- Honouring the Victims of the Atlantic Meat Market Bomb
On 2August , the community of Walvis Bay commemorates the 38th anniversary of the Atlantic Meat Market butcherybombing.Onthistragicdayin 1986,amanleftabagcontainingabomb in AtlanticMeatMarket.
The ensuing explosion claimed five lives and injuredmanyothers,leavinganindeliblemarkonthe town's collective memory The loud bang sounded alloverthetown,andbothyoungandoldremember exactly where they were when the horrific occurrence rocked the town. To honour this occasion, producerTaatiNiilengeandcameraoperator,Isidor Continues on page 2
New Medical Centre Opens in Swakopmund
· Promises Improved Healthcare and Job Creation
ThegrandopeningofMedicityMedicalCentreinSwakopmund on Monday this week marks a significant milestone forthecommunity,promisingenhancedhealthcareservices andeconomicgrowth.
NamRA to Combat Deliberate Tax Evasion within the Fishing Industry
The event was graced by the Mayor of Swakopmund, Her Worship Cllr Namubes, who highlighted the centre's potential to transform local healthcare and boost the town'seconomy
The mayor stated, “it is an honour and a privilege to stand before
you today as we mark the official opening of MedicityMedicalPractice here in Swakopmund.
Healthcare is a fundaContinues on page 2
Urgent Action Needed for Trafficking of Persons
The Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication, and Social Welfare Gender,DoreenSiokaduringtheCommemoration of World Day Against
Trafficking in Persons in Swakopmund thisweek,revealedthatsinceApril2023, eight cases of Trafficking in Persons havebeenreported,fiveofwhichareon thecourtroll.
One case has resulted in a conviction under the CombatingofTraffickinginPersonsAct,2018,as wellastheChildCareandProtectionAct,2015. Florence Ntombesibini Situmbeko from the IOM (InternationalOrganisationforMigration)Namibia Head Office stated that while significant efforts havebeenmade,muchworkremains.“Addressing Continues on page 2
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
Shilongo have created a poignant documentary titled“TheBomb-WeRemember”.
The film aims to revisit that fateful day, not through a political lens, but by focusing on the personalstoriesofloss,survival,andtheenduring impact on the community "Although this day is forgotten by many, it is remembered by Walvis Bay residents," Niilenge explained. "We want to show the world that it happened, as it impacted a lotoflives.Wedidnotwanttogointothepolitics ofthematter,butreallyjusttohonourthelivesthat were lost and remind the survivors that they are notforgotten."Niilengestressedtheimportanceof the documentary as a form of collective healing. "The documentary marks a moment of getting together, remembering, and comforting each other,sinceyearscannotreallytakeawaythevoid and the pain."The screening of “TheBomb -We Remember' will be more than just a viewing. It will provide a platform for residents, both young andold,toaskquestionstothesurvivorsandshare their own experiences This interactive component aims to bridge the generational gap,
Continued from page 1
educating younger audiences about this significant dayintheirtown'shistory "Thisismorethanjusta documentary screening. This is an opportunity to share the pain that has been stuck in victims and witnesses'hearts,"Niilengesaid."Wenoticedthata lotofyoungpeoplehavenoideaaboutthisdayand wereverysurprisedtohearaboutit.Theywillhave their chance to learn more about it. We hope to donate the documentary to the Ministry of Education so that it could be screened as part of a history lesson annually on August 2 " The documentary has garnered interest from people beyond Namibia, with many expressing a desire to attend the screening. The production team is exploringwaystomakethedocumentaryaccessible to a wider audience, ensuring that the story of the Atlantic Meat Market bombing reaches those who cannotbepresent.Thepremiereof“TheBomb-We Remember” will take place at the Walvis Bay CommunityChurchonSaturday,3Augustat15:00. Tickets are available for N$50 at Charlies’ Meat Market and can also be purchased by contacting 0812491161.
Urgent Action Needed for Trafficking
Continued from page 1
thedemandsideoftrafficking,forexample,has proven particularly challenging, as has identifying individuals who have been trafficked,” said Situmbeko. Situmbeko further noted that prosecuting those behind trafficking networks has faced significant challenges, and new approachesareneededtoensurejusticeforvictims. Increased investment is also required to evaluate anti-trafficking interventions and research current trends to guide future responses. Inhisremarks,InspectorGeneraloftheNamibian Police, Lieutenant General Joseph Shikongo, said that the psychological effects of traffickingonvictimsmakeitdifficulttodetect and investigate, not only in Namibia but globally Shikongo reported that between January 2021 and December 2023, Namibia investigated and prosecuted child trafficking cases involving28childrenfromNamibiaandneighbouring countries. He explained that emerging casesofchildtraffickingarepartlyduetoNamibia'sporousborders,whichhaveledtoaninflux of children from neighbouring countries seekingbetterlivingconditions.Unfortunately, these childrenoften end up being exploitedfor forced labor within the country According to Gender Minister Doreen Sioka, the United Nations designated 30 July as World Day AgainstTrafficking in Persons in 2013 to raise awareness about human trafficking and to protect victims' rights. The 2024 theme for this commemoration is "Leave No Child Behind in the FightAgainstTrafficking in Persons."This year'sglobalcampaignurgesacceleratedaction to end child trafficking and marks the 10th anniversary of the World DayAgainst Trafficking in Persons, which was first observed in 2014.Factorscontributingtotraffickinginpersons include economic, social, and cultural issues such as child marriage, poverty, limited access to education, unemployment or unprotected labor conditions, restrictive migration
policies, sex, and ethnic discrimination, genderbased violence (GBV), and inadequate public protection systems, according to the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2022. Minister Sioka noted that a decade ago, the understanding of trafficking in persons primarily involved women being trafficked from poorer countries to wealthier ones for sexual exploitation. Today, thereisgreaterawarenessofthediversenatureof trafficking,whichaffectswomen,men,girls,and boys, and includes various forms of exploitation such as labor, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, and organ removal. Children are predominantly trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and labor exploitation, including domestic servitude, agricultural work, factory work,andmining.Asaresult,affectedchildrenare deprived of family, education, and the bright future every child deserves. They face numerous challenges such as social exclusion and health risks.MinisterSiokasaidinsomeinstances,children are trafficked by individuals they know Therefore,parentsandcaregiversareurgedtoalways ensure their children's safety Additionally, there are increasing reports of domestic trafficking, highlighting that trafficking can occur within a single country without crossing international borders.According to Sioka, trafficking in persons affects both females and males across differentagegroups,butchildrenareparticularly vulnerable due to their family background and socio-economic contexts. Children are often trafficked in connection with accepted cultural practices,suchaschildmarriageorbeingplacedinthe care of another family member with promises of better living conditions, education, and opportunitiesthatseemtoogoodtobetrue.
Lieutenant General Shikongo is calling upon all law enforcement agencies and relevant stakeholderstoremainvigilantandcollaboratetoidentifypotentialtraffickingactivitiesandperpetrators at the Hosea Kutako International Airport and otherpointsofentry
New Medical Centre
Continued from page 1
entalhumanrightand a cornerstone of a thrivingcommunity Therefore, healthcare should be accessible to everyone, regardlessoftheirsocio-economicbackground.” Medicity, a wholly Namibian-owned general medical practice, is committed to providing holistic treatment and patient wellness. The centre currently employs three general practitioners and is in the process of hiring a gynaecologist and an occupational therapist.Alaboratory will also be operational soon.“Thebenefitsof Medicity'sinvestment in our town extend beyond healthcare," saidthemayor "Iwas pleased to learn that over 10 jobs ranging from healthcare professionals to administration were filled by local residents. Their commitment to hiring locallyisindeedcommendable." Dr Melago Mukwaso, the Medical Director of Medicity, echoed these sentiments, emphasising the centre's dedication to
comprehensivehealthcare and community development. "We are passionate about the practiceofmedicineas a sacred and higher callingtoimproveand restore the physical, emotional, and mental health of all our patients. We are excited about this significant milestone and the opportunity to bring comprehensivehealthcare services to the people of Swakopmund,” Dr Mukwaso said. Medicity's presence in Swakopmund is expected to stimulate economic activityandencourage furtherdevelopmentin the region. "The presence of Medicity in our town is a confirmation of the economic potential and attractiveness of Swakopmund as a destinationforinvestment," Mayor Namubes said. Dr Mukwaso further detailed the employment opportunities generated by the new branch, including positionsforamedical receptionist, practice manager, nurse, and three medical doctors, allofwhomarenatives
of Swakopmund. The practice will also housealaboratoryand a sonographer, creating additional local jobs. “In so doing, we aimtomakeapositive impact on the lives of the residents of Swakopmund and the Erongo region," Dr Mukwaso added "This is in line with our commitment to invest locally and hire locally, thus supporting the local economy and fostering community development " The opening ceremony includedatourofthestateof-the-art facility, showcasing its comprehensive medical servicesanddedicated staff. “We look forward to a long and prosperous partnership as we work together to build a healthier,stronger,and more vibrant community," mayor Namubesconcluded. The new Medicity Medical Centre is located at Unit 5, SwakopmundMedical Centre, Erf 667 Haupt Street,Swakopmund.
NamRA to Combat Deliberate Tax Evasion Within The Fishing Industry
The Namibia RevenueAgency (NamRA) is intensifying its efforts to combat deliberate tax evasion within the fishing industry
According to The Chief Strategic Communications and Support Engagements at NamRa, Yarukeekura Ndorokaze, these targeted actionshavebeentakentohaltrevenueleakageinthissectorandtoensurethatoffendersareheldaccountable. Ndorokaze stated that over the years, the fishing industry has beenamongthelowestcontributors tothenationalfiscus,withfeespaid to directors and other members often going undeclared and therefore untaxed. Ndorokaze said, “the ongoing investigations are focusing on the sale of fishing quotas by rights holders, amongst others.Additionally, the analysis is targeting beneficial ownership and transactions with related entities concerning vessel ownership and theexportofproducts.
He added that between 1 May and 19 July, NamRA issued administrative summons in accordance withtheapplicablelawsandraised taxassessmentstodeterminethetax liability “Thiswasfollowedbythe appointment of third-parties, being commercialbanksandotherparties
to pay over funds in respect of the taxdebtowedbytheidentifiedtaxpayers. This action has resulted in the recovery of N$20 million from 14 fishing companies,” Ndorokaze said. NamRAiscollaboratingwith other law enforcement agencies particularly, the Namibian Police (NAMPOL), the Office of the Prosecutor General (OPG) and the FinancialIntelligenceCentre(FIC), tocarryoutparallelfinancialinvestigations,headded.Oncethefinancial investigations are completed, thecriminalprocesswhererelevant will be initiated, including the preservation and asset forfeiture proceedings,asprovidedforunderthe PreventionofOrganisedCrimeAct, 2004(ActNo.29of2004).NamRA remains committed to strengthening its enforcement capability to enhancecompliancewiththeapplicable tax laws and the targeted effortstoensurecompliancewillbe carriedoutinthevarioussectorsof the economy We therefore appeal toalltaxpayerstoensurevoluntary compliancewiththetaxlaws.
Rudi Bowe
Telecom Namibia Celebrates 32 Years with Major Milestones in Connectivity and Technology
Sharlien Tjambari
TelecomNamibia's32ndAnniversary was celebrated on Wednesday this week in Swakopmund, coinciding with the inauguration of Telecom Namibia'sCableStationandtheactivation of the Equiano Submarine Cable,whichwillensurereliableconnectivityfor5Gandtheinternet.
In a statement delivered on his behalf by DeputyPrimeMinisterandMinisterofWorks andTransport,JohnMutorwa,PresidentNangoloMbumbasaidthisdualachievementsignifiesatransformativeleapforwardinNamibia's technological journey, effectively supporting the initiative to bridge the digital divide and connect the Namibian nation to a brighterfuturewithintheglobaldigitallandscape. According to Mbumba, the arrival of the Equiano cable, alongside the existing WestAfrica Cable System (WACS), “serves asapowerfultestamenttoourcommitmentto regional connectivity These strategic investments,someco-fundedbytheGovernmentof Botswana and Bonifet in the case of WACS, notonlystrengthenbilateralrelationsbutalso ensure reliable international bandwidth for Namibia and her neighbours.” Mbumba added that this enhanced and diverse connectivityfulfillsthecountry'sobligations under established regional agreements and Memoranda of Understanding with the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
By facilitating seamless communication across borders, Namibia contributes directly to the overall progress and prosperity of the entireregion.Mbumbafurtherstated,“weare actively engaged in upskilling our communities, preparing them to navigate the opportunities presented by 5G and the Internet of Things. The recent approval and auctioning of dedicated 5G spectrum are testaments to this unwavering commitment, thanks to the efforts of CRAN and MICT, under the leadership of my fellow minister Emma Theofelus.” According to Mbumba, thisenhancedconnectivitywillrevolutionise how the country conducts business, improve thequalityoflifeforcitizens,andunlocknew economic opportunities across diverse sectors, including agriculture, healthcare, education,andlogistics.ThePresidentnotedthat theEquianocablepavesthewayforincreased internetpenetrationinunderservedruralareas and serves as a catalyst for regional integration within SADC. The Chief Executive Officer ofTelecom Namibia, Stanley Shanapinda,saidthestrategicpositionofNamibia's submarine cables offers a significant advantage to landlocked countries in the Southern African region. Shanapinda remarked, “By leveragingourinternationalconnectivity,our neighbors can gain easier access to global marketsandenhancetheireconomicdevelopmentandgrowth.”
Shanapinda also emphasised that Namibia's role in providing this connectivity is crucial for fostering a more connected and prosperous SADC. “We are committed to continuingoureffortstoexpandandenhanceour ICT infrastructure, even as telecommunications infrastructure faces risks from sabotage and natural disasters. Our goal is to remainattheforefrontoftechnologicaladvancement and regional connectivity, ensuring that we are always connected, secure, and resilient.” Shanapinda concluded that TelecomNamibia'saimistoempowerNamibians and citizens across their home countries to drive economic progress and create a more interconnected and inclusive future in the spiritofUbuntu.
Deputy FinanceAnd Public Enterprises Minister Maureen Hinda-Mbuende, Governor of the Erongo Region, NevilleAndre Itope and CEO of Telecom, Stanley Shanapinda seen with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa who inaugurated the Telecom Namibia's Cable Station in Swakopmund on Wednesday
Two Arrested in Major Cannabis Bust in Kuisebmond
In a drug bust on Tuesday this week, the Erongo police arrestedtwoindividualsfordealingincannabisandmoney laundering. The operation, which took place at a popular shopping centre in Walvis Bay's Kuisebmond and a residenceonJohannaBensonStreetinTutaleni,ledtotheseizureof2,285gramsofskunkcannabisvaluedatN$114250.
Chief Inspector Ileni Shapumba, spokesperson for the Erongopolice,detailedthe events of the operation "An undercover operation was initiated after an order for cannabis was made. The accused deliveredthedrugsto an undercover police officer at the shopping complex,"
Chief Inspector Shapumba explained Following the initial arrest, further investigationledthepoliceto a house in Tutaleni where more drugs wererecovered.
The two suspects arrested in connection with the operation are a29-year-oldmanand a 22-year-old woman.
They are currently
facing charges under Act41/71,Section2(a) for dealing in cannabis,withanalternative chargeofpossessionof cannabis, and money laundering. Chief Inspector Shapumba said, "we are continuing our investigations to uncover the full extent of the operation and any additional individuals involved."
Swakopmund Municipality Commences General Valuation of Properties
The Swakopmund Municipal Council will begin a comprehensive general valuationofallrateablepropertieswithinitsjurisdictionstartingtoday,1August. This initiative, announced by Linda Mupupa, the public relations officer of the municipality, aims to establish fairness and equality among all property owners andpropertytypes.
The general valuation, mandated by the Local AuthoritiesAct1992(Act23of1992),asamended,isrequiredtobecompletedeveryfiveyears. “Thegeneralvaluationisasystematic,in-depth process of revaluing all immovable property in the municipal area of Swakopmund,” Mupupa explained.Thisensuresthatthepropertyvalues reflect current market conditions, thus promoting equity among property owners. Swakopmund boasts approximately 19 200 registered rateable properties, with rates based on valuations determined by the municipal valuer The last valuation was carried out on 19 October 2020. Contrary to common misconceptions, the general valuation is not intended to increase municipal revenue but to equalise property values. “The real estate market is always changing, creating an inequitable situation in valuations. This situation has to be corrected periodically,” Mupupa noted.The data collection for the valuation will be conducted by valuers and data collectors from SBN Property Investments CC, who will visit properties between 8:00 am and5:00pmfromMondaytoSaturday Theywill carry identification cards with their names and photographs.Propertyownerscanverifytheauthenticity of data collectors by calling the SBN supervisorat0812268272. Duringtheirvisits,datacollectorswill: 1.Identifythemselves.
2. Confirm or update details of the property, includingsketchesandmeasurements.
3. Note information about the property's construction type, quality, condition, interior and exterior finishes, and any improvements such asswimmingpoolsorgarages.
Mupupasaid,“byallowingdatacollectorsaccess to your home, accurate information can be gathered, ensuring an accurate valuation of your property,” If homeowners are unavailable during the visit, they can schedule a suitable time by contacting0812268272.
Thevaluationprocessisguidedbyspecificcriteria outlinedintheLAAct.Thelandportionofaproperty is valued based on what a willing buyer wouldpay,andawillingsellerwouldaccept,while improvements are valued based on construction costs,consideringdepreciationandchangesinthe vicinity Mupupastressedtheimportanceofpublic cooperation.“Obstructingavaluerordatacollector is a criminal offense.The valuation process is crucialfordeterminingthefairvalueofproperties so that owners pay only their fair share of taxes.” Theactualpropertytax(rates)isdeterminedbya tariff applied to the property's value, which is set by the council each financial year based on budgetary needs. The Swakopmund Municipality calls on all residents to cooperate with this essential process. For any inquiries, residents can contact S.L. I Nekundi at 081 226 8272 or B. N Shoombeat0813600814.
Regional Consultations on TVET in Erongo
The Namibia Training Authority (NTA) convened its Regional Stakeholders' Consultations on developing pathways and articulations for the Technical Vocational Education and Training(TVET)sectorrecently.
The consultations aimed to harness insights fromlocalcommunitiesandexperts,seekinga deeper understanding of regional dynamics whilefosteringinclusivity Thegoalwasclear: tobringeducationalservicesclosertothepeople, ensuring that no one is left behind, and to collaboratively devise strategies to tackle the challengesfacingNamibia'seducationsystem. Inhisremarks,theGovernoroftheErongoRegion,NevilleAndréItopeunderscoredthecritical importance of technical and vocational training,particularlyinErongo,aregiongrap-
pling with high unemployment rates exacerbated by a mismatch between graduates' skillsandmarketneeds.Itopeemphasisedthat this consultation was timely, aligning with the Harambee Prosperity Plan and Namibia's National Development Plans (NDPs) to refine the TVET sector's pathways. Amon Haufiku, ManagerofTVETStandardsattheNTA,highlightedthedualobjectivesoftheconsultations: toconfrontrealityandaddressthesector'schallengeshead-on.HenotedthattheTVETsector had undergone several transformations since Namibia's independence. These included the abolishment of technical schools and apprenticeship schemes in the early 1990s, the establishment of the National Qualifications Framework(NQF)in1996,theformationofthe NTA in 2008, and the adoption of a Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) approach in 2010. Despite these efforts, Haufikuacknowledgedpersistentissues.Thesector faced challenges like uncoordinated training interventions, lack of articulation between basic education and TVET, and misalignment betweeneducationandindustryneeds.Healso pointed out that the current system neglected informallearningandlackedaccessforpeople with disabilities. The consultations, which began on 8 July and were set to conclude on 2 August, aimedtoaddresstheseissuesbycraftingaunifiedandcoherenteducationstructure. By engaging with various stakeholders, the NTA hoped to create a more effective and inclusive TVET system that better serves the needsofNamibia'sdiversepopulation.
Amon Haufiku, Manager of TVET Standards at the NTA
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Sharlien Tjambari
Empowering Namibia's Future
· Spotlight on Local Content in the Oil & Gas Sector
Fanuel Shinedima, a prominent advocate foryouth involvement inNamibia'sburgeoningenergysector,shedslightonthecritical role of Local Content Policies (LCPs) in his latest article, "EmpoweringNamibia'sFuture:LocalContentintheOil&Gas Sector with a Focus on Youth." Shinedima, Founder and Executive Chairperson of the Namibia Youth Energy Forum, emphasiseshowthesepoliciescandriveeconomicgrowth,socialdevelopment,anddiversification,particularlybenefitingtheyouthof Namibia.
Shinedima argues that as Namibia's oil and gas sector expands, the importance of robust LCPs becomes increasingly evident. "Local Content Policies are frameworksestablishedtomaximisethe benefits of resource extraction for local communities," he explains. These policies mandate that a significant percentageofgoods,services,andlabourused inoilandgasprojectscomefromwithin the country, covering various aspects suchasprocurement,employment,training,andtechnologytransfer Shinedima highlights the strategic importance of LCPs in national development, stating, "for Namibia, LCPs are not just regulatory requirements but strategic tools for national development." He outlines how these policies promote economic growthbyensuringthewealthgenerated fromnaturalresourcesbenefitsthelocal economy, creating job opportunities, fostering skill development, and encouraging the growth of local businesses. Additionally, LCPs enhance social and community welfare through development projects funded by oil and gas revenues.ThecurrentstateofNamibia's oil and gas sector presents a promising juncture, with several exploration and production activities underway Key players such as the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR), international oil companies, and local enterprises are actively involved, offering numerous opportunities for integrating local content effectively Namibia is establishing a regulatory framework that mandates local content in oil and gas projects, including specific targets for local employment and procurement at various project phases. Shinedimanotesthatcompaniesmeetingthese requirements are often incentivised through tax breaks and other benefits, ensuring that local businesses have ample opportunities to participate in the valuechain.Oneofthemostsignificant
aspects of LCPs, according to Shinedima, is their potential to empower young Namibians. "These policies can createjobopportunities,businessopportunities, training and skills development, scholarships, and community developmentinitiatives,"hesays. Communitiescanbenefitthroughdirect employment and local business contracts, while oil and gas revenues can fund community development projects andskillstraininginitiativestobuildlocal capacity Shinedima emphasises the crucial role industry operators play in thesuccessfulimplementationofLCPs. He calls for operators to develop comprehensive local content plans, engage in meaningful stakeholder consultations, and invest in local workforce developmentandtraining."Bydoingso, theycanensurethatlocalbusinessesand labour are integral to their operations, fostering sustainable development," he says. However, Shinedima also acknowledges the challenges in implementingLCPs,suchasinsufficientlocal capacityandskills,regulatoryandcompliance issues, and the need for continuous monitoring and evaluation. He callsforacollaborativeapproachinvolving government, industry, and educational institutions to overcome these barriers. "Engaging communities in planning and decision-making processes ensures that their needs and aspirations are met," he adds. Shinedima outlines an action plan to enhance the effectiveness of LCPs in Namibia, suggesting steps such as strengthening the legal and regulatory framework, developing targeted training and education programs, and fostering a supportive ecosystem for local businesses through financing, mentorship, and market access. "With concerted efforts from all stakeholders, Namibia can leverage its natural resources to create a prosperous andinclusivesociety,"heconcluded.
Pick n Pay Successful Conclusion of 2024 Wage Negotiations with NAFAU
PicknPayNamibiahasannouncedthesuccessfulconclusionofits2024wagenegotiations with the Namibia Food and Allied Workers Union (NAFAU). This is a new one-year agreement, effective from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025. The agreement includes a significantincreaseinbasicsalaryforbargainingunitemployees,whomakeupover70% ofPicknPayNamibia'sapproximately1698-strongworkforce.
GraemeMouton,ManagingDirectorofPicknPay Namibia, expressed his pride in the collaborative spirit demonstrated during the negotiations. "At PicknPayNamibia,ourpriorityistoserveourcustomers with excellence while supporting the local economy Thisagreementreflectsourcommitment toourworkforce,whoarethebackboneofouroperations," Mouton said. He further emphasised the importance of supporting the workforce during challenging times. "The current global economic challenges,includinginflationandincreasedliving costs,underscoretheimportanceofourroleinthe community We are dedicated to ensuring that our employees feel valued and secure, as they are instrumental in achieving our vision of a sustainableandprosperousfuture."ListerTawana,Central Regional Coordinator for NAFAU, added, "the agreement reached with Pick n Pay Namibia is a testamenttothecompany'sgenuinecommitmentto itsemployees.Intheretailsector,particularlyduring challenging times, it is encouraging to see a business prioritising the well-being and development of its workforce. We are grateful for the leadership'srecognitionofthevalueeachemployee bringstothecompanyandthepositiveimpactthis hasontheirlives."
Apress release by Pick n Pay Namibia states that the commitment to fair and competitive compensationreflectsthecompany'sdedicationtothewell-
beingandsecurityofitsstaff.Notably,theretailer recently announced the future termination of its franchise agreement with Pick n Pay (South Africa), a change that will only take effect after July2025.GraemeMouton,ManagingDirectorof PicknPayNamibiasaid,“atPicknPayNamibia, our priority is to serve our customers with excellence while supporting the local economy This agreement reflects our commitment to our workforce, who are the backbone of our operations ” He further emphasised the importance of supporting the workforce during challenging economic times. "The current global economic challenges, including inflation and increased living costs, underscore the importance ofourroleinthecommunity Wearededicatedto ensuring that our employees feel valued and secure, as they are instrumental in achieving our vision of a sustainable and prosperous future." ListerTawana,CentralRegionalCo-ordinatorfor NAFAUsaid,"theagreementreachedwithPickn Pay Namibia is a testament to the company's genuinecommitmenttoitsemployees.Intheretail sector, particularly during challenging times, it is encouragingtoseeabusinessprioritisingthewellbeing and development of its workforce. We are grateful for the leadership's recognition of the value each employee brings to the company and thepositiveimpactthishasontheirlives."
Eileen van der Schyff
Eileen van der Schyff
Subdivision,RezoningandConsolidation Erf520OmdelExtension2:Consolidation
1. Subdivision of Remainder Erf 911 Omdel Extension 2 into6portions(PortionsAtoF)andRemainder
2. Rezoning Portions A, B and C of Remainder Erf 911 OmdelExtension2fromEducational(Bulk0.5)toGeneralBusiness(Bulk1.5)
3.RezoningPortionsEandFofRemainderErf911Omdel Extension 2 from Educational (Bulk 0.5) to General Business(Bulk0.75)
4.ConsolidationofPortionsEandFofRemainderErf911 OmdelExtension2withErf520OmdelExtension2
5.RezoningRemainderErf911OmdelExtension2from Educational(Bulk0.5)toNewStreet
6. Environmental Clearance Certificate for New Street RemainderofRemainderErf911OmdelExtension2
TakenotethatStewartPlanning–Town&RegionalPlanners intends to apply, on behalf of the registered owners for the subdivision, rezoning, consolidation and environmental clearancecertificateapplicationssetoutabove.
The purpose of these applications is, following a land swap applicationbetweentheMunicipalityofHentiesBayandthe MinistryofEducation,ArtsandCulture,tocreatenewbusinessparcelsoflandtoconsolidateandstrengthentheHenties BayTownCentre,toregularize,byconsolidation,anexisting buildingencroachmentfromerf520OmdelExtension2onto Remainder erf 911 Omdel Extension 2 and to create a new publicstreettoprovidepedestrianandvehicularaccesstothe newbusinessparcelsofland.
Remaindererf911OmdelExtension2ispartiallyvacantand partiallyoccupiedbytheKamwandiCombinedSchoolandis zonedEducational.Erf520OmdelExtension2isoccupiedby the Skubbe Bar (bar, restaurant, fish cleaning and car wash) andiszonedGeneralBusiness.
Thecreationofanewstreetisalistedactivityintermsofthe EnvironmentalManagementAct.
Thesubdivision,rezoningandconsolidationapplicationsare submitted in terms of the Urban and Regional PlanningAct and the Henties Bay Zoning Scheme. The Environmental ClearanceCertificateapplicationissubmittedintermsofthe EnvironmentalManagementAct.
The full application is available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects or can be inspected at the Town PlanningSectionoftheMunicipalityofHentiesBay,corner of Jakkalsputz Road and Nickey Iyambo Avenue, Henties Bay
Takenotethatanypersonhavingobjectionsorcommentsto the proposed subdivision, rezoning and consolidation applications and/or the proposed environmental clearance certificate application must lodge such objections or comments togetherwiththe groundsthereof,and/orregisterasanInterestedandAffectedParty,inwriting,withtheChiefExecutive Officer of the Municipality of Henties Bay and Stewart Planningwithinfourteen(14)daysofthelastpublicationof thisnoticetotheaddressesprovidedbelow
Written objections or comments and/or registration as an InterestedandAffectedPartymustbesubmittedby17:00on Friday,30August2024.
HentiesBay T.:064502001 E.:
Gezhouba Mining Services (Pty) Ltd herewith intends to apply to the Swakopmund Municipal Council for “Resident Occupation Special Consent’’, “administrative to operate an office’’onthepremisesofErf449,Swakopmund Proper (10 Hidipo Hamutenya Avenue) as provided for in terms of Clause 6 of the Swakopmund Zoning Scheme Details of which are obtainable from the General Manager: Engineering&PlanningServices.
Any person having any objection against such application should / lodge such objection s, in writing with 14days the publication and in of last and the Swakopmund Municipality, during normalbusinesshours.
Closingdateforobjectionsorcommentsis: 23August2024.
Contactpersons:MrsDvanWyk, Cell:0813368390-email:dvanwyk@expl.cn orMrJHeita(Manager:TownPlanning) Tel:+2644104403
CONSENT:Self-CateringAccommodationON ERFNO:928TOWNSHIP/AREA:WalvisBay STREET NAME & NO: Theo Ben Gurirab Street.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Guesthouse(Self-catering).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 23 August 2024.
RichardJosiah,POBox2940,WalvisBay email:info@coastwavenam.com
CONSENT: Home Based Office - Cash Loan ON ERF NO: 3576 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Kuisebmond STREET NAME & NO: 3576 MolaMolaCrescentStreet,Kuisebmond.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:HomeBasedOffice-CashLoan.
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 16 August 2024
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: PetrusHanghome,POBox4535,WalvisBay email:gamahwest@gmail.com
Inthe Estateofthelate LieselotteProbstwho died on 20 May 2024 andwasresidingatErf 1056, Walvis Bay, RepublicofNamibia.
Creditors and debtors oftheaboveEstateare requested to lodge theirclaimsagainstthe Estate or pay their debts to the Estate at the undermentioned addresswithinaperiod of days as 30 (Thirty) f r o m d a t e o f publication of this advertisement.
Altstadthof No.15Libertina AmathilaStreet POBox2148 Swakopmund (Ref:PFH/ml/amMAT19864)
Notice is hereby given in terms of section 63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act 23/1992), that the MunicipalityofWalvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction a Portion of Farm 38 to Bejabe LogisticsCC.
Description aPortionofFarm38 Area(m²) 2000
Purchase Amount Excluding 15% VAT N$
2 120.00
CONSENT: Guesthouse (Self-Catering) ON ERF NO: W239 TOWNSHIP/AREA: Walvis BaySTREETNAME&NO: c/o5thRoadand SamNujomaAve.
In terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned,haveappliedtotheMunicipalityof Walvis Bay for permission to erect/establish on thesitea/an:Guesthouse(Self-catering).
Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapproval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning),PrivateBag5017,WalvisBayandthe applicant, in writing, not later than 23 Agust 2024.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: RichardJosiah,POBox2940,WalvisBay email:info@coastwavenam.com
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until *Tuesday, 13 Auusut 2024 at room 29, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond.
For more information Mrs Selma Satchipia can be contacted at telephone (064) 2013232 during office hours.
Any person objecting to the proposed sale, mayinwritinglodgean objectiontogetherwith the gounds/motivation thereof, to the Manager:Housingand Propertiesattheabove address to Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay before or on *Friday, 16 August 2024 at 12:00.
JackManale Manager:Housing andProperties Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
Qualified Estate Agents
· FFC – Fidelity
Contact: Charmaine Horn @ 081 6223 198 Send CV: charmaine@hpg.com.na
C: (_264) 81 622 3198 (NAM)
C: (_27) 69 2990 456 (RSA)
E: charmaine@hpg.com.na
A: 202 Sam NujomaAve, Swakopmund, Namibia PO Box 2917, Swakopmund, Namibia
(Regulations 14, 26 & 33)
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Lydia Xoagus, P/Bag 1004Usakos.
2.Nameof businessor proposed business to which application relates: Mabagu Lounge.
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Spitzkoppe
4.Natureanddetailsof application: -Appli cation or Shebeen f License ith Strong w Alcohol.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application willbelodged: Usakos MagistrateCourt.
6.Dateonwhichapplication will be lodged: 28August2024.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which 9 October 2024.
Notice is given that an application in terms of the Liquor Act, 1998, particulars of which appear below, will be made to the Magistrate of the District of Erongo.
1 Name and postal address of applicant: Lesley Tjongarero, P/Bag1004Usakos.
2.Nameof businessor proposed business to which application relates: Bush Bar and Restaurant.
3. Address/location of premises to which application relates: Spitzkoppe River Valley
4. Nature and details of application: Application for Restaurant License to serve Alcoholperglass.
5. Clerk of the court with whom application will be lodged: Usakos MagistrateCourt.
6 Date on which application will be lodged:28August2024.
Noticeisherebygivenin terms of section
63(2)(b) of the Local Authorities Act, 1992 (Act23/1992), as amended, that the Municipality of Walvis Bay intends to lease, by private transaction, a portion of land on Farm38toPGXMalta (Pt) Ltd for Warehousing, Storage and HandlingFacility.
PortionofRemainder Farm38WalvisBay AREA
N$53,500 00/month Plus N$8,025.00 (15% VAT)
Full particulars pertaining to the lease will lie for inspection by interested persons until*Tuesday 20 August 2024 at room 27, Municipal Offices, Kuisebmond For more information Mr Jack Manalecanbecontacted at telephone (064) 2013338 during office hours.
Anypersonobjectingto the proposed sale, may in writing lodge an objection together with thegrounds/motivation thereof,totheManager: Housing and Properties attheaboveaddressorto Private Bag 5017, WalvisBay,beforeoron Friday,23August2024 at12:00.
JackManale ActingGeneral Manager:Community andEconomic Development
Zwecks Vorstellungsgespräch schreiben Sie bitte Monika von Wietersheim unter consult@hotel-prinzessin-rupprecht. com oder rufen Sie unter 064 412540 an. PRINZESSIN RUPPRECHT HEIM FOUNDATION
· Maintain knowledge of new and existing products.
sucht ab sofort eine erfahrene, aufgeschlossene, freundliche HOTELFACHKRAFT mit HOPE Hotelbuchungskenntnissen, deutschen und englischen Sprachkenntnissen in Wort und Schrift, sowie Liebe zum Detail für unser dynamisches Team. PASTEL-Kenntnisse sind von Vorteil. Nur Personen welche bereit sind, Abend- und Wochenenddienste zu leisten, werden in Betracht gezogen.
* Namibian Citizen
* Proven experience as CNC operator
· Engage in active sales discussions and negotiate closure of sales deals with clients on holiday
· Provide customer service with a sense of urgency
· Maintain knowledge of new and existing products.
Requirements and Qualifications:
2 - 5 years' experience in sales industry
· Must be able to work independently and within a team.
· Must be able to do weekly reports to manager
· Negotiating.
· Active listening.
Work hours: Tuesday to Saturday 9am to 5pm (off
johanr@theholidayclub.co.za Application Deadline: 2024/09/30
* Skill in operating CNC machinery and tooling as well as precision measurement tools
* Ability to read and interpret mechanical documents and drawings
* Computer savvy with basic understanding of computer programming and CAD/CAM
* Mechanical aptitude and good math skills
* Akeen eye for detail and results-driven approach
* Good communication abilities
Applicants may send their applications to: Hydroweld Walvis Bay Email: hydroweld@afol.com.na
Jambalay Investments cc
All potential applicants are hereby invited to apply for the following vacancy CROSS BORDER
Remuneration and benefits: Market related salary package, commission per load, trip money and performance bonus.
Purpose of job: Responsible for correct loading and correct offloading with no damages and delays, correct handing of cross border documents, securing the truck and load at all times and maintaining a good relationship with clients at all times at loading and offloading places.
7. Date of meeting of Committee at which 9 October 2024. Any objection or writtensubmissioninterms of section 28 of theAct in relation to the application must be sent or delivered to the SecretaryoftheCommitteeto reachSecretary,notless than 21 days before the date of the meeting of theCommitteeatwhich application will be heard.
· Valid driver's licence (CE)/defensive drivers' licence and international driver's licence
· Valid passport
· Valid Namibian police clearance
· TEN (10) years of cross border experience of DRC-Congo
· Namibian drivers must speak fluently English, Swahili and French.
· Must be able to drive old manual international trucks 13 speed and 18 speed.
· Potential applicant must be able to maintain and fix minor truck and trailer breakdowns.
· Potential applicant should be able to wait for a maximum of two (02) moths for offloading, loading and documentation process in DRC-Congo before departure for Namibia.
· Contactable reference must be available.
Any objection or written submission in terms of section 28 of theActinrelationtothe application must be sent or delivered to the Secretary of the Committee to reach Secretary, not less than 21 days before the date of the meeting of the Committee at which application will be heard. We invite suitable candidates to apply for the following position:
Tel:(064)2013338 Email:jmanale@ walvisbaycc.org.na
· Sober habits and applicants must live in Walvis Bay Enquires: all CV and attachments must be forwarded to: info@jambalaya-invest.com
Due date: 09 August 2024
Notice is hereby given to all Interested andAffected Parties (I&APs) that an application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate will be submitted to the Environmental Commissioner in terms of the Environmental Management Act (Act No.07 of 2007) and the EIA Regulations (GN No.30 of 6 February 2012) for the following proposed activities:
Project: Construction and Operation of a Bulk Fuel Storage and Supply facility
Project Location: Erf 5206 & 5207, Extension14, Walvis Bay
Proponent: Northern Fuel Distributors CC / Petrosol EAP: Green Gain Environmental Consultants cc Project Description: The proponent intends to construct and operate a bulk fuel storage and supply facility on Erf 5205 & 5207 located in Walvis Bay Extension 14. The two properties are located in the light industrial area 2 and are adjacent to each other with a combined measurement of 18,424m in extent. In terms of Section 9.4 & 9.5 of the Environmental Management Act, 2007 the proposed activities cannot be undertaken without an Environmental ImpactAssessment (EIA) being carried out. I&APs are hereby invited to register, request for Background Information Document (BID) and send their comments to on or eia@greengain.com.na before the 21 August 2024
Email all your news to newsdesk@namibtimes.net or call Eileen van der Schyff at 081 725 8068
Sharlien Tjambari at 081 325 9372 or mail to: sharlien@namibtimes.net
Rudi Bowe at 081 725 8066 or mail to: journalist5@namibtimes.net
CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Self-Catering Unit) ON ERFNO:441LTOWNSHIP/AREA:LangstrandSTREETNAME& NO:LongshoreStreetExtension1
IntermsoftheWalvisBayTownPlanningScheme,noticeisherebygiven that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to theWalvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish on the site a/an: Accommodation Establishment(Self-Catering)Unit.
Plansmaybeinspectedorparticularsofthisapplicationmaybeobtained atTownPlanning,FirstFloor,Rooms101&105,CivicCentre.
Anypersonhavinganyobjectiontotheapprovalofthisapplication,must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017,WalvisBayandtheapplicant,inwriting,notlaterthan 16August 2024.
NAMEANDADDRESSOFAPPLICANT: HeikeAngermundP.OBox 818Swakopmund email:erongosec@outlook.com
The need for a public meeting will be determined after consultation and communicated to all registered I&APs. For more Information Call: +264811422927 or eia@greengain.com.na
Please take note that Stewart Planning – Town & Regional Planners–intendtoapply,onbehalfofErongoRED(Pty.)Ltd. and the Henties Bay Municipality, to the Henties Bay Municipality for consent and approval for the following applications:
· Permanent Closure (portion of Kabeljou and Benguela Streets) of a portion of the Remainder Plaas Hentiesbaai No. 125(Street):Area@±369m².
·SubdivisionofaportionoftheRemainderPlaasHentiesbaai No.125(Street)into3portions
PortionAforanErongoREDsubstation:Area@±84m². PortionBforPublicOpenSpace:Area@±285m². RemainderStreet:Area@±90,617m².
·RezoningofPortionBfromStreettoPublicOpenSpace. The purpose of these applications is firstly: to enable Erongo Red(Pty)LtdtotaketransferofPortionAfortheconstruction of a new electricity substation to be zoned Parastatal, and secondly:forPortionBtobeupgradedanddevelopedasaformal park to be zoned Public Open Space. The existing electricitytransformer(attheexistingSparShoppingCentre)isnot large enough to accommodate the electricity demand in the local area and needs to be replaced. The street is informally developed as a park/public open space and it is considered appropriatetomakethepark/publicopenspacepermanent. The subdivision and rezoning applications are submitted in termsoftheUrbanandRegionalPlanningAct,2018(ActNo.5 of2018)andtheHentiesBayZoningScheme. Thepermanent closure application is submitted in terms of the Local AuthoritiesAct,1992(ActNo.23of1992).
Pleasetakenotethat–(a) the complete application lies open for inspection at the TownPlanningSectionofficeoftheHentiesBayMunicipality, cornerofJakkalsputzRoadandNickeyIyamboAvenue,HentiesBay (b) The application is also available to download from www.sp.com.na/projects.
(c)anypersonhavingcomments/representations/objectionsto the application, may in writing lodge such comments/ representations/objections together with the grounds thereof, totheChiefExecutiveOfficeroftheHentiesBayMunicipality and Stewart Planning within fourteen (14) days of the last publi-cationofthisnotice.
HentiesBayMunicipality POBox61,HentiesBay Tel:+26464502035 planning@hbaymun.com.na
Applicant: StewartPlanning
POBox2095,WalvisBay Tel:+26464280770 bruce@sp.com.na
The 5th Edition of The Namibian Sport Expo with the theme 'Athlete Longevity: Creating a Sports EcosystemtoThrive'wasrecentlylaunchedattheMTCDomeinSwakopmund
The third edition at the MTC Dome, scheduledforOctober this year will not just be another event, it's a strategicmovetowards nurturing Namibian talent for the upcomingOlympic cycle and promise to be a transformative event in building a comprehensive sports eco-system for
Namibia. The expo aims to unify and strengthen sports efforts across the nation, preparing our athletes for the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics and reflects the commitment to unifying and strengthening sports efforts acrossthenation.A range of activities that including an indoor sports hall
conference featuring inspirational speakersandsports legends.Highlights include international hockey test series, chess and netball tournaments, paddle and e-sport competitions, alongside a vibrant food court andsportscarnival. Attendees can look
forwardtolocaland international exhibitors showcasing the latest in sports education, equipment, and services that will also include a food court and a sports carnival featuring an international hockey test series, chess and netball tournaments, paddle and e-sport competitions, am-
ongotheractivities. The sports conference will explore the components necessary to develop champions, featuring inspirational speakers, sports legends, and innovative thinkers. The Chief Administrator of the Namibia Sports Commission, Simataa Mwiyasaidthatthe
SenseiNicoMaritz,ChiefInstructorofIOGKFNAMIBIA hasrecentlybeenawardedhiswell-deserved6thdanBlack belt(Rokudan)inJapan.
This incredible achievement came after monthsofdedicatedhardworkandintense training. Sensei Nico's commitment and passionformartialartshavetrulypaidoff, andwecouldn'tbeprouderofhim. SenseiNicoextendaheartfeltthankyouto all his Sensei's, especially Tetsuji Nakamura Sensei, for their 中 村 哲 二 unwaveringsupportandguidance.Despite thechallengingtimes,theywentaboveand beyond to ensure Sensei Nico was preparedforhisgrading,conductingZoom meetings and providing invaluable mentorship.
Namibian Sport Expo is made possible through the Public and private partnership between Namibian Sport Commission in Collaboration withtheSportsMinistryandtheMTC Dome According to Mwiya this year edition will be full of fun and a lot of changes expected.
“Therefore, I call upon all stakeholders that we should join hands and respect cabinet directives as our mandate is to implement and this project is for the sport industry in this country.” “I have got no doubt that this year edition will surprise many and therefore call upon the various federations and the entire sports ecosystem families to come on board to bepartofthisevent to make it grow above and beyond”
Mwiya said Mwiyastated,“The Namibia Sports Expo is more than an event It representsourcollectivecommitmentto
advancing sports in Namibia and creating opportunities for our athletes and communities” MTC
The Dome CEO Fanus Engelbrecht emphasis its role in a crucial shift towards creating a comprehensive sports ecosystem for Namibia According to Engelbrecht "This is notjustanevent,it's part of a broader initiative to build a sports ecosystem that supports and nurtures Namibian talent over the coming Olympic cycle."Engelbrecht belief in the quality of the country's sporting talent, noting that despite the enthusiasm and passion, efforts often remain fragmented. Engelbrecht highlighted thattheexpoisnota stand-alone event, but a deliberate effort to foster a powerful sports environment in Namibia.TheSport Expo is a testament to our collective commitment to advancing sports in Namibia.
At the launch were from left: John Heynes (CEO of the Namibia Rugby Union), Fanus Engelbrecht (CEO of MTC The Dome) and Simataa Mwiya, ChiefAdministrator of the Namibia Sports Commission.
Rudi Bowe
namib times Sport
2024 SAIMSA Games Launched
Rudi Bowe
The18theditionoftheSouthernAfricanInter-MunicipalSportsAssociation(SAIMSA)was recentlylaunchedunderthetheme"SADCLocalAuthorityEmployeesWellnessEnhanced throughSportsandRecreation.”
- Thegamesaimedatenhancingthewellbeingofabout2000LocalAuthorityemployeesofsix SouthernAfricacountriesthroughsportsandrecreation.
- LocalauthoritiesfromNamibia,Zambia,Eswatini,Lesotho,SouthAfrica,Botswanaand SouthernAfricawillbeplayingitfrom22to26SeptemberinWalvisBay
The Minister of Urban and Rural Development Erastus Uutoni emphasised the importance of employers valuing their employees by unveiling platforms of this nature which not only promote economicdevelopment,productivity,andhealthy lifestyles but also act as catalysts for social cohesion, networking and learning from best practices and bilateral agreements among the Southern African Councils. Uutoni said, “as the Ministry responsible for Urban and Rural Development, I hereby wish to encourage and commendtheeffortstobuildandachieveacaring, united and socially cohesive Namibia.” Uutoni further highlighted the positive economic spinoffs the event will trigger in Walvis Bay and the neighbouring towns. The minister further urged themunicipalitytocreateaplatformforsmalland medium enterprises to benefit from the opportunities that such an event provides. “I equally call on the communities of the local authoritiesofNamibiatosupportandrallybehind theirteamstoparticipateandflyhightheflagsof respective Municipalities, Town Councils and Villages,”Uutonisaid.DeputyMinister,Ministry ofSport,YouthandNationalServices,Dr Emma Kantema underscored the importance of using sportsasaunifier,stating,“throughtheSAIMSA Games, we are building bridges of unity and cooperationacrossSouthernAfrica”.
Dr Kantema said, “initiatives like the SAIMSA Games are vital for our Namibian youth. They offer more than just physical activity, they foster essential life skills, build friendships, and promote teamwork. Through sports, we are shaping the future leaders of our nation. She mentionedthatthisinitiativealignsperfectlywith our national youth policy, which focuses on the holistic development of young people. “By making sports accessible, we invest in the wellbeing of our youth, promoting healthy lifestylesandconstructiveactivities.”
According to the deputy minister the SAIMSA Games also bring significant benefits to the host towns and enhance sports facilities, create jobs, boost tourism, and stimulate the local economy “Thisshowshowsportscanbeapowerfultoolfor community development and economic growth.”
The Deputy Mayor of Walvis Bay Saara Mutondoka, said the opportunity to host the event will bring positive economic benefits, as it will stimulate local businesses and boost tourism. Mutondoka said, “the games will provide a platform for cultural exchange, friendship, and healthy competition among municipalities, fostering a sense of togetherness and collaboration.” Mutondoka stated that the games highlight the importance of unity and cooperation among municipalities in SouthernAfrica. “We are allmunicipalservantsandthesegamesisaperfect platformtolearnfromeachotherandcollaborateon addressing local Government challenges and opportunities.” The Vice President of SAIMSA DanielMoutonstatedthatitisinitiativevitalforall Namibian local authorities to participate at the Games as it not only offers physical activities but contributeimmenselytomentalhealthandwellness and promote employee wellness programs, but foster social life skills, build friendships, networking, marketing and learning experiences for LAworkers. Mouton said, "through sports we are shaping future leaders and servants of the municipal industry which is the first sphere of our Government ” At the launch event, the Municipality of Walvis Bay entered into a MemorandumofUnderstandingwithTheSouthern African Inter-Municipal Association (SAIMSA), whichcementsacommitmentfrombothpartiesto successfully host the 2024 games. The agreement wassignedbyMrSamRameetseinhiscapacityas thepresidentofSAIMSAandCllr.RichardHoaeb in his capacity as the chairperson of the Local OrganisingCommittee.
Dean Kock Last Man Standing in WBM FLAGS
Theideabeingtosee which player carries theirflagthefurthest onthecourse.Atthe end of it all, it was DeanKockwhowas thelastmanstanding and thus took home thefirstprize.
The other prizes went to Andre Burger, Monde Sevelus, Emile Vilbert, Estelle Bothma Jakkie de Witt and Jonas Niilenge who all ended their challengeonthe16th.
Therewereonlytwo 2 clubs and were
registered by RichardMajangaraand JonasNiilenge.
A big thanks to the WBM team for their sponsorship of this popular event. Kurt BritsandWoutervan Wijk were at the prizegivingandthey handed out the prizes.
This coming weekend we will be hosting the regional [coastal] play-off for the KING PRICE INTERNATIONAL PAIRS.
The Deputy Mayor of Walvis Bay, Saara Mutondoka received the SAIMSA baton from Sam Rameetse the president of SAIMSA
Forty-twoplayersturnedoutinbreezyconditionstoplayin the popular WBM FLAGS event last Saturday at Walvis BayGolfClub.
Photoleft: AndreBurger,WoutervanWijk, DeanKockandKurtBrits.