Namib Times Virtual Edition

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NO 6324 FRIDAY 31 JANUARY 2014

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Namport workers strike


Kop-aan-kop botsing eis sewe lewens

Piquet Jacobs An unexpected and illegal strike at Namport's Container Terminal operations by employees is causing havoc in the port and resulted in approximately 5 000 containers not being able to be moved yesterday. Namport held a media briefing yesterday to clarify questions surrounding the situation in the port after workers downed tools before lunch on Wednesday. More than 100 Namport employees went on strike and caused the entire Container Terminal's operations department to cease functioning. The department is responsible for the loading of containers from vessels and moving it to terminals and also from the terminals onto trucks. Since workers ceased to operate no containers have been moved and this can amount to huge financial losses for Namport and companies that depend on the prompt delivery of containers. Workers resolved to strike in protest to a newly ANGRY: Rubicon Security workers resolved to go on strike in order to force management to address the implemented method of handling containers in unbearable situations they have to endure. the yard. The new system was apparently implemented to improve efficiency levels at the Port of Walvis Bay, as well as the working relationship between workers and their supervisors. Jade McClune Continues on page 2

We are not baboons!

Training levy comes into force in April Jade McClune Companies with a yearly payroll of N$1 million or more have until 27 February to register for the payment of a compulsory monthly Vocational Education Training (VET) levy. Following drawn-out consultations, the final notice by the Minister of Education to impose the 1% VET levy was gazetted on 27 January. The monthly levy is set at one percent of the payroll of all companies that fall in this category. Cash-strapped municipalities and state-owned enterprises (parastatals) will not be exempted. Announcing the implementation of the levy on Tuesday, Ms Ester Nghipondoka, the acting Chief Executive of the Namibia Training Authority (NTA), called on “all eligible Continues on page 2

After a long and bitter dispute between workers and the management of Rubicon Security in Swakopmund, 40 security guards decided on Thursday to undertake immediate strike action to back up their demands. The situation has become unbearable and the guards are subjected to racism and discrimination at their workplace on a daily basis, said Mr Willem Antsino, a shop steward of the Namibian Independent Security Union (NISU). The security guards are outraged that the coastal area manager, Mr Johan Viljoen, apparently resorted to beating workers with a stick, named 'Frikkie', and calling them 'baboons'. The guards are accusing Viljoen of discriminating against black workers and they are demanding his immediate dismissal. At the scene of the strike the Namib Times asked to speak to some of the workers who were allegedly beaten, but the strikers said that after the abuse came to light several of the affected security guards were dismissed from duty. Only one worker at the demonstration yesterday confirmed that he had been beaten with the stick. The strikers are angry about practices they

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Africa must remove trade barriers Page 5

Warships heading for Walvis Bay

Page 6

Dispelling cancer myths Page 10

Lights, Camera & Action Page 13

consider to be downright discriminatory: “We are Property in treated as stupid and we are monitored,” while perspective white workers get favourable treatment, they alleged. They further charged that “white male employees are allowed to use the toilet inside" the company offices, but black workers are not allowed to use that facility. Viljoen apparently told them to go and urinate outside. The strikers claim that the manager referred to them as “baboons” and had threatened them. “We are not wild animals that must stay in the bushes”, Page 15 the strikers said in their petition. They accuse Rubicon Security of “racism, discrimination, Kashela’s moment intimidation, character assassination and of truth apartheid” practices. “If you refer to black workers as baboons, how do you refer to the same black Namibian leadership and the president?” they asked. In a statement read outside Rubicon's office in Continues on page 2

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Namport workers strike Continued from page 1

Bisey /Uirab the Chief Executive Officer of Namport pointed out that the Port Authority consulted with its Human Resources staff, shop stewards, Labour Commissioner's office and the Regional Co-ordinator of NATAU, and that they were all in agreement that the strike was illegal and unsanctioned. According to him the workers involved in the strike acknowledged that their actions are illegal and therefore were issued with a request to return to work. The Container Terminal staff denied this request and ceased all operations. The Break-bulk operations, security and marine services remain unaffected by the strike, and operations in these departments continue as normal. Namport was in constant contact with vessels scheduled to offload cargoes in the port in order to ensure that appropriate alternative arrangements could be made under the unfortunate circumstances. “Namport Management will make alternative arrangements and implement remedies to this effect shortly and this will be communicated within the coming hours. We regret the impact that this has on our customers and their respective services and operations and calls for understanding whilst we deal with the unexpected and unfortunate action”, said /Uirab who also pointed out that Namport has certain laws and policies, and all issues are expected to be discussed within these guidelines. Asked for comment yesterday afternoon, Mr John Uushona of NATAU said that they were trying to assess the situation at the port and it appeared to him that workers, who were not directly affected, were also joining in the industrial action and that the strike action was escalating. He said that the Union was engaged in intense discussions with the workers and the company and could not answer all the questions, as the situation was changing rapidly. It is expected that NATAU will call a press conference today (Friday) to address questions related to the strike.

WALVIS BAY OFFICE T 064 20 5854 F 064 20 4813 E ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS MARKETING / SALES Jacqueline Farmer 081 147 7653 JOURNALISTS Madelaine Laubscher 081 602 2918

Piquet Jacobs 081 370 6992 SPORT Otis Finck 081 299 1211

SWAKOPMUND OFFICE T 064 461866 F 064 46 1824 ADVERTISING MARKETING / SALES Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 MARKETING Mikkie Kriel 081 286 9519 JOURNALISTS Marshallino Beukes 081 605 2595

Anri Jacobs 081 605 2595 PRO-PRINT Jenny Jackson 081 149 2155 Moya Davids 064 20 5854

31 JANUARY 2014

We are not baboons! Vineta, Swakopmund, the strikers said that they reject the findings of a “non-official hearing” that took place on 15 January 2014. “We don't agree with what is written in the statement… as there is no official letter and signatures of the union secretary and the chairman…” The guards say that they also refused to undergo a lie detector test, because they want the test to be conducted by an independent company: “We wanted a hearing to be held where witnesses should be presented and an outside party to represent us officially.” “We hereby inform all striking employees that they are acting illegally and in contravention with their employment agreements. Employees are requested to return to work with immediate effect. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action, which will jeopardise your further employment with Rubicon,” directors of Rubicon, Messrs Martin van den Berg and Christo Groenewald, said in a brief statement sent from the company headquarters in Tsumeb and read out by one of the managers, Mr Kruger. Kruger declined to make any further comment regarding the allegations. In reaction to the directors' statement, the workers said that Rubicon had acted illegally in the first place by discriminating against them and therefore they had no choice but to undertake impromptu strike action. “We cannot use these dark

Training levy comes into force in April Continued from page 1 employers to embrace the vocational and educational training levy with a sense of ownership towards establishing a reliable source of financing for technical and vocational education and training in our country". She said the levy is in line with “our objectives to reduce income inequality, to fight poverty, to enhance economic competitiveness, to support quality education and growing our manufacturing industry.” The NTA will collect the levy as part of the National Training Fund. Collectors and inspectors will be sent out to ensure that companies pay up. Those that do not comply will be penalised with 10% interest on overdue payments. Registration started on Monday. Among other details, employers have to submit proof of their type of business, the number of employees and tax obligations. Registration can be done on the NTA's website and a “customer care centre” has also been set up to assist. The implementation of the levy was delayed several times since the Act came into force in 2008. After extensive consultations the threshold was raised from N$350 000 to N$1 million and the amount reduced from 1.5% to 1% of the payroll. An NTA official explained yesterday that if employers can prove that they trained their staff they can apply for a 50% rebate on the levy. In terms of the VET Act of 2008 the NTA is also tasked with taking over the administration of seven Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) that previously resorted under the Ministry of Education and will soon take over full responsibility for funding all vocational training institutes from the Namibia Students Assistance Fund (NSFAF). Excluded from paying the VET levy are the organs of the State, regional councils, charities, non-profit organisations and faith groups. The training levy comes into effect on 1 April 2014. The NTA will conduct a number of meetings in the Erongo region within the next two weeks to facilitate the process. The Ministry of Education will continue funding vocational training students as before, but the funds would in future be directed through the NTA and not the NSFAF. Sources with knowledge of the details said that they are "still working on the precise modalities of how and when to transfer the administration of the funds to the NTA", but this is likely to happen soon. Vocational students should not be concerned by the change, as they will receive their funds as before.

Continued from page 1

and dirty toilets. We are not being treated like human beings.” The guards further reported that they rarely get their full monthly wages. Security workers at the company earn N$60 per 12 hour shift (N$5/hour), but fees are also deducted for the uniforms, as well as N$90 penalties for sleeping on duty, or failing to attend. “We have a 12-hour working day, we get no overtime payments, no public holidays or Sunday overtime,” one said. “We rarely even have time to be with our families, because we are always working.” Asked to comment on the strike, an official of the Ministry of Labour in Swakopmund said, “We don't know anything about this.” The official did not want to go on record, but said the security workers had reported their case to the Labour Advisory Council and not the Labour Commissioner. “They never brought their case to the ministry and we cannot involve ourselves until the affected parties inform us.” Later on Thursday morning, Mr Antsino informed this newspaper that the workers had tried to submit relevant documents outlining their grievances to the Labour Commissioner's office, but they were rejected by officials, who refused to attend to the case, saying that the workers "have undertaken illegal strike action".

Kop-aan-kop botsing eis sewe lewens Jade McClune Sewe mense, insluitende twee bekende toergidse, het hul lewens verloor as gevolg van 'n ernstige kop-aan-kop botsing wat Dinsdagaand tussen 'n trok en bus buite Okahandja plaasgevind het. Vyf mense het gesterf op die toneel van busbestuurder probeer het om 'n die gru-ongeluk wat ongeveer 35km buite vragmotor verby te steek toe die bus Okahandja plaasgevind het. Die Motor- moontlik gegly het en dus met sy trok ongeluk Vonds (MVA) het Woensdag eers gebots het. Wat daartoe gelei het kon hy aangedui dat slegs vyf mense op slag op nie bevestig nie. die toneel gesterf het, terwyl 10 ander, Die ander vyf oorledenes se name is nog insluitende 'n twee-maande oue baba wat nie bekend gemaak nie, aangesien hul kopbeserings opgedoen het, na staats- naasbestaandes eers in kennis gestel moet hospitale in Okahandja en Katutura word. gehaas moes word, waar hulle Mnr Bekker was veral bekend tans onder mediese sorg en vir sy fotos van Namibië, wat behandeling is. hy gereeld op sosiale netwerke Verdere verslae dui egter gedeel het. Sy laaste boodskap daarop dat altesaam sewe op Dinsdag het genoem dat hy mense oorlede is as gevolg van die Vienna-Dover bestuurderdie botsing. stoets geslaag het. Hy het Die noodlottige ongeluk het verduidelik dat die toets op ongeveer 19:25 gebeur toe 'n rekenaar gedoen word om trok, wat uit die noorde van bestuurders van swaarvoertuie Oshakati op pad was met 'n se oordeelsvermoë en stresvrag suiwelprodukte van vlakke te toets. Bekker het Namibia Diaries, met die Atlas gesê dat hy die beste gedoen toerbus gebots het. Daar was het in die toets (84%), en slegs volgens berigte ongeveer 13 mense op die een van twee bestuurders was wat wel die toerbus. toets geslaag het. Robert Bekker (43) en Hendrik van Wyk Mnr Bekker se voorlaaste boodskap aan (54), welbekende toergidse van Spingbok sy vriende was 'n uittreksel van die Atlas was op pad noorde toe met 'n groep Afrikaanse digter, CJ Langenhoven: “Ek werkers van Namdeb toe die noodlot tref. was so besig om kanse te soek dat ek my Bekker, van Wyk en die bestuurder van geleenthede een vir een laat verbyglip die trok, Fabius Nagaku (40) het op die het.” ongelukstoneel gesterf. Die MVA het intussen gesê dat daar Een omstander, die eienaar van Gear alreeds 199 ongelukke en 399 beserings in Transport, het op die toneel aan die Januarie aangemeld is, waarin 51 mense Republikein genoem dat dit blyk asof die hul lewens verloor het.

Education director address teachers Mavourlene Gaes The Director of Education Mr John /Awaseb addressed a two-day annual meeting with heads of department and principals from different schools in the Erongo Region yesterday at the Swakopmund Primary school. The Director expressed his gratitude to the teachers in the Erongo Region on their excellent performance, regarding the Grade 12 results for 2013. “We appreciate all your efforts and hard work and will render support whenever possible, for you to maintain and improve on these results,” he said. However, regarding the grade 10 results, Mr /Awaseb said the schools have dismally failed the children and he called on the school board to assist and bring the parents back to schools. Mr /Awarab also touched on the topic of the illegal distribution of stationery lists, to parents by primary school teachers. He says the government has provided all primary schools, with the Universal Primary Education grant (UPE), and also bought stationery for them. Teachers were urged to use the UPE funds to buy more stationery, where needed. He also expressed that many of the

store rooms at schools are full of stationery, but parents are still asked to buy stationery. “I'm sending the staff and inspectors to take stock of stationery at schools…” he warned. One of the other issues he addressed related to the importance of teaching African languages in schools, especially in Swakopmund. Learners are, according to the Director, being discouraged from taking up their mother tongue at school”, as the teachers who are appointed to teach African languages are often re- assigned to other subjects. “If principals do not stop their attitude towards these (indigenous) languages, then we will take unilateral decisions and implement them at schools and control them from the regional office. In conclusion, Mr /Awaseb said the performance improvement strategy of schools must be a collaborative activity shared by school management, teachers, learners and parents.


31 JANUARY 2014

Mayor warns against housing scam in Walvis


EPZ companies not performing to expectation Jade McClune

Bernabé Blaauw Walvis Bay Mayor, Uilika Nambahu, warned the residents of the harbour town not to be caught unawares by people who are running a housing scam under the guise of the Properties Section of the Municipality of Walvis Bay. The Mayor made this statement during the first Ordinary Council meeting for 2014 that was held in the Kuisebmond Council Chambers on Tuesday evening. For the first time the Governor of the Erongo Region, Mr Cleophas K Mutjavikua delivered his Annual Address after the completion of the Council meeting. Mayor Nambahu started her address by saying that 2014 is a great year, brimming with many possibilities and opportunities while at the same time it could also be a very challenging year as it is one year closer to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) targets of 2015 while at the same time there are fifteen years left before Government's ambitious Vision 2030. She said that while success stories are being recorded on many fronts such as education and training, employment creation, literacy, poverty eradication, smart partnerships and international cooperation to mention but only a few, several obstacles have refused to give our nation the right of way, in that these obstacles have shown a rare form of stubbornness and continued to hamper development. However, she said, their resolve as a Council and all their associates have always been to face these challenges head-on and keep alive a resolve to be resilient even in the face of outright opposition. To this end, they must redouble their efforts towards the provision of shelter and other basic human needs as a matter of urgency. She also said that she believes the town's residents have all the faith in what they can do together, that is why they have exercised Job-like patience for the fulfill-ment of all Council's promises to them. Mayor Nambahu then announced that, "Sadly, we have of late uncovered, rather to our surprise that there are people within our City who are making rounds registering people for what is alleged to be a housing scheme aimed at placing people in show houses or requesting people in need of houses to register themselves. These criminally minded individuals are doing this

under the guise that they represent the Municipality of Walvis Bay's Properties Section. It is further being said that in registering, members of the community are guaranteed a dwelling when the show houses will ultimately be built. To this, I wish to say the following: While we appreciate the urgency in the need for the provision of housing, to date, the Municipality of Walvis Bay has not appointed anyone to conduct a process of registering people in need of housing. Therefore, I would like to request whoever is involved in this practice to desist from it altogether while I request the community to avail to us further information so that we can pass such information to law enforcement agents and at the same time request that no one should register themselves in such dubious schemes." She continued her speech by saying that she wants to place on record her greatest regret at the loss of life and property as a result of a shack fire that occurred the previous night in Kuisebmond and noted that this is indeed a great loss to all and a constant reminder of the dire living conditions of our people and the urgency needed to deliver adequate and appropriate shelter to them. In this regard, she offered her and Council's heartfelt and deepest sym-pathy and condolences to the bereaved family. Me Nambahu reiterated the Council's stance on supporting, consolidating and initiating Public Private Partnerships aimed at fast-tracking meaningful development, prosperity generation and quality of life advancements. In this regard, she concluded, "we remain open to new ideas and creative solutions aimed at solving and mitigating our city's current and future challenges. We extend our hand to you and seek your involvement in joining us to make Walvis Bay a City, second to None." Only one agenda item was dealt with, namely the rephrasing of a Council resolution and after the Governor's address the open meeting was adjourned, followed by a closed "Council-inCommittee" meeting.

The majority of companies that were awarded EPZ status in Namibia failed to deliver on the promise of wealth and job-creation. Namibia needs to review its EPZ policies, Trade and Industry Minister Calle Schlettwein said before his departure for a trade summit in Bangalore India, last week. “We found that it is necessary to have a relook into our investment attractive-ness and our incentive package, so that we remain an attractive investor zone”, he said in an interview with NBC News. “Taking the basic criteria of value addition, manufacturing, job-creation and wealth-creation as the principal yardsticks against which the scheme was measured, the outcome was that it worked fine for only a very few limited EPZ set-ups. The majority of them did not fulfil the criteria of adding significant numbers of jobs, in adding value or in creating wealth,” Minister Schlettwein said. Minister Schlettwein said that government had appointed a consultant, Investment Consulting Associates, to help “with the study to evaluate how successful the EPZ scheme was”. In the minister's view the EPZ scheme did not deliver as expected. EPZ companies enjoy major advantages. They do not pay corporate income taxes, nor stamp or transfer duties, nor import duties or valueadded tax (VAT) on machinery, equipment and raw materials used for manufacturing. NBC News reported him as saying access to markets is still heavily skewed in favour of South African industries that produce consumerready products. The government's economic policies, including the “growth at home” economic strategy “are aimed at accelerating industrialisation,” he said, "with an emphasis on commodity-based industrialisation in order to enable our business community to - in a competitive manner produce consumer-ready goods that are trade-able.” In September last year Schlettwein has warned that companies with EPZstatus who do not deliver could risk losing their EPZ tax incentives: “We have realised that only a few of these companies have in fact managed to live up to our expectations of building production capacity, transferring skills and job creation.”

The EPZ scheme was first introduced in 1996, partly to lure foreign investment by offering major tax concessions to export-oriented manufacturers. Ostensibly the aim of offering major tax breaks was to secure a transfer of technology and inflow of investment to Namibia, as well as local job-creation and skills transfer. Firms with EPZ status are allowed to export their capital and profits, “while enjoying freedom from exchange controls and the holding of foreign currency accounts at local banks”. They are liable to pay only a “retention tax” on declared dividends for nonresident shareholders (10%) and personal income tax deducted from their employees' wages.

Fire claims life Deputy Police Commissioner Otillie Kashuupulwa confirmed that a fire claimed the life of Annalie Ganases (44) in the early hours of Tuesday morning in Kuisebmond. The flames also devoured more than fifteen shacks. Police cordoned off the area and removed the remains of the deceased after fire fighters contained the blaze which prevailed on a premises at Erf 1019 (house no 26) in Sardyn street. Charmaine Gowases (19) who lives across the street was amongst the first persons at the scene. She recounted to the newspapers how she saw the deceased arriving earlier on and entering her shack. “I saw the smoke but at first thought it was fog. I only realised that the shacks were burning when I saw the flames and heard the lady who was trapped by the fire shouting for help.” recounted Gowases who rushed over and alerted the residents living on three adjacent properties about the danger. According to bystanders at the scene the fire apparently broke out at approximately 1:30. The flames spread rapidly and left more than twenty five persons homeless in the blink of an eye before the fire brigade arrived at the scene and managed to suppress the flames by 3:00. The cause of the fire is not yet known.


31 JANUARY 2014 accused is still at large.

Woman who bit man's penis tells her side Jade McClune The Arandis policewoman and her partner who stand accused of viciously assaulting a resident at Arandis last week appeared before the Magistrate's Court in Swakopmund on Thursday to plea for bail. Lisa Gowases (33) and Leon Goseb (44) were in the dock this week to face charges related to the alleged assault. Gowases, who does not deny that she bit the complainant's penis, was taken into custody on Thursday 23 January. Following more than a week in custody, both Gowases and Goseb looked dishevelled and visibly distressed in the witness box yesterday. Gowases told the court that she has police work that urgently needs to be completed as well as childcare duties to attend to, but both Gowases and her partner, Goseb, were denied bail on the grounds that the police investigation is still ongoing and there is a risk the accused may interfere with state witnesses. In an exclusive interview with the Namib Times, one of the accused, Lisa Gowases claimed she was defamed by the national papers, who she said alleged that she wilfully bit the man. Speaking to a reporter at the end of the hearing yesterday, the policewoman said that an

Oshiwambo-speaking man had attempted to rape her on her way home in Arandis on that night. On the Wednesday in question, she and her husband were making their way home after having a few beers at a local tavern. The man had called her over and asked if she would like to have sex with him. She says he offered her N$20. She became very angry and asked if that was the only reason he had called her, then walked off. That was when the man started to attack her and beat her with a baton on the back of her head, she said. According to Gowases, she fell unconscious from the blows and when she came to, the man was sitting on top of her with his penis in her mouth. “That was when I bit him”, she says. “Then my husband came and gave him a good hiding with the baton.” The case was postponed to 4 March 2014 for further investigation.

Father charged with raping daughter acquitted Jade McClune In an unexpected turn of events a 43-year old man charged with raping his own daughter over a period of seven years, and consequently impregnating her, was found not guilty in the Regional Court in Swakopmund on Friday. To all appearances the evidence was stacked heavily against Joseph Kadhila Johannes, given that there were at least six witnesses who came to testify in court in support of the alleged victim. Johannes was first arrested in March 2010 on the grounds that he had unlawful and intentional sexual intercourse with his daughter between the years 2000 and 2007 at or near Swakopmund. The complainant is related to him by blood. He was subsequently charged with rape and incest. The detail of the charges included “inserting penis into vagina… applying

physical force… and threatening by word or conduct to stop supporting the complainant financially”, but the case dragged on for a number of years and in August 2012 Johannes, who resides at Haloli Piggery Farm, around 70km from Tsumeb, was released on bail of N$8 000. The alleged victim, a student residing in Mondesa, Swakopmund, alleged that she became pregnant as a result of the incestuous relationship, but the defendant vehemently denied being responsible for the pregnancy. The court also saw a series of impassioned handwritten letters sent to the young woman. “Please my darling, I am ready to come to

you please my darling, give me a green light.” It is understood that in one of the letters the author proclaims his love for the young woman and that she strongly resembles her mother. Johannes denied that he was the author of the letters. Forensic expert, Dr Paul Ludik, who is the director of the National Forensics Science Institute, was called in to examine the handwritten “love letters”. He compared these to a sample produced by Johannes in court and later testified that “some similarities in elements of style and execution were found when comparing Exhibit A (the letters) with Exhibits B to I (sam-

ples)” of Johannes' handwriting. Dr Ludik testified that Johannes “could not be excluded as the writer of these letters,” but he could only make “limited inferences” given the limited nature of the samples and the instructions given to the forensics department. Johannes was eventually found “not guilty” last week on the grounds of insufficient evidence. In criminal trials the court must establish the guilt of an accused person beyond any reasonably doubt before finding them guilty, whereas civil cases are decided on the balance of probability.

Nghimtina wins defamation case The Windhoek High Court awarded damages worth N$ 60 000 to the Minister of Works and Transport for defamation caused by a July 2010 article published by Informante. In his verdict Judge Collins Parker said that former Informante Editor Max Hamata rushed to publish the defamatory article for fear the story would be carried in other media after his reporters failed to get a comment from Nghimtina. Parker further ruled that Hamata failed to test the accuracy of the information and failed in providing a balanced story and to find out why an unnamed source wanted the story to be published. The judge concluded that Hamata should have driven to Nghimtina's office for his comment after reporters, Faith Sankwasa and Patience Nyangove failed to get the Minister's comment. Sankwasa apparently called Nghimtina and left two voice messages to which there was no reply. Hamata then sent Nyangove to the Minister's office and when she got lost he decided to go ahead and published the article. TrustCo, Hamata and Free Press Printers will have to pay N$60 000 in damages as well as Nghimtina's legal costs. The defamation award resulted from a July 2010 article in Informante titled “ Nghimtina hijacks rural power plan to pamper in-law”.

29 January 2014

Court Report Walvis Bay 27 January 2014 · Roland Heiko Coleman (35) and Sammy Auldrey Tack (28) appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 7 February 2014. · WildrewVisagie (23) was absent at his court hearing on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft and attempted arson. The matter was postponed to 10 February. The accused is in custody. · Kahure George (30) appeared on charges of robbery. The matter was postponed to 5 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · Iven Simon Simon (42) appeared on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 5 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · ArmasLeivi (22) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 27 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · Mwaamenange Martin (24) appeared on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 12 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · Nelumbu Mathews (25) appeared on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 29 January 2014. The accused is in custody. · Smith Heinrich Edsel (31) appeared on a charge of theft. The matter was postponed to 10 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · Sammy Auldrey Tack (28) appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 4 August 2014.

28 January 2014 · A minor (13) appeared on charges of escaping - common law. The matter was postponed to 10 February 2014. The accused is in custody. · Steven Araeb (37) appeared on charges of failure to pay maintenance. The matter was postponed to 10 February 2014 and transferred to KatimaMulilo. The accused is in custody. · Shivoro Patrick Ileni (42) was absent at his court hearing on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 11 February 2014. The

· Philip Martin Van Der Westhuizen (32) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was postponed to 25 February 2014. · Jesselonia Christina Murphy (41) appeared on charges of theft. The matter was postponed to 2 June 2014. The accused is on bail. · Dietrich Mokaleng (29) and Johannes Nambahu (25) were absent and Christo Jantjikies (25) was present at their court hearing on charges of theft from a motor vehicle which was property locked. The case was withdrawn against Christo Jantjikies. · Zola Hanekom (29) appeared on charges of fraud. The matter was postponed to 6 May 2014. The accused is on bail. · Hubert Hector Simana (31) and Bo Fang (26) appeared on charges of corruptly using office or position for gratification. Kelvin GuJianin (25) was absent. The matter was postponed to 9 June 2014. Accused are on bail. · Michael BossieNarib (43) and Leon Simataa (27) appeared on charges of theft. Robert Mukwena (32) was absent. The matter was postponed to 26 February 2014. The accused are on bail. · Petrus Keib (31) appeared on charges of housebreaking with intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 10 February 2014. The accused is on bail. · Manaso Mberura (18) appeared on charges of rape. The matter was postponed to 17 February 2014. The accused remains in custody. · Meryl Ward (46) appeared on charges of fraud. The matter was postponed to 7 April 2014. The accused is on bail. · Caudius Ikela (17) appeared on charges of assault with intent to do grievous bodily harm. The matter was withdrawn. · Thomas Amenku (59) appeared on charges of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor. The matter was postponed to 4 February 2014. The accused is on bail. · Hwende Gorgina (27) and Philip Juakinyu (33) appeared on charges of fraud and alternative counts of theft. The matter was postponed to 7 April 2014. The accused are in custody. · Victor Brockerhoff (18) and Enstine Geinus (29) appeared on charges of dealing in cocaine, dealing in dependence producing substance and alternative counts of possession of cocaine. The matter was postponed to 30 January. · Mulenga Albert (38) was absent at his hearing on charges of housebreaking with the intent to steal and theft. The accused is at large. · Nelumbu Mathews (25) appeared on charges of house-breaking with the intent to steal and theft. The matter was postponed to 17 February 2014. The accused is in custody.

Judge Liebenberg to preside over High profile cases Judge Christie Liebenberg is set to handle two prominent cases in the Windhoek High Court in September 2014. Judge President Petrus Damaseb allocated the N$ 70 million dollar fraud case, involving Esmerelda Majiedt, Daniel de Jesus, Calvin and Gerald Bezuidenhout, James Wilson and Louise Isaacs, to Judge Liebenberg. The accused would plead on 16 September and trial would run for three days until 19 September before being scheduled to resume on further dates in 2014. Judge Liebenberg would also preside over the trial of two American nationals, charged with the January 2011 murder of Namibian citizen, Andre Heckmair. Marcus Thomas and Kevin Townsend will be asked to plead on 29 September should the last pre-trial hearing slated for 19 June clears all pre-trial requirements. Thomas and Townsend were arrested on 17 January 2011 for possessing drugs and a firearm before the police added the charge of murder over the point-blank shooting of Heckmair to death in the Klein Windhoek residential area.


31 JANUARY 2014

Minimum wages and employment conditions in construction industry The Construction Industries Federation of Namibia (CIF) and the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers Union (MANWU) emphasises the importance of adhering to minimum employment conditions in the construction industry, as promulgated in Government Gazette No. 5372, Government Notice No. 334, of 24 December 2013. After the CIF and MANWU had reached an agreement seven months prior, the collective agreement was gazetted on 24 December 2013 under Section 71(5) of the Labour Act, 2007 (Act No. 11 of 2007). The CIF and MANWU had agreed on an implementation date of 15 September 2013 which is also highlighted in the Government Gazette. The promulgated collective agreement covers minimum wages for labourers and different categories of skilled and semi-skilled artisans, health and safety standards, minimum protective clothing, minimum productivity levels, living away allowances and service allowance. The Government Gazette thus stipulates the minimum wage requirements in Namibia's construction industry. Of immediate relevance to the industry is the adjustment to the minimum wages, which are to be increased by 9% for the first year and 9.5% for the subsequent year. The increase for the first year (9%) will be applicable from 15 September 2013 until 31 May 2014. For the subsequent year the increase (9.5%) will be applicable from 1 June 2014 - 31 May 2015. Changes to the previous collective agreement also include an adjustment of the Service Allowance

from 120 hours to 144 hours. This allowance will be calculated pro-rata for each fully worked month that the employee was in service during that specific year. This now also has become effective as from 15 September 2013. The wage increase was higher than in previous years, which was then 7.5% and 8%, respectively. With the simultaneous adjustment to the Service Allowance and taking into consideration an inflation rate, wages have effectively increased in real terms. Housing and medical services had also been key points on the agenda; and MANWU's demands included a housing allowance as well as medical insurance. However, the CIF, despite recognising the need, were more inclined to see these issues addressed at a national level. At the same time, it was agreed between the two negotiating parties that a Task Force would be established to address issues affecting workers in the industry. Now that the Collective Agreement is gazetted and effectively becomes law and therefore is relevant to the industry as a whole, the CIF and MANWU will meet regularly to discuss matters affecting workers in the construction sector. Baerbel Kirchner, Consul-

ting General Manager of the CIF emphasises: “ It is critical that all contractors bona fide Namibian and foreign companies - in Namibia's construction industry strive towards adherence of all laws, including minimum wage and employment conditions. “It is in everybody's interest that the minimum wages are being paid across the industry, and that optimal work conditions are maintained. This will ensure the avoidance of costs differentiation to the detriment of workers in the industry and would help the industry in getting closer to a more equal playing field. “Enforcement of minimum employment conditions by the authorities is also critical. Construction sites must be visited regularly. It is therefore important that the capacity of the labour inspectorate will be enhanced; and that inspectors also acquaint themselves with the requirements as reflected in Government Gazette No. 5372.” Justina Jonas, General Secretary of MANWU says: “We note that many Namibians are now engaging their businesses in the construction industry. We want to ensure that construction workers are paid rightful wages and decent conditions of employment

are maintained. A serious call to the Government is to ensure not to give tenders to employers who are not complying with the Labour laws, as per the President's statement. We are still witnessing companies given tenders even though they are known not to comply with the national labour laws. “Paying a construction employee a rightful wage will assist to alleviate poverty within our society, but not only to alleviate poverty, but to assist these groups of employees to afford the basic needs of life. “We also appeal to the companies as well as Government who give tenders to the contractors and all individuals who have their houses renovated, to ensure that appointed contractors or subcontractors are paying their workers as per the Government Gazette.” For more information, contact CIF at tel. 061230028 or MANWU at tel. 061-263100 or between 8.00 and 12.30 on weekdays.


Africa must remove trade barriers, says minister Jade McClune The Minister of Trade and Industry says there is a pressing need to remove free trade barriers between African states and it is necessary to prepare for a continental free trade area (FTA). The African Union has set the provisional date of 2017 for the setting up of an Africa-wide FTA.

Minister Calle Schlettwein expressed his concern over the slow pace of negotiations surrounding the FTA to more than 200 regional delegates attending the 9th session of the Tripartite Trade Negotiations Forum (TTNF), which started in Walvis Bay on Tuesday. The delegates represent three regional economic communities: the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), the East African Community (EAC) and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in the current negotiations. The COMESA-EAC-SADC Free Trade Area is scheduled to be launched this year. The TTNF is tasked with the technical negotiations to establish the FTA among the three regional communities. The envisaged FTA will incorporate 26 countries, around 600 million people and a GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of an estimated 10 trillion U.S. dollars. “Noting that the June 2014 deadline of concluding phase one of the tripartheid free trade agreement negotiations is just around the corner, I'm afraid little time is left to conclude the tariff offer negotiations, as well as outstanding work on the technical groups, in particular, on trade remedies and disputes settlements,” Minister Schlettwein

said. “We have to act fast or risk being left behind. The 21st century trade agenda is increasingly becoming more complex and this requires new thinking and solutions,” said the Governor of the Erongo region, Mr Cleophas Mutjavikua, who delivered the speech on behalf of the Minister of Trade. In his speech Minister Schlettwein, who is currently attending a three-day trade summit in Bangalore, India, called on the regional delegates to renew their efforts to conclude the preliminary (phase one) negotiations within the proposed time frame. Phase one of the three-way negotiations in Walvis Bay this week is geared towards harmonising trade and customs policies, as well as infrastructure development programmes between the three regional economic areas, with the wider aim of strengthening economic integration on the continent. Meanwhile, speaking from the AU headquarters in Ethiopia, the AU Commissioner for Trade and Industry, Fatima Acyl, was quoted on Tuesday, as saying that intra-continental trade currently amounts to only 12% and the AU wants to boost that to 50% by the year 2063. Negotiations for the Africawide FTAare set to start next year.


31 JANUARY 2014

Saga Pearl II docks in Walvis Bay Piquet Jacobs

Namibian and Turkish officials

Warships heading for Walvis Bay Piquet Jacobs

Turkish Navy Officials paid Walvis Bay a visit in connection with their anticipated port visit in May of this year. The Turkish Navy will be visiting the port with 3 warships and an oil tanker. This port visit is seen as an important channel opener for military cooperation between Turkey and Namibia, and “presents an opportunity for people of our two countries to connect” said Lt Commander Murat Baykal, from Turkey. Turkey was represented by Lt Commander Murat Baykal who was present at the press meeting held at Namport on Tuesday, along with Lt Jrg Fahri Cigdem, also from Turkey, and Mr Serdar Piri, from the Embassy of the Republic of Turkey. The Turkish Navy will be visiting 30 countries, including Namibia, in 103 days and “attach great importance to Namibia”. This will be

their first visit to ports of the African continent. There will be an opportunity for the public to visit the ships that will be arriving in early May. Once logistics are cleared; a date will be decided on, after initial contact has been made with the port. “Turkey decided to make contact through the Navy as safety issues on sea are regarded as of huge importance and it is part of a UN commit-ment. The ships, which will be arriving in May represents a high level of Turkish technology and will provide an opportunity to introduce the equipment on board of the vessels. The relationship will also give opportunities for an exchange of skills and various

programs, and create a social connection between the two countries, “people to people contact. We all look forward to grow the relationship between Turkey and Namibia” said Mr Piri. These ships will include the TCG Oruçreis ship which has basic specification of 118 x 14,8 x 4,3mt in dimension (LengthBeam-Draught). It has a full load of 3380 t. displacement tonnage. Its propulsion consists of CODOG /2 GE LM 2500 Gas turbines /2 MTU - Diesels /60.000 HP /2 Propellers, it has a range/speed of 18 kts / 4100 nm - max sp.: 32 kts, and carries a helicopter; the AB - 212 Sea Hawk. The TCG Gediz ship will also be included with basic specifications of

(135,6 x 13,7 x 8,5) mtin dimension (Length-BeamDraught), it has a full load: 4100 t. displacement tonnage. Its propulsion consists of 2 x GE LM 2500 Gas Turbines /41.000 HP/ 1 Propeller /2 Auxilary unit for maneuver at bow, it has a range/ speed of 20 kts / 4500 nm - max sp.: 30 kts, and carries a helicopter; the AB - 212 Sea Hawk ( ASW-EWASUW). The TCG Heybeliada ship is the third ship to be expected and has basic specifications of (99,5 x 14,4 x 3,9) mt. in dimension (LengthBeam-Draught), it has a full load : 2300 t. displacement tonnage. Its propulsion consists of 2 Diesels /1 Gas turbines (CODAC), 2 Propellers, and it has a speed of 29 +kts.

Another luxury cruise liner, Saga Pearl II with approximately 365 passengers on board, docked at the Walvis Bay port on Wednesday morning. The cruise ship set sail on 10 January 2014 from Southampton. En route to the Port of Walvis Salon is the place to go. There Bay the Saga Pearl docked in are also pre-bookable spa Luanda (Angola) and its next packages available which scheduled stop will be in Cape include a glass of champagne, a Town, South Africa. The Saga fresh fruit platter, Decleor Pearl has a length of 164.30 facials, Decleor aroma back, meters and beam of 22.60 neck and shoulder massage, meters. The ship has a maximJessica file and polish manium capacity to accommodate cures. These are available on 602 passengers and 220 crew any port day afternoon. members. The gross tonnage of There are also plenty of the vessel is 18 591 tons. activities to keep busy with as The vessel is propelled by 4 the Saga Pearl is equipped with MAN main engines which an indoor pool, sauna, a huge generates 15 400 kW power. range of the latest fitness The maximum speed of the equipment, yoga and Pilate's vessel is 21.4 knots. The vessel classes. The sports deck has a was finished in December 1981 short tennis court, shuffleboard and was put into service on 14 and deck quoits game. December 1981. The cruise Entertainment is arranged and ship Saga Pearl II has been activities range from wateroperating for more than 28 colour classes, wine tasting and years. It undertakes cruises lively lectures. The Discovery worldwide and is currently Lounge provides a choice of under the captainship of activities from West End-style Captain Wesley Dunlop. shows and cabaret acts to The ship features 126 twin lectures, dance classes and cabins, 42 double cabins and 25 more. The cinema shows both twin or king-size cabins. movie classics and more recent Twenty cabins have balconies releases and the Library and nine cabins have French provides one with the perfect balconies. A great selling point opportunity to escape and read a for solo travellers is the fact that book/magazine/newspaper or the Saga Pearl II has a to do research about the next whopping 60 single cabins. port of call with over 3,400 The spa onboard of the vessel is books and DVDs to choose equipped for massages and from. Who wouldn't want to go therapeutic treatment. For cruising with so much at your some pampering, the Beauty disposal?

Saga Pearl II TCG ORUÇREIS (F-245)




31 JANUARY 2014




31JANUARY 2014


The views and opinions expressed on this page are not necessarily those of the Namib Times. We do encourage and value the participation of our readers, but we cannot publish any libellous letters. Die sienings en menings wat op die blad verskyn is nie noodwendig die van die Namib Times nie. Hoewel ons die deelname van ons lesers op die forum aanmoedig en waardeer, kan ons nie lasterlike briewe publiseer nie.

Op soek na antwoorde Ons begin sommer met die Ombudsman Mnr John Walters. Hy het beveel om nie 'n berig in die koerant in te sit nie voordat hy nie terugvoering gegee het nie. Intussen is die Topnaar Tradisionele Owerheid (TTO) met hulle skelmstreke besig en hulle gaan voort. Die Duitse inisiatief se honderd ses- enneëntig bokke is besig om eienaars te kry en word uitgedeel aan nege huisgesinne. Elke huis het 8 bokke ontvang, so met ander woorde altesaam is dit net 72 bokke wat uitgedeel is. Wat het van die ander 54 bokke geword? Die uitdeling van die bokke is agter geslote deure gedoen. Die volk is nie in kennis gestel nie en ‘n geleentheid gegun om hulle mening vorendag te bring nie. Daar word van 'n komitee gepraat wat geensins bestaan nie. Waar kom die komitee vandaan wat die bokke uitgedeel het. Daar is ook die bokke wat Rössing aan die Topnaars gegee het en die is in die jaar 2008 gepoel. Tot nou toe is die bokke nie aan hulle eienaars terug besorg nie. Die mense soek hulle bokke terug van die TTO af. Die Topaars het by twee geleenthede by die President hulle klagtes ingedien. Die hoof van Namibië het baie gou gereageer en vir ons skriftelik geantwoord. Hy het die Minister van Plaaslike Behuising beopdrag om so gou as moontlik die kwessies wat ons onder sy aandag gebring het na te gaan. Tot vandag toe het die Ministerie van Plaaslike Behuising nooit vir ons skriftelik geantwoord nie. Dieselfde het die M.E.T. gedoen. Hulle is die ministerie wat op ons voorouers se gronde besigheid maak in die Dorop Park en ook Namib Naukluft. Hulle is die grootse sondebokke want duisende briewe vanaf ons lê by hulle. Ons het bewyse en die afskrifte is by ons. Die Erongo Goewerneur en die Ombudsman is ook skuldig want hulle ant-woord ons nie skriftelik nie. Ons wonder wat is die rede? Hoekom antwoord hulle ons nie. Hoekom

antwoord die President? Dit voel vir ons dat daar teen ons gediskrimineer word. Die volk word nie gerespekteer nie. Dit is vanselfsprekend dat ons mense se regte geskend word. Indien dit nie so was nie sou die regering na ons geluister het. Die blinde man wat nie kan sien nie word ook deur die die wet van Namibië beskerm en ons is nie blind nie. Ons sien wat met ons gedoen word. Ons sien wat op NBC TV uitgesaai word. Ons luister na radio Damara-Nama en die Afrikaanse diens. Hoekom luister die regering na die Ovahimba mense wanneer hulle klagtes by die regering gaan lê? Soos ons sien speel die politiek 'n groot rol want hoofmanne of kapteine druk hulle borse uit. Dit lyk asof sommiges onaantasbaar is omdat hulle deel van die regerende party is. Ons sien dit en dit is geen geheim nie. Dit was in die koerante. Wat sê dit vir die volk? Ons voel die Ombudsman het misluk om die Topnaars se regte te beskerm. Dit lyk asof die Ombudsman kragteloos is of kies hy kant? Ons ontvang van die hoofman se prokureurs briewe en word verhoed om op te tree maar die Ombudsman sê hy kan niks doen nie al word ons bang gemaak van die prokureurs. Ons sal nie stilsit nie. Ons sal ons stemme laat hoor. Ons is nou mooi moeg en siek. Daar is nou net een rigting vir ons. Ons sal ons menseregte organisasies op eie bodem en uit die buiteland nader. Ons gaan aanhou en soveel as moontlik organisasies vir hulp nader en by ons saak betrek. Genoeg is genoeg! Ephraim Peterson en ongelukkige Topnaar lede van die gemeenskap

POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE AT TELECOM SWAKOPMUND After 3 and a half months our application for an upgraded Frizz Box and a new Fax line is still pending. Numerous attempts at the Swakopmund Office show clearly the monopolistic attitude of the staff, as the excuse till today is “applica-tion has not been authorized in the system”. Promise that it will be installed this afternoon was again not met. Shame on you, TELEC O M S WA K O P MUND. Holger and Antje Gruettemeyer Copy to Head of Operations, Telecom Windhoek TELECOM SWAKOPMUND When will the pavement in Strand Street, Vineta be repaired after you worked on the manholes at the beginning of DECEMBER 2013????? Unhappy Customer

Namib Times Facebook Reader’s Comments Mouton guilty of fraud: Former Standard Bank employee Elvino Luciano Mouton (21) was this week found guilty on the charge of fraud and sentenced. Terance Manne Gonteb How do u fine a person less than a 3rd of the total amount stolen? Oyla Hagen Wow, I think I should reconsider to do banking career again! Pieter Van Der Merwe Zula Just reading the post gives me cancer, learn to spell and then we will pay employees more money! Zula Aby-Malawyer Jonez Stealing ýs the best solution to

make employer pay employees proper cash... Jackey Desai Why it took them so long to realize this kind of transaction. Funny! Ivolene Ivy Orfao Such a shame. Esme Scheepers Van Wyk He saved it up to settle his bail, crap justice system!! He should have been locked up to teach him a lesson...

One month to go for petrol card phase-out: It is just one month to go before the official phasing out of petrol cards in Namibia. Gerrie Botha Deborah Henckert. Have you told the people, what your interest is on the outstanding amount on the credit card that you are trying to rub of on people. Thank God, I got rid of Standard Bank, their credit card, and their cheque account. Dawn Els Most fuel pumps in Europe countries each have a card reader which will register the amount of fuel you pumped and you pay with your debit card at the pump. No more attendants. (wash your own windows) Downside is that it took jobs away and that means less expense for the fuel stations i.r.o. salaries and all relevant things of having to employ someone. Dee J Baaz Ya and then the mobile ATM don't give you all the notes, like at Truckport in Swakopmund Jeanette Van Zyl Garages do not accept cr or debit cards because the bank fees are higher than rhe profit on petrol. Charmaine O'Sullivan No Brandon. In Europe you can use your debit card for all purchases including fuel.

Much more convenient than having to carry a second card just for purchasing fuel and a saving on the bank costs is issuing a second card too. This is long overdue. Christa Delport Does anyone know why Bank of Nam stopped petrol cards? Brandon Kruger Hahaha, so funny. They always say go draw money then come pay. Brandon Kruger Never mind that, last time I checked one couldn't use a debit card at a service station. Cause Namibia has to be different. Dee J Baaz Lol Brandon Kruger. You need to have a bank balance for it to work hahahahah. What a bunch of BS! Have anyone from the Banks used their Debit/Credit Cards to refuel? Have they noted that the service stations charge a percentage on top of the fuel amount? Ivolene Ivy Orfao Now u gna see how the credit cards will be fraud ed!!!! And the banks will make big money now with the interest they charge on credit cards. Brandon Kruger Unbelievable.

31 JANUARY 2014




31 JANUARY 2014

Dispelling Cancer myths Anri Jacobs World Cancer Day is one of the most important dates on the International Cancer calendar worldwide. A press conference was held on 29 January in Windhoek regarding World Cancer Day. It is a unique day in the year when the world can unite under a single theme to highlight the ongoing fight against cancer. It takes place every year on 4 February. World Cancer Days aims to save millions of preventable deaths each year by raising cancer awareness in the general public and pressuring all governments to take actions against the disease. Why World Cancer Day is important because the global cancer epidemic is huge and is set to rise. If urgent action is not taken to raise awareness about the disease and we do not implement strategies to address cancer, cancer is projected to increase and will lead to alarming pre-mature cancer deaths. The Interna-tional cancer community claim to have a collective responsibility to support low-and middle-income countries that are tackling a cancer epidemic with insufficient resources and where the majority of cancer burden growth is anticipated. There is now anurgent need for a global commitment to implement comprehensive National Cancer Control Plans in all countries. World Cancer Day is the ideal opportunity to raise the profile of cancer in people's minds through the world's media and word of mouth. The audience for World Cancer Day 2014 is everyone! It is only with everyone doing their part that the world will reduce the burden of cancer. MYTH 1: WE DON'T NEED TO TALK ABOUTCANCER THRUTH: Whilst cancer can be a difficult topic to address, particularly in some cultures and settings, dealing with the disease openly can improve outcomes at an individual, community and policy level. Talking about cancer to partners, family members, friends and colleagues can help to alleviate feelings of fear, anger, sadness, loneliness and anxiety. In most settings, cancer remains taboo and people with cancer are even subject to stigma and discrimination that may stop them from seeking care. Even within highly engaged communities, the level of knowledge of cancer and the willingness to talk about it with friends and family can be low. Support groups can provide a caring and supportive environment for people living with cancer to express their feelings and reduce anxiety and fear. They also provide a space to share information about cancer treatment options and their side effects. A return to work is an important step in restoring stability, social contact and income. For both patients and those who take care of them, receiving support in the workplace can be of great benefit. A supportive approach from employers can reduce anxiety and provide the skills and confidence to deal with cancer at work. The impact on sexual wellbeing is, for many, one of the most devastating consequences of a cancer diagnosis. The cost of

cancer is estimated to reach USD 458 billion per year in 2030. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that a basic package of cost effective strategies to address the common cancer risk factors (tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity) would cost only USD 2 billion per year. MYTH 2: THERE ARE NO SIGNS OR SYMPTOMS OF CANCER TRUTH: For many cancers, there are warning signs and symptoms and the benefits of early detection are indisputable. Awareness is the first step to early detection and improving cancer outcomes. For many cancers, including breast, cervical, skin, oral and colorectal cancers, and some childhood cancers, the benefits of early detection are indisputable. With few exceptions, early stage cancers are more treatable than late stage cancers. Recognition of early warning signs of some cancers is particularly relevant in low resource settings it is cost effective and in some cases do not require any specialist diagnostic technologies. For many developing countries, the provision of a skilled cancer workforce to diagnose and manage cancer remains a challenge, with most facing a severe shortage of oncologists and other specialists including pathologists. For cervical cancer, studies have shown that even a single screening between the ages of 30 and 40 can reduce a woman's lifetime risk of cervical cancer by one third. MYTH 3: THERE IS NOTHING I C A N D O A B O U T CANCER THRUTH: There is a lot that can be done at an individual, community and policy level and with the right strategies; a third of the most common cancers can be prevented. The conditions in which people live and work and their lifestyles, influence their health and quality of life. Tobacco use, the most common risk factor, is linked to 71% of lung cancer deaths and accounts for at least 22% of all cancer deaths. Based on current trends, tobacco use is estimated to kill one billion people in the 21st century. Alcohol is a known risk factor for cancer. It is strongly linked with an increased risk of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, oesophagus, bowel and breast, and may also increase the risk of liver cancer and bowel cancer in women. Overweight and obesity are also strongly linked to increased risks of bowel, breast, uterine, pancreatic, oesophagus, kidney and gallbladder cancers. There are easy ways for organisations of all sizes to create en-vironments that protect and promote the health of their employees. The World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that 177,000 cancer deaths each year are related to occupational exposure to selected carcinogens, with one in

every three deaths estimated to be caused by asbestos. Chronic infections are estimated to cause approximately 16% of all can-cers globally, with this figure rising to almost 23% in developing countries. MYTH 4: I DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CANCER CARE THRUTH: All people have the right to access proven and effective cancer treatment and services on equal terms, and without suffering hardship as a consequence. Disparities in cancer outcomes exist between the developed and developing world for most cancers. Patients in low resource settings, whose cancer may be curable in the developed world, often suffer and die unnecessarily due to a lack of awareness, resources and access to affordable and quality cancer services. Over 85% of the 275,000 women who die every year from cervical cancer are from developing countries. More than 70% of the 160 000 newly diagnosed cases of childhood cancer worldwide each year lack access to effective treatment. The result is an unacceptably low survival rate of 10% in some low and middle income countries compared to 90% in some high income countries. In many cases the largest and most unacceptable gap in cancer care is the lack of adequate palliative care and access to pain relief. A short list of medications can control pain for almost 90% of cancer patients including children, yet little to no access to adequate pain treat-ment is the norm in many countries. Inequities in access to cancer services are closely associated with socioeconomic status with poor and vulnerable populations unable to afford expensive cancer medicines, as well as experiencing other obstacles to access, such as distance to quality treatment facilities. Differences in occupation, gender, ethnicity and in particular education, are also linked with common cancer risk factors e.g. poor nutrition, tobacco use and second-hand smoke, and harmful use of alcohol, regardless of the resource setting. In many countries, irrelevant of their recourse setting, lack of health insurance and other barriers prevent people from getting access to even basic healthcare. Universal health coverage to ensure that all people have access to health services without financial hardship is a critical component of sustainable development and poverty reduction, and a key element of any effort to reduce social inequities in cancer outcomes. Information provided by UICC.

2014 Week of Prayer Swakopmund Interdominational Society All Prayer Services start at 19h00 (7:00 pm) and has a SPECIAL FOCUS. Monday, 3 February ‘14 Congregational Church Tamariskia Focus: HEALTH, HIV, ETC. Tuesday, 4 February ‘14 Solid Rock, Town (next to Edgars) Focus: Family Life Wednesday, 5 February ‘14 Uniting Reformed Church, Tamariskia Focus: Church & Society Thursday, 6 February ‘14 AMEC in Mondesa Focus: Government of Namibia Friday, 7 February ‘14 ESK, Tamariskia (where we had the Rally after the MFJ) Focus: Youth Enquiries: Adeline Clarke 081 206 6837

31 JANUARY 2014




31 JANUARY 2014


Hilfe und Heilung auf dem geistigen Weg durch die Lehre Bruno Grönings Zwei Referenten aus Deutschland informieren über Swakopmund: Am Dienstag, den 04. Februar, findet um 19 Uhr, The Marble Room im Hansa Hotel, 3 Hendrik Witbooi Street, ein Informationsvortrag statt. Veranstalter ist der Bruno GröningFreundeskreis aus Deutschland. Er ist weltweit einer der größten Zusammenschlüsse für Heilung auf dem geistigen Weg. Alle Helfer arbeiten ehrenamtlich in Ihrer Freizeit mit. In Deutschland ist der Freundeskreis als mildtätigen und gemeinnützigen Zwecken dienend anerkannt. International wurde der Freundeskreis am 23.05.2013 mit dem Peace Pole Award ausgezeichnet. Das Peace Pole Symbol gilt als eines der bedeutendsten internationalen Friedenssymbole. Im Mittelpunkt des Vortrages steht der Deutsche Bruno Gröning, der von 1906 bis 1959 lebte. Er ist bekannt als einer der größten Heiler der modernen Zeit. Bruno Gröning hat eine Lehre entwickelt, die den Menschen ermöglicht, ihre Gesundheit zu erhalten und wiederzuerlangen, indem sie lernen, die natürliche Lebenskraft, die überall und kostenlos verfügbar ist, für sich und für ihre Angehörigen zu empfangen und weiterzugeben. Bruno Gröning hinterließ das Wissen über die Aufnahme dieser natürlichen Lebenskraft. Heute wie damals geschehen dadurch Heilungen. Die Referenten berichten über ihre Erfahrungen mit der Lehre. Sie zeigen den Zuhörern auf, wie sie die Heilkraft bewusst im Körper aufnehmen können. Geheilte werden zu Wort kommen. Die Ärzte der Medizinisch Wissenschaftlichen Fachgruppe (MWF) innerhalb des Freundeskreises prüfen und dokumentieren die auftretenden Heilungen, holen Vorbefunde ein und veranlassen Nachuntersuchungen durch unabhängige Kollegen. Mehr als 200 Berichte, nach Spezialgebieten und Diagnose klassifiziert, sind als kleiner Teil der bisherigen Arbeit der MWF im Internet einsehbar. Der Eintritt ist frei, eine Spende wird erbeten. Infos: http://www. Unter dem Link finden Sie u.a. auch ein Video (2.44 Minuten) von der Verleihung des Peace Pole Awards.

INVITATION TO SUBMIT SERVICE PROPOSALS Walvis Bay Salt Refiners (WBSR) produces salt on a 24-hour basis. To support this it operates a fleet of haulers, front end loaders, graders and excavators. From time to time it becomes necessary to hire in such equipment on short notice to sustain or increase production rates.

Position: We seek a suitable candidate to fill the position of a

MOBILE CRANE OPERATOR at our Company. Reporting: The incumbent will report to the Manager of the Company. MrThomas Wolff Main Responsibilities: · Operating crane on various sites · Up keeping of own equipment all the time and maintaining the Mobile Crane services record. · Adhering to road and safety regulations · To perform other duties as requested by management Minimum requirements: · Valid Certificate to operate a mobile crane up to 80 ton · Must have a valid Driver's Licence · A minimum Grade 10 Education Certificate · Namibian Citizen / in possession of Namibian ID · Fluent in English and Afrikaans, both reading and writing · Previous experience operating 30- 80 ton Grove All Terrain mobile cranes will be an advantage. · Good Verbal communications skills · Ability to work independently · Sober Habits · Willing to work overtime as and when required · Willing to travel · To commence as soon as possible Remuneration: Rental Support Services offers a market related salary package as well competitive conditions of employment Interested: Interested individual meeting all the requirements are invited to apply, however, applicants must be prepared to undergo a rigorous assessment and interview process. Please submit your curriculum vitae and proof of qualifications with a covering letter, to E-Mail: CLOSING DATE: 14 February 2014 Please note: Only short listed candidates will be contacted

Namibian Hake Association Namibian Hake Assocation requires the services of a suitably qualified Office Administrator with the following attributes: · Good organising and administrative skills · Basic Accounting skills · Excellent communicating skills, written & spoken · Must be able to work independently and use own initiative · Must have excellent people skills Duties include, but are not limited to: · Performs day to day administrative duties · Performs basic accounting duties and invoicing · Attends to incoming calls · Performs personal assistant functions to Chairperson · Administrates mail · Performs related duties The Minimum requirements needed: · Grade 12 · Namibian Citizen · Office Administration Qualification will be an advantage · Must have at least 3 - years relevant experience, preferably in fishing industry · Must be computer literate and competent in world processing (MS World/Excel/Powerpoint/Ms Outlook · Valid Drivers Licence Candidates processing the above minimum requirements are invited to forward detailed CV’s to Salome Izaaks Tunacor Offices, Walvis Bay Or send via e-mail: Closing Date: 7 February2014

WBSR hereby invites all interested parties to submit proposals to provide the Company with such a rental service. Proposals should, as a minimum contain the following information: · · · · · ·

Equipment types available Equipment age per machine Equipment volume - m3 (in case of trucks and front end loaders) Proposed rate per machine hour (on the basis of normal working hours, and WBSR supplies fuel) Availability and proposed rates outside normal working hours on the same basis as above Proposed credit terms

Further information about what the service would entail, may be requested from the Operations Director, Stephan Anderson ( Final proposals must be submitted on or before 7 February 2014 and should be addressed to: By Hand:

The Financial Director Walvis Bay Salt Refiners Salt Pans Walvis Bay

Or by e-mail to


Don’t Miss Our Special Valentine’s Edition on Tuesday 11 February and Friday 14 February Call us now to book your space Mikkie 081 286 9519 Jenny: 081 149 2155 Lolla: 081 147 7653

31 JANUARY 2014

For bookings in Swakopmund / Longbeach / Walvis Bay For all types of hair...Contact: 081 311 2978 NON-SURGICAL, AESTHETIC STUDIO

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Lipo, Laser & Lashes

5 Libertine Amathila Street - Erf 348 Swakopmund

Goethe-Centre now offers German in Swakopmund! German Language Courses for Adults & Children

Stomach * Love handles * Saddles * Buttocks * Bra Fat * Arms and knees

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31 JANUARY 2014

NOTICE The Management of Eagle Night Watch Security CC, Armed Response Unit previous CSS Unit, wants to notify our clients that Carlo Borruso is no longer in our Employment as a technician and therefore not supposed to contact any of our Alarm Clients. For any further information and assistance do not hesitate to contact our Control Room on the Toll Free Nr 081 9125 or Mrs M. Theron 081 794 7032


31 JANUARY 2014

31 JANUARY 2014




31 JANUARY 2014

31 JANUARY 2014




31 JANUARY 2014

31 JANUARY 2014





W/Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services cc Walvis Bay Plant & Tool Hire Services in Walvis Bay has vacancies for

CRANE OPERATORS 3x 20 to 60Ton 1 x 250 to 500 Ton The successful incumbent should conform to the following minimum Requirements: · Code C OR CE driver's license with valid GP · Valid Crane Operator Certificate (CULMEN) · Fitness /Medical Certificate including eye-test · Minimum 3 years' experience · Namibian Citizen · Be willing to travel out of town at times and work extended hours if required · Consistent and dependable · Sober habits · Literate in English and Afrikaans Main Responsibilities: · Safe & Efficient handling of client cargo commodities and company equipment as instructed by management · Daily & Weekly Maintenance Checks · Completion of Job Cards The Company offers: · A competitive salary commensurate to experience level · A team focused and rewarding working environment · Career development and training opportunities

Conch Cement & Steel

Estate No: 07/2014 In the Estate of the late Hans Jochim Hinrich Rohwer, Identity number 281216 00 219, who died on 8 November 2013, resided at 106 Anton Lubowski Street, Swakopmund, and who was unmarried. Creditors and debtors of the above estate are called upon to lodge their claims or pay their debts to the estate at the undermentioned address within a period of 30 days from date of publication of this notice. H E AHRENS Executrix c/o Kinghorn Associates Haus Altona 2 - 6 Tobias Hainyeko Street P. O. Box 1455 Swakopmund (Ref: HEA/AW EST 113/0001-50)

New Office and Warehouse for Jack's Trading CC at the new industrial area, ERF 4481, BEHIND WEIGHBRIDGE, OPPOSITE NARRAVILLE LOCATION Big Sale for New Year until February 15th 32.5R N$75.99 42.5R N$77.99 Various Lip Channels & Steel Bars are also available. Contact Person: Steven/Obama Tel:064-221699 Fax: 064-220699 Email: We open from Monday until Saturday !!!

Written applications, including a detailed CV, certified copies of certificates and any contact references should be addressed to: The Office Administrator P O Box 1149 Walvis Bay E-mail: or fax: 064 205442 Closing date for submission of applications: 06 February 2014 Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, and no documents will be returned.

Vacancy Barloworld Equipment represents world leading equipment brands manufactured for earthmoving and marine applications in Southern Africa and the world, adding value to its customers in the Mining, Construction, Marine and Energy Industries. We provide technical and logistical support to our customers.

PARTS WAREHOUSE ASSISTANT (STOREMEN) (3X) Walvis Bay, Rossing, B2Gold The Position Reporting to the Warehouse Team Leader / Parts Salesperson the successful candidate will be responsible for receiving, storing, assembling, packing and/or unpacking of goods as well as delivering goods from the store. SKILLS AND ABILITIES REQUIRED: • Advanced problem solving and fault finding abilities • Well developed communication and interpersonal skills • Strong organisational and planning skills • Ability to manage all aspects of the role in a pressurised environment • Knowledge and application of Industrial and personal safety behaviours REQUIREMENTS: • Grade 12 certificate • Be methodical and ensure operating procedures for the stores are enforced on all levels • Well organized and focused on service delivery • Good interpersonal skills • Technical and Product Knowledge (advantageous) • Passion and enthusiasm for the brand • Ability to work under pressure, prioritize and multitask • Self-motivated and ambitious • Experience in a Parts store / environment essential. • Code EB driver's license RESPONSIBILITIES: • Achieve customer requirements for product quality, specification and delivery • Demonstrate and promote a proactive commitment to health & safety, well being and the environment whilst complying with all laws and company policies • To execute the receiving and dispatching of stock and raise delivery notes • Prepare parcels correctly and in time for collection by courier company • Administer all paperwork and delivery notes as per defined procedures • Ensure Minimum and Maximum stock thresholds are maintained at all times • Take part in stock take Interested candidates that meet the above requirements should send their CV's and certified copies of educational qualifications and relevant documents to: not later than 07 February 2014

Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted


31 JANUARY 2014

Hydraulic Services cc

Operations Manager - Blasting AEL Mining Services Namibia (Pty) Ltd has a vacancy for an Operations Manager. The incumbent, who will be based in Swakopmund, will play a key role within AEL as a direct link with the customer. The successful candidate is required to: · manage the production and delivery of explosives within a sector of the n amibian market · ensure on time delivery of quality products at customer sites. · coordinate all elements of the sales function · maintain strict safety standards in all areas of the operations. · provide constructive feedback to help improve cost effectiveness at the Customer operations.

Reg. Number CC/99/1260 P.O. Box 2746, 255 10th Str, Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel: +264 64 207400/3 Fax: +264 64 207402 Cell: 081 129 7407, 081 335 5557 E-Mail: Website:

Vacancy: Night security Applicant must comply with the following criteria · Working shifts incl. weekend shifts · Bilingual – English & Afrikaans · Previous experience · Sober habits, loyalty and honesty · Will assist reception if necessary · Good people skills · Own transport Hand CV’s in at Lagoon Chalets, Meersig or email:

Education & experience: · NHD or BSC Mining Engineering qualification or relevant mining and/or explosives experience. · At least 5 years' experience in mining and blasting in open pit operations. Experience in underground conditions will be advantageous. · Must have good technical report writing skills · Must have a valid driver's licence. · The position involves some travelling. To find out more about us visit: Please send a brief CV (max 3 pages) to: Please quote this reference number in the subject line: OPS_NAM Jan 2014

Closing date: 31 January 2014

Welcome to Lions Retirement Village

Steel & Industrial Supplies (Pty) Ltd t/a Steel Africa We seek a suitable candidate to fill the position at our company as a

Receptionist and Admin Clerk Main Responsibilities: - Switchboard and filing of invoices.

2 x Qualified Hydraulic Fitters with Marine & Industrial Hydraulic experience Requirement: 1. Trade certificate 2. Namibian citizen 3. Valid drivers licence 4. ± 8 years experience & trade reference

Hydraulic Services cc Reg. No. CC/99/1260 th P.O. Box 2746, 255 10 Str, Walvis Bay, Namibia Tel: +264 64 207400/3 Fax: +264 64 207402 Cell: 081 129 7407, 081 335 5557 E-Mail: Website:



Minimum requirements - Namibian Citizen - Matriculated - Able to work under pressure - Able to work independently - Disciplined, Committed, Hardworking, Responsible & Trustworthy


Interested persons to apply and e-mail a detailed CV to


WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME CONSENT: Home Based Business - Pet Parlour ON ERF NO: 353 TOWNSHIP: Meersig, Walvis Bay STREET: 1st Street, North No.2. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/establish a Pet Parlour on the site.

the life you lead is your own. That means living in a place you can truly call home, in a warm, welcoming community where every individual is respected. You must feel safe within the village. Knowing care will be part of what you are looking for - you will be looking for a full range of easily accessed care services. You will want future transitions to be easy, e.g. from a villa to a care apartment. LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE understands residents' desire to put these certainties in place. Our job is to make that easy for those who live with us. We do that in many different ways - but ultimately it is about making sure our village is what the residents want it to be.

Hydraulic Services cc in Walvis Bay urgently requires the services of:

Interested candidates may apply by forwarding CV's to the Manager at above e-mail or fax

CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, 5 February at 12:00

People who choose LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE know they are moving to a great retirement community where the individual is valued, where their home is warm, inviting and of a great quality. We also know people are looking for a place with people like them, a place where they belong, with freedom from worry, and above all else a sense of certainty about the years ahead. The most commonly heard phrase at LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE is "we wish we made the move to LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE sooner". We look forward to welcoming you WHY LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE: As a LIONS RETIREMENT VILLAGE resident it is important


Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, First Floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having an objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay and the undersigned, in writing, no later than 14 February 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): C. Marais, P.O. Box 2717,Walvis Bay.

· Debtors & Creditors · Bank Reconciliation · Monthly Import VAT · VAT · Salaries · Admin Grade 12 plus 5 years experience in Accounts. Knowledge of Pastel and VIP Payroll. Must be Namibian Citizen Must have a valid drivers licence Please fax your cv to 207402 or mail it to


Please remember to fill your animal’s water bowl every 4 - 5 hours during the East Weather

31 JANUARY 2014

VACANCIES Qualified Blaster Assistant

Mining Industry

• Good health • No bad habits and criminal records

31 JANUARY 2014


KOTIE OECHSLIN ES TRAUERN MIT DEN ANGEHOERIGEN DIE PATRES mit dem GEMEINDEKIRCHENRAT und der KATHOLISCHEN GEMEINDE SWAKOPMUND Das Requiem findet statt in der Katholischen Kirche Swakopmund um 09h00 am samstag 1 Februar 2014.


REZONING APPLICATION IN TERMS OF THE WALVIS BAY TOWN PLANNING SCHEME REZONING: From: Single Residential to: General Residential 1 ON ERF NO: 1488 &1489 TOWNSHIP: Walvis Bay STREET: 21 & 23 Moses Garoeb Street. In terms of the above-mentioned Scheme, notice is hereby given that I/we, the undersigned, have applied to the Walvis Bay Municipality for permission to erect/ establish Medium to High Density Residential Developments on the sites. Plans may be inspected or particulars of this application may be obtained at Town Planning, first floor, Rooms 101 & 119, Civic Centre. Any person having any objection to the approval of this application, must lodge such objection, together with grounds thereof, with the General Manager: Roads and Building Control, (Town Planning), Private Bag 5017, Walvis Bay, and the undersigned, in writing, not later than Friday, 21st February 2014. NAME AND ADDRESS OF APPLICANT(S): Bruce Stewart, Town Planner, P.O. Box 2095, Walvis Bay, (081 170 0960).

Join the ranks of a dynamic and ever expanding Equal Opportunity Employer registered with the CFA (Namibia), who delivers a high quality accounting and taxation service to the business community in Namibia. We have the below vacant positions, for which applicants must have passed Grade 12, be fluent in English, be of a high integrity and be a Namibian citizen or permanent resident. OFFICE




Position: Bookkeeper Swakopmund


Existing Pastel & MS Office knowledge will be an advantage.



Must have at least 4 years relevant experience at an accounting or bookkeeping firm; Pastel and MS Office, VAT, Import VAT, Payroll experience.



Must have at least 3 years relevant experience.



Must have completed all second year subjects of B. Compt or similar degree; Must be willing to continue with studies; Must be registered as Trainee or Articled Clerk with either CFA (Namibia), ICAN or similar Institute; Must have at least 3 years relevant experience.



Must have completed B.Compt degree or similar with at least 5 years relevant experience

Preparation of individual debtors / creditors reconciliations; Bank reconciliations; Preparation of periodic VAT returns; Preparation of monthly PAYE returns; Preparation of general ledger journals; Preparation of monthly management accounts; Perform filing duties; General office duties and deliveries; Ad Hoc assignments.

Position: Senior Bookkeeper Assist Junior Trainee accountants and Junior bookkeepers in the performance of their duties; Processing of clients accounting data and preparing of VAT, Import VAT returns, PAYE, Social Security and Management Accounts ; Preparation of general ledger journals; Checking of monthly management accounts; Ad Hoc assignments.

Position: Driver/Filing Clerk Delivery and collection of client documentation & bank deposits; Vehicle Maintenance; Filing of documents, maintaining archives, ad -Hoc Assignments.

Position: Senior Trainee Accountant Preparation of income tax returns for individuals, Close Corporations and Companies; Finalization of client yearend working paper files; Preparation of client Annual Financial Statements; Preparation of VAT, PAYE, Provisional Tax, Social Security, Workmens Compensation and similar returns; Preparation of Founding or Amended Founding Statements of Close Corporations and Conversions; Independently handle outcalls for processing assistance / VAT problems; Assist with the preparation of feasibility studies and cash flow forecasts; Assist with tax forecasts for clients; Ad Hoc assignments.

Position: Senior Accountant Review all AFS and other financial reports before submission to partner; supervision of trainee accountants; Consult with clients independently; Assist with tax forecasts for clients; Ad Hoc assignments.

*Positions indicated are suitable for a person with disabilities

We offer an above average remuneration package, which includes pension, free medical aid, group life and disability benefits, study benefits and generous leave benefits in a very pleasant yet professional atmosphere. Applications must include a Curriculum Vitae in English, stating your experience or compliance with the above requirements and the position applied for. Faxed CV's are not accepted, no original documents should be included as we do not return documentation. Many of our clients are German speaking and accordingly the ability to converse in German would be an added advantage. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted within 2 weeks after the closing date. Please forward your application on or before the 14th of February 2014 to the HR Manager at our head office, 128 6th Street, P.O. Box 4440, Walvis Bay.


31 JANUARY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR




Bring “TOSSIE” terug!



Weggeneem of self “ge-hike” Wattstr. Mega Save Swakopmund

Kontak: 081 124 4513 wynandmurphy@

TRAINING RESTORING THE DOMINION MANDATE by Ben Uugwanga (N$60.00). What is Wisdom? - Marriage Guidelines - Divorce - Raising up Children - Age and Spiritual Development - Personality Classifications - Friendship with God and Man - Friendship with the World - Prosperity - The Church - Counselling and Deliverance - Business - Conclusion - Annexure True Virtue - Lessons from Job’s Life - Lessons from Jacob - Lessons from Paul - Lessons from Jesus Christ - Conclusion Contact: Ben Uugwanga 081 269 5532 Capstone Research Consultancy CC P.O. Box 7078 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Embo tali landifwa: Etungululo Leenghono Dayandywa Ku Ben Uugwanga (N$60) (Omifindalandu dohombo; Ovakwanedimo; Oinima oyo ili ominge novakwanedimo; Edulikafano mohombo nokwiikalela kwaava ina vahombola ile inava hombolwa; Ehengafano; Eputuko lounona; Eedula neyambulepo lopamhepo; Manga ino hombola; Oukaume pokati kaKalunga nomunhu; Oukame nounyuni; Ouyamba; Ongeleka; Exungomwenyo nemanguluko; Ongeshefa) Contact: Ben Uugwanga 081 269 5532 Capstone Research Consultancy CC P.O. Box 7078 Kuisebmond Walvis Bay.

> Customer Care > Frontline Etiquette > Receptionist > How to prepare yourselves in an interview > Office Administration Make a difference in your career: Work on your Passion, attitude and energy. All School drop outs welcome. Cost: N$1250.00. Includes: Material and note pad. Call as from 17:00 on 081 322 0177. CAPSTONE RESEARCH CONSULTANCY CC: Hurry! Hurry!!!!! Very Cheap!! Very Cheap!! Writing of Business Plans. N$1300.00. Writing of Project Proposals - N$1200.00. Writing of Constitutions. N$700.00. Training Offered: Strategic Management and Leadership - 4 days N$3600.00 per person. Philosophy, Politics and the Bible - 4 days N$3600.00 per person. Public Policy Making and Public Management 5 days - N$4500.00. Knowledge Management 2 days - N$1800.00 per person. The Knowledge Economy 3 days - N$2700.00 per person. Contact: Ben Uugwanga 081 269 5532 Capstone Research Consultancy CC P.O. Box 7078 Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay

NIRVANA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Training Academy 1st Course in Namibia (Walvis Bay) will start on 10 February 2014. Seats are limited. Please register to avoid any inconvenience and disappointment on or before 7th February 2014. For any enquiries please do not hesitate to contact our Walvis Bay branch: Mrs. Bottros 081 711 6373 Mr. Japhta 081 318 0811

TRAINING: ICT & Business Training Campus in Swakopmund: Registration now on Pastel Accounting, Basic Computer Skills, Office Admin, Hospitality & Tourism, Occupational Health & Safety, Office cleaning Procedure & Technique, Minute Taking & Report writing. SMS: 081 208 2954 Evening classes available for all courses.

Bookkeeping Training: Basic - N$950 (Cashbook, Debtors, Creditors and Reconciliations) Advance - N$950 (GL Accounts, Vat & Import Vat, Trial Balance and Reconciliations) Accounting - N$950 (Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cashflow & Forecasts) BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY FOR A GREAT FUTURE CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774 WRITING SKILLS DEVELOPMENT MANUAL by Ben Uugwanga (N$110.00). - Writing tips for journalists - How to write a technical paper - How to write a research paper - How to write a project proposal - How to write a business plan - How to write a report - How to write the story of your life - Effective studying skills - Reading tips - Character Development Contact: Ben Uugwanga 081 269 5532 Capstone Research Consultancy CC P.O. Box 7078 Kuisebmond Walvis Bay Embo ta li landifwa: Ehumitho Komeho Nenkondopaleko Lyiinyangadhalwa Yaagundjuka Ku Ben Uugwanga (N$60.00). (Aagundjuka Nondunge Dhiladhiladhilo Yomuvo 2030; Esindano Meyilongo Lyoye; Ethaneko Dhiladhilo; Aagundjuka Nekoko Lyo paumwene; Augundjuka Nuuyogoki; Onkalo Yiilonga; Aagandji Mauyelele; Ekumagidho) Contact: Ben Uugwanga 081 269 5532 Capstone Research Consultancy CC P.O. Box 7078 Kuisebmond Walvis Bay


FURNITURE REMOVAL At The Coast Household & Office. Mobile: 0814093522 email:


COOKING COURSE LEVEL 2 Are you tired of coming home and have to cook! Come to The Haven and we will teach you and you take the meals home to your family. Starting Date: Monday 3 Febr. 2014 Morning Session: 09:00 - 12:30 After work session: 17:30 - 19:30 Fee: N$1600.00. Certificate: Awarded on Merit. Contact: Corlia 081 243 0653

AUCTIONS PROPERTY AUCTION!! WALVIS BAY INDUSTRIAL Industrial building on Auction, Walvis Bay Erf 4965, with all improvements will be put up for auction on Friday 21 February 2014 @12:00 on site. Location: No. 22 Ben Amathila Street Heavy Industrial Area Walvis Bay Zoning: Industrial Bulk: 1 Built area: Approximately 50% of the allowed 75%. Compromises: Offices, Workshops, Storerooms, Take Away, Laundry and Sheds. Areas: Office Complex 1077m² Garage 77m² Workshops 1348m² Storerooms 184m² Equipment shed 1079m² Boundary walls 100m² Paved area 945m² Remarks: This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to obtain an Industrial property of this nature close to the new upcoming Northern HarbourDevelopment of Walvis Bay. This N$30 Milliard Harbour development to come will add instant value to this investment. Conditions of sale: 10% Deposit of auction turnover as well as 5%+VAT buyers' commission payable on the day of the auction Photos: For enquiries please contact: Alex McDonald 081 128 6821 Office: 061 259 607 Email:

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication







I offer Homework Classes for Grades 1 - 7. Mondays - Thursdays 14:00 - 17:30. Venue: AGS PL-EROMA Church (next to the Paint Shop - old Parade) E-mail: Thelma.Kleinhans@g Cell: 081 413 3600 THELMA





SWAKOPMUND since 1991

MOBILE: 0813303328





081 207 7651

Bay-Route Shuttle Services operate on an hourly basis Between Airports-WB-Dolphin/ Longbeach-Swkp In a 24 hour day ØDoor-to-Door Pick-ups @ N$70 ØStaff Transportation @ N$750 ØScholar Transportation @ -N$650 round-trip - N$450 one-way ØStudent & Pensioner Specials

Need a quick pick-me-up at a cheap rate, where safety is still the main priority? Give us a call!!

BAYJOINERY & RENOVATION SERVICES CC: We offer the following services: - Built-in cupboards, any kind of wood - Wooden gates, electrical with remote control - Manufacture solid wooden furniture to your specifications - Construction of new buildings - Extension and renovation of existing dwellings - General Maintenance - Expert tiling, painting, plumbing, roofs and interlocks / pavers. Call DEREK on 081 252 6095 for quotations or email:

Touch of Serenity VALENTYNSDAG 14 FEBRUARIE Bederf jou Valentyn met 'n pragtige bos blomme! Bestelling tot Maandag – 10 Februarie! Ons doen aflewerings in Swakopmund en Walvisbaai Skakel: 081 777 0116 Email:

André Lacock P O Box 2647 Swakopmun Tel/Fax: 064 - 403 453 Cell: 081 281 0735 Email:


20 January 2014

081 124 2938

Kitchen and Cabinet Design & Installations

Touch of Serenity

Registration begins Time: 17:30 Swakopmund Town Hall Mondays & Wednesdays Adults & children 6 years+

-Roof painting -Interior & exterior housing -Ceiling -Roof seal CONTACT: 081 462 4141 / 081 602 1598.

Spoil your Valentine with a pretty bunch of Flowers!! Place your order for flowers before or on 10th February! We deliver in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay! Contact: 081 777 0116 Email:

JOSEF DRIVING SCHOOL: In Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. We offer driving lessons for N$90.00 per hour or pay for more than 10 hours for N$85.00 per hour and N$150.00 for Natis’s test. Professional, friendly and patient instructor - failing is not an option! Contact: 081 418 3595 / 081 296 9477.

VERVOER: Soek u vervoer vir enige kantoor en huistrekke, verskuiwe van vrag, goedere of selfs stene. Skakel: 081 251 5859.

* Rental of Front End Loaders and Tippers * Removal of Building Rubble/ Rubble * Earthworks/ Filling Please Contact: Office: 064 217901 Cell: 081 128 3806

UNCLE G’S CLEANING SERVICES: Available in Swakopmund. Call today for a quote for all your cleaning needs. NO STAIN TOO BIG TO BEAT ME!! Lounge Suites Loose chairs Indoor Carpets Mattresses Loose Rugs & Carpets Car Seats / Car Interior Cleaning. Contact: Uncle G @ Cell: 081 256 7930 Email: REGISTRATIONS: For Company / Business Registration, call the following number for full assistance and faster Services: 081 493 0644 THANK YOU!!

31 JANUARY 2014



Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






BUILDING / MAINTENANCE / PAINTING. Please call: Wiida 081 463 4539 Theo 081 241 6116.

EMPIRE BRICKS & ELECTRICAL: We believe everyone should own a home. Empire Bricks and Electrical Products: · 9” Block · 6” Block · 4.5” Block (new) · Super Brick · STD Brick · Face Brick · Interlocks (new) - Delivered: Other Services: Electrical Installation and Repairs. Office: 064-221565 (Jerry) Yard: 081 621 7765 (Charl) Electrical: 081 801 7331 (Karl) Projects: 081 621 7765 (Giel).


FIX-IT-ALL: Bank approved * Building, Plumbing and Electrical * Kitchen cabinets and built-in cupboards. * Paving/Interlocks, Tiling, Painting, Sealing And Installing. Professional and guaranteed workmanship with a smile. * We also MOVE-IT-ALL (Furniture or Rumble) Call: 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519 for more info. Best prices in town!

JANUARY SPECIAL: Re-gass your Fridge, Aircon, House and Car for only N$350.00. Call now: 081 618 8363.

PARTIES!!!! Contact Elmaré in Walvis Bay for any of the following: * Helium Balloons * Kiddies Party Packs * Jumping Castles 7 days a week * Edible Cake Prints / Birthday Cakes Phone: 207067 or Cell: 081 242 7180.

PRIVAAT BOEKHOUER: Ek doen privaat boekhou werk. Submit en hanteer ook alle VAT transaksies. LEONIE 0812621129 PRODEL CONSTRUCTION & RENOVATIONS: For all your renovations and construction needs with personal attention. Call for a free quote JOHANN STEYN 081 128 0848. JOSH TRANSPORT: For all your transport needs please contact us. Josh Transport or permanent contract. Truck to Hire. Building Material. Rubbish Removal. Help you to move out. Call anytime. Contact: 081 240 8039 / 081 619 6503 / 081 284 5265. A To Z CLEANING SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING NEEDS. WE CLEAN: Lounge Suites/ Loose Chairs/ Matrasses Carpets / Loose Rugs Blinds Accessible Windows Descale / Steam Clean Bathrooms / Ablution Blocks Machine Scrub Tiles WE OFFER: Daily / Weekly / Monthly Cleaning Contracts For Offices / Shops / Factories / Body Corporates Etc. Once Off Cleaning For Houses / Flats & Buildings Before And After Occupation. - Exterior Spray Cleaning - Exterior Walls Of Buildings / Flats / Houses All Our Cleaning Procedures Are Done UNDER SUPERVISION By Owner Or Supervisor. CONTACT: COENIE BRAND 081 129 7988 JENNY BRAND 081 148 5036 OFFICE 205036 NO 3 LAGOON STREET FAX 220878 EMAIL FINANCE AZWVB@IWAY.NA EMAIL OPERATIONS AZC@IWAY.NA

SHIVA’s TRADING ENTERPRISES Dstv installers WE DO: - Dish installations - Extra view - Fold finding and extra. In Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Henties Bay and Arandis. Office situated in Tamariskia, Super Save, Vrede Rede Str. For the best service at the coast contact: Haroldt: 081 147 4836 Johnny: 081 731 0828 TRADITIONAL DOCTOR KALENGA: He can help you through: Pregnancy - Education Court Cases - Love Affairs - Marriage Problems - Bad Luck - Businesses - Protection at Home - Removal of Tokoloshi - Mens’ Power Sexuality - Exams Job Problems etc. Walvis Bay & Swakopmund. CELL: 081 201 7887.

TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL CC: GoTV Decoder + Gotenna + 1 month’s viewing all for only N$499.00. · DSTV installations · Decoder testing · Move of dish · Fault finding or extra TV points · TV’S, Hi-Fi’s, DVD players and a lot more. · Stock Fabulous Aire & Fragrances that Purify, Revitalise, Humidify and refresh the air that we breathe. · Photo copies · Faxes · Internet facilities · Game zone - come and play playstation 3 and Xbox games instore. · Recharge vouchers. Multichoice accredited installer. We are in Libertina Amathila Str. (Opposite Multichoice Office). Visit our website at: www.tvlinkandelectrical .com Phone TV LINK AND ELECTRICAL at 064-406032 or 406097 Swakopmund.

Solar Heating We supply & install full range of KWIKSOL SABS approved solar water heating & heat pumps for domestic & industrial use. We can also retrofit your existing geyser with solar heating. Diesel boiler users cut your Diesel costs by up to 90%. Heat swimming pool water for more fun from the sun!! 'Green' loans available from all leading Banks. For quote call CHRIS KING 081 272 0508 or E-mail:

COASTAL PAINT WORKS: Enige Verfwerk, binne of buite. Seël en verf van dakke. Walvisbaai Hentiesbaai. Kontak: 081 618 2217. TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: He helps with different types of problems such as court cases, love affairs, marriage problems, weak erection for men, vagina tightness, house problems. All types of STDs but not with Aids. Headaches, pain, chest pain, changing of bad luck, spiritual, Job problems, business improvement, any type of good luck. Never give up your lifeyour Doctor is there for you. Call DOCTOR MOYO 081 339 5913 House Number 471 Mandume Yandemfayo Str Mondesa Swakopmund.

VERF: DAKLEK / SKADE / OORDOEN. Verf, Seël, Herstel en Oordoen van DAKKE en MURE. Geskrewe Waarborg en Gratis Kwotasies! 081 454 6870. Alle Bouwerk, Herstelwerk en Instandhouding van huise en geboue in Walvisbaai, Swakopmund, Langstrand en Hentiesbaai. Inspeksie verslae.

081 454 6870. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING AND PROTECTION: Are your carpets dirty? Non-Toxic, Quick Drying. Your carpets stay cleaner for longer! For a free quote & enquiries, phone CHEM-DRY CLEANING on Tel: 209292 or 081 124 4747. Walvis Bay / Swakopmund. Africa’s largest specialist Cleaning Organisation Drier, Cleaner, Healthier! We Service The Coast! WSK Customers welcome.

OPTIMUS ACCOUNTING SERVICES: ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for Sole Proprietors & CC’S (Dormant and Operational) Management Accounts / Cashflow Business Plans Monthly Bookkeeping Get a quote today! We are the best by far. CONTACT: Irene 081 170 0774.

TRANSPORT: 3-Ton Lorrie beskikbaar vir: - Huistrekke - Rommel - Tuinvullis - of enige ander behoefte. Skakel: 081 465 5992. KITCHEN ELEGANCE For professional kitchen, bedroom and bathroom re-modelling. We do cabinets, blinds, tiles and flooring OR any other joinery needs. Quality workmanship guaranteed. We pride ourselves on your satisfaction. Contact us on 081 278 8092 or 081 612 3519. Visit us at www.kitchenelegance

BAARD GROUP Baard Transport / Block & Brick

TEL: 064-274 800 FAX: 064-274 810 · Blocks / Bricks · Rock Face / Pavers · Interlocks / Linthols · Sand / Stone · De-watering · Hiring of ear th moving Equipment “The Service Makes The Difference”


TRADITIONAL DOCTOR: Dr. S Jeke (The Best). Bad Luck - Luck Muti Love Problems - Marriage to keep your lover just for yourself - Work problems Promotions - To get tenders and to boost your business - People don’t want to pay you back Pregnancy Problems Protection of Farms, Houses, Cars and Animals - Sexual transmitted sickness - all sickness Asthma, BP - Remove tokoloshi from bodies, houses - Men’s power sexuality - Spiritual doctors in need of more spiritual powers, etc. House Nr.(79) 3191D Fiskaal Street, Tutaleni Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Cell: 081 303 3149.

HEALTH HEALTHY LIVING NAMIBIA Are you having weight loss problems? Think no further! Pure Hoodia Gordonii * Proven appetite suppressant * No side effects Take control of your eating habits with Hoodia TODAY!!! Info / Orders @ 081 333 2455.

HAIR / BEAUTY NICOLE AND LUCINO HAIR STUDIO in Walvis Bay is under new ownership, Selma Solomons of Selma’s Hair Studio in Swakopmund. We also like to welcome Natasha Olkers as the hairdresser @ Nicole and Lucino Hair Studio Opening Specials as from 10th Jan 31st Jan 2014. Tel. 064-221065.

SANAH BRAZILIAN HAIR BOUTIQUE CC: We offer genuine Brazilian Hair @ affordable prices. 10 inch - N$ 1150.00. 12 inch - N$1350.00. 14 inch - N$1450.00. 16 inch - N$1650.00. 18 inch - N$1700.00. 20 inch - N$1900.00. 22 inch - N$2000.00. 24 inch - N$2200.00. 26 inch - N$2400.00. 28 inch - N$2750.00. Visit us at Namport or contact us on 081 233 2893 or 081 639 7123.

HAIR / BEAUTY G&A TRADING: Brazilian Hair Clip-in. Black, Dark Brown, Blonde. Straight, Wavy, Curly. 18” - N$2000.00. 20” - N$2100.00. 22” - N$2200.00. 24” - N$2300.00. Brazilian Hair Weave Black (2 bundles - 2oog). StraightWavy: 14” - N$1500.00. 16” - N$1800.00. 18” - N$2100.00. DeepWaveCurly: 14” - N$1900.00. 18” - N$2600.00. CALL: 081 808 2218.

HOUSEHOLD/ FURNITURE GOODS FOR SALE: Brand new Plasma TV / LCD - box never been opened. N$3800.00. Macbook Pro 13 (Laptop) N$ 8500.00. Iphone 4S - N$ 4500.00. Samsung S4 - N$6200.00. Gas Heater, incl 9kg full gas bottle. N$600.00. 3 x New Black/chrome bar chairs, in box, never been used. N$400.00 each. Sleeper Couch/Seat, fold out into a normal height bed. N$2800.00. All in very good condition. Contact: 081 251 9444. FOR SALE: 1 x Sony 42” Flatscreen TV (brand new). N$6000.00. Contact: 081 337 3669.

BOATS SPEED BOAT in mint condition with 150 hp V6 with less than 90 hours on motor. Full house with all extra’s. 120 k. 081 638 6300.

GARDENING FOR SALE FOR SALE: PALMS for sale, big and small, and can dig and plant. 081 638 6300.

QUADBIKES QUADBIKE TE KOOP: 2009 Linghai 520V Twin 4x4 met trekstang. Slegs 1400km on the clock. Prys onderhandelbaar. Skakel PIETER by 081 817 5391. QUADBIKE FOR SALE: 2007 Honda 450 00 TRX Lots of extras and in very good condition. N$33 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 203 4060

CARS FOR SALE: 2014 Brand new Chevrolet Utility. Price: N$130 000.00. Contact: 081 471 2524 / 081 253 8355. FOR SALE: Toyota Corolla 1.3. Inland body, engine recently overhauls. With lots of extras. Call: 081 619 7815. 2007 Volvo S40 125 000km. N$89 000.00 1999 VW Golf 4. 167 000km N$52 000.00 Please call: 081 124 5869. FOR SALE: 2010 Chevrolet Cruise. KM: 104 389 Price: N$140 000.00. Contact: 081 284 2383 / 081 295 7306. FOR SALE: 2011 White Chevrolet Cruise 1.6L. Full service history. 65 000km. Extended warranty. What a bargain!! N$135 000.00. Contact: 081 399 3513. TE KOOP: - Land Rover TDI D/C N$45 000.00 - Land Rover Discovery. N$55 000.00 -200 Blaster quad. N$75 000.00 - 660 Raptor quad. N$30 000.00 - Roll bar vir Mazda Bt50. N$2 500.00 - Mercedes 240 Diesel engine gearbox. N$11 000.00 Kontak: 081 208 9576. FOR SALE: 2005 Isuzu Single Cab 4x4 3L Diesel. Colour: White. 182 500km. A/C, Canopy, Towbar, B/Bar, R/Bar, Magrims. N$110 000.00 negotiable. Contact: 081 252 6095. FOR SALE: VW Kombi 2.6 Exclusive Mint touring condition. Spotless 100k. 081 638 6300. FOR SALE: 1999 Hyundai Elantra 1.6, G2. 350 000km. N$27 000.00. 1999 Opel Corsa Sedan 1.3. 33 000km. N$31 000.00. Call: 081 261 6263. FOR SALE: Hyundai Trajet 7-seater. Full house with 15” Magrims. Good condition. Price: N$38 000.00. Contact: 081 263 2814. FOR SALE: 1997 Toyota RAV 4. 5-door. Good running condition. N$55 000.00 neg. Contact: 081 462 0931.


31 JANUARY 2014

Classifieds E-MAIL: OR


BARGAIN IMMACULATE CONDITION- LIKE NEW New Holland 70/56 Tractor Price N$120,000.00

2013 Land Cruiser V6 Pick Up Single Cab 16 000km N$86 000.00 of extras N$430 000.00 Incl. VAT If interested contact 081 229 7237

Car For Sale

2011 Chev Corsa 1.4 White Good condition. 43km Full service record N$110 000.00 with lots of extra’s.

Call: 081 148 1783 FOR SALE: 2008 VW Transporter 2.5L Turbo Diesel. 138 000km. N$160 000.00. Contact: 081 272 1555. FOR SALE: 2009 Hyundai H1 2.4. 9-Seater for sale. Only 66 000km. Excellent condition. Service Plan. Petrol consumption 11 litres per 100km. Lovely car. N$230 000.00. Contact: 081 122 8061.

FOR SALE: 2010 White Nissan Navara 4x4D/C 4L - PETROL 85 000KM FULL SERVICE HISTORY LOTS OF EXTRAS. N$290 000.00. CALL ANTON: 0814731590. FOR SALE: 2011 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 Trendline. Excellent condition. KM: 21 000 Underbody Bluetooth Radio Full service history. Price: N$110 000.00. Contact: 081 141 2144.

Contact Fanie: 0813944026 WINSKOOP: P&H Crane Lifting 15 Ton N$320,000.00

Contact Fanie: 081 394 4026 Rigardt: 081 319 3970

GENERATOR TE KOOP: Honda, 6kw, Petrol. Soos nuut. N$7000.00. Cell: 081 124 8072. MEN SUITS FOR SALE: I have two brand new suits both worn for just half a day. Sizes 40/102 Grey Regular Slimfit Jacket Pants 87/79 Grey Slimfit Enrico Parazzi H.Lohmeier Outfitters Pants 38R Bronze 97cms Jacket 40. Bronze Cell: 081 783 3653 / 081 682 3340. TRUCK TYRES SPECIAL: 12R22.5-18PR from N$3200.00. 315/80R22.5-18PR from N$3750.00. All Passenger and 4x4 Tyres. *R13 from N$485.00. *R16 from N$1460.00. Quick Fitment Centre Tel: 064-404429 Cell: 081 124 8443.

FOR SALE: Burris Rifle scope. 4.5 - 14x42. Ballistic PLX. N$3000.00. Used only a few times. Contact: 081 337 4149.


2010 Hyundai IX 35 2x4 Luxury 90 000km Full service history N$220 000.00 negotiable Incl. VAT If interested contact 081 229 7237

Contact details: Tel: 064-221287 Fax: 064-221290 Cell: 081 143 3924 P.O. Box 2214 E-mail: Situated at Erf 4441 New Industrial Area next to Weighbridge Walvis Bay

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE TE KOOP: Oztent RV 4. Soos nuut. N$7000.00. Cell: 081 124 8072. FOR SALE: Single bed with mattress. N$1300.00. Baby camping cot. N$1000.00. Pram with car seat. N$1200.00. All in excellent condition. Contact: 081 653 5965. FOR SALE !! SONY HXR-NX5E HD Video Camera CMOS Exmor Sensor, 1080 AVCHD, 20x G-Lens, XLR Inputs & Stereo Mix. Accessories: 128GB Camera Harddrive, Video Light, LCD Hood, Filters & 3x batteries. Very good condition, hardly used. Like new. Exclusive Accessories N$38,000.00. Contact: Yana 0812555921 OR FOR SALE: 2 x Yamaha Enduro 115 Outboard Engines plus controls. 2 Stroke. Under 1000 hrs. Owner is upgrading. N$70,000.00. Contact: Kristin 081 291 4927 or 064- 204145. TOOLS FOR SALE: Welder, Plasma Cutter, Grinders, Drill Machines and other. All new. Call: 081 269 9549. FOR SALE: 2008 Scancia Horse G420 with trailer. In excellent condition. Price: N$750 000.00 excl VAT. Contact: Owner on 081 223 3333. FOR SALE: 2 x New Std Garage Doors (Meranti/Pine) with Meranti frames for N$3000.00 each per set. 2 x Std Garage Doors only @ N$1950.00 each. NOT ROLLER TYPE. Call 081 246 4906.

PROPERTIES FOR SALE BARGAIN! BARGAIN!! 800m² Erf for sale in Henties Bay. Ideal for either business or residential purposes. Only serious buyers can call, please. Contact: 081 203 7083.


SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE - MEERSIG 3 bed, 2 bath house with lounge, kitchen & 2 garages. N$ 1 350 000-00 Saloom 0813821888







Very Spacious Duplex in TOWN! Offering 4 bedrooms, 2 bathroom, guest wc, diningroom, lounge, kitchen, 2 garages. Measuring 222m² and selling below valuation!

ONLY N$ 1,600,000.00 Contact me for more information:

Retha Muller 081 250 2889 MTN PROPERTIES MONDESA 2bedrooms, bathroom Kitchen, Lounge, Garage Plus bachelor flat & Boundary wall N$700 000.00 KRAMERSDORF General business plot 1500sqm N$1.8mil LONG BEACH Bachelor flat Open-plan kitchen Bathroom, Garage Registered CC N$650 000.00 HENTIES BAY (EXT 4) Plots from N$136 000.00

Malakia 081 297 7253 Email:




WALVIS BAY 20 4505



CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication

FAIRWAY ESTATE This 1 year old double storey house is a MUST to view. Friendly, sunny and modern 4 bedr, home offering 2 bathr, office, guest toilet, open plan lounge, dining, BBQ, beautiful fitted kitchen, double r/c garage, outside guest room, toilet and pretty garden N$ 2 080 000

Joey 0811293293


PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES Swakopmund Industrial Warehouse and Offices Sole mandate!! 1600m² under roof (260m² office space) Erf 5800m2, N$14,2m. Call: Barbara 081 656 2619. DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND INDUSTRIAL ERF FOR SALE!! Best Ind Erf in Swakopmund at the best price by far!! 3965m². Price: N$4,200,000 (CC) ILENE - 081 127 0063 DAPHNE - 081 129 9799


For Sale Meersig -Guesthouse Potential!!! 4 Bedr, 3 bathr home with master suite with private sitting room! Entertainment area with indoor BBQ. 2 x 1

IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320

N$ 2 625 000.00 Meersig

SWAKOPMUND A Vacant Erf zoned General Business Shops, Office Buildings, Licensed Hotels Block of Flats, Service Station, Liquor Store Much more.... N$1 925 000.00 SWAKOPMUND Buy Plot and Plan 202m² House 578m² Erf. 3 Bed, 3 x bath, scullery, double garage & alarm. N$1 575 000.00 Manie 081 317 9334

Hettie 081-374-9787 PRIVATE SALE: VINETA, SWAKOPMUND. QUIET AREA. A wonderful duplex spacious 3 bedrooms, Modern kitchen ,double Garage, enclose braai place. Future plans for entertainment could be on the Deck of Roof of Double Garage . Over seeing other scenes. You could hear the Ocean from the Complex. Registered into Close Corporation. Bargain Price N$2.2 MILLION Namibian Dollars. Occupation : immediate Available, You may Move in At any Time you wish. CONTACT:



SWAKOPMUND CBD N$900,000 A rear find at this price! The perfect lock-upand-go.Newly renovated.No transfer fees CBD N$1,350m Very neat 2 bedroom apartment on the top floor! Huge living area and double garage. VINETA N$1,6m Best buy!! Family home on big erf (1000m²) 3 beds, 3 baths and 3 garages!

bedr. flats, 4 car garage

Beaulah at or 081 450 9107 / 061-210685 Steven: stephen@reidagencies or 081 468 5992 / 061-210685.

Family house & spacious

flat on a 1150sqm erf. Home with 4 bedr, 2 bathr, lounge with indoor bbq, dble garage with outside room.2 Bedr. flat with 2 bathr. indoor BBQ and extra size double garage. N$2 400 000.00 Walvis Bay Fairways Newly built, family home with 4 bedr, master with walk- in closet and en- suite bathr. Modern kitchen with gas stove and marble tops, scullery, office, living area and dining room with BBQ. Outside flatlet and double garage. N$1 980 000.00 Contact Gys Bornman at 0811 700 636


LONGBEACH 2 Bed, 2 bath unit with openplan kitchen / lounge / diningroom. Balcony with braai. PTY Reg. FURNITURE INCLUDED. N$950 000.00 SOLE MANDATE NAMIB ECO VILLAGE DOLPHIN BEACH 354m² under roof Erf 634m². 4 Bed, 2 en-suites + 1 bath, guest and outside toilet, tiled garages for 3 cars. Underfloor heating, huge openplan kitchen and lots more!!! N$2 730 000.00 Joey 081 278 0518

Kurt Grunschloss 6th Street West Lagoon Walvis Bay, Namibia Cell: 081 242 6713 E-mail: propertypowerwvb LIST YOUR PROPERTY TODAY AT ONLY 3% COMMISSION AT YOUR SOLE AGENT


On show 3% commission Best Buy N$1.030m. Vineta near Shopping Centre 3 bed flat one level, 2½ bath, Open plan living area with sea view balcony, Garage and private parking secure complex. Sole Agent 2,4% Commission Meersig New Development 3 or 2 bed with study Townhouse open plan, 2 bath 2 garage. Single or d/story. N$1,399m. Long Beach Sea View Townhouse Sea view 3 bed, 2 bath, open plan with bbq D/garage in CC. N$1,288m. Dolphin Beach 2x upmarket sea front one level Open plan units, 3 bed, 2 bath with blinds Tandem garages. N$1,545m or furnished N$1,648m. Open plan one level 3 bed unit,2 baths, with blinds Tandem garages with furniture. N$1,339m. Fairview Single story unit 2 bed, bath, garage. N$824 000.00. Open plan 2 bed duplex, 1½ bath and garage Alarm and blinds incl. N$896 000.00. RENTALS: Lagoon: Spacious house, 3 bed, 2 baths, study and Furnished office with safe with customer parking Open plan kitchen oak cupboards, lounge and Entertainment room with bbq, outside toilet and tandem garage. N$10 800.00 p/m. Lagoon: Big 350m². 3 bed house, separate kitchen, Lounge with fire place, study, TV room, 2½ baths with flat Outside bbq room, studio with 3 garages and Paved yard. N$13 000.00 p/m. Near Schools: new 2 bedroom en-suite Open plan house indoor bbq and d/garage Water incl. With pre-paid electricity. N$8000.00 p/m. Put your property on show with me for 3% commission when sold Or rentals once off commission

Tenant pay owner direct. QUALIFIED ESTATE AGENTS NEEDED To work independently in Kuisebmond, Narraville, Long Beach and Swakopmund All Areas. CALL KURT GRUNSCHLOSS 081 242 6713



31 JANUARY 2014


Classifieds E-MAIL: OR

PROPERTIES FOR SALE MAYS TRADING CC: For Sale Light Industrial Erf N$5.7 million. Erf 4200m² boundary wall right around Erf. Newly built office space. Narraville House N$950 000.00. Good buy. 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, lounge and garage, b.i.c. Swakopmund Erf N$750 000.00. Ocean View. 800m². Rehoboth Plot N$800 000.00. 5,5 hectare in Agriculture Area, Fertile ground. Meersig Erf - N$1,3 million Extension 1. 1007m². Walvis Bay - N$1,9 million 3 Bedroom house, lounge, garage, 964m². Zoned, Business 1. We are urgently looking for semi-detached (skakel huise) Houses, Flats, Erven in Narraville, Kuisebmond Walvis Bay, Long Beach, Dolphion Park for bank approved clients. Contact: MOUNIEN 081 860 1938 TRACEY 081 302 3806. LOOK HERE ! GREAT NEWS !! FOR SALE !! Bachelor flat for sale town centre, No garage Only N$ 406000:00 ......................................... To let : Town centre ! 2 b/rms, 3 rd floor,open plan, 2 garages, Pre paid elec, unfurnished, N$ 6800.00 pm ......................................... Town centre !! Fully furnished,prepaid power, 2 br/ms, Closed balcony, very secure,garage only: N$ 6800,pm .......................................... ............... Ultra luxury penthouse – town center ! ! ! ! ! Fully furnished! Top quality furniture! 4 bedrooms, 3 bath rooms, study < open plan, 2 garages, elevator, totally secure. Jp van der Walt 081 127 2736 CAPRICORN ESTATES

ERF FOR SALE SWK A vacant corner Erf 632 sq.m Extention 15 for sale. Price: N$595 000.00. Contact Owner: 081 246 4906 – No agents




FOR SALE: ARANDIS. 4 bedroom house, neat, 456m² erf size, close to the new shopping centre. N$250,000.00 negotiable. Cash buyers only! Matty 081 244 6995 Lameka 081 122 2413.

DAPHNE SWANEPOEL PROPERTIES SWAKOPMUND OCEAN VIEW!! IDEAL FOR THE ENTERTAINER!! BRAND NEW, ULTRA MODERN HOUSE WITH QUALITY FINISHES!! STUNNING VIEW! Huge open-plan living areas, 3 bedrooms, 3 ensuite bathrooms Indoor & outdoor BBQ, fire-place! Garages for 4 cars plus approved plans for 2 bedr,2 bathr granny flat!! A MUST TO SEE!!!!! ILENE OLIVIER 081 127 0063.

PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES KRAMERSDORF. This beautiful 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom very modern spacious open living areas gorgeous kitchen with one garage house, is a must for, great holiday home opportunity. FOR SALE N$ 1 77 Mil. Anna Theron 0811463320

FOR SALE OCEAN VIEW: 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, kitchen (BIC & stove). Open plan with huge lounge, outside braai. Double garage. N$1 800 000.00 excluding costs. Contact: 081 262 1129. EMMA NANGOLOKAMATOTO PROPERTIES: For Sale Arandis - 3 Bedroom house, openplan kitchen, bathroom. Property with potential for improvement. N$450 000.00 (neg). TO LET Long Beach - Beautiful 3 bedroom double storey house, 3 bathrooms, double garage, entertainment area, wooden deck for sun downer, braai area. 5 Minutes walk to the sea. Fully furnished: N$12 000.00 p/m neg. Unfurnished: N$8 500.00 p/m neg. Kuisebmond - 2 Big bedroom with toilet and shower. N$2200.00 p/m neg. W+L incl. Lagoon - Bachelor Flat. Openplan with bathroom, kitchen, lovely back garden, garage. 10 min walk to The Raft, secure area. Rent: N$4000.00 p/m. Selling Price: N$660 000. For Sale Industrial Plot / Weighbridge. 6700 sq.m. Serviced. N$7 000 000.00. Weighbridge - Industrial Plot - Office space, 1 x office, 1 x kitchen, 2 x toilets, reception area, 2 x outside toilets, 1 x shower, boundary wall, alarm. 4123 sq.m. Without machinery: N$6 100 000.00. With machinery: N$7 170 000.00. Brick machine produce 24 000 bricks a day. 2 x small brick machines. Narraville - 3 Bedrooms, bathroom, garage, openplan kitchen. N$4500.00 p/m. To view call EMMA on 081 122 8067.

HOUSE FOR SALE – PELICAN VILLAGE. 2 Bedrooms, 1 full bathroom, openplan Kitchen & lounge, Single Garage. Valuation N$880 000.00. SELLING FOR N$850 000.00. No Agents. Cell: 081 235 3550 or 081 143 6730. PRIVATE SALE: Mile 4. 3 Bedroom Flat, alarm system, open plan kitchen with b.i.c, burglar bar windows, 2 bathrooms, guest toilet, own yard, remote controlled garage door. Price N$1.115m. Contact: Michelle on 081 230 9980. PRIVATE SALE: SWAKOPMUND Pelican Village: 2 Bedroom, open plan kitchen, bathroom & garage & alarm. N$840 000.00 (costs excluded). NO AGENTS. Contact: 081 122 7511 / 081 640 1596. FOR SALE: ALL ON 1 ERF. 2 Bedroom house, b.i.c., alarm system, own yard, garage renovated inside. 2 Bedroom flat, alarm system, 1 full bathroom, 1 separate toilet, open plan kitchen/dining and lounge, own yard renovated inside, future plans for entertainment could be a deck on roof of kitchen/lounge area. 3 Bedroom flat, openplan kitchen, dining / lounge, balcony, garage, own entrance. 1 Bedroom flat, garage, own yard own entrance. N$3 500 000.00. Contact: 081 275 2407.

SOLE & EXCLUSIVE MANDATE - WALVIS BAY MEERSIG Spacious 3 bed house with double garage and big yard. Price: N$ 1 350 000-00 Contact: Saloom 081 382 1888

LEKKER FAMILIEHUIS HAGE HEIGHTS 3 Slaapk, 2 badkamers, TV kamer, sitkamer, eetkamer, binnebraai/onthaalkamer, dubbelgarage en vele meer asook groot erf waar nog 'n woonstel gebou kan word. N$2,800,000 CC reg

Marius Liebenberg 081 627 4061

FARM OUTJO / XORIGAS Game Farms! Two farms can be bought Together or separately! 3,400ha N$7,426,000 5,500ha N$12,012,000 Web ref 631699 ----------------------------FARM OUTJO / KAMANJAB Hunting game lodge!! 7073ha Price: N$28,938,000 Web ref 535852 DIETER 085 302 8813 DICKSON 085 588 6222 DAPHNE 081 129 9799

PROPERTIES TO RENT TUKA PROPERTIES CC TO LET Mile 4 3 Bedroom corner flat with all round sea view. N$6 500 per month water and electricity excluded, prepaid electricity. Town Lovely Spacious fully furnished 2 bedroom flat in town for N$ 6 500 per month water and electricity excluded. Hage Heights-Wilto Apartments 2 bedroom corner flat with sea view. N$5 000 per month, water and electricity excluded, prepaid electricity. Tamariskia 3 Bedroom house with open plan kitchen, build in cupboards, 2 bathrooms and automated garage N$6500 per month, Water excluded, Prepaid Electricity. Mondesa Two Bedroom house with garage. N$4000 per month. Mondesa One Bachelor Flat. N$2000.00 per month.

For more info call 081 378 9008 / 081 241 5447.




SWAKOPMUND New 3 bed, 2 bath, openplan kitchen / living huge double garage with little bachelor flat. Huge erf and walking distance to shops. Price: N$1 700 000-00 Contact: GOGGA 081 870 9950

TO RENT: Walvis Bay. Two flat with 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, openplan kitchen, lounge with fitted cupboards. N$2 800.00 p/m. W&E included. Deposit neg. Available from 31 Jan. Call: 081 235 6549.

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication







Diana Mc Clune Cell: 081 124 0933 Tel: (064) 402 439 Fax: (064) 402 471 Email: eeestates@gmail .com TO LET OCEAN VIEW 3 bedroom house Double garage 3 bedroom flat tandem garage Rent per Month N$20,000.00. 3 bedroom house Double garage with 1 bedroom flat own garage Rent per month N$12,000.00. Center Town Lots of Office Spaces Center Town-Flat 2 bedroom 2 bathroom double garage Rent Per month N$7,800.00. Ocean View 3 Bedroom houseFurnished double garage Rent per month N$13,000.00. FOR SALE ERVEN FOR SALE IN TAMARISKIA Range from 600-800 sq.m ONLY A FEW LEFT!!

PRIME SHOP / OFFICE SPACE to let in Heidi’s Ecke Centre, Walvis Bay. Area 161m². Please contact JOHAN 081 124 9269. TO LET: Are you looking for property to rent in Swakopmund? Let us do the searching for you! Contact: Martina Neef Estates 081 124 3885.

TO LET: Long Beach, Praia Longa 4. Modern 2 bedr / 2 bathr, openplan kitchen, lounge, diningroom, inside braai. Fully furnished, just the best. Blinds, Tiles, TV, full laundry, bedding, towels, kitchenware, all included. 1 Garage. Very secure complex. Sitting on your balcony you can see the sunset. Ideal place for single person or a married couple. Not safe for small kids. No animals. W+E not included. 1 Person - N$5500.00 p/m plus deposit. 2 Persons - N$5800.00 pm plus deposit. Family - N$6500.00 p/m plus deposit. Available from 1 Febr. 2014. Strict selection - only the best tenant will be accepted. Contact: Hannah 081 124 2151.

TO LET MONDESA Bachelor Flats, Fully tiled & Ceiling, Own Bathroom, Kitchen. N$2800.00 p/m Water & Electricity included. Bachelor Flats, Fully Tiled & Ceiling, Own Bathroom, Kitchen, N$2500p/m Water included & Prepaid Electricity. House, 2bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen, Lounge. N$3500.00 p/m, Water excluded & Prepaid electricity. Flat, Fully tiles & ceiling, 2bedrooms, bathroom, Kitchen, Geyser. N$3500.00 p/m Water included & Prepaid Electricity. Deposit Required on all Rentals. Contact Likkius @ 081 376 9599 / 081 300 6797 Facebook: Elias Estate & Property Development FLAT TO RENT: 62 Seeadler Street Swakopmund. 1 Bedroom, open plan kitchen and living area with b.i.c. and stove. N$3800.00 incl. water and lights. Tel: 081 248 9477. TO RENT: House available for Rent 1 February 2014 SwakopmundTamariskia. 3 Bedroom house with Bic, 2 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen and garage to rent. Price: N$6500.00 p/m excluding water. Prepaid Electricity. Deposit N$ 5000.00. Contact: 081 142 1919 or after hours 081 616 8489. TO RENT: Henties Bay. 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, sitting room with garage, alarm. N$3500.00 + deposit. Pre-paid electricity & prepaid water. Call: 081 448 5311 / 081 337 9528. TO RENT: in Swakopmund. 3 Bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, openplan, inside braai, double garage. N$10 000.00 p/m. W/ Excl. Pre-paid electricity. Contact: 081 474 1650. TO RENT: Walvis Bay. Three bedroom house to rent plus garage. Namport Area. N$4 500.00 p/m. Water included & Electricity prepaid. Contact: 081 205 0574 / 081 208 9939.

TO LET TAMARISKIA 2 Bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen & garage N$3950.00 W/ Incl. 3 Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen bic with stove & garage. N$6300.00 W/L Excl. 3 Bedrooms bic, 2 bathrooms, kitchen bic with stove, Diningroom Lounge & garage. N$6900.00. MAHETAGO Bachelor flat N$2900.00 W/ Incl. Prepaid electricity. 1 bedroom, bathroom, open plan kitchen N$2750.00 W/ Incl. Prepaid electricity. OLWETWENI: Bachelor flat N$2700.00 W/L Incl. For single person only. MONDESA: Inside room N$1900.00 W/L Incl. Single person only. 1 bedroom, bathroom & kitchen N$2500.00 W/ Incl Prepaid electricity. ALL DEP REQUIRED!

Malakia: 081 297 7253 Email:

malakiaproperties@ TO RENT: Swakopmund. 2 Bedroom flat, alarm system, open plan kitchen with b.i.c.; lounge/dining, burglar bar windows, safety door, 1 separate toilet, own yard, Remote controlled garage door, TV dish. W + E incl. Available Feb. Rent N$5 500,00 p.m + Dep. Contact: WALDI 081 275 2407. FLAT TO RENT: Narraville, Walvis Bay. 1 Bedroom Flat with openplan kitchen available. No garage. Rent: N$2400.00 p/m + deposit required. Water + Electricity included. Contact: 081 485 1017 / 081 170 0707. BACHELOR FLAT (IN TOWN) WALVIS BAY TO RENT: One room, BIC, Stove. No pets. N$3 000.00 / month. W&E included. Available immediately. Contact: 081 237 3492 / 081 127 6112.

TO RENT: Walvis Bay. 3 Bedroom house + flat in town from February. N$6 000.00 p/m. W+E excluded. Contact: 081 128 8642.


31 JANUARY 2014

Classifieds CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication






To Let Swakopmund


TO LET: WB - BAYMANOR (close to SPAR, Corner of Sam Nujoma and 8th Road) No. 20: Spacious 3 bedroom Townhouse with bic, 2 bathrooms, large openplan living area and modern kitchen with builtin stove and braai. 3 garages with remote controlled double garage door and laundry area. N$7 300 per month (+1month's Dep). W&E excluded. Available from 1 March 2014. No. 10: Enclosed, spacious 3 bedroom Townhouse with bic, 2 bathrooms, large openplan living area and modern kitchen with built-in stove and braai. Double garage with remote controlled garage door and laundry area. N$7 700 per month (+1month's Dep). W&E excluded. Available from 1 February 2014. Contact Marika at 081 127 4080.

TO RENT: Fairways. Roommate wanted Male/Female - To share 3 bedroom house. Water & elect, DSTV, Garage and Alarm system included. Must have sober and neat habits. Must also be single and a pet lover. No deposit and monthly payment upfront. Rent N$4000.00. Contact 081 262 3103 to view.

HOUSE TO RENT: in Narraville. 2 Bedrooms, kitchen and lounge. N$3700.00 p/m + deposit. Electricity pre-paid. Excluding water. Close to Narraville Primary School. Contact: 081 610 0123.

Coastal Estates Flat Wilto 2 Bedrooms Bathroom Garage N$5 500.00 House 3 Bedrooms 2 Garages N$10 800.00 Garage/ Storage space 142m² N$4 260.00 Industrial warehouse 485m² N$15 500.00 CALL: Jan - 081 270 8005 Hannes - 081 149 8777 Irma - 081 368 4469 PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES: VOGELSTRAND – Stunning 5 bedroom, 4 bathrooms, with patios and a flat Lovely entertainment spaces built in kitchen, with garden and a double garage, in walking distance from the Beach. TO LET N$ 20 000.00. Anna Theron 081 146 3320.

MONDESA COURT SWAKOPMUND: 2 Bedroom flat with garage. N$4500.00 p/m + deposit. Contact: 081 142 9426

SWAKOPMUND FOR RENT OCEAN VIEW HOUSE Upmarket spacious double storey, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, openplan kitchen, scullery, lots of cupboards, lounge/dining, TV room, study nook, guest toilet, double garage, yard, alarm, seaview balcony, outside braai, close to shopping centre. Excellent located. N$14,500.00. IRENE 081 353 5551 / 064-412320 WOONSTEL TE HUUR: Walvisbaai. 1 Slaapkamer, klein kombuis, stort / toilet. Huur: N$2500.00 p/m. Deposito: N$1500.00. Water en Ligte ingesluit. Geen garage. Kontak: 081 605 7490 / 081 614 3799. TO RENT: Mondesa, Swakopmund. 2 bedroom house, bathroom (toilet + shower). Open plan kitchen, lounge. Alarm system. N$4000.00 p/m + N$3000.00 deposit. W/L Excl. Contact: 081 247 0267.

SWAKOPMUND TO LET: Ext. 9 Brand new house!!! Sunny, spacious 3 bedroom family home with 2 bathr, open plan kitchen, indoor bbq, alarm system, double garage and big garden! N$ 12 100 (w/e excl)

Mile 4 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 3 garages! Entertainment area, 2 indoor bbq's and beautiful garden! N$ 11 000 (w/e excl.)

JABULANI 2 Bedr flat, bathr, small kitchen. N$3850.00 W/Incl. Pre-paid electricity.

Tamariskia: 2 bedroom town house, available immediately. N$ 6050.00 (w/e excl)

HOUSE IN TOWN 4Bedroom ,bathr Lounge, kitchen TV room & garage N$9 000.00 W/L Excl

We are urgently looking for properties to rent to approved clients.

All these properties are immediately Available. Viewing can be secured strictly on prior appointments. All deposit required.

Lené Hoffmann (+264) 81 143 8885 reception@susancurtis www.susancurtisestates. com

Call Tel: 064-402112 Fax: 064-403396 Matty: 081 244 6995 www.mnkpropertiesna

TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Mini Market with license to Rent. A good and open space mini market to rent, located at Kuisebmond. Rental fee is negotiable. CONTACT: Mr Zochs on 081 241 2247.

To Let Central Secure spacious 3B flat in the centre of town with Tgarage. N$7000.00 Central Secure 2B flat with sep. study/guest room in the centre of town with single garage. N$5000.00 Kramersdorf Modern spacious apartment 2B, 2B, 2G, private garden N$8000.00 Hage Heights 3 Bed with 4 garages and large erf with entertainment area N$9900.00 Long term fully furnished properties available Mile 4 – N$12 500 3B en suite with double garage Vineta – N$12 000 3B, 3B with garden, walking distance to the beach

064 – 404400 Gail Waldron

TO LET: Hannah’s Cottages 216 Sam Nujoma Ave Walvis Bay. Three units have tenants and 3 are available. Modern 2 x 2 bedr, 2 bath, openplan kitchen, lounge, plenty of cupboards, stove, dishwasher, tiles and laundry, 2 garage plus space for another one. G4S covers inside and outside protection. Safety doors. G4S included in rent. Modern blinds. Rent: N$6000.00 p/m plus N$6000.00 deposit payable in 2 months. Accommodates couple with 2 small kids. Big playing area, very safe. Everything electronic. 4 persons per unit. Available now. Modern 1 x 3 bedr / 2 bath, kitchen, lounge, separate. All the top benefits. Big courtyard. 2 Garages with laundry facilities. N$7000.00 p/m. G4S included, cleaning outside. No animals. 5 persons per unit. Available 1 Febr. 2014. Contact: Hannah on 081 124 2151. TO LET Vogelstrand: Townhouse, Seaview. 3 Bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms, guest toilet, double garage. N$7900.00 per month. Vogelstrand: Townhouse, 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage. N$7500.00 per month. Tamariskia: Bachelor flat with automated garage. N$3500.00 per month. Contact 085 124 9826. HOUSE TO RENT: in Swakopmund. 2 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bic + stove, open plan, single garage, alarm, burglar bars. Mondesa, Oletweni area Erf 3066. Rent: N$4500 + N$4500 deposit. W/L Excluded. Call: 081 252 9150.

TE HUUR: Narraville. 2 Slaapkamer woonstel @ N$3000.00 per maand. Water en Ligte ingesluit. Deposito betaalbaar. Opsoek na ‘n manspersoon om 2 slaapkamer woonstel te deel. Huur is N$1500.00 p/m. Water en ligte ingesluit. Deposito. Onmiddellik beskikbaar. Kontak: 081 407 5655 / 081 410 8810. TO RENT: FLAT IN TAMARISKIA AVAILABLE: 2x Bedrooms, shower / toilet, open plan kitchen, living area. Secure at the back of the yard, with alarm. No garage / parking. Can be 1 or 2 people sharing, sober habits - no kids. Rent: N$3500.00 p/m. Water included, prepaid electricity. Cell: 081 756 3663 / 081 747 3517. TO RENT: Tamariskia, Swakopmund. Bachelor Flat. Rent: N$3300.00 p/m plus Deposit. Water & Electricity included. No Garage. Contact : 081 799 9116. TO RENT: Kabeljou area Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. URGENT - Bachelor Flat available for N$1850.00 p/m water and electricity included. Contact: 081 286 7210 / 081 205 9653.

PROPERTIES WANTED DRINGEND: Opsoek na 1 of 2 slaapkamer woonstel te huur in Walvisbaai. Enkellopend. Pet free. Skakel: 081 634 0574. WANTED: Looking for a house to buy in Walvis Bay Town / Narraville. Price range: N$400 000 to N$750 000. Contact 081 385 6123.


We are urgently looking for houses to buy in: WINDHOEK, OKAHANDJA REHOBOTH, WALVIS BAY, SWAKOPMUND, ONDANGWA, ONGWEDIVA, OSHAKATI & OTJIWARONGO. We have cash and bank approved buyers. Claudia 081 605 1984

ACCOMMODATION EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION IN WALVIS BAY: Bay self-contained rooms with TV. For 1, 2 or 3 persons from N$450.00 per room. Contact: 081 755 2813.


URGENT: Looking for house any where in Walvis Bay. Long term lease. Pet friendly. N$4 000 - N$7 000.00 CELL: 081 873 9917. WANTED TO RENT: in Swakopmund. I am looking for a room to rent, with own bathroom. I am willing to pay N$1600.00 p/m. W/L Included. Must be available 1 February 2014. Contact: 081 448 8275. WANTED TO BUY: in Walvis Bay. I am looking for a house to buy. Price range: ±N$500 000 to N$700 000.00. Contact: 081 256 9448. TE KOOP GESOEK: Opsoek na ‘n Erf om te koop in Narraville OF ‘n huis tussen N$700 000.00 N$800 000.00. Kontak asb: 081 146 5174 / 081 287 9175. PAM GOLDING PROPERTIES: I am urgently looking for properties (Houses, Flats rent or sell) in all areas of Swakopmund and Long Beach for serious and qualified clients. Please call your Agent, Anna Theron at 081 146 3320. FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR

WALVIS BAY 20 4505 URGENTLY looking for houses, flats, plots and townhouses to sell. Meersig, Lagoon, Fairway Estate, Narraville and Kuisebmond Have pre-approved buyers from N$ 1 3 mill - N$ 3 mill. Please contact us soonest.

Joey 0811293293


Rossmund 2 Bedroom town house with garden and balcony. Cleaning once a week incl. Prepaid elect. Water excl. Unfurnished. N$7 700

MONDESA TO LET Inside rooms N$1250 -1350 W/L Incl 2 Bedr house, bathr, kitchen. N$3300.00 W/L Excl. 2 Bedr house, bathroom, lounge and kitchen. N$3300.00 W/Incl prepaid electricity.

TO RENT: Swakopmund. CENTER OF TOWN. 2 Bedroom house, b.i.c., alarm system, own yard, garage, TV dish, burglar bar windows, safety door, laundry area, Pantry, Garden service incl. W + E incl. Rent N$7 500,00 p.m. + Dep. Available February. Contact: WALDI 081 275 2407.

TO RENT: Mondesa, Swakopmund. 2x Bachelor flats, newly build with a toilet, shower, geyser. Pre-paid electricity. N$2400.00p/m. Water included. N$1000.00 deposit. Available immediately. Contact Nestor @ 081 234 0425.

TO RENT: Kuisebmond, (Namport) Walvis Bay. 3 Bedroom house with sittingroom, dining and toilet. Main bedroom has its own toilet. N$5000.00 p/m. Deposit negotiable. W+E excluded. We can negotiate if you only needs 1 room to rent or want to share rooms. Available immediately. Contact: 081 128 7696 / 081 481 5116.





OTHER PRODUCTS FOR HIRE: * Grinders * Generators * Welders * Sanders and lots more We deliver & collect

Contact us at Tel: 064-21 5400 Cell: 081 122 5554 Fax: 064-21 5444 email: saleswb@

CONTAINERS available TO RENT / BUY Call COWBOYS, your storage solutions in Swakopmund. Contact: 081 146 4770 / 064-418 150. TO RENT: Kuisebmond, Walvis Bay. Mini Market with license to Rent. A good and open space mini market to rent, located at Kuisebmond. Rental fee is negotiable. CONTACT: Mr Zochs on 081 241 2247.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS PARTNER WANTED: A highly profitable company seeks partner/Distributors to expand multi-million, turnover business in your area/town. If you are ambitious, hardworking and business minded, do not hesitate to liaise with us. You can do it part-time or full time. Benefits involve: 43% profit Monthly bonus of U$50-150 000 Talk to us about health and beauty. Attend an introductory business opportunity meeting in Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. Call us on: SWK - 081 351 0957 W/BAY - 081 757 4876

31 JANUARY 2014



Classifieds E-MAIL: OR




Looking for Standard Pistons for Ford 1300, 16 Valve, 2000 Import Model It must not be flat on top it must have dent in middle of the piston Contact details 0812424726 of 0814239246

Vacancy: Beach Lodge is urgently looking for a suitable candidate to fill the following position: Driver / Security Guard (Night Shift only): The successful applicant will report directly to the General Manager. Applicants must comply with the following criteria: · Namibian Citizen · Age Group 25+ · Valid Code B (08) Driver's Licence · Bilingual (English & Afrikaans) · Previous experience in the Security Industry is a pre-requisite · Good people skills and a team player · Be prepared to work on weekends, public holidays, etc · Must have solid traceable references Applicants must personally hand in CV's at Beach Lodge, 1 Stint Street, Vogelstrand, Swakopmund during office hours. No telephonic enquiries or faxed CV's will be accepted! Only short listed applicants will be contacted for an interview!

Vakante Betrekking: Soek “PRECISION” DRAAIER. Met ±3 jaar ondervinding. Faks CV’S na: 088 645 717.

We buy gold and silver jewelry for cash, even if its broken. Contact: 081 344 3794. We do business in Swakop, Walvis, Henties and Arandis.************** Sida ge !uni-/gurib tsi silver i tsi ra //ama khoâ iga xawe haúre sida #harukub ge Swakop, Walvis, Henties, Arandis. Tsin ai hâ. //Na //nawa !goas ge a: 081 344 3794***************** Atulanda eogold, silver nee-jewelry kutya yateka kutya inayiteka. A tumonika konnumbe ! 081 344 3794 Omahala ongaashi, Swakop, Walvis, Henties, Arandis************** Turanda ongonda okesha nandee mbajateka turanda 081 344 3794. Tuungura ombusness mo Swakop, ombae, Henties, Arandis

WANTED TO BUY: I am urgently looking for a Sedan car to buy. Price range: N$20 000 - N$30 000.00. Toyota Corolla / Mazda / Honda / VW Citi Golf. Contact: 081 284 1420.

VACANCIES: Edward Yon Construction is looking for 15 QUALIFIED BRICKLAYERS / PLASTERERS From 06.02.2014 @ N$20 per hour. Must work on his own and give good quality work. (NO Chance takers please!). Phone Owner on 081 328 9557.

TE KOOP GESOEK: Ek is opsoek na Enjin van Toyota Corolla 16V of 13V. Moet in goeie kondisie wees. Skakel: 081 253 8402. Vacancy: CAR WASH CASH PAID MANAGER. INSTANTLY for your broken & irreparable Gold Jewellery, also bits & pieces. Call at Desert Jeweller & Curios Sam Nujoma Avenue Walvis Bay, opposite KFC. Your ID is essential.

Needs Drivers license. • Be able to work with in a team • Be able to manage 10 people • Needs to work on Weekends • Knowledge of customer Service. • Age 30+ will be in you favour Send CV to:


uniglobeinvestments@ Or deliver to Printworx - next to CTM in an envelope written on “Application for car wash manager.”

WE ARE SEEKING: Diligent SECRETARY and PA for hunting and guest farm near Omaruru. REQUIREMENTS: - German and English literacy. - Computer skills (including excel). - Drivers licence - Professional interaction with clients and staff. Please call: 081 129 8999 081 127 2377. PAINTER in SWK

CAPITAL FINANCIALSERVICES SWAKOPMUND VACANCY Senior Admin Clerk For our shortterm division : Commercial & Personal Lines. Requirements > Grade 12 > Shortterm Experience in Commercial & Personal Lines compulsory > Computer Literate > Presentable, good customer relation and communications skills. Email CV to

DEBITEURE / KREDITEURE KLERK / ONTVANGSDAME: Opsoek na jong dame vir algemene kantoor werk met Pastel ondervinding, wat in besit is van ‘n Graad 12 sertifikaat en Kode 08 lisensie. Stuur CV na: advertelectrical@gmail. com

KANTOOR DAME: Dringend opsoek na ‘n Kantoordame. - Moet VIP Pay Roll kan doen. - Social Security opsommings. - Union opsommings. E-mail CV na:

CHEF: Opsoek na ‘n CHEF in ‘n restaurant in Walvisbaai. Moet kennis het van vis en seekos voorbereiding en maak van “Platters” ‘n bonus. Persoon moet eerlik, hardwerkend en stiptelik wees. Skakel: 081 322 4022. Vacancy: Looking for a “PRECISION” TURNER with ±3 years experience. Fax CV’S to: 088 645 717. ALL ROUNDER HANDYMAN for SWK. Workshop and building sites Vacancies Looking for an experienced JOINER AND HANDYMAN, needs to be able to work out cut list and to join cupboards. Have sober habits and willing to work. Forward CV to: Cell: 081 281 0735. VERKOOPSPERSOON Opsoek na ‘n dinamiese, selfstandige persoon. Moet vriendelik en behulpsaam wees teenoor kliënte. Moet Graad 12 sertifikaat en Kode 08 lisensie hê. Stuur CV na: advertelectrical@gmail. com

CLOSING TIME: 10:00 day prior to publication





WERK GESOEK: Betroubare 41-jarige dame is dringend opsoek na werk in Swakopmund. Ek het computer ondervinding asook kassiere werk. Het verwysings van kinders oppas en huiswerk. Drink of rook nie. Kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 491 0361.

JOB WANTED: I am a 40-year-old lady looking for domestic work for 5 days a week. Residing in Swakopmund. I can look after children, all cleaning involved. In Swakopmund & Langstrand. I can start ASAP!! Contact Gustafine @ 081 832 5551.

MAGDALENA: Is looking for ironing job only in Walvis Bay, only in Town. I am reliable and hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 231 7177.

LOOKING FOR AJOB: I am a 21-year-old enthusiastic man looking for a job, preferably in Swakopmund. I am hardworking, reliable and have Code 08 driver’s license. I can start immediately. Contact me on 081 404 9362 - Rudy Farmer.

JOB WANTED: A 35-year-old lady is looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or Langstrand from Mondays to Fridays. I can start anytime. Contact me on 081 215 8159.

JOB WANTED: I am a 27-year-old lady looking for domestic job in Walvis Bay. I am experienced and very hardworking and can start immediately. Contact: 081 631 0456 / 081 381 8750.

WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 31-jarige meisie op soek na huiswerk vir heel week - Maandae tot Vrydae - verkieslik in Swakopmund. Ek is baie hardwerkend, betroubaar en het ondervinding. Kan dadelik begin. Kontak: 081 313 1034.

JOB WANTED: I am a lady looking for domestic work in Walvis Bay like cleaning, ironing, washing and baby sitting. I am willing to start immediately. Contact: 081 413 6031.

WERK GESOEK: Betroubare, hardwerkende 34-jarige dame soek huiswerk vir 2 dae in die week (Dinsdae & Donderdae). Verkieslik in Swakopmund. Kan onmiddellik beign. Kontak: 081 221 2261. JOB WANTED: Cornelia, Meriam & Beuty are 3 hardworking and Trustworthy ladies looking for domestic work in Swakopmund / Long Beach from Mondays to Fridays. We have experience and references. It can be ironing work / cleaning - also on Saturdays. Contact: 081 623 1682. ELLA: Is opsoek na huiswerk of skoonmaak werk vir 1, 2, of 3 dae per week - verkieslik in Swakopmund of Langstrand. Kan dadelik begin. Sy is baie vriendelik. Kontak: 081 386 0382. LOOKING FOR AJOB: I am a 24-year-old girl looking for any kind of domestic job in Walvis Bay. Cleaning / washing / baby sitting. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 658 8775. LAURENCIA: Is baie dringend opsoek na werk in Walvisbaai. Huiswerk / kinders oppas / bejaardes omsien. Ek is baie hardwerkend en betroubaar en kan dadelik begin. Skakel: 081 463 5913. WERK GESOEK: Ek is ‘n 36-jarige vrou op soek na huiswerk vir 4 dae per week in Walvisbaai / Lagoon / Meersig / Langstrand. Of in Guest houses / lodges Kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel: 081 324 6035.

JOB WANTED: I am looking for a DRIVER position. I am hardworking, reliable, trustworthy & have sober habits. References available on request. Code 08 License. Call: Jan Erasmus 081 472 2022

JOB WANTED: I am a 23-year old lady looking for domestic work in Swakopmund or any kind of work. I have 2 years experience and I can also work under pressure. I can speak English very well. My tribe is Herero and my name is Sylvia. Please contact me @ 081 823 4962.

ANNA: Is looking for a job in Walvis Bay for Mondays and Fridays. Washing / house cleaning. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 490 3191. ALBERT: is ‘n 29-jarige jongman op soek na werk in Walvisbaai. Tuinwerk of enige werk wat ‘n man kan doen, al is dit 3 dae per week. As dit ek is wat u soek bel my asb by 081 357 2296. LOOKING FOR AJOB: I am a 40-year old lady looking for domestic work for 4 days a week in Swakopmund. I have 16 years experience in cleaning Guest houses and ironing. I am hardworking and reliable, honest too. I can start immediately. Contact: 081 289 9231. JOB WANTED: I am a 32-year-old lady looking for any kind of job in Swakopmund for 3 or 5 days a week. I am hardworking, reliable and trustworthy. I love children and can take care of them. Can work under pressure and can start immediately. Contact: 081 878 0069. ALBERTINA: Is ‘n 40-jarige vrou opsoek na huiswerk in Walvisbaai vir Maandae, Woensdae en Vrydae. Het verwysings en kan onmiddellik begin. Kontak: 081 362 3400.

CALISTHA: I am looking for a full time job as Nanny or domestic job in Walvis Bay. Willing to do sleep-in. I am 31 years old and is very responsible and trustworthy. Can start immediately. Call me on 081 478 1005. MBERII: Is a 20-year-old girl looking for any kind of job in Walvis Bay / Lagoon / Meersig / Dolphin Park / Long Beach. Domestic / office cleaning. I am reliable and hardworking and can start immediately. Contact me on 081 327 5906.

KAUNA: Is opsoek na werk vir namiddae in Walvisbaai. Baie hardwerkend en betroubaar. Kan dadelik begin. Skakel: 081 451 5949. LOOKING FOR A JOB: Crane Operator Forklift Driver. Can start immediately. Contact: 081 385 5583. LAURENSIA: Is opsoek na huiswerk vir 2 dae per week - Woensdae en Saterdae - in Walvisbaai dorp / Meersig / Lagoon / Narraville. Is baie hardwerkend en betroubaar en kan onmiddellik begin. Skakel: 081 659 6107.

31 JANUARY 2014



Nel, Viviers win AFRO Pumps Shoot at SKW Louw Nel and Beanta Viviers came out on top of the compound men's and women's category at last weekend's AFRO Pumps Archery Shoot respectively. The event at the SKW sports grounds in Olympia marked the official beginning of the 2014 season.

TAKING AIM: Louw Nel focusing on the target

Bank confirms commitment to motorsport Bank Windhoek has, for the fifth consecutive year, renewed its loyalty to the Namibia National Enduro Series as the official sponsor with a sponsorship of N$80 000 The sponsorship was awarded to the Namibia Motor Sport Federation (NMSF), through the Namibia Enduro Club, the main organiser of the popular motorsport. Speaking at the handover, Andreas Brendel, Chairman of the Namibia Enduro Club said: “The Namibia National Enduro Series is one of the most visible sport events on Namibia’s sport calendar, thanks

to the media who continue to cover the series events extensively. It is also for this reason that we continue to witness an increase in the number of participants. I would like to thank Bank Windhoek and other sponsors for their continued support and for believing in us. Without their support, we would

not be able to host successful events.” “Bank Windhoek has always believed and reiterated its support for smaller and unknown sport codes that are otherwise overlooked by corporate sponsors. Our support to the Namibia National Enduro Series during the past five years has yielded positive results

for the sport, having grown in number participation and achieving wider media presence. As a result, more people are now aware of the sport”, said Riaan van Rooyen, Head of Corporate Commu-nication and Social Investment at Bank Windhoek. Eight events are expected to take place during the 2014 season, concluding with the final series on 18 October in Okahandja.

A total of 30 archers from all over the country participated in 11 different categories. As always, the participants had to shoot a round of 720 during qualification to determine how they will be ranked for the elimination round that followed shortly thereafter. And it was in the qualification round that Nel already made his presence felt, as he collected a total of 659 point. Only veteran Francois Marais was better, as he accumulated a fantastic score of 664. The third best archer during qualification was Ruan van Staden with 656 points. Both Nel and Marais cruised through their first elimination round. They were then squared up against each other and this time it was Nel who kept an upper hand against his rival in what became the closest contest over the entire tournament. Both archers collected 134 from a possible 150 points during the initial shoot-off. In the sudden-death shoot-out that followed, each arrow could mean the difference between victory and defeat. And as both archers hit the 8 on their target, it was Nel's arrow that was closest to the X and therefore gave him the win. In the final Nel came up against van Staden who had won his semi-final match against Johan Wessels. And although van Staden put up a great display, it wasn't enough to edge out Nel who secured his first title for the season.

During qualification in the women's compound division, Viviers already made no mistake to get her name on top of the score sheet with 616 points. Ilana Malan followed with 606 and Liezl Schoeman with 559. After an impressive showing in her semi-final against Mia Nel, Viviers moved to the final where she faced Malan. Continuing her good form, Viviers won gold with 132:130. The compound cadet men's category was won by Mynhardt Beukes as he edged out Hendrik van Eeden in the final with 136:129. Harvey Park won the compound master men's division, beating Moritz Hoff in their final with 124:118. Meanwhile Xander Reddig, who was awarded a universality place for this year's Youth Olympic in Nanjing/China, shot only six points under the qualification score he needs to be part of the games. Although the 15-year old isn't quite there yet, the Archery Association of Namibia (AAN) is confident that Reddig will continue improving and achieve the qualification in time. Other winners: Compound U13 girls: 1. Hanné Snyman 2. Quinn Reddig Recurve Men: Peter van Eeden Recurve Cadet Men: Xander Reddig Recurve U13 boys: CF Brandt

Securitas Bible Society Golf day @ the coast Securitas and the Bible Society will once again join forces this year to host a Golf day at the coast!

KEEP ON MOVING: Bank Windhoek has for the fifth consecutive year sponsored the Bank Windhoek NMSF Namibia National Enduro Series with a sponsorship of N$80 000.00. Pictured are f.l.t.r,, Günter Brettschneider, Riaan van Rooyen, Head: Corporate Communication and Social Investment at Bank Windhoek, Ingo Waldschmidt and Andreas Brendel, Chairman of the Namibia Enduro Club.

Mighty Youngsters

Continued from page 36

“We are looking forward to keep the coastal flag flying high in the NFABidvest Cup competition. The new signings will add strength and also bolster our chances in the Erongo 2nd Division Soccer League” said Brenner. He continued by saying that Mighty Youngsters’ focus for 2014 was on gaining promotion to the First Division and to advance as far as possible in this year’s edition of the NFA Bidvest Cup Competition. Blue Birds take on Northern Stars (13:00) and Mighty Youngsters will take on Swakopmund Football Club (15:00) to determine which team advance to the final of the Regional NFA Bidvest Cup Qualifiers on Saturday. Mighty Youngsters booked their place in the semi-final

round of the competition with convincing victories against Tuta Eagles (10-2) and Zula Molest (2-0). The premier league derby between Eleven Arrows and LHU Blue Waters is scheduled for 18:00. The winner of the NFA Bidvest Qualifiers will advance to the Group of 32 and compete against the winners from the other regions and Premier League clubs in order to determine the 2014 NFA Bidvest Cup Champion. It will be the second time that Mighty Youngsters will be competing in the Erongo 2nd Division Soccer League in 2014. The club finished in the 7th position last season. Mighty Youngsters practise from Monday to Thursday between 17:00 and 19:00 at Narraville Soccer stadium.

This time however it will be held at the Walvis Bay golf course on Saturday, 15 February 2014. The format of the competition will be scramble drive with a three ball alliance. Teams can enter at N$1800 per team. The entry fee includes a goody bag, food at the halfway house, cold drink, as well as wine & snacks with the prize giving for players (spouses are welcome to join at an additional fee). Preference for tee-off times will be given to teams who enter first. Various prizes are up for grabs and every team will receive one. The prize giving will take place after the Golf day together with an auction. All funds received through the golf day will be used for Bible translation and - distribution. Enter your team today and avoid disappointment! For more information or to enter contact Heletjé at the Bible Society (061) 23-50-90

Hollard Insurance Ladies Coastal Open Tee Off Times Saturday 1 February 2014 @ Rossmund Golf Club Swakopmund 08:00 Caro Els 08:10 Justine Grobler* 08:20 Celonika Robinson 08:35 Lizette Murisa 08:45 Zelda Nel* 08:55 Ronel Els 09:05 Caro Du Plessis 09:15 Liz Myers 09:25 Lydia Lumley

Wilna Bredenhann Waltrud Rugheimer Ruanda de Waal Loide Ngenekesho Monika Schoedel* Marina Loubser Linda Loots Lucille Abrahams Bubbles Burns*

Thea Groenewaldt Wilma van der Merwe Sylvia Hengari Heidi van Niekerk Gisela Verbucheln Lynne van der Walt Jose Kegge Dawn Dippenaar* Petra Wolgast*

Brenda Lens

Karin Bauer

* Golf Cart Registration to commence at 07:30. Thanks see you there! Regards Lynne


31 JANUARY 2014

Otis Finck

Kashela’s moment of truth? Daniel “Open Fire” Kashela is scheduled to climb through the ropes against a yet to be named opponent for a shot at the vacant International Boxing Federation (IBF) Middle East Welterweight Title on 5 April at Bennies Entertainment Centre in Ongwediwa.

The twelve round fight is being organised by Harry Simon’s Onkugo Promotions and was initiated after the Onesmus Ngowi, the IBF Africa and Middle East President, saw Kashela throwing punches against Lukas Mukete at Simon’s last fight in Wind-hoek late last year. According to Simon, Ngowi approached him the following day and enquired if Kashela was willing to fight for a title. “I initially indicated to him that it was too early for Kashela to have a go at a title” said Simon who utilised Kashela as a sparring partner to prepare for his fight against Ajetovic. “I was in the dressing room when Kashela fought Mukete and defeated his opponent via points over six rounds. From what I heard he impressed many people including the Prime Minister who applauded him for an excellent performance on the evening. Boxing pundits labelled his performance the best they had ever witnessed and this ultimately convinced him to give Kashela the go ahead” said Simon who pointed out that he knows Kashelsa as a four to six rounds fighter. Simon enquired from Kashela if he would be willing to go for a twelve round fight. I sparred with him over ten rounds and he informed me that he was willing to go the distance. According to Simon, Kashela initially struggled to up his game. “If his heart tells him he is ready to fight twelve rounds I am looking forward to take him on and spar with him and am also affording him an opportunity to join me on a two months training camp in South Africa. I am confident that he would dispel any doubts that I may have after this and will be able to go the distance over twelve rounds” proclaimed Simon. He further stated that Kashela would not be training to score a knockout and that he would expect him to work like a machine in order to last for the whole fight and to emerge as the champion after twelve rounds. Simon pointed out that he had sparring sessions with Kashela, identified some mistakes and focused on rectifying

Otis Finck

Mighty Youngsters parade new signing’s

Second Division Soccer outfit Mighty Youngsters announced the acquisition of four players on Wednesday. Owner Faud Brenner, Chairman Boeta Mouton and Head Coach Paulus Shipanga introduced midfielder Rakiim Da Silva and defender Leon Simataa who joined Mighty Youngsters from Western Spurs and defender Edison Paulus and midfielder Vilha Harraseb from Blue Birds to the media and welcomed them to the side. Continued on Page 35

them and that it was an ongoing process. Kashela has already benefited from specialised training sessions under the watchful eye of Simon's mentor Norman who assisted him with aspects related to his balance, technique, pace, jab and also sharpened his overall performance. “I can see Kashela is hungry to proof his worth for Namibia as a boxer. He should focus on boxing because only he can satisfy his hunger and make his dream come true. I have no doubt that he will be a champion. He is a good listener and learner and courageous fighter with a huge heart. It is time he lives up to the expectations of his fans who regard him as a champion” concluded Simon. He announced that the planned tournament will feature eight supporting fights and a ninth exhibition match in which he was going to test if his hand had recovered completely from the injury he sustained in his last fight. Simon (42) who is a light heavyweight fighter is currently ranked 11th after he maintained his unbeaten record which now stands at 29 fights (21 knockouts) with a victory against Geard Ajetovic from Germany on a unanimous points decision in an International Boxing Federation (IBF) light heavyweight title fight in September 2013. He is now in line for a title defence fight scheduled for May or June possibly in the United States or in Namibia. Amongst his possible opponents are USA based light heavyweight pugilist Bernard Hopkins known as “The Executioner” with a record of 54 wins (32knockouts), 6 defeats and 2 draws, USA based cruiserweight Glen Johnson known as Road Warrior with a record of 53 wins (36 knockouts) 18 defeats and two draws or the German based heavyweight Gene Pukall (18 wins, 14 defeats and 2 draws) who is ranked 10th. According to Simon the IBF wants him to fight and defends his title against Pukall who comes with a hefty fighting fee of N$1 million per fight in Canada, but he will request that the fight be staged in Namibia and would need funds in order for this to materialise. Simon thanked God for blessing him with boxing talent and also expressed gratitude towards Telecom Namibia for investing in boxing and for assisting Namibian youngsters to realise their dreams. Kashela promised to be on top of his game for the upcoming fight and thanked Onkugo Promotions for the opportunity. “I thank God for answering my prayers. Now that things are finally happening I am going to the gym to prepare myself by listening and learning from Harry” he said.

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