2 dec namib times newspaper e-edition

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SERVING THE COASTAL COMMUNITY SINCE 1958 NO6410 TUESDAY 2 DECEMBER 2014 Tel +264 64 205 854/+264 64 461 866/Fax +264 64 204 813/+264 64 461 824/Website www.namibtimes.net


Photo by Bernabé Blaauw

Kambueshe weer burgemeester

“President For All”

Bladsy 3

Lagoon steeds fuifplek

The President-elect, Hage Geingob, says he will be a president for all Namibians. Maria Davel-Wallis

He says he wants all Namibians to feel part of the nation - nobody should feel left out. After an election that was marred by technical problems with an electronic voting system - a first for Africa - Geingob was declared President-elect at the ECN results centre in Windhoek at the official announcement of the election results after 19:00 last night. He will be sworn in as president of Namibia, on 21 March 2015. Geingob has thanked the ECN, the nation and the media for their role in what he called, a peaceful election.

He congratulated the ECN on conducting as he put it, credible modern and successful elections that complied with regional

and international standards, despite challenges. On Saturday it emerged that more that 352 000 of the 1, 24 million eligible

voters, did not cast their votes on Friday, due to grave problems with electronic voting machines, power failures, and other

administrative problems. People had to stand in queues for hours, and in many regions, voters expressed deep frustration

and anger. The final results showed a landslide victory for Swapo, with the DTA, (4,8%) and the RDP

Continues on page 2

Feesaktiwiteite by ou swembad stopgesit

Bladsy 4

Twee moorde Bladsy 4

George and his guitars

Marshallino Beukes

‘n Demper is tydens verlede week se Stadsraadvergadering in Swakopmund op die beplande ontspanningsaktiwiteite by die ou swembad, naby die Mole geplaas, nadat die dorpsleiers Lighthouse Pub & Restaurant se aansoek om verskeie funksies aan te bied afgekeur het. Die Lighthouse Pub & Restaurant se aansoek om verskeie funksies gedurende Desember by die ou swembad aan te bied het deur die mat geval, nadat mnr Quinton Liebenberg blykbaar nie die

Munisipaliteit in kennis gestel het, voordat hy die funksies begin bemark en organiseer het nie. Volgens ‘n amptelike munisipale dokument is mnr Liebenberg deur die dorp se Hoof Besturende

Beampte, mnr Eckhart Demasius gekontak, om die aansoek op 21 November by Demasius se kantoor te bespreek. Mnr Liebenberg het skynbaar nie opgedaag om die aansoek en/of alternatiewe

Vervolg op bladsy 2

Page 11

Young Ones wen Potbal

Bladsy 24



“President For All” Continued from page 1


namib times is registered as a newspaper by the Ministry of Information Technology and Communication

Walvis Bay Office Tel +264 64 205 854 Fax +264 64 204 813 wvb@namibtimes.net Advertising sales@namibtimes.net desiree@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 mikkie@namibtimes.net marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Coenita de Bairos Cell +264 81 128 0311 sales@namibtimes.net Classifieds smalls@namibtimes.net News Desk Maria Davel-Wallis Cell +264 81 479 9844 newsdesk@namibtimes.net

(3,51%) as the main opposition parties. Geingob received more votes as individual (86,73%), than his party (80,01%) But while the elections were declared free and fair by observers, an appeal court case is still casting a shadow over the election process. The AFRICAN LABOUR & HUMAN RIGHTS CENTRE (ALHRC) together with several opposition parties lodged an urgent appeal in the supreme court last week, after the High Court dismissed their attempt to postpone the election. August Maletzky of the ALHRC told the namib times yesterday that they were awaiting the date for their case in the Supreme Court. In his reaction on the controversy surrounding the election process, he said, "The Concerns around the use of Electronic Voting Machines Raised by myself, the African Labour & Human Rights Centre, the Rally for Democracy and Progress, the Workers Revolutionary Party and the Namibia Economic Freedom Fighters were effectively confirmed by the elections. It did not take long for the Nation to realise that participating in an election, the results of which cannot be verified is indeed fatal to democracy in Namibia.

What was supposed to be a speedy election turned into a nightmare for the ECN and the electorate, some of whom waited up to 13 hours to vote. I have been inundated with election complaints ranging from EVMs not working and ECN officials abandoning their duties to party agents denied access to the so-called central verification centre. From the onset we stated in our court application that there is no way to use EVMs in a credible election without disclosing the operating systems of the EVMs to all stake holders, that the system is unaccountable and there were no proper security checks in place, and that polling agents lacked proper training. Our application was dismissed and we filed a valid appeal to the Supreme Court. Notwithstanding the appeal ECN went ahead with the elections. It did not take long before we were vindicated, as our concerns are echoed all over Namibia. It is 12:00 1.12.2014 And the machines are still counting!" The ECN has instructed its legal practitioners to oppose the appeal, whenever it might be heard in the Supreme Court...

Journalists Madelaine Laubscher Cell +264 81 602 2918 madelaine@namibtimes.net Piquet Jacobs Cell +264 81 370 6992 piquet@namibtimes.net Mavourlene Gaes Cell +264 81 676 0872 Liesl Losper journalist1@namibtimes.net Cell +264 81 448 0749 Sport sport@namibtimes.net Tel +264 64 461866 Fax +264 64 461824

Swakopmund Office Advertising shene@namibtimes.net Marketing/Sales Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@namibtimes.net Mikkie Kriel Cell +264 81 286 9519 marketing.namibtimes@iway.na Journalists Marshallino Beukes Cell +264 81 605 2595 marshallino@namibtimes.net Sharlien Tjambari Cell +264 81 788 8155 sharlien@namibtimes.net

PRO-Print Swakopmund Jenny Jackson Cell +264 81 149 2155 jenny@nambtimes.net Walvis Bay Moya Davids Cell +264 81 208 4047 moya@nambtimes.net


Voters queueing up at Mondesa

Feesaktiwiteite by ou swembad stopgesit Vervolg vanaf bladsy 1

te bespreek nie. Die Munisipaliteit se Gesondheidsafdeling, Korporatiewe dienste en ook die hoof van die dorp se verkeersafdeling se insette in dié verband is deur Demasius aangevra. Die Gesondheidsafdeling het onder meer aangevoer dat die Lighthouse se dranklisensie nie geldig is op die spesifieke Erf 4747 (ou swembad) nie. Die afdeling se aanbeveling was dat, met vorige ervarings in ag genome, die aansoek afgekeur word. Die Verkeersafdeling se vier hoofredes vir afkeuring van die aansoek was: geraasbesoedeling, onvoldoende parkeergeriewe, rusverstoring en bestuur onder die invloed van alkohol. Die verkeersafdeling se terugvoering dui voorts aan dat hulle tydens verlede jaar se funksies by die ou swembad oorval is met klagtes, wat bogenoemde

redes insluit. Nadat al hierdie faktore in ag geneem en bespreek is, is daar besluit om die oop perseel, naby die Swakopmundlughawe, onder streng voorwaardes, aan die Lighthouse-groep beskikbaar te stel vir die beplande aktiwiteite. Die organiseerders sal N$59 982.50 huurgeld hiervoor moet opdok. Die bedrag is teen N$9 982.50 per dag (26-31 Desember) bereken en N$50 000 daarvan is terugbetaalbaar. Vir elke uur ná middernag sal hulle ook N$5 000 moet opdok, wat na die Burgemeester se anti-misdaad Fonds sal gaan. Geen vuurwerkvertonings mag aangebied word nie en indien enige klagtes van geraasbesoedeling ontvang word, mag die goedkeuring heroorweeg word. Mnr Liebenberg was nie gisternamiddag beskikbaar vir kommentaar nie.

Source: http://elections.na/mapserver2014/ers/PresidentialRace.aspx





Shacks Dwellers of Walvis Bay concerned about high rates of electricity Sharlien Tjambari The Shack Dwellers Association of Walvis Bay had a meeting with the Governor of Erongo Region last week about the high rates of electricity in Walvis Bay. The members of the shack dwellers association complained about the units of electricity they get from Erongo Red whenever they buy electricity. According to Mr Robert Kahimise, the Chief Executive Officer of Erongo Red, most of the people that complain about the electricity rates are on the wrong tariffs, they are on conventional electricity. Conventional electricity is electricity for which you pay monthly to Erongo Red, whether you used electricity that month or not, it is a fixed payment. ''Conventional Electricity is for people who use more or whose bill is more than N$900 per month'' he said. He also said that the low income group should consider using pre-paid electricity, which would be more manageable and cheaper. Mr Kahimise also said the main problem that

resulted to small houses consuming more electricity than the big houses, were the number of shacks in one yard. “In Walvis Bay you will find 12 shacks in one yard, which is too much,” said Mr Kahimise. Speaking at the meeting, the Governor of Erongo Region Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, said the community needed to move away from ghettos. According to him, the shack dwellers of Walvis Bay will be given space behind Narraville so that they can move out of other people's backyards and have a place of their own. In conclusion, Mr Kahimise said Erongo Red was willing, available, to advise the Shack Dwellers Association on conventional and pre-paid electricity. ''The Shack Dwellers Association must sit and talk with its members,'' Mr Kahimise said.

The members of the Shack Dwellers Association, Erongo Red Officials and the Governor, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua.

Avbob…not only about funeral services Sharlien Tjambari Hand of Grace is a kitchen which is part of Shalom Pentecostal Church of Namibia.

(Vlnr) Onderburgemeester Anthony Bessinger, Burgemeester Juuso Kambueshe en Mnr Eckart Demasius (Stadsklerk)

Kambueshe weer burgemeester Marshallino Beukes Raadslid Juuso Kambueshe is Donderdag, tydens die Swakopmund Stadsraad se ampsdraersverkiesing as burgemeester van die vakansiedorp herkies. steeds die dorp se “nederige dieDie burgemeester gaan weer deur naar” te wees in die uitvoering van Raadslid Nico Bessinger as adjunk sy pligte. Die burgemeester het erburgemeester gesteun word, nadat ken dat daar steeds vele tekortlaasgenoemde ook deur sy kollekominge is en gevra vir eenheid in gas as die regte persoon vir die diversiteit vanaf ampsdraers. Sy werk herkies is. Tydens sy aanadvies aan mede Raadslede was om vaardingstoespraak het mnr Kam“die formule reg te kry” en om bueshe sy dankbaarheid uitgetoegewyd hul pligte na die beste spreek vir die vertroue wat weervan hul vermoë uit te voer, ten eens in hom gestel is. einde die gemeenskap te dien. Hy het aangevoer dat hy beoog om

According to Pastorine Tjipo, about 253 learners get lunch at the kitchen on a daily basis. Her kitchen caters for less privileged people. The kitchen was established three years ago and is run by Pastorine Katrina Tjipo. They cook food and the people whose names are on the list come with their lunchboxes and receive their food. They also give Christmas hampers to pen-

(Ltr) Pastorine Katrina Tjipo, Mr Otto Nambindo and Ms Yvonne Shivangulula sioners. According to her, an average of 35 people from all race groups are eating at her kitchen. “The learners eat at my kitchen each and every school day while the adults only get

food on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. They hardly eat maize meal, most of the time they eat rice,” said Pastorine Tjipo. Yesterday, Avbob Funerals Swakopmund dona-

ted 20 bags of maize meal worth N$1 500 to Hand of Grace Kitchen. Ms Yvonne Shivangulula of Avbob says it is the second time they have handed a donation to Hand of Grace.



Twee moorde oor naweek Marshallino Beukes

Die Erongo polisie het aangedui dat twee moorde die afgelope naweek in Swakopmund en Karibib, onderskeidelik, gepleeg is. Volgens die polisiewoordvoerder is die moord in Karibib op 27 November, omstreeks 02:24 gepleeg. Die oorledene was blykbaar by ‘n nagklub en het ‘n dame wat met haar skoonfamilie daar gekuier het genader vir geselskap. Die dame en haar skoonfamilie het skynbaar die nagklub verlaat en na hul woonplek gestap, met die oorledene wat blykbaar ook gevolg

het. Hy het blykbaar buite die woning rondgedrentel, waarna twee mans wat in die huis was hom aangeval en met ‘n mes doodgesteek het. Die oorledene is as Nikodemus Hansen (55) geїdentifiseer. Die twee verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem en het gister in die Karibib Magistraatshof verskyn. ‘n Voorval in Swakopmund se DRC nedersetting het tot

die dood van Sakeus Shakepange (29) gelei. Volgens die polisie het die voorval Vrydagoggend tussen 4:00 en 5:00 plaasgevind. Die oorledene het blykbaar ‘n woning waar persone besig was om partytjie te hou, genader, nadat hy onder die indruk verkeer het dat dit ‘n shebeen was. Hy wou blykbaar N$50 lugtyd koop, maar die geldnoot is uit sy hand gegryp

deur ‘n onbekende manspersoon. Die polisieverklaring dui aan dat hy hierna die persoon met ‘n bottel geslaan het. Ander mans het skynbaar uitgestorm en die oorledene met ‘n onbekende voorwerp aangerand. Hy is na die staatshospitaal in Swakopmund geneem en op pad na Windhoek het hy aan sy beserings beswyk. Die verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem.


Lagoon steeds fuifplek Liesl Losper

Met die vakansietyd wat amptelik afskop het, word stil, rustige plekke soos die Walvisbaaise strandmeer opgesoek deur ongure karakters wat dit in ‘n uiters swak toestand agterlaat, na hulle fuifsessies. Sondagnamidag omstreeks 17:10, is die namib times deur Frans Pinhas, een van die Walvisbaai strandmeer toergidse gekontak. Met ons aankoms het hy die toneel aangedui waar ‘n groep die terrein in ‘n vieslike toestand agtergelaat het. Frans was hoogs onsteld – hy sê as gids sien hy dikwels hoe mense die oewer misbruik vir fuifpartytjies. Hy sê gebuikte kondome

moes ook al verwyder word, en as die plek so vuil agtergelaat word, skrik dit toeriste af as hulle op so iets afkom. Hy het opnuut ‘n beroep op inwoners gedoen, om sodanige gedrag onmiddellik te rapporteer, sou hulle daarvan bewus word. Mnr Kevin Adams van die munisipaliteit sê die skoonmaak van die lagoon is nie die munisipaliteit se verantwoordelikheid nie, maar siende

dat dit soms ’n oogseer is, word dit wel van tyd tot tyd deur ’n span munisipale werkers gedoen. Die gebied self val onder die vaandel van die Ministerie van Omgewingsake en Toerisme.” Hy het dit ook duidelik gemaak dat die skoonmaak van die grasperke langs die meer, die verantwoordelikheid van die Munisipaliteit is en dat dit daagliks aandag geniet.

Pensioenaris aangerand ‘n Bekende inwoner van Henties-

baai, mnr Freddie Carstens (83) het ligte wonde opgedoen Donderdag in die vroëe oggendure, nadat hy die slagoffer was van ’n inbraak.

Die wonde wat mnr Freddie Carstens aan sy been opgedoen het tydens die inbraak voorval

Volgens sy seun, André Carstens, het sy pa wakker geword en gesien dat iemand met ‘n flits in die huis rond beweeg. In die geharwar is sy pa beseer en die vermeende inbreker het die hasepad gekies.

Presies hoe mnr Carstens Snr beseer was is nie duidelik nie en geen klag is by die polisie gelê nie. Volgens André doen sy pa goed en almal is verlig want dit kon baie erger gewees het.

Court REPORT Walvis Bay

Magistrate’s Court 27 November Tamsyn Wood (20) appeared on a charge of assault - assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm. Matter is postponed to 18 February 2015. Venesie Brandt (37) appeared on a charge of culpable homicide (vehicle accident) and the 1st alternative to count one is reckless or negligent driving read with the Road Traffic Act. Matter is postponed to 18 February 2015. Manaso Mberura (18) appeared on a charge of rape. Matter is postponed

to 2 February 2015. MeryL Ward (46) appeared on a charge of fraud. Matter is postponed to 15 January 2015. The charge of rape against Michael Gonteb (31) was struck from roll. Kaandowa Rehabiam (41) appeared on a charge of fraud (cheque) and the 1st alterative to count 1 is theft. Matter is postponed to 11 June 2015. A sentence of 8 months imprisonment or a fine of N$4 000 was imposed on Karl-Heinz Werner Blum (32) on a charge of reckless or negligent driving read with the Road

Traffic Act. Ruusa Tonata (25) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 22 January 2015. The charge of assault - assault common was withdrawn against Imelda Lorencia Majiedt (32). A warrant of arrest has been issued for Chris Geibeb (28) on a charge of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The accused is at large. Doeseb Romanus (45) appeared on a charge of theft. Matter is postponed to 13 January 2015. A sentence of 12 months imprisonment or a fine of

N$5 000 was imposed on Marias Xenophon (53) on a charge of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor read with the Road Traffic Act. A sentence of 90 days imprisonment or a fine of N$1 000 was imposed on Immanuel Gabriel (38) on a charge of displaying a licence number not applicable to the vehicle read with the read traffic Regulations. Job Nuusiku Johannes (21) was sentenced to 30 days imprisonment or a fine of N$500 on a charge of theft.

Die vullis (bo) wat bymekaar gemaak was na besoekers die naweek geniet het langs die lagoon (onder)

EMERGENCY NUMBER UPDATE Correct emergency numbers for Walvis Bay AMBULANCE

LIFE LINK 085 9247 ST GABRIEL 085 955 STATE 216 300


216 300 218 911


081 922 219 052 081 922





Christmas tree decoration fun continues in Walvis WoermannBrock handed prizes to children on Saturday at the annual Christmas tree decoration competition in Walvis Bay. According to a spokesperson at WoermannBrock, it has a lot more value. The chil-dren and teachers Ms Ronel Toll, the competition, that began four give a lot of themselves through this competition. years ago in Swakopmund, has now seen its third It surprises us every year as the number of entries anniversary in the harbour town. “The partici- increases. In return, WoermannBrock gives back to the community and to these children, by pants grew quite in number. The Walvis Bay community started participating awarding various spon-sored prizes. The total three years ago when we decided that it would be prize money is well over N$30 000,” she said. better to let children decorate the tree instead of WoermannBrock has expressed their gratitude buying Christmas decorations. Anyone can buy towards the sponsorships that make this yearly decorations, but when someone gives of himself, event a possibility.

Madelaine Laubscher

Spokesperson Ms Ronel Toll (left), with participants in the WoermannBrock Christmas tree decoration competition in Walvis Bay.

Senior Citizens Christmas Party Leandrea Louw

Walvis Bay's senior citizens turned up in numbers for the annual Christmas Party for the senior citizens hosted by the Office of the Mayor last week. The Senior Citizens Christmas Party is organised by the Office of the Mayor through fundraising in the form of material assistance from local business. The council spent around N$250 000 on the event. This yearly celebration started many years and has since become a tradition, where citizens have the opportunity to celebrate the spirit of the Christmas

with others and to catch up with long-lost friends. Councillor Derek Klazen welcomed the senior citizens at this auspicious occasion, followed by an address by Mayor Uillika Nambahu. “There isn't any books that teach like grandma or grandpa does. We should use this knowledge we have and educate our children. Let us build the nation

with this knowledge that we have acquired throughout the years. We should pray that the Lord gives us the strength to complete this task. In addition when something has to be stopped, something ugly, you as the senior citizens of the town has the most power to accomplish that”. Nambahu said that she wanted all the different Senior Citizen Com-

mittees from neighbourhoods in Walvis Bay, “to come together and join forces, so that we can work on a calendar to start working amongst our youngsters. I can't do this alone, so we need to start working together”. The mayor furthermore shared information about the elections and mass housing scheme to the senior citizens. She also wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a

Senior citizens attended the Christmas Party prosperous new 2015. After being treated to a sumptuous lunch, each senior citizen received a parcel containing daily necessities as an early

Christmas Gift. Entertainment was this year provided by the Rinquest brothers, Pedro and Percival. The Office of the Mayor

catered for 1 000 senior citizens. Senior citizens, who could not attend the Christmas lunch, due to illness, will also be attended to.




Oil spill at Langstrand investigated Leandrea Louw

Residents of Langstrand are up in arms, after yet another oil spill. What should have been a fun day at the beach this weekend for a few residents and their furry friends, turned into a disaster and a sticky mess, when they became victims of the illegal spill in the ocean near Langstrand. Residents had their hands full, struggling to clean their children and dogs, and get rid of the oil. A representative of the Directorate of Maritime Affairs says they have been at the scene where the oil spill was detected and confirmed that it seems to be heavy fuel oil. He speculates that the source might have been one of the vessels lined in the bay. “We have been at the scene, and we wish to reassure everyone that

there is no cause for alarm. We are scheduled to have a meeting with the Port Captain, The Ministry of Works and Transport, the Ministry of Environment and Tourism as well as the local Municipality to discuss mechanisms to be put in place for us to prevent something like this happening again”.

This newspaper also contacted Mr Gerson Masima, Pollution Control Officer at the Namibian Ports Authority (NamPort), who has confirmed that they are aware of the spill. “It was brought to our attention, and we have indeed sent people from the Municipality to evaluate the damage, and we can say that no major clean-up was necessary.“

Obtaining Fishing


Obtain a permit from the Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources (MFMR) to catch fish or dive for crayfish and respect harvesting limitations.

The Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil Act 6 of 1981 clearly prohibits the discharge of oil from a ship, tanker or offshore installation and gives the state certain

powers to prevent such pollution and to deal with the removal of oil spills. In simple terms, it is illegal for ships or tankers to dump oil in the Atlantic Ocean.

WHY? The marine resources are limited and currently some of them are overfished or over collected. It is necessary that everybody uses them wisely and carefully to secure the future harvesting needs by protecting the stock. Quantity/number of marine resources harvestable, minimum size limits of fish and crayfish that can be caught, open season etc. help to manage stocks to avoid the total disappearance of some species in our waters. Do not leave bait or fish on the beach! Either take it home or return it to the sea. This food attracts scavengers like jackals and gulls that prey on other bio-diversity. When you are back home after the holiday, it also inflates the predator population. Where can you get a license for angling, crayfish diving & bait/mussels collection?


Swakopmund Office

NATMIRC/Aquarium, Strand Street Tel +264 64 410 1000 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, 1st Street Tel +264 64 201 6111 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Lüderitz Office

Inspectorate Office Tel +264 63 202 905 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Henties Bay Office

Inspectorate Office, at Hanganen Fishing Project building Tel +264 64 500 320 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Windhoek Office

Brendan Simbwaye Square, Block C, C/o Uhland & Goethe Street Tel +264 61 205 3911 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00 Where can you get a permit for using 4x4/quad bike/motorbike in the authorised ORV zone in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay? MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM

Swakopmund Office

Corner Bismarck Street and Sam Nujoma Avenue, Tel +264 64 404 576 Open hours for permits - Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 &14:00 - 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00 - 13:00

Walvis Bay Office

Swakopmund Tides

Henrich Baumann Street Road - Number 643 Tel +264 64 205 971/2 Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 17:00 Saturday/Sunday/Public Holidays: 08:00h - 13:00

Where to Fish Om

aru ru

Riv er

Mile 72

Walvis Bay Tides

HENTIES BAY Jakkalsputz Bennie se Rooi Lorrie Mile 33 Mile 30 Hoboomsgat

Source: http://www.tides4fishing.com

Port Log

Wlotzkasbaken Mile 14 Mile 8 Wreck

Mile 8 Mile 4 SWAKOPMUND

iver op R Swak Vierkantklip

Langstrand Dolfynstrand

WALVIS BAY Paaltjies





2 DECEMBER 2014 The views and opinbions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the namib times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Letters and Facebook comments from readers are left unchanged, but libellous remarks and unacceptable language will be removed at the discretion of the editing staff.

newsdesk @namibtimes.net

Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die namib times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie. Briewe en Facebook kommentaar van lesers word onveranderd gelaat, maar lasterlike opmerkings en onaanvaarbare taal sal verwyder word onderhewig aan die diskresie van die redaksie.

namib times reader’s comments

acebook Ek is ‘n pensionaris,


What love can do

Ek het Saterdag vleis gaan koop by ‘n slaghuis, ‘n bekende slaghuis. By die toonbank waar ek betaal het vir my vleis, het ‘n dame ‘n sak vleis van my geneem – sonder dat ek weet. Ek het vanoggend, 1 De-

sember, by die slaghuis omgegaan om te hoor of sy die ordentlikheid gehad het om die vleis terug te bring, maar tevergeefs. Gelukkig het die

slaghuis vir my van die vleis gegee wat ek gehad het. Ps. Mevrou, ek hoop jy het ‘n lekker naweek gehad met my vleis. Mev Smith

Beach Clean-up The last few weeks, Ruby, a neglected dog that was found in a terrible state, has been going through a remarkable transformation in the care of her proud new owner, at her new, ‘forever’ home. Claudia Regueira: God bless, you new owner. Clarice Gille Theys: Salutations to Ms Livingstone. Lené Ihlein: She is beautiful. Just look what a good loving home does to an animal. Hannelie Grobler Mostert: Wow, she’s a beauty. Well done and thank you to all involved in her healing

and care! Louwrenda Scholtz: So mooi... kyk net daai ogies. Katja Dreyer: Thank you for the update. Melinda Mountjoy Hearn: Well done! I have had a similar experience with my SPCA baby, who is now the king of the house. Jenny’s Pictures Namibia: Mooi-

ste woefkind! Lucinda Rodrigues: She is beautiful... Ute Becker: Such a beautiful face. Good luck with the healing process. Santa Martinez: Te pragtig. Fiela. se haaskjeend. Peter Odendaal: Great story! Well done.

Busy bodies getting into the festive spirit

Madelaine Laubscher

The Busy Bodies Montessori school leavers class of 2014 went on their annual class camp at Lauberville recently as part of their Christmas gathering for residents at the Welwitschia Retirement Home.

Teacher Aunty Toni with Maia Hoebel

According to a spokesperson, Ms Sonja Loubser, the Busy Bodies lived up to their name. They climbed dunes and trees, took rides on quad bikes and went on a ‘Toktokkie’-hunt. “They enjoyed coffee and cake with the senior citizens of the retirement home and sang a few songs. The children were

given Christmas presents. The Pre-school Class also had their Graduation Ceremony to Grade one, a moving and proud moment for all. We are looking forward to 2015,” she said. Busy Bodies Montessori would like to thank everyone for their participation and support.

Some of the staff of Maersk Namibia participated in a beach clean-up this year. We believe that each bit helps towards setting the example towards environmental sustainability and we look forward to seeing more Namibians pave the way to cleaner beaches

Dolphin School Appointment The Executive Committee of The Dolphin Schools is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr Henry McCarthy as our new Secondary School Principal. He is currently Head: Social Sciences (Secondary School) and ITC Systems at Windhoek Afrikaanse Privaatskool (WAP). Together with his wife, Elmine, and children Gerald, Elmi, Roelf and Louise, he will join us on 1 January 2015.

He will take over from Mrs Marthelle Theart, who held this position for the past four years. Mr McCarthy brings with him a pedigree of fine education and experience. A graduate of Potchefstroom University with degrees in BA Political Science (1994), Hons B Ed (Education) (Recipient of the HJJ Bingle Trophy for the best Hons B Ed Student and Recipient of Honorary Colours for Academic Achievement - 2002), Hons BA (Political Science) (2004) and a Higher Education Diploma (HED Post-graduate) (1997). His professional career in-

cludes valuable executive management - and strategic planning experience at one of the most prestigious private schools in the country, as well as vast experience in the highly acclaimed Independent Examinations Board (IEB) system. Amongst others, this includes being a Member of the National Subject Forum (Business Studies), being a Regional Portfolio Moderator (Business Studies) and an Assessment Committee Member (teacher representative for Namibia, the Northern Cape, the Free State and the North-West province, South Africa) for the IEB. He was also in-

strumental in the research, development and implementation of the soon-tobe rolled out e-learning programme at his current school. We look forward to the renewed vigour, insight and experience he will undoubtedly bring as leader of our precious secondary school teaching community. We welcome you Mr McCarthy and we wish you all the best! For more information on The Dolphin Schools visit our Web page: www. thedolphinschools.org / Facebook fan page: www. facebook.com/dolphinschools




Marker new Chairperson of Large Carnivore Management Association Dr Laurie Marker, of the Cheetah Conservation Fund, has taken over from Dr Rudie van Vuuren as Chairperson of the Large Carnivore Management Association of Namibia (LCMAN). Dr Marker was elected at the association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM), held at the offices of the Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) on Thursday, 6 November. The LCMAN is a not-for-profit association comprising individuals and organisations that promote and support the longterm conservation of healthy populations of free-ranging large carnivores, including lion, leopard, cheetah, wild dog and hyena, in Namibia. Given that over 80 persent of Namibia is farmland, a major focus of the LCMAN

is to provide farmers with practical advice to assist in reducing livestock predation by these species, and thereby to promote their coexistence. “The LCMAN is a forum of large carnivore conservationists and researchers. My position is to guide the organisation through collaborative networking approaches to carry forward the goals of the organisa-

tion - which is to work with communities and the government in large carnivore conservation. I am honoured to accept the challenging position which involves the coordination of a diverse group of stakeholders. The association aims to help reduce conflict while increasing recognition of the value of predators within the Namibian ecosys-

tems,” Laurie Marker commented on her new position. The coordinator of the LCMAN, Ms Katie Oxenham, of the NNF, said she looked forward to working with Dr Marker to assist in achieving positive outcomes for large carnivores, which are urgently needed to ensure their long-term conservation.

Newly-elected Chairperson of the LCMAN, Dr Laurie Marker (Fourth from left), with her colleague from the Cheetah Conservation Fund, Dr Fabiano Ezequiel, after his presentation at the NSS. Also featured are the LCMAN Coordinator from the NNF, Ms Katie Oxenham, Ms WaltrautFritzsche from the NSS, and some of the other people who attended the presentation




Residents Association shares praise and criticism

Swakopmund Residents Association Newsletter Congratulations to Coun- mocratic society. We will cillor Juuso Kambueshe not rest until this matter on his re-election as mayor has been settled honestly of Swakopmund. Through and fairly in the interest of our newsletter we have this town’s community. built up a relationship Council has set aside a with the honourable mayor piece of land for a new jail. by supporting him; and Presently there is no room also making use of our for expansion in the immedemocratic right of posi- diate proximity of the jail, tive criticism, which was thus the decision was made appreciated by him. Be to have the jail moved out assure Mr Mayor, of our of town. This means that organisation maintaining an old, well-kept historthe good relationship pre- ic building will become sently prevailing. Council- available for another purlor N Bessinger has been pose. re-instated as vice-mayor Our hope is that the buildand were also no changes ing will be kept in the same in the Management Com- condition as present, and mittee, when Council met not fall into decay as have for the elections on Friday all the other government morning. The residents of buildings like schools, hosSwakopmund look for- tels etcetera irrespective of ward to a successful year their historic importance. for our Council. This includes most of the Two weeks ago great ex- council owned buildings citement was caused in as well. We appeal to counWindhoek, when the May- cil to apply their influence or, with the support of the on government to renovate majority in council, in- and upgrade their buildtended to give away erven ings whose condition is to at drastically reduced be deplored. prices, or at no price at The premises of SSS are a all. This was a deplora- shocking example of neble case of nepotism or glect. Walking around the corruption, depending school premises, one gets on one’s viewpoint. The the impression that this SWAPO Party leadership is the administration of a was very upset about this rubbish dump. In earlier unacceptable decision and years students were proud severely rapped the mem- of their school and under bers over the knuckles. the leadership of dedicated Unfortunately the Party teachers, gardens were laid leadership seems to be un- out and the premises kept aware of Swakopmund clean. Have leaders and Town Council’s intention teachers like those disapof effecting the very same peared? transgression, against de- After having experienced mocratic law application, unbearable noise into the by giving away Erf 3486, early morning hours of and measuring 4 363m² and reckless littering through evaluated at more than N$2 the December 2013 festimillion to Swapo for the vities at the old swimming minimal amount of N$30 pool, the neighbours in a 000. combined effort, lodged a In principle this is the very complaint with the munisame act of nepotism or cipality and subsequently self-enrichment, which is no permission to repeat not acceptable in our de- the festivities was grant-

ed. Permission to shift the event to an area behind the airport was however granted. Well done Municipality, for listening – this is a good decision! Nowadays many visitors enjoy a walk on the jetty, amongst them senior citizens, who would like a rest before returning back. We request the municipality to put up some of the benches manufactured out of recycled plastic bags, like the ones next to the Tug restaurant, onto the jetty. These benches are unbreakable and don’t need any paint, in contrast with those benches along the walkway from the Lighthouse to Vineta. An urgent coat of paint and some repair work on them would be highly appreciated. There used to be a roller-skating /skateboard rink halfway down this coastal walking path, which was demolished some time ago and huge boulders were dropped there. These are now being used as hiding place for unsavoury elements who don’t make their way to the nearby toilet. Not very hygienic or amusing for the nearby residents! New extensions are continuously being created by the municipality, and tarred roads, street lighting and good sewerage infrastructures are attracting future investors. In contrast to this development there are numerous streets in the older areas of town, where citizens have been living for a few generations - they have paid their rates and taxes for decades, but are still without tarred roads. These areas need to be considered in future tarring programmes. No. 40 November 2014




Great News for Art Lovers Harbours’ End Gallery Re-opens Leandrea Louw

The Harbours End Gallery officially opened its doors again, at its new premises at the Waterfront in Walvis Bay. Ten artists exhibited their work at the reopening: Megan Dreyer, Helena Wigget and Anna-Mart Kruger from Hawk Photography, Ronelle Pretorius, Gidget Hart, Liz Visser, Heidi Louw, Vera Malherbe, Gerda Correira and Marion Klein. Liz Visser, the owner of the gallery is now in partnership with Megan Dreyer. The art gallery will in future also be a working art studio where Liz will introduce both children and adults to the wonderful world of art, and help them express themselves in this medium. A peek into the lives of the artists: Megan Dreyer has been a

keen photographer all her life. She has only recently taken it up seriously with the onset of digital, which she believes has made the hobby far more creative and exciting since the days of film. “I look at life around me with nature’s light, lines, textures, and color, I want to keep my photography simple with no particular genre; and I always believe I’ll take my best picture tomorrow.” Hawk Photography was established in 2013, and is located in Walvis Bay. Aside from their photography Helene Wigget and Anna-Mart Kruger have been self-employed as a Biokineticist and Phy-

siotherapist since 2003. “Our photography started as a hobby which developed into an escape from civilisation. Photography taught us to appreciate life on a whole new different level.” Their main interest is Wildlife/ Landscape and Close-up Photography. Liz was born in Singapore and grew up in Malaysia. She later moved to England where she attended The Croydon School of Art. After immigrating to Namibia in 1970 she studied commercial art at the Ruth Prowse Art School in Cape Town, as well as furthering her studies at the Conservatoire in Windhoek and Fine Art through UNISA. Today she teaches

art to adults and children. Liz’s main interests are harbour scenes, mixed media and charcoal drawings. Gerda Correira is a selftaught Namibian artist. She started painting in the late 1980s. She has since won two national art awards. Gerda’s style preference is impressionistic using oils. Ronelle Pretorius, a selftaught artist, was born in the Transkei and grew up in the Eastern Cape. She started painting in Swakopmund in 1980 when she joined ‘The Desert Painters’. The aim of her work is to celebrate nature, to nurture the human spirit and provide stimulation and

enjoyment in her life and lives of fellow human beings. He work covers a variety of techniques, using palette knife or brush, using different mediums ranging from oils, acryl to watercolors and mixed media. She covers a vast range of subjects, enjoying to experiment with new approaches. Windhoek-born Marion Klein took art lessons with Professor Schroeder as a teenager, but in the years that followed she mainly

expressed her artistic side as a florist. She has lived in Walvis Bay for the past 14 years and also has been a student of Liz Visser for about four years. Her preferred medium is acrylic, and she enjoys painting uncomplicated subjects with clean simple lines. Heidi Louw has lived in Namibia since 1973 and did her teaching degree at Stellenbosch, specialising in art. She opened her first studio in Lüderitz in 1999

and now lives with her family in Swakopmund, working from her studio in Walvis Bay. Gidget Hart started classes with Liz Visser in 2003 and then furthered her talents under the guidance of Heidi Louw by learning painting and drawing from 2009. Gidget favours still life in acrylic. The opening was celebrated with champagne and wine flowing freely, with everyone conversing heartedly.

Art lovers viewing works of artists at the re-opening of Harbour's End Gallery

Teachers show solidarity

The Swakopmund Circuit teachers who are attending the Junior Primary Phase (Gr1-3) Reform workshop at Swakopmun Primary School, Joined the rest of the world in observing 16 days of no violence against Women and Children by wearing orange ribbons, Facilitators Mss Oosthuisen, Kathindi and /Uiras are sitted in front with some teachers. The workshop was officially opened by the Director of Education of Erongo Region, Mr John /Awaseb on Monday.




George and his guitar collection

WALVIS BAY George in action

Madelaine Laubscher

A local musician, Mr George Van Straten, has made a habit out of collecting guitars over the years. He expresses himself through music and his guitar collection is proof of that. “Through the years I have collected five unique guitars, each with its own story. I started performing in 2008 at the Wurstbude Restaurant in Swakopmund with an old 12-string guitar that I bought many years ago. I decided to spend a good portion of my annual bonus on an upmarket 12 string. I bought an ‘Ibanez EAL2012E’ and used this to start my semi-professional music career,” he said. According to him the guitar had a great sound unplugged, but when connected to an amp it made a horrible sound. He replaced the pre-amp unit with one that he bought in the United States of America. “This vastly improved the sound, but I was not satisfied yet. I set up the intonation and dropped the action on the guitar neck, which made playing this guitar so much more pleasurable.” He then saw an old ‘Aria Pro 2 CS300’ in a second-hand store in Windhoek and bought it for N$800 at that time. “The bridge was broken and the pickups almost sounded like empty cans. The woodwork was damaged and there was a cig-

* Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Book Exchange at the Mission to Seafarers. All Welcome. * Every Tuesday: Blood clinic (NAMBTS) at Wel witschia Hospital next to indoor pool. * 2 Dec: Interkerklike Gebedskring afsluiting by Maranatha Lutherse Kerk, Narraville om 09:00. * 18 Dec: Woermann Brock - Blood Clinic. * 28 Dec: A Fire, Dance & Music Extravaganza Carnival of Flames at Desert Explorers at 19:00


arette burn on the guitar head. I stripped the guitar completely and sanded the body to raw wood, coated it with a polyurethane sealer, bought a bridge from Gibson, mounted it and set up the neck and intonation. I then imported ‘Paul Entwistle’ pickups from Israel and assembled the guitar with new chrome tuning heads. The new sound is incredibly clean and warm. I really love the sound of this guitar, but have not performed with it yet,” he said. He then saw another guitar, an ‘Epiphone Les Paul’. “I simply had to have this guitar. I stripped it of all the mixed chrome and gold-plated fitting and bought new gold-plated fittings and installed the second set of ‘Paul Entwistle pickups. I now have a ‘Black Beauty’, as it is known. This is an awesome guitar that almost sounds like an original Les Paul Gibson!” A fellow musician informed him about a 2009 ‘Fender Stratocaster’ for sale. “I made a loan at the bank and paid it the very next day as I was afraid someone else might buy it instead. I installed the original Fender pickups and started to perform with it. It had a ‘bell-like’ sound thus

* Every Saturday: Fresh produce market in centre of town in front of Wild Rocket Cafe - Hans Kriess Arcade from 09:00 - 12:00. * Every Sunday: Sunday Lunches at Rossmund Golf Resort & Lodges. * Bridge: The Swakopmund Bridge club meets every Monday evening at 19:00 at Lions Old Age Home. Contact: Ed Barbour 064-405 604. * Markets at the Last Resort Centre: Last Sunday of every month. They are situated at 5 Libertine Amadhila street, one street up from the Jetty. * Swakopmund Toastmasters: Meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Europa Hof Hotel, Bismark Str 39, Swakopmund, Namibia from 19:00 - 20:30. * Shalom Market: Every Saturday 12 kms eastwards outside Swakopmund along the Swakop river. * 6 Dec: WB Xmas Market. Book a stall at 081 141 0434. * 9 Dec: Christmas Gospel Show at Swakopmund Town Hall at 19:00. * 19, 20 & 22 Dec: The Award Winning ZIP ZAP CIRCUS. I adjusted the neck and action until I was happy with the action, but still wanted better sound. I saw a set of Super 55 pickups and knew this was what I was looking for. With these pickups installed I have the most powerful Fender pickups available, giving me the smoothest sound with a lot of punch to go with it. I love my 2008 American Standard. Another local musician, Patrick Spence, offered George his old 2004 ‘Fender Stratocaster’ and he immediately accepted. “It was a metallic blue col-

our and the paintwork was chipped and scratched. I stripped the paint of with tools and gave it to a local panel beater. He kindly finished the bodywork and sprayed it a beautiful deep purple colour. Since I was 14 I had dreamt of having a Fender of this colour, as the band ‘Deep Purple’ had a huge influence on my life and it is my favourite colour. I then assembled it and bought a set of ‘LACE Hot Gold’ pickups, the best pickups ‘LACE’ offers and set the guitar up. Many will tell you that a ‘Mexican Fender’ may not be the real Mc

Coy, but the sound I get from this guitar can beat many USA Stratocasters by far. In fact, Dozi, who performed with me at the Walvis Bay Waterfront, endorsed the Mexican Stratocaster because he said he had never heard it sound so good before. I have been blessed with being in the right place at the right time and getting bargains and the right fittings and accessories for all my babies. It has been an awesome ride so far. I still have not found what I am looking for. I am looking for a ‘Les Paul Gibson’ on sale,” he concluded.

ART EXHIBITIONS * Every Saturday: Open Air Arts Exhibition at the Mole next to Tennis courts in Swakopmund. Oil paintings - weather permitting. * Permanent Collection: Woermann Haus Gallery in Bismarck Street. Fine collection of the Swakopmund Arts Association’s “South West Masters’’ and contemporary Namibian art works. Open Mondays to Saturdays 10:00 - 12:00 and 15:00 17:00. * Swakopmund Museum: Open daily, including Sundays 10:00 - 17:00. * Sam Cohen Library: Monday to Friday: 08:00 13:00/15:00 - 17:00 and the second Saturday per month 09:00 - 13:00. * Die Galerie, Walvis Bay: Exhibition of Nami bian and South African Artists. Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 13:00 & 14:00 - 17:00. Saturday - 08:30 - 12:30.



END OF THE YEAR: Walfish Electric ended the year with a braai at the Atlantis Sport Club on Friday. Staff and invited guests enjoyed themselves thoroughly and these guys could not agree more

Joel Iyambo presenting a speech at the 90th Toastmasters anniversary in Swakopmund

Piquet caught up with her favourite Namibian artist, Shishani

Nikki and Shadeen on the dance floor






Festive is here! The long weekend showed that people are getting ready for the festive season.

Boys and their toys

John and Mortimer enjoyed themselves at the Colour Block Party

Nia and Nikki take a pose at the Colour Block Party at Rio Copa

Santa can you hear me, I was very good this year!

Girls just wanna have fun ("Leeu" style)




Walvis Bay Private High School Senior Academic prize-giving events The Senior Academic Prize Giving Ceremony combined with the Astra Awards Gala Evening marks the 53rd Anniversary of Walvis Bay Private High School. As a private school, we recognise the important role we play in supporting the community and the Ministry to deliver on National and International objectives. With our theme for 2014, Together Everyone Achieve More, we tried to give our learners the best opportunities we possibly could, and helped them to be actively involved and reach for their goals. We have taken giant steps in motivating learners to be academically orientated in our extended curriculum, completing additional classrooms, maintaining and improving equipment and School facilities and motivating uniformity in the new School uniform and Sport uniform. We have had many successful moments in Education and persisted in sustaining the balance in everything we do. We would like to thank the Board, members of the PTA, parents, staff, learners, sponsors and the OSA for the wonderful inputs in 2014. We continue with faith in our Creator, hope for the future and gratitude for what we have accomplished so far. Learner of the year awards: Grade 12: Daniel Jansen; Grade 11: Duane Feris; Grade 10: Renate Potgieter; Grade 9: Hendrik Rossouw; Grade 8: Carina de Barros Spirit Building trophy sponsored by the Matrics of 1997 - Zulerene Duiker The Hendrie Scheun Floating Trophy for the best average % for Grade 11 Commerce Field of Study -

Nicole Beukes The Hendrie Scheun Floating Trophy for the best average % for Grade 12 Commerce Field of Study - Jaco Greeff The Mayor's Shield for the Best Grade 12 learner in the Science field - Daniel Jansen Senior Dux toegeken aan die leerling wat deurgaans gebalanseerde besonderse prestasies behaal het op alle vlakke: - Mariëtta Janse van Rensburg Senior Optima Ludi toegeken aan die leerling wat dwardeur sy hoërskoolloopbaan die beste gemiddelde persentasie behaal het: - Dirk Maass Junior Dux toegeken aan die leerling wat deurgaans gebalanseerde besonderse prestasies behaal het op alle vlakke: - Hendrik Rossouw Junior Optima Ludi toegeken aan die leerling wat dwarsdeur haar hoërskoolloopbaan die beste gemiddelde persentasie behaal het: - Lolandrie Kirsten Principals Award for the learner who has maintained a good balance with the four pillars that the School has been founded: - Mariëtta Janse van Rensburg Principals Award for Leadership toward the Head Boy & Head Girl of 2014 who have lived the values and norms of our School and showed their leadership through example. - Wiana Groenewald & Ruan Olivier

Learner of the Year awards Right: Principals Award for Leadership Wiana Groenewald & Ruan Olivier

Left: Junior Dux Hendrik Rossouw

Principals Award Mariëtta Janse van Rensburg

Spirit Building Zulerene Duiker

The Mayor's Shield for Best Grade 12 learner in the Science Field Daniël Jansen

Senior Optima Ludi Dirk Maass

Junior Optima Ludi Lojandrie Kirsten





Best in Grade 1: Mudjanima Ramona, Grade 2: Ngeno Emilia; Grade 3: Unondjara Georgina; Grade 4: Hiyelwaposi Rosa

Pre-primary 2014

Best learner in Grade 6: Elizabeth Nuungulu with donor Mr Andreas Shapaka

Best learner in Grade 5: Sarafia Ewalistus

Sportsman of the year: Prins Tjjiueza

Best in Grade 7 & Dux learner: Benjamin Paulus with Sportswoman of the Year: Meme ShindjaPrincipal Ms V Kavendjii buluku

Thank you The Schoolboard, Management, staff & learners hereby would like to thank the following sponsors for their contribution towards the Prize giving ceremony.

Prins Tjiueza with Mr Kashongo: represented Namibia at COSSASA games in Zambia

Keynote Speaker: Ms Avril Cordom

1. Satago CC 2. Venus supermarket 3. Rossing 4. First National Bank 5. Standard Bank

6. Commercial Cold Storage 7. Santam 8. Waltons 9. Manica

10. Tunacor 11. Namport 12. Mr Andreas Shapaka 13. Mr Zongo Kaura



WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF NO: 2251 TOWNSHIP: Central Walvis Bay STREET: State House Crest # 60/ In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Day-Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 16 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): J. C. Erasmus, P. O. Box 5622, Walvis Bay




Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Assistant Stock Control Officer Walvis Bay Purpose of the position: • Assist in complete control over the receiving, storage and distribution functions of stock Qualification and knowledge: • Grade 12 • Drivers license • At least two years' experience in stock control The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • MS Office literate Skills: • Ability to negotiate & persuade • Verbal and written proficiency in English and Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate • Honest Key performance areas: • Overseeing the correct handling and storage of all stock items • Customer contact and care • Administrative completion of relevant documentation • Complete and maintain all stock price tickets • Regular sectional stock takes • General maintenance and tidiness of all store areas Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to: Elmar de Jager Nictus (Pty) Ltd

E-mail: nicwal@nictus.com.na Closing date: 25 March 2014 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.

REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME Rezoning from Single Residential to General Residential 1 on erf 3163, No.38 6th Street, Walvis Bay. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Medium Density Residential Development on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Walvis Bay, Nangolo Mbumba Drive. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay (081 170 0960)


PERMANENT CLOSURE PERMANENT CLOSURE OF A PORTION OF THE LOCAL STREET BETWEEN KRUIS STREET AND ALBATROS STREET, BEHIND DEVELOPMENTS IN LOCAL STREETS: FLAMINGO STREET AND PELICAN STREET, TO BE SUBDIVIDED INTO 2 PORTIONS THEN TO BE REZONED TO LOCAL BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of section 50(3) (a)(ii) of the Local Authorities Act of 1992 (Act 23 of 1992) that the Municipality of Walvis Bay proposes to permanently close a portion of local street between Kruis Street and Albatros Street, behind developments in local streets: Flamingo Street and Pelican Street and this portion is then to be subdivided into 2 portions and then rezoned to Local Business. This proposal is indicated on the locality plan which lies for inspection during office hours at the Town Planning Office at Town Planning First Floor, Room 101, and Municipal Notice Board, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any person objecting to the proposed closure as indicated above may lodge objections, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay in writing, not later than Tuesday 23 December 2014, in accordance with Section 50(1) (c) of the above Act. The Chief Executive Officer, Walvis Bay Municipality, Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From Single Residential To General Residential 1 CONSENT: Accommodation Establishment (Hotel Pension), to proceed before rezoning is approved ON ERF 12 MEERSIG, CORNER OF 8TH ROAD WEST AND KOVAMBO NUJOMA AVENUE In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect an Accommodation Establishment (Hotel Pension) on the site. The existing buildings will be demolished to allow for the new development. The purpose of the rezoning is to make the zoning of the site correct for an Accommodation Establishment; the purpose of the consent is to allow development of the site to proceed before the rezoning is approved. The current zoning of the site allows the erection of an Accommodation Establishment only with consent of the Council. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive.

WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business (Hair Salon) ON ERF NO: 487 TOWNSHIP: Kuisebmond STREET: Sandwich Street. In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Home Business (Hair Salon) on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 106D, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 16 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Monika Virin, Peter Mushihange Street, Walvis Bay

Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager, Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (081 170 0960)

18 NAMIB TIMES REZONING WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING OF A PORTION OF THE LOCAL STREET, BETWEEN KRUIS STREET AND ALBATROS STREET, BEHIND DEVELOPMENTS IN LOCAL STREETS: FLAMINGO STREET AND PELICAN STREET, TO BE SUBDIVIDED INTO 2 PORTIONS. REZONING FROM LOCAL STREET TO LOCAL BUSINESS Notice is hereby given in terms of the Walvis Bay Town Planning Scheme that I, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality to rezone a portion of Local Street between Kruis Street and Albatros Street, behind developments in local streets: Flamingo Street and Pelican Street and this portion is then to be subdivided into 2 portions: The rezoning will be from Local Street to Local Business. This proposal is indicated on the locality plan which lies for inspection during office hours at the Town Planning Office at Town Planning, First Floor, Room 101, and Municipal Notice Board, Civic Centre, Nangolo Mbumba Drive, Walvis Bay. Any person objecting to the approval of this application as indicated above may lodge objections, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned in writing, not later than Tuesday 23 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT: Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P O Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (081 170 0960)


Nictus (Pty) Ltd has a culture of excellence and therefore strives to deliver quality, value and service in the furniture industry to the advantage of all stakeholders. To succeed continuously we acknowledge the importance of our personnel and therefore strive to be a preferred employer. Currently we have a vacancy for the following:

Branch Manager – Swakopmund

Purpose of the position: • Effective and profitable management of the branch through achieving the set targets • Enforcing company policy and procedures Qualification and knowledge: • Commercial Degree / Diploma • Valid driver's license • At least two years experience at managerial level The following will be to the advantage of applicants: • Knowledge of the furniture industry • Must be willing to relocate to different branches as requested • Male candidates between the ages of 27 and 35 will be given preference Skills: • Must be a trader • Must be able to negotiate effectively • Basic knowledge of accounting • MS Office literate • Verbal and written proficiency in English and Afrikaans Attributes: • Customer orientated • Passionate • Must be able to take own initiative • Achiever Key performance areas: • Planning, organizing, motivating, co-ordinating and controlling of all branch activities Namibians that comply to the above mentioned requirements, are invited to apply by submitting their CV, certified copies of qualifications and other relevant documents to:

The Operations Manager Nictus (Pty) Ltd. Head Office, Windhoek E-mail: opsman@nictus.com.na Closing date: 15 January 2015 Only candidates on the shortlist will be contacted. No documents will be returned. The Nictus group and its subsidiaries honour the letter and spirit of the Namibian affirmative action and employment equity legislation.


VACANCIES & NOTICES WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Place of Instruction (Day-Care Centre) ON ERF NO: 4075 TOWNSHIP: Fairways STREET: Cnr of Muganda + Protea Street 10 In terms of the abovementioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish a Day-Care Centre on the site. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with the grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than 16 December 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Dean Moolman, P. O. Box 4140, Walvis Bay





Good Investment: 3bedrooms,bathroom, open-plan kitchen Plus 2flats wth 2bedrooms,bathroom Open-plan kitchen each Generate monthly income N$ 8500.00 N$560 000.00 MAHETAGO 3bedrooms bic,2bathrooms Kitchen bic with stove Lounge and Garage PLUS,4UNITS Unit one: 2bedrooms Bathroom, kitchen Lounge and Garage Unit two: one bedroom with bathroom Unit three: 2bedrooms,bathroom Open plan kitchen Unit four: Up stair 2bedroom,bathroom Open plan kitchen Generated monthly income N$24 000.00 N$1.8mil LONG BEACH NAMIB ECO VILLAGE PLOTS: Size: 3463 N$4.3mil Size:4098 N$4.95mil Size:29599 N$25.8mil Flat: 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open plan kitchen. Single garage. Build in braai. N$1.04mil Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:


TO LET SWAKOP FREE STANDING 3 bedroom houses From N$ 7 700.00 PM Ocean view, Venita & Tamariskia. TOWN HOUSES From N$ 8000.00 PM MILE 4, Central WAREHOUSES FROM N$ 12 500.00 FURNISHED Upmarket Houses From: N$ 17 000.00 CONTACT US TODAY RYNO: 081 210 5085 (064) 464 033 Www.remax.co.za


MALAKIA PROPERTIES ARANDIS Plot size 450.00 N$170 000.00 4bedrooms,bathroom, kitchen Lounge and store room N$370 000.00


WALVIS BAY 20 4505


HOUSE TO RENT: 2 Bedroom, BIC in main room & kitchen, bathroom, lounge, NO GARAGE, New NHE Houses, Kuisebmond, WALVIS BAY. Monthly rental fee N$ 3800.00 & deposit N$ 3800.00, W/E excl. Call: 0816 692 411

NARRAVILLE Warm spacious home 3 bedr, 2 bathr, huge open plan lounge, dining, modern fitted kitchen, BBQ, laundry, garage parking 3 cars. BONUS: 2 x 1 bed flats N$ 1 700 000 FAIRWAY ESTATES Spacious 4 bedr home 2 bathr, lovely open plan living area with fitted kitchen, scullery, BBQ, double garage with laundry, laminated flooring, friendly garden

N$ 1 980 000 CC reg

Joey 081 129 3293


TO RENT: A 2x two bedroom house to rent. Bathroom, open plan kitchen and siting room. With 2x outside flats wit a toilet & shower. Houses is N$ 3 600.00 each p/m Water incl. Pre paid electricity. Flats is N$ 1 900.00 each Water incl. Prepaid electricity. Dep neg. Contact: 081 128 7696 081 481 5116 ELEGANCIA INVESTMENTS CC: Kuisebmond 3x bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen/lounge Big yard N$ 500 000.00 Pre approved clients preferred. Contact: 081 866 9480 FLAT TO RENT 2 Bedroom, 1½ Bathroom, Open plan Kitchen, Living Room and 1 Garage. No animals. Ideal for couple or single men/women. Prepaid Electricity Water Excl. Price R4,500, deposit payable over two months. Please call after 5pm Olivia, 081 355 5285 TO RENT: Narraville, Walvisbaai 2 slaapkamer woonstel met ingeboude kaste + stoof en tanem garage. N$ 4500.00 p/m W/L ingsl. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Skakel Aunty Ann: 205 958 081 452 6408 TO RENT: Spacious 2 bedroom townhouse in Walvis Bay. Full bathroom en-suite. Lounge with indoor braai. Courtyard with outside braai. BIC, 1 garage, alarm system. Electrical fencing. Perfect for 1st time buyer or investment. N$ 865 000.00 Contact: 081 269 7509 081 296 0351

TO RENT: 2 Bedroom flat to rent in Narraville available 1 January 2015 with garage. W/E incl. N$ 4 800.00 p/m No deposit payable. Contact Cal-lee: 081 303 4970 for viewing. Sam Nujoma Avenue 171 Narraville

Walvis Bay Weighbridge Sale of CC 18 Sectional Title Warehouses 9 for sale from N$ 1420 000-00 9 to rent @ N$ 55-00 p/m² + VAT Claudia 081 127 7783 TE HUUR: Ruim slaapkamer woonstel. Oopplan sitkamer, kombuis, badkamer en toilet. Vanaf 1 Desemeber beskikbaar. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit N$ 2 000.00 Onderhandelbaar Evergreen Str 16 Narraville W/E ingsl. Cell: 081 755 5599 TO RENT: Bachelor flat to rent in Walvis Bay, Town N$ 3 500.00 p/m + deposit Pre paid electricity Water incl. 2x Bachelor flats to rent in Walvis Bay, Town N$ 5 000.00 per flat per month W/E incl. Dep N$ 2 500.00 Contact: 081 280 6939

UNITS IN KUISEBMUND 2 bed, 2 bath with garage - N$ 590 000-00 3 bed, 2 bath without garage - N$ 587 000-00 3 bed, 2 bath with garage - N$ 667 000-00 Ndana 0812781731 Emily 0812930335 CFS PROPERTIES & INSURANCE SWAKOPMUND FOR SALE Newly Built Houses in Oceanview Swakopmund!!!! Be the first owner of brand new house. 3 Different houses to choose from. Price on request SHAMELLE 0814788499/064-412320


WALVIS BAY - LAGOON 2 x Bachelor's flats with garage in safe complex. Within walking distance from the lagoon! N$ 645 000-00 each. Joey 0812780518 Barry 0815757474

CAPRICORN ESTATES TO RENT!! 50 METERS FROM BEACH VOGELSTRANDT 2 Bedrooms,2 bathrooms, furnished, open plan, lovely view garage, also available gym, pool and laundrette. AVAILABLE FROM 1 Jan 2015, RENT: N$ 7650.00 MOLE AREA ! ! One bedroom jewel, unfurnished with garage, no pets RENTAL: N$4900.00 MILE 4 AREA! ! FIRST COME FIRST SERVED ! Luxury 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ bath, beautiful kitchen, open plan with braai and fire place, two garages, court yard, alarm, balcony ,small pets welcome, prepaid electricity. RENTAL : N$ 7800.00 Jp van der Walt 081 127 2736 TO RENT: Kabeljou Urgent Bachelor flat available immediately. N$ 1 950.00 W/E incl. Own toilet and shower, own geyser. Secured parking area. Entrance remote control. Contact: 081 286 7210 081 205 9653 TO RENT: Open plan flat to rent in Kuisebmond Side of Shazimga Bar N$ 1 450.00 p/m Water incl. Electricity all share Contact Vakie: 081 619 6795 TO RENT: Tanderm garage for living in N$ 1 800.00 p/m Immediately available. W/E incl. Inside room for N$ 1 300.00 W/E incl. Preferably bachelors! Contact: 085 615 6482 TO RENT: Big spacious house for rent: Panaroma Park Tamariskia 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, large kitchen, dining room, entertainment area with build in braai. Laundry room and double garage. N$ 7 000.00 p/m Available immediately. Please contact: 081 149 7911 081 297 7205 TO RENT: Newly built bachelor flat available in Narraville 1 person N$ 2 700.00 p/m 2 persons N$ 3 000.00 p/m W/E incl. Contact: 081 231 7492 081 576 9573 OPSOEK NA BETROUBARE HUURDERS: Huis in Narraville, 2 slaapkamers, een badkamer, kombuis en sitkamer. Ingeboude kaste, alarm stelsel beskikbaar vir N$ 200 meer by huurgeld. Huur sluit water in maar koopkrag beskikbaar. N$ 4 000.00 p/m Deposit twee maande afbetaalbaar Skakel: 081 811 4458 081 170 1669

Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb @gmail.com LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


Kommissie vanaf 2%

Eiendomme te koop gesoek Noorde Karin 081 128 3319 Langstrand en Swakop Charlene 081 147 5705 Kurt Walvisbaai 081 242 6713 *Swakop erf N$620 000 nuwe uitbreiding *Swakop woonstel N$1,133m 3 bed, 2½ bad,1 motorhuis *Swakop N$1,750m plot en plan huise. 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise op groot erf. *Langstrand Seefront erf N$2.060m *Dolfynstrand N$1,545m Seefront 3 bed,2 bad,2 motorhuise keuse met meubels N$1,648m *Dolfynstrand N$1,339m woonstel seeuitsig 3 bed, 2 bad, 2 motorhuise met meubels *Dolfynstrand dupleks dorpshuis N$1,777m ,3bed, 2 ½ bad, ooplan kombuis leef area Binnebraai met seeuitsig het 2 motorhuise. *Walvisbaai sentraal naby skole N$1,236m winskoop woonhuis op baie groot erf 3 bed, 2 bad, 3 motorhuise *Meersig nuwe dorpshuis N$1,399m,3 bed,2 bad, 2 motorhuise *Meersig N$1,854m gewaarborgde offers welkom 3 bed huis met 2 bed woonstel 5 motorhuise *Meersig N$1,854m erf 1250m huis 412m² 5 bed, 3 badkamers , 2 sitkamerers 2 braaikamers,kombuis 2 motorhuise en stoor kamer *Meersig ext1 erf N$721 000 op skou www.mspd.co.za *Kaapstad Durbanville Swakop Fruit & Veg 15 tot 17 Desember Walvisbaai shoprite 18 tot 20 Desember of persoonlike afspraak 8 nuwe ontwikkelngs vir 2015 oordragkoste ingesluit woonstellE vanaf N$569 900 *Walvisbaai DORP N$865 000 Dorpshuis 2 bed,2 bad kombuis 2 braais en 1 motorhuis Dorpshuise vanaf N$899 900 en vrystaande huise vanaf N$1,049,900 Namibiers 20% deposito 80% lenings beskikbaar slegs 16km na Stellenbosch en 25km na kaapstad met vervoerdienste KURT GRUNSCHLOSS SEL 081 242 6713 Kantoor 12 Peter Dixon Str Lagoon Propertypowerwvb@gmail. com

TO LET Waterfront 3 bedroom Town House double garage N$ 9,300. Mile 4 Furnished Flat- 3 bedrooms ,2 bathrooms and Garage N$ 8,800.00 3x Bedroom flat Double Garage. 3x bathrooms N$ 8,800. Hage Heights-Executive apartment 3 bedrooms,lounge kitchen. Water and Electricity included N$ 15,000.00 Ocean View-Newly built Town houses 3 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms lounge kitchen and double garage N$ 12,000.

MONDESA TO LET 2Bedr house,2bathr Lounge, kitchen N$ 4400.00 W/Incl 2 Bedr house, bathr,lounge kitchen N$ 4500.00 W/L Excl Mahetago 2Bedr house, bathr Lounge, kitchen N$ 3500.00 W/L Excl Jabulani 3Bedr house,2bathr,lounge Kitchen, garage N$ 4200.00 W/L Excl 3Bedr house, bathr, lounge

Ocean View 3 bedroom House, double garage N$ 11,000.00

Kitchen. N$ 3800.00 W/L Excl

Newly renovated House 3x Bedrooms. Double Garage N$15,000

1Bedr flat,open plan kitchen

Furnished Town House 3x Bedrooms, 2x Bathrooms. Guest Toilet Single Garage N$10,000. Unfurnished Spacious Town House, 3x Bedrooms. Double Garage N$9,500. To Let - Vineta 4x Bachelor flats N$4500(W&E included) each 3x Bedroom House N$8000 To Let - Tamariskia 2x Bedroom Flat in Tamariskia N$5000 (W&E inclusive) Tamariskia- For Sale Free Standing House N$870 000 Ocean View - to let 2x Bedrooms & 2x Bathrooms Apartment N$6000 OCEAN VIEW - FOR SALE Newly Build Upmarket Townhouses-FOR SALE 3bedrooms,3 bathrooms,2and half garages,lounge and kitchen N$ 1,650 000. NEW DEVELOPMENT MONDESA- TOWN HOUSES FOR SALE 2x bedrooms, 2xbathrooms. Kitchen Garage & alarm system Starting from N$ 670,000 For Sale Mondesa 4 Bedroom house N$ 995,000.00 To Let Mondesa 2 Bedroom House N$4300 Exclusive and Elite Estates Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com


Bathr. N$ 3000.00 W/Incl preferably single male 2Bedr,bathr,lounge kitchen N$ 5000.00 W/L Excl Ocean view 3Bedr house,2bathr lounge,kitchen (bic) with stove,double garage N$ 10 000.00 W/L Excl All deposits required FOR SALE Omulondo 2Bedr house,bathr lounge,kitchen N$ 480 000.00 -Strictly cash Arandis 5bedr house, 2bathr, lounge kitchen,laundry, with carport N$ 450 000.00 Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995


W/Bay - Central Sole & Exclusive Mandate Huge 3 bed, 1 ½ bath townhouse with lounge, kitchen, garage & own spacious courtyard. N$ 895 000.00 Saloom 0813821888 FOR SALE: Warehouse for sale (private) 331m², Near Build it in Swakopmund, registered in a CC. N$1.6 million (neg). Contact Divan: 081 383 2924



PROPERTY TIMES W/Bay Central 3 bed, 2 bath unit with garage. Furniture Included. N$ 995 000-00 Barry 0815757474

TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop House nr. 987: Bachelors flat to rent N$2700.00 - W/E Incl. For single persons only. Contact: 081 258 2960 TO RENT Mahetago - Swakop: 1 single outside room to rent. N$1800.00, W/E Incl. Hot water, nod deposit. Contact: 081 211 6991 MALAKIA PROPERTIES TO LET HAGE HEIGHT Bachelor Flat N$3900.00 W/L Incl For single person only TULINAWA Bachelor Flat N$2700.00 W/L Incl For single person only Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email: malakiaproperties@ya hoo.com

“HUISIE BY DIE SEE” HENTIES BAY NEW SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE FREESTANDING 2 & 3 bed houses. Choose from 3 different house types. Get yours from only N$ 477 000-00 now! Emily 0812930335 Ndana 0812781731

HERMUS WALVISBAAI: Een slaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar vanaf 2 Januarie 2015. Net een persoon. W/L ingsl. Onderdak parkeering. N$ 3 500.00 p/m. Deposit vooruitbetaalbaar. Geen diere of kinders nie. Skakel: 081 814 1473 064 207 819 HERMUS WALVISBAAI: Eenslaapkamer woonstel beskikbaar vanaf 2 Januarie 2015. Net 1 persoon. W/L ingsl. Onderdak parkeering. N$ 3 500.00 p/m Deposit vooruit betaalbaar. Geen diere of kinders nie. Skakel: 081 814 1473 081 124 6948 064 207 819 TO RENT: A one bedroom bachelor flat available from 01 Dec 2014. N$ 2 200.00 p/m W/E excl. A two bedroom house available from 01 Jan 15 N$ 3 300.00 p/m W/E excl. Mahetago, Swakopmund. Contact: 081 277 0639 WALVIS BAY TO RENT: Beautiful spacious two bedroom, two bathrooms with down stairs toilet townhouse. Situated next to park, all major shopping centres, CBD and schools. (ISWB, WBHS, etc) N$ 7 500.00 p/m Pre paid electricity and excluding water Available from 1 December Shaun: 081 325 3477


2008 ISUZU 360 4x4 D/C 15500 Km, canopy, 20” tyres and powerflow exhaust system, Very good condition, original rims also available. N$180,000.00 Cell: 0813035022 FOR SALE: 1998 BMW M2 Evo 2 Regensberg edition 6 speed, manual 150 000 km. N$ 95 000.00 Negotiable. Contact: 081 376 2436 081 400 9979 after 17:00 FOR SALE: Honda Brio Amaze 2013 Model, 13 000km 1.2L. N$73 000.00 (neg) Contact: 081 274 8347 FOR SALE: Hyundai Sonata Gold for sale. 2005 Model, 2Litre. N$20 000.00 Contact: 081 576 6164

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE BIG SALE: AT THIS ‘N THAT NICE RANGE OF DVD’s N$ 18.00 EACH Second hand, new furniture and household appliances. Sam Nujoma Town Square Els: 081 255 5809 Lawrence: 081 324 1285 CANOPY FOR SALE: Beekman canopy for Opel Corsa pick up. Good condition. Price: N$ 7 000.00 negotiable Contact: 081 297 4711 081 297 4708

FOR SALE: Second hand furniture. Best quality in Town. Lapaloma building Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay Contact: 081 324 1285 081 255 5809 Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: jinshan@iway.na Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

PRICE LIST FOR FISH: · Crabs/kg N$60.00 · Hake / skinless 5kg N$180.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks 5kg N$160.00 · Hake sausages/Blocks kg N$35.00 · Fish Mince/Blocks kg N$45.00 · Snoek Whole/kg N$38.00 · Snoek chops/kg N$38.00 · Angel whole/kg N$30.00 · John Dory whole/kg N$20.00 · Sole/kg N$70.00 · Yellow tale whole/kg N$55.00 · Red fish/kg N$28.00 · Kabeljou N$60.00 · Kingklip whole N$90.00 · Hake Heads N$8.00 · Prawns N$195.00 · Chicken Quarters 10kg N$380.00 Please contact: 081 734 7532 Thank you FOR SALE: 1x Bathroom door (brand new) N$800.00(ONCO) Contact: 081 881 7612 DIAMOND FOR SALE Carat weight: 0,70 Cut : Round brilliant Clarity: VVS 1 Colour: I PRICE : NAD 15000 or nearest cash offer. Phone: 085 620 2777 E Mail: goldgb@hotmail.com FOR SALE: PS 3. TV games for sale Contact: 081 283 3901

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE Pick A Bargain We buy and sell second hand furniture & household appliances BEST PRICES IN TOWN Louise - 081 032 4865 Guts - 081 259 3175 C/o 11th Road & Nangolo Mbumba Drive W/Bay

TO HIRE 6m Containers to Rent Phone Karin/Chandre at 064 209 166

ACCOMMODATION WANTED: Looking for an Opel Corsa bakkie to buy from N$ 40 000.00 to N$ 50 000.00 And a house to buy in Kuisebmond / Narraville for up to N$ 360 000.00 Contact: 081 284 5238

VACANCIES VACANCY: Travel Consultant needed. Minimum of 1 year experience in travel industry and must be proficient in Microsoft Excel and Pastel. Mail CV's to PO Box 867, Swakopmund. VACANCY SALES ASSISTANT - HONEST - VIBRANT - NAMIBIAN CITIZEN - FLUENT IN ENGLISH AND AFRIKAANS - REFERENCE REQUIRED - PASTEL EXPERIENCE PLEASE FORWARD CV'S TO: THE MANAGER P. O. BOX 4032 WALVIS BAY Looking for a domestic worker age 18 29. Must be hardworking, reliable & trustworthy. Swakopmund, Myl 4 Mondays Fridays from 07H00 17H00 Saturdays 07H00 13H00 Contact: 081 562 0824

TO HIRE Containers Available To rent/ Buy Call Cowboys, your storage solution in Swakopmund Contact 081 146 4770 064 418 150

TO RENT: Bubble machine Create an amazing atmosphere with thousands of bubbles cascaiding down. Ideal for: Kiddies parties: amuse kids for hours Weddings: Replacement for confetti First dance through a cloud of bubbles Backdrop for wedding photos Make your special occasion truly amazing. Contact: 081 335 6987

OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders *Saws * Cutters * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444

email: saleswb@ coastalhirenam.com


TE HUUR Swakopmund: Enkel kamer aan rustige manspersoon. Geen garage of parkeerplek vir motor beskikbaar nie. Water in ligte ingelsuit. Maandlikse huur N$1500.00 plus N$600.00 deposito. Skakel: 081 351 3225

TE KOOP GESOEK: Walvisbaai, Narraville 3 slaapkamer huis, met ingeboude kaste, twee badkamers + garage te koop gesoek. Prysklas: ± N$ 950 000.00 Kontak: 081 304 8973




TO RENT Tamariskia - Swakop: 1 Bedroom flat with an open plan big lounge, Kitchen fitted with built in stove and cupboards. Shower and hot water. N$3200.00 W/Incl, prepaid elect. Available 7 December 2014 Contact: 081 124 6606

To let in Meersig: 1 bedroom flat behind main house with kitchen and living room, bathroom with shower. W&E included, DSTV dish, own entrance and garage. To let from 1 January 2015. No pets, N$4,000 + deposit. Phone 081 238 8488



Namib Times

WOONSTEL TE HUUR Vineta - Swakopmund: Groot kamer met Kitchenette. Agter in erf. N$3000.00p/m W/E ingelsluit. Onmiddelik beskikbaar. Skakel: 081 323 3531 Ook beskikbaar in Desember vir Vakansie verblyf.

I am urgently looking for a place to rent. Should be in a secure area, Mondesa / Mahetago / Tamariskia. 1 bedroom, open plan kitchen. Water included, prepaid electricity. Own toilet. Price range N$1000.00 - N$1500.00 Contact: 081 881 7623

TO LET: Tamariskia 4 bedroom house, 1 garage, Build in cupboards and stove in the kitchen. N$ 7 500.00 p/m W/E excl. Available immediately Please contact Donovan: 081 620 6921

* Visit our Website / * Besoek ons Webtuiste / * Besuchen sie unsere Internet seite


PARTY KIDS !! FUN FOR HIRE The largest children’s entertainment company in Namibia Up to 40 different inflatable’s Largest water slide in Namibia For all your inflatable needs, Contact: 081 242 7787


Classifieds NAMIB TIMES


E-MAIL: smalls@namibtimes.net OR shene@namibtimes.net

NOTICES Contact Remax Properties for all your property needs! Our friendly agents standing by whether you are selling or buying. Give us a call! Ongwediva 065238342 / 0814175141 Swakopmund 064464033 / 0818709950 Walvis Bay 064212440 / 0816051984 Namib Car wash Grand opening Lots of opening specials * Super high ramp * Interior & exterior polish * Industrial vacuum clean and many mpre We are situated right next to Mega Stationers Contact Andre: 081 304 0232 CHRISTMAS BUFFET @ N$140.00 per person Roast lamb rib Roast beef, Roasted lamb Smoked Gammon, Vegetables with feta cheese Sweet pumpkin, Baked corn Cakes Baked potatoes, Yellow rice Beetroot salad, Carrot salad Cauliflower salad, DESSERT : Brown pudding with custard Milk tart, Trifle Please call Linda 081 242 7467 or 20 3157





LOST DOG Small brown doberman pinch lost Saturday morning in Fairways, Monganda Str. Contact: 081 333 5230

REMOVALS Groot trailer met versigtige drywer en werk span beskikbaar vir huis trekke, aflewerings en rommel verwydering. Walvisbaai Swakopmund Hentiesbaai. Vinnige en vriendelike diens. Jacques Koch: 081 607 8320

Josef driving School In Swakopmund and Walvis Christmas Special

TRAINING HURRY!!! HURRY!! VERY CHEAP!! VERY CHEAP!! CAPSTONE RESEARCH CONSULTANCY CC. PRESENTS Contact: Ben Uugwanga- 0812695532, PO Box 7078, Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay, Namibia, Africa Writing of Business Plans (N$1200), Writing of Project Proposals (N$800) and Writing of Constitutions (N$800) ·Training Offered (Omadheulu)/ Manuals Included (Omambo gakwatelawa mo) : Strategic Management and Leadership, (4daysN$750 Per Person) ; Marketing, Customer Care and Basic Management (4days-N$600 per person) ; Conceptualization, Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the Bible (6days- N$1000 per person) ; Public Policy Making and Public Management (5daysN$1000 per person); Research Proposal Writing Training (4daysN$350 per person); Knowledge Management (4days- N$450 per person) ; The knowledge Economy (4days- N$500 per person) Leadership and Project Management Training (4days- N$750 per person) ; Leadership and Business Management Training (5days- N$600 per person) ; Public Policy Making and Policy Research Training (5daysN$1000 per person) ; Writing Skills Training (5days- N$1000 per person). ·Christian Leadership Training/ Edheulo lyomuwiliki gwongeleka (5days/ omasiku gatanoN$400 per person) ·Life Skills Training/ Edheulo Iyomugundjuka muunongo wonkalamwenyo (5days/ omasiku gatano- N$250 per person).



Baard Transport / Block & Brick baard@afol.com.na TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 ∙ Blocks / Bricks ∙ Rock Face / Pavers ∙ Interlocks / Linthols ∙ Sand / Stone ∙ De-watering ∙ Hiring of earth moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference” NEW: Hollow 7 MPA Super Brick



BEL ‘n LORRIE 3,5t / 4t VRAGTE Bou rommel verwyder Tuin vullis / vullis Huistrekke / kantoor trekke Enige tiepe vragte, ek laai self Bel my laat ons gesels GODY: 081 032 4996 081 200 3741

We offer driving lessons for N$ 90 per hour or pay for more than 10 hour for N$90 per hour and get 1 hour free. N$ 150 for Natis test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor- failing is not an option. We're working through Christmas and New Year, we'll prepare you for The year 2015… Contact: 0814183595 or 0812969477

BAY JOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and inter-locks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or e-mail: bayjoinery@ymail. com A To Z C L E A N I N G SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

SERVICES Professional cleaning for affordable prices We provide cleaning services in: Carpets, loose rugs Flats, Houses, Shops, Offices, Factories, Buildings, Carpets, Upholstery cleaning Call Agents: 081 682 0973 081 261 0502 Weekly/monthly contracts can be arranged ELECTRICAL & GENERAL MAINTENACE House wiring New wiring Existing wiring Home appliance Switch boards Electrical motors Starters Maintenance New installations J.A Barnard 081 261 4499 Eg@mtcmobile.com.na

COURSES GERMAN COURSE FOR ADULT BEGINNERS: Learn to speak German and improve your job opportunities!! Limited space Available. Register now to qualify for a discount. Experienced mothertongue teacher. Contact 081 607 2685




AGNES: Dame van 38-jaar is opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Baie betroubaar en is bereid om vir 3 dae ‘n week te werk, het 10 jaar ondervinding. Kontak: 081 400 2705

Aubrey Winson Januarie

VICTORENE: Ek is ‘n 43-jarige dame opsoek na huiswerk of strykwerk in Walvisbaai of Langstrand. Maandae tot Vrydae. Strykwerk op Saterdae. Kan onmidellik begin. Kontak: 081 758 4141

*16-09-1966 +27-11-2014

Begrafnisdiens : Saterdag, 06 Des 2014 Vanuit die Ou Apostoliese Kerk Swakopmund (Mondesa) om 8h30

VICKY: Dringend opsoek na strykwerk. Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Donderdae net woonstelle op Langstrand. Kontak: 081 677 1039

Navrae : Daniel : 0812735629 Truida : 0816628319 (Vrou)

LAIMI LUCAS: Looking for any kind of work in Walvis Bay or Swakopmund. Contact: 081 627 7727


LOOKING FOR A DOMESTIC WORKER Age 18 29. Must be hardworking, reliable & trustworthy. Swakopmund, Myl 4 Mondays Fridays from 07H00 17H00 Saturdays 07H00 13H00 Contact: 081 562 0824 WERK GESOEK: Betroubare man is opsoek na werk in Swakopmund, Walvis Bay ook by ander plekke. Ek kan bestuur/rywerk doen. Ek kan dei volgende ry: Loader, Driving truck, Bulldozer, Tipper truck. Kan ook insleep diens doen. Kontak: 081 301 8517 of 081 726 0454 JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for domestic work for the whole week or for 3 days a week and also for the holidays. I am not using any drugs or alcohol. I am hardworking. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 560 2529


SERVICES Chocolate fans Get your selection of the finest belgian chocolates wrapped and packed to your liking from The Begian Choclatique In Walvis Bay Contact us at 081 128 3921



namib times Please note that the closing date for our Holiday Supplement will be:

Wednesday 3 December 2014 Please ensure that your booking and artwork reaches us by latest 12:00 Don’t miss out on this exciting issue



Joyful Toy Run 2014

Leandrea Louw The annual Toy Run hosted by Live to Ride on Sunday was a huge success. The bikers gathered at the Walvis Bay Municipality where they had a mass ride through town to the municipal kiddies swimming pool, where they handed the toys and gifts over to less privileged children. The children, all from orphanages in Walvis Bay, Kuisebmond and Narraville, received toys and gifts. Live To Ride also provided them with something to eat as well as a jumping castle, where they enjoyed every moment of this early Christmas celebration. The Toy Run started in 2001 and has since become a Christmas tradition. Public Relations Officer of Live To Ride, Eyfi Valtys-

son, said that the turnout this year had been much bigger than the past two years. “This year's Toy Run has definitely been a much bigger success compared to the previous years. We had bikers participating in this charity event from Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, central Namibia and even from South Africa. We are extremely grateful to everyone who participated in this great event for charity".





Satrick Bampton van Rehoboth Pool Klub in aksie

Die triomferende Young Ones span

Celtic Pool Klub

Young Ones wen Nasionale potbal kampioenskap Marshallino Beukes

Young Ones Pool Club van Windhoek is die afgelope naweek as die “Kampioen van Kampioene” gekroon, nadat hulle die nasionale potbal kampioenskap in Swakopmund gewen het. Hierdie toernooi word elke jaar, ter afsluiting van die potbal-seisoen aangebied en vanjaar was dit Celtic Pool Club van Swakopmund wat gasheer

moes speel. Spanne van so ver as Rundu, Windhoek en Rehoboth het deelgeneem en vir twee dae van potbal uit die boonste rakke gesorg. Bywoning

tydes die tweede dag van die kompetisie was ietwat teleurstellend, maar die manne en vroue het hulle nie daardeur van stryk laat bring nie. Die gasheer-

span, Celtic, was onder baie druk, aangesien hulle ook die tegniese- en administratiewe kant van die toernooi moes hanteer. Die toernooi is in goeie gees

afgehandel en sport was die wenner. Daar moet egter ook genoem word dat die ondersteuning van besigheidslui, ter opheffing van hierdie sportkode,

power is. Al die spanne was dit eens dat besighede beslis hul sosiale verantwoordelikheid om terug te ploeg in die gemeenskap, afskeep. Potbal is besig

om landwyd opslae as ‘n sportkode te maak en die manne beplan om die volgende seisoen hul stempel op Nasionale vlak af te druk.

NMT Shipping Summer Corporate League Bowls

Plate Winner - Sparta

Shield Winner - Billinguals

The Final Results of the Plate section 1st - Sparta 2nd - Crack a Jack 3rd - Magic Shop Wooden Spoon - Ratzeputz

The Final results of the Shield section 1st - Billinguals 2nd - Greenkeepers 3rd - Standard Bank Wooden Spoon - Namsov

Best Team Spirit - Sparta Jockey Award - Namsov G-string Award - Opto Namibia We would like to thank all who helped make NMT Shipping's generous sponsorship a success and look forward to seeing you all at next year’s Corporate League.

(Fltr) Flip Beukes, Frik van Rooi, Willem Engelbrecht, Achmet Abrahams and Bruce Burns

Frik van Rooi wins the November Seniors Golf Day

On Thursday a field of 18 senior golfers arrived for the November month-end competition. As usual the main sponsor was Ocean View Spar and the co-sponsors this month were Attie Esterhuizen and Hakkies Husselman. After a lovely halfway breakfast at the Rossmund Lodge, the energy levels were obviously lifted as there was some excellent golf played. Captain Bruce Burns presented the prizes to this month’s winners

Frik van Rooi on 40 points followed by Willem Engelbrecht on 38 points. In third position, and loser of the 38 point count-out, was Achmet Abrahams. Flip Beukes was the lucky winner of the “JoCo” prize.

A new monthly sponsor is the Wurstbude and their competition was played on 20 November, with “Head Chef” Theo Haimbondi representing the Wurstbude on the day. The lucky winners of a pizza voucher

each were Achmet Abrahams, Hans Ovlisen, Willem Engelbrecht and Dennis Anderson. A big thank you to Mario and Daniella for supporting the Rossmund Senior Golfers.

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