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Small Businesses Centre Slated For Walvis Bay

TheWalvisBaymunicipalityhasgiveninprincipleapprovaltotheRuralConstituencyofficeoftheErongoRegional Council for land to be allocated for the establishment of a Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Centerin Kuisebmond.

According to the chairperson of the management committee councillor Richard Hoaeb, the land is situated in Kuisebmond, and comprises of erven 4598 and 4599 measuring in extentof1317m².


“According to the application received, the Walvis Bay rural constituency received anamountofN$1700 000 from the Erongo Regional Council to construct a MSME's center in Walvis Bay

The main aim of this centre is to assist the local traders with a facility to do their business. This envisaged development will provide a much-needed facility for the small and medium traders in the Rural Constituency of WalvisBay.”

Hoaeb added that the centre will blend in with the surrounding environment “The opinion is held that thisfacilitywillcontribute to the growth of especially small businesses in Walvis Bay

Further to that, this development is in line with the call by the government for a conducive environment to be created by SME's.

The erven in question has also been previouslyidentifiedfora SMEfacility “It therefore perfectly suits the needs of the applicant as well as the future plans of the WalvisBaymunicipal council.Thereisadire need for SME trading facilities in Walvis Bay Thus, the application to provide land for such enterprise is supported. Since the intendedcentrewillbe establishedwithfunds from the Regional Council and as the area has already been earmarked for the establishment of informaltradefacilities, it is also recommended that the requested ervenbeprovidedfree ofcharge.”

The councillor further explained that the envisaged centre will consist,amongothers, of the following: two salons, two barbershops, two upholsterers, two fruit and vegetables vendors, twoTVrepairandtwo cellphone repair shops,twotailors,two clothing shops, two shoerepairshops,two kapana stall, two food stalls and one retail shop.

Additionally,theWal- vis Bay Rural Constituency Office indicated that the office does not have the expertise and capacity tomanageandoperate such a centre once completed.

“It was thus requested that the facility, once completed, be handed overtotheWalvisBay municipality for management and administration.”

Furthermore, the council recommended that the ownership of the two erven remain with the Walvis Bay council and that the WalvisBayRuralConstituencydonatesback totheMunicipality,all improvements to be constructed on erven 4598 and 4599 Kuisebmond.

“It was recommended that the municipality manage and operate the centre after its completion and that a further report regardingthephysicalmanagement and administration of the centre and complete human resourcesandfinancial implications, be submitted to council Lastly, that ministerial approvalbesoughtfor in terms of the Local Authorities Act regardingdonations.”

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