28 june namib times e-edition

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namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO 6864 FRIDAY 28 JUNE 2019 Tel: +264 64 - 205854 / +264 64 - 461866 /Fax: +264 64 - 204813 / 064 - 461824 / Website: www.namibtimes.net

New fire station for GAME opens its doors Tutaleni - Walvis Bay Floris Steenkamp Walvis Bay mayor Alderman Immanuel Wilfried confirmed on Tuesday night that a satellite fire station is in the planning for Kuisebmond’s Tutaleni area. Tutaleni has the highest shack fire incidences and by moving the fire brigade’s services closer to the area would shorten the response period in the event of shack fires. Volunteers will be recruited from members of the Tutaleni community to man this fire station along with existing fireman from the Walvis Bay fire brigade. Alderman Wilfried made this announcements in his address at the monthly town council meeting. He explained to the audience shacks are constructed of highly combustable materials like carton and wood. Fires spread rapidly and is seldom confined to only one house. Illegal electricity connections to these houses are also the main cause of shack fires or where people forget to put out open flames like gas stoves, lanterns and candles when leaving the shack. Alderman Wilfried further said it is inevitable that the shack problem can only be at and end once proper and enough formal housing are provided to all Namibians. In the meantime, he said, it does not mean proper steps are not taken to protect shack dwellers from the horrors of fire by for instance moving fire fighting services closer to these communities to assist in time of peril.

inside EBHN changes its name

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Close to a thousand people queued from as early as 04:00 yesterday to be at the opening of Game Walvis Bay at the Dunes Mall. The first shoppers started to stream in seconds after Walvis Bay mayor Alderman Immanuel Wilfried cut the ribbon at the shop’s main entrance. (Picture: Floris Steenkamp)

ISWB 10th Anniversary

Locker Rössing goes to China vom

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Competition Commission gives green light for CNUC-RUL deal

Strict rules ensure Chinese keep their hands off jobs and business Sharlien Tjambari The Namibian Competition Commission approved the acquisition of Rössing Uranium Limited (RUL) by China National Uranium Corporation (CNUC) with a list of strict conditions. One of the most important conditions is the Chinese must ensure that no more than 5 % foreigners may be employed by RUL until the end of the mine's life. The Commission made the announcement yesterday in a press statement where it was also set out in no uncertain terms that the protection of Namibian jobs and Namibian

procurement is essential. The following other conditions were set out by the Commission, according to the press statement: The first condition set by the Commission is

that no acquisition or merger specific retrenchments may take place within a period of 24 months. Secondly, RUL must maintain the ratio of 95% local employment

Continues on page 2

Earthquakes hit Omaruru


Eileen van der Schyff

Pages 12 & 13

Communities in and around Omaruru live in fear after a magnitude 3.6 earthquake shook the area early on Wednesday morning. At least one building was seriously damaged by the quake, reported locals. A second quake followed only hours later. The earthquake occurred at a depth of 15km below the surface and was recorded by five local seismic stations of Geological Survey in the Ministry of Mines and Energy at Windhoek, Tsumeb, Kamanjab, Opuwo and Rundu. The ministry confirmed the earthquake occurred South East of Omaruru and gave the exact time as 04:37. The Welfrieden Mission School 17km from Omaruru was damaged. Locals there reported a second quake at around 08:00.The calculations indicate that the epicentre of the quake was in an area where there are ancient geological faults. According to Geological Survey, the area counts among the most geologically active in Namibia. See pictures on page 2

NSMA off to World Championships

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28 JUNE 2019

28 JUNE 2019



28 JUNE 2019


An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste Ist Schweinefleisch ungesund? Seltene Gäste auf Goanikontes

Rein aus ernährungstechnischer Sicht gibt es bis heute keine konkreten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse darüber, dass Schweinefleisch ungesund ist. Was nicht zu widerlegen ist: Ein regelmäßiger und hoher Verzehr von Fleisch, besonders von rotem Fleisch, wozu beispielsweise Rind-, Schaf- und eben Schweinefleisch gehören, ist auf Dauer ungesund. Die oben genannten Fleischsorten erhöhen die Gefahr von Herzkrankheiten, Diabetes, Darmkrebs, Gicht, Osteoporose, erhöhtem Cholesterin sowie Fettleibigkeit. Das Fleisch vom Borstentier ist aber nicht u n g e s ü n d e r, a l s Lamm- oder Rindfleisch. Gesetzt den Fall, Sie bereiten das Schweinefleisch richtig zu,

so enthält es viele Nährstoffe, Vitamine und Eisen. Je nach Teilstück des Schweins kann das Grillgut jedoch auch eine große Menge an Fett enthalten. Generell enthält Schweinefleisch mehr Fett als Fisch, Geflügel oder Rind. Insbesondere die gesättigten Fettsäuren könnten für den un-

gesunden Ruf verantwortlich sein. Ein weiteres Problem ist die Massentierhaltung. Hier werden oft Medikamente, wie Antibiotika, (Wachstums-)Hormone und Chemikalien eingesetzt. Minderwertiges Futter, beengte und stressige Lebensbedingungen sowie kranke Artgenossen sind

heutzutage in vielen Massenbetrieben leider an der Tagesordnung. Hat das Schwein schon ungesund gelebt, ist es beim „Endprodukt“ Schweinefleisch keine Überraschung.

w w w. g r i l l - w i s s e n . de/fisch-fleisch /fleisch-grillen /schweinefleisch

Sie sind ja niedlich anzuschauen, aber Vorsicht vor “gestresstem Schweinefleisch”! Foto: Susann Kinghorn

Haarlimerick Karnevalssprüche

Jorrit Sieck: Ein Oberstudienrat aus Iserlohn machte eine Haartransplantation. Um so zu verstecken die Geheimratsecken, investiert er den fünffachen Monatslohn. Patricia Koelle: Einen jungen Reporter aus Pommerloch ärgerte eine Stelle am Scheitel doch er ging zum Frisör, der beruhigte sehr: „Ach, das ist ganz klar nur ein Sommerloch!“

Im Karneval hat jeder Mann das Recht, so lächerlich zu sein, wie seine Frau ihn sonst macht. (Autor unbekannt) Wer selber sich zum Besten hält, zählt zu den Besten in der Welt. Und er ist, ich sag es ehrlich, für die Fastnacht unentbehrlich! (Berthold Brunnputz) Ich schätze, wir sind alle Narren. Von Geburt an, wahrscheinlich. Mark Twain (18351910) Zu Fasching ist der Narr ein König,und er beherrscht die ganze Welt.

Was morgen kommt, das stört ihn wenig, wenn ihm nur heut' die Kron' gefällt. (Leo Bekew) An der Maske, die wir uns vorbinden, erkennt man uns. Otto Erich Hartleben (1864-1905)

Wie kleine Hunde haben sich die zwölf Afrikanischen Flughunde in einer Traube für ihre Ruhe-pause tagsüber zusammengekuschelt. Hoch im Wipfel des Kasuarinenbaumes sind die großen Fledertiere (Flügelspannweite bis 80cm ) gut versteckt. Foto: Martin Weigand Goanikontes - Ziem- hierher geflogen sind, Hungers nach Früchten lich unscheinbar, ist darüber kann man nur gejagt. Wissenschaftler mein erster Gedanke, spekulieren. vermuten, dass Tiere als ich nach oben in den Palmenflughunde zäh- diese Gegenden, in deWipfel des Kasua- len zu den am wei- nen ihnen nachgestellt rinenbaumes schaue. testen verbreiteten Fle- wird, meiden, und daWenn man nicht genau dertieren Afrikas. Sie her werden die geeighinsieht, kann man leben meist in großen neten Futterstellen imdiesen dunklen Fleck Kolonien von Hun- mer rarer. Ein Spekdurchaus für einen dertausenden Tieren in takel besonderer Art ist Schatten halten. Und den Kronen alter Bäu- die Migration der Afriso soll Tarnung ja auch me und fliegen abends kanischen Flughunde funktionieren! Das auf Nahrungssuche los. Jahr für Jahr in den Objekt meines In- Die international als Kasanka-Nationalpark teresses ist eine Traube gefährdet eingestuften in Sambia. Dann, zu von einem Dutzend Säugetiere legen auf Beginn der Regenzeit, Afrikanischer Palmen- i h r e n n ä c h t l i c h e n wenn das FutteranFlughunde ( Eidolon Nahrungssuchen (nach gebot besonders groß helvum ), die es sich Früchten, frischen ist, kommen Millionen hier tagsüber gemüt- Pflanzentrieben u.ä.) ( geschätzt zwischen 5 lich gemacht haben, Entfernungen bis zu 95 und 10 Millionen) von um dann ab der Däm- km zurück. Unsere diesen Säugetieren, um merung auf Jagd zu G r u p p e i s t w a h r- sich hier zehn Wochen gehen. Ihr Verbrei- scheinlich auf ihrer lang den Bauch zu voll tungsgebiet liegt ei- Suche von der Route zu schlagen. Auf ihren gentlich von Senegal abgekommen, oder hat n ä c h t l i c h e n N a h und Äthiopien bis nach keine geeigneten Fut- rungssuchen fungieren Südafrika hinunter, terbäume gefunden. diese Tiere außerdem Namibia zählt (nor- Die Tiere werden so- als Bestäuber ihrer malerweise) nicht da- wohl als “bushmeat” Wirtsbäume und Verzu. Wie und warum sie als auch wegen ihres breiter der Samen ihrer verzehrten Früchte und tragen nicht unwesentlich zur Aufforstung von Wäldern bei. Diese Funktion ist von solch großer Bedeutung, dass sie Inhalt vieler Forschungsprojekte ist, u.a. vom Max -Planck -Institut. Die in Goanikontes gestrandeten Tiere werden mit ziemlicher Sicherheit nicht weiter ziehen können. Ganz herzlich danke ich Angela Curtis, Swakopmund, für ihren freundlichen Hinweis auf die Ankunft dieser hübschen Tiere in der Namib.

Die Worte der Woche

Akupunktur: Es gibt auch Krankheiten, die ‘bestechlich’ sind! Gerhard Uhlenbruck (*1929), deutscher Immunbiologe und Aphoristiker

Martin Weigand

28 JUNE 2019



An der Atlantikküste,in der Namibwüste

Fruchtbarkeitspuppen der Owambo Locker vom Hocker 14. Geburtstag im Daan Viljoen - eine verlorene Tradition? Teil 2 Meine Fruchtbarkeitspuppen-Sammlung ist sicherlich eine der größten Namibias. Ich habe sie eingetauscht unter den Kwanyama, Ndonga und Uluthis. Anscheinend ist diese Tradition während des dreißigjährigen Unabhängigkeitskrieges untergegangen. Man konnte keine Makalanifrüchte sammeln, denn das Veld war von Landminen durchlöchert. Viele Makalanipalmen wurden zerschossen, schlimmer noch, die Autorität der Häuptlinge verschwand und niemand kümmerte sich darum, dass junge Männer das Herz der Palme ohne Erlaubnis stahlen, um daraus Wein und Schnaps zu brennen. Ohne Herz ging die Palme ein. Die Kriegsjahre verwehrten die Autoriät der alteingesessenen Traditionen, der König hatte sein Volk nicht mehr unter Kontrolle, der Clan war weit versprengt und kämpfte entweder als Soldat im Krieg oder die Frauen mit ihren Kindern ums nackte Überleben. Man findet sehr wenig Literatur über die Makalani- Puppen. Meine Information stammt von mündlichen Erzählungen, während ich unter diesen Leuten leben durfte. Die finnische Mission hat in ihrem Museum in Helsinki einige wunderhübsche Exemplare, glückli-

cherweise vor den Kriegsgeschehen gerettet. Ab 1990, d.h. gleich nach unserer Unabhängigkeit, sah ich einige Fruchtbarkeitspuppen in Antiquitätengeschäften, einige sogar mit den so wertvollen Ekipas (traditionelle Schmuckstücke der Owambo aus Elfenbein) geschmückt. Ich fand eine Puppe unter den Owahimbas, aber nur eine einzige und ich konnte nicht herausfinden, ob dies eine eigene Tradition oder schlichtweg von den Owambo kopiert ist.

wiederum eine der Töchter vom residierenden König, wollte auch mit dieser Puppe spielen. Somit wurde diese europäische Puppe mehrmals im Jahr von der Leibwache des Königs vom Missionarshaus abgeholt und in den Kraal des Königs gebracht. Vorsichtig wurde sie in ein Leopardenfell gewickelt und wie ein Kind auf dem Rücken eines Soldaten getragen. Sie bekam den Namen Frieda , also wurde sie zur Namensschwester ihrer Besitzerin, Frieda Rautanen. Einige Wochen später wurde

Eine Makalani-Puppe mit Brautschmuck, bei Peter’s Antiques in Swakopmund erhältlich. Foto: Tauno Tirronen Finnische Missionare Puppe Frieda wieder berichteten wiederholt zu ihrer finnischen von einer Okanona- Besitzerin zurückgeKashiti- Geschichte, bracht. Als Dankedie sich um 1900 zu- schön begleiteten imgetragen hat. Frau mer Geschenke, wie Rautanen, die Ehefrau ein Ochse oder einige des finnischen Mis- Kalabassen voll Bier s i o n a r s R a u t a n e n die Rückgabe. brachte von einem Hei- Lebzelter schreibt in maturlaub eine Spiel- seinem Buch “Kultur puppe für ihre Tochter der Owambos”, dass Frieda mit. Die Spiel- ein Mädchen manchkameradin von Frieda, mal eine Puppe zu ih-

rem “Boyfriend” schickte, um ihm mitzuteilen, dass sie schwanger sei. Erkannte der junge Mann die Vaterschaft an, wurde die Puppe dann schnell mit einem Namen zurückgeschickt. Anscheinend wurden Puppen auch während des Krieges gestohlen und genau so behandelt, wie man Mädchen und Frauen als Gefangene oder als Sklavinnen behandelt hat. Puppen bestehen, seit es Menschen gibt. Allerdings wurden sie anfänglich nicht als Spielzeug benutzt, so wie man es heutzutage in der westlichen Welt kennt. Damals versuchte man, mit ihnen die Götter in gute Laune zu versetzen. Die Griechen schenkten ihren Töchtern hölzerne Kopien ihrer Selbst und ermahnten sie, gute Mütter zu werden. Puppen gibt es weltweit, sei es aus Holz, Ried, Brotteig oder Textilien, aus Porzellan, Pappe und mehr. Diese Liste kann man mit Zwillingsmakalanis nun abschließen. Ein Dankeschön gilt Ta u n o T i r r o n e n Mikkeli, Finnland; Anni Tirronen Karo Tampere, Finnland; Peter und Ludwig Haller, Peters Antiques, Swakopmund, Namibia; Angelica Lukas, Oshakati, Namibia. Gaby Tirronen

Möchten Sie zeigen, dass es absolut von Nachteil ist, sich allzu sehr ans Fläschchen in jeglicher Form zu hängen? Melden Sie sich an Susann Kinghorn; 0812538850; susannkinghorn @gmail.com

Liebe Küstenleser! Es könnte sein, dass sie einen Arzttermin in Windhoek, jedoch keine Lust auf das Gewühle der Großstadt haben, die inzwischen tatsächlich aus allen Nähten zu platzen scheint. Ich kann Ihnen in solch einem Falle nur anraten, den Daan Viljoenpark anzusteuern. Er befindet sich 25 km westlich der Landeshauptstadt, gerade weit

deckte dabei, dass ich meinen 14. Geburtstag just in diesem Naturpark gefeiert hatte. Die Erinnerung weckte in mir den Wunsch, den Ort meiner damaligen, geradzu kindlichen Geburtstagsfreude nach über 40 Jahren wieder zu besuchen. Als ich an dem zur Zeit völlig ausgetrockneten Hauptdamm des Augeigas-Rivier stand, durchströmte mich ein nostalgisches Déjà-vu,

1975 zum 14. Geburtstag mit gehäkeltem Bikini im Daan Viljoenpark. Fotos: Lore Budack genug weg vom Ge- ein Gefühl des Wiedertümmel, sodass man erlebens der damaligen die Vögel singen und Hochstimmung in der die Gnus schnauben Form einer tief-glückhören kann, aber noch lichen Erinnerung. nah genug an Wind- Eine Aufnahme des hoek dran, um auf dem Geburtstages im Daan 9 km langen Rooibos- Viljoenpark zeigt mich Wanderweg eine ro- in einem gehäkelten mantische Sicht auf die Bikini-Oberteil, das in die Auas- und Eros- ich geschenkt bekomberge eingebettete men und gleich mit Stadt zu haben. Stolz eingeweiht hatte. Wie kam es zu meinem Welche 14-Jährige kürzlichen Besuch würde heute einen gedorthin? Nun, in Vor- häkelten Bikini mit freude auf unser bevor- eher vor Stolz als aus stehendes Klassenju- anderen Gründen gebiläum (40 Jahre nach schwellter Brust tradem Matrik-Schulab- gen? schluss) wühlte ich in Auf weiteren Fotos alten Fotos und ent- sieht man mich mit

ehemaligen Klassenkameradinnen und Geschwistern beim Toben und Bockspringen. Das darf doch wohl nicht wahr sein! Sind wir damals tatsächlich mit 14 noch so ausgelassen herumgetollt und wie heiter verspielte Zicklein über die in gebückter Haltung vor uns veharrenden Freundinnen gesprungen? Und gäbe es heute noch solch einen 14. Geburtstag? Oder sähe der nicht viel eher so aus, dass man möglichst modisch-schick gekleidet mit einer Kippe in der Hand im Bierzelt stehend die “boys” peilt? Nun, die “boys” haben wir damals selbstverständlich auch verstohlen gepeilt, aber, meine Güte, was waren wir für Spätentwickler! Die erste geschlechtergemischte Feier fand zum 15. Geburtstag einer Klassenkameradin statt. Und da wurde dann das Coke-Flaschenspiel herangezogen. Ich bin sicher, dass etliche sich daran erinnern! In der Mitte wurde reihum eine Cola-Flasche gedreht, und auf wen sie dann letztendlich zeigte, der musste geküsst werden. Mannometer, war das aufregend! Ich denke jedenfalls sehr gerne an diese RELATIV unschuldige Pubertät zurück.! Ihre Susann Kinghorn

Vor der grasbewachsenen Hügellandschaft am Schwimmbad des Daan Viljoenparks mit Freundinnen und Geschwistern tobend.

28 JUNE 2019


Area, Walvis Bay, Republic Of Namibia:


In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay.

“Voetstoots and Cash” to the highest bidder, viz: -

In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay.

4 x Samsung full computer set 1 x HP 400 printer 1 x HP 200 printer 1 x Dell full computer set 1 x Super Y3 white printer 6 x office desks 8 x office chairs 2 x Steel drawers 1 x Grey round table 2 x Filling cabinet 1 x Small glass table 4 x Black and silver chairs

Case No: 492/2017

Case No: 2087/2018 In the matter between: Spraytech Bodyworks CC Execution Creditor and Cross Border Vehicle Traders CC Execution Debtor In execution of a Judgement against the above Execution Debtor granted by the above Honourable Court on 15 March 2019 the following goods will be sold in Execution on 12 July 2019 at 10h00 at the following address: Erf 3764, 24 Grand Avenue, Industrial

Dated at Walvis Bay on 26 June 2019. R POHL JAN OLIVIER & CO Legal Practitioners For Plaintiff 131 Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay (REF: JHO/pb/SPR2/ 0002)

In the matter between: Maria Ipanda Jenniker Execution Creditor and Rachel Van Der Colf Execution Debtor In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Magistrate's Court in Walvis Bay on 19 July 2017, a sale will be held on 12 July 2019 at 10:00 at Erf 3764, 24 Grand Avenue, Industrial Area, Walvis Bay, Republic of Namibia of the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor: 1 x 4 Piece Brown Lounge Suite

1 x 4 Piece Black Lounge Suite (with accessories) 1 x Brown Round Table 1 x Rack 1 x Stand 1 x Black TV Stand

Terms “Voetstoots”: Cash to the highest bidder. Signed at Walvis Bay on 20 June 2019. Sgd: C FERIS MALHERBE ASSOCIATES INC Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff 171 Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay REF: PVZ/al/JEN1/ 0011

NOTICE CONSENT USE IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent use, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Shacman Investment Namibia cc herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent for a Public Garage – Mechanical workshop and sales of truck and bus parts on the premises of Erf 4840 c/o Eliaser Tuhadeleni and John Otto Nankudha Street), Swakopmund Ext. 10. Any person having any objection against such appli-cation should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours. Closing date for objections or comments is: 12 July 2019. CONTACT PERSONS: Mr J. Heita, Manager Town Planning, Tel: (064) 410 4403 / 081 150 0269, Email: jheita@swkmun.com.na Mr G Lu, Cell: 081 147 8898 Email: info@2com.mobi

28 JUNE 2019



NOTICE OF SALE IN EXECUTION In the Magistrate's Court for the District of Walvis Bay held at Walvis Bay. Case No: 284/2019 In the matter between:


TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS REZONING NOTICE In terms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that Stewart Planning intends to apply for permission from the Swakopmund Municipality to rezone erf 1332 Tamariskia Extension 2 (cul-de-sac off Franziska van Neel Avenue) from Institutional to General Business. The purpose of this proposed rezoning application is to allow erf 1332 Tamariskia Extension 2 to be developed for the full range of permitted business uses as permitted in terms of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme. Plans and particulars of the proposed rezoning are available for inspection at the Municipality of Swakopmund Official Notice Board and at the Town Planning Section, Municipality of Swakopmund Head Office, corner of Rakotoka & Daniel Kamho Street, Swakopmund. Further take note that any interested party who wishes to object to the proposed rezoning may lodge such objection together with the grounds thereof, with the applicant and the Chief Executive Officer, Municipality of Swakopmund (Attention: Town Planning), in writing, before or on Tuesday 19 July 2019. Applicant Stewart Planning Town & Regional Planners Civic Centre P O Box 2095 Walvis Bay Tel: 064 280 770 bruce@sp.com.na

Municipality of Swakopmund Chief Executive Officer Municipality of Swakopmund 84 Theo Ben Gurirab Street P O Box 53 Swakopmund Tel: 064 410 4403 jheita@swkmun.com.na


TOWN & REGIONAL PLANNERS REZONING AND CONSENT USE NOTICES Take notice that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners intends to apply to the Walvis Bay Municipality for the following consent and/or rezoning applications in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme: 1) Erf 5553 Walvis Bay Extension 17 (Independence Beach Extension): Rezoning from “General Residential 1” with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 150m2 to “Single Residential” with a density of 1 dwelling unit 300m2 to permit a consolidation with Erven 5551 & 5552 and subsequent subdivision to create 8 300m² + residential plots. 2) Erven 5341 & 5342 Walvis Bay Extension 18 (Independence Beach Extension): Rezoning from “Single Residential” to “General Residential 2” to establish a 10 bedroom guesthouse with permission to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress. 3) Erf 63 Walvis Bay (No. 17 Second Road, Lagoon Area): Consent Use for a Special Institutional Building (Rehabilitation Centre) and rezoning from “Single Residential” to “Institutional” with permission to proceed with development while the rezoning is in progress. The development will take care of patients that wish to recover from substance abuse. 4) Erven 3072 & 3075 Walvis Bay (No. 125 Sam Nujoma Avenue, CBD Area): Consent Use for a Place of Amusement (Casino) and rezoning from “General Business” with a bulk factor of 2.0 to “General Business” with a bulk factor of 2.8 for the development of ±80 bedroom hotel and casino opposite the road of FNB. 5) Erf 3225 Narraville Extension 6 (No. 37 Raja Street): Rezoning from “General Business” with a bulk factor of 2 to “General Residential 1” with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 150m2 to permit the development of 5 dwelling units (flats). Particulars of each consent and/or rezoning application may be inspected at the Town Planning Section of the Municipality of Walvis Bay, Room 101, First Floor, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any person having any objections/comments to the proposed use of land or the erection and use of the proposed buildings may lodge such objection/comment, together with grounds thereof, with the Council and Stewart Planning, in writing within fourteen (14) days after the date of the last appearance of this notice. The last day for objections/comments will be Friday 19 July 2019. MUNICIPALITY: Chief Executive Officer Manager: Town Planning Section Municipality of Walvis Bay Private Bag 5017 Walvis Bay

APPLICANT: Stewart Planning Town & Regional Planners P. O. Box 2095 Walvis Bay bruce@sp.com.na

Gunnar Jensen Building Materials Trust t/a BUCO – Walvis Bay Execution Creditor and Sylvanus Rigardor Matsuib

Execution Debtor In Execution of a Judgement granted by the Magistrate's Court in Walvis Bay on 13 March 2019, a sale will be held on 12 July 2019 at 10:00 at Erf 3764, 24 G r a n d Av e n u e , Industrial Area, Walvis Bay, Republic Of Namibia, of the under mentioned movable property of the Execution Debtor:

Bread Toaster 1 x Defy Microwave Oven 1 x Samsung Double Door Fridge 1 x 3 Piece Black Leather Lounge Suite 1 x Samsung Flat Screen TV 1 x Whirlepool Automatic Toploader Washing Machine 1 x Defy Twin Tab Washing Machine

1 x Essential 4 Slice

Terms “Voetstoots”:


Cash to the highest bidder. Signed at Walvis Bay on 13 June 2019. Sgd: C FERIS MALHERBE ASSOCIATES INC Legal Practitioners for Plaintiff 171 Sam Nujoma Avenue WALVIS BAY REF: PVZ/al/PEN1/ 0060

28 JUNE 2019

16 NAMIB TIMES WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Cash Loan) ON ERF: 2701, No.14 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: Strandloper Street, Kuisebmond. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Cash Loan/ Micro Loan on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the appro-val of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 12 July 2019. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Service CC, P O Box 3054, Walvis Bay, Namibia

K Jons Financial

NOTICES & VACANCIES NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF BUSINESS Ta k e n o t i c e t h a t Hendrik Johannes van Zijl intends to alienate and dispose of his business H J Van Zyjl t/a Welwitschia Keys, carried on at No.13 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street, Swakopmund to and in favour of Lock and Key Home CC, who shall carry on the business for its own account at the aforesaid premises, and this publication shall serve as due notice having been given in terms of Section 34 of the Insolvency Act No.24 of 1936. Dated at Swakopmund on 13 June 2019. KINGHORN ASSOCIATES Legal Practitioners Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P O Box 1455 Swakopmund (REF: HV/LMLOC3/0001-70)

ERONGO SOCIAL SERVICES (ESS) Is looking for a new Office Manager and Fundraiser (Walvis Bay) Requirements - Preferably a Namibian citizen; - Must be in possession of a Grade 12 certificate - At least 5 years experience in office management reception work and admin - Basic accounting skills, including accurate record keeping - Pastel experience will be an added advantage; - Be proficient in Microsoft office tools. Including word, excel and power point; - Excellent organizational and planning skills - Willing to learn and take on challenges - Good work ethic and ability to produce quality work - Good communication skills, hardworking, punctual and reliable - Be passionate about helping others and caring for the needy. - Must be able to meet deadlines and perform under pressure, while managing multiple tasks - Fluent in English and have good knowledge of Afrikaans and - Be in possession of valid drivers license with access to his/her own car. The person interested in this challenge may send us their full CV, with a picture attached, to the following address: sjacobs.kmr@gmail.com or deliver to Sanlam Building, 12th road, Walvis Bay Closing Date: 8 July 2019 Your application will be processed with full confidentiality.

28 JUNE 2019



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COURSES AUCTIONS JOB ENTRY LEVEL TRAINING· Medical Studies Child Day Care Business Management Maritime studies Hospitality & Tourism Logistics & Supply Chain Beauty Therapy Health & Safety Windhoek: 081 419 0718, 061 244794, Walvis Bay: 081 271 2004, 081 771 0289 Oshakati: 081 719 5204, 081 295 3458 info@globalinsti.com

CLASSES: Grade 8 – 12 ordinary and higher level exam preparation classes. We offer one on one intensive tutoring and revisions for exam preparations in the following subjects: Mathematics, Physical science, Biology, Geography and English. We also offer home visits. Contact Mr Arnold 081 330 6230 081 454 1946 MATHEMATICS CLASSES Is mathematics proving to be a pain in the neck? Worry no more as we provide state-of-the-art mathematics tutelage and lessons to learners and students. Contact us on (+264) (81) 211 3325 for more information.

Contact us now! Cameron: 081 247 4467 Adelaide: 081 682 6126 email: camtech8@gmail.com THE HONEY POT SEWING CENTRE Tel: 202 818, Walvis Bay Expert service in general tailoring- One day alterations, Duvet Covers, Curtains, Wedding Dresses and others.





CLUTCH & BRAKE SWAKOPMUND & We also cut KEYS Bohr street off Einstein street, Industrial Area, Swakopmund New owner as from

Atlantic Kitchens & Joiners 20 years' experience Contact 0816994897 Best service and prices guaranteed

Traditional Dr Herbalist Dr Lovemore Ben Banda (The old man) From Malawi is in Walvis Bay with 30 years vast experience in various problems & diseases such as bringing back lost lover, to get a new job, to win court cases, to clean out bad luck from your body, to pass exams, to pass driving, to protect your body from withcraft, to boost small business to be big business, to be liked with people, to win cntractors, to win a woman or man of your choice, to stop smoking and drinking, alcohol and drugs, divorce, stop your lover to be stingy with money, to make you sleep nicely in your house, to stop bad dreams, a man to be strong in bed during sex, a woman to have feelings for a man, headaches, swelling of your body, madness, epilepsy, joints pain, pregnancy problems, if you need a new baby, period pains, to recover stolen property, BP, ulcers, diabetes, asthma, and many more… Come and experience wonderful miracles happening in your life, you will never regret. Contact: 081 643 1482 sms or call find the Old man in Kuiseb, Mass Houses, at NHE 6751 Johannes Nakuafila Street.

KING DR AKHICHO Stop crying and suffering now! The old man with 65 years experience from Swaziland is here. Help to solve any kinds of problems with 100% guaranteed. Are you stressed to get money? I challenge you Bring back lost lover Stop your lover from cheating on you. Quick marriage & divorce Pregnancy same day. Financial problems welcome Magic ring & magic wallet Court cases big or small mens penis enlargement all sizes 16cm - 18cm - 25 cm Enlarge hips & breast. Wining competition, lotto, casino To be strong in bed to get more rounds. if you failed from other doctors, don’t lose hope come to me. Call King Dr Akhicho. 081 318 2508

TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. Cell: 081 201 7887

1st June 2019

We are here to serve you!

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SERVICES TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL cc your DSTV installer at the coast we do -DSTV Installations -Televisions Mounting - WIRELESS ALARMS SYSTEMS -Fault Finding -Surround Sound Connections -CCTV Installations Phone 064 406032 cellphone 081 1504804 27 Libertina Amathila st, Swakopmund We also offer: Bookkeeping service up to trail balance as well as Cleaning and management of property in Swakopmund and Langstrand phone 081 1504804

SERVICES CAM TECHNICAL SECURITY & RENOVATIONS CC Specializing in: Security guards. Alarm installations. Technical problems. Any building and construction work. Tiling. Painting. Gate Motors etc. You name it, we do it! Quality and neat work guaranteed! Best prices you can afford. FOR ANY APPROVED QUOTATION YOU WILL RECEIVE A DISCOUNT!


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*Construction *Painting *Paving *Slasto *Swimming Pools *All electrical work *Building and renovating all types of buildings *Sealing of any kind of roofs Call: 081 211 6686 Anywhere along the coast

SHOE PALACE Swakopmund


50% Off On Selected Footwear Offer Valid: 24 to 30 June 2019 Klimas Building Shop # 9

Tel: 064-404955 T’s & C’s Apply

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


ONE STOP Pet shop for all your Pet’s needs c/o Nangolo Mbumba & 10th Rd Walvis Bay (Old Parade) CAR KEYS: We program & supply new & spare keys, program 2nd hand ECU’s & air bag all car makes and models * We also offer auto airconditioning services, auto electrical and in-car entertainment. For a free quote contact: RDJ SERVICES & SUPPLIES. SMS / CALL WHATSAPP: 081 374 6444 CONSTRUCTION ARLEY INVESTMENTS ·CONSTRUCTION ·RENOVATIONS ·PAINTING ·PAVING ·ELECTRICAL AND ·TILING 085 709 0874 arleyinvestments@ gmail.com

S. LINUS BUILDING CONTRACTOR TEL: 081 242 9604 FAX: 064 209 517 E-mail: semlinus52@gmail.com All building what you need for new house and renovations Interlock Painting Building including all material Experience for 29 in construction Call now for quotation 081 242 9604 081 441 4405

EK HET N 4 TON LORRIE,HET JY N VRAG? Ons verwyder bou rommel, tuin rommel, enige vullis, huis trekke, kantoor trekke en ons ry lang pad. Bel dan praat ons Coenraad Fourie 081 337 0876 MS ELECTRICAL: Operate in Walvis Bay and Swakopmund. We repair: * Geysers + geyser timers * Washing Machine * Microwaves * stoves + cookers * air conditioners *refrigerators * gas refill (car & fridges) *generators *compressors *security alarm system *CCTV cameras *House wiring *Electrical maintenance on houses *electrical gates *autp garage doors We also do plumbing services and DSTV installations You call we com e fix. All repairs have 3 month guarantee!! Contact: Mr. Sylveners 081 299 9960.

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na www.baardgroup.com

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OFFICE & HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE REMOVAL SPECIALISTS Namibia - South Africa Household & Office. Mobile: + 264 814093522 email: nktransportnam @gmail.com

MALAWIAN TRADITIONAL DOCTOR Doctor Bomba Bazuka – the name is enough The doctor is in Walvis Bay with 40 years experience and has done wonders and great things in many SADC countries, such as bringing back lost lovers in 4 days. Removal of bad luck, very tough and challenging court cases, binding your love and to be your only. And to get a man/woman you want of your choice. Pregnancy problems, jobs and promotions, business, protection of bodies and houses from witchcraft, protection of kraals farms from thieves, wining tenders, and contracts, revenge kapsule, rejuvenate mens power during sex, magic wallet and get rich within short notice. Chest pains, headache, swollen legs and feet, epelipsy, drinking/smoking, to be released from prison, manhood enlargement. Hips/breast. I know you have been let down by others but now your time has come. Come and experience the wonderful miracles happening in your life and you will never regret. Call/sms Bomba Bazuka: 081 602 7102

DR KAMUZU 081 777 4547 Traditional doctor newly arrived. Pay after success. Lost lovers, marriages, diseases, man power. Finance, unfinished jobs. Protection now in Walvis Bay and in Swakopmund on request. 081 777 4547

DR KALOMBO & KING GONO The master of all doctors & the prof of herbs the old man you can trust for quick and effective results 100% guaranteed with 5 years experience. He is challenging to solve any kind of problems no matter how difficult in 24 hours Bring back lost lover 12 hours Stop your lover from cheating on you. Get a man or woman for your choice Mens penis enlargement all sizes m-xl Pregnancy problems same day. Get job & promotion & win gambling Court cases big or small Are you stressing with your life. Magic wallet & magic ring. Remember don't loose your hope all problems has a solution Call Dr Kalombo & King Gono 081 463 9403 DR KING KAWULUMA Good news to all who have small or big serious problems which other doctors failed to solve with 65 years of experience. Training in a bush of Kilimanjaro mountain. I don't rush with peoples money without treating a person. The only muthi from the volcanoes Are you stressing of your life Love/relationship Lost properties Bring back lost properties Job searching & promotion Court cases, no matter how big or small. Clean bad luck Unhappy marriage & quick marriage. To have a man or woman of your choice Binding properties & remove all evil spirits The power of win any competition We finished unfinished jon using zom & sanda wana oil Only man yo can trust belive it or not every problem has a solution 100 % guaranteed Call King Kaulu & DR Khoi Khoi 081 294 4297

Traditional Doctor Moyo Tired of running up and down, going everywhere but not achieving your real goals, here is your doctor to prove everything for you. He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erections which is unable to satisfy your woman, vagina tightness for man to feel always attracted to you house problems, all types of transmitted sickness, high blood pressure, asthma, headaches, chest pains, chasing of bad luck spirits, job problems, stop lover from cheating you [man or woman] Business improvements, all types of good luck. pregnancy problems, have protected life, never give up your life, your doctor is here to cleanse and lift you up. Come at 471 Mandume Ya Ndemufayo Street Mondesa Swakopmund or call Doctor Moyo 081 339 5913 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck Luck Muti - Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D, Johanna Benson Street Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149 DR KANAYO 081 669 3574 African fresh herbs specialize in: Bring back lost lover, to make your lover love you only. Get a lover of your choice, get quickly marriage, stop your love from cheating, bind your love, clear your debts, win gambling in casino, boost your business, financial problems, win tenders, bind house, protection of enemies, make prayer for person, get promotion at work, build the future and don't hesitate to pay after. Contact: 081 669 3574 Dr Kanayo


28 JUNE 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

SERVICES DR GONONDO & PROFESSOR KOIKOI OLD MAN Stop Suffering I am old enough, I don’t have time to play with people who have serious problems. I work with experience and do not rush for persons money without helping first. Don’t loose hope because another doctor failed you, I am here to help! The only miracle water from the volcanoes. Are you stressing of money? Love / relationship, bring back lost lover Lost properties Job searching & promotion Court cases Bad luck Unhappy marriage Pregnancy problem same day We can also help with Binding properties Remove evil spirits Get rid of your enemies Finish unfinished business with 69 years experience & magic wallet Spirits powers for pastors, sangomas, political leader, win lotto, pass exams, gambling etc. Only man you can trust or quick & effective results 100 % guaranteed. Treat you overt he phone using name & surname Service delivery accepted Call Dr Gonongo & Prof Koi Koi 081 560 4942 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR MOSHA SAME DAY RESULTS Bring back lost lovers Get women or men of your choice Get married quickly Stop your partner from cheating Love you only Pregnancy problems Financial problems Win gambling and casino Chitaka wallets Magic wallet Promotion at work Remove bad luck with Lyani oil Get job Manhood enlargement And many more call me 081 731 5884


Welcome to the One Stop Construction Company We specialize in: Residential Homes and Commercial Businesses Our other services include Home renovation / remodelling Expansions & conversions Roofing Waste management Insurance claims Property maintenance

Call or whatsapp Evert 081 607 3165 for a free quotation


General Small Day Care at my home in a safe environment, for ages 2 years and up. Vineta, Swakopmund Includes breakfast and lunch Portrait photos Rates per kid, per month Full Day N$ 1 650.00 Half Day N$1 150.00 Day rate N$ 100.00 (min 2 days per week) Afrikaans & English Limited Spots Available Call or whatsapp 081 261 6755

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO RENT: One bedroom flat. Consist of spacious bedroom, full bathroom with shower + bath Open plan kitchen and sitting room. BIC in kitchen and bedroom + indoor braai. Sorry no garage and no pets. W/E incl. N$ 4 500.00 p/m for single person N$ 5 000.00 p/m for couple Deposit N$ 2 500.00 Fairways, Walvis Bay Contact Ray-dee 081 455 5006 Henwin 081 298 1091 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat with garage and parking at apartment building, Swakopmund centre. N$ 9 200.00 p/m Contact: 081 128 8865


TO LET WALVIS BAY NARRAVILLE N$ 3700 – 2 Bed flat, W + E incl N$ 7500 – 3 Bed house with double garage incl. water N$ 6850 – 2 Bed house (no garage) incl. water N$ 4750 - 2 Bed flat incl. water N$ 5500 – 2 Bed flat incl. water & elec. N$ 2800 – 1 Bed flat with 2 bathrooms KUISEBMOND N$ 3350 - 2 Bed Unit with single garage N$ 4200 – Double story 3 bed house incl. water N$ 3200 – 2 Bed flat with single garage N$ 2150 – 1 Bed backyard flat N$ 1250 - Bachelor backyard flat N$ 2600 – 1 Bed flat N$ 3850 – 3 Bed flat TALITHA 0813373669 TO LET WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL N$ 10000 – 174m² warehouse/office N$ 11000 – 204m² warehouse/office N$ 40250 – 800m² warehouse/office N$ 14000 – 228m² warehouse/office OFFICE SPACE – CENTRAL N$ 4500 – 70m² shop/office N$ 10500 – 106m² shop/office N$ 8600 – Workshop N$ 6500 – 90m² shop/office N$ 10000 – Shop space N$ 31500– 350m² Warehouse/office N$ 21800 – 250m² Warehouse/office N$ 22800 – 209m² Office N$ 3500 – 31m² Office TALITHA 0813373669

PROPERTIES TO RENT TO LET IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE TAMARISKIA, SWAKOPMUND STUDIO/ 1 BEDROOM/ 2 BEDROOMS FLATS INCLUDES SINGLE AUTOMATED GARAGE, SECURE COMPLEX WITH ELECTRIC FENCE CONTACT: 0855905577 TO RENT: Three inside rooms available immediately for for rent in Mahetago, close to Mondesa Woermann & Brock shopping centre. Swakopmund. 1st spacious with inside bathroom N$ 2 000.00, 2nd room for N$ 1 500.00 and 3rd room for N$ 1 300.00 Water included, electricity prepaid. Contact: 085 310 1660 / 081 461 6260 TO RENT: 3 Bedroom house in secure complex 1 and ½ bathroom with sq1 garage N$ 6 500.00 p/m. Water included prepaid electricity, deposit needed, for more info contact: 064 461 781 TO RENT: Garages to rent for storage in Swakopmund, Wattstreet. Phone: 081 129 4840 Swakopmund Tamariskia for Rent: 1) Two flats 1.1 Open plan kitchen One bedroom: N$ 4 000.00 p/m and the other N$ 5 000.00 p/m both W&E included. 2) Two bedroom flat with a garage and open plan kitchen: N$ 6 500.00 p/m W&E included. Contact: 081 159 8755 or 081 472 0379 or 081 435 1012

TO RENT: Walvis Bay One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen and living area. Bathroom and big parking space. Immediately available. N$ 3 400.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 704 8314

TE HUUR: Swakopmund middel dorp woonstel 1 persoon, geen motorhuis, geen kinders of troeteldiere. Water ingesluit, koopkrag. Kontak: 081 127 9850

TO RENT: Narraville one backyard flat with bic, shower. Open plan kitchen. Available 1 July 2019 N$ 3 600.00 p/m Plus deposit payable in two months. W/E incl. Contact: 081 555 3781

TO RENT: Swakopmund, near Mondesa Woermann 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, single garage. N$ 6 200.00 p/m + deposit payable in 2 months. Contact: 081 313 7097 / 081 156 3969

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


TO LET WALVIS BAY CENTRAL N$ 5650 – 2 Bed flat, single garage N$ 7300 – 3 Bed flat with double garage N$ 7300 - 3 Bed flat with single garage N$ 8500 – 2 Bed flat with single garage N$ 5800 – 3 Bed flat with single garage MEERSIG N$ 11500 – Huge 3 bed townhouse walking distance from lagoon N$ 8500 – 3 Bed, 2 bath house with double garage LAGOON N$ 4950 – 3 Bed flat, 1 bath with single garage N$ 3650 – Bachelor flat with garage N$ 13500 – 4 Bed house with 3 garages FAIRWAYS N$ 6000 – 2 Bed flat with single garage HERMES N$ 4950 - 2 Bed flat with garage TALITHA 0813373669

TO LET: Narraville Walvis Bay Rental Prices Reduced Ground Floor units at Meribel and Toermalyn Rental: NOW - N$4550.00 WAS-N$4950.00 W&E Excluded, Deposit payable over 3 months

Contact Janine 0811505020 Viewings only on Tuesdays & Fridays - 12:00 – 14:00

TO LET SWAKOPMUND MONDESA N$ 3800- 2 Bed, no garage TAMARISKIA N$ 7300 – 3 Bed, single garage Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view TO RENT: Narraville Spacious bachelor for single person or couple with sober habits Flat in a quiet area. Has safety features Also has build in cupboards, & hot water No garage N$ 3 200.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 600.00 Can be paid over 2 months For viewing call: 081 213 0284 081 325 5230



TO RENT: Ocean View, EXT 15, Quiver Street 1x Bedroom Backyard Flat, Build-in Cupboards & Stove, own entrance with shade net, No Garage, water included + prepaid Electricity. Prefer Single Person with sober habits. Available: from 1 July 2019. N$ 4 250.00 p/m + Deposit Required Contact Mr van Wyk: 085 128 8281


IN HERMIS, W/BAY Near Dunes Mall AVAILABLE AS FROM 1st of July 2019 Bed room (3) Double garage - electric Alarm g4s monitored Separate kitchen Indoor braai Build in stove 2 bathrooms Guest toilet down Pre-payment meter All for N$ 9000.00 INTERESTED CONTACT THE OWNER @ 0812413453 TO RENT: Hermis, near Dunes Mall 3 bedroom house, living room, tv room, dining room, kitchen, bic, build in stove. Double garage. Inside braai, 2 bathrooms N$ 8 500.00 p/m Deposit payable in two month instalments. 1x 2 bedroom flats N$ 4 600.00 p/m Deposit payable in two month instalments Contact: 081 425 4388 081 202 8586 081 444 2613 TO RENT: Kabeljou Str Two bedroom apartment N$ 4 500.00 p/m W/E incl. It can be shared by same gender N$ 2 300.00 per room Parking area, for small car only. Avail 01 August Call: 081 471 6540 081 352 5032 TO RENT: Lagoon 2 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, 1 garage W/E incl. N$ 5 500.00 p/m Available immediately Contact: 081 455 3338 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom flat, 1 bathroom, lounge separate kitchen. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 450 0387 081 402 7738

Narraville - Brand new 2 bedroom flat incl. motorised lockup garage. To let from N$ 4 800pm Contact Janine 081 150 5020 TO RENT: Narraville 1 bedroom, kitchen, full cupboard, tiles, steel bar Own toilet and shower W/E incl. N$ 3 018.75 in advance Available immediately Contact: 081 285 5351 TO RENT: Recently built 2 bedroom house, with ensuite, guest toilet, laundry, double garage, alarm system. Spacious modern dining, living room and kitchen with huge backyard. Pet friendly. N$ 8 700.00 p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. 5 minute walk from the Lagoon in a very quiet area. There is an occupied bachelor flat on the premises but they have own entrance garage and backyard Deposit can be paid over 2 months. Available 1 August Call Ndapewa:081 809 0232 TO RENT: 2 bedroom house, sitting room, kitchen, shower & toilet. N$ 3 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit payable upfront. When moving out no refund on deposit as it covers 30 day stay. Contact: 081 244 1265 081 450 0868 TO RENT: Bachelor flat in Narraville Available 1 July 2019 N$ 2 800.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Contact: 081 290 1180 TE HUUR: Narraville Ten volle gemeubileerde 1 slaap kamer woonstel Met kombuis, badkamer te huur W/E ingsl. Parkeering beskikbaar. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposito betaalbaar Enkel person Kontak: 081 124 9082 TO RENT: Fairways Spacious 2 bedrooms, open plan kitchen with build in oven, Own entrance. Garage optional. N$ 6 000.00 p/m Plus deposito W/E incl. Very nice for 2x adults. No pets. Immediately available. From 1 June 2019 Contact: 081 248 2681

28 JUNE 2019



Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net

PROPERTIES TO RENT Rentals Walvis Bay Town- Near Dunes Mall Rooms in house to rent from N$ 2000 per month. Two bedroom separate entrance flat N$ 6000 (August) Four bedroom house with three bathrooms (two private) N$11 000.00 p/m Excluding W& E. Contact Kolet – 081 7973386 or 200036 or colettecpi@gmail.com RENT REDUCED FURTHER: Up Market, Meersig ext. 1 Newly built large house, 3 bedrooms including in suite. Open plan, indoor braai, bic, fully alarmed, burglar bars, pet friendly, tandem garage. Inner courtyard. Pet friendly. N$ 8 300.00 p/m W/E excl. Call: 081 378 7347 081 141 2377 204 986 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Kabeljou area One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, toilet N$ 2 600.00 p/m excl water N$ 2 900.00 p/m incl water Excl Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 024 9605 081 441 4405 TE HUUR: 90vkm Klein 2 slaap kamer woonstel Enkel garage Eie ingang Betaal eie krag N$ 4 600.00 p/m N$ 4 000.00 deposito Geen diere. Naby Fairways Contact: 081 276 8757 TO RENT: Kuisebmond, near Clinic 1 bedroom flat with own shower & toilet N$ 2 300.00 p/m Prepaid shared electricity. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Payable in two months Available 1 July Contact: 081 353 5893 TO RENT: Namport, Kuisebmond A two bedroom flat with open plan kitchen, own shower and toilet. Geyser with bic N$ 4 000.00 p/m negotiable N$ 2 000.00 deposit required Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Contact: 081 223 5428 081 839 6656 081 426 1596


TO LET SWAKOPMUND CENTRAL N$ 5700 – 1 Bed flat single garage VINETA N$ 9500 – 3 Bed House, 1 Bath, Single garage N$ 12 500- 3 Bed house double garage, +2Flats OCEAN VIEW N$ 8000 – 2 Bed Flat, 1 bath, 1garage, no pets N$ 10800 – 3 Bed House, 2 bath, 2 garages N$ 11500- 3 Bed House, 3Bath, 2 garages N$ 12500 – 4 Bed house, 4 garages, no pets N$ 16500 – 3 Bed house, 2 Bath, 2 garage, with 2 bed flat with 1 garage Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view

TO RENT: Two (2) bedroom, sitting room , Kitchen, Garage, Shower and Toilet, Build in cupboard House to rent in Narraville, Erf 3153, Meeu Street, Rent amount N$6200.00 Including Electricity and water negotiable and N$ 2000.00 Deposit. Room to rent on Shower and toilet, Erf 4069, Pluto street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. All available Now For View contact: 081 828 7283 / 081 338 7297 or Whatsapp on 081 263 1747 TO RENT: Kuisebmond Secure flat in complex. 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, lounge, kitchen. N$ 2 750.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Contact: 081 450 0387 081 402 7738 TE HUUR: Eenheid te huur by Huis Palms 2 Slaapkamers Enkel badkamer Enkel garage Binnebraai Beskikbaar vanaf 01 Augustus 2019 SLEGS PENSIONARISSE Cell: 081 127 5124 A house to rent in Meersig extension 2, Tribunal street, erf 1522 Walvis bay. Two bedrooms, open plan kitchen, bathroom, single garage, pre-paid electricity, BIC with stove and G4S alarm. Available 1st July N$ 6500.00p/m Contact 0814131320 0811270119

PROPERTIES TO RENT Te huur in Narraville, 3 bedroom house 2 bathrooms Tv room Lounge dining room Build in cupboards Build in Braai Gas stove Garage N$ 8500 + N$ 4000 Deposit including water & Pre paid Available end July – 0811 467 191 Te Huur Nitscer Court 2 bedroom Flat Open plan kitchen lounge Full bathroom Pre paid One parking + Garage N$ 6000- Dep N$ 3000 FOR Sale N$ 770 000 – Valuation N$ 875 000 0811 467 191 TO RENT: Spotless business space 11 Phillip str. Behind build it, Swakopmund Contains office, reception, kitchenette, strong room, show room WC Total 87 m² @ N$ 60.00 or next offer Contact: 081 232 5587 TO RENT: Tamariskia 1 bedroom flat with separate bathroom, kitchen. Wa t e r i n c l u d e d a n d Electricity pre-paid N$ 3 800.00 p/m + N$ 1 000.00 deposit Contact: 081 367 5128 TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat with garage and parking at apartment building, Swakopmund centre. N$ 9 200.00 p/m Contact: 081 128 8865 TO RENT: One bedroom flat in Namport Kuisebmond erf 4572/33, Omuguluwobashe Circle Open plan kitchen, bathroom N$ 3 000.00 p/m Plus N$ 1 000.00 deposit W/E incl. Avail. 1 July 2019 Contact: 081 286 2506 081 856 8528 TE HUUR: Naby Walvisbaai Privaat Laerskool 2 slaap kamer woonstel is apart met eie motorhuis en ingaan, baie privaat. Eie tuintjie, opwas kamer / laundry room Klein hondjie mag aangehou word. W/L uitgesl. Beskikbaar vanaf 1 Julie 2019 N$ 5 500.00 p/m Plus N$ 5 500.00 deposito Kontak: 081 128 4215


TO LET LONGBEACH N$ 4900- Bachelor flat, 1 garage N$ 5700- 2 Bed, tandem garage N$ 6900 – 3 Bed, double garage, incl alarm N$ 9950- 3 Bed Unit, Water Incl Call Lucille 081 169 6216 to view TO RENT: Hermis, Behind Welwitschia Hospital 1x bedroom, bic & stove Blinds – fitted on all windows No garage, safe parking Available immediately N$ 4 300.00 p/m Deposit negotiable. W/E incl. Preferably one or couple. Contact: 081 128 1470 TO RENT: Narraville Big house. Four bedrooms N$ 7 500.00 p/m Inside rooms N$ 2 500.00 p.m Deposit negotiable Available anytime Contact: 081 800 9358 TO RENT: Narraville Backyard flat 2x bedrooms, open plan kitchen, bathroom Built in cupboards in bedrooms No garage. W/E incl. N$ 4 500.00 p/m Available 1 July 2019 Contact: 081 450 7439 081 220 5705 TO RENT: Walvis Bay, Furnished two bedroom flat Great location! Neat and spacious two bedrooms, bic, kitchen, 1½ bathroom, open plan sitting room / lounge. Indoor braai. Remote garage and gate. Alarm system. Pre paid electricity. Water excl. No connection fees. DSTV and WIFI available. Sorry, no children & pets. Furnished N$ 6 500.00 p/m plus deposit Contact: 081 250 4694 064 203 342 To Let 1 Bedroom Flat Walvis Bay W&L Included Available Immediately 1 Bedroom, Open plan Kitchen with BIC, Living room and Bathroom. Rent N$ 4500.00 + Deposit Contact Jaco 0812238701 or Marie 0812793178

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication




TO RENT: Kabeljou WVB One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen, sitting room Secure parking with remote entrance Free WIFI N$ 3 200.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 205 9653 081 286 7210

TO RENT: Tutaleni Uuwanga Str Near Katutura car wash One bachelor flat with own kitchen and bathroom Water incl Electricity pre paid Garage available N$ 2 500.00 p/m Call: 081 447 8601

TNT Properties CC We are looking for properties to sell or rent out. Let us handle your property needs Call Tupavali 081 382 0277

TO RENT: Swakopmund, near Mondesa Woermann 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, single garage. N$ 6 200.00 p/m + deposit payable in 2 months. Contact: 081 313 7097 / 081 156 3969

TO RENT: Kabeljou Side One big room flat, toilet , shower, kitchen. N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Deposit N$ 1 000.00 Available 1 July 2019 Contact: 081 269 0484 081 275 0779

TE HUUR: Narraville 1 Slaap kamer woonstel met sitkamer, kombuis en stort. N$ 3 500.00 p/m N$ 1 500.00 deposito W/K ingsl. Onmidellik beskikbaar Kontak: 081 6111 111 081 278 6308

TNT Properties CC Swakopmund, Vineta For sale/rent 3 bedroom house with bic Main room with a walk in closet & shower Big living room and kitchen Corridor with bic Two vehicles garage plus space for a third car Entertainment area + braai 1102m² yard, safe area and within a walking distance to shopping centre and post office / atms Backyard two bedroom flat N$ 1.716 000 costs excluded Rent for N$ 7 500.00 p/m Water excl. Pre paid electricity. Swakopmund Vineta for rent 2 bedroom backyard flat Toilet and shower Small kitchen, Water incl Pre paid electricity Parking area N$ 4 500.00 p/m Call Tupavali 081 382 0277

TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Mola Mola street Kabeljou One bedroom flat, open plan kitchen lounge. Bathroom N$ 2 800.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity pre paid. Available immediately. Contact: 081 155 3130 EMMA NANGOLO KAMATOTO PROPERTIES Fairways Spacious 1 bedroom flat, with open plan kitchen, toilet and bathroom N$5000.00 neg w&e includedLong Beach 2 bedroom apartment, bathroom, open plan kitchen, lounge, tandem garage N$6 300.00 Water included Meersig Outside room with toilet and shower N$2800.00 neg water and electricity included Town Beautiful 3 bedroom townhouse fully furnished, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge, dining room, garage N$11 000.00 Contact: 081 122 8067 TO RENT: 6th Str, no 70 Bachelor flat available Electricity pre paid. N$ 3 550.00 p/m Call: 081 240 8931 081 287 9342 TO RENT: New NHE houses, Kuisebmond 1x 1 bedroom flat with own bathroom N$ 2 500.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 128 4191 081 211 7804

TO RENT: 2 bedroom flat spacious Toilet, open plan kitchen with lounge No garage People with sober habits Flat effective for single/married couple No pets Available 31 June N$ 4 000.00 p/m N$ 2 500.00 deposit W/E incl. Contact Nalie: 081 454 061 Ou Blank: 081 494 8603


ZzZ Guesthouse Windhoek West: Comfortable BUT affordable accommodation with ensuite bathroom, DSTV, aircon, complimentary snack, free WiFi, private BBQ areas, Swimming pool and safe parking. Bookings: 081 4777 414 ACCOMMODATION Guest rooms available in Kuisebmond From N$ 200.00 Contact: 081 616 5586 081 293 9264




TE KOOP GESOEK: Swakopmund of Walvisbaai 2/3 slaapkamers, garage, ingeboude kaste ± N$ 1.2 mil Kontak: 081 829 2228

WANTED: We pay cash for unwanted or broken jeweler. 9ct up to N$ 200 p/g 18ct up to N$ 400.00 p/g Contact: 081 330 2041 081 252 8387


namib times SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205854 Fax + 264 64 204813 wvb@namibtimes.net

ADVERTISING desiree@namibtimes.net mikkie@namibtimes.net

MARKETING/SALES Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Desiree Jooste Tel: +264 64 205854 desiree@namibtimes.net lolla@namibtimes.net CLASSIFIEDS Tel: +264 64 205854 smalls@namibtimes.net

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Swakopmund Office

28 JUNE 2019


Continued from page 1

to 5 % foreign employment. Thirdly, RUL may not employ any foreigner at management level on any other basis than a fixed two year contract. Fourthly, RUL's 2013 procurement policy must remain in place. Fifthly, procurement below the value of N$250 000 may not be more than 20 % from foreign businesses. A total of 80 % of the procurement must be made from Namibian SME's on condition these SME's are Namibian owned and registered and employ a minimum of 75 % Namibians.

Earthquake damage..... See Report on Page 1

Ear bitten off more information start to emerge Isaac Chikosi The bar brawl at popular hang-out spot at Swakopmund last weekend in which a young man's ear was bitten off, may have criminal consequences for both the victim and his attacker. An argument after a female allegedly made unwanted advances to a man allegedly gave rise to the incident which polarised the coastal community over the past few days with people taking sides. The victim reportedly got upset when his former girlfriend made advances to another man in the club. The victim allegedly started a heated argument with his ex-girlfriend and at one point allegedly took off his belt and wrapped it around his hand using the buckle of the belt as a weapon. The victim allegedly also broke a glass on his own forehead to demonstrate his anger and was

taken outside by security personnel. At some point the man accused of biting off the victim's ear was asked [by the victim] to stay out of the altercation between him and his girlfriend. The attacker who bit off the victim's ear is a rugby player for Wanderers Rugby. Bystanders saw the rugby player attacking the victim outside the club, wrestling him to the ground and biting off his ear. Witnesses added this week though that the victim's behaviour was aggressive and he too could face charges of assault by threat and crimen injuria. He has in the meantime been hospitalised in

Damage to the Walfrieden Mission School of the Roman Catholic Church, 17km from Omaruru Walvis Bay and the part of his ear that was bitten off was re-attached and a skin graft followed. In the meantime Wanderers Sport Club reacted to the article in Tuesday's edition of Namib Times. Contrary to reports that the Club would have met on Monday night to discuss the future of this player, only an informal meeting took place on Sunday already. At this meeting it was decided that the Club cannot be linked to this incident as the player was not on Wanderers premises and did not wear a Wanderers sport uniform and therefore the law would be left to take its course on the matter.

Küska 2019 Meet the Royal Couple: Prince Holger I “The Rockende Reiter” and Princess Andrea II “Die Integrierte Importierte

Tel +264 64 461866 Fax + 264 64 461824

ADVERTISING smallswk@namibtimes.net swk@namibtimes.net

MARKETING/ SALES Lolla Farmer Cell + 264 81 147 7653 marketingswk@namibtimes.net

Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na

Journalist Sharlien Tjambari Cell: 081 169 2123 sharlien@namibtimes.net

PRO-PRINT WALVIS BAY 064-205854 e-book edition @ http://issuu.com/ namibtimes www.namibtimes.net

The royal couple for the 2019 Küska has been announced at the Royal Ball (Prinzenball) on 21 June and is Holger Kleyenstueber and Andrea Egner. The pair will be seen on Saturday morning during the street procession (Strassenumzug). Don’t miss out on this colourful and cheerful event. Küska 2019 concludes on Saturday night with the traditional “Last Dance” (Kehraus).


28 JUNE 2019

Classifieds E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR smallswk@namibtimes.net



YEHUDA EMPLOYMENT Job Placements Are you looking for work in the hospitality industry: Chef, waiter/ress Professional cleaning Office administration Front office operation Housekeeper Bar man Sales person Cashier Get recruited, get trained and placed in jobs SMS your name and town to book your place Windhoek 081 394 9344 Walvis Bay 081 360 8335 Rundu 081 643 0838 NO CALLS!

HUUR ‘n TROKKIE 3,5 t / 4t Ek verwyder bou rommel / vullis / huistrekke / kantoor trekke. Enige tipe vragte. Bel my gerus. Ek laai self. Eugene: 081 611 1111

EDU CARE LEARNING CENTRE Theo Ben Gurirab Street, Walvis Bay Urgently requires a degreed qualified teacher with above 10 years experience to teach Maths and Business studies up to grade 12. The incubent should also mentor science students suitable candidates to email CVs to the principal – educarelearningcentrewvb@gmail .com Closing date for applications 01.07.19 064 220 831 VACANCY: Looking for TV and electrical repair technician with references. Send cv to tvlinkoffice1@gmail. com

PROPERTIES TO RENT For Rent Semi Furnished Two Bedroom Free Standing House to rent in Tamariskia Swakopmund. N$5000 + Deposit, Water and Electricity Included. Immediately Available. Contact Joseph @ 081 128 1455 Kramersdorf 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Double Garage N$8000 Contact: 081 202 1205

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE Narraville Walvis Bay Quite area close to schools / shop. 3 Bedroom, 2 bathroom house . Livingroom with indoor BBQ / outdoor BBQ Kitchen with BIC. Big yard all interlocked & Single garage Alarm system & High walls. N$ 1 300 000-00 REF: RR1473537 FFC REG NO: R2019/5234 Herman 081 281 7634

Excellent Investment Opportunity Only three units selling at reduced prices at Pelikan Platz (flats) Narraville

WANTED Wanted to Rent Pensioner Couple looking for a flat to rent in Swakopmund. Flat must be a walking distance from town Price ±s N$2500.00 (Excluding W+E). Cardboard (or Garage Included). O move in 1st September 2019. Contact:085 580 1484

Was N$805 000.00 Now N$684 000.00 Was N$840 000 Now N$715 000 Was N$865 000 Now N$735 000 For viewing contact Janine Bester +264 81 150 5020

PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALE WALVIS BAY 3 Bedrooms ,1 Full bathroom house, indoor BBQ , big Kitchen with scullery ,laundry & Double garage. PLUS: 1 bedroom flat with own garage & big yard. N$ 1 700 000.00 REF:RR1473426 FFC REG NO: R2019/5234 Herman 081 281 7634

HOUSE FOR SALE: SWAKOPMUND, JABULANI N$ 800 000.00 3 bedrooms, 2 bath rooms, kitchen with a stove. Lounge, Dining room and a single garage with storage space, Alarm system installed. Bank approved clients only!! Contact owner: 081 487 1960

FOR SALE * Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay – Eyuva Village * - 2-Bedroom Flat in a large complex - 1-Bathroom - Open-plan Kitchen & Lounge - No BIC - Single garage - Around N$ 400 levies p/m - Close to Naval Base & Independence Beach ONLY N$ 450 000! (Negotiable) Contact: FLORIAN – 081 460 0045 For Sale - Tamariskia Freestanding house 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom Kitchen Lounge Single garage PLUS: 1 Bedroom bachelor flat, 1 bathroom, kitchenette, single garage N$ 1 150 000 Ansu - 081 242 9198 Office - 081 169 1872 HOUSE FOR SALE NARRAVILLE N$ 820 000.00 3 bedroom house 1 full bathroom Open plan kitchen with lounge Erf size 307sqm Alarm included Contact: 0817127893 or 0817863571

PROPERTIES FOR SALE Hermes: Let your tenants assist to pay off your house. House available with 4 ½ separate flats, fully occupied at the moment. 3 Bedroom house , 1 Office, Lounge, Entertainment area, Kitchen, Double garage, 3 x 1 bedroom flats, 1 x bachelor flat Big yard. N$2.1 mil, excluding costs Phone Lana tel. 081 350 1827

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication


FOR SALE 2017 Toyota 2.8 Gd6 4x4 D/C Manual Diesel. Under 25 000 km Metallic grey Extras, colour coated canopy Towbar, nudge bar, roll bar, underbody VPS N$ 490 000.00 Call: 081 627 3370

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE SWAKOPMUND - Extremely well-situated coffee shop & cocktail bar - Selling as running concern with all equipment & stock included - Well operated with good investment on return - Information will only be provided to preapproved buyers - Massive savings on setup costs N$ 3 950 000-00 Massive price drop! Serious offers welcome FFC REG NO: R2019/5234 Sumari – 081 627 3181

FOR SALE: Gas Heater – Alva 84 cm = N$ 400 Beetle rim Chrome caps x 4 = N$ 1000 Vacuum Cleaner – aqua use = N$ 400 new: TV wall mount bracket – up to 72cm = N$ 250 Fishing Rods – 1 travel type & 1 ordinary = N$ 400 new: Flash Light Power Style with Zoom-long distance = N$ 250 sms up to 17h30: 081 8474100 or call A/H TE KOOP: Dumpie level te koop N$ 4 000.00 Kruiwa's, dakteels, grawe, 4x4 original rims. Kontak: 081 229 2939

MEAT FOR SALE - CENTRAL, WALVIS BAY - 3 Bedroom Townhouse - 2 Bathrooms - Lounge - Kitchen - BIC - Balcony - Courtyard in back & front - Garage N$ 855 000.00 * Option to buy in or out of CC. Claudia 081 169 6227

CARS FOR SALE: 2012 white Isuzu 2.5 KB72 Diesel D/C 2x4 155 000 km, new tyres, one owner, very clean inland bakkie below trade-in. N$ 175 000 Neg. Dawie: 081 124 8579 FOR SALE: Rav 4 J, 2000 model, very good condition with Toyota service history. 155000 km Price N$ 75 000. Phone: 081 459 2028

TE KOOP: 10gemsbok karkasse te koop Weeg vanaf 61kg tot 89kg Lewer 1julie in Walvis en Swakop af Skakel vir Annelie 0816184402

JOBS WANTED JOB WANTED: Two lovely ladies hardworking and trustworthy in their early 30’s are looking for work: house cleaning, laundry, ironing, taking care of kids, picking up children from day care/afternoon classes or any other service. We assist kids with their school work (we have experience and necessary qualifications) We clean after your party mess, we can take care of your home whilst away. We have our own vehicle. Walvis Bay, Town, Meersig, Hermis, Fairways, Lagoon or Langstrand. Call: 081 450 1250

JOBS JOBS WANTED WANTED JOB WANTED: I am a 25 year old lady, hardworking and can work under pressure. Very patient, friendly, honest and trustworthy. I am looking for work at a old age home to take care of elderly people. I have grade 12 and a community home based c are certificate. I am willing to start as soon as possible. Contact: 081 397 5505 JOB WANTED: I am looking for 2 days work or a week. Walvis Bay, Meersig, Lagoon, or town. Contact: 081 483 8340 JOB WANTED: A young and trustworthy hardworking lady is looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay or Langstrand. Can start anytime. Contact: 081 463 7360 JOB WANTED: I am a 30 year old man looking for driving work. I have code 11 CE I know how to operate different machinery, side loads, steel bro, forklift, TLB and Gennie or hotel driving. Call: 081 692 2117 081 711 1293 JOB WANTED: I am a 33 year old lady looking for domestic work, office cleaning and as a nanny. Can start ASAP. Contact: 081 323 6740 JOB WANTED: I am a 36 year old lady looking for cleaning and ironing. Only two days a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. I have 6 years experience. Walvis Bay, Meersig, Lagoon & Town Contact: 081 216 6604


OPSOEK NA WERK: Ek is 'n 40 jaar oud en opsoek na 3dae of 2dae werk in die week. Kan ook na kinders omsien. In Kramersdorf, Myle 4, Vineta of Tamariskia. Ek drink of rook nie. Kontak: 081 670 9146 OPSOEK NA WERK: 43-Year-old woman is looking for domestic work, don't drink or smoke. Honest and hardworking. Can start immediately any day in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 200156 / 081 47957514. JOB WANTED: Two ladies looking for any kind of work, housekeeping, babysitting, office cleaning, laundry, waiter or to look after bedridden patients as care giver – have certificate. Swakopmund or walvis Bay or any other town. Contact: 081 660 1561 / 081 780 9854. JOB WANTED: We are two ladies looking for domestic work one for 3 days and other 5 days, we are hardworking and trustworthy. Langstrand, Lagoon or Swakopmund. Contact: 081 396 6487 / 081 213 9143. OPSOEK NA WERK: Ek is opsoek na huiswerk voltyds vir 3 of 5 dae. Meersig, Langstrand of Swakopmund. Ek is hardwerkend. Kan enige tyd begin. Kontak: 081 396 6487 / 081 213 9143. OPSOEK NA WERK: Ek is 'n 55 jaar oud en opsoek na huiswerk, strykwerk, skoonmaak werk en kinders oppas in Swakopmund, Langstrand of inslaap werk. Ek is baie betroubaar het ook by alterserm gewerk gehad kan onmiddelik begin. Skakel: 081 781 1148 / 081 328 7152 OPSOEK NA WERK: Ek is dringend opsoek na huiswerk, kantoor skoonmaak of kinders oppas. Ek kan die hele week ingaan swell as dae soos gevra word. Ek is besikbaar om enige tyd te begin. Kontak: 081 798 2892 / m081 890 4811 JOB WANTED: I am looking for domestic work or office cleaning at Langstrand or Swakopmund for 3 days, I have experience and I am hardworking and trustworthy. Contact: 081 488 4207

Reward offered for her safe return or information leading to her safe return. Shivas went missing on 17/06/2019 in Walvis Bay. Please contact 081 128 7510/ 081 357 1606 / 081 269 7475 or the SPCA 064404419 when you see/find her

CARS For Sale: Toyota Camry 1993 2.2 AS IS Dark Grey Metallic Swakopmund N$10 000.00 Contact: 081 122 4438 JETTA TSI 1.4 Model 2012 Manual Black, mint condition - 16 156 km Service record available N$ 80 000.00 (cash/bank) 081 155 3130 081 292 7764

28 JUNE 2019




Kudus lost again Rudi Bowe

Kudus Rugby Club has lost yet another only three conver- Lawrence and Came- Kudus II who manage ron Stevens one try a conciliation try in a game in the 2019 Namibian Rugby sions. NRU Reserve league The try scores for each. Union (NRU) Premier league. The past weekend the visiting FNB Wanderers defeated Kudus 60-31 in a Namibian Rugby Union (NRU)

NOTICES & VACANCIES LIQUOR ACT, 1998 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO A COMMITTEE IN TERMS OF THE LIQUOR ACT, 1998 (regulations 14,26 & 33) Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the regional Liquor Licensing Committee, Region Erongo

1. Name and postal address of applicant: Shityeni Lengueni Thomas 2. Name of business or proposed business to which application relates: Y & J Sushi Bar 3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Bar no. 2, Erf W 3671 (K), Mica Street, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay 4. Nature and details of application: Application to transfer from Haluodi Joesey to Shiteyeni Lengueni Thomas

5. Clerk of the court with whom the application will be lodged: Clerk of the Magis t r a t e ’s C o u r t , District Walvis Bay 6. Date on which the application will be lodged: 28 June 2019. Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of the Act in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the Magistrate of the District, to reach the Magistrate not later than 7 days after the date on which the application is lodged.

Kudus was Percy Nash Wanderers II scored Premier league match with two and Gin 13 tries in their 85-7 on Saturday at Kudu Izaaks, Chesbrough demolition against Park in Narraville. Wanderers was leading 26-12 at halftime scored 10 tries with flanker Pieter Diergaardt scoring three and eighth man Christo van der Merwe two, while wing Elmarco Beukes, fly half Mahco Prinsloo, eighth man Driaan Vorster, lock Kevin Vorster and hooker Stefan Hattingh scored one try each. Scrum half Jacques Theron added three conversions, and wing Elmarco Beukes and replacement back Rudi Pretorius one each. Kudus got a bonus point from the game as they scored 5 tries with fly-half Ulriato Lawrence successful with Kudus fly-half Ulriato Lawrence

match played at Kudu Park in Narraville.

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME PUBLIC CONSULTATION NOTICE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT: OPERATIONS OF A FUEL STORAGE FACILITY IN WALVIS BAY CCC Petroleum cc intends to operate a fuel storage facility located on Erf 3447, Gobabeb Avenue, Walvis Bay. Environam Consultants Trading has been appointed to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the operations of the fuel storage facility. Hence, an Environmental Impact Assessment will be conducted in accordance with the Environmental Management Act No. 7 of 2007 and its Regulations as published in 2012. All Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs) are invited to register with the environmental consultant. All comments and concerns must be submitted to the email below by 10 July 2019. For further information regarding the project and/or to register as an I&AP, please contact: Rauna Nghifikwa Cell: +264 81 770 6422 Email: pandunghifikwa@gmail.com

CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day Care Centre) ON ERF: 2172 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 11th Road 61, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to establish a Day Care on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and undersigned, in writing, not later than 19 July 2019. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Natasha Lange, 12th Sphinx Street, Walvis Bay


28 JUNE 2019


Rossmund National League Champs Rudi Bowe

Rossmund Bowling Club is the Namibia Bowling Association’s 2019 National League Champions, after winning the Men's and Women's Pre-mier Divisions as well as Division 2 this past Saturday. The Leagues concluded at the Eros Bowl-ing Club in Windhoek.

With both Coastal teams, Namib Park from Walvis Bay and Rossmund from Swakopmund, present, that meant that all six clubs participated. The Windhoek teams who took part in the National League were TransNamib Bowling Club, Windhoek Bowling Club, Eros Bowling Club and Omeya Bowling Club. Rossmund Bowling Club this year proved to be a force to be reckoned with. Rossmund won the Men's Division with 48 points, the Women's Division with 54 points and the Trips Division 2 with 48 points, taking the honours in the Overall standings on 147 points. The Trips Division 1 was won by TransNamib Bowling Club with 39 points. Runners-up in the Men's Division were Omeya Bowling Club (42 points) in the Women's Division, Eros Bowling Club (36 points) in the Trips Division 1, Rossmund Bowling Club (33 points) and in Division 2 Eros Bowling Club (42 points). The league conclusions are always scheduled for Windhoek, as this is a central location for clubs from across the country to gather and also for everyone to be present at the Annual Awards when the NBA recognises players and clubs for their achievements. The categories are: Most promising Bowler, Men's Player of the Year, Women's Player of the Year, Team of the Year, Sportsmanship Award and Contribution to Bowls. The Most Promising Bowler Award went to 17-year old J.P. Fouché of Eros Bowling Club. He re-presented Namibia at the Under-20 National Tournament in Bloemfontein in March this year and also in Whales during the Atlantic Championships in May. Women's Player of the Year was awarded to Diana Viljoen of Rossmund Bowling Club. Diana is currently the Namibian Singles Champion of Champions. She also won the Namibian Closed Singles and is thus eligible to represent Namibia in the World Singles Championships to be held in Adelaide, Australia at the end of this year. She also captained the Ladies Team that won Gold in the Quadrangular Tournament in Windhoek last year, as well as the team that represented Namibia in Whales at the Atlantic Championships. The Men's Player of the Year was awarded to Piet Appollis of Rossmund Bowling Club. Piet was part of the Triples Team that won a bronze medal in the Atlantic Championships (23 countries participated in this discipline) and he was in the Four’s team that made it into the Quarter-finals in the same tournament. The team of the year award went to the Triples team that won a bronze medal at the Atlantic Championships. Willie Esterhuizen, Johan Jacobs and Piet Appollis were the three members of this team. The Sportsmanship Award went to Lynne Lindsay-Payne. Lynne has been playing for many years and has represented Namibia on national level and more recently, in the Senior Team. She was part of the Senior Ladies' team that won Gold overall in last year's Triangular Series against Botswana and Zimbabwe. Together with Cathy du Plessis, she won a silver medal at the 1998 Commonwealth Games, held in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia. The Final Award: Contribution to Bowls was shared by Jenny Gardiner and Lesley Vermeulen. Lesley Vermeulen was awarded Contribution to Bowls for her tireless dedication and commit-ment to representing Bowlers at the National Namibia Olympic Committee and the Namibia Sports Commission. Lesley took it upon herself to accompany the under 20 team to Bloemfontein earlier this year. She has been on the Executive of the Namibia Bowling Association for a number of years in various capacities. The team for the upcoming African States Tournament, which takes place in Nairobi, Kenya from 19 to 24 August, was also announced at the Awards Dinner. The team is unchanged from the one that went to Whales. The Men's Team are: Willie Esterhuizen, Johan Jacobs, Piet Appollis, J.P. Fouché and Cabous Olivier. The Ladies are Diana Viljoen, Amanda Steenkamp, AnjuleenViljoen, Elzaan de Vries and Bianca Lewis. The NBA wishes them well and trusts that they will do very well in the African States Tour-nament. The NBA also congratulates all the Award winners and League winners. The Final Standings: Premier Division Men: Rossmund Bowling Club. Premier Division Women: Rossmund Bowling Club. Division 1: TransNamib Bowling Club. Division 2: Rossmund Bowling Club.

Namibia Jukskei holds AGM Rudi Bowe Jukskei Namibia recently held its Annual General Meeting in Windhoek where Erik Strauss was re-elected to lead and market this sports code. The top management is: President and Director of Marketing: Erik Strauss. Vice President: Michael Duvenhage. Director of regions and tournaments: Johan Viljoen. Director of Administration: Estelle Viljoen. Finance Director: Gert Aggenbach. Director of Development: Christie Horn. National selection com-

Erik Strauss the re-elected President and Director of Marketing

mittee: Gert Aggenbach, Bully Thorburn, Gieliana Boshoff, Michael Duvenhage and Christie Horn. Chief referee: Gerhard Coetzee Namibia currently has three members on the International Jukebox Federation (IJF) management, namely Gieliana Boshoff (President), Christie Horn (Vice President) and Erik Strauss (Firector of Communication). Namibia Jukskei congratu-

lates all these members for the new season. The Namibian Junior Jukskei Association chose the following management for the new season 20192020 at its annual general meeting in Windhoek. President: Christie Horn. Vice-Chairman: Hendrik Grové. Secretary: Retha Horn. Additional members: Francois Boshoff and Kurt Barth. The Namibian Referees' Association also finalised its Annual General Meeting in Windhoek and the following management was elected for the new season: Chairman: Francois Boshoff. Vice-chairman: Fanna van Wyk. Secretary: Elize Steynberg. For any interest regarding Juskei in Namibia please visit www.jukskei-nam.

The 2019 National League champions Rossmund Bowling Club from Swakopmund

Women's Player of the Year was awarded to Diana Viljoen from Rossmund Bowling Club

Piet Appollis, Men's player of the year from Rossmund Bowling Club.

NSMA off to Worlds Championships The Namibian Sports Martial Arts team (NSMA), qualified to compete at the ISKA World Championships in Coronado Springs, Orlando Florida from 4 – 6 July 2019 in what is toted to be “the greatest show in Martial Arts” and “the World's most prestigious Martial Arts Tournament”. The event will be broadcast live on ESPN and is the premier event on the ISKA calendar. Over the last 10 years the NSMA have amassed an incredible 27 World Titles on the ISKA circuit and during 2018 Namibia and the NSMA were fully accredited by the World Body as an independent country invited to attend this prestigious event. The World Championships will be staged over 3 days and will bring together the World's best competitors from over 50 countries and an estimated 3500 competitors are expected to be in attendance. The NSMA team had to first go through the ISKA local qualifying event, which was hosted in Walvis Bay during May 2018 where-after, a team was selected to attend Destiny in Stellenbosch in South Africa during October 2018 and which competition is ranked as the qualifier for the ISKA World Championships and

only those who qualified as per ISKA regulations were then selected to be part of the Namibian delegation to the World Championships. The Namibian Sports Martial Arts team who will be attending the ISKA World Championships will be led by Sen-

sei Dorothy Bachman, who holds a 3rd Degree Black Belt and is the ISKA Director for Namibia and who has been attending the World Championships since 2007 as an active competitor, accompanied by her team Manfred Dedekind as Coach,

Lenevive Dedekind as Manager, Louis Maletzky as Senior Male, Andrew Garbers as Junior Male, Karl Dedekind as Junior Male, Nicolas Jalon as Junior Male, Caleigh Jordaan as Junior Female and Katja Dedekind as Junior Female.

(Frtl): in their fighting gi and representing the Namibian Sports Martial Arts and Namibia are in the back row: Louis Maletzky, Karl Dedekind, Sensei Dorothy Bachman, Nicolas Jalon, and in the front: Caleigh Jordaan, Andrew Garbers and Katja Dedekind

28 JUNE 2019




Namib Diesel Social Squash League The 2019 Namib Diesel Social Squash League had a great opening round this year.

Brave Warriors' coach Ricardo Manetti comforts a devastated Itamaunua Keimuine

Own goal costs Namibia Rudi Bowe

An agonising own goal by Itamaunua Keimuine in the dying minutes of the Brave Warriors' opening match of the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations on Sunday handed Morocco’s Atlas Lions all three points. Morocco dominated most of the match. The Africa Cup of Nations started on Friday in the host country Egypt. Having suffered a defeat in their opening match against the Atlas Lions, they face Bafana Bafana today (Friday 28 June) and then it is on to The Elephants (Cote d'Ivoire) in their final clash. For Bafana, having lost to Cote d'Ivoire in their opener on Monday, it will be important for a win over Namibia if it wants to end the Africa Cup of Nations in a third place (Best Third Place spot).

Titans announces winter tour of Namibia

Instead of the usual twelve teams participating, it has been decreased to eight teams. This is proof that the teams are much stronger, and most positions should be on par with each other. The opening was thoroughly enjoyed by everybody. The results of Wednesday 12June are as follows: FCS (3) vs Supatronix (3) 1. Imanuel Amorongo beat Leslie Bosman 3-0. 2. Marcelino Koopman beat Ze de Britto 3-1. 3. Stephen van Lingen beat Wynand Breytenbach 32. 4. Christo van Wyk lost to Jaco de Jager 0-3. 5. Anet Bosman lost to JC Platt 0-3. 6. Christelle Eiman lost to Doyle de Haas 0-3. Gateway Logistics (2) vs Bitstream (4) 1. Emil Dorgeloh lost to Angelo Titus 2-3. 2. Dylan Spencer lost to Jan de Smit 1-3. 3. Richard van der Meer lost to Chantel de Gouveia 2-3.

4. Willem van Duijvenbode lost to Sharde Fisher 23. 5. Stefan Swartz beat Diana Meyer 3-1. 6. Lindsay Lottering beat JakkieNel 3-0. Radio Electronic (5) vs Walvis Bay Ship Chandlers (1) 1. Devon Savage beat Michael Gruhn 3-0. 2. Michael Stauder beat Christopher Hill 3-0. 3. Joe Hermann beat Peter Pahl 3-0. 4. Jorn Wormsbacher beat Patrick Quinn 3-0. 5. Ricardo von Stein beat Arlene Visser 3-2. 6. Zola Nel lost to Luther Mostert 0-3. Namib Diesel (4) vs Woermann Brock Hardware & Building Supplies 1. Brandon Grane bea tDanie Greeff 3-2. 2. Robert Schaaf lost to Stefan van Tonder 2-3. 3. Jaco de Witt beat Dirk Bosman 3-1. 4. Shawn Mouton beat Trevor Heath 3-1. 5. Ockie du Plessis lost to Chelsea de Gouveia 1-3. 6. Carla Venter beat Anna Maria Venter 3-0.

Road Runners brave the grueling Comrades

Rudi Bowe

Five marathon athletes from the Walvis Bay Road Runners competed in the gruelling 86.83km Comrades Ultra-marathon from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, the oldest ultramarathon in the world, on Sunday 9 June. This is the world-famous marathon route associated with names like Bruce Fordyce and Deon Holtzhausen. The harbour town athletes were part of around 20 000 runners that lined up for the start in Durban. The direction of the race alternates each year between the “up” run starting from Durban and the “down” run starting from Pietermaritzburg. The cutoff time for successfully completing the race is 12 hours. One member, Werner Bachmann ran in a green number, as he already completed 12 Comrades marathons in the past, whilst Eliza Steyl ran her 9th race, Etienne Louw his 5th and Izabè Muller her 2nd.

Michelle von Stein was the novice as she was doing her first race in honour of her dad, the late André Bester who in his completed 23 Comrades marathons. The Walvis Bay’ites recorded the following times: Eliza Steyl 8:51 (Bill Rowan medal) Izabe Muller 11:29 (Back-to-back medal) Michelle von Stein 11:36 Etienne Louw 11:55 Werner Bachmann had to withdraw from the race at 43km (5:28) due to a stomach bug and Kobus van Schalkwyk had to withdraw before the race due to a knee injury.

The Multiply Titans will embark on a maiden tour of Namibia later this month for a two-match exhibition T20 tournament, presented by Windhoek Beer in association with Cricket Namibia. The two fixtures are scheduled to take place on 28 June at Sparta Cricket Club i n Wa l v i s B a y (13:30) and Sunday, 30 June at Trustco United Sports Field i n Wi n d h o e k a t 13:00. Supported by the official tour airline partner, Kulula.com, the Sky Blues arrive in Windhoek on 26 June. The squad will then head to Swakopmund and spend three days on the west coast before heading back to the capital for the remainder of the week long tour. This will be the first visit by the Centurion franchise to Namibia, and Titans Cricket chief executive, Dr Jacques Faul, is looking forward to breaking new ground with an emerging cricket nation. “We are pleased to confirm this trip, which will play an integral part in our

efforts to expand the global footprint of the Titans brand. Namibia is a proud cricketing nursery, and we look forward to sharing our love for the game with them. “I want to thank Cricket Namibia, as well as our tour partners, for their cooperation. As a country, Namibia has a lot to offer, so I'm sure that the squad will be looking forward to exploring their surrounds beyond the cricket,” Faul said. The tour will kick-start winter training, as the Titans look to shake off the cobwebs after a two-month break, following the conclusion of the 2018/19 season. With a number of players currently abroad and on international duty at the ICC Cricket World Cup, a 10-man squad will travel. The tour will also give young school cricketers an exciting opportunity to take to the field alongside the Sky Blues. Dian Neethling and

Ettienne Beukes of Walvis Bay Private High School have been named in the squad to play in the opening T20, while Michael Laubscher (Windhoek Gymnasium) and Divan La Cock (Windhoek High School) will feature in the second match. The Titans will be bolstered by the return of Albie Morkel, who will make one final outing in the Sky Blues' colours in the tournament decider. “The tour will provide a good opportunity for the guys spend some quality time, so that when the guys return to Centurion, they are ready to hit the ground running, as we prepare for upcoming season,” said Faul. “It is also a final opportunity to say goodbye to Albie in a Titans shirt, so it is a special occasion.” Namibia, who recently progressed through to the Twenty20 World Cup Global Qualifiers and gained ODI status, are likely to field an

The harbour town marathon athletes from the left are Etienne Louw, Eliza Steyl, Izabè Muller, Michelle von Stein, Werner Bachmann and Kobus van Schalkwyk invitational team. And there will be one familiar face in the opposing dressing room in former Titans stalwart and now Namibia head coach, Pierre de Bruyn. “We are very proud to welcome the Titans, as they have set standards to aspire to on and off the field. We look forward to a long and fruitful association,” said De Bruyn. Following the announcement, one lucky fan will have the chance to 'Tour with the Titans'. The prize includes flights, accommo-

dation and VIP hospitality. More details will be announced soon on the Titans Cricket social media platforms. The tour schedule is as follows - Wednesday, 26 June: Arrive in Windhoek and travel to Swakopmund. Thursday 27 June they will be at Auas Motors Walvis Bay from 17:00-18:00 Friday 28 June: T20 match vs Namibia at Sparta Cricket Club, Walvis Bay (13:30 start). Saturday 29 June: Travel to Windhoek. Sunday, 30 June: T20 match vs Namibia

at United Cricket Club, Wi n d h o e k ( 1 3 : 0 0 start). Wednesday, 3 July: The team will return to South Africa. Tour partners: Windhoek Beer (title sponsor), Dros (restaurant partner), Fresh FM (radio partner), Isuzu (associate partner), IXU (apparel partner), Jacc FM (radio partner), Kulula.com (airline partner), Momentum (associate partner), Nictus (logistics partner), Omega (associate partner), Quatro Cleaning (associate partner) and Radiowave (radio

partner). The squad that will represent the Eagles in the coast on 28 June are; Stephen Baard, JP Kotze, Lohan Louwrens, Merwe Erasmus (Capt.), Zane Green, Karl Birkenstock, PikkieYa France, Jan Frylinck (Vice-Capt.), JJ Smit, Mauritius Ngupita, Ben Shikongo, and Matthew Stander. The coastal team will be managed by Dee Thakur, the Head Coach will be Lauritz Haccou and he will be assisted by Coach Fortune Matawu.


28 JUNE 2019

namib times Sport

Send your sports news to journalist5@namibtimes.net

Supatronix Golf Day Contributed

Greetings. Although there was a lot happening in town over the past weekend we still had a good field of 32 players for the Supatronix Day and even the weather also played along. It was a pleasure to play with the sponsor Jose de Brito. Albeit, the other gun slingers in our hand took my money – eish. But all told it was a good format [bogey plus] and winner on the day and surely needs a new handicap was Jaco de Witt on plus 6 with which was three shot clear of Justine Grobler in second place on plus 3. The 3rd, 4th and 5th places were determined by a count out on plus 2 and went to David Peake, Hannes Crafford and Piet Poggenpoel, in that order. The nearest to the pin went to Wayne Hart, longest putt [a new idea] was won by Jaco de Witt and John Sardinha won the closest to the flag drive. Jose was on hand to hand over the prizes and on the photo is Justine and Jose. Two clubs went to Wayne Hart and Koot Potgieter. The jackpot was not won on the day. In true style Jose committed to next year and just to prove a point rang the bell and all said aye aye. Thanks to Jose and his team for the sponsorship and we look forward to seeing you back next year. Added to the golf on Saturday we had our second social and boy was it a cracker. 120 or so singers, dancers and party goers turned up to enjoy Jampie and Jaco [better say Jaco Blaauw just now someone thinks it was Jaco de Witt, and even if he looks like Kenny Rodgers, hy kennie die woorde nie, haha], and enjoy we all did.

Those who missed the show - well you missed an awesome night, even Tienie who just turned 60 [lekker verjaar Tienie] had his dancing shoes on and danced the night away. What an honour to see Jens Travolta and Duane Swayze swing those hips like never before [could need hip replacement soon but well done guys]. Tot ou oom Jan Lieb het uitgepak. Thanks to our organising committee on a job well done and we all look forward to your next event. Also thanks to Viagem Travel for their sponsorship towards the event. It was very nice to see the club members enjoying the evening and indeed even a few visitors were also at the show and had a blast. Nice to have had Gavin, Wimpie, Neville, Roger, Adri and a few others visit us for the night Our next planned social will be - A Night At The Races, and is now re-scheduled for Friday 2 August so please mark this date in you diaries. Originally we thought to hold it on 26 July but this is His House Fundraiser date, so we have shifted it out by a week. Those that have been to one of these race evenings know it is a cracker of a night. Watch this space for more details, but keep the date open. There have been some queries about the subs annual fees and annual green fees and this has seemed to have caused a bit of consternation, and we will relook and advise all this week. Promise!

The winner Justine Grobler with Jose de Brito from Supatronix

Pescanova and Novanam Golf day Contributed

The Rossmund monthly “feeshing” competition sponsored by Pescanova and Novanam was held on Saturday (22 June).

(Fltr): Achmet Abrahams (SAGES Chairman) with the winner Des Benson and Johan & Cashbox Van Wyk (Sponsor – Stainless Engineering) + grandkids

The Pescanova and Novanam Monthly Medal winners, back row, Willie van Zyl, Andrew van Schalkwyk, Kevin Wentzel, Rina Knight and Graham Louwand in front is Michael Tordesillas (sponsor) and Daniel van Wyk

This golf competition count among the most popular and it is always a pleasure when sponsors join for a round of golf and afterwards for the prize giving and socialising. The weather also played along fine for a most enjoyable competition and a few good scores were posted. The results: Overall Winner: Kevin Wentzel 70nett, “A” Division: Andrew van Schalkwyk 72nett, “B” Division: Willie van Zyl 70nett, “C” Division: Graham Louw 84nett, In the Ladies division Rina Knight emerged as the winner with a 81nett. Daniel van Wyk was the junior winner with a 104nett. Sunday 23 June saw the SAGES in action with an excellent field of golfers arriving in thick mist to support one of our long time sponsors, Stainless Engineering. Only one 2-club was recorded by Tony Boesch on Number 7 with Des Benson securing the nearest to the pin and Sigi Baumgartner on Number 12. Overall Winner was Des Benson with a brilliant round of 42 points (75gross), with runner up Tim Botha 35 points, Dougie Smith (31points) was third, fourth place went to Gerhard Byleveld 30 points and John Horne 29 points winning a count out over Tony Boesch and Sigi Baumgartner. As always Cashbox and Johan van Wyk were on hand to ring the bell and assist with the prize giving - this time the grandchildren stood by with a helping hand.

Wednesday 19 June: the Engen - Swakopmund Service Station Golf Day 30 golfers took to the course despite the hectic east wind conditions. Marco Swarts and Johnny Flook took on Fanie Terblanche and Fritz Coetzee in the Doubles Match, with the latter winning 1UP. Eleven Pairs competed in our last qualifier for the International Pairs Final, to be held in Windhoek - the laurels went to the duo of Andrew van Schalkwyk and Kevin Wentzel with 43points. This means that a total of 4 men's and 2 ladies pairs will compete for a place for an all expenses paid trip to Portugal. Well done to the qualifiers and thanks to all the golfers who supported the initiative. The Individual scores from all the days' participants were thrown in the hat for the Wednesday competition. Results: - 18 Holes: Achmet Abrahams 37 points, Andrew van Schalkwyk 36 points. 9 Holes (Back 9): Fritz Coetzee 18 points. Longest Day winner was Peter Bass. Win or lose - whichever way you want to look at it on a count out over the Par 3's. This coming weekend in the 2019 NALGU Namibian Open Championship and the Namibian Junior Championships at Rossmund. The club will also host a small competition sponsored by Destination Swakopmund for those of you who cannot get through the weekend without your “shot “of golf. Remember: Golf is a non-violent game played violently from within. Real golfers go to work to relax. Real golfers don't cry when they line up their fourth putt.

28 JUNE 2019



Press release:

Namdock (Former EBH Namibia) kicks off new era with superb rig repair success The years 2018 and 2019 have been strategically momentous ones for EBH Namibia. From the previous position of having South African shareholding, the company has moved to become a wholly Namibian-owned company, with 100% of the shareholding jointly held by the EBH Consortium and the Namibian Ports Authority (Namport). At this juncture, the company has also taken the opportunity to rebrand itself, and is changing its name to Namdock. The stated objective is to be the preferred marine repair partner on the West African coast, building on its new status with the underlying ethos of integrity and service excellence – embodied in the tagline 'Our Strength is Local'. The year began on a high note with a major repair project from Sapura Energy, a completely new addition to Namdock's customer base. "We were delighted to be able to announce the successful conclusion of the agreement with Sapura

Energy, as it acknowledges EBHN's high levels of expertise and experience in servicing the maritime oil and gas industry," explains EBHN Acting CEO Heritha Nankole Muyoba. The new project involved the reactivation of the SKD Jaya rig, a semi-submersible tender assisted drilling unit. This vessel had been cold-stacked offshore of Trinidad for the past few years. "Even though the rig had a skeleton crew on board maintaining it, in the tropical maritime environment, a certain amount of deterioration was inevitable," explains EBH Namibia Project Manager William Diamond, who was responsible for managing the SKD project.

A four-man EBHN team flew to Trinidad to carry out a rapid but thorough assessment of the scope of work needed on the SKD Jaya; after which the rig was transported to Walvis Bay on the heavy-lift vessel, the Hua Hai Long. The complexity of reactivating a rig such as this is considerable as, at 94 m long, 36 m wide and more than 20 m high, it is a very large structure. An indication of its size are its main power-units consisting of six Caterpillar diesels, with further power supplied by two 2000 kVA generators; while the two cranes on its superstructure have 170 foot and 140 foot booms respectively. The Namdock team were

charged not only with restoring this vessel to a seaworthy condition; but also with ensuring that it was safe and fully compliant with maritime legislation. To do this required adhering to a scope of work that was highly complex and involved a range of disciplines including rigging, fabrication, electrical and mechanical work, carpentry and painting. "Having high levels of expertise in all these different areas makes us highly competitive in the international ship repair arena," continues Diamond. To complete the scope of work, the EBHN team essentially had to examine every square metre of the SKD Jaya; and then carry

out maintenance, replacement or repair as required. Diamond explains that this involved some 17 different 'sub-projects' - such as ensuring that the accommodation and catering facilities were all in good order - as the rig could have as many as 160 workers on board at one time. Other sections of the project that needed to be carried out included: · The refurbishing and testing of drilling equipment · Checking the operability of all lighting, signal and fire safety equipment ·The removal/rehabilitation of the anchors and anchor wires · Removal and load testing of the deck crane cables · Servicing and repairing the engines, generators and heat exchangers · Calibrating the fog and weather monitoring systems · Replacing all anodes "The future safety of the SKD Jaya crew is critically important, so we oversaw the re-certification of the life boats, the servicing and load testing of all davits, and the replacement and drop-testing of the helideck perimeter netting," Diamond emphasises. In addition to the above, further tasks included: · The removal and lab testing of the blow-out preventer test pump · Overhauling all valves on the rig · Assisting RigNet technicians with all satellite antenna connections · Supplying and reinstalling radio survey and satellite compass equipment This project illustrates that Namdock has the ability to subcontract out specialist functions and see these through to completion. In

addition, it also demonstrated the company's excellent project management and problem-solving ability as, with a project of this scale, there are often unforeseen circumstances which need to be managed correctly. For example, with the SKD Jaya project, it was necessary to offload a very large item of drilling equipment. The challenge was that the quayside was never designed to handle a piece of equipment this heavy. To avoid damage to the quayside and Sapura Energy's equipment, the item was offloaded directly onto two unsynchronised flatbed units, which then successfully transported it – with great care – to a destination where it ould be repaired. What pleases Nankole Muyoba particularly is that the entire project was completed without any incidents. "Considering the number of people, the hours worked, and the challenges we faced, this was a truly notable achievement," she says. At the end of the project, in its Project Closure Report, client Sapura Energy stated that it was 'very impressed and happy with EBH Namibia's service'. The company's BBLT Project Manager Olivier Le Touzo explains that the 'sail-away' date for the completed project was 11 May.

"The day before, we carried out our final inspection and found that everything was to our satisfaction. We were impressed, because EBHN needed to use the services of a number of subcontractors and it managed this aspect exceptionally well." Furthermore, Sapura Energy had many requests for tools, consumables and local repair services, to which EBHN responded quickly and efficiently. "All in all, I have to say it was a great job by EBH Namibia," says Le Touzo. The SKD Jaya project is the latest in a series of high-level repair projects, which includes the replacement of the bulbous bow of the ship Huascar and the repair of the Angolan floating dock among other projects. "The company's long history of unrivalled experience and expertise, as well as our streamlined processes and procedures, means we are ideally placed to provide the highest standard of service in line with the clients' requirements," asserts Nankole Muyoba. "We anticipate that this rig project is the first of a number that will provide Namdock, as well as our relevant stakeholders – and the Walvis Bay community – with strong sustainable revenue into the future," she concludes.


28 JUNE 2019

Walvis Bay Court Report

Court Swakopmund Court Report Magistrate Court Fikameni Haimene (31), appeared on charges of attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The accused was sentenced to pay a fine of N$1 000 or 6-month imprisonment. Paulus Tobias (31), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 7 August for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Titus Jacob (24), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 24 October for plea and trial. The accused is on bail. Lucky Namifa (30), appeared on a charge of dealing in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 22 July because the docket was not at court. The accused is on bail. Denzil Bruwer (42), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 1 August for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Silas Sakaria (26), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 11 July because the docket was not at court. The accused remains in custody. Peddie Guy Travis (34), appeared on a charge of driving with an excessive blood alcohol level. The matter was postponed to 25 September for further investigations. The accused remains in custody. Jimmy Gaoseb (28), appeared on a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 9 July because the accused was absent. The accused is on bail. Wesley Narib (24), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 4 November for fixing of trial date.The accused remains in custody. Simon Hamata (30), appeared on a charge of theft of a motor vehicle. The matter was postponed to 2 August for further investigation. The accused remains in custody.

Asser Fenderusa (24), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 8 August for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Michael Mujoro (27), Dino Haragaeb (22), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 12 August for co-accused to be re-arrested. Michael Mujoro is at large, and Dino Haragaeb is on bail of N$1500. Nico Uaraavi (33), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 7 August for plea. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Thellevin Kairi (21), Michael Swartz (29), appeared on charges of attempted murder and assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 20 January 2020 for continuation of trial. The accused are on bail of N$3 000 each. Johannes Kambonde (29), appeared on a charge of malicious damage to property. The accused is at large, and a warrant of arrest was issued. Derick Moolman (28), appeared on a charge of possession in dependence producing substance. The matter was postponed to 24 July for fixing of trial date. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Samuel Ghom (34), appeared on a charge of robbery. The matter was postponed to 23 July for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Richard Mbongora (47), appeared on a charge of assault. The matter was postponed to 30 July for further investigation. The accused remains in custody. Josef Shamba (25), Katjitarerua Mbomboro (25), appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 29 October for plea and trial. The accused are on bail of N4 000 each. Pieter Brits (23), appeared on a charge of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 24 July for further investigation. The accused is on bail of N$2 000. Raurentious Iipinge (39), appeared on a charge of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 12 August for plea and trial. The accused remains in custody.

Sem Shilumbu (32), Two counts of Assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm (June 2018) The accused was found guilty and was sentenced. Underage boy (17), Housebreaking with intent to steal and theft (November 2018) The matter was postponed to 22 July 2019. Mental observation Report in terms of Section 79. Isack Mwashekele (30), Drunk driving (June 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Deon Goagoseb (22), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (June 2019) The matter is postponed to 20 June 2019. Trial Partly Heard – Continuation of Trial. Richard Martin Baker (45), Failure to pay maintenance (March 2011) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Llewellyn Virgil Cloete (35), Failure to pay maintenance (March 2016) The matter is postponed to 25 July 2019. Plea and Trial. Mathias Leopord (23), Fraud (November 2017) The accused was found guilty and was sentenced. Nasimane Gottlieb Shiimi (41), Cuthbert Mapiye (60), Luise Kudakwashe (35), Graham Julian Platt (41), Theft and defeating or obstructing the course of justice. (July 2018) The matter is postponed to 23 September 2019. P.G Decision (final remand) Petrus Doeseb (34), Austione Mweene (39), Saymore Chirad-za (29), Possession of suspected stolen property (August 2018) The matter is postponed to 1 August 2019. Trial partly heard (Continuation of trial. Amon Shiwedha (33), Thomas Nanga, Sem Shilongo, Robbery with aggravating circumstances (September 2018) The matter is postponed to 24 July 2019. Thomas Nanga and Sem Shilongo is at large. Tracing of accused. David Sheehama (44), Assault by threat read with the provisions of the Domestic Violence Act, Act 4 of 2003. (April 2019) The matter is postponed to 12 September 2019. Plea and Trial (Final Remand) Ipinge Shinyemba (51), Drunk driving (June 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Deon Gokagoseb (22), Housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft (June 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Eiseb Benjamin (54), Mass overloading (June 2016) The matter is postponed to 25 June 2019. Plea and Trial. Vaino Nehale (42), Andreas Josef (43), Murder. The case was transferred to the regional court in Swakopmund. George Paulus (24), Robbery (November 2011) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Simeon Shimaneni (29), Assault common read with the Provision of the Domestic Violence Act 2003 (March 2019) The accused was found guilty and sentenced. Kevin Reid (27), Reginal Bock (29), Dealing and Possession of drugs. The accused was found guilty and sentenced.

28 JUNE 2019

ISWB 10th Anniversary



US Dep. Assistant Sec. of State in Walvis Bay Eileen van der Schyff The U.S. Department of State's Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Matthew Harrington, visited Walvis Bay recently where he among others had the opportunity to see progress being made with construction of the new container terminal on reclaimed land in the port.

Wednesday, 26 June marked the tenth birthday of the International School of Walvis Bay (ISWB). Each class was required to bake a cake for this momentous occasion. The class which baked the best tasting and best presented cake stood a chance to win prizes. The best-looking cake went to Year Eleven with their “books cake” and the best tasting cake went to Year Two with their yellow “pineapple cake”. The teachers of these winning classes' are Annemarie Etsebeth and Monique Etsebeth.

Harrington's visit to Walvis Bay formed part of his visit to Namibia on engagements covering the broad US-Namibian partnership. Deputy Assistant Secretary Harrington met with the Prime Minister, the Deputy Minister, the Minister of Health and Social Services and the Minister of Environment and Tourism. Deputy Assistant Secretary Harrington then visited the Walvis Bay Port Expansion Project to better understand Namibia's positioning to be a logistics hub and Transport corridor. “ At the Ministers' of Health Southern African Development Community's (SADC) Meeting on a Sustainable HIV Response for Epidemic Control held on Thursday, 20 June, Deputy Assistant Secretary Harrington applauded Namibia's success in his remarks in bringing HIV under control in the country. This success is thanks to the partnership between America's President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Namibian Ministry of Health and Social Services “The U.S. model of partnership offers sustainable, debt-free avenues for African growth, prosperity, and human capital development,” explained Deputy Assistant Secretary Harrington. He emphasised that United States countries are attracted to countries known for ease of doing business and their consistent policy and regulatory environments. Deputy Assistant Secretary Harrington was also able to visit Swakopmund while he was in Namibia, where he visited COSDEF Arts and Crafts Centre constructed by the Millennium Challenge Corporation. He also met with Peace Corps volunteers who are dedicating two years of their lives to community development all around Namibia.

International Day The International School of Walvis Bay will have its Annual International Day this coming Saturday, 29 June at Jan Wilken Stadium. Prepare for a day filled with fun and games for the whole family. Come and enjoy international cuisine from Namibia to Brazil. Relax at the beer garden, participate in the raffle draw and come visit the various stalls for an interesting buying experience. This and much more to look forward to.

28 JUNE 2019


Salt exports.... More than 28 000 tons of salt will be exported through the port of Walvis Bay during the month of July. On 1 July the bulk carrier Agia Sofia loads 21 000 tons of salt, followed by the bulker Solanjo (metric tons of salt to be loaded not indicated on the port log) and on 21 July the bulker Falkenberg loads 7 000 tons of salt. Salt exports from Walvis Bay is set to top 1,1 million tons by as early as 2020 after massive expansions to the salt pans and infrastructure investment by Walvis Bay Salt Refiners.


Friday 28 June Low Tide: 06:02 High Tide: 12:25 Low Tide: 18:07 High Tide: 00:34 Saturday 29 June Low Tide: 06:50 High Tide: 13:15 Low Tide: 18:58 High Tide: 01:22

Sunday 30 June Low Tide: 07:34 High Tide: 14:00 Low Tide: 19:45 High Tide: 02:00 Monday 1 July High Tide: 02:07 Low Tide: 08:16 High Tide: 14:42 Low Tide: 20:30

Port Log NOTICE CONSENT USE IN TERMS OF TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REGULATIONS Notice is hereby given in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Town Planning Scheme Regulations that the Town Council considers the following consent use, erection of buildings and use of land, details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering Services. Hammer Bikes Zone 81 herewith intends to apply to the Municipality of Swakopmund for special consent for a Place in Amusement - Private Bar & Entertainment on the premises of Erf 1663, (18A Phillips Street), Mondesa Ext.1 Any person having any objection against such application should lodge such objection/s in writing and within 14 days of the last publication to the Swakopmund Municipality and the applicant, during normal business hours. Closing date for objections or comments is: 12 July 2019. Contact Persons: Mr J Heita, Manager Town Planning, Phone: (064) 410 4403 / 081 150 0269, Email: jheita@swkmun.com.na Mr WF Joubert, Cell: 081 128 0347 Email: williej@iway.na

28 JUNE 2019



28 JUNE 2019


Etosha Fishing excels at gender inclusivity In the male dominated world of the fishing industry, Etosha Fishing stands out as a shining beacon of gender inclusivity and women empowerment. Nearly half of the management team at the company is female, while the majority of the workforce comprises women. For billions of people worldwide the ocean is a life-support system – providing food, jobs and resources. Spanning economically important sectors, such as fisheries, maritime shipping, deep-sea mining, renewable energy and tourism, the potential return on investment in the blue economy is huge. As the buzz around the social and economic Three of Etosha Fishing's top management team are females, photographed in front of Etosha Fishing's RSW Vessel b e n e f i t s o f ' b l u e Iona is Acting MD and former Financial Director Nezette Beukes (middle), with Quality Manager Linekela Kapundja growth' builds, calls for gender equality to (left) and Department Head of Labelling and Dispatch Drizelle Westerdale (right)

be an integral part of this economic opportunity are becoming louder. T h i s y e a r Wo r l d Ocean's Day celebrated on 8 June under the theme 'Gender and the Ocean' shone the spotlight on women and their role in the ocean economy. The message was clear that working in a predominantly male orientated ocean economy, women of the world have a lot to contribute towards the future sustainability of the resource. Furthermore, Day of the Seafarer marked on 25 June also highlights the importance and value of women within the professional ranks of the maritime world and is celebrated under the banner ´I am on board with gender equality'. “For the world to achieve sustainability in the ocean, we must be gender inclusive in

all blue economic activities,” Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Hon Bernard Esau said during the official event m a r k i n g Wo r l d Oceans Day celebrations in Walvis Bay. He noted that women are already making huge contributions towards the health and sustainability of our ocean and the role the resource plays in the national economy. “It was never a conscious decision to exclusively employ women in leading positions at the company,” Etosha Fishing Acting MD and former Financial Director Nezette Beukes says. She considers the fact that most of the key managerial positions at Etosha Fishing are occupied by women a clear illustration that females are just as capable as their male counterparts.

28 JUNE 2019



Regional leaders meet to discuss social protection policy Sharlien Tjambari

Regional consultations on the Social Protection Policy and Decentralization of Social Welfare kicked off on Monday, 24 June. The policy aims at addressing vulnerabilities, tackling social exclusion and eradication of poverty. According to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare, Esther Lusepani, who spoke on behalf of the Minister, Zephania Kameeta, Namibia has been faced with challenges of high levels of inequality and poverty since independence. Although significant decline in poverty has been observed, inequality however persists. This situation, restricts economic growth and reinforces itself through high levels of unemployment, triggering economic and social risks to the vulnerable society. In efforts to address those social and economic challenges the Namibian Constitution and related legislations make provision for social protection or social security under Article 95 of Namibia Constitution and Chapter (11) on 'Principles of State Policy'. Lusepani further said the Government of Namibia is currently implementing social assistance programs such as: Old Age Pension, disability, veterans and children grants; disaster relief, food bank, school feeding, free primary and secondary education, social housing and marginalised community programs. She said the implementation of the Social Protection Policy will gear towards achieving universal maternity grant and health coverage; universal child and disability grants; employment creation and empowered women and youth; sustained old age and disability income security; inclusion of marginalised

people; affordable housing; integrated social registry and services; enhanced coordination of social protection; and improved monitoring and evaluation of

social protection. The Governor of Erongo region Hon. Cloephas Mutjavikua said the platform provides an opportunity for the region's input to be incor-

porated into the policy. Regional leaders, local authority leaders, leaders from faith-based organisations, officials from the security department and other stakeholders gathered at the Swakopmund Plaza Hotel for the one day consultation workshop.

Regional leaders discuss social protection policy the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare Esther Lusepani

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