24 november namib times e edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6508 TUESDAY 24 NOVEMBER 2015 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

inside SADC Forum

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Lessons from Quinton van Rooyen

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Roof skud Swakopmund Maria Davel-Wallis Die eienaar van Stop 'n Shop in Tamariskia, Seth Louw, het namib times gisteroggend geskok geskakel, en ingelig dat gewapende rowers vroeër die oggend tussen N$60 000 en N$70 000 by sy winkel geroof het. “Hulle het twee werknemers oorval, vasgebind en aangehou, en die kluis in die kantoor op die eerste vloer van die gebou, leeggemaak. Hulle het die dame wat in die kantoor besig was om vir die dag gereed te maak oorval, haar vasgebind en het met duisende rande weggekom.” Hy sê hy was nog by die huis toe sy werknemer wat in die kantoor werk, Anna Louw (nie familie van Mnr Louw nie) hom geskakel het en van die voorval ingelig het. Die rowers het net voor agt gisteroggend toegeslaan. Toe namib times op die toneel aankom, was verskeie lede van die polisie steeds daar, besig om getuienis en leidrade te ondersoek en te versamel. 'n Ondersoekbeampte van die Eenheid vir Ernstige Misdade het pas uit Walvisbaai ook daar opgedaag. Me Louw, wat al meer as 'n dekade lank vir Mnr

Hierdie besonderse foto is onlangs aan boord van die Namibiese sardynboot, Byrnesvag, in Angolese waters geneem waar dit deur die branders aanploeg na die vissersdorp Tombua met ‘n vrag sardinella in haar ruime. Byrnesvag behoort aan Floors Eigelaar en word geskipper deur die Walvisbaaier, mnr Jaco Robberts.

Louw-hulle werk, het blykbaar deur 'n hek aan die agterkant van die gebou die besigheid binnegegaan, gevolg deur 'n jong werknemer, wat veronderstel was om die hek agter hulle te sluit. “Ek het pas die kluis in die kantoor oopgesluit en was besig om die twee skootrekenaars te verwyder wat ons saans daar toesluit, toe ek skielik deur gewapende mans oorval is. Hulle was jonk, die man met die vuurwapen was gemasker. Hulle het Oshivambo met mekaar gepraat, en met my het die leier met die wapen Afrikaans gepraat. Ek het nie die ander drie gesien nie.” Hulle het haar hande en voete vasgebind en haar onder die tafel in die kantoor ingedruk. Sy het later, toe die rowers weg is, uitgekruip en

Election Friday not a holiday

Vervolg op Bladsy 2

Continues on Page 2

Liesl Losper

Suidwester mors met Walvis

Bladsy 9

Friday will not be a public holiday when Namibians go to the poll in the country's Regional Council and Local Authority Elections. A senior official of the Namibia Electoral Commission confirmed this yesterday, but said should there be a change a national announcement will be made and it would then be for employers countrywide to disseminate the information. At the moment employees will be allowed to go and vote, but will then return to work. Unless arranged otherwise between employer and

Cricketer Dies

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24 NOVEMBER 2015

Rooftog Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1 onmidellik alarm gemaak. Die polisie was gou op die toneel. Volgens Seth Louw is daar die afgelope sowat 11 jaar reeds 15 keer by die besigheid ingebreek. Hy sê hy is ook al by sy huis oorval en beroof, verskeie kere met 'n mes gesteek en vir dood agtergelaat. Vanjaar was daar inbrake in Maart, Mei, Julie, Augustus en nou in November. Hy sê hulle het verskeie soorte veiligheid wat alarms, veiligheidskameras en gewapende reaksie insluit, maar steeds is dit het einde niet. 'n Jong werknemer, wat sedert Saterdag daar gewerk het, en saam met Me Louw die winkel binnegegaan het, was na bewering besig om die hek agter die gebou weer te sluit toe hy oorval is. Sy hande is blykbaar in 'n stadium ook vasgebind. Die polisie het hom glo weggeneem vir ondervraging. Teen saktyd was die polisie nog besig met ondervraging. (Sien foto’s regs)

Election Friday no holiday Continued from Page 1 employees on an individual and free willing basis.

The polls open at 07:00 on Friday until 21:00. In Erongo a total of 106 246 voters registered for the Regional Council and Local Authoriity Elections.

Swakopmund hosts SADC parliamentarians

Louw het die afgelope 15 jaar as eienaar van die besigheid hard onder misdaad deurgeloop.

Sharlien Tjambari

The National Assembly of Namibia hosted the 38th Plenary Assembly of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum with the theme, “From Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Towards a Greater Parliamentary Role in the Development Agenda.” According to Dr Esau Chiya, the SecretaryGeneral on behalf of Hon Joseph Rabson Njob-vuyalema and Member of Parliament of the National Assembly of Malawi, the following topics were discussed: the Joint Session of Standing Committees and considering of the Draft Model Law on eradicating child marriage and protecting those already in marriage, a motion on the criminalisation of HIV transmission, exposure and nondisclosure in SADC member states, a motion on legislation

for gender quotas as a strategy to accelerate gender equality in line with the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development and a motion for adoption of the report of the Standing committee on gender equality, women advancement and youth development. According to Dr Peter Katjavivi, a Member of Parliament and Speaker of the National Assembly of Namibia one key issue which was addressed by the assembly is the subject of energy shortages within the region and how the challenge could be

addressed through climate financing so as to develop renewable energy projects. “In this context, countries within the SADC Region have been reminded to explore areas for collaborative endeavours to take this idea further” said Katjavivi. The Forum was attended by 12 out of 14 SADC Member Parliaments. According to Katjavivi, on Saturday, 21 November, the Plenary Assembly hosted a Symposium, where key resource persons from various countries and institutions including the Association

Die hekkie en gang waardeur die rowers toegang tot die perseel en personeel kon kry. of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA), amongst others, addressed the delegates. Pictured right, Dr Peter Katjavivi.

Website: www. namibtimes. net

24 NOVEMBER 2015



Woermann Brock opens shop in Henties Bay Woermann Brock Swakopmund Hardware and Building will start trading on 23 November on ± 1200 m² with their well-known brands and services. These brands and services include camping and outdoor equipment as well as household, hardware and building materials. Woermann Brock Supermarket with their traditional coffee bar, delicatessen, German imports and much more will start trading as from 26 November on ± 1600 m². The Woermann Brock Liquor Store will start on 11 December . On 5 December Woermann Brock will have, together with all preprimary and primary school children, their well-known “Christmas Tree Decoration Competition” as from

09:00 onwards. Lots of prizes are awaiting the children up to Grade 7 and the schools for their efforts. All parents and grandparents are invited to attend this prizegiving which Meme Christmas will also attend. Also on 5 December there will be a small market, allowing residents from Henties Bay and other towns to sell their crafts and wares. Meme Christmas will

also be found at the Shopping Centre on the 12th, 19th and 24th of December. The line shop tenants will open their stores beginning April 2016 and will join the company for the official Inauguration planned for April 2016. They are invited to join the market day to promote their businesses at the centre. Everybody is welcome to celebrate this Christmas with Woermann Brock.

A life- and business lesson from Dr Quinton van Rooyen Namibian business mogul Dr Quinton van Rooyen says if he can convince one person in his life to believe in himself and his destiny, and make things happen for him or her, he would feel an accomplished man. Dr van Rooyen is the Group Managing Director and Executive Director of Trustco Group Holdings, owner to some leading brands in Namibia and Southern Africa, including Trustco Insurance and the Institute of Open Learning (IOL). Dr van Rooyen made this remark on Thursday night in Walvis Bay, at the Second QVR Code. Before a packed audience Dr van Rooyen, who turned fifty recently, shared freely from his rich source of life- and business experience. Those present also had the opportunity to address questions to this business leader on how they too can accomplish in their personal, professional and business lives. The event was held at the conference facilities of the Protea Hotel Pelican Bay. Dr van Rooyen had a particular message to his audience on business success: “Start by opening

Dr van Rooyen explaining his values and principles.

Comedian Neville Basson added to the light side of things. The event drew a full audience (right).

your mind,” he said. “Grab at opportunities that come your way. Don't just see the problem, identify and solve the problem. Build good relationships, including with your financiers. Provide security, as this shows to your financier you believe in yourself, you belief and in your venture,” he added to this basic value. On the topic of bank managers, Dr van Rooyen had further advice: never tell your bank manager of your problems, and if you do, focus on the solutions. Also be clear about your opportunities.


24 NOVEMBER 2015

Quick reaction by Security company and Police The quick reaction of a security company and the police resulted in the apprehension of a burglar after a break-in occurred in the central business area of Walvis Bay last week Thursday. A reader informed the newspaper that two burglars broke into 79 Sam Nujoma Avenue around 20:45 when they forced the locks of a steel security door, as well as a wooden door of the main entrance of the house w i t h a c r o w b a r. Apparently the alarm sounded when they entered the house and G4S security responded within a few minutes. The suspects took a laptop computer but one of them dropped it

Mavourlene !Gaёs

The Governor of the Erongo region, Cleophas Mutjavikua gave his address at the first ever Africa Industrialisation day held in Walvis Bay on Friday.

when he escaped. The other suspect was caught by a member of the security company and the police arrived immediately thereafter and put him under arrest. According to the reader the alarm of his house was fully activated but it did not

deter the thieves, a clear indication of the increasing arrogance and boldness of criminals. He urged the community and businesses to be on high alert and applauded the security company and the police for their quick reaction.

Feesgety kom nader, so ook die streke Liesl Losper Lesers het namib times die afgelope tyd geskakel en ingelig oor verdagte aktiwiteite in verskeie woonbuurte op Walvisbaai waar persone skynbaar probeer vasstel of daar bedags mense tuis is. Hul sê dit is die werk van mense wat inligting aan inbrekers en ander misdaadsindikate verskaf. In die een geval het 'n vroulike inwoner een oggend 'n man by haar voordeur aangetref met 'n stapel vorms. Dié was besig om van die vorms in te vul, en wou weet oor die waterverwarmer, rommelverwydering en ook of daar 'n alarmstelsel in die huis is, en of dit in 'n werkende toestand is. Toe die inwoner wou verneem oor die redes vir die vrae, het die man bloot gesê hy sou die inligting met sekere instansies deel. Twee dae later was daar weer twee mans, en dié keer het hulle beweer hulle werk vir 'n maatskappy met die naam Schenker Aircon & Geysers. Toe sy sê hulle moet net 'n rukkie wag haar man is op pad huistoe , het hulle soos 'n groot spelde verdwyn, wat min twyfel laat dat hulle inligting wou uitvis om vas te stel of die woning 'n maklike teiken vir 'n huisbraak sou wees. Ene Mev Fourie van Meersig het ook haar kommer oor die saak met die koerant gedeel en gesê sy word weer gereeld gebel en gevra of 'n sekere erfnommer dié van haar woning is. Een van die vrae wat daarop volg is of daar iemand bedags tuis is. Sodra die persoon wat skakel vrae begin vra, sit die persoon die telefoon af. “Waarsku asseblief die kusgemeenskappe teen mense wat by jou voordeur opdaag en inligting van jou verlang. As die persoon himself nie behoorlik kan identifiseer, soos byvoorbeeld 'n sensus-beampte nie, laat hom goed verstaan jy sal eerder die polisie wil ontbied om oor hy of sy doen en late vrae te vra. Moet ook geen inligting telefonies uitgee nie, en pasop vir slenters waar mense by jou opdaag en kwansuis die yskas, wasmasjien of stoof vir herstelwerk kom haal,” het een van die persone gewaarsku.

Walvis Bay Magistrate's Court report N o v e m b e r further investigation. 2016 for Plea and The accused is on trial. The accused is 2015 Maasdorp Gevin John Ricardo (28) appeared on a charge of murder. The matter was postponed to 19 January 2016 for

Governor ready to battle tormentor of Poverty

bail. Elias Tuaire (44) appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive bloodalcohol level. The matter was postponed to 17 March

on warning. Appolos Shaduka (27) and Wilhelm Namupala (35) both appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 1 February

Mutjavikua said “Data shows that over the 2001 and 2011 period, Erongo Region has recorded a 3% reduction in poverty from 9.3 % to 6.3 %, yet much more remains to be done, even if that could be halved to 3 %, it will still mean there is more to be addressed.” According to Mutjavikua, this year’s theme “SMEs for Poverty Eradication and Job Creation for Women and Youth” calls for a stronger focus on the war against poverty. “Critically, this will include the strengthening of SME policies and programmes designed to uplift and support the micro, small and medium scale enterprises (MSME) in the country. In line with the National policy on MSME, the government strongly committed to foster economic growth and development in order to overcome poverty and unemployment.” He said that capacitating women and youth in business opens up major possibilities for job creation and resilience in the Erongo Region and the country at large. “To achieve this, it will require significant investments and interventions to capacitate our entrepreneurs to upgrade their production and be able to grow from being MSMEs to large enterprises.” Mutjavikua said the ultimate goal of SMEs is not to remain small, informal but, rather to graduate into large formal enterprises. “In other words, being small and informal is the first step in contributing to poverty reduction. When SMEs are formalised their businesses will at least pay taxes and by doing so, contribute to funding state budget for social support and employment creation.” He also urged all business owners in the Erongo Region to register their businesses and ensure a sustainable contribution to poverty eradication. “SMEs are key contributors to employment creation, income generation and poverty reduction among the inhabitants of the Erongo region and Namibia, both in rural and urban areas.” Mutjavikua also said “To create and sustain job creation in the long term, the programmes designed to assist SMEs in Namibia should be coordinated between private and public institutions supporting SMEs, thus avoiding duplication of efforts and wasting of resources hampering efficient support to MSMEs.”

2016 for continuation of trial. Both accused are on bail. Harry Kirchner (51) appeared on charges contravening section 17 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance of 1975 for carrying any business or trade in the park and providing accommodation for visitors. The matter was postponed to 14 December for fixing of trial date. The accused is on warning. Sam Shilongo (25) appeared on a charge of attempted robbery. The matter was postponed to 18 January 2016 for mental observation report in terms of section 79. The accused is in custody.

Matias Haukongo (35) appeared on a charge of attempted rape. The matter was postponed to 2 February 2016 for continuation of trial. The accused is on bail. Jafet Mushona/ Uushona (28) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 21 December for further investigationfinal remand. The accused is in custody. Elizabeth Choma (40) appeared on a charge of under the Immigration Control Act for conducting business without a proper work permit. Choma was found

According to Mutjavikua, Namibia is face with interrelated problems of high levels poverty, unemployment and unequal distribution of income and wealth as well as low economic growth. “In an effort to address these challenges, the Government has devised measures and has been rallying the citizens to act in a coordinated manner.” He said the Government has designed Vision 2030 and National Development Plans to serve as our roadmap and framework. “Our current National Development Plan (NDP) has identified manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and logistics. Erongo Region is a blessed region to have flourished in most of these sectors and in particular tourism, mining, fishing, logistics and manufacturing.” Mutjavikua added the MITSD has been assigned a leading role in rallying national efforts towards boosting industrial output and an expansion in the share contribution of manufacturing to the GDP and employment. “In this connection MITSD has adopted the “Growth at Home strategy” whose emphasis is focused on increasing manufacturing as well as value addition to our natural resources and an increase in export and global competitiveness. We need global competitiveness to expand our industrial base and opportunities for employment in order to reduce poverty and inequality in the distribution of income.” Mutjavikua acknowledged that the manufacturers are also facing a number of challenges in their efforts to manufacturing goods and create bobs. “One of such needs is access to productive equipment, which they need to produce more efficiently and to meet the quality standards expected by consumers. The MITSD has come up with the equipment aid scheme, which aid is meant to empower those Namibians who want to work, produce goods and in that process create employment for themselves and other Namibians.” He added the ministry has assisted 159 entrepreneurs in the Erongo Region. The government has trained 441 youth under the Namibia Youth Credit Scheme, of which 205 have received loans. “200 entrepreneurs were thus established with 231 jobs created.”

guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 500 or eight months in prison. Erkki Mumangeni (28) and Martin Shafa (27) both appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 9 March 2016 for plea and trial- final remand. Both accused are on bail. Roger Nail (27) appeared on a charge of assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 23 February 2016 for trial. The accused is on bail. Gerhardine /Awises (43) appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance and a charge of defeating

or obstructing the course of justice. The matter was postponed to 25 February 2016 for lab results. The accused is on bail. Elrico Visagie (24) appeared on a charge of possession of dependence- producing substance. The matter was postponed to 2 March 2016 for lab results. The accused is on bail. William Bezuidenhoudt (49) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 22 March 2016 for plea and trial. The accused is in custody.

24 NOVEMBER 2015



24 NOVEMBER 2015

Hundreds of tourists disembark in port

The port of Walvis Bay became a beehive of activity on Saturday as tour operators, curio vendors and taxi-operators readied for the arrival of the passenger ship, Seven Seas Mariner to the port of Walvis Bay. Hundreds of passengers disembarked to visit restaurants, shops and other places of interest for visitors. Others transferred to Swakopmund, whilst many embarked on guided tours of the area, with the big welwitschia and tours to explore the living organisms of our unique Namib Desert top on the agenda.

24 NOVEMBER 2015



20 NOVEMBER 2015

The Editor/Namib Times

Open Letter to the Voter / 'n Ope Brief aan die Kiesers Woman with dead foetus in her womb fears for her life A Walvis Bay woman is fearing for her life, after her unborn baby died in her womb a week ago, yet to date doctors at the Walvis Bay State Hospital have not yet removed the foetus from her womb. Gave Eiman Scholtz Why do they become nurses and doctors. go join isis where you can be a killer and not care about other human beings. is a nurse or a doctor suppose to care about a human life? Jim Tau There's no way the civil servant will perform their duties efficiently if they don't have a peace of mind.. our senior politicians are jus blaming us but we are in a chronic fatigue.. that all is happening because politicians are falling to respond to the public servant's call... Hamutenya Naemi Ndinelao Walvis Bay hospital is full of s... not nurses nor doctors. thy dont want to do their job. for them is to talk story a gossip how times I went thr went back without treated cause we crush togethr,? Anette Mulonga First in Windhoek and now Walvis. Why do they go to work in the first place if they don't want to attend to people? That's a very big health risks for the mother...If you can't do your job chip out and let others take over coz Namibia is full of unemployed people. Toni Timo Lange Yip thats were we heading in terms of Public Health Care...... Our President needs to visit Hospitals without notice, just pop up and say Good Morning, Good Day or Good Evening, and see the responces for himself, its totaly nuts, not just Walvis Bay but a number of other State Health Institutions country wide, what a pitty, to see what others build up in the past with years of practice and love, is being torn apart in a fast stage....... I feel sorry for all of us that will one day need Public Health Care, I really do. Nicolene Jahr Walvis Bay state hospital needs urgent look over from the ministry of health self. Carlo Gawaseb Das Neves never mind attitude .... but the oath thay hv taken ...? Selma Firstborn Inane This is not acceptable at all.. ministry of health should do something about this matter, put yourself into this woman s shoes what if it was you, your daughter or your wife , how will you fell? Will you sleep in peace? OMG I fell sorry...... Onghelo Yokoo Dishena What can we do to help the lady in need? Let us come up with suggestions. Maybe we can work together and collect money to get her sorted by a private doctor. As a mother, it pains me to hear this. A week is too long, the lady need urgent attention. Lahja Mweshininga-Jonas It happened in

Whk resently now in Walvis again. May the Lord help this woman to get through the pain she's going through. Phoibe Haihambo Hearing things like this scare the hell out of me. Pls Lord protect me and my unborn baby. Alet Taljaard Liewe genade kan mense so uiters selfsugtig en wreed wees dit gaan oor ‘n lewe is daar nie ‘n mediese dr wat hierdie dame wil help nie komaan iewers moet daar iemand wees almal is nie net geldwolwe nie. Abigail Grundeling Sies dit is n skande! Arme vrou. Laurika L Koen Wat ‘n skande. Elmine Tina Golden Tuna-omukwathi Oh....Nurses,Doctors? What's really your Job in Hospitals is t not to Help people? Quit and give chances to others who aiming to work hard. Nali Ya YaNaboth The government should train alot of nurses. Nurses think they are untouchable because there is a shortage of skills. If the market get saturated you can hire and fire the bad ones. Beau Beaulah One day they even told me that government does not pay them for overtime, so even if I'm dying they can leave me. And this foreign doctor are not available half of the time. Michelle Fourie Mr President? Cherlyn Cheina Marenga OMG Jenny Wilson Delport OMW what next I don't believe it. What on earth is this world coming to.? Jacques Marais Why are the hospital staff so arrogant. Are they doing the Namibian people a favour? Keep on voting for the party. They will solve the problems. Vicki Lucretia Seaward Shame on them! Marieka de Beer Nou waar is ons Minister of Health? Kan hy nie bietjie die plek kom regruk nie? Elphia Pool Skandelik. Marieka de Beer Kan Welwitchia nie maar die vrou help nie? Dit is haar lewe wat op die spel is hier. As sy vir die staat wag sal sy nooit regkom nie! Madeleine Jo-ane De Klerk The same thing happened to me 2 years ago I almost died Girswhan m sister hope that God will get you through this as he did with me State Hospitals is just a shitty kind of place doctors and nurses don't have any affection for that work Castro Muronga I hv seen hw this state doctors attend to people, jst very poor. Bakies Nangombe Whats going on nowadays? Erika Glück OMG!!!

“Celebration of Innovation and Regeneration” Swakopmund Mayor Officially opens Steckels Toyota

It is again that time that we as members of the community of Walvis Bay are encouraged to go and vote for the different political parties in Namibia. It is because of our democratic system that we are to go and vote on the 27 November 2015. And as a public member I feel that before I go and vote I want the following issues to be addressed by those concerned. Since I stayed here in Walvis Bay I don't know who our councillors are. These are because none of the councillors pays visits to know their people. Nou verwag hulle ons moet hulle weer gaan kies. Vir wat? En hoekom? Dit is vir my moeilik om te verstaan hoe diegene Councillors Hafeni Ndemula en John Nangolo hulle weer moet verskiesbaar maak. Ons ken hulle nie omrede omdat hulle net gesien word tydens verkiesings en verdwyn hulle weer na die verskiesing verby is. Hafeni Ndemula as leader of the Walvis Bay Multi-Purpose Centre in Kuisebmond failed to bring it to any standard and therefore the donors have refused to spent money on the facility while he is there. The donors informed us that as long as he is the chairperson they will not finance any project at the Centre. The Centre is been run like a kindergarten where he brought in his own people. The situation is shameful and does not have leadership to take it to the next level. As a councillor, Mr. Ndemula failed to empower just one single resident of Walvis Bay. He is a person that looks down on people, want to be higher up and being greedy. This is not what we want. We want a leader who listens to the people. 'n Mens moet maar wonder hoekom het Mr. Ndemula sy maniere verander en of hoekom sien hy sy mede mense onder. Is dit rerig 'n karakter van 'n goeie leier dié? The other, Mr. John Nangolo failed to even be known at all. Waar bly hy? Hoe werk hy. The office of the councillor has become a dumping site. Heap of rubbish and there are now ghettos on site and surrounding the offices. It is now a 'blikkiesdorp'. He thinks he is in the village where he comes from. Mense dit kan mos nie so aangaan nie! Hy kan mos die Munisipaliteit inroep om die vuilis te kom verwyder. How can we keep the town clean if we have even councilors who are becoming champions in making Kuisebmond dirty. I told him the other day that he must at least have regular community meetings. By the way 'Om the Wat?'. Ons soek kandidate wat geken word. Kandidate wat met mense kan assosieer word. Watter veranderinge het hulle vir die dorp gedoen en wat beteken hulle vir die dorp. 'n Ronde Nil! Kuisebmond was a clean place, but now it has becomes the second 'Okahandja'. Kuisebmond is dirty. It will take a miracle to make it clean again. There are a lot of bars, ghettos and it is so 'deurmekaar'. There are not even a place where young people can go and play. The play parks for children are vandalised and equipments are broken. Wat gaan aan? What happened to our town? We hear that there is now corruption at the Municipality. I feel shame for this. Wat moet ons doen om die situasie te red? Lastly, I feel that the majority of candidates for the Municipality Town are mostly new people. If elected to council of the Municipality, do they know how to run the town? Walvis Bay is not a village, or Ongandjera or Uis. It is a industrial town. We must have people with knowledge and understanding of the running of a big town or have leadership qualities. Maar met die kandidate is dit so hopeloos. En waar is die ware kandidate of eervare mense van Walvisbaai? Tenminste moes hulle 'n paar bekende mense van Walvisbaai genomineer het wat die belange van die dorp op die hart dra. Ons kan ook nie net toekyk hoe ons dorp deur ander mense kom gelei of verwoes word nie. Om by te voeg. Kyk na onse stadium. Dit lyk aaklig. Die mense verkoop rond in die hele Kuisebmond. Ons het Kuisebmond in 'n blikkiesdorp omskep. Laat ons mooi gaan kies! Om te Wat? S.U. Walvisbaaier

Fabianus Shekunyenge Sentenced

The Mayor of Swakopmund, Nehemiah Salomon, says the new N$25 million complex of A resident of the DRC informal Steckels Toyota is a development milestone for Swakopmund and its community at large. settlement in Swakopmund was Peter Odendaal What does he mean by "the regenerate means to create something new from on Thursday sentenced to 30 regeneration of existing land"? what was there something existing. There never was anything years imprisonment for killing before that has been regenerated?.....or just on that land. his girlfriend during October Matheus T Haimbodi They should employ all small talk trying to be clever? 2012. Lizetter Schüllenbach If you can't convince Namibian in management level not only white them, confuse them... from there all the big and coloured. Tired of discrimination. Denise Van Bergen If they can find suitably Alex Muukua Wow. words. Simsolia Ndapewa Erastus After Namib Times If you click on the "more," he qualified, experienced and hard-working Namibians of any ethnic background, I am sure 30 years he is out of jail and stil leave explains... a decent lyf while the poor gal is gne Peter Odendaal There is no "more" and they will.

forever. Lanny Boois Enjoyd our tax brur. Kabutsii Matheus Alcohol... Isak Ikaboy Gokashona Kawela Gud example. Nice punishment. Manniekie Patrick Kativa Weldone. Catharina Greeff He must get life.

24 NOVEMBER 2015



Bilaterale Astronomie-Navorsingsleerstoel vir Namibië en Suid-Afrika eersdaags 'n Werklikheid Maria Davel-Wallis Die Uitvoerende Direkteur vir Nasionale Betrekkinge by die Nasionale Navorsingstigting, die Dr Aldo Stroebel het aan die einde van 'n streeksvergadering van die Wêreldnavorsingsraad in Swakopmund, bekendgemaak dat Suid-Afrika en Namibië op die punt is om 'n bilaterale navorsingsleerstoel vir Astronomie te stig. Hy was een van die wetenskaplikes wat na afloop van die vergadering met namib times gepraat het. Wetens-

kaplike navorsers van Afrika, en internasionale verteenwoordigers het die vergadering oor twee dae

Dr Aldo Stroebel - NRF SA, Dr Eino Mvula - CEO van die NCRST en Prof Andre du Pisani - Voorsitter van die NCRST

bygewoon. Dr Eino Mvula, die bestuurshoof van die Namibiese Nasionale Kommissie vir Navorsing, Wetenskap en Tegnologie (NCRST), het sy tevredenheid uitgespreek met die verloop en inhoud van die afgelope Afrika –Sub-Sahara- streeksvergadering van die Wêreldnavorsingsraad. Die NCRST het die v e rg a d e r i n g i n s a m e werking met die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NRF) in SA aangebied. Hy sê navorsers oor die breë spektrum wat op die vergadering verteenwoordig is, het geweldig baie by mekaar geleer – oor die funksionering van die verskillende liggame, en ook hoe hulle interdissiplinêre navorsing bevorder, om oplossings te probeer vind vir baie knellende uitdagings op die gebied van Navorsing, Wetenskap en Tegnlogie. Mvula sê dit het weereens duidelik geword dat weten-

skaplike navorsers wêreldwyd met dieselfde uitdagings worstel, en dat wêreldwye samewerking in dié verband van die grootste belang is. Hy meen daar sal uit dié vergadering baie sterk inhoud kom wat op die NRF se wêreldvergadering in Indië aanstaande jaar, bespreek sal word. Vanjaar het dit benewens die temas gelykheid en die rol van vroue in die wetenskap, ook oor interdissiplinariteit gegaan Die Voorsitter van die Namibiese Raad vir Navorsing en Strategiese Innovering – Professor André du Pisani, sê die temas, die status en rol van Vroue in Navorsing en die inkorporering van perspektiewe oor die sogenaamde Gender-literatuur binne navorsing, wat op die Wêreldnavorsingsraad se bespreek is verlede week, was van kritieke belang - dit is op twee vlakke hanteer – 'n konseptuele vlak, en ook op

Suidwester mors met Walvisbaai Die suidwestewind het Saterdag behoorlik met Walvisbaai gemors. Een van die leidende spysenieringsondernemings op die hawedorp, Spot-On Catering het 'n reuseverlies gely toe een van die onderneming se markiestente dié middag deur die wind geskep en soos 'n speelding neergewerp en vernietig is. Glasskerwe en 'n afgebreekte lamppaal op die strandmeer se wandelroete was Sondag die stille getuies van die ontsaglike krag waarmee die wind die tent geskep het. Spot-On het die tent bloot vir die voorsienigheid opgeslaan, aangesien daar heelwat funksies na die einde van die jaar daar sou plaasvind. Daar was geen funksie tydens die voorval, of enige personeellede in die tent nie. Spot-On verwag nie dat die voorval enigsins sy dienslewering sal beïnvloed nie. Die tent is onherstelbaar beskadig. Met namib times se rondtes Sondag is daar ook by verskeie sakeondernemings opgemerk dat sakenaamborde deels deur die wind afgeruk is. In die J.C. Harries Park is reuse boomtakke afgeskeur. In die sakekern is plastiekasdromme van die munisipaliteit omgewaai. 'n Asdrom wat deur die wind aangerol is, het minstens een voertuig beskadig. By Duin 7 moes daar moue opegerol word om 'n toeristebus oor die spoorlyn te trek nadat dit in sand vasgeval het wat in die sterk wind op die toegangspad tot dié besienswaardigheid gevorm het. By die Walvisbaai Seiljagklub het die windmeter Saterdagmiddag by tye aan die tone van 36 knope geraak.

'n praktiese vlak, en die doel was om strategieë en meganismes te identifiseer wat die rol en deelname van vroue binne die veld van wetenskaplike navorsing kan bevorder. Du Pisani sê vervaardigingstegnologie was nóg 'n universele tema waarna daar in diepte gekyk is. Dit het hier nie soseer oor vervaardiging gegaan nie, maar wel oor waar Afrika hom bevind wat betref nuwe vervaardigingstegnologieë, soos byvoorbeeld sogenaamde groen ingenieurswesetegnologie, en groen benaderings tot vervaardiging. Die afgevaardigdes het ook gekyk na die groot knelpunt, energie, en die uitdagings vir Suider-Afrika en SubSahara-Afrika wat volhoubare energie betref, en nuwe benaderings en perspektiewe in die veld. Prof du Pisani sê energie is een van die groot uitdagings vir nywerheidsontwikeling, en om die ekonomie en die samelewing in stand te hou. Du Pisani sê die inhou-

delike vlak van bydraes wat rondom die opdragtemas gelewer is, was baie hoog, end it was goed gekonseptualiseer, die agtergrondmateriaal was van hoogstaande gehalte en die leerervaring in terme van die verskillende lande binne Afrika was baie ryk, terwyl die fasilitering ook puik was. Dr Aldo Stroebel, sê dit was die tweede keer dat SuidAfrika en Namibië op dié vlak saamgewerk het om die streeks-ondersoek vir die Wêreld-Navorsingsraad te reël, wat rakende spesifieke gekose temas konsensus moet bewerkstellig tussen al die wetenskapsrade in die wêreld, wat navorsing befonds. Hy het ook die vergadering as 'n baie suksesvolle streeksonsultasie bestempel. Die vergadering was een van ses wêreldwyd. Al die bevindings, voorstelle en knelpunte sal nou in Indië op die gesamentlike beraad van die Wêreld-navorsingsraad bespreek word. Stroebel sê konsensus oor die temas is wyd, en dat sulke

gesamentlike geleenthede baie goeie steun bied vir gesamentlike navosing deur Suid-Afrika en Namibië. Hy sê SA en Namibië werk die afgelope paar jaar reeds baie nou saam op die gebied van navorsing, en dat die werk van hoogstaande gehalte is. Stroebel sê parallel met die uitsette van ander streeks-vergaderings in die wêreld, sal 'n konsensusdokument aanstaande jaar opgestel word, oor interdissiplinêre navorsing en die rol van vroue en gelykheid binne navosring. Die GRC – 'n relatief nuwe wêreldliggaam – poog om sinergie en fokus op internasionale vlak te bewerkstellig onder navorsingsliggame en befondsers wêreldwyd. Daar is volgens hom baie sterk fokus op die implimenteerbaarheid op streeksvlak, van besluite en prioriteite binne gesamentlike konsensusdokumente. Hy sê hulle is intussen opgewonde oor die astronomie-navorsingsleerstoel.


24 NOVEMBER 2015


24 NOVEMBER 2015

The Good Life Network Pop-up Channel On Dstv DSTV Brings Viewers Its First Dedicated Health Channel Dstv is excited to announce that subscribers will have a new trusted health and overall wellness source through The Good Life Network, a health and development pop-up channel which will launch on DStv channel 199 this World AIDS Day 1 December. The channel will be shows that cover delicious and healavailable to sub- nutrition, health and thy African meals), scribers on the DStv f i t n e s s , h u m a n Get Up Stand Up Access, Family, r i g h t s , y o u t h (celebrating those Compact, Compact sexuality, HIV and making a diffePlus and Premium TB, as well as con- rence), Fit Life packages for four sumer and gender (inspired fitness months until 31 rights. The Good outside the gym), March 2016. The Life Network pro- Health Bulletins Good Life Network gramming is diverse (citizen journalism is focused on con- and original, inclu- c o m b i n e d w i t h tent that contributes ding offerings such headline stories), towards positive as Health Busters Straight Up (youth i n d i v i d u a l a n d (breaking down s e x u a l i t y ) a n d societal health out- myths), Food Police Icheke (check your comes and to pro- (helping you design health), which will m o t e l i f e s t y l e healthier meals), promote routine changes and wel- SuperDoc (critical health screening. lness in order to w o m e n ' s h e a l t h “In keeping with the change behaviours i s s u e s ) , Vi l l a g e successful edutainand shift lifestyle Shrink (your jour- ment model, The ney to better mental Good Life Network attitudes. Dstv subscribers health), Cook for w i l l s e r v i c e a can look forward to life (cooking up

consumer appetite for entertaining health related content and services, which ultimately empower individuals and communities to take greater control over their own health and development,” says Krisen Pather, Head of Edutainment for Ochre Media. The Good Life Network will be available to DStv subscribers on the DStv Access, Family, Compact, Compact Plus and Premium packages on DStv channel 199 for four months, starting on 1 December 2015 to 31 March 2016. For more information log go to www.dstv.com.

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Welwitschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * First Tuesday of every month Charity Quiz Night at The Raft! Call 204877 for more info and reservations. * Every Sunday: Potjiekos available at MOTH Club. * 28 Nov: Vlooimark aangebied deur Gereformeerde Kerk by MOTH’s terrein oorkant WoermannBrock. Kontak S Vermaak tel: 202020. * 28 Nov: Adventmarkt – Evangelische L Kirche Walvis Bay – Theo Ben Gurirab – 081 124 3203. * 1 Des: Interkerklike Gebedskring biduur om 09:00 by Rhynse Kerk. * 5 Des: Kudu R.F.C. Walvis Bay Year End Function and Prize Giving with Hotwax Feat at Walvis Bay Town Hall at 19:00. * 9 Dec.: MOTH meeting at Escarpment Shellhole. * 18 Dec: Dance to the music of the Walvis Bay Nostalgia Band at Duneside High School at 19:00. Call - 081 255 4433/081 127 6518. * 20 Dec: The Mission to Seafarers will be celebrating their annual Carol Service at the Mission to Seafarers at 19h00. ALL WELCOME. **********

SWAKOPMUND * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Every Saturday: Flea Market & fresh produce outside Wild Rocket Cafe Kriess Arcade from 08:30 - 12:00. * 26 Nov: Vortrag: “Menschen & Insekten” Ein Vortrag von Dr J Schliesske at 19:00 in the Swakopmund Museum. Donations welcome. * 27 & 28 Nov: Advent Market in Lions Old Age Home, Swakopmund presented by Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities. * 28 Nov: Inspirational Christmas Music with Wilna Music at German Lutheran Church, Swakopmund at 18:00. 29 Nov: Sunday Market at the Green Center, 5 Libertina Amathila Ave 09:00 -13:00. ****************

HENTIES BAY * 16 Des: Geloftefees te N G KERK Hentiesbaai om 09:00. *******************


20 NOVEMBER 2015


Ministry of Industrialisation big on SME development

Head of MITSD office in Erongo region, Helvi Petrus Mavourlene !Gaёs

The Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development (MITSD) hosted the annual commemoration of Africa Industrialisation day on Friday. The ceremony was held at the Kuisebmond Community Hall. This year's celebration was under the theme: “SMEs for poverty eradication and job creation for women and youth”. Helvi Petrus, Head of the MITSD Regional office deli-

vered the keynote address and said industrialisation is important for African economies to grow. Adding as a country Namibia takes the issue of industrialisation serious and

for this very purpose created the Ministry of Industrialisation, Trade and SME Development. The ministry provides for the much needed instruments and mechanisms to ensure investments, trade and industrial activities flourish. “The ministry has industrial development programs in place which aims to create positive condi-

tions to promote and grow the SME sector,” said Petrus. Adding apart from creating a growth environment, the Ministry also supports equipment and machinery support. A total of 159 SMEs in Erongo Region has already received machinery and equipment support in this way, according to Petrus. These include machinery and equipment support in the areas of construction and brick-making, automotive repairs, wheel balancing, butchery equipment, mining equipment, charcoal manufacturing, joinery and upholstery. She said the ministry also has industrial upgrading and modernisation programmes for targeted industries. In Erongo aqua culture has benefited from these upgrade interventions. Petrus added that with the feasibility study under the business support services programme, the ministry has assisted three entrepreneurs with the feasibility study in the areas of aquaculture, chlorine, alighting

manufacturing. “In addition to that, the ministry has also assisted two businesses or rather two entrepreneurs with business plans, technical and market development in the areas of hospitality and crates manufacturing. To ensure that our SMEs are capacitated the ministry also offers training and with that we have trained 25 entrepreneurs, we have hosted workshops and we also provided mentorship

services that cover various aspects in the areas of human resource management, procurement, bookkeeping, customer care, cost and pricing.” The ministry also has sights and premises in place and under the “sight and premises” programme. “We have successfully completed phase 1 of the !Nara Namib Industrial Estates and we are busy with the servicing of the 31 hectares to continue with the second phase

of the same project. The ministry has also constructed, completed and is currently up and running the Namibia Standards Institution testing centre in Walvis Bay.” She said all of this has been put in place, especially in Erongo Region to ensure that the business SMEs are having a proper environment that would strive and ensure that their business activities prosper.

(Fltr) Bernice Grobler, Elrine van Lill, Jeanette de Waal, Porche Coleman

Bank Windhoek donates to the Walvis Bay SPCA Bank Windhoek's Walvis Bay branch took notice of the current financial dilemma facing the local branch of the Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA). The Bank took a proactive step towards the problem and donated N$20 000 on Friday which would be utilised for the immediate-term running of the SPCA Walvis Bay. Apart from salaries, the SPCA Walvis Bay has expenses towards water, electricty as well as the day to day running of the kennels for stray pets and to ensure the animals are getting the very best care. The SPCA Walvis Bay is currently going through a difficult period after all its committee members resigned. It is now solely dependent on support from the SPCA Swakopmund, members of the public and generosity of institutions like Bank Windhoek.

24 NOVEMBER 2015



GRN car at Dune 7 raises alarm bells The Government Garage in Windhoek, responsible for all government vehicles, undertook yesterday to investigate this incident where people were spotted at Dune 7 on Sunday having a fun outing. Although there is nothing wrong with having a good time out, it is actually a criminal offense to do so with an official vehicle. Government officials are issued with a trip authority which outlines their times, dates, purpose for using the official vehicle and the number (if any) passengers are allowed. A source at the Government Garage said on Monday he doubts the official under whose care the vehicle is, had the authority to use it for after hours purposes. Using the vehicles for outing such as this, he explained, is unacceptal and could land the official in hot water. The abuse of Government vehicles is prosecuted under Namibia's Anti Corruption Act, leaving little doubt he was at fault and this official is certain to have some serious trouble.

Sinkhole causes CBD chaos Businesses in the stretch of Rikumba Kandanga Road, between Theo-Ben Gurirab Avenue and Hage Geingob Avenue, in Walvis Bay are concerned over orderly traffic flows and customer numbers in the days to come, after a giant sinkhole appeared in the road on Sunday. It necessitated the immediate closure of the road for traffic safety. By noon yesterday no works had started yet to open the sinkhole and mend the road, a process that can take a few days, a concerned business owner said on Monday. The crossing of Rikumbi Kandanga Road and Hage Geingob Avenue was chaotic at times yesterday already, especially during peak traffic hours on mid-day and day end. Walvis Bay is hit frequently with sinkholes on its street network, caused by the ageing sewer reticulation network. Especially near manholes, the undergroup sewerage pipes rupture and sewage water over time erodes the road's subterranean surface causing giant sinkholes. Although the municipality of Walvis Bay takes a pro-active approach towards upgrading the sewerage network, these sinkholes appear from time to time and can only be mended on a reactive basis.


20 NOVEMBER 2015

All set and ready to go for Regional and Local Authority Elections Staff reporter Everything is in place for the Regional and Local Authority Elections on Friday. Special Voting took place yesterday. In terms of Section 98, the officials who will be on duty on election day, including Coordinators, Assistant Coordinators, Returning Officers, Presiding Officers, Polling Officials and the police officers were allowed to vote prior to the voting day. The ECN says it has recruited about 10 580 election officials in various positions with about 8 354 polling officials who will make up 1 938 teams across the country. Seafarers who'll be at sea, mine workers who'll be on duty and will not be able to vote in their respective constituencies on Friday, could also apply for special votes, and could then vote yesterday.

The CAN has reiterated that there will be no polling stations at mining sites across the country for the upcoming Regional and Local Authority Elections, the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has announced. Mine workers will have to cast their votes at other polling stations in their respective constituencies, according to the ECN. Whereas the citizens could vote anywhere in the

country during the Presidential and National Assembly elections last year (2014), the Regional Councils and Local Authority elections require that all eligible voters vote in the constituency and local authority where they reside ECN Director of Operations, Theo Mujoro confirmed last week that the commission will not provide voting venues at mines. Mujoro says it is

possible that 99 percent of the workers are not registered in the constituency where the mine is. It will be a waste to put up a polling station there. Political parties fear that all mine workers might not get a chance to vote as some of them are also expected to be at work on Election Day. The management of Langer Heinrich Uranium, Rössing Uranium and Swakop Uranium Husab mine have however promised to make sure all workers get a chance to vote. According to Professor Paul John Isaak, the Chief Electoral Officer of the ECN of Namibia, the ECN encountered a number of challenges last year; this included not having secured the required vehicles on time and major delays and long queues at many polling stations when the ECN deployed Voter Verification Devices (VVDs) at polling stations across the country. “The ECN has taken the necessary measures to ensure that there will not be a repeat of delays and long queues in the

forthcoming elections. At this point, I would like to encourage all eligible voters to go out there in numbers and cast their votes. This is the time to elect your local representatives who will represent you at local levels of governance, the Regional Councils or Local Authority level. Finally, Namibians want to see tangible benefits from having voted and that issues such as employment, alleviation of poverty and reduction The Electoral Commission of Namibia is mandated to direct, supervise and control in a fair and impartial manner all elections conducted in terms of the Electoral Act, (Act no. 24 of 1992 as amended) to be an excellent and independent election management institution committed to credible elections. Only when such basic needs of daily bread and butter issues of life are implemented the electorate will believe that people could “eat democracy” and that democracy delivers credible products or through democratic elections.

Any government ought to bring around food to the hungry, proper and affordable housing to the homeless, clinics and hospitals to the sick and safe environment in all neighbourhoods, villages, towns, farms, and cities in all the parts of Namibia. There-fore, the motto of the ECN is to enable the people through elections to exercise their voice and to demand for development, i.e. your vote is your voice and your voice determines your future. In short, electoral integrity flourishes under the climate of democracy, economic development and service delivery.” Voters should remember that they will vote twice on Friday – once for regional councils' election and then for elections for members of the local authorities. Regional Council Elections The role of the Regional Councils is to spearhead development in the region and be the link between central government and the citizens in the region. Local Authority Elections Provide elections for the elections of Local Aut-

hority councilors to serve the people in towns and local villages. The majoritarian or firstpast-the-post electoral system is used during the regional councils' election. This system dictates that the candidate with the most votes wins the seat. The proportional representation electoral system is used for elections for members of the local authorities. In this system every political party/ association/organisation intending to contest provides a list of its nominated candidates. Seats are allocated according to the number of votes received Voting using the Electronic Voting Machines is meant to conduct fast, reliable and fair elections in Namibia. It also maintains voting secrecy and is tamper proof. At the end of polling, the results are automatically available through the press of a button. (Source: ECN Additional reporting NAMPA) MINISTRY OF TRADE & INDUSTRY LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (Regulations 14, 26 & 33) Notice is hereby given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Regional Liquor Licencing Committee, Region Erongo . 1. Name and postal address of applicant: The Trustees for the time being of the Swakopmund Indoor Sports Trust, P. O. Box 983, Swakopmund. 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Dome Market. 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Erf 5371 (A portion of Erf 2811). 4. Nature and details of application: Application for a Grocery Liquor Licence. 5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magistrate’s Court, Swakopmund. 6. Date on which application will be lodged: 2 December 2015. 7. Date of meeting of Committee at which application will be heard: 13 January 2016. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.

24 NOVEMBER 2015

REZONING APPLICATION WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning: Single Residential to Business 1 Location: Erven 3601, STREET: 187 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Mixed-Use Business Development on the site. Plans may be inspected/particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Tuesday 8 December 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Stewart Planning, Box 2095, Walvis Bay. (064) 280 770



20 NOVEMBER 2015


24 NOVEMBER 2015


WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Center) ON ERF: 2670 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Volstruis Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Day-Care Center on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre.

G & K Environmental Consultants CC Reg. No. CC/2009/2115

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 8 December 2015. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Meweline Engelbrecht, P. O. Box 4519, Walvis Bay

CALL FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Public Participation Notice in terms of Regulation No. 29, Section 21 under the Environmental Management Act (Act No. 7 of 2007) Environmental Scoping Study for the Township Establishment and layout for Walvis Bay Extension 5, Remainder to be known as Extension 16 & 17. The creation of the two extensions will create a street network within each extension providing access to the newly created erven: ! Township establishment & layout on Erf X for Walvis Bay Extension 5, comprising of 77 Erven & Remainder to be known as Walvis Bay Extension 16. ! Township establishment & layout on Erf 4686 for Walvis Bay extension 5 comprising of 169 Erven & Remainder to be known as Walvis Bay Extension 17. G&K Environmental Consultants CC have been appointed as the independent Environmental Assessment Practitioner to conduct the required Environmental Assessment and Public Participation Processes. Should you wish to be kept informed and/ or comment on the projects and EIA process, please contact G&K to register as an Interested and Affected Party by 27st November 2015. More details regarding the proposed project is available in the BID, which can be downloaded or viewed from G&K website. A copy of the BID can also be made available on request from G & K offices also. A Public Consultation meeting will be held on Thursday, 26 November 2015 at 15h00, Venue: Kuisebmond Municipality (Training Room) G&K Environmental Consultants CC Contact Person: S.Gariseb Tel: +264 81 70 70 700 Fax: +264 88 563 070 E-mail: info@gandkenviro.com or gandkenviro@gmail.com Website: www.gandkenviro.com


24 NOVEMBER 2015

PROPERTY TIMES CENTRAL N$ 9 500 - 3bed,2bath town house with single garage N$ 7 500 – 3bed,1bath flat with single garage w&e incl MEERSIG N$ 12 500 - Upmarket 3 Bed, 2 bath with double garage N$ 9 500 – 4bed house with single garage KUISEBMOND N$ 1 815 – Inside room excl w&e N$ 2 500 – 1 bed flat with own bathroom incl w&e N$ 3 245 – 2Bed flat N$ 2700 – Bachelor flat incl w&e N$ 5 300- 3Bed,2bath house with single garage LANGSTRAND N$ 12 500 – Upmarket 3Bed,3Bath with double garage INDUSTRIAL N$ 11 310 excl VAT – New 174m2 warehouse with 1 office N$ 11 220 excl VAT – New 66m² shop space N$ 10 880 excl VAT New 64m² shop space N$ 23 800 excl VAT- New 140 m² shop space N$ 12 750 excl VAT – New 75m2 shop space N$ 12 500 – office 145m² near syncrolift incl water N$ 12 240 excl VAT – 272m² Warehouse N$ 66 500 excl VAT – New 1445m² warehouse with big offices N$ 10 890 excl VAT – 180m2 Warehouse with 1 office N$ 100 010 excl VAT– 1953m² warehouse with 800 m² office appr 15 offices N$ 100 003 excl VAT– Appr 5000 m² warehouse / offices / yard space N$ 95 000 excl VAT– Appr 3000m² warehouse / offices/yard space Please call Rhoda 081 413 1313 Or Talitha 081 337 3669

TO RENT: Flat for rent in Kuisebmond. 1 bedroom, kitchen, shower and toilet N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Free internet (WIFI) From 1 December Contact: 081 248 1673 081 322 2828 TO LET: Walvis Bay Office space available immediately Showroom and Offices 470m² N$ 20 000.00 Office 24m² N$ 2 200.00 Office 65m² N$ 3 500.00 Please contact: 081 143 4263 064 209 311

To Let Swakopmund Coastal Estates Ocean View Available 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Indoor /outside braai 2 Garages N$11 500 Immediately available 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Indoor Braai 3 Garages N$ 12 050.00 Vineta Immediately available 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms Fireplace Tandem Garage Plus Bachelor Flat Garden N$12 100.00 Call Jan 081-2708005 Hannes 0811498777 Irma 081-3684469 TO RENT: Mondesa, Jabulani Spacious single room available 1 December N$ 1 900.00 p/m + deposit Electricity excl. Contact: 081 252 6778 TO LET: WB - BAY MANOR (close to SPAR, c/o Sam Nujoma and 8th Road) : Bay Manor No. 18 available 1 December 2015. 3 garages with remote controlled garage door, 3 bedrooms with bic, 2 bathrooms, large openplan living area and modern kitchen. N$8 200 per month (+1month's Dep). W&E excluded. Contact Marika at 0811274080. ARANDIS House to Let A 4-bedroom house available to rent. House is tiled and has a big kitchen, sitting room and a geyser. There are builtin cupboards in the kitchen and in some of the rooms. All rooms are big and the yard is huge for parking cars. Is a corner house and photos can be provided on whatsup if required. Rental: N$4500 per month. Water included. Deposit will be required. Prepaid electricity. Contact: 0814554176 Arandis House for sale One (1) x 4-bedroom house now available to buy. It is neatly tiled, cupboards in some bedrooms and has a new geyser. Relatively large erf and situated in a good and quiet neighbourhood. Do not miss this opportunity. Pictures can be provided on whatsapp. Selling Price: N$ 430 000 Contact: 0814554176

Erro Industrial Park No. 9 Einstein Street, Swakopmund 12m x 12m Warehouse, with 3.5m x 3.5m roller door in secure area to let. N$5,700.00 plus vat 081 128 4234 / 081 124 6461 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou street One bedroom flat with own warm water shower and toilet available. N$ 1 400.00 p/m W/E incl. If interested. Available immediately Contact: 081 243 9609 081 124 1188 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Central Corner of 16th str and Moses Garoeb str. Davo flats 1 bedroom, lounge, kitchen, 1x garage, courtyard washer dryer Available 1 Dec. N$ 4 500.00 p/m plus deposit Call: 081 304 5271 TO RENT: One bedroom, small open plan kitchen and toilet, shower with hot water. N$ 2 600.00 p/m N$ 2 000.00 deposit negotiable No garage Available from the 1 Dec Contact: 081 255 5272 081 204 7462 SWAKOPMUND – HOUSE TO LET Modern, light and bright house in ext. 19. Kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, indoor barbeque area and living room. Fully walled garden. N$ 10,000 neg. Available as from the 1st of December. Barbara 081 656 2619 HOLIDAY ROOM TO LET: in Walvis Bay. Large room, kitchen, toilet + shower. Near Centre of Walvis Bay. N$300.00 per day. Contact: 085 620 8689. TO RENT: Walvis Bay - Hermes 2 bedrooms with BIC, bathroom (shower) Open plan kitchen with BIC, stove, Carport, At the back of main residence with separate entrance. Spacious yard W/E incl. No pets N$ 6 000.00 + deposit Available immediately Viewing after 17:00 daily Contact: 081 399 1823 081 149 4669 TO RENT Narraville - Walvis: Bachelors flat to rent. Save and secure area. Very neat and spacious. N$ 2500 single person or N$3000 per couple. Bic in kitchen and in room. Water and electricity inclusive. Please call 0814907445 to view.

To Rent WALVIS BAY IMMEDIATELY AVAIABLE: Big 1 bedroom flat with BIC, kitchen, lounge, bathroom. Near Welwitchia Hospital with prepaid electricity. Water included. Call: 081 128 8924 WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Walvisbaai Een slaapkamer, klein kombuis, stort + toilet W/L ingsl. Geen garage.\ Naby Shoprite Slegs een persoon N$ 2 500.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposito Tel: 081 605 7490 081 614 3799 TAMARISKIA One bedroom flat with automated garage in secure complex. N$ 4900/month includes water consumption. Available first December. Two bedroom flat with automated garage in secure complex. N$ 5500/month includes water consumption. Available first December. Contact: 085 124 9826 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat with single garage. Nicster Court next to Spar, Walvis Bay from 1 December N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/E excl. N$ 4 500.00 deposit Call: 081 129 5991 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Narraville Open plan bachelors flat for rent. Available from 1 Dec. Pre paid electricity. Water incl. Contact: 081 156 0779 TO RENT: Narraville Bedroom with bic shower/toilet - fully tiled kitchen floors tiled separate entrance / safe area no garage N$ 2 700.00 p/m & deposito For single person Contact: 081 244 1320

LONGBEACH SOLE MANDATE!! Neat and cozy 2 bedroom town house, with 2 bathr, spacious open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. Close to the beach. Price dropped!! Price - N$1 000 000 FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande 0812519377 yolande@laproperties.com.na


FOR SALE: Show house, Hage Geingob no 30 4 bedroom house, 5 bathrooms, lounge, dining room, kitchen, laundry, scullery, indoor entertainment, 4 garages, outside entertainment, built in braai, Lapa, beautiful garden. N$ 2 700 000.00 26 November From 11:00 - 14:00 Contact Lucy: 081 211 5082 FOR SALE: Meersig erf for sale 800m² N$ 1 050 000.00 Lucy: 081 211 5082 PRIVATE SALE House for sale in Walvis Bay, Central Very spacious house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, huge open plan living area with indoor braai and neat and spacious kitchen with scullery and laundry/office space plus double garage. Plus a spacious 2 bedroom flat with one bathroom and open plan living area, kitchen and indoor braai. Beautiful garden and yard space. Price 2.7 Million Phone Natascha 081 279 1198

Walvis Bay - Central – 4 Bedrooms, 4 bathr, study, entertainment area, kitchen, lounge,, 2 x double garages, + 1 bedroom flat. N$22 000.00 - Central – 4 bedr house, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, entertainment area, garage for 4 cars, lovely garden, N$17 000.00 - Meersig – Fully furnished 2 bedr flat, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, 1 garage, N$11 500. DSTV & Water incl - Central – Newly build 2 bedr flat, 1½ bathroom, open plan kitchen / lounge, single garage, N$6900 - Meersig 1 bedr flat, 1 bathr, open plan kitchen, lounge, single garage. N$4950 - Longbeach – Fully furnished Seafront house, 4 bedr, 2 bathr, open plan kitchen / lounge, double garage. N$38 000.00 Kuisebmund - Bachelor flat – N$2500 (water & electr incl) WAREHOUSES Light Industrial 131m² Warehouse + Office N$10 500.00 incl vat 272m² Warehouse + Office N$18 975.00 incl vat 172,86m² Warehouse + Office - N$10 970 incl vat 1000m² Warehouse N$49 500.00 excl vat 4140m² Warehouse N$176 000.00 excl vat 2800m² Warehouse + Office space N$63 401.00 excl vat 1298m² Open Erf N$14 475 excl vat 1500m² Warehouse + Open Erf – 31 350.00 excl vat 1500m² Upmarket Office space + Warehouse N$84 156.00 1500m² – Open Erf – N$16 725.00 excl vat FEEL FREE TO CONTACT: Yolande – 081 251 9377 / Lydia – 081 241 8980 Office – 064 272580


FINE & COUNTRY Kuisebmond, new development Fox Village 28x2 bedroom units with parking area N$ 595 000.00 each 4x1 bedroom units with parking area N$ 495 000.00 each 5x shops / office N$ 768 000.00 BIG ERF FOR SALE 1975m² N$ 2 000 000.00 Business erf 336m² N$ 420 000.00 Meersig Newly built 3 bedroom house 1½ bathroom 1 guest toilet Open plan kitchen/lounge Double garage N$ 2 350 000.00 Langstrand Duet Town House 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, built in braai. Single garage N$ 1 590 000.00 UNIT FOR SALE 3 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, open plan kitchen, indoor braai, double garage N$ 1 400 000.00 Nonidas Erf for sale 600m² N$ 520 000.00 Dolphin Beach 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, study, scullery 4 garages N$ 2 990 000.00 Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143 HENTIES BAY Brand new house for sale. Buy from Developer and save. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, tandem automated garage, alarm, aluminum windows + gates, roof tiles, ± 600m² land. In secure complex. N$940 000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, automated double garage, alarm, aluminum windows + gates, roof tiles, ±600m² land. In secure complex. N$1 040 000.00 Contact: 085 124 9826 FOR SALE, MEERSIG. PLOT AND PLAN, 3 UNITS AVAILABLE. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms (main bedroom en-suite), open plan kitchen and entertainment area with indoor braai, double garage. N$1,750,000.00 3D plans available for viewing. For more information contact Eslouise: 081 205 6744. FOR SALE, MEERSIG. WALVIS BAY. Lovely and spacious 3 bedroom house. 2 bathrooms main bedroom en-suite bathroom. Huge open plan kitchen with living room/ dinning room, Indoor Braai, hobby room, BIC, garage with parking for 4 vehicles, servants room with toilet. Private 1 bedroom, 1 Bathroom flat with own garage and. N$ 2,020,000.00 Contact Eslouise: 081 205 6744.


24 NOVEMBER 2015




FOR SALE: Central, Walvis Bay 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, living room, incomplete outside flat tandem garage Alarm N$ 1.65 mil Call: 081 156 3778 081 379 9297 Malakia Properties MONDESA FOR SALE 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, single Garage N$750 000.00 TAMARISKIA 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge, Tandem Garage N$1.3mil TO LET OLWETWENI Rooms from 1700.00 W/incl Outside room N$1900.00 W/Incl House with 10 rooms 4bathrooms N$17000.00 W/Incl Avble 1 Nov 2015 3bedrooms.2bathrooms Kitchen, Lounge, Single Garage N$5000.00 W/L Excl TAMARISKIA House 2bedrooms, bathroom Open- plan-Kitchen N$4500.00 W/L Excl MONDESA 3bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen bic with stove, Lounge Single garage N$5500.00 W/L Excl Avible 10 Nov 2015 ARANDIS 2bedrooms, 2bathrooms Kitchen and Garage N$3500.00 W/L Excl Outside Rooms N$1700.00 W/L excl All Deposit required Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:malakiaproper ties@yahoo.com FOR SALE: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1garage house with open plan kitchen for sale N$ 750 000.00 Contact: 081 281 9230 081 451 6571

WANTED: A male urgently looking for one bedroom flat to rent in Walvis bay, starting from 01 December. Price up to N$ 3500 water included. Contact detail: 081 2471 376. Urgently looking for a 2 bedroom flat with a garage, or a 2 bedroom house with a garage price ranging from N$3000 to N$4000, to move in on the 1st of December 2015. contact details 0813488049 or 0818686268

LANGSTRAND Very neat 3 bed, 2 bath, Apartment with tandem Garage & built-in BBQ. Walk to the beach. N$ 1 430 000-00 SWAKOPMUND LOCATION COUNTS! Huge double Storey, 3 bed, 2 bath, Guest & outside toilet, store Room, In/Outdoor BBQ & double garage PLUS 1 bed flat with own Garage. N$ 6 500 000-00 DOLPHIN BEACH PERFECT HOLIDAY HOME! Beautiful 2 & 3 bed Apartments. N$ 2 040 000-00 to N$ 2 200 000-00 Costs Included!! ARANDIS VACANT PLOTS 3 x 450m² N$ 135 000 each 1 x 535m² N$ 165 000-00 1 x 673m² N$ 215 000-00 SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW 875m² vacant plot For ONLY N$ 790 000-00 SWAKOPMUND SIMPLY AWESOME! Luxurious 4 bed, 4 bath, Double storey with Flowing open plan living, Study, pantry, scullery. Double garage, indoor BBQ & patio. N$ 5 555 000-00 GOGGA 0818709950


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


NEW SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE!!! Safe & Secure Complex Kuisebmond 28 x 2 Bed units selling at N$ 595 000-00 ea. 4 x 1 bed unit selling at N$ 495 000-00 ea. 5 x Offices / Shops selling at N$ 768 000-00 ea. 2 x ATM's selling at N$ 180 000-00 ea. Don't delay!! Phone today!! Claudia 0811696227 Emily 0812930335

DRINGEND TE HUUR GESOEK: Op soek na 2 / 3 slaapkamer huis met garage om te huur Prysklas ± N$ 4 000.00 N$ 4 500.00 p/m Vanaf einde November Kontak: 081 338 4291 081 864 1714


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

TO LET KUISEBMUND Bachelor flat w&L incl N$2000p.m. FULLY FURNISH UNITS - LAGOON 1 Bedroom unit with garage @ N$5500 2 Bedroom unit with garage @ N$7000 CENTRAL Modern 3 bedr house 2 garages @ N$13800

Dianne 081 2396323


TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond Very secured, own toilet and shower. Hot water. W/E incl. Ideal for single people. N$ 2 200.00 p/m N$ 2 000.00 refundable deposit. If couple N$ 200.00 will be added to rent. Contact: 081 333 0095 085 333 0095

FOR SALE: Elegancia Investment cc Kuisebmond Brand new house for sale. 3 bedrooms, kitchen / lounge 2 bathrooms and boundary wall N$ 770 000.00 Contact: 081 866 9480

ACCOMMODATION ACCOMMODATION Situated in 31 Avis Road Swiss Chalets offer fully equipped rooms, free wi-fi & 24-hours security. Mini conference also available. Contact: 061-305 551 081 433 3185 E-mail: swiss.chalets@iway. na





WANTED: Urgently looking for a local seven seat or more car to buy. Preferably white owner only (not imports) Call: 081 280 6249 081 148 9348

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German And improve your job opportunities!! Limited space available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685


MALAWIAN DOCTOR CHIEF DR ANTONIO PHIRI Love problems: Bring back lost lovers, to be attractive, control cheating partners, to love you more, stop and fastenings divorce, stability in relationship and marriages, have your body warm for women only, women who feel pain during menstruation, financial problems. Business problems: Find a new job and restore old one, customer attraction, job promotions, winning tenders and loans, bad luck, speed in selling uup properties, give protection against enemies, cars, homes, kraals and business, pensioners who are delayed to get their wages / payment. Court cases. Body problems: Skin diseases, vaginal tightening, woman who get long period, asthma, pneumonia, diabetes, BP, help women and men who cant produce, stop drinking and smoking, hips/breasts enlargement. Body protection from any kind of witchcraft, manhood enlargement, make more rounds, stop early ejaculation, power (hardness and strong) NB: Consultation is fee is free. Phone Dr Antonio Phiri: “THE OLD POWER MAN” 081 843 3509 081 764 4835

WANTED: Are you out of cash? Then contact us. We buy - Gold Jewellery even if its broken. Silver jewellery even if its broken. Silver and gold coins. Polished diamonds. We operate in Walvis, Swakop, Henties, Arandis and Omaruru. Contact: 081 344 3794 / 081 315 9178.


I pay TOP PRICES for Toyota Hilux 2.0 VVTi's.

Contact Basie Oosthuizen at

Crossroads Car Sales Tel: 403 666

TRAINING WORLD AIDS DAY! WORLD AIDS DAY! Health care training academy offers Employee wellness, screenings for HIV, diabetes, collesterol, hypertension etc. HIV prevalence rate campaigns. Voluntary counseling and testing campaigns. Elderly care / palliative care and first aid training. World Aids day campaigns Enquiries Uirab G: 081 472 5814 081 289 8503

HAIR JESSMA ACCOMMODAT ION: Newly open B&B situated at the entrance of Narraville, Sam Nujoma Ave, Walvis Bay Book now for December Call: 081 295 3717 081 249 0618 081 667 6820

LEARN TO SWIM CRASH COURSE Swakopmund From the age of 6 years First 2 weeks in December 2015 Learn to swim in only 10 sessions Classes 12h00 to 13h00 Monday to Friday Mariëtta 081 363 3723 flipperssc@gmail.com Flippers Swimming School

PPT & BEAUTY Walvis Bay We do all types of hair styles Weaving N$ 100.00 Nails training N$ 1 200.00 kit & certificate Eyelashes training N$ 700.00 kit & certificate Manicure N$ 90.00 Pedicure N$ 70.00 Tips N$ 150.00 We sell wholesale / virgin brazilian hair on cheaper prices. Call Betty: 081 605 9205

Noah's Arc Daycare will be open during December 2015 for Children up to age 6 years. Children from daycare's that are closing, are welcome. Fun playtime and activities. Contact Roelien on 081 473 7325 JJ's Care Centre Walvis Bay Daycare for 0-5yrs Grade R Grade 1-12 Impak Education Homework assistance Aftercare Tutoring Speech therapy Also accommodate for disabled children aged 0-18 years old. Specialised education, stimulation and therapy. Limited space Kim:0814790725

CLASSES BEATACCMATH PRESENTS PRIVATE ONE-ONONE TUTORING High School Accounting and Maths WALVIS BAY TO BOOK CONTACT 081 497 2195 or beataccmath@gmail.com

FOR MORE GO TO www.beataccmath.com

BEATACCMATH Presents: Extra classes for High School Accounting and Maths Narraville, Walvis Bay 081 497 2195 beataccmath@gmail. com www.beataccmath.com

Walvis Bay Industrial Green Valley RD Shop no.9 Behind Build IT Francois: 081 661 6447 Cois: 081 661 9445 Email: malherbeandsonsmotors @gmail.com *Major & lube services *Brake & clutch repairs shock absorbers *Engine overhauls *Steering & suspension repairs *Competitive rates *Import vehicles welcome *Free quotations TRANSPORT Billike tariewe 3.5 ton geslote bak Lokale en buite vragte Beskikbaar vir Drywer opleiding Met instrukteer Beskikbaar vir uitpassering “Reverse” kamera Jan: 081 240 7693 RENOVATIONS & MAINTENANCE: We offer: - Construction - Painting - Paving - Slasto - Lapas - Plumbing - Tiling - Electrical and all types of roof structures - Maintenance on all buildings & structures. 24/7 service Open during holidays Contact: 081 254 4248

A TO Z CLEANING SERVICES WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Yearly Contracts For Offices / Buildings / Shops /Shopping malls // Factories/Accessible windows / Ablution Blocks / Body Corporates Etc. Contact Mr Coenie Brand Tel 081 129 7988 Office 205 036 Mail:ops@atozcleaning .com.na BUDGET CLEANERS: We offer once off cleaning for Lounge suites Carpets/Rugs Matrasses Loose chairs Machine scrub tiles Descale/Steam clean bathrooms / ablution blocks Accessible windows Exterior spray cleaning And much more!!! Contact Mrs Jenny Brand Tel 081 148 5036 Office 220 382 Mail: budget@iway.na All cleaning procedures done under supervision

BAY-ROUTE DRIVING SCHOOL WALVIS BAY: Is offering lessons by a professional, friendly and patient instructor. For rates and bookings contact: 081 207 7651 ANDY'S TRANSPORT bied aan n busdiens vanaf Rehoboth na die kus en terug vir die Feestyd teen ‘n spesiale tarief: N$180.00 p/persoon, N$150.00 vir pensionarisse en N$120.00 vir kinders jonger as 12 jaar vanaf 20 Oktober 2015. Vertrektye: Rehoboth: Sondae - 13h00. Dinsdae en Donderdae 07h00. Walvisbaai: Maandae, Woensdae en Donderdae - 14:00. Optelpunte: Rhb - B1- Service. Windhoek - Total Service langs Khomas Medics. Walvisbaai - Dorp Spar. Swakop - oorkant Ocean Basket. Kontak:0815656184 / 0812194757 / 081 243 9986.

OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Over Namibia Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na


24 NOVEMBER 2015

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net SERVICES



FOR SALE: Toyota Yaris spirite local 52 000.00 Very good condition Mitumitz Truck trippe 1998 Mazda truck 2002 N$ 98 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 408 3969 081 240 8039

For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.

www.fastfind.me List your business FOR FREE at this online coastal business directory

AWAY FOR THE HOLLIDAYS? Swakopmund Only Leave your home and pets in good hands. House sitting (no overnight). Pet sitting (feeding and walking) and plant watering service. Phone 081 330 8755 milesbj@gmail.com TOYA DRIVING SCHOOL IN SWAKOPMUND. N$ 80.00 per hour Call: 081 576 7274 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund.

FOR SALE: Chevrolet cruze 2011 16V engine. 1.6l Good condition 108 000 km Full house N$ 98 000.00 (neg) Contact: 081 467 6366


2nd Hand Shop We buy and sell anything of value only ID required 0811475475 0811475333 064220387 bayauctions@iway.na

FIND US @ 97 Sam Nujoma str Walvisbaai

FOR SALE: New/refubrished/cer tified equipment Wire slings with soft yes: 12m long, 24/30 mm, 200 PCS N$ 1 000.00 each 6’ Container handling wire slings gear with hooks N$ 4 000.00 each Steel Cargo Baskets 1.5x1.5x1.5M - 6 pcs N$ 10 000.00 each Steel Tanks 5000 L 3pcs N$ 15 000.00 each Drill Bit (new) 12¼ PH 1358 XR+C N$ 130 000.00 Clean out Bit SVH 8½ MY 5735 N$ 50 000.00 Cementing Plant Complete N$ 2.5 mil Prices negotiable Make an offer Contact: 081 379 6815 081 128 8865 Email: vladg@linktelship. com/ volker@linktelship .com




Daily 17h00-22h00 All you need is your own vehicle Call 0811273374 To start immediately URGENT VACANCY Assistant Cook needed urgently. Please apply only if you have experience. Non-relative CV's will be discarded. Email: probstbakery@iway.na Or hand in at Corner of Theo-Ben Gurirab Street and 12th Road

VAKANTE POS: Opsoek na n betroubare en eerlike nanny om na my 4 jarige dogtertjie te kyk in Swakopmund van Maandag tot Vrydag voor skool en na skool. Moet n bestuurders lisensie he. Salaris onderhandelbaar. Pos beskikbaar vanaf 4 Januarie 2016. Stuur asb cv na nannyswakopmund@ gmail.com

Erongo Axis Security CC We are looking for young dynamic personnel to join our Walvis Bay Office: Technician. Minimum Requirements: Grade 10/12 or higher Experience in IDS, Paradox & Cadex Alarm Systems .Forward certify documents to the Operations Manager opsmanager@security.co m.na or deliver in person at our office in Hage Geingob Str. No 59(behind protea spar) No faxed documents will be accepted.

JOBS WANTED ALBERTINE: Looking for domestic work from 13:00 - 17:00. Can also babysit. Contact: 081 419 0623 TAIMI: Am a 23-yearold looking for work in Walvis Bay. Have grade 12 and a certificate in Banking, Financing and Creditors. Can also do bookkeeping, typing and accounting related work. Can take domestic work at the moment, cleaning and ironing. Fluent in English. Anyone interested am ready to start immediately. Contact: 081 678 8145 LENCY: I am a 19-yearold lady looking for a job as a receptionist or cashier or any other work in shops, restaurants or hotel work. Have a grade 12 certificate and reception + computer certificate. Contact: 081 816 9160 Email:kavarilency@gm ail.com JOB WANTED: A 30-year-old woman in Walvis Bay is looking for a work, washing, ironing, cleaning or babysitting. Trustworthy and hardworking. Can start anytime. Call: 081 722 7627 Accountant with over 45 years of practical expedience wants to move home and is looking for a Position in Swakopmund. Rekenmeenster met oor 45 jaar praktiese ondervinding wil huis toe kom en soek ’n betrekking in Swakopmund. Contact/Kontak 081253 8664


WELCOME TO PROFESSOR DR NDIULULA ITS BEEN A LONG TIME INDEED BUT HERE IS YOUR DREAM AND LAST HOPE Contact: 081 244 5158 081 244 5158 We trust / manage Love problems Get back your lover New herbal penis enlargement Do you want a baby? Come We help men and woman with bad luck in getting lovers... Do you want your lover to be only yours New herbal stuff for making mens penis strong Do you want to stop your lover from cheating on you? We have herbal therapy which can help people with HIV/AIDS Herbal stuff for speeding up you marriage Remove bad from your body Business problems We help people who want success & be promoted at work. Do you want to attract more customers to your business? come now! Do you have a court case Protection on your business Farm protection Body problems High blood pressure All kinds of protection We treat TB, Diabetes and blood cleaning All body pains Menstruation pain to women Things moving in your body pregnancy problems Asthma & strong cough Sleeping problems Chronic syphilis Stop drinking

WANT TO BE YOUR OWN BOSS?? Now is the right time!!! Let us do your: !Company registration !Business plan !Financial projections !Loan applications !(DBN, SME, BANK etc..) !Tax solutions !Tender documents !Good standing / fitness certificates and so much more... Call the Professional business Consultants 081 144 2738 064 207 897

FOR SALE: 65 Seater bus for sale Good runner still used daily N$ 205 000.00 Contact Corne: 081 149 4050 Janine: 081 357 3003

VACANCIES: Dagsorg in Walvisbaai is opsoek na iemand wat ondervinding het met kinders. Skakel: 081 675 4873


If your business is not listed simply press “Add Your Company” and follow the easy instructions

FOR SALE: Volvo S40 white 2009 N$ 90 000.00 Contact: 081 236 8241

This 'n That We buy and sell second hand & new furniture and household appliances. We offer good money on quality. Sam Nujoma Town Square. La Paloma Building Walvis Bay. Els 081 255 5809 or Lawrence 081 324 1285.


Namib Times

Visit this site. “Search” your business name’. If it is already listed, check if all information is correct. “Edit” if you need to make changes.

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education - Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Toko-loshi - Mens’ Power - Sexuality Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell:081 201 7887.


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


24 NOVEMBER 2015

100 Graduates from COSDEF Sharlien Tjambari

The Community Skills Development Foundation (COSDEF) arts and craft centre had its historic first graduation ceremony in Swakopmund recently, with over 100 students graduating from different courses. The students who completed their certificate qualifications in jewellery making, fashion design, leather making and other. In his speech, the Chairman of the COSDEF, Nahas Angula said the Institution's arts and craft centre has the main objective of marketing Namibian arts and craft, specifically to the people in Swakopmund, visitors and tourists. “We know that art and craft has a potential of creating jobs and livelihoods to our people. We further believe Swakopmund in particular as a centre of tourism offers opportunities for us to market Namibian art and crafts� said Angula. The second purpose of the centre is to provide skills training to the members of the community. Angula stressed the centre is there to serve the community at large with outreach programs. The Topnaar community of the Kuiseb River also had 20 students that graduated from COSDEF.

Busy Bodies Year End Function Busy Bodies Montessori School was recently paid a visit from the Mayor's Office. Brian, from First National Bank, joined our guests as the children sang and entertained them. The children were given goodies sponsored by First National Bank and then sat down to enjoy delicious food packs sponsored by KFC. Thanks to Brian and First National Bank, the Mayor of Swakopmund and to KFC for making our day so special. The Busy Bodies Pre-school Class went to Lauberville for the annual school-leavers camp. The children had a blast, swimming, climbing dunes and braaing marshmallows. They had a wonderful time and returned home the next day absolutely exhausted! We wish our school leavers all the best for Grade 1 next year. The Busy Bodies crew also celebrated the year-end festivities at the Welwitschia Old Age Home (Phase 1). The residents of the old age home each received a packaged gift from each child and were then entertained with a festive nativity play and Christmas carols. Busy Bodies would like to thank Sarel (Shae-Lee's dad) and all our parents for their heart-felt kindness and donations. We are a success yet again thanks to YOU.


20 NOVEMBER 2015

Vragmotors bly 'n probleem op Walvisbaai

Madelaine Laubscher

‘n Leser het onlangs woedend gesê dat vragmotors die nuwe nywerheidsgebied ten suide van Narraville terroriseer deur te ry soos hul wil, parkeer voor ingange en ingangsportale en het géén respek vir verkeersreëls of ander padgebruikers nie. “Die vragmotorbestuurders het absoluut geen respek vir ander padgebruikers nie en stop op geel strepe, voor perseelingange, hekke , deure en hulle gee nie om of ander motoriste kan in of uit beweeg nie. Hulle stop ook sommer aan enige kant van die pad wat 'n gevaar vir ander padgebruikers inhou,” het hy gesê. Volgens die leser staan van die vragmotors reeds vir meer as twee maande op een plek en ander vir meer as vyf maande sonder dat daar boetes uitgereik word. Die res van Walvisbaai loop ook deur onder vragmotorbestuurders met swak dissipline, aldus die leser en hy vra dat die verkeersowerheid daadwerklik optree. Ingevoerde vragmotors staan vir weke en maande aaneen op die hawedorp se strate geparkeer, om te wag vir invoerklarings sodat eienaars dit kan uitvoer. Dit in skrille kontras daarmee dat enige ingevoerde vragmotors binne 72 uur nadat dit die hawehekke verlaat, dit die land moet verlaat. Andersins is dit ook vragmotors wat oornag in Walvisbaai se swaar nywerheidsgebiede, soms op die spoorwegreserwes wat die vragmotors gevaarlik na aan verbygaande treine laat. “Wat sou ons doen indien 'n trein met gevaarlike vrag soos brandstof of swawelsuur 'n stilstaande vragmotor tref?” Die hawe-owerheid, plaaslike verkeersafdeling en TransNamib sal moet saamspan sodat vragmotorbestuurders binne die perke van die wet optree. Die Walvisbaai verkeersbeamptes was onbereikbaar vir kommentaar.

Swakopmund first ever live streamed motivational talks Sharlien Tjambari

TEDx is a program of local, self-organised events that brings people together to share experiences. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection. According to Ipupa Kasheeta, the TEDx Licensee, this was the first ever TEDx event in Swakopmund and at the coast, “I believe we have ideas worth spreading in Namibia and at coastal towns as well and it is through idea sharing where we learn, inspire and uplift our community” said Kasheeta. According to Kasheeta, they want to transform people's minds, to motivate them, to energise them and to bring people together from diverse backgrounds. Kasheeta said the TEDx event is normally organised through a license that they acquire from the United States of America and that license is valid for a year, “in order for an event like this to happen next year or the year after next year we need to apply for another license again” said Kasheeta. There was a total number of eight speakers who took on the TEDx Swakopmund platform to

spread their ideas to the local community, continent and global audience at large. Amongst the eight speakers were Johny Smith, CEO of Walvis Bay Corridor Group, Mr Leevy Lee Abrahams, a journalist, Hlengani Mathebula, a former CEO of First National Bank personal banking, a managing executive of ABSA Private Bank and now the Strategy Advisor to the Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, and Pam Miller, the well-known mentor, trainer and businesswomen in Swakopmund was also amongst the local speakers. The event was highly attended with over 80 people and was live streamed. During the event there was a Musical performance by Alessandro Alessandroni, an Italian musician who plays multiple instruments including a guitar and piano and composed over 40 film scores and countless library music. TEDx is a non-profit organisation.

Get your life back Narcotics Anonymous meets every Thursday at 18:30 at the Roman Catholic Church Swakopmund.

Contact: 081 606 7743

24 NOVEMBER 2015




24 NOVEMBER 2015

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