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HIV Campaign lauded
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Robbed of N$50 000
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Share Your Status Campaign: (Fltr) Dr Dean Kock, Mr Desmond Frankfort, Directors of namib times, Ms Lovina Plato, representa-
tive of namib times, Mr Thomas Daughton, American Ambassador to Namibia, Ms Dorcas Muhungu, project proponent of the ‘’Share your status with the ones you love campaign’’, Governor of the Erongo Region, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, Mayor of Walvis Bay, Ms Uillika Nambahu and Mayor of Arandis, Mr Daniel Muhuura, seen here with the HIV/ Aids campaign T shirt after the planting of a Moringa Tree, at the launch of the campaign yesterday Read more on page 2
Nóg ‘n swaar slag tref Bradwin Visagie se plek skielik bekende sport-gesin leeg Die sake- en sportgemeenskap aan die kus is diep geskok deur die dood van die bekende sport- en sakevrou, Jeanne Davin, wat Sondagmiddag Leandrea Louw laat in ‘n motorongeluk omgekom het. Sy was saam met drie hokkiespelers van Windhoek Hoërskool op pad terug van Walvisbaai af ná ‘n Die Narraville-gehokkietoernooi, toe hul motor tussen Karibib en Okahandja omgeslaan meenskap is in rou het. Die meisies is beseer en in ‘n Windhoekse hospitaal opgeneem. gedompel, ná die Jeanne en haar man, Herman, albei gevierde sportlui, en bekende inwoners ook van Langstrand, het in Desember 2006 twee van hulle dogters, Janine and Suzelle, wat
ook kranige Namibiese sportsterre was, in ‘n tromp-op-botsing op die pad tussen Swakopmund en Langstrand verloor. Die egpaar het daarna die Janine and Suzelle Davin
Jeanne, Annelien en Herman Davin
Sport Trust ter nagedagtenis gestig. Jeanne, self ‘n kranige sportvrou en ‘n bekende in Namibiese hokkiekringe was ‘n direkteur van PSG Namibië. namib times het gister vlugtig met die PSG-direkteur, Brian van Rensburg, gepraat. In ‘n verklaring het die maatskappy sy skok en droefheid met die verlies uitgespreek. “ Dit is met droefheid dat ons die hartseer nuus van Jeanne Davin se afsterwe oordra. Namens almal
Vervolg op bladsy 2
skielike afsterwe van Bradwin, 'n 14-jarige leerling van De Duine Sekondêre Skool. Hy het ‘n jarelange stryd gevoer terwyl hy op Bradwin Visagie ‘n nieroorplanting ge- *24/02/2000 +20/02/2015 wag het. hoofde mnr Paul Fisher Op 24 Augustus 2012 is berig dat Bradwin ‘n dringende nieroorplanting nodig het. ‘n Trustfonds, die Bradwin Visagie Kidney Trust Fund is gestig deur sy ma, Caroline Visagie, skool-
Cosdef & Blue Bench inspire
76-Jarige tereg op Page 5 poging tot Animal moordPhysio up & running klag Marshallino Beukes Die afgelope naweek is weer eens gekenmerk deur geweldsmisdade teen die kus. Op Swakopmund is ‘n man dood in ‘n voorval in ‘n gewilde, maar nou ook reeds, berugte kuierplek, en op Usakos is ‘n 14-jarige seun deur ‘n 76-jarige man geskiet en gewond.
en mnr Anton Van Wyk, op 8 Augustus 2012. Dit was in daardie jaar dat die toetse aangedui het dat sy niere net 10% gefunksioneer het. ‘n Stryery by die beHy is gediagnoseer met rugte Makiti Bar in nefrotiese sindroom en Swakopmund se Monhipertensie in 2011. Vervolg op bladsy 4 Vervolg op bladsy 2
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Club Mako ahead after first NRSAA Interclub
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24 FEBRUARY 2015
namib times rolls out powerful HIV Media Campaign in Erongo Region Maria Davel-Wallis
SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication
Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net Advertising sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales
After months of planning, extensive research to identify a unique target group, and a successful submission to the United States (U.S) President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the U.S. Government initiative to help save the lives of those suffering from HIV/AIDS around the world, namib times yesterday launched its “share your status with those you love” campaign in Walvis bay. “The campaign is focussed on children born HIV positive before the introduction of the PMCT (Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of the HIV/AIDS virus) programme in Namibia, who are now young adults of 22 years and older. Many of them have been on anti-retroviral treatment for years, but are unaware of their status, because their
parents and guardians have never told them,” says Dorcas Mhungu, who was acting news desk manager at namib times earlier, and who has been spearheading the campaign from the start. “Through the campaign messages will be conveyed that will encourage those affected to take medication consistently as they have been doing. The campaign will
Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 sales@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 150 6887 madelaine@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport sport@namibtimes.net
Swakopmund Office Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824 Advertising shene@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net
PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@namibtimes.net
Nóg ‘n swaar slag tref bekende sport-gesin Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 by PSG Namibië wil ons ons opregte meegevoel aan Jeanne se familie en geliefdes oordra. Op ‘n persoonlike noot word die verlies aan ‘n gewaardeerde vriendin en kollega betreur. Jeanne was ‘n bron van inspirasie vir almal wat haar geken het. Haar talent en toewyding in alle aspekte van haar lewe het ‘n groot impak op vele lewens gehad. Sy sal innig deur almal gemis word. Ons eerste besorgdheid in hierdie hartseer tyd is om Jeanne se familie en ons personeel al die
ondersteuning moontlik te bied. Terselfdertyd wil ons u verseker dat die werk by die kantoor sal voortgaan soos altyd” Jeanne word deur haar man, Herman, en ‘n dogter, Annalien, wat ook ‘n kranige hokkiespeler en ‘n student in Suid-Afrika is, oorleef. ‘n Familievriend, Jan Wessels, het gistermiddag uit Windhoek aan namib times bevestig dat Jeanne se begrafnis Vrydag in die hoofstad sal plaasvind. Nadere besonderhede was nog nie bekend nie.
Launch of namib times-Pepfar HIV awareness campaign in Walvis Bay also focus on correcting myths about shortened life associated with being HIV positive, and stigmatisation. The slogan for the campaign, “Share Your Status with the Ones You Love” will strive to advance openness and voluntary testing, to ensure healthy, responsible lifestyles”. At the launch a Moringa tree, also known as the “Miracle Tree” was planted, as a symbol of life. During the campaign Dorcas Mhungu (left) and the Mayor of Arandis, Mr Daniel Muhuura namib times will distritimes, says the newsbute reading material identify with the cam- the campaign. paign. Competitions Dr Dean Kock, one of and t-shirts to people paper will also run a who get involved and will also form part of the directors of namib series of topical articles, focussing on specific informative messages of encouragement to the focus group, and their support structures. Ms Mhungu shared a Chinese proverb that says: “When planning for a year, plant corn. When planning for a decade, plant trees. When planning for life, train and educate people.” With this campaign namib times wants to help breed a culture of trust and ensconce those living with HIV/ AIDS in a caring, understanding, unprejudiced, open-minded community. The Moringa tree - planted as a symbol of life
Bradwin Visagie se Plek Skielik Leeg
Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1
Sy diagnose was dat hy die invoeging van ‘n abdominale Tenckhoffkateter vereis vir dialise wat gedoen kon word by die huis, en om ‘n moontlike verwante lewende skenker te vind. Almal was aktief betrokke in ‘n poging om
‘n stil seun, wat sy lewe geleef tot die uiterste, ten spyte van sy siekte. Hy sal beslis erg gemis word. Sy ma, Carloline Visagie, wil graag almal bedank wat haar bygestaan en gehelp het.
die fondse wat nodig was te in vir die operasie. Een van die vele mense wat saamgewerk het, Emo Adams, het tydens sy toer in 2012, N$20 van al die kaarties van die toer wat verkoop is, geskenk aan die trust-
fonds. Almal van die Walvisbaai-gemeenskap, van ‘song nights’, tot kleuterskole, en rugbyklubs, het met graagte geld ingesamel vir Bradwin. Bradwin is in Maart 2013 geopereer en die kateter is ingeplaas.
Hy het goeie vordering gemaak tot 2014, waarna sy hart vergroot het. Op 29 Januarie 2015, het hy ‘n hart- operasie ondergaan. Daarna het hy weer goeie vordering gemaak, maar hy was voortdurend in die hospitaal.
Hy is weer op Maandag, 16 Februarie opgeneem in die hospitaal, waar hy op Vrydag, 20 Februarie sy laaste asem uitgeblaas het, vier dae voor sy verjaarsdag. Bradwin sou vandag 15 geword het. Bradwin was bekend as
24 FEBRUARY 2015
US Ambassador welcomes partnership Madelaine Laubscher with stakeholders
The US Ambassador in Namibia, Thomas F Daughton, has welcomed the partnership with namib times, Namport and Walvis Bay Corridor group.
Kamatoto PEPFAR campaign Mavourlene Gaes Ambassador HIV/AIDS activist Bernard Kamatoto (pictured third from left) was appointed brand ambassador at the launch of the “share your status with those you love” campaign yesterday. Kamatoto is known and respected by many in the region not only because of his courage in coming out and revealing his HIV status to the world 15 years ago but, also because he lives a positive life even with the virus inside him and passes that same positivity on to others inspiring them to make better life choices. Regarding the campaign Kamatoto says the campaign is excellent and will have a huge impact on the community. “Sometimes I feel very bad because as much as I would like to speak to everyone I unfortunately only get to speak to some and then the others are left out,” he says. “Through the newspaper and this campaign everybody will be able get informed. Kamatoto however is very concerned about the children born with the virus, because their parents often fail to explain to them why they have to consume a hand full of pills, and rather prefer to keep them in the dark about their HIV status. The majority of the children born with the virus do not know they are infected and may unknowingly pass the virus on to their unsuspecting partners. In order to avoid these unfortunate situations, we all need to get tested and know our status,” he says. Kamatoto has expressed his joy with the campaign and says with the platform he is given, he will do his utmost in helping the Erongo Region's fight against HIV/AIDS.
“With this American government funding (USD 25 000) offered through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), our partners will be able to target the special populations of the Erongo Region with messages that will increase public aware-ness of the value of sharing one's HIV/AIDS status with loved ones – and thus, help save lives.” He says the campaign is important to them as it is important to get the
US Ambassador Thomas Daughton namib times, in cooperation with Namport and Walvis Bay Corridor Group will employ these strategies to reach the people of Erongo, and
says he looks forward to seeing the success of the program sharing lifesaving prevention messages to those in the Erongo Region.
Governor of Erongo lauds and supports HIV Awareness Campaign Madelaine Laubscher The Governor of the Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, the keynote speaker at yesterday's launch of the namib timesPepfar HIV awareness campaign, says the Erongo Region will realign all its programmes with the campaign. “I am really looking forward to the campaign and what it entails. We want to reenergise Namibians to become motivated about preventing HIV. People need to know
Mayor of Walvis Bay calls for the Absence of Stigma Madelaine Laubscher
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Councillor Uillika Nambahu, has said the HIV virus continues to be visible in Namibia. She has mentioned in her address to the audience at the launch of the “ Share Your Status with Those You Love” campaign, that a lot of parents are lost due to the virus, but that the nation is not completely hopeless towards finding solutions. “Efforts of creating awareness creation continue to be a success. Regrettably the stigma for sexual transmitted diseases and infection continues to arise.” She says HIV positive people should speak out about having the virus otherwise negative people will be affected. Me Nambahu says “ the absence of stigma will facilitate an open and honest disclosure of one's status to people that matter to us.”
word out. Recognition is needed, as well as encouragement. People must know their status “Our longstanding relationship with PEPFAR partners has illustrated models of success with outreach strategies that are based on proven scientific data. These models highlight best practices that lead to the behaviour change that will help us achieve our shared goal of an HIV/ AIDS-free generation. “He has expressed his delight to hear that
The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Councillor Uillika Nambahu
the importance of using condoms and sticking to one partner.” He has thanked namib times for the initiative and says it is a very important project. “The Erongo Region is
taking in a lot of people due to all the businesses opening. Therefore we need to recognise that this campaign is a very important mile-stone, as our nation has taken a plunge when it comes to creating awareness about HIV.” He says, despite all the work ahead, the Erongo Region should be proud of how far it has
Governor Cleophas Mutjavikua
come, and now should help send out the message of striving for an HIV free nation.
Ministry of Youth and Sport gives thumbs up for campaign Liesl Losper Sport officer for the Ministry of Youth National Services, Sport and Culture, Mara Kandjiriomuini also attended the launch of the “share your status with those you love” campaign yesterday. The Ministry has applauded the initiative taken by namib times and has given its full support - they will involve the youth in sport activities which carry the message of HIV/ Aids. "The Ministry is requesting the initiators not to hesitate to involve the Ministry, as we currently have Youth groups dealing with HIV/Aids at the Multipurpose Center in Kuisebmond.
“Mara Kandjiriomuini commented yesterday during the launch. The Ministry is having a sport awareness program which it's using as a platform to inform the Youth about HIV/Aids. Me Kandjiriomuini was actively involved last year with Aids activist Bernard Kamatoto and together they have run a week-long campaign to combat HIV through sports, which has proven to be a huge su-
Sport officer for the Ministry of Youth National Services, Sport and Culture, Mara Kandjiriomuini
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Photo by Wesbank Transport
Abnormal load: Components of the heat exchangers for the Husab mine were transported, from Walvis Bay harbour to the mine on Friday. Three trucks carried the components of 86 tonnes, 41 tonnes and 26 tonnes respectively.
76-Jarige tereg op poging tot moord-klag Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 desa-woonbuurt het tot die dood van Mandume Hoxobeb (25) gelei. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder, hoofinspekteur Moses !Uwu// Khaeb het die voorval Saterdagoggend omstreeks 00:25 plaas-
gevind en ‘n 21-jarige verdagte is gearresteer. In Usakos is ‘n 76-jarige man, James Marais op aanklagte van poging tot moord en die gebruik van vuurwapen in ‘n munisipale gebied, in hegtenis geneem.
Motorists lock doors while driving Madelaine Laubscher A Walvis Bay resident told the namib times that motorists should lock their doors while driving as suspect persons recently tried to gain entry into her vehicle while she was at a stop sign in order to steal valuable items. The source alleged that when she stopped at a stop sign in the vicinity of Sentrum Pharmacy, a number of men ran up to her car and started banging on the car with their hands to distract her, while another man was trying to open the back door. “The back door of the car luckily does not open
therefore the man could not gain entry into my car. There was a laptop in the back of the car. I was very scared at the time,” she said. Another source said that it is apparently not the first time that this has occurred (also near Sentrum Pharmacy) and said that people should be warned about this stunt.
Dit het gevolg op ’n voorval waartydens ‘n 14-jarige seun blykbaar by die woning van die senior burger ingegaan en die kraan van sy warmwaterstelsel toegemaak het. Volgens die polisiewoordvoer-
der het die beskuldigde na buite gegaan om ondersoek in te stel en die seun buite gewaar. Hy was blykbaar met ‘n pistool gewapen en het die seun in die maag geskiet. Die voorval het omstreeks 21:30 in Inga
Single straat in Usakos plaasgevind. Die seun is inderhaas na die Windhoekse staatshospitaal vervoer en sy toestand word as baie ernstig beskryf. Die verdagte het gister in die Usakos magis-
traatshof verskyn en borg van N$5 000 is aan hom toegestaan. Die saak is to 26 Maart uitgestel vir verdere ondersoeke. Die polisie op Hentiesbaai het intussen gister te kenne gegee dat geen in heg-
tenisneming tot hede uitgevoer is, nadat drie mans verlede week ‘n Suid Afrikaanse groep in die kusdorp beroof het nie. Die rowers het weggekom met kontant en items ter waarde van ongeveer N$65 000.
Robbed of N$50 000+ Madelaine Laubscher
A trusted source told the namib times about two scams doing the rounds at the coast and warned that businesses and individuals doing business deals should be made aware and should be vigilant as one company has already lost more than N$50 000 to one of these scams.
The source warned that the scammers appear to be well-refined members of the community. He said that a certain business became a victim to a scam last year December when the administrator of the business received an email from a suspect person posing as an employee of a company she worked with on a monthly basis. The email stated that the banking details of the company had changed and that the next monthly payment should be paid to the new bank
account details. According to him the email contained the original letterhead, and therefore the victim did not suspect anything suspicious. The namib times spoke to the victim for comment. “I received the email on 9 December, stating that the banking details changed. I did not suspect anything wrong as the letter had the original logo and the usual contact numbers. A woman, named ‘Mandy’ phoned me and asked if I received the email about the change of
details. She posed as an employee of the actual company. At the time, the lady I usually work with was on leave thus I thought this Mandy person was the substitute person handling payments. I told her I received the email. I made the payment and faxed the proof of payment to the company. However a man (at the actual company) contacted me afterwards and said that no payment was received and said that he suspects it could be a scam.
They investigated and confirmed to me that it was indeed a scam,” she said. According to her she could not get hold of this Mandy person at the actual company. “I tried to phone her but was told there is no such person working at the company. The bank was unable to help us salvage the money. This looks a lot like an inside job as the person knew that I was working with the payments and had all my details and used the original logo,” she said. The source warned
Walvis Bay Court Report Magistrate's Court
17 February 2015 Bernard Thomas (39) appeared on a charge of murder- attempted murder (assault) and the 1st alternative to count one which is assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 8 April 2015. Nashyongo Samson Matias (23) appeared on a charge of trespassing. Matter is postponed to 23 March. Vendelinus Shivolo (23) appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 7 May. Jacobus Mattys Van Tonder (30) was found guilty and sentenced to 90 days imprisonment or a fine of N$2 000 on a charge of theft.
18 February 2015 Tamsyn Wood (20) appeared on a charge of assaultassault with the intention to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 26 March. Venesie Brandt (37) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident), and the 1st alternative to
Count one is reckless or negligent driving read with the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. Jephrey Katjoiku (28) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter was postponed to 11 March. A charge of theft was withdrawn against Mule Blasius Langa (33). Leon Ikela (20) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 12 March. Ndeitape Uuyamba (19) appeared on a charge of assault- assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 3 June. Daniel Kariba Joshua (30) and Menesa Kapaiywa Gabriel (32) appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter is postponed to 30 March.
19 February 2015 David Siyambura Konsenge (30), Jekonia hangelao Indongo (25), Teophilus Nakanwe (32), Pieter Sindano Itana (26) and Nicodemus Iiyambo (36) ap-
The message in the email of another scam doing its rounds at the coast. “A person was selling an item and a supposed interested party (the culprit) contacted the seller and agreed to pay an amount of N$10 000 for the item and said that he would pay via cheque. The culprit however wrote N$20 000 on the cheque and faxed a copy of the payment to the seller.
When the seller asked why the cheque stated N$20 000 instead of N$10 000, the culprit said that he made a mistake and that the seller should pay N$10 000 into his account to rectify the mistake. A few days later the cheque bounced,” he said. The coastal community is warned to be vigilant and double check and verify all details before doing a business deal.
peared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 10 June. Murongo Pontanius (28) and Kontidei Onesmuys (45) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 6 July. Junius Iyambo (36) appeared on a charge of assaultassault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 2 April. A charge of theft against Gabrial Emvula (35) and Hilikanus Amunyela (26) was struck from roll. Linus Andreas (30) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter was postponed to 14 April. Laksman Heins (30) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter was postponed to 9 April.
20 February 2015 Erasmus Eratsus Noongo (42) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter was postponed to 25 February. Colonelia Michael (23) appeared on a charge of theftgeneral deficiency. Matter was postponed to 23 February. Naftali Shimbonge (32) appeared on a charge of robbery. Matter was postponed to 28 March. Jacob Puliza (31) appeared on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. Matter was postponed to 11 March.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
COSDEF…inspiring the kids
Sharlien Tjambari In collaboration with the Community Skills Development Foundation (COSDEF) Arts & Crafts in Swakopmund, the Blue Bench project hosted a big drawing class for kids at the COSDEF Amphitheatre on Saturday 21 February from 12:00 till late.
N$25.8 million Multi-purpose Centre for Mondesa Marshallino Beukes
The tender for the construction of a Multi-Purpose Centre in Swakopmund's Mondesa surburb was awarded in October 2014 to VG Developers cc at a cost of N$25. 8 million. The cost of this project will be phased over 3 financial years. The centre will serve as a community centre, small business centre, e-library, squash and boxing facilities. It is situated near the Mondesa taxi rank, in the vicinity of U-Save and will undeniably hugely contribute to the suburb's socio-economic development.
Soup kitchen for orphans and vulnerable at Arandis Over 300 orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) at the mining town of Arandis in the Erongo Region will benefit from a soup kitchen to be established soon. This kitchen will be officially opened in April this year, says Arandis Mayor Daniel Utapi Muhuura. He says that the building is already completed and equipped with gas stoves on which to cook food for needy children. The feeding facility is the brainchild of the Arandis Town Council and the Arandis Constituency. The two entities made available a total of N$12 000 to kick-start the soup kitchen, and jointly constructed the building with extra monetary assistance of N$20 000 from a South African Samaritan. The soup kitchen is aimed at supplementing the feeding programme at Government schools. “At first we will feed the children on weekends only as they eat at schools during the week. If we manage to secure more food then we will start feeding them on a daily basis,” said Muhuura. He stated that Swakop Uranium company provided them with food for the kitchen. Muhuura said he approached Tunacor Fishing Company at Walvis Bay, and it promised to provide fish for the children's consumption. He used the opportunity to request other fishing companies at the coast to come on board and support the project. “If we get good donations or even a permanent food supply, we will also be able to assist the elderly people in our town with food,” he said. (NAMPA)
Mining museum springing up at Arandis The lack of funds to establish the first mining museum in Namibia at Arandis will soon be a thing of the past, town mayor Daniel Utapi Muhuura says. He was approached by Nampa on Monday for an update on the museum idea, which has been idling on his table for the past six years. The mayor said efforts to secure funds paid off last year when the Social Security Commission (SSC) promised to avail about N$500 000 to kick-start the first phase in the middle of this year. “Despite the struggle to get the money, we did not give up on the museum. This year, the project is fresh on our table again. This time, we are hopeful it will work out,” said Muhuura. Rössing Uranium Mine supports the project, together with the Arandis Town Council. The first phase includes the information centre where old and new mining materials and equipment collected from mines around Arandis and Swakopmund will be displayed for tourists and Namibians to understand the history and current mining industry. Other mining equipment will be collected from mining towns such as Rosh Pinah, Oranjemund and Tsumeb. Though the mayor could not reveal the total cost of the project, it is estimated to be N$31 million. “Our vision is to establish a national mining museum, where we can exhibit all mines in Namibia to international visitors and our own people,” Muhuura said. The museum will be situated at the T-junction near the main road from Swakopmund to Usakos. At this site, there is already a large water-truck and a bulldozer previously used for mining at the Rössing Uranium Mine around 1978. Other historic equipment to be included in the museum include an old haul-truck, which has been standing in the town for about a decade now. Arandis is located approximately 60 kilometres north of Swakopmund in the Erongo Region. (NAMPA)
There were approximately 120 kids that participated in the drawing class. The kids enjoyed themselves to the fullest. The Blue Bench project was established in June 2010 to promote art, culture and friendship in our world. It was the initiative of German based, Pia Feldhege, and was developed to inspire young artists. Throughout the world the Blue Bench group establishes itself in small communities by means of a blue bench being inserted in a specific location. This is to create awareness in the community to look after its people, animals and nature through art projects. In Swakopmund they teamed up with Oneness Arts & Crafts who are the local ambassadors for Blue Bench, with an actual blue bench stationed in the Oneness Crafts Shop at the COSDEF Centre. Post Card sized drawings was created by the kids and afterwards collected. The Post Cards are being sold at N$10 per post card and all proceeds will go to support struggling artists in the community. Post Cards are available at both the Oneness Craft shop at COSEF as well as COSDEF's own Arts & Craft shop. The Yambeke Restaurant which is based at the COSDEF Arts and Craft centre provided all the kids with cool drinks and cookies.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Obtaining Fishing
Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations. WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?
Swakopmund Office
NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Walvis Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Lüderitz Office
Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Henties Bay Office
Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Windhoek Office
Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM
Swakopmund Office
Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00
Environmental impact of Husab’s reagents Marshallino Beukes
Mr Simon Charter Location of the proposed Swakop Uranium Port Facility A meeting to discuss the possible environmental impact the storage and handling of reagents of Husab’s mine might have, was conducted last Thursday in Walvis Bay. appointed to manage the Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA’s). Mr Simon Charter a senior environmental scientist at SLR conducted the meeting, attended by interested and/or affected parties. He informed attendees that the reagents will be imported through the port of Walvis Bay. It will be sourced in advance and stored in a warehouse facility within the boundaries of Namport’s harbour area. Ap-
Swakop Uranium is in the process of constructing and developing the Husab mine, located approximately 70 kilometre north-east of Walvis Bay. The processing plant of the mine, as per the project schedule, is planned to be commissioned in December 2015 and Swakop Uranium applied for a storage area at the Walvis Bay harbour. SLR Environmental Consulting (Namibia), an independent firm, has been
proximately 5 000 m² of land is allocated to Swakop Uranium to be used for the storage and transfer of reagents. The Ferrous Sulphate and Sulphur will be stored in a separate warehouse, next to the port facility. The handling and transportation of sulphur has already been assessed in a separate EIA, conducted by SLR in 2013 and approved by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, Mr Charter noted.
Some of the possible environmental issues, associated with the handling and storage of reagents, include potential contamination of soil at the proposed storage facility area, possible pollution of surface water and run-off into the harbour, potential impact on the Walvis Bay Ramsar Site as a result of reagent spillage and noise. The potential cumulative impact of an increase in traffic in Walvis Bay
New Service Station for Usakos A new service station will be opened in the town of Usakos in March this year, bringing the total number in this town to three. The new Shell station currently under construction at the Namib Oasis Farm stall, situated a short distance west of the town on the way to Swakopmund, is an addition to two Engen service stations. This small town is sometimes referred to as a drive-through from the Namibian inland to the coast because of little developments and tourism activities here. Speaking to Nampa about the new development on Monday, owner of Namib Oasis and co-owner of the new service station Jan Swartz said the idea is to create a one-stopstation for travellers. Asked why he decided to
invest in such a project in a small town which already has other fuel stations, the entrepreneur said he sees potential here. “The increasing traffic volumes on the Trans-Kalahari highway and the expansion of the port of Walvis Bay guarantees that more customers will pass through Usakos and use our services,” he enthused. The businessman, who
has been running the biltong shop for three years, says he is employing 10 labourers in the construction of the fuel station. These are local people who were not employed before, and his aim is thus to develop the town and create jobs. “When we open our doors next month, 40 people will get permanent posts,” Swartz assured. Usakos is situated some 30 kilometres from Ka-
ribib along the B2 road between Okahandja and Swakopmund. The town was founded in the early 1900s as a workshop and watering station for locomotives. Herero Chief Samuel Maharero sold the land to Europeans who, in 1903, resold it to the Otavi Minen- und Eisenbahngesellschaft (Otavi Mining and Railway Company - OMEG) which operated an industrial railway
Where to Fish
HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30
Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com
Hoboomsgat Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck
Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND
iver op R Swak Vierkantklip
Langstrand Dolfynstrand
WALVIS BAY Paaltjies
Walvis Bay Tides
aru ru
Riv er
Mile 72
Swakopmund Tides
Walvis Bay Office
Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00
and the route to the Husab Mine site will also be re-assessed. Approximately 20-30 trucks per day will transport the reagents. A once-off consignment of 5 000 litres of sulphuric acid will be sourced and transported from Rössing Uranium Mine to the Husab Mine. According to SLR, after start-up of the Husab Mine acid plant, acid will be produced on site for continuous operations.
Port Log
line from Swakopmund to Tsumeb. OMEG established a railway station and repair shop which was used until the 1960s. When mining operations slowed down, Usakos’ importance faded quickly, and it’s today mainly a drive-through from the Namibian inland to the coast. NAMPA
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Animal Physio up and running Liesl Losper
Anna-Mart Kruger's Physiotherapy practice for Walvis Bay's community was established in Walvis Bay November 2005. But, that was for human community members. Now she's also catering for pets. Her Animal Physio Clinic opened on Wednesday. The Animal Physio Clinic currently has a professional team of qualified physiotherapists rendering the best possible medical service to their 'clients', using the latest equipment and techniques available to them. Their accessory shop opened on Tuesday and caters for Ruff Wear; K9 Julius products; Sleeper hounds; Car Ramps; Healthy Snacks; Heavy duty toys, leashes, harnesses; Car Seat Hammocks; Fur Beds and many more. If someone's pet had an operation, injury, or has joint
problems, the clinic also caters for animals to recover from injuries. They also get swimming lessons, non-impact exercises used to strengthen muscles, and to increase joint range of motion. The team works on a referral basis from your veterinarian. "Your pet will be evaluated and an individual treatment plan drawn up. During the evaluation, your pet's muscle mass and joint range motion will be noted." Anna-Mart commented.
Jack taking his swimming lessons under supervision of Anna-Mart
Anna-Mart with one of her patients, Milla, who was injured but are now jumping for joy
Jack getting his run routine with Anna-Mart at his side Guests attending the opening of the Animal Clinic
24 FEBRUARY 2015
The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.
newsdesk @namibtimes.net
Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.
namib times reader’s comments
Die dood van die 54-jarige Jeanne Davin, in ‘n motorongeluk gistermiddag, is bevestig Sy was saam met drie hokkiespelers van Windhoek Hoërskool op pad terug van Walvisbaai af ná ‘n hokkietoernooi, toe hul motor tussen Karibib en Okahandja omgeslaan het. Henriëtte Le Grange Sy sal voorwaar gemis word RIP. Zeza Cabral Adao-Dercksen May her soul RIP. Chris Theron Baie sterkte Herman en Annalien. Leonora van Zyl So sad! RIP! Leana Bothma Dis so hartseer Ai ai ai rus sag Jeanne jy het ‹n groot impak op vreeslik baie mense se lewens gehad. Amorien Pretorius Innige simpatie aan haar man en dogter. Baie tragies. Annett Engelbrecht Ons was oppad na Okh na hierdie ongeluk plaas gevind het. Nooddienste was alreeds op die toneel.R.I.P. Ons bid vir vertroosting vir die familie en
vriende. Ai dit is so hartseer. Dandago Geingos So sad, let God giv strenght to th familie. Unzell Jooste-Cooper Sterkte vir die fam. Andrew Cooper Sterkte Footprints B&B Team Swakopmund Amanda Steyn Kotze Sterkte aan familie. RIP. Chantel Carstens Breek my hart... mag die Here die familie dra in die tyd... dis so skokkend en onregverdig. Riana van Wyk Baie sterkte aan familie. Hjj Mouton So sad! May God console husband and daughter in this difficult time. Elize Mungunda Ae henne tog so tragies. RIP.
Pierre Human Baie tragies ons innige meegevoel met Herman en Anneline Sarah Kwizi Oh my heart couldn't be more broken.How I hate you death! However, its beauty is found only in the resurrection power of Christ. Lord may u release perfect peace and love to this family! Andrew Kotzê Ons dink aan die families en aan Herman in die tyd van beproewing en smart. Wikus Oberholster Jammer en sterkte aan familie. Griekie Moyo Hefingo May her soul rest in peace.
Do you think it is important to know and share your HIV status with those you love? Shortas Lopez In todays life u can trust no one... but only to have that one and only person that will love u till the very last... and that is God...only him u can trust... no need fr other people to knw ur status... u love that person... but will tht person love u back or stil be wth u aftr knwing ur status? Ndapanda Shigwedha Is no need at all, just tell your own people who will stand for you once u become sick. A person you love is your enemy once u are no more friends. Ndapanda Shigwedha It is not really needed bcz once the friendship is no more, than omulunga radio. Better to tell your own people rathan than friends. Ellies Ndaafa Nghitete No its not important nor necessary, ur life so just live healthly and let them burry you w hen ur time is up, never tell people you love ur secrets not everyone is trustworthy. Ben Kashete Benhard Ja opo natse tukale itatu yipowe o40. Natasha Rosy For sure ja, if u realy them then share it wth
thm. Da Prince Ntema Yes it s important. Not a little but very important. So they may find a way to help ou. Roberr Nangobe Yes my bra, nomatter hw bad or good result are. Its important bt to those who can be trusted bra. Eliud Da Prince Shipicky I think it is very important so that they can be there for you whenever u can't do anything on ur own. Iita Rosalia I will only tell my grandmother. Erica Dausas Why not its jst like one of other sickness mos, beta to tell ur family. Ndapanda Shigwedha The question is, to let the people you love your hiv status. Hilkka Tonaky No no no no ooo! Glen Sin R Swartz Bruh no, thy might not reconsider stayin away frm u, in ths life thats one in a million opportunities. Sarah Kwizi Disclosing of ones status is voluntary, you can choose not to. But for the sake of your welbeing and your sexual partner one
has to share. for the purpose of preventing further spreading,family planning and for moral uplifting. Helena Tonata Otodhengwa wala omilaka dhoönga kwaambo kakuna omuntu ehole kwawo kuuyuni otaayalulwa, ofamily ndjitayiti, olyali lyakakönga omakithi galyo. Heee omwabo. Ronny Hoeseb U can tel those u trust... but sum of them migth also be involved in the same situation but they wont talk anyway its ur choice once the person u going out with knows why bother tel the others. Mens s net a mens trust no one. Shortas Lopez In todays life u can trust no one but only to have that one and only person that will love u till the very last and that is God only him u can trust no need fr other people to knw ur status, u love that person but will tht person love u back or stil be wth u aftr knwing ur status? Thats m point of view or answer.
It seems that things are progressing for Unam’s Medical School’s 6th years We have received news that they are starting with their classes for this year on Monday. The 6th year curriculum is sorted. Tee Tee Henoch Wishing her and fellow students all the best from a Unam community!
Danny Beukes Step in the right direction.
Help save Mellissa’s life Mellissa Jeanene Bester (27), a Swakopmund resident, was diagnosed with Burkett’s Cancer (aggressive cancer of lymphatic tissue) on 24 September last year. Nella Rossouw TB Joshua is not GOD! JESUS IS THE HEALER. GOD BLESS U MELISSA. PEOPLE OF GOD WILL SUPPORT U BE STRONG IN THE LORD. Iyaloo Naiwa I advise if its possible that she sees the man of God TB Joshua. There will be a total healing and no operation... watch him on Emmanuel tv. I assure u my sister. Grace Augus I don't want to give money, instead want to give bone marrow , it will safe many lives. Give me contact details. I’m willing whatever it takes. Pls. Dawid Andries Reyneke Forget Joshua. Die Here se wil sal geskied. Dra by mense. Dawid Andries Reyneke No human has healing powers only God can heal and He can work through doctors too. Deoni Kotze Diedericks If I am correct TB Joshua and alot of other christian healers was found to be a fake! And besides she is not asking for information on how to stay healthy and to hear what she must and musn’t do! She is asking for help financially! Tangeni Nghaamwa I have nothing to offer but will put u in my prayers. You have 60 years to live and God will open doors for you. Amen Tammy-Ann Kleinsmith Mouton Carballo Nicely done Namib Times, let›s get that dollars rolling in. Kremedinah Nyowa Shangula Be healed Mellissa, in JESUS's name Amen! Carol Lynn Oberg God is the devine Healer and Physician. I am sure many are interceding for Mellissa already. Zanti du Plessis Kom ons bid almal vir haar. Wat van Woensdag die 25ste om 9 uur die aand? Bid net waar jy is, tuis, in die tuin, op die strand. Net vir 1 minuut. Dit sal help! Tupa Nghaamwa If you do not have anything good to say you rather keep it to yourself... Making racial comments here is a disgrace to us. Remember it can be you affected in any way tomorrow. The post has been shared for those who are willing to help not to critisize and after all Melis-
sa may not be the last victim. May God bless those of you in position of helping and may not lack a thing. Irene Spangenberg By God is niks onmoontlik nie as mens glo en bid kan Hy genees maar as dit Sy wil is, ons kan haar baie help met donasies maar die belangrikste is gebede, en GEEN Joshua nie dis nie hy wat mense gesond maak nie DIT BLY STEEDS GOD ALLEEN. Sterkte vir die familie. Caroline Mouton Goeie dag. Julle kan na die faceboekblad van Quinton-Steele Botes gaan. Hulle het ‘n fonds gestig wat kanker pasiente help. Ek bid en vertrou julle kan alles insamel. Die Vader is goed vir Sy kinders. Danny Beukes If we all pull together in small bits, we can make this happen. Lynda Van Rooyen Plz dont go see anyone just pray speak 2 God he is our healer. An it’s tyms lyk this I pray that Sumone who is wealthy enough can just be kind an give her the money she needs 2 save her. But I know my God is able 2 do all things an he alone will reach out an provide 4 you Millissa bester. God loves you an he will provide 4 you. Yolanda Mishkan du Preez How sad to have your life to be put in the hand of your fellow. May Gods will be done and may He comfort her and her family in this difficult time! May we all find it in our hearts to donate something, even the minimum makes a differance at the end! Yes pray, but the word of God instructs us to also ACT! Elmarie Bezuidenhout I dont have money but will donate bone marrow if you need. Hannelie Bester To all the peoole thank you so very much for your concern your prayer or just for thinking about my daugter Mellissa Jeanene Bester and it’ really amazing how much love, caring and support people still have for a follow human being even if you don’t know the person. Throug all of this my eyes open to see that there is still a lot of love and goodness in this world. Thank you so much.
Padkos vir oordenking “Maak in alles julle begeertes deur gebed en met danksegging aan God bekend. En die vrede van God sal oor julle harte en gedagtes die wag hou in Christus Jesus.” Filippense 4:6-7
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Talentvolle Chris Chameleon besoek Wavisbaai EVENTS
As jy die naam Chris Chameleon hoor, gaan jou gedagtes – Chris Chameleon is vernuwend, eindeloos kreatief, en het bekend geraak in Suid-Afrika, asook oorsee, as ‘n musiekfenomeen. Met ‘n eiesoortige styl, bekoorlike verhoogpersoonlikheid en ‘n reputasie dat hy gehore met sy vier-oktaafstem en stemtoertjies betower, het sy uitsonderlike talent hom oor die afgelope agt jaar uitstekende resensies en vele toekennings besorg. Ons krap bietjie in sy agtergrond rond: In 1997 word hy die basspeler en voorman van Boo!, ‘n musikale drietal wat in die tussentyd ‘n wêreldwye kultusaanhang verwerf het. Toe Boo! se medegroeplede, Ampie Omo en Leon Retief, besluit het om hulle musiekinstrumente weg te bêre in 2004, het Chris Chameleon sy vlerke gesprei deur sy Afrikaanse en Suid-Afrikaanse herkoms te ondersoek. Hy het die hoog-aangeskrewe album ‘Ek Herhaal Jou’ uitgereik in 2005 – verwerkings van die poësie van die ikoniese digter uit die Sestigerjare, Ingrid Jonker. Chris toer suksesvol 2012, 2013 & 2014 met ‘Klank van Jou Oë’ in Nederland en Belgie. Na die toere volg die verfilming van die rolprent “Fanie Fourie’s Lobola” en speel die rol van ‘n popster genaamd Sarel Fourie (wat so gewild was dat hy sy eie album Dinky uitgereik het), in 2014 is dit ‘Suurlemoen’, waarin hy die karakter vertolk van Mnr Marx, ‘n skoolonderwyser. Sy album “Herleef – Psalms en Gesange” in 2013, doen hy suiwer omdat dit van toeka tot nou sy siel roer en hom in ’n intieme gesprek bring met sy Skepper. Hy is tans besig om sy volgende albumvrystelling, ‘Posduif’, 'n versameling toonsettings van die buitengewone en uitdagende gedigte van die jong digter, Daniella Deysel, bekend te stel. Sy talle toekennings en nominasies sluit in Kanna, Innibos, Green Heart, Sama, Huisgenoot Tempo-toeken-
ning, Vonk-toekenning, Erepenning, FAK, MK, AMT toekennings & verskeie in elkeen, ongelooflik! Slegs met sy kitaar en asemrowende, ongewone stemwerk, neem Chris Chameleon luisteraars op ‘n reis, na plekke van musikale betowering en verwondering. Hy kom verras Walvisbaai met ‘Drie Vriende’ - ons kry 'n besondere kykie na die veel besproke wye verskeidenheid gedaantes van Chris Chameleon, Suid-Afrika se geliefde verkleurmannetjie. Buiten sy eie, buitengewone aanbieding van musiek en fassinerende verhale, verskyn die vlamwarm jong digter Daniella Deysel (van Namibia) saam met Chris Chameleon om sy album bekendstelling ‘Posduif’, ‘n versameling van sy toonsettings van Deysel se aangrypende werk, te vertolk. Die derde been van ‘Drie Vriende’ is die partytjie opskop doefdoef skollie Sarel Fourie wat ook sy verskyning maak om gehore by ‘Drie Vriende’ te trakteer in ‘n produksie wat 'n wye verskeidenheid van humor, erns, sielsmusiek en loslittige vermaak waarborg! Die vertoning vind plaas op 4 Maart 2015 by die Walvisbaai Gemeenskapkerk saal. Kaartjies kan gekoop word by Viggo Lund, Super Sport en Walvisbaai Apteek, Swakopmund by Kabouterland. Kaartjies kos N$100 en deure open 18:30. Vir verdere navrae kontak: Arline du Plessis 081 606 4836, Annelie
Rousseau 081 122 8658 of Belinda Oberholster 081 127 6586.
Namibia Housing, Income and Expenditure Survey (NHIES) The Namibia statistics Agency will be in the Erongo region (Swakopmund Constituency) for the Namibia Household Income and Expenditure Survey from the 23rd of February until the 8th of March Please offer them your usual support
Namibia Statistics Agency, P. O. Box 2133, Windhoek, FGI House, Post Street Mall Tel: +26461-4313200 Fax:+26461-4313253 Email:info@nsa.org.na
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Kuisebmond Secondary School Grade 8 Orientation
New Grade 8 learners of 2015, being taught the rules and regulations of the school, at the assembly point. Standing next to them is the school principal Mr Gottlieb
New Teachers 2015
Ms Embashu - Geography for grade 8 &9
Mr Shikolalye - Physical Science for grade 8 & 9
Our Business will be closed Friday 27 February 2015 as well as Saturday 28 February 2015
For our annual Stocktaking.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
“I try not to limit myself”Vaughn
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Vaughn Ahrens is not your typical teenager and he is proving that every time he steps onto a stage to entertain those eager to hear what the young man has to offer.
has lived here ever since. Vaughn started his lower primary education at Walvis Bay Primary school, before moving on to Walvis Bay High
Vaughn playing the strings on his guitar
Mavourlene Gaes
He is a passionate 16 year old singer and song writer who was born in the coastal town of Swakopmund but moved to Walvis Bay and
Vaughn during one of his performances school. He is currently a Grade 10 learner at Dolphin Secondary school. Although he has a soft spot for modern folk, Vaughn says he tries not to limit himself to a single genre because he has passion for all kinds of music and prefers to perform in different genres. “Music has always been a part of my life, and something I have shared with various inspirational, musical family members. I’ve always enjoyed entertaining people from a small age, but took it more seriously as from the age of 11 years where I started my training as a classical singer at the Wilna Lieben-
berg School of Music” he explains. The talented artist says he has competed in various competitions which all gave him good results regarding his music. Vaughn composed his first song at the age of 14 and has been entertaining people on a different level ever since. He further states that he unfortunately has not released an album yet as he is still busy building up his fan base before he records anything. Vaughn admits there were talks of a record deal from Traxstudio in South Africa but nothing came of it and he remains a free agent. The young talented artist has quite a
few performances in his name both locally and beyond our borders. “I qualified for a singing competition in Bloemfontein once and ended up as the judge’s choice. Locally I have been busy absolutely everywhere and one of my previous special performances was opening for Zip Zap Circus” Vaughn says proudly. Vaughn says he has been invited to entertain various sectors of the public and the response rose above his expectations to a point that his calendar is filling up with booking requests. Other performances include entertaining at various local restaurants, and local radio stations.
The Erongo RED Board, Management and staff are humbled to receive this PMR.africa Award. This award proofs improvement in our operations and customer service after we scooped the Silver PMR.africa Award in 2013. We thank all our shareholders and customers for their continuous support.
power to the people
* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 28 Feb: Laerskool Walvisbaai KERMIS. Privaatstalletjies beskikbaar kontak 202836. * 28 Feb: Vlooimark aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk by die MOTH terrein oorkant Woermann & Brock. Kontak S Vermaak tel 202020. * 3 Maart: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Lewende Water Gemeente, Walvisbaai. * 4 Maart: Chris Chameleon - Drie Vriende by Wal visbaai Gemeenskapskerk om 18:30 vir 19:00. * 6 March: Baai Poets presents Poetic Healing - Open Mic at Ninos's Pizzeria, Walvis Bay at 18:30 for 19:00. Free Entrance. Contact 081 214 4161 * 11 March: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 7 April: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Five Fold Ministry. * 8 April: M.O.T.H. monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 24 - 26 April: Annual wreath laying ceremony by MOTH and German traditionsverband at Trekkopje. * 26 April: 100th Anniversary battle of Trekkopje. * 5 Mei: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by A.M.E Kerk, Kuisebmond. * 13 May: MOTH monthly meeting in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 30 May: Meat Festival at the Lagoon - Walvis Bay. * 2 Junie: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Bethel Congregational Kerk. * 10 June: M.O.T.H. AGM in Shellhole at Moth Centre at 19:00. * 27 Junie: Huis Palms Basaar by Huis Palms Gronde 10:00.
SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * 28 Feb: Old Crocks Floating Trophy Tournament: 40yrs & above strictly at Mondesa Soccer & Netball Field Swakopmund. * 28 Feb: Privates Deutsches Schülerheim Heimfest 12:00 - 23:00. * 7 March - 7 April: Christine Marais Retrospective at Woermannhaus - Art Gallery. Opening of exhibition on Saturday, 7 March at 17:00. All welcome.
ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00.
Launch of namib times-Pepfar HIV-campaign “ Share Your Status with Those You Love” A moment of silence for those with HIV/AIDS who passed on
US Ambassador Thomas Daughton, (here with Councillor Uillika Nambahu, Mayor of Walvis Bay) donated books and equipment to the value of around N$3 000 to the Walvis Bay Library (Fltr) Dean Kock (namib times),Dorcas Mhungu (Campaign initiator), Councillor Uillika Nambahu Mayor of Walvis Bay), Desmond Frankfort (namib times), His Excellency Thomas F Daughton (US Ambassador), and Imelda van Neel (US Embassy)
Councillor Uillika Nambahu, Mayor of Walvis Bay, planting the ceremonial Moringa ovalifolia Tree, to mark the launch, while US Ambassador Thomas Daughton and the Governor of the Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua are standing by
Lovina Plato (Launch organisor) namib times Directors Dr Dean Kock and Desmond Frankfort
Invited guests, stakeholders and members of the media at the launch of the namib times-Pepfar HIV-campaign “Share Your Status with Those You Love”
Singing the national anthems of Namibia, the USA, and the AU
13 13
Waiting for that one that escaped last time… 255 fishermen in action The Namibia Rock and Surf Angling Association (NRSAA) had their first League Interclub Angling Competition on Saturday, at Mile 108.
More about the day and the competition between the 15 teams, on our Sport pages… But – here’s a lighter view on the day….
(Fltr) Olaf Coetzee, Christo van Jaarsveldt, Sammy Sales and Gawie Rousseau of Club Namib Park Walvis Bay “They also serve who sit and wait….” – Daniella Schmalzried and Harald Piek taking a breather…
Waiting for the big one!
André Strydom, Owen Thomas and Alexander Maischatz of Seagulls Coastal Angling Club This bait is going to catch the big one
At the bakkie – Devon (9) and Corné Burger(11), Morné Burger and Daantjie Nasilowski of the Swakop Penguin Club
Guest angler Gavin Oosthuizen of Hermanus in South Africa.
One of the youngest fishermen: Devon Burger (9), and his Galjoen
24 FEBRUARY 2015
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Top NSSC HL achievers Kevemuine Kangumba (Stellenbosch University): Accounting- 1; st Mathematics- 1; English 1 Lang- 2 ; Biology- 2; Physical Science- 2. Immanuel Gonteb(Stellenbosch University) : Accounting- 1; st Mathematics-2; Biology- 2; Physical Science-2; English 1 Lang- 3 Special Mentions: Letitia Jansen (UNAM): Afrikaans 2nd Lang- 1 ; Selma Nahambo: Accounting- 1 Top NSSC OL achievers: nd Romesh Meyer: Afrikaans 2 Lang- B; Geography- B; Mathematicsst C; English 2 Lang- C ; Biology- C; Physical Science- C nd Special Mentions: Carina Blanckenberg: English 2 Lang A*; Janine nd Manuel: English 2 Lang A*
Grade 8 Orientation The Executive Council 2015 has done exceptionally well in welcoming the grade 8 to their new high school.
Romesh Meyer 2
Kevemuine K 1
Immanuel Gonteb 4
Top JSC Achievers
They promoted discipline, school spirit and enhanced the importance of Duneside's vision and mission statements, as a means of obtaining academic success. The Executive Council have also hosted the first ever “Sandkorreltjies� orientation concert which turned out to be a tremendous success and therefore, will become an annual event. A special thank you for the hard work and effort of the Executive Council. We would like to wish the grade 8's of 2015 a big warm welcome to Duneside Private High School.
Top JSC Achievers 41 points (fltr) Hileni Oskar, Keith Simataa, Armand Janse van Rensburg, Leevi Hango
Keith Simataa, 8th in Erongo Region
Grade 8s enjoying orientation
Some prefects shaded by the grade 8s
Grade 8 (Sandkorreltjies) 2015
New Matric Pullovers: Duneside Private High School Matrics of 2015 in their new pullovers. They would like to extend acknowledgements to Aletta's Uniform and Sportswear, for the provision of their wonderful pullovers.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Requirements: · Must have at least 5 years' experience · Must be self-motivated, responsible , trustworthy and a good team leader · Must be willing to work all over Namibia · Must be Namibian or in possession of a valid work permit and a valid Code 08 drivers license · Must be admin proficient, fluent in English (read and write). Afrikaans or German will be an advantage · Must be able to work under pressure, run and operate various sites · Must be able to represent Electrolight Contractors at site meetings and report to the Contracts Manager
OR SEMI-SKILLED ELECTRICIANS WITH SUFFICIENT EXPERIENCE. - 6 Positions available Requirements: · Must have at least 5 years' experience · Must be able to read drawings and work independently · Must be trustworthy , motivated and reliable · Must be Namibian or in possession of a valid work Permit · Must be willing to work all over Namibia
Salaries negotiable depending on experience Please mail CV's before 6 March 2015 to Caroline@electronam.com or fax to our office in Swakopmund 064- 407255 ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
namib times
Available at the following outlets in Windhoek for your convenience:
路 Maerua Super Spar 路 Fountain O.K Foods
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Fully furnished 3 bedrooms, 2 and a half bathroom. Lounge kitchen dining area, single garage N$13,000.00 2 bedrooms, 2 bathroom Own court yard, double storey, furnished N$7,000.00-can be Fully furnished 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms N$16,000.00 Free standing HouseNewly built Ext 22 N$12,000.00 Vineta Bachelor flat Water and Electricity included N$3,500.00 3 bedroom house 3 bachelor flats in yard Ideal for companies Tamariskia 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom Single Garage N$5,500.00 Centre Town 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Tandem garage N$7,500.00 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms Balcony, single garage N$8,800.00 FOR SALE: Mondesa: 4 Bedroom house, big yard N$950 000.00 Ocean View: 3 Bedroom, 2½ Bathrooms Living room, Lounge Kitchen, Garage. N$1 150 000.00 Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com
TE HUUR: 2 slaapkamer woonstel in Narraville. W/E incl. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Dep: N$ 2 500.00 Contact: 081 454 5061
Lapaloma flats Bachelor flat N$1750.00 W/L Incl One person Jabulani 2Bedr house, bathr, open plan kitchen N$3000.00 W/L Incl 3Bedr house, bathr Lounge, kitchen N$3600.00 W/L Incl Flat 2bedr,bathr open plan kitchen N$4000.00 W/L Incl Oletweni 2bedr house,bathr,kitchen N$3500.00 W/Incl Tamariskia Flats1bedr,bathr,open plan kitchen N$3500.00 W/Incl preferably single male All deposits required Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesnamibia.com
TO RENT: Narraville One inside room for rent. N$ 1 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Call: 085 615 6482
FOR SALE - Unit Fairways Erf Longbeach 2 bed, lounge, kitchen, court- 488m² N$ 730 000.00 yard, 1 garage N$ 880 000.00 House Central 3 bed, 2 bath, lounge, kitchen, House close to Duneside 3 garage large erf School - 3 bed, 2 bath, N$ 1 500 000.00 lounge, dining, kitchen, Servant room, 2 garages plus Meersig House 4 bed, 3 bath, 1 bed flat N$ 1 665 000.00 kitchen, lounge, dining, TV Walvis Bay New Fairways, 3 bed, 2 bath, Room, 2 garages plus 1 bed kitchen, lounge, ind BBQ, 2 flat large erf N$ 2 200 000.00 064-280 600 garages N$ 1 770 000.00 For the Investor Central Contact our Agents 3 bed, 1bath House plus 3 Erf Meersig 846 m² Ruth – 081 240 7350 N$ 790 000.00 flats N$ 1 999 000.00
Karien – 081 250 4690 Town House Dolphin Beach Guesthouse Close to Lagoon Jackie – 081 246 3590 3 bed, 2 bath, Lounge, N$ 4 750 000.00 Hettie – 081 270 4333 kitchen, 2 garages Erf Dolphin Beach 3463 m²
www.grobbies-estates.com N$ 1 800 000.00 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
ATTENTION ALL DEVELOPERS AND INVESTORS – INDUSTRIAL ERVEN FOR SALE IN WALVIS BAY Erven to purchase with sizes ranging from 1500m² up to 9879m² Call now they are selling fast!!!! SEANINE 0812775080 seanine@lunaproperties.com OR NICOLA 0811292427 nicola@lunaproperties.com Offices 064 20 9444
Swakopmund Tamariskia Freestanding 3 bed, 2 bath House with Lounge, Kitchen & Garage. PLUS: 2 Bachelor flats Selling at only N$1 045 000.00! Vinothan 0811289388 Henties Bay Ext 6 3 Bed, 2 Bath with Open plan, single garage Kitchen, Lounge, Scullery & Double Garage, Entertainment Area Big erf with potential for extension N$ 1 400 000.00 Vinothan 0811289388 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Volstruis str. 3 bedroom flat to rent with open plan kitchen, 1 bath + shower. Tanderm garage. N$ 5 000.00 p/m + Deposit. W/E incl. Available from 1 March. Contact: 081 481 1283
TE HUUR Woonhuis in Ocean View: 3 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers, 1 gaste toilet, 1 buite toilet. Binnebraai. Alarm. Dubbel motorhuis. N$10 000p/m + deposito. Kontak: 081 250 4948 TO RENT: 1x Flat with hot water available W/E incl. N$ 2 700.00 p/m Deposit negotiable. 82 Frankie Abrahams St, Kuisebmond. Contact: 081 149 1201 081 333 8010 Swakopmund CBD Fully Furnished Flat: Top Floor with Balcony and Beautiful View 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double Garage N$ 11,000.00 Phone 081-247 3026 STORAGE TO LET Swakopmund: Container 6m - N$750.00 Excl VAT plus deposit. Contact: 0855 800 700 081 277 7454 HOUSE TO RENT: 2 Bedroom, BIC in main room & kitchen, bathroom, lounge, NO GARAGE, New NHE Houses, Kuisebmund, WALVIS BAY. Monthly rental fee N$ 3800.00 & deposit N$ 3800.00, W/E excl. Call 081 237 2304. 2 Bedroom Flat available to rent immediately in Narraville BIC in both rooms as well as an openplan kitchen with built in cupboards & stove. Fully equipped bathroom W&L incl. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Dep Neg. Contact: 081 886 0055 TO RENT: 3 bedroom house in Walvis Bay. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. N$ 5 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 128 8642 TO RENT: 2x One bedroom flat with toilet, shower, kitchen and open area. Water and pre paid electricity. N$ 3 000.00 p/m Contact: 081 257 1978 after 17:00
N$ 4 375 000.00
LONGBEACH Great Investment Opportunity!!! Perfect for holiday makers 200m from the sea 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 garage + outside space for another car Small courtyard, indoor braai ONLY N$ 1.260 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 LONGBEACH Don't miss out on this one!! With perfect sea view !!! Spacious and smart corner 2bed, 2 bath unit with open plan kitchen lounge, indoor braai & 2 garages ONLY N$1.420 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY 2 bed, 1 bath unit in safe and secure complex with 24 hours security. Open plan Kitchen/lounge with scullery, garage & Own courtyard This cheapie goes for only N$895 000-00! Joey 081 278 0518 WALVIS BAY 4 bed, 2 bath house with on a huge 1250m² erf on main road Can get office rights & can be rezoned N$ 2 700 000-00 Joey 081 278 0518
TO LET IN WALVIS BAY: Double Story Townhouse N$ 6050.00 W&l excl.: 3 bedr, 2 bathr, Open plan lounge to kitchen. Single garage. Courtyard Modern spacious & brand new 3 bedr. townhouse . Open plan living room to kitchen with scullery & courtyard. 3 bedr, 2 bathr. N$ 8600.00 W&L excl Call 0818081548 or 064 20 9444 for an appointment to view officewb@lunaproperties.com
VOGELSTRAND 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, open plan kitchen with stove and oven, alarm system, double automated garage, sea view in secure complex. N$ 8300/per month. CONTACT 0851249826 TAMARISKIA * One bedroom flat with automated garage, open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex. N$ 4200/per month. CONTACT 0851249826 * Bachelor flat with automated garage , open plan kitchen with stove and oven in secure complex N$ 3500/month. CONTACT 0851249826. TE HUUR: 224 m² Warehouse in Swakopmund Price N$7452.00 excl tax Enquiries please call 081 124 2475 TO RENT: Bachelor flat available at Sea Side, Ongulumbashe circle. Namport, Circle. N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Plus N$ 500.00 refundable. Contact Benjamin: 081 283 5889 TO RENT: 1 bedroom newly built flat to rent in Kuisebmond. W/E incl. N$ 2 600.00 plus deposit. Available immediately. Plot for sale at Langstrand for N$ 580 000.00 Call: 081 249 1103 TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET · Ocean View Brand new 3 bedrooms house, 2 Bathrooms, Open plan Kitchen, double garage and alarm. N$ 10 000 excl. water with prepaid electricity. Available 1 April · Tamariskia 2 bedrooms flat, 2 Bathrooms, with open plan kitchen, single garage N$5500 Excl water and electricity. Available 1 March. · Mondesa - Oletweni Bachelor Flat with toilet and shower N$ 2000.00 including water with prepaid electricity. Available 1 March - Omulondo (Close to Woermann brock) Bachelor flat with BIC, toilet and shower N$ 2200.00 including water and with prepaid electricity. Available 1 March. For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217 TE HUUR: Walvisbaai 1 slaapkamer, klein kombuis, stort en toilet. Naby Shoprite W/E ingsl. Geen garage. N$ 2 500.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 Tel: 081 605 7490 Tel: 081 303 7668
TO LET WALVIS BAY - Triple storey, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$13 000.00 - Lagoon - Modern 3 bedro Townhouse, 3 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$13 200.00 - Central – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan / kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$13 000 W&E included - Central – 2 bedr. house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, 4 garages, lovely garden. N$9000.00. W&E included - Central – Bachelor flat with bathr, N$3000.00. W&E. incl - Meersig – 3 bedr house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$11 750.00 - Meersig – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$11 150.00 - Central – 3 bedr house, 1 bathr, double garage, outside room. No animals allowed. N$11 000 - Central - Stylish Townhouse - 3 bedr, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$9900.00 - Fairway – 3 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$10 000 - Central – 3 bedr house, 1 bathr, kitchen / lounge, single garage. Suitable for office. N$8200 - Central – 3 bedr town house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$7215 - Meersig – Townhouse - 2 bedr, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$5500 - Hermis – 2 bedr flat, 1 bathr, kitchen / lounge, single garage. N$6050.00 - Central – 3 bedr house, 2 bathr, kitchen, laundry, lounge, no garage N$5575.00 - Central – Furnished bachelor flat -N$4240.00 - Hermis – 1 bedroom flat – N$4460.00 WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 950m² – N$42 205.00 incl vat 230m² N$12 009.00 excl vat 230m² N$12 700.00 incl vat 131m² – N$9300.00 excl vat Vacant erf with fencing – N$14 800 incl vat (avail 1 June) FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: YOLANDE – 0812519377 or ALDA – 0812555481 NATANIEL - 0816701300 PROPERTY IS WEALTH
Walvis Bay
064-280600 TO LET
NARRAVILLE 1 Bedroom flat, lounge to fitted kitchen – N$2950.00 2 Bedroom flats, lounge to fitted kitchen N$3500.00 Please call Lana at 081 350 1827 Moira at 081 147 6475 Roelien at 081 473 7325 or our offices : 064-280600
TO RENT Mahetago: Inside rooms, 1st room with built in cupboards and bathroom @ N$2500, 2nd room @N$2000 and 3rd room N$ 1200 Tenants share bathroom. Kitchen for all tenants. 0853101660
MONDESA TO LET 2Bedr house,bathr lounge,kitchen N$3300.00 W/Incl
Ocean View 3 bedrooms, 2 and a half bathroom, double garage N$11 000.00
TO LET - WALVIS BAY HERMES N$ 3 500 - 1 bed flat ,1 garage incl. w & e. N$ 5 000 - 2 bed flat, 1 garage incl. w, prepaid elec. N$ 5 170 - 2 bed flat, 1 garage excl. w & e. CENTRAL N$ 5 500 - 2 bed flat, 1 garage excl. w & e. N$ - 9 000 - 3 bed townhouse, 1 garage excl. w & e. LAGOON N$ 5 500 - 2 bed flat, 1 garage excl. w & e. N$ 10 500 - 4 bed house, 2 garage excl. w & e. MEERSIG N$ 11 000 - 3 bed house, 2 garage excl. w & e. KUISEBMOND N$ 3 850 - 3 bed house & garage excl. w & e. N$ 3 700 - 3 bed house, no garage excl. w & e. N$ 3 200 - 2 bed flat & garage, excl. w & e. N$ 2 000 bachelor flat excl. w & e. INDUSTRIAL N$ 18 676 - new 297m2 warehouse with offices. N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf. N$ 48 per m2 - offices or showroom space in industrial area. N$75 000 - 2000m² warehouse with offices. Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315
Free standing Flat 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Double garage N$8,800.00
Exclusive and Elite Estates Mile 4 -Free standing house 2 bedrooms N$7,000.00
24 FEBRUARY 2015
PROPERTY TIMES Mays Trading CC For Sale Swakopmund, Corner Erf, N$1,150 million 952m², Ocean View Area. Swakopmund House,Vinetta, N$1,9 million Lounge, spacious fitted kitchen, Indoor braai,3 bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, 1 On-suite bathroom, passage cupboards ,established garden , boundary walls, spacious erf Walvis Bay Fairways Townhouse (New development) Townhouses N$ 1 350 000.00 3 bedroom 2 bathroom Kitchen lounge entertainment area and garage All costs included Narraville Semidetatched House N$370 000 (Cash clients) 2 bedrooms, lounge, kitchen ,bathroom(near Narraville primary school) Yard has a drive through and enough space to extend and build a flat. Walvis Bay house N$1.9million 3 bedroom house with a big erf 1250m2, 18th road Accommodation For Sale, N$4,3 million 13 rooms, furnished and license available Walvis Bay ,House , 6th Street N1,6million Erf 1108m² Meersig, House, N$2,3million 4 bedrooms,3 bathrooms, double, remote garage, interlocks, diningroom, lounge, tv room Indoor braai, laundry, spacious fitted kitchen with marble tops, pre-pay electricity, Plus 1 bedroom flat, Erf size 1350m², lots of space to build another house on property or subdivide property Long beach erf for sale N$ 600 000-00 488m² Fairways, House N$1,650million 3bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, open-plankitchen with granite toppings Indoor braai , lounge.(Plot & Plan) We are urgently Looking for houses and properties in Narraville, Kuisebmund, Walvis Bay, Longbeach and dolphin park. Contact: Tracey:0813023806 Mounien: 0818601938 Email:mickeymays@iw ay.na
NEW HOUSE FOR SALE Swakopmund: Adjacent to Mile 4 House in CC Big 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Double garage, open plan Lounge/Kitcehn/Sculler y. Erf 6204 - Ext 22 690m² House 217.72m² N$1,750,000.000 Contact: 081 127 6049
ADVERT FOR FLAT ERF 1030 Bachelor flat, with garage available in Tamariskia going for n$ 4500.00 water included. Deposit is negotiable. The flat contains; built in cupboards, built in stove and burglar doors. This flat is available 1st of March 2015. Call 0812910689 for details. TUKA PROPERTIES CC FOR SALE · Mondesa (Near Woermann brock) 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, Living room, Kitchen, Study & garage N$ 980 000.00 · VIneta B & B 12 bedrooms . 7 x bedroom are en-suite 3x rooms outside sharing bathroom 1x a bar and dining area, living room, kitchens , entertainment area and 3 garages N$ 5 mil For more info call 081 241 5447 064-461217
PRIVATE SALE; Meersig - 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, lounge, kitchen, indoor bbq, double garage & 2 bedroom flat with indoor bbq N$ 1 880 000.00 Meersig - 3 bedroom house, 2 bathroom, lounge, open plan kitchen, indoor bbq, double garage & 3 bedroom flat with indoor bbq & double garage N$ 2 185 000.00 Meersig - Huge 1 bedroom flat, bathroom, kitchen, lounge, indoor bbq, single garage & 2 bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, single garage N$ 1 405 000.00 Meersig - Huge 5 bedroom house, 4 bathroom, kitchen, lounge, tv room, scullery, 2 double garage, staff room with own shower/toiler, big garden area erf of 2058m² Endless potential N$ 3 650 000.00 Hermes - 3bedroom house, 2 bathroom kitchen, lounge indoor bbq, double garage N$ 1 200 000.00 Contact Rammie: 081 609 4211 NO AGENTS PLEASE!
TE HUUR GESOEK: Op soek na 2/3 slaapkamer huis met dubbel garage. Nie in kompleks of woonstelle nie. N$ 6 500.00 N$ 7 000.00 p/m In Walvisbaai, Meersig, Lagoon, Hermis of Central Town. Skakel Hannes: 081 262 7829
WANTED TO BUY: Urgently looking for an erf to buy anywhere in Swakopmund. Please do contact: 081 798 4829
Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
PROPERTIES MALAKIA PROPERTY TO LET HAGE HEIGHT Bachelor flat With Garage N$3850.00 W/L Incl Avble 1/3/2015 TAMARISKIA Flat: 2bedrooms,bathroom Kitchen, N$3800.00 W/Incl Prepaid electricity MAHETAGO 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2200.00 W/L Incl 1Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen N$2800.00 W/incl Prepaid electricity MONDESA 3Bedroom,bathroom Kitchen and Lounge N$5000.00 W/ Incl JABULANI Bachelor flat N$3000.00 W/L Incl Single person
CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND TO LET OCEANVIEW HOUSE NEWLY BUILT & NEAT! 2 Bedrooms, 1bathroom, lounge/dining, kitchen, bic, single garage, alarm, burglar bars. own yard, pet friendly. Deposit required. Immediate available. N$7,800.00 IRENE 0813535551/064-412320 irene@cfsnamibia.com www.cfsnamibia.com
WANTED: I am looking for a 2/3 bedroom , 2 bathroom flat/apartment/townhous e with a garage to rent in Walvis Bay, preferably in Meersig , Lagoon Area, Town centre Contact : 081 122 7677
For All Your PROPERTY Adverts Please feel free to contact: SHADEEN in Walvis Bay Tel: 205854 E-mail: smalls@namibtimes.net SHENE in Swakopmund Tel: 461866 E-mail: shene@namibtimes.net MIKKIE Tel: 205854 E-mail: mikkie@namibtimes.net
Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:
SERVICES SERVICE: Business Plans Feasibility & market / marketing studies Rapid & Project Performance Assessment Strategic & Marketing Planning Orginisational Growth & Strategies SME’s Mentorship Contact: 081 853 2464 SHAPE A - AUTO CAR WASH Cell: 081 687 7013 Tel: 064 204 580 Walvis Bay KAULLY UPHOLSTERY INVESTMENT CC 160 Sam Nujoma Evenue Opposite Trust Market WE DO: Couch repair & sell Tent repair & new make Canvas cover for car, boats & trails Sleeper couches Curtains & headboard covers Trampoline & jumping castles. We aslo do: Painting Interlocking Roasting For free quotation: Contact Qondja: 081 353 2446 Visit facebook Qonja seatwork Namibia HANDY MAN HENK 081 560 0292 Sweiswerk Plumbing Enige los werk in en rondom die huis. Walvisbaai + Swakopmund
NAMIBIA GARDEN SPECIALIST SERVICES: * Landscaping & plant doctor. * Original palm & tree trimming. * Planting grass & flowers. * Painting: houses, palm trees & thatch roofs. * Cutting big trees. * Training companies of original palm tree trimming, painting & cutting. Contact: 081 274 8447
6m Containers to rent Phone Karin/Chandre/Nicole 064 209 166
EXCELLENT ELECTRICAL & DSTV INSTALLERS Swakopmund: We do Dish Installation extra view. Remove + fit of Dishes. Installation of sound systems + we do repairs on HiFi’s, Tv’s and many more... For affordable prices. John: 081 731 0828 Vilo: 081 610 3346 435 PROJECTS: Aluminium & Glass. 081 274 2704 Building & Renovation Equipment Rental 081 250 2214 / 081 242 2224 Tel: 064 209 435 A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA REMOVALS / TRANSPORTATION OF GOODS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320
Roof repairs & Home renovations By the Austrian Master builder, Plumbing and Electrical work, No job to small, modern Bathrooms, Swimming Pools, Electric perimeter security, Four layer painting work, with 8 year roof Repair and painting guarantees. Samsung Air conditioning Installer. Call Gunther anytime, 081 63 86 300
Vaporizers (e-ciggies) for Namibia on facebook Website: www.namibiavapes.com The device that really help Smokers to quit or change the bad habit. You choose your flavor, your own vaporizer. Even the size or color or style. You choose how much nicotine in your e-liquid. We stock a wide variety of vaporizers with chargers from N$ 250.00. We have beautiful e-pipes in stock for N$ 1000.00 More than 80 flavors for N$ 40.00 on 10ml bottle. 30ml E-liquids fro N$ 110.00 Visit Largo Video for FREEDOM on your SMOKING habit. We are open daily from 10:00 to 21:00 Tel: 205 525 081 407 5773 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.. DOCTOR SILUWA: House No.1926/6 Mossie Street Okulyangava Inn Bar, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. He helps with the following problems: Bad Lucks - Business Improvement - Job Problems - House Problems Love Life - Manpower Lost Lovers - Remove Bad Spirits and Bad Medicine f r o m t h e b o d y, e t c . Contact: 081 347 0285.
24 FEBRUARY 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
Bay City Trucking Klein vragte te karwei in en om Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai & omgewing. Bourommel, boumateriaal, klein trekke ens Skakel 081 753 35 35 Epos: baycityent@afol.com.na
DE VRIES PLUMBING SERVICES Contact us for all your plumbing needs New/Replacement Bathroom & Kitchen Installations General Plumbing Maintenance Marius 081 2122 541
GOTV Special!! Only N$ 299.00 Only for February Get your GOTV today at TV Link & Electrical cc 27 Libertina Amathila str Swakopmund Tel: 064-406032
Daily shuttle between the coast and Windhoek Depart Wbay : 7am and 14h00 Depart Swakopmund : 8am and 15h00 Depart Windhoek : 7am and 14h30 * Also Chauffeur services / private transfers to any destination * Staff Transport - Contract * Airport transfers * Parcel pick up and drop off Windhoek and Wbay * Windhoek city transfers pick up and drop off CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR A QUOTATION / MORE INFO 064 - 205537 0812704395 / 0814195886 carloshuttle@iway.na www.carloshuttlenamibia.com.na
NOTICES COURSES & LESSONS For Exclusive Home And Hospitality Supplies! Come visit us at Shop 144, Shop 1 Sam Nuuyoma Ave, Walvis Bay, Tel: 064 221583, Email: ultimate@iway.na
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Construction material & Vehicles 28 Feb @ 10h00 130 Sixth str Walvisbaai
Items on auction 6 ton dumper Isuzu bakkie Audi 2008, Camry Audi Station Wagon Trailers,Car trailer Compressor Quad bikes,Golf 4 Spares
mobile dam, Metal Lathe 2nd hand building material windows,Planks doors, Build in Cupboards wood, Furniture Desalination plant Pumps, Motors, Oxygen bottles
Bay City Trucking Small loads in and around Walvis Bay Swakopmund, Hentiesbay & vicinity. Building rubble/material, furniture moves etc Phone 081 753 35 35 Email baycityent@afol.com.na
Expert Building For all your building work in and around Swakopmund, Walvis Bay, Henties Bay and surrounding areas. Feel free to contact me for a free quotation! No job too BIG or too SMALL. Contact: 081 315 9178/081613 2647 Email: lucasstan3@gmail.co m
0811434368 0811475475 0811475333 T & C Apply
SEWING COURSES: Morning and Evening classes. Contact: Mrs O. Doeses @ 081 273 5953 Or visit erf 1566 Mahetago Mondesa, Swakopmund.
JJs care centre School & Edu-care for deaf & special needs children. Open 7 -5.15pm Limited space Walvis bay Kim 081 479 0725 JJ`s Care Centre Sign languages $1500 Early childhood development $1500 Educare / pre primary $1500 Afrikaans courses $1500 Walvis bay Kim-081 479 0725 LESSONS: Would your child be interested in tennis lessons? If your child is over the age of 6, please call Gert Olivier to book lessons now 081 358 2281 NAHOTA COURSES: Waiters / Waitresses Cleaner / Housekeeper Barmen / Bar lady Each Reg N$ 1000 installment N$500 Receptionist Cook/Chef Each Reg N$ 2000 installment N$1000 Events Decor Reg N$ 1500 Installment N$1500 Computer Reg N$ 500 Installment N$500 Register anytime, No Qualification need Walvis Bay & Swakopmund Mr. Alex 081 462 8224
HEALTH OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS If food, your weight and your attitude is affecting your life, or the life of someone you care about, you may be able to help via a new group which is being set up in Walvis Bay. OA is a worldwide fellowship of individuals who have experienced difficulties in their relationship with food. In OA you will find members who are extremely overweight, moderately overweight; average weight, underweight; still maintaining periodic or strict control over their eating behaviour; or totally unable to control their compulsive eating. Whether you suffer from compulsive overeating, bulimia or anorexia - or you feel that a name doesn't describe your behaviour; whatever your size, age, ethnicity or gender - you will find FREE friendship, support and understanding at OA. Call: 085 256 5146
CARS FOR SALE: Pajero 2.8 turbo Diesel. Automatic. 200 000 km. Baie goeie toestand. Kontak: 081 230 1882 081 239 2205 FOR SALE 2006 Model Mitsubishi Pajero Exceed. 7 Seater. 3.5 Litr. Petrol V6 18 000km. In very good condition. N$130 000.00 Contact: 081 368 8259 FOR SALE Swakopmund: I am selling a Hyundai 1600 without a Radiator and Top, Automatic gearbox. Contact: 081 204 4936
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE PICK A BARGAIN We buy and sell quality and second hand furniture, household appliances, hardware, tools, bes, camping equipment, jewellery etc. Best value for your money Come negotiate a deal C/O Nangolo Mbumba Drive & 11th road, Walvis Bay. Contact: 081 259 3175 081 032 4865
We Turn Your Assets Into CASH! 064220387 0811475333
We Buy or Sell Furniture, Cars, anything of value
THIS ‘N THAT We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances We offer good money on quality Sam Nujoma Town Square La Paloma Building Walvis Bay Els 081 255 5809 Lawrence 081 324 1285
Enquiries 0814712925
FOR SALE: Single garage door for sale meranti, roll up N$ 5 000.00 negotiable. Contact: 081 676 1565
Op soek na n klein besigheid om te koop. Walvis baai / Swakopmund Dit moet n bestaande huur kontrak (perseel) in plek het. Alle inligting sal streng vertroulik hanteer word. Maximum N$350,000 Carlo - 0814100837
carloshuttle@iway.na WANTED: Male adult needs assistance with swimming lessons. Contact: 081 286 4512
ACCOMMODATION Guesthouse * Conferencing * Catering
Offers you: (1) luxury accommodation close to the lagoon (2) a fully equipped conference facility which can host up to 30 pax (3) catering customised to suit your requirement Contact us: 064 206 225 reception@amjicaja.com.na 8 Temple Crescent, Meersig, Walvis Bay
VACANCIES Workshop welder Trailer manufacture with references Needed in Swakopmund, Call 081 5863260
This Thurston Snooker Table is really a collector's piece. Originally installed 39 years ago in the old Rossing Uranium Recreation club. This table is immaculate. No cigarette burns on the sides or any damage to the Joe Davis competition cushions or the carpet. Price (negotiable) N$ 55 000 FOB Swakopmund.
We needed a Painters Please call or mail Cv to the following nr. SWK Call:0815863260 Walvis, call: 0817155136 handyman1@iway.na Office.handymansec @gmail.com CONTRACT MANAGER COMMERCIAL SITE COAST
GARDENING FOR SALE Fan Palms for sale, Big and small, And planted. Also Garden designs and Irrigation. Palm and tree removal, 40kg Cow manure bags delivered. Call Gunther 081 63 86 300
Namibia requires experienced Contract Managers With previous experience within the Commercial industry. Duties include client satisfaction; control of direct expenses; IR & manpower develop; management of staff; maintain a high standard of performance and image of the Company and implementation ISO 9001 quality systems. Bidvest Managed Solutions peter.besser@bidvest solutions.co.za
VACANCIES TRANSPORT COMPANY IN WALVIS BAY HAS AN IMMEDIATE VACANCY FOR A DEBTOR / CREDITORS CLERK Candidates will require the following skills 1. At least 5-6 years esperience 2. Computer literate knowledge of Pastel and Excel 3. Must be able to adhere to deadlines. 4. Able to work independently and under pressure 5. Must be able to start as soon as possible Forward A CV TO: aphvn3@gmail.com Closing date: 27/02/2015
PROPERTIES TO LET: 3 Bedroom 2 bathroom flat in vicinity of Shoprite. Both balconies enclosed with glass. Double garage with remote. DSTV/Deukom connections. No pets. N$6900.00p/m + one month rental deposit. W/L Excl. Contact: 081 327 4830 or 081 122 5233 after 18h00 TO RENT Vineta: Bachelor flat, Open plan kitchen / Living room. Fully furnished. W/E Incl. N$4000.00p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 435 9283 TO RENT VINETA: 4 bedrooms, free standing house, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, built in braai, 4 garages, laundry room, lovely big yard and beautiful garden. Close proximity to shopping centres in Vinetta. N$12,000 per month. Available 1 March 2015. Call Bridget@ 0811501262. HOUSE TO LET Arandis: 4 Bedroom house available at the end of February 2015. House is tiled and has a big kitchen, sitting room and a geyser. The house number is 472 and is situated at FLYCATHER street. All rooms are big. N$3200.00p/m. W/L are NOT included. Deposit will be required. Contact: 081 360 7641 SWAKOPMUND Apartment TO LET 2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, 1 Garages Pre-Paid Metre Close to the Sea N$ 8000.00 Contact Martina 081 124 3885
24 FEBRUARY 2015
E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net
SITUATION WANTED SYLVIA: I am looking for domestic work at Longbeach or Swakopmund. I am trustworthy and can concentrate. I have references and ex-perience. I have sober habits. 5 Days a week, Mondays to Fridays. Willing to start immed-iately. I have more expe-rience in ironing, cleaning and babysitting. Contact: 081 597 6838 JOB WANTED: I am a 26 year old woman looking for housekeeping work and I am also doing Assistant cook. I will start any day. Contact: 081 244 9786/Swakopmund MAGRETH: Op soek na enige soort werk, huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak, kinders oppas of strykwerk. Walvisbaai, Meersig, Dorp, Lagoon of Meersig. Kontak: 081 042 3841 JOB WANTED: A 26year-old damara lady, is in search of domestic work, week days only. Can start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 490 2218 ZINGA: I am urgently looking for work, cleaning or office cleaning. Town, Meersig or Lagoon. Contact: 081 355 9286 081 811 7844 JAQUELINE: Opsoek na huiswerk, strykwerk, kinders oppas of kantoor skoonmaak werk. Lagoon, Langstrand, Meersig, Dolfynstrand of Dorp. Behalwe Narraville. Kontak: 081 329 1038 WERK GESOEK: Dame 26-jaar is op soek na huiswerk in Walvis-baai, Meersig of Lang-strand. Kontak: 081 241 7346 STACEY: A 32-year-old lady is looking for work in Walvis Bay. Can look after children or old people. Have 10 years experience. Have a certificate of Palliative Health Care giving and Basic First Aid. Very hardworking and honest. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 215 1872 JOB WANTED: A 28year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay. Monday to Friday. Have experience in ironing and cleaning for 2 years and ready to start immediately. Lagoon and Meersig only. Contact: 081 781 7205 081 310 7931 JOB WANTED: I am a hardworking and dedicated lady looking for domestic work, childcare and I can also look after old people. I have experience in looking after children and old people. Contact: 081 218 0134 PRENSLY: I am urgently looking for work as a driver or general worker. Please contact me on the following number: 081 244 0927
CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication
24 FEBRUARY 2015
We would like to express our sincere condolences to Jenny Jackson and her family on the passing of her mother.
May peace and comfort find you during this difficult time
Management and Staff
It’s not farewell, but till we meet again Bradwin Visagie
namib times
Confirmation class of 2014 God saw you getting tired, when a cure was not to be, He closed his arms around you and whispered, "Come to Me". In tears we saw you sinking, we watched you fade away, our hearts were almost broken, you fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping so peacefully free from pain, we could not wish you back to suffer so again. So keep your arms around him Lord, and give him special care. Make up for all he suffered and all that seemed unfair.
We salute you Bradwin, you were a brave soldier.
Our deepest condolences to Caroline (Boela) and families.
From: Bethel Congregational Church, Walvis Bay
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Club Mako wins First Leg of NRSAA Interclub Competition Maria Davel-Wallis
The amateur sport association, the Namibia Rock and Surf Angling Association (NRSAA) had its first interclub competition at Mile 108 on Saturday. Anglers from far and wide participated - 255 of them, from 15 different Namibian clubs. Their ages varied from 9 years to over 70. Three weigh masters adjudicated the catch,
and made sure that nothing undersized was taken into account. The anglers started at 7:30 Saturday morning, and although huge kabeljou and steenbras had been caught during the week,
the ones that took the bait on Saturday, were generally “less impressive” – but, after that has been said – quite a few big ones were eventually caught. The competition ended around 15:30.
Basson calls on Namibians to support the Welwitschias Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) president Bradley Basson has called on the nation to rally behind the national team when they partake in the Vodacom Cup and the Rugby World Cup this year.
The NRU received a sponsorship of N$1 750 000 from First National Bank (FNB) Namibia last Thursday for the senior national rugby team dubbed the Welwitschias' - participation in the Vodacom Cup tournament next month. “It's about time that fans started coming in numbers to the stadium, just like they did when we played the Blue Bulls here last year.
We need fans to fill up the stadium, because this will motivate our players to perform to their best levels. If we can have a huge number of people cheering the team on, they can take down any giant,” enthused Basson. The Vodacom Cup will be used as preparation for the upcoming Rugby World Cup to be hosted in London, England during September. Namibia qualified for the 2015 Rugby World Cup after ending top of their group at the Confederation of African Rugby (CAR) tournament. Namibia is in a tough group featuring New Zealand, Argentina, Tonga and Georgia. The president of the NRU further called
on the different sports codes to start supporting each other. “The time has come where all sport codes must start working with each other to help improve ourselves as we will learn from each other's mistakes, and look for ways on how to improve sports in this country. If sponsors also come in numbers and start supporting the different codes in the country, we can expect to see sports grow,” Basson added. Namibia will play all their Vodacom Cup games at the Hage Geingob Stadium from 6 March. Tickets are on sale for N$30 for the open stands, and N$60 for the main stand. (NAMPA)
The Preliminary results were received from Hendrik Dry, who went out of his way to provide us with the facts. He said final results would be available on the NRSAA website later today. Visit www.nrsaa.com The winning club at this First of 5 League competitions was Mako. The individual winner, Warren Deysel is also a member of Mako Species caught : 1. 29 Spotted Gully sharks – Biggest 21.3 kg's Roberto Celotto – Orca Angling Club 2. 2 Smooth Hound Sharks – Biggets 81. Kg's – Warren Deysel – Mako 3. 5 Blacktails – Biggest 1.8 kg's Adri Roets – Atlantic Angling Club 4. 39 Galjoen : biggest 1.4 kg's Jaco Mac Gillicuddy – Skeleton Coast Angling Club 5. 42 Cob biggest 3.6 kg's Andrew V/d Westhuizen – Mako
The vision of the NRSAA is “To promote and grow substantially the sport of rock and surf angling in Namibia as a healthy, character building ( which includes such values as sportsmanship, dedication, hard work, compassion, competitiveness and the desire to improve oneself and those around you), as well as an environmentally sustainable sport that young and old persons of both genders and all races desire to partake in. It strives “to be the association that is respected worldwide for leadership in all matters related to this sport.”
André Theart and Chris Feyerabend
Measuring the catch Another contender
André Theart recording the result
A little one in the hand is better than ...
Anglers participating in the NRSAA Interclub competition at Mile 108
Photos by Leandrea Louw
24 FEBRUARY 2015
Rugby, Rugby en nog Rugby! Leandrea Louw
Hierdie naweek was Kudus in aksie teen Reho Falcons in hul eerste vriendskaplike wedstryd vir die jaar. Die wedstryde was gereël om die spelers gereed te kry vir die liga wat 7 Maart afskop. Kudus se eerste ligawedstryd sal teen Dolphins wees. Die eerste wedstryd op Saterdag was Kudus 2 en Reho Falcons 2, waar Kudus druipstert van die veld moes afdraf met n telling van 15- 17 in die guns van die Valke. Dit was ‘n kragtige wedstryd met talle beserings en het gedurig die toeskouers
op hul voete gehad. Die tweede wedstryd het Kudus geseëvier oor die Valke met ‘n telling van 24-0. Die twee wedstryde was net 'n voorsmakie, van wat die rugbyseisoen vir ons inhou. Die sewes liga kom Woensdag tot ‘n einde met die laaste ron-
domtalie wedstryde wat gespeel word met die finale wat net daarna volg. Kudus 1 en Dolphin2 kom môre te staan in hul laaste rondomtalie wedstryd terwyl die twee spanne weer later die aand sake in die finaal gaan uitspook nadat hulle reeds die
twee top plekke bespreek het. Die kragmeting tussen die twee spanne is die wedstryd waarvoor almal reeds weke voor wag en môre gaan die toeskouers twee keer die geleentheid kry om die spanne teen mekaar te sien speel. Die sewes was baie
goed ondersteun en met môre se finaal kan weereens 'n gepakte stadion verwag word. Die wedstryde sal môre weer op Narraville Stadion plaasvind. Hekgeld is N$10.00 per persoon en N$5.00 per skolier.
Woensdag se program is as volg: 1. Walvisbaai v/s Swakop 2. Kudus 1 v/s Dolphins 2 3. Kudus 2 v/s Dolphins 1 4. 6de v/s 5de 5. 4de v/s 3de 6. 2de v/s 1ste