can be argued that SM can take credit for the following which proves the absurdity of this insinuation: • The first President and Founding Father of Namibia, Dr. Sam Nujoma, added his opposition to phosphate mining in an interview with New Era. It was published in the edition of 17 December 2013. He was also critical about marine phosphate projects [Namibia Marine Phosphate in Walvis Bay (Sandpiper project) and LL Namibia Phosphate in Luderitz and also Chatham Rock Phosphate] being foreign owned and controlled. • The Hon. Theo-Ben Gurirab, former Speaker of the National Assembly, remarked in the Assembly on 19 April 2013: “I am against the idea that phosphate is mined from the seabed”. He reminded members of the recent SWAPO Party Congress and the strategy it adopted: “Fish is a renewable resource – phosphate is not”. • The Chairman of the Confederation of Namibian Fishing Associations declaring marine phosphate mining “a serious threat to the marine and land environment, people and to the Namibian fishing industry as well as other sustainable industry”. • Last July the former Minister of Environment and Tourism conveyed to the National Assembly by way of a written response to a member’s ques-
tions the conditions imposed upon LL NP in Luderitz and added: “… while the moratorium is on the law should take its course. We are operating within the framework of our regulatory environment. Our environment cannot be sacrificed due to the level of investment. Environmental protection is a constitutional obligation, and therefore as a State we are bound to protect our environment”. It is highly unlikely that SM could have had that influence!!! And what about the decision by the EPA of New Zealand to refuse Chatham Rock Phosphate a license? SM made a submission during that process. But did SM influence that decision? Surely not. But why is SM against foreign companies in the phosphate business? SM is not against any foreign company wanting to do business in and be engaged in Namibia. But then Namibians must appropriately and adequately be part of their operations. They must positively be recognised in the shareholding of such a company. However, at the present time the three major companies anxious to be involved in this type of business are denying Namibians to be part of their companies in any meaningful way. New Zealanders hold 100% of Chatham Rock Phosphate. Australian and Omani interests enjoy 85% of Namibia Marine Phosphate. An Israel company holds 76% of the “BEE company” Sakawe Mining Corporation (Samicor) which in turn is wholly owned by Lev Leviev Namibian Phosphate in Luderitz. So who stands to gain
all the way - not Namibians, but foreigners!! SM is not meeting with these companies, why? SM has never refused to state its case. SM has never asked for its views to be published. Coverage has always been the media’s decision based on relevancy and newsworthiness. All the main media in Namibia and even international news groups can testify to this. The only exceptions are the two local publications which are printed in South Africa and then distributed weekly in Namibia. The one changed a SM message in order to present a sensational story with a greater “impact”. The other one is still busy “investigating SM for a big story”. Lately SM has refused to accept an invitation from one of the phosphate companies to make a presentation to SM. SM informed it that once the future of marine phosphate mining had been established by the Government would an invitation to such a presentation be considered. SM considers it highly inadvisable to attend any presentation while this process is still ongoing. At present, and especially while the Moratorium is in force, any presentation by any company is of no consequence or until after the Government has spoken the last word on phosphate mining in Namibia’s coastal waters. What is decisive now is to wait for the final decision by government – not what the self-interested views of companies are; what studies they have done on their own; what their scientists and consultants have determined; and all the expenses they had to compile a final study.
24 APRIL 2015
Stigma and shared stigma By Bernhard Kamatoto - who has been living with HIV for 15 years Last year in July I attended a conference on HIV-Aids in Malaysia and one of the statements made there has proven since to carry great truth… “While a stranger is present before us, evidence can arise of his possessing an attribute that makes him different from others... and of a less desirable kind - in the extreme, a person who is quite thoroughly bad, or dangerous, or weak. He is thus reduced in our minds from a whole and usual person to a tainted, discounted one. Such an attribute is a stigma, especially when its discrediting effect is very extensive.” What’s uniquely painful about stigma is that it’s transactional: something stigmatisers and stigmatised do together. “In stigma, a belief system is actually shared by the stigmatisers and the stigmatised. The stigmatisers fear becoming the type of person they hate, and the stigmatised person feels [that] shame... It’s dependent on the stigmatised person who actually cares about the situation who gives a damn. Stigma has a grip on people: that’s what’s so toxic and unfair about it.” So, you can be prejudiced against people and think them inferior, but they might not give a damn; you can discriminate against them, but discrimination is something that can be shown to be visibly unfair and can often be redressed. But stigma alters the way the stigmatised persons think of themselves, and only really has only one answer, or remedy: the person (perhaps with support and positive role models) must decline to be stigmatised. The damage of stigma People who haven’t been tested are also far less likely to have ever used a condom, and are far more likely to have been diagnosed with another sexually transmitted infection. They are also 40% more likely to be male and 50% more likely to have dangerous beliefs about HIV - for instance, that you could get rid of HIV by having sex with a virgin. In some other cases, they share these attitudes with the surprisingly high proportion of people who
have been tested for HIV but say they do not know their status.” So, stopping stigma, giving people correct information about HIV, and encouraging testing, are more likely to change people’s HIV risk for the better if addressed together, rather than singly. Even when the figures were adjusted for people having correct knowledge about HIV transmission, people with strong traditional beliefs were still three times more likely to believe that people with HIV should be punished and seven times more likely to describe them as weak and foolish, though this knowledge largely stopped them thinking that they should be isolated. Stigma is resistant to information: it is an overall mindset that may only change slowly - even in response to the shock of finding yourself one of the people you’d previously stigmatised. Measuring self-stigma Even the questionnaire is an uncomfortable read. It combines two questions that rate people’s ease with disclosure. It is difficult to tell people about my HIV infection” and “I hide my status from others”), with one about blame. It is my own fault I am HIV positive and four on whether people have the following negative feelings about themselves: dirty, guilty, ashamed, worthless. The degree to which people concur with these finely differing feelings can provide quite an accurate measure of self-stigmatisation. When they added in in-
ternalised stigma, though, the difference was stark: people with internalised stigma were half as likely to disclose their HIV status to their partner and less than half as likely to disclose it to their family. Contrary to what one might expect, depression and internalised stigma were not strongly associated. The Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) is one of the standard measuring instruments for depression. It asks about the degree to which people have experienced specific depressed emotions at times during the past week (“I have felt I could not shake off the blues even with help from family and friends” and “I have thought my life has been a failure” are two examples). The self-stigma index, in contrast, asks about whether people generally feel bad about themselves in particular ways. Because it’s less tied to moments of intensity, it may be capturing something colder and less changeable: their considered verdict on themselves as human being. Self-stigma may be experienced as a grim acceptance that things are the way they are. The assumption of rejection “Being gossiped about.” This is the fear most often cited by people with high levels of self-stigma. Not so much overt rejection, discrimination or even violence, but what’s said behind your back, the avoided glance, the assumed dislike.
“People with self-stigma pull away from you so they don’t get rejected: but they’re pulling away on the basis of what they think you think of them - even when it isn’t what you think.” The as-yet unpublished research is based on indepth, searching interviews with 17 people with HIV chosen to be representative of affected communities. Its title - An unspoken world of unspoken things is based on a remark made by an interviewee about how self-stigma is all about absence: the disclosure not made, the friendship unattempt, the touch never reached for. “Self-stigma reduces your expectations,” says France. “It makes you reduce your life to just living.” Namibia is specific about using the term self-stigma rather than internalised stigma. The latter assumes that stigma starts as a set of negative assumptions about HIV held by society, manifested in a set of discriminatory acts inflicted on the person with HIV - who then starts believing in some of the assumptions themselves, a sort of collaboration with one’s abusers. “But the individual, as part of that society, already has strong beliefs and self-stigmatising views,” says France. If you fail to take the effects of self-stigma into account, you may over-estimate the hostility that people with HIV have to cope with. I find, in fact she says, “that people self-stigmatise about two to three times as much as people
Bernard Kamatoto at the namib times-PEPFAR HIV-AIDS Campaign launch earlier this year. actually stigmatise them.” “One of the things that really jumped out is not so much that our interviewees were avoiding having sex - though some were - but that self-stigma and disclosure anxiety took all the pleasure out of sex.” Addressing self-stigma One thing talked about at Open Heart in our House that will be value of our peer support. If they could steel themselves to meet other people with HIV, participants often discovered a wonderful sense of social solidarity and support, especially in helping others. We must going around speaking about HIV, wearing ‘HIV positive’ T-shirts: it makes sense that this would work, but not to the extent we’d hope, and there’s not much data that the effect lasts. Who spoke openly about depression, campaigned for better mental health for people with HIV, but in the end apparently gave up taking his HIV meds bears witness to this. So it’s ultimately about changing self-beliefs which may involve hav-
ing to change beliefs held well before one’s HIV diagnosis, such as feeling dirty about being gay, or grieving for the loss of family, friends and lovers, or being traumatised by abuse child sexual abuse has a very strong association with subsequently becoming HIV positive. This invites people to question negative self-beliefs by asking of themselves whether those beliefs are true, how they know they are true, how they react when believing they are true, and who they would be if they didn’t believe they were true; finally, it gets them to explore the opposite belief. This sort of affirmative work can do wonders, especially in people who’ve never experienced it before, though people with a deeper sense of doom and ‘wrongness’ may require more in-depth psychotherapy. But whatever method is used, demolishing selfstigma is about helping people get to the point when they can decline to be stigmatised - where, in Namibia’s words, they can say: “If I don’t be-
lieve I’m a bad person, why would I believe you believe I’m a bad person?” Every HIV positive person If one day the person simply stops thinking of themselves as a victim, whatever prejudice or discrimination is happening ceases to have its power to degrade and can be better fought. If you can achieve that freedom in your head, it’s catching. Happened including her losing her job. I remember her saying to me: ‘One day, I just thought “Right, go on, stigmatise me then. I don’t care.”’ From then on, I remember her saying, she never experienced stigma directed against her again.” And she’s become an example for other HIV positive people. The change you want to see in the Namibia, Start with you, Do something better, more precise and less prescriptive. “As a person living with HIV changes your own nature... so does the attitude of the people change towards your Mobile +264 81 312 5819 bkamatoto@gmail.com
24 24APRIL APRIL2015 2015
Photos by Liesl Losper
Students from Kuisebmond Secondary School
Mpact Maths project yields positive results at Kuisebmond Secondary School Liesl Losper
The whole idea of the project is to improve the maths grades of students in the less privileged schools and to make it possible for more students from this school to qualify for university acceptance. “Currently the program applies to Grade 12 students and we are tackling 2 core classes and one extended class. About 7 - 10 hours will be spent with students after hours per trimester and will take place a few weeks before tests or exams, in order to sharpen their skills in solving exam-type questions. The whole idea of the project is to teach students how to ‘fish’, based on the Chinese proverb 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day - teach a man how to catch a fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.' The classes are practical
in nature meaning that you have to work hard at solving problems. Our focus is to assist the students to think out of the box and to use proper mathematical 'grammar', says Frans Gaoseb from Mpact. COMMUNITY NEWS The 1st trimester of mathematics classes at the school has been covered - students were taken through about 7 hours of tutorials. According to Goaseb the sessions were wellorganised and well-attended as the Head of Department Mathematics, Mrs Hamukwaya assisted them with the necessary arrangements for classes to run
smoothly. She made provisions for examination papers, informing the students well in advance of the classes and ensuring that they attended. Three classes - two Core classes and one extended class - were covered. The classes were wellreceived and appreciated by students and staff alike. De Duine Secondary School has also expressed interest in the program but can only join the program as from trimester 2. Both De Duine Secondary School and Kuisebmond Secondary School will be part of the project in
Nicole Braby (Senor planner at MPact) at Kuisebmond Secondary School
Frans Gaoseb (SHEQ Manager – Mpact) at Kuisebmond Secondary School
trimester 2 and 3. Mr Hamukwaya, Kuisebmond Secondary School Mathematics teacher says, “They have contributed positively and we can see an improvement in the results, especially of those students that are doing core”. The Mathematics Project is the brainchild of Mr Frans Gaoseb, SHEQ (Safety, Health, Environment & Quality) manager at Mpact Corrugated and he is assisted by Nicole Braby (Senior planner) and Stefanus Mutileni (Maintenance planner) also working at Mpact Corrugated. Both Frans and Nicole have studied in the Mathematical Sciences up to Honours level and Stefanus is a mechanical engineering graduate from the Polytechnic of Namibia. The project is part of Mpact’s corporate social responsibility for 2015.
24 APRIL 2015
APRIL 2015 2424 APRIL 2015
24 APRIL 2015
Legendary Stimela to tantalise at MTC concert The legendary South African Afro-fusion band called Stimela will be performing at the MTC Trey Songz Concert slated for 30 May. Stimela is part of a rich line-up of performances which include the yet to be announced Best Male and Female Artist of the Year at the NAMAs 2015. The formation of Stimela in the 1970s came about after a meeting of minds between two bands destined to be one. Ray Phiri, a self-taught guitarist from Nelspruit and Isaac Mtshali, drummer and son of a traditional healer had formed The Cannibals. The band started
out as instrumentalists, but evolved when Mpharanyane Radebe joined them and laid vocals on songs like ‘My Maria’ and ‘Highland Drifter’ - which although number one for 18 weeks in Zimbabwe - was banned immediately in South Africa. Although Radebe
passed on in 1978, the band soldiered on, and in 1980 went on tour with The Movers, led by Jabu Sibumbe and Lloyd Lelosa who had similarly grown up humbly and with music wafting through their homes and flowing through their veins. This landmark tour of the then Eastern Transvaal would see musical sparks fly and after a few name changes - Kumasi, Splash, Adaye the band settled on Stimela after a life changing experience in Mozambique. Stranded in Maputo for three months, they eventually sold all their belongings and took a train back home - and it is that train that gave them their name. They developed quickly, welcoming Charlie Ndlovu that year. From an explosive launch at
Turfloop, they went on to perform at Universities around the country and fast gained notoriety for cerebral, provocative and lyrical socially conscious content. The year Coyote and Khomo joined, they recorded “Whispers in the Deep”, a subtle, yet deeply illuminating indictment of the silence, murmurs and whispers of those afraid to speak out against the injustices of the regime. Featuring Phiri’s tenderness and Coyote’s piercing thunder; there was an optimistic slant to this criticism, an acknowledgement of the inevitable victory and a concession at the collective responsibility towards liberation. Predictably, once the powers that be caught on to the song’s political undertones, the song, now popularly known as “Phinda
Mzala”, was banned. Eight years after reclaiming their considerable space on the performance circuit and after much cajoling and significant investment from Tumi Mokwena, a young professional with a musical heart and a colossal space in it for the iconic band, they reunited in Polokwane to record a new album, A Lifetime. The haunting, searing, tantalisingly gruff voice of Coyote on this album is a special blessing given his recent passing and complements a sound at once so familiar yet teeming with all that is raw and fresh about the young spirits which have lent their considerable talents to a project worthy of the legendary South African treasure that is Stimela.
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 2 May: Vlooimark aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk MOTH terrein regoor Woermann Brock. Kontak mev Vermaak tel. 202 020. * 2 May: Ring Of Fire Mcc Ruk & Pluk Dayjol at Atlantis Sport Club. * 2 May: The Rockets & Volume 4 at Walvis Bay Town Hall at 18:00. * 5 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E Kerk, Kuisebmond. * 8 May: Baai Poets presents Poetic Healing - 50 Shades of Poets at Ninos's Pizzeria, Walvis Bay at 18:30 for 19:00. Entrance Free. Contact 0812144161 * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 30 May: Meat Festival and Canoe Combat at the Lagoon - Walvis Bay. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 5 June: Erongo Health Care Clinic in Association with Cancer Association of Namibia presents The Moulin Rouge Charity Event at the Walvis Bay Town Hall at 18:00. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 26 June: Donkey Derby at Town Hall.
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 18 April: “Workshop about Dolphins” (Dr Daniela Maldini) at 09:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. * 23 April: SFC Sports Club AGM at 19:00 in the Club House. * 25 April: Sena Style & Design - Table Setting Workshop at Brigadoon Conference Centre. * 28 - 29 April: Sena Style & Design - Etiquette Workshop (16 - 19y) at Brigadoon Conference Centre.
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00.
24 APRIL 2015
Pupkewitz MegaTech now at the Coast Windhoek, 21 April 2015, Namibia Competition Commission has given the unconditional approval for the acquisition of Namib Electrical Distributors in Walvis Bay by Pupkewitz MegaTech (Pty) Ltd.
Namib Electrical Distributors has been in operation at the coast for 8 years, owned and managed by Mr Riaan Stols. Mr Stols commented that he is very excited about the development as it will allow wider product range, bigger stockholding and better pricing for electrical contractors at the Coast. Pupkewitz MegaTech (Pty) Ltd, part of the Pupkewitz Group of Companies has seen tremendous growth the last six years and has been able to not only im-
prove product range and pricing, but increase the number of employees from 5 to over 100. This business serves the electrical contractors market with the full range of electrical products needed for any project (cabling, lighting, medium voltage, generators, etc). Pupkewitz MegaTech provides a one-stop shopping experience to contractors, with customised credit terms and excellent customer service. With a combined 200 years' experience
amongst the sales consultants comprising engineers and lighting specialists MegaTech is geared to customer service to a whole new level. With the acquisition of Namib Electrical Distributors, Pupkewitz MegaTech will now have representation in three major centres of Namibia; Windhoek, Oshakati and Walvis Bay. “The reason for the success, has been our ability to keep the relationship with our customers personal” says Paul Koster, Managing Director of
Pupkewitz MegaTech (Pty) Ltd. “We have been able to keep in step with our customers, we grow as they grow. We have supported our customers through the
good times and the tough times. Mr Pupkewitz used to say that through happy employees you get happy customers and thus have happy stakeholders. We have
been fortunate to build strong relationships with our customers and it is only through their tremendous support that we have been able to grow.” Pupkewitz MegaTech
will be acquiring the business as a going concern and existing staff will become part of Pupkewitz Megatech to ensure continuity for coastal customers.
24 APRIL 2015
24 APRIL 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Was Professor Joseph Diescho über Bildung zu sagen hat
Joseph Diescho, der 1955 in Diyogha bei Andara in der Kavango-Region geboren wurde, schrieb 1988 den ersten, von einem gebürtigen Namibier verfassten Roman: ‘Born of the Sun’. Mit Unterstützung der Kirche besuchte er die Rundu Secondary School und danach die Universität Fort Hare in Südafrika, an der er ein Studium der Rechts- und Politikwissenschaften begann. Er unterbrach sein Studium für ein Jahr und arbeitete für die Consolidated Diamond Mines (CDM) in Oranjemund. Er beteiligte sich an Bürgerrechtsbewegungen, kehrte danach aber nach Fort Hare zurück und erlangte dort seinen ersten Doktortitel. Er war einer der jüngsten Doktoren in der Geschichte der Universität. Mit Hilfe von Stipendien setzte er sein Studium 1987 an der Universität Hamburg und 1988 an der Columbia University New York in den Fächern Afrikanistik und Politische Ökonomie fort. Insgesamt hat er sieben Hochschulabschlüsse, davon drei Master- und zwei Doktortitel. Von Ende der 1980er bis Anfang der 1990er Jahre war Joseph Diescho Professor für Internationale Politik an der City University of New York. Anschließend kehrte er nach Südafrika zurück und übernahm zahlreiche Stellen in Wissenschaft, Forschung
und Fernsehen, unter anderem als Sprecher und Dozent am UNISA Centre for African Renaissance Studies. Hier lesen Sie einige Ausschnitte aus seinem interessanten Bericht ,Das Ziel der Bildung’, der am 10. April in der staatlich getragenen Tageszeitung New Era erschien: “Zu konstatieren, dass die (ehemalige) BantuAusbildung besser war, ist ein falsches Argument, das nur darauf aus ist, zu zeigen, dass wir (heute) nicht wissen, was Ausbildung ist - genau wie unsere Unterdrücker, die Bildung dazu verwendet haben, das zu produzieren, was wir heute sind: Menschen mit einer tiefen Krankheit des Minderwertigkeitskomplexes, der sich in Selbstzweifel, Selbstmitleid und Selbsthass manifestiert. Die Bantu-Ausbildung war nicht besser - sie wurde nur besser von Menschen organisiert, die wussten, um was es bei Ausbildung geht, und die die richtigen Kompetenzen hatten, ein System zu entwerfen, das dem klaren Ziel der Nationenbildung diente..... ......wir bedienen uns stets der Idiome des Freiheitskampfes: WIR gegen die ANDEREN; Schuld; Gerechtigkeit; politische Korrektheit; dem Anspruchsdenken, dass die Welt uns etwas schuldet, was sie nicht tut; Intoleranz; das Zurückfallen auf rassis-
tische Stereotypen und Hetze...... ........In den 1950igern, lange bevor Hendrik Verwoerd Minister für Eingeborenenangelegenheiten und Premierminister wurde, verkündete er: ,,Wenn ich Minister für Eingeborenenangelegenheiten werde, möchte ich den schwarzen Kindern klarmachen, dass die Gleichstellung mit den Europäern nichts für sie ist. Die Lehrer, die solch eine Gleichheit befürworten, werden in Schulen nicht benötigt.” Verwoerd mag in seiner Haltung gegenüber Rassenverhältnissen verkehrt gewesen sein, aber er wusste, worum es bei Bildung ging, und er setzte alles daran, das zu erreichen: eine ungleiche Gesellschaft von der Geburtstregistration an über Religion, Ausbildung, Bürgerschaft, Städteplanung ....
Möchten Sie zeigen, wie aufregend das SMSen in einer Zeit war, als es noch keine Handys gab? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn (zur Zeit noch in Kapstadt) per Mail: susannkinghorn@gmail.com
....Ziel der Bildung ist u.a. Jung und auch Alt bewusst zu machen, wie Macht gewonnen, gebraucht und auch missbraucht wird.... ....Bildung sollte die Kultivierung von Neugierde sein... die Überwindung von Tribalismus und Engstirnigkeit....die Kultivierung von Anstand und Gehorsam (nicht Unterwürfigkeit) an die Obrigkeit; die Förderung der Autonomie; die Maximierung von Freiheit, Glück oder Selbstachtung..... Wir haben die Bantuausbildung, die Ausbildung der Weißen und Coloureds nicht mit etwas Geeignetem für ein neues Namibia ersetzt, in dem alle Menschen gleich sind und eine Veranwortung haben, die Zukunft dieses Landes mitzugestalten. Wir scheinen nur halbherzige Antworten auf unseren Ärger gegenüber der Apartheid zu haben, auf unsere unsachkundige Bindung an eine Form der sozialen Gerechtigkeit... ...Im vereinfachten Sinne sollte das formelle Bildungssystem hauptsächlich um die Verdeutlichung von Konzepten bemüht sein, Konzepten wie Wissen, Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit, Schönheit, Verstand, Sinn und Dasein... ...Bildung sollte Bürgern, vor allem dem Jungvolk, beibringen, zwischen richtig und falsch zu unterscheiden, ethisch und moralisch zu sein und das Gute im Leben zu schätzen... ...Namibia hat jetzt eine Phase erreicht, wo
wir Schein und vorgetäuschte Titel statt Bildung schätzen, Arroganz statt Bescheidenheit, Prahlerei statt Aufwertung, Imitation statt Originalität. Würden wir wahre Bildung und ihre echte Bestimmung ehren, täten wir es wie Robert Mugabe mit seinem Bildungssystem, das dafür gesorgt hat, dass die Zimbabwer heute die am besten ausgebildeten Afrikaner sind, die überall in der Welt sinnvoll überleben können. In den ersten zehn Jahren, nachdem Zimbabwe unabhängig wurde, hat das Land die Betonung ernsthaft auf die Ausbildung seiner Leute gelegt, indem es Bildung belohnte und nur die besten Köpfe als Führer und Organisatoren des Bildungssystems einsetzte. Mugabe hatte keine Angst, seine Leute auszubilden. Er inspirierte und förderte sie. Der erste Erziehungsminister in Zimbabwe, Professor Dzingai Mutumbuka, erzählt, dass die am besten ausgebildeten Bürger ausgesucht wurden und der jüngeren Generation als Vorbild dienten. Dazu gehörte auch Mugabe selbst, dessen Englisch und rhetorischen Fähigkeiten sogar die britische Presse in Staunen versetzte. Mugabes erstes Ausbildungsteam gelobte, ein Klassenzimmer pro Tag zu bauen! Der Rest ist, wie man sagt, Geschichte. Die Wahrheit ist, dass Ausbildung kostspielig ist. Wenn man aber denkt, dass Ausbildung teuer ist, dann sollte man es erst mit Unwissenheit versuchen. (Übersetzung von Susann Kinghorn)
- Wenn ich sterbe, sollen meine letzten Worte sein: ,,Ich habe eine Milliarde Dollar vergraben, und zwar unter dem......” - ,,Hallo Polizei, kommen Sie schnell, man hat mich eben bei der Tankstelle ausgeraubt!” ,,Beschreiben Sie den Täter!” - ,,Es war Zapfsäule Nr. 5.”- ,,Bin ich heilfroh, dass ich meine Jugend in einer Zeit durchleben durfte, in der man noch in ganzen Sätzen sprach!” - ,,Was kostet dieser Drucker?” - ,,19,99 Euro!” - ,,Klasse, dann nehme ich den, und dazu noch eine Patrone!” - ,,Gerne. Das macht dann zusammen 359,99 Euro.” - ,,In meinem Job ist kein Platz für Angst. Zeigst du Angst, bist du tot.” - ,,Was machst du beruflich?” - ,,Bin Kindergärtnerin!”
Kurzer Kommentar zum “Geschäft”
Freddi weiss noch immer nicht, wie es gemacht wird! Man HOCKT sich auf die Toilette, um Stoffwechel end produkte entspannt und ohne Schwierigkeiten loszuwerden. Guten Morgen, Frau Kinghorn! Ihr Artikel rundum das ,,Geschäft”war ein Riesenerfolg. Er hat auch die Tränendrüsen beeinflusst. Wir haben Tränen gelacht, und die Freundinnen meiner Frau, die so genannten
Otji-Ladies, haben sich vor Lachen gekringelt. Jetzt weiss das Gehirn endlich, wer der Chef ist. Einen schönen Sonntag und - wenn noch in Kapstadt einen sonnigen Tafelberg. Ihr Peter Adrian
24 APRIL 2015
An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste
Graphen, das Wundermaterial!
,,Es ist das stärkste Material der Welt, ist eine Million Mal dünner als Papier und 200 Mal stärker als Stahl. Die Rede ist hier von Graphen. Als Andre Geim und Konstantin Novoselov vor zehn Jahren winzige Graphitflöckchen mühsam mit einem Klebeband
und Seife von einem Graphitblock lösten, machten sie eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung. Denn sie erhielten ein Material, das zwar hauchdünn war, aber mechanische und elektrische Eigenschaften aufwies, die man von keinem anderen Stoff her kannte.
Worte der Woche
,,Lass uns versuchen, den von der Sonne angestrahlten Mond festzuhalten.” Was ist eigentlich Licht? Sag’ was ist Licht? Ich sag’, ich weiss es nicht. Du sagst, es sei ein Phänomen, lässt bunte Streifen* am Objekt entsteh’n.
Obwohl es aus nur einer Lage Kohlenstoffatome besteht, die ein Wabenmuster formen, ist es viel reißfester als Stahl. Es ist transparent, leitet elektrischen Strom und lässt sich zu winzigen Halbleitern formen. Heute zählt Graphen zu den Werkstoffen, auf denen große Hoffnung ruhen. Die Europäische Gemeinschaft hat im Jahre 2013 die Erforschung und Nutzbarmachung von Graphen zu einem ihrer Flaggschiffprojekte gewählt, die zehn Jahre lang mit jeweils einer Milliarde Euro gefördert werden. Flexible Displays, schnellere Sensoren, bessere Batterien und leichtere Fahrzeug- und Flugzeugteile, vor allem aber leistungsfähigere elektronische Bauelemente und bessere Datenspeicher verspricht man sich von den dünnen Graphitflocken. Graphen können auch den Energiesektor beflügeln und die Effizienz von Brennstoffzellen und anderen wasserstoffbasierter Verfahren zur Energieerzeugung deutlich verbessern. Andre
Erklär ich den Effekt, so brauch’ ich ein Modell. Ich wähl’ ’ne Welle und erkläre schnell, was hinter dieser ,,Beugung” steckt.
Geim und seine Kollegen von der University of Manchester haben jetzt entdeckt, dass eine Monolage Graphen vollkommen durchlässig ist für positiv geladene Wasserstoffatome (Protonen), während es alle anderen Atome und Moleküle am Durchtritt hindert. Dadurch könnte man es als Membran für Brennstoffzellen verwenden oder zur Gewinnung des sauberen Energieträgers Wasserstoff aus der Luft nutzen, berichten Geim und seine Kollegen in der Zeitschrift ,,Nature”. Dass Graphen durchlässig ist für Wasserstoffkerne, hat die Forscher aus Manchester überrascht. Denn selbst Wasserstoffatome, die aus jeweils einem Proton (Atomkern) und einem Elektron (Atomhülle) bestehen, können das kristalline, flache Material nicht durchdringen....” (Lesen Sie den Bericht von Manfred Lindinger weiter auf der Website: http:// m.faz.net /aktuell /wis sen/www.physik-che mie /wundermateri al-graphen-feine-gra phitflocken-fuer-sau beren-strom-13297164.html)
Doch merke auf, das Licht ist keine Welle! Nur für die Beugung nahm ich dieses Bild. Für Eigenschaften einer Photozelle ein and’res Scheinbild zum Erklären gilt. Hier wähnt der Physiker, es seien Teilchen. Was ist es nun, das Licht? Ich denk’ ein Weilchen und konstatiere - wie am Anfang - ...weiss es nicht! In Wahrheit - dieser Satz scheint dicht hat Licht ein reines Zwiegesicht! Klaus Reißig (1941) Physiker *Beugungsbilder
2010 gelang es zum ersten Mal, Folien aus Graphen herzustellen, die größer sind als nur ein paar Zentimeter. Mit ihrem Produkt bauten Forscher sogar gleich einen biegsamen Touchscreen.
ACCOUNTING COURSES Hands on practical and computer based accounting courses are available three times per week (two hours each) in the morning or afternoon for the duration of one month, including evening and weekend classes. New courses start at the beginning of each calendar month. Students will be taught on the:
Sage One Accounting by Sage Pastel accounting package. Courses are lectured on-site, in modern new class rooms fitted with laptops, an over-head projector, small cafeteria, etc. Classes are limited to 10 students so that individual attention is assured by the lecturer as well as up to two assistants (depending on the nature of the course offered). Qualifying and successful students will receive a certificate and if so requested may possibly be placed with external clients via Namibia Recruitment Agencies, alternatively and possibly be offered employment at Seelenbinder Consulting, a firm focussing on accounting, tax, payrolls, business consulting, due diligence, internal audit, mergers and acquisitions and competition board submissions. Costs: N$11,500 including VAT. Payment plans are available for qualifying students at N$1,150.00 per month for a period of twelve months. Terms and conditions apply. For bookings and more information please refer to our website at www.seelenbinderconsulting.com, or contact Joyce at 064 40 66 73, or email us at joyce.e@seelenbinderconsulting.com
Locker vom Hocker Von Load Shedding
Liebe Küstenleser! Zur Zeit befinde ich mich in Kapstadt und muss erneut erfahren, dass es einen gewaltigen Unterschied macht, ob man etwas über ein Malheur in der Zeitung liest oder es am eigenen Leibe erfährt. Liebe Landesgenossen, haben wir nicht alle schon genug von load shedding in unserem südlichen Nachbarstaat gehört, gelesen und unsere Witzchen darüber gerissen. Zum Beispiel: Was ist der Unterschied zwischen Südafrika und der Titanic? Wenigstens hatte die Titanic ihre Lichter an, als sie unterging! Load shedding heißt so
sender Auslandsverschuldung, schrumpfendem Sozialprodukt, weltweit größtem Bevölkerungswachstum, niedrigster Lebenserwartung usw.. Mit load shedding ist eine weitere Komponente hinzugekommen, die einen berechtigt, diesem Kontinent die Eigenschaft schwarz zuzuschreiben. Wenn der Strom ausgestellt wird, ist die Nacht rabenschwarz, und man kann das Kreuz des Südens in voller Pracht bewundern. Das Interesse an der Astronomie lässt allerdings spätestens dann nach, wenn man die anderen Beglei-
in Rom erlebt. Wenn Sie je einmal das Bedürfnis haben, sich ein Hupkonzert anzuhören, dann werfen Sie sich in das chaotische Getümmel in den Straßen der Hauptstadt Italiens bei perfekt funktionierenden Ampeln! Wie dem auch sei, hier in Kapstadt wird bis zu dreimal am Tag und zweimal in der Nacht die Energiezufuhr abgeschnitten. Sie können sich vorstellen,
Afrikas Sonne erhellt nicht nur die Gemüter, sondern sorgt obendrein dafür, dass Laptop und Fernseher auch ohne Strom laufen. viel wie "Belastung terscheinungen des wie sehr sich all die abwerfen“ und ist zur load shedding miter- kleinen Ladenbetreiber freuen, wenn sie stunZeit wohl das meist lebt. verwendete und ver- Die Ampeln funk- denlang beschäftihasste Wort hier, denn tionieren nicht, und gungslos und schwites bedeutet, dass man Polizisten, die den Ver- zend in ihren dunklen täglich mit Stromaus- kehr regeln, sind nir- Ladenhöhlen hocken, fällen rechnen muss. gendwo zu sehen. Ich die mangels BeleuchAls mein Mann und ich breche eine Lanze für tung und Klimaanlage gegen Abend in dem die Kapstädter Auto- kaum ein Kunde betritt. größten Städtchen des fahrer und nehme o- Die Vertreiber von Namaqualandes na- bendrein meinen ver- Notstromaggregaten mens Springbok, an- beulten Südwester Hut und Gaskochern reiben kamen, ratterte im Hof ab vor ihnen. Trotz re- sich natürlich die Händes Gästebetriebs, in gem Verkehr zu Stoss- de. dem wir untergebracht zeiten zeigen sie eine Seit Jahren versichert waren, ein gigantischer Disziplin, die wirklich ESKOM, deren Chefs, Generator. Es gab wie- zu bewundern ist. hier nur noch „Lords of dermal keinen Strom, Auch ohne Verkehrs- Darkness“ genannt, die Stadt war so gut wie ampel gilt an einer dass die Finsternis spädunkel, und wir tapsten Kreuzung: wer zuerst testens im nächsten unbeholfen durch die ankommt, darf fahren. Jahr ein Ende haben unbeleuchteten Stra- Und das ganze läuft wird, und seit Jahren ßen auf der Suche nach ohne Aggression, ohne wartet man hier in einem Lokal, in dem Hupen, ohne böse Ge- Spannung und harrt in man eventuell einen sichter oder eine ge- Geduld. D r i n k e i n n e h m e n ballte Faust. Über- Aber jetzt kommt der konnte. Die Zuberei- haupt zeigen sich die Höhepunkt, liebe Küstung unseres Mittags- Autofahrer in der tenleser! In dem ganmahls am nächsten Tag zweitgrößten Stadt zen Schlamassel, den in Tulbagh dauerte et- Südafrikas so gut wie das ständige Stromwas länger als sonst, da immer rücksichtsvoll abschneiden verurmit Gas gekocht wer- und gelassen. Das fällt sacht, informiert ES den musste. auf, wenn man be- KOM die Öffentlich”Afrika wird normaler- denkt, wie unkoor- keit mit den folgenden weise einmal wegen diniert und irritierend trostreichen Worten: seiner vorwiegend es bei uns auf den ,,Load shedding wurde dunkelhäutigen Bevöl- namibischen Straßen eingeführt, weil es kerung der ,,Schwarze zugeht, obwohl wir in nötig ist!” Kontinent’ genannt, ganz Namibia nur halb andererseits hinsicht- so viele Menschen sind Ihre lich der Lebensqua- wie in Kapstadt! Ich Susann Kinghorn, die lität, Zukunftsper- habe vor vielen Jahren sprachlos aufs dunkle spektiven bei wach- auch mal den Verkehr Kapstadt schaut
24 APRIL 2015
VACANCIES We currently offer the below VACANCY: SALES TECHNICIAN A vacancy currently exists for a technically minded sales person in our technical sales department with the following main responsibilities: · attending to customers · preparing quotations and invoices · handling of incoming and outgoing goods · handling of cash sales · controlling and re-ordering stock · Being responsible for cash received Also: · install and commission a large variety of new Industrial machines & equipment · attending to internal & external service & Repair jobs, whether electrical or mechanical · analyse & repair electrical & mechanical faults · invoicing and completion of job cards This is an ideal position for a technical minded and conscientious person, preferably with work experience in the separate fields, who considers accurate work and outstanding customer relations his basic standard. Minimum pre-requisite's are: · Grade 12 qualification or higher · Electrical Degree and Qualification · Work experience in the designated fields · computer literacy · legible and neat handwriting · mathematical skills · honest and self-motivated · excellent people and customer relations skills Interested applicants, who consider themselves fully qualified for the applied position, should please post or hand-deliver (faxes and emails are not accepted) their completed CV with copy of ID to: The Manager (Tel: 064 203415) HUSTER MACHINETOOL CO. (Pty) Ltd. P. O. Box 637, Walvis Bay 108 Hage Geingob Street, WALVIS BAY Closing date: 29 May 2015
English Teacher Position Mondesa Youth Opportunities is a non-profit, after school programme for promising young learners in Mondesa, Tamariskia, and the DRC of Swakopmund Minimum Requirements: * Diploma/degree in education * Minimum of 5 years' English teaching experience * High level of English required (oral and written) * Namibian citizenship Please do not apply if you do not fit the stated requirements. N.B. No pension or medical aid benefits apply. Send a CV with a cover letter and references to myotrust@iway.na fax: (0)88 615737.
ERONGO REGIONAL COUNCIL VACANCY MANAGEMENT CADRE Post Designation: Deputy Director: Engineering Services Grade 4 Directorate: Directorate Planning and Development Services Division: Technical Services Scale of Salary N$ 405 749 – 430 584 Duty Station Swakopmund Vehicle allowance N$ 97 667 p.a Housing allowance N$ 63 137 p.a MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: A three –year Bachelor Degree in Engineering (Civil, Electrical or Mechanical) with 9 years appropriate experience and Registered as Professional Engineer / Incorporated Engineer with the Engineering Council of Namibia. Duties: The Deputy Director will be responsible for overseeing technical and maintenance policy implementation in the region and for ensuring work is completed within the required standards of quality, cost and time. · Establishing regional technical policies, standards and guidelines for the provision of new infrastructure and maintenance of existing structure. These should be in line with national policies, standards and guidelines. · Executing, facilitating and guiding development planning, design, contract administration and inspection services for new infrastructure in the region. · Executing, facilitating and guiding development planning, design, contract administration and inspection services for maintaining and executing minor renovations to existing infrastructure in the region. · Providing, coordinating and advising on engineering inputs needed for the planning and design of the technical infrastructure. · Facilitating the receipt of the functions/activities identified for decentralization to the subdivision from sector ministries /offices/departments in accordance with the agreed upon time frame. · Oversee provision of maintenance services to all Government movable and immovable assets. · Prepare, recommend, control and account for all technical projects of the Erongo Regional Council. · Carry out any other duties as may be lawfully assigned by the Director of Planning and Development and Chief Regional Officer. People from designated groups are encouraged to apply. A separate application must be submitted for each post applied for and must be clearly indicated on each application form. All applications (on Form 156043 obtainable at Government Offices) together with certified copies of identity Documents/Birth certificate, Educational Qualifications and a comprehensive CV must be hand delivered or be addressed to: Note: Failure to complete all items on the application form for employment and not attaching the necessary documents will disqualify the application. The Chief Regional Officer Erongo Regional Council Private Bag 5019 SWAKOPMUND Enquiries: Mr N P Cloete Tel: 064 410 5715 Closing date: 29 May 2015.
24 APRIL 2015
PART TIME OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR (Swakopmund) WorleyParsons is one of the World’s leading engineering design companies and one of the largest employers of professional engineers internationally With 38 700 people in 165 offices across 43 countries, WorleyParsons manages some of the world's leading resources & energy projects throughout our four customer sector groups: Hydrocarbons, Minerals & Metals, Infrastructure & Environment and Power. A vacancy for a Part Time Office Administrator exists in our Swakopmund Office. Specific Accountabilities: · Assist with secretarial services for the BU Manager · Travel and accommodation arrangements · Record keeping - filing and archiving · Procurement generating orders on our DSL system · Assist with manning the telephone · Assist with financial reporting on projects · Adheres to HSE procedures · Ensuring quality compliance according to the TQM system Qualifications, Skills and Experienced Required: · Diploma/Certificate in Office Administration · Basic Accounting skills will be an added advantage · Good knowledge of Microsoft Word™, Excel™ and Outlook · Well organised, systematic and punctual · 3 - 5 years’ experience - preferably in the technical environment · Good communication skills verbal and written · Driver’s license and own transport Please submit your application to: E-Mail: Coreen.Liswaniso@WorleyParsons.com Closing date for applications: 8 May 2015 Position Reference: Office Administrator (Swakopmund) Note: Please ensure you refer to the job title when applying for this position. WorleyParsons is committed to the principles of the Employment Equity Act and candidates from designated groups are encouraged to apply.
24 APRIL 2015
CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality. Erf 5365, Unit 11A (Kronheimer Building, 39 Sam Nujoma Street) Swakopmund: Special permission to operate an Institutional Building
MUNICIPALITY OF WALVIS BAY TENDER NUMBER 42/2015 CLEANING SERVICES – MUNICIPAL BUILDINGS AND TOWN HALLS Tenders are hereby invited for the provision of management, operational and cleaning services at the Walvis Bay Town Hall and Kuisebmond Community Hall, as well as for the provision of cleaning services to the Narraville and Kuisebmond Municipal Buildings. Tender documents are available from the Cashiers at the Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay, against the payment of a non-refundable tender document fee of N$30.00 (excluding VAT). Tenders, sealed and duly endorsed “Tender No 42/2015: Cleaning Services: Municipal Buildings” must be placed in the tender box not later than 11:00 on Friday 22 May 2015. Tenders submitted shall contain the following documents, to be submitted with the: - Business registration with Municipality of Walvis Bay - Certificate of Good Standing from the Social Security Commission - Certificate of Good Standing from the Receiver of Revenue - Proof of previous cleaning contracts executed The lowest tender will not necessarily be accepted and the Local Tender Board reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of any tender. J A J KRUGER SECRETARY: TENDER BOARD
Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 11 May 2015
CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality. Erf 3566, Unit 34 & 35 (Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street) Swakopmund: Special permission to operate a Public Garage (Workshop-cars and bikes). Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 11 May 2015
Website: www.namibtimes.net
24 APRIL 2015
24 APRIL 2015
Volvo Cars takes luxury to a new level with its Lounge Console unveiled in Shanghai Volvo Cars has unveiled a new concept at the Shanghai Auto Show that takes executive in-car luxury to a new level. Labelled the Lounge Console, the concept offers busy chauffeur-driven business people the ultimate executive accessory - a compact and versatile solution to expanded storage and comfort. The Lounge Console replaces the front passenger seat, providing a wealth of functions and amenities. "We started this work by looking at the executive lifestyle. With our progressive approach to premium design and functionality we analysed the needs
and perspective of the chauffeur driven executive, designing the car around him or her in the spirit of our brand's aim," said Thomas Ingenlath, Senior Vice President Design at Volvo Car Group. "A key element in our thinking was how to make the available interior space work for the occupants in an
optimal and luxurious fashion. Removing the passenger seat enabled us to create an open space that dramatically changes the dynamics of the interior and led to a firework of ideas and new possibilities." Having performed ethnographic research to establish the unexpressed and unmet
needs of people with a high-profile lifestyle, the designers at Volvo Cars looked at how such needs might be met in one combined offer. "The intention with this concept is to showcase two things firstly that Volvo Cars is aware of the needs of our executive customers and secondly, that with design
innovation and modern materials we can effectively create a passenger experience that is unique in the premium car segment," added Thomas Ingenlath. The Lounge Console incorporates features designed toenhance the in-car experience. Volvo Cars' designers provide a large work table which opens to reveal an illuminated vanity mirror, including a storage tray for jewellery and per-
sonal accessories or make-up. The table rotates 90 degrees and simultaneously powers forward to display a large 17" media screen for a full in-car theatre. Below the cushioned leg rest is an additional area for shoes. For added security Volvo Cars has included a lockable storage box. The removal of the front passenger seat allows for full forward vision creating a
uniquely spacious environment. "People who are on the move and have a hectic lifestyle going from event to event or meeting to meeting need some space, some luxury time, and the opportunity to relax and refresh themselves for the next engagement. This is ultimately what the Lounge Console is designed to facilitate," concluded Thomas Ingenlath.
24 APRIL 2015
And the "all-wheel-drive car" award goes to.. .... Mercedes-Benz Stuttgart / Frankfurt am Main. The awards for the all-wheel-drive cars of the year 2015 were dominated by Mercedes-Benz. The readers of Europe's largest 4x4 magazine "Auto Bild Allrad" voted models bearing the threepointed star top in no less than five categories. This makes the premium car maker the most successful brand in this poll by some
margin. "Never has there been such a triumphant result for a single manufacturer in the 15 years that our readers' poll has been running! Mercedes-Benz is our readers' favourite brand without a shadow of a doubt!" is how Bernhard Weinbacher,
CLA 250 Sport
the editor-in-chief of Auto Bild Allrad, described the poll's clear outcome. The figures confirm this statement in emphatic fashion. Auto Bild Allrad readers were able to vote for their favourites from 176 models spanning ten categories. The
result: five victories for the cross-country vehicles, SUVs and allwheel-drive passenger car models from the star-studded brand. The G-Class, the undisputed definitive 4x4 ever since its premiere in 1979 and the forerunner of all present-day MercedesBenz SUV models, emerged the clear winner in its category, racking up twice as many votes as its
nearest rival. The real surprise of the reader's poll, however, were the results achieved by the passenger car models with 4MATIC all-wheel drive, which secured three victories for Mercedes-Benz. In the category for allwheel-drive passenger cars costing over 40,000 euros, the premium manufacturer even managed a clean sweep of the top three spots. The individual victories:
Cross-country vehicles/SUVs from 30,000 to 50,000 euros GLK Cross-country vehicles/SUVs over 50,000 euros G-Class All-wheel-drive passenger cars up to 40,000 euros CLA All-wheel-drive passenger cars over 40,000 euros S-Class All-wheel-drive sports cars, coupĂŠs and cabriolets S-Class CoupĂŠ "Auto Bild Allrad" is the 4x4 sister magazine of Auto Bild published
G-Class Edition
by Axel Springer Auto Verlag and is Europe's best-selling all-wheel drive motoring magazine with a total of around 63,000 copies a month. The awards ceremony for the all-wheel-drive cars of 2015 was held at DEPOT 1899 in Frankfurt am Main. This listed brick building dating from the century before last was used as a tram depot until 2003, and today houses a gastropub and various event halls.
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
NOTICE CONSENT USES, ERECTION OF BUILDINGS AND USE OF LAND IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent uses, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services, Swakopmund Municipality. Erf 1829, (53 Franke Street) Vineta : Special permission to operate a Residential Guesthouse. Contact Person: Mr. A. Van der Westhuizen Tel: +264 (64) 4104403 (Town Planning Officer & Special Projects) Any person having any objections to the proposed steps may lodge such objections, duly motivated in writing, with the Chief Executive Officer until 15 May 2015
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo . 1. Name and postal address of applicant: Wata Wata Investments CC, P. O. Box 1386, Walvis Bay. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Wata Wata Mini Market. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: 6132 Yellow Tail Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. 4. Nature and details of application: Groceries Liquor Licence to Wata Wata Mini Market. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Walvis Bay. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 28 April 2015. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 10 June 2015. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach the Secretary not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which the application will be heard.
OMATAKO BROKER SERVICES cc - Your financial partner -
- Translating all your needs and expectations regarding financial security into an all inclusive, personal roadmap to independence - Our service is based on the pillars of relationship, independence, integrity, empowerment and professionalism. Position available; NEW BUSINESS DEVELOPER (WALVIS BAY) Omatako Broker Services cc, a long-term financial business, has a position for a New Business Developer with the following qualifications and skills, based at our office in Walvis Bay: * Grade 12 certificate * A self-starter and enthusiastic person * Very good interpersonal skills to converse on a senior and professional level with clients * Excellent administrative and communication abilities. * Above average computer skills, with knowledge of MS Office (Outlook, Word and Excel) * Previous experience in long-term financial services will be to your advantage. * Prepared to have endurance and show pride in your work * Driver’s licence * Namibian citizen Key performance areas: * Generate new business by securing prospective clients for brokers * Related office and administration duties * Administering and completing new applications on service suppliers’ software * Dealing with clients’ queries and managing thereof This position is commission and performance based incentives where targets are achieved. Should you be the ideal candidate, please apply in confidence to: amanda@omatakobrokers.com No faxed applications will be considered, only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Closing date: 6 May 2015
24 APRIL 2015
Classifieds NAMIB TIMES
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
JOIN US THIS FRIDAY!!! Believer's Fellowship Church “Monthly night of Prayers” (The Seven Hours in His Presence) Theme: “Jesus The Healer” Date: Friday 24 March 2015 Time: 21h00 - 04h00 Venue: Church Auditorium opposite Fruit & Veg by Reliance Motors Swakopmund The healing hand of God must touch you!!! Contact: 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759 Come if you are sick, oppressed, depressed and suffering from broken marriages, Jesus shall heal you and make you whole again! Jesus is Lord!!!
Meat Festival at Walvis Bay Lagoon 30 May 2015
PRINELLY TRAINING ACADEMY: Our moto: “To bring Professionalism to your Work place” Job opportunities now available!!! We urgently need to train for a new tender we got in Swakopmund. The training will start on 11 May 2015, registration is now till 7 May 2015. No late registration will be accepted!!! * Waiter (x24) * Bartender (x10) * Receptionist (x4) * Chef (x3) * House keeping (x8) * Bookkeeping (x2) * Office Administrator (x3) * Human Resource (x2) Remember! Any foreign language will add an advantage, learn the basic: German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, English, Italian and Afrikaans. Other courses and distances classes still available Contact: 081 778 6480 081 126 8711 Email:
COMPUTER CLASSES START UP LEARNERS Mondays - Fridays Classes start from 17:15 to 18:30 Contact: 085 239 0860
DR LULE Is challenging everyone who has been trying to get help but without success. Spiritual healer using ancestors powers to show Solves bad luck, financial problems, body pains, lost lovers, marriage problems, infertility, enlargements, weak erections, get loans quickly, debt cancellation, bad dreams, protection from jealousy, lucky charms, win tenders, gambling, addictions, business boosting and all forms of sickness. There is always a second chance! 100 % guaranteed results. Contact: 081 273 5194 Walvis Bay
Business Solution Trading CC 108 5th Street Walvis Bay Namibia Contact : 081 8532 464 Business plans, Feasibility and Marketing studies, project performance assessment, strategic and marketing planning, organisational growth and strategies, clearing and forwarding, SME mentorship, Company logos, assignment at all levels of study (certificate, diploma, degree, and masters), loan application procedures and website design.
TRADITIONAL DOCTOR DR CHISALE “The Old Man” From Malawi Specializing in various problems and diseases... Lost lovers to come back within 4 days Protection of houses and bodies from witchcraft Removal of any type of bad luck Complicated court cases Binding your lover, to be yours only Boosting your business Passing examinations Promotion at work Win big contracts Not to be asked to pay debts or accounts To become pregnant To have more power during sex All types of diseases To become pregnant and many more Come and see wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret Phone Doctor Chisalo “The Old man” 081 726 2834
Stalls available to the public N$ 200.00
Contact Thoysie at tel:203747 BELIEVER’S FELLOWSHIP CHURCH Swakopmund: PRESENTS: Theme: The Resurrected Christ & His Power Venue: Church Auditorium Opposite Fruit & Veg complex by reliance motors / Commercial Marine Swakopmund Date: Friday 3rd April Saturday 5th April 2015 Time: Friday & Saturday 17h00 daily. Sunday @ 09h00 - 12h00 Come and experience The Resurrection Power of Christ!!! Contact: 081 236 9128 081 227 9436 081 202 2914 081 370 3759
SANAH NAIL TECHNICIANS Beauty is the art 3 days nail training N$ 1400.00 with full kit & certificate, uv machine included. Start your business upon completing the course. Book your space now... Quality at its best. We are situated in Walvis Bay in Sam Nujoma Ave Erf 202 or call us 081 233 2893 081 233 5391
Let's play music. Keyboard/ Piano classes for kids. Age: 6 to 15 years. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 148 7189
COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685 NO MORE DIETING,BANTING, CALORIE-COUNTING OR WEIGHING FOOD!! Come learn the truth concerning your body and totally transform your body the DIET-FREE way! A comprehensive & scientifically meaningful method to lose your weight for ever and get a new lease on life. Commencing on 6 May 2015. For more information or registration 0811279212 / 0811284141
FLIPPERS Swimming School Swakopmund Learn to Swim 18 months to Adults Babies in Jacuzzi Mon – Thurs & Saturdays Groups & 1 on 1 Mariëtta 081 363 3723 flipperssc@gmail. com
OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS In NamibiaHousehold & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na
SPECIAL SPECIAL FOR WINTER! We are selling quality Brazilian Hair, we guarantee our hair: 10 inch N$ 1 100.00 12 inch N$ 1 300.00 16 inch N$ 1 700.00 18 inch N$ 1 950.00 20 inch N$ 2 150.00 22 inch N$ 2 400.00 Note: Only calls to be attended 081 844 2342 081 336 0019
SERVICES - Elektriese Sekuriteits. omheinings vir huise, plase en plotte. - Centurion D5 hek motor installeerders. - Alle omheinings. - Meer as 10 jaar Ondervinding. Kontak: 081 581 1600
Infinity Bounce Jumping castle's to rent Big 3 in 1 is 550 per day. Standard 450 per day. Water slide 350 per day. 081 371 9956
For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. FOR HIRE: Tents, Tables and Chairs for hire in Swakopmund. For any functions outside Swakopmund you can contact for special arrangements. Contact: 081 323 9402
Affordable and reliable transport offered. We do office and household furniture removal in Walvis Bay and from Walvis Bay to Swakopmund and from Swakopmund to Walvis Bay. Contact Lawrence 081 354 2084
Truck Hire Josh Transport For all your transport needs please contact us and we will gladly help you. Cleaning services. Bricks, cement, building material, building rubble removal, if you are moving your furniture around, Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. Please contact: 081 240 8039, 081 8057 547, 081 619 6503
OMEGA RENOVATIONS •Painting •Roofing •Building •Plumbing •Electrical • Paving Johan Snr: 081 365 0438 Johan Jnr: 081 866 1476 OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for Sole Proprietors & CC's (Dormant and Operational) MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTS/CASHFLO WS TRUST & CC REGISTRATIONS MONTHLY BOOKKEEPING GET A QUOTE TODAY! WE ARE THE BEST BY FAR CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774
Carpet/Upholstery Cleaning For effective cleaning please call Lida Coastal Hygiene for a free quote The Chem-Dry method: Stays clean longer, Dry Faster, Healthier, No bad odours Treat your carpets! Please book to avoid disappointment. Tel 064 209 292 E-mail: admin2@lida.com.na
TOGETHER CONSTRUCTION We do the following: *Bricklaying (building construction) *Plumbing work *Electric work *Ceiling work *Tiling work *Tilling work & *interlocking *Painting work Carpentry work (BIC) We have a qualified team call us for a free quotation We offer N$ 500.00 cash for an effective referral of our work Terms and conditions apply. Contact: 081 148 9348 081 280 6249
Chief Antonio Phiri: From Milanje Islant (Malawi). Very powerful, see results same day. Bring back lost lovers. Business attractions (Chinyambata). Revenge evil spirits (tokoloshi body and homes). Manhood enlargements and empowerment in bed. Multiplicaiton of livestock to have triplets. Court cases, promotion at work, bad luck, body protection from witch craft, financial problems (magic stick), binding homes, kraals, shops, cars from thieves. Unfinished jobs, done without pay. Women problems, womb, discharge , periods. Pregnancy problems, swollen legs, BP, cancer, asthma, pneumonia, sugar, diabetes. NB Consultation fee is free. Contact 0818433509 INTERBAY SHUTTLE Fridays & Sundays only Walvis Bay Depart: 06:30 Pick up & Drop off Engen Garage Opposite Shoprite Otjiwarongo Depart: 13:30 Pick up & Drop off Theo’s Spar Contact Kobie: 081 367 0207 Baby: 081 256 5146
Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged
24 APRIL 2015
Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, electricity. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467
A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Fa c t or ie s/ Ac c es s i ble windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na
Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Samsung Air conditioning Installer. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300 DR DUH AIZI Now is in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund Powerful Doctor, expert in removing demons and withcraft. Healing madness, epilepsy, asthma, help people in business, work, lost lovers to come back quickly, win court cases, sexual matters, help with financial prosperity, cancel debts, get married, stop alcoholism, pregnancies, catch thieves and revenge. Dr DUH AZIZI 081 344 8959
Vehicle License Assist No queues, no stress License Renewal, Roadworthiness, change of ownership, personalised number plates... We do it all!! Contact: 081 498 6051 Request a pricelist from: vla.namibia@gmail. com
KITCHEN ELEGANCE We do kitchen cupboards, BIC and all types of woodwork. We also do 3D designs and free quotations. Contact Keagan: 081 612 3519 kitchenelegancenamibia. com
Handyman in Walvisbaai. Installering van alarm, garage motors en hek motors, elektriese fence, small renovations incl, tiling, painting en plumbing, electiricity. For any quotes phone 081 247 4467 081 682 6126
PROPERTIES TO RENT MALAKIA PROPERTIES TO LET VINETA EXT 15 Bachelor flat With Garage N$4500.00 W/Incl TAMARISKIA 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen N$4200.00 W/Incl Avb 1 May 2015 MAHETAGO 3bedrooms bic, 2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge And Garage N$6500.00 W/Incl Avb 1 May 2015 TULINAWA 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen & Lounge N$4500.00 W/Incl TUTALENI WALVIS BAY 3bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen & Lounge And Garage N$5000.00 W/Incl Avb 1 May 2015 ARANDIS 4bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen & Lounge N$4000.00 W/L Excl All Deposit -required Malakia 081 297 7253 Email: Malakiaproperties@yah oo.com
TO LET: Bachelor flat 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen, shower + toilet Single persons only N$ 2 000.00 p/m Deposit N$ 1 000.00 W/E incl. Contact: 081 206 6256
FLAT TO RENT Central Town - Walvis: 1 Bedroom, bathroom, living room, open plan kitchen. N$3500.00/month + N$2000.00 deposit (payable for 4 months) Available 1st May 2015. 1 year contract. Contact: 081 252 9876
TO RENT Mondesa swakopmund: Bachelor flat, own toilet and shower. W/l incl. Hot water. Own entrance, very secure. No pets. Ideal for single person (for partners we can discuss) N$1600.00 per month + n$1600.00 refundable deposit. Contact: 081 333 0095 or text.
VOGELSTRAND * Town House, 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, indoor fire place, outdoor braai, full kitchen, double automted garage, secure complex N$8 500p/month Contact: 0851249826 TAMARISKIA * One bedroom flat with automated garage, open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex. N$ 4200/per month. CONTACT 0851249826 * Bachelor flat with automated garage , open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex N$ 3500/month. CONTACT 0851249826.
Mnr C.J.H Grobler Bied verblyf aan 2x blankepersone om 3 slaapkamerhuis te deel. Garage + Afdak beskikbaar. W/L ingsl. N$ 1 500.00 N$ 1 800.00 p/m Bel 081 233 5259 vir details. Begin Mei beskikbaar TO RENT: Walvis Bay 172, Theo Ben Gurirab Block of flats Very neat and sunny bachelor flat for single person. Lots of cupboards. Kitchen with stove, bathroom (shower). Lock up garage. Spacious courtyard with remote gate. Alarm. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. Sorry no pets. Immediately available N$ 3 500.00 p/m plus deposit. Contact Ina: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 TO RENT: Two bedroom furnished flat in Lagoon. Spacious courtyard with tandem garage and separate entrance. WiFi & alarm system. W/E incl. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Couple or Single. Sorry no kids or pets. Available 1 May Contact: 081 148 2521 081 129 7407 TO RENT: 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen to lounge. W/E incl. Alarm system. no garage. Available 1 May Fairways, Walvis Bay Contact: 081 147 7626 Bachelor Flat to rent in Narraville. Build in cupboard in kitchen and room and own courtyard. N$2 850 plus deposit . W/E incl. Immediately available. Contact 0855839993 or 081 0422 041 Room to rent in Namport, Kuisebmond. One bedroom, kitchen and toilet. N$2350.00 per month W/E incl. Available any time. Call: 081 256 8537 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat avialable as from 1 May 2015 in Kuisebmond, near Independence beach. N$3400 per month, including water and electricity, plus a deposit of N$1 700.00 Contact : 081 4511 391 or 081 211 7804
TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mondesa-Oletweni · 2 bedrooms house, open plan kitchen, bathroom and single garage for N$ 4200.00 Water incl. with prepaid electricity. Mondesa- Mondi Haven · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, kitchen & sitting room with single garage for N$ 4800.00 water & electricity exclusive Walvis Bay Kuisemund · One bedroom flat, sitting room and a kitchenette, toilet and shower for N$ 2500.00 water and electricity included. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.com
Website: tukaproperties.com
Swakopmund 138sqm warehouse industrial area to rent for N$4,700.- excl VAT. Cell: 081 2564947 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES TO LET: Vineta - Swakopmund 2 bedroom apartment, open plan kitchen, lounge, courtyard, garage, semi furnished N$ 6 000.00 p/m Long Beach 2 bedroom apartment, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, tanderm garage, small balcony furnished N$ 7 000.00 p/m MILE 4 2 bedroom townhouse, 2 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, Big court yard with braai, garage, modern furnished. N$ 9 000.00 p/m Kuisebmond 2 bedroom house lounge, kitchen, shower N$ 4 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Kuisebmond 2x1 bedroom flat with shower and toilet, small kitchen to be shared N$ 1 800.00 p/m FOR SALE: Establish businesses for sale in Kuisebmond proved to be highly lucrative as they are central located at the most hanging out spot 1 bar and bottle store N$ 6 400 000.00 neg 2. Second bar with storeroom, jackpot room, 2 bedroom house, 2 bathroom N$ 2 120 000.00 3. Third bar with lots of rooms N$ 2 120 000.00 Emma: 081 122 8067
2 BACHELOR FLATS to Rent in NarravilleClose to police station. Insuite room, Kitchen/Sitting room, BIC, shared garage. Price: N$ 2700, include water. Electricity is prepaid Deposit N$ 1000. Available immediately. Max 2 people Only! Contact: 081 23 93 529 Exclusive and Elite Estates Waterfront 3 bedroom Town House double garage N$ 9,300.00 Mile 4 free standing house 2 bedrooms 1 bathroom N$ 6000.00 Ocean View-Newly built Town houses 3 bedrooms 3 bathrooms 2 and a half garages lounge & kitchen N$ 15,000.00 Ocean View 3 bedrooms 2 bathrroms spacious townhouse Own courtyard N$ 8500.00 Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com TO LET Narraville - Walvis 2 Bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms, one sitting room and a kitchen. Very spacious with bic in the rooms and kitchen. Flat is situated at evergreen street 50 nest to Makarios mini market and take away. The flat is conveniently situated close to mini market and it is easy to catch a taxi to town. ideal for 2 single people to share. N$5000.00 per month W/L Incl. deposit required. contact: 081 360 7641 MAHETAGO Inside rooms: one with built in cupboards and bathroom @ N$2200, 2nd room @N$1600. Deposit required. Water incl. Electricity Prepaid. Contact: 0853101660 0813704266.
PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET: Walvis Bay Newly renovated 3 bedr. house, 1 bathr, 1 garage, big yard, close to schools & shopping centre. Prepaid electricity. Available 1 May 2015 N$7 500-00 per month + full deposit Contact : Jan @ 081 237 8297 Flat to let in Swakopmund: Large 1 bedroom flat (unfurnished) on 1st floor from 1st of June 2015 Tandem Garage included , water and lights excluded. Walking distance to town (Near Shoprite) Price : N$ 4500.00/month Contact: 081 379 4858 To Let: 2 flats at Wilto apartments @N$6000 p/m each. Vineta: Fully furnished 2 bedroom flat in secure complex for N$7500 p/m. Long beach: Fully furnished flat @N$7000p/m Narraville: Spacious one bedroom flat for N$3000p/m including W&L Contact 0812314303 for more info. TO LET: Backyard flat in Narraville 1 big bedroom, shower, open plan kitchen with BIC. N$ 3 300.00 p/m N$ 2 500.00 deposit W/E incl. Available 1 May Contact: 081 555 3781 081 424 5061 TO RENT: Room to rent in Namport, Kuisebmond N$ 1 900.00 p/m W/E incl. Private shower and toilet. Contact: 081 753 3213
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
TOGETHER CONSTRUCTION We do the following: *Bricklaying (building construction) *Plumbing work *Electric work *Ceiling work *Tiling work *Tilling work & *interlocking *Painting work Carpentry work (BIC) We have a qualified team call us for a free quotation We offer N$ 500.00 cash for an effective referral of our work Terms and conditions apply. Contact: 081 148 9348 081 280 6249
BUDGET CLEANERS: We o f f e r o n c e o f f cleaning for Lounge suites, Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
MEERSIG SOLE MANDATE This family home offers 3 bedr, 2 bathr, sunny lounge to beautiful fitted kitchen. Entertainment area, BBQ, double garage, garden. Plot size 1250m². N$1 800 000 KUISBEBMOND A seldom find – build your dream house on this 330m² vacant plot. N$325 000 MEERSIG Area! Area! – The right side of the road – 846m² vacant plot. N$750 000
Joey 081 129 3293
24 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
PROPERTIES TO RENT Flat to let in Swakopmund Large 1 bedroom flat (unfurnished) on 1st floor from 1st of June 2015 Tandem Garage included , water and lights excluded. Walking distance to town (Near Shoprite) N$ 4 500.00 p/m Please phone 081 379 4858
Swakopmund To let unfurnished: CBD Secure Apartment on first floor with balcony 2 bedr, 2 bathr, open-plan lounge/kitchen/ scullery. Double Garage N$ 7,500.00/month excl. W&E (prepaid) CBD Spacious Apartment on first floor with large North facing Balcony. 3 bedr, 2 bathr, spacious open-plan KitchenLiving area. Double Garage in basement N$ 8,800.00/month excl. W&E (prepaid) Kramersdorf Garden Cottage, 3 Bedr, 1 Bathr. Openplan Kitchen/Lounge Private spacious Garden Double Garage N$ 7,000.00/month excl. W&E (prepaid) Contact : Christoph 081-865 5818 Office: 064-461116 TE HUUR: Vol gemeubileerd enkel woonstel bestaande uit slaapkamer, badkamer en kombuis te huur in Lagoon area, Walvisbaai. Beskikbaar 1 Mei Veilig en privaat. Toesluit parkering. W/L ingsl. Gedeeltelike DSTV ingsl. Jammer geen kinders of troeteldiere. N$ 3 500.0 p/m Pluse deposit vir 1 persoon en N$ 3 800.00 vir 2 Kontak: 081 247 1687 HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa - Swakop: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. BIC and garage. N$6500.00 (neg) W/Incl. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 081 261 8487
TO RENT: One Bedroom flat to rent in Narraville Available immediately , opposite Makarois OK Alarm system installed, W/E incl. Monthly N$ 3000.00 Deposit N$ 1500.00 Contact: Monique or Ralph 081 692 4960 / 081 221 7622 TO RENT: 114m² upmarket office space in main road Walvis Bay Available 1st of May Contact : 064-204745 / 081 342 0000
TO LET SWAKOP LONG BEACH 2 Bedr Flat, sea view Secure complex S/garage, Outdoor BBQ N$ 7 700.00 BIG BARGAIN 3 Level town house 3 Bedr,2 bath with Guest toilet. Balconies Leading from rooms Open BBQ area Furnished N$ 11 000.00 SWAKOP Free standing House 3 Bed, 2 bath D/garage Huge Erf N$ 10 000.00 VIEW TODAY 3 Bedroom house with 2 Bedroom flat, office Walk in Safe, cooler Entertainment area with lots more N$ 24 200.00 Lots of houses from N$ 14 000.00 Urgently looking for 2 bedr flats from N$ 5 000.00 in Swakop, Arandis and Long Beach CONTACT US STILL TODAY RYNO: 0812105085 (064) 464 033 www.remax.co.za
Swakopmund – Waterfront Apartment Big 200m² 3 bed, 2 bath unit with Open plan Double garage, indoor BBQ & Guest toilet N$ 2 150 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 Swakopmund – Ext 19 Newly Built 3 bed, 2 bath Freestanding House With Open plan, Double garage, indoor BBQ Outside toilet & Balcony. Option for further expansion for An additional garage or Flat N$ 1 850 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 Swakopmund – Myl 4 Duplex for sale 3 bed, 2 bath, Open plan Double garage, indoor BBQ Guest toilet & Balcony N$ 1 680 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 LONG BEACH Double Storey 3 bed, 2 bath House with Lounge, Dining Room, Guest Toilet & Double Garage N$ 1 850 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Swakopmund FOR SALE Swakop River Farm Drastic Price Reduction 5,9 ha –South Side of the Swakop/Moonlandscape. 2-Bedr. Cottage In-and outside Swimming Pool. Main House and 3-Bedr. House still to be finished off. 6 Garages and various Storerooms. All Furniture, Machines & Equipment are included in the price. Good Bore Hole Water N$ 4,4 Mill.
RÖSSMUND GOLF VILLAGE 2 Bedroom/2 bathroom fully furnished and equipped double storey townhouse. N$ 1 995 000,00 Follow boards from circle at GOLF CLUB Contact: DIANA
081 748 0001
Christoph 081 865 5818 Claudia 081 129 0490
SWAKOP – TAMARISKIA WAVE YOUR MAGIC WAND! 3 Bed with 2 bath, kitchen, Living and 1 bed flat. Spacious erf N$ 980 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950 Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom double storey flat with tandem garage for private sale in central Swakopmund for N$1,600,000.Cell: 081 2564947
MALAKIA PROPERTIES SALE TAMARISKIA Plots and Plans: 3bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen with bic, lounge Plus bachelor flat N$1.25mil Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:
Falcon Real Estates and Insurance · Oceanview - newly built very spacious house. 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen and lounge with separate scullery. Entertainment area. Very big erf 875 sqm. Price N$ 2450 000 An absolute stunner!! Contact us should you wish to buy or sell property. Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Neville : 081 250 4808 Email: falconrei@iway.na
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
PROPERTIES FOR SALE Falcon Real Estates and Insurance · House for sale Mondesa. 4 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, tandem garage. Double story, very spacious home. N$ 1 050 000. · Erf for sale Oceanview ext 22. Sized at 618 sqm. N$ 615 000. · 3 Newly built houses for sale Ocean view. 3 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, built in braai, double garages and spacious erf. N$1 850 000 to N$1 900 000. · Plot and Plan homes for sale Narraville, Walvis Bay. Newly built on your choice of available plans. Price Starting @ N$ 760 000 Contact us should you wish to buy or sell property. Shamelle : 081 4788 499 Neville : 081 250 4808 Email: falconrei@iway.na Elegancia Investment CC Arandis 4 bedrooms, kitchen/lounge, bathroom, huge yard N$ 380 000.00 Narraville 4 bedrooms, kitchen, lounge, study, 2 bathrooms, 2x Bachelor flats, 4 garages N$ 1 300 000.00 with a rental income of N$ 6 000.00 p/m Swakopmund Industrial Offices for sale Price ranging from N$ 450 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480 FOR SALE: Walvis Bay - Central Sole Mandate 3 bedroom house N$ 1 295 000.00 For sale Walvis Bay Sole Mandate Plot & Plan Meersig N$ 1 750 000.00 For sale: Walvis Bay 2 bedroom unit - Central N$ 1 150 000.00 neg For sale: Walvis Bay Business Premises / Offices POR Swakopmund 3x Town houses with 2/3 garages 1x N$ 1 750 000.00 1x N$ 1 850 000.00 1x N$ 1 900 000.00 (semi free standing) Contact Emma: 081 122 8067
PROPERTIES FOR SALE NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA! IMBA VILLAGE Phase 1 selling now! 2 Bed, 1 Bath 62.2m² unit with open plan & garage N$ 668 900.00 VINOTHAN: 0811289388 IYANDA COURT ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN/LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 Vinothan 0811289388
HOUSE FOR SALE House in CC, Property Valuation: 1.85mil. Price 1.75mil ( Transfer cost incl.) Swakopmund, adjacent to mile 4. 3 Bedroom, 3 bathroom, open plan lounge and kitchen. Scullery, double garage. Erf 690 m² Owner: 081 127 6049. Martyn du Plessis 081 127 6049 Swakopmund SWAKOPMUND PRIVATE SALE 3 Bedroom house with 2 full bathrooms. Lounge - Dining room with built-in braai. Kitchen with laundry. Spacious double garage with remote control door. Secure for children and pets. Mariki: 081 128 2221 TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one onsuite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089
PROPERTIES FOR SALE TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET FOR SALE Mile 4 4- Shores · 3 Bedroom flat, Open plan kitchen BIC bathroom, one extra toilet, alarm system and garage for N$ 1.3 mil Hage Heights · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge, dining room and small study room, 4 garages and 1- self containing bedroom with exterior access. N$ 3.3 mil Vineta · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Kitchen, living / dining room, Single garage and 1 bedroom flat for N$1.75 mil Vineta North- Ext 23 · 3 Bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Open Plan Kitchen, Single Garage on a 500 m²Erf size for N$ 1, 450 000.00 Mondesa · (Near Woermannbrock) 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, Living room, Kitchen, Study & garage N$ 980 000.00 Tamariskia - Cottage village · 2 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, build in cupboards, open plan kitchen with 1 garage. N$850 000.00 Long Beach · 2 Bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, open plan kitchen, indoor baai & garage for N$ 1 mil (all furniture included) Windhoek Khomasdal · 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, dinning , kitchen, living room, double garage and lappa with boundary wall and electric fence with extra outside toilet for N$ 2.3 mil WALVIS BAY-Kabeljou · 3 Bedrooms, full bathroom, lounge, kitchen & dinning , double garage with a Bachelor flat for N$ 950 000.00 New Development Narraville · 2 Bedrooms flats, 1 bathroom, open plan kitchen for N$ 560 000.00 Walvis bay - Industrial area3000m² plot for sale for N$4 Mil Plot Ocean view · 600m² plot for sale for N$490 000.00 · 875 m² plot sale for N$ 750 000.00 Henties bay · 805m² Plot for sale N$ 360 000. Rehoboth - Kavukiland Plot & Plan · 2 bedrooms - 3 bedroom houses selling price N$345 000 to N$430 000 If you are having properties to sell, Contact us at Tuka Properties. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 Email: info@tukaproperties.com
Website: tukaproperties.com
24 APRIL 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Contact Remax for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065 238 342 / 0812792525 Swakopmund 064 464 033 / 081 870 9950 Walvis Bay 064 212 440 / 081 605 1984
Swakopmund FOR SALE Swakop River Plot 10 ha Vacant Land Beautiful 360 Degrees views on Swakop Valley and Surrounds. Electricity close by and Municipal Water, N$ 1,6 Mill.
Christoph 081 865 5818 Claudia 081 129 0490 FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR
WALVIS BAY 20 4505
MEERSIG HOT SELLER!! Situated close to the park for the children to play!! Lovely 3 bedr. house with 2 bathr, lounge, dining, fitted kitchen BBQ, pantry, 3 garages Huge erf of 1250 sqm Grab me today!! N$1.8 million CENTRAL Development Land Size 1217m². Zoning in process 1:150. Can built 8 townhouses N$2.7 million
Amanda 081 128 4836
WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518
PROPERTIES WANTED HUUR TE SOEK: Soek ‘n 2 slaapkamer woonstel of huis in Tamariskia of Mondesa te huur. Kontak: 081 605 2595
FOR SALE 2009 Volvo S40 Power shift. 114000 km with FSH and lots of extras. Car in very good condition (Lady Owner). Next service due 130 000 km. Contact: 081 312 5582 / 081 326 8241. Please only serious buyers
2009 ISUZU 360 4x4 D/C 15500 Km, canopy, 20” tyres and powerflow exhaust system, Very good condition, original rims also available. N$150,000.00 Cell: 081 303 5022 TE KOOP: Scania 380 midlift met 13 meter Double AS Trailer N$ 200 000.00 Nissan CW 290 Voorhakker N$ 60 000.00 Kontak: 081 035 9860 FOR SALE lsuzu 2.5 diesel 2000 model D/CAB with canopy N$40,000 NEG. lsuzu 2.0L ,2006model .with trallies N$70,000 NEG. lsuzu 2,5 Diesel 2000 model needs attention with trallies N$18,000 NEG. 1.6 Hyundai sonata 2002 model automatic N$20,000 NEG. Hyundai matrix 1,6.Model 2007 N$38,000 NEG. BMWX3 Fullhouse 2,0 Diesel .2005 model N$100,000 NEG. SPARE PARTS FOR SALE: Isuzu diesel 2.5/2.8 gearbox N$6500.00(neg) Isuzu 2.6 petrol 4x4 engine N$9000.00(neg) Contact: 258 5780 081 598 9989 FOR SALE: 2013 3.2L Ford Ranger XLT 41 000km Features: rearview camera, sensors, nudge bar, roll bar, rubberized Low kilo's and in an excellent condition Contact: 081 317 0810 FOR SALE: 2002 BMW 520i. Manual. 140 000km. Silver. N$70 000.00 Contact: 081 474 4598
CARS Car for sale: 2008 Chevrolet aveo, hatch back. Very neat and economical, 1.2litr. Cloth seats Silver in colour, power steering, aircondition, new tyres. 98 000km. 5 speed manual. first one to see will buy, quick selling. N$55 000.00(neg) Contact: 081 333 0095 FOR SALE: 2009 Ford Ranger single cab 4x4, 41 000km on clock. A/C, 2.5TD bakkie in very good condition N$135 000 2005 Ford Ranger single cab 4x2 difflock, 2.5TD 210 000km on clock. Bakkie in very good running condition. N$75 000 Contact: 081 261 8487 FOR SALE: 2012 Volkswagen Polo Sedan 1.4 Comfortline 44 00 km Warranty / service plan 90 000 km Contact: 081 248 4374 081 292 6030 FOR SALE: 2009 Ford Ranger single cab 4x4, 41 000km on clock. A/C, 2.5TD bakkie in very good condition N$135 000 2005 Ford Ranger single cab 4x2 difflock, 2.5TD 210 000km on clock. Bakkie in very good running condition. N$75 000 Contact: 081 261 8487
MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1x AFROX porter-pack cutting/welding torch used only a few times just like new N$10 000 1x two sliding glass door display drinks fridge N$3850.00 1x Whirlpool dishwashing machine like new N$850.00 1x Sony MVC-FD92 Digital still-movie camera with case & accessories N$650.00 1x Defy 210Lit deepfreeze N$1500.00 1x Defy 250lit fridge N$1250.00 2x Defy 600 SSU stainless steel oven, HUB & extractor fan N$1850.00 each just like new 2x Shower panel (new) N$450.00each 4x Colour TV from N$500.00each 5x Stainless steel kitchen sink double & single & tripple from N$280.00 each. Plumbing and building suppliers at 50% discount. Contact: 081 567 4522 TE KOOP: 1x Trailer uit gerubberize binne & buite 1x Leër sitkamer stel 1x lolly masjien Kontak: 081 203 3343
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE We Buy and Sell anything of Value for Cash
$$$$$$$$$ You can borrow Cash against any item of Value at our Pawn Shop
064220387 0811475475 0811434368
bayauctioneers@gmail.com Find us on Facebook
FOR SALE: Pittbulls for sale 3 males + 1 female left. N$2500.00each Contact: 081 261 8487
WANTED CASH FOR GOLD We buy Gold & Silver Jewellery and Coins even if it’s broken. We also Buy Diamonds. We operate in Swakop, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay, Arandis, Uis and Omaruru. Contact us at:
0813443794/081315 9178
We are available 24/7 SEAPOINT STAR: Empty Bottle Collector 2035 Pelser Street Narraville Contact Mango: 081 203 9386 Bella: 081 723 5257
VACANCIES Glamorous Beauty Salon & Boutique Urgently looking for hairdressers, a barber and a nail technician to rent chairs or work on commission as from 1 May 2015 The salon is situated at Kuisebmond Mall, Shop 15 081 382 0277
VACANCY Dynamic, self driven individual, willing to learn and grow in the company Must be able to work under pressure. Must be computer literate, and have a knowledge/ experience of coral draw. WALVIS BAY Send CV to printline.lina@gmail.com
DESERT TAVERN: We are currently looking for a CHEF to join our team. If you think you have the right skills and experience than please apply with your CV: info@deserttavern.com Fax: 064 403 708
VACANCIES Vacancy: Debtors Administrative Clerk – Walvis Bay -Applicants must have Pastel background, -have experience in Debtors and accounts. -able to work under pressure and perform well in a team situation. -speak Afrikaans & English -have good references Please e-mail a cover letter explaining why you would be the perfect candidate and your cv to: hr.walvisbay@gmail.com Only shortlisted candidates will be notified
SITUATION WANTED Uakaera: I am a 23 year old man looking for any kind of work in Swakopmund or Walvis bay. I have a brick laying and plastering certificate, valid drivers licence Code B and I have grade 12. I am hardworking and trustworthy. Contact: 081 369 3755 WERK GESOEK: Dame 44-jaar oud is op soek na werk. Het 5 jaar ondervinding van Gastehuise, goeie sorg na gestremdes. Kan alles doen. Walvisbaai, Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kontak: 081 299 2676 JOB WANTED: A young lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay town, lagoon, Meersig, Monday to Friday. I have 5 year experience and I am a very hard working, neat and tidy person for anyone who needs a helping hand. I am confident that I am the person you are looking for. Can start immediately. Please contact me at 081 4277 029 My name is Elizabeth and I am looking for work for the 3days and also ironing work on Saturdays. Call or sms me at 081 3289 184 WERK GESOEK: Ek is '42 jarige vrou op soek na huiswerk. Ek het 'n sertifikaat in counselling, administration van finansiele en metting administration en ek het ook met kinders gewerk ssos orphans and vulnerable children. Kontak my by 081 4672 376 JOB WANTED: I am a young lady looking for a job. I am 29 years old and I have a Certificate of ICDE and office Admin. I also have 4 year experience in office administration. Cell: 081 204 0936
SITUATION WANTED WERK GESOEK: Dame 30-jaar-oud is opsoek na huiswerk, Maandae tot Vrydae. kan ook inslaapwerk. Rook of drink glad nie. Het ondervinding, en is bereid om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 225 1989 081 343 1114 JOB WANTED: A 28-year-old lady is looking for ironing, washing, cleaning work. Mondays to Fridays. Contact: 081 311 8347 JOB WANTED: A 31-year-old lady is looking for a job. cleaning, washing and ironing, in Walvis Bay at Lagoon or Meersig only weekends. Contact: 081 423 1256 JOB WANTED: A 30 year old man with experience in SALES, CONSTRUCTION, ELECTRICAL + PLUMBING Can manage employees on site. Have a valid Drivers licence. Willing to travel. Urgently seeking employment. Please contact Daniel Robberts: 081 230 1717 LOUISA: I am a 35-year-old woman urgently looking for domestic work, from Mondays to Fridays or any other work. I have 7 years experience. Contact: 081 348 6616 Kuisebmond FLORAS: Op soek na huiswerk vir Dinsdae, Donderdae en Saterdae. Het 6 jaar en 5 maande ondervinding as nanny vir maande oue babas tot 5 jaar. Drink of rook nie en het goeie verwysings. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 749 7006 JOB WANTED: A 33-year-old married woman is looking for any kind of work, cleaning offices, shops or any domestic work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund (if there’s accommodation). Monday to Friday. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 334 5830 I am a 29 year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. Washing and cleaning. Contact: 081 409 8661 Ek is ‘n 33 jarige, opsoek na huiswerk, Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Ek is baie betroubaar. Kontak: 081 253 4511
24 APRIL 2015
Get your life back
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Monday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund. Al anon meetings for the family of alcoholics are run at the same time. Contact: 081 606 7743
24 APRIL 2015
Abraham (Ab’s) Brandt * 17/04/1954
+ 23/04/2015
Stort U seën oor my uit, vergroot my grondgebied, neem my onder U beskerming en weerhou onheil van my sodat geen smart my tref nie... Pa, gister was dit ‘n jaar wat Pa weg van ons af is, die verlange en hartseer is nog baie, maar berus ons harte deur te weet Pa is by ‘n beter plek.
Met liefde en verlange van Jou vrou Tos, 4 dogters, 2 seuns, skoondogters/seuns en kleinkinders
namib times
Due to the long weekend between Friday 1 May and Monday 4 May the namib times will appear on Thursday 30 April
For Tuesday 5 May Colour adverts bookings and material to reach us by latest Thursday 12:00 BLACK & WHITE ADVERTS
Our closing times for adverts will be as follows:
For Thursday 30 April Black & white adverts to reach us by
Wednesday 10:00
For Thursday 30 April Colour adverts bookings and material to reach us by latest Monday 16:00
For Tuesday 5 May Black & white adverts to reach us by latest Thursday 16:00
Thank you for your co-operation Travel safely
24 APRIL 2015
Rossmund Golf Club News
Misty mornings and chilly evenings are par for the course at the moment - but fortunately the bit in between has given us some excellent golfing weather over the past week.
Saturday 18 April saw a club - sponsored "Betterball" attract a field of 32 players - some good scores were posted and the winners were once again determined with a countout. There were 5 x 2-clubs: D van Wyk (3); W van Zyl (7); N Heunis (16); T Shitaleni (12); Meng (12). The overall winners were W
van Zyl/N Heunis 48pts; hand over the prizes. 27 was Bertie; 2nd/3rd 2nd: T Shitaleni/S players took to the places Athol and Johny Ndalumbumo 48pts; fairways and some very 38pts; 4th/5th places 3rd: G Muraisiki/F close scores were the Willem and Tony on Hailenge 46pts. Well outcome. Nearest to the 37pts. Thanks guys for Pin prizes went to Athol the support and thanks played to all. Sunday 19 April we (7) and Tony (12). 2 - again to Gerhard for the played our monthly Clubs going to Tim (12); great day. SAGES Competition Mark (16) and Tony had Wednesday 22 April sponsored by Atlantic a hat trick (3,12,16) - the competition was Villa Boutique Guest- great stuff from the sponsored by the Prohouse - Gerhard was on "oldies". The winner on shop (Marco) - once hand to play and also a well deserved 40pts again we had a good
field of 20 golfers all playing 18 holes and the buzz in the clubhouse was great. The kitchen put on a good display of sandwiches and "frikkadel" which went down well with the golfers. Michael what is going on with your golf - once again a brilliant round 43pts to secure the first prize followed on a well played 39pts by Clive. The 9 hole competition was won by Rina with a well played 19pts on the back nine. The First Rounds of the
Singles/Doubles Matchplay are to be completed by the End of April please guys get going there does not seem to be much action. Wakey Wakey there is only one week left. Saturday 25 April will be the Monthly Medal sponsored by Novanam bit of real golf for a change. The kitchen has a new chef in charge and will provide pick-up and go snacks/sandwiches on competition days plus a plate of food for the very hungry. Please give
Walvis Bay Golf Club News
Fox Designs hosted the second year running an individual Stableford last Saturday with 48 players taking part. Pieter Fox had some very nice prizes to play for that included a full Cobra Bio Cell clubs for the winner. The weather played along nicely and the clever players made use of the conditions and some very high scores were on the cards. Chris Tempo, Desmond Benson and Joa Sardinha played their best golf and topped the leaderboard from the start. Some hopeful players tried their best, but they were outsmarted by the course and their fellow playing partners! Two clubs were scored by Wilma van der Merwe, Gert Olivier jnr, Eugene Venter and Jaans “miracle shot” Stander. The best gross score of the day was played by Gert Olivier Jnr with a 74 and he received a special prize for this. 1st place Chris Tempo 44 points 2nd place Desmond Benson 41 C/O 3rd Joa Sardinha 41 points 4th Rocco Viljoen 38 5th M Namgolo 38. Fox Designs paid all the players' lunch last Saturday and it was also Pieter Fox's birthday. Pieter rang the bell humbly and we all drank at his expense. A Big thank you to Fox Designs for the huge effort and sponsorship for our club and players and we look forward at your promise for next year. We at the club are very sorry for your family
loss this week end and wish you all the strength and support. This Saturday is Penny Pinchers Individual Stableford. 1 Special prize for the ladies, nearest to PIN on nr. 18, lunch is sponsored by Penny Pinchers as well. Johan promised very huge prizes and we will communicate the values later in the week! Suggestion is that you enter timeously to avoid disappointment. We expect the field to be full and in winter time you can only accom-modate a certain number of players. Warning to late entrants one again. Nostalgia is also on Saturday. Please note that you have to have a ticket to be here after 19:30. No ticket, no entry. Members, please take note. This will be managed strictly and we know you will under-stand that it is only for ticket holders. If you still want tickets, sorry, sold out. We do not have any more tickets available apart from the few that communicated to us in time. Sorry, you were warned. You will have to wait for Nostalgia 7. 25 April: Penny Pinchers - Format to be confirmed next week. 25 April: Nostalgia. 1 May: Rock Shipwrights yellow ball. Get your three balls ready. 8 May: Huis Palms Fundraiser. 9 May: Club Competition
Chrislene makes waves again
Weste Resiesduiwe-klub 2014 Klubkampioen
Veels geluk aan die klub kampioen Johnny Truter van die Weste Resies-duiweklub wat uit 5 sterk lede bestaan.
Chrislene Klein-Nienaber (11) qualified for the Zonal competitions and had taken the first place in High Jump with a height of 1,40m. She qualified for Erongo Regional's and also snatched up the first place again and jumped a personal best of 1,45m. With these two first places Chrislene qualified for the Nationals held in Windhoek last weekend. In Windhoek she received a Gold medal and became the National Girls under 13 High Jump Champion with a height of 1,40m. Chrislene was selected for the Namibian team that will participate in the COSSASA Games the end of the month in Maseru, Lesotho.
Die jaar 2014 het die man ons behoorlik stof in die oë gevlieg en met al die pryse weggeloop. Die manne van die klub wens hom geluk en alle voorspoed en seën toe maar hy sal moet in sy pasoppens wees want hulle is oorgehaal om wraak te neem in die jaar 2015 en hom op sy neus te laat kyk met sy Swart Piete en al. Die klubvoorsitter met al die lede wil sommer ook van die geleentheid gebruik maak om die lede en maatskappye wat ons deur die jaar geborg en gehelp het soos Rent a Plant, oom Gert Engelbrecht met sy Volkswagen caddie wat hy geborg het en die geldelike bydraes, dit word opreg waardeer en ons nooi jongmense wat in die duiwesport belangstel om met ons kontak te maak, hulle moet net kyk waar die duiwe om die huise sirkel. Groete en Vrede in die Duiwesport.
Chris Tempo (left) and Pieter Fox Walfish Electric donated a cheque worth N$969.80 towards the 4th annual Sports event taking place in Oshakati from 29 April to 4 May hosted by the Ministry of Education, Directorate of Sport and Culture. All 13 regions will participate in this event, in soccer, netball and volleyball. Seen here with Franken Otto, Sales Manager of Walfish Electric, is Quinton Mathews, football coordinator of this event, Talita Shiluama, Netball Coordinator and Sandra Uises also a netball co-coordinator. The team from the Erongo Region will th depart on the 29 of this month from Swakopmund.
them your support and any ideas you may have. A compliment or two would also help. The Temporary Local Rule relating to "Springbok Spore/ Footprints" is still in play pending a decision from the R & A. Marco just returned from Uganda with the Namibian Golf Team - his comment " if you go off the fairway there your ball is lost - take a penalty and carry on" at least at Rossmund you get to play your ball.
24 APRIL 2015
Chess @ the Coast Leandrea Louw
The registration period is from 22 April to 1 May, and the registration methods are either by emailing your name, gender and year of birth if born after 1995, to president@namibiachessfederation.com or secretary@namibiachessfederation.com or sms that details to Maclean Handjaba at 081 400 6467 or Charles Eichab at 081 623 8160. Registration fees are N$20 for scholars and N$40 for adults. The Prizes the open
winner will receive is a N$1 500 cash prize with a trophy, second place will receive a cash prize of N$1 000 and a trophy, third place will receive a cash prize of N$750 plus a trophy and fourth place will receive a cash prize of N$500. Additional prizes include best cadet (U/12) will receive N$250 plus a trophy, Best Junior will receive a N$500 plus a trophy and Best Woman will receive a cash prize of N$500 with a trophy.
Chess players at a previous tournament The tournament will be played over seven Swiss-paired rounds. Rate of play will be 30 minutes per player per game with no increment. The open tournament
Soccer Update
will kick-start on 1 May at 09:00, and the three rounds will take place from 12:00 till 15:20. The next four rounds will continue on 2 May, where the prize giving will be at 15:30.
Leandrea Louw
Botha back in action
Photo Credit: Exeter Chiefs
The Namibia Chess Federation is coming to the coast, to raise awareness of the game chess. The Chess Masters Walvis Bay Open will take place from 1 to 2 May at the Duneside High School in Walvis Bay.
Walvis Bay born and Namibian International Chrysander Botha, is said to be back with a bang. He scored four tries as the world famous Barbarians ran in 15 sparkling tries in a 97-31 win against Heriot’s in the Investec Cup match
that celebrated the 125th anniversary of the Edinburgh club on Tuesday night at Goldenacre. He was recruited earlier this month by the
Barbarians after being sidelined since breaking his leg and ankle during the Autumn Internationals.
Saturday, Blue Waters locked heads with Black Africa, with a score of 1-1. The FNB Eleven Arrows ended in a 1-1 draw against Unam as well. On Sunday the Eleven Arrows was defeated by Black Africa, and the Blue Waters rose victoriously as the winners with a score of 4-2. In the Erongo Second
Division League, Round 16 and 17 will be played over the weekend. On Saturday in Walvis Bay, Northern Stars will play against Swakop United at the Kuisebmond Stadium at 12:00, directly followed by Young Eleven against Sailor United. In Narraville, Buffalos will play against the Sor-
ento Bucks at 14:00. In Swakopmund, United Stars will play against Zula Molest at the Mondesa Stadium, starting at 11:00. On Sunday, in Kuisebmond, the Buffalos will battle it out against Swakopmund Football Club, starting at 10:00, followed directly thereafter by Sailor United
versus Northern Stars. Young Elevens will also battle it out against Sorento Bucks on the Arrows field in Kuisebmond, starting at 12:00. In Swakopmund, Swakop United will play against Celtic at the Mondesa Stadium starting at 12:00.
DIPC in action this weekend
Photo by Leandrea Louw
The past weekend, Coastal based soccer teams Blue Waters and FNB Eleven Arrows, played in Windhoek against Black Africa and Unam respectively in the MTC Premiership League.
Leandrea Louw The Desert Inn Pool Club will be seen in action this weekend in their first league game against the Windhoek-based Khomas Mall Tornados this Saturday. Being the defending game is Warren Smith, at 10:00 and everyone champions of the Na- Frank Beukes, Vernon is more than welcome mibian Billiards and Beukes, David Van to see the guys in action Pool Federation the Neel, Dudley Smith, at the Narraville ClubDIPC guys have their Randall York, Reginald house, better known as work cut out for them. Van Wyk and Albert the ‘House of pain’. The ‘dream team’ for Claasen. this weekend’s league The game will kick off