27 nov namib times e edition

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27 NOVEMBER NOVEMBER 2014 2014 27



Photographers’ Art on Exhibition The namib times spoke to photographers Marta Majo and Karin Retief about their photographic exhibition which will be showcased at the Wellness Centre in Swakopmund from 30 November to 13 December. what it means to me, what I felt when I took that picture, or what story I made up out of that photograph. Art is a living, breathing and interactive form, and my collection invites the public to take part in the story telling process. My work has quiet moments, all involving women, made still in time as captured photographs.” And your work Karin? “I am exhibiting two collections.

WALVIS BAY * Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 28 - 29 Nov: Christmas Market at NG Moedergemeente Kerksaal. * 28 Nov: Andra performing live at Oceans Restaurant at 10:00. * 29 Nov: Woermann Brock - School’s Christmas Tree Deco competion & prize-giving. * 2 Dec: Interkerklike Gebedskring afsluiting by Maranatha Lutherse Kerk, Narraville om 09:00. * 18 Dec: Woermann Brock - Blood Clinic. * 28 Dec: A Fire, Dance & Music Extravaganza - Carnival of Flames at Desert Explorers at 19:00. * 29 Dec: Vlooimark aangebied deur die Gerefor meerde Kerk, op die terrein van Largo Vedio, langs die Engen-vulstasie.

Liesl Losper

Marta, tell us more about your exhibition? “My exhibition is daily life portraits of women and kids doing ordinary things. Each picture tells a unique story. I ask the viewer to first look at the picture and decide what it means to him or her. By doing this the viewer becomes involved in the storytelling process. After first deciding what story the image tells you, you then read the caption and

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One is a collection of portraits of my friends. Some pose in intimate moments, some acting as a different character, while other portraits show a face, staring straight into the lens, uncompromising and proud. Basically I just had fun with people I know! My second collection is a photo reportage I did for the USA magazine Scientific American,

which focusses on the HIV/Aids pandemic in Zimbabwe. I chose to exhibit this collection as the message of awareness is universal and should continue. None of the pictures were posed as per journalism ethics. They tell the true stories of the people photographed. Many, if not all, of the patients in this reportage have since passed

away. Permission was granted by those in my pictures to tell their stories and through this personal contact with the viewer, make the public aware that the battle for a cure still continues.” The exhibition is open daily at the Wellness Center (behind the pancake cove) @ no5 Libertina Amathila Street, Swakopmund.

* Every Saturday: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 28 - 29 Nov: Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities presents: Advent Market at the Lions Retirement Village. For stalls, please contact Almut Slabbert at 081 299 1902. * 6 Dec: WB Xmas Market. Book a stall at 081 141 0434. * 19 - 22 Dec: Festive Entertainment – Award winning ZIP ZAP CIRCUS. * 31 Dec - 2 Jan: Mel Botes Band.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 - 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sun-days 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Namibian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday 08:30 - 12:30.


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28 NOVEMBER 2014



27 NOVEMBER 2014

An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Locker vom Hocker BigBand schmettert wieder! Ein Lichtlein brennt!

Swakopmund (sk) Am Sonntag, den 30. November, findet das allgemein bekannte Jahreskonzert der Big Band Swakopmund statt. Unter der Leitung von Christiane Ast wird gejazzt - mit Melodien von James Last , bekannten Songs wie Hello Dolly und How high the Moon. Das Repertoire der BigBand ist vielfältig. Neue Arrangements, wie zum Beispiel Gospel Songs, Kompositionen von be-

kannten Melodien im speziellen BigbandPartystil und fetzige Rag- und Rockstücke werden zu hören sein. Stattfinden wird dies Frühschoppen-Konzert an diesem Sonntag um 12h00 Uhr im Tiger Reef Restaurant , Also, nichts wie hin und einen schönen

musikalischen Sonntag im Freien genießen, wo sogar das Tanzbein im Sand geschwungen werden darf. Der Eintritt zu dieser Veranstaltung ist frei, wobei Spenden für die Band immer gerne entgegengenommen werden.

Caprivi-Quiz: Die Gewinner!

Von der empfehlenswerten Kalizo Lodge im äußersten Caprivizipfel aus kann man eine Tagesreise zu den imposanten Victoriafällen in Simbabwe unternehmen. Foto: Susann Kinghorn Hier erfolgen nun die Antworten zu den sechs Fragen des Caprivi-Preisausschreibens sowie die Gewinner der großzügigen Preise. 1.Die Hausembe River Lodge befindet sich etwa 12 km westlich von Rundu. 2. Die Hakusembe River Lodge gehört zum großen Naturschutz- und Unterkunftsbetrieb Gondwana Collections. 3. Die Nkasa Lupala Tented Camp Lodge befindet sich am Rande des neubenannten Nkasa Rupara - oder Nkasa Lupala Nationalparks (früher: Ma-

mili Nationalpark). 4. Die Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge wurde 2012 eröffnet und wird vom dem Italiener Simone Micheletti und seiner Frau betrieben. 5. Der Name Kalizo bedeutet ,Sicherer Platz’, und die Kalizo Lodge liegt am Sambesi. 6. Die Karminspinte (Carmine bee-eater) sind während der Brutzeit in Massen im Vogelparadies bei der Kalizo Lodge zu sehen? Und nun zu den Siegern! Gewonnen haben: 1.Günther Hülsmann (Zwei Übernachtungen

Wenn das Christkind nun mal keine Mailbox hat...warum schreibst du ihm dann nicht einfach einen Brief?

Möchten Sie einem Kind weiterhelfen, wenn die moderne Technologie versagt? Melden Sie sich bei Susann Kinghorn; Tel. 405183 oder 0812538850; Email: susannkinghorn@gmail.com

für zwei Personen mit Frühstück auf der Hakusembe River Lodge im Werte von N$ 4000); 2.Tanya Syvertsen (Eine Übernachtung mit Abendessen und Frühstück für zwei Personen auf der Nkasa Lupala Tented Lodge im Werte von N$ 3300,-); 3. Franz Klimas (Zwei Übernachtungen für zwei Personen mit Frühstück auf der Kalizo Lodge im Werte von N$ 2750,-); Die Gutscheine sind im Swakopmunder Büro der Namib Times abzuholen. Bitte achten Sie auf das Verfalldatum!

Zu etwas nütze sein!

Es war einmal ein kleiner Baumwollfaden, der hatte Angst, dass er nicht ausreichte, so wie er war. "Für ein Schiffstau bin ich viel zu schwach" sagte er sich, "für einen Pullover zu kurz". Um an andere anzuknüpfen, habe ich zu viele Hemmungen. Für eine Stickerei eigne ich mich auch nicht. Zu nichts bin ich nütze. Ein Versager! Niemand braucht mich. Niemand mag mich und ich mich selbst am wenigsten. So sprach der kleine Baumwollfaden zu sich, legte ein traurige Musik auf und fühlte sich sehr allein in seinem Selbstmitleid. Da klopfte ein Klümpchen Wachs an und sagte: "Lass Dich doch nicht so hängen, kleiner Baumwollfaden. Ich habe eine Idee: Wir beide tun uns zusammen! Für eine große Weihnachtskerze bist Du als Docht zu kurz, und ich habe auch nicht genug Wachs; aber für ein Teelicht reicht es allemal. Wir beide zusammen werden eine kleine Kerze, die wärmt und es ein bisschen heller macht. Schließlich ist es besser, nur ein kleines Licht anzuzünden, als über die Dunkelheit zu schimpfen". Da war der kleine Baumwollfaden ganz glücklich und sagte sich: "Dann bin ich doch zu etwas nütze!" Wer weiß, vielleicht gibt es auf der Welt noch mehr kurze Baumwollfäden, die sich mit einem Klümpchen Wachs zusammentun können Anonym.

Worte der Woche Im Kerzenschein

Die kleine Kerze im Advent, wie warm und leuchtend sie doch brennt! Sie wünscht sích ganz genau wie Du ein wenig Stille, ein wenig Ruh. Mit ihrem hellen, ruhigen Schein will sie ein Weihnachtsgruß uns sein. Träumt die Kerze einen Traum? Träumt sie vom Licht am Weihnachtsbaum? So leise, wie die Kerze brennt, so still wünsch ich mir den Advent! Autor unbekannt

Liebe Küstenleser! Übermorgen ist erster Advent. Gefeiert wird er meist im Kreise der Familie. Man sitzt um den Kaffeetisch, und die erste Kerze des Adventskranzes wird angezündet. Und dann beginnt das Schlemmern von Spekulatius, Zimtsternen, Kokosmakronen, Vanillekipferln und gereifter Backware mit in Rum getränkten Sultaninen (auch Christstollen genannt). Ganz anders als im 7. Jahrhundert, als die Adventszeit eine Fastenzeit von 40 Tagen bedeutete. Worin unterscheidet sich die damalige Adventszeit von der heutigen? Der Adventskranz hat sich verändert. 1839 führte der Hamburger Erzieher und Theologe Johann Hinrich Wichern einen Adventskranz ein. Er bestand aus einem Holzkranz mit 19 kleinen roten und vier großen weißen Kerzen. Warum so viele Kerzen? Der Theologe betreute damals einige Kinder, die in großer Armut lebten. Da die Kinder immer fragten, wann denn endlich Weihnachten sei, wurde vom 1. Dezember an bis zum großen Fest jeden Tag

eine Kerze mehr angezündet. Heute sind die 23 Kerzen auf vier reduziert, dafür gibt es wiederum eine Vielfalt an Material, aus denen die modernen Adventskränze bestehen: Tannenzweige, Holz, Stoff, Draht, Stroh,

Gips, Ton....ich glaube, die Liste ist unendlich geworden. Was ist heute noch anders im Gegensatz zu damals? Advent galt früher als Zeit der Stille. Die dunkle Jahreszeit in Europa lud dazu ein, zur Ruhe zu

kommen. Heute bedeutet Advent pulsierende Geschäftigkeit, hastiges Einkaufen von Geschenken, Schnelllebigkeit. Aber eines hat die Adventszeit damals und heute gemein, auch wenn viele von uns diesen Gedanken durch unseren modernen Lebensstil der Eile verdrängt oder einfach vergessen haben. Advent ist wie eh und je ein Fest der Vorfreude und Freude. Eine frohe Adventszeit wünscht Ihnen Ihre Susann Kinghorn

Ruhe und Entspannung ist in der Adventszeit angesagt!

Adventsfeier der Lions-Residenz

ALLE Senioren Swakopmunds sind herzlich zur Lions-Adventsfeier am 30. November um 15h30 Uhr eingeladen. Es gibt Kaffee und Kuchen. Außerdem wird für musikalische Unterhaltung gesorgt, und die Stimmen der vielen Senioren und Seniorinnen unserer Küstenstadt sollen in feierlichen Weihnachtsliedern erklingen.

27 NOVEMBER 2014



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Exzellente Leistungen an der Privatschule Swakopmund

Swakopmund - Die Leistungsbereitschaft der PSS-Schüler ist hoch, die Anforderungen im Unterricht sind es auch. Im Schulalltag mitzuhalten, vorbereitet in den Unterricht zu gehen, alle vierzig Minuten anderen Unterrichtsstoff aufzunehmen, sich dabei auf eine andere Lehrerpersönlichkeit einzustellen, Teste und Examen zu schreiben, vieles gleichzeitig zu lernen, das ist – wohlgemerkt – für alle

wir haben, ist nicht selbstverständlich. Auch wenn man in der Klassengemeinschaft schon vorher ahnt, wer wohl der oder die Klassenbeste sein wird, so ist es doch für viele eine freudige Überraschung, an diesem Abend auf die Bühne gerufen zu werden, um eine Urkunde in Empfang zu nehmen.

Deutsches Sportabzeichen für Schülerinnen der Klassen 5E und 5D: von links nach rechts Cassandra Wilson Moore, Nicola Syvertsen, Jana Lautenbach, Pia Gebhardt, Neve Batley, Chrislene Klein Nienhaber und Lotta Schmidt Schüler jeden Tag eine große Herausforderung. Deshalb ist solch ein Abend der Auszeichnungen auch für alle Schüler eine Gelegenheit, sich über ihre ganz persönlichen Leistungen zu freuen. So stand auch der Abend unter dem Motto: Dankbarkeit. Zur Vorbereitung sollten alle Schülerinnen und Schüler der Mittelstufe ihre Gedanken Das Deutsche Sportabzeichen erhielten folgende Schülerinnen der aufschreiben, wofür, Klassen 6E und 6D: (Von links nach rechts) Leandre Engelbrecht, wem oder warum sie Nakita Milne, Emily Kaspari, Dunja Louw, Alyssa Savage, Sara dankbar sind. Denn Magdalena, Vimbai Manhando, Frances Burger und Tamsin Louw. wer wir sind und was

Urkunden für gute Leistungen erhielten die folgenden Schüler der Klasse 5D: (Hintere Reihe von links nach rechts) Stefan Bartsch, Craig Dürr, Max Finkeldey, Pia Gebhardt, Liam Gilchrist, Chian Hambrecht, Xavier Hartman, Ben Hartz, Jeremie Haus, Max Höwer. (Vordere Reihe von links nach rechts): Dylan Kreiner, Jana Lautenbach, Sean Liechti, Lotta Schmidt, Nicola Syvertsen, Arian van der Plas, Kieren Wheeling und Torben Winterbach.

Als „Dux learner“, beste Schülerin der Mittelstufe, erreichte in diesem Schuljahr Frances Burger (6E) einen Gesamtdurchschnitt von 91%.

Sportkoordinatorin Frau Ulla Finkeldey

Die Bildung kommt nicht vom Lesen, sondern vom Nachdenken über das Gelesene.

Frances Burger (6E) einen Gesamtdurchschnitt von 91%. Amandus Röttcher (6D) erreichte mit 98% in Mathematik die Bestleistung, neben Leanne van Wyk (5E) mit 93% in Natural Science und Nicole Reischauer-Buchert (7D) mit 89% in Deutsch. Besondere Preise gab es für in-

Scherer (7) geehrt. Ein besonderes Ereignis war die Übergabe der Deutschen Sportabzeichen. Dank der Sportreferentin der PSS, Ulla Finkeldey, ist es erstmals in Swakopmund möglich gewesen, das Deutsche Sportabzeichen abzulegen. 45 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Mittelstufe konnten mit

Das Deutsch Sportabzeichen erhielten folgende Schüler der Klasse 6: (Von links nach rechts) Michael Calitz, Yannick Nittscher, Kyle Stauch, Oliver Kittel, Marco Florin, Amandus Röttcher und Nikolai Hilbert. Mehr als 300 Urkun- ternationalen Einsatz Bronze-, Silber- und den (General Aca- im Sport. Geehrt wur- Goldnadeln ausgedemic Achievement den mit dem „Am- zeichnet werden. Eingesandt Certificates) für her- bassador's Prize“ Cavorragende Leis- meron Orban (6E), tungen ab 70% und 39 Michael Calitz (6E) Preise (Special Aca- (Squash) und Chrisdemic Achievements) topher Magson (7), wurden an diesem sowie Helvyan NaAbend überreicht. Als ruses (7) (Karate). Mit „Dux learner“, beste dem „Culture Prize“ Schülerin der Mit- für ihr besonderes Entelstufe, erreichte in gagement im Bereich d i e s e m S c h u l j a h r Musik wurde Simone

Sportabzeichen erhielten die folgenden Schüler der Klasse 7: (Von links nach rechts) Tinaye Murasiki, Julian Nel, Lauren Woolf, Helvyan Naruses, und Lara Hoffmann

Ideales Geburtstags- oder Weihnachtsgeschenk. Bis Ende Dezember zum Spezialpreis von N$ 130,- (1. Band) und N$ 140,- (2. Band) bei der Autorin erhältlich. Cell 0812538850


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27 NOVEMBER 2014

27 NOVEMBER 2014



Organisation for Caring for People with Disabilities (Welfare Registration No Wo362)


Annual Advent Market at the Lions Retirement home on Saturday 29 and 30 November. Friday from 15:00 with Coffee and Cake, Supper - Bockwurst / Vienna & Potato Salad from 17:00 Saturday from 09:00 with lunch of Gulash Soup and Roll at 12:00

Le Havre rite of passage akarDakar 2015: Le2015: Havre rite passage Le of Havre rite of passage 26 NAMIB TIMES

27 NOVEMBER 2014


els 24

* wheels 24

LE HAVRE, France - Organisers of the 2015 Dakar Rally report 645 vehicles passed mandatory technical and administrative checks at Le Havre Port, France earlier in November 2014 and were cleared to set sail for Argentina, where the rally will begin on January 4. If the Dakar is hallowed ground for rally drivers and riders, then the French port of Le Havre is the great festival where competitors gather, exchange impressions and prepare for the most gruelling offroad event.

Ever since 2009, after the rally was cancelled because of threats from bandits the loading of vehicles at the second-biggest port in France, has become a rite of passage and, in a way, the first stage of the rally. COMPETITORS GATHER Fans relish the opportunity to see the vehicles and competitors up close, while the drivers and riders ease into the racing mindset. To arrive in France, some have already covered distances worthy of any of the 13 stages of the Dakar,

with competitors flocking from South Africa, UK, Czech Republic, Lithuania, USA and Russia. Once the safety devices (Iritrack and GPS) were set up, stickers placed and legal formalities out of the way, they all turned their minds to Buenos Aires, the start of the 2015 Dakar. Le Havre Port's 'Ro-Ro' (roll on, roll off) terminal became the world's biggest motor sports logistics platform for 48 hours (Nov 20/21). About 140 people handled the two days of scrutineering on behalf of the rally organisers. They checked a 4.6km line of vehicles, ready to be loaded on to the Grande Amburgo carge ship. The 200m ship and its load of 645 race, assistance, news media and organisation vehicles will embark on a 21-day transatlantic crossing to Euro America Port, near Buenos Aires. The competitors will retrieve their race cars on December 31 2014, four days before the start.

27 NOVEMBER 2014 LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS IN DECEASED ESTATES LYING FOR INSPECTION In terms of Section 35(5) of Act 66 of 1965 notice is hereby given that copies of the liquidation and distribution accounts (first and final, unless otherwise stated) in the estates specified below will be open for the inspection of all persons with an interest therein for a period of 21

NAMIB TIMES days (or shorter or longer if specially stated) from the date specified or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later, and at the offices of the Masters and Magistrates as stated. Should no objection thereto be lodged with the Masters concerned during the specified period, the executors will proceed to make payments in accordance with the accounts. Estate No: 734/2013

Master’s Office - Windhoek. Surname: Roux Christian names: Philippus Stefanus Id no: 440 7245005080. Last address: No.4, 2nd Road, Langstrand, Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Office: Walvis Bay. Dated at 20 November 2014. JAN OLIVIER & CO Legal Practitioners, 131 Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel: 064 - 207871 Walvis Bay



27 NOVEMBER 2014

Website: www.namibtimes.net Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Stock Control Officer – Walvis Bay Purpose of the position: • Complete control over the receiving, storage and distribution functions of stock Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years experience in sales The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Knowledge of applicable computer programmes Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English, Afrikaans & one indigenous language


MONDESA YOUTH OPPORTUNITIES MONDESA Mondesa Youth Opportunities a non-profit, after school enrichment programme for underprivileged, promising learners in Swakopmund, is seeking a mature, highly motivated and professional Manager. Applicants must fill the following requirements: • Fluent in English, both spoken and written • A good educational background • Have at least 8 - 10 years experience in Education/Management • Must have excellent Computer Skills. • PR and Communication skills essential NB: Namibian citizens, Permanent Residents or valid work permit holders only. No pension or medical aid benefits. PLEASE SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS • A Curriculum Vitae (no more than 2 pages) • Certified copies of qualifications • Two recent professional references • Copy of citizen/resident status CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS – 30 December 2014 ADDRESS TO: The Board of Trustees, myotrust@iway.na or fax to 0088615737. ALL APPLICATIONS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL ONLY SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED AND INTERVIEWED.

Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate Key performance areas: • Customer contact and care • Administrative completion of transactions Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: Elmar de Jager Nictus (Pty) Ltd E-mail: nicwal@nictus.com.na Closing date: 30 November 2014 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.

Vacancy Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Sales Person – Walvis Bay Purpose of the position: • Selling of furniture and household appliances • Customer care and after sales service Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years experience in sales The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Knowledge of applicable computer programmes Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English, Afrikaans & one indigenous language Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate Key performance areas: • New customer canvassing and follow-up • Follow-up and completion of sales transactions • Administrative completion of relevant documentation • Customer service Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: The Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd E-mail: nicwal@nictus.com.na Closing date: 30 November 2014 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.



27 NOVEMBER 2014

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net



Namib Car wash Grand opening Lots of opening specials * Super high ramp * Interior & exterior polish * Industrial vacuum clean and many mpre We are situated right next to Mega Stationers Contact Andre: 081 304 0232


ENTERTAINMENT! Social Club house of the Walvis Bay Municipality at Jan Wilken stadium is reopening for the festive season on Sunday 30 November ‘14 throughout December. Let’s welcome the Festive Season at the Social Club House with live djs while awaiting the elections results.... PLEASE BRING FRIENDS AND FAMILY MEMBERS AND COME JOIN US AS WE WAIT THE ELECTION RESULTS....Free entrance Time: 12:00 till 3:00 am CAPRICORN ESTATES SWAKOPMUND NOTICE !!!! SAVE CASH !!!!!!! CUT YOU HOLIDAY EXPENSES By leasing your home to selected clients for the festive season and safeguard it against criminal activities TO RENT !! 50 METERS FROM BEACH ! VOGELSTRANDT 2 Bedrooms,2 bathrooms, furnished, open plan, lovely view garage, also available gym, pool and laundrette. Available from 1 Jan 2015, RENT: N$ 7650.00 VINETA NORTH ! BACK YARD FLATLET !!!! 2 Bedrooms, bath room, large open plan, pet friendly, furnished plus garage. RENTAL : N6200.00 W/L INCLUDED FOR SALE !!!! VINETA EX 23 !! Brand new home! 230m 3 bedrooms each with “ on suite bath room” huge modern kitchen, inside “braai” laundry/scullery,tv connection, alarm. outside toilet and double garage PRICE : N$ 1.6 m FOR SALE ! 20 meters FROM THE SEA !!! VOGELSTRANDT One bedroomed flatlet, cosy and cute! plus garage. Also available in complex gym, pool and laundrette, PRICE: N$750,000 Jp van der Walt 081 127 2736


For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848.


@ N$140.00 per person

Smoked Gammon, Vegetables with feta cheese Sweet pumpkin, Baked corn Cakes

Watch Namib Times for details

Baked potatoes, Yellow rice Beetroot salad, Carrot salad DESSERT : Brown pudding with custard Please call Linda 081 242 7467 or 20 3157

AUCTIONS Special Auction COURSES for & on behalf

Items op veiling

Office furniture & Equipment; Computers, Printers & Copiers, Machine tools, electric cables; Carpets; Jerry Cans, Building material, Furniture, Gate motors, Tyres, Camping tents, Sleepers; voertuie Isuzu Bakkie, Mazda 323, Nissan Xtrail Tipper truck, Trailer, 3 x 12m containers 6 X 6m containers and loads more!

T & C applies

Auctioneer 0811434368 Saartjie 0811475333 Photos on Facebook @ Bay Auctioneers


SERVICES BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741




REMOVALS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320

Chocolate fans Get your selection of the finest belgian chocolates wrapped and packed to your liking from The Begian Choclatique in Walvis Bay Contact us at 081 128 3921

435 PROJECTS: Aluminium and glass Construction and renovations Tools and rentals Walvis Bay Contact: 081 129 9406 081 274 2704

A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - E x t e r i o r Wa l l s O f Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom remodelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at: www.kitchenelegance namibia.com

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment


Milk tart, Trifle

Sat 29 Nov 10h00 130 Sixth str Walvisbaai


“The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick

Cauliflower salad,

Municipality of Walvis Bay


Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na

Roast lamb rib Roast beef, Roasted lamb

GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

RONNIE DRIVING SCHOOL: Offers driving lessons: Motorbike - N$250p/h Code B - N$90p/h Code CE and learners lesson classes - coming very soon!!! Don’t just learn to drive, Learn to stay alive... Contact: 081 491 0889 DR SHIMBA: Traditional Herbalist Healer, Specialising with African Medicine: - Man power, general sickness, Financial problems, business matters, protection, bad luck. - Woman who cannot give birth. - Vaginal discharge - Irregular with womb - Family/Marriage problems. - If you want to get married - Bring back lost lover - Job problems, Promotions, to be liked at work - Removing witchcraft Cell: 081 423 7491

VULLIS: Wegry van tuinvullis Vervoer van meubels Enige sweiswerke Plumbing werk Kontak Henk: 081 560 0292 Walvisbaai Geen bourommel

OFFICE AND HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Mobile: 0814093522 email: neilnkt@iway.na

BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: bayjoinery@ymail. com

ELECTRICAL & GENERAL MAINTENANCE House wiring New wiring Existing wiring Home appliance Switch boards Electrical motors Starters Maintenance New installations J.A Barnard 081 261 4499 Eg@mtcmobile.com.na TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149..

Healing Power A traditional healer who will solve your problems physical and spiritually by using African Traditional medicine and ritually prayer. Solve your problems which you have been experience for such a longtime and free yourself from witchcraft trap. Call Ell Kareem: 081 661 6732 DESIGING OF YEAR END FUNCTION DRESSES; WEDDING DRESSES Designing of your dream dress at affordable prices. Also: - Bridesmaids - Mother of the bride - Evening - Day wear - Alterations - Invisible mending - Matric dresses Call Salomie Lifestyle creations at 081 728 4865 Situated in Swakopmund Gratis Kwotasies Bou Planne Kontak: Berend Fuchs Cell: 081 715 3181 Kantoor: 064 207 547 Email: masindesign@gmail.com Nuwe huise aanbouings


NEED ICE? CALL US: 0814259899/0814810878 081 554 5840



27 NOVEMBER 2014

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT WOONSTEL BESKIKBAAR DES. 2014 Ruim 1x slaapkamer met ingeboude kas en spieël tafel. Volvloer matte. Kombuis met kaste, ingeboude stoof en "extractor fan". Ruim sitkamer met balkon. Stort, toilet, wasbak en ingeboude kassie. Diefwering en veiligheids hekke. Enkel garage, Veilige omgewing. Huur tans: N$3150.00 water en krag uitgesluit. Deposito betaalbaar. Agent: Dianne by J&B Estates Cell: 081 239 6323 Tel: 204505 TO RENT: Kabeljou, Kuisebmond Bachelor flat with private shower / toilet and kitchen. N$ 2 700.00 p/m N$ 1 000.00 deposit. W/E incl. Available immediately. Contact: 081 269 0484 081 275 0779 TO RENT: in Town, Nearby Namib Times One bedroom flat, kitchen and bathroom 1 person N$ 3 000.00 p/m 2 persons N $ 3 300.00 p/m W/E incl. N$ 1 500.00 deposit Available immediately No children please and no drinkers Contact: 081 236 8780 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat with B.I.C Toilet, shower + WB Open plan kitchen/lounge with B.I.C Build in stove, alarm N$ 3 500.00 p/m No deposit Rent payable upfront. Singles or couples Available 30 November W/E incl. Contact: 081 261 3495 TO RENT: Fairways, Meersig 1 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, BIC, Water incl. Pre paid electricity Alarm N$ 3 500.00 p/m Plus deposit. Immediately available. Contact: 081 246 5411 081 369 1444


TO LET - WALVIS BAY HERMES N$ 6600 - 3 bed house, garage excl. w & e N$ 4700 - 2 bed flat, garage excl. w & e. CENTRAL N$ 3200 - 1 bachelor flat, excl. w & e. N$ 9500 - 3 bed townhouse, 2 bath & garage. excl. w & e. NARRAVILLE N$ 3000 - 1 bed flat. incl. w & e. KUISEBMOND N$2000 - Bachelor flat in NHE area excl. w & e. INDUSTRIAL N$ 9900 - brand new 150m² workshop with offices. N$ 16 335 - new 297m2 warehouse with offices. N$ 18 676 - new 297m2 warehouse with offices. N$15 000 - 3000m² vacant erf. N$75 000 - 2000m² warehouse with offices. N$ 85 000 - 3000 m² warehouse in prime area with offices. Please call Talitha 081 337 3669 Or Yolanda 081 147 9315 TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent in Walvis Bay, Town N$ 3 500.00 p/m + deposit. Pre paid electricity. Water incl. 2x Bachelor flats to rent in Walvis Bay, Town N$ 5 000.00 per flat per month. W/E incl. Dep N$ 2 500.00 Contact: 081 280 6939 WALVIS BAY TO RENT: Beautiful spacious two bedroom, two bathrooms with down stairs toilet townhouse. Situated next to park, all major shopping centres, CBD and schools. (ISWB, WBHS, etc) N$ 7 500.00 p/m Pre paid electricity and excluding water Available from 1 December Shaun: 081 325 3477 TO RENT: 1 Bedroom flat with open plan kitchen and bathroom, warm water available in Narraville. Water included with prepaid electricity. N$2,800 plus deposit. Contact 081 356 5298 TE HUUR: Evergreen Str 16, Narraville Ruim slaapkamer woonstel. Oopplan sit-kamer, kombuis, bad-kamer en toilet. Vanaf 1 Desemeber beskikbaar. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Onderhandelbaar W/E ingsl. Cell: 081 755 5599



HOUSE TO LET Narraville - Walvis: A 3 Bedroom house available at the end of November 2014. The house has an extra room for entertainment and braai. The kitchen and rooms have build-in cupboards. The yard is very big with a double garage. The house is situated in Koraal street 44. It is just opposite the municipality in Narraville. Rental: N$6500.00 per month (water included) and prepaid electricity is installed. Contact: 081 360 7641 To rent Swakopmund Central town 2 bedroom flat with 2 bathrooms and a big kitchen and lounge area. Balcony and braai place a huge Garage and secure parking. very secure flats and safe. N$10 000 per month water excluded and prepaid electricity. Available from 1 January Contact me 0818103498 or 081 2031324 HOUSE TO RENT Ocean View - Swakop Furnished/Unfurnished 3 Bedrooms (BIC), with bathroom and separate toilet. Main bedroom has its own bathroom. Open plan living area, Kitchen with BIC and build in stove. Double garage. Beautiful garden, Alarm system. Internet and water Incl. Electricity Excl. Rent N$17 000.00p/m T&C Apply, deposit and rent to be paid in advance. Contact: 081 610 0079

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




FLAT FOR RENT IN SWAKOPMUNDOCEAN VIEW!!! Flat is adjacent to main house One bedroom with ensuite bathrooom, open plan kitchen & lounge, garage + alarm. W/E included - No pets N$3500.00 plus deposit (Single rate) Available immediatelyRENTAL 1YR AND LONGER Call after 17:00 Alternatively: Send an sms with name and surname 081 - 2849553

OPSOEK NA BETROUBARE HUURDERS: Huis in Narraville, 2 slaapkamers, een badkamer, kombuis en sitkamer. Ingeboude kaste, alarm stelsel beskikbaar vir N$ 200 meer by huurgeld. Huur sluit water in maar koopkrag beskikbaar. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit twee maande afbetaalbaar Skakel: 081 811 4458 081 170 1669

TE HUUR Vineta - Swakopmund: 1 slaapkamer woonstel gemeubileerd met kombuis en badkamer. W/K ingesluit. N$3000.00 per maand + waarborg. Beskikbaar 1 Desember 2014 Kontak: 081 429 2790

TO LET Warehouses: N$ 9 108 – Size 160 m² N$ 12 090 – Size 191 m² Showroom: N$ 13 500 VAT excl. 242 m² Office: N$ 6 960 Water & Alarm Incl. N$ 10 000 VAT excl. 221m² Garages: N$ 1 120 - Size 21 m² N$ 2 110 - Size 37 m² N$ 2 733 - Size 48 m² Please phone one of our agents: Alda - 081 255 5481 Eugene – 081 737 9708 YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, LIVE IN STYLE Safe like a palace Centre of Walvis Bay, three minute walk to Spar. Newly built tow bedroom house, semi furnished, two bathrooms, open plan kitchen, BIC Indoor braai Fully alarmed. Burglar bars Car port No pets allowed. N$ 5 300.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid meter for electricity. One month deposit. Call: 064 204 986 081 697 8588 Email:manzur@iafrica.com

TE KOOP Vineta - Swakopmund Ext.8 2 Huise op 1 Erf , size 982m² 1ste huis: 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite), sit/eet/studeer kamer. Kombuis. 3 Garages. Binne en buite braai. BIC. Eie Groot Tuin. 2de huis: Dubbelverdieping, bo 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers (one on-suite). BIC, Balcon. Onder het 'n gaste toilet, oopplan pragtige kombuis met sitkamer en binne braai. 1 groot garage. Buite bediende kamer, eie jaarts. Klein tuin en ingang. Alles is loop afstand van die waterfront af. N$3miljoen Excl transfer costs. Geen kommissie Kontak: 081 786 0089

HOUSE TO RENT Mondesa, Near Woermann Brock: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Garage. Rent N$6000.00 + deposit N$6000.00 (neg). House available end of November 2014. Contact: 081 261 8487 FLAT TO RENT Woerman Mondesa Area Swakopmund: 1 Bedroom, kitchen with own shower, toilet and warm water. Alarm. Prepaid electricity. N$2750.00 Contact Liezel: 081 232 3664 SAFE AS A CASTLE: 3 bedroom apartment for rent. Indoor braai, open plan kitchen, burglar bars, fully alarmed. Car port. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Water incl. One month deposit required. No pets allowed. Rent from owners and save agency fees. Contact: 064 204 986 1 x Small Bachelor Flat (End Dec) and 1 x Single Outside Room (End Nov) For Rent in Hermis, Walvisbay Bachelor Flat 1Bedroom with shower, small open-plan living area with kitchen zink unit. Courtyard with private entrance. W/E included N$2750 plus N$2000 deposit Single Outside Room for Single Person Open-plan room with living area and kitchen zink unit. Own Shower and toilet facilities. Small Courtyard. W/E included N$2100 plus N$1000 deposit Contact: 081 207 7651 APARTMENT FOR RENT Swakopmund: One bedroom apartment with a Garage. N$4000.00 W/E Incl. Contact: 081 416 8388 081 697 8588

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Walvis Bay - NARAVILLE 1018m² vacant Erf Light Industrial N$ 1 050 000-00 Claudia 081127783 KUISEBMUND VACANT PLOTS WITH BUSINESS RIGHTS 430M² @ N$ 550 000-00 432M² @ N$ 612 000-00 852M² @ N$ 850 000-00 Claudia 0816051984 TE KOOP: Narraville 3 slaapkamer huis, 2 badkamers. Groot kombuis en ontspannings area plus motorhuis N$ 980 000.00 Net ernstige kopers asseblief! Kontak: 081 122 6698 DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com ON SHOW! ON SHOW! DON,T MISS OUT!!!!!!! HAGE HEIGHTS SOLE MANDATE DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND www.dsprop.com EXCELLENT INVESTMENT WITH LONGTERM TENANT IN SECURE COMPLEX!! Apartment with 2 bedr,2 bathr, Beautiful modern openplan Kitchen/lounge area, study nook, Balcony and BBQ plus double garage AVAILABLE 1st December 2014 Price: 1,750,000 Daphne 0811299799 Cornay 0811280594 Anzelle 0811284990 Ilene - 0811270063 FOR SALE Meersig - Walvis Bay: 803.5m² erven with approved plan. Going for N$950 000 Contact Alpheus: 081 122 9115 FINE & COUNTRY Plot & Plan From N$ 675 000.00 2 and 3 bedroom houses. Contact Glenda: 081 147 5143

PROPERTIES FOR SALE IYANDA COURT ARANDIS PHASE ONE SOLD OUT! 2 BED, 1 BATH HOUSE WITH OPEN PLAN KITCHEN / LIVING AREA. OUTSIDE BBQ & PARKING AREA. SAFE & SECURE COMPLEX. N$ 445 000-00 Gogga 0818709950 CENTURY REAL ESTATE Narraville Plot and plan from N$ 675 000.00 2 and 3 bedroom houses Evy: 081 255 7511 FOR SALE Meersig - Walvis Bay: 803.5m² erven with approved plan. Going for N$950 000 Alpheus: 081 122 9115 HOUSE FOR SALE 1348 Iipumbu Tashilongo Str. Mahetago: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Double garage. Open plan kitchen. Outside braai. N$880 000.00 Contact: 081 245 7258 IN COUNTRY ESTATES CC For sale - Walvis Bay Central 2 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge, bathroom and garage. N$ 680 000.00 Central - Spacious 2 bedroom flat, kitchen, bathroom and garage in complex N$ 740 000.00 Central - Very neat, 2 bedroom flat, kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, full bathroom, garage outdoor braai, alarm N$ 830 000.00 Meersig - 2 bedroom house, open plan kitchen, lounge, indoor braai, bathroom, huge erf, high walls N$ 980 000.00 Fairways - Cosy 3 bedroom house, open plan lounge, kitchen, 2 bathrooms, double garage, interlocks, alarm. N$ 1.285 mil WALVIS BAY Central 1 bedroom flat without garage N$ 3 400.00 Available 1 December (Regret no children or pets) Central - 2 bedroom flat open plan kitchen, lounge full bathroom and garage Pre paid electricity N$ 4 950.00 Available 1 Jan Meersig - 2x3 bedroom flats with garages, pre paid electricity N$ 5450.00 each Avail 1 Dec Duneside area - New 2 bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, lounge full bathroom, underroof parking - Available 1 Dec N$ 5450.00 Laura: 081 127 7071 Glen:081 124 9443



27 NOVEMBER 2014


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

Luxurious Double Storey House in Swakopmund, Ocean View for a mere N$4,4 Million N$!!! 4 Bedrooms - 3 en-suite Bathrooms & 1 Guest Bathroom, Open-plan Kitchen, Entertainment Area, In- & Outside Braai, Court Yard, Outside Garden, 3 Garages, Alarm System, View, Balcony PLUS 2 Outside Flats with own bathrooms. ALL-COST INCLUSIVE.


Swakopmund Vineta

Selfsorg naby Sportsentrum. Privaat, netjies. Slaap 3 en 2. Kontak 081 412 8868

WANTED: Looking for a room to rent in Swakopmund. Price range N$1500 - N$2000 As soon as possible. Contact: 081 890 3317

Windhoek Holiday Apartment: Short or long-term, fully furnished new 3 bedroom apartment on daily rate. Double garage. Vineyard Country B&B. Call Colin 081 124 3620

FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Divan: 081 383 2924 GLORY REAL ESTATE 5 Office space to let Walvis Bay, Town N$ 320 000.00 Water incl Pre paid electricity. WiFi Plots are also available Contact: 081 547 0543

FULLY FURNISHED HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE IN SWAKOPMUND: Waterfront as from today until 19th December 2014 Vineta as from 12 December until 28th December 2014 Contact: 081 161 6912 081 416 5875 HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION: Are you coming to Swakopmund??? A flat is available at an affordable rate. Cell: 081 129 7171 Email:Abrfamily@iway. na

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE FOR SALE: Second hand furniture. Best quality in town. Lapaloma building Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay Contact: 081 324 1285

Biltong N$189.00/kg Chillie bites N$210.00/kg Droë wors N$169.00/kg Francisco cell: 081 170 0096

VACANCIES VACANCY SALES ASSISTANT - HONEST - VIBRANT - NAMIBIAN CITIZEN - FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS - REFERENCE REQUIRED - PASTEL EXPERIENCE PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P. O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY VACANCY PLUMBER Requirements · 5 years traceable Experience · Must have Trade Certificate · Work responsibly and reliable in Maintenance + new buildings Needed immediately. Hand Deliver CV to Logi Plumbing cc Philip str. Unit 13 Cell 081 395 1652


SALES REP SITUATION WANTED: A 58-year-old single male is seeking for a Sales Representative position. 16 years hardworking experience in electrical, food, beverages and liquor marketing. Strong ability to convince customers towards optimal sales, through high level of determination, positive attitude and hardwork. Willing to learn and travel throughout the country. Computer literate. Situated in the Coast. Email: arndf@iway.na Contact: 081 883 4810 all hours WERK GESOEK: Werk per m² Bou, verf, teel en interlocks. Pieter Beukes: 081 259 8675 ALWINE: A herero lady is looking for domestic work or cleaning offices. 5 years experience. Contact: 081 886 0323 WERK GESOEK: Jong dame is opsoek na werk, enigewerk. Sy kan onmiddelik begin. Kan wees op Langstrand of Swakopmund. Kontak: 081 211 2303 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work for 5 days a week in Swakopmund. Ia m hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 798 4668 JOB WANTED: A 32 year old man is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund. I can rake your yard or clean your windows this holiday. Available Saturdays and public holidays. Pay in cash or with anything you don't need at your house. Contact: 081 280 8740 JOB WANTED: A 36-year-old woman is looking for domestic work office cleaning or looking after children. In Swakopmund, Longbeach or Walvis Bay. Only Tuesdays and Fridays. Has reference. Non smoker and drinker. Contact: 081 295 4077

SERVICES HURRY!!! HURRY!! VERY CHEAP!! VERY CHEAP!! CAPSTONE RESEARCH CONSULTANCY CC. PRESENTS Contact: Ben Uugwanga0812695532, PO Box 7078, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Africa ·Writing of Business Plans (N$1200), Writing of Project Proposals (N$800) and Writing of Constitutions (N$800) ·Training Offered (Omadheulu)/ Manuals Included (Omambo gakwatelawa mo) : Strategic Management and Leadership, (4daysN$750 Per Person) ; Marketing, Customer Care and Basic Management (4daysN$600 per person) ; Conceptualization, Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the Bible (6days- N$1000 per person) ; Public Policy Making and Public Management (5days- N$1000 per person); Research Proposal Writing Training (4days- N$350 per person); Knowledge Management (4daysN$450 per person) ; The knowledge Economy (4days- N$500 per person) Leadership and Project Management Training (4days- N$750 per person) ; Leadership and Business Management Training (5days- N$600 per person) ; Public Policy Making and Policy Research Training (5days- N$1000 per person) ; Writing Skills Training (5daysN$1000 per person). ·Christian Leadership Training/ Edheulo lyomuwiliki gwongeleka (5days/ omasiku gatano- N$400 per person) ·Life Skills Training/ Edheulo Iyomugundjuka muunongo wonkalamwenyo (5days/ omasiku gatanoN$250 per person).


HOLIDAY ACCOMMODATION Available for the festive season. Fully furnished 2 bedroom flat, CBD walking distance to Lagoon, DSTV, Wifi. Call: 081 226 2521 081 558 0136 for more information Visit us on Facebook “The Camp Site”

SKAAP/MUTTON: Heel skaap N$65.00/kg Op Gesaag N$68.00/kg




FOR SALE: Defy washing machine 13 kg top loader N$ 1950.00 onco Contact: 081 128 5553

VARK/PORK: Pork Lions N$62.00/kg Pork Belly N$49.50/kg Pork nek N$60.00/kg Pork Shoulder N$45.00/kg Pork Trotter N$40.00/kg


WANTED: 1999, 2000 or 2001 Toyota. 1999, 2000 or 2001 Nissan. Must be in good condition. Contact: 081 829 7404

FOR SALE: 2 Ton Forklift for sale in daily use, very good condition. Please phone 081 124 2705 for more information.

BEES/BEEF: Bees rib N$45.00/kg Bees Kookvleis N$45.00/kg Mince N$45.00/kg Boerewors N$55.00/kg T-bone N$65.00/kg Rump N$80.00/kg Club steak N$60.00/kg Bees Brisket N$45.00/kg Top Side N$60.00/kg


CASH PAID INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential.


Namib Times

Contact details: Mercy Properties 081 263 2140


* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite


CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication



27 NOVEMBER 2014

E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net BIRTHDAY WISHES



FOR SALE: Lucandro C.J. Stern

27 November 2014

Happy 5th birthday to our big boy

2008 ISUZU 360 4x4 D/C 15500 Km, canopy, 20� tyres and powerflow exhaust system, Very good condition, original rims also available. N$180,000.00 Cell: 0813035022


Enjoy your day Lots of love Mom, Dad and brothers MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE

Merzedes E240 A, elegance, 2001 Car in excellent condition . Low km's. Service book available. Phone +26464207997 (Walvis Bay) Thommy R85000.00

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na

FOR SALE: 2013 Jeep Compass only 23,000km, comes with service plan, Navigation, sound system, reverse camera and many more features. As good as new. N$ 295,000 you save N$80,000. Contact 081 223 0909 for viewing

Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay


HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE Pick A Bargain We buy and sell second hand furniture & household appliances BEST PRICES IN TOWN Louise - 081 032 4865 Guts - 081 259 3175 C/o 11th Road & Nangolo Mbumba Drive W/Bay

CARS FOR SALE: 2007 Corsa Lite - door white Sedan Aircon, radio, alloy rims, service record. 76 000 km. Car in very good and clean condition. N$ 47 000.00 Contact: 081 129 3610 081 128 4594

2002 Landcruiser 4.2d N$175 000 Cell: 081 4516536


5 Green Valley Avenue Tel: +264 (0) 64 220607 Fax: +264 (0) 64 220646 E-mail: info@pirtek.com.na P.O. Box 2239, Walvis Bay Namibia

Containers Available To rent / Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150

OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Concrete Mixers * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com

ANIMALS Happy Paws Animal Lovers Jock hondekos Is u opsoek na goeie maar bekostigbare honde kos Kontak my gerus vir bestellings gratis aflewering by u huis. Walvisbaai, Swakopmund & Hentiesbaai 8Kg kos N$ 215.00 per sak 20Kg kos N$ 495.00 per sak 40Kg kos N$ 970.00 per sak Rosa: 081 741 2535 of Kallie: 081 696 0450 crnrepairs@gmail.com

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

27 NOVEMBER 2014

Walvis Bay Natis Registering Office Trading Hours

Monday – Thursday 08h00 – 12h45 14h00 – 15h30 Friday - 08h00 – 12h45 Monday Learners license bookings (First 45 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Tuesday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Wednesday Learners license bookings (First 70 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests

(08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Thursday Driving license renewals (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of learners licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Collecting of driving licenses (14h00 – 15h30) Application for permits (08h00 – 12h00) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45/14h00 – 15h30) Friday Driving license bookings (First 40 applicants) Roadworthy applications & tests (08h00 – 12h00) Motor vehicle registrations (08h00 – 12h45) Motor vehicle license renewals (08h00 – 12h45) Applications for permits (08h00 – 12h45) Collecting of driving license cards (08h00 – 12h45)


Website: www.namibtimes.net


27 NOVEMBER 2014

In Memory of

Richard Gregory 30 - 11 - 2010

It broke our hearts to lose you, But you didn't go alone... Part of us went with you The day God took you home...

Rest in Peace...

Rest in Peace

Johannes Kudu Axali Goagoseb * 06.07.1963 + 16.11.2014 Psalm 121

Memorial Service:

Thursday 27.11.14 19:00 at Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church, Kuisebmond


Saturday 29.11.14 08:00 from home no.251 Maxuilili Str, Kuisebmond 09:00 From Church Enquiries: Panna: 081 3353376 We love you, but Jesus loves you more DAD. Sophie 081 284 7130 From: your Daughters

Immanuel Imms Narib * 15.03.1967

+ 15.11.2014


Donderdag 27/11/2014 19:00 In Walvisbaai by huis nr 606 Sandfontein Straat, Kuisebmond Vrydag 28/11/2014 19:00 Deurnagdiens in Swakopmund, Tamariskia 367, Kwartz Avenue


Saterdag 29/11/2014 08:30 by die Huis, Tamariskia 367 Kwartz Ave. 10:00 by die Nuwe Apostoliese Kerk, 309 Garnetlaan, Tamariskia

27 NOVEMBER 2014



Sport, a vehicle for better communication with Namibian Youth Liesel Losper World AIDS day, celebrated annually on 1 December, has become one of the most recognised international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness. Against this background the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture (MYNSSC), in conjunction with the Namibia Network of AIDS Services Organisations (NANASO), started its innovative program to primarily target the youth with messages, using sport as the channel through which to communicate, in Walvis Bay on Tuesday . NANASO'S Mr Zack Makari led the media conference, which saw community activists such as Mr Bernhardt Kamatoto present. Kamatoto, who has been HIV-positive the last 15 years, and was the key note speaker, alerted the youth about their susceptibility to infection and motivated them to be part of the fight against Aids. Ms Mara Kandjiriomuini (MYNSSC sport officer) says the aims of the health awareness week are as follows: · to encourage the development of physical and sporting culture among the community · to establish and maintain the links of solidarity, cooperation, mutual understanding and friendship between HIV/AIDS, GBV victims and sport lovers. · to organise, mobilise and unite all the communities so they can fully participate in sport activities confidently. · to address the issues of

Gender Based Violence, greater heights. But Alcohol and Drug abuse when he was tested HIV and HIV/AIDS at the positive the world sport fields. panicked and he could · to establish social clubs not be allowed. It was a for the communities to part of discrimination partake in. that took place; it must Executive Director of be changed to express NANASO, Sandi Tja- their potential and their ronda, says “We know ability. “Nobody should that sport brings people be stopped by anything together, but one impor- like this. We will have to tant element has always concentrate on supporbeen missed, to use this ting each other. I will as platform to create always treasure the life awareness. He further of Kamatoto. For 15 commented that “this years he has been living country has been work- with HIV but he contiing and fighting HIV for n u e s l i v i n g f o r many years most about ward.”His life displays 23 to 24 years, we have support and selflessdone very well as a ness. He did not spare country and we have his life for himself; he managed to contain the walked out of it and disease. When HIV shared his story with his affects you; you have not community and nation. been robbed of your You do not have to live talents. You still have in fear or in hiding, your intelligence, parti- come out in the open, cipate in sport, you can don't stop expressing be a boxer if you are one, your talent and your it must not stop you and wisdom and don't stop nothing should stop you. contributing to this You have an example in nation. “Petrus Kuutonfront of you. Bernhard dokwa, sports officer of Kamatoto's life was put the municipality of Walin a pause, he was a vis Bay says, “Municiprofessional boxer and palities support it fully, he was aspiring to get to we offer venues and

Together in the battle against AIDS sport stadiums to communities to host such campaigns. Sport has the power to change the world, it unites people, it has no social class, no level of education is needed, and you can still participate in sport.” As keynote speaker, Bernard Kamatoto says, “Speaking out in solidarity with people about your status, can help others. Acceptance is the first and most important thing in this fight with HIV. It's extremely important and if I can do it so can you. Never feel belittled, say to HIV “You are a lodger in my body and

without me, you are nothing. If I die today so do you, so look after me and I will look after you.” Kamatoto is a truly active sportsman, particularly in boxing and it shows that sport is a good element to be healthy and stay healthy. One of the speakers, Mr King Mandume Mwatunga, vice –chairperson of Gender Base Violence said during his speech, “We need the support of our communities and we must get men and women involved to address this challenge we are facing in our society.” Mr Sandi Tjaronda

(Nanaso) acknowledgement the sponsors and said that the spon-sors namely Namport, Salt Company, Zero Tolerance Security, Swakop Uranium and others, that will also become involved, have “made a good investment in the right place”. Ms Kandjiriomuini says “we invite the community to join this awareness week with the best sport activities and also to meet up with well-known Bernard Kamatoto, who is a living inspiration for this course.” She concluded the ceremony and listed the week's events be-

low: · The Kuisebmond Street Mile (10km) will be on 6 December starting from the Fire Station in Kuisebmond at 06:00, · Football and Netball will be on 5 and 6 December at the Kuisebmond Stadium. · The official opening of this awareness week will take place on 6 December at the Kuisebmond Hall starting 19:00. · The week will also include a boxing clinic for kids and adults which Bernard will be hosting from 10:00 to 13:00 on 6 December.

Van Tonder wins Final Bank Windhoek NBAA national competition

Front row, (ltr) Frieda Haindongo and Laura Victor (Namport) Benhard Kamatoto, Mara Kandjiriomuini (MYNSSC sport office). Back row, (ltr) Petrus Kuutondokwa (Municipality Walvis Bay), Bossy Gariseb (Chairperson – GBV), Sandi Tjaronda (Nanaso), Fisher Kahatjipara (Elders), Zack Makari (Nanaso) and Mr King Mwatunga (Vice-Chairperson GBV)

Celtic gerat vir Nasionale byeenkoms Marshallino Beukes

Celtic Pool Club is gereed vir die Kampioen van Kampioene pool (potbal) toernooi wat môre en Saterdag in Swakopmund gaan plaasvind. Altesaam ses klubs van so ver as Rundu, Windhoek en Rehoboth gaan sake uitspook om as Nasionale kampioene gekroon te word en pool-liefhebbers mag nie hierdie toernooi misloop nie. Die aksie gaan op die Vineta stadion plaasvind. Desert Inn Pool Club van Walvisbaai is die huidige kampioene en sal defnitief alles in die stryd moet werp om die titel te behou. Celtic, wat nie maklik op hul tuisveld geklop word nie, is defnitief een van die grootste aanspraakmakers op die trofee, maar geen span kan uitgesonder word nie. Kus-inwoners word gevra om in hul honderde hierdie twee dae van pool by te woon en sodoende ook die Swakopmund span te ondersteun. Verversings sal te koop aangebied word.

Duan Kotze - runner-up

The final Bank Windhoek NBAA (Namibian Bass Angling Association) National competition was held on 22 November at Oanob Dam. Neels van Tonder walked away the winner, followed by Duan Kotze who also caught the biggest bass weighing 3.5kg. The ladies section was once again won by Sonita Pienaar. Despite the strong winds which made fishing difficult, the event was a success. First three positions were Neels VanTonder, Duan Kotze and Jaques Swart.


27 NOVEMBER 2014

Mixed Martial Arts officially recognised as a sport code in Namibia Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has officially been recognised as a Namibian Sports Code by the Namibian Sports Commission (NSC). This ground breaking announcement was made last weekend at the Vale Tudo Gym in Windhoek. In accordance with the Sports Commissions rules and regulations, MMA Namibia may now host international events, her fighters may receive national colours and represent their nation at international events abroad. MMA has grown exponentially across the globe over the last couple of years and giving the full-contact sport the status as an official sport

code in Namibia was only the logical consequence, according to MMA Namibia’s honourable member Carlos de Sousa. “It’s very big in South Africa and some of our fighters have participated at the Fight Stars events. But to be able to get a shot at the EFC Africa competitions – the biggest in Africa – we needed to be a recognised sports code. Now we can go ahead and

dream big,” said a clearly delighted de Sousa. There are currently two affiliated clubs in Namibia with some 90 fighters among their ranks. The Vale Tudo in Windhoek, owned and operated by two-time world champion de Sousa, as well as the Swakopmund Fight Club of MMA Namibia’s president, Martin Gunther. The pair encourages all clubs to affiliate themselves with the governing body as soon as possible to help MMA grow. Together with their board members Zack Pienaar (Vice-President), Priest Jansen (Treasurer) as well as Joma O’Kill (Member of Swakopmund Fight Club), the newest member of the local sports fraternity has set themselves high goals. “We want to continue

sending our fighters to different events in South Africa like Fight Star and the Cape Fighting League (CFL). We are also in talks with the organisers of EFC Africa to fight there and possibly to bringing some of their events to Namibia. Furthermore, we got invited to the GI, No-GI and MMA world championships in the USA next year which is another aspect we want to look into,” de Sousa continued, adding that MMA of Namibia has made the local growth of

the sport another priority. As to now, Namibia has no professional fighters. Yet, Armand Steyn, who boosts six wins in seven matches at Fight Star events, is on his way to make his professional debut soon. Iris Rodriquez and Josemar Octavio – are two more athletes making a name for themselves outside Namibia. To effectively increase participation and skills amongst current and future competitors, Gunther and de Sousa are further

more planning coaching clinics and local fight nights. They underlined, that the sport is open to anyone. The Vale Tudo (meaning “everything goes”) club has the lion share of MMA fighters, with some 65 fighters learning the trade in Avis. Its focus is primarily on MMA itself, with boxing classes also being offered. “My fighters are still young and unexperienced. There is a lot of raw talent in Namibia only waiting to be developed,” de Sou-

sa explained. Swakopmund Fight Club with Gunther as head coach is a fully equipped gym, offering a variety of activities, including Krav Maga, K1 Kickboxing (full contact) and Karate. Gunther and his team also offer self-defense classes, where participants are trained on pressure points, knife fighting. Special training for law enforcement is also available. Kids Krav Maga is offered to help juniors handle bullying in schools and increase self-esteem.

Walvis Bay Golf Club News

2-clubs was scored by Pikkie Champion and Desmond Benson. The results are: 1st Desmond Benson with 43 points, 2nd Hannes Crafford with 42 points, 3rd Patrick Shigwele with 41, 4th Heinie Franken with 40 pionts, 5th Wynand Breytenbach with 39 points, 6th Amandio Sardinha with 39

points and 7th Peet Poggenpoel with 38 points. MANICA also sponsored lunch for all players and promised to support our club for years to come. Thanks to all the staff and support from the MANICA team. We salute you. Due to elections on Friday the club will

be closed. Please help yourself to a free round of golf after you have made your cross. This Saturday is the PISCS medal final. Winner of Winners, winner of Wednesday winners, the entire ending to all medals. Get your names in and come and see who won that prestigious race to Cape Town.

On 22 November 2014, MANICA was back again with an individual stable ford competition. The weather played along nicely and was the stage set for certainly some of the best prizes on offer in a long time. Those few that was on song last week, certainly got spoiled. The field was not big due to many players attending the Gold Cup in Windhoek. Some of our regular players just cannot play in superb

conditions. They prefer to complain about wind and afterwards take the cherry if they win. This week old favour-

ite Desmond Benson was a step ahead the rest. He snatch a win in front of rookie Hannes Crafford that is also

working hard on his handicap. Jaques Myburgh won the nearest to PIN and sponsor, Jaco Marais won the longest drive.

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