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Narraville Land Allocated to Private Developers
The Walvis Bay Municipal Council has recommended the allocation of certain unserviced land portions in Narraville, to various private developers, for the deliveryofserviceservenandorlow/middleincomehousesinWalvisBay.
According to Richard Hoaeb, the Chairperson of the Management Committee of the Walvis Bay Municipal Council, to fast track the delivery of serviced land and the ultimate provision of housingsolutionsforWalvisBaythereisaneedto involve other, private stakeholders. “Currently various private developments around town contribute towards alleviating the demand for servicedlandandhousing.Theopinionisheldthat this Council, together with private stakeholders, will be more effective and able, to address the demand and delivery of serviced land and housing.”Headdedthataproposalwasmadethat councilenterintoprivatetreatysaleswithprivate developers. “This is by means of alienating certainportionsoflandtosuchprivatedevelopers, at a reduced price for unserviced land, with the aim to develop such land. It is furthermore proposedthatprivatedevelopersdevelopthetotal portions of land alienated to them, after which a certainnumberofdevelopedervenberetainedby thedeveloperforfurtherdevelopmentandprofit, and a certain number of erven be returned to Council free of charge. The developer is then to pay only for those erven retained by the developer.”
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Thecouncilorexplainedthatatameetingheldin August 2022 it was resolved that approval be granted for the alienation of Narraville extension 9,10,13and16totheprivatesector “Unserviced land was recently offered toVenmar Fishing and
President Links Estate for N$50 06/m³
Therefore, the opinion is held that the erven be offeredtopotentialapplicantsatN$50.06/m³.He explainedthatitwasrecommendedthat128erven (57 541 m²) of unserviced land in Narraville, Extension 9, be sold by private transaction to Fillemon Mbango Investment, at N$50.06/m², andthatFillemonMbangoInvestmentCCreturns 27 fully serviced erven to the council. It was further recommended that 176 erven (87 966m²) in Narraville Extension 10, be sold by private transactiontoNansungaPropertiesatN$50.06/m² and that Nansunga Properties returns 38 fully servicederventocouncil.
Additionally,150erven(58,452m²)ofunserviced land, in Narraville, Extension 13, be sold by private transaction to Lithon Developers at N$50.06/m² and that 32 fully serviced erven be returnedtothecouncil.Finally,199erven(80557 m²) of unserviced land in Narraville, Extension 16, be sold by private transaction to Topaz Construction at N$50.06/m² and that Topaz Construction returns 41 fully serviced erven to council. Hoaeb added that various conditions need to be met by the private developers for the processtobeproperlyexpedited. “Additionally, 80% of the funds generated by means of sale of extensions 9,10,13 and 16 remainder Farm 63 Narraville be earmarked for the development of Farm37andthattheremaining20%beearmarked forothercouncilcommitments.”
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